#teal and purple awareness ribbon pin
mythical-lotus · 3 years
Okay everybody, I have finally decided to talk about my patch jacket - My pride and joy, and in theory the longest art project I have ever worked on and continue to work on. I started it in late September of 2020 I believe, And have continued to work on it since
All right here we go nerds
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This is the front and back of the jacket all zoomed out. You can zoom in and look at it here, but I'm also going to be showing some closer photos and elaborating on my favorite/most memorable parts
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I'll be going through and pointing out either my favorite or things that I think need explaining so you can skip the text if you just want to look but yknow
First Picture:
I noticed that in the very top right corner of this part of the jacket, one of the pins in the photo is a bit obscured and very small, it says "The future is intersectional," with feminine looking hands reaching for each other one with a light skin tone and one with a dark skin tone.
There's also a blue pen, hidden under the collar of the jacket by mistake, that's the Poseidon pin I bought from Overly Sarcastic Productions crowdmade shop (along with the Loki pin and Athena pin next to it). I would highly recommend their history and mythology videos!!
I am a type 1 diabetic, and have been since February 6th of 2012, and hooked onto the button of the pocket is an old emergency contact bracelet of mine.
There's a small tooth sewn into the side of the jacket with dark magenta thread, and I wanted to specify that it is a deer tooth and that it was gotten ethically. One of my friends participates in vulture culture, and she found a few deer teeth in the woods and gifted them to me.
This is slightly lesser known so I thought I'd throw it in, the purple bottle cap pin with the green ribbon on it symbolizes mental health awareness.
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Second Picture:
The green and blue patch that looks like a hourglass is a climate change awareness patch - To my knowledge the symbol isn't specifically related to any group, just a general climate change symbol.
The gold circle with a silver triangle is a Vulcan symbol from Star Trek: The Original Series called an IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations), that represents protecting and learning about diversity throughout the galaxy.
A very close friend of mine is a trans man and he is not out to his family because they are unfortunately very bigoted, and he has been forced to shave his legs by them and so I made a patch that's just a hairy leg, out of spite. This is somewhat for him but also a more general patch for "don't tell anyone else how they should look."
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Third Picture:
This part is pretty full so I'll just do like a rapid fire "What's all this then?"
The "Cabbage" patch was a recommendation from a friend cuz they thought it was funny, the tab sewn onto the side of the collar was found in my garden, the safety pins dangling below it are the rainbow and trans flag respectively although they need repainted, "I Don't Wanna Feel Better" is a reference to a Penelope Scott song (amazing artist btw), bisexual flag with she/her over it, and "God Loves Gays" in honor of my horribly homophobic church.
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Fourth Picture:
Ralsei pin of my lovely boi, Ari patch (the name and likeness of my dog), The patch above "Punch Your Local Nazi" is the cover art of Penelope Scott's album "Public Void," I.W.W. Wobblies stands for International Workers Of The World (who were called Wobblies in the early industrial revolution), and the Minecraft blocks at the very bottom are just some of my favorites (Grass Block, Mossy Cobble, Slime, and Enderman).
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Fifth Picture:
I live in a very cop heavy area (idk if that's even a term but whatever), So it's not really safe for me to have a obvious ACAB patch, but the dice show the number 1312 when you look at the rightmost face.
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Sixth Picture:
The embroidery of the Scales Of Justice on the bottom in purple and teal was commissioned from one of my very close friends (same person I got the tooth from), and I think her deerly for it ;)
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Seventh Photo:
Uhh these are all pretty self explanatory, but for literally anything on this jacket, please ask me about it if you want to know because like oh Oh I want to talk so much If you couldn't tell
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Eighth Picture:
I call this my healthcare arm, it has my omnipod, which is the device I used to treat my type 1 diabetes, and the patch below it refers to how a lot of times diabetic equipment is treated as a luxury when the different quality of equipment you use can drastically alter how healthy you are. It's like trying to do surgery with a kitchen knife and saying that "it's a luxury" to do surgery with a scalpel.
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awarenessgallery · 7 years
Purple and Teal Awareness Ribbon Meaning and Gifts
#Purple and #Teal #AwarenessRibbon Meaning #SuicidePreventionAwareness, or the combination of #DomesticViolenceAwareness (purple) with #SexualAssaultAwareness (teal) and merchandise
Teal and Purple Awareness Ribbon Angel Art Painting to Support Suicide Prevention Purple and teal colors means support for suicide prevention awareness. (Suicide Prevention also uses the yellow awareness ribbon.) The purple and teal also combines the two awareness colors for domestic violence (purple) with sexual assault violence (teal) to show support for both causes. Follow this awareness…
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duskwingarts · 4 years
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Awareness Ribbon Set A perfect set for those fighting for Awareness. From pink to polka dotted. Choose the cause your represent or collect them all and show your support. (24 Buttons to Choose from) (please make selection in drop down list) Size: 2.25 inches (Please read the selections carefully) Selections:  - Pink (single button purchase) - Burgundy (single button purchase) - Red (single button purchase) - Orange (single button purchase) - Yellow (single button purchase) - Lime (single button purchase) - Bright Green (single button purchase) - Green (single button purchase) - Jade (single button purchase) - Teal (single button purchase) - Turquoise (single button purchase) - Light Blue (single button purchase) - Blue (single button purchase) - Dark Blue (single button purchase) - Purple (single button purchase) - Lavender (single button purchase) - Periwinkle (single button purchase) - Gray (single button purchase) - White (single button purchase) - Black (single button purchase) - Silver (single button purchase) - Puzzle Piece (single button purchase) - Polka Dot (single button purchase) - Zibra (single button purchase) - Full Set (one of each button listed) Available at Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/848710355/awareness-ribbon-setsingle-purchase-or @DuskWingArts -Facebook -Instagram -Pinterest -Deviantart -Twitter -Tumblr #awareness #DuskWingArts #Ribbon #Ribbons #Etsy #awarenessribbon #buttons #pins #badges #pinbacks #pink #burgundy #red #orange #yellow #lime #brightgreen #green #jade #teal #turquoise #lightblue #blue #darkblue #purple #lavender #periwinkle #black #white #gray https://www.instagram.com/p/CDaaToanjcu/?igshid=v3u1al0n9bvs
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The Colors of Our Flag
Each color that was chosen to represent the various marginalized groups that Artivist Marketing included in the #SafeWithMe pins was well-researched and intentionally thought out. Here are the meanings behind each color:
GREEN is for THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY The color green has a number of traditional associations in Islam. In the Quran, it is associated with paradise. In the 12th century, green was chosen as dynastic color by the (Shiite) Fatimids, in contrast to the black used by the (Sunnite) Abbasids. After the Fatimid dynastic color, green remains particularly popular in Shi'ite iconography, but it is also widely used in by Sunni states, notably on the flag of Saudi Arabia. To read more, click here.
PURPLE is for THE TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY The stripes at the top and bottom are light blue, the traditional color for baby boys. The stripes next to them are pink, the traditional color for baby girls. The stripe in the middle is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender. The pattern is such that no matter which way you fly it, it is always correct, signifying us finding correctness in our lives. Given this as well as the limitations presented by beads only coming in certain colors, we chose purple to represent the Transgender Community because mixing blue and pink makes results in purple. To read more, click here.
BLACK is for THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY The Black Liberation Flag, also known as the Afro-American Flag, Pan-African Flag, and the UNIA Flag is a symbol of African and African-American unity and pride. In the 1960s this flag became a symbol of Black liberation in the United States. This design was first adopted in 1920 as the official banner of the African Race at a meeting of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA) held in New York City. Popularly known today as the Garvey flag, named after Marcus Garvey, it was originally known simply as the “Red-Black-Green” flag. Given this, we chose to use a black bead to represent the African American Community. Green was already in use as the color representing the Muslim Community, and as you will see later, red was already in use as well. To read more, click here.
YELLOW is for THE NATIVE AMERICAN COMMUNITY In our research, it appeared that yellow was a color of significance that crossed many of the tribal boundaries, and so we thought it was the most appropriate. If you would like to read more about why we chose the color yellow, click here.
BROWN is for THE IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY The colors brown and blue, represent common entry points of immigrants traveling to a new country, over land, through the air, or via waterway. The bottom of the ribbon’s edges are in the shape of an arrow signaling movement, arrival, and transformation. The words Immigrant Respect convey the goal of the campaign. To read more, click here.
TEAL is for SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT The sexual assault statistics in the United States are startling. Every 2 minutes, a person in the U.S. is sexually assaulted with over half of those assaults go unreported to law enforcement. About 44% of victims are under the age of 18, many of whom know their attacker. It's estimated that 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men in America will have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. Supporters of sexual assault awareness seek to educate people about the resources available to them if an assault occurs as well as information on how to reduce your risk of an attack. Sexual Assault Awareness is represented by the color teal. To read more, click here.
SILVER is for PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES This color is a symbol awareness of brain disorders and disabilities. Also, for children with disabilities and Parkinson's disease, as well as disabilities resulting from injuries or birth trauma, schizophrenia, Huntington's, epilepsy, depression, etc). To read more, click here.
ORANGE is for REFUGEES The flag was imagined by Yara Said, an artist and Syrian refugee now living in Amsterdam. She used black and orange to represent the color of life jackets worn by refugees when making dangerous sea crossings. To read more, click here.
RED is for THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY This one we don’t have a quote for, but as our founder is a lesbian, we felt comfortable letting her assign a color to her own community. She says, “For years the red ribbon was used to bring awareness to the AIDS epidemic, and while this disease was never a ‘gay disease’ it was portrayed that way by most in early days. The red ribbon became as much a symbol of our community as the rainbow flag is, and by using red to represent the LGBTQ+ we honor those we lost.
PINK is for WOMEN [Pink] is associated with the female essence of life. It is viewed as red rendered mild and gentle and therefore associated with tenderness, calmness, pleasantness, and sweet. According to Akan social though, these attributes are generally considered as essential aspects of the female essence. To read more, click here.
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