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tvshowscouples · 5 days ago
If you love Matt&Sylvie (Chicago Fire) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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justoneofthoseghosts · 1 year ago
Brettsey + any prompt you want
Ok, after that last one, I need to write some fluff!
I used a randomizer (lol), plugged in 1 to 50 and got this one:
16. "Would you like to stay?"
This one takes place sometime after the end of season 8.
It's been two weeks since Julie passed. Sometimes it still feels like a dream, or more aptly, a nightmare, to Sylvie. Her relationship with Julie was only beginning. They were supposed to have years not months. She barely got to know her birth mother.
Possibly the only silver lining in the situation was her baby sister - happy and healthy. She had been to Rockford twice to visit Scott and Amelia. Scott sent her regular updates on her sister, saying she looked more and more like Julie everyday with her blonde hair and big, blue eyes.
She rearranges herself on the couch. The one at the loft definitely wasn't as comfortable than her own but she didn't want to be alone right now. She didn't want to be in a crowd full of people either so when Matt invited her come over and watch a hockey game, saying that Stella and Severide were spending their 48 hours off shift at the cabin, she agreed.
She saw right through it though. It wasn't like she was a huge hockey fan. There wasn't even an Indiana NHL team but she knew it was because he was worried about her. Despite his subtlety, she noticed his concerned glances whenever they were on shift, how he checked in with her more frequently than usual since Julie's death.
She's grateful for his presence, for being there for her, because he understood what she was going through - how grief showed up during the strangest moments, how grief never really fully went away.
She glances at him now, at the concentrated look on his face.
"So, who's winning?" She asks before taking a swig of her beer.
Matt grumbles out a response, "St. Louis."
She lets out a snort, "I'm guessing that's a bad thing?"
He turns to face her, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, come on, Matt," she says, swatting his arm, "you had to know I'm not that much of a hockey fan."
He shrugs, letting out some non-committal noise before grabbing his beer bottle and taking a long pull.
She takes that as enough confirmation.
"Would you rather we watch HGTV?" He inquires.
She shakes her head, "no, it's fine. You want to watch the hockey match."
He chuckles before reaching for the remote. Sylvie guesses she didn't sound convincing. Well, HGTV was her weakness after all.
He flips the channel in time for the middle of a Property Brothers episode Sylvie's probably watched a hundred times.
"Thanks, Matt," she tells his softly, "and not just for changing the channel."
She sends him a loaded look, one she hopes conveys how truly thankful she is for him.
He scoots closer to her, "how are you, Sylvie?"
She sighs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "fine - I think. I still miss her a lot. It's crazy because we barely knew each other but I really, really, do miss her."
"It's not."
She furrows her eyebrows at him, "not what?"
"Not crazy - she was a part of your life and it's not crazy to miss her. It's never crazy to miss someone you loved deeply no matter how long you knew each other."
He smiles softly at her, eyes extremely sincere.
She feels that swoop in her stomach, the one that's become a regular occurrence whenever Matt so much as looked at her. Over the past two years, they began to grow closer as friends. She leaned on him during tough moments and he did the same.
She knew she was teetering on dangerous ground, maybe a tightrope even. She shouldn't be feeling these types of feelings for him but as the days pass, her fondness for the Captain continues to grow, inching in small increments.
How could it not? He asked if she wanted to hang out so that she didn't have to swimming in a sea of her grief alone.
No, she really shouldn't be giving into this. He was simply being a good friend.
Yes, that was it. Matt Casey was always dependable - he was sweet and caring to all his friends, not just to her. She feels her resolve building back up again.
"Thanks, Matt. I really appreciate it," she tells him.
They end up watching a few more shows on HGTV. Sylvie sees him looking at scores on his phone, insisting that they switch the channel back to ESPN so that they could catch the latter part of the game. Matt teaches her a bit about hockey and by the end of the match, she's cheering along with him as the Blackhawks win by the skin of their teeth.
It's a fun night for sure, one she didn't want to end but it was getting late.
"I should go," she says, getting up slowly from the couch, "it's getting late."
"Would you like to stay?"
Her eyes go wide at his request. It takes her a moment to process, unsure of what to say. Sylvie thinks there's a bit of hopefulness in his voice but she shrugs it off. She must be imagining it.
"I -"
His eyes go wide too at the realization that it sounded not so platonic, stammering out an explanation.
"I mean - stay for one more episode of House Hunters maybe?" He questions, shooting her a look that she could no longer deny was a hopeful one.
She gnaws on her bottom lip. She should not be feeling these feelings for him, she reminds herself. Matt was off limits but then he exudes earnestness that she feels that carefully rebuilt resolved crumbling.
"Okay - one more episode," she relents.
He grins. Her heart skips, no, it gallops in her chest rather.
One episode turns into two then there's this movie she can't believe he's never seen so she makes him watch it. They end up falling asleep on the couch, her head on his shoulder, his arms around her, like he was protecting her. By the time they wake up, it's early morning.
He sends her a sleepy smile that she finds really, truly adorable. It's this side of him he rarely shares with other people and it makes their friendship all the more special.
Maybe, when she looks back on it, it's this one moment that tears down her walls completely, the one where she figures out that even through continuous cycles of denial, her feelings for Matt have already changed and crossed over to the realm of romantic.
"Breakfast?" he asks, voice still laced with sleep.
She considers her options before nodding. He grabs his phone, looking for a restaurant that's open at 6 in the morning. She notices how he invades her space once more, not that she minded, while he scrolls through the delivery app.
"Bagels okay with you?"
"Yeah - and coffee too."
"Light and sweet right?" He asks.
She blushes, not realizing he's memorized her coffee order.
'Yes, that's right."
He beams at her, proud, before going back to his phone.
She glances at him furtively, the crease in between his brows appearing as he looked through options.
Yeah, she's definitely crossed over all right.
She hopes it's a secret she can keep.
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roberttchase · 2 years ago
Brettsey + 'You broke my heart over the phone'.
I made this way too angsty, whoops. I got another prompt as well, so I combined them! Have 2.5k of Matt on lexapro, Cruz throwing a punch, and Brettsey getting alllll their emotions out.
Can you redo the Molly’s scene but with more angst since you’re so good at it?? 
The second he clocks her; not even twenty seconds into the damn place, Matt blinks and feels his body tense. He’d wanted to  catch up with 51, wanted to quell the intense homesickness he’s been battling the past few months. But maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea after all. His stomach feels sloshy even without having a drink, and there’s a lump in his throat that he can’t quite swallow. 
Her hair is longer. It’s the first thing he notices, aside from how beautiful she looks. He wants to compliment it, but then he remembers how he used to rake his fingers through the soft golden strands, how he used to bury his face into it when he was stressed or sleepy. The firefighter remembers how the light would hit it in the morning and make Sylvie look like an Angel while she slept. He turns to go, to make a run for it before he’s noticed, but it backfires and he runs into Gallo and Violet who’ve just walked in. 
“I’m so sorry!”
“Captain! It’s totally okay,” Gallo grins widely, clapping Casey on the shoulder. 
Everyone seems to notice him now, and a few ‘Case!’ and ‘Captain’s!’ ring out throughout the bar. 
He’s not sure what does it exactly, but the sudden thought of being an outsider wells up inside of him. He doesn’t belong here, not anymore. He talks to Severide and Kidd every couple of weeks, but aside from that and Herrmann once in a blue moon, no one reaches out to him- but he doesn’t reach out to them either. He feels trapped like a wild animal caged in a corner. The man can feel eyes from his old team on him, waiting for him to come over and join their conversation. He knows Sylvie’s head is turned towards him now thanks to his peripheral vision. Hands shaking slightly, Matt shoves them into his pockets and licks his lips. 
“I actually uh, I have to head out-“ 
“No way Captain!” Stella calls from the bar, her curls pulled back into a ponytail. “Not until you’ve had a drink or two and we catch up.” 
And okay, he’s not thought this one through. Shit. How does he get his way out of this? Walking up to the bar, he gives Sev a hand to the shoulder, then pulls away to let Stella hug him from over the counter. Herrmann’s wiping down the opposite side but heads over, slinging his towel over his shoulder. 
“How ya doin’ Casey? How’s Portland?” 
“Oh, you know, keeping me busy,” he smiles, ignoring the skeptical look from Stella. “How’s everything here?” 
“Oh ya know, keeping us busy,” Herrmann parrots back. “What brings you back?” 
“I’m here to see my sister,” Matt lies, not wanting to let anyone know about the talk he’s going to have with Stella, even though he knows at least Severide will hear about it. 
“Well, it’s good to see your face back in here. It’s been weird without you.” 
“I’ve missed it,” Matt clenched his jaw and blinks, trying to calm himself down. 
“What’re you drinking? The usual?” 
As much as the blonde desperately wants a beer, he can’t. Not anymore. 
“Oh, uh, no, I’ll just take a coke,” he shrugs, feeling his face heat up when the three of them look at him like he’s crazy. “I uhh…I can’t drink,” he adds lamely as an afterthought. 
“You got some news for us Case?” Severide laughs and pats Matt’s stomach gently. “Better name them after me.” 
“You’re a comedian,” the firefighter rolls his eyes at his best friend's antics. “No, I’m actually,” Matt straightens up a bit, then lowers his voice. “I’m on this medication that won’t let me drink,” he waves off, hoping they’ll leave it.
They don’t, of course. Herrmann tries, which Matt’s grateful for, stumbling out a “Jeez, okay, Lemme get you a coke then,” before ambling down to the soda fountain at the other end of the bar. 
“Medication?” Severide’s eyebrows raise. “Are you okay?” 
Matt nods, pressing his palms against his thighs. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Seriously,” he promises the couple who still look worried. “It’s just Lexapro man, nothing serious.” 
Stella and Severide share a look. 
“That’s for depression and anxiety right,” Kelly recalls, frowning. “What’s going on with you lately? You can talk to me Case.” 
“Look, if it’s all the same to you, maybe we can do this when we’re not at the bar. Don’t really feel like talking about it here,” Matt looks around and Sylvie’s eyes are staring back At him, making him feel like he’s been electrocuted. 
He shouldn’t have come. This was all a mistake. 
“I’m gonna go see my sister, but it was great to see you guys. Maybe we ca-“ 
“Stay at the loft tonight, yeah? Beats a hotel,” Stella interjects.
Matt debates it. On one hand, his best friends are married now. But this isn’t him moving back in, it’s one night. He’s missed them. But they don’t deserve to have him back for a night just for him to leave again, just like Sylvie didn’t. He doesn’t want to make the same mistake, and yet- 
“Yeah, alright. I’ll text you guys when I’m heading over.” 
He puts a twenty on the counter even though he’s not even been given the drink that Herrmann’s still fiddling with, obviously wanting to give them space. A moment later, the blonde is out the door, feeling shaky and like his skin is too tight on his body. It’s as if he’s a live wire, ready to combust. He can’t do this. 
It takes everything in him not to tell the woman approaching him to leave him alone. She doesn’t deserve that, he tells himself, she doesn’t deserve to feel the way he’s been feeling. 
“Sylvie..” Any other words die in his throat, now that he’s so close to her, can smell her perfume and can see her freckles that come out when it gets warmer. 
“Why didn’t you say you were coming?” 
“I don’t…,” he swallows. “Why would I need to? We’re not dating anymore.” 
It’s blunt and he sees Sylvie wince. He doesn’t mean to be harsh, it’s just a fair statement. They’re not together anymore, no matter how much he wants to be. He bites his thumbnail; an old anxious habit, then looks at her. She looks surprised, hurt and confused all at the same time. 
“We’re adults. We should be able to talk and-“ 
“You broke my heart over the phone, I don’t think
I owe you anything.” 
The words tumble out before he can stop them. Matt can physically feel his resolve crumbling, can feel the nice guy routine starting to slip out of his grasp. All the emotions that have been bottling up since September feel like they’re ready to erupt like a volcano. Tears threaten to do the same. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t just fly out to Portland to have that conversation,” she grits out, and oh yeah, he can’t tell just from how Sylvie sounds that they’re doing this; getting their grievances out, right in the middle of the sidewalk outside of Molly’s. 
“Conversation? There wasn’t a conversation from how I remember it. I didn’t even get a real explanation! It’s always been ‘it’s hard’. I get that it’s hard, I had to live it too. But it’s bullshit that the reason we broke up was because it was ‘hard’. We could have done more instead of just give up!” 
“It was hard, Matt! Do you know how hard it is being at 51 without you? Constantly being reminded of you? And when we try to set up video dates there’s always something that gets in the way? I needed you and sometimes I couldn’t have you! It wasn’t fair! It was exhausting always wondering if I’d be able to talk to my boyfriend, or the fact I couldn’t hug you or kiss you. We were new and everything was perfect and then you left!” Her words are tainted with sadness and desperation. 
Matt feels like he wants to throw up. His breaths quicken and he lets his eyes look away from the paramedic. 
“Unfair? This whole thing is unfair, I couldn’t just let the boys get thrown into foster care!” He crosses his arms defensively. “I’ve lived that, and that’s unfair, Sylvie. I’m sorry I can’t be two places at once!” 
“I know that Matt, but it doesn’t make the hurting any less miserable,” Sylvie blinks hard, and if Matt has to watch her cry again he’s going to lose it himself. 
“Do you know how miserable I was? How miserable I am? I’m trying to be a good guardian to them, and I’m pretty sure I suck. I couldn’t see you then, and I can’t see you now. I don’t have friends at work, it’s not like 51. 51 is a family. I’m an outsider at my firehouse,” he swallows thickly, finally admitting how awful it’s been. “I’m not Case or Matt to anyone there. They don’t know me! I’m Captain Casey, and that’s all I’ll ever be because they don’t care. I’m not invited places because I’m their boss. Our Chief is only at the house half the time, which means I’m in charge of everything. So it’s work, boys, and then make things in the shed behind the house because if I’m left alone with my thoughts? It’s not a good time.” 
He thinks back to the first week they’d been broken up. Thinks back to sitting alone in the dark of his small bedroom and wondering if he was helping anyone, if he was a good guardian, or brother, or leader. He thinks back to intrusive thoughts and punching a hole in the wall, ignoring the fracture and letting himself feel the pain for the next two weeks, serving as some kind of fucked up punishment. 
Sylvie is watching him as he starts trembling and his chest tightens. He knows his anxiety is starting to seep through the wall his lexapro builds him, and he clears his throat. 
“Look. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t do enough, and I’m sorry I made you feel that way. You don’t ever deserve to feel like you’re not enough or you’re a second choice.” 
Dejavu washes over him. 
“I just want you happy. So if you’re happier without me, I accept that. But please don’t let us fail just because it was hard. You were it for me Sylvie, absolutely the only one I could ever see building a forever with. And like I said, you broke my heart. I’m not going to deny that. But I’d rather my heart be broken versus yours.” 
By the end of his little speech, he’s trembling all over, and he thinks maybe he should get to his suitcase that’s at Christie’s and take another pill. Sylvie looks ready to cry at any moment, cheeks flushed and eyes watering.
Severide and Cruz interrupt her, walking out of Molly’s laughing. Both stop short, and it’s ironic really, the fact Matt and Sylvie’s respective ‘defenders’ are walking out to this of all things. All four of them freeze, but the tear that’s falling from the paramedics eyes makes Cruz snap back into action almost immediately. He puffs his chest out and stands taller as he walks up to Matt. The Captain straightens his own shoulders. 
“You know, with all due respect Casey, now that you’re not at fifty one, I can kick your ass for hurting her.” 
“Cruz! You’re still a firefighter, and not only that, I’m your lieutenant and I’m also right here,” Severide steps in, his voice firm. 
Matt keeps his face stony and unreadable, mouth in a thin line, almost turning downwards. He knows there’s no way in hell Cruz would try and fight him, at least he’s 90% sure. He holds his ground, raising an eyebrow. 
“You really want to do that Cruz?” He asks, ignoring the noise Sylvie makes next to him. “Go ahead then. You’ll get reprimanded, but if it’s worth it, you can take a free shot,” Matt says sarcastically. 
Before he knows what’s happening, there’s force against his cheek, hard and sudden. Both Severide and Sylvie yell at Cruz, and as Matt looks up cradling his jaw, he sees his best friend grabbing the squad member by his shirt, holding him tight. 
“You’re out of your damn mind man!” 
“No, Casey is! Brett’s been heartbroken and it’s his fault!” 
“It’s no one’s fault, they’re both adults, and this isn’t high school!” 
“Stop! Stop yelling, and stop stepping in for me. Cruz, I told you, I broke up with him. You don’t get to just go around hitting people because of something they did or didn’t do,” Sylvie glares. 
Matt’s not sure he can recall ever seeing her this angry. Wincing as he rubs the tender spot on his jaw and cheekbone, he finally recovers, clenching his fist. He wants to sucker punch Cruz, but he also understands why he’s hit him. And truthfully, maybe he deserves it. Sighing, he puts a hand out, signaling for everyone to stop. 
“I’m leaving. Severide, I’m grabbing my bag from Christie’s and then I’ll come to yours. Cruz, have fun with your write up. Sylvie…it was good seeing you.”
The last few words are quiet and his voice shakes, but it’s the last of his worries. His face hurts, he’s exhausted, and he feels like he’s going to crawl out of his skin. 
“I’ll see you guys around.” 
With that, Matt turns and walks down the street, grateful Christy isn’t too far away. The idea of staying near everyone for much longer makes him feel gross. By the time he’s letting himself into Severide and Kidd’s apartment; because of course he still has his key, it’s nearing ten o’clock and a bruise is blossoming on his jawbone. 
“Damn, he really got you good,” Stella says Matt shuffles in further, setting his leather duffel bag down. 
“It was an easy shot, could have avoided it,” he grumbles, sitting on the couch reflexively, as if he still lives there. 
A beat of silence. 
“So, can I talk about the elephant in the room?” Stella looks at him with that determined face she gets, so he nods as Severide comes and sits down too, a bowl of chips in hand. 
“When did you start taking lexapro?” 
The way she says it reminds Matt of a mom worrying over her kid, which isn’t all that terrible if he’s honest. 
“In October. It’s been a rough few months I guess,” he shrugs, staring at the wall behind his friends.
“That’s all we get?” 
“Tonight? Yeah. Maybe tomorrow I’ll say more but I’m tired and feel like shit and want to sleep.” 
“Fair enough dude. Go get some sleep. And take something for your jaw, or you’ll regret it.” 
“Yes dad.”
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kiddstellas · 1 year ago
I’m going to slightly disagree with anon about the Fire fandom being obsessed with biological children but I see where they are coming from. I do agree with people wishing Brett was pregnant before leaving so “they could finally be a family” was weird. That would’ve been so strange in my opinion. They just adopted Julia. She’s like 8 months old. They don’t need another baby right now. I also don’t like the idea that only a biological baby will complete Brettseys family. Feels icky, especially knowing that Brett herself is adopted. It gives the vibe that an adopted child can never be as loved as a biological child.
But, I don’t think it’s right to say we prefer biological children over adopted. With Stellaride, yes we want them to have a baby. But keep in mind that of the 4(?) main characters that have gotten pregnant, 3 were miscarriages across all of One Chicago. Natalie was the only one who had a successful pregnancy and she was pregnant before the show started. I just want one main couple in One Chicago to have a successful pregnancy because their track record is awful right now. If One Chicago had a better track record, I wouldn’t care if Stellaride adopted or if they had a biological baby. I’d be fine with either because they’d be terrific parents either way. I could personally see them fostering an older troubled teenager who they both can relate to.
Also, I think it’s just a very interesting storyline for Stella to be pregnant and then come back to work. Because that happens in real life. Women in the fire industry, even a firefighter, get pregnant, give birth, and still come back to work. It would be very interesting to see Stella being temporarily stepping down as Lieutenant, how she and Severide deal with the pregnancy, and how Stella deals with the aftermath of becoming a firefighter again after having given birth. I think it would be an interesting arc for Stellaride.
I don't interact much with fandom anymore so I'm not sure what was going on before the ep aired but the narrative that a family is only "complete" with a biological child or that an adoption should be last resort is disgusting. Yes, there are many problems with adoption as it's conducted in most countries but that's also due this whole narrative in the first place. And as you said, Brett was adopted. Julia is her child. Matt agreed to that when he asked her to marry him. That should've been the end of the story. It's a good send off. Just take the win and leave it at that. We all know how One Chicago exits can be controversial and badly executed so this one (and again I'm not a fan of them so this isn't biased in any way) is a great one.
As you pointed out and I've said before, I don't trust One Chicago writers with pregnancies storylines. I'll admit that I'm scared if that's the direction they'll go with Stellaride. Would I love to see them have a family? Yes. Would I love to see them tackle a woman in a male dominant career be a mother and still kill at her job after birth? Absolutely!!
Personally, I don't think Stella is there? With Gallo leaving she's building her team again. I think I'm also a bit against it right now because of how much drama plots they've given them lately with both Miranda's and Taylor's absences. I hate both (which is the same) reasons they've given. It's super out of character for either Stella or Kelly to go radio silent on the other. It's even more out of character for Stella to be this distrustful of Kelly after EVERYTHING they've been through, after how much Stella suffered from her last relationship. It doesn't add up. But since that was their way to explain the actors time off, it'd be super quick to throw a baby in the mix. A couple who didn't know whether the other would return home wouldn't in their right mind decide to have a baby. I'd prefer for them to build their trust and relationship back up before getting to that.
But after that, I'd love to see them form a family in any shape or form. I think it's important to show a female firefighter tackle all of that as you pointed out, specially as she's the only one in the show. We had Dawson and she stepped down as a paramedic right before the miscarriage if I'm not mistaken.
In my opinion, I believe Kelly would be far more ready to have a family and a baby than Stella. The man almost had one with his gay best friend like he wants it, it's clear and he's meant to be a dad and heal and break all the generational traumas his dad passed on to him.
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gins-potter · 2 years ago
Are you all caught up on the OC finales? What did you think?
I caught up today! I thought they were fine to really good!!
Med was really solid. Surprising no one I'm absolutely heartbroken that Will is leaving but I'm glad he went out in typical Will fashion, had a really nice scene with Sharon at the end, and we got Manstead endgame. Liliana and Dr Charles are back together! They're so flipping cute, I love that for them. Dasher are doing Dasher things, I had to LOL when Hannah was like HARD NO about dating Archer and he was so offended. I think Med's gonna return to somewhat normal next season, probs the first half will be dealing with whoever buys the hospital and convincing them to turn it not-for-profit again. The only question marks for me are whether Maggie and Dr Song stay. I think if they continue to do O.R 2.0 things, Dr Song will, and I think they've left it a bit open for Maggie depending on Marlynne's health and what she decides. I was a little surprised they didn't address it more in the finale about the possibility of her leaving since the episode before made it feel like much more of a sure thing. A solid episode!
Fire was... kinda meh if I'm being honest. Like it's not unusual for me to multi-task while I'm watching tv, but I still pay attention to what's happening with the plot, but I was dicking around on my phone while watching Fire and kept realising that I was fully not paying attention to what was going on and kept having to go back and rewatch. Like, it just felt like lots of talking ha ha. I think where we go from here is super dependent on whether Taylor comes back next season or not. Feels like they're setting up Carver and Violet, which I'm not against, but haven't fully let go of Carver in his feels over Stella either, so if T.K doesn't come back and Stellaride break up (BIG IF NO ONE THROW TOMATOES) they might continue to pursue that as well. I'm more and more on the Stella/Carver train (NO ONE HATE ME) so I'm super fine with those angsty looks he's sending her lmao. Super here for the little friendship between Kylie and Ritter and very keen for Kylie to become the new candidate (that has to be where this is going). Sylvie's adopting the baby, yay for her I guess, I mean, like I said in another ask, I'm pretty sure I know this is heading for a Kara exit, which I'm not opposed to, so I'm just very.... okay? about this storyline. It feels rushed, but it's fine, and I get a Brettsey endgame (probably) so fine. And Mouch... maybe I'm stupidly optimistic but I don't think he's dying. I think Christian is leaving the show, but I don't think Mouch is dying. Idek why tbh. It's a bit anticlimatic if he does die tbh. Like he didn't even get shot, it was a random piece of shrapnel. Idk, I think he'll probs survive and then retire. Maybe I don't think they'll kill him because it would mean that PD also has to change Trudy's characterisation over on that show. Like imagine her husband dies and they never even mention it on PD 💀💀💀
PD was the best episode imo. The pacing and writing was great, even though I'd seen bits and pieces of it already online I still felt drawn in by it and I really felt the tension. I felt like Adam, Kim, and Kevin all got to shine. Hailey and Voight not so much, sad for Hailey, get fucked Voight. Absolute snaps for Kevin getting to shoot that racist mother fucker, and I know he's just a kid but lmao fuck Callum. Fuck his mum too and I hope she goes down for some of this shit. One of my only question marks is why Torres wasn't in the ep? I can't tell if it's a weird writing choice to keep leaving him out of episodes or if the actor has some sort of other commitment keeping him from being in every episode, but I feel like they either need to commit to his character being part of the team, or drop him and bring someone who will be around all the time. Burzek slayed as always, inject that moment of Kim on the phone and absolutely sprinting to get to Adam into his veins. Kim in the ambulance, and at the hospital, "Are you his partner", "You're with Adam" "I'm with Adam" yeah girl you tell that bitch. You ARE with Adam. I mean, as with every other Burzek shipper I'm annoyed that they clearly filmed a Burzek scene at the hospital and then cut it. I hope they release it as a deleted scene at some point bc I need it. I've seen the theory that they cut it because it shows Adam's alright and Paddy might leave the show.... I mean.... maybe? I doubt it. It's more likely they cut it bc the show has a hard on for Hank Voight and wanted to end on him. I think it would have been a better ending to end with Burzek because it would have been a really full circle, cyclical ending from where they started the season, and the episode, but, what can you do? I'm sure someone will write the fic. Still, despite all that, a really great episode and end to this arc.
Sorry, this got long but yeah, those are my thoughts. Med 6/10, Fire 4/10, PD 8/10.
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mindyourownbiscuitss · 2 years ago
I just had to tell someone this - the other day I was on the phone with my cable company because me being an elder millennial, I still pay for cable. And as I was talking with the lovely woman who was helping me, I was double checking that my package still included network channels (long story) and I said, "because I need to be able to watch Chicago fire" and she said, "girl, I feel you, I love my Chicago shows!" and then we discussed the strike and how we support it but are bummed it means the shows won't come back for and indefinite period of time and she said, "I need to know if Brett and Casey are getting engaged! How dare they leave us with a cliffhanger like that!" and it was just this lovely bonding moment between me and this random customer service agent and it made me SO happy to talk to someone about Brettsey. I don't have ANY "real life" friends who watch the show and despite trying to discuss Brettsey with my friends who do ship and read fanfic they just don't get it! So to have that moment of connection with this random lady? Totally made my day 😁
This has been sitting in my inbox forever because I abandoned Tumblr for almost a month.
First I want to address paying for cable still because. Same. But also not. I need cable because all of my teams, outside of the Panthers and my college team, play on Bally. It’s annoying af. Anyway.
Yeah, this hiatus has been painful. Even more so than usual because it’s looking really bleak with the strikes right now. I somehow get the feeling that it might be next fall before we get new seasons. A former SVU writer pretty much said if the writers aren’t back by October it’s done until next fall. Idk though.
But still, that’s a nice little interaction to have. I have no one to rant/cry to other than my parents because my friends and coworkers don’t watch. The only one of my coworkers who does is seasons behind. I may have accidentally spoiled Jesse leaving to him. Oops.
I’m also answering this to say I really miss Brettsey :(
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kim-ruzek · 2 years ago
Is any of OC worth catching up? I stopped last season. Fire, Matt's return episode was disappointing. Pd, watch Burzek last episodes only.
In my opinion, pd is very much worth catching up on.
The writing is so much stronger, and even the non burzek episodes are enjoyable and worthwhile. They're still character centric, but a lot more team involved than they have been and are really getting more and more balanced AND there is wonderful continuity. There's still problems of course, but this season there's very much been a noticeable improvement which imo makes it very worthwhile.
I'm hoping it'll continue to improve next season, and for the first time I actually have evidence (in form of how well this season has been dealt with) that'll be possible. And even if things stop at this level of improvement I still believe it's become yet again a show worth time. There's been a few meh or so-so episodes, but even they were nice to watch, even just in the background whereas last season it was getting to be that they weren't even worth that.
But I will say if you're an upstead fan, you might not enjoy it. Since you said you've watched burzek's last episodes I'm assuming you like the ship, and if you're also a fan of upstead alongside that you may still enjoy it, since Hailey is written very well this season and there's been an uptake in the team involvement/less character centric in the ways it has been which makes it worth watching. But a lot of upstead fans has had a lot of negative thoughts, feelings and reactions to this season so if you are a fan, it may not be worthwhile to you.
But if you're to watch only one other episode in this season, I would recommend the Kevin one as that was so good.
I haven't watched fire since 11x03, other than this most recent episode, so unfortunately I can't really speak on that. I've heard good things about it, but not really in the areas of CF that interests me, and so I really can't judge it through my eyes. The first episodes of the season I watched were stellar and I enjoyed them though, if that matters. Although I would say, if you're a brettsey fan, or even just a Matt fan, this week's episode is incredibly worth watching, even if it's just to get the proper Matt brief return we deserved.
And I haven't watched any of med this season so definitely can't speak on that!
Thank you for asking! I hope you do catch up, it's been a good season so far (pd wise). 💖
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stardreamer28 · 1 year ago
read this description for a romance book called Corageous Touches, & doesn't it just sound soo Brettsey? hehehe!
Fire Chief Reese Carpenter… leader, teacher, mentor, and goofball. Someone had to be the ‘adult’ in this group of firefighters. He always keeps his team under control and on track, but when everything falls apart before his eyes… he’s suddenly looking to Eileen for help.Paramedic Eileen Ballantine had heard rumors about the mysterious fire chief, but the man before her certainly wasn’t what she expected. In the thick of it all, there’s no room for error. So why was he cutting jokes and trying to get her attention? She had a job to do.The last person Eileen wanted to be saving was Reese, but when he suddenly breaks rank and takes off running into the fiery building? What’s she supposed to do now, with all these thoughts and feelings that were exploding inside of her?
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farfarawaygirl · 4 years ago
Always nice to know I’m not just shouting into the void! Check out @katie-049 @sweetheartslane @deedee1993 as well! And the best gifs in town come from @hamburgerheroes @sylviesgomz and @firehouse51 - there is a lovely brettsey community!!
Send me asks anytime! Headcannons, thoughts, hopes, dreams!! Let’s keep on making good noise as we wait for Matt and Sylvie to get together.
Okay so for me, I like your opinions on brettsey and I like reading anything you post about them.
Is there anybody on here that you like reading their posts? I’m trying to find like minded people!
Who gave you guys the right to be so damn sweet and nice to me 🙈🙈 seriously thank you so much!! I love getting asks not only about Brettsey but about the One Chicago universe in general so if you have any then don’t be afraid to send them in!
As for blogs that I enjoy, I would like to take this time to once again shoutout my soulmate @burzekbrettsey . About 50% of my blog is just me stalking her blog to find stuff to reblog, honestly. Her mind is simply amazing, her power is unmatched. If you’re looking for some good analysis on anything Chicgo Fire related, Brettsey included, that’s my #1 recommendation. Sky if you’re reading this ily 🥰
There’s also @farfarawaygirl who is the queen of Brettsey related asks in particular. They get a bunch of good Brettsey asks and the answers are always so on point and amazing!!! Another good one is @ohpickleskarakillmer who doesn’t get many asks, but she still has some great Brettsey analyses and comes up with lots of good theories. Also one of the places where you can find BTS pics and predictions based off of them. I always love reading their stuff so check ‘em out!
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foreverdawsey · 4 years ago
Hot take: 
There’s actually no reason for the Dawsey and Brettsey shippers to be against each other. Matt’s relationship with each woman is completely different, because Brett and Gabby are completely different people. Gabby and Matt shared so many experiences, trials, and so much love together, and nothing could ever compare to what they went through together. Likewise, the relationship he’s building with Brett is totally different because he’s a different person now, too. The love he has for Brett is very different than the love he has/had for Gabby, and their relationship is its own unique thing.  
We all have opinions on which ship we prefer, but at the end of the day, we can coexist in peace! 
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tvshowscouples · 2 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Reblog if you are Team Brettsey
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morganupstead · 2 years ago
Chicago Fire 11x13 thoughts:
The Hermans. that's all.
Carver is really giving me bad vibes. He kind of always does, but right off the bat this is just annoying.
HUH??? I'm so confused. Sylvie loved Matt at first sight??? Okay, we really are throwing previous storylines out the window now. (I'm not anti brettsey, but like make it make sense they worked together for years before they didn't start showing feelings til like season 8 or 9???) and Violet is giving logical advice and I admire that view.
I will always take more Sylveride team-ups if they are going to be like that. The best parts of an ensemble cast are the mix in partnerships!!!
Hermann, there is nothing wrong with accepting help, and I hope Gallo and RItter conspire to do something kind for them because they are really good guys. Ugh, they are so trying!!!
OH, WE ARE NOT DOING THIS CARVER. that smirk needs to go, I'm so glad I still don't like him because now I can see where this is going and I'm not about this.
Stella is doing what every good lieutenant would do; keep an eye on her team.
I'm supposed to remember that Kelly and Sylvie can't take gifts right??? this is a question for @agent-bash. That also seemed like a veiled threat right?? This might come back and bite them later on?? I'm not sure
Stella knows complicated pasts like no one else. But I just have a bad feeling about how this relationship between them might develop going forward. It could be good, but with Derek spearheading this I don't trust him.
The Hermanns need help. They need their firehouse family more than anything else. Stella's "this is what you did for my wedding" ugh THE FOUND FAMILY THAT I LOVE
Okay, this Sylveride gift thing is good. It's funny.
CHIEF THAT WAS SO OMINOUS WHAT DID YOU GIVE STELLA!!!! please be good please be good.
oh, lovely Hermann I'm sorry you walked in on that, and CINDY HERRMAN I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Severide messing with bows is adorable. Sylveride being friends is actually a good thing, it keeps Casey closer to both of them. Yea he might not be close to them right now but they have each other.
I'm concerned about Stella playing wingman with Carver. Do I agree that she is trying to do the right thing because he needs someone to ground him?? Yes, but in the mystical land of One Chicago I don't see this going all sunshine and rainbows. I'm proceeding with caution.
FIREFIGHTER AWARD OF VALOR!!!!!!! let's go lieutenant KIDD!!! (and carver yes he did well too but the guy freaks me out) Hold on his name is Sam??? have we established that already or did I just forget.
Sexy Stellaride!!!!!!! I really appreciate Stella being self-aware enough to understand and say that. And Kelly recognizes that even though they do things differently that's okay??? That's the communication that fosters a good marriage. It's so great to see this for them. TALKING. not assuming.
The Hermann kids in this episode are really really great. I hope they stick around more often now.
Stella backstory??? This I'm here for. Long time coming too.
All of these camera pans to Carver and Stella make me nervous. It screams foreshadowing of something we're not gonna see coming. OH NEVER MIND I SEE IT AND I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. Carver is catching feelings for a married woman and I want to throw up. I had a gut feeling that I was begging was wrong. Carver THAT'S A MARRIED WOMAN IT'S GROSS.
Carver you can just shut up if you want to be mad by yourself, don't drag the rest of the firehouse into your pity party. Firehouse 51 is a family whether you like it or not. You can't beat them down but you can join them.
I had a feeling that was Lana's Dad.......
Yes, Carver is a hothead. And Stella has learned as a lieutenant with him being on her squad. Stella and Kelly are both right. This is the turning point with Carver as a character I think. It's either he stays or he goes and I have a feeling I know where this is headed.
Again for the 1 millionth time, Chris and Cindy Hermann and the kids deserve every good thing in the entire world.
Overall: The episode was 7/10. The Hermann family and firehouse team up alongside the side Sylveride storyline were the best parts. I'm bothered by Carver, and I'm concerned about how this fledgling "thing" with Stella is going to pan out because I don't even know how to describe this yet. Stella is trying to be a good lieutenant, I don't know what Carver's deal is I can't read him. I'm more concerned because they have to write Severide out of an undisclosed number of episodes now, so if this is going to be the filler I'm not going to like it.
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brettsey-two-tts · 3 years ago
Name "can't help falling in love"
For Brettsey, please
:) I think I'm going to go with a Teacher AU.
Sylvie Brett is the new English teacher; she was recommended to Boden by Stella, the PE teacher and coach of the women's volleyball and basketball team. The two had met at a gym they both frequented and when Sylvie mentioned that she was looking for a new teaching job, Stella practically asked for her resume on the spot so she could give it to their principal. She got the job on the spot, and effortlessly, too. She answered any and all questions Boden threw her way and he was left absolutely impressed.
On her first day, she was formally introduced to the rest of the faculty during a morning meeting and when her eyes scanned the room to get a sense of her co-workers personalities, her eyes found a pair of gentle blue ones. His hair was very light brown and longer than all the other men in the room. His short bangs were swept to the side and for some damn reason, the look made him look really, really handsome and charming. Under everyone’s gaze, especially his, Sylvie nervously tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears.
During a break, Stella introduces Sylvie to her fiancé, Kelly Severide, and his best friend, Matt Casey. When Sylvie shakes Matt’s hand, she finds it hard to tear her gaze away from his. The two don’t realize they’re staring at each other until Gallo, a younger and first-time teacher, interrupts them to introduce himself as well.
Stella doesn’t tease her until they bump into each other at the gym a few days later. She tells Sylvie that she can give her Matt’s number but Sylvie politely declines. While she does find Matt incredibly attractive, she’s still getting over a break up and doesn’t want to risk hurting a potentially really good friendship.
Her classes are easy going, minus a few bad apples, but its nothing that she can’t handle. She goes over the syllabus and warns her students of the various writing assignments they’ll need to complete over the course of the year, and as expected, she hears a few moans and groans.
While everyone is taking a quiz on some reading material, Sylvie hears a knock on her door. She turns and sees Matt give her a small wave. She gestures for him to come in and when he does, he immediately notices everyone is taking a test.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
“It’s okay,” she replied with a small smile. “What’s up?”
Matt handed her a small stack of papers. “I believe these are yours.”
It’s the quiz for the next class, the one she hastily printed out in the morning. She internally chastises herself when she realizes that she must’ve forgotten a few before she left the teacher’s lounge. “I’m so sorry, Matt.”
“It’s okay,” he replied with a very charming and gentle smile. The blue in his eyes are somehow a softer shade. “We all do it now and then.”
She takes the papers from him and feels their fingers brush against each other. She feels a jolt in her spine but somehow avoids physically showing it. “Thanks. I really owe you one.”
He shakes his head a bit. “Don’t mention it.”
After he quietly leaves, she doesn’t realize she’s watching until its too late. She’s trying to regain her composure when she’s walking back to her desk to put the papers with the rest of the stack. When she looks back up to make sure no one is cheating, she’s surprised to see everyone staring at her. Most of the girls are wearing knowing grins and some of the guys are bashfully looking away. It almost feels like they caught her in the act but she doesn’t know what that ‘act’ is. She clears her throat and reminds everyone to turn in their quiz when they’re done.
Two weeks later, Matt knocks on her door frame. She has a free period to catch up on tasks so her room is very much empty. When she looks up at the sound, she greets him with a bright smile.
“Hey,” he replies. His brows furrow and he looks reluctant to ask her something.
She quickly picks up on it and asks with a small frown, “Everything okay?”
He scratches the back of his head a bit. “Do you mind watching my class for ten minutes? Severide forgot something in my room when he was talking to me during lunch.” He sees the stacks of papers in front of her and quickly adds, “If you’re not busy, I mean.”
She reassures him that she isn’t busy and follows him to his room. When they enter, he tells them they’re reading about the first World War. She’s no history buff but she nods nonetheless. They talk for a minute or two and he thanks her profusely before he leaves. When she sits down at Matt’s desk and lifts her head to take a quick peek at the students to make sure they were reading like they were supposed to, she finds a lot of knowing smiles pointing at her. She’s confused at first but decides to quietly keep her mind busy by taking in the unknown that was Matt’s classroom.
A few months later, Stella and Severide host a little get together with everyone at their place to celebrate their engagement. Neither of them wanted to have separate parties since they loved spending time with everyone together. They crack open some alcohol and then play a few games to see who knows the couple the most. Later, while everyone is watching a hockey game on the tv, Sylvie quietly slips away to the balcony.
The fresh air feels nice on her skin and she lets out a quiet sigh. Since her new job, she hadn’t really gone on any dates. She mostly spends her time catching up with work, catching up on her HGTV shows, or going to the gym. Of the dates that she has gone on, she can safely say that none of them went past the first date.
“Everything okay?”
She turns her head a little and sees Matt close the sliding door behind him. It’s when she really, really notices his dark blue button up and his black jeans. It’s a casual look and he wears it so very well. She knows he’s handsome in his more professional wear but damn is he hot in his casual wear, too.
“Yeah,” she replies. “I just needed some fresh air.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.”
Silence falls between them and it’s neither awkward or weird. It’s so very... normal. She finds it comforting and relaxing, which is odd considering the silence between her and her previous dates were always so very awkward. Maybe it was Matt’s demeanor or the gentleness and kindness he always exuberated behind those gorgeous blue eyes of his.
Her eyebrows raise when she remembers something. “Thanks again for helping me break that fight up in the hallway last week.”
He smiles at the remembrance and replies, “I didn’t do anything. You’re the one that separated them before anything could become of it.”
She remembered in the middle of it, she took a step back and felt her back collide with something solid. When she looked behind her, she realized it was Matt’s chest she had just bumped into. He was wearing a stern look to make sure the kids actually walked away from each other, but as soon as he asked Sylvie if she was okay, his look immediately softened. She nearly turned into a puddle of goo at that moment.
“But still, thank you.”
He flashes a grin and gives a small nod. “Always happy to help.” He reaches into his back pocket and takes out a piece of paper. “Remember those two kids in your third period class and my fifth period class?”
“Guess what I caught them doing.” He hands her the piece of paper and when she opens it, it reveals a whole conversation between them. The paper must’ve been passed back and forth because each response alternated between two different colored pens. The conversation on the piece of paper was about what movie they were going to see on their second date.
“They’re dating!” Sylvie squeals in delight. The two kids in their class were always flirting with each other and when she noticed they were also in Matt’s class, she confessed to him how cute they were with each other. It almost became one of their topics whenever they talked to each other.
Her bright smile and sheer happiness caused him to beam at her. “I knew it would cheer you up.”
Her smile softened. “Who said I needed cheering up?”
“Kidd mentioned you’ve been feeling down lately.”
“Oh.” She tucks the piece of paper into her pocket. “That’s just... it’s...” She doesn’t know what to say.
“Talk to me,” he murmurs and in that moment, she finds enough trust and comfort in him to say it on the spot.
She confesses, “I’ve been having trouble in the dating department and I’ve been complaining a lot to Stella lately, so...”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“That you’re having trouble dating.”
She gives him a funny look. “Why?”
“Because you’re--” he stops himself, but as they stare at each other, he realizes there’s no going back. “You’re really attractive, you have a great personality, you’re not obnoxious or selfish, and you give all the kids second chances, even the worst of them that might not deserve it.”
She knows her cheeks are bright red but she can’t stop it. “Thank you, Matt Casey.”
He continues, “You deserve someone that makes you happy, regardless of how long it takes.”
She’s staring at him and realizing how much he’s made her happy lately. He’s saved her a slice of pie from the teacher’s lounge when she was running late to their morning meeting, he’s fetched coffee for her in the afternoon when he knew she was running on empty, he’s made her smile every single time they met in the hallway, and he’s saved her from multiple collisions with students in the hallway by gently grabbing her elbow.
“You make me happy.”
He grins at that and meets her gaze. They’re both smiling warmly and holding their breath. Their chests feel so much hotter at the realization and confession of their mutual attraction. They both thank the wonderful Chicago breeze for keeping them upright.
The kiss happens slowly and surely; his hands steady her against him by framing her waist, and she’s deepening their kiss with her hands on the back of his neck. They smile into each other and bask in the wonderful feeling of ‘finally’. They’ve flirted endlessly for the past few months and it was only fitting that their build up gently and beautifully exploded into a kiss on their friends’ balcony. Somewhere in the back of Sylvie’s mind, she reminds herself to thank Stella for bumping into her at the gym several times, for the job recommendation, and for introducing her to Matt Casey.
A couple of weeks after their kiss, word spreads quite fast that Sylvie and Matt are dating. It’s during her first period when several girls that she has gotten to know come up to her.
“Ms. Brett, you have no idea how long we’ve been waiting for you at Mr. Casey to get together!” one of them shouts.
“YES!” the other girl exclaims. “It was like witnessing the slowest burn of my entire life!”
When Sylvie tells Matt later during one of their dates at her place, he’s laughing. She starts to ask him if they were really that obvious and starts to verbally think back to all the times they’ve interacted. She starts to list off the possible clues to how everyone knew before they did and even contemplates writing everything down on a piece of paper, and then she hears him continue to laugh.
He thinks it’s cute how much effort she’s putting into the whole interaction with her students.
“What?” she asks curiously.
He’s giving her a very charming and loving smile, similar to the one that she saw on her first day. “I can’t help but fall in love with you.” 
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justoneofthoseghosts · 3 years ago
Brettsey + "you can't protect/save me every time..."
"You can't save me every time." Sylvie states gently as Matt helps her with the cut on her arm.
There's that cute furrow in the middle of his eyebrows as Matt concentrates on what he's doing. He sighs before looking up to face the paramedic.
"I know you can take care of yourself, Sylvie, but it doesn't stop me from wishing I could have been there - done something," Matt says, irrigating the wound with saline before wiping it carefully with a small towel as Sylvie looks on.
Sylvie knew Matt understood her ad understood that every time she went out on a call, she could handle herself just like how she knew he could always handle himself during dangerous calls. It didn't stop her from worrying though so she could also get Matt's reaction to her minor injury.
It had been a routine call at a homeless encampment where a man was disturbing the group, rummaging through their tents and belongings, looking for anything he could sell for another fix. Listen, Sylvie's had her fair share of dealing with tweakers and she'd generally know how to approach them, except the one today was extremely restless and unpredictable, not willing to let go of the small knife in his hand. Sylvie and Violet managed, in the end, to overpower him, Violet sticking a needle in him and sedating him, causing the man to slum and drop to the ground but not before he nicked Sylvie in the arm.
She didn't even feel it. Maybe it was the adrenaline. She only realized she was bleeding when Violet pointed it out. Sylvie examined it on the way to bringing the man to Med and since it was superficial, she didn't see the need to have to checked by the doctor. It was nothing a good cleaning wouldn't help heal. She had asked Violet to place some gauze on it until they could return to the house and she could clean and bandage it herself.
When they get back to the house, she dismisses Violet. It was past lunch and her partner was starting to get cranky. She could manage this on her own anyway and Violet looked like she was desperately in need of any food. The younger paramedic thanks her, shooting Sylvie a grateful look before walking into the firehouse as Sylvie makes her way to the back of 61 to patch herself up.
As she was about to, the doors of the ambulance swung open to reveal a panic stricken Matt. Clearly, Violet had embellished her retelling of their call which caused the Captain to immediately go find his girlfriend, climbing into the rig and shutting the door firmly closed behind him.
She saw the anxiety and worry in his face as he continued to gaze at her. He swept his eyes on her form before zoning in on the wound on her arm. He took her arm, examining the wound himself and she noticed his shoulders begin to sag in relief, the look of worry slowly melt away when he saw that she was, in fact, still in one piece. He took the syringe from her and wordlessly helped her clean the cut properly, reminding Sylvie about how they always did things as a team and never alone.
She continues to watch as Matt grabs a piece of gauze from the open jump bag, placing it on the cleaned wound before taping the sides meticulously until he was sure he got all the edges, a look of deep concentration still on his face.
"You're pretty good at this stuff," Sylvie teases, recalling a conversation they once had, "you should maybe consider a career in EMS."
Matt looks up from his task, grinning as though remembering that same conversation, "sounds exciting," he replies lowly.
"It is," Sylvie whispers, smiling.
Matt grins back at her before pulling her closer to him, hugging her tightly. Sylvie breaths in his scent - the smell of his aftershave mixed with smoke and wood, hanging onto him, thinking about how a lot of things have changed since that time she and Matt had that short chat in the bunk room, the best one of which was that they were now a them and she'd really like to be a them for a very, very long time.
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jenscommentary · 3 years ago
Thoughts on 10x04
I had to take a minute.
I had to take a day to calm my blood pressure.
TO BE CLEAR: I do not think Jesse is leaving, nor have I seen any indication he wants to.
I think it's safe to say that Derek Haas has an uncanny ability to hone in on everything you love — and then take a massive wrecking ball to that thing.
1. Jesse is not leaving.
Jesse is the main lead of the entire One Chicago franchise. It makes no sense that he would leave. He just welcomed Hanako to "our crazy fandom" this summer when she became a series regular and was so excited about the season in all of the interviews. He was beaming cutting that 200th Episode celebration cake with Taylor, seemingly proud of the show and the work he's done.
He seems like the kind of guy that sticks things out. Even on House, when the team changed post-Season 3, he still stayed for all 8 seasons even though the prominence of Robert Chase as a character faded to make room for new team members.
Side note: It would make zero sense that Eamonn would hang onto the show so tightly even after he's technically left the firehouse and for Jesse, who has a way bigger role, to just abruptly leave outright. Am I making sense? Do you understand what I'm trying to get at? They’re reaching so far just to keep Eamonn there but they readily let Jesse go, when he’s way more important as a character? Nope.
Haas said Brettsey would see some bumps in the road in the first half of the season. That is a stark departure from Jesse leaving entirely. Haas misleads and bluffs, but he doesn't seem like the type to outright lie in interviews. Also, the writers wouldn't have spent 2 seasons hyping up Brettsey and giving us an episode like 9x16 if Jesse was just gonna leave 5 episodes into Season 10. They wouldn't dangle a ship in front of the audience just to rip it away. That's like having Stellaride get engaged only for Taylor to leave. It wouldn't make sense.
Haas also talked about other storylines this season, including a Sheets on Fire revisit and Violet telling Sylvie all about her tension with Gallo. It seems like Sylvie remains emotionally intact. If Matt truly left forever, she'd be broken and that would probably be it's own storyline.
Another Hint: Y'all, the social worker said she wouldn't recommend that Matt take them back to Chicago, not that he legally couldn't. It's absurd reasoning. The boys have nothing tying them to Oregon. Who cares about their neighbors and Ben's shady friends? They mean nothing. This whole train wreck started because Heather suffered a loss and decided to rip the boys away from the only family they knew who would care for them. Leaving Chicago is actually what started all of their problems.
2. This doesn't help Matt or Stella.
Others have said it makes sense and would solve the Stella lieutenant problem. How? The only reason why Stella became lieutenant was because Boden set his sights on her as a leader and set her on that track. There was never an urge for her to be lieutenant or a desire for that from the audience. Stella could've stayed on Truck and I wouldn't have cared.
In addition, let's be honest, this would be a horrible ending for Matt as a character. Yes, these are his godchildren but the writers didn't seem to care about that when they had them disappear for 8 years.
Now, all of a sudden, they're back and Matt's moving to Oregon? Congratulations, Matt would be back at square one. Not married, not a father, having accomplished none of the personal goals he's had since the Pilot. What kind of 10-year character arc would that be? What would he even do in Oregon away from everyone and everything he knows?
@sylviebrettisthebest said it: "Almost his entire 10 seasons has been about life happening around him and bending himself out of shape to accommodate other people."
It wouldn't make sense for this to be his end, once again sacrificing his happiness and life for others and never actually getting anywhere himself. That's not a character that has grown.
3. Is Matt pulling a Gabby?
Is Matt making a decision without Sylvie? I loved that he said, "Let me talk to and figure it out with my girlfriend," right before the social worker discouraged his idea of moving the boys back to Chicago.
But then Matt said: "I think I have to move to Oregon."
You think? Matt, you're with someone. Talk to them first. I hope he does this in 10x05.
I'm basing this on how he looked at her when he came back to the firehouse. He looked happy to see her, but that also wasn't a "We need to talk" face. He gave her a look that said he was gonna drop a bomb on her when she woke up. He seemed to already be sure of his decision when he spoke to Herrmann. It was also very stupid of him to say it wouldn't change anything between them. Oregon is not a state away from Illinois. It's literally on the other side of the country!
I'm trying really hard not to see Gabby-style comparisons because I know it's not the same, but it's difficult. First, Gabby didn't have to go to Puerto Rico. She decided to on a whim after Matt wouldn't give her what she wanted. She could've stayed and fought for her marriage, so I get why he didn't want to go with her.
This is not about an unreasonable spouse. This is about two unstable teenagers.
4. What does 10x04 mean for Sylvie and Matt?
I've seen the Gabby-Matt and Sylvie-Kyle comparisons.
Yes, Sylvie went with Kyle in season 8 back to Fowlerton, but she and Kyle were engaged. She had accepted a proposal from this man and felt going was the right thing to do. Otis had just died and she didn't have much going on in her life work-wise. Also, Fowlerton is only a few hours from Chicago, tops.
I've heard people say she's being left again or put on the backburner, and I don't think it's that black and white. Matt does love her. If it was up to him, she would be the priority in his life.
Harrison and Kyle didn't put her first simply because they didn't want to. Although Antonio had kids which automatically came first, he could've set Laura straight and had an actual healthy work-life balance so Sylvie didn't come last. He didn't.
Matt is obviously being pulled in two different directions, and I hope he can navigate this without heartbreak for Sylvie. I'm encouraged by what Herrmann said about the boys being everyone's firehouse babies. If that's the case, why would Matt want to leave the firehouse, isolate himself, and raise them away from 51? Minus the drinking, how is that any better than what Heather did? I hope Matt realizes that raising the boys isn't just his burden to bear. It's Severide's, Herrmann's, Cruz's, etc. Herrmann says the boys are everyone's firehouse babies? Okay, time to prove it.
For the record, I've come to believe long-distance doesn't work. Adam Wilde said it best in Gayle Forman's If I Stay: "It's like dating a ghost." He's right. At the end of the day, this person is just not there. You need them. You want them there and they're just not there. You're not single in your mind, but you move through life as if you were. They're not there for dinners or dates or for your breakdowns. This person isn't a part of your day-to-day life, and after a while, you just can't keep denying it anymore. What kind of relationship is that?
Some have said the boys' aunt might still come back into the picture as well, and this could still happen!
This storyline had so much potential and the writers ruined it. If you're gonna bring back characters like the Dardens after 8 years, make it worth it.
P.S. He is not a father to those kids. Please stop parroting this point. These are unstable teenagers who already had a father and a living mother who just need guidance and support. He's not "fathering" anyone.
P.P.S. Open Letter to Derek Haas:
Quit giving us dumpster fire plots full of holes and calling it storytelling. If you've run out of ideas, just own it, dude. Own it and hire a new writer that can spice things up or get the creative juices flowing again.
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deanstead · 2 years ago
No one asked but my (preliminary) thoughts on the premiere episodes are here!
I think the writers should grow Will and Hannah's FRIENDship, they'd be cute friends!
Not complaining about Kim being the one handling the case, but i mean the ABSOLUTELY MISSED POTENTIAL for a Halstead brothers scene? Jay could have been here as a brother, you know? Will did just get pulled out of a fire lol.
Archer being a bit of a dick? Not even surprised.
I kind of liked the Ethan-Will dynamic in this episode. Ethan was firm, Will was stubborn, all in-character, but felt they still worked pretty well together compared to how they've been written before.
Can't believe they wrote Dylan out!!!!!
Kim marching in to make the arrest? I love this queen.
APRIL!!!!! When I thought I was over this ship but the way they look at each other urgh
STELLARIDE, seriously the way kelly handled that whole thing at the start and all the domestic scenes yes!
Hello that’s how they explain Mason’s departure? Someone tell me it was the actor’s choice PLS
Someone tell me why Kyle is here again 🙃
Gallo growth, I love to see it!!!!
Hearing the word “wife” come out of Kelly’s mouth is. 😍 And im obsessed with husband!Kelly when he asks Stella “are you asking me or…?” 🤣
I’d have liked Kelly x Jay moments though 💀 (but thats probably just my brain being obsessed)
Violet is gorgeous, and the absolute cutest, i love her 😍
I hope they're going somewhere with Carver because yes, I get that there needs to be some tension/drama but i think good potential?
Has Boden ever interfered so much with how the lieutenants assign the firefighters under them when they’re on call? But I do like how Stella handled it and herself with Boden.
This shit hurts even before i start the episode cos of the pending exit i…
The team dressed up in their blues? Sign me up.
im so fucking incoherent when it comes to pd istg. Torres going "What's up Jay?" and Jay smiling? I need more time with these two!!!!!
Burzek as partners, yes!
Kim was fking hot in this episode, no one disagree with me.
I already liked Torres last season but I think I'm really gonna love his addition to the team.
Jay-Hailey-Torres would have been a great dynamic to push through for the season which is just making me sad now
There's a lot to unpack between Jay, Hailey and Voight, but Jay being the steady force that is keeping the team together, while trying to help Voight and all? My Jay!
My asks are always open if anyone wants to say their piece, talk about the show, anything! <3
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