#td Brady
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tdtylerenjoyer · 11 months ago
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ermm ahehajw hhhgh
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real-total-drama-takes · 6 months ago
Holding Beth flirting with other people against her is so forced. Brady was obviously fine with her at the finale so a) he's a polyam king b) he just had a mutual arrangement until the show ended. Go Brady!!!
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td-rarepairs · 1 year ago
Jose x Brady
theyre in love and having the same ugly fuckass haircut is just their way of showing commitment
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ask-the-td-cast · 10 months ago
Hey Beth, are you still with Brady
Yes!! I love my boyfriend, and he loves me! Me and Lindsay have double-dates with our boyfriends too! My boyfriend is so caring and sweet and handsome, he’s the best boyfriend ever- (Heather: Do you know a word which isn’t ‘boyfriend’? Beth: You’re just jealous) - Beth
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ipostonceinawhile · 7 months ago
Drawing idea? I know I'm gonna keep doing this, and this is the last time for it. I just want to annoy everyone in the Total Drama fandom because of that idea, so... I've thought about my first (but fully scrapped for now) AU about a newfound platonic friendship between Noah and Beth, and I've come to realize that it didn't work out months ago. Some people in this fandom have to agree to disagree, but that's okay because I do enjoy seeing how these two nerds work out as best of friends. They're most likely to learn from each other.
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Ok I have been seeing the idea of the Noah and Beth friendship float around every once in a while and never looked into it... I understand the hype now. I love these losers
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
Yeah so anyway. I've been thinking about giving Bridgette a girlfriend.
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loveontherocks · 7 months ago
& Topher is soooooo Tanner coded
if anyone remembers teen beach movie sky and ella give off the same vibes as mack and lela
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asgoodeasgold · 2 months ago
Freud's Last Session deleted scene 4
(🔊 on)
I’ve been reading the Bible. I felt no earthquake.
And I’m nearly amused. I’ve been examining the historical authenticity of the New Testament.
It seems that its events... From first study, of course... I think it all really happened.
C. S. Lewis meets his friend, philosophy professor and staunch atheist TD Weldon, in the pub and is surprised to hear Weldon believes in the true historicity of the Bible (this conviction from a non-believer is supposed to have made quite an impact on CSL who was on a journey from atheism to faith).
On a shallower note, I love Matthew's gorgeous smile, it warms my heart.
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📷 My edits from Freud's Last Session (2023) deleted scene from Sony Pictures Classics DVD, Last Session Productions / Subotica.
Deleted scene 1
Deleted scene 2
Deleted scene 3
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midnightsslut · 21 days ago
I've only been upset about two losses in my life (like majorly upset) and both times it was when my hometown team lost the chance to get the GOAT a ring. This is just a sucky championship game and a terrible way to not get a three peat. But that's life. Chiefs know their off-season needs.
in all fairness, they did end up scoring 2 more TDs so it wasn’t a total blowout but it is what it is. even brady lost sometimes.
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tdtylerenjoyer · 1 year ago
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im exacyly 5 seconds from basing this acc around this godforsaken ship
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real-total-drama-takes · 1 year ago
sky's ex keith and emma's ex jake should be friends
throw brady in there too so they can the three amigos, bonding over their past relationships with contestants
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td-rarepairs · 1 year ago
would tyler/brady be called brayler or tydy? the former is more unique but the latter is cuter
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year ago
Using The Sims 4 Genetics To Make TD Kid OCs (This was a mistake) *Part 1*
Title says all.
I used the Sims 4 Genetic System to make TD kid OCs. Why?
I don’t flipping know.
So I have Sims of TD characters. Not all. But I did this cause why not. And I regret my choices cause some of these kids… ugh.
I did a girl AND a boy to make things even. And I randomized their names so… idk someone on the Internet finds this and used these A.I generated characters as OCs.
I really don’t care if you do.
So let’s do this…
Oh, and if you want to suggest a ship I do this with, leave it in the reply or reblog of this post.
Owen & Izzy
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So these are my sims of these characters. So you know what they look like.
My Izzy Sim’s got abs. That’s canon, right?
So let’s see what Sims Genetics came up with…
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I already hate it.
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Their faces are just… NOT that appealing…
I mean Owen and Izzy aren’t TRADITIONALLY ‘pretty’ people. Still.
Why is the boy so muscular? Where did he get that from?
I think their outfits are suitable though. They both got the white going on, and the girls shirt looks like something Izzy would wear.
Izzy seems to have the dominant genes when it comes to hair. They both became redheads.
The face structure just ruins it for me.
I randomized it; The girls name is Madison. The boys name is Elias.
You know, I can see that.
Owen & Justin
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Since Owen canonically had a crush on Justin, I’m including it. It’s not a popular ship but since we’re here.
I’m wondering if the kids of Justin would look good.
Let’s see…
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I swear this was randomized.
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The girl. 10/10
I LOVE this Sim’s look. Idk where she got blue hair from. But I LOVE her look. I love the jewelry, I love that it matches, I love her outfit, she’s really pretty.
She looks like a legit Total Drama character design.
10/10 look for this girl.
The boy is… okay. Could’ve been a lot worse. I can see he inherited Owen’s messy hairstyle. I actually think the blue eyes look great for him. He loses me on body proportions.
I expected the Owen kids to be on the chubbier side, but no.
The girl is Kyra. The boy is Brady.
…make as many Beth jokes as you want.
Owen & Noah
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Nowen Stan’s. Here we go. You me, we gotta do this one.
I’m a little worried cause they’re so different in appearance…
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I hate it.
Why is the boy a punk?!?!?
Sims really said. “Owen and Noah, yeah they’d have a punk bad boy kid”
There are several bad boy characters, game. Why?!
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Why are their noses so big?!
I don’t understand.
I don’t like it.
I guess on paper if I were to readjust them, they’d work. But randomized… the noses just ruin it. They’re too distracting.
Girl is Jacklyn. Boy is Stewart.
Gwen & Trent
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We gotta do Gwen & Trent. We gotta.
Personally I love my Gwen Sim. I think this is just such a good design and I’m proud of myself for it.
I apologize for Trent though… that’s my bad. I made the sims.
Which are also all on the gallery in the Total Drama hashtag of the game if you want to use them. I have ones for the first gen and the 2023 gen.
So I’m worried this kids are gonna look bad…
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SPLIT. Huge split.
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The boy. Uh…
Game. TRENT is the father, right????
I think you got the wrong one in mind…
He doesn’t look that bad, it’s just… I can’t not think of Gwuncan with this one. And this is supposed to be the Gwent kid.
The girl on the other hand. I love her.
She looks a bit like Heather
BUT I still love it. This is a near PERFECT outfit. I love the braid in her hair. She’s really pretty.
She looks like a legit Total Drama character.
I might keep this sim and use her. She’s fantastic.
I don’t see a lot of Gwen in these though. They look like Heather and Duncan and not Gwen. I mean I guess they inherited her skin tone but that’s it. I guess it would be hard cause she’s a goth style character.
Girl is Hana. (That’s pretty). Boy is Daniel.
Gwen & Cody
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I hate the ship. But that’s not the point here.
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They both look good though?!
They MATCH in outfit?!
The girl has black on?! And makeup?!
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They’re both pretty?!
I like that the boy has glasses. That just fits idk. Their hairstyles are really nice.
There’s legit character here.
I hate the ship they came from, but they’re really good.
Girl is Victoria. Boy is Henry.
*Will Be Continued*
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total-feminism-takes · 11 months ago
Lesbian Courtney anon here!
Beth don't need to main three because the main three need her and love her who they are!
Imagine this and the scene: Bratz style girls x TD
Beth, the sweetheart they all love Beth even Courtney in her own I rather punch the wall or die then admit my feelings to anyone because that's how I was raised and my therapist with I am working on it.
Courtney angry feminist trope stick up her butt religious type everyone says (Mom of the group and puts herself in dangerous situations make sure all her girls are alright!)
Lindsay the bubbly cute (she more than likely get away with it after being caught once)
Leshawna - true leadership
Heather ('Leader' but not really the figure head, she will tear people apart in heartbeat that stare in sexual way at her girls)
All of them have sleepovers, a bit fights over teenager things like Lindsay no! Frosted tips for Tyler so gross! AHHHhh
Boy troubles are in comfort and cuddle times! Maybe Lindsay and Courtney cuddle the most after Duncan and Tyler got detention with Alejandro again and Heather is like no tears boys are stupid! Then they all cuddle together and stuff!
Girl dates!
Beth with Lindsay holding hands and Courtney then carrying them when they get tired sometimes because Courtney strong and works out with Eva!
Heather makeovers! Lindsay and Beth in beauty school poor Heather as their test subject and Leshawna happily waiting her turn!
Eva and Courtney teaching Beth self defense!
That's it and immediately someone draw these girls in fluffy strawberry cowgirls, blueberry cow, and farmer moon outfits like NOW!!
I like Beth but I have hate relationship with people who are like she gets a glow up and rest the cast can't tell it's Beth!
Everyone is ugly sometimes.
Beth is not ugly due to her looks. I don't like Beth trope of her thinking everyone wants her because I was like that once but then I was like male validation ain't it. BUT THEY DON'T GIVE HER GROWTH AND GIVE HER BRADY!!!
I am say it.
Fat, chubby, acne, greasy hair, and depression- I don't care.
I love you, girl or not. I have in my whole life care over others from throwing up toddlers and older people in mental distress.
Baby, let me tell you something, ugliness is when you look hollow look in the mirror due to being the 'prettiest girl in the world' but alone just for validation for a guy who can't even remotely recall your favorite color or birthday!
I rather tell you I have bath my sick loved ones when they weren't healthy or just happy in general. Beth is not meant to be perfect girl or the prettiest girl because she just a girl.
Her warmth, her smile, and her willingness to help is just her that we should value.
And she ain't even that ugly.
All these girls not even ugly. Mess up drawing shaped bodies but not ugly.
Speaking with experiment from a little girl who was Beth growing up and became the Courtney archetype of rage, acting like I know better to push everyone away, and etc, the world was cruel and killed a little girl of hope now I have rage and my tan skin with angry makes people think I am danger for not knowing how to let go or grieve all of it yet.
Basically Beth. They- I - the fandom should leave you alone if we don't love all of you with flaws and such too.
Beth for president and Courtney vice president! for a school AU trope and Heather gets jealous runs against them with Leshawna! Lindsay just wants to make their posters!
- 🧡
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herunswithscissors · 1 year ago
McNabb didn't "choke" in the Superbowl. And give Andy a break about mismanaging the clock when he did everything else he possibly could to coach the Avengers into nearly defeating Thanos without any deus ex machina bull shit.
Just pure gumption and genius coaching. But nothing beats Brady and Bellichek when Gronk and Brady are in sync. Even as a fucking AARP member with the fucking Tampa Bay Rays he's still formidable and a regular contender for the Superbowl today.
In the 90's The trio was an unstoppable force that just plowed up and down the field and every possession ended in a TD.
The 2004 Eagles kept up with Brady.
And that hall of fame defense fucked him up like the spirit of Reggie White possessed them. They made him cry and throw a tantrum and got dirt on his uniform. And turf in his face mask. Hitting and hurrying Brady almost every down against the very best offensive line money and guaranteed Superbowl rings can buy.
And fucking Brady just got even better.
And yet. And yet with Terrell Owens on a broken leg playing half speed yet doing outrageous plays and a nervous McNabb playing extremely competently using his legs and working well with Westbrook doing his magic and Owens showboating, Andy Reid almost did it. He almost got his offense to keep up with Brady and slow Brady down enough to give Donovan a chance to win.
But McNab let the pressure get to him at the end and stopped having fun. And began to hesitate and second guess instead of just instinctively having fun and playing at his usual superhuman level.
He just got nervous. Probably for the first time in his life. A real chance to beat Brady! And win the Superbowl for Philly at last! With his favorite teammates and coach Andy Reid! (Andy Reid is what Joe Paterno pretended to be.)
Donovan McNabb got nervous because only Tom Brady wouldn't get nervous at the thought of facing Brady let alone hoping to beat him in the Superbowl when he was playing top of his game. So Donovan "choked" and made some shit plays at the end there. But up till then he had danced up and down the field vs the Patriots defense and kept up with Brady blow for blow. McNabb was beautiful that day.
Andy Reid was on his game too and against all odds almost lead the Avengers to victory against Brady.
But Brady and Bellicheck with Gronk on his game is absolutely invincible. Just an unstoppable force where you are hoping for a failed 1st down run and and short second to make for a long third and then some kind of miracle stop or on third and long. The best defense was to try and draw fouls. Because you can't stop the guy. You just have to slow him down and hope for one or pray for two bad throws this 3rd down.
Like, third and thirty five was difficult but doable most possessions.
Eagles actually hit that smug father fucker a whole bunch on his way up and down the field. It didn't stop him. But it was hella fun to watch as my team almost beat Brady in his prime, but nothing could ever beat Brady in his prime. Even on his bad days he was nothing short of perfect and intelligent and creative and instinctual that borders on godlike.
I hate his guts and I just don't know why. He seems hella nice. He's too good looking and dates a model but good for him on all of that. I'm happy to see decent guys win the lottery. But I still don't like him. Such is life. I wish him well in everything but football. Get sacked Brady.
But yeah, no body, no matter how well prepared, trained and superhuman can be perfect for the entire Superbowl. You are going to lose some possessions without having scored.
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The Eagles were a true Super Bowl team. Any other decade they would have won any Super Bowl against any team outside of the 2000's Patriots. They made every offensive line in the NFL look silly and picked off future hall of famers every other down.
The Lombardi Trophy belonged to Brady back then. Pure and simple. It was just who is going to lose spectacularly in the Super Bowl after playing big fish in a small pond till now.
Eagles almost beat Brady in his prime, but nothing can keep up with a demigod.
I submit that the 2004 Eagles were a feat of genius by Andy
He was able to cobble together a really good team around his star QB and other key players who are all hall of famers now. And I don't know how he snatched up Owens. Owens was amazing. He just had a big mouth and was a showboat. He backed up every boast too and made the greatest future hall of famer DBs miss every single time. And everyone loved it. Except the fucking racist NFL.
Andy managed to cobble together this amazing 2004 Eagles team and got them working together even though they didn't like each other at first and help them run together so well that he almost took this army of reject NFL superheroes up against Thanos and won.
He had a Lawful Good Deadpool instead of Captain America leading the charge. And Neutral Good Don't Give A Fuck Decent Guy Deadpool With a sharpie up his sleeve carving up the captains of Thanos. And Mysteriously unknown preternatural undersized Black Panther Westbrook conducting acrobatic feats y'all wouldn't believe today. Even still that man's shit was like watching Black Panther dance around dealing broken ankles and first downs out of third and long every time McNabb got in trouble.
Even the Avengers can't beat 2000s Brady.
Give McNabb and Andy Reid their due respect. They almost did the impossible together. Don't give them such trash about minor little lapses in perfection. You aren't the God of Noah.
You are an Eagles Fan! And you cheered through fucking Buddy Ryan's bullshit. Andy Reid and McNabb almost took down Brady in his prime! You should celebrate that team!
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theanticool · 2 years ago
Jack Della Maddalena takes a split decision over Bassil Hafez.
Oof. JDM survives by the skin of his teeth. We saw some of the stuff that makes him such an interesting prospect sprinkled throughout this fight. Great pressure fighter. Solid pocket puncher. Dangerous when he’s got your back to the cage and can cut off your exit. But he made so many bad decisions throughout this entire fight that almost cost him. Trying through both of the first two rounds to guillotine Hafez instead of stuffing the shot. Standing in the pocket with his head straight up and no defense, allowing Hafez to wing back hooks that would make rounds seem closer than they actually were. Hafez’s pace was insane. Man was shooting for TDs like every other minute. And he was SHOOTING. Driving through and everything. JDM managed to right the ship with the boxing on the feet in the 2nd and that’s what saved him. He tried going for another guillotine in the back half of the round. He tried taking Hafez’s back after basically knocking him out along the fence only for Hafez to shake him off the back and end up in guard.
I’m not sure if Sean Brady would have been a better or worse fight for JDM than Bassil cause while he’s probably a better wrestler and grappler, he’s also likely not getting the same entries that Hafez was taking. And he’s likely not taking the same shots Hafez was taking from range. But for a fight that I originally thought JDM should walk through, I’m now more intrigued on if he could actually beat Brady.
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