#tbf he was one of the good ones in the class but still like.
thursdayg1rl · 2 years
omg just remembered my friend was like you look good I remember before we were all worried bc you were so depressed. screaming 😭🚶🏽‍♂️
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stsgluver · 10 months
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synopsis. gojo never did get the chance to put a ring on your finger.
wc. 530
tags. ANGST, death
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at the age of sixteen, gojo promised himself that he was going to marry you. 
you didn't fawn all over him the second you met like so many others had done and you didn't look up to him as this omnipotent being he believed himself to be. gojo was young, powerful and rich, could he be blamed for putting himself on this pedestal? but you were humbling, grounding and so so so pretty that not even his six eyes could fully comprehend your beauty. 
gojo refrained from having hobbies, without sounding overtly cocky, he was just too good. everything came to him naturally; it all lacked the fun that came with a challenge. then you came along and you were it. 
he was star struck.
he was determined to get you to fall for him as he had for you in seconds, and he wasn't going to let anything get in his way. for the first time in his life, he wasn't the untouchable one and it made him giddy. it was a breath of fresh air after being raised in a room stuffed with politics and curses.
it took gojo ten months, two weeks and five days (he had geto verify with the message he'd sent him thirty seconds after seeing you), but you finally agreed to one date. just one (and you made it very clear that this did not guarantee anything) but gojo was still grinning, his eyes sparkling beneath those tinted glasses.
lucky for him one date turned into two, two into three, and then, before you knew it, you were holding hands between classes and sneaking off after missions to make out. you were seventeen and, dare you say it, in love.
gojo lost a lot over the next decade, but his one constant was you. after riko passed and the subsequent conflict with toji, it was you who gojo ran too first, desperate to be reminded that he really was still alive. when haibara died and he was the one who had to exercise that very curse, it was you who held him as he cried, admitting guilt that he hadn’t been there prior. when geto defected, it was you who gave him a purpose to continue on as a sorcerer. 
you, you, you, you, you.
he’d grown too comfortable, he’d realised. after dealing with so much grief, he had mistakenly believed that the world was showing him some grace by letting him have his lover. that no matter what happened, you would be there, safe and untouched awaiting him at the end of every day. marriage had become a long forgotten after thought because, in all other manners and regards, you were his wife and you always had been.
the light in your eyes was already gone by the time kenjaku dropped your body to the ground. blood pooled from the laceration through your body, not too dissimilar from his own all those years ago. once again, he’d failed to protect someone he held sacred, and it was at the hands of one of his previous mistakes. 
fate was laughing at him.
gojo closed his eyes, hoping that wherever he’d be next you’d be there waiting.
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a/n. @planetnini I FINISHED IT. could probably be better tbf but i hope you still like it <333
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sepublic · 14 days
Christianity for Dana Terrace and TOH
I have to wonder about and consider The Owl House as an expression of Dana Terrace's own nuanced relationship with Christianity. We know she was raised in a Catholic school, and we've heard of the out-of-context incident where she got put into a headlock by a nun as a child (idk if context even matters in this scenario);
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Plus, there's the show's obvious critiques of Christianity, via Belos' fanaticism and demonization of witches, plus his superiority complex and belief in predestination. And then we have Tarak bonding with King as a potential father figure, even being mistaken for his dad, only to sacrifice him anyway for the Grand Huntsman despite whatever hesitations he has; This story beat echoes the tale of Abraham and Isaac. The Emperor’s Coven/Cult is clearly Catholic.
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But at the same time, we have Steve's reminiscing over the Titan as perhaps just some dude who doesn't know what he wants, either; And he's saying this as a former member of the Emperor's Coven, which itself applied a very Christian understanding of the Titan via Belos. We have Luz meeting the Titan in-person, and seeing that he's not some deity but just a person who meant well and tried his best.
The show emphasizes people being able to improve and get better and needing that chance, plus what I've said about Luz possibly being meant to represent a more positive, accurate portrayal of Jesus Christ; She dies and is resurrected with the power of the Titan, who isn't quite God but maybe she is in a meta sense? It's complicated.
So to psychoanalyze a real life person through their art (which I guess is what single author classes does to a mf), I have to consider that it's not as simple as Dana condemning Christianity as a whole; More than likely, a specific brand of Christianity, namely Evangelicalism, Catholicism, etc. We have to remember that what we often criticize as Christianity is more so a specific denomination, or group of; Christianity is a widespread religion comprised of countless different takes and interpretations of the Bible.
And IIRC (a source would be helpful), I think Dana even clarified that her experience with Catholic school wasn't wholly negative either? She did not consider herself abused, or at least abused abused. Her feelings might be mixed, especially because one doesn’t need to personally experience the worst to know about it; That is another way in which one might become critical.
I don't think Dana is outright resentful of Christianity as a whole, she might just have complicated feelings, criticisms, and thoughts; Tbf, this is how many denominations came to being. So when I see Steve reflecting on the Titan, and Luz getting to meet him... I think these scenes are, in a way, Dana making peace with the idea of God in her life; Getting to consider her relationship with and belief (or lack thereof) in him, and his paternal status to the world as a whole.
She's also recognizing his fallibility, God is a person and like any person his insight and support is illuminating, but not all-encompassing; It's not doctrine, it's just advice, from one person to another. So when the Titan reassures Luz, or Dana, he's not saying she's the specialest chosen one in the world; He's just someone with a lot of experience who can provide some guidance and clarification on life, not unlike Eda.
The Titan saying goodbye to Luz feels like Dana being able to part on -ultimately- good terms after resolving that major anxiety in her life, on a final note that is no longer resentful and more a fond memory overall. It’s her moving to the next stage of her life, as Luz herself does, now able to carry and believe in herself, and not need that same guidance to figure out what to do.
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It’s a coming of age moment appreciating what was given by a paternal figure, with Dana now comfortable exploring other beliefs and practices after making her farewell with Christianity by realizing it isn’t absolute, yet still treasuring what it was able to give her. So she carries on what she can, at least in spirit, like… Luz and the glyphs, remembering them, and now having her own palisman to continue her love of magic that the Titan helped support. So we have both the narrative meaning to Luz behind all of this, and the real-life significance for Dana herself, which aren’t quite the same but there is overlap. And there’s also the other meaning for Dana in how the Titan represents her father, which we’ve already discussed.
So The Owl House and the storyline of the Titan could be Dana's own nuanced takeaway from Christianity; Her exploring how she feels about it, what she appreciates, what she doesn't, how it fits into the rest of her worldview. And I don’t think Dana is trying to convert anyone, nor condemn those who feel irreverent. I think she’s more about deconstructing Christianity to reconstruct it.
Be Gay, Do Witchcraft of course, I think there is a catharsis in exploring that. And also, because the sentiment behind that phrase might be less about Christianity being inherently evil, and more so that many queers don’t care what evangelicals think of them anymore; So sure, we’ll humor your fears for fun, we ARE the demons we’re accused of being. It’s like Eda saying “Well we ain’t!” in response to Belos’ claim that humans are inherently better. Plus demonized belief systems that aren’t Christianity deserve validity as well, hence the pagan influences being portrayed positively, with the narrative questioning the dismissal of certain ideas being ‘demonic’ or ‘savage’.
And of course, co-existence IS possible. And I find this important because it can be easy to just dismiss religion entirely in an edgy internet atheist type of way, but in the end one must reconcile that religion means a lot for a lot of people, many whom ARE chill and willing to co-exist; The narrative presents the spirituality of the Boiling Isles as something precious, for example. All belief systems are valid, not just these select few.
And maybe they don’t have to be mutually exclusive with queerness or “alternative” lifestyles, because a lot of people from these demographics aren’t quite comfortable with just getting rid of religion entirely, and they’re entitled to still maintaining that connection. If feminists can still have a nuanced relationship with femininity, so can believers with their religion.
People are simply asking to be allowed to exist and practice their beliefs in peace, they aren’t really calling for the eradication of the other. Just as queers don’t actually intend to abolish heterosexuality, they just want to be left alone. Let people decide how they feel about certain things, instead of making them get rid of it for their own good; That is every individual’s personal choice, just as yours is. And that feels relevant, given how much Choice is a theme in this show, and especially in the finale in which Luz meets the Titan properly, with the Titan emphasizing this agency to her.
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possibilistfanfiction · 6 months
for surgeons au.,, perhaps some hurt/comfort :,)
[hbd @gohandinhand. sorry but tbf... u asked for this lol (also so many of you asked for 'what if bea gets hurt' bc we all share one collective grey's anatomy-ass braincell // also on ao3]
‘dr. silva is still in the tumor resection?’
it’s only, like, your fifth week being a doctor, so there are so many things you don’t know all the time; you add dr. villaumbrosia asking this question to the list. still, she’s kind of the scariest person you’ve ever met in your life — unflappable and a little mean to everyone but her patients and their families, talented and whip-smart beyond belief, willing to take on the hardest cases — and so you answer anyway with a nod. you only know this because zaire promised he would come find you just after he’d finished with dr. silva — to celebrate at the bar down the street and hopefully more than that too — but you don’t add that; you don’t think dr. villaumbrosia would appreciate it all that much.
‘okay,’ she says, more shaken than you’ve ever seen her.
‘is something… did something go wrong, or?’
‘with ava’s surgery, no, i don’t think so.’ 
ava is new; you’re not embarrassed to admit that you and basically your whole intern class has been keeping track of who’s with whom amongst the attendings, so you know they’re all either dating or friends or some kind of family. still, dr. villaumbrosia never uses first names at work. 
‘there’s a trauma being flown in,’ she continues. ‘there was an avalanche, and dr. choi was skiing in the backcountry today. i don’t — i don’t know more details.’ she worries her hands for a moment. ‘she hasn’t answered her sat phone.’
‘oh,’ is the best you’ve got, disarmed by the obvious fear that lingers around every inch of her.
‘dr. silva can’t know, if she does come in. not until after he’s finished the hardest part of the procedure and can pass it off.’
not that you were going to be the one to randomly decide to go to dr. silva’s OR and say any of this, but you nod. ‘of course.’
‘i need you to go check on tai; she’s in daycare.’
‘uh, i don’t — i’ve never —‘
dr. villaumbrosia waves you off. ‘she’s cute. looks like choi, acts like silva.’ 
when you don’t respond immediately, dr. villaumbrosia just glares. ‘yeah, of course,’ you hurry to say.
‘and then i need you to go to the ER for the trauma. dr. masters already knows you’re coming; you’re going to see what’s going on and tell me and no one else. got it?’
‘yes, dr. villaumbrosia. will do.’
to be honest, you have no idea where the daycare even is, and this certainly isn’t what you went to a bazillion years of school for, but whatever. maybe this will get you on dr. villaumbrosia’s good side. 
‘and dr. al-najjar?’
you nod.
‘i know this seems ridiculous. but dr. choi is — she’s my favorite person. it’s important.’
you understand in your own way: you facetime your little brother every day, no matter how tired you are, no matter how late or early it is for you. ‘i’ll tell you everything as soon as i can.’
tai is, apparently, a fourteen month old, very cute toddler, who really does look like dr. choi. when you explain, very briefly, to one of the daycare teacher that dr. villaumbrosia sent you to see how she’s doing, make sure she’s okay, she nods and shows you over to an area of the room with soft mats and some wooden blocks. tai smiles at you, all baby teeth and big cheeks, and says mostly nonsense but a few words — blocks, doctor, mama — and then promptly knocks over her block tower with definite glee. 
you snap a nice, cute picture of tai smiling in her little giraffe hoodie and send it off to dr. villaumbrosia. you’ve never been a baby guy, and you’re certain she isn’t either, because there’s no way you could ever possibly choose her specialty if you were, but she loves the photo anyway — the first and only time she’ll ever respond to a text from you like that, you’re absolutely certain — and it makes you smile, just for a moment. when you wave goodbye to tai she laughs, and you hope, very concretely, that she goes home with both of her parents tonight, or soon, at least, that her family stays as full and happy and warm as it had been this morning.
you feel genuinely nervous and way too invested: you’ve met dr. choi in passing a handful of times, and she’d assisted on one of dr. villaumbrosia’s surgeries once that you’d gotten to hold a retractor for, but according to emma — the best gossip and also dr. choi’s favorite intern, allegedly — says that dr. choi is kind and quiet and a wonderful teacher, patient and skilled and efficient. you’d been looking forward to being on her service soon, honestly, and, even in the past few weeks, you’re starting to understand that the people here, that you spend so much time with, are starting to feel like family.
dr. masters nods at you, her braids already tucked away beneath a cap, trauma gown on. you’re on peds, so you don’t know if you’re really here to help with anything — dr. villaumbrosia wasn’t called down for any consults, still set for the routine bowel repair she’d been scheduled for this afternoon, so you’re fairly certain there weren’t any children coming in — but she gestures toward the gown and gloves anyway.
‘just in case we need more hands on deck,’ she says as way of explanation. ‘there’s four people, and we don’t really know the extent of their injuries.’
you nod — what else is there to say — and things are very, very still until dr. masters gets a page and then everything is moving — loudly, organized, seamless — and you’re in awe, for a moment, of dr. masters’ ER. you love trauma surgery and she’s, like, kind of the biggest badass in the country, and it’s pretty fucking cool to watch her very quickly get everyone exactly where they need to be in the amount of time it takes for her to walk to the elevator that leads up to the helipad.
the wind whips from the blades when the doors open, rainy and miserable, and your heart is caught in your throat when the door opens. you see dr. masters’ hands shake, although you’d never, ever mention it, locked behind her back in tight fists, until dr. choi’s face — a bruise along her jaw, a scrape that runs underneath her eye, all the way into her hair, the tip of her nose and the tips of her ears a painful red, probably from frostbite — comes into view.
dr. choi, strapped into a stretcher, covered in a blanket and hooked up to an IV, immediately starts talking, before the stretcher is even fully out of the helicopter. ‘the three coming out,’ she starts, ‘i dug them out as much as i could. i did an emergency thoracostomy on david, you need to push a ton of antibiotics. anna needs to go to the OR immediately for her pelvis, make sure cam —‘
‘—beatrice,’ dr. masters says, rushing to her side and, if you were to bet, wanting to sink to her knees in relief. ‘oh my god.’
‘i’m fine,’ dr. choi says, annoyed at being made to stay on the stretcher. ‘i properly deployed my avalanche airbag. but mary, listen —‘
dr. masters holds dr. choi’s face in her hands and then kisses the top of dr. choi’s head. it’s tender, and you wonder how long they’ve known each other to afford that level of intimacy, that level of care. ‘i got them, bea. i promise. we gotta take care of you too or ava will kill me.’
dr. choi relaxes, just minutely, but you can tell — maybe because you would trust dr. masters with your life or anyone else’s, maybe at the mention of dr. silva, maybe some combination of both — and she nods.
dr. masters rolls her eyes and kisses the top of dr. choi’s head once more. ‘stupid hero. let me go make all your hard work worthwhile.’
dr. choi smiles, definitely reassured now. ‘you better.’
you’re not surprised, exactly, that chief superion is waiting to take over dr. choi’s care, but you are a little surprised when dr. superion squeezes her shoulder gently and smiles, a little sad. 
‘ava is still in surgery, so let’s get the worst of it taken care of before she’s done, yes?’
dr. choi nods, growing more exhausted by the minute. which is fair, you think, as she tells dr. superion — and you, because you’re stuck in this room until you have a real report for dr. villaumbrosia beyond the text you’d sent that just said Dr. Choi is talking and moving, no head or neck injuries — about how the avalanche airbag had worked, even if it was frightening; about how her transceiver, according to SAR, had helped them get there faster than they would have otherwise.  
‘ava always teased me about how expensive the gear was, but look who’s laughing now.’
‘well, to be fair,’ dr. superion says, looking at dr. choi’s x-rays, ‘i don’t think either of you are laughing.’ 
‘oh, yikes,’ dr. choi says, looking at the films too. she’s on a fair amount of pain medicine at this point, but she’s right: there’s a few nasty fractures along the bones in her left wrist. but, other than those and a few cracked ribs and some mild frostbite on her nose, ears, and the tips of her fingers, it seems like it’s just cuts and bruises: nothing she won’t heal from, and far better off than the others who came in with her.
‘i, uh — sorry,’ you say, feeling like you’re interrupting, but they both just shake their heads, waving off your apology. ‘dr. villaumbrosia sent me to see if you’re okay, and i’m supposed to go talk to her once i know. which, i guess i know now.’ not your best work, and in front of the chief, but oh well.
dr. choi smiles fondly. ‘thank you for telling me. i’ll never let lilith forget it.’ 
dr. superion doesn’t smile, but it seems like she wants to. ‘go ahead, dr. al-najjar. you can tell her that we’re admitting dr. choi to ortho; dr. alvarez will operate tomorrow, once the swelling has gone down.’
‘and tell lilith i love her too.’
‘i — uh—‘
dr. superion laughs. ‘go, dr. al-najjar.’
you’ve just finished your report to dr. villaumbrosia — in the middle of a surgery, but it’s clear her shoulders relax immediately, continuing to operate smoothly — when dr. silva flings open the door of the OR.
‘hello ava,’ dr. villaumbrosia says, not even looking up from the stitch she’s putting in. ‘she’s okay.’
dr. silva, breathing so hard her mask is getting sucked into her mouth and nose, doubles over, her hands on her knees. ‘i gotta do more cardio, oh my god,’ he mumbles, then takes a deep breath and stands. ‘you’re sure?’
‘yes,’ dr. villaumbrosia, ‘i had dr. al-najjar make sure personally. he also checked on tai; she’s doing great.’
‘very cute,’ you say and then debate just quitting residency here altogether, but dr. silva smiles at you.
‘thanks man,’ she says. ‘sorry you missed this surgery.’
‘the bowel was perforated,’ dr. villaumbrosia says. ‘it was quite disgusting, to be honest.’
‘well then,’ dr. silva says, ‘hey, you’re welcome! you got to see my adorable kid and my sexy wife. who, as lovely as your company always is, lil, i’m gonna go see now.’
‘she deployed that avalanche airbag, dug three other people out, and did a field chest tube by the time SAR got there.’ 
‘insane, actually,’ dr. villaumbrosia says. ‘but give her my love.’
two days later you’re back on shift — after drinks and truly, genuinely great sex with zaire that still ended up happening despite everything, god bless — and you swing by ortho before you go up to peds. you’re not friends with dr. choi or dr. silva, but you do want to see how things are going anyway. your mom always says it’s better to be kinder than necessary, and you’re starting to believe it.
they’re an adorable family, you think, tai showing dr. choi her lion stuffy and babbling excitedly, sitting on the hospital bed between her legs, turning every now and then toward dr. silva in a chair by her bedside. dr. choi, her arm in a brace and a sling, looks pretty good overall: her eyes seem clear, the bruises along her jaw are already starting to turn green and yellow, a great sign of healing, and the redness on her nose and ears has lessened considerably. 
also, she’s sitting up and talking animatedly, clearly happy with her daughter and her wife there. from her chart — you looked it up in the system before you came, whatever — you’re pretty sure she’s going to get to go home today, which you suspect is what the small duffle bag by dr. silva’s feet is for. 
‘all i’m saying,’ you hear from dr. silva, ’is that your nose could’ve fallen off.’
‘ava,’ dr. choi says, exasperated and laughing.
dr. silva sits back and pouts, exaggerating with crossed arms. 
‘i will be more careful,’ dr. choi concedes, but it doesn’t feel much like a concession the way she smiles at tai and then runs a gentle hand over her wispy hair. emma — who is an incredible gossip but you’re starting to think she also just has a giant crush — had told you and zaire that dr. choi is, like, an experienced outdoors person with certifications in all kinds of different safety courses and activities; you know she and dr. villaumbrosia have done stints with MSF together too. 
‘good,’ dr. silva says. ‘because lord knows i cannot raise tai by myself.’
dr. choi frowns, then offers her good hand to dr. silva, who scoots closer and takes it with a kiss to her scraped knuckles. 
‘plus, while i would deal, obviously, you’d probably be less hot if your nose fell off.’
dr. silva shrugs. ‘i love you.’
‘i love you too.’
‘would you still love me if my nose fell off?’
‘good morning, dr. al-najjar,’ dr. choi says when you knock lightly on the open door of her office. it’s impeccably neat, a few pictures of dr. silva and tai on her desk. she’s wearing the brace on her wrist still but no sling; her bruises and frostbite have faded. in her scrubs and white coat and clogs, a fresh buzzcut and a cup of coffee in her good hand, she looks exactly the surgeon you’ve looked forward to working with. 
‘good morning, dr. choi. welcome back.’
she smiles and closes her office door, starts leading you down the hall. ‘thank you. and, apologizes in advance that you won’t have any surgeries with me for the next two weeks until i’m officially cleared.’ she rolls her eyes. 
‘that’s okay,’ you say. ‘more sleep, honestly.’
‘true. and,’ she says, opening a door to the most incredible, brand new lab you’ve ever seen, ‘i can promise that the research we’ll get to work on will be worth it.’
‘i always thought i would go into trauma,’ you tell her, ‘but i think i just fell in love.’
she grins. ‘the heart wants what it wants.’
you pause a moment but then you can’t help yourself: you laugh.
‘in that case,’ she says, ‘let me show you around, and let’s get to work.’
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danieyells · 21 days
I keep thinking of Ed(?) that vampire guy and thinking of mc trying to keep the relationship with him a secret, or at least on the down low, but after like, 2 check ups from Yuri and Jiro, they v quickly realize what's going on when they see their blood level is lower than usual after their first mission with obscuary..
and after the look of just being done with everything yuri is going on a rant about why they need to be more careful or wtv and 'why would you even do that??'
or even a walk of shame to the chancellors office when they get too silly and oops mc is a vampire now(assuming it can be easy to turn into one idk much about them LOL)
I wanna think of him in a hotter way but I just get too many silly thoughts of him lmao
(The vampire in Obscuary is Edward Hart, yes! Mostly just called Ed so far.)
tbf we don't know how vampire lore is gonna work in tdb yet(Ed does have bitemarks on his neck, so biting is required to spread it presumably), so it's fair to not know how exactly it's spread or anything! I assume it won't be spread without intention to do so or without the target being near death or something(just so we can get that sweet feeding goodness), but it's also fun to imagine that the pc just like. . .offers to feed Ed and ends up a vampire because they just did not consider they'd catch vampirism. Why didn't anyone tell them! What do you mean they thought they knew!!! (on the other hand. . .would vampirism override their curse? Vampirism overrides Rui's curse when Edward touches him, it'd be a reasonable thing to try. . . .)
But lmaoooo going to Mortkranken and they're like. Why are you so anemic???? And the pc hadn't even considered it because hey blood comes back! And then it's even lower the second time. And they just. Figure it out right away like goddamn it your missions have been with Obscuary. And Yuri is so annoyed that they're doing something to jeopardize their wellbeing. Yes, he does need to feed daily if he's going on missions but he does not need to drink that much especially from the same person. Your blood comes back but it's still finite!
Yuri just scolds and fusses over them while Jiro prepares some iron supplements and like a list of food you should eat to help recover faster lolol
Another day they just got fed on by Ed and then get a text from Romeo saying to come to the VIP room and they're like "uh can i wait like. 20 minutes" "No. Come now." "I don't think that's a good idea." "Now."
and the second they step into Sinostra Taiga's sniffing them out because they've still got a partially bleeding wound and oh no he's hungry (and Romeo blames them anyway despite that they very specifically said they didn't think it's a good idea)
They pass out in class from the anemia and now Nicolas is worrying over them too(he's a lot nicer than Yuri at least) and now they're trying to figure out how they'll schedule with Ed to have a talk with him when Moby doesn't even wanna go to Obscuary(or Hotarubi!) despite being the dorm advisor
The pc gets turned and just. . .is Cornelius' office even open late? What do they even do about this!? They could go to Mortkraken, they're always up. . .they could find Hyde, he seems to be awake regardless of the time of day. And Ed is just so freespirited he doesn't even worry about it just pats them like oh don't worry about it you can spend as much time in Obscuary as you'd like!! Maybe this is what you needed! I'll teach you all about being a vampire, it'll be fun!!!
Of course when they eventually have to tell Cornelius or somebody it's a whole damn hassle. And they don't know how it'll effect the curse either. So now it's a mystery and things are up in the air and do they keep searching for a cure for something that may not even affect them anymore???? They aren't a ghoul but you're an anomaly now Obscuary is a ghoul-only dorm but do they place you there???? Do they keep you in containment??? It's just one problem after another!!! And what about keeping them fed!?
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ghost--queer · 5 months
One observation I haven’t seen anyone make about this season yet is that it kinda hits the nail on the head perfectly about the impermanence and ultimately unimportant nature of high school.
Like in canon spyre has essentially taken any DND forgotten realms dynamics and domesticated them, but the one interesting thing that happens in the translation of DND to an “American education system” I think is in terms of classes and levels.
The entire motif of junior year so far is about graduating and getting credits and padding resumes, which is the realistic twist of the season. But in the American education system, you get credits which lead to a degree, and a resume which will help with higher education.
But in Spyre, everybody has a class and everybody has a level. You don’t need a transcript and credits to track progress of how far someone has gone bc it’s literally innate.
From an outsider perspective, Gorgug doesn’t need jackshit to multiclass bc he already has, by the very structure of the world they live in, he already has a level of artificer! He even mentions this when talking to porter, saying that he “got into it at the end of sophomore year”
The bad kids are acknowledged by the narrative be further than others bc of their adventures, in the DND mechanics of the world, adventuring is the better experience than sitting in school, but in their school this progress almost doesn’t matter, Adaine becoming the fucking eleven oracle, an extremely important position, is only eligible to grab her a few credits if she makes a good prediction???
I think the closest American equivalent to what the bad kids have done is sort of a work-study?
The original point of this post anyway is to say that this season is really showing school as a hindrance to their education. Gorgug could study with his parents and gain artificer levels, Kristin is still leveling up in Cleric despite “failing” for killing her god. The boundaries the school is setting for them have no real consequence. (Tbf Kristin’s thing is gonna have real consequences bc…Kalina, but still.)
Anyway this post is too long but wow I have thoughts
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4awny · 8 months
Sp Study Headcanons that literally nobody somebody asked for:
actually listens and pays attention in class
but literally cannot study at all if cartman is there
would rather race cars and start fires than study
easily distracted
is kind of 🤷🏼‍♂️ whatever when its exam day
legs spread as far out from the desk as possible
likes to watch other people stress out from the back row
grade? B. people under estimate him
disgustingly prepared
gets stressed out a lot tho
like when people won't shut up
therefore prefers to study alone
the closer he is to the final exam > the more moody he gets
permanent 😠 face
blames cartman for distracting him
i mean yeah. he does that a lot tbf
is up all night studying despite knowing sleep is just as important
fear of failure maybe?
OK I could go on here
grade? A. predictable. the hard work paid off
doubts himself the whole time
king of procrastination
not completely his fault, always busy doing shit for ppl
thinks he's totally prepared
opens up the first page of the exam paper
immediately forgets everything he ever knew
🤯 lost af
oh wait he does know something
comes out feeling like he let himself down
grade? C. all gd my guy
this kid will not acknowledge an exam until the day before
then panics like hell
and kyle told him so too
looks over to each friend as if to say HELP ME when everybody opens their paper
obviously no one helps him lol
like? man should have listened
cannot concentrate, thoughts racing, over thinking
leads to inner meltdown
struggles to submit anything worth a pass due to the stress
acts like it was the easiest exam of his life
OK enough lore
grade D. just about.
surprisingly good with numbers
brings a pencil sharpener into the exam hall
and like 4 extra pencils too
is pretty confident
real cocky too. smug is the word
bc he the only mf to actually enjoy exams
looks over at cartman with a 👍🏻
gets a 🖕🏼 in return
grade B+. kid is no dumbass
should probably try harder
doesn't even care about grades
kinda does actually
"let's just get this over with" as he rolls up to the exam hall with his hands in his pockets
pretty average student
writes 'fuck knows' for questions he doesn't know
having good common sense helped him massively
grade? B. nobody knows how he managed it either. mystery
a lot of pencil tapping
relies on a lot of caffeine
sweaty palms
forever looking around at other people
reads the question 10 times
then 10 more times
still doesn't understand so writes nothing.
goes back to the 1st question halfway through
adds ???? next to his answers
doctors handwriting. barely readable.
grade? it's a D. rip
"test? what test?"
moderately studies...
for the wrong exam
writes notes on his hand before the final
chews gum throughout
It annoys tweek, who can hear it from 14 seats back
always the first to finish
because finishing first means he's better than everyone else
spends the next half hour doodling circles all over the desk
only cares about the party afterwards anyways
grade?? big fat FAIL
actually knows his stuff, bc he covered literally everything
apart from that 1 subject, but he didn't care about it anyway
reads a lot of books, loves literature
sleeps well, eats well
helps his mind combat pre-exam stress
feels pretty confident on exam day, but hides it well
doesn't want his friends to think he's a nerd or anything...
Grade? A+++++. total NERD
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Tart thief is so good omg, we need more dom Riddle smut.
Reader gonna be pregnant after all of those cream pies Riddle gave her lmaooooo
Thank youuuusssss qwq im so glad someone gave me a comment on it even if its just one. I wasnt really sure about the quality of the writing cuz to be fair— I was writing it on copium hydroxide for an upcoming test and during english class cuz i had just that alot of free time lmao
Also that– the smut- was pretty much the first time Ive ever written smut honestly. I mean I have written one or two before but they were more or less short scenarios than part of a fic. So I hope they were atleast acceptable ^^
Anyways enuf with how i wrote it- YES we need more dom Riddle. Tbf theres alot of Riddle content honestly but not enough about Riddle going for the 'punish the darling' trope. Cuz lets be honest- we kinda think Riddle is usually more lenient towards a darling unless its a toxic relationship/angsts which I dont mind- :DD
Shameless plug but I am currently working on a Beta!Riddle fic. It wont be smut but I want to explore the concept of bratty little tyrant cuz NO ONE TALKS MUCH ABOUT HIM AND HIS POTENTIAL–
But OH BOI- Riddle may be in the zone now when his still folding you down and driving his cock in your hole but I imagine the aftermath of that scenario is that you gotten so stimulated, you passed out and the moment Riddle found you limp on his table— PANIC- did he go too far? Oh no-
Dw- cuz he will make it up to you by cleaning you up, cuddling with your unconcious body and maybe placing those hot water bags (heater water bags? I forgot what their called-) on your thighs and lower abdomen in hopes that will soothe your arching.
But then the next morning when Riddle is drowsy but also not in a sex drive mode, he realised: oh shit– he may have gotten his darling pregnant. My guy gotta pray to the great sevens he did you on a safe day or a miracle is about to happened. And if you do come back with a positive pregnancy test– PANIC— again cuz this is a way worse problem than some sore thighs
But you two can work things out right? Im sure Crowley would understand you got a little— touchy with your partner and everyone knows how much you like the strawberry boi. If they dont, they do now-
Good thing is, Riddle has you all to himself now :DD and you two can start a family. Riddle can have a child and hope once he graduates he can live with you and love you forever ♡
Just make sure you know to ask for his permission on tarts next time okay? If you want spend the night with him you couldve just asked ;))
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
I know that wyrms don't actually care that much but I do wonder if PK making himself bugsized is an anomaly among wyrms. I feel like he's just enough of a Strange Person to do that and I also feel like he made the decision when he was still Young And Stupid.
Tbf I feel like he had to have been an anomaly based on what Godseeker said when talking about his corpse. IIRC, she said something along the lines of how confused she was that he made himself small when the vast, magnificent form would have drawn much more attention. Godseeker, as I've said before, has a very flawed and biased perspective, but she does know enough about the link to worship and power for me to think she might be right with this one, in that PK's original wyrm form was much more adept at conquering and gathering prospective worshippers. Him casting that aside to take on a bug form and walk among them as their king is an anomaly that sticks out like a sore thumb among all the other, more distant gods of Hallownest, so I can only assume that he did it bc he was genuinely fascinated and charmed by them, which is further confirmed by the lengths he was willing to go to in order to save them vs use them as pawns/simply let them die like Unn and Radi. He def. got in over his head considering the fact that he canonically became a shut-in recluse, but the point is still there- dude's just weird.
I don't think this is a case of him being young and dumb either, PK is genuinely just a really fucking weird god. There's canon evidence of him bargaining with the Mosskin/Unn, Herrah, and the Mantis Lords as if he were their equal, even though he is a god who probably could have just enthralled and conquered them to do his bidding. He won his chunk of Hallownest by getting the moths to swap religion vs just brute force conquering, like Radi did. Dude's like that weird quiet kid in math class who does his level best to not be seen who you could probably kick over with zero effort, but somehow ends up being respected anyways bc he's a crazy good tutor if you can manage to corner and bribe him after class. W e i r d
(I also take her line about how abruptly his power vanished to be proof that his death was a suicide attempt, but tbf it was also very vague. Everything about him post-canon just screams 'I'm dying leave me alone' energy rather than him being fully done for, which makes sense given how terribly long it is for gods to truely die)
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f0point5 · 3 months
The doxxing and stalking is horrible I agree.
I'm just curious if she lie to Ollie/Zak/Franco, that must be really awkward and if is true she kinda a predator sorry specially because she knows Ollie since he was 17, I also read that one of her ex friend is the one who provided all the info (she must be really jealous lolol) and she really REALLY must wants to be a wag.
On another note I just find out that Carlos and Heidi (Daniel gf) used to hangout 👀 those boys really date the same 5 girls (beside leclerc who just date the same friend group), and Kelly used to like and comment Lewis posts too.
There's was this girl that commented on Alexandra tiktok saying 'Trying to bestfriend Alex to date Charles in 3 years' and she blocked her 💀.
I’m not comfortable calling people predators when I don’t know them, or the situation. The age of consent in the UK is 16 so legitimately, legally, she is not a predator.
Beyond that, I don’t know her. I don’t know him. I do know that people who have been in adult environments, and who have shouldered the responsibility of genuine careers from the time they were 12/13 have a different view of the world, and different experiences. Ollie Bearman at 17 was driving vehicles in front of thousands of people, travelling the world by himself, holding his own amongst grown men, dictating the direction of millions of euros and thousands of man hours. His girlfriend is in law school. It’s not like she’s a grown ass woman who plucked a kid out of his A Level drama class. And I say that without knowing these people, just from an outside view. So yeah, I’m not comfortable assuming she is a predatory person. And that is in part because I don’t agree that anyone should have to read that about a partner that they are happy with.
Sad af that she has friends like that but honestly people change the second you have something they want.
Lol tbf they date the girls who have paddock passes and are around. When did they hang out though? Pre Isa? But we know Mick hung out with Luisa, obviously Kelly used to date Daniil (still can’t believe she was in Lewis’s likes honey nooo), George dated Nyck’s sister…it’s brutal out there lol. Except for Charles, who dates in his own tiny pond.
I feel bad for Alex that there’s a narrative she was Charlotte’s friend, because they weren’t friends. I think Alex was friendly/had classes with Charlotte’s sister. For sure they knew each other but literally everyone in Monaco knows each other so Charles will end up with a girl that knows all these girls most likely. They’re not necessarily snaking each other. They do seem happy, and for now she has the flexibility to travel with him so good for them.
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okay, it's been a couple of hours and nobody asked yet, so *now* i am asking about Downey
First impression
I first met him in Hogfather and I was like: WHO IS THIS MAN AND CAN WE HAVE MORE OF HIM???
Then in Men at Arms I was like: YES, THIS ASSHOLE. HE HAS RETURNED, IF BRIEFLY. I was so chuffed when he became head of the Guild.
In Nigh Watch I just was like: please lord in heaven, I need more of this ABSOLUTE MENACE of a man. Why are we always reading about the Watch and Vimes? I give 0 shits about him. Give me more of this asshole of an assassin and his love of dogs and insects.
Impression now
I mean, Favourite. I love him. He can do no wrong. He should, in fact, be more of a menace and a nuisance to everyone.
I feel like I've rambled enough about Downey on this blog for most people to know my views on him. But I do like that the bits of information we have on him paint a surprisingly complex picture for someone who gets like five to ten minutes of page time whenever he's in a book.
As I know you and I have discussed this before, but I love the example of: We know that in his late forties/early fifties he listens for the Hogfather's arrival (and knows he is real, this is not a widely accepted thing in AM). Think of seventeen-year old Downey, what a lout he was, what an absolute prick, what an unaware and childish youth, who grew up to be a man who knows the Hogfather is real, listens for him on Hogswatch Eve while he's up late working (on a holiday), and has an open door policy for his students should they ever need him. A man who is described as amiable and gentlemanly with a kind smile (just don't eat a humbug if he offers you one. Some of Downey's chaotic and destructive tendencies remain into adulthood). Like, that's some Growth.
And to the Vetinari Ask that I got - I think that's the thing we don't see with Vetinari. There's no evident growth. Downey clearly has gone through some phenomenal changes to go from That Asshole at seventeen to the caring Guild leader at fifty. Still a snob and still a bit of a class a bastard, to be sure, some things don't change, but there was clearly still a lot of goddamn growth that happened. And that's interesting!
Anyway, love this mad lad.
Favorite moment
Probably Gaspode's description of Downey to Angua in Men at Arms where he's like "yeah, we like Downey. He gives us treats and pets, lets us roam and romp about Guild grounds, and also kills a lot of people very successfully. We street hounds are Pro-Downey for Guild Leader" and Angua is like ".....thanks?"
The Night Watch bit with him is also a favourite moment. He's so awkward and horrible and I love him. Even Ludo is like sighing and going, "For some reason that man is my best friend and I don't know why."
(tbf we don't know if Ludo and Downey were friends, there's no evidence in canon to this effect, but I've head-canoned they are so roll with it.)
Idea for a story
I want more Downey & Jocelyn adventures because I love Jocelyn.
I would love a story of Downey and Vetinari and the rest of the usual crew (Vimes, Sybil, Angua etc.) out on some sort of diplomatic mission to idk, Brindisi or something. But it's one of those diplomatic trips that are half-holiday half-work.
Downey is just wine-drunk constantly on the good Brindisi wine and trying to explain to Vimes how wine tasting works and Vimes is like "I don't drink and also it seems fake to me" and Downey is like "you're such a plebian". Sybil is nerding out on local dragon hatcheries that are initiating a new conservation program. She comes back covered in dirt and mud with her hair sticking up at all angles and crowing about the latest thing she saw and Vimes is like "that woman is the love of my life."
Vetinari is the only one actually doing anything useful but he makes Downey come with him to schmooze the local nobility because I've always weirdly head-canoned Downey's family as being of Brindisi extraction for some reason. Anyway, Downey is at these functions being all Posh and stuff and someone is like "Downey, Downey - you're Amos' boy aren't you?" And Downey is like, ".........I have this distinction, yes." Afterwards he refuses to go to functions until he can vet the list of attendees.
Vimes just grouses about the food and Downey is like "try the squid ink noodles, they're great" and Vimes is like "absolutely not." Vetinari is just like "ok, question Downey, who looked at squid ink and thought: I should put that on the pasta?" and Downey is like, "Someone with a great love for aesthetics. So probably an assassin."
Anyway, things are gently chaotic in their usual fashion until some sort of crises happens. Downey needs to either steal something or inhume someone or both. It becomes an insane heist story at this point and everyone is piled onto a tricycle going downhill at top speeds with no breaks.
Unpopular opinion
Like you, I think he's smart. He's not Vetinari levels of smart, but no one is because Vetinari is inhuman/impossible levels of smart. But you don't survive Snapcase and the politics of the Assassins Guild eventually become Master of the Guild while being a complete buffoon.
So I think he's savvy, he's good at politcking to a certain degree, he's got a half-decent risk-assessment matrix built into his brain. We know he's a good assassin, and that takes some skill and intelligence.
So yeah, I think he's smarter than he's sometimes portrayed. Even the canon is annoyingly inconsistent/illogical when it comes to this. Because TP wants him to be the butt of a joke and TP goes for people being "stupid" as funny so, that leads to illogical character actions when you look at them in the broader context of their own history and the world they operate in.
Favorite relationship
Aside from Vetinari?
I like the implications of there being a bit of a Downey-Mrs Palm-Boggis triumvirate in the City Council. Downey is clearly looked down on by Venturi and Selachii since he's a "jumped up" lord, not from their class. So they'll all ally together when it suits them, as we see in a few of the books, but they're not regular bedfellows.
Downey seems to be friendly with the older Lord Rust, Vimes certainly seems to think that they are friends, but unclear with the son/younger Rust. How much is the two actually liking each other or Rust doing the "noblesse oblige" by taking the new blood under his wing is never stated.
But whenever Downey is really getting into mischief and mucking about doing nonsense its with Mrs Palm or Boggis or both and I really like that. I think it says something his malleability. He goes up and down the class ladder, basically, in terms of friendships and political allies. Which is an interesting data point on someone as snobby as Downey.
Favorite headcanon
The canon is that Downey is a "jumped up" lord. This is stated in the books. I head-canon that he's more jumped up than he wants people to know. I always write his parentage as being very mercantile - his father is in trade. A merchant who still has his hands in the business, rather than letting others run it on his behalf. And his family is rich, absolutely rolling in it, but they're not One Of Us.
So when he goes to the Guild as a student Downey hyper-performs everything (class, masculinity, posturing and compensating all over the place) in order to be accepted by his colleagues there as one of the nobility, or veritable nobility. Doesn't work to the degree he would like it to, of course. But dad's wealth does help to bandage over some things.
This is also why he's fixated on Doing the Done Thing/Social Rules. I don't think Downey has many morals (he has maybe five (5) morals), but he does place great value on being included by those whom he esteems as Cool and will follow behavioural rules to allow him access and acceptability from those people. The Rules are also what ensures him social and political standing and safety, which he values. Also, I think from a young age Downey figured that if he Does the Done Thing he'll be able to crack the code of climbing the social ladder and so he gets weird and pissed off when people don't follow The Done Thing yet are still somehow part of his class world (e.g., Vimes after he marries Sybil).
Thank you! :D :D I do love our favourite inhumation man
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hekateinhell · 1 year
As far as I can tell, it doesn't seem like synesthesia was really on the radar until the 80s-90s but even then I don't know if it would have come up in any of the classes Armand took with Daniel.
From what I found, synthesia started popping up as early as the late 1680s but it didn't really take off until the 1800s, then it died down between the 1930s-1980s when the research trends in psychology veered in another direction.
I often think about Lestat watching feral Armand tearing through the books in TVL, and even if he wasn't actively engaging with the human world until the DM era, I headcanon Armand was still a pretty well-read guy during the decades at the theater!
Louis makes note of the books in Armand's lair in IWTV (one of many things he was "powerfully attracted" by). No idea where these books came from — how many are Lestat's, are they old or new, etc. So it's possible Armand might've stumbled on something he perhaps could have applied to himself at some point. He must've had some thoughts on Lestat and Gabrielle when Freud became prevalent (he had read baby Lestat's mind, he knew).
But really what I wonder is if a vampire like Armand (or Louis or Lestat for that matter), would have the capacity and/or desire to label themselves with a "human" condition.
Tbf one of my first Louis headcanons was him picking up the DSM-5 and secretly diagnosing Lestat and Armand within an inch of their lives and then slamming the book shut as soon as he sees something that maybe also applies to him. He's a hypocrite like that (affectionate).
But I think in-universe having the language and information to recognize a neurological condition like synesthesia and things of that nature would be good for them, make them feel less "othered" than they already do by virtue of their existence.
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aristotels · 6 months
do you have any online resources for Balkan books? i'm learning croatian so it would be cool to practice reading actual books instead of just balkan twitter
balkandownload.org , knjige.club and iirc libgen has some croatian and serbian things
go crazy :) if u want croatian book reccs too, from our authors id reccommend anything by ivica ivanišević (my fav is "primavera", esp since its very classic dalmatian setting) and renato baretić. baretić's "osmi povjerenik" is a cult book, but since it uses a lot of dialect, and a made up dialect too, it might be too advanced. "hotel grand" is also a fantastic book of his, that one might be easier to get through.
if you want classics, one of my favorite book series is "grička vještica" by marija jurić zagorka (the first croatian female journalist). its 7 books, with plot taking place during maria theresa's rule of hungary, but the speed and the twists are like a modern netflix show. she did the "enemies to lovers" trope back in like the 1910. and she and jane austen are the only people ive ever liked it from. ive read all the books like 5 times, and insisted my sister is named Nera after the main character. if netflix producers read this, they would sign the production papers within 10 seconds of finishing the books. unlike krleža, she wrote in a quite simple style and language (tho there is nothing simple about croatian anywhere i guess).
if you want to read some poetry i recc dobriša cesarić - he is one of the most famous croatian poets, and his poems are simple but with incredible flow. you can also find the texts online without downloading. just google dobriša cesarić pjesme. :) "balada iz predgrađa" is one of his best ones. "voćka poslije kiše" is something every single croat can quote.
grigor vitez was also a wonderful poet but he wrote for children - idk what level youre at, but that might be a good start too! his poems are beautiful. "kad bi drveće hodalo", for example.
on topic of poetry, since this is a communist and antifascist blog, i recc you the main poem of yugoslavia: desanka maksimović's "krvava bajka" about genocide in kragujevac. its short and you can find it on wikipedia.
from recent books which were translated to croatian i rly enjoyed nita prose's "maid" and from this french author "fresh water for flowers" (too tired to remember her name rn). anthony doerrs "the light we cannot see" is a bit reactionary but still a great read. "the cathedral" (cant remember the author rn) also won me over.
if you want to watch a good movie i recc "svećenikova djeca", if you can find the torrent. idt i was able to last time when i wanted to watch it. :/
from bands, if you want to hear some dalmatian music and accents, i reccommend daleka obala, tutti frutti band, dino dvornik ("afrika" and "manijak" are bangers), oliver dragojević (listen to "nadalina" its super cool!), TBF ("genije" plays in my head always) and if u wanna see the traditional split dance just search "splitsko kolo" on youtube :)
i can also just send you my own book if u wanna read that lol (im a published author in croatia, and a class traitor for advocating book piracy here on tumblr i guess) . it does use some dalmatian slang tho.
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tiodolma · 2 years
Gaius and Merlin were the most powerful class traitors of magic who were complicit in the actions of their genocidal bigot bosses just because they believe in one big dumb prophecy.
Gaius taught Merlin to distrust other magic users, to not help them, to hide himself and just devote himself to the crown.
Tbf to merlin he was just 16-18 when all these just started. He was too young. He wasn’t ready. He was sent to the most dangerous place for people like him. He was impressionable. His heart was too good. He was too moldable.
He took “I will not fall into anger and rage like Morgana” too far to the point where he couldn’t even find his voice against Arthur who was still relentlessly chasing down and killing his people anymore. He put all his eggs into the biggest bigot in their universe because the magic world told him that the guy was the hottest sht. Merlin was so broken down, so brainwashed, so indoctrinated that he still continued to forgive even after years of getting dismissed, insulted, derided and abused and only shown rare bouts of kindness by his supposed best friend in the universe.
Arthur didn’t deserve any of that devotion. As king he still persecuted and treated magic folk like shit. He blamed them for their own oppression, never accepted his father’s actions as wrong, showed no remorse in arresting and killing their women and children (shut up he only made promises to a frkn ghost), refused to learn more about their ways despite having the biggest knowledge base in albion, continued to imprisoned them for existing, calling them the most disgusting slurs, using their magic techniques recklessly for himself and still called magic “evil” when they don’t work.....and then played victim when he got called out by the oppressed magic folk.
It’s such a shame that Merlin hoped and believed in his potential after everything. Merlin could never truly relate to magic folk after all. The only people left alive who truly loved him made sure of that. His mother raised him to fear and hide himself. His mentor taught him how to be the judge and be the arbiter of life and death not only over the kingdom but also the magic folk. He was overworked and pressured to the point that he had no free time for himself. He was supposed to be the strongest warlock but he only had enough time to receive education from the dude who hasnt practiced sorcery for 20 years when he should have beenseeking out other magic users and learning from them. His life was constantly dictated by the big magic institutions who never give him the tools to actually start their liberation, only empty promises.
Merlin’s sense of self died gradually throughout the span of the whole series every time he lost a loved one and every time Gaius/Kilgharrah/Hunith asked him to forget himself and serve the crown. The kid who wanted to be seen and recognized for his talent, kindness and potential turned into a biggest self-sacrificing royalist who truly believed that his life was valued lesser than a king.
It’s a monarchist story. It’s a divine right of kings story. It’s a fascist story. It’s an anti-radicalism story, it’s a defender-of-the-status-quo story.
It is NOT a story of acceptance, of positive change, of equality, of democracy.
I thought we learned from Diogenes for fuck’s sake.
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silevvar · 2 years
hello! if your requests are open could i please request venti and chongyun (weird combo but i love them) with a male s/o who goes out skateboarding a lot when he’s stressed about things?
thanks in advance if you choose to write this and have a nice day!
OFCCCC I LOVE VENTI AND CHONGYUN!! HOPE THIS COMES OUT THE WAY YOU EXPECTED ANON<3 ugggghhh disclaimer I do not skateboard</3 I'm so sorry if this is inaccurate. *cough I think it is*
“I'm this close to getting Life360” -Venti probably
—set in modern, highschool! au with male reader!! (it's messy i know! I'll fix it someday...)
-You and Venti have been neighbors all throughout your lives. He can read you as well as his music sheets. And he definitely knew how you coped with things such as stress.
-Venti enjoyed skateboarding with you. Is he actually good at it? That's a whole other question. (He isn't but he'd instead fall off a thousand more times than admit it.)
-Hell, this man would trip and fall so many times you were actually worried but he still remained as optimistic as ever!!
-If you didn't tell him you were going out, he'd be worried. Usually, near exam days or rough times, you'd often go without warning. And Venti would either look for you in your usual spots or just keep his window wide open for any hopes of seeing you return.
It was getting late, the sun was half-set, but Venti couldn't stop the anxious taps of his fingers on the sweet brown wood of his study table. Papers and wrappers were scattered everywhere but the poor boy was just staring out his window and peeking at your house across the street.
Often days, you would bring him with you to the park. Him racing you with his bike instead of an actual skateboard because he likes it better. And it makes you two stand on equal grounds. You would stay there for hours together, mindlessly chatting and laughing around as Venti tried learning how to skateboard yet again, but ultimately falling once he got too excited.
He guessed that this wasn't one of those days then. Until his ears picked up the sounds of your wheels on the road below him. He practically flew closer to the window and called out to you.
"HEY WINDBLUMEE!! YOU GOOD!?!" He gestured wildly as he yelled, smiling as you showed him a thumbs up in return. You pointed towards your bedroom window. A wordless invitation for him to sneak in again tonight and you laughed when he nodded enthusiastically.
-Chongyun did not understand why you kept going out skating after school, it did take a bit of an explanation but he got it eventually!! You two were in the same class and that's how you met, even before dating he's known of your hobby and he encouraged you despite still being friends at that time.
-He loves you... he really does... but no way is he sitting with you in the sweltering sun all day watching you skate. Sure if it was windy or cold out, sure. He'd stay with you as long as you're out. But he really can't keep up with the heat and just seeing you generally in his close proximity makes him flushed already.
-Somedays he'd relent, you'd drag him over for a bit as he worked on some school works he needed and just stayed until his limit was reaching its peak. And that was fine with you.
-But other days, you would just take off without a word and he'd get worried as well. Unlike Venti, Chongyun would actually annoy Xingqiu about it, much to the other's amusement. Chongyun would come and visit, see you aren't there and just send you a text to see if he should wait for your return or not.
Chongyun knocked at your front door, noting the absence of light in your room. Your family opened the door and told him and as usual, he went and sat in your living room and took his phone out.
"Are you alright? When are you coming back?" A simple message he sent. Quickly clicking the group chat with Xingqiu and Xiangling, he typed as he waited for your response,
In "gay ft. Gordon Ramsey <3"
<- Xingqiu he isn't here. </3 -> Oh fr? MY BAD should've expected it tbf it's exam season and yk how he is when he's stresseddd -> Also, love the heartbroken emo, you're getting better!! <- I'm not emo. -> Mb it's supposed to be a shortened version of emoticon. -> Maybe wait for him in the meantime? <- Yeah, I asked him where he was. <- djdkdkdk wait he's texted me -> OHHH WHAT DID HE SAY? -> WAIT SHSHDF THERE'S A CUSTOMER -> GIVE ME LIKE TEN MINUTES. -> TAKE YOUR TIME XIANGLING ILL CATCH YOU UP LATER
Chongyun had a fond smile on his face as he opened your message. "I'm near actually, are you at mine?" He barely had time to respond when he heard you pull up at the front door. Softly panting and smiling at him. "Come on!! I'm glad I caught you before you left,"
code to chongyun's chat part in the gc; (<-) chongyun, (->) xingqiu. (->) xiangling
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webslingingslasher · 5 months
J girlie i have a new love life update for you 😭
first of all idk why I’ve pulled like three guys in a month ish? like NEVER BEFORE!! (and again gotta clarify that this is CRUMBS compared to your other anons but it’s fine)
ANYWAYS this guy who reminds me of James Potter (i don’t even know if you know who the marauders are) but yeah anyways i had this two weekend course thing so last week and this past one, and we like really hit it off??? And like it was me, another girl and then like 15 ish guys (it was a small one but yeah)
like he’s super smart and works hard and is like really pretty?????
ANYWAYS this “course” was a four day thing right? the first day we kinda just chatted and stuff, the second day he asked for my snap, so i added myself through his phone, then added him back right in front of him (he said he was nervous to ask but someone had to!! and like he wasn’t sure if i was actually gonna add him back and i caught him off guard when i added him immediately).
ANYWAYS we spent that ENTIRE afternoon like snapping back and forth and like chatting - HE KEPT COMPLIMENTING MY SMILE and I was about to like melt.
but we each had some like important tests (pretty much exam level) so we didn’t talk AS much during the week but he lost his phone for a day and when he found it he told me without me even asking!! like “sorry for the late reply, i lost my phone” (seemed genuine!!)
AND THEN this past weekend we’re still snapping and stuff (tons of flirting, irl but mainly online (im more bold 😭)) and he called me beautiful 🤭🤭🤭 (again literally crumbs in comparison but like im lowkey freaking out???) and he was so sincere about it too!! (at least it seems that way!)
and so basically when my friend picked me up today (last day of the course) she was like.. “so who’s the guy????” and i had to reply that he’s just a friend. BECAUSE I DONT KNOW! BUT THEN i meant to send this whole thing to another friend and i sent it to him by accident 😭 (that was actually so embarrassing) so i asked him what he would’ve said, and he was like “just friends.. at least FOR NOW” and i literally started giggling like a high school girl 😭😭😭 tbf i never experienced this type of thing then so yeah but anyways!
i have a really good feeling about him (esp bc in my gc w that friend who picked me up, i gave a little debrief and they’re all like happy about it ykwim???)
anyways i hope that made any sense at all 😭 im just like really excited about this whole thing and like i feel like i can tell you??? (but like if you want me to stop w this just lmk and i will!!!)
OH ALSO i can’t remember if i put this but that class was like miserable and he said i made him look forward to going to it!!! And even that i made him enjoy it 😭 and he said he was really happy to meet me there so yeah haha
OOMF GOT A BF!!!!! (perhaps?? update me on the king 🔫)
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