#tdi fan season
td-tbbg-official · 8 months
It’s time for the big reveal...
The Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations cast is full of our best, most capable contestants. Finalist after finalist, winner after winner, and the most iconic other few, we’ve got them all. And now, we have the official teams!
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Three teams, each of eight people. This season, we worked hard not to give them names too dumb or silly. Instead, we had a common theme - an adjective, an animal following it, and double initials - and somewhat normal names!
Who you gonna root for? Who’s it gonna be? Is it Warthogs, is it Condors, or will you pick Raccoons? (And why did I burst into familiar song in this entire paragraph?)
We’ll find out all about our teams and their dynamics soon, right here, on Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations!
coming soon to an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
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starstriix · 3 months
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Last post before i go eepy. These are doodles for a td fan season concept I had called Total Drama: Carnivale from a while ago. It was basically a second roti season taking place at an abandoned amusement park with a big carnival/circus theming. I made a little confessional for it too loll
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oh yeah and lightning was going to be a low quality png for the entirety of his screentime
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tooblindtizzy · 1 year
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so that new season huh
(ill probably do the rest of the cast later on)
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pawzofchaos · 10 months
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mrmeowziii · 12 days
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My TD cast, drawn in a chibi-esque style. It’s been a bit since I’ve drawn them, but I am still interested in writing for them (…if I ever get there. ;P)
(This is also my last post of the day, lol. Things will slow down, I’ve just had some time off recently.)
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totalyomamaisland · 8 months
SOOO! My name is Jude and I'm starting a Total Drama fanseason! This project was heavily inspired by @footemoji's Team Footemoji Rewrite, although I was never a part of it since I figured that if I joined so late, it would just be me shoving my OCs into an already complicated plotline. Some OGs will be involved, but it's mostly OCs! We'll start on TDI and see where it goes from there! Writer applications closed, mod applications closed, OC entries open! Join the discord below for details!
if nobody sees this i will be very sad :(
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sortanonymous · 3 months
Light spoilers for TDI 2024 by the start of episode 5 (and technically also TDI '23's finale)
Please tell me Axel-Ripper ends up as a more important ship than Caleb-Priya. I know it's a shot in the dark, but wow is it more interesting than what's quickly looking like one of the biggest finalist derailments in Total Drama history and a floundering attempt at a new Justin arc.
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vii-spider · 1 year
unironically I think part of why pahkitew island sucked was bc this was the first and so far only cast without a dedicated Weird Girl
island had izzy and sorta gwen
revenge had dawn
ridonculous race had crimson
tdi23 has scary girl/lauren
but then pahkitew just had. nothing. i guess you could argue scarlett is gen 3's Weird Girl? or maybe sugar? but sugar is more within the owen/macarthur type sphere to me, and i personally see Weird Girl and The Smart One as two entirely different genres
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multiplemike · 2 years
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totaldramamovies · 11 months
Episode 5- Fake It to Make It
*Mighty Wizards’ Boys’ Side*
Pietro: Hey Roman, I have a gift for the room!
Roman: What is it bro?
Roman: Nice bro! Now we can work out during our competition! I was worried I’d lose my precious muscles 😔😔
Boris: Yo, can I use these?
Pietro: Sure!
Andres: Yeahh.. where will you guys fit all these weights? Theres not enough room…
Pietro: Uh… we can keep them outside! Let’s just hope no other team uses them..
*Feriocious Monsters Boys’ Cabin, Eliza and Ines are invited*
Jamil: Alright team, if we ever lose, remember, we have one easy choice and that’s with Grace! Besides that, we can’t lose!
Ines: Right! Even if we lose Grace, that means our team will be 100% Cooperative! No William, no Grace, and no goddarn Bailey! We can do this! 
Eliza: Yeah! By the way, how was the date, you two?
Jamil: Oh, it was good! We kinda just hungout like we usually did so it wasn’t too awkward.
Ines: Yeah! I wouldn’t mind going on more dates after the show is over!
Maxim: Alright! Just remember that this is still a competiton! You don’t wanna end up like Geoff and Bridgette or Emma and Chase, do you?
Ines: Nope, we’ll still be focused! Now let’s crush them!
*The 4 walk outside*
Jamil: *Notices weightlifting gear* OO, YEAH! This’ll be a great place to workout!
Ines: Yeah! Lets go!
Pietro: NOOO!!!
Grace: *Walks out of girls’ cabin* I’m so preppy unlike you guys 😜😜😜 *Kicks over Maxim and starts stepping on him*
Ines: *Pushes her off him*
Grace: Ugh.. it’s just that nobody is preppy here anymore… 😒
Jamil: Alright, that’s it!
*Ines & Jamil get Grace and lock her in the Girl’s cabin*
Maxim: You can sleep with us! There’s 2 bunk beds, Jamil and I only use one!
*Boys’ side of Fearless Warriors*
Fredrick: *Laying in bed* I’m all alone now. 🍷🍷���🗿 Just like a true sigma. I could do anything whenever I want..🍷🗿🗿I could fart without anybody being disgusted… and I can say I’m an Andrew Tate supporter without being cancelled…. *Farts under covers* I HAVE FANTASIES ABOUT ANDREW TATE!
Francesca: *Muffled though wall* We can still hear you!
Charlotte: Dear lord, he’s something. I hope the viewers vote him if we are up for elimination again.
Taniyah: Totally. We’re the only normal ones left on our team.
Fangxiu: WHAT ABOUT ME 😔😔🌹
Taniyah: You’re not normal. You may have helped us, but your more of a joke character than Fredrick!
Cece: Shut. UP! You’re all incredibly annoying! I needa prepare for the next challenge?
Taniyah: Oh, really? How will you help? Throwing the challenge so you can sabotage one of us?
*4th Thing’s cabin, boys’ side*
Rajiv: Yo Kenny, how was your date with Sigita?
Kenny: What?
Rajiv: Your date with Sigita!
Kenny: Dude.. have you not been paying attention? It was Wyatt that went out with Sigita!
Eddy: *Mumbling* Yeah, thanks for rubbing it in our faces..
Kenny: In fact, I’d never go out with her! I’d only go with Dominique 😏😏
Rajiv: Oh, so you went on a date with Eliza?
Kenny: … How was your date Wyatt?
Wyatt: It was…
*Girls’ side of cabin*
Sigita: …terrible! I thought he was dreamy at first, but he asked the waiter if he knows da wae before jumping onto the table to floss! I don’t know what I saw in him!
Dominique: Told ya babez… Anyway now’s your shot with Eddy! 
Sigita: Hell No! I’ll just wait till the merge and get with Boris, he’s got muscles 😍😍
Tamia: Each challenge is getting worse and worse… What’ll next one be?
Chris: This challenge will be… MOCKUMENTARY THEMED!! The challenge is to make a short movie for something completely made-up! Whichever team has the least convincing and least insane presentation will lose!
Dennis: Oh. Okay. I’ll be the one talking. Just give me a script.
Pauline: Really? It’s just you don’t seem to convincing…
Dennis: NO. I want this movie to be falser than me being happy…
Pauline: Jeez, Okay.
Kenny: This will be easy! Eddy is always yapping about something nerdy, let’s use him and he’ll sound smart!
Everyone: Yeah!
Sigita: Yeah, but what should it be?
Eddy: I’ll just make something really obscure! We may not be first, but atleast we’re lying!
Maxim: Alright, what should we do?
Eliza: Yall know the Office right?
Jamil: Uh.. yeah?
Eliza: Then let’s just copy that!
Ines: Alright, worth a shot.
Taniyah: I don’t know what that is, but if it doesn’t exist, let’s do it, girl!
(Time passes, the four teams make their own presentations)
*4th Things Presentation, Eddy is standing in front of a whiteboard*
Eddy: Erm… Did you know Shreveport is the capital of Louisiana? Did you know Pineapples are orange when ripe? Did you know that squids give birth through their tentacles? (This list goes on for a while)
Chris: That was painful to watch, but it did give false information, so I guess it’s fine?
*Ferocious Monsters’ presentation, Fangxiu is on a beach*
Chris: Omg 😍 that presentation ate!! 😜
*Ferocious Warriors’ presentation, all of them besides Grace are in an office*
Eliza: Hi Maxim. What are you doing?
Maxim: Uhh… Insert lame joke.
Jamil: Okay.
Ines: Umm did we even think of a scrip-*Tape ends*
Chris: That was terrible! Not only your copying an aMAAAAzing show, but your delivery was awful!
*Mighty Wizards’ presentation, Dennis is standing in a dark room*
Dennis: Uhh…
*More Silence*
Dennis: Yea. (Tape ends)
Dennis: Uhh… Yeah.
Chris: THERE WAS NOTHING THERE! That was also terrible! Here are my final rankings!
1ST PLACE: Fangxiu’s floptropica presentation was so amazing I want to live there now! Fangxiu has converted me into an oldgen flop!!
2ND PLACE: Eddy’s presentation was pretty boring, but atleast it gave facts.
The 2 last places are the Monsters’ & Denis.
3rd place goes to…
The Monsters! At least they had something.
See you Wizards tonight…oh wait! The FANS are voting this time!!
Dennis: Gasp.
Chris: That’s right, the VIEWERS vote a member off the team tonight, and that’s how it will be (almost) every episode from now on! So… Viewers, VOTE FOR ONE OF THESE SEVEN!
Andres, the Bad Boy,
Boris, the Strongman,
Dennis, the Deep-Voiced Emo,
Pauline, the Gamer Girl,
Pietro OR
Roman, the Gym Bros or
Tamia, the Goth
That’s right, you can vote for who you want to be eliminated from the Mighty Wizards! Just type the name of ONE person from the team to vote off! The voting will end Wednesday, November 1st, and the next episode will be on Sunday, November 5th! See you then!
If for some reason you can’t vote in the comments for any reason:
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td-tbbg-official · 7 months
The main producer of the season is curious, so I’ll be the messenger boy and ask...
Oh, and in case anyone needs reminding, these are our teams!
I would add my own opinion, but I don’t play favorites - I pray upon everyone’s downfall equally!
coming soon to an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
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starstriix · 5 months
seeing shit like "I hate this new cast! They should bring back the OGs!" on ROTI comment sections is wild like u know these characters have been here since 2012 right
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heart-democracy · 1 year
TDI Advice wanted!
Hi TD fans! I'm planning a rewrite of TDI, the cast will be 18 for in-universe reasons (think legal contracts, I'm not gonna be weird about them). I'm aiming to make it more realistic and in line with the 2007 aesthetic, i.e era appropriate lingo & references, mobile phones are rare, homophobia is a bigger concern etc, but I'm wondering how far I should take it?
In the end I'll write what I enjoy, but should I lean more heavily into the gritty side of reality TV both on and behind the screen, include more notable sexism, potential slurs and creepy behaviours etc? The point is for there to be believable drama in-universe and the topics planned all have some merit to be present. I have some hard lines I'll never cross (see last tags on the post for those curious) and I want people familiar with the themes to feel seen rather than exploited reading it.
At the end of the day the cast are just youngsters getting to know each other and themselves. I want to humanize them and write believable conflicts without demonizing anyone, it is intended as a character driven story after all. But I also want to know what others think would make for an enjoyable read/take on the show.
The cast will inevitably diverge from their canon counterparts, but I am unsure how to handle certain characters, an example being LeShawna. She's clearly based on a racist stereotype, but her personality, background and lingo are a huge part of her appeal and I'd rather portray her in a better light than change her from the ground up. If you have any pointers I can keep in mind for her or anyone else you think is often portrayed poorly in canon or fanon then please let me hear your takes! This goes for non-TDI castmates as well, even if they don't show up in the story I wanna know what people think does and doesn't work for them and their tropes/traits cause it might still be relevant!
#Td#Tdi#Total drama#Id love any opinions no matter how personal or miniscule. Even outside of fic writing I love hearing theories/analyses.#Also: I already have some things very strongly set in stone so I won't change this project to perfectly appease someone else's vision#Some charas will inevitably be OOC at points but I am using canon information and what we know from stuff like other seasons and their bios#-as my basis for most things. Because while I want to explore some unrelated topics I still want this to be the TD cast. Not my OCs.#That said there will be personal headcanons thrown in. But I hope they flow well with canon and don't stand out as a sore thumb.#Some HCs might replace canon traits but only if I think they were bad/random or underdeveloped.#And if you have songs you think fit the campers pls send them my way! Good character playlists really helps w getting into their headspace#While I am a huge IOTS fan I don't intend to reference it in my work. No gore or character deaths because that stuff is too impactful both-#-for the characters and for the show in-universe. It would derail everything which is what makes IOTS work but is unfitting here.#All TWs will be listed once I start writing. I'm happy to tag niche phobias/squicks/TWs as well so if you're interested in reading but-#-worry that something specific might be included then just ask! No matter how silly it might seem I've got you covered.#What I won't include: SA nor heavy sexism/racism. I might not touch racism much at all outside of beauty standards/racist tv tropes.#Any heavy topic included will be approached with a lot of care and consideration for those affected. There will be 0 shock value inclusions
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reisakumaproducer · 2 years
slowly morphing into a total drama/love live/bandori blog and I think it’s what the universe wants
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assistant-of-drama · 3 months
Total Drama AU, where Sierra doesn't let her crush on Cody consume her and her alliance with Heather is the main focus...
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Her personality is more like it was in the TDA Special; where she is a stalker fan for everyone, not just Cody and Chris...
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She still has a crush on Cody...
But that becomes less focused, like Alejandro's flirting with women...
She basically becomes Heather's new Lindsay, with only a few differences...
Sierra is sometimes naive about how people feel about her weirdness, but she's smarter and has more of a backbone then TDI Lindsay...
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Sierra knows that Heather is trying to play her...
Unlike in canon, Sierra makes it clear to Heather that she's not gonna be a pushover to Heather, like Lindsay and Beth were...
If Heather wants this alliance to work, she has to treat Sierra like a partner, instead of a puppet...
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It's one of the hardest things that Heather has ever done in her life...
Thankfully, Heather became a bit less vicious and cruel after Season 1...
But then Sierra surprises Heather, when during the German Sausage Challenge, Sierra actually DEFENDS Heather from the others giving Heather a hard time over tossing away the meat grinder...
When Courtney brings up Heather being formerly bald while insulting Heather, Sierra snaps:
Sierra: Hey! Now that's going too far! I know that Heather made a mistake and she was a big jerk in Season 1... But you and Gwen weren't exactly innocent angels either, especially in Season 2. If you wanna vote Heather off for her mistake, then fine. But yelling at each other isn't gonna bring the grinder back!
Heather is secretly touched by Sierra's help...
Afterwards slowly over the course of the show, as Heather and Sierra get to truly know each other, Heather slowly begins to see Sierra as an actual friend and vice versa...
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Heather is still Heather, but she's gaining a small soft spot for Sierra... similar to Noah's soft spot for Owen...
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Unlike Alejandro, who only cares about himself, Heather learns to care about a person besides herself...
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After Heather wins the money, she goes on a bit of a shopping spree in Hawaii with Sierra...
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totalyomamaisland · 8 months
SOOOO! I'm currently toying around with the idea of having an OC fulfill the roles that Chris and Chef play in the series. Same personalities, basically, just different designs. So I'm taking submissions for the designs for those two roles! Since the hosts don't really do much, you won't have to be involved in the project but you'll still be contributing to the fanseason!
Also please join my discord even if you aren't part of the season (though you TOTALLY should be)
update 1/18/24: We have a host! And guess what, it's PATRICK MATT! (it's literally just matpat)
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