#tbf most of that time i was just nitpicking
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bmcblr-remake · 2 years ago
bmcblr sings: (apparently both versions of) more that survive
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months ago
Bro the ppl you stan are so at odds with the other, your level of starkcels are always alicent-sansa stans, which is a shame bc if they open their eyes they'll see the sansa-rhaenyra-catelyn parallels 😔🥀
Messing with my stats fr 😒 (no hate btw, I'm also a sansa-rhaenyra stan)
it GENUINELY causes me pain, and like i get it, the fandom beefs go crazyyyy and i blame both d&d and the shitty way we teach literature analysis in high school for it getting as bad as it has. one of my xwitter moots got into asoiaf thru hotd bc she saw “lesbian undertones & dragons” and got curious & she said the other day never has she been in a fandom as genuinely evil, she was NOT prepared & i would say that’s just xwitter but we’ve ALL seen crazy behavior on every platform & also i can fully acknowledge that i, like many others, have gotten pettier & more quickly annoyed over the years ajsjdj. but my GOD i really do choose the toughest battles for no goddamn reason 😭🤧.
it’s pretty much like a two way split in fandom the way i see it, and i’m speaking in just the most broad, wankified strokes imaginable but -
targnation aka tb/dany(/arya) people who will genuinely honest to god argue that nettles is valyrian & daemon’s daughter bc only valyrians can ride dragons & really disingenuously misunderstand every point you make about how few good options a lot of the people on tg had.
the starkcels, infamous for being staunch jonsa shippers and/or sansa qitn truthers/stans, & they are all hardcore tg-but-usually-specifically-alicent stans. these people never stop BITCHING and NITPICKING, with the worst of it very much directed at being disingenuous about rhaenyra & baela’s motivations, in a very *dakota johnson voice* ellen you know that’s not true, sort of way.
(there’s other radioactive flavors, we don’t need to get into the aegon ii/king jon-or-stannis types on reddit, for instance).
and the problem here is that i call that second group my home bc it is a break off from the Main Branch which is very hostile to jonsa & associated theories, and therefore a lot of the most intensely starkcel people (such as me 😁) congregate there
(which, bizarrely to me, the Main Branch consists of largely tg/dany stans IF they watch the show seriously, if they don’t watch the show well that’s just main branch & it takes a second longer rant to explain that one but all of these groups are very hostile to starkcels & tbf starkcels are incredibly hostile to them aksjd). i Do believe i get the worst of both worlds as i try to exist in multiple subfandoms, altho i’m sure people at other intersections in fandom will disagree (they’re wrong i have it worse).
and this is a fandom just WILDLY HOSTILE to comparisons. u even think the words “sansa & ned are a little similar” and u get tomatoes thrown at you and that’s just her FATHER. i saw a minor meltdown on two different websites bc someone called margaery “the little queen” when “well that’s DAENAERA’S TITLE” brother no character owns a phrase or archetypes, and george’s style is basically just writing the same 12 archetypes that he really enjoys and doing them slightly to the left each time and as someone who loves doing that (there’s so many things to say!!! so many ways it can go if you just tweak one thing!!!!!) this series is crack to me, but if u dare compare two characters that have a different group of stans, even if those characters dead ass have the exact same life on paper, they try to execute you in the town square. so we just ignore the sansa-rhaenyra and rhaenyra-catelyn parallelism even tho it’s very obvious to me, bc it is apparently an insult to george himself to compare two characters he wrote 🤧
anyways sansa-rhaenyra stans of the world unite, there are dozens of us. dozens i tell you!!!!
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zoyo14 · 7 months ago
dont kill me pls
uh, controversial opinion, i didnt like the MD finale
now dont get me wrong, i feel like the ending was fine, but the trip to get to said ending? ehhhhhhhhhhhh..
the animation is like, the greatest, prob the greatest in the entire series. however, the writing for that episode feels under cooked. like, theres too many plot holes, too many lose ends, the pacing is absolute dog water.
but the biggest issue? N and Uzi's personalities changed. Uzi reverted back to pilot emo gremlin, and N turns into strictly Uzi support with PTSD.
like, idk, i feel like N really didnt do anything, like, you could prob remove him from the episode and it would be more or less the same. and if you look at the merch?
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feral N? decapitating J??? i dont think N earned this, that didnt happen. im 99% sure N doesnt even lay a finger on J that whole episode, the most he even interacts with J is writing the "I O U one spaceship" note. like, the N that was teased and shown in the merch vs the N in the actual episode is not the same person. [no i dont mean that literally]
Vs stand? she 'died' fighting the sentinels, Uzi's? she sacrificed herself fighting the solver/cyn, N's? he didnt do that, eldritch J doesnt even show up in the finale, N doesnt really even fight outside of supporting Uzi and V, none of the DDs even get X visors for that matter.
alot of the characters feel useless i think. like, khan doesnt really do anything, nori doesnt really do anything, thad and lizzy, N, hell, even J. this episode just kinda boils down to Uzi vs Cyn with strong support from V. wouldnt be so much of an issue if Uzi hadnt had her time to shine in episode 7 aswell, like, everything before this was building up for N to take a grand stand or something. he should be PISSED at Cyn, everything and everyone hes ever loved got stripped from him because of Cyn, he literally DIED for Cyn back at the manor, only to watch as himself and V are mutilated and transformed into the DDs, and he gets dumped on a planet where hes abused by J for god knows how long, and when he finally starts to stand up for himself, make a friend/lover in Uzi, reconnect with V, they end up 'dying' right in front of him, FOR him aswell.
all of that stress, all of that fear, all of that anger, and what does N do when he gets back to the surface? sees J working with Cyn? sees Cyn literally destroying the planet? hell, even comes face to face with Cyn?? he just stands there in fear. weve seen N push past his fear before, weve seen N confront Cyn before, so why now is he just standing there? or the one point in the fight where he stops because Cyn flashes a picture of a dog on her visor, like, that shouldnt of have stopped him. thats the person he should hate the most in the universe right now, giving him second thoughts over a png of a random dog. like, huh???????
N also never gets a resolution to his literal years of CONSTANT abuse from J. the only time N lays hands on J is episode 2 with eldritch J. who fights J the whole finale? V. whos pissed at J for betraying them? V. but whos decapitating J in the mural? N. huh? what? why??? also this is a minor nitpick, but in the ending where N yells "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!! :D" that doesnt seem like an N thing to do, like, N is a very humble character, he doesnt come off as the type to brag about having a gf.
not to mention Uzi, omg. i think in the finale Uzi is just being a dickhead. for example, when N recovers her he openly says and expresses that hes angry at her for what she did, and what does she do? she headbutts him and calls him a bitch. now lets consider V. what does she do upon finding out N is alive? she apologizes profusely, UNPROVOKED.
what does Uzi do upon seeing V is fine? she makes a deadpan comment about how shes happy V is alive. now tbf, she does look back and give a genuine smile, just to say like "hey, im being serious tho", but like, still, damn Uzi.
another thing i dont like is how serious moments keep getting ruined by jokes. every time something devastating happens, you either dont get time to process it before gets resolved, or the tension is destroyed by a joke.
N getting his core ripped out for example, the second i started to panic, like "OH GOD CYN HAS N'S CORE-" his core is back in his body and hes fine after like 10 seconds. every 'fake out' death in that episode doesnt work, because it gets resolved in literally 20 seconds or less. but i feel thats more a result of the serious pacing issues in the episode.
the episode is 20 minutes, whatever, but keep in mind, MD: Intermission, THE FAN EPISODE, is about 21 minutes long. thats right, A FAN EPISODE MADE BY A COLLEGE STUDENT WAS LONGER THAN THE FINALE. WHAT????????
overall i just think the finale comes off as incredibly rushed, hell, even the merch seems rushed. now im not gonna point any fingers, but certain items seem kindaaaa, ehhhhhhh [cough cough, cat V plush, Cyn plush, and random sticker sheet that just uses the animatez box art]
but yea, thats my 2 cent about the MD finale, overall im prob gonna forget about that episode and go read fic rewrites or something
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dilatorywriting · 2 years ago
Random question cause I've just seen an event and I'm starting to find idia a bit annoying lol but I do still like him when he makes sense but I wanted to know why YOU didn't like him lol
Okay I give my whole ass disclaimer that I know Idia is a fan favorite and I completely get why. In the words of Hades, I get it. I got it. I got the concept. But I just personally don't vibe with him.
Mostly I think it's because I've known quite a few people with his personality/archetypes in real life who were just absolutely awful, and that colored my opinion a lot. It's a fun concept for a character, very not fun to deal with in real people. Which, tbf, would be the same for pretty much all of the Twist boys. But as a nerd and someone in a very quote-unquote 'intellectual' field of work/education, I have met too many people like this.
But as like, an aside on top of that bias, I can tolerate most traits or flaws in other people, in real life and in fiction. My one, personal, irredeemable, nitpick is hypocrisy. Everyone comes from somewhere different and has different experiences that shape your values and ideals, but the second you start being a hypocrite, you're just proving that it's not the values, it's you being a dick. Idia for a lot of his vignettes etc. is incredibly judgemental of his classmates, while simultaneously lamenting how everyone would judge him for his interests. You don't get to be a dick to people and then be all 'uwu no one likes me' when they call you out on it. Like in the Ghost Bride event! Everyone shows up to save him--intentions entirely good or otherwise--and he spouts off enough ungrateful/mean comments that it turns into all of them basically being like 'fine go die :)' I remember thinking it was the funniest shit, and it was definitely meant to be a comedic moment, but the problem is that he never really recovers from those moments. It's always him being a dick, inevitably getting roasted, and then that's... sort of it.
His one redeeming trait in my opinion is Ortho and his obvious love for him. But like, even that gets tainted a lot of the time. Like in Ortho's vignette for his robes or whatever, he gets so excited to go to the opening ceremony! And when shit goes tits up, Idia just like... refuses to interact with him? To the point that the groovy image is Ortho pressed up against the door just... waiting for him? Ortho would give literally anything for his brother, and yes we're told Idia feels the same, but more often than not he still puts himself first. I'll give my disclaimer that I haven't read Idia's book. I know the gist of what happened to the OG Ortho, but like, I don't have the details. Maybe it gets better. But for the most part, until that book, all I'd really seen was things perpetually working out for Idia whenever he needed it (every event he basically gets what he wants--the new years bags, the wishing star, etc), while never having to deal with the consequences of him being nasty to other people and then just going on to complain more. Which. Ack. It just personally rubs me very much the wrong way.
Again, I completely get his appeal. His character design is absolutely gorgeous and sometimes the guy says some genuinely funny/unhinged shit. My favorite characters have literally tried to kill people and I'm sure drive some people into an absolute rage, so like, no judgment here. He is just very much Not My Vibe. At least, not at the moment. Maybe it will get better in Malleus's book.
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oneofthosebells · 1 year ago
1 & 11 :)
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Ooh...okay, Angst with a Happy Ending for definite. Always canon-compliant or canon-adjacent - if I'm writing an AU, it will always be either canon-divergent or the canon characters we know with the same backstories etc. meeting in a different time and place.
Usually lots of plot (I do love a cliffhanger), lots of feelings, lots of love. Usually not smut, the spicy stuff is way out of my comfort zone lol - I've written a bit here and there, but Incognito Mode is a definite break from the norm for me!
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
A fun hobby, absolutely.
This is where I admit something I've not admitted under this pseud before I don't think, but...when I was younger, I did want to be a writer - crime novels specifically. I did a Masters in Creative Writing when I was 26, and frankly, it kind of killed that ambition. 😂 I quickly realised I hate other people reading my stuff and nitpicking it or pulling apart my ideas. The original novel I wrote for my dissertation was going to be a crime novel from the pov of a divorced female vicar in her late 50s, but my supervisor made me change it to a woman in her late 20s - because, and I quote, 'there needs to be the possibility of a romance for the main character in order to increase your chances of selling the manuscript' - and also made me change the setting, most of the other characters, and the overall tone and style of the book. She was probably right with everything she said tbf, but the experience made me realise that I enjoyed writing just for its own sake, to create the stories that I personally enjoy reading. Writing for a career is a very different beast.
I'll stick to fanfiction, where if people don't like my stuff they'll just use the back button and everyone's happy. 😊
Thank you for the ask! 💜 Hope you have a lovely weekend.
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ahunter8056 · 1 year ago
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @nights-like-this17 Thanks friend! This'll be interesting...
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
18...I should write more. Although 2 more fairly far along in the works, so...
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
436,606, wow! Honestly didn't expect it to be that high. Doesn't feel like I've really written many long fics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Written for a few. Now mainly Doctor Who (8), used to be primarily WWE (11). I have also written a Last of Us/Doctor Who crossover series, so I've also written 3 fics for TLOU. I've also written a fic for She-Ra before. Also because I'm unoriginal, got a few more fandoms on my Ao3 dashboard which were just AUs featuring WWE characters set in a different universe, including Diablo II (1), Starcraft (1), Days Gone (1)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm Here (But You Can't See Me), I Don't Belong Right Here, You Only Feel My Ghost, You Put The Devil In Me, It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast
Wow, those fic titles sound depressing put together like that, lol. All except one of them are song lyrics tbf. Also, not the fics I would have guessed to be my top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES, absolutely! I feel like it's a virtual crime deserving of internet jail to not respond to comments.
I kid, but I seriously love interacting with people who took the time to not only read but comment on my writing. Honestly, it's the least I can do to thank them. And honestly, it's one of my biggest pet peeves on Ao3 when I see that an author doesn't respond to comments. Just comes across to me that they don't care, so why bother leaving a comment?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
To me, "angst" and "ending" don't belong in the same sentence. I feel like all endings should be happy, to make it a satisfying conclusion. I know I've read fics before that have ended on an angsty note, and felt disappointed in that. So I could never write an angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, I can't say for sure which is the happiest. I feel like the epilogue chapter I wrote for A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) is packed full of fluff and ends on a highly optimistic note, but I always knew I'd be making more content in that universe, so it doesn't feel like an ending to me. Other possible answers include It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast, but due to that fic's focus on depression, maybe that nullifies the ending's happy note?
So those two aside, I might have to give it to either I'm Here (But You Can't See Me) or You Only Feel my Ghost.
8. Do you get hate on any fics?
Readers are usually pretty cool, I like the whole "say something nice or don't say anything" vibe that Ao3 has. Not much, but I have had some negative comments. One which compared my "cheap" writing to a gloryhole (super weird comparison). And then I had someone leave multiple comments on a fic which were both positive and rudely critical, criticising my creative decisions in an already finished fic (while explaining where they felt I should have chosen the setting of my fic to be) and really nitpicking odd little details of little to no consequence. That one was just super weird to me, trying to dictate every little thing about my own fic, as if it belonged to them too.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't think writing smut will ever be for me, I'd just feel too self-conscious about how other people would react to it. I have written some brief allusions to before/after smut, but nothing that goes into enough detail to classify as smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, absolutely! When I first started writing fics, most of them were crossovers, lol. I just love putting characters in different universes. As previously mentioned, I wrote a TLOU/Doctor Who crossover series, where the Doctor arrived on a parallel universe Earth. That was fun, but also seems credible. I've also written the Four Horsewomen in the universes of Starcraft, Diablo, and Days Gone. But given I wrote them as natural denizens of those universes, didn't really seem too crazy to me. Maybe Days Gone might be the craziest though, it's been a blast writing Biker Sasha Banks killing zombies and surviving so well post-apocalypse.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. But I guess if I did find out one of my fics were stolen, I'd be simultaneously pissed, but also sorta proud that somebody felt my fic was worth being stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I've currently got A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) Season 2 in the works, co-writing with the brilliant @literaturelocker
But also, although it's currently on hiatus, I have been co-writing Why We Keep Going with another friend of mine (who I don't believe is on Tumblr)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly, it's a toss-up between Thasmin (Thirteenth Doctor/Yaz) and Baysha (Bayley/Sasha). Bayley and Sasha are so cute together, both on-screen (I hope not for the last time!) and off-screen. And for Thirteen/Yaz, both characters are amazing and so loveable. There was so much potential never fully realised on-screen, that makes for a magnificent array of fics, both fix-its and AUs. Not to mention how close the two actors are, which always helps me get invested.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Why We Keep Going. There's so much plot we plan to cover, and writing has unfortunately come to a complete stop for several months now, beyond my control. Maybe one day we'll be able to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Me? Strengths? LOL
All kidding aside, I find it so hard to think of anything I'd say is my strength. But for the purpose of this, I'll really try to.
I think I'd say that a strength of mine is writing for characters/canon which I'm fond of. I always strive to do them justice. A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) for instance, I felt worked so well because it combined two of my biggest interests (Four Horsewomen and Doctor Who), so I was really invested and passionate in making that the greatest fic I'd ever written.
And then for the second fic in my TLOU/Doctor Who series, Not Broken Beyond Repair, half of that was adapting the Jackson Dance cutscene from TLOU 2, which I can say I'm honestly still super proud of. The amount of times I watched and rewatched every single second of that cutscene to make sure I got down every single detail though...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, so many! But I'll keep this short, lol
I definitely feel like I struggle with dialogue, always too simplistic and I never know what to make the characters say other than what is needed to move the plot along. I also feel like I reuse dialogue from canon far too much, so it feels like less of a homage, and more lazy. I just can't help it.
And then action as well, I don't think I'm too good that that either. Similarly to dialogue, I think I'm quite limited in my descriptions.
I also think that as a writer, I'm not really all that creative. I feel like too many of my fics are based on a pre-established story, as opposed to being clever and creative enough to come up with something brand new.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue language in fic?
...am I stupid? I genuinely don't understand what this question means?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who! Years before I discovered Ao3, I wrote a one-off adventure featuring the Twelfth Doctor bumping into Amy Pond. I published on FanFiction.net and a couple of Doctor Who fanfic sites I found though googling. I've since uploaded it to Ao3.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, easily by far A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time). That fic will always be my baby, the one I put the most work and love into. I was really determined to make the most of that one, and I think it'll always be the fic I'm proudest of. And now, 2 sequels currently being written (and quite far along) to further expand the universe, yay!
This was fun and introspective to say the least, always find it interesting to share my thoughts with anybody who decided to follow me.
Tagging @literaturelocker
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hellfirenacht · 5 months ago
Prev anon here, and yeah I can respect that. Tbh I also had a shit time reading it tho lmao, I only really started to like it during my re-reads.
I never really re-read the weed deal scenes however because I kinda hated that plot tbh,,
I did feel like the book was def outta character tho..
But the scene I disliked the most was him arguing with Ronnie? Like dude, wtf? She was worried about her Best friend because he just disappeared on her?? and he just snaps at her with his comment about her having a scholarship to NYU when he was just talking about how excited he was for her?? (tbf he does admit that he only pushed her away bc of his insecurity later in the book but fucking stillll 🫠)
And then they're make up is so rushed at the end of the book? "Oh hey, I'm sorry" "ok cool" "want a ride?" "No" *Kid getting beat up* "hey I'm a freak" *end credits* WHAT??
Anyway, I'm really sorry you had such an awful time reading FOI tho. I legit cried at times because of how much of a dick he was in that book for whatever reason?? I mostly just tried to scavenge whatever little pieces of his backstory that I could get- like Eddie waiting with him mom for his dad to come home as a kid, Elizabeth introducing him to Chicago blues & teaching him how to dance to it and such, really just any references to his mom.
My favorite scenes were definitely Eddie in the recording booth with Paige where he opens up to how music and his kind of music is important to him, Eddie going to the record shop and crying at seeing a record that his mom had and also Eddie's house burning down weirdly enough? You can just feel Eddie's literal fucking panic as he watches his mother's records melting in the fire and to me, it really just settles in that his mom meant a lot to him and it's honestly probably my favorite because of that?
but yeah, seriously- I'm sorry that FOI is really triggering for you :( </3 so I sincerely hope you have a good day & you're my favorite writer btw !! (Wing man, the isekai series and 'cmom it's just one night' are my personal favs) /gen /pos
Anon, you have all of my love and affection. It will never cease to amaze me that people like my writing and go as far as to call me their favorite and for that I will always appreciate you 💜 (sorry I'm also fucking slow lol)
Anyway that said...
Eddie going from insecure to sure of himself was so phoned in! It was scenes like him fighting with Wayne and Ronnie that made me feel like this book could have been written for anyone who wasn't Eddie. Again, it feels like there's a huge disconnect with both Eddie's. It felt so generic and just beat by beat for how the story went.
Also, let's talk about Paige here. Do I have a weird jealousy thing with her and Eddie? Yes. But the way the fandom treated her like a bad guy was such B's her biggest crime was liking Eddie and doing what she thought would help both of them.
"Eddie in FOI gets all the bitches" NO! He got one girl who had an interest in him, who HE USED, just like the two girls before Eddie USED HIM. he said that the girls he dated before only wanted to get with the freak and were never actually interested in him. He wasn't even The Freak then! He was as much of a "freak" as Johnathan in season 1. Paige was even upset when he came to her again and he only wanted her to sign him. Like, come on guys.
Also I'm with you when it comes to Eddie and his mom's back story. The record scene made me cry. I also nitpick and take bits and pieces. "take what resonates, leave what doesn't."
So in my fics, Ronnie and Eddie will always make up. Eddie WILL grovel though. I'm sorry but Eddie is not innocent in that book. But he is 18, so I get it.
It always comes down to "this doesn't connect. I don't feel closer to Eddie" but that's just me being a broken record.
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elffees · 3 years ago
here because of the anon who sent that ask about jacob!
yes 👏 everything you said, just yes. he's such a goofball and a dork, and just adorable. I've seen people call him 'cringe', and sure he can be, but it's not like the others aren't. I haven't really been involved in the fandom publicly, but from what I've seen he's the only character where people nitpick at his flaws. Again, I haven't really been involved so let me know if this isn't true!
honestly at first he didn't catch my eye (talking about trailers and such) but then I played the game and just absolutely fell in love with him
- 🌹
we’re on a similar page. from what i saw before playing, Jacob didn’t interest me much. i was more excited for Justice Smith bc The G*t Down is one of best shows i’ve ever watched. but now that i’ve finished The Quarry several times over, Jacob has held the Number #1 spot for my favorite character!
he’s such a dork and he really warms my heart. not to mention his serious sides. Jacob has alarmingly low self esteem and abandonment issues that become more apparent the later into the game you get. he’s a really interesting character!
abt the cringe stuff: any Supermassive fan getting on a character for being cringe must’ve been asleep when their other games were released. one of the company’s most well known perks is quirky dialogue so to suddenly have a problem with it now is wild.
so far the biggest group i’ve seen that found Jacob embarrassing are the let’s players who were more focused on pairing Jacob up with Emma, instead of genuinely enjoying the characters as their own people. which is sad bc Emma and Jacob are a lot more than just their former romance.
for example, if you look at the “peanut butter butterpops” dance as Jacob simply trying to woo Emma, then yes it’s a bonafide fail. but if you view it as Jacob being super excited to find a snack he hasn’t seen in years, one he loved so much that he memorized it’s jingle, and is so overjoyed at finding a bag he erupts in unrestrained song and dance, only to grow even MORE excited at the idea of introducing said snack to someone who’s never had it before, then the moment comes off as endearing and tooth achingly sweet.
abt the nitpick stuff: tbf i don’t think Jacob is the only character that gets picked on:
Ryan definitely does, like a horrendous amount. most of the times i’ve seen ppl praise his character is just when they ship him with Dylan. and even THEN sometimes ppl will say comments like “Dylan deserves so much better tho, poor guy”. Ryan gets shat on a lot and it’s very uncalled for imo.
as does Emma. ppl hated her island vlogging and call her all types of insults for the way she went abt the dare. which is unfair bc there’s tons of moments where Emma’s deeper personality shines. she’s very concerned for the well being of animals and only wants to make ppl as happy as she can. she is not just “The Girl Who Kissed Her Best Friend’s Crush”™️. she’s fleshed out and deserves her props.
and then there’s that “sociopath/secretly abusive Nick” thing going around. i’ll admit i thought it had merit for a short while, but i’ve come to realize it doesn’t, not as much as ppl think it does anyway.
i believe the only ones who are solid fan faves are Dylan and Kaitlyn. 90% of the fanbase loves Laura, but debate whether she took up too much screentime in Chapter 7 or not. i love Laura but i’m part of the group that agrees her story shouldve either been spread out more or saved for a DLC.
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mitte-keegi · 3 years ago
i'm a very emotional person, i guess, most especially when it comes to my beliefs. while i'm nonconfrontational most of the time, i always get easily riled up when things i value were being mocked or being disrespected by people. this is exactly the reason why i don't post much of political content cause bitch will get heated fast baka maiyak aku.
last year, i went on unfriending spree because i just couldn't stomach fb friends that support the red-green tandem, not all though, friends that i knew in my heart were good ones, i just unfollowed. tbf though, i don't mind that they are supporting them, you do you, what infuriates me is that instead of posting the achievements/reasons why they support their bets, they spend more time maligning, spreading false narratives, sharing fake news/splice videos about VP Leni. it's not that VP Leni supporters don't do the same (but a lot of being branded as 'paninira' were facts, and hindi paninira ang pagsasabi ng totoo) it's just that the things that they share were nitpicking and even nonsense in grand scheme of things. who the fuck question a woman preferring to be barefoot after wearing heels for a long time? who the fuck would dismiss her as lutang when she has constantly proven herself? why was it so hard to believe that people do actually work for 18 hrs? bakit masama and publicity ang pagsakay sa motor when the rider wasn't even a supporter and it's traffic? why was it so hard for women to be considered great and competent? why do they have to prove themselves more than men do?
naalala ko lang bigla kasi i just unfriended one of my co-workers which is a very lovely and mild-mannered girl. i guess she never posted as much about it kaya hindi ko napansin pero recently she's been posting a lot. what made me unfriend her is when she shared the edit of the uniteam line-up tapos infographics siya about the convictions/rulings against each of them and then she captioned "hindi na lang ako boboto kesa bumoto sa kabila." and it's like a record scratch moment, like huh? you acknowledged that their slate is composed of law breaking individuals but still, you're "solid"? and mind you, we're auditors, what happened to the professional skepticism? iniwan sa work? piso nga na hindi bumabangga iniiyakan na natin, tapos eto na walking red flag na, you're still supporting? if they were a company you're auditing baka umiiyak ka na kasi sobrang baba na ng materiality na need gamitin, dami ng samples na papasok.
anw, i just hope people here are smart with their choices and make choices that they could live with. i guess this election really reveals people and their beliefs. and i would never look the same way at them ever again.
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zmediaoutlet · 5 years ago
Hey Liz, I was wondering about your writing process - how much do you usually edit your work before posting it? I was just curious if you usually like the first stuff that comes out or if you pick it apart to make fixes or something in between.
um, the embarrassing and unfortunately true answer is that, for most fics, I don’t edit like... at all. At all. It’s bad. (Sometimes I find typos! But often I don’t. Sorry if I ever did the wanton/wonton thing, folks.)
I generally think about something for a while before I start writing it, so I often know roughly where I want to start and where I want it to go. Sometimes things surprise me, sometimes they don’t. I hardly ever have an actual outline, and I actually detest thinking formally about structure, etc -- I want the thing to unfurl as I write it, because that way I get to have the adventure too. (This is why I call my writing style “landscape architecture” -- there’s some bare bones, but I want to have the gardener-esque joy of discovery.)
Now, this doesn’t mean that I love every single sentence as soon as it’s typed. I generally edit a little as I go. When my writing group (very rarely, anymore) does a “sprint” together, I average about 600 words in a half-hour, which I think is about a medium writing speed. I correct and rewrite phrases as I go and definitely try to fix typos as they happen, as opposed to the maybe ‘right’ way to sprint where you just fling any old word out and edit later--but, I also tend to keep 90% of what I write, which I guess makes it faster on the back end.
The thing about editing is--if you’re generally happy with your writerly voice, that is--a lot of times you’re making decisions about what to keep and what to eject and what to change, and that’s a good practice if you can manage it. Often, though, I think--if you make that change, are you making it better? Or are you just making it different? Each choice makes the story a tiny bit different, and affects how the reader understands your text, but if you’re not married to a frozen-in-time version of what the story will be--well, then this word or that, or this character action or that, or this theme or that--what you’ve written is what the story is. If you change it, the story will be something else.
Tbf I will do that in a minor way with some longer stories. A scene starts going one way and I realize on a reread that, mm, that’s actually contravening a theme that I (usually accidentally) built in earlier, so let’s tweak it a little. But I nearly never (I think genuinely have never) do massive, blow-up-the-structure edits. A scene might get added, an implication might get tweaked, but I’m not the “write the book five times” type, a la Alice Sebold.
There’s a quote that gets thrown around, possibly attributable to a real person but possibly just the thing that gets said by tedious characters: I could spend a month on the placement of a comma. Succinctly? Fuck that. I mean, do whatever makes you happy, comma-placer, but I suspect that 99% of the time that shit’s just procrastination to avoid having to publish something and face the mortifying reality of Being Seen. At some point you just have to sack up and finish. I used to nitpick a lot more about exact word choice and sentence structure and all that, and maybe that made for marginally better work, but I also wrote... dick-all, when I did that. Now I just fling myself at it and hope that it comes out in my voice and is coherent to other people, and you know what, I write a lot more now, and I like the stories just as well if not more. So. Miss me with your month of so-delicate comma placement. Write ten thousand words that month and you’ll be better off.
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solipsistful · 7 years ago
@blobuwu-syscourse (hopefully you don’t mind me not direct reblogging -- long post :V)
ahhhhh yay somebody who knows what they’re talking about!
You’re totally right about the 2005 study. I’m so sorry.
That is absolutely what the structural dissociation theory characterizes the EP in PTSD as.
And it’s kind of bullshit. Actually the entire book, which a lot of people, especially endos-equals-ableism, like to characterize like a holy book, has a lot of bullshit but I’m planning to go into that later
this is from a study critiquing the theory of structural dissociation from 2014: “According to the theory of trauma-driven structural dissociation of the personality, the primary configuration in PTSD and complex dissociative disorders is the existence of an apparently normal personality (ANP) and a dissociated emotional personality (EP). The ANP maintains executive control most of the time and carries out daily adult functions. The EP spends most of its time not in executive control, but takes over intermittently when there is a switch of executive control, which occurs in dissociative identity disorder (DID) during periods for which the ANP has amnesia. In PTSD, the EP can take full executive control during a flashback in which orientation to the present is lost, and the person is in a full reliving of prior trauma. An EP is a psychological structure that is a separate, dissociated biopsychosocial subsystem of the whole person, with its own sense of subjective selfhood.”
so yes, the entire theory of structural dissociation is actually arguing that PTSD is essentially a lesser version of DID in which there’s two system mates.
I don’t necessarily have a problem with this, a lot of people I know with “simple” PTSD act like this and describe their “sides” this way. Could easily be a sort of median system going on.
but here’s the thing
the ANP is regarded as an almost normal person, the EP is not. so the people we know? the people who are alters in OSDD-1 systems? yeah, they are considered to be “functioning on instinct rather than on intelligence.” (again, from The Haunted Self, which Structural Dissociation comes from, quoting Sylvia Fraser)
Oh, by the way, the author of the study above also proposes that people suffering from Depersonalization/Derealization which I definitely have concurrent with my depression may be part of systems with two ANPs, so ha, a scientist thinks I’m a system and calls me a part of one in it
the fantasizer/hypnotizability thing is a different argument completely from the usual one about the “fantasy model of DID”, specifically: some people are prone to dissociation with no apparent cause
Bottom line: if people can have non-dysfunctional OSDD-4 without trauma, why not non-dysfunctional OSDD-1?
Yeah I sorta see what you're saying re: non-problematic, non-traumagenic DDNOSs. Though I still don't really think it's too applicable -- they're different disorders, after all. Like, the idea of non-problematic dissociative trance is baked into the definition: trance also covers a lot of religious experiences across the world. Plus, not even all the dissociative disorders are seen as traumagenic anyway -- depersonalization/derealization disorder in particular is known to occur without anything trauma-related at all! (Despite posts going around claiming that the dissociative disorders are all traumagenic, grumble grumble.)
That... actually feeds a bit into structural dissociation, since the idea is that, if SD only refers to traumagenic things, it excludes some cases of DP/DR. And that's one of the Problems that paper brings up, “So like... are we not calling that ‘the same kind of dissociation’ then?”
(Nitpick -- I'd call the Ross paper more like an "op-ed" than a study. He's not going out and studying data etc., just personally commenting on the theory.)
I'd say the theory is more like "DID as an extension of PTSD -- alters (at least EPs) are basically elaborated flashbacks" than "PTSD as lesser DID". Since PTSD's EP is very limited, like "just some memories and emotions that haven't been integrated and are therefore "stuck" being their own separate thing." I’m not really comfortable calling that “multiplicity” any more than saying superegos and ids are multiplicity.
Even the idea of "subjective selfhood" is... weirdly not particularly multiple. It's trying to capture that feeling of "I am, in the first person present tense, back in the trauma (or at least, feeling its emotions)" -- that's seen as enough to make up a "different self", even though that "self" is by definition incapable of holding attributes like "a separate identity". Nijenhuis’ response to Ross covers some of the specificities about his view of “selfhood” (pages 66-67) (and he’s The Philosopher of the bunch, so I imagine the selfhood stuff is coming largely from him ;P). It’s a really phenomenological argument that feels less about personhood than it does about experiences of perception?
So, that all brings up a problem around "these are EPs because they literally have a first-person perspective, and these other symptoms are e.g. just non-structurally dissociated intrusive thoughts"? Ross leans hard into "maybe it's all SD?" (elsewhere he's argued that almost all mental illness is somehow traumagenic :V) Hence DP/DR potentially being two ANPs (which... doesn’t make sense to me, since structural dissociation is all about “avoidance of EP material”), but that’s more Ross throwing out some way to use SD to explain DP/DR, not so much an accepted part of the theory. 
(And I’m emphasizing that it’s Ross because he’s, uh, disreputable in quite a lot of ways or at least he should be, but he keeps showing up in dissociation research huh? Like he’s headed in the direction of trying to explain schizophrenia as structural dissociation, too, which... I’m sure the structural dissociation authors are Not Happy With. :V)
And heh yeah, a lot of depictions of EPs are not very nice, about being trapped in thoughtless trauma reactions etc. Which I think characterizes how EPs act in PTSD, CPTSD, and BPD (and tbf, ANP really is more “apparently normal (but therefore pretty abnormal)” than “almost normal” -- there’s a lot of ways that ANPs are meant to be similarly “trapped” and running on instinct, e.g. fear of EPs). Sorta a problem with their generalizations, I guess? There are a lot of ways that trying to identify specific system members as ANP or EP falls apart, and that whole “EPs = functioning at a “lower” more immediately threatened level” is part of it. That could characterize when people with DID have flashbacks, but then does that make a non-flashing-back trauma-holder less of an EP?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which I guess is part of the way I see it, the theory of structural dissociation as being about minimizing the idea of DID as “look, multiple people in one body!” Everyone is parts, because “the personality” is the overall thing; there are no “multiple personalities” -- elaboration (i.e. parts having personal identities, ages, etc.) (which is bad, ofc) is a spectrum, therefore it’s okay to lump OSDD-1 with BPD and CPTSD under “secondary structural dissociation” and treat them pretty similarly (which!! calling it a spectrum is potentially pretty interesting!! but that’s not how the authors address it 🙃) -- alters and flashbacks are in some way “similar things” -- etc.
I can imagine the “spectrum of elaboration/emancipation” thing almost recognizing a pretty broad definition of “(traumagenic) plurality”, but that would require the theorists wanting to claim that DID is multiplicity-as-in-separate-people in the first place, bleh.
- Ace
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lysteriaposts · 7 years ago
tlj: first (and prob last) impressions
man, it was disappointing. where’s the structure? is this a sequel? I saw no cohesion between tfa and this “praised risk taker”. even less continuity if you take the whole saga into aspect. 
in case anyone cares, people will probably assume I didn’t like “the new empire strikes back” cough that’s a joke they should’ve included because of a few well-used assumptions.
a) I can’t embrace anything new. um, wrong, I’m not an OT stan or anything. tbf, I’m not that big or long of a star wars fan overall so my take on this movie was quite objective and “unnostalgic”. tfa pretty much made me interested in the franchise, the one you call “a reboot” (but the movie that was probably a shoe in to star wars for so many younger generations).
b) you’re not a real star wars fan if you don’t like it. wow, ugh, just wow. have you ever heard of preference? +if you can’t criticize or see the ups AND downs in a franchise you love and want to be as well made as possible, you don’t truly care for it...that’s just me. (although I do think sw fans are too belittling and toxic toward the content, I’m talking about non-extreme critique and not nitpicking)
c) your theories or speculations didn’t come true. nah, I don’t really care about what happens, just how and why it happens, and if it actually serves the story or not. but seriously did I know rian was gonna come up with this I deffo would’ve linked him to few selected tumblr/reddit posts that can use the past, present AND future of the saga creatively, without it seeming like delusion or a fanfilm.. a cringy vibe I got so many times watching tlj.
I would write a whole review but I’m sort of seeing it as an impossible task considering this movie consisted of 1h unnecessary content...a bit difficult to take anything seriously when there’s slapstick every 5 min. oh also, hard when there are so little scenes that stuck out to me from it (mainly yoda/luke and the poor sister sacrifice in the beginning ho ho). oh and maybe the extremely fanfic reylo ‘force bond’ which SHOULD’VE been handled in a completely different way and went into ep IX. they completely butchered the grey jedi and went back to old ‘good vs evil’ - what. the. fuck. wow, that’s risk-taking indeeeedd.
other inclusions were: a complete disregard of rey’s /previous/ personality and development (maybe it was her clone), an annoying af poe, a dora the explorer adventure with finnrose, a suicidal luke, a laughable snoke who got a stroke, a sidelined general leia, a predictably irrelevant phasma, an unrelatable crylo ren and last but not least A VERY UNDERAPPRECIATED HUX. is it bad I’m rooting for the nazi at this point?
on the other hand, mark/kelly/dohmnall/adam had the best performances with the weird script they were given. 
geeez I’m just missing obi-wan, glad he wasn’t included though cause he would’ve been handled just as badly as most of these characters... I’ll be waiting for that oscar-worthy solo film in 2020 blESS.
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calliecat93 · 4 years ago
Star Trek TOS Liveblogs: S3EP8 - For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Boy is that title a mouthful…
Okay clearly the sickbay scene was supposed to be before the scene on the bridge and they putright reuse the footage after the opening credits… so WHY did they play it out of order in the cold opening? As a draw in? IDK, that kind of thing with continuity always bothers me.
This whole episode essentially hinges on DeForest Kelley’s performance the whole episode to make this episode work. He nails it roght off the back. The clear controlled frustration at Christine getting Kirk, his anxiety at having to tell his captain/best friend that he’s a dead man, trying to delay the reveal for however briefly… God he’s just so freakin’ good.
Kirk just sounds like he hates having to note all of this even in his log.
Yeah when Kirk outright tells McCoy that he doesn’t have to go on an away mission and is reluctant to drag him into it, you KNOW that this is serious. Same goes for McCoy actually wanting to go on it without so much as one gripe about it.
Kirk’s so worried about McCoy, and I just… 😭😭😭
You know Kirk he was only passed out like… a minute longer than you and Spock were. Was it just THAT hard to resist Spock’s prying?
This scene though. You can just tell that Kirk is so sad about McCoy dying and that he can’t do a damn thing about it. In production order this was after both The Empath and The Tholian Web, so having McCoy already almost die once and then Kirk himself almost dying… someone in the writer’s room REALLY wanted to put them and Spock through the emotional wringer, huh?
And Spock just… taking the news in and supporting McCoy/holding onto his arm for far longer than necessary… GOD MY FEELINGS!!!
McCoy with Natira is just McCoy trying to channel his inner Kirk essentially XD
I repeat: this whole episode hinges on DeForest Kelley. Forced romances aren’t at all uncommon in TOS, but the one with Natira falls under this HARD. The only thing that saves it is The acting by De and Katherine Woodville, the actress who played Natira. They were working with what they had, and whiel it doesn’t change it from being rushed, for the most part I can see chemistry with them. I guess tbf they pretty much point it out in-episode how sudden it is so…
Back on De specifically… he has so much going on here. He has to channel McCoy’s sadness, loneliness, anxieties, and just … everything regarding dying and be infatuated all at the same time. And since the show never really went into McCoy’s background (we only know about Jocelyn and Joanna from supplementary materia and his dad’s death likely wasn’t thought up yet) De has to channel all of that too and make us feel for him. Under a lesser actor this worhld have easily fallen flat, but De performs it so genuinely that it’s hard to NOT feel bad for McCoy or understand the pain he’s feeling despite knowing so little regarding him. Just… I love DeForest Kelley, okay?!
I don’t really have an opinion of Natira. She seems like a perfectly nice lady and she is very pretty. I can see why McCoy would like her. But otherwise… eh? Her actress does try to put character into her though, I can appreciate that.
Haha, Kirk and Spock’s faces when Natira says she wants McCoy as her mate. I mean tbf Kirk considering all the hijinks you ended up in with women, you REALLY should have known better. Same with Spock since he’s seen this happen… how many times at this point? YOU BOTH SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!
God I have SOOOO much I want to say about McCoy in this episode. I’m saving most of it for the inevitable meta but… AAAAHHHHH!!!
McCoy telling Kirk and Spock that he’s not coming with them… God man. Kirk outright looks like a kicked puppy. I mean o matter what McCoy dying is an inevitability… but McCoy choosing tondie either via illness or being shot down away from his two best friends… God that has to hirt.
Kirk looking up at McCoy when Scotty questions it… God it hurts. Kirk’s pretty much begging him at that point to change his mind, and McCoy silently, almost coldly just steps back and away from him and Spock. Just… ooowwww.
At least McCoy had the good sense to call them when he realized there was a way to save Yonada. It almlst got him killed, but still!
Haha, Natira realizing that McCoy can’t truly leave Kirk and Spock, haha. Poor woman never had a chance.
Give Natira credit, she DID listen and ultimately came around to not blindly believing the Oracle. That’s worth something!
The Oracle gives me serious villain form Wall-E vibes… honestly the whole plot gives me some mild Wall-E vibes.
Well the breakup was pretty contrived… but hey at least they didn’t go the easy route of just killing Natira or something. I’m glad it was amicable at least, they both have different paths to go down in life and they’re commited to it. Plus I think Natira knows that she can’t beat out Kirk and Spock, haha!
The cure is also contrived and really last second, like they coudln’t think kf a better resolution… but honestly IDK how they could have resolved this without having a last second save since the show just didn’t do continuous narratives. but hey McCoy survived and makes it to his 130’s at least, so why nitpick?
The episode is good, but not as good as it could have been. Mainly the ending being contrived and kind of rushed and it feels like they forgot all about McCoy having xenopolycythemia to focus on him finally getting a love interest (who isn’t a salt monster dosguised as his ex, of course). But the overall execution, while flawed, also could have been MUCH worst and there’s still so much going on. Like I said DeForest Kelley is what sells it and I’m glad that someone allowed him have at least one episode where he got to be in the spotlight cause he deserved it. It’s not perfect, but it’s still plenty emotional and an overall good watch and a lot of what we know now helps add more depth. At least enough that me writing the McCoy meta for this is gonna be fuuuun XD
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years ago
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15 funny moments spotted in Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2: 15 funny moments spotted by gamers – BBC Three
Rockstar Games
The ‘most realistic game of all time’ has some hilariously unrealistic glitches
Natalie Ktena20 November 2018
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Warning: embeds in the following article may contain plot spoilers. 
When a new video game comes out, fans have come to expect a snag or two. 
Whether it’s the FIFA 14 glitch that made footballers’ and referees’ hands balloon in size, or the bug in Fallout 76 where players spontaneously turned into mutants in their underwear, for some gamers, finding these slip-ups can be part of the fun.
And now, the much-hyped Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) seems to be giving online nitpickers something to talk about. 
The game, which cost millions of dollars to develop and took eight years to make, is centred around hero Arthur Morgan and his gang as they make an escape across the Wild West. It’s been claimed that RDR2 may be the most realistic game of all time – after all, even the horses’ testicles change size depending on the weather.
But players have been spotting some hilariously unrealistic and absurd moments, some of which are down to glitches. 
Here are some of the most talked about ones so far:
Well, that escalated quickly…
In the Old West, you expect things to get pretty wild, but in RDR2, things can go from zero to 100 in seconds.  
Take this moment which started out as an unfortunate horse and carriage crash – and then…
And while we’ve heard of riding dressage and showjumping, we’re not quite sure what to call this style of riding… 
Either way, it’s probably not the best choice if you want to win.    
Cowboys versus aliens
Now if you’re in a Western game set hundreds of years ago, you’d expect to deal with the odd local bandit, yes? Maybe even a rival cowboy gang?
How about a UFO?
As far as we know, there were no cowboy/alien stand-offs, but there are theories that the UFO appearance is intentional.  
However, when the usual suspects – aka man on horse – do come to visit, be prepared for them to come out of nowhere. Like here, where a horse and man make a rather dramatic entrance: 
Generally, this Western can be a pretty painful place. Even if you’re a damsel in distress (*rolls eyes*)… 
Disappearing acts
If a cowboy charged at you with a gun, you’d think things couldn’t get much worse. But thanks to another nifty bug, there’s the added worry of the world spontaneously swallowing you up, too.
We’re not sure what that underground quasi-sky dive is all about, but tbf the player escaped his gun-wielding enemy, so we’ll take it. 
Harry Potter-style disappearing acts seem to be a recurring phenomenon spotted by tweeting fans. 
Not only can your opponents randomly walk through walls…
…but public transport can literally ghost you, like this teleporting train…
Of all the disappearing acts we’ve come across, we didn’t see anyone as devastated as this gamer when his Arthur lost his greatest asset…
Dear @RockstarGames, I just logged into #RDR2 and my level 10 beard and mustache ARE GONE. My Arthur is clean shaven and I am not the one who did it. Glitch? Bummed about this because I spent two weeks of real time growing that facial hair for Arthur. #salty
— Ninth Gaming (@NinthGaming) November 13, 2018
We feel for you, Ninth. 
Though, we reckon he’d soon forget about his beard if he suddenly lost his entire body, like this guy: 
Still, he wears the suit well. And this guy’s feet are touching the ground, which we’ve learnt, you can’t take for granted in this world…
Just a bit of casual levitating. Nothing weird here, right? 
Our favourite bit of floating has got to be this subtle moonwalk (look out for the guy on the platform)…
Finally, there are some pretty unfortunate – we’re going to call them mergers – that take place in the game, including this one, where a prisoner seems to have sat on a character’s face in an, erm, unfortunate position…
As well as this man-fish hybrid battling it out… 
Not exactly what you have in mind when catching a fish, is it?
Our favourite one, though? This issue with a character’s trousers was picked up by Hadleigh Frederick, 30, a gamer from Leeds. “Basically, you could see his booty,” he tells BBC Three.
For Hadleigh, who plays on average 21 hours a week, glitches in new releases aren’t cause for concern. “When a new game is released, it is fairly common,” he explains. “I usually expect them, and prefer to be pleasantly surprised when the game is glitch-free.”
In fact, when it comes to RDR2, he feels it does well in comparison to other new releases. “I actually haven’t found too many when I’ve been playing,” he says. “I take into account the game’s sheer size and how detailed the game is. Any sort of glitch I encounter is usually comical.”
Other games with great glitches
These Red Dead Redemption 2 moments have made us lol, but let’s not forget other classic blips, too.
Whether you’ve come across this impressive footwork while on a quest against evil in epic fantasy Skyrim…
Or this basketball player’s phenomenal transformation mid-scoring in NBA 2K17… 
Or even remember this bath demon in The Sims… 
…it all adds to the entertainment.
That said, we’re not sure how the next game will top moonwalking cowboys, teleporting trains and disappearing beards tbh.
BBC Three contacted Rockstar Games, the developer and publisher of Red Dead Redemption 2 for comment, but did not hear back.
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Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/e1d8af98-2348-4981-ae30-f6035926f9a4
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calliecat93 · 6 years ago
I have a few nitpicks about RvB17. Nothing that makes me like it less, but things that annoy me. Stuff, like most everyone getting shafted to focus on Donut and Wash, the time travel stuff being a mess (which tbf is more on my part), but... honestly by biggest issue, is the season essentially being nostalgia banking. I’ve enjoyed it... but going through past seasons, bringing back things like the Freelancers and now Felix, it feels like they’re banking so hard on getting fans won over by banking on things that were popular, not on doing anything new. That’s why I liked 16, it did new things. 
I don’t want the Freelancers. I don’t want Felix. It’s why I don’t want Church and Tex back. Those are done and over with. I want something new. I want the show to move forward and not rely on the past to keep it going. Last season did that so well... but hey, nearly everyone despised it for reasons that baffle me, so what do I know? Don’t get me wrong, Season 17 has been great and I get it, it’s a time travel plot so going back to these kinds of things was gonna happen sooner or later. But... IDK, I’m just so sick of everything in the media relying on the past, not moving forward. I really hope that once this arc is done, we can move on and let the characters move on. Try new opportunities, not rely forever on ones that have been long over.
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