novemberchild · 4 days
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May Sarton, from Recovering: A Journal
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novemberchild · 4 days
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vintage heart-shaped lockets
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novemberchild · 28 days
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novemberchild · 28 days
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novemberchild · 2 months
It is a serious thing
just to be alive
on this fresh morning
in this broken world.
– Mary Oliver, "Invitation", A Thousand Mornings
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novemberchild · 2 months
this website lets you listen to the sounds of all different forests around the world 
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novemberchild · 3 months
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books made of magic, fairytales, poems and love
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novemberchild · 3 months
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— Tennessee Williams, Notebooks
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novemberchild · 3 months
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novemberchild · 3 months
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novemberchild · 3 months
an old drunk man told me to enjoy my life and have fun because I’m only 24 and I have so many years and so much life ahead of me and then he went “and you know what? in ten years when you’re 34 you’ll still be young and have your whole life ahead of you” and it was really comforting to me
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novemberchild · 3 months
“I will dress in white, I will wear the scent of roses”
Juana de Ibarbourou, El Buen Día 
La Lenguas de Diamante (1919)
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novemberchild · 9 months
It is a terrible thing, simply, to be trapped in one's history, and attempt, in the same motion (and in this, our life!) to accept, deny, reject, and redeem it–and, also, on whatever level, to profit from it.
– James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work: Essays
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novemberchild · 9 months
This is, perhaps, a very subtle argument, but black men do not have the same reason to hate white men as white men have to hate blacks. The root of the white man's hatred is terror, a bottomless and nameless terror, which focuses on the black, surfacing, and concentrating on this dread figure, an entity which lives only in his mind. But the root of the black man's hatred is rage, and he does not so much hate white men as simply want them out his way, and, more than that, out of his children's way.
– James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work: Essays
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novemberchild · 9 months
To encounter oneself is to encounter the other: and this is love. If I know that my soul trembles, I know that yours does, too: and if I can respect this, both of us can live. Neither of us, truly, can live without the other: a statement which would not sound so banal if one were not so endlessly compelled to repeat it, and act on that belief.
– James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work: Essays
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novemberchild · 9 months
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Nikos Kazantzakis, from “Report to Greco”, tr. by P. A. Bien
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novemberchild · 9 months
"The "civilized" have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children...and think nothing of torturing a man to death, these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the "sanctity" of human life or the "conscience" of the civilized world.
– James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work: Essays
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