#tbh this also applies in most of their movies
seerstella · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day from the Crime Busters (1977)
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general-sleepy · 1 month
Finally watching Overlord with AD. Already noticed an interesting choice of wording, with the narrator using "Nazis" and "Nazi soldiers" instead of "German soldiers." You could argue it's less technically accurate, but serves a purpose, and it's a reasonable decision in the context of the story. Audio description is cool.
Edit: They use a combination of "Nazis," "Nazi soldiers," "Germans," and "German soldiers." The choice is still significant.
#so far boyce (the only prominent black character)#is the only character whose race has been explicitly mentioned#which is usually a problem#(i've seen some ad that's really bad about treating whiteness as an unremarkable default and only signally out poc)#but on the other hand there have been two minor black characters#one who was described by the most prominent unique trait “bald”#and one who was immediately given an name and was never time to physically describe#the other white male characters are given quick descriptors#“scrawny” “fresh-faced” “dark-haired” and “blond”#(the last of which does imply race)#the “scrawny” (tbh i'd've gone with gangly) soldier is quickly named rosenfeld and he calls attention to the implications of that name#it's true that there are people who will consciously or unconsciously equate “fresh-faced” and its implications of innocence with whiteness#but i don't know if that's a fault or in the control of the ad itself#boyce is of average height and build with no striking physical features like scars or a distinctive haircut#“dark haired” would have been the only non-racial description available but also applies to another character#and it's impossible to deny despite the movie's general stance of colorblindness#that it is significant that the hero of this ww2 movie is a black soldier and the plot doesn't center on his race#so in whole it's interesting#the choice would in a vacuum be problematic#but in context is i think probably the best choice for smoothly providing the necessary information#which is the purpose of media accessibily tools like ad#like i said#ad is really interesting
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harmonysanreads · 6 months
Hello !!! I hope you’re doing fine and enjoyed last patch quest! I really really love your writing, and especially like the way you write Ratio,,,,, that yandere Drabble you posted a while ago with Ratio and Aventurine sharing reader has been haunting me in the best ways <33
Since your request are open, could I ask for a one-shot of yandere Ratio and Aventurine? If it’s fine I’ll ask for reader to be shy/introverted but otherwise I’ll leave it up to your inspiration! Maybe about life at home, or visit in Penacony? Maybe they’re tormenting Reader through strip-poker? Maybe Ratio was inspired by the shrinking device and now they’re having fun with their pocket-sized darling? Anything you fancy I’m not difficult, I only ask you have fun!! <3
(I assumed your no-sequel rule only applied to one-shot, I deeply apologise if I was wrong fjekjdksjd)
yandere!aventurine x reader x yandere!dr ratio
cw(s) : yandere, forced proximity, slight dehumanization (but everything is sauteed in humor so bon appetit ✨)
wc : 1k
hi nonnie!! thank you so much for your sweet words<3 tbh every idea you presented was very enticing and i'll definitely keep them in consideration for later. for now though, i really wanted to write something soft for these two, i hope you don't mind :>
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Inconveniences come in many forms.
Some more candid than most, while others lurk in the shadows of carelessness like hyenas ; ready to pounce on the unsuspecting prey at the opportune time. Trouble and tribulation eclipse the course of human life, masquerading as two sides of the same coin. What they are, in truth, a pair of mischievous twins who are always watching, evaluating and trapping their victims in elation-filled jumpscares. It is also true that woes differ based on the individual, some even see fit to opine that the source of misery is the individual themselves.
Your vexations however, are dictated by two idiosyncratic persons with interests as farther apart as two solar systems. Which isn't a lot if one considers the magnificence of the universe, but distanced enough to be the tillable land of your miseries. Said inconveniences usually arrive dressed as revoked privileges, confiscation of entertainment items and... movie nights.
A night where you're supposed to be enjoying a film as a group shouldn't have been such an adversity if the aforementioned individuals respected the bare minimum of being normal. On usual occasions, who you end up accompanying is maintained through a strict schedule as opposed to the much friskier notion of rolling-dices that was favored by a certain blonde (in which he always emerged victorious and was thus declared irrationally imbalanced by Veritas) — but, an unforseen lapse of management and chaos was bred.
In matters that concern you, it seemed as though even the most seamless co-operations failed to reach a simple consensus. So when the erudite Dr Ratio expressed eagerness to spend a ‘relaxing afternoon’ with your person, it clashed quite clamorously with Aventurine's desire to have you participate in one of his many adrenaline-high games. And because of the decrease in release of dopamine that came from being a frequent observer of their arguments, you ended up suggesting this dreadful activity ; Ratio's silent perusal by your left and Aventurine's equally quiet phone browsing by your right are all that remains of the earlier fiasco.
You consider it a shame, because unbeknownst to them, you actually were plotting ways to watch this particular film. But, when at approximately fifteen minutes into the story you realized you were the only one among you three that was paying it any attention at all — you felt, quite blatantly, deflated. Surprisingly though, that was not the main source of your current misery at all, no, no ; what was causing you distress was the deplorable portion of space that they alloted to you from the couch.
At least Ratio has the habit of crossing his legs subconsciously, making your life just a miniscule easier. Unlike Aventurine whose default setting is to be attached to any patch of your skin anytime you're within his radius and when he brings that to the cauldron of being compressed between him and Ratio — it perfectly justifies why you're dancing between the provocative lines of mild annoyance and a meltdown. You'd believe they forgot about your existence altogether if not for Ratio's definitely-not-intentional shifting and the without context headpats from Aventurine.
Their treatment, although (probably) not deliberate, suggest you to be the equivalent of the pampered housecat and if one was to generously point out the expression on your face at present, that allegation would be right.
You stifle a sigh that transitions into a yawn with your only friend in this dreadful world, your plush pillow. The dialogues exchanged by the actors in the movie gradually become unintelligible as your vision morphs into a kaleidoscope of black dots and patterns. You draw your knees closer until they become parallel to your chin, musing a scenario where you lean so into the couch that it swallows your form and hurls you into a wonderland free of covetous hands or hearts. Where you could roam without eyes attached to every move you make and most importantly, where the notion of inconveniences would cease to exist.
You've seen it happen in shows a younger you indulged in and a passing thought makes you smile sardonically ; the world is so bizarre that you've effortlessly found yourself in a situation as complex as your current one but, not bizarre enough to make fantasies such as these a reality. The noises from the screen, Ratio's nonchalant page turning and the fragrance of Aventurine's cologne make your lucidity sway, until darkness cradles you close.
That night, you found yourself having a rather tender dream. In your dream, the blonde promptly busied himself in positioning you more comfortably on his lap upon feeling your slumbering head hit his shoulder. You felt succinctly amused upon the ‘place the pillow under their head, moron!’ that left a certain virtuoso's lips. Said virtuoso, shifted the rest of your body to be rested on his lap with a gentleness that baffled even Aventurine. Some say that dreams are manifestations of the desires that stay stagnant within the crevices of our minds. If that theory holds even a fraction of credence, then the percipience of what your subconscious desires, leaves you feeling as solemn as sated.
By the hour you gain awareness of the waking world again, there is but silence surrounding the living room. Your first blink is followed by a series of more and your sense of feeling works faster before your sense of sight, it sticks quite insistently just above your knees and atop your head. You roll a bit and realize they are in fact the hands of Ratio and Aventurine respectively, holding you away from kissing the floor and cracking your nose. As your vision gains more clarity, you notice the purple-head, supported by the palm of his left hand and the arm of the couch. You rise up and notice Aventurine mirroring Ratio's position, you conclude them both to be asleep judging by their collective inertia despite your movements.
Your eyes shift downwards towards the pillow on which you rested moments before and seeing it positioned exactly atop Aventurine's lap, confirm your suspicions that the scene you witnessed in your sleep had, in fact, happened in reality. Perhaps the universe heard your hopeless plea and bargained it with this speck of generosity.
They really didn't move an inch — but the bubbling warmth was soon pushed down by — as if I was a cat they didn't want to disturb!
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being treated like a cat by two of the most cat-like characters in hsr lol
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lonepower · 6 months
ok you know what i need more bodysharing/brain roommates. malevolent got me feeling some kind of way and I need MORE. tvtropes has like 15 different categories that are all sort-of-but-not-really under the umbrella of what I'm looking for, and sorting through all of that is a little too unwieldy, so I'm turning to you guys. 
key factors of the specific flavor of "multiple consciousnesses stuck in the same meat suit" that I'm looking for are:
any variation of, a human (or this universe's equivalent [so like, an elf where elves are commonplace would count]) has another, nonhuman consciousness attached to them and only them in such a way that the two can communicate, and subsequently
they Banter Constantly
^that^ is probably the most important qualifier here tbh
second most important qualifier is that they are not separated at the end (this obv. doesn't apply if the thing is still ongoing). it's okay if the passenger gets a new body (cf. subnautica) or is freed from their binding (cf. baldur's gate), as long as the partnership isn't broken.
Related: they don't actually have to SHARE a body (so enchanted objects, an AI implant, a Mysterious Disembodied Voice, an imaginary friend, etc., also count). they just have to be tethered to each other such that the passenger cannot move around or function on their own without a host. (I think this is part of why it's hard to narrow down on tvtropes: it's more about the dynamic than about the specific mechanism of "possession".)
Third most important qualifier is that only the current host can hear/communicate with the passenger, even if other people around them are aware of the passenger's existence.
two humans stuck in the same body is okay as long as the other criteria are met, but I would prefer it if the host is human(/equivalent) and the passenger is not (or vice versa if the passenger/possessor is the one with control of the body, as with things like the yeerks, most demonic possession, etc).
it doesn't have to be romantic. they don't even have to like each other. conversely, it absolutely can be romantic too.
They DO have to be the POV character/s for a significant majority (like, at least 60-75%) of the work, because the internal back-and-forth is the entire point.
Bonus points if: they do actually share a body; they are either never physically separated either, or are rejoined at the end (voluntarily or otherwise); passenger has lots of setting-relevant knowledge/an alien or fantastical perspective, while host shows passenger what it's like to be Alive™; despite constantly butting heads, host and passenger work patently better as a team; super extra bonus points for all of the above 
My favorite examples of what I am looking for:
Malevolent podcast (super extra bonus points x10000000000000000)
Venom movies (this is probably the codifier for most people here tbh) (super extra bonus points)
Subnautica: Below Zero (AL-AN gets their own body but stays with Robin, and it hits all of the others)
Forspoken (super extra bonus points)
the "a bagel. two bagels." vine
(I know there's a couple others that I'm just blanking on. If I remember them, I'll add them.)
other things that have moments or flavors of this, but aren't focused on it/don't quite hit all of them:
the Bartimaeus trilogy had it at the end a little, but, well. it didn't last very long. (i STILL haven't recovered from that ending and i was, what? 15 or something? g o d)
the emperor in bg3 kiiiinda counts since they're magically bound to the player/party and can't exist outside their prison, but they do have their own body and are not nearly as chatty as I'm  looking for. also, while only the holders of the prism can hear them, All of the holders of the prism can hear them and I'd really prefer one-on-one.
I think Death Note would also count? I read it in like 6th grade and never finished it so my memory is patchy At Best, but since nobody else can interact with Ryuk, he's bound to whoever holds the notebook, and he's the supplier of the holder's powers, it's close enough that I would accept something similar.
Slay the Princess has the bickering in spades and fulfills the "do not separate" criterion depending on your ending, although the jury's out on whether the voices are Actually their own entities or just symptoms of you losing it. Also, nobody in it is human. The bickering is definitely good enough to make up for it though. (The fact that it's Jonny Sims clearly having a grand old time might have something to do with it...)
with the caveat that I have not watched any of it, i think jadzia (and?) dax from ds9 miiight count, but they're part of an ensemble cast and thus fail the "pov characters for a majority of the work" and "we get to hear their constant internal banter" criteria.
things I tried that fit at least some criteria, but didn't like for various reasons:
the good demon by jimmy cajoleas. promising concept, but 1) the protagonist smokes, which is an instant and unnegotiable dealbreaker (seriously, who makes their protagonist do that in The Year Of Our Lord Anything Later Than 1950?? and to a child? DEATH. ONE MILLION YEARS DUNGEON.), and 2) I looked it up and they separate at the end anyways, so there's even LESS of a point. 
the venom comics. honestly I just... really dislike superhero comics, there's always way too many of them to keep track of + I'm very shallow and they're usually unbearably ugly to me (and also having started with the movies I just found comics!eddie really unpleasant tbh) 
parasyte manga. perfect concept, great dynamic, but its particular brand of body horror was... not great for me and I had to put it down. (horror in and of itself isn't a dealbreaker, though, so if you've got something similar that doesn't involve lots of hands bent at nauseating angles, I'll gladly take it.)
Cyberpunk 77 has the two-humans flavor of this and hits almost all of the other criteria, but i viscerally hated literally everything about j*hnny s*lverhand with every fiber of my being and the rest of the game was so mediocre already that i just gave up
....I know it's a highly specific/potentially niche dynamic, but if anyone has any recs, PUHLEEASE hmu!!! I'm looking for original work rather than fanfiction, but apart from that, format doesn't matter at all (although if it's some like super difficult indie game or something, I probably won't get very far lol). the MAIN points are 1) bickering and 2) host-and-passenger, so if you have something that hits those but not the others, feel free to share it anyway!
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
I'm always a little bit (more than a bit tbh) skeptical when I see it in movies or read in books, that an archer uses their bow as a melee weapon when the enemy gets too close. I feel like using a bow like a club would not go down well with the bow.
On the other hand, a crossbow? Could you use a crossbow as a close-quarter combat weapon in a pinch? Like, whacking someone over the head and then trying to get distance between you and the enemies again.
Also I'd appreciate your 2 cents about the trope of "stabbing someone with arrows".
You really don't want to do any of those things.
So, the bow as a melee weapon runs into the issue that the limbs themselves really aren't designed to sustain blunt impacts, and even if they're made of something sturdy, there is a real potential for damage. Similarly, you don't want to damage the string. If either of these things are damaged, the weapon is basically trashed. This also applies for blocking melee attacks with a bow. In situations like that you're almost guaranteeing that the weapon will be critically damaged. Now, that could be an intentional decision, “sacrifice the bow instead of dying,” but it's rarely presented in that context, and the weapon frequently emerges unscathed (or with minor, cosmetic, damage) from these events.
Crossbows have the same problems as bows, with the additional consideration of their trigger mechanism, their winding system (if they have one), their optics (again, if they have any beyond sighting down the bolt.) Damaging any of these things will start to impair the weapon's ability to function. It doesn't mean that clubbing someone over the head with the stock would automatically break the crossbow, but there are a lot of mechanically sensitive components that could react poorly to blunt force impacts, so, it's best to avoid that entirely, and just not use it as a melee weapon.
Everything I just said about the crossbow also applies to just about any firearm more advanced than a 14th century hand cannon. Firearms do have the advantage in that they're expected to experience some kinetic kick, so it's not as simple as, “well you can't do this, or gun will break,” but as a general rule, you shouldn't do it. Clubbing someone over the head with your M4a1 shouldn't mess up your zero, it shouldn't damage your trigger mechanism, it shouldn't affect the firing pin, but you still shouldn't do it, because there is a genuine risk of breaking something. There are a lot of moving parts in modern firearms, and if any of those are out of place, it's not going to work right.
Ranged weapons are intended to be used at range, they're not supposed to be used as improvised clubs, and while most modern examples should be able to survive some abuse, it's still a bad idea.
Stabbing with an arrow is something I have mixed feelings on. From a realism perspective, it's not. Arrows (and bolts) are designed to be aerodynamic, you want low drag on the shaft, and that means that you're not going to get the kind of grip you would with a knife. The shaft should be smooth, and as a result, able to move through the air with ease, but that also makes it harder to manually shove it into someone.
At the same time, most arrow stabbings in fiction are examples object conservation. It's a kind of Chekhov's Gun, where the item is being completely repurposed in the moment, and that's a bit of creativity that I'm rather fond of, even when it's not completely realistic. This even extends to situations where someone's been shot with an arrow, pulls it out, and then stabs someone with it. It's biologically impossible in most cases, but it can be a well done moment that effectively plays with the objects that have already been established in the fight.
It's a little off topic here, but getting shot with an arrow (or bolt) is very different from being shot by a bullet. In the case of bullets, they tear through your musculature and (usually) exit the body. The problem is that you now have new holes, through which your blood is now seeking to escape. Being hit by an arrow will pin your muscles together in their current configuration. Think of it like running a toothpick through a stack of thinly sliced meat, the exact position of those slices is now fixed in relation to one another. The problem is, your muscled don't move together. They're multiple layers of meat moving over one another, and when you skewer that, you cannot change the relative position of those muscles. Meaning, getting shot with an arrow will lock up portions of your body, preventing motion. This is why I said that pulling an arrow out and then stabbing someone is sometimes biologically impossible. It is biologically impossible to continue fighting after taking a couple arrows, because you'll be unable to sufficiently move your limbs.
So, the short answer would be, “can you?” Yes. “Should you?” No. There's a non-trivial chance you'll damage the weapon. It's not likely, but you really wouldn't want to take that chance.
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gottagobackintime · 1 year
I find it fascinating to witness the straight audience of any media not being able to pick up what the makers of the movie/show puts down.
It’s like when people reacted to the “You wear fine things well” scene in Our Flag Means Death with “aw, they’re such good friends” whereas the queer audience went “omg, this is happening”. We all had access to the same scene, we’d all watched the build up to that scene but the straight audience wrongly read it as friends/straight whereas the queer audience had suspected they were building up to a romance but this was the confirmation. Even the creator of the show was baffled that people were surprised that Ed and Stede fell in love. Because he thought they had made it obvious.
And as I said, we, the queer audience picked up on it. And I feel like the same thing is happening with Ted Lasso. Do I know that Ted and Trent will get together? No, I am unfortunately not a writer on Ted Lasso. But you can’t deny that there are clues pointing to it. But the straight audience barely pick up the fact that Ted and Trent like each other, be that in a platonic way or romantic way. I’ve seen several reactions to the last episode of season 2 and ONE of them included the scene where Ted reacts to Trent not being in the press room. All of them severely cut down the scene in the parking lot. One of the scenes most of us Ted/Trent truthers point to as a huge piece of evidence for it going canon. The parallel of them meeting in an empty parking lot, just like Ted and his ex-wife and Roy and Keeley. But because Ted and Trent are both men it couldn’t possibly mean anything. And Ted has an ex-wife and a kid so he can’t possibly be into men, as if there is no such thing as being bisexual. “But I’m pretty sure Trent has a family, he has a kid right?” So? He could be divorced, we also have no idea if his daughter has another dad or a mum. And the same thing applies to him, it doesn’t mean he can’t be into men (take also into account all of James Lance’s interviews, and his choice of shirt in one of them, friend of Dorothy anyone? He's the captain of this ship, we're just along for the ride tbh.)
Then we have the wonderful “I’m so not homophobic, in fact, you are homophobic because you think Ted is gay just because he likes musicals and has ‘feminine’ traits” um no… it’s the fact that he kind of acts in a way that an ally wouldn't. Yeah, he called himself an ally in that one episode. But every single person who is now out as queer who at one point considered themselves an ally because "I’m not one of them but I sure think they're neat" raise a hand 🖐️ (been there, done that. Was very into queer things before I realised I myself am one of them). What it always comes down to is "it's pandering", "it's tokenism" (having the main character on the show be queer wouldn't be fucking tokenism), "not everything has to be gay", "why can't men just be friends, there is a severe lack of male friendships on tv". And like the last one makes me go??? There are a MILLION friendships between men on TV. There are even multiple friendships between men in Ted Lasso. Beard and Ted, Ted and Higgins, Ted and Roy, the himbos and so on. Having Ted and Trent become a couple wouldn't really change anything because there are still friendships between men. They also claim that Ted is needed as the "straight without toxic masculinity" representation. As if Beard isn't right there. The man who has no problem going to an immersive show about the menstrual cycle. Has no problem with shrieking when he's surprised and so on.
I also like that if we'd get Ted and Trent together, we'd get two middle aged queer dads. Which isn't that common. It's not even super common to see people realising they're queer late in life on TV, and yet it happens every day. Because let's face it, most queer men on TV kind of look like Colin, and I don't mean that as a bad thing. And I'm looking forward to his storyline. But it's also nice seeing middle aged or old people finding themselves and being allowed to be who they are (see Ed and Stede from OFMD). Also would enjoy seeing people lose their minds when they realise they've been fooled this entire time. It'll be like Black Sails all over again.
I do not have any doubts about the fact that, had Trent or Ted been a woman and they saw Trent give up his career because of Ted's influence, they sure as hell wouldn't protest people thinking they'd become a couple. But because it's two men it's just delusional for some reason (homophobia).
What I'm saying is, it's clear that the straight audience has a hard time picking up subtext and clues that the makers are planting. Because they've never had to do that. Because they are always clearly represented. They don't have to look for minor side characters and hope that they might be queer. Because the main character is straight and most of the supporting cast too. When you've grown up with a lack of representation or with representation that is meant to be subtext, you'll learn to pick up on it. And you do look at media differently. I just wish that the straight audience could listen to us for once, without getting defensive and dancing around the fact that they are uncomfortable relating to a character that turned out to be queer.
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conanssummerchild · 7 months
im bored as shit so im going to asign a community person/ship to every conan gray song bcs i really just use this site as a stream of my conciousness, if anyone has a better one for any of them feel free to tell me, also fair warning abed is my fav character, i'll try not to make everything abt him and troy but no promises
grow: the whole final episode really but im thinking mostly jeff tbh or also abed leaving for LA, or even maybe troy leaving on his voyage ☹️
idle town: the 'town' being greendale i feel like this applies to jeff also 😭 like its abt all of them but its jeffs pov
generation why: im thinking my girl britta hehe idk how to explain it but the vibes are so there
crush culture: im thinking annie, but also maybe jeff, aro king 👑
greek god: im thinking maybe abed in high school? i would say annie but she seemed to care more about fitting in while abed had accepted he couldnt, also hes like insightful and observant yk
lookalike: oh my god, brittas pov and its about jeff and slater oof
the other side: troy and abed, specifically in geothermal escapism 😭</3 im killing myself why would i do this
the king: okay fuck this is so trobed coded, abeds pov
comfort crowd: the whole study group tbh <33 in more specifics i was thinking jeff + the study group and honestly abed and annie
wish you were sober: i mean this one has to be either jeff and britta or britta and troy, though troy and britta could be taken either as britta wanting to go party and smoke weed or wtv and troy not rlly doing that stuff or britta feeling rejected bcs of troy giving all his attention to abed 😭 (like as in wish u were sober being wish u werent a raging homosexual)
maniac: probably i'd have to say jeffbritta from either pov
(online love): i... dont know tbh. the vibes are giving annie and troy for some reason, maybe once troys already left?
checkmate: the fond eyeroll i had to give, jeff and britta again. maybe annie being pissed at jeff over their kiss but i dont ship them romantically
the cut that always bleeds: idk, maybe jeff and annies weird ass relationship that keeps fucking happening is the closest, from annies pov
fight or flight: idk tbh, maybe trobed and britta if i had to go with smth, this one is mostly EXTREMELY byler coded (from stranger things) and im never fucking letting that go
affluenza: ok i mean ive gotta give this one to jeff dont i
(can we be friends?): troy abed and annie <3 im so soft for them
heather: ok fuck i HAVE to say trobed and britta and its abeds pov and if we're being specific them in virtual systems analysis becuase i'll never get over this episode ("ive run the simulations, i dont get married :/") bcs i fucking love abed being jealous of britta while she was with troy in the cool way but also in the sad if troy cant love me no one will way
little league: this is troy and abed when troy leaves :(((( and this is canon bcs my beloved wife and i are so troy and abed coded and she loves little league sooo
the story: ok so the boy and the girl are hmm annie and abed, the boy and the boy are troy and abed duh doy, him and his friend are maybe idk britta and troy, i dont wanna say jeff or abed bcs their dad/mum abandoned them and that bit's abt wanting to get away from ur parents yk
fake: (😭) maybe jeff (alan's pov 😔😔💔💔) nah but fr i see people joking abt his song but its lowkey fire
telepath: jeff 😔 and 😔 britta 😔
movies: ok i literally cant say anyone other than abed, the king of movies. im not really feeling troy tho, maybe rachel, like maybe when abed kept trying to super speed run their relationship and he was anxious abt not passing the relationship tests
people watching: the MOST annie coded song ever holy fuck she is so people watching coded i love her so much
disaster: abed. or britta. my abandonment/commitment issues babies <33
astronomy: would it be absolutely too painful if i said troy and abed. honestly i actually think im feeling more jeff and abed but not like at eachother just both of them together in their sadness, from their pov to someone else (britta and troy probably seeing as these r their main romantic interests)
yours: AHH THIS SONG DEAR GOD </3 can i say abed jesus fuck im killing myself this one for abed hurts so much, not really directed at anyone in specific, or more like just directed at everyone, just his abandonment issues :( ("i dont always see it coming" PUT ME DOWN)
jigsaw: oo britta, my queen she just wants to be loved so bad </3 but also a bit abed ("if being less insane would make you stay" oof)
family line: okay. jeff.he actually invented having daddy issues
summer child: ok its abed bcs i kin him idc, im conans summer child™ and i said so /lh
footnote: not quite sure, very annie coded imo. maybe trobed? either pov ig but im feeling troy
memories: hm, trobed after troy leaves? abed trying to get over him but he keeps imagining troys still there with him like as in one of the hallucinations he has bcs i read a fic like this yesterday and it was sooooo good, idk maybe this is a little far fetched
the exit: im not rlly sure actually, either jeffbritta after the whole i love you in front of anyone fiasco or trobed when troys dating britta 🤷‍♂️
never ending song: ok, jeffbritta.
winner: THE MOST SONG EVER. ok this one is abed. it will always be abed. family line i feel like is more about a hostile home enviroment and jeff implies that his was, while winner is more pain of neglect or disconnect so i feel like its more appliable to abed because of how hes shown to not be understood by his parents and feels responsible for his mother leaving and this makes me think of the line "you dont really wanna hear the truth, do you?" because like his mum loving him on paper but not actually loving who he is or be willing to accept hes different and has different needs FUCK abeds mother all my homies hate abeds mother (what im not projecting at all my parents definitely love me and accept that im autistic /s)
killing me: im not quite sure actually. conan did write this song about someone who gave him tonsilitis and abed cannonically had tonsilitis though so 🤯
lonely dancers: hmm i feel like this song is upbeat enough to be trobed being silly tgth but maybe its more jeffbritta coded, or jeff and abed abt britta and troy, or vice versa, not sure
sorry i never mentioned shirley i do love her
feel free to take any of these as platonic or romantic idrk, a lot of them i couldve meant either way anyway
if u even made it this far u can have a gold star ⭐️ there u go
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watercolorsam-arts · 3 days
Why the Minecraft Movie looks so bad
Okay, let’s see if I can make this work
Hi, I’m Watercolor, currently a student learning animation and visual effects. I’ve got some more technical explanations for why exactly the trailer looks god awful
I’m gonna do my best to explain this in simple terms, but if I don’t explain something very good, let me know and I’ll explain more. Alright, this is gonna be a long post
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Starting off with the obsession with backlighting. See how it doesn’t really match the environmental lighting? That’s one of the major things that makes it look so weird to a lot of people. It could have been done to better distinguish the actors from the background, but it does that a little too well and makes them look way too out of place. The environment has a very nice constant (most likely singular) light source, which is most likely an HDRI.
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An HDRI (or high dynamic range image) informs the animation software on how the scene should be lit, and is often a weird panoramic image of whatever physical area you want to replicate.
In a reverse case, adding a CG character into a real set, you could take an HDRI of the physical set, and use it to apply similar lighting. Adjustment will most likely have to be hand adjusted by the lighting team (and tbh they add a lot of extra lights in anyway. It just needs to look right) but it’s a fantastic starting point for the compositing and lighting teams.
However, the McM’s live set has way different lights set up then what is seen in the environment.
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Here, for example, the live set is most likely being lit by standard 3 point lighting, which are not only the wrong color (the lighting on the environment is much more yellow) but also washes out any shadows that would help define the actors. If this movie wasn’t obsessed with backlighting, you could fix that by lighting the actors and environment from the front, but because the sun is in the back, they have to make the front of the actors unnaturally brighter to see them more properly. I have a slight idea on why the kid in red looks especially “photoshopped” in, and it’s mostly because his hoodie doesn’t have a similar reflectiveness to everyone else’s outfit, and his hair is a more neutral color, causing the highlight to be even more washed out. Also, while we’re here, the cube is a physical prop, but it was not lit up during filming, and all the light output was tossed on after. And it’s really inconsistent and honestly, lazy. For the most part they just hit it with a blue blur effect in post, it doesn’t actually cast any light.
Another major issue is the color difference between the actors and the environment. The color balancing on the actors is particularly garbage, they’re somehow desaturated while also being too saturated, I don’t know how they managed that. But the technical issue on why it looks odd, is because the physical camera cannot physically pick up the same vibrancy as the “camera” in the CG world. You might have seen an example of this when trying to take a photo with your phone, especially of a very colorful event like the sunset. It’s also why “ugly sonic” looked particularly out of place, he was 10x more saturated than anything else around him.
Having the actors on a very low effort green screen stage also completely ruins any chance of getting the proper ambient light or ambient occlusion.
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Ambient occlusion is basically the bounce light from other objects in your scene, gamers might know this as a form of ray tracing (ray tracing is live changes in ambient occlusion, games without ray tracing bake in ambient occlusion to get a similar result)
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When everything is CG, (again art style aside) looks pretty darn good actually!
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I attempted some edits to see if anything could make it look better (left is original, right is mine), and I don’t think proper lighting or anything could actually fix what this movie has wrong with it. They should have made the whole thing animated, I don’t think any amount of bullying would fix this, the studio basically has to scrap the actors, and make new CG characters from scratch in the same style as the rest of the world.
All of this is not the fault f the animators, or any of the vfx team, they did their absolute best with what they had, this is 100% the fault of the higher ups on this project. I have no idea how this good this far into production without ANYONE saying that it was a bad idea (Either that, or a lot of people got fired, which is unfortunately a likely possibility)
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redactedgender · 4 months
redacted audio headcanons: elliott & sunshine edition
im in my elliott & sunshine era rn it seems. i cant stop thinking abt them. so heres some of my hc for them! the sunshine hc’s are specifically for my oc (charlie, he/they), but im keeping it neutral so others can apply it to their oc’s/sunshine hc’s maybe :0
; t4t elliott & sunshine. i don’t make the rules, i just enforce them
; following that thought, sunshine, geordi & guy were all elliott’s caretakers after he got top surgery
; elliott & aaron’s last name is hawkins, but elliott is technically elliott lewis-hawkins. his last name is hyphenated because ‘lewis’ was the name of his first foster family (they were the best one he had had at that point, but when the mom got pregnant they realized they couldn’t support two kids), so he uses their name to remember them by
; sunshine has a prosthetic leg from their accident. they walk with a forearm crutch or sometimes use a wheelchair during extra bad pain days. they also have lots of small scars from the glass across their body, mostly arms
; elliott has called sunshine “sunshine” since they first met basically. but, when guy heard sunshine call elliott “dreamboat” one random day, he made the joke that their ship name would be “daydream”. since then, whenever guy talks about the two of them, he refers to them as “daydream” (ex: “yeah i’m just in a call with geordi and daydream, what’s up?”)
; they have matching yellow lego charms that make a heart when you put them together (like this but yellow)
; (18+) they both have horrible oral fixations (canon but still). they both could live between each others thighs. the 69 position is one of their favorites because of that
; sunshine and cutie used to go to school together, but after cutie’s powers manifested they kinda stopped hanging out. sunshine never really liked cutie tbh. they aren’t aware that cutie is empowered
; sunshine and treasure are cousins, and treasure was the first person sunshine told about their (completely obvious) crush on eli when they realized they liked him
; eli’s favorite color is lavender, and also loves lavender scented things (he has the lavender & iris spray from bath & body works and practically douses his bed in it. it smells divine btw)
; elliott had a wattpad account. what he read on that site is between him and god
; elliott is a lord of the rings nerd. you mean to tell me the guy who made a whole-ass fantasy d&d session dreamscape with his partner featuring a full-ass dragon isn’t a tolkien nerd??
; elliott also loves d&d. he hasn’t played a lot, but has enjoyed it when he did; he once dm’ed a one shot for his friend group and it was a crazy ass story. he likes worldbuilding and character backstories the most
; sunshine collects cds from thrift stores. even from artists they don’t know anything about
; besides their house, elliott and sunshine have also discussed getting animals together. they decided on a dog named thor and a cat named mercury
; honey is elliott and aaron’s cousin. they don’t know elliott is empowered. honey and aaron are the two cousins who would disappear when they both got overwhelmed at a party
; elliott loves watching competition shows like “blown away”, he eats that shit up
; (18+) sunshine is a big reader, and absolutely eats up all different kinds of genres. sometimes elliott likes to “punish” them for not paying attention to him by using him mouth on them while they read erotica & edge them until they finish a specific number of chapters
; elliott hates tuna. like, haaaaates tuna. can't stand the smell, taste, texture, anything about it. the only thing he can handle about it is when its alive and intact; he can't even handle it in sushi
; in pjo, sunshine would be a child of apollo, and elliott would be a child of hypnos
; sunshine didn’t tell the group about the accident until they had a panic attack over a car crash in a movie. they had told elliott bits and pieces before that (and obviously he had seen their nightmares), but they felt as though they didn’t want to burden elliott and the rest of the group with their trauma
; OK SO. elliott and sunshine’s favorite movie collectively is “tangled”. i mean its their absolute fave. they watched it together on their first official date, it’s their comfort movie, they have matching jewelry of the sun symbol, theyve cosplayed/gone as flynn and rapunzel a bunch of times for halloween, etc. like these guys LOVE tangled. and apparently there’s a new disney ride of the lantern festival in disneyland tokyo. so, in a world where the balance didnt separate them, and theyre together and happy and healing, i like to imagine they decide to visit a disney and go on the ride if they have it there. and id like to imagine that when theyre in the lantern section, they both reach into their pockets and pull out boxes. and, with tears streaming down their faces and the biggest fucking grins imaginable, they propose to each other (and ofc they both say yes) <3
; the couple that are stoners together stay together <3 elliott likes to shotgun sunshine
; elliott is always the big spoon. he likes knowing hes protecting sunshine in both their dreams and in real life
im so normal and regular about these two i promise (<- lying). i will add more as i see fit. also i might have a fic idea based on one of these headcanons, hehe :3c
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lettingthoughtsflow · 12 days
lab rats 🤝 chappell roan
inspired by @imasimpcentral
this is going off 97% vibes at 3% character analysis (i love chappell but there's def a 60/40 chance that some of these takes are not good interpretations)
femininomenon: tasha and bree fs
"stuck in the suburbs, you're folding his laundry" omg tasha my girl you deserved so much better than the man child billionare
if the boys kept up with playing instruments, bree def would've got them to learn this song
red wine supernova: literally everyone this song is so addicting
after midnight: also addicting and i want to say everyone but donald bc he doesn’t deserve it
I imagine chase playing this to hype himself up when he has plans to go out
coffee: omg adam, bree, and chase without question
"nowhere else is safe, every place leads back to your place" I know it's alluding to the couple ending up together but in the context of lab rats, abc can never get away from davenport and the bionic life. they never even get the chance to consider something
"you'll say that your sorry, I know it's a lie"
"if i didn't love you, it would be fine" omg this post by @texanmarcusdavenport
casual: Bree, Leo, Chase, and Douglas
basically anyone who struggled with relationships in the show tbh
someone would catch douglas singing the song and join him like that scene from friends
super graphic ultra modern girl: bree has this on repeat
adam brings just enough girly pop energy
leo too
one day tasha walks in on the kids dancing to it and joins in
chase walks in and slowly joins in like that scene from abott elementary
tumblr won't let me post another video so i made an extra post for the video
HOT TO GO!: obviously this goes to our two cheerleaders, adam and bree
davenport would be the person who tries to changed the dance routine
tasha would try to add to it or build a routine for the rest of the song bc she likes to be invovled
omg tasha would make them cheer outfits just so they could wear them for these songs
My Kink Is Karma: both davenport brothers tbh (mainly Douglas)
i didn't want to give donald one but if we ever saw him actually process the fact that his brother faked his death just to come back to attack his family and then get a parner and be more evil, this would be his song
douglas listens to this after leaving his partnership with krane
omg wait he would think about giselle too
Picture You: all of the siblings
"do you picture me like I picture you" -> am i the child you wanted? are you the dad I wanted?
are you the dad I deserve?
this is def me just interpreting this one line
Kaleidoscope: tasha, bree, chase, leo, and adam
tasha deserved to be treated better and fully acknowledged
bree, chase, and leo all had those messy coming-of-age relationships
adam doesn't relate to this song in the sense of romantic love bc he didn't have relationships (and i fully support the aroarce!Adam head cannon)
this still applies to the familial love and relationship with davenport
Pink Pony Club: @imasimpcentral put it best here but this is all the siblings
they're literally trapped in mission creek/bionic island
they can never leave the bionic life
they were all trying to prove themselves
leo the most during the bionic island season honestly
Naked In Manhattan: this song is so first relationship so all of the kids
bree basically modeled her life after high school movies after she was allowed out of the lab so this song is like nostalgia for her
adam vibes with the song but again he's aroace in my mind
i feel like chase would blush like crazy when he actually listens to the lyrics
i don't have a clear mindset with leo but i like to think that he vibes with chappell
California: all siblings – adam, bree, chase, and leo OH MY GOD MARCUS
specifically in the bionic rebellion for abc
they were thrown into the world of mentoring and then their top students rebelled
i think by that season they stopped caring about davenport but i feel like a small part of them has a lingering feeling of failure
when it comes to leo i just think about every time he tried to do something alone
"i'd make you proud. to think I almost had it going, but I let you down."
marcus literally did everything douglas asked him to and then came back to essentially complete his mission
and when he came back, he was working to make giselle proud just a bit
Guilty Pleasure: bree and chase
bree ached for normal life the most of all the siblings
she also fell for the bad guy
chase wanted friends so badly he could resonate with this song
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auuwmk · 3 months
connecting orv to some songs from Belle's (animated musical movie) soundtrack -> this got WAY too long, i underestimated my ability to bullshit
You don't need to watch the movie but I'll probably parallel it sometimes but only vaguely, I'm not the most media literate person on this app so feel free to add anything you want!!
Song: U (the opening theme iirc)
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^ kinda obvious, scene in the 1865th round where kimcom tries to get kdj back from the subway
"Though i feel left behind sometimes when you close the door" kdj not letting kimcom break through his "wall", he shut them out and never lets them in even until the very end (literally and metaphorically)
"i wanna know who you are, i wanna know it all" what if this was hsy and kimcom writing on the wall to reach him... *jhy flashbacks*
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^ "The moment that life hits you, you can't avoid the issue," context in the movie: suzu (mc) was forced to come out as her true self instead hiding behind her avatar -> kdj revealing who he actually is to yjh by the end of the divorce arc instead of hiding behind the facade of a prophet (this could also be kdj telling kimcom that the world is a novel)
"you're disconnected from the world you thought you were part of" tbh not sure about this one but kdj not seeing himself as a "character" that belongs in twsa therefore disconnected (i don't think he thought he was part of it anyways) -> WAIT could be kdj thinking he knew everything about twsa until he realized he doesn't
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^ kdj living his dream of meeting the characters of his favorite novel and being immersed in the world
"When you pass through the veil of fantasy, there's a world with a rhythm for you and me" basically him immersing himself in fiction in general (there's a world with a rhythm for you and me -> twsa being doksoo's world that they built tgt...a story only for them)
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^ self explanatory, yoohan and kimcom about kdj (mostly hsy, specifically cuz of the "though we cant waste our time here, it's now or never")
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^ also self explanatory, "you're all i need to leap into a perfect sky!" kimcom believing they can be happy again after they get kdj back
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^ do i even need to say it
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^ "dance away a world you never loved from the start" kdj (oldest dream too) trying to forget his lonely reality using fiction also ride to the future, ready to depart? haha subway reference
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^ haha kim dokja
Song: Gales of Song
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^ "A life without you i cannot accept, i can't tell that lie, i cant let go" this basically applies to everyone in kimcom but i was specifically thinking about post epilogue hsy trying to move on for two years but when she was finally about to move on....
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continuation...later in reblogs probably
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darlin-djarin · 2 years
i should sleep but i need to talk about the skywalker family and their chromosomes
it starts out a little silly but i promise i get deadass once i start talking about luke and how he was born.
now, it all starts with anakin.
anakin had no father, his mother birthed him like he was jesus (jesus intersex representation?? 😨 that’s another story) and she could only give him X chromosomes. that means either anakin didn’t have chromosomes, he had two X chromosomes, or he had just one X chromosome. considering his mother birthing him and his fatherlessness (loser), it’s most likely that he had a single X chromosome. therefore he was intersex.
now he probably still had cock and balls (derogatory), otherwise he couldn’t have had kids with padme. if the jedi order had a sex ed class (they probably did tbh), then anakin would probably know or realize that he only had one X chromosome, and therefore he realized he’s intersex.
as much as i love the idea of non-binary anakin- let’s be real guys. anakin would be those types of dudes who, when asked what their pronouns are, would answer with “nor/mal”. people would mention his beauty or his feminine demeanor and he’d be like “i’m not gay”. or something like that. i’m projecting my homophobic brother’s personality onto him. they’re very similar and i’m not particularly fond of either of them. at least, not anakin in the prequel movies.
my big boy chad master anakin in the clone wars had ultimate lightskin rizz.
anyway so onto luke.
it gets serious here.
since anakin only had one X chromosome, and padme had XX, then both of them contributed an X chromosome to their children. they literally couldn’t be able to make a biological male child. if they did end up having a male child, they would either have to be also intersex, or trans.
leia and luke were both born with XX chromosomes.
“but olly! in the movies, they said luke was a boy when he was born!” ah wonderful observation, my silly little padawan.
obviously star wars “humans” aren’t clearly “humans”, rather aliens as well. so likely their biology might differ from irl. but if we were to ignore that and consider all the possibilities, we could come up with a logical explanation.
obviously the technology in the star wars universe is very advanced, at least more advanced than the options we have available. i think the topic of gender and sexuality isn’t even a real thing in the universe. gender is a social construct, right? and clearly with the different aliens, races, and religions in the universe, the discussion of what “gender” is wouldn’t technically apply anywhere because gender isn’t real.
back to the technology part- i’d like to think the universe at that time would be able to find out a child’s “gender” or orientation by examining their brain when they are born. according to this study by Dr. Julie Bakker in how trans peoples brains correspond with the gender they identify as, regardless of how they were born, it can be understood that even from a young age, trans people think and process the same way cis people would within their respective identity/gender.
i think it would make the most sense that when luke and leia were born, they were given brain scans or something of the sort to determine what their gender/identity would be, regardless of how they were biologically born.
therefore we get luke’s “gender reveal” in the movies, even though he was likely born as a biological female.
basically trans luke is canon, y’all are just cowards.
so the whole skywalker family only have X chromosomes. until we get to ben solo. because of Han’s Y chromosome, ben would’ve been born as a cis male (derogatory).
that’s why he became evil. it’s bc his whole family is trans and he was kicked out for being cis.
hope this made sense
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 2 months
been reading rhaenicent fic lately tbh and it’s AMAZING, i’m eating well, but it also made me realize just how much smaller the yellowjackets (specifically JackieShauna) fanbase is bc i look at yellowjacket fics that have legit changed my brain chemistry and they have like. 200 kudos. sometimes less.
anyway all these words to say, if you’re a fic writer, esp a fic writer for smaller fandoms or ships, lower numbers of kudos are not an indicator of the quality of your work, believe me. your work is incredible and most of all it is appreciated and loved. there’s someone out there who sees art or reads another story or watches a movie and your work comes to their mind. maybe months or years later they’ll even come back again because they loved it so much and it stuck with them.
anyway, fic authors i love you 📖💖
and fic readers, leave comments. even if you feel like your words won’t do justice to how much you enjoyed the work. say something anyways. it goes such a long way, believe me
adding one more note to say this sentiment also applies to fan artists and gif makers and video editors etc. you are the reason the source material gets to expand & deepen and live on beyond what we see on our screens 🎨 📺
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loveislandthegame · 2 months
thoughts on today's volume! this was certainly an experience. 🙂 for real tho, we've definitely reached the point of the season where everything starts flying off the rails
i'm putting my clown costume on & continuing my natasha route, she told MC that her and stefan are just friends (i was getting mixed signals in this volume tbh, but if stef/natasha are actually romantic if you're off their routes , i'm just gonna assume it's glitches or FB being too lazy to branch rather than her being dishonest)
unfortunately for those who thought uma being a returning islander was going to be a fake-out , hamish brought her ass back in a friendship couple (granted he would've been dumped if he didn't twist, but he seriously couldn't have picked anyone else ? 😭)
then we play whatever this challenge was, i was mentally checking out . i hyped all the guys up except finn. it really bothers me that he keeps flirting with MC no matter how many times i've pied him off, it's giving suresh
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i also thought that uma was going to be dumped due to her lack of a redesign ... perhaps fixing her weirdly long broken arm & "5 seconds away from pissing herself" pose is asking too much of FB, but they could've at least given her a new hair & outfits 😭 it wouldn't fix her personality but jeez (slightly off topic but i think uma's face is gorgeous, FB did her so dirty in so many different ways)
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i picked all the chill options with her. side note, i'm so bored with these rivals that just go after whoever you're coupled up with . i'd be much more invested if the drama was like: stefan trying to have a proper relationship with natasha, hamish trying to win her back, or even uma wanting to pursue her
speaking of the drama, chen randomly decides that he's somehow more compatible with somebody he's known for a grand total of two days than the person he's been madly in love with for this entire season ... really bad paraphrasing here but my jaw was on the ground when he was like "uma is actually interested in melbourne and did research about it, you shouldn't move to my home city because of me, what if you hate it🥺." mind you, my MC is also australian
FB keeps reusing this "LI and MC fighting because they had a disagreement over the most miniscule bullshit" plot point and i don't understand why . later on he apologises but it's just so...ugh . Overbearing i guess ? idk how to describe it but i think i'm done with him
my tinfoil hat theory is that FB is trying to ruin everybody's route to make finn look good by comparison, and that's just not happening for me luv, but i will say that it made me appreciate hamish more . he's a hot mess but his scenes with MC are very sweet (love a friends to lovers moment)
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at least the chen drama gave me the strength to go to the hideaway with natasha without feeling guilty (that damn hyperempathy lmao)
of course we get The Box™ again, but this time there's sexy...crossword ? 😭 (like i've said before, i don't care about these scenes so i can test out whatever FB adds without being like "damnnn that was a waste of time")
it's definitely better than dice, it's not some super spicy thing, just (at least with natasha, idk if it can change) neck kisses before the option of going all the way/bits/cuddling . sexy crossword is a deeply unserious concept but i would go with it if you're tired of the other options
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next up is movie night, my MC is a hoe (mainly in the sense that anybody on a wlw route can't officially be with their LI until the final recoupling, but i'm also on hamish's route now) but i didn't do anything in casa, so i wonder what her clip will be. my prediction is that it'll end up being something that can apply to all players e.g. the PDA awards drama
(can't wait for everyone to clutch their pearls over MC turning down finn for the one millionth time 😍)
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bobbydagen24 · 1 month
another Harsh truth the fandom is Hypocritical when it comes to Creeks Return in TBGO since all the things they complained about also applies to Bro zone in TBT.
for starters everything the fans complained about with Creeks return in TBGO is very much an issue in TBT such as
lack of remorse. yep the bros spend the whole film showing no guilt they only show a nano second of remorse after their victim finally stands up to them and leaves and that's it for the film and they never actually acknowledge any wrongdoing at all.
lack of consequences. big yep despite repeating their crappy behaviours and arguably behaving even worse they get taken back in the end unconditionally after Treating Branch terribly for no Real Justifiable Reason.
lack of doing anything to earn another chance. also big yep the Bros get captured and are literally forced to let Branch lead to save their own lives as well as Floyd's and afterwards their second chance is seen as earned for some reason? Despite this being a self serving action.
at the very least Creek was made to apologise Bro zone couldn't even be bothered to do that the simple truth is fans just like characters for surface level qualities
such as their outwardly goofy personalities so your more keen to make excuses for them actually being very bad toxic people really but Creek is more outwardly unlikable
so your all not as keen to see him as a flawed human and are eager to write him off even tho everything that you claim to find wrong about Creek's return also applies to Bro zone when you think about.
look I will admit that while I've always Defended the writing choice to bring Creek back in TBGO and have him Re-join the village I will admit it was written very badly.
it was way too Rushed and kinda ruined what could have been an interesting story arc for Branch and Poppy and Creek himself if they'd actually made him a touch more sympathetic
and Regretful over his actions while having the others be forced to acknowledge that he was placed in a pretty Horrifying situation and reacted in a bad but Human way.
Rather than sticking with a Highschool Jerk persona which just made the fandom Blindly Hate him even more
but the only posotive thing I will say about Creeks return is that unlike Bro zone Creek never wasted his second chance in the tv show sure he never seemed all that remorseful
but he also never betrayed the characters Trust again Creek was given a second chance and he didn't take it for Granted
unlike Branch's Brothers who slipped back into old Habits very quickly and behaved even worse than when they were younger by being verbally cruel to him unprovoked.
and yet were still given a third chance at the very end despite showing next to no remorse and no acknowledgment of their behaviour and actions towards Branch and each other.
so there isn't really anything that makes Bro zone more redeemable than Creek the only difference is the movie gives them two second chances with no strings attached
while the first movie Removes any such choice for Creek after his first betrayal even tho it was under extreme duress and literal torture.
this is something that Really doesn't make sense to me and Hence why I say this fandom cares more about surface level likability for its characters Rather than them being actual Good people
( Barb is the most extreme example tbh )
the majority of the fandom seems to view Repeated crappy behaviour for no Real Reason other than Bruce and JD didn't Grow up in over 2 Decades.
and Jump to the extremes of lifelong abandonment and emotionally abusive Behaviour when their slightly annoyed as acceptable and Human.
and worth forgiving even with no Real acknowledgment of wrongdoing or efforts to make amends.
while someone giving in to fear after being nearly eaten alive and tortured on your own by creatures 20 times your size is seen as irredeemable by the larger fandom.
and him being accepted back after this is seen as the worst thing ever because he showed next to no Remorse but did acknowledge wrongdoing and apologised to the people he wronged unlike Bro zone.
and Poppy herself literally tells Branch and by extension the audience that yes Creek has flaws
( that being giving in to fear under extremely stressful circumstances) but they are forgivable Human flaws and can be Helped.
it wasn't written Great and it was Hella Rushed but this is actually a mature message so its Hilarious how the majority of the fandom flipped their shit and whined like Babies at this episode 😂😂😂😂
yet when this message was taken and applied to bad people who this message doesn't actually apply to given their motives and Repeated crappy behaviours
suddenly the fandom thinks this kinda message is mature and posotive even tho its literally just encouraging kids to stay in abusive relationships.
I Guess that was Creek's fatal flaw Rather than being a Hostage who turned traitor in a moment of panic to save his own life
he should have abandoned his family twice and verbally abused them because he's slightly annoyed when he's expected to put effort in to the relationship then the fandom would love him 😕😕
it Really is no Different to the extreme Blind fans who love characters like Walter White and Dexter Morgan and Joe Goldberg and Tony Soprano
not because you like a complex bad guy character but because you think they're actually Great people and think them being likable and charismatic means everything they do is excusable.
but write off other characters who do similar actions but don't happen to have those surface level likable persona's.
in short your in love with characters who you invented in your heads not the ones the film actually showcased sooo yeah I'll end this by saying to you the same thing I said to Fifty Shades of Grey fans in the past
you wanna enjoy a fictional work by all means do that but trying to claim its a Healthy way to look at Relationships and forgiveness in real life is when you've crossed a line and need to be stopped.
because you may end up actually doing Harm to yourselves or to other people.
anyway cheers for Reading have a nice Day
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pyromaniacldrt · 2 months
Damn, just realized I forgot Jimmy in my headcannon list.
Which is embarrasing, since he´s one of my faves.
He is a csi-fi movies nerd, specially of Pixel and Back in the Future.
He has defeated Tertis once, and to this day that´s the achievement he´s most proud of.
He is a Harry Potter fan thanks to the influence of his weird, on the run and probably a mafia memeber uncle, who has enough debts to sink Mark Zucchenberg in poverty. He has a boat tho:)
Jimmy comes from a HUGE family full of Gingers™, and at some point the Wild Kratts theorized he could be a Weasley, but it was descarted because JZ is VERY rich.
His wardrobe is full of the Adam Sandler´ aesthetic. That, and a sinlge Gala Suit that no one is sure how it got there.
When looking where to apply for a job after graduating, at first he had thought on joining the air force ,since he didn´t want to go to a local airport to get experience; but then Chris (a dude he met playing minecraft online and later on became friends) offered him to work as a pilot in his older brother´s proyect for an academy.
He couldn´t belive it when he met Koki again, and they pretty much tackled eachother into a hug.
He has a power suit, but Jimmy never uses it (plus, it has malfunctioned so many times that Aviva is impressed its still working)
bro is great at social events, but he has to be dragged in to participate.
Jimmy thinks very little of Gourmand to a professional perspective, if not as a decent human being, and finds his recipes disastrous, and not only because they are made with endangered species.
Back when his grandma wasn´t in the nursing home, she had a five star restaurant that she later on lost to a bet, in which she would teach enterprising chefs her recipes and different cooking skills, including a teen Jimmy, who wanted to be just like her if his dream of becoming a pilot didn´t work out. Between those enterprising chefs was Gourmand, the so called "prodigy", who even got to become the main cheff when Grandma Jimmelda retired. He also won the restaurant when betting with the old woman (he probably cheated, but there´s no evidence)
Jimmy went there regulary and even worked there because his parents wanted him to be hardworking (didn´t exaclty work, but ok)...
Until he found out about the cooked endangered animals and reported Gourmand, making him loose the restaurant and his cooking liscense. Yeah. They don´t get along.
He has a shark stuffed plushie that Martin gave him on christmas. (Jimmy gave him a new pair of socks. He needed those.)
He likes to make pastries a lot, specially if it´s one of his gandma´s recipes.
Grandma Jimmelda has some very deep lore stories from her youth, including marrying at 14 and going to war twice (don´t ask which one though, not even she knows).
Jimmy has had thought of letting his hair grow long, and I personaly belive he would have it very long to try to make the Rapunzel fight moves(he can´t).
Still, he has to go and have a haircut every time he visits his parents and Zach.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that: Grandma Jimmelda has a niece, Aunt Jaminet, who is the cousin of the mother of Zach´s grandma. Somehow (I don´t want to know how), they´re almost the same age.
The family meetings are just something else, specially when there´s a whole bunch of gingers on the table and a singe black haired guy that only comes once every two christmas because he lives across the state and no one likes (Jimmy also rarely shows up, but he´s the cool cousin/uncle, so he´s been forgiven by the little ones, unlike Zach)
Tbh, nor Zach or Jimmy know they are related. I mean, they are distant second cousins(?), but they are still family. Somehow.
He has played World War Z and finished it in three days.
He has also bested with full stars Cooking Mama, ofc at the extent of his emotional stability, but pshh Who needs it?
Martin´s - Chris´- Aviva´s - Koki´s
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