#katsuki get it together. go get your man. just say you love him already oh my fucking god
evelynpr · 22 days
bakugou for the character ask game?
Truly the teenage boy, shonen deuteragonist, love interest coded, gay asshole, of all time.
My first impression - Woah I did not understand why people were so into this guy. Like I get it, he's a flawed and loud pretty boy, he gets character development, and probably gay, but seriously him??? His mouth is so fucking foul and he is so up his ass. - I was meh with this character, enjoyed him in fan content, but just did not get why people were sooo into this guy.
My impression now - I cried in "Light Fades To Rain". Twice. - My god his growth...his will, his persistence, and by god his love for Izuku is so ridiculous and powerful I just cannot help but admire the little shithead. - He is also a lot more to me than I expected, with the whole "foul mouth shit", "high expectations bullshit", "violent urges", and "dedicating your whole life and love to someone you love and admire" and that...that makes me feel quite conflicted.
Favorite thing about that character - The thing about Bakugou is that...you just cannot help but wish you had the same kind of persistence, strength, will, and power that he does. I love how all this is initially so shallow and selfish, then grows to wanting to be a better and truer hero. He really learns and changes and is just an unstoppable force of nature, it's genuinely incredible and beautiful to watch.
Least favorite thing - I wished that the overall writing did go harder in making him stop bad-mouthing people and...everything so much. You can tell he did grow to respect and care for people around him more, but by gods he is sooo bad at communicating his feelings right now. (tbf, he is so fucking young and traumatized) - Also, really please stop hitting people. I get a knee-jerk reaction to that kind of physical violence sometimes ngl.
Favorite line/scene - There are so many. I already mentioned his death in "Light Fades to Rain" so I'll mention a different one - Team Bakugou in Class A vs B was so goddamn good, for being a monumental milestone of his character. How much he trusted his teammates and put himself in danger to save others, winning in the end. No injuries, no failures, truly a perfect beautiful victory. How he also pushes Deku to keep getting better afterwards in his usual constipated-ass language too. Man I just love that battle to death.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - (me pulling out scenes that aren't bkdk centered here hahaha) - I fucking LOVED the Bakugou vs Ochako fight. It made me love Ochako so so much as a kid. I really wished we had a follow-up to that battle, and it genuinely changed my life. - I love how it really shows just how focused and rational he is in battle. How he truly respects his opponents, Ochako in this case, and the sports festival really establishes so much about him.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Speaking of which...OCHAKO VS BAKUGO 2 COME ONNNN - There is SO MUCH these two need to talk about. How to save people, who they want to save, who saved them, never underestimating each other, how they changed and grew. I just love these two characters to bits, that's why I need them to FIGHT AND TALK SO BADDDD - Additional: Also Toga (see my post on Toga right before this one lmao), Shoto (because I still don't really get their friendship but its hilarious, and I love Shoto)
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - I legit cannot think of anything here...like for Toga...I am so sorry my brain is blanking T__T - It's hard to be a massive anger-issue filled, victory-focused, die for their lover (twice), amazing chef, all at once, kinda guy...you know?
A headcanon about that character - I am a believer in trans!fem Bakugo in the future. He's so ridiculously angry for some reason, voice always cracking, and just on-edge for some reason. Idk I just think its hilarious and satisfying if he transed his gender in the future and became happier and more comfortable.
A song that reminds of that character - I also have a Bkdk playlist in the making! Here's some bkg focused songs in character development order: - Boys will be Bugs, President Perfect, Top of my School, Oh No!, I'm Gonna Win, The Last of the Real Ones, Skyfall, Die For You, Set Fire to the Rain
An unpopular opinion about that character - Like Toga, he actually isn't possessive. I think he quite well understands and accepts that Izuku is a very loving person that many people are easily drawn to (I mean, he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't understand that). - He is protective instead of possessive. He keeps an eye out for anything and anyone who could possibly actually hurt Izuku, but he doesn't hold him back at all in hanging around with others, and when other people fall for Izuku either. - He is actually quite skinny, and doesn't have the big thick buff guy build. Those go to Izuku and Iida more imo.
Favorite picture - I never really thought of this much??? I love art of him being softer, more solemn, quiet and contemplative even. I guess I'll go pick out some favs right now...
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Here they are! Hope you enjoy the post lmao
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cvnt4him · 4 months
hii it's meee :3 another izu req
reader plays a prank on her friend izuku, it ultimately goes wrong and they somehow end up trapped inside a closed space. Together. Alone. Tight room. Tension. Heat. Mwah
ah, another ask from the great mind of @lovelykil
I would be more than happy to fulfill this for you<33🎗️
Stuck Inside..
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God you loved your friend group, how chaotic, dumb, and funny they were, they always made you and mina feel like queens those boys did.
Bakugou, kirishima, denki and sero, they knew how to have fun they sure did, playing pranks on people, having movie nights that only inner circle people are invited to, it was ultimate fun.
But they had an initiation, to officially be invited to the 'bakusquad' not the name you would've gone with but whatever, you had to successfully prank someone in the dekusquad for 5 days and not get caught, see when sero told you this at the lunch table, bakugou and denki smirking while kirishima and mina looked at each other with such worried looks, you were already down, who didn't love a good prank on their peers?
Mina sighed and looked at you with a scared look like she had something to tell you, she tried too, opening her mouth before shutting it at the sight of bakugou staring daggers into her. You wanted to know why they were being so secretive but you didn't want them to not trust you, so you simply kept your mouth shut and listened to sero go on about the tradition.
"so all I have to do is prank someone? Easy."
You say rolling your eyes and clapping your hands together.
"don't forget, you can't get caught, so do whatever it takes, even frame someone else, to get away." Sero emphasizes heavily to you.
"too easy. Now, who shall be my victim.~" you scoff, then rub your hands together scoping out your prey.
You hear a slightly rasped, deep voice chime in.
"oh? How come?" You question the still smirking blonde as he glared at you with deep volcanic red eyes.
"do the prank.. or don't. You're the one who wants to be with us, and those are the rules, either do the prank or dip. Either or."
Bakugou barks at you with a shit eating grin, leaning back against the window as he puts his hands behind his head laying on them.
You look around the cafeteria to search for the green haired boy, spotting him smiling and laughing with his friend group. His emerald green eyes shining so bright in the sun, his pearly white smile blinding you, he really was such a bright star, you were just afraid this prank might burn him out, although you really wanted to be apart of their clique, were you really gonna prank an innocent angel who's never done anything wrong to you, just so you can have a designated seat at the 'cool kids' table?
You inhale through your nose and exhale heavily out through your mouth.
"fuck it, I'm in. Any specific prank in mind?"
Yes, yes you were.
Your answer caused bakugou to smile widely at you, the rest of the boys doing so as well as they all snicker and snort quietly, again besides mina and kirishima who just sighed and accepted what was to come there truly was nothing they could do.
"shit man.. that might just make him cry, are you sure?"
You question after hearing the prank they wanted you to do.
"hey, your call, if you don't wanna do this, don't. We aren't forcing you of course these are all your choices, just make sure this is what you really want to do and be prepared to go down if you get caught."
The way denki worded his sentence made you feel something deep inside, guilt? No.. regret? Can't be, you hadn't done anything yet. So what was it?
You sigh, really thinking this through, hell you really felt something inside but you couldn't quite put a finger on it..
"yeah.. oh.. okay, I'll do it."
You agree before shrugging off everything and bringing your gaze back into everyone at the table, smiles still plastered on their faces as you see katsuki and denki fist bump.
That should've been red flag number one.
A couple days later you set your prank into motion, on Monday you started out tame, stealing little things he would need, whether it be his pencil, notebook, doesn't matter, if you could get your hands on it you did.
When izuku realized his notebook was missing, he freaked out looking around with a nervous face, not wanting to interrupt anyone or bother them with his silly needs, you kinda felt bad, but you couldn't let emotions get In the way of becoming an official member of the squad.
You sucked it up and waited for the next day.
As Tuesday hit your pranks slowly progressed into getting worse, you had started leaving mean notes in his locker, his desk, even his bad, they'd say just random hurtful shit, whether that be about his freckles or his scars, things you thought he'd brush off. But boy were you wrong, seeing his spirit shatter as he read each and every note really left a bad taste in your mouth, hell you thought you saw years prickling at the edge of his eyes.
You again, brushed it off and waited for the next day.
Wednesday, you decided to kinda bully him, well not really, just nudge him into the locker when you walked by, or kicking the pit of his knees making them buckle, small things like that.
He felt so humiliated when he nearly tripped because of you, everyone staring at him as you glance at him with doe like eyes and bat your lashes at him.
"are you okay?"
He looked at you with glossy eyes and sniffed before nodding violently and rushing out of the class, you sighed and grabbed you bag leaving too as it was the end of the day, god you hated this but you were almost through, just 3 more days and your free.
As thursday rolled in you sucked up everything in you and, mentally prepared yourself for the next prank, you decided to go off script and do little tame things, take a bite from aoyamas book and leave more little notes in his room, it scared him by the looks of him, you hadn't felt too bad for this one as you and already progressed from the little notes in day 2 of your pranks, just one more day, one more prank and then your free, however this prank was the worst and all if the bakusquad was gonna be present.
You had to make sure you didn't let your emotions get in the way so you mentally prepared yourself the night before.
Finally Friday rolled around, most Fridays are spent training so with that being said you need to change into your hero suit in the locker rooms, deku is always the last one to shower after training and putting away his hero suit, out of respect for his friends, at least that's what the boys told you,
You sigh readying yourself to go in there and take his clothes as they would lock the door making sure he couldn't get out unless he broke the door, then eventually coming back for him in the morning if he hadn't.
God you were terrified, the prep the night before hadn't helped at all, you were literally shaking in your boots. You sighed as you see all of the boys leave the shower room as mina and you waited outside for them to give you a signal.
When bakugou gave you a nod, with a wide smirk on his face you sighed and ran in, the door opening and shutting loudly catching izukus attention whilst he showered, he brushed it off as one of the guys coming in and stated in the shower, you walked to the bench next to the showers making sure he couldn't see you, you grabbed his clothes and ran as fast as you could, once you made it out you held his clothes breathing heavily with a smile on your face as you struggle to catch your breath, your heart beating so fast from the adrenaline.
"I.. I got it!"
You saved it around showing the boys and mina, a smile never making it onto her face, her knowing what's coming next she shuts her eyes and mouths and apology, you look at her as sero, kirishima, and bakugou give you your praise, you were so confused and focused on what she meant by it you hadn't even seen denki slip behind you and quietly open the door, mina quickly pushed you inside and bakugou locked the door with the key, everyone laughing loudly as you fall into the floor with a grunt, kirishima had snatched dekus clothes from you before mina pushed you in, you bang on the door and hokd back tears.
"hey! Let.. let me out! Mina, how fucking could you!.."
All you could hear was laughs as they suddenly faded away, their shadows disappearing as well, as another comes from behind you, you'd seen the shadow on the door as you quickly turn around with a gaso as izuku held a towel around his waist trying to assure you were alright.
You look down before looking back up and looking away.
It was awkward, silent, and he looked so fucking hot, and he probably guessed you were the one that had taken his clothes.
"...hey, you uhm.. wouldn't happen to know where my clothes... are?..."
He spoke quietly, and with a somewhat leveled voice not wanting to scare you off not that you could go anywhere.
You sigh before groaning in anger and frustration as you slap your hands to your face and slide down the door.
" I'm sorry... for taking your clothes and giving it to them, for bullying you and leaving mean notes and taking your things and--"
"that... Those.. things were you?..."
He asked in a confused tone, his brows furrowed, as he looked at the ground before slowly looking up to look at you, his eyes shaking, searching your face for an answer that you didn't want to provide.
You hadn't wanted to speak so you simply nodded, sighing as you bang your head back on the door, causing izuku to jump and rush down to you.
"hey, don't do that you could hurt yourself..."
For fucks sakes, you just admitted to doing these horrible things to him and passing them off as a 'prank' and he's still checking on toyou?
The way he looked down at you, his hand on the back of your head making sure you weren't hurt, his fingers rubbed the area soothingly, making your head lean back into his hand.
The two of you were just looking at each other, eyes staring into the others as your faces moved closer, before you knew his it, his breath fanned you face, the smell of mint coming off of it, he liked to chew gum to keep his jawline nice, god he looked so good like this, water droplets from the shower running down his body and wet hair.
The hand that was on your head moved to your cheek, rubbing his thumb over it as he brought you close, your noses brushed against each other's slightly, it was so quiet you could practically hear his heart pounding out of his chest, his breaths slowly turning more heavy as he looked down to your lips, licking his that were parted and nibbling lightly on his lower one.
"can I kiss you...please?"
His voice coming off more desperate and whimper-y than he meant.
You were tired of talking, tired of thinking, all you wanted to do was push your feelings from the betrayal you just went through down, and what better way to do that than fuck the person you'd been torturing for 5 days?
You pulled him into a deep kiss, groaning inside of it, your teeth clashed together and you pulled him by his shoulders, making him out his knees on either side of your thighs, his towel threatening to come off, you let him trail the kiss off into your neck as he gently kissed, licked, and nipped at it, little noises coming from him as he did so.
You sighed breathily, your eyes accidentally trailed down his lower abdomen, staring at his well toned abs and the v line going down, god that was so sexy to you, as your eyes kept trailing down you seen how his towel was even managing to somewhat stay up, his cock was fully erect and bobbing against the towel, that was the reason he was making whimper like noises.
He started bucking into the towel making your eyes widen slightly at the sight, a little damp patch forming in the thick towel, had he cum or something? You thought to yourself as he full blown moaned into your ear, was he really gaining that much pleasure from grinding his hard on against a rough towel?
You looked up to him as he looked down at you with a red face, his heart was racing as he looked down at his aching cock then back to you, you connected the dots and guessed he was asking you to touch him.
Without thinking about it, your hands trailed up his abs, then down again as you trickle your fingers over his wrapped cock, you felt his cock twitch underneath your light touches as a breathy sigh leaves his opened mouth, his eyes slightly rolling back, there was no way he was getting this much pleasure from this.
You scoffed and gripped his cock tightly, making his body jolt and a stuttery 'oh' leave his mouth as he looked down at you, grabbed you by your cheeks and pulled you into a heated kiss, he bucked his hips into your hand and he moaned and whined into the kiss, it being hard to stay in it due to him humping into your hand frantically like a bunny during mating season or some shit.
Your teeth clashed against each others once more as he shoved his tongue in your mouth, flicking his against yours, swapping spit and groaning into your mouth as you swallowed all his messy little noises that dropped from his mouth like spit.
He grabbed your other hand and pulled it up to his throat and wrapped it around his neck, you just kept your hand right there not applying any force letting him control it as he kept jerking his hips into your tightly gripped hand, he closed his hand around yours that was also around his neck.
Aww, was this his little attempt at getting you to choke him? I suppose his wish is your command.
You choke him harshly making his eyes roll back as he bit his lip harshly, moans being muffled by it, he bucked his hips a few more times before blowing his load into the towel, his cum seeping through the fabric and dripping onto your wrist and your pants, there was just so much you thought he was never gonna stop.
His hips kept lightly twitching up into the towel causing him to bend forward and moan into your ear due to the over stimulation, god his pitchy moans were so hot.
His hot breath still fanned your ear before he finally said something his voice a little groggy.
"please let me... let me eat you.. I want to taste you, please...?"
His sentence ended with a whimper in your ear as he moved his forehead to lean against yours.
Was all you could get out before he pulled down your shorts in a flash, your panties coming off with them, he instantly hurriedly his face in-between your partially opened thighs, his tongue licking and prodding against your lower lips, not pushing his tongue fully inside, he licked a tongue stripe up and down your slit, a moan leaving your lips, you didn't fight anything and just let him work his magic, and bit was he magical with his tongue.
He finally stopped teasing and pushing his pink muscle inside, quickly lapping at your hole and lightly licking you clit in fast motions, he continued this for a while, and by a while I mean about 15 minutes, you were so close to cumming a couple of times but every time he sensed you were about to come he pulled away and pet your slit gently with his thumb, occasionally circling your clit slowly, agonizingly slow.
"wh..- why do you keep testing me like this.."
You groaned and looked down at him with glossed eyes, you didn't expect him to look at you with such a piercing gaze, his lidded emerald eyes staring painful daggers at you as he shoved two of his thick fingers inside of you without warning.
Your back arched and the pain mixed pleasures hips grinding down into his fingers as he finger fucked you, his fingers plunged in and out of you at a insanely fast pace, tears started prickling at the corner of your eyes, you were so close once again before he scoffed and pulled away with a smirk.
"do you really think you deserve to cum after how you've treated me all week? No, you're going to suffer like you made me."
His fingers arched up into you and plunged in and out of you at an erratic pace for about 5 more minutes, he just kept going and stopping not letting you cum.
"you wanna cum, love? Beg. Beg for me to let me cum, slut."
You were sobbing, tears streaming down your puffy red cheeks, hiccups and spit leaving your mouth as a string of incoherent begs left your mouth, you were pleasing helplessly for the orgasms you needed.
He sighed with a smile, squinted emerald eyes peering down at you in an evil, yet satisfied way. He loved how dumb you were from being finger fucked like this, god he could only imagine how brain dead you'd be if he fucked you in his cock.
He didn't say a word as he simply picked up up with ease, man handling you like a ragdoll, and switched your positions, you were now straddling his lap, due to you not expecting him to pick you up so quickly you leaned against his body, your tears falling onto his shoulder as he rubbed your back soothingly, hushing you while kissing the top of your head.
"it's okay, baby, you did so well for me. I'll give you what you need now, okay?"
You gulp hardly, you can hardly even get words out as you're still hiccuping from crying, before you can fully process what he says he undoes his towel that was previously wrapped around his waist and slammed his cock inside of you, you winced at the stretch and the brutal pace he'd already set.
You groan loudly as your eyes roll back, your head falling onto his shoulder as you can barely get out little 'fuck's and 'please's.
He hadn't let up, his hips hammering up into you, you were grinding down into him causing a breathy moan to leave him, a smile made it's way back onto his face as he kissed your head once more.
"you're doing.. so well, my love, it's okay I'll make you cum."
The way he whispered lovingly in your ear made this experience for you so much better for you, you had tightened around him, feeling that familiar feeling, you were going to cum, finally you were going to get to feel that release that you needed, tears continuously fell from your face as you moaned loudly, picking your head up from the crook of his neck to gripping his broad shoulders for stability as you begin grinding into him, feeling so close you hadn't wanted him to rip it away from you again.
He was shocked by the control you ended up taking, he didn't stop thrusting into you, although due to you grinding the rhythm he had set had been thrown off track, your hips hit against each other in an uneven fashion, but you couldn't possibly begin to care when you were finally going to cum.
Izuku grabbed at you hips, holding them tightly to stop you from moving, you tried to continue moving despite his painful grip on your waist, he was far too strong for you to even remotely gain he upper hand, you let him win as he sped up the jerking and jolting of his hips, the clapping sound of your ass meeting his pelvis echoing throughout the locker room.
There was one thrust that hit so vigorously against that sweet spot inside you, everything in you fell apart, you inhaled sharply, eyes rolling back as you grip and scratch as his shoulders harshly leaving a mark and probabkt even drawing blood, he grkaned byt never ceased his hips from stopping, your velvety walls convulsed around his so sweetly it caused his hips to buck into you at a frantic and frenzied pace, his hios stuttering into you as his breath hitched, he squeezed his eyed shut tightly, trying to hold out just a little longer to feel your warn and soft walls tighten around him, alas he simply couldn't, he thrusted one last time before spilling his seed deep inside of you, the warmth of his thick sticky cum warming you entirely, a shiver going up your spine as he lets his head lean into your neck, sighing deeply in the crook.
Your head ended up on top of his, coming your fingers through his damp curls, he sighed in content enjoying the satisfying feeling of your fingers raking and scratching his scalp, you wanted to say so much but also just sit in the moment, it was silent, but it was a comfortable one that you hadn't wanted to ruin with words.
"why did you forgive me so easily."
You say in a groggy and slightly raised voice, you moaned so loudly and cried so hard you had slightly started to lose your voice, izuku simply hummed, enjoying the vibration of your chest as you spoke and the nice feeling of still being inside of your warm messy insides.
"well, I suppose I haven't exactly forgiven you yet, but I'm not going to stop being your friend because of what happened."
"seriously? This shit is fucked up, we're locked in here, with no way to get out, and you don't have any clothes you could get sick. Or worse. Die."
He simply chuckled, making you angry, you were worried and all he could do was laugh at you.
"y/n I can't get common sicknesses anymore, I don't know what OFA has done to my immune system but I can't catch things like the flu, or a cold, or anything like that, so I assure you, I won't get sick and I won't die, but thank you for worrying about me."
He chided, informing you factually like you could have possibly known that. you sigh and nuzzle your cold nose back into his damp hair, you sniffed causing him to slightly tense and move back to look at your face.
"are you alright, y/n?"
The way he looked at you with those vibrant emerald eyes, so wide and loving, his cheeks still slightly tinted a light shade of red as his freckles are littered all over his baby like face, you smile and put your forehead to his, closing your eyes making him do the same and sigh.
"I'm okay, but we seriously need to figure out how to get the hell out of here." You say softly, clearing your throat from the scratchiness you could feel, were you getting sick?
"there's a back door that I'm sure they didn't lock. We can skip out though there, do you have your phone on you?"
"oh! Yeah, wh-... fuck me. This whole time I could have called someone to get us out of here." You groan, absolutely disappointed in yourself for not using your shitty brain.
He simply giggles before grabbing your now unlocked phone.
"you must've really wanted to have sex with me, eh?" He tested lightly poking fun at you making you slap his shoulder, another like if laughs leaving him as he calls iida, neither of you expected him to be awake yet he was, his breath was slightly ragged, what had he been doing, maybe out on a run? Doesn't add up too much, it's 10 pm and they have a curfew for 12 am.
Iida had helped you two out, meeting you two at the other exit and giving you clothes to give to izuku, he continuously asked questions on why the two of you weren't in bed and why izuku didn't have any clothes and why you two were even together.
The whole walk back to the dorms was full of iida whisper yelling at the two of you for being irresponsible, you couldn't stop looking at izukus face though, or just him in general, he suddenly became oddly appealing to you, but you still couldn't shake the guilty feeling of the things you and done to him, he glanced at you giving you a warm smile, kissing your head goodnight before turning into his room, taking iida by surprise.
You chuckled and went to your dorm, jumping in your bed and calming it a night, you sighed at the comfortable feeling of your bed, giggling to yourself remembering how izuku came inside of you. Your eyes slowly shut and you drifted off to sleep.
AN; this shit is hot ass, but at least the smut is great, I might remake this w/o the pranking part, it was hard to think of a good prank to do for this fic, im kind of dumb so.. yeah. I hope you all enjoyed reading this<33
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luvymelody · 4 months
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NAME : katsuki bakugou + shoto todoroki , boku no hero academia
SONG : moment , vierre cloud
SUMMARY : y/n l/n is the new girl in class 2-a. as the year goes by, todoroki and bakugou find out that they like the same person. wc : 2.2k
[you're here] [part 2] [part 3]
(reader's quirk is angel. u have two wings in ur back)
(also i removed hagakure from the story 😭 SORRY i love her swear)
"hello, i'm y/n l/n. i hope we can all get along."
the winged girl smiled, then bowed deeply as the class admired her. she was pretty, and her wings were pretty.
"you can sit infront of him. bakugou, raise your hand."
bakugou lazily raised his hand a bit, she looked towards him, walking towards the empty seat in the front row. as she sat, she placed her bag under her table, tucking her wings into herself a bit to not bother the boy behind her.
he raised an eyebrow at her actions, rolling his eyes and slouching back into his seat.
"hi! i'm mina ashido!"
"oh hi!"
"i'm ochaco uraraka!"
"you can call me tsuyu."
the girls were crowding around the new girl as soon as the bell rang for break. the girls in the class were all making eye contact with each other during class and pointing fingers at each other of who would be the one to talk to y/n first.
"wanna sit with us for lunch? we'll tell you everything about our class!"
"yeah sure, that would be great."
y/n smiled at yaoyorozu as mina threw an arm around y/n's shoulder, pulling her up from her seat.
"man, the girls have already started talking to the new girl.."
kaminari said, looking at the group of girls with his arms crossed. he stood infront of kirishima and bakugou who were around bakugou's desk as he packed up his stuff.
"you can't deny, she's really cute."
kirishima murmured, leaning into kaminari a bit to quiet his voice but bakugou heard it anyway, ignoring it. kaminari nodded rapidly, you would think his head was going to fall off from how fast he was.
bakugou got up without saying anything, leaving the classroom while kaminari and kirishima yelled at him to wait.
the girls were waiting in the lunch line together, waiting patiently as uraraka brought her three guy friends to meet y/n.
"my name is tenya iida! i'm pleased to have you as a new classmate!"
iida put a hand out for y/n to shake, she grasped his hand, giving it a firm shake and a smile as she held onto his hand.
"pleased to meet you, iida."
iida matched her smile, letting go of their head and directing her attention to the boys next to him.
"i'm izuku midoriya, this is shoto todoroki!"
the green haired boy said, turning to the white and red haired boy as he looked up from his phone at y/n. he bowed a bit, putting his phone in his pocket.
"nice to meet you."
"nice to meet you too-"
"l/n- are you an actual angel? what else is apart of your quirk? can all of your feathers separate like the pro hero hawks? can you control all your feathers with free will? or-"
"geez midoriya, chill out!"
mina exclaimed, her hands going down on y/n's shoulders as y/n grinned, a bit of a nervous look on her face as her eyebrows furrowed. todoroki blinked at her facial features, he didn't really get to see it when she was infront of the class and he was at the back, but now, right infront of her, he can.
"you're very pretty, l/n."
the group went quiet, hearing the stoic heterochromic boy say such a bold statement.
"o-oh, thank you, todoroki.."
y/n blushed, turning red as mina nervously laughed, then pulled y/n away as they were at the front of the line to get food. todoroki cocked his head to the side in confusion.
"did i do something wrong?"
todoroki turned his head towards midoriya and iida who were partially embarrassed, red filling their faces.
"n-no, todoroki.."
the next day, y/n was walking to school as she looked down at her phone, scrolling and looking for a song to play.
y/n heard a voice behind her, turning to see her handsome classmate. yesterday, when he said she was pretty, she was going to say that he was handsome too, just to make him embarrassed, but his blank stare made her crumble, and blush.
"hi todoroki!"
y/n waved, stopping and waiting for todoroki to catch up as he slowly jogged up next to side, then she continued walking.
"do you live around this area?"
y/n questioned, playing a random playlist and turning off her phone, holding it in her hand.
"mhm. just down the road."
todoroki nodded, looking straight down the sidewalk as y/n looked up at the boy. but then something clicked in her head, she quickly looked at her phone, her eyes widening at the time.
"shit! we're gonna miss the train, todoroki!"
y/n blurted, gripping onto todoroki's wrist and starting to run towards the train station. todoroki watched her hair bounce with each step she was taking, holding onto his bag with his free hand to avoid his bag falling off his shoulder.
todoroki watched as the sunlight hit her hair just right, making her hair practically shine underneath the sun as y/n’s hold on his wrist slipped, going down to his hand as she grabbed onto his hand, holding it tight with a squeeze as she checked her phone again.
“todoroki! are you there-“
y/n turned her head while running, making eye contact with todoroki as he blinked, snapping out of his lovesick daze.
todoroki lips parted, shutting tight as he squeezed her hand, starting to run alongside y/n as y/n smiled laughing next to todoroki as she closed her eyes, her head going down as laughter bubbled out her lips.
todoroki let a small smile slip from his lips, the corners of his mouth going up as he continued running down the street alongside y/n.
he would just have to tell his driver he could get to school on his own.
y/n and todoroki came into the classroom together, todoroki opening the door for the girl as she smiled and thanked him.
bakugou looked up from his seat, he was leaning back into his seat while kirishima, sero and kaminari were infront of him, standing and talking to each other while letting bakugou pipe into the conversation from time to time.
“yo, should i ask for l/n’s number?”
“no bro- didn’t you see todoroki and l/n walk in together? pretty girls and pretty boys always get together.”
“are you saying i’m ugly-!?”
“hey, sir’s waiting.”
bakugou said, making the three look at him and look back at aizawa who was glaring at them, his eyes turning red and his hair floating up as they bowed in embarrassment, hurrying to their seats.
when they finally left from bakugou’s view, he could see y/n clearly infront of him, well, the back of her, and her wings.
bakugou thought they were big for no reason. could she even fly?
“team bakugou and l/n, you’re up!”
the class had a training exercise with a random partner, bakugou made no comment out loud of the new kid being his partner but, his thoughts were screaming.
‘are you kidding me? pretty girl is my partner?’
bakugou yelled in his head as y/n ran up to him, slowing down to walk next to him.
“hey! you’re bakugou, right?”
“oh okay! how do you wanna do this-?”
“just don’t get in my way, i’ll probably do all the work anyway.”
bakugou said bluntly, walking faster to avoid y/n as y/n’s face became blank, blinking at the boy who was walking away faster. she squinted her eyes at him, smiling.
there were multiple clones of ectoplasm and y/n and bakugou were surrounded.
“i told you not to get in my way!”
bakugou yelled, explosions sparking from his palms. y/n looked down as she clenched her forearm, a white energy surging through her arm.
“i didn’t even do anything! with you running away from me!”
“because you would get in my way!”
“just stop yelling for a sec, your throat-!”
y/n cut herself off as she flapped her wings and the clones on her side turned to liquid clones. bakugou whipping his head at her side to look and see no one, y/n gone and the clones gone.
bakugou called out, looking up to see y/n in the air, jumping down in the centre of the clones on bakugou’s side, slamming her fist down on the ground as the ground crumbled, making the clones fling into the air as bakugou put his hands down towards the ground, shooting himself up as he exploded all of the clones.
y/n stood up on the ground, bakugou dropped down infront of her. y/n quirked her eyebrow up,
“are you gonna yell at me? sorry if i was in your way-“
“sorry for the way i was acting.”
bakugou grumbled, it was so, out of character of himself. he didn’t even know what he was doing. y/n’s eyes widened, feeling a tad bit bad for the way she was yelling, but to be fair, he was yelling louder before.
“oh! it’s cool- sorry i yelled back at you.”
y/n admitted, her eyebrows furrowed but a smile on her face as bakugou’s eye trailed down towards her parted lips.
“let’s go back.”
“oh right!���
y/n exclaimed, turning and starting to walk as bakugou admired her back, her wings.
bakugou heard, fast walking to catch up with her, much unlike before when he was literally running away from her.
y/n walked beside todoroki, counting her money in focus to be sure she had enough for one of the dishes she wanted from the cafeteria. (pretend they pay for somethings idk)
the winged girl groaned out loud, his hands rubbing her eyes as her lips turned to a frown. todoroki looked at her in wonder, cocking his head to the side.
“what’s wrong?”
“i don’t have enough money for the cold soba..”
“do you like cold soba?”
todoroki’s eyes widened, wondering if the pretty girl liked one of his favourite foods, she lifted her hands away from her eyes, blinking at the boy.
“yeah.. i was really craving it today...”
“i’ll pay for you.”
todoroki said, starting to fast walk to the cafeteria to see y/n’s reaction to eating it as y/n stopped in shock, jogging to catch up with todoroki as her eyebrows furrowed and her lips opened,
"are you sure? thank you so much though.."
“it’s alright.”
todoroki said, in the line and already at the front, ordering two cold soba trays.
y/n stood behind him, a small smile of her face as she appreciated the kind offer that todoroki gave her- well, more like just buying her food.
the girl felt a nudge in her shoulder, turning her head to see bakugou with one hand holding his tray of food, the other in his pocket.
“come sit with me.”
bakugou said, looking away from y/n and straight at his table of friends who were laughing loudly far away. y/n turned to look at the group and where they were, while she was looking away, bakugou took the chance to glance down at y/n, seeing her long eyelashes as they fluttered open and shut, then turning to bakugou again as he quickly looked away.
“sorry,, i’m sitting with todoroki today!”
bakugou looked at the girl after scoffing loudly.
"you can stand one lunch away from that half-and-half bastard-"
bakugou and y/n turned towards todoroki, who was holding two trays of cold soba. bakugou raised an eyebrow at the dual coloured haired boy as todoroki narrowed his eyes towards him.
"l/n is going to be sitting with me. not you."
"i don't remember asking you, icy-hot."
"you didn't have to, i'm telling you."
"what do you say?!"
todoroki let out quick but calm remarks at the blonde boy but bakugou was glaring openly at todoroki, getting right up in todoroki's face as y/n's eyes whipped back and forth between the boys.
the two looked at her, stopping their argument.
"how about, we all sit together? i wanted to talk with mina today anyway!"
y/n grinned, turning and quickly walking towards the table that had mina, kirishima, sero, jirou and kaminari. jirou and mina seeing the girl and the two boys walking behind her, waving at her.
"hey y/n!"
"oh shit, hey l/n!"
"hi there!"
y/n sat in the free space next to mina, with a space for one more person to sit next to y/n.
"is it okay if i- i mean, todoroki and i sit with you guys?"
"no problem!"
sero said, showing a thumbs up towards the girl and a wink while kaminari was fist bumping the air in excitement.
todoroki was quicker than bakugou, sitting in the seat next to y/n as bakugou gritted his teeth slightly at the boy who was staring up at him- was that a tiny smirk on his face!?
bakugou dropped his tray on the table, already eating as y/n talked to todoroki about english homework. then she turned away, leaning over mina to talk to jirou who was next to her.
todoroki and bakugou made eye contact with each other as todoroki looked at the boy across from him on the table. bakugou narrowed his eyes, using his hand and sticking out his thumb as he dragged his thumb over his neck, pointing at todoroki.
todoroki just silently slurped his soba, glaring at bakugou.
this meant war.
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naddiesflower · 1 year
Calling him by his name and not by a term of endearment
another one in the drafts that needed to see the light of day
Characters: Todoroki Shoto and Bakugo Katsuki
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You truly didn't mean to do it
You honestly just straight up forgot one day
You would always greet each other outside of class before school started
Like clockwork, you would give each other a small hug and you would always say “hi baby” or something similar, but you would always call him baby…..except for today
“Morning Shoto,” you pull away from the hug, and he has a frown on his face that looks different from the one he usually has
“You okay?”  
He’s quick to shake it off, “Yeah, come on, we’re going to be late for class.”
You guys were actually early, but you just brush it off as him wanting to be punctual
Shoto really wants to question you
But he doesn’t
Not outwardly at least
He’s thinking, “are they mad at me?”, “Did I do something to make them mad at me??”
He would do everything possible EXCEPT ask you what was wrong
The both of you walk inside the class and Shoto goes to your seat before you do and pulls out your chair for you
You’re surprised, it’s not like he’s never nice to you (though he doesn’t look it, he’s really nice) but you are perfectly capable of doing menial tasks for yourself
So you never expected him to do that, but you appreciated it nevertheless
“Oh, thanks Sho!”
His eyebrows crease
He hums in affirmation and gives a kiss to the top of your head before walking over to his seat
That’s when you know something is wrong
He wasn’t too keen on PDA 
So for him to nonchalantly kiss you on the head in class….was kinda fishy
Shoto can’t concentrate all that well in class now
Poor dude is wracking through his brain as to why you just called him Sho
And now he’s pouting for the entirety of the class
Every time you look over at him he’s like >:/
ngl it’s really cute
You don’t ask Shoto what’s wrong until lunchtime rolls around
You try to
When the lunch bell rings Shoto is like a man on a mission
He beelines toward you
If you hadn’t known what his quirk you would have thought it was super speed
Iida who?
Some of your classmates look at him weird 
This is just the image I get in my head lolol
Shoto: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️   
But he gets to you in like .5 seconds and he holds his hand out to you
He doesn’t even say anything to you, so you assume he wants to hold your hand
You place your hand in his but he surprises you when he pulls you into a hug
Thankfully everyone had already filed out of the class or else you would have been a burning bundle of embarrassment 
“Call me baby please.”
His mouth was right next to your ear and you could feel his lips move against it 
Your knees would have surely given out had you not come to a conclusion
You hadn’t called him baby the entire day and he was now clearly perturbed about it
There was one thing you really loved about Shoto, it was pretty easy to fluster him
And you see a perfect opportunity open itself up
Grabbing his face between your hands you pull him away from your ear and smush his cheeks together
“Oh my poor baby, I'm so sorry my baaaaby.”
A blush was quickly creeping its way up his neck
Which only encourages you more
Maybe he shouldn’t have reminded you
“Ok that’s enough….”
“But I haven’t called you baby enough times.”
“I’m going to eat by myself.”
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You did call Bakugo terms of endearment like babe, sweetheart, and the one you use the most, honey 
Bakugo claimed to dislike your nicknames, but he secretly really liked them
One day you and Bakugo get into a petty argument
I totally feel like you and he would fight over the smallest shit lmao 
And you’re not hanging around his desk before class like you normally do
You’re at Ashido’s desk obviously ignoring him
Which irks him, but that’s fine, he can ignore you too
But he can’t help but eavesdrop on yalls conversation
because Ashido’s desk is very close and totally not because he wants to hear your voice because he already misses it
“Why aren't you at his desk by the way?”
“Hmm, Bakugo’s?”
Oh this catches his immediate attention
He doesn’t even bother hiding his blatant staring at you from across the room
Since the both of you started dating not once have you called him Bakugo
It’s always been your cute gushy nicknames or variations of his first name
Mina already knows what’s up and wants all the details now 
She’s huddling closer to you, almost practically on top of your desk
But you never get to spill tea because the bell is ringing
But i assure you that Bakugou is giving you a hard side eye
Cuz he still needs to focus in class (he’s still a good student!!)
Lunchtime rolls around and he very discreetly walks next to you
You turn to look at him and just smile at him with your stupid cute face
He’s happy you’re not outright ignoring him
But he was at least expecting a, “c’mon Tsuki, i wanna get a good table!”
He brushes his pinkie against yours hoping you’d get the hint and hold his hand but nope
You pick up your pace and he sees you wrap your hands around Ashido’s arm, the both of you now animatedly talking
He would have found it cute if you weren’t hanging off of Ashido
That should be me by justin bieber starts playing
Bakugo is now internally raging inside at the lunch table
You would normally sit next to him but you're sitting across from him in between Sero and Kirishima
Man’s is literally stabbing into his food
everyone is now staring at his dramatic ass 
buy you're the only one who ends up making a comment about it 
"the food is already dead, i don't think you need to do that Bakugo."
he stops murdering his food 
he's had enough
He stands up forms his seat, goes over to a very confused you
Very gently, takes a hold of your wrist and starts dragging you up to the school’s rooftop
You’re questioning him the entire time
When you finally get to the rooftop Bakugo lets go of your wrist and just kind of stares at you
He’s silent for a couple of minutes looking like he’s going through a mental battle
Until he finally says something
Something that you can barely make out because he’s turned his head away from you and is grumbling
You: https://youtu.be/Y_3vk411ALE
“Bakugo what?”
There you go calling him by his last name again
“I said I’m sorry, don’t make me repeat myself!”
“Sorry for what??”
You can’t be serious
“For our argument this morning, the reason you’re calling me by my last name.”
“I thought you were still mad at me so i wanted to give you space, i forgot about our argument way before school started.”
Bakugo just sighs
He’s too tired to even get frustrated and just wants your attention
So he pulls you into a hug and buries his face into your neck
“Don’t ever do that again.”
You can practically hear the pout in his voice
“I'm sorry honey, i just wanted to give you space.”
“I don’t care about space.”
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honeipie · 3 months
little rant on the mha boys and relationships.
authors note: this was spontaneous word vomit that i needed to get off my chest. shoto's turned into a whole fic and i struggled writing for him the most omg..
boys included: izuku midoryia, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki
izuku midoryia
ouuu my baby.. first off, his love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service. we all know this boy goes leaps and bounds for people he barely knows. that’s what makes him such a great hero. after watching i just get the feeling that it would take the longest for him to get into a relationship. i’m thinking late twenty’s or early thirties. he watches as his colleagues and friends start to grow their families. getting married and having babies, while he sits back silently wishing that was him. he had so much going on in his life from after the war to becoming the number one hero that he simply lost track of time. it wasn’t his own doing that pushed him to start dating but his friends (mostly kirishima and mina). they tested the theory out first of course. inviting everybody over their house for a get together. the two made sure they got the chance to subtly corner the green haired man.
“hey izuku! would you mind holding rumi for a second? thanks!” mina placed the baby in the man’s hands making him a bit startled.
“oh! sure” they both stepped a few paces back into another group to analyze his behavior. it took a few moments but then they saw it. a genuine smile and sparkle in his eye that they hadn’t seen in a while. izuku was tickling the baby’s stomach emitting giggles that made him feel somewhat accomplished. kirishima came back up to him slapping his hand on the back of his shoulder.
“man you’re a natural! why aren’t you dating around? finding your person? clearly you wanna be a dad. do you want to adopt on your own maybe?” kirishima took the baby from a sheepish izuku.
“no, i definitely would want to get married first. but you know how hard it is to date when you’re a hero. you guys are lucky you have each other though. i just don’t want to put that person in danger, or have them just like me because i’m famous of have money. plus, they’d need to be ready to have a family right away.. not that i’d force them or anything! it’s just we’re getting older and-“
mina placed a hand on his shoulder “we get it! i think i know someone that i can set you up with”
now let’s say you and izuku hit it off, get into a relationship. this man needs someone who can pour back into him. someone who reminds him that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed from the kind of job he has. someone who tells him it’s okay to cry when it’s just the two of you. someone who’ll let him be izuku midoryia instead of the amazing, unbreakable deku.
he spends all day helping and doing things for others. when he gets home he’s absolutely exhausted. sorry for you independent working ladies but i think he needs someone who’s willing to take care of the house when he’s not around. someone who lets him come home to the warm meals and fresh sheets on the bed.
not that he’s lazy in the relationship or anything! this man will literally do anything to make you happy. on days he’s off or if you had a hard day at work (if you wanna), he’ll help with the cooking and other chores. it’s just for the most part he wears himself thin because of his job. so yeah, he wouldn’t mind someone who already has his dinner on the table when he gets home and gives his shoulder kisses as you two bathe and tell him how resilient he is.
as for kids? yeah get ready, this man wants at least four. plus like he said at this point you’re both getting older so he doesn’t care how yall become parents. whether you’re willing to have some kids, or if you’d rather foster/adopt! all he knows is that he wants to be a dad for sure.
izuku midoryia’s biggest red flag is just not telling you when he’s not feeling himself so you have to deeply analyze him to understand whenever he’s feeling upset. you have to start most of the communication, but when he gets into the groove he lets you know everything that’s going wrong.
katsuki bakugo
this motherfucker.
jk i love him! he just needs somebody that can match his energy in some moments, and be the calm in the storm in another. in short he needs someone with balance.
he would get into a relationship maybe early or mid-twenty’s i would say. i honestly think his love languages are everything but words of affirmation. just the non-verbal stuff. he would be the type to fall in love with someone in a work related context (more specifically his personal assistant). he always thought you were pretty, but if you think this man is going to tell you that you’re fucking delusional. in fact, he goes out of his way to be the sassiest man alive to you until you finally get tired of it. he had said some shit about you getting to his office faster because you were only one floor down.
“do you ever get tired of hearing your mouth? because i do” you placed papers down on his desk before turning around “you have a meeting in twenty minutes. the car will be here in five. wouldn’t want you to be late cause i know how busy the elevator gets” the slam of his office door got the gears in his head turning.
ooh, he likes youuu.
the next day, you took the elevator up to his floor but noticed some construction down the hall. you almost jumped when he appeared next to you.
“‘ts your new office. so you won’t have to take the shitty elevator anymore” you gave him a silent nod which acted as your thank you.
when you two started dating it’s pretty nice. y’all’s favorite pastime would have to be people watching. you sit outside of a coffee shop with baseball caps and sunglasses on talking about anything or anyone that’s interesting enough to bring up. when the press finally figures you two out all you do is find another shop and do the same thing.
now it's more of the opposite with katsuki than izuku. he loves that you keep yourself occupied with a job and will do anything to support you on any career goals you have. though if you do want to stay home he'll support that too. katsuki is going to need somebody who sticks with him through his good, his bad, and his mf ugly. someone who is able to know when to give him the space he needs. the love that he likely needs to receive the most is physical touch and words of affirmation, and it's really good if you do both at the same time. i think the most effective on him would strangely be the little doses. like a small squeeze to his hand and just saying "i'm so proud of you" or "you're my number one hero" would make him feral.
time for katsuki's red flag. he would absolutely put his job before you! just because he's in a serious relationship doesn't mean that he still doesn't want to be number one. and if you want kids that's going to be tricky. now here's the thing.. katsuki wouldn't mind having one or two kids, really, but you see right through him. he already cancels on a lot of your dates, and makes up for them eventually, so you get over it. but if you had kids you don't really know how it would affect them. you knew that he would support you at first, taking time off for maternity leave, but after that then what? kids wouldn't understand why he was choosing the world over his own flesh and blood. so you mightt just have to wait until he matures a bit more to have that conversation.
shoto todoroki
i had to work myself up to write him cause wheeewww. where do i start? to get into a relationship with this man you gotta be in it for the LONG RUN. not because of his job or anything, just because he's him. yeah, he's maturing beautifully as he goes through life but baby he still don't know what a real relationship consists of. his love languages gift giving and quality time. i think really heavy on the quality time because he never really got to spend time with the people he loved when he was younger so he makes sure to cherish those moments now. i couldn't tell you when specifically, because it'll just happen on one random day.
honestly, my best guess is that he would fall for someone he sees everyday while doing one part of his routine. for instance, he has his own personal gym, but he’s grown to like running in the park better than his treadmill. that's where he sees you for the first time walking your dog. you'll both smile politely as you pass one another every day. this goes on for about a month until you start to not show up for about a week.
after one of the hero meetings shoto decides to bring it up with izuku "there's this girl i see when i run, and i haven't seen her in a whole week. it's strange, but i'm kind of upset when i don't get to see her"
izuku smiled hearing shoto finally talk about someone he’s interested in "you've got a hallway crush!"
shoto scrunched his face in confusion "izuku, i run at the park near my house"
"no, that's not what i meant! it's just another saying for a crush on someone that you just see but don't really talk to" izuku tilted his head one finger on his chin "do you want to talk to her?"
shoto thought about it for a moment "yes, i think i do"
"i can help if you want!-"
"hah!?" katsuki's voice boomed throughout the room. as always, he had been listening into their conversation "you wouldn't know how to talk to a woman even if someone gave you cue cards!"
"kacchan, once again, nobody was talking to you"
"that's what i would say to you about women" he got up with a tsk "text me when y'all are going out for a run. i want to see this trainwreck live and in color"
so that's what they did. the next morning they all joined shoto for his morning jog. he kept an eye out until he saw you. he stopped right in his tracks causing katsuki to run right into his back.
"watch where you're going you icy hot bastard!" he yelled but shoto paid him no mind.
"there she is" he mumbled, watching as you unclipped your dogs leash.
"okay first off don't fucking stare at her you weirdo" katsuki grabbed his shoulder turning him away with izuku nodding in agreement.
"maybe you can compliment her dog!" izuku suggested but katsuki shook his head.
"nah, go for the shoes. chicks love shoes"
right as they started bickering shoto felt something jump up on his leg. he turned to see your dog had run up to him in an excited manor.
"bruiser!" you yelled out chasing after him. once you got ahold of him you smiled up at the pro hero "i am so so sorry about that. i thought he was finally ready to be let off the leash but i was wrong" you tried to stop your racing heartbeat. not only from the running, but maybe from the fact that the top three heroes were standing right in front of you.
"i like your dogs shoes" shoto blurted making both katsuki and izuku curse under their breath “and im glad you’re fine. i haven’t seen you for a week so i was starting to get worried”
"you noticed? i was on vacation. and i like yours.. too?" you said going to latch the leash back onto your dog's harness.
"thank you, but i don't have a dog" shoto stated rather bluntly making you chuckle.
"right, my mistake"
the two of you got into conversation rather easily forcing the other two to talk on the side. the only reason they were still there was to make sure shoto didn't fumble the bag "i like your dog's name"
"ah, thank you! i named him after the dog from legally blonde. have you ever seen that movie?"
"no, but it must be good if you named your dog after a character"
"yeah it is! i think they're actually playing it at this drive-in movie theater tomorrow. i was thinking about going"
the two men had subtly made their way behind you. as soon as you said that they both perked up making exaggerated motions.
'go with her!'
‘ask her out dumbass!'
shoto squinted his eyes trying to decipher what it is they were saying. when he finally got it he nodded looking back at you "i would like to take you there tomorrow on an official date"
your mouth slowly opened at his boldness before pointing to yourself "me? are you sure?"
"yes, i think you are very pretty and i like seeing your face every day when i run"
'o-okay then. i'll see you tomorrow"
right before you could leave izuku and katsuki dramatically held up their phones.
"oh right. can i take your phone?"
"are we going to have to go on this fucking date with him?" katsuki mumbled turning to izuku.
"might be a possibility"
i feel like once this man finally starts to get the grasp of what a relationship is truly about he gives in that he is head over heels in LOVEEEE. he doesn't care what you do, honestly. working? cool he's showing up there once or twice just to make sure you’re okay. wanna stay at home? the best part of his day is coming home to his true love and seeing what they made for dinner.
for the topic of kids he's so insecure about it at first. not wanting to end up like his father of course. but if you give him enough reassurance and time then after you have your first kid he knows he wants more.
shoto's red flag could easily be that he's emotionally unavailable but hear me out. at the end of the day he still grew up in the todoroki household and might've picked up some traits that aren't the best. we all know this man is blunt so he has no problem dropping snarky comments like "you gained weight" or "i don't really like your hair like that" and i don't even think he means to be rude most of the time?? homeboy just says what he thinks. though if it's really getting to you and you bring it up to him he will 100% start to think before he speaks.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
My fav Bnha characters with a crush teehee
Have probs done this b4 butttt lol these look rlly long ngl
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Katsuki is kinda disgusted with himself. He hates all that lovey dovey bullshit and he always told himself he wouldn’t end up falling in love like the shitty old hag, but here he is being a lovesick moron. Katsuki is not known for being subtle, you’d have to be a special kind of moron to not notice he’s totally head over heels. Even if he wouldn’t describe it in those words, he totally is. He has very complicated feelings about the fact he likes you, wanting to focus on his hero training but you make it so difficult for him with your stupid smile that he loves hates so much. However he’s aware of how happy you make him feel, so he’s willing to set it aside, it must be a good thing you make him feel so good, right? It’s strange, but he will find himself showing off more when your around, trying to prove to you specifically he’s gonna be the best hero. In training he works extra hard if you happen to be around or happen to even be watching, he may even start competitions with class 1A just to prove himself to you. Whether it’s dumb competitions like racing in the pool or even school related competitions such as, who’s got the best grades, this nerd absolutely shows off around you. He wants you to think he’s cool, that he will one day be the best. But he also tries to leave subtle … hints he likes you. Even though it’s obvious already, he’s been given the impression that he isn’t totally obvious. He shows his interest in you in other ways, but I will mention he has an extreme jealousy problem even before you are even dating. This is typically of people that are “stronger” than him, so todoroki and deku. However he might get that jealousy if say, kaminari flirted with you. Other ways of actually showing interest though is that he’s actually nice to you, though he shows it in ways that can go unnoticed. If your forgetful he always makes sure he has an extra water bottle with him, or anything else you may need he just says he happens to have. Or perhaps you need help studying or even with homework, he just says kirishima happened to pick a different study buddy that day, so you and him can study together. And kirishima, as the ultimate wingman, insists you two should study more often… alone… and the main thing that gives him away! Blushing! Oh man, if he isn’t the most obvious guy in the universe because of that red face! He can blame it on the cold, he can blame it on how hot it is out, he can blame it on his quirk, or that he’s angry, he is always red faced when you’re too close. If you’ve ever seen amity blight blush, it’s exactly like that. He stares at you in class with this soft expression that is almost never seen on his face, and if he is to ever be caught he simply turns away as fast as possible, wide eyed and blushing. You’ll find that bakugou believes in your strength, so he’s protective in battle a reasonable amount, only if you’re truly in deep shit. When he’s more comfortable with being your friend, he takes you out on hiking trips and just hanging out with you, and sometimes kirishima. The entire class of 1A knows about his little crush though so it makes it extremely hard for him to keep it a secret lol, he’s constantly paranoid somebody told you.
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Oh man if you thought katsuki was bad, izuku is on another level of being obvious with his feelings. The boy truly wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s not even something he’s aware of at first, he just thinks your good looking like … wow way more attractive than anyone he’s ever met! You’re a good friend, with an interesting quirk and yes his notes on you are a lot longer than even kacchans and maybe he draws you a lot, maybe he draws moments where you looked really breathtaking and maybe he thinks about you before he goes to bed and when he wakes up in the morning and yes maybe he dreams about you too and overthinks everything you say to him and maybe he rambles about you an unreasonable amount to his friends but… oh man he… he likes you doesn’t he? And once he realizes, it gets even worse because now he’s just blushing at you and he looks like he’s gonna pass out everytime ochako mentions the fact he hasn’t confessed yet and he’s just dying on the spot. Boy talks faster than Eminem can rap whenever she mentions him having a crush especially if you happen to be there for the conversation. Tends to ramble around you a lot, just about random things and everyone is just like “oh god not this again” you have to be oblivious to not notice. Izuku tends to worry about you a lot, so he always checks up on you after training to make sure you didn’t get too hurt, and don’t even get him started when it comes to you going on missions, he worries so much when you’re fighting villains. Now he knows how his mother feels. Izuku tends to be clingy around his crush, so he tends to ask you to hang out quite often, whether it’s hanging out or even studying or even fighting together against some villain he likes being around you and likes making sure that you’re safe when it comes down to it. He tends to have very obvious slip ups that he likes you, voice cracks then correcting himself or perhaps coughing way too loudly when he tries to do an ahem cough, bumping into you and tripping, he’s so clumsy around you. Probably accidentally calls you pretty. He’s just… such a mess man.
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Hawks is not experienced with romance, while many can agree he’s a good looking guy that has many people flocking towards him, he was never that interested in dating until you showed around. Honestly, could’ve seen him being aromantic before meeting you, lol. So since he’s never experienced romantic feelings, it’s going to take him a little longer than it should to realize his feelings. However he does show signs of taking a special liking to you beforehand, that even he doesn’t understand at the time. He hates the idea of people looking at you the wrong way, perhaps to court you. He assumes this is because he senses they’re potentially dangerous and as a good friend of yours, he’s just looking out for you. After all, he’s naturally protective of you in battles with villains, even if you can protect yourself. Sure he’s not protective especially of endeavor or miruko, but that’s just because he’s not as close with them as he is with you! He doesn’t feel his heart beat faster around his other friends, but he assumes it must be something else, maybe there’s something making him nervous, or maybe he’s just simply excited to be around you! Sure he doesn’t blush around anyone else when they compliment him, but that’s because it means a lot knowing a close friend thinks about him in such a way! For awhile, keigo comes up with many reasons to justify his feelings towards you until miruko and endeavor make him realize he’s being a total moron right now. Upon realizing his feelings, he’s not completely sure how to go about it, but he starts by trying to make it known he likes you. He’s subtle with his flirts, but once he puts his toes in the water to see if your comfortable with him flirting, he dips his whole foot in. At that point, people just think you two are dating with how casual he is with his newfound flirtatious personality when you enter the picture. Upon realizing his feelings he becomes 10x more protective and kinda already acts like a boyfriend by bringing you lunch to work and taking you to cafes and literal dates and stupid shit like that, lmao.
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Aizawa I imagine having very few crushes in his lifetime, and has dates with even less people than that. Because of this inexperience even in his age, he’s not quite sure how to go about his feelings initially. Mic and midnight are extremely annoying about how obvious he is, as well. Aizawa is extremely protective of you, given his experience with his students, it’s only natural he grows protective of you and worries for your safety. Whether you’re a hero or not, he’s going to worry for you. Other than that, the way he shows he cares for you is different with you than it is with his friends. He’s good at listening to you and remembers very small things about you that maybe he wouldn’t remember with other people, he remembers very small details. Perhaps something as small as your favorite coffee even if you don’t like coffee that much. I imagine him fearing if his students ever found out he liked you, what kinda hell that would be. Dealing with them teasing him and potentially telling you, but he truly can’t help but be obvious at times. He stares at you longer than he should, even smiles at you longingly when he thinks you aren’t looking. He looks like a lovesick kitty. Generally reserved in his attraction to you, keeping to himself and hoping he can find some hints you return the feelings before initiating anything. However, he’s always been relatively stupid with romance so this takes awhile for him to even figure out and he has a habit of overthinking everything you say to him and is often left wondering what your intentions truly are with him. When you two spend time together, he likes doing things with you he’d never do with anyone else. Likes you playing and doing his hair, and watching movies and such, your hangouts often feel like dates even when you aren’t dating. So when the time does come you two date, it feels as though nothing has changed. He with trust you whole heartedly, if you aren’t a teacher at UA he is introducing his students to you, his co workers, and especially Eri, all the people who are important in his life but does it in such a way that feels casual and natural. He has a way of not making his crush known if your oblivious enough. However, a part of him that feels like he shouldn’t tell you how he feels come from a place of worrying for your safety and the people that may come after you. He will learn to trust you and your strength, he’s just a worried dad.
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Miruko is a bold and brave lady, however even she’s never had much experience with love. Being way too determined to become a hero, it hasn’t given her much time to really experience romance aside from hookups. She decided it was a waste of time, but as one of the top heroes, she understands she can have both things in her life. If she cares to, anyway. And upon meeting you had come to the conclusion she would love to have both things. Miruko is a very confident woman so you will find she wastes no time in approaching you with her feelings. This is, when she realizes them. Due to her being new to it, it takes her a bit to realize it. But after a couple months of knowing you she figure it out. The way she feels compelled to buy you stuff despite not knowing you for that long, the need to protect you from danger even when you can protect yourself just fine, the strange need to wrap her strong arms around you, it all connects to her eventually. Upon realizing the feelings she’s gained she is very flirtatious and makes her intentions with you very clear. She doesn’t like wasting time. You will find though that despite how bold she is, if you flirt back she gets a little shy sometimes. This is a rare occurrence, but it happens! She can be a softie too yknow? She is physically affectionate with you, casually wrapping an arm around your shoulder when you two are talking, whispering in your ear a lot and getting close and personal when she really doesn’t have to. She loves inviting you over to hang with her for games and such, it already feels like you two are a couple even when you aren’t. It’s only a matter of time before she officially asks you out. You may find that during your hangouts she tries to impress you with her strength and tends to brags about her accomplishments. You’ll also find she dresses nicer and even wears makeup occasionally. Her flirtations with you are different than with her hookups too, compliments on how cute you are rather than how hot you are. She wants you to know you mean something to her as well, so on occasion she tells you that you mean the world to her.
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Dabi has not experienced romance, ever. Hookups aren’t in his life either. Dabi had been set on one thing and one thing only, revenge. You’d have to be a real special one for him to be attracted to you, but no matter how special you are it will not deter him from his original plan. He didn’t plan on pursuing you in anyway, but he’s selfish at heart and can’t help himself. He may not try to pursue you romantically but he will try his absolute hardest to form a strong bond between you two. It may take awhile to be vulnerable with you but it will absolutely happen while you two are friends, he will be extremely open with you. He’s open about being touya early in your friendship to show he trusts you whole heartedly, to show he thinks you’re like nobody else he’s met. He would know his feelings, despite the complete lack of experience in dating. He just knows. He looks at you and thinks, you’re the one for him. Out of everyone on this list, he’s one of the more protective ones. I’d say the most if it wasn’t for toga, tbh. You will find he’s around you a lot, like just because he’s so protective but also because he likes to be around you. He cares for you and likes your company. You remind him of the good parts of home, you bring back his humanity. Dabi makes no moves on you, despite how strong his feelings are for you and how aware he is of his feelings. He’s scared to form a relationship, in fear it will go to shit and knowing he’d hurt you, knowing his plan of revenge will end in his death. He’d never want to put you through that. He spends much of his time hanging out with you and it feels like the two of you have been best friends forever. He tends to joke with you and be sarcastic, but always being one that’s there for you when you need it and even give you advice. He’s a true friend but he’s scared to be something more.
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Toga is truly the most obsessive and protective, the closest you get to a yandere. She grows feelings almost automatically, because she feels as though she sees you for who you are right away. She feels like she’s known you forever, she knows she likes you the more she wants to steal some of your blood and become you. If you’re okay with an overbearing insane girl on your side, she’s the lady for you! She acts like she’s known you forever, even if you’re complete strangers. There is no filter with toga, and she acts like you’re already best friends when you aren’t. And when her romantic feelings become apparent, she makes those feelings very apparent and that she wants something more with you. She tends to get up in your face a lot when talking, with a blush on her cheeks, it’s just because she loves being so close to you! Flirting with you and calling you her darling or her love is a common occurrence, even when you two aren’t even a couple yet. She worries for you a lot and is very protective, and after twices demise this protective nature becomes 10x worse. She’s clingy and constantly cuddling to your side, holding your arm or your hand. She has no shame in you knowing her feelings, she just hopes you will stop being so shy and tell her how you feel too! She will absolutely murder for you too just to add onto her yanderish tendencies, not that I don’t think every villain would do that for you though, lol. Also, the moment you meet her she’s inviting you to the league of villains without a doubt. You’re a part of her little weird family now, no questions asked. You become extremely important to her and how she approaches life from then on. (You could actually help her become a decent person if you were aiming to be a hero. You hold so much power by being the object of her affection, lol).
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Shigaraki is determined to destroy the entire world and everyone in it, but even he has feelings. He has feelings towards the league, secretly (or not so secretly) seeing them as his found family. And you, well, in his eyes you are also family but you’re also special to him even in comparison to the league. He isn’t aware of what his feelings towards you are for the longest time, even after the advice kurogiri had given him. He now relies on spinner to give him proper advice, who tells him he feels romantically towards you. Shigaraki is naturally a protective person when it comes to you, not liking anyone getting too close and personal with you, even spinner and toga sometimes. He’s lost a lot and he’s not willing to lose you too especially to some loser that doesn’t deserve you. He’s easily jealous and he’s also easily paranoid you could find somebody else. In his mind, he knows you deserve more than him and the possibility of you ending up with anyone that isn’t him is almost too much to bare. Even if he knows you deserve more, he’s selfish to his core. He likes to play games with you and treats you like a longtime friend, he consistently works on your relationship to make sure he keeps your bond going at all times. He enjoys being close to you and would like to keep it that way and maintaining your relationship. He could talk to you for hours about anything while playing video games with you (Nintendo gamer tingz). As time goes by, he tries to trust you more and grows less protective and obsessive, especially as he becomes much more powerful and much more confident he can protect you if need be. He isn’t bold about his feelings, an occasional shy blush coming from him is the closest you get to him letting his feelings be known. He may eventually approach you, though.
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chiyuuchu · 1 month
i loved so close yet so far a lot 🥰🥰 it was so cute, would you consider writing a part 2?
II. so close yet so far <3 (9th August 2024)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Prompt! Everyone can see it but them.
first part here!
You and Katsuki had always been close—closer than most. From the outside, your bond was something everyone admired, even envied. But as time went on, something began to shift between you two.
You started noticing the small things more—how his hand lingered a little longer on yours, how his gaze softened when he thought you weren’t looking, and how your heart raced whenever he was near. But no matter how much you tried to push these feelings down, they only seemed to grow stronger.
Katsuki noticed it too. He’d never been one to shy away from his emotions, but when it came to you, it was different. You were his best friend, the one constant in his life, and the idea of messing that up terrified him. So, he kept his feelings buried, pretending that everything was normal even when it was anything but.
It wasn’t long before your friends started to notice. Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari would give you knowing looks whenever Katsuki did something sweet for you—something that was becoming more and more frequent. You’d hear them whispering when they thought you weren’t listening, talking about how “the whole world can see it” except for the two of you.
“Seriously, Y/N,” Mina said one day during lunch, leaning across the table with a smirk.
“You and Katsuki are like, the most obvious couple ever. Just admit it already.”
You laughed it off, trying to hide how her words made your heart race. “We’re just friends, Mina.”
Mina rolled her eyes. “Sure, and I’m a pro hero already. Come on, Y/N, it’s so obvious you’re both into each other. What’s stopping you?”
You hesitated, glancing over at Katsuki, who was sitting a few tables away with Kirishima. “What if I’m wrong? What if he doesn’t feel the same way and I ruin everything?”
Mina’s expression softened. “I get it, but you have to ask yourself if staying in this weird limbo is really better than taking a chance.
The way you two are going, it’s only a matter of time before one of you slips up.”
Across the cafeteria, Katsuki was having a similar conversation with Kirishima.
“Come on, man, it’s obvious how you feel about her,” Kirishima said, nudging Katsuki’s shoulder. “Why not just tell her?”
Katsuki scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. “And what if she doesn’t feel the same way? What then, huh? You expect me to just act like everything’s fine after that?”
Kirishima sighed, shaking his head.
“You’re both so stubborn. But, Katsuki, you can’t keep pretending forever. Eventually, it’s gonna hurt more to keep it in than to just say it.”
For the next few days, you and Katsuki danced around each other, both too afraid to make the first move. Your friends watched in exasperation as you continued to deny what was so obvious to everyone else.
It all came to a head one evening when you found yourself alone with Katsuki in his room, studying for an upcoming exam. The tension in the air was palpable, and every time your hands brushed or your eyes met, it felt like the world was holding its breath.
“Katsuki…” you started, breaking the silence. “Do you ever feel like… there’s something we’re not saying?”
Katsuki froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew exactly what you were implying.
“I..umm..” He started. And before he could open his mouth once more Kaminari and Sero barges in the room. “Guys! You have to see this! We just found out that— oh.. are we interrupting something.” Kaminari trails off.
The days continued in their hesitant rhythm. Katsuki and you maintained your usual routine—training together, hanging out, sharing late-night talks—but with a layer of unspoken tension simmering beneath the surface.
One evening, after a particularly intense training session, you both found yourselves alone in the common room. Katsuki sat on the couch, his usual scowl softened as he watched you. You were curled up in a chair, trying to read a book but clearly distracted.
Katsuki’s mind raced as he watched you, the same thoughts swirling around: how close you were, how comfortable and yet distant you both felt. He knew his friends were right. They could see it, but he was too afraid to act on it. His internal battle raged until he couldn’t take it any longer.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” he finally asked, breaking the silence.
You looked up, startled by the question. “Like what?”
“Like you’re trying to figure something out,” he said gruffly, though his tone lacked its usual harshness.
You hesitated, then sighed. “Maybe because I am trying to figure something out.”
Katsuki’s heart skipped a beat, but he quickly masked his surprise with a snort. “Hmph. What’s there to figure out? It’s not like anything’s changed.”
“That’s the problem,” you said quietly. “Things have changed. I feel like… like something’s different, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
Katsuki’s chest tightened. He knew what was different but couldn’t bring himself to say it. Instead, he tried to play it off. “Maybe you’re just imagining things. You’re always overthinking.”
“Maybe,” you said, looking away. “Or maybe it’s just hard to ignore what’s right in front of me.”
Katsuki’s heart pounded in his chest. He wanted to tell you so badly, but the fear of ruining everything kept him silent. He stood abruptly, trying to hide his emotions. “Whatever. I’m heading to bed.”
You watched him leave, feeling a pang of sadness. It was clear that the feelings were there, but neither of you were willing to take that leap. As you lay in bed that night, the familiar sense of longing mixed with frustration settled over you.
The next day, during training, your friends noticed the lingering tension and decided to take matters into their own hands. Kirishima and Mina cornered Katsuki after practice, their faces serious but determined.
“Listen, Bakugou,” Kirishima said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You’ve got to do something. You can’t keep dancing around this.”
Mina nodded. “Yeah. It’s obvious that you both care about each other. If you don’t act soon, you might lose your chance.”
Katsuki’s face reddened. “I know, damn it. But it’s not that simple.”
Mina crossed her arms. “It is that simple. You both clearly like each other. Just talk to her.”
Katsuki sighed, feeling the weight of their words. “Fine. I’ll talk to her.”
That evening, after another training session, Katsuki found you alone in the common room. He took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage he had been lacking.
“You still figuring things out?” he asked, his voice quieter than usual.
You looked up, a mixture of hope and nervousness in your eyes. “Maybe. Or maybe I just need to hear it from you.”
Katsuki’s heart raced. He swallowed hard, the words caught in his throat. “Look, Y/N… I don’t want to mess things up. We’ve been friends for so long, and I don’t want to ruin that.”
You stepped closer, your gaze softening. “Katsuki, if there’s something more between us, I’d rather know than live with the uncertainty.”
Katsuki met your eyes, the walls he had built up slowly crumbling. “I… I care about you, a lot. More than just a friend.”
Your heart soared, and a relieved smile spread across your face. “I care about you too, Katsuki. I was just too afraid to say it.”
For a moment, there was silence, but it was filled with a new understanding. Katsuki took your hand, his grip firm but gentle.
“Then let’s stop pretending,” he said quietly. “Let’s just be honest with each other.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. “Yes, let’s.”
In that moment, the fear and uncertainty melted away, replaced by a newfound clarity and connection. As you stood there, hand in hand, you both knew that the next step would be different, but it was a step you were both ready to take together.
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kitthepurplepotato · 5 months
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Side note: I’m not back from my hiatus I’m just posting this because I magically managed to finish this chapter before going berserk! Yay!
Chapter 20 - Can I show you how much I love you? (18+)
Summary: You just wanted to eat breakfast. So how did you end up in the shower with your freakishly handsome boyfriend, kissing each other senseless?! And the bed?! When did you get there? What’s going on?! WHAT IS THIS SHENANIGAN?!
Warnings: Swear words, 18+!!! Contains a sex scene. (It’s mostly smut, so please, if you are not okay with that or you are under 18, skip this chapter or well… you know... 😂 Thank you!)
Also, this chapter is 7K so get some water and something to snack on!
First Chapter Master List
“Rise and shine, you drunkard.” You giggle to yourself as you look at your fluffy, absolutely adorable boyfriend who’s already frowning from the light coming in through the window.
“Hey, you wanted me to have fun, which I certainly did.” Izuku retorts sassily. You can’t help but gawk at him which only makes the green head laugh. “I’ll be fine after I take my pills. I’m not in more pain than usual, I swear.”
“Still, drinking this much in your condition…” You mutter, probably ruining the mood completely but fuck, you are so worried. It’s terrible to see such a hard working man so down, physically and mentally. You want him to be healthy and happy again, you want him to smile freely and sleep peacefully like he used to. You want to shield him from any harm, make sure nothing prolongs his current suffering but at the same time, you understand that’s he’s not a fragile human being who needs to be pampered the entire time, however, you still can’t help but want to do that.
“Sweets, I asked.” Izuku sighs. “The doctor said it’s fine. I’m fine. You are fine. Everything is fine.” He slowly strokes your cheeks until you finally relax. It takes a little bit of time, but eventually, you get there. “What do you want to do today, love?” Izuku smiles at you and it’s quite pathetic how your heart rate rises every time he’s sweet to you, even to this day. You’ve been together for long enough to get used to these touches but somehow, you just… can’t.
“Well, Katsuki, Ei, Shouto, Mirio and Tamaki went ‘monster hunting’ early in the morning. By that, I think they meant they are going to climb the big mountain. Denki is still KO so Hitoshi brought him back to their own cabin when Katsuki and the gang left for their adventures. Kyouka and Momo went down to the high street for a shopping spree. Rody went down with them to spend some time with his family. So once we clean up the bedding from the floor and… maybe we can just… chill today? In our own cabin? Try the onsen? Maybe?” Your cheeks are so flushed you are surprised Izuku haven’t commented on it yet.
“Hmm…” his cheeky hands find their way to your tummy under your shirt, slowly stroking your naked skin with a smug smirk on his face. What happened to shy Izuku?! Where is he?! Who’s this man?! “Sounds like a plan to me, Sweets.”
“If you keep doing that, we will never make it to our cabin.” You murmur into his ears with a shit-eating grin on your face. Izuku is out of the bed before you can say anything else, stuttering nonsense under his nose as he moves the so called “bedding” - a bunch of decorative pillows and massive blankets scattered on the floor - back to where they belong and he’s out of the door without a single word. You can’t help but giggle the whole way home.
“Why are you in such a hurry?” You snicker under your nose and Izuku gives you the sassiest side eye you’ve ever seen. It’s absolutely hilarious. “What?!” Oh no. You can’t stop giggling like an idiot. You really don’t need another tummy ache after yesterday’s shenanigans!
“I’m going to the onsen. Right now.” Izuku declares.
“No, not before breakfast.” You retort, standing with your hand on your hips like an angry mother.
“Oh yeah?” He comes closer, his smile bigger and bigger as you flush from his closeness. “Watch me.”
Ladies and gentleman, what happens now must be a fever dream… because Pro Hero Deku AKA Midoriya Izuku AKA Izu-Izu takes off his fucking shirt in the most attractive way possible and slowly sheds every single clothing off while you yell like a virgin with your eyes covered by your own hands.
“What the fuck, Izuku! Stop! Keep the boxers… oh my god, STOP THE VIOLENCE!” You laugh, cheekily peeking out between your fingers. “You also need to shower before going in! IZUKU LISTEN TO ME, YOU MENACE!”
“Only if you shower with me.” Izuku WINKS at you and you swear your soul just left your body for a second.
“Only if you eat breakfast.” You retort and by the surprised look on Izuku’s face, he didn’t think you’ll even consider saying yes to that question.
“You will… shower with me?” Izuku’s confidence is gone just like that, in a matter of milliseconds and you kinda feel the urge to just push him into the bathroom to prove how serious you were but you are way too hungry to even think properly right now so…
“After we had breakfast. I’m starving, Izu-Izu.”
“But… for real?”
“Well, we’ve been together for long enough to share a shower, haven’t we?” You answer with a massive blush on your face.
“I’ll re-heat the food Katsuki left for us.” Is all the answer you get before he trots away into the kitchen.
The mood… is heavy. There is just something in the air you can’t really describe, this weird tension, but not the bad kind… you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that today… something big will happen. It might just be the shower, seeing each other completely naked for the first time, but maybe it won’t stop there, maybe…
All the blood from your face goes somewhere else.
Calm down. Jesus Christ, woman, just calm down.
You were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t even realize the that the food is already heated up and ready to eat on the small table in the kitchen. The lovely scent of Katsuki’s food makes your tummy grumble; it might be weird to eat lunch for breakfast, but you literally can’t even be bothered to comment on it; in your household, it’s quite normal to eat whatever you guys want, whenever you want it, thanks to Izuku’s inhuman shift patterns. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack; food is food. That’s your household’s motto.
“The food is served, my princess!” Izuku’s adorable face appears in front of you; he bows low and makes that arm movement the butlers do in those dramas in the TV. The whole scene would be quite funny if he wouldn’t be wearing one single underwear and nothing else.
Let’s just say it’s hard to laugh when you are too focused on… well… the curves. The shapes. The godly body. Those massive fucking legs which could crush your head like a watermelon without even flinching…
“The food is indeed served.” You mutter under your nose, loudly by accident and Izuku starts to laugh, tears prickling his eyes as he holds his tummy, probably trying not to throw up once again.
“Oh… my… god… Sweets… I didn’t see that coming.”
“Me neither!” You yell as you pass by your stupidly attractive boyfriend, completely avoiding eye contact because there is no way you can look at him right now with how embarrassed you are. “Put on a fucking shirt!”
Izuku laughs some more but obliges at the end.
Thank fuck.
“If you changed your mind, that’s okay.” Izuku caresses your face as you two stand in the bathroom, still clothed. You are quite sure your face is the color of Eijirou’s hair right now. Your limbs are shaking like a leaf and you feel so much anxiety you could cry. It’s stupid, really; it’s not like it’s your first time to be naked in front of somebody, yet it really does feel like it is; Izuku is not like the others, he’ll actually look at you, look at your curves and the tiny little flaws and he’ll remember everything until the day he dies, cherish them like they are something special, because that’s who Midoriya Izuku is; the most caring, most loving partner the world has ever seen.
“I want this.” You declare confidently. “Yes.” You nod to yourself with a tiny pout on your face.
“Yes.” Izuku parrots, making the same, tiny pout then he gives you a smile that makes your insides melt right away. “You are so cute, Sweets. I love you so much.”
“Shut up and get naked!” You yell with a red face. He’s too much. This is too much. He’s too perfect. You can’t even take his teasing seriously with how much love you see in his eyes as he does it.
“Hey, you are not the only one freaking out here!” Izuku yelps awkwardly. “Turn around… please?”
His wavering voice make you look up to his face; he’s flushed and trembly as he slowly takes his shirt off, the movement full of hesitation. You really feel the urge to mention how only an hour ago, he wasn’t this shy about stripping in front of you, but you keep your thoughts to yourself.
“You can also change your mind, you know.” You finally turn around to give him some privacy.
“I’ve been waiting for this ages. There is no way in hell I’ll back out of this just because of my stupid anxiety.” Izuku grumbles, more to himself than to you. “You’ve seen me naked before. You’ve seen my scars. You know all my secrets. I have no reason for me to feel so ashamed of myself. It’s all in my head… I know I’m not ugly. That’s a lie, fuck… I know… I know you think I’m… okay. I know you won’t mind… me looking like this. Most and foremost, I know you love me for who I am and not for how I look like…” he mumbles and mumbles, not realizing you managed to get out of your clothes by the time he managed to get to his underwear. Your eyes are filled with tears from his words, you want to slap him in the face for hating himself like that and kiss him senseless out of pride for finally realizing it’s all in his head.
With that said…
“Izuku, look at me.” You appear behind your boyfriend, probably standing way too close for it to be appropriate, but you don’t care right now.
Izuku bumps right into you when he turns around; a tiny yelp leaves his mouth as your breasts bounce on his chest. “If I ever hear you calling yourself ugly I’ll pull out every single one of your leg hairs with a tweezer, one buy one, in the most painful way possible. Now turn around, finish what you are doing and see you in the shower.”
“That’s weirdly… evil.” Izuku snickers but by the look of it, you plan worked because he looks much less anxious now. You quickly go inside the shower cubicle to hide, not giving the man too much time to check you out… yet.
You can hear some rustling from outside then Izuku takes a few deep breaths and steps inside the now foggy shower and… you forget how to breathe.
Izuku looks gorgeous on a normal day, but this… is downright sinful. Izuku is stocky but not in the wrong way; you knew that already but with his underwear now gone, you can see how perfect the proportion is. He’s perfect. His shoulders are massive, but he has a nice curve to his body and there is a tiny trail of green hair leading towards his perfectly trimmed intimate area, also pine green just like his hair… then… that’s… a monster between his legs. Yup. You slowly look up and to the side to calm yourself down because that sight went straight into your core and this shower doesn’t feel that innocent anymore.
“Sweets, I… I’ll have problems down there if you keep looking this pretty, just giving you a heads up.” Izuku whines with a high pitched voice. By the time you wake up from your daze he already turned his back to you (you try your best not to stare at that gorgeous fucking ass, because hell, that thing looks like it was carved by a horny but extremely talented sculptor), probably ashamed of himself for feeling this way. You can’t help but speak up.
“If I would… have the same thing between my legs, I would have the same problem.” You admit sheepishly.
“Why are we so awkward about the stupidest things?” Izuku giggles. You want to pinch him. (His ass. You want to pinch his ass. That’s what you want to do you cheeky sod.)
“I don’t mind. I think it’s really… us, that we act this way. I wouldn’t have this any other way.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Say that again and I’ll forcefully kiss you.”
“Hm. That doesn’t sound that bad.”
“IZUKU!“ you yell into the small space as you hide your face in your palms like that helps anything. Your forehead ends up on Izuku’s back and he yelps helplessly; you don’t need to see his face to know he’s red all over because even the back of his neck is the color of a lobster.
“Okay, I’m done with this awkwardness.” Izuku takes a deep breath and the next moment, your back hits the wall. You can’t help, but whimper. “Sweets, you are the most perfect human being I’ve ever seen and I’ve been waiting for this moment for ages, so I’m sorry for… uhm… being a little bit too excited right now but I really want to wash your back if you… uhm…” Izuku stops in the middle of the sentence as he’s incapable to continue thanks to your mouth being on his.
You can’t help it. Just… can’t. Your body moved on its own.
Izuku is irresistible. His gorgeous muscles, the veins on his arms, the softness of his wet skin, topped up with his kind words and pretty freckles is just too much after all this time; you wanted to touch him for so long, you wanted to feel him for months which honestly, feels like decades at this point… it feels like the love is about to burst out of your chest but there are no words strong enough to satiate your soul, to make it clear enough for the other the understand the depth of your feelings and your body is not listening to you anymore; the desire has festered into something unstoppable, it clouded your mind completely until there were no thoughts there just Izuku himself, freckled cheeks and pine green hair, the broccoli…
“If this is your way to make this less awkward… it works.” Izuku kisses you back with a newly found vehemence, scorching hot yet so careful, but you don’t kiss back anymore… you push the man away like he just burned you, because… “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“I forgot!”
“How did I forget about it?” You whimper, completely ashamed of yourself. “I can’t believe I was so astonished by your… uhm… that I forgot to check it out! I’m the worst!”
“I have no idea what you are talking about, is the water too hot?” Izuku blinks at you, completely lost.
“The broccoli! I forgot about your broccoli! I can’t believe this!”
Izuku… bursts out laughing. He’s folded in half, his forehead basically cushioned by your boobs, shaking like a leaf from guffawing too hard.
“You pushed me away in the middle of a heavy, naked make-out session because you wanted to see my tattoo?” He looks into your eyes with an incredulous, but fond gaze.
“It’s important to me!” You mutter under your nose and Izuku doesn’t even answer you anymore; he just moves away and pushes his hip out, showing off his tiny, adorable broccoli tattoo sitting on his hipbone. You can’t stop your fingers from reaching out, caressing the colored skin with nothing but wonder in your eyes. “It’s so cute.”
Your boyfriend looks so much leaner than he usually does - you realize as you caress his strong hipbone, your fingers cheekily running over the dip by his waist.
Damn, you’ll never ever get over his thighs. Every time you look at them you remember his photoshoot with Mirko, the one that made Izuku a fashion icon, a genderless beauty because hell, Izuku is as manly as they get but… that man in Mirko’s costume kinda made you question your own sexuality.
Maybe you are just Izuku-sexual. He could be a man, a woman, someone between the two, hell, a fucking midget and you would still be attracted to him.
“You are so beautiful, Y/N.” Izuku sighs, right next to your ears. The fire burns even stronger inside you. The feeling only gets worse when his hand travels from your waist to the side of your breast, his thumb cheekily caressing the plump, soft skin. You make the mistake of looking down out of pure embarrassment just to be face to face with the proof of how much Izuku likes what he sees.
You can’t see it, but you can feel him staring at you; you look up and you are met with two heavily lidded eyes taking in the sight from the top of your head down to your feet, over and over. There is a new shine to them now, hot and scorching and you completely melt under that loving gaze; he takes that as a permission to take it further and starts peppering kisses all over your wet neck. You can’t help but move your hand into his soft, dripping curls; you clench your hand around the strands and Izuku makes a sinful sound which goes right into your center and the next few minutes are kinda a blur; things fall from the small shelving system inside the cubicle, someone slips, someone bites, someone moans, there is a constant pressure by your belly, something hard, but also soft to the touch, there are hands on your chest, on your back, on your thighs, everywhere, really.
Your whole body is on fire and so is his; the water is way too cold, but even that can not ruin the moment you two are having.
There are no thoughts in your head, just him. Izuku Midoriya. Midoriya Izuku. Calloused fingers and the feeling of scars under your hands, hard muscle and soft skin, bouncy curls, the scent of Izuku’s shower gel, which somehow decided to appear out of nowhere (he probably took it off the shelf while you were too busy kissing him senseless and actually decided to be useful and clean you up while touching you all over), there is so much going on yet your mind is completely empty.
This is what Izuku does to you on a daily basis. He comes close and you forget who you are.
The scent of Izuku’s shower gel only sends thrill down your spine; the knowledge that for the next few hours you’ll smell like him, taste like him just ignites your body once again, the flames even stronger than before, you can’t help but touch him, first just his arms, then the tattoo on his side, the back of his neck, his collarbone, then the soft hair right on top of his member. You didn’t touch him properly but a wanton moan leaves Izuku’s mouth right as your fingers start to caress the hair down there then suddenly, Izuku gently slaps your hand away from that area.
You don’t have time to freak out about “going too far”; the next moment your back hits the wall once again, your legs somehow make their way around the man’s extremely attractive waist then he slowly moves you lower and lower until you feel something soft but sturdy right between your folds, just like the last time you two enjoyed each other’s company in the hot tub.
“Tell me to stop.” Izuku whimpers right into your ears then ends his sentence by biting down on your ear. His whole body shakes from the restraint, his palms are aggressively gripping your side and the back of your neck; Izuku is doing his fucking best to not move his hips forward, to not let him feel the pleasure of the friction because once it’s done, there is no way back for him; there is a limit to his restraint, there is a limit to how much of this can Izuku take without losing his goddamn mind…
You tear Izuku’s walls down with one single movement, with just a tiny little friction and you both moan in tandem as the pleasure creates goosebumps on your skin, but maybe, it’s just the cold water coming from the shower head; it doesn’t matter though because your answer is loud and clear and that’s all it takes for Izuku to turn off the shower with one hand and manhandle you into a towel-burrito before he takes you to the bedroom like a princess, his teeth clattering from the cold.
You should feel shy and embarrassed. You should be freaking out when Izuku drops you down on the bed and towers over you with your boobs halfway out of your towel.
You don’t feel any of that. Neither is he.
It just feels… normal. Exciting.
“Finally…” Izuku giggles with excitement sparkling in his gorgeous eyes. He pulls the cover on top of you both and takes a few deep breaths to stop the shaking of his body; he waits a few minutes in silence, just staring at your chest and face, remembering it all while your bodies get warmer under the cover and the goosebumps are finally gone. You trace the old scars on his chest and his tummy, you give them all the love you possibly can without saying a single word. The silence isn’t awkward… this silence is… precious. It’s like there’s no need for words, no need for verbal communication because everything is written all over your faces, it’s in every single caress, every single kiss, every single sigh that leaves your mouths as you touch each other in new places. Your hand can’t get away from that perfectly trimmed bush on top of Izuku’s member so you find yourself there once again, just caressing the prickly skin, enjoying the way it feels under your fingertips.
The mood is calmer now, more mature but still full of those flames from before; it’s a weird, conflicting combination but it somehow works for you two. “Sweet pea.” Izuku whimpers while his free hand fondles your boob. You can’t help but moan into the air between you two as his thumps finds your bud and starts fiddling with it. “Can I show you how much I love you?” All you can do is nod weakly, your eyes full of tears. No one ever treated you like this, like you are a goddess who deserves to be worshipped, like every caress is a gift, like your body is something worth cherishing and you feel so loved already you kinda want to tell him to not even bother anymore, but you don’t have the heart to do that after looking into his half-lidded, excited eyes.
“Please.” You smile at your boyfriend happily. He bumps your foreheads together for a few seconds and smiles right back; this moment is special, it feels like there is a red string connecting you two together, the one that’s indestructible and infinite; the strings of faith are almost visible now as Izuku leans down to connect your chests, but maybe you are just too delirious and too aroused to be able to distinguish delusion from reality.
Izuku seals the deal with the hottest kiss known to mankind and you are halfway to your orgasm already and he haven’t even touched you yet.
“Plus Ultra!” Izuku gives you one last smile before he dives under the covers, right between your legs and you scream his name as you come in less than 3 minutes. Three. Fucking. Minutes.
He just… went in and… oh my god. Midoriya Izuku, goddamn Pro Hero Deku just… he’s… really talented with his tongue. Let’s just leave it at that.
You need 5 to 7 days to get over the fact that you just received the best oral you’ve ever had and it was from your favorite pro Hero who you are ridiculously in love with.
“Don’t worry, I’m not done.” You can feel Izuku’s smile on the inside of your thighs as he starts peppering kisses all over the area. It’s so loving and so careful, so slow yet so passionate… you can’t help but feel the arousal wake up inside you once again. “I really love your legs. I always wanted to kiss them. They are so soft and your thighs are so… ahh, I wanna sleep on them. They are better than the best memory foam pillow on the market. You also taste really nice. I think I’m becoming addicted.” Izuku goes back to the “treasure” and leaves tiny kisses all over your folds, teasing the most sensitive parts with his tongue to steal another taste. You can’t help but whimper; it’s extremely sensitive now but the touch is light enough to be pleasurable even in this state.
“I also love your tummy. Having a six pack is great, but I really enjoy soft and cute things.” Izuku adds with an obsessed tone which makes you blush like a virgin. “You are the softest and cutest of them all. I love you.” Izuku leaves a trail of kisses all over your tummy until he reaches your chest; he pops your bud into his mouth and does something with his tongue that makes you see stars; it almost feels like swirling water, soft and languid. It’s extremely hard to describe the feeling without comparing Izuku’s tongue to a tentacle, which, let’s be honest, would make this fanfiction so much dirtier than it really is.
“I’m not even going to try and give these two a justice with my words.” Is all Izuku says before he takes your other bud into his mouth to give it some love. If you think this can’t get more hot, you are wrong; Izuku starts to nibble your chest gently, sucking on the soft skin without leaving a mark, his eyes downright manic as he makes sure there isn’t a single millimeter left unloved.
Needless to say, you guys will need to change the sheets after this because well… you are soaking wet. Again.
You try your best to hide this information from your boyfriend for now because while Izuku is a man on a mission, you also have your own plans and knowing how much Izuku enjoys giving, he wouldn’t let you do anything today until your “situation” is “sorted.”
“Izu-Izu.” You rake your fingers through Izuku’s hair, clenching your fist on the top of his head just to hear him moan once again. And again. And again. Hell, Izuku has the most sinful moan, high pitched and weirdly feminine; he always tries to stop himself in the middle of the sound and the way his voice falters and breaks, then goes so high in the last one second… just makes your “situation” even worse. “Let me love you too, goddamnit!” You whine and moan at the same time. Izuku stops with his shenanigans for one second and that’s all you need to finally manage to roll him over and end up in his lap. You are not going to lie, it took all of your strength to be able to do that and you are panting a little bit but it was all worth it for the sight; he is blushing like crazy and he looks so lost now that he’s not in charge. You don’t even try to stop yourself from kissing him senseless, it’s physically impossible to do so.
“I feel like I’m going to explode.” You admit between two kisses. “Fucking hell, Izuku, are you even human? Is this another quirk of yours? Are you a lust demon? How can you do stuff like that with this adorable, innocent face? How?” You complain, while Izuku giggles. “Don’t fucking giggle, I’m serious!”
“I think I have a thing for being manhandled. I’m also about to explode.” He admits sheepishly with his hand wondering down to your bottom cheekily. You take a deep breath and move down to his belly, not letting him touch your private parts because it’s your turn now to love him endlessly and you want to do it without any distractions.
“Good. Suffer with me.” You retort cheekily and Izuku giggles once more. “You have so many freckles on your chest and tummy, I love it so much. I love your freckles, have I ever told you that?” You mumble as you kiss Izuku’s hard abs. His hands wander into your hair the same way yours did and you can kinda understand why is Izuku so hot and bothered when you do that to him.
“No, you didn’t.” Izuku chokes on air.
“Well, now you know.” You answer simply. “You have the body of a god, but I like your face the most. And your hair. And how some of your scars are softer to touch than your normal skin. I love the texture. Like this one.” Your hand moves up to Izuku’s pecks, caressing the massive scar on the side of his left breast. “You are so handsome but nothing is as pretty as your soul. Izuku, you look perfect from the outside but compared to you as a person, it’s fucking nothing. If I would have a quirk I would want to be able to go inside your soul… just so I can kiss it senseless.” You make no sense. You are aware of it. No need to comment on it. How the fuck are you supposed to stay coherent in this situation?! It doesn’t feel real. It’s too fucking good to be real.
A tiny sob cuts through the tension and you emerge from the covers to look into your boyfriend’s eyes. Of course, he’s crying. “You are such a crybaby.” You smile down at him with nothing but fondness. “My little crybaby. I love you so much.” You leave a tiny kiss on his mouth.
“No one… ever… made me feel like this.” Izuku admits between two sobs. “Like I’m the best thing in the whole world. No one ever managed to actually make me believe them, but you… you make it sound like it’s possible that I’m not… a failure. I feel so loved I don’t know what to do with it.”
“Enjoy it. You deserve it. You are the best thing, at least for me.” You leave tiny kisses on your boyfriend’s neck to divert his attention.
“And you are the best thing, for me.” He retorts with a sigh. “I want to build a shrine to you and pray for your well-being every day. I want to do this every day… I want to eat and drink YOU, I want to become YOU… I want us to become one and stay like that forever, because I’m the best thing only because you are next to me. Fuck, that doesn’t make any sense and it sounded so much cooler in my head…” Izuku mutters shyly, looking at the wall due to his embarrassment.
“Let’s become one, then. We can’t stay like that forever, but… I want… uhm…” you mumble with a red face as you move one of your hands under the covers to caress his painfully hard member with one finger. Izuku almost chokes on his saliva just from this one touch. It fills you with pride.
You absolutely enjoy the way Izuku is writhing under you, his face contorted by the pleasure while your hand moves on his member up and down, slow but steady. He doesn’t let you enjoy the game for too long; one second you are in charge then the next your back hits the soft bed once again and Izuku’s finger finds his way to his folds, slowly easing the first finger inside, followed by the second almost immediately.
“Sweets… you really like me this much?” Izuku moves his fingers around your folds to feel the wetness around the area. You can’t help but look away shyly, completely embarrassed from being so excited. Your plan failed. Goddamnit.
“What? No! Don’t be!” Izuku freaks out for a split second. “I’m just… really happy. I loose my confidence in bed really quickly but you make it so easy for me. Your whole body speaks to me, it tells me it’s okay, that this is good for you and I’m so thankful.” Izuku slowly eases the third finger in; a quiet whimper leaves your mouth as he starts scissoring inside to make this as easy for you as possible. “I’ll make sure to thank you by being the best partner now and forever. Sweets… Y/N… can I…”
“Fucks sake, Izu, yes. You can do whatever you want. I’m yours and you are mine. That’s all I need to know.”
“Okay.” Izuku nods, clearly spiraling a little bit. “Yeah, uhm, I’m gonna get the… stuff. Just stay here.”
“Damn, I was about to run out for some coffee.” You add jokingly, but Izuku is on a mission and he can’t understand sarcasm…
“I’ll get you some coffee from the kitchen, then!”
You start laughing like a maniac.
“Oh my god, I was joking, you silly. Hurry up!”
“Oh… I’m an idiot.” Izuku takes the box of condoms out of his backpack. You will make sure to ask him later about the fact that he had some with him… Cheeky little fuck.
You also try your best to not stare at that perfect butt. Damn, you are eating well today!
He has a few stretch marks on his back, but it’s only visible when you look really closely; which you do because you can’t help yourself, even though you literally just said that you won’t.
“Yeah, but you are my idiot. Now get back here and love me.” You continue to stare at that perfect peach, but Izuku turns around and you look away swiftly because the front is just as delicious as the back and you honestly don’t think you can take more of this right now. It’s quite comical how the color of his broccoli tattoo is the same as his hair down there; its a little bit sad how you’ll never be able to boast on your “Deku lovers” group chat about it. They would probably laugh in your face anyway, thinking you are a liar because there is no way the perfect pro hero Deku has a silly little broccoli tattoo.
“Okay.” Izuku grins with a flushed face and barges back into the bed, right into your arms.
He starts peppering kisses all over your neck, giggling happily like a schoolboy, then moves back to your face to leave another scorching hot kiss on your mouth while his hand slowly wonders down to your intimate areas to make sure you are ready for the “good stuff.”
It takes all your self-restraint to not come from the sight on top of you; Izuku’s hair is disheveled and he looks so fucking out of it that you would think he’s being touched himself, but your hands are in his hair and you feel no friction anywhere on your body which means he just… enjoys pleasing you so much it makes him look like he’s five seconds from coming. His fingers stop moving and he slowly retracts them, leaving you empty and sad for a split of a second but then he puts the condom package into his mouth and tears it open while keeping eye contact with you the whole time and you swear you see stars. Izuku is just too much. Too hot and too dirty but also so innocent and loving, it just doesn’t make sense, really… but…
“Are you ready, Sweets? Tell me if it hurts, okay? Promise me.” He looks at you worriedly and your heart just melts inside your chest and becomes nothing but a big lump of goo.
“I promise… OH MY GOD.” You almost yell as you feel the first few centimeters inside you. Izuku bites his lips once and takes a few deep breath, not moving, just waiting for you to get used to the sting, to the almost foreign sensation because damn, the man isn’t small and it has been ages you’ve been in this situation with anyone. “I’m fine, I’m fine, keep going, Izu.” You try to reassure him as best as you can. It starts to feel really good down there even though he’s not even halfway in.
He slowly moves further and the sting is back but it’s not as bad as it was before; it really quickly turns into an intoxicatingly amazing sensation that makes your whole body tremble and Izuku drops his face on your chest, his whole body shaking like a leaf.
“Relax or I’ll really embarrass myself. Please. You feel too good. Why didn’t we do this sooner?” He mutters into your breasts and if you wouldn’t be so aroused you would have laughed in his face for being so cute, but…
“You can move. Please. Move.” You stutter as a sudden wave of pleasure hits you just right. Izuku doesn’t say anything just moves back to his original position and slides out a bit and then back again and you are so happy everyone is out and about because you are quite sure the whole neighborhood just heard you moan. “Izu…”
“I think I’m going to cry again, but it’s happy tears.” Izuku admits sheepishly while he starts a slow but steady pace. His moans are quiet and his voice breaks quite frequently but there is something about it that makes you tremble in pleasure; probably the fact that you are the reason he sounds like that, deep but also squeaky, you are the reason his face is flushed from all the bliss… you feel so lucky to be able to experience this, to feel all this love, to be the reason for Izuku’s happy tears; you are so thankful for taking that big leap of faith by moving in with a stranger all those months ago.
“I love… love you. Izu. Izuku.” You stutter as Izuku’s pace picks up and you are absolutely incapable to think from this point; you both moan each other’s name in tandem as you chase your orgasms, Izuku clearly tries his best to keep his focus on you, to listen to where and how it feels the best and slowly but surely that pleasant feeling starts to build up with every thrust Izuku delivers to the right spot; Izuku’s arms start to tremble and it makes you stop for a second; this shaking doesn’t seem to be from the pleasure and Izuku looks a little bit stressed as you look into his eyes so you put your hand on his chest, silently asking for him to stop.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Izuku starts to apologize but you are not having any of that.
“Lay down.” You command kindly. Izuku looks utterly confused for a second but he does it anyway. You don’t give him a single warning before you sit in his lap with your hands perched on his naked, beautifully sculpted chest and slowly ease yourself back down on his length. Izuku’s face contorts in utter pleasure, now that his arms are not hurting anymore and you pat yourself on the back inside your little mind palace for realizing something is wrong even while your mind was clouded by all the new sensations. “Good boy.” You caress Izuku’s muscly chest. Izuku moans loudly and moves his hip upwards, finding that special point once again, even in this new position.
Izuku looks ethereal from this point of view; his hair is splayed out on the white pillow, no curly strand the same as the other, his face is flushed and his eyes are sparkling like a rare gemstone, gaze full of love and lust and by that look on his face, he doesn’t mind this position either; every single movement makes his face scrunch up, his moans becoming hiccups and silent pleas to keep doing what you are doing, just like that, and it barely takes 10 more minutes for you two to feel the coil inside your tummy snap, Izuku doing the same a few more thrusts later.
You’ve never come this hard before. Your body shakes violently and you barely keep yourself up right while Izuku moves his hips up and down really slowly to prolong this amazing feeling, tears prickle your eyes from the pleasure, and once the feeling is gone you collapse on Izuku’s chest; you didn’t realize how much you strained your legs by doing this until you came down from your high, but when it it hit, you couldn’t help but whimper, this time, from the pain.
There are some other parts of your body that feel a tiny bit funny right after you two separate with a whimper, but honestly, you’ve seen that coming.
“I’ve never done this this way.” Izuku admits shyly.
“Never?” You look up at your boyfriend as you slowly move to his side; you need to lay down properly for a second. Everything is spinning.
“No. It was always… me doing everything. I want to do this again. And again. And again.”
“I’ll need to hit the gym then.” You giggle to yourself and seeing your boyfriend’s confused face, he doesn’t really understand the problem. “Izuku, this position… needs a lot of leg muscles. I don’t have any. I’m quite sure I pulled at least one muscle in both of my legs.”
“I’m more than happy to help you with that!” Izuku sits up excitedly. You give him a side eye. “Not like that, you silly! Actual training! And that, too, of course, but only if you want to do it again. I’m okay with anything until it’s you.”
You want to put this man on a plate and eat him. How can he be so sweet?!
“I love you, you weirdo.” You giggle into his hair then you leave a tiny kiss on his neck as a silent thank you.
“I love you too, Sweets. Let’s have a few minutes of rest then let’s go to the onsen.”
“Oh my god, the onsen sounds magical right now.” You sigh, utterly pleased. “Izu?”
“Are you happy?”
“I’m the happiest fucking freak in the whole wide world, Sweets.” He smiles. “Are you happy?”
“I think I’m high on happiness.” You pant, exhausted.
“Good. Me too.”
… to be continued!
Potato ramble:
- I can’t believe this finally happened! Honestly, I’m not a big fan of writing these kind of things but even I was excited about this to finally happen because the tension was absolutely ridiculous! 😂 Not gonna lie, I have many other ideas about what this version of Izuku likes but I probably won’t be able to use them as they would be too dirty for this otherwise innocent story. 😂 I love these two so much, they are so perfect for each other!
- I hope you guys are okay. Sorry for not responding to your lovely comments, I read them all and I send you all hugs! I hope I will see you soon but to be honest with you, I don’t think it will be sooner than 4 weeks, maybe more if shit goes south in my life.
- There will be changes to my uploads when I come back, I’ll leave a note for you guys once we get to it. I might need you to answer some questions too, because I have no idea what to do 😂
- Random personal ramble: so funny story about my recent life; I went home to my home country to see my mom and I told her about how much I want an airfryer but I don’t really have space for it nor money to spare. I didn’t know she actually owns one so I got really excited when I saw it! A day after I came back to England there was an Amazon order on my doorstep that I didn’t order. Guys, my mom went on Amazon and bought me an airfryer. I’ve been making cakes and baked apples every day since. Get an air fryer if you can. It’s amazing. Thank you for listening. 😂
Here’s a quick, delish recipe for you: get some apples, cut them in half, get rid of the stem, put a bunch of Nutella in it then sprinkle cinnamon on top (or pour half of the bottle on it like I do. Lol). Bake it for 40 mins on 160C. You are welcome. (You can also use dark chocolate instead of Nutella if you wanna make it healthier. You can also hide a walnut inside. Omnomnom.
- I’ll shut up now. Tell me your thoughts!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave @alyss-eiz @sleepisfortheweakpooh
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citrus-simp · 2 years
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A/N: So based off of this blurb here, I wanted to elaborate more on king Bakugou with his pregnant queen. (Idc if there has been a fic I’ve made about this I like Bakugou as a father and pregnant fics are fluffy and comfort)
So after being nagged by advisors about having an heir Bakugou uh....took care of it
Now you've missed 2 periods and you're more than sure you were pregnant. In addition to the constant tiredness, and morning sickness. Bakugou being the prideful king he was wanted to be the one to help you in the early months.
Holding your hair back, tucking you in bed, even making your food. Now he may be the king but the only person he would cook for is you himself and now your baby.
Once it was confirmed by the medic, Bakugou had to step out of the room for a moment while they spoke to you.
This was just an heir to the thrown this was his child. And he would be damned if he let them be treated only as an heir and not his pride and joy. The same thing went for you, he couldn't feel more pride knowing you were the mother of his child.
You thought he was protective before?? You haven't seen anything yet! it bumped up from a 10 to a 10000000.
He loved to watch you grow and sometimes he would stare at you in awe knowing what you and your body were capable of. This was your first child together so he was hoping all will go well
He would inspect the castle to make sure nothing was in your way to harm you.
"Katsuki you don't need the stairs taken away-"
"Oh yes I do, I'll go to hell before I let you go down any stairs" he answered back
"...katsuki its 3 steps"
"I don't care!"
He loved to wake up in the morning and watch as his stomach rose and fell. But it didn't fall completely flat. for the first few months there was a small bump, almost like bloating, but after about 3 months it started to round more. It only made Bakugou fall even harder for you
He would look at you and just wonder about it. The baby, its growth, who they'd look like who they'd act like, everything
Every now and then he'll wrap you in his arms and whisper a gentle thank you
"you both mean more than any gold I could ever have. I love you"
"awh katsuki" you'd say tearing up
While you were coming closer to the months of just bed rest he had the best midwives and doctors he could find in the village. He had them live in the castle at least until it was time for the baby to be born
He had already known women go through a great ordeal in life and childbirth was part of many. He couldn't bare your pain or take it away but he could help you. For once he had set his pride aside and asked to be taught all about childbirth and what he could do to help
he loves you....very much
"Teach me how this will all go down and what shit I have to do for her." he had his own unique way of asking for help. The doctor was in charge of scientific childbirth and the midwives told him how he can console and comfort you through labor.
he spent about 2 hours there
and he came out a new man with new knowledge. He wasn't the pregnant one and he was terrified. The labor was separate from actual birth and could go on for hours
birth wasn't fun either
and the months of recovery would not be easy either. In some ways, he felt regret for getting you pregnant and now he could only watch you through pain when the time came.
However, the midwives assured him that if he held your hand, encouraged you, and helped you in whatever way he needed, you would appreciate it even more.
While he snuggled you in bed he said "I learned some new information today. Just know that I'm grateful...for everything" he said cradling your bump
When the day finally came, he was there from the first light contraction to the very strongest. He would even see how your stomach contracted, but he knew the worst was yet to come
He had to admit it hurt him more knowing that you were in pain until this was over. Ignoring the pain in his hand from your squeezing. He wiped the sweat from your face, he held you while you let all your weight rest on him, he massaged any sore spots, he kissed your head to try and comfort you
"I know it hurts...but you're strong, you've got this" "that's it, it's almost over" "you're doing great, I'm right here" "good job, just one more push, you're so close"
After it was all done, a scream was finally heard, and the room fell silent.
It was a boy (:
The midwives cleaned him up while Bakugou kissed and congratulated you
"You did so good Y/N, I-I don't know how you pulled through all of that but you did amazing," he said kissing your forehead
The crying had died down while he was getting washed up making Bakugou look over, you squeezed his hand and said "Go see him" you urged him
he was a bit nervous to see him up close but his feet move without thought "your majesty, your son" said the midwife handing his baby over to him wrapped warmly in a blanket
"h-hey there...I'm your...your dad bud.." he was starstruck "He looked like him but he looked more like you. He even had his pout only being minutes old "let's go and see mommy yeah?"
"look at him babe....you did amazing," he said as teared up, handing you the small and delicate bundle. You couldn't fathom the amount of love you felt at that moment. He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in your life
"Hello, sweetheart...I'm your mommy" you sniffed as tears blurred your vision. Bakugou crawled into the bed with you and gently touched the hair on his head. His eyes open up to showcase his bright crimson eyes, just like his father
"Y/N..." he called for your attention "you are nothing short of a goddess. I won't lie to you I was scared through the entire process, but you pulled through so strongly I...just..thank you...thank you so much" he said kissing your forehead
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polonium-snap · 1 year
Bkdk plot bunnies pt 3
- Omega Bakugou or Fem Bakugou, but I first imagined this story with Fem Katsuki so I’ll be using she/her pronouns
- Deku and Bakugou are hero partners, and Deku is offered a big opportunity
- An undercover mission, that is very classified and is projected to last about a year
- Bkdk have been dancing around each other for a while but they are not together
- Deku already talked with Katsuki about how he would have to leave in this very dangerous mission
- Katsuki reacts angrily but doesn’t explain why so things have been strained between them
- Then four days before Deku has to go on the mission Katsuki decides it is now or never and confesses
- Izuku obviously reciprocates and they spend the night together
- Izuku says that he would talk with their boss to reject going to the mission and he is very happy now that he is together with Katsuki
- They spend the weekend together and Deku promises he would take Katsuki on a date as soon as possible
- Monday Izuku is going to the agency to tell his boss he won’t go to the mission
- As he turns on an alley he spots a person stealing from a civilian
- Obviously Izuku goes to apprehend the criminal
- However when the man touches Izuku, the hero falls unconscious
- The villain hides the other unconscious person he was stealing from and goes to Izuku touching him again so he wakes up
- “Sir, sir! Are you ok?!” The criminal pretending not to know anything says
- “…oh my god, what happened?” Izuku rubs his sore head
- “I don’t know, I found you collapsed here on the street.” The villain said.
- “Oh, uh, sorry for the inconvenience…” Izuku says and stands up looking at the time on his wrist clock. He has to go to work although he is unusually early. Why was he going so early to the agency?
- Deku gets to the agency and when he gets there he gets asked by the boss to his office
- “So what as it that you wanted to tell me about your decision about the undercover mission?”
- “Huh? What about it?” Izuku asked confused
- “…this morning you asked me to meet you today because you were going to tell me if you are going to take the year long mission.”
- “Oh…uh yes, I’ll take it.” Izuku answered
- “I’m very glad to hear you say that! This will do wonders for your career, believe me
- Fast forward to later that day Izuku notices Katsuki is unusually happy but when he asks, Katsuki rolls her eyes at him with a small smile
- Izuku is relived Bakugou is not mad at him anymore
- Then the next day Izuku is about to board the plane when he receives a text from Katsuki
- “NEVER speak to me again, I fucking hate you”
- Any subsequent text from Deku is answered with a simple “Fuck you.”
- Izuku boards the plane for the mission, with no idea of why Katsuki is so angry at him
- Back with Katsuki, she is a wreck, absolutely heartbroken because the man she loved just slept with her then fucked off to a yearlong mission
- However, she is a bad bitch and she is determined not to let it affect her work
- That is until a week later she misses her period, and that can only mean one thing
- Katsuki doesn’t panic at first, maybe a he’s just a day or two late, but then a week later…
- She calls Mina, hysterical
- “Babes, babes, calm down, what’s wrong?” Mina asks, concerned because she has never heard her friend so distressed
- “…I’m fucking late. My period is a week late.”
- “Oh my god, so you might be…?”
- “Yes…come quickly.” Bakugou almost begs.
- “I’ll be there in an hour.” True to her word she rushes out to buy pregnancy tests and to Katsuki’s apartment
- “I got three different brands!”
- Obviously they are possitive and Bakugou breaks down telling Mina what happened with Deku
- Mina consoles her as best she can but is very mad at Izuku
- Fast fordward seven months and Izuku finishes the mission way earlier than expected so he returns to Japan
- Izuku tries to speak to Katsuki again, texting her, but is straight up blocked
- Then Izuku goes to visit his mom, who is happy to see him and they go for a walk or something
- Then out of nowhere they happen to see Mitsuki Bakugou and of course they go to greet her
- Mitsuki smiles at Inko but when she sees Izuku she starts to frown in anger
- “You have a lot of fucking guts to show you face around me.” The blonde woman says trembling in anger
- “…I’m…uh…what?” Izuku says uncomfortably
- Mitsuki gets angrier and starts yelling, making her husband who was nearby come to diffuse the situation
- But then Masaru sees Izuku
- “I’m sorry for agitating her-“ Deku gets interrupted by Masaru’s right hook.
- Masaru punched him. “Don’t ever come close to Katsuki again” his voice shakes with emotion before both the Bakugou’s walk away
- Inko is obviously scandalized as Izuku is surprised. “…Katsuki-chan’s has been having a hard time since you left…” she tries to rationalize
- “W-what? K-Kacchan has?”
- “Yes, I read on the news a while back that she’s pregnant an-“
- “P-P-Pregnant?!”
- “Yes, and the media started to say that was the reason you took that mission overseas, because you knew Katsuki-chan couldn’t be your hero partner for the time being. Maybe Mitsuki-Chan and Masaru-San feel that you abandoned Katsuki-chan to further your career.”
- “I never would have left her because of that!” Izuku says. “No wonder they’re mad at me! They think I dropped Kacchan as a hero partner.”
- After that Izuku decides to visit Katsuki and try to explain things.
-Katsuki refuses to even look at him, yelling through the door to get lost
-Deku has to go to work the next day and bumps into Kirishima, who is uncharacteristically cold to him
- “Oh, you’re back…” Kirishima says with discontent almost glaring. Izuku is very confused by it.
-Every time he bumps into someone from the Bakusquad he gets glares and even Kaminari looks at him with distaste
-Izuku is getting desperate because he clearly is missing something, and the Katsuki’s friends know something about it
-In a last ditch effort Izuku tries to talk to Sero, but the other hero is equally cold to Deku until Sero’s partner who happens to be Shinso approaches them with a handcuffed criminal
-Deku recognizes him, as the man who helped him when he passed out on the street several months back
-“Oh god, you ratted me out?” The thief asked making Izuku and Sero’s eyes widen as Shinso pushed the criminal into the interrogation room.
-“W-what is his quirk?” Izuku asks, pale.
-“…His quirk erases three days worth of memories from anyone he touches.” Sero says squinting his eyes at Deku
-Izuku is stunned. “T-the day before I went on my mission I woke up in an alley to that man telling me I had fallen unconscious…”
-Sero pinched the bridge of his nose. “And you didn’t find that fucking weird?”
-They interrogate the suspect, who confesses to having wiped Izuku’s memory.
-“I can’t tell you everything, because I feel like I shouldn’t betray Katsuki’s trust like that…” Sero hesitated. “She confessed to you, four days before you left…”
-“…I told her I loved her back and then left her for a year-long mission…Fuck!” Izuku grabbed his hair in dismay. “I have to explain everything to her.”
-Izuku runs as fast as his quirk will allow to Katsuki’s house, but Mina opens the door
-Mina fumes. “I never expected you to be such a piece of shit b-“
-“I know, I’m so so sorry, the day I was going to cancel my mission I got hit with a memory wipe quirk !” Izuku interrupts
-Mina gets a text from Sero confirming what Izuku said. “She might still not forgive you.”
-“I know.” Izuku enters, and finds Katsuki in her room, having heard everything.
-“is it true?” Her eyes are glassy
-“Yes. Kacchan, I’m so sorry I don’t remember what you said or the promises I made, but I love you, please forgive me.” Izuku is crying
-Katsuki is unsure of what to say, or if he even knows she’s pregnant with his kid. It’s not really Izuku’s fault, but Katsuki can’t erase the months she spent thinking she had been abandoned
-“I can’t forgive you, unless you get your memories back, I need you to know how much you fucked up.”
-Izuku spends the next two months between trying to find a way to recover his memories and trying to fix his relationship with Katsuki
-Katsuki’s water breaks a week before the due date and Izuku is the one that rushes her to the hospital, where after several hours of labor the baby (it’s a boy!) is born and they are given the documents to file
-Katsuki can’t fill it herself so the hospital gave it to Deku, then he has to fill the space for father
-“It’s you.” Katsuki states solemnly.
-“W-what?” Izuku feels his heart in his mouth.
-“you’re the father.” She says.
-Izuku cries because he became a father and out of guilt because he doesn’t remember nor was he there for Katsuki
-Deku can’t get his memories back, but Katsuki has forgiven him, although he will always feel guilty about it
-“Do you really love me? Don’t you dare lie to me.” Both of them know Izuku can’t lie to her.
-“I do, I’ve loved you for so long, Kacchan, and I’ll make up for every second you thought I didn’t tenfold.” Izuku says with urgency
-there’s silence as Katsuki scrutinizes Deku’s answer with blazing red eyes before a small. “Ok.”
-Izuku cries again out of relief
-“Oh, by the way, your parents hate me.”
Part 1|Part 2|Part 2.5|pt 4|pt 5|pt 6
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jspenft · 2 years
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✧ PAIRING : Katsuki Bakugo / Izuku Midoriya / Shoto Todoroki x Fem♀ reader. (Thanks to @izukuisbaby for helping me with Sho's part-😭)
✧ AN : Supposed to b mix of headcanons and fic, but became stories for each. May be long, sorry. All characters are aged up. Not proofread. AN #2 : I feel like I write better for those I simp. So if you happen to read everything, guess who's my crush among these 3.
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🍉 Go mountaineering. He's a man of thrills, obviously he loves it.
🍉 Is initially reluctant when he proposes the idea to you, but automatically changes his behavior when notices the stars in your eyes. As trivial as things are, you love to learn more about the man you likes. He likes spicy food ? You train all night long to cook him the best mapo tofu he's ever eaten ! He like mountaineering ? You going there with him without hesitation !
🍉 Hours spent on the internet to learn about this sport. Wanting to impress him, and above all not to make mistakes.
🍉 So arrived at the store for purchase of equipment, you already know what to take.
" - So fleece clothes are here, windbreaker is done... you whisper to yourself Katsuki, did you take gloves ?
- Mmh, even in your favorite color.
- Okay, we have almost everything. you say, moving towards another aisle
- May I help you, miss ?
- Oh uh yes, I'm looking for a helmet. you respond to the salesman who popped up behind you
- You're lucky, I have this magnificent aerodynamic helmet. It's our far among popular model with cyclists and there're only a few copies left. I can also recommend these shorts and overshoes, very trendy among women.
Katsuki inwardly laughs at the salesman's tirade to restock you with a bunch of expensive and useless equipment, in order to fulfill his sales quota.
- Oh no, you must have misunderstood, I'm not a cyclist, but mountaineer. you answer cheerfully Besides, I would need a harness and a survival blanket.
- Oh um excuse me then, mountaineering equipment are on this side, follow me please. he pulls himself together
After a while, you have everything you need and let the salesman get back to his business. Katsuki returns, leaning on a shelf and crossing his arms, with more items in his bag.
- Well then, you seem to know your stuff. he smirk
- Yeah ! It's not complicated, you really have to be stupid not to know about that stuff. proudly assert yourself
After a few seconds of silence, he answers.
- You know that.. we have a common computer, don't you ?
- Yeah, why bringing that u-
- And I have access to the search history, right ? he cuts you off
You're trying to remember something incriminating you could have researched, when it hits you. Silence broken by your boyfriend again.
- That's it, remember ?
- I-
- « It's not complicated, you really have to be stupid not to know about that stuff. » he declares with a cheerful voice, imitating your way of speaking earlier.
- It's not what you think-
- Never said it's a bad thing. It was actually quite fun to read « everything you need to know about mountaineering » , « mountaineering for beginners in 5 steps », « best equipment-
- Ahh all right got it, it's embarrassing...
- « How to impress your lover »...
- I could die of shame right now... you whisper
- It's okay, sorry, just funny to see you like that. he continues after a silence But hey, given the number of searches, you must have spent hours and hours on it. I love that you try to impress me, but please think of yourself. I'll explain it to you properly, so don't worry, okay ? You'll always up to it.
His speech warms your heart.
- Okay Katsu, let's get the latest items and go to the checkout, yeah ? you answer with a light smile
- Sure thing. "
🍉 Groans during the journey, secretly hiding his joy at being able to share one of his passions with you.
🍉 Arrived at destination, fresh air hits your face, it's cold but so pleasant. Katsuki takes you aside from the group of apinists and asks you one last time if you're sure you want to do this. And you obviously answer in the affirmative.
🍉 Trainer explains the rules to everyone.
" - Well before starting, know that this is a beginners group. So for the more experienced, be sure to help others for their first time and be patient. As for the others, remember that mountaineering isn't climbing, it's an extreme sport, so be careful and attentive. We'll start after checking material, thanks for listening.
You turn back to Katsuki.
- Have everything in your backpack ?
- Of course I do, who do you think I am ? Even bring a first aid kit in case Madame is injured. He throws you a flick
- Ouch ! We won't even need it cause I'm strong enough. Look, I even took a compass ! you exclaim while chowing it
- Y/n... where's the North ?
- Well, it's here. you say pointing at your right
- What's the point of having a compass if you don't even know how to use it... Your sense of direction is still biased as I can see, sweet.
- Said the man that were looking for sugar in all kitchen cupboard for like 2 hours. Who has the worst sense of direction ? you smirk
- Hey, calm down you two trainer interrupt him finish tying the rope, we're leaving in 5 minutes.
- Tch, yes sirrr~ " he rumbles
🍉 As a mountaineering groupe, you're all attached to the same rope. Katsuki insists that you be in front of him. Then he can guide, help you, and watch your ass.
🍉 He admires your serious face, giving your all.
🍉 Arrived at mountain refuge, you both take a well-deserved rest.
" - I'm proud of you, but you didn't need to overwork yourself for today.
- Who said JUST for today ? you glare at him
- Uh ?
- I love mountaineering, and from now on, I want it to become a daily thing, for both of us. "
Bonus : two grandmothers gossiping :
" - See this young girl blushing over there ?
- Flirting in a store, young people these days... "
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🍉 Literally fuckin' everywhere.
🍉 Notes, takes a lot of notes. Have a notebook especially on the places you love to go to. Whether it's places he's already taken you to, or those you mention in the course of a conversation.
🍉 Tries to plan everything from a to z, is so focused that he becomes clumsy. So obviously, his mother notices.
" - Izuku, I'm glad you came to visit me, but could you please stop staring at your taiyaki like that.
He stops daydreaming and quickly raises his head
- Sorry mom, I was in my thoughts.
- Seriously, you've been very tense lately, a problem at work ?
- Oh no, don't worry, it's about Y/n.
- Y/n ? What's going on with my beautiful daughter in law ? she said smiling
- Mmh, we're going to spend our first vacation together and I don't know what to do… he said collapsing on the table
- She likes the beach, doesn't she ? Why don't you take her there ?
- Yeah, I already intended to...
- What's the matter then ?
- Beach is not enough, need other things, I just want it to be perfect.
Inko answers with a tender looks on her face
- You know, it's not a honeymoon or anything, just vacation. I know her very well, and no matter what you do, she'll like it. I'm sure just being with you is enough for her. Simple words, but words that a son needed to hear from his mother. Come on, tell me the activities you've already thought about doing with her, I'll help you.
- Oh that's good cause I just wrote everything down, so there's this place but I'm hesitating cause we've already been there once and I dunno if it's good for holidays, otherwise we could do that I know that she liked it last time, ah and also that [...] "
'And here we go again with his usual monologues...' she thought
🍉 Makes you breakfast in bed on first day of vacation. He's usually really caring, but now he's so attentive that you wonder if it's an important date that you forgot.
🍉 Of course not, it's neither your couple anniversary, nor your birthday either. He just wanted to mark the occasion, having been very busy with his work lately.
🍉 " - Izuuu, my feet hurttt. you moan Plus I need to go to the toil-
- There's still this shop, want me to carry you honey ?
- Yes plea- I mean no. We can go tomorrow, why'd you absolutely wanna go there now ?
- The day isn't over yet Y/n. Come on, I still have things to show y-
You suddenly let go of his hand.
- No, sorry but I really am tired. Can we do this another time ?
He looks at you intently, as if surveying the situation.
- Oh um.. I'm sorry. I was so happy we're spending time together that I didn't pay attention to what you really wanted... he confesses after realizing
You move closer and take his hands in yours.
- It's okay honey, all that matters is that you meant well.
Admiring each other's eyes, as if you were alone in the world. Until a thought brings you back to reality.
- But umm.. Can we go now ? I really wanna pee you confess by no longer holding up on your legs
- Oh sure, I'll carry you right away ! " he suddenly respond with a soft smile
🍉 At the end of the day, you give him a massage on his back (he loves it, don't tell me otherwise).
" - That's not fair, I had to take the lead today, and you ended up taking care of mee~ he pout
- You shouldn't have taken so much trouble for me, you idiot. "
🍉 He gave his all to prepare you the best vacation of your life. So much so that he became stressed. In the end, you still did some activities that he prepared for you. Apart from that, you both preferred to enjoy present moment.
🍉 Went to the sea, several times, especially cause you wanted to try all flavors of ice cream from the nearby ice-cream maker.
🍉 You managed to get movie tickets for the premiere of All Might's biographical movie. He cried. What a fanboy
🍉 He'll take you to the gym. Since when he's not at work, he's at the gym, you want to start sport to go there daily with him.
" - Arghhh, I can't take it anymore- you growl
- Come on Y/n one more rep, you can do it !
You thought you were going to suffer at gym, but not that much.
- You doing great honey, that was perfect !
- Perfect my ass you collapse on the floor I'm exhausted~
- Hehe here you go he hands you a bottle of water You mustn't flinch, I want to do my sport with you now
- Mmh thanks Izu
- Something bothering you ?
- Hum no, that's just.. you wave your hand come closer.
He leans over and you whisper in his ear.
- Don't you see girls over there watching us ? I mean, watching you ?
- Mmh ? Oh, it must be cause I'm kinda well-known. he touches his face looking a little embarrassed
- 'Or you just look attractive' you mumble
Yeah you mumble, but he understand, absolutely everything you just said. So he slowly approached, put his hand on your cheek, and kissed you.
- A few more series ? There's nothing MY wife can't do. " he declares with a soft smile quite loudly, not just for you, but as if he wants to be heard by women around him.
And you just sat here, amazed.
🍉 After going to the sea, cinema, gym; he listens to all your suggestions and takes you where you want. Fairground ? No problem, you may be adults, there is no age limit for having fun. You buy lots of sweets, so many you'll have to takes some home, so many that Izu give some to his colleagues at work. Katsuki told him several times he doesn't like sweets, but ate them anyway.
🍉 In short, no pressure. He learned not to stress out trying to please you. You just both enjoy the moment.
Bonus : returning from the gym :
" - Did you really call me "my wife" earlier ?
- No, I mean yeah, but it was on impulse and-
- Hope you'll take your responsibilities and truly call me your wife then. you smirk leaving him in the bedroom
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🍉 Fancy locations.
🍉 He sends you a message to ask you to wear something nice for tonight. At first you're taken aback 'cause you weren't thinking of moving today. Indeed, lying in your pajamas in your bed watching TV, you're not really ready to go outside. But then you're pretty happy that he's asking you to go out, so you answers him 'Of course ! Can't wait for 2night❤️' with a smile on your face.
🍉 The evening, you find yourself a little disconcerted.
" - A costume, and a restaurant ?
- Yeah, don't you like it ?
- Yes ! I just thought we were going to have a picnic. Well... I'm going to look ridiculous in this little summer dress in a 5 star restaurant...
- Why this ? You are very beautiful in this dress.
- If you say so... "
🍉 In the middle of the meal you felt a little uncomfortable, with this impression that everyone is watching you. You even came to wonder if he was not going to ask you out, I mean in marriage, why put so much effort for a simple date otherwise ?
🍉 But no, nothing at all, you just went home afterwards. Not that you actually expected him to propose to you but. And the following days, the same. He takes you to a fancy place, you expect something, but in fact nothing happens.
🍉 Every time you offer him a simple activity or outing, he says he has a better idea in mind.
🍉 Shoto notices after a while that you don't like these outings that much.
He needs advice.
But his friends from high school promo say so many different things that he no longer knows where to turn.
" - Dance lessons ! Here you go, it's a good activity to do as a couple. Besides, it would be so funny to see you dancing !
- No Mina ! A date at restaurant, that's what he need ! It's so romanticc~ answers Toruu
Girls continue to debate, as if the principal concerned no longer exists.
- Huh, it's just vacation, right..? Question meant for his friends, but Shoto talks more to himself at this point. Plus I already do date restaurant... he mumbled
🍉 Was initially asking for some advice on where he could take you on vacation. Then girls jumped on him so excited to help him. In the end, they're more debating on the best date than helping him with his vacation...
🍉 They didn't help him at all, all their words were mixed up in his head. So he decided to turn to a better person, the one he's sure will be of good help : Fuyumi<3
" - Wich places could you take Y/n ?
- Yeah, she looked so happy to finally be on vacation, but I don't know where to take her. I think i screwed up.
Indeed, he didn't really think about it. But it was by seeing ads on TV, billboards, and couples in the street that he realized it. Holidays are significant in a couple
- What if you just ask her ? Don't take it so seriously. " she smiled
🍉 He now has clearer ideas thanks to his sister. And can finally talk to you.
" - You know, it's not that I didn't like the outings you prepared for me. It was just.. too much.
His face relaxes, as if he had finally found the solution to an enigma still unsolved. Sooo...
- Where would I like to go on vacation ? Mmh.. where you wanna go !
- Huh... he makes his usual stoic face
- W-what, did I say something wrong ? Oh, that doesn't help you at all, does it ? you answer looking sheepish
- Exactly...
- Well, where did you go when you were little ?
- Little... he whispers to himself
- Ah, don't answer if it makes you uncomfortable !
- No do not worry. Uh, we used to go to the temple, and... Matsuri..? he responds like he's not sure
- Perfect, that's what we'll do then !
- That's all ? he seems disconcerted I mean, I thought vacations were important to you.
- And it is, I want to learn more about you, and share the things you aspire to. you share a wonderful smile
🍉 Soo, cultural places
🍉 In the town next door, a Matsuri, a famous Japanese festival, was taking place. You definitely go there. It's so simple, but seeing your face so happy makes his heart feel better.
🍉 Between food stalls and rifle shooting, you had no time to get bored. It was really something you wanted to do at least once in your life.
🍉 You both go to the temple. You usually go there very little, more at New Years. But Shoto comes from a traditional family, so obviously he goes there a lot more often.
🍉 Before leaving, come the time to write a wish on a wooden plaque, the ema.
" - What did you write ?
- I can't say that Y/n.
- I know.. have a sense of humor.. you pout
After a short silence he continues
- ... What did you write ? he pout too
you answers with a smirk
- Someone gets nosy too.
Bonus : Girls after talking for hours :
" - And you Shoto what d'you think ? ...Shoto ?
- He's been gone for a long time. " replied Tsuyu
Yes, he slipped away in the middle of their conversation.
Tumblr media
© jspenft 2022 : do not plagiarize, steal, contort, copy, or translate my content to other platforms.
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How would a double date go between—
a) Spike/Gojo 🤝 Katsuki/Victor
b) Spike/Gojo 🤝 Kobayashi/Tooru
c) all three of those pairings together 😂
all three of them + Saiki’s parents
*cackles at the pure potential of chaotic energy*
I chose C, final answer
It may not be what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy!
And Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳
Victor took in a deep breath and shook out his limbs to loosen himself up. Today was it, he was going on another date with his dear Yuuri! Oh, it felt like ages since he last saw his darling angel!
(He literally just talked to him 3 minutes ago.)
But not only that, he was going on a triple date! A triple date with Yuuri's friends! That latter was actually the one to suggest it!
Last Week
"Hey, Victor?"
Victor looked up from the TV and gave a pearly, white smile to the gorgeous creature of a boyfriend, "Yes Yuuri?"
"I was wondering," Yuuri's cheeks went red under his glasses, and Victor just wanted to squeal at the sight, "um, you know about my friends? The ones I meet when traveling outside of Hasetsu?"
"I do." He was able to recall those times because Yuuri was so animated when telling Victor about these wonderful friends of his that meet when traveling around Japan.
"Well, some of them just so happened to travel here, apparently to surprise me," Yuuri let out an embarrassed chuckle as he ducked his head, "One thing lead to another, and I was wondering if you… wantedtogoonatripledatewiththem?!"
Victor had to take a mental pause at the sudden word vomit, "What?"
Yuuri peeked at him, producing such an adorable expression, and started again, "Do you want to go on a triple date with them? They want to be able to meet you and they have brought their own significant others with them, and, well…"
Victor didn't even let him finish that sentence as he lunged over and trapped Yuuri in a bear hug, pulling him down with him into the couch with a thump. His darling yelped in shock with his face turning into a deeper shade of red. The silver haired man buried his nose into the crook of his boyfriend's neck and just squeezed tightly.
"Of course I would want to!" He exclaimed happily after he pulled back a gaze in Yuuri's warm, brown eyes.
Said eyes widened, "Really?!"
"Yes Yuuri! We get to go on a date and I get to meet some of your friends you've been telling me about, it's a win-win!"
He watched as the surprise on Yuuri's face melted into pure joy, one that he wished would stay on his boyfriend's beautiful and handsome face, "Thank you! I promise you'll love them!"
"Can't wait!" The two embraced again, but of being at such a weird angle on the couch, they both fell off, causing both of them to laugh.
Present Day
And so here he was, adjusting his white turtleneck that complimented his brown dress pants and dress shoes. Once done with that, Victor also made sure his hair was at top performance.
"These are Yuuri's friends! First impressions are always important! And tonight I'll show them that Yuuri means the world to me!" Victor triumphantly thought to himself, already imagining how tonight will play out.
But that was going to have to wait as the doorbell rang, pulling Victor out of his fantasies.
"Ah! They're here already?! I swear Gojo!" From the bathroom Victor could hear Yuuri grumble under his breath before shouting out, "Victor! Can you get the door please?"
"As you wish." The flustered groan that came after that was worth it as he flew out of the room with his boyfriend calling out, "I should have never shown you that movie!"
Letting out a laugh, Victor strutted his way to the door, making sure he was still presentable.
"Alright Victor, show time!" He smiled to himself as he straightened up, twisted the knob, and opened the door wide.
"Hello! You must be Yuuri's friends!" Is what he is saying with his TV smile, but it almost faltered at the sight of a singular man.
Victor suddenly felt inadequate.
Standing in front of him was a man that was clearly five centimeters taller than him. But that wasn't the issue. The issue was that this man was good-looking, making Victor confused in more ways than one. The man black dress shoes, dark purple dress pants, a light blue collar shirt with the first two buttons undone showing off some of his chest, and dark sunglasses. And his skin? It was flawless! And the hair that was on top of his head, was that natural?! The spikey locks fell down softly, framing his dazzling face and was pure white as the snow back home.
Victor was still, and always will be, fiercely loyal to Yuuri. But at that moment, the air in his lungs had left the building.
"Ah! And you must be Victor!  one that managed to capture our dear friend's heart!" That captivating man exclaimed jovially.
His voice… no fair.
But Victor managed to collect himself and look at the man directly in his sunglasses-covered eyes, "Ah, but if anything, he had captured mine! I don't know how I got so lucky!"
A smirk played on the other man's lips, "To be happily snared away, that I can relate to."
He suddenly stepped to the side to reveal a man at his own one hundred and eighty-five centimeter height with messy black hair*, a blue leisure suit with a yellow shirt and blue boots. He had such a lanky frame that Victor wondered if this man had eaten before coming here. But it worked well with the sharp features of his face and olive skin, especially with the nonchalant expression he was sporting.
The taller man then draped his arm upon his shoulder and then pointed to himself, "I'm Satoru Gojo! But please do call me Gojo as it makes it easier to discern my twin and I. And this lovely lean bean of mine is Spike Spiegel!"
The man, Gojo, then reached down with his free hand, grasped Spike's closest hand, and kissed the top of it.
The latter didn't react beyond a small smile before patting the former's cheek with it, "Come on now, save that for later."
The deep, yet light tone of his voice was definitely not something of this world. That's what Victor at least thought.
The white haired man pouted, "But how am I supposed to express my love to you?!"
"With words."
Gojo gave a mock gasp as he turned back to Victor, "Did you hear him?! Words?! How can words even begin to cover how wonderful he is? They can't!"
Victor felt himself relating to that sentence, but watched in fascination at the dramatic display of Gojo poking Spike's cheek, who did nothing more than hum. They… are an interesting duo for sure. Yuuri told him how these two love to play up the dramatics, Gojo mostly, and both love to get on people's nerves. But the way they were looking at each other, it was as though they were lost souls who found solidarity in each other and would do anything to stay together. A love as strong as that was comparable to his and Yuuri's love.
(Unless Victor had anything to say about it.)
"So you're Gojo and Spike! Yuuri has told me so much about you!" Victor said, deciding to make small talk.
"Good things I hope!"
"Gojo, that's setting the bar pretty high, don't you think?"
"Oh my milky way, you never cease to carve into my heart with that blunt knife of yours."
"I aim to please."
Victor was about to comment again when he heard a growl coming from behind the two men. All three looked to see a woman with long blonde hair with faded tips of orange and pink tied up into twin tails and sharp brown eyes. He said sharp because the woman clad in a pink, short sleeve dress with elevated white sandals was staring at all of them as if she was trying to set them on fire and had another, woman he was guessing, in a death bear hug.
"Tohru, I know you love me and I love you too, but I would like to be able to breathe please." The trapped woman in a white collar shirt underneath a light beige sweater with green pants and flats, stated that so calmly, this must be a daily occurrence.
"Oh, sorry!" The other woman, Tohru, released her quickly, clasping her hands in front of her, "But you know that if anyone is the best partner, it's you Kobayashi!"
The now named Kobayashi, who wore round frame glasses and had light brown hair tied into a ponytail, shook her head, "While I am flattered, please refrain from strangling me to death again."
"But what if I wanna hug you?!"
"We've gone over this, just ask me."
Kobayashi's raised an eyebrow as Tohru gave her the puppy dog eyes.
"...Can I hug you? Please?
The spectacled woman sighed, but held her arms out wide. Tohru immediately clinged to her like no tomorrow. Victor took note of their interaction too. Tohru was easily excited, and educationally guessing overprotective. While on the surface it seems that Kobayashi just tolerates her, it was clear that she loved the eccentric woman in her own way, even if it's not so obvious to the naked eye.
"I'm pretty sure you have already guessed but that's Kobayashi and Tohru." Spike stated calmly.
"Sorry about dropping in so soon." Kobayashi stated with Tohru's arms encircled around her, "We thought Gojo texted Yuuri saying we'll be here at 5:30. Imagine our surprise when we found out he "accidentally" sent him the wrong time." She hissed the last part through her teeth, to which Gojo gave an innocent grin.
"You put Gojo in charge of a task, this shouldn't be surprising in the slightest." Spike shrugged.
"Said the enabler."
"Hey, I'm not an enabler! I'm his partner in crime, which is a big difference!"
"Why did the universe allow you two to meet?"
"Because it was bored and wanted us to bring havoc upon the world!" Gojo cheered.
"...Ugh, I give up."
Gojo and Spike high five each other as Kobayashi looked so done and Tohru was once again trying to burn the duo with her eyes. Victor, while pleasantly surprised that none of them were Celebrity Struck at the sight of him, could only look back and forth between the two pairs and wonder how did Yuuri fit into all of this?
"Won't you come inside?" He sidesteps to make way for them.
"Ah, yes! Thank you!" Gojo pulled Spike into the Katsuki residence as Tohru did the same with Kobayashi.
As he closed the door, Victor found himself face to face with Spike, who was regarding him carefully. Gojo was apparently talking to Tohru and Kobayashi, leaving the other man free.
He didn't say anything for a good minute before leaning up against a nearby wall, "Victor Nikiforov, right?"
The Russian skater nodded, felt his heart beat faster under the scrutinizing gaze.
"You've been taking care of Yuuri?"
He nodded faster this time, "I have."
"And he's been taking care of you?"
Victor felt the heat rise to his cheeks, "The other skaters like to joke that Yuuri is dating and babysitting me at the same time."
He scratched his cheek in embarrassment as Spike just blinked at him.
"And what you risk to may sure that he's not only safe, but also happy?"
Such a deep question coming from such a blase man caught Victor off guard, but he remedied that by stating a single word without thinking.
Spike still didn't make any sudden moves or emotions at first, but he then gave a small nod and said, "Good."
Victor willed himself to slow his heart rate, feeling slightly better after passing that test. Though he knew there were still more to come. Just then, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching closer at the end of the hall. He walked over to get a good look and he was not disappointed in the slightest.
Yuuri's raven hair was slicked back, the warm lights of the house glinting off it radiantly, but he still wore his glasses, making him look both professional and adorable. His skin was also beautiful as it was fair and unblemish almost making Victor have bedroom thoughts. Yuuri also had on a white collar shirt with a blue tie and black dress pants. He felt himself fall for Yuuri all over again as he got to gaze into his warm eyes again. The smile that was given to him made Victor melt.
But then when Yuuri's eyes landed on the rest of the party, a bigger grin broke out on his face.
Kobayashi smiled, Spike gave a two finger salute, and Gojo only lifted his arms up in front of him in silence. And then with speeds that Victor had only seen him execute on the ice, Yuuri ran towards them, only to suddenly LEAP OFF FROM THE GROUND AT THEM?!?!
Thank god that Gojo was there to catch him and Victor went on to watch the tall man spin Yuuri around in a tight hug before setting him down, with both Spike and Kobayashi following close behind. The former didn't hug him, but patted Yuuri on the back while Kobayashi embraced the ice skater from the front.
They all started talking animatedly to each other, asking the usual 'How have you been?' questions and what not, with Yuuri jokingly punching Gojo's shoulder saying, "You should have given me the right time! I was barely ready!"
"But then that ruins the whole point of this being a surprise!" The taller man sang, making Yuuri jokingly punch his shoulder again.
Victor watched in awe how seamlessly Yuuri was brought out of his shell and slotted into the group like a perfect puzzle piece. The witty banter, inside jokes, and overall ease of the atmosphere between the four of them was startling. The Russian skater had never seen his boyfriend this hyper before. Even when Yuuri got excited, there was always a mellow aura about him. But now? Now Victor was watching his boyfriend pretending to be a knight protecting the damsel-in-distress Kobayashi from the wicked king and queen Spike and Gojo.
"I was surprised too." Victor almost leapt back in shock to see Tohru standing next to him with a soft expression, "I saw that look on your face. I had a similar experience too. Back when I met them for the first time, Kobayashi also became a totally different version of herself, and to be honest, I got jealous."
Victor could imagine, but he still asked, "Really?"
"I… may or may not have threatened to rip off one of their faces if they try to steal Kobayashi from me. Fujinuma, if I recall correctly." Tohru had the decency to look ashamed.
"But when I actually got to know them, I realized that these people are important to her, and they make her happy," Tohru smiled quietly at her significant other, "And when she's happy, then I'm happy. Plus now that I got to see her from another angle, they're good for her, aren't they?"
Victor turned back to the group, watching Yuuri laugh at something Kobayashi said. He felt a natural smile grace his lips as the light around his boyfriend truly made him look like an angel.
"But look at my Kobayashi funny and you have a whole problem to deal with, got it?" She suddenly growled and bared her teeth like they were fangs.
Victor did feel slightly threatened, so he nodded quickly, "Loud and clear."
"Guess I was right about the overprotective part."
"But of course my Kobayashi is the most wonderful one out of all of them." She declared boldly.
Victor took a pause, before chuckling, "I'm afraid that's where you're wrong my dear, my Yuuri is the most wonderful one."
She side eyed him, "Is that a challenge?"
The two then made full eye contact as they stared down each, not backing down in the name of their loved one.
"I believe so." Victor said lowly as there was a crackle of lightning between them.
"Hold up!" The two suddenly pulled from their staring contest and found Gojo to be looking at them as if they lost it, "I don't mean this in any offense, seeing that Kobayashi and Yuuri are both my friends. However, this is where I have to counterpoint that… both of you are wrong and my stardust is the most wonderful one!"
When Gojo made a grand and dramatic gesture to his own boyfriend, Victor knew that he and Tohru had the same thought.
"Oh, it's on!"
"Gojo, don't go making things in a competition."
"What Kobayashi said, I don't think we can handle another one of those."
"Even I have to agree, let's just enjoy the night, okay?" Spike came up to his boyfriend and gave a lazy grin.
"Even in your honor?"
"Even in my honor skylight." The lanky man then gave Gojo a peck on the cheek and then led him through the door, "Now come on, there's a reservation and hot pot with our names on it!"
"That's not until 6, so we might as well sightsee since we have the time."
"Which is why you should be thanking me!" Gojo crowed to Kobayashi, who linked arms with Tohru.
"Never going to happen."
As the white haired man groaned in fake disappointment, Victor and Yuuri, who was still getting his shoes on, were the only ones left inside.
"So?" Yuuri asked nervously, glancing at between him and the door of where the group had exited, "I know they can be a bit much when meeting them for the first time, but what's your opinion on them?"
Victor had only taken a second to really think about it before giving his boyfriend a side hug and giving his own kiss on the cheek, "They're good for you. All of them are keepers."
Yuuri lit up like a roman candle and gave a kiss back in return, "Thanks, that means the world to me."
Victor felt the whole room warm up at the sight and sound of Yuuri being full of joy. He knew he was an aspect of Yuuri's life, one that he hoped would last forever, but now seeing the laughter and smiles Yuuri gained when he was around his friends, then Victor wasn't going to complain in the slightest.
"Though Kobayashi does sound awfully a lot like your sister."
"Oh she knows. She uses it to her advantage."
Even though Victor felt like there was some kind of hidden meaning behind those words, he couldn't help but chuckle alongside Yuuri.
"Now come on, if we don't leave now, Gojo and Spike will get into trouble."
Victor laughed louder this time, "Oh come on, they can't be that bad."
Yuuri paused through the doorway, turned back to him, and said point blank, "You know those two accidentally robbed a bank, right?"
His smile faltered, "Wait, what?"
"Kidding!" Yuuri smirked and Victor reminded himself to breathe, almost having an aneurysm at the idea of Yuuri being friends with a pair of criminals, "But no, seriously, we have to go otherwise they will get into trouble. Accidentally or otherwise."
Victor couldn't tell if his boyfriend was joking or not this time but he threw on his jacket and held Yuuri's hand as they stepped outside. The rest of the group was waiting for them, though it seems that Gojo and Tohru were ready to go toe to toe with each other.
As Victor watched Yuuri join Kobayashi and Spike to play mediator,  with the warmth from his hand and the light radiating from the fond smile that the former wore on his face, he thought, "Yeah, they're good for you Yuuri. And it seems that you're good for them too."
Victor wasn't sure what sort of memories would be created on this night, but at this moment, he was going to treasure every bit of it.
*The reason why some of they have different hair and or eye colors is because they would be considered abnormal in Yuuri's world and they don't want people to ask questions/draw attention to themselves.
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||Caught within the trapped cells: part 5||
Hi there dears. I think I can try to add another chapter to this little mini drabble series today. Again, this is heavily focused on the inmates and officers so I hope you like. Also, the one reason I couldn't decide who to write next was thanks to writer's block. I was stuck on who to write for next. Though, I got stuck on who was next: Either being Terry and Sai, Ink and Denji, Yuji/Megumi/Kisho etc. But I guess I'll make a choice now. So! How about we give some love for Denji and Ink! They are next! <3
~~Chapters so far~~
First Cell: Officer Katsuki and Inmate vanguard
Second Cell: Officer Mills and Inmate Vin-Shia
Third Cell: Officer Nakano and Inmate Seon
Forth Cell: Officer Davion and inmate Knight
((Your reading chapter 5))
||Drabble Summary||
The officers were falling faster now to the pools of pleasure since Davion fell thanks to Rust. Now we move on during this event with morning coming again. Seems another pair is spotted. Who is next? Read to find out.
~Strong Sexual NSFW warning ((This is going to be present in all the chapters. If your under 18: Do Not READ!))
~Rough play
~Dom and Sub play
~demon corrupting an officer
~Chapters will or could be really long
||Muses in this drabble||
Van Ink the dragon and some others that will show in later chapters belong to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths
While Denji Hayakawa is a muse that's from the anime series Chainsaw Man along with some others that will show in later chapters are from their anime shows but also to me due to having them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please. Also as I warned: This will have heavy sexual themed content. If your under 18, please don't read. Thanks for understand and enjoy.))
The night carries on but it seems like most things are calm again. As morning comes about, the area was still in lockdown. Some of the officers were worried seeing that four officers were gone but it seems something must have happened.
"Now what do we do? I don't see Bakugo, Rex, Davion, or Nakano. Do you think something happened?" Kisho was worried looking at the others that remain seeing this. Some was unsure on what to say about it but they were trying to figure out how much longer it was going to be before the lockdown was over. However, they were wondering what happened to the others?
"Alright, I got through. I'm going to check how much longer we have before the lockdown is over.." officer Winter checks while looking worried only to see it was...reset? "Huh?"
'Lock down has increased due to inmates trying to break out or provoke the timer.'
"Oh damn it!" she said. "Were still trapped in here." she said seeing some more nervous now. Given this ideal, we don't know what could happen now." Winter sees her team worried with some others not sure of what is happening.
"Calm down. As long as we stay focused we will be okay. We just need to be sure we stick together during the day.." Ryunosuke said but he knew this was bad. Given how violent the lower inmates are..even his own charge Matt. He'll have to check on him later.
"Well, we will be sure to do that. For now, what do we do? We can't get through to Mr. Henderson right because of this?" Izuku said.
"I don't know but for now, lets just focus on what we can do." he said as everyone else nods going to their posts for now. However, that's when the main four was going to return later that morning.
During that time later on, Rex did return along with Nakano, Bakugo, Davion, and Yuuka who were tired but the four were already corrupted thanks to what happened that night.
"Hey, you four are alright! What happened?" Denji asked but Rex sighed to look at him.
"We are fine. Lets just say we were trying to calm something down last night..but it's taken care of." he said with arms crossed.
"Y..Yeah, we are okay.." Yuuka said even if she was looking a bit tense now. But she was trying not to show it.
"Well, whatever happened you guys are safe so that's good." Denji said but Bakugo grumbles not saying too much. "Well, how about you four take a break or off for now-"
"Were fine. WE will continue our work but you guys can give me updates on what happened." he said seeing them doing that. However, Yuuka was quiet but she looks flushed. Why did Oblivion have to give her this for a punishment till tonight?
~~~~~~~~~Back to this early morning~~~~~~~~
"Good girl. You did well last night." Oblivion was sitting up petting her head but Yuu was dazed as she was shaking from what she went through. Her body never expected such a feeling of pleasure before that now she was hoping to get more. Oblivion noticed but she only sees her reaching that she takes her hand.
"I know, I know. It felt good and you want to feel it again right?" she asked seeing Yuu nod. "Well, how about this? I'll give you something and if your able to behave; I'll give you more...how about it?"
"R...You woul..would? Then w..what...i..is it.." she asked but sees something in Oblivion's hand. A vibrator.
So now she had to have this inside of her while Oblivion was messing with the settings to see if she can behave herself. For now, Yuuka was okay even if she was holding back her whimpers feeling a bit wet. She had to get through this before tonight. She just hopes no one else notices.
For now, everything was quiet for now but it leaves Bakugo grumbling that he was keeping his end of the deal if he wanted more of the dragon. "Hey Denji!"
"...I think you should do guard duty with the inmate today. I'm..going to take a break for now after all this crazy shit."
"Ha?! Why? Scared that she'll drain you dry or something-"
"NO! I'm tired from last night so take over! Just don't do anything stupid." he said but Denji was confused seeing Bakugo heading to his quarters to rest.
"What was that all about.." he mutters but he knew Bakugo was flushed since he was hiding his heated expression. He did want to feel more but he would have to wait for now since he gave his word to get Denji to her. Get him to take over guarding Ink so she can corrupt him next. When getting to his room, he quickly locks the door and goes to sit. He was already hard thinking about her that he begins trying to calm down while looking down.
"Damn it..d..damn it.." he groans now stroking himself. He was going to be busy right now as the day keeps on going like nothing happened. True the inmates were to stay in their cells till the lockdown was over but some was still planning a way to get out or some catching their officers to play with. Four were already taken but another will be added as Denji was given the task of watching Ink for Bakugo or having his turn.
"Hey, you doing alright in there Vanguard. You seem happy this morning." Denji said by her cell door but she hums slightly to look at the door.
"No worries, I'm good. Just bored since were stuck in our cells because of this lockdown thing. How long till it gets broken?" she asked.
"Well, we still have a while due to another inmate trying to break it...so were still stuck in here." He sighed even if Ink smiled without Denji seeing it. Seems like this might work for her.
"I see. Well, that means we can hang out right, Officer Hayakawa?" she asked seeing him blink to look at her from his shoulder.
"Uhhhh hang out?"
"yeah, just hanging out and having fun! I heard from Bakugo you always like to have fun around here...right?" she sees Denji think about it even if that's true. He tends to do a few things to bring some fun in this place.
"I mean yeah, I don't mind that..but what are you getting at?" he asked.
"Ohhhh nothing. I just wanna have a little fun." Ink said smiling to him that Denji was silent to look at her seeing the Dragon sitting there in the cell looking at him. What was she planning here?
"Listen you, that's not allowed. I don't know what your going for but you better behave." Denji stays true to himself and keeps looking ahead. Their was no way he would lose to her and her cute looks. This got Ink thinking but remembering what Bakugo told her.
Even if Denji is known for his strength and keeping to his job, he's weak against cuties like her. Even better knowing she had the cutest features. Even if she was a woman, he still had to stay focused!
"Come on can't we hang out a little and have some fun?" Ink asked again that Denji sighed.
"Listen, I told you that's not allowed. You either behave or I'll be sure you get sent to.." as he turns to face her he tenses to see what was in front of him. Ink was right in front of him but she smiled tilting her head while gazing upon his face.
"You sure we can't play a little?" she asked softly to touch his cheek that Denji already feels her petting his head. Even showing he was seriously cute. He blushed red seeing up close she was cute.
"I..I umm.."
"Hmmm? What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" she teased. She reaches to poke his lips gently but as she did that, Denji moves away only for her to turn his head back and pulls him down to kiss him.
"Mffm!?" He twitched feeling the kiss but he grips her shoulders feeling Ink kissing him. She only blushed from the kiss that she even feels his hands shaking now. Her lips were really soft and it felt really nice.
She and him remains close kissing one another before she breaks the kiss panting softly against them. Her grey eyes were glowing to grip his uniform shirt to chuckle.
"You seem speechless....wanna another one?" she asked but he only panted to squeeze her shoulders but she only stops to back up. But Denji didn't let go to kiss her neck that made Ink shiver a little. His lips were warm against her skin that he was nuzzling and kissing her neck that he accidently bit her skin. She tenses feeling sharp teeth bite her but he felt his eyes widen.
Drops of her blood was tasted on his tongue that he shook.
'W..wait...her blood....no way..it tastes so warm, soothing, and smooth....like a creamy treat and creamy soda...s..so good..' he thought while pulling back licking where he bit her. Ink only shivers to grip the uniform more but she only feels him about to pull her closer that she pulls his head from her shoulder to look at him.
"Come on Denji...why not come inside and have some fun..I won't bite...You can play with me all you like...and even have your fun.." she said seeing Denji only blushing worse. He could see her appearance to make him shake. She was standing there showing off but her body was pressed up against the cell bar door that he even saw her boobs showing to him.
"......" yeah, it was getting hard to when it comes to cute girls, Ink was one hot girl. Maybe he could get a-No no no! But he was going to reach to squeeze them but he shook trying to resist. Her lips were soft and she already was a tempting tease! That's not fair.
"......." The taste of her blood still remains on his tongue but he shook only to try shaking it off. Being quick, he was about to but stops to calm himself down.
"I..I can't..it's not right I.....damn it.." turning away he rushes off to take a break from his post leaving Ink. She sees him leave but she licked her lips with glowing silver eyes.
'So Bakugo was right..he's seriously cute....really cute..' she thought. "I almost had him...maybe a more physical move would have worked." she thought.
Later that afternoon, Denji was trying to get what happened out of his head but some other officers were unsure if he was okay.
"Uhhh Denji? You okay-"
"I'm good!" he said quickly to startle Kisho who had Rioto near by hearing this.
"Maybe he's sick.." he said holding a tray for his lunch but Denji only looks ahead holding a fork. The other claws wonder if he was alright but Bakugo knew or he was the only one that knew what was going on., He did guard Ink so she might have pulled a move on him. For now, others were quiet trying to stay calm even Officer brooks and Officer Niguredo who saw Yuuka remain quiet while eating her food even if she was flushed pink, legs squirming a bit thanks to it.
"...." Both were unsure if she was okay but they remain quiet to hope she was.
"Anyway, we should be fine. Lets just finish up lunch and get back to places." Ryu said but seeing that many nods only to keep on eating. However, he was still concerned about Matt he did check on him but saw he was resting up. Maybe later he'll recheck on him again. As for Denji, he was lost thinking about Ink again but he was getting excited wanting to feel and taste her more.
Oh boy, this was going to be hard.
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martian-writes · 11 months
They Fell in Love in October
Emi Through Katsuki's and Izuku's eyes.
Chapter 5: Epilogue
"Kacchan hurry up" Izuku yells
"I'm hurrying!" Katsuki yells back
They were late. Not unusual for them but they really did want to be on time. They promised Emi they would be, but here they are.
Running late.
"KATSUKI BAKUGO" Izuku yells sternly
Beside Izuku their children giggles, Izuku glances at them. A little girl and boy
The girl age four and the boy age 8. They had children through a surrogate, they had found a medical procedure that was able to combine both Katsuki's DNA and Izuku's. These babies are 100% theirs. The surrogate was in a sense just an incubator, she is lovely woman, Katsuki called her kinky.
She liked being a surrogate because she liked being pregnant; she just didnt want to have to raise the babies herself.
"See. Kinky" Katsuki said after she explained.
Anyways she helps them have two beautiful children.
Emiko or Emi for short (Yes they did name their kid after their best friend shut up she has done so much for them). Emiko is a spitting of image of Katsuki, blonde hair, red sharp eyes. The only difference is freckles dust her cheeks. While she may look like Katsuki, she is Izuku all the way, kind, sweet and senstive.
Itsuki the boy (yes they did the clichè combining their names thing leave them alone) copy and paste of Izuku, minus the freckles attitude? Full on Katsuki Bakugo. He is Katsuki's karma for being a brat as child and he swears it. Because Itsuki is /only/ sweet to one of his parents and while it's not Katsuki, he is a sour patch kid really.
When the couple were discussing starting a family, Emi had offered to be their surrogate. Hitoshi was fine with it and while couple was more than happy that Emi had offered.
They couldn't ask that of her, she had done so much for them already. Had it not been for Emi the pair knew for sure they wouldn't be here today. Emi has been nothing but their greatest supporter and defender.
They could never repay her.
Plus Emi had just had little Benji that would have been too much to ask of her.
"Auntie Emi is gonna be disappointed Papa!" Emiko yells
"I'm coming you brat!" Katsuki yells back running down the stairs holding a small box wrapped perfectly "I found it!"
As Katsuki walks toward his husband and kids, he trips. On what? Itsuki's skateboard is strategically placed in the middle of the room.
See? Katsuki's karama.
Itsuki cannot hold his laughter, hunching over and clutching his sides
"Suki!" Izuku says sternly causing the boy to stand up straight "I thought I told you to put your board away?"
Itsuki swallows and nods, quickly scrambling to grab the board and put in a less harmful place. Izuku doesn't even have to say Itsuki runs to his father and hugs him.
"Sorry papa," he mutters.
See? Sour patch kid.
Katsiki ruffles his son's hair "it's fine".
For a brief moment the family forgets that they have someplace to be.
"WE GOTTA GO!" Izuku yells in a panic "oh goodness how does Emi /even/ deal with us"
Bless her heart.
"She has been for /years/ now it'd be pointless to get rid if us now" Katsuki replies
Bless her heart.
She watched them be gay disasters for months. MONTHS. Before they actually got their shit together and got together.
She was there for their first big fight and reminded them why they loved each other so much to start with.
She was there when Katsuki drunkenly proposed and Izuku threw up on him from nerves and too much to drink.
Emi was there when Katsuki did it right and when Izuku cried yes.
Emi was there all through the wedding planning, through Izuku's tears when the planning became too much.
Emi was the one who gave Izuku away because his dad refused to come and his mom passed years ago.
Emi was there when Itsuki was born and  when Emiko was too.
Emi is there when they need help. She is such a big part of their lives, where would they be without her?
"In a ditch, dead probably" Hitoshi would say.
And he isn't even wrong.
Katsuki and Izuku are disasters.
They owe Emi. And how do they repay her? By being late to her anniversary party, some best friends they are.
They are supposed to be there on time because it's like a whole nother wedding just smaller.
Izuku is Hitoshi's best man and Katsuki is Emi's man of honor and these idiots are late. All because Katsuki misplaced their gift for the couple.
Technically it's not a gift, Hitoshi wanted to give Emi a custom ring for their anniversary. He commissioned Katsuki's company to make it. See he is going to ask her to marry him again.
Izuku cried when Hitoshi told them and Katsuki would take it to his grave but as he designed the ring he teared up.
The little family makes it to the venue as soon as they step foot into the place their kids run off to say hi to everyone. Hitoshi appears out of nowhere scaring Izuku half to death
"Where the hell have you two been?" He questions
"Blame Kacchan" Izuku says
"Oi! Not just me your damn brats too"
Izuku laughs "oh now they're mine?"
Hitosho rolls his eyes before leaning closer "Do you have the /goods/?"
"This aint a drug deal" Katsuki scoffs "But of-fucking- course i do"
Katsuki digs into his pocket pulling out a black velvet box. Hitoshi takes the box as if he drops it and the box and what's inside will break.
Hitoshi shakely opens the box, inside is a silver ring encrusted with aquamarine gems and in the center of the ring a blue topaz diamond. On the inside of the ring is their original marriage date.
Hitoshi wanted the ring to represent their children because they are products of their love. Aquamarine for Benji and blue topaz for Shoji.
Hitoshi looks up and his dark purple eyes are wet with tears
"Thankyou" he breathes "Its beauitful Katsuki"
Katsuki shrugs with his ears turning pink "It was nothing" Katsuki looks toward where Emi is squatting down talking to Emiko and Itsuki. "Anything for her"
There's fondness in his voice and love that will never die. Katsuki still loves Emi and he always will, it's a different type of love though. He knows that he'd do anything for her in the same way she would for him.
Hitoshi pockets the rings just as Emi makes her way over.
"Finally! You guys would be late to your own funeral I swear!" She laughs
Izuku pulls her into a tight hug and kisses her temple "Kacchan's fault him and his gremlins"
"Hah??? My gremlins???" Katsuki shouts pulling his husband off his best friend "Get off her. She is /my/ best friend yours is right there"
Katsuki nods toward Hitoshi before engulfing Emi in a really tight hug. Katsuki hugged her as if he hadn't seen her in years, he always hugs her like that. It started the night he admitted he was in love with Izuku.
Sometimes Katsuki cant believe that was so long ago, sometimes it feels like yesterday.
Emi pats Katsuki back and laughs "Please stop calling my angels of a niece and nephew gremlins"
Katsuki scoffs "You don't even know what Itsuki did to me before we left"
"No I know" she laughs "Emiko told me. You need to pay attention. Itsuki could have lost his skateboard"
Katsuki gapes at his best friend "You are fucking enabler you know that?"
Emi gives a cheeky grin hugging Hitoshi's arm "I plead the fifth".
Katsuki does a 'tch' and the four enter the rest of the party. They mingle and say hello to everyone, including their adorable nephews Benji and Shoji.
The pair were perfect mixes if their parents, Benji has Hitoshi deep purple eyes which contrast well with his silver hair that he got from Emi. Benji is a tired boy much like his father while his little brother is a ball of energy like his mother with lavender hair and light gray eyes.
Don't let their cuteness fool you, they are menaces to society and for whatever the reason maybe Katsuki is their number one victim of torument. They band together with their leader Itsuki and plot Katsuki's downfall.
"I get bullied by children" Katsuki would say after falling victim to their pranks.
Katsuki and Izuku sit down tiredly after dancing around. Emi and Hitoshi are the only ones on the dance floor, slowly swaying together. Izuku lays his head on Katsuki's shoulder with a small smile on his face.
"I love them" Izuku whispers and Katsuki smiles and looks down at his husband
"Me too," He replies.
Izuku and Katsuki are happy that their best friends found happiness and love in eachother. They are happy that they get to bear witness the purest forms of love, up close and personal.
Hitoshi gets on one knee and holds open the box
"Emi, my angel, will you do me the honor of marrying me again?"
While to Emi Katsuki and Izuku are her otp, she and Hitoshi are their goals.
Because a love like theirs is a love everyone wants to have.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Again, genuine reactions with some jokes thrown in there and nowadays some "meta-like" thoughts. There's pictures, but I try not to put too many.
The reactions are under the cut!
"What are the heroes fighting?" Air, they're fighting air... okay, villains...
Aaaaw, All Might is babysitting Eri. That is cute!
The worry in that man's face though. Same.
INKO!!! THEY SHOWED INKO!!! Oh, and Mitsuki looking at Katsuki's pictures!
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*AFO smirks* Have I told you that you have a face worth punching?
Recap from last episode. Meaning... yep, they showed those faces again! 😆
Did Shigaraki just say "hey, hey"? Sir, that is a Katsuki thing! (If you seen season 2 then you know the scene!)
This man really out here mocking Endeavor. This man really is standing on Endeavor with Ryukyu right there! Can she at least be released?! WHAT HAS SHE DONE?!
That is funny though.
There is nothing left of that cape, Tomura, just let it go now, dude.
Look, I know the Doctor gotta explain things but, choke him. Mic, choke him out.
Eraser Head thinking of his kids. Thinking about watching them graduate... 😭😭😭
"If Shigaraki can't use his quirk, we can fight him, too!" He is not wrong!
Bakugou and Midoriya coming in to protect Aizawa! 😭😭😭
"Sorry, I'm not interested in you." Well, he's not a video game... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Okay, but during that scene, everything slows down except for this one person just zooming across in the background and THAT'S HILARIOUS! 🤣
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Super Villain Pose, I suppose??
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"... little brother" Their reactions to it... ah, damn...
"This is my power and my body." Yesss, Shigaraki! Don't let him control you! Yes, REBEL!!! REBEL!!!!
"But, I don't want to be like you..." Thinks back to how I wrote that post about Shigaraki not having his own identity... 😶
No one wants to be AFO, I assure you.
"So please, shut up." THANK YOU! THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!!
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Did... did Gran Torino just flex his muscles???!! HE CAN DO THAT?!
He's so pretty in this shot! 💚💚💚 Look at him! That's his "I'm kicking your ass" face. So cute!
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Wait... *cries in manga reader*
Oh, hey, Machia.
Hey, Spinner!!!
Oh, shit, I know what's coming and I DO NOT LIKE!! HE IS ON THE MOVE!!
Mr. Compress' screaming seeing Toga without clothes! 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for having spares for her! PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES, TOGA!
"I've been pretty fond of you ever since we first met." Ha ha... yeah, doubt. It's his tech skills you need, isn't it? I know why. Manga readers know why.
Unless you want hair care tips from Skeptic, then proceed. Ask him. Please do. I gotta know his routine.
"Shush." Dabi is funny without trying.
Kamui Woods calling Mt. Lady by her name... 😭😭😭
NOT MISS MIDNIGHT!!! NOT HER!!! *cries harder in manga reader*
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Okay, I'm hyped for next episode since it mean MORE 1A & 1B WORKING TOGETHER! Look, I adore both classes very much, okay? I love it when they get to have their moments.
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lloyd07 · 2 years
!! rating mha characters based on how likely they are to enjoy a date with/keep dating izuku:
!! keep in mind this is ignoring sexuality headcanons.
izuku midoriya: the man himself. probably goes to cafès early in the morning alone. goes for a run at lunch to burn off nerves. you all know him.
yuga aoyama: would want it to be really romantic. would make izu blush like hell. probably order the cheesiest dish from a fancy restraunt for them both. pays for both of them. OVERALL: 8/10 gentleman but too much for izu to take in
mina ashido: takes him out for milkshakes. flirts with him through jokes or physical affection. would make izu smile. they might go for one or two after wards. OVERALL: 6/10 very fun but not romanc-ey
tsuyu asui: very lovely girl, I think she would be polite. shows izu all her favourite spots to relax in the city. doesn't get any food. OVERALL: 4/10 only asked him out to see if he's worth it
tenya iida: they'd go somewhere clichè, like a park day with ice cream. already besties so they'd do a lot of obvious flirting. might kiss at the end. OVERALL: 8/10 they love each other, platonic or romantic
ochako uraraka: you just know they'd both be squirming and blushing the whole entire time. would be a movie date. they hold hands <3. compliments thrown every which way. OVERALL: 9/10 basically made for each other
mashirao ojiro: I'm not sure how this would go! he'd probably take izu shopping?? very nice boy. OVERALL: 6/10 I don't see it, but cute
denki kaminari: he's a total flirt. would be all "hey bb. how was your day. oh mine? ur making it better by the second." and izu, unused to affection, would absolutely melt. other than that, they probably gush about science or some autistic shit then get all kissy. OVERALL: 8/10 mightn't last, long term but they will enjoy themselves
ejirou kirishima: he will listen to all the stuff izu has to say. I think they'd be enthusiastic when talking about stuff. both have self esteem issues, so they'd help each other with that. probably awkward as hell on the date, tho. not used to romance lol. OVERALL: 9/10 good for each kther
kouji kouda: talks and listens. I do like them, I don't know how a date would go though. they might go out for dinner and then snuggle up and enjoy each other's company OVERALL: 6/10 I love them but not a typical 'love at first date' couple
rikidou satou: I don't know, really. I think he's nice, might give a little gift as a sign of appreciation. wouldn't advance beyond a date, and I think izu would feel like he's not giving enough tit he relationship OVERALL: 4/10 can't see it going well sorry
mezou shoji: they go to watch a horror movie and then laugh at the scary parts or something. share a bag of popcorn and then bump hands. does the yawn thing. OVERALL: 7/10 cute
kyouka jirou: autism vs autism, ultimate showdown. I think she'd take izu to a festival and izu would freak it. she'd help him calm down and then they'd watch ghibli movies on CD OVERALL: 7/10 meow meow
hanta sero: he's chill might be a bit intimidating to izu tho. compliments every five minutes. 'hey how are you going' they'd go to a cafe I think, get coffee and laugh over stupid shit OVERALL: 8/10 a nice day out
fumikage tokoyami: he's a nice guy. they'd go to the beach and admire the sunset I think. would have fun sitting close to each other and taking in the view. very calm, very romantic. OVERALL: 9/10 I love it
shouto todoroki: I'm not sure. they might stay in and get take out while watching netflix? would fall asleep on the couch together and be soft. very soft. OVERALL: 8/10 calm together, sososo cute tbh
tooru hagakure: she'd be throwing compliments out and telling izu he's cute. and izu would be blabbering and jfjsjfjdj. I rarely see them talked about but they're cool, OVERALL: 8/10 high school lovers? maybe?
katsuki bakugo: he's homophobic would not date a man. but anyway they kiss a lot and go on a bunch of different dates, like stargazing, beach day out, riding bikes around the neighborhood, staying in and cuddling, did I mention they love each other? they'll totally stay at each others sides to be there at a moments notice. at heart cannot be separated. like two Suns, destined to revolve around each other until collapding into a supernova, basically ignoring anything out of gravitatjonal orbit range. everyone knows they love each other. fmmtnsjfie they kiss a lot, did I sa that? cuddles and . ugh. OVERALL: 10/10 soulmates sorry im a bkdk stan
minoru mineta: flirty as hell. admiring izus muscles, obviously. izu is blushing like hell, and they probably do the sharing spaghetti thing. bragging about his fathers money. 'but let's talk about you bb' type guy OVERALL: 7/10 sweet but...yk
momo yaoyorozu: izu is intimidated as hell, maybe. he would talk about his spin/s and momo would j be like 'yeah...sure thing....' shes no good socially bcuz of reasons and izu can't read her that well. OVERALL: 6/10 hard to maintain, don't work well together
itsuka kendo: they go for ice cream and izu is amazed by her coolness or whatever. she talks and is just kind as hell. very cute OVERALL: 7/10 I like them, im not sure how izu would like her tho.
monoma neito: he's so cute ANYWAY they totally nerd out together. go watch a documentary or sports game and do stuff. would take each other on many dates after the first. big ego might make an impact. they kiss. OVERALL: 9/10 nicer than you'd think at first
shinsou hitoshi: both nervous wrecks. go to someplace quiet but busy, like a late night cafe or a walk thru the city. just talk to each other, a lot. have the same sense of humour, I think. once they get over the awkwardness it'll be nice. OVERALL: 8/10 personally I see them as more brothers but I can TOTALLY see why it's popular
mirio toogata: compliments all the time. major show off. I think they'd relate to each other quite a bit. calm once they get over themselves. probably don't kiss. OVERALL: 5/10 I don't know....
that's all
thanks :3
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