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clockwayswrites · 11 months ago
Danny is a minx and I am not responsible for him.
Okay, so, you all voted and I, um, failed? We didn't get to cuddling. There should be cuddling coming? Idk, darlings, this was my third start on this and Danny took over. I've got no say in this anymore. Canon-typical violence, crude language, cross dressing, discussions of prostitution
“You think you can fucking play us like that?!”
The shout carried easily through the crisp fall air. Red Hood sighed and changed direction away from his safe house and towards the noise.
“—fuck you up for that! Give us our fucking money back!”
“Fuck you,” snapped back a voice that Jason had come to recognize over the last several months. Right then the words dripped in fake, but damn convincing, heavy Crime Alley drawl, but Jason knew it all the same. “If yous don’t got it, don’t bet it. If yous don’t got game, don’t play it.”
“Yeah, no, I don’t think a little girl like you gets to say how this goes,” a third voice growled.
Hood clung to the edge of the roof just long enough to drop silently into the alleyway next to the dive bar. From the quick glance sent his way he was only noticed by the damn minx, so he leaned casually back against the grimy brick wall and unholstered his gun.
“Right? Yeah! Yeah, bitch! You don’t get to say how this goes!” the first voice shouted again. The guy’s shoulders were squared up as if he was some sort of threat in his overpriced, knock off bomber jacket and ill fitting jeans.
It almost made Jason want to sigh.
Actually, fuck it, Jason gave in and sighed loudly, knowing how it sounded through the modulation of his helmet. Bomber Jacket and his buddy, I Swear This is Real Italian Leather, spun around and then cowered so quick Jason swore they gave themselves whiplash.
“So,” Jason said with every ounce of disinterest he could put in his tone, “how does this go? Because right now, I’m thinking that it’s you two who are gonna be going before I put bullets between your eyes.”
“Right, um, yes Red Hood,” Bomber Jacket cowered and grabbed desperately at his friend’s pleather jacket to pull them out of there.
“And gentleman,” Jason said, making them freeze in their steps, “next time you lose your money to a pretty lady, you leave her the fuck alone about it.”
They nodded frantically as they backed the rest of the way out of alley and then took of running.
“I think you made one of ‘em piss himself,” the minx said, looking from the alley way to Jason with those striking aqua eyes.
Jason just shrugged and holstered his gun. “Probably.”
The short, tight skirt clung to the minx’s legs, pulling up enough with the sashaying steps that Jason had to wonder how everything stayed hidden. He kept still as fingers tipped in bright pink nails walked their way up his chest to the red bat. Aqua peered up from below thick, dark lashes. “And did I hear right? You think I’m a pretty lady?”
“Hair is nice like this,” Jason said brushing a gloved finger through the black strands that just brushed the edges of the chin. “But surprised your cock isn’t hanging out of that skirt with how short it is.”
Danny let out a started laugh, resting his forehead against Jason’s chest for a moment before he patted it and backed up to a more respectable distance.
“Duct tape and body shapers works miracles.” The fake Gotham accent was gone and replaced with the faint Midwestern drawl that Danny only seemed to let out around Red Hood. “And don’t make that face, the duct tape is outside of the panties.”
“You can’t see my face,” Jason pointed out, a bit grumpily because he had been grimacing at the thought.
“I was still right though,” Danny said with a smug little smiling pulling on his cherry red lips. It was a good color on him. He leaned back against the wall and spread his legs in a way that Jason couldn’t help but follow with this gaze. “Everything is fine down there, Boss, just a little squished. Offer’s still on the table if you want to check out the good. No charge for my darlin’ knight.”
Jason snorted at the continued offer from Danny; it was practically as good as ‘bye’ between them at this point since Danny seemed to offer it every time. “I’m not going to be one of your Johns, Danny.”
“Told you no charge. Could just be two people who like sex,” he offered with a little shrug, but pushed himself off the wall to leave. No, Danny pushed himself up off the wall with a wince.
Jason was at his side in an instant. “One of those fuckers get you?”
“No, so no hunting them down,” Danny said. His voice was confident, but the way he actually leaned on Jason’s offered arm was worrying. “Just a bad John— ex John. That’s why I’m sharking pool instead of working the corner.”
As if Danny had to work an actual corner anymore. He appealed to a very specific type of client that could pay to have something pretty and convincing on their arm and still get what they wanted between the legs and in the sheets.
“You taking anything for it?” Jason asked.
Danny just shrugged. “Nah, Boss, nothing over the counter works on me really.”
Danny snorted. “As if. They can test for STDs and that’s about as much as I want a clinic near me.”
Jason resisted the urge to cuss at Danny. He got it. After all, he only trusted Leslie or Alfred really— or a family member in a pinch.
Maybe he could just bluster Danny into getting some help. “Right, come on.”
“What?” Danny asked, digging his heels (and fuck those were some heels) into the ground.
Not willing to put with that right then, Jason just swung his arm under Danny’s legs and scooped him up like he was nothing. Fuck the Johns really had to be able to throw Danny around if they wanted that sort of thing.
“Boss, Hood, what the fuck?!” Danny hissed.
“Safe fucking house is what the fuck so I can check you over.”
“Boss, if you wanted in the skirt—”
“Danny, shut the fuck up and let me make sure you’re alright, alright?” Jason asked, looking down at him.
Danny stared back with a frown. Then his sighed, like it was the biggest concession in the world to make. Finally he rested his head against Jason’s chest. “Fine, Boss, whatever you say.”
“Thank you,” Jason said, more gently than he meant to.
Jason had to suck in several careful breaths as he took in the wound splashed across Danny’s ribs. “No fucking John did that to you and if they did—” if they took some sort of hot poker to Danny’s side— “I’ll kill them if they did.”
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years ago
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madameocotillo · 6 years ago
Oh yeah, for y’all new followers who weren’t here in 2015:
After dropping out of college and having a few years of worsening self-destructive behaviors & assorted other unpleasantness, I was nearly (voluntarily) sent to a mental institution on the East Coast. While my mom was willing to shoulder the (SUBSTANTIAL)cost, I felt so guilty about it that I renegotiated to stay in Texas and take the slower route of therapy and testing.
The eventual discovery was that, hey, “depression?” SIKE, THAT’S BEEN MISDIAGNOSED, EMERGING BIPOLAR II! So I started the process of figuring out which medications and dosages I should be on, which took about a year to really, totally settle. And it helped significantly, it really did!
Mental health is a long road to walk before you get all the answers though, and last year when I got an opportunity to work in the museum industry, I jumped at it. It was a big change from the hectic, constantly stimulating jobs I had been doing since I came home from college though, and I started running into big problems a couple of months in.
I’ll finish this story later, dinner’s gotta be made, and I have cats dramatically dying of starvation very loudly around my ankles.
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ask-darth-daddy · 5 years ago
my eyes never leave yours as they slowly begin to tear up, a smile still on my lips as my knees spread ever so slightly in front of you, eager to please as always - piya shiba (i’m having too much fun with this thank u 🥺)
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Vader removes his hand to let you breathe. As he rubs his finger and thumb together, he notices you shift spreading you knees. You hear the mechanical whirring speed up slightly. He suddenly grabs the hair at the back of your kneck, pulling it back slightly, still careful oh his strength. 
“As much as I would like to keep you entertained. I have things to do. People to command.” He brings his face close to yours, static rining in your ears as he seems to be observing you features. Filtered stale air brushes past you lips. 
“Be good.” He squeezes his grip a little tighter lifting you enough so that your knees are barely brushing the floor, he holds you for a beat before letting you go briskly. 
“I’m sure you’ll find me again piya shiba.” 
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petruparcatoru · 5 years ago
Dacă tot estem acăsică cu toții și nu ne găsim sensul,
Am făcut 2 liste cu
- filme regizate de românce
-filme editate de românce
Am niște comentarii la adresa listelor dar nu e polished so tbcontinued pentru weekendul ăsta probail who knows
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perfectday-for-bananafish · 7 years ago
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Started in London, ended up in Hartford.💁🏻Celebrating @tacss88 and @briancastelluccio this weekend was the absolute best. #tbcontinued (at Pond House Cafe)
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ircntm · 6 years ago
tbcontinued from here 
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there s a rough breath that passes through gritted teeth. no matter which way they turned -- a road block presented itself. anything felt like fair game as his temperament escalated , but somehow he managed to mellow it only by a thread.   No , no - I’m fine . really. “ of course that was a pitiful front , “ a lot of people are counting on us , the more we delay it the longer we’ll be here , going around in circles. “
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iagainisti · 5 years ago
7 gündür uyuyorum. bir sürü rüya gördüm. rüyalarımdan birinde bende ile ben de’yi tanıyordum. ikiz kardeşlerdi. bende her şeyi kendinden bilirdi, ben de ise hep öteki kalırdı. bende ile ben de bir gün benimle konuşmak istediler, fakat sesleri o kadar çok birbirine benziyordu ki, anlamıyordum hangisi hangi birisi.
bir gün ben de artık susacağını böylelikle bende’yi duyabileceğimi söyledi. oysa ben ona inanmadım. onun suskunluğunu hala ayırt edemiyordum. çok merak ettiğim bir soruya cevap arar gibiydim, aç ve susuz kalmış gibi, hiç hava almamış gibi deli gibi, kapalı kalmış gibi, arıyordum cevapları. oysa soruyu, cidden, çoktandır hatırlamıyordum.
başka bir diyardan bir ziyaretçim geldi bir gün, bana ne uzak ne yakın, ne bağdaşık ne ayrışık, ne sonsuz ne ansız bir zamanda geldi. kendimi tanıyıp tanımadığımı sordu, bana da sordurttu. tanıyorum elbet dedim, yani, kendimi tanımasan bunu söyleyebilir miydim bir kere, ve bu bir soru bile değildi.
sonra biri vardı, çok sevdiğimi düşündüğüm biri, oysa onu son kez görene kadar kalbimi hiç açmadığım, açamadığım, açmaktan korktuğum dolayısıyla, bana da hiç açılmayan, hiç teslim olmayan biri. ayna biri. neyse çok seviyordum işte. sonra o biri, beni biriyle tanıştıracağını söyledi, dedim, onu bende tanıyorum. hayır dedi sen onu tanımıyorsun, ben de tanıyordum ama senin gibi değil dedi. hayır hayır dedim, inanmadım çünkü inanmak için bir sebebim yoktu. inanmamak ise alışkanlığımdı. hayır dedim bende tanıyorum onu. derken kafasını çevirdi, artık konuşmayacağımızı anlamıştım. 
uykusuzluğun 9. gününde, bir ürperti titretti bedenimi, dedim bu titreşim nereden geliyor, bir yere gidiyor mu, frekans mı bu, yoksa frekans ne asla anlamayacak mıyım. sahi kalbimin frekansı ne acaba, ya da göğüs kafesimin toplam bir frekansı var mı. çünkü varsa, kabugalarımı biraz havalandırmak isterim. biraz yükseğe, tıpkı uçar gibi, uçmayı öğrenir gibi, bende herkes gibi.
o esnada ben de ortaya çıktı, dedi ne zaman anlayacaksın. dedim anladım seni bende, çünkü anlamasam, burada olmazdık. hayır dedi, ben ondan bahsetmiyorum. benim bahsettiğim şey, sen de değil, sadece sende, oysa ben diyorumki ben de olan bende değil... biraz sessiz kaldık, bakıştık, bakışlarımız çarpıştı, aklıma gelecekten bir anı geldi. çünkü dedim, sesli olarak, aslında biz bunu yaşadık, yoksa ben nereden bileceğim.
ben de, sana inanıyorum dedi, ama aynı yerden yaşamadık, aynı zamanda değildik belki de. inanmak istedim, o yüzden inandım. oysa biliyordum hayal gücüm çok kuvvetliydi. fakat anlamamıştım. 
... tbcontinued
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wordsxswallowed · 5 years ago
Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful that I got into this job. Although it is just a temporary job where I only take people's temperature and ask them to fill up a form each, alhamdulillah, i feel that my hāl has changed a lot so far. And I have learned a lot too.
I know, you'd think : "What could you possibly have learnt from taking people's temperature and asking them to fill up forms?"
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samual130 · 6 years ago
Should’ve put JoJo TBContinued meme reference...
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Hazbin OC Comic for tonight .w.
Sea Demon by Me
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The jarring reality
Is sometimes not the only thing that comes to mind.
For me, it is those examples
who inspire me every day.
Survival with a capital “S”!
In December 2017, my brother
discovered he had Stage IV cancer.
It was like a heavy, dark cloud descended
upon us. Shock really. Of all four of kids,
he’d been the most health conscious, much
better habits, turfing the bad ones for the
most part.
View On WordPress
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rukevwesowho · 7 years ago
Not for me
I cant depend on you.
You.....*yalll just not for me.
Imma roam...alone....forever.
Sad but true.
This world just wasnt made for me and you.
Who’s the you???
Or what’s the you?
As I always say
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perfectday-for-bananafish · 7 years ago
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❤️ #tbcontinued (at Pond House Cafe)
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vicki448 · 8 years ago
...this is the last worthless job interview I will go on...I give up on the idea of EVER getting back into the classroom.  I have heard “No, we went another direction” or “No, we decided on another candidate” or  THE WORST EXPERIENCE is not even being given a “yes” or “no” or “maybe” or “still thinking about you” or “haven’t decided yet.”  I got NOTHING from the last interview...had to find out myself that someone had already been hired...no rejection email; no text; no brief phone call; no telegram, Instagram, or smoke signals....I am hanging up my dry erase marker  and calling it quits.  A fiesty, seasoned educator woman can take only so much rejection. TBContinued....
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magpie-trove · 2 years ago
High Infidelity 🤝 Getaway Car
Sweet Nothings 🤝 It’s Nice to Have a Friend
The Great War 🤝 Afterglow
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