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zukosdualdao · 7 months ago
fandom asks — 8, 9, 10, 19, & 20!
-teaandcrowns 🔥
8. is there anything I wish people would write more about in fics? (A dynamic, an exploration of an arc, just a character that doesn’t get much screentime, etc)
i thing i’d be interested to see more fic reimagining aang’s arc in season three. with how much it’s come up in discourse recently, i am thinking more about how aang doesn’t really get to be an active agent in his pacifism thanks to Deus Ex Pointy Rock Et Lion Turtle, and i’d like to see more fix that lends him that agency and allows him to grow more than canon does. (i would also love for energy-bending to have more clearly defined lore, even if it’s only in fanon lol, and to be introduced wayyy earlier on. i think learning it in conjunction with his firebending as a way of tying all of his masteries of the elements together would have been really cool.)
9. is there anything in general I wish more people in the fandom talked about?
this is sort of a double-edged-sword, because i genuinely understand the criticism of the way the creators chose to write jet as being morally corrupted by extremism when he’s fighting against oppression. that being said, i do wish it was more talked about/acknowledged that the issue in jet is not just wrt whether or not his killing the fn people in the town is acceptable or not. this is a complicated issue all on its own, and one that’s been debated at length already, so i’ll let it alone for now. but what i often find the conversation is missing is the acknowledgment that there are still earth kingdom citizens living in that town, who would have been killed along with anyone in the fire nation. we see this in the scenes showing sokka warning the townspeople and getting them to safety. jet says that he’s fighting to free them, but he is making the choice all on his own, without their knowledge or consent, that the lives of the very people he says he’s trying to help are worth sacrificing in the name of his ideals and retribution against the fn. and sokka says it best: “who would be free? everyone would be dead.”
i absolutely understand the need to criticize this writing, and i’m not saying people shouldn’t. writing jet as this extremist going too far in contrast toward the Morally Upstanding version of rebellion that the show is comfortable with re: the gaang is absolutely imbued with a centrist ideology i’m uncomfortable with and critical of. but when we’re talking about analyzing in-universe character motivations, i always find it striking that this aspect of jet gets waved away or ignored in these conversations.
10. A fic from the fandom I haven’t read yet, but I want to read
19. favorite headcanon
the gaang all do lots of traveling together (be it for political meetings or adventures without the weight of the world quite-so on their shoulders) post-war and stay in pretty regular contact.
20. least favorite headcanon
i know that this is less headcanon and more just how much post-canon screwed her over but the idea that katara would not want to have her hands DEEP in policy and politics (beyond banning bloodbending (which i don’t like but she wasn’t even there for it? c’mon!)) and not only that but have PLENTY of leverage to be as active and involved as she wants (even ignoring that she’s chief hakoda’s daughter and dating the avatar, she’s also a war hero ALL ON HER OWN)??? sounds fake.
thanks for the ask friend!
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frostiluna · 2 years ago
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my first commission!! for @teaandcrowns <3
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atomicpen · 3 years ago
Hi! Hoping all is well in the land of Atomic. Do you still write for the ATLA fandom?
I haven't had much time lately to actively write fanfic, but I have poked at a few things within the last year or so!
Most recently (last year), I finally finished my prompt piece from Zutara Month 2018, but I'll list out all my AtLA stuff just in case you wanted to peruse them to see if you hadn't read any, and if anyone else is interested in them.
Diplomatic Solution (finished) The Spirit's Waterbender (just a few scenes) Focus (oneshot) Sparks in the Library (oneshot) Just (WIP) Clemency (oneshot)
RPs with the Adamant Daughter (currently not in fandom, so these are all unfortunately unfinished: the villains that live in my bed Perfect Places bleeding gold
I also am sometimes over on my Zuko/AtLA tumblr @teaandcrowns
Thanks for stopping by and asking!
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royaltealovingkookiness · 6 years ago
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Zuko is bad at being good, Katara is good at being mad. Destiny smashes their heads together, when they crash on a remote island after the failed invasion. They have no choice, but to take a crash-course in survival, teamwork and friendship together.
A S3-AU diverging at the end of The Eclipse for @teaandcrowns written as part of the 2019 @zutaraexchange . I hope you’ll enjoy!
Read Chapter 1 on AO3
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atla4art · 4 months ago
real on the tags (click teaandcrowns post)
I never thought Zutara would come back to twist my heartstrings, but ever since the live-action released on Netflix I've been having the exact same feelings I had for it years ago. Including the burning anger at seeing the most maddening fights between Zutara and Kataang.
There are several amazing essays online that explain why Zutara is so good and why so many people love it (Sneezy Reviews' 2-hour-long video is superb), but I don't care to delve into that. After all, it's fictional characters from a cartoon. Shipping is not that serious. Therefore, what really drives me crazy is seeing Kataang shippers and fans in general hate Zutara so passionately and not understand why. What's the point of this shipping war when Kataang won the war years ago? It's literally the canon ship. They constantly brag about it, even. So why do they get so mad and aggressive towards Zutara fans? The ATLA subreddit has more posts complaining and mocking Zutara than posts from Zutara fans discussing the ship. Twitter can't let Zutara fans gush over small scrubs without saying we have a colonizer fetish, an absolutely insane take about a cartoon, and that POC people who enjoy Zutara are sick and must be doing crazy stuff with their white partners at home. Why are people so angry with Zutara and its fanbase? I never see posts and tweets being passionate and gushing over Kataang. Why care so much about the rival ship that lost the war to yours and call its fans the most heinous things and accuse us of all kinds of nonsense?
I'm very happy to see how many of us are still around and loving this ship just as much as we did when we were kids, don't get me wrong! But I think the ship wars in ATLA have got to be one of the most toxic online. Shipping should be fun, but people really ruin it.
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firelxrdsdaughter · 6 years ago
Tagged by: stolen from @teaandcrowns
Tagging: @thcbluespirit, @fireloved, @youngestgeneral, @masterofthcelements, @wildmanbumi, @zhizhuzhikeneng, @gcldveiined (mai), and anyone else who I’ve missed/would like to do it
Bold whatever applies to your muse / Italicize whatever somewhat applies
arms crossed on chest // crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops // stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling of lip // baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures // head tilted //  stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking glasses off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures // putting hand to bridge of nose // pursed lips, knitted brows
arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on weapon // brows raising // lips pressing into a thin line // strict, unwavering eye contact // wrinkling of nose
open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on edge of chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders, droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward // chin up
hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin //rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact // chest puffed up/shoulders back // arms folded just above navel
chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // biting fingernails // hands in pockets // elbow bent/closed gestures // clearing throat // “whew” sound // picking or pinching flesh // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying // playing with pointer/marker // smacking lips // sighing // rocking on balls of feet // flexing fingers sporadically
short breaths // “tsk” sounds // tightly-clenched hands // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // rubbing hand through hair // rubbing back of neck // snarling // revealing teeth/grimacing // sharp-eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow // shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing // clenching of jaw/grinding teeth // nostrils flaring//heavy exhales
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teaandcrowns · 6 years ago
update: I’ve got a pillowfort now, as well! it’s teaandcrowns, same as here.
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fluid-ripples · 7 years ago
Smoldering ties.
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She felt those Crystal Hues track her down the dock a brown tint to accompany them as she managed an anxious smile towards her brother. She hadn’t told him about this sporadic adventure with their long time enemy now turned teammate and she knew the anger would be rising with every inch she grew closer. ❝Sokka..I-I know ho-❞ A sudden squeeze to her body rid her lungs of air as the familiar scent filled her nose. ❝Im know why you wanted to do it Katara. But I’m glad you didn’t, what that man did to mom, to us as a result was in no way okay but I understand why you went with Zuko. Aang and I are more than proud of you.❞ The young waterbender felt a swell in her cheeks accompanied by the sheer emotion she had held in and let out as anger. Tears one after another swam down her cheeks as her brother returned the pain.
The sun was near the edge of its set as she saw the two off, remaning on the dock to sit a bit longer in the thoughts that swirled so viciously in her head. The man who caused so much pain and grief, ruining all they loved after Hokoda left and leaving him to live, she knew he wasn’t worth it, pathetic was all he grew too be. Zuko even saw the terrified man’s will too live, there was nothing to take. Yet she felt disgusting, using the power she swore off, infiltrating someone else’s body like that was wrong but she did it.
Her feet continued to hang from the wooden dock as she let out a heavy sigh, eyes locked on the worn and slim digits of her hands. ❝How could I do that again..❞
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burst-of-iridescent · 6 months ago
@teaandcrowns put it perfectly but i just want to add on: “you’re allowed to ship what you want” is a complete sentence because the moment you start making exceptions, you’re already buying into the idea that there’s a moral component to shipping which does not exist.
it’s wild to me that people understand you can kill fictional characters, make them kill each other, make them violently assault each other, have them be complicit in or instigate any number of real-world crimes, and that none of that is indicative of any actual moral opinions you may have on any of those issues… until it comes to sex and romance.
do you think every LOTR fan is a monarchist? or that anyone who enjoys game of thrones condones war crimes? if not, then why would a person’s shipping or romance taste alone have anything to say about their real life morality or ethics?
please stop letting this puritanical bullshit rot your brains and understand that equating someone’s “i want these two characters to do the devil’s tango” opinions to their IRL moral code is not only both disingenuous and downright ridiculous, it’s also giving antis more legitimacy to weaponize it against you.
Yeah they probably have you on a harass list or something. I know antis got a hate group chat on Twitter. At least that's what I've heard. It's kinda pathetic that they spend all their time harassing Zutara shippers. You're allowed to ship what you want (with a few exceptions).
I hope they don't, but I think I should be prepared for that. I know what happened on Twitter, more or less. They can twist words just to make Zutara shippers look bad and wrong. That's why I don't talk about Zutara much there.
Actually, the reason I talk about Zutara on Tumblr is because I feel more safe here, tags are very helpful. Some antis might come to me, but I consider they just want to exchange opinions. Not all of my opinions are right, I'm human, I can make mistake. That's why, as long as there are no insults or threats me personally, I respect their opinions.
My Tumblr is also more focused on the show, especially Zutara. I very rarely talk about antis personally (except maybe the toxic ones). They can have fun with their ship, I also never comment on their posts and bother them (unless they comment on pro-Zutara posts).
Stay away from them is my way of shipping Zutara peacefully
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threadxsteel · 6 years ago
NICKNAMES: Online? Atomic ZODIAC: Virgo sun/Libra moon, Aquarius rising HEIGHT: 5′5″ and a bit TIME: 1:26 pm FAVORITE BAND / ARTIST: This changes.... a lot, because my musical tastes are very varied (and mostly esoteric? idk). Let’s go with my favorite band to listen to while writing original fiction: Zoë Keating. LAST MOVIE I SAW: It was probably Mary and the Witch’s Flower LAST THING I GOOGLED:  “how to bring bots online” for discord OTHER BLOGS:  too many :| relevant to here: @molioanimatra (which is the main to this sideblog), @wywardprince (Sebastian Vael RP), @teaandcrowns (Zuko RP), and @atomicpen (fandom blog) WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS USERNAME:  They’re two things that are intrinsic to Lywc’s nature. She loves doing embroidery, and sewing little embellishes to the most mundane things in general, and she’s also a sword fighter, and loves it, even if she’s not “properly” trained FOLLOWING: I keep a real tight reign on following people so I don’t get overwhelmed. Typically I follow people who I see interacting with regularly (or if we used to and I just love their characters and them that much even if we don’t thread (much) anymore), but I don’t follow back for every follow just so I can keep my sanity. That said, I’m currently following 56 blogs, some of which are blogs run by the same muns I know. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SLEEP: Typically between 5.5-7.5 hours WHAT I’M WEARING: Jeans and a t-shirt DREAM JOB: Full-time writer, crafter, and Arthurian Scholar DREAM TRIP: A tour of Scotland and Wales FAVORITE FOOD: I love... so many foods... orange tomatoes with eggs, and chicken are pretty high up there though PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS: Too many? I can play.... a lot. Trombone, baritone, guitar, piano, fiddle, viola, bodhran, djembe, and doumbek are probably the ones I’d be most comfortable with nowadays EYE COLOR: Blue-grey-green HAIR COLOR: Mousy blonde with blonde and red highlights LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK: English, and smatterings of a few others MOST ICONIC SONG: For what?? The first one that comes to mind that’s probably very iconic is Lux Aeterna by Clint Mansell, performed by Kronos Quartet RANDOM FACT: I just passed 70k words in my debut novel last week DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS AESTHETIC THINGS: ?? I’m not sure I understand, or possibly don’t have enough #aesthetic knowledge to answer this properly? Just imagine a house with wooden floors and a lot of yarn and plants and tea and a mess of notebooks and papers and maps on a desk and that’s basically me & my life
TAGGED BY :  @dalathin TAGGING : em... I’m not even sure who still follows me anymore on here, so if you see this, do it and tag me!
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teaandcrowns · 2 years ago
Every time I see someone argue that Katara didn't know what she wanted when she chose to confront Yon Rha, and that Aang was just trying to help her make the "right decision," I want to ask them if they would say that to a real live person whose mother had been murdered. Would you look me in the face and tell me I shouldn't want to confront my own mother's murderer during his sentencing trial in 2020? Would you tell me I shouldn't want to do everything I could for years to ensure he would face the consequences he deserves? Because of the state in which he murdered her, the death penalty was on the table for a while. Would Anon (and everyone else I've seen make this argument) like to tell me that I shouldn't want to pursue that punishment? In the real world, I had the benefit and the burden of the justice system; Katara lives in a world of war as part of a culture that was nearly destroyed by another, and had no such system of recourse to work within. The court case wasn't TeaandCrowns vs Murderer for me, it was the State of Arizona vs Murderer, but you know what? Even then the prosecutor brought me in and sat down with me to get my thoughts on pursuing the death penalty for the case, because it technically fit at least one of the qualifying aggravating factors. Why wouldn't Katara want to be consulted about her mother's murderer? Especially in a world where the Fire Nation had tried to stamp out her voice? It was Katara that was Yon Rha's target, don't forget. Her mother lied to Yon Rha about being the last waterbender. The man was sent to kill an 8 year-old child. Katara knows this. She has held this fact that her mother traded her life for Katara's own for the last six years.
Who is anyone to tell Katara, specifically, what she does and does not need or should or should not want concerning her mother's murderer?
I saw your response to the previous anon. even if we assume that you are right about KA (you are wrong, but I don't see the point in arguing with you), there has never been such a lot of negative interaction between Aang and Katara as there was between Zuko and Katara. Katara threatened Zuko with death and was literally going to leave him to die (and Zuko remained alive only thanks to Aang), and Zuko betrayed her trust and literally said that he did not understand why she was angry with him (although Katara explained to him the reason for her anger a minute ago) and then, according to Katara herself, forced her feeling that she has no choice. I hope you understand that "a partner who respects her, admires her, supports her, cares for her, and loves her just as much as she does him" is pure fanon, and none of this is in the canon (neither in the show itself, nor in post-canonical things)? it's normal that you ship zutaru, and you can read and write as many fanfictions as you want, where Zuko loves Katara, and Katara loves Zuko, but the truth is that the canonical Zuko, the real Zuko, was never in love with Katara, he chose another girl for himself, and had a child with another gir (Mai actually) whether you like it or not. Just like Katara chose another man for herself and lived with him for many decades, gave birth to three children from him. You may think they made a mistake, but it was their choice, and canonically they never considered each other as likely partners. It's weird that you can't understand in any way that canonically there was never anything between Zuko and Katara.
what a pity that avatar: the last airbender ended ten minutes into the southern raiders episode. what a pity that katara never told zuko that she was ready to forgive him, that she never hugged him tenderly, that she never joked with him, supported him, comforted him, and agreed to fight by his side. what a pity that zuko never took a lightning bolt to the heart to protect her, and that katara looked shocked and terrified at the sight. what a pity that she never yelled his name, forgot the incredible danger she was in and tried to run to him and help him. what a pity that katara never took down a firebending prodigy at the height of her power and then rushed to zuko's side and cried when she was able to heal him.
what a pity that they didn't end the show with a beautiful, strong, intimate friendship that provided the perfect foundation for a romance to develop.
i'm not sure if you're aware that fictional characters usually undergo something called development, where they adopt different attitudes, behaviours and feelings from those they held before. i love that katara goes from threatening zuko to fighting for zuko tooth and nail in the finale, because that is called change, and growth, things that are generally considered good and necessary within character arcs and relationships - but i understand you may not be familiar with those concepts in romance, given that you ship kat.aang.
literally said that he did not understand why she was angry with him (although Katara explained to him the reason for her anger a minute ago) and then, according to Katara herself, forced her feeling that she has no choice
it is usually good to provide this little thing called evidence when carrying out analysis.
that is hard to do, of course, when you have none.
You may think they made a mistake, but it was their choice and canonically they never considered each other as likely partners. It's weird that you can't understand in any way that canonically there was never anything between Zuko and Katara.
in case you don't know, zuko and katara aren't real people with free will. their choices are made for them by writers whose job is to make those choices make sense within the scope of their own narrative arcs, and fit the themes and messages of the show. when they fail at that job, audiences are perfectly within their rights to recognize that and examine what could have been done differently.
just because something is canon, that doesn't mean it's immune to criticism. of course i know katara canonically got married to a.ang, and that zuko chose a different partner. that doesn't automatically mean those are the right narrative decisions because - and this may come as a shock to you - engaging critically with media also means looking at the ways in which it fell short and how it could have done better, and the romances in atla are by and large one of its major shortcomings.
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royaltealovingkookiness · 6 years ago
Post the first line of your last 10 published fics, then tag 10 people. I was tagged by @ao3commentoftheday and @jaggedcliffs  - Thanks so much! This was fun. 
The Great Eggspedition - Zuko had always known in his heart that being the Fire Lord was his destiny. Even back when he had no idea what being Fire Lord entailed exactly. (ATLA)
Crash Landing - Zuko groaned in frustration. He had only been good for an hour and already everything had gone horribly wrong. (ATLA)
Balancing Acts - Katara woke up with a start when she heard a door closing quietly. (ATLA)
These Secrets That Bind Us - The Lower Ring slept restlessly, just like the refugees it sheltered by the thousands. Groans of broken dreams, screams of nightmares, whispers full of shame and dark secrets. (ATLA)
Submergence - “Fitz!” The muffled voice was calling him. (AoS)
Pink is the New Black - “It brightens up your complexion, Mai, you should really wear more colours,” Ty Lee notes, trying to sound cheerful as they change into the ugly, shapeless prison clothes. (ATLA)
Of Tea and Firebending - The palace garden looked magical; the full moon coated the trees and flowers in a delicate silver veil and reflected brightly in the pond. (ATLA)
Origo - The table was set with blue and white plates and tall glasses filled with freshly-squeezed orange juice. (AoS)
Second Encounters - The Lighthouse was eerily empty. (AoS)
Fixing the Cracks - “This is for you,” Robin said on the flat voice of an ancient child who has seen too much pain and death and gave her a postcard of the Lighthouse, folded in half. (AoS)
I’m tagging  @ready-to-kick-some-ass @whistlingwindtree @emletish-fish @botherkupo @meanderings0ul @teaandcrowns  and anyone else who wants to do it. 
(sorry if I double-tagged someone, I’ve been travelling a lot in the past weeks, so inevitably missed a lot of my dash...)
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the-badger-mole · 1 year ago
Sure, I have time for this today. Some of these WIPs have been languishing on my flashdrive for years. Maybe I'll be inspired again?
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Zutara Castaway fic
No Aang AU
Harbinger Sequel
On the Clearest Night
Magic Before Midnight
Zutara HS AU
Pirate Zuko AU Idea
Big Trouble in Little Brother
Your Ink In My Veins - All the Things Sequel
Zutara Business AU
Sailor Moon
An Ever After Tale
As Usual
Evil Endymion Fic
Lost and Found
Sleeping beauty
Time Warp
Howl's Moving Castle
Inuyasha Z96
I feel like I should have ordered these by likelihood of ever seeing the light of day, but I'll just say that I promise nothing in regards to any of them. Obviously, the Zutara Castaway fic is currently in progress. I will finish that one probably, and I have really good intentions for a good number of the ATLA and Sailor Moon fics. Which ones? Well...isn't it more interesting not knowing?
Tagging @dhwty-writes ,@te-al-latte, and @teaandcrowns. Feel free to join in, if you want.
Thanks for the tag @kybee1497 and ,@iamfandomcrazy!!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
POTO - Five Times Christine Had a Nightmare, And The One Time Raoul Did
POTO - Deaf!Raoul AU
POTO - Pirates!
POTO - Vampires!
POTO - The Nutcracker
POTO - Escape the Circus!
Wednesday - Glasses
Wednesday - Circus of Woe
Wednesday - Woe Is We
Freelancers - House Baby
Have at it!!
No pressure tags: @nerdywriter36 @brendadaaedestler @angel-with-paper-wings @rose-red-ink @rainintheevening @darling-gemini @dont-do-rice-babes @eleilinnrallin @theragamuffininitiative @catkin-morgs-kookaburralover
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beealexageek · 4 years ago
@airiustide @echo-of-sounds @myreaderacademia @tybalt-tisk @jaxsteamblog @teaandcrowns 
Sorry, I know there are many more accounts that I follow who are dedicated to writing fanfics but these were the only ones I remembered for now.
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I made these as a way to compile all the geographical vocabulary that I thought was useful and interesting for writers. Some descriptors share categories, and some are simplified, but for the most part everything is in its proper place. Not all the words are as useable as others, and some might take tricky wording to pull off, but I hope these prove useful to all you writers out there!
(save the images to zoom in on the pics)
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