#teachable spirit
biblebloodhound · 1 year
Be Open-Minded (Acts 17:10-15)
"An open mind leaves a chance for someone to drop a worthwhile thought in it." Mark Twain
That same night the believers sent Paul and Silas to another city named Berea. When they arrived there, they went to the Jewish synagogue. The people in Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica. They were so glad to hear the message Paul told them. They studied the Scriptures every day to make sure that what they heard was true. The result was that many of them believed, including…
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theinwardlight · 2 months
We strive to be a loving body of Friends where we all support each other – but we often fall short. How can we open Quaker spaces so that everyone feels welcome? We know that we each have work to do if we are to hear voices that are unlike our own. We seek to be Spirit-led, as our experience and understanding permit. May we be aware of our limitations. May we be open to learn in love. May we be teachable.
Epistle of Britain Yearly Meeting, 2024
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
A teachable spirit and a humbleness to admit your ignorance or your mistake will save you a lot of pain. However, if you're a person who knows it all, then you've got a lot of heavy-hearted experiences coming your way.
Ron Carpenter Jr., The Necessity of an Enemy: How the Battle You Face Is Your Best Opportunity
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bapple117 · 4 days
why have you just abandoned your radiostatic fics??? Girl we are WAITING! I didn’t follow u for gravity falls smh lmao
I honestly don't feel like I should dignify this ask with an answer, but you know what, I'm going to give you benefit of the doubt and assume you might be a very young person and this might be a teachable moment, so
Maybe don't act entitled about fanworks? I'm not getting paid to write fanfic, nor am I contractually obliged to do so. You're welcome to unfollow / find other amazing writers who are writing what you want to read (I can personally recommend many of my friends' works)
Most fanfic writers are just using fanfiction as an escapist exercise to distract from the horrors of existence. I can't control what my brain wants to focus on, my AuDHD does what it wants and I have very little say on what I can or cannot focus on. I'm doing what makes me happy.
I appreciate the spirit behind your message that was probably well-intended and I am grateful that you care enough about my writing to feel so passionately. But I would gently just ask you to maybe zoom out and think about how you're talking to creators. Demanding content in such a callous way isn't going to encourage anyone into doing anything, it's just going to put them off.
I'm sorry to be so blunt, but: fanfic authors don't owe you anything, unless it's a paid commission. Please be mindful of how you speak to others who are just trying to make themselves happy.
Yeah. That's all. Thanks for unnecessarily bumming me out! Good job! I hope you feel proud about it. /s
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walkswithmyfather · 2 months
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“[1] To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.[2] O my God, in you I trust;do not let me be put to shame;do not let my enemies exult over me. [4] Make me to know your ways, O Lord;teach me your paths.[5] Lead me in your truth, and teach me,for you are the God of my salvation;for you I wait all day long. [10] All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness,for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.[11] For your name's sake, O Lord,pardon my guilt, for it is great.[12] Who are they that fear the Lord?He will teach them the way that they should choose.[13] They will abide in prosperity,and their children shall possess the land.[14] The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him,and he makes his covenant known to them. [21] May integrity and uprightness preserve me,for I wait for you.” (From Psalm 25, NRSV)
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26, NIV)
“Softening Your Heart” By In Touch Ministries: “When you trust God, there's no limit to what He can do through your life.”
“When we continually spend time with God in His Word, His presence will saturate our heart, making us sensitive and teachable. But just as a human relationship can grow cold unless we intentionally nurture it, the heart can gradually harden when we aren’t seeking intimacy with God. For our heart to stay soft and receptive, we must obediently—and promptly—respond to whatever the Lord tells us to do.
If you believe that God might be leading you in a certain direction, take the time to earnestly seek His mind on the matter and intentionally listen for His response. Then avoid getting busy with a substitute for what He originally called you to do. It would be tragic to work hard doing what you and others consider good, only to discover that you accomplished something that was not God’s intention.
Resisting the Lord often amounts to setting His purposes for your life on a shelf. And that will likely leave you feeling something is missing. There’s no substitute for God’s will, even when His plan might seem difficult or impossible. But when you trustfully approach God with a cooperative heart, there’s no limit to what He can accomplish through your life. So, step out in obedience today and say, “Lord, I want Your will—no matter what.”
[Photo thanks to Ian Dooley at Unsplash]
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userautumn · 5 days
tbh, i implore people to learn the difference between confidence and arrogance for their own good. arrogance is unteachable. arrogance is unable to admit fault or to apologize for mistakes. confidence is unshakable self-assurance — in one's own opinions and in one's own self. confidence is a teachable spirit, and a willingness to make adjustments to one's self or worldview without detracting from one's sense of self. and if we're being honest, the line between confidence and arrogance is not as thin as people have been led to believe. the corrupt corners of society benefit most from strong people who believe they are weak so keep that in mind the next time you have the urge to reduce your own power. or to reduce someone else's
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disability-can-be · 5 months
My new FREE mini library includes videos on how to turn any standing dance routine into a seated one!
Enroll in my school on Teachable (free, natch) and get access to adaptation videos, plus all my drills, tutorials and combos from social media in the
"Extras" course.
If you decide you like my teaching and want more, over 200 of my weekly 45 min classes are posted in the full library, available for $15/mo.
Dance should be accessible, affordable and inclusive. Like singing, dance is in the human spirit and we all deserve to access it if we want to.
DM me if you want a link to my library, I also offer equity discounts for dancers on disability!
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hiswordsarekisses · 29 days
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What is the love of the truth?
An example of this in my own life would be like this:
(And this is not the point of the post so I rather not have any comments about this lol!)
When I die, I truly want to shut my eyes on earth and open them in Heaven. I do not want to “sleep” in a grave.
There are many different beliefs we can get from scripture on what happens when you die - but only one of them is true.
I only want to believe that ONE, regardless of how desperately I want to go straight to Heaven to be with the Lord. I know it would only be my spirit, but I want to be “aware” and awake and alert and with Jesus…
There are scriptures that support this, but there are scriptures that also support the idea of being “unaware” and/or sleeping.
I do not want that to be true.
So rather than search the Bible to prove to myself that what I want to be true is actually truth - I search both things because, as terrified as I am of being asleep and unaware, I just truly want to know the truth.
To love the truth, we cannot assume to have it all figured out. We should pray for God to reveal the truth, and we seek the truth. Because the truth should be more important to us than whatever it is that we WANT to be true.
I want to believe many things that we may not know for until we get to Heaven, but there is wisdom in never ending the search that may uncover solid proof. I believe God did it this way for many reasons. The most important of them come to my mind…
One reason is so that we remain teachable, because thinking we have it figured out closes our mind - and can lead to deception. I fear deception much more than I fear being wrong.
I want to know when I’m wrong so I can make a change and understand things - but to be deceived is a terrifying blindness that you do not even realize is there BECAUSE you are blind!!
Being unteachable is, at its root, pride. And pride locks up your mind, ears, and eyes because you are so sure that you are right about something that you block out the truth so completely that it cannot get to you no matter how loud or bold or obvious it is.
I have experienced this blindness and deception, and it taught me the hard way to truly and desperately love the truth.
Always be aware of the fact that you may be wrong about something no matter how sure you are that you are not.
The Bible says that anyone who thinks they stand should take heed lest they fall, and that anyone who thinks they know something does not actually yet know as they should. That’s because pride blocks the truth. (1st Corinthians 10:12, 1st Corinthians 8:2)
I will close with this quote from Elisabeth Elliot which seems to me to fit perfectly.
“But the question to precede all others, which finally determines the course of our lives is. . .
What do I really want? Was it to love what God commands, and to desire what He promises?
Did I want what I wanted, or did I want what He wanted, no matter what it might cost?”
- E.E.
My answer is that I ultimately want whatever God wants. I want to believe what is true, BECAUSE it is true. It’s extremely important to me.
And that is to love the truth.
Jesus and Paul both warn that there is a very strong delusion coming on the whole world in these last days that will affect those who are perishing, so strong of a delusion that “if it were possible” would deceive even the “elect”. . .
The Bible says that those who are perishing will come under this delusion because they “had not received the love of the truth.”
Since the day I read that I have always prayed God would keep the love of the truth in my heart. Once I started praying for that I bought a new, unmarked, Bible and read it fresh, as if it were the first time...
And I asked God to remove all the things I had been “taught to see” in His Word, and to teach me to see the truth.
And it has been a wild adventure ever since as God continuously renews my mind with the truth of His Word.
Every so often I still get a new Bible and start again. I will never stop seeking His truth.
~ Dana Jean Klibert
(His Words Are Kisses)
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pastorelpa · 3 months
Jeremiah 1:4-8
You know me
Dear Father, help me to rest in Your love and calling on my life. To help me know that You care for me intimately as You shape me for each of the days You have planned for me. Thank You for Your guidance, strength and support on this journey, for I know the journey is not supposed to be easy. You know my heart is true and pure as I know You are there with me every step of the way.
Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 1:4-8)
The Lord knew you, sanctified you and purposed you before you were formed in the womb. Your life is part of the Lord’s meticulous plan. God reassures you that your calling is grounded in divine authority and presence, not in personal ability. Our perceived inadequacies are opportunities for God's strength to manifest. God emphasises that what matters is our availability and faith in Him. We have an unique role in God’s kingdom, called to witness and act with His love in our daily lives. By listening to and obeying His call, we overcome fears and doubts, trusting in His promise. God's silence does not mean His absence, for He is always near, guiding us with wisdom and care toward His good plans for our lives.
These verses are a treasure trove of divine assurance and personal challenge. They speak not only to Jeremiah’s unique mission but also to the universal call God extends to each of us. There is a truth revealed to Jeremiah that is both humbling and empowering, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.". Before Jeremiah was conceived, God already knew him and had a plan for him. This knowledge is not mere awareness but an intimate, purposeful relationship. God’s foreknowledge encompasses His sanctification and ordination of Jeremiah. This means that Jeremiah’s life was not an accident, it was a divinely orchestrated mission. In the same way, each of us is known by God before we are formed, each of our lives was intentionally created. Our lives have purpose and meaning, rooted in the Lord’s plan. In a world where identity and purpose are often sought in transient things, God offers us an unshakeable foundation. We are known, sanctified, and purposed by Him. This should fill us with a deep sense of value and responsibility.
Jeremiah’s initial response is one of hesitation and humility, "Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.". He sees his youth and inexperience as obstacles. How many times have we, too, felt inadequate or unqualified for the tasks God sets before us? We might say, "I am not ready," or "I am not good enough.". But Jeremiah’s humility also reflects a teachable spirit, an openness to God’s transforming work. God's response to Jeremiah is both a command and a promise. "Say not, I am a child.". God does not deny Jeremiah's youth but redirects his focus from his limitations to God’s sovereignty. It is not about Jeremiah’s ability but God’s authority and presence. God assures Jeremiah that He will send him and give him the words to speak. The Lord will guide him. He gives him the promise of divine presence, "I am with thee to deliver thee". It is the ultimate assurance. He will not be alone on this journey.
God's call often comes with challenges, and His assignments might seem daunting. But God equips those He calls. He transforms our weaknesses into strengths through His power. Our inadequacies become opportunities for God’s glory to shine through. Just like with Moses, who claimed he was slow of speech, yet God used him to lead Israel out of Egypt. Think of the disciples, who were ordinary men, called to an extraordinary mission. The Bible is replete with examples of God using the seemingly unqualified to accomplish His purposes. What matters is not our ability but our availability to have faith in the Lord. Because, God’s call is not limited to prophets or pastors. Each of us has a unique role in His kingdom. Whether it is in our families, workplaces, or communities, God is calling us to be His witnesses, to speak His truth, to act with His love. To follow God’s call, we must cultivate a heart that listens and obeys. We must overcome our fears and doubts, trusting in His promise: "Be not afraid, for I am with thee."
We should have the courage to respond to God’s call with faith and obedience, knowing that He who calls us is faithful. Let us embrace our divine purpose, trusting that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion. May we, like Jeremiah, rise to the call, confident not in our own strength but in the unwavering presence of our God.
With love, Pastor Elpa
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‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe…
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You have entered the Tulgey Wood, the home of Che’nya. When the curious cat beastman is not attending classes at RSA or out bothering visiting his friends at NRC, Che’nya will often be found here, wandering the Wood. 💜🐾
Make sure you keep a good grip on your mind - you wouldn’t want to lose it now! - because things are a little different around here…
If you’re curiouser and curiouser - please be sure to read the directions to be directed in the right direction…but not necessarily directly… ⤵️
Before you go any further, you should know Che’nya is not alone in the Wood. He has kidnapped adopted a pet human of his very own, AR! Where Che’nya goes, AR goes. AR is as much a part of the Tulgey Wood and the world of Twisted Wonderland as Che’nya himself is, so do not be surprised when AR and Che’nya interact!
AR is both a character and the role player. How can AR be the role player for Che’nya if Che’nya adopted them? Well that certainly is an interesting question, isn’t it? I suppose you’ll have to read further to find out. You were warned that things are different around here… 🩷🐾
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While all of Wonderland is mad, there are rules here. The Queen of Hearts has made sure of it! Very loudly! And even someone as chaotic as Che’nya listens to the Queen most of the time.
Here are the TALL (rules explained in full and fully in character, posted first) and small (tl;dr, posted second) rules of the Tulgey Wood.
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1. As said before, Che’nya is not alone here in his Wood. He always drags his human, AR, along with him. AR is not allowed to leave the Tulgey Wood and has been lost here for quite some time. They request their one phone call, a lawyer, and for you all to remember that when you interact with the crazy cat AR will also be present and accounted for
2. If you have any questions, comments, requests for advice, pleas for directional help, etc. for the local stray, feel free to send an ask! Just know that the time period of when Che’nya gets back to you may vary… he is very free-spirited after all. One moment he’s here, the next he’s at NRC stealing tarts from Heartslabyul, then he’s at RSA studying, and then he’s through the Looking Glass and going only Che’nya knows where! So please be patient and respectful of the fact that Che’nya does not stay in the Tulgey Wood 24/7
3. Che’nya and AR both support people no matter where they have wandered from, what they look like, who they love, etc. and will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Che’nya is mad, not a bigot. If you act bigoted within the Wood, you will either be given a warning (but this is only if AR honestly thinks it was a mistake and a teachable moment, as we all make mistakes and deserve room to learn and grow) or teleported out of the Tulgey Wood and magically barred from entering again 🚫
4. Che’nya is a fairly flirty kitty, but he is mostly SFW. The most he is comfortable with is hugs, cuddles, playful cheek kisses, and perhaps quick pecks. However, he is also a cat beastman, so he is also willing to exhibit/recieve more cat-like behaviors/affections, such as nuzzling, head pats, pets, ear scratches, tail wraps, pinning people while play fighting, and quick kitten licks. And, as a cat, Che’nya has no sense of personal space once he is comfortable with you. Unless you tell him to stop or that you are uncomfortable, you will often find yourself with a lap full of Che’nya or just have him lounging around and/or on you. And when it comes to “verbal” flirting, do not act lewd, crass, or excessively NSFW. Anyone who makes Che’nya and/or AR uncomfortable will either be given a warning or teleported out and magically barred, depending on the severity 🚫
5. NSFW content that IS allowed is cursing. The cat could not care less about that - there are more interesting things to pay attention to
6. Che’nya is very friendly! He is absolutely willing to interact with other rp blogs and OCs! The more the merrier! He believes madness is much more fun when you can share it with more people ❤️🐾
7. Neither Che’nya, nor AR, hardly ever get on Tumblr on anything other than their mobile device. So, needless to say, this entire blog is being created and maintained on mobile. So keep that in mind if anything looks wonky - AR knows some things don’t translate well but they don’t want to hear any complaints. They said it will make them cry so please don’t do that to them
8. Che’nya and AR reserve the right to decide which asks they do and do not answer for any reason
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small rules.
(tl;dr the above monstrosity… which, fair)
1. There is an actual person behind this roleplay blog. Remember that and be kind and respectful
2. You can send asks in but please be patient if you are not answered right away - real life does come first
3. Be a decent human being. Don't be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. This will either result in a warning (if it is honestly a mistake, as people should have room to learn and grow) or a block 🚫
4. Keep it pretty much SFW. AR is asexual and neurodivergent and struggles to pick up on flirting cues. View Che’nya as someone who is highly physically affectionate, extremely playful, and perhaps slightly flirty - but that’s as far as it will go. If you want a better grasp of what physical affections Che’nya would be okay with, check the TALL #4 rule. Anyone who breaks this rule will either be given a warning or a block, depending on the severity 🚫
5. Cursing is allowed
6. Other rp blogs and OC characters are absolutely welcome to interact!
7. This blog is being run entirely on mobile so forgive any weird formatting
8. AR has every right to refuse to answer an ask for any reason with no explanation required
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Che’nya: I wonder if anyone will ever actually read all of this… You’re putting so much effort into this.
AR: *laughs* Probably not. But I knew that from the beginning. This is just the OCD writer in me. If they actually do read any of it, they’ll probably just skip down to the small rules. It’s why I included them.
Che’nya: *frowns* But what about the tags? They’re next!
AR: *shrugs* Who really wants to read all this Che’nya? Isn’t it enough I had fun making it?
Che’nya: …hmm… *looks out at you all* Let’s make it worthwhile for those that actually read this then! If mew have skipped all of the above, go read it and then get back here. I’m going to go back up there 👆and leave paw prints in colors that you need to remember!
Che’nya: Here are the new paw prints! 💛🐾
AR: What will the reward be?
Che’nya: Well, they’re not done collecting, now are they? They still need to go through the tags of the blog… Heeheehee… 😸
AR: *sighs* Okay, yeah. The tags are kinda important and interesting anyway. They give some blog-specific Che’nya lore, after all.
AR: …yeah that. 🫠
#Che’nya Chats - when Che’nya replies to asks, regardless of what kind they are
#Che’nya Appears - when Che’nya wanders off to other blogs and sends asks to them, usually to stir up mischief
#Che’nya Comments - when Che’nya pops onto a post where he wasn’t originally a participant… but I guess he is now
#Che’nya Meows - when Che’nya makes any kind of original post speaking his mind (for better or worse)
#Che’nya Grins - when Che’nya finds posts, jokes, riddles, puns, art, etc. that make him happy that he wants to share with his furiends!
#Che’nya the [REDACTED] - when Che’nya does something that reminds us that there’s more to him than just a cute little kitty beastman… 🖤🐾
#Che’nya Knows No 4th Wall - when Che’nya once again flaunts that he is 100% self aware, the little shit 😒
#AR answers - when AR replies to asks in the actual body post, not just the tags; usually for asks that need/ask for AR specifically
#AR speaks - when AR makes any kind of original post speaking their mind; includes posts looking past the 4th wall as AR is both a character and the roleplayer
#AR: / #Che’nya: - AR and Che’nya are speaking in the tags; if #AR is not included, and the tag is not a sorting tag of some sort, then the tag is most likely Che’nya adding more to to conversation as he is the default speaker when AR is not included
#OOC: - While AR can answer things OOC as they are both in character and OOC, to keep things from being confusing in the tags since sometimes AR and Che’nya converse there, any OOC moments in the tags will be preceded by “OOC:” Anywhere else, AR will simply respond to any “4th wall breaking” comments
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Che’nya: Is that is?
AR: Yeah, I think that’s it.
Che’nya: Yay! 😸 You did it!
AR: So are you done having your Blue’s Clues moment?
Che’nya: …💙🐾
AR: You’re enjoying this far too much.
AR: *sighs* Okay, Steve, what do the good little children get for collecting the multi-colored paw prints?
Che’nya: Heeheehee! They’re not done~!
AR: What?
Che’nya: They have to find the last one at the very end, then they have to put 💕🐾 in the comments of this pinned post (and no, ↖️ that print does not count as one of my magic paw prints!), and then send me an ask saying they have been directed to me via the magic paw prints and include all the paw print colors in order! And if they do ALL OF THAT……
AR: …
Che’nya: I will reply to their ask with something fun. Like a cool joke or a riddle or a cute cat picture or something. 😺
AR: …that’s it?
Che’nya: THEY WILL ALSO GET TO HOLD THE FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF THE MAGIC PAW PRINTS OVER THEIR FRIENDS’ HEADS! Because you can’t tell other people where you found the paw prints. That’s cheating. 😾
AR: That is ridiculously convoluted just to get a joke or something, Che’nya.
Che’nya: But I will be sure to give them a shoutout for following the magic paw prints. They will be special. They will have bragging rights.
AR: … *walks away, satisfied with my post and 100% done with Che’nya*
Che’nya: Liar! You’re not 100% done with me or you wouldn’t be roleplaying me! *snickers, glances back at you all reading this, winks, and then follows after them, grinning*
Che’nya: *calling back to the readers over his shoulder* Remember, there’s one last paw print to find. I’ve already given hints as to where it could be~!
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Now it’s time for the cat to play…
Heeheehee… 😸
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ome-magical-ramblings · 11 months
Incense pt.3 , Blessings of Spirits.
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First practical working with the Censer and I would like this to come out of the first and second sections that we did. Is that we make our own incense mix here. I will try to make it very simple and low on Ingredients. The reason I am starting with a blessing is that you want the censer to obtain blessing and virtue by blessing others.
Preparation for the Ritual is making the incense and we will work with: 1. one spoon of Sandalwood powder 2. one spoon of Brown Sugar or Arabic Gum 3. Add enough water to make a dough of the correct consistency 4. Few drops of olive oil. 5. 3 resin of frankincense and myrrh. You put all of them in a bowl and start making a "ball" and rolling all ingredient together until you get something pretty consistent and looks good to use and you let it dry some of the water covered in shrink wrap or something like that. You let it sit for 2 weeks or so and dry out. As you can see in the image below on the right it is the incense mix I made recently and on the right is the one I use after it dries out. Something you can do is put something to "help" the incense mix burn and you might need some testing and fidgeting with the stuff. It's not an easy process but at least you're not going through the route of making self-combusting incense.
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The Ritual Proper
I have to emphasize that this isn’t a general offering and I don’t condone nor support the idea of “feeding spirits” randomly. That mean this whole ritual will be very specific in who you want you to give the offering or the blessing to, in the same logic of why you wouldn’t give money to random people in the street or you wouldn’t go to Facebook marketplace and say “FREE MONEY” and then put your location.
The Ritual Outline would be:
1) Prayer to God/Divine Creator. 2) Establishing “Overseers” of the offerings and boundaries. 3) Prayers to call the spirits. 4) Blessings and Thanksgiving. 5) Closure.
Part 1
You Establish some connection to divinity with the ritual and start by asking for guidance, you can of course use the Hidden Stele instead of Aphorism 14 from Arbatel here:
O Lord of heaven and earth, Creator and Maker of all things visible and invisible; I, though unworthy, by thy assistance call upon thee, through thy onely begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord, that thou wilt give unto me thy holy Spirit, to direct me in thy truth unto all good. Amen.
Because I earnestly desire perfectly to know the Arts of this life and such things as are necessary for us, which are so overwhelmed in darkness, and polluted with infinite humane opinions, that I of my own power can attain to no knowledge in them, unless thou teach it me: Grant me therefore one of thy spirits, who may teach me those things which thou wouldest have me to know and learn, to thy praise and glory, and the profit of our neighbour. Give me also an apt and teachable heart, that I may easily understand those things which thou shalt teach me, and may hide them in my understanding, that I may bring them forth as out of thy inexhaustible treasures, to all necessary uses. And give me grace, that I may use such thy gifts humbly, with fear and trembling, through our Lord Jesus Christ, with thy holy Spirit. Amen.
Part 2
You would put a little put of the incense you made now.
Calling the cardinal Archangels, I usually recommend that people approach this as prayers. You can use format or ask a different thing from each archangel and in any case here’s a format for sake convenience:
“Oh [Archangel name] I ask for your guidance and protection in my ritual today, help me reach those who need my prayers and guide my hand toward those who benefit the most of it. Surround my work in infinite purified divine light of God that no malicious or malevolent spirit may enter and partake in this work, I beseech thee by the blood of Jesus Christ that no deceitful spirit is allowed in this chamber and this blessing is given by the Light of the World our Lord Jesus Christ. “
NOTE: I have to emphasise that the wording that no other spirit comes except those who are coming in light or benevolent. You don’t want to skip this step, you can use whatever form of invocation and with whatever else spirits you usually work but I have to repeat don’t throw the invocation just as free money on the street.
Part 3
You would put a little more of the incense you made now.
Since I am going through this ritual with an elemental focus on mind, now is the time to work with the prayer of elementals. You can use the elemental prayers and walk around the circle calling each elemental kingdom to pray with you!
Part 4
Now the Blessing of the spirit is that you would use the 🖖🖖 gesture toward each direction, where the ritual in Sepher Yetzirah is about sealing the Depths then this ritual is about Blessing the depths. You face each direction and use Numbers 6:24-26
24 ‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
Each Direction you’re sending the blessings to the spirits, ancestors, angels, elementals, and so on who came to receive the blessings. East, South, West, North, East up, East Down. Then Stand there give it a bit, you don’t need to do anything right now and you can stand for a bit.
Part 5
Closure helps establish that the spirit who came on their ways and not have any lingering presence. I use Aphorism 21 from Arbatel to be honest:
Forasmuch as thou camest in peace, and quietly, and hast answered unto my petitions; I give thanks unto God, in whole Name thou camest: and now thou mayest depart in peace unto thy orders; and return to me again when I shall call thee by thy name, or by thy order, or by thy office, which is granted from the Creator. Amen.
 'Those that lower their voice in the presence of God's Apostle – their hearts has God tested for piety: for them is forgiveness and a great reward.'
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yugiohcardsdaily · 11 months
Have this random thingamabob combining two of my obsessions: Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dead By Daylight.
Ryou Bakura as a Survivor
Teachable Perks: Occult Recall, Shadow Insight, Roleplayer
Occult Recall "You have an uncanny ability--or is it a curse?--to never lose anything for long, even when you'd rather never find it again." Start the trial with 1 token. Whenever a generator is complete, gain another token, up to a maximum of 3 tokens at a time. While not holding an item, press the Active Ability button. The last item you interacted with will appear in your inventory with half of its total charges. If you use all the charges of the item after using Occult Recall, it is consumed, and cannot be recalled again. (This is a reference to the Millennium Ring always finding its way back to Bakura, no matter how many times it's taken or lost.)
Shadow Insight "Being possessed by a dark spirit has left you with an understanding of how such people think." The Killer's aura is visible to you whenever you are in the Killer's Terror Radius. This effect lasts for 3 seconds after leaving the Killer's Terror Radius. (This, of course, references the spirit of the Millennium Ring, also known as Yami Bakura or Thief King Bakura.)
Roleplayer "Games have always been a part of your life. Might as well be a part of keeping you alive, too." Every time a totem is cleansed, gain 1 token, up to a maximum of 3 tokens. When you have the maximum tokens, use the Active Ability button to change Roleplayer into one random Perk you have available for this survivor. You keep that Perk equipped for the rest of the trial. (Bakura's introduction in the manga involves a tabletop rpg, so naturally I had to work that into his abilities.)
That's all I got for now. Just Ryou. But I got inspired and decided to put it out there, anyway.
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What can you do Saturday evening and Sunday morning and on the way to church [to prepare]… for hearing the Word of God preached?
Pray that God would give you [a] good and honest heart (Eze. 36:26; Jer. 24:7).
Meditate on the Word of God. Read portions of your Bible with a view to stirring up hunger for God.
Purify your mind by turning away from worldly entertainment (Jas. 1:21).
Trust in the truth that you already have (Jer. 17:7–8).
Get a good night’s rest on Saturday night.
Forebear one another [before the service] without grumbling and criticism.
Come in a spirit of meek teachability (Jas. 1:21).
Be still as you enter the room and focus your mind’s attention and heart’s affection on God (Psm. 46:10).
When the worship service begins, think earnestly about what is sung and prayed and preached (1 Cor. 14:20; 2 Tim. 2:7).
Desire the truth of God’s Word more than you desire riches or food (Psm. 19:10–11; Pr. 2:3–5).
From the Sermon: Take Care How You Listen – Part 2, Luke 8:4–18, by John Piper.
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What does God want?
“What is God’s will for my life?”
“What is my purpose and calling?”
“What can I do to please God?”
In the New Testament, Jesus provides the answer to those questions by telling His followers to love God and love people. In the Old Testament, the prophet Micah—empowered by the Holy Spirit—summarized God’s will for Israel by saying:
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
‭‭Micah‬ ‭6:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬
These words were penned during a time when God’s people were trying to please Him with sacrifices, offerings, and going through religious motions, while living lives of deception, violence, and pride. But as the prophet Hosea writes, “I [God] desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” (Hosea‬ ‭6:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬)
God is after our heart motives, not our outward religious activity or begrudging obedience.
Let’s break down what God desires of us:
Do justice. Doing justice requires faith and actions working together: helping the hurting, defending the weak, dealing fairly with the people we encounter, and speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves. In other words, to do justice, we must love others as we love ourselves.
Love kindness. The mercy of God is an extreme kindness. And because we’ve been shown undeserved kindness by Him, we can show undeserved kindness to others. God desires these things more than endless “I’m sorry” speeches. God is kind to the grateful and the wicked (Luke 6:35), so we should be, too.
Walk humbly. Be teachable. Be moldable. Remember: You’re not God. You have limitations. You need a Creator and Savior. You’re only here because God spoke you into existence. So confidently embrace who you are, and who you are not, because it’s when we live fully surrendered to God that He does incredible things through us.
Seeking justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly—that is what God wants from us. So in a world that’s saturated with injustice, hatred, and arrogance, let’s be people marked by these three things.
YouVersion Bible Verse of the Day devotional
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influencingforjohn · 2 months
Here's a powerful prayer to change your life for the better and protect your nursing license and job:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Surround me with your favor and grace, and help me to be a light in the darkness. Give me the strength and courage to stand up for what is right and just.
Lord, I pray for a hedge of protection around my career, finances, and relationships. Keep me safe from harm and evil.
Help me to be a faithful steward of the gifts and talents you have given me. Use me to make a positive impact in the lives of everybody I met.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Additional prayers:
· "God, please give me a heart of humility and teachability."
· "Lord, I pray for wisdom and guidance in all aspects of my life."
· "God, please help me to trust in your sovereignty and goodness."
· "Lord, I pray for a spirit of excellence and professionalism in my work."
· "God, please protect me from burnout and compassion fatigue."
Remember to pray with conviction, faith, and perseverance, and to always seek God's guidance and protection in your life and career.
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unitedbyprayer · 2 months
A Teachable Spirit
We are told that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in the same way, pride is a germ that disseminates into all kinds of sin and strife. Pride can be displayed in many ways and is described by many words, such as arrogance, insolence, self-importance, and conceit. Pride is also displayed in boastings and bluster, condescension and contempt and superiority. As fallen men and women, we are disposed towards Prideful Self-Importance... and too often, arrogance and insolence are crouching at the door of our hearts. But God in His grace, reminds us that wisdom is the beautiful counterbalance to insolence and conceit which is so distasteful to the Lord. In this verse, we discover the importance of A Teachable Spirit. We read that, "wisdom is with those who receive counsel," and "wisdom is gained by those who take advice." The Bible is the Word of God which gives insight into God's heart and also instructs us on how to live godly lives in Christ Jesus. Let us take to heart all that the Lord is teaching us, as we read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and apply God's Word in our lives.  In doing so, we will not only be gaining wisdom from above but  we will be honoring the Lord Who bought us, with His own blood.
Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the words of wisdom that are found in Scripture. Keep us from prideful insolence and destructive strife and teach us to walk in your way, to receive wisdom, and to be willing to learn from godly counsel. Help us to take to heart all that is written in Your Word, and enable us, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to apply all that we learn in our everyday lives so that we may not only be good and faithful witnesses of Your love and grace, but be members of Your Body that honors Your holy name. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
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