#tbb hunter clone thirsting
skellymom · 3 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 13 "Precious Cargo"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 12:
Word Count: 1.7K
Background: Hunter contemplates his relationship choices.
Mad comes clean about what EXACTLY transpired during her last job on Ord Mantell.
I was SUPPOSED to have this part of the series done by May. But, got serious writer's block. Sorry so late. THIS is the shoe that needed to drop plot-wise.
To help with any confusion: Mad's Clone trans sister (non bio) is named "SHE" (mentioned in Chapter #9 "In The Beginning") and her name is capitalized to prevent any confusion of what character is being spoken of.
Warning: Swearing, flirting, brief discussion of female reproduction/menopause.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
Hunter laid on his bunk sifting through the events that transpired since he met Mad. 
The throbbing pain between his legs, burning scratch on his face...the deep bite mark that FINALLY stopped bleeding. 
His heart ached a bit too. Pain, love, lust, yearning, uncertainty...so much...felt like it would explode. 
Cid’s words bounced around his head...paining him that she was possibly RIGHT. It was the ONLY accurate intel Cid had ever given him. 
“Ya looking for a world of hurt, Bandana?  “Cause that’s all you’re gonna get with that one.” 
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"Precious Cargo"
She wasn’t the first woman Hunter had...but the first that stayed around longer than a few days. That was a record for him... 
Not due to infidelity or any other reason. It was only due to the war. No time to date. Heck, no time for hobbies, other jobs...or A job. He was property. Owned and controlled. The trajectory of his life beyond his own control. Not just him, either. A planet’s worth of enslaved men posing as blaster fodder. 
He was just a clone. What did he know about women. Dating, sexual relations, or reproduction were NEVER taught on Kamino. It was expressly forbidden among the Kaminoan's...the Republic as well. Hunter was lucky enough with his looks, hair, body to be pursued by MANY women to have learned about these things. However, how their minds worked and long-term relationships...that was another thing altogether.  
But no matter how he doubted, there was still a feeling of euphoria and happiness like he had never felt before. These feelings happened around Mad only. She was brave, vibrant, resourceful, protective... These things excited him. 
Is this what love feels like? 
Well...no lie...some considerable lust in there too.  
I’m sure Mad would agree with me... 
Hunter inhaled sharply, then chuckled... 
Maker...What did I get myself into? 
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Mad finally awoke from the darkness. She lay there feeling weak. A heaviness in her abdomen...again??? 
She glanced down to see Tiggy outstretched and laying over her abdomen. The puppy looked much larger than she remembered. Tig was starting to lose her puppy fat, and her limbs seemed longer. She stretched out and yawned. Her puppy tail wagging and whipping the blanket. 
Mad tried to move, but both arms were strapped to the bunk. One of which had an IV line and fluids. She was also hooked up to a urinary catheter. Mad could feel the line between her legs. 
How long have I been out??? 
A few days. Love’s hand caressed Mad’s head. She looked up at them, levitating near the front of the bunk. You had me worried. 
I’m awake now. You look good for someone who vaporized a Venator. 
Love smugly smiled, then the concerned expression came back. You look BETTER for a person who was unresponsive. 
Sil? Omega? Hunter? 
They’re fine.  
Why am I in restraints??? 
Love looked gravely at Mad 
Oh no... 
Yeah, the dreams came back. 
Was that it?  
Love seemed reluctant to say any more. They didn’t need to as Hunter quietly entered the room. 
“Mad?” He whispered 
She immediately noticed the large bandage at the crook of his neck and the deep scratches on his face. 
“Did I...do that?” she asked quietly. 
He nodded as he sat down on the bunk beside her. 
“Oh Hunter...” Mad was clearly feeling shame and embarrassment. 
“You were delirious at the time...” He started undoing the restraints while giving her a reassuring smile. “The Mad I know wasn’t in control.” 
“This hasn’t happened...for quite a few years.” 
Concern creased Hunter’s brow. He was silent...waiting for Mad to answer if she felt safe enough to.  
Tiggy wimpered quietly and snuggled up next to Hunter. He put his arm around her. 
“My ORIGINAL family were experimental subjects for the Kaminoan’s.” 
Hunter was horrified. He also vaguely remembered strange things happening to him as a very young clone, his brothers too...possibly Omega had as well. 
“What? I thought you’re Nomaadi??” 
“I am. And the Nomaadi are my family now...but I HAD a biological mother and father that were not of The Star People...” 
“All that I remember about them is fuzzy. I was VERY young when Maami and Paapi Daal took me in. A clone squad smuggled me out of the facility...along with a young defective clone. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve acted out in a fugue state...” 
Hunter was shocked. He had NEVER heard of this. 
“Only saw clones on Kamino. We clones were the only test subjects in the laboratories.” 
The Kaminoan’s have more than one facility on several planets. Love interjected. 
Hunter shifted unexpectedly. He forgot Love was able to speak to him through the Force. He wondered if it had to do with his enhanced senses.  
Mad caught Hunter’s expression. “...you can hear Love through the Force, can’t you?” 
He nodded. 
“So can Omega. Other than Sil and Tiggy, nobody else can. It’s a Force Bond...it’s SUPPOSED to be rare.” 
“Wait...you escaped with ANOTHER defective clone???” Hunter shook his head. 
Auntie SHE! Best Auntie EVER...well, next to mom... Love smoothed Mad’s hair back lovingly. 
Love and Hunter gazed at each other and smiled. Tiggy wagged her tail exuberantly. 
“I have SO MANY questions...” Hunter’s mind going in a million directions. 
“We’re pleased to see you awake.” Tech entered bringing Wrecker, Echo, Sil, and Omega with him. Tiggy excitedly ran to the end of the bed and launched herself at Echo. 
“NO!” Echo ducked behind Wrecker. 
Wrecker caught the pup in midair and hugged her to him. “Echo’s still gun-shy. You’re a scary widdle puppy dog!”  
Tiggy then begged to see Omega. Wrecker handed the puppy to her. Tiggy licked Omega’s face into a sloppy mess. The sound of her laughter lightened Hunter’s mood considerably 
Hunter glanced back at Mad. “What exactly happened during that job on Ord Mantell?” 
Mad’s eyes widened. It didn’t occur to her until now. The dreams were also stirred up from her visiting Dr. Zebba and the violence afterward. Everyone in the room stared expectantly at Mad. 
She and this botched job had thrust everyone aboard into this current situation. 
Sil showed us what was in the cooler. And the shot he gave you. Love Force Spoke and signed in Basic. I thought you were supposed to bring back two people with some cargo? 
“The parameters of the job changed at the last minute.” Mad sighed. 
Everyone in the room glanced at each other. 
Hunter needed answers. “WHAT changed?” 
Mad inhaled deeply. “There were supposed to be a courier for the cargo and a clone bodyguard that I was to pick up and take with us on the Beldame. According to my contact, they ‘didn’t make it’” 
Wrecker couldn’t help himself, wringing his large hands. “Ohh...they’re probably dead.” 
Echo shushed Wrecker. 
“Ok?” Hunter probed. 
Mad had a captive audience. 
“So...a doctor paid me extra to carry the cargo.” 
“...Ok? Where is it? You came back with a cooler of...Tech, help me out.” 
Tech adjusted his goggles “You are currently in possession of a cooler filled with hormone stim syringes. Even with my intellect I fail to see any correlation to this being any type of valuable cargo.” 
“Oh...I have the cargo.” Mad calmly stated. 
“Well...where?” Echo couldn’t contain himself.  
“Inside me.” Then Mad started to weakly giggle. 
Tech perked up. Hunter could smell his brain burning...putting together the pieces. 
“Mad...out with it.” Hunter demanded. He was starting to worry again. 
Mad took another deep breath. “You know the Jedi had the best healthcare that any citizen in the galaxy could receive. Preventative care, health screenings, yearly blood tests and full body examinations. Of course, they were scanned for any disease. Sometimes biological samples are taken to test for ‘health' "reasons... 
...some of that tissue was preserved and saved. Especially reproductive material. SOMEONE somewhere realized that it might be best to not dispose of it...” 
Tech interjected. “Then Order 66 occurred, the Jedi Genocide, and the Kaminoan medical facilities were shut down...” 
Mad finished his sentence. “And I took a job to help smuggle some of the remaining Jedi reproductive material to a safe location. Away from the Empire to a place that will extract it and put it back into storage for possible future use.” 
Everyone was in shock. Except for Tech. He was EXTREMELY interested. 
“My educated guess is that you are carrying ovuum. And that is why that cooler contains hormone syringes. Without that hormone, your body would menstruate and eject the ovuum out of the body. But, in your case...with the recent stress and being of...a certain age...you have lost some of the ovuum already...” 
“Tech...a certain age? Really???” Hunter snapped back and turned around to see Omega’s reaction to the conversation. She was seriously engrossed. 
“Well" Tech pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose. "Technically she IS past childbearing age and menopausal...” 
“WOAH!” Wrecker shouted, covering Omega’s ears. 
“TOO MUCH INFORMATION!” Echo followed. 
Mad, Love, and Sil laughed at them. 
Hunter spun back around to stare “WHAT???” 
Sil answered in a string of Nomaadi slang. He laughed along with Love and Mad. 
“They are making fun of us.” Tech interpreted and side-eyed his brothers. “Specifically, Echo and Wrecker.” Then shot Sil a look. “Called us Naif’s.” 
“Ah, you know some of our language, eh?" Sil smiled proudly.  
“What’s a Naif?” Wrecker asked. 
Love signed Newbie, naive...you act so silly about body stuff. 
“The Nomaadi learn very early about biology, sex, reproduction, and how our bodies work. Male, female, intersex, fluidsexual, all of our people speak freely about it with ease and no shame.” Mad explained. “Just like eating, sleeping, thinking, feeling...it’s just part of life.” 
“Kamino didn’t really prepare us. Combat was our specialty.” Hunter defended. 
“And yet YOU’RE pretty KNOWLEDGEABLE there Hunky.” Mad winked. 
Hunter flushed deep red. 
“And Tech over there is NO Naif!” Sil and Love erupted into laughter 
Omega looked up at Wrecker pulling his hands from her ears. “I CAN hear everything they’re saying.” 
Echo interrupted “Wait...THAT’S what all of those credits are from?”  
“Yes, with more upon delivery of the ovuum. We are going to be financially set for a while.” Mad nodded to Tech. “I have coordinates to where the extraction point is. I’m supposed to be there within 7 rotations.” 
“Less than that, you’ve been unconscious for over 2 rotations.” Tech corrected Mad “We need that intel to get you safely there.” 
“Wait!” Hunter was wary “How do we KNOW this place is safe? What about any medical risks?” 
“The Empire’s gotta be looking for ALL of us.” Echo added. “The Marauder as well as The Beldame was being targeted.” 
“Hunter, Echo and I can do some digging on our comm channels. However, before we do, I should remove both of your catheter’s.” Tech pointed toward Mad. 
“Everyone out.” Mad motioned with her hand.  
“WHAAT? Thought you were ok about ‘Body Stuff’” Wrecker sassed Mad. 
Echo shook his head, ushering Omega, Sil, and Love out of the room. 
“You REALLY wanna see Tech pull a urinary catheter out of my bladder, big boy?” Mad sassed back. 
Wrecker visibly shuddered. She got him. “Oof...no.” He left the room. 
Hunter grabbed Mad’s hand and squeezed.  
Would he and his siblings have been happier on Ord Mantell still running jobs for Cid?  
No. THIS is where WE need to be right now! 
It was an uncertain journey so far, but Hunter was willing to see it through. 
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To read Chapter 14 "In Confidence"
22 notes · View notes
this would go crazy on the holonet
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3K notes · View notes
zaanapie · 10 months
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858 notes · View notes
marymunchkiin · 1 year
POV: You had managed to sneak out of the event but Hunter had secretly tailed you, thinking you were up to some trouble. "And where do you think you're going...?" he asked you, an amused smile decorating his face.
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Version without shadows:
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I diverted a bit from the draft and tied his hair back because I liked the idea of him wearing some dark fantasy/vampiric prince attire (or renegade prince as someone had suggested, thank u <3)
For a look at the others, see this post here
Taglist: @freesia-writes @riinoaheartilly @mamuzzy
660 notes · View notes
clownbloody · 6 months
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Wet hair Hunter has been demanded and since space Florida didn't allow it I have taken matters in to my own hands.
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277 notes · View notes
sonicrainbooms · 1 month
wanted this on my blog again because i'm still ill about it <3
and the gif form too because. well. i like the gif too.
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140 notes · View notes
mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Heat of the Moment
Summary: It was supposed to be an easy mission, just a simple insurrection on a primitive planet. Nothing ever goes as planned, and Clone Force 99's civilian member finds herself in a sticky situation.
Pairing: Hunter x reader
Warnings: Sex pollen, medical inaccuracies, dub-con because sex pollen, hidden feelings, ROUGH sex, angst, biting, scratching, brief mentions of blood, excessive use of the word pussy, manhandling, injuries, confession of feelings, oral, smelling, unprotected sex, creampies galore, it's really rough guys please use caution
A/N: All hail the mighty sex pollen trope. I am here with another sex pollen fic that sort of got away from me. I didn't plan on it being this long but I have been rather long winded recently. Please heed the warnings since this is pretty intense and rough and yeah. Enjoy!
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It happens suddenly. 
You’re crouched behind a rock, taking cover as you fire at droids. It was nothing more than an insurrection on a relatively primordial planet. Squashing insurrections was becoming your specialty. 
You were entirely focused on taking out droids when you felt the sudden prick on your neck. It was hardly more than a sting, like that of a bug, but enough to draw your attention from the fight. You reach up, fingers meeting something soft like feathers. You tug on it, feeling a small pinch as it’s tugged from your skin. You lean against the rock you had been taking cover behind, staring down at the brightly colored dart resting in your palm. 
Someone shot you with a dart. Your eyes scan the trees, looking for any sign of who could have shot you, but there’s nothing. No sign of anyone. 
Your arm flies up out of instinct, covering your face as sparks erupt right over your head. A droid falls at your side with a clang, Hunter sheathing his knife. You blink up at him, suddenly remembering you’re in the middle of a fight. You feel a bit like your brain is moving in slow motion, your fingers beginning to tingle. 
You blink as Hunter squats down next to you. He’s been speaking to you, but you haven’t been listening. His fingers close around yours, pulling your hand closer to him. His hands are warm, practically pulsing against your tingling fingertips. You’re still holding the dart in your palm, the bright plumage a stark contrast to your black glove. 
“Did this hit you?” He asks, taking the dart from your hand. 
You nod slowly, forcing your mouth closed. You hadn’t even realized it was hanging open. 
“Tech, do you know what it is?” Hunter asks, handing the dart off to Tech. 
You turn to look up at Tech. When had he arrived? You glance around, the other three standing around you. Was the fight over? When had they gotten here? 
Tech lowers his visor, studying the dart. “It will be difficult to discern.” He says, turning the dart in his hands. “There is not much knowledge on the inhabitants of this planet, or its native flora. I will have to do further testing to be certain.” Tech pockets the dart before kneeling down in front of you. “Are you experiencing any symptoms?” 
You stare at the visor, looking past it to his eyes. Gloved hands cup your face, tugging lightly at the skin below your eyes. You flinch under the touch, your skin tingling under the rough fabric of his gloves. 
“Slight dilation of the pupils. Body temperature is just higher than normal.” Tech says, studying your face. 
“‘M fine.” You murmur, suddenly snapping to the present. 
“Delayed cognitive processing.” Tech pulls away from you, your skin itching where his hands had been. “That could be concerning.” 
Hunter pushes himself to stand and you use the rock behind you to help get your feet under you. Your legs are twitching, feeling a bit like jelly as you attempt to steady yourself. “Tech, Echo, take her back to the ship. See if you can figure out what was on that dart. The rest of us will scan the area. Whoever shot her couldn’t have gotten far on foot.” 
You push yourself off the rock, wavering for just a moment before you steady yourself. It feels as if you’re moving in slow motion, each step taking every ounce of effort to move your feet forward. 
The trek back to the Marauder is slow going. 
Tech’s fingers are moving at light speed on his datapad, head down as you follow the trail back to the Marauder. Echo walks next to you, watching you cautiously. You’ve broken out in a sweat, your blacks sticking to your back under your light armor. It’s uncomfortable, the fabric almost unbearable as it chafes your skin. You’re not sure if it’s the heat blooming under your skin, or the unbearable feeling of the fabric, but you want to pull your clothes off. 
You stumble to a stop as Echo grabs your arm. You had been undoing the clasps of your armor without even realizing it. You frown, dragging a hand across your forehead to wipe the sweat off. “‘M hot.” You murmur. 
“We’ll never make it at this speed.” Echo says. “She’s going to drop before we even get there.” 
Tech pockets his datapad and suddenly your world is spinning. You nearly black out at the sudden movement, your head falling limply against a plastoid-covered shoulder. 
“Her temperature has spiked.” His voice rumbles through his chest, vibrating against your side. “The sooner we can reach the Marauder, the sooner we can combat her symptoms.” 
The world sways as Tech carries you back to the Marauder. The trip takes half the time it would have had you still been walking. Echo had been right, you likely wouldn’t have made it. You’re hot and exhausted even being carried. 
The air doesn’t feel any cooler in the Marauder as Tech sits you in a chair. Your head is swimming, fingers fumbling to remove your armor. You can’t stand it. It’s heavy and it’s pressing your blacks tighter against your skin. Echo helps you remove each piece, setting it out of the way as he runs a scan. Tech works on scanning the dart, trying to figure out what it was coated with to see how best to help you. 
Echo straps a monitor to your arm, your vision still swimming as you try to focus on his helmet. You still feel like the world is moving in slow motion, even just lifting your hand feels like it’s taking every ounce of effort. 
“Hmm,” Tech hums, staring at the screen. “There’s no record of any of the compounds pulled from the dart. I’ll need to run a further analysis to see if I can break down their individual components.” 
“Well, whatever you have to do, do it fast.” Echo says. “Her heart rate is spiking again.” 
Tech turns to look at you, adjusting his goggles. “We may need to consider a medical center. They will have the resources to keep her stable.” 
You swallow thickly. Even in your half delirious state, you know that what Tech is suggesting isn’t coming lightly. You could deteriorate faster than he can figure out what was unwittingly injected into your body. And if there was no cure...a medical center would be better prepared to search for one and keep you alive while they did it. 
Heat begins blooming under your skin once more as you sit and wait, your vision swimming. The monitor on your arm begins to beep rapidly, your hands and feet starting to tingle. You feel a bit like you’re floating, like your brain is leaving your body behind. 
“...get back to the ship...condition deteriorating...” Tech’s voice fades into the background, your eyes fluttering shut. 
There’s a hand on your face when you snap back into reality. The sweat sliding down your temples is uncomfortable, practically burning your skin. The rough fabric of the glove is too much and not enough at the same time. You blink up at the helmet hovering in front of your face. 
“...bacta’s working...waking up...” 
The voices float in and out around you. You feel hot, hotter than you had been when you passed out. Your blacks are almost unbearable, between the heat trapped under them from your skin and the intense sensation of the fabric against your skin, you’re ready to strip down right there. 
Hands grasp yours, stilling their movements. 
You had been pulling your blacks off, the top half undone and untucked from the bottoms. You weakly try to pull your hands free, but Hunter’s grip on you is tight. He’s breathing heavily, the sound of his breaths just barely audible through his helmet. You can feel the subtle vibration in the seat under you as the Marauder hurtles through hyperspace. 
“‘M hot.” You whine, still trying to fight Hunter’s grasp on you. 
“I know.” He says, voice raspy through his helmet. “Your fever’s going down.” He slowly releases your hands and they fall limply to your sides again. He turns away from you to face Tech at the other console. “Are you any closer?” His tone is sharp, shoulders tense. Even in your delirious state you can tell he’s on edge. 
You’ve spent a lot of time staring at Hunter. You could read him like a novel, far better than you could read the others. He had been one of the most welcoming of the group when you had been forced to join, though finding your place among them had taken some time. They’ve been together their whole lives and suddenly someone else is being thrown into the mix, a nat-born and a woman to boot. You had spent a lot of time studying him, watching him even when you weren’t in the middle of a battle. How easily he moves, how graceful he is, how aware of everything he is. The dexterity of his fingers and how easily he can wield a knife. 
You may have developed some feelings for your Sergeant, but you would never admit it. He’s never shown any interest in that at all, so you would hold your peace. You’d suffer in silence, stuck doing nothing but fantasizing when everyone else was asleep. 
A wave of heat burns through your body, making you wince. You’re uncomfortable, a cramping sensation beginning in your lower abdomen. You wince, hissing out a breath as you curl in on yourself. 
“You alright?” Echo asks, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Hurts.” You gasp out, tensing your whole body as you wait for the cramping to stop. 
Sweat is pooling in your underwear and between your legs, the fabric of your blacks beginning to chafe uncomfortably. You desperately want to be naked. Anything to relieve some of the sensation. 
You let out a shaky breath as the sensation begins to subside, but now there’s a slight pulsing between your legs. 
“You’re developing new symptoms.” Tech says, staring at you. “What did it feel like?” 
“Cramping.” You say, pushing your hands into the spot right above your pelvis where you had felt it. “Here.” 
Tech stares at you contemplatively for a moment before he spins back around to the console, typing away rapidly. 
You shift in your seat, gasping quietly as your thighs press together. Your pussy is throbbing, underwear no longer damp from just sweat anymore. You should tell Tech about this development as well, but you’re afraid to. How do you bring something like that up to someone who was essentially your coworker, much less in a room full of your other coworkers? 
Oh yeah, by the way, I’m also feeling very horny. That wouldn’t be an awkward conversation at all. 
Your blacks continue to chafe your skin, sticking in sweaty places and rubbing others. You can’t stand it. It’s all too much, every sensation against your body too much. “Kriff it.” You breathe, tugging the top of your blacks off. “I can’t.” 
The soaked fabric hits the floor with a plop, leaving you in nothing but your breastband. Echo quickly straightens up, turning his gaze to the back of the ship. Wrecker clears his throat, turning his back to you very quickly. You’ve all seen each other in various states of undress before. It wasn’t like this was that kind of situation. You were potentially dying. 
If you’re going to die, you’re going to do it comfortably, even if that comes at the expense of your poor squadmates. 
Even your breastband is almost too much, nipples hard and poking at the thick fabric. Every breath is like torture, every small sensation only adding to the throbbing between your legs. Even the vibration of the seat, something you normally didn’t even notice, is almost too much. 
“Kriff,” Hunter breathes, popping his helmet off. His forehead is beading with sweat under the bandana, strands of hair sticking to his face and neck. 
“You alright, Hunter?” Wrecker asks, watching his sergeant with rapt attention. Everyone is staring at him now, not just you. 
“No!” He snaps, his helmet hitting the floor with a clang. “I can smell it! I can smell her!” He points at you. 
The entire ship falls silent, no one moving for a moment. You hadn’t even thought about the fact Hunter could probably smell you. He’d likely known before you had how aroused you were becoming. The thought has your face flushing. You’d pictured him many times burying his face in your pussy, breathing in your scent from its source, praising you on how good you smell, how good you taste. 
The thoughts have your pussy throbbing even more. 
Tech stands from the console, turning to Echo, speaking quietly despite the fact Hunter could still hear him. “Take her into the cockpit and seal the door. Don’t open it, no matter what you hear.” 
Echo nods, scooping you into his arms before carrying you into the cockpit. His scomp is cold against your back, but it feels good, like a brief respite from the fire burning beneath your skin. He sits you down in the copilot’s seat before he locks the door, sealing you off from the others. 
He takes a seat in the pilot’s chair, checking the navigation. You’re still a few hours out from the nearest medical center. 
Are you going to make it that long? 
“I have a theory.” Tech’s voice comes through the comm, drawing your attention from your thoughts. “I’ve managed to identify one of the chemical agents found on the dart. The others are a mix of pollen from plants native to the planet. It appears to be causing an excessive release of estrogen from the hypothalamus.” 
“What does that mean?” Hunter’s voice is faint through the comms, but you can still hear the strain in it. 
“She’s experiencing a state of hyper-arousal. As more and more estrogen is released, her state of arousal continues to increase. That is why her heart rate and temperature continue to spike, and why she is in such a state of discomfort.” Tech states, far too calmly for the situation. 
“What do we do?” Wrecker asks. 
“She will die, if the effects are not reversed. She will suffer brain damage if her body temperature continues to rise, and the prolonged tachycardia will cause heart failure.” Tech says. 
You gulp, your skin starting to prickle. So you are dying. Dying from horniness. 
“Bacta will not work, so long as her hypothalamus is in a state of dysfunction. It can lessen the fever and help slow her heart rate, but it will only be effective for so long.” Tech continues. “There is no known remedy, since this compound has been entirely unknown to science until now.”
“Why would they do this?” Hunter asks, his voice louder. You can hear the agitation in his tone. “Why would they give her something like this?” 
“I am uncertain.” Tech answers. “A possible explanation is this is a common aphrodisiac used for mating purposes. The natives of the planet may be more tolerant to the compound. Perhaps they were unwelcoming of both us and the droids and this was their only means of protecting themselves.” 
“And she’s the easiest target since she doesn’t wear a helmet.” Crosshair says.  
“Precisely.” Tech says. “It also explains why you are being affected as well. Beyond being able to sense her arousal, it is likely the compound is causing her to release a pheromone that is too faint for us to sense. But for someone with heightened senses...” 
“Kriff.” Hunter curses, his voice sounding strained. “What do we do? How do we fix it?” 
“It is possible a release of other chemicals may slow the hypothalamus’ excretion of estrogen enough to stave off the symptoms until we can reach a medical center.” Tech says. 
“How do we do that?” Hunter asks. 
“An orgasm would be the simplest way.” Tech answers. 
Your cheeks burn again. Hearing Tech speak so lewdly is strange to you. None of them had ever even made jokes, much less shown any interest. It had been jarring compared to other similar situations you’ve been in. Five men alone on a ship with one woman and not even one whistle or comment or passing of the hand. 
“Kriff it.” You breathe, tugging your pants off. Echo quickly focuses his gaze out the viewport as you stand, moving to the back of the cockpit. “Just...don’t turn around.” You say, laying yourself out on the floor. 
The metal is cold against your skin, offering a respite to the heat for a moment. You slip a hand in your underwear, peeling it from your soaked pussy. You sigh quietly as you pass your fingers over your clit, toes curling in response to finally giving your desperate pussy some attention. 
You bite your lip to keep quiet for Echo’s sake as you slowly work yourself up. Your legs start to shake, that cramping feeling starting to build in your stomach once more and you huff out a sigh. You withdraw your hand as the pleasure fades, taken over by the intense cramping. Fluid soaks your panties as your pussy begins to throb even more. You force a hand under the fabric once more, desperately rubbing at your clit but you can’t quite reach the peak. No matter how badly your pussy throbs for attention, you cannot bring yourself to cum.
You huff out another sigh, pushing yourself to stand. There’s a wet spot on the floor in the shape of your body, but you don’t give it a second glance. You’re so far past modesty at this point. You lean over Echo, hitting the button for the comms. 
“It’s not working.” Your voice has a bite to it, not unlike Hunter’s had. “I can’t...finish.” 
“Hunter has been unsuccessful as well.” Tech says. 
A thought crosses your mind. Heat pools in your stomach, another cramp starting to form. Your skin tingles, heat radiating from you so hot you’re sure Echo can feel it. You feel dizzy, the exertion of trying to make yourself cum hitting you suddenly and your knees buckle. You sink to the floor, curling in on yourself. Your heart is pounding in your chest, terrifying you that it might stop at any moment. 
“Let him fuck me.” You murmur, breathing through the intense cramping and the throbbing in your pussy. 
“What?” Echo glances down at you. 
“Let him fuck me!” You cry, looking up at him with teary eyes. “It’s the only way we can both get help right now. Tech said it’s probably used for mating. I don’t think we can fix it any other way.” 
The ship is silent except for the quiet hum of the engine. Tears of exhaustion and pain blur your vision. You’re desperate, legs shaking from the intense throbbing of your pussy and the cramping in your stomach. You just want to feel normal again. 
“Mesh’la.” Hunter’s deep voice crackles through the comms. He’s called you that before a couple times. You don’t know what it means. None of them will tell you. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“I’m already hurting.” You sob, tears burning as they slide down your cheeks. “Kriff, it hurts so much!” Your sob cuts off in a cry as another wave of heat and pain rolls through your body. “Please, Hunter. I don’t want to die.” 
The comms pick up quiet cursing and shuffling on the other side before they go quiet. You push yourself to stand, using the chairs and the wall for support as you move to the door, unlocking the cockpit. You step out on shaky legs, beads of arousal sliding down the insides of your thighs, mixing with the sweat. Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech file silently into the cockpit, the door sliding closed behind you. 
You’re left standing alone, Hunter on the opposite end of the ship. He’s ditched his armor leaving him in nothing but his blacks, the bottoms half hanging open. His shoulders are tense and squared, brows furrowed as he stares at you. 
“Hunter,” Your voice wavers, tears still pricking your vision. “I need you to know something before we do this.” 
This isn't how you wanted to tell him, how you wanted this to play out. You wanted him to come to you, to admit any feelings he might have, even if they’re just lust. You would never force yourself on him, reveal feelings you weren’t sure would be reciprocated. You would suffer in silence if it meant keeping the integrity of the team intact. 
His hands curl into fists as you take a step closer, nostrils flaring. You can only imagine what you smell like to him right now. He’s not in his right mind. He would have avoided your gaze, averted his from your almost naked body. Instead his eyes trail your form, watching one of the beads of arousal or sweat slide down to your knee. 
“I’ve had feelings for you for a while now.” You continue, ignoring the way his gaze starts to turn almost predatory, his eyes going almost black. “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t know if you felt the same way. I didn’t want things to end up being awkward.” You sniffle, continuing to approach him slowly. “I didn’t want it to happen like this.” 
“Kriff, mesh’la.” He breathes, staring at you. He takes a deep breath, eyes screwing closed as he practically shudders. “I know. I’ve known for a while. Your heart rate...the arousal.” He swallows thickly. “I could sense it all. I-I’m your sergeant. I’m not supposed to take advantage of you like that.” 
“Is it really taking advantage of someone that wants it too?” Your voice shakes, more tears sliding down your cheeks.
Another wave of heat rolls beneath your skin, making you cramp. Your chest hurts from how hard your heart has been pumping. You’re scared. You cry out from the pain, knees buckling as you begin to fall forward.  
You don’t hit the floor. 
Arms wrap around you, pulling you tight against a sturdy chest. A groan rumbles through your body, Hunter’s face pressing into your neck. He inhales deeply, his tongue darting out to taste the sweat-soaked skin. He sighs out a long breath, making you shiver. His hands smooth up your back, his skin bare and rough against yours. 
You let out a whine as he mouths at your throat, legs still shaking. You’re not sure how much longer you can hold out. You’re starting to get dizzy again, the bacta wearing off as your fever comes back full force. 
“Please.” You beg, beginning to go limp against him. “Make it stop. Make it better.” 
He sinks his teeth into your shoulder and you let out a weak whimper at the sensation. “Gonna make you feel good.” He groans, voice rough and strained. He’s suffering almost as much as you are. “Could smell you as soon as I got on board.” 
He guides you onto the floor of the ship, letting you lay there limply. You feel sick again, not unlike how you had felt when you had first been shot with the dart. Your pussy is still throbbing, desperate for any sort of relief, but you’re beginning to feel it in the rest of your body again. You’re afraid. If this doesn't work...you may not come out on the other side. 
Hunter slips his hands around your back, practically ripping your breastband in an attempt to get it off. Your nipples pebble in the cool air in the ship, your breasts feeling heavy. Hunters thumbs tease your nipples, sending jolts of pleasure straight to your core. You whimper, the pain beginning to ease as his hands tease you, every touch like electricity on your heated skin. 
He curses, sliding his hands down your sides. You shift your hips what little you can, helping him rid you of your panties. They land with a wet plop somewhere behind you, your legs spreading wide open for him. You’re slick and soaked, your pussy throbbing for him. His hands slide down your thighs, keeping your legs parted so far it’s almost painful but you don’t care. 
He leans down, breath fanning across the damp skin before he presses his face against your pussy, inhaling deeply. He lets go of your thighs, letting them close around his head as he stays there, face buried in your pussy as he breathes you in. You lift your head as much as you can, staring at him as he lays there, eyes closed in bliss. Your cheeks warm, having imagined this moment several times. 
Those fantasies could never compare to it actually happening. 
You let out a quiet sound as his eyes open, boring into yours. His gaze is primal and clouded with lust as he stares at you, shifting his head just enough that he can drag his tongue through your folds. 
Your fingers could never make you feel the way he does, not even when you had tried to get yourself off in the cockpit. You could cry from the pleasure as he drags his tongue through your folds, tasting the wetness your body has been producing in desperate need for someone to touch you. 
It’s obscene the way his tongue parts your lips, dragging from your hole to the top where he flicks it across your clit. You could cum just like this, just from watching him lick you. His gaze stays locked with yours as his hands slip under your ass, lifting your hips just slightly as he lowers his head, tracing your lips with his tongue before he sinks it into your pussy. 
His nose presses against your clit as he thrusts his tongue as deep as he can, your pussy fluttering around him in relief of finally having something inside you. His growl vibrates through your entire body, your hips shifting against his face. You gasp at the sensation of his nose dragging across your clit, shifting your hips again. 
He continues to fuck you with his tongue as you ride his face, your upper body falling limp against the floor. It’s not enough, not nearly enough to make you cum, but it’s the best you’ve felt since you got hit with the dart. 
“Please, Hunter.” You beg, continuing to grind desperately on his face. “Please, I need you inside me.” 
He groans, lifting his face from your pussy. It’s shining with your juices, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. “Taste so good.” His voice is deep and rough from his own need. “Such a sweet little pussy.” 
Your fingers pluck at your nipples as he strips out of his blacks, desperate to keep any sort of sensation going to abate the pain you know is waiting if you stop. You stare unabashedly at his hard cock as it's revealed to you. He’s not very long, but what he lacks in length, he makes up for in girth. You lick your lips, legs splaying open in invitation. 
You need him inside you now. 
He slides back in between your legs, meeting no resistance as he slides into you. You’ve been waiting for this moment, desperate for it for so long now. He folds his body over yours as he fills your needy pussy, the sensation of his sweaty skin against yours too much and not enough at the same time. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer, so tight there’s almost no space between your bodies. You want to devour him, to pull him completely inside you so you’re one being. 
Your mind feels hazy as he begins to move, fucking into you with short, sharp thrusts. He buries his face in your neck as he fucks you, teeth sinking into your skin. It’s animalistic, the sounds he’s making, the wild way he’s fucking into you. You can do nothing but wrap yourself around him and hold on, letting him take what he needs from you, letting him ease the ache within you. 
Your vision nearly goes white as you’re thrown into your first orgasm, walls clamping down so tightly around him his rhythm stutters, cock pulsing inside you as you spasm around him. Your nails dig into his skin, drawing blood as white hot pleasure burns through you. 
It burns hotter than the fever that had been plaguing you, hotter than the drug could ever make you feel. You can’t feel anything but him for a moment, tears leaking out of your eyes as you ride out your first high.
He’s staring down at you, a rivulet of blood trailing down his chin as your vision begins to clear. There’s blood dripping from his sides, mixing with the sweat on your skin from where your nails had ripped at his skin. Despite your blinding orgasm, your pussy is still throbbing, the heat beneath your skin still burning hot. 
You’re nowhere near done. 
Hunter sits up and grabs your hips, flipping you onto your stomach. You hit the floor with a thud, narrowly missing smashing your face into the hard metal. He forces your hips up, shaky legs keeping your ass raised for him. He kneels behind you, dragging his cock through your messy pussy before he’s sinking back in, filling your desperate cunt once more. 
It truly feels animalistic now, forced into such a primal position, unable to do anything but hold yourself up as he relentlessly fucks into you. His hands are bruising at your hips, blunt nails biting into your skin. He curses, tightening his grip until it’s almost painful as he stills, cock pulsing inside you as he fills you with his cum. 
You moan from the sensation of being filled with him, eyes rolling back as your own orgasm ripples through you. He’s still hard inside you, even as the last spurts of him hit your walls. 
This is far from over. 
Hunter keeps you in this position, picking up his pace once more. He can do nothing but grunt and growl as he fucks into you, nothing but whimpers and whines leaving your throat as he drags orgasm after orgasm from you, filling you over and over with his seed. 
Your knees begin to ache, sensations coming back to you as he releases your hips, tangling a hand in your hair instead. Your body drops, his following as he pins you to the floor, holding you in place as he seeks one last orgasm. There’s a pool of drool under your cheek, the floor a mess of blood and cum and sweat. 
His hand tightens in your hair painfully, gripping onto you as he cums one last time, forcing your body into one more orgasm with him. You both lay there panting, the heat under your skin beginning to fade. The hand in your hair begins to loosen until it’s sliding out, planting itself next to your head. 
“Hunter?” You whisper, voice cracking and rough. 
He’s breathing heavily, still inside you, still trapping you against the floor. “Mesh’la.” His voice cracks, heavy with emotion. 
You grab his wrist before he can pull away, shifting your hips until he slips out of you. You wince at the sensation, pussy sore from the pounding it had just taken. You feel weak and sore, limbs shaking as you roll yourself over onto your back so you can stare up at him. 
You can see it in his face, the reality beginning to set in, the gravity of the situation hitting him. You’re both a mess of blood and bruises and fluids. You try not to look down, try to keep your focus on his face, and his focus on yours. 
You lift shaking hands to his cheeks, his bandana somewhere on the floor beside you. You brush his hair from his face, the strands soaked with sweat. “One more time.” You whisper, tracing the skull tattoo. “One more time.” 
You can’t explain it, can’t give a reason but you don’t need to. He reaches down, jerking his cock a couple of times before he sinks back into you. You close your eyes, your face pinching a bit at the soreness. You’re not going to be able to walk or sit comfortably for a few days. You’re not likely to forget this. 
He stays still as he seats himself inside you, allowing his body to press against yours. Your arms wrap around his neck, holding him against you as he buries his face in your shoulder. You hold him as he begins to move, slow and deep, a contrast to what he had just done to your body. 
Your toes curl as raw pleasure burns through you, not like it had before, not brought on by the drug in your system. The heat that blossoms under your skin feels natural, feels normal. How it should feel. You pull his face from your shoulder, keeping his eyes on you as he fucks into you. Despite the discomfort, despite the pain, despite the ache deep in your bones you can feel the heat blooming in your stomach. 
“Thank you,” You whisper, his head lowering towards your face. 
For a moment you think he might kiss you but he doesn’t, letting his forehead rest against yours. You close your eyes, basking in the pleasure, basking in the feeling of him inside you, really inside you. Not the desperation you had been feeling, the need for him to utterly destroy you to keep you from dying. 
Just for a moment you can imagine what it would be like if he were yours. If you had been brave enough to tell him before. If your fantasies were more than just fantasies. 
You spasm around him as you cum, holding him tightly against you. He groans your name as he cums, cock twitching weakly inside you. You’re both exhausted, both feeling the effects of the drug wearing off. 
You hold onto him knowing this can’t happen again, knowing you’ll likely be putting in transfer paperwork as soon as you land. Tears prick your vision as you feel yourself fading, body giving out from exhaustion. 
It’s too bright when you wake. 
You hate medical centers and their harsh sterile environments. The GAR’s are no better, in fact they might be worse. You’re sticky from dried bacta, something tugging on your arm as you try to move it. Your fingers make out the shape of an IV moments before they’re gently eased away. 
“Don’t go pulling that out now.” A familiar voice says. 
“Wasn’t gonna.” You manage to get out, your tongue feeling swollen and throat dry. Your voice sounds like you’ve swallowed sand, rough and weak. 
You crack your eyes open, squinting against the harsh light of the medical station. The cot you’re on is hard and uncomfortable, and the blanket is scratchy against your sensitive skin. It was like no one cared about the comfort of the clones, even in a vulnerable place such as a medical station. 
You squint up at the reg medic above you, his head bowed as he stares at a datapad. You cast a quick glance around your bed. You’re slightly disappointed to find you’re alone. They’ve probably already left. You’ll be handed a transfer request as soon as you’re sitting up, you’re sure of it. 
You can’t blame them. 
The medic goes through a series of tests, explaining your injuries and what they had found left over in your bloodstream when you’d arrived, and what they had done to fix it. You should be perfectly fine, aside from some lingering soreness that could last as long as a few hours as the bacta finishes working its way through your system. 
You finally get some water and rations, downing almost a whole pitcher. Every time the door opens, you half expect it to be someone in command coming to give you your new orders. You wonder where they’ll put you. On a base somewhere? In with a larger battalion? Or were you going right back to Coruscant where you started? 
A doctor comes in to check you, double checking all your tests and vitals are normal. You withhold details, not sure how much the others had said, if they’d said anything at all. Regardless, you wouldn’t throw them under the bus, even if they did leave you here. 
“Your squad is waiting in the hangar.” The doctor says, signing off on the datapad. “They were banned from the upper levels after they started a fight with a medic who was trying to keep them from following you into the exam room.” 
You stare at the doctor with wide eyes, not expecting that. So they hadn’t left you? They had even started a fight for you? 
“You’re cleared to go.” The doctor says. 
You blink at her for a moment before your mind catches up. You’re still in shock that they want to keep you on the squad, much less that they’d waited for you. You’re surprised the GAR hadn’t sent them on another mission while you were recovering. 
You change into the scratchy clothes the medical station laid out before you before you make your way through the maze to the hangar. You’re nervous on the lift ride down, your stomach churning, threatening to bring back up the rations. You could go straight to command and ask for a transfer yourself. You could ask to never have to see them again, never have to face them after everything. 
But they had waited for you. 
Were they waiting to serve you transfer papers themselves? Pass over your belongings before telling you to get out of their sight? You’re nearly sick as the lift slows to a stop, opening to the hangar. You step off, legs shaking as you scan the ships until you find the Marauder. 
You’ve convinced yourself to turn back around and board the lift when your name is called, loudly, echoing in the hangar. People stop and stare, your cheeks warming in embarrassment. 
Wrecker is waving his arm, towering over the civilians and regs milling about in the hangar. You can’t run for it now. You take a breath, letting it out before you weave through the crowd towards the Marauder. 
You’re scooped off your feet as soon as you’re in sight, joints cracking as Wrecker picks you up in a hug and spins you. You yelp in shock, not expecting such a welcoming response. 
“Easy, Wrecker.” Crosshair says. “You don’t want to send her back to a bacta tank, do you.” 
“Sorry.” Wrecker sets you back on your feet, patting your back a little too hard, nearly knocking the air from your lungs. “I’m just glad you’re alright.” 
“Yes, I read over the doctor’s notes.” Tech says. “I am pleased with the results of your tests.” 
You can’t help the smile that tugs at your lips. “Good to see you too, Tech.” 
Your body floods with shame as you turn to Echo, remembering what you had put him through in the cockpit in your desperation to end your suffering. 
“Don’t.” He says, putting a hand on your shoulder. “You needed to try. I’m just sorry it didn’t work.” 
You nod, squeezing his hand. “Thank you for looking out for me.” 
He squeezes your shoulder again as you glance around. Hunter is nowhere to be found. Your brows pull together in a frown. Was he still being checked out? Did someone spill? Had they figured out what had happened and he was being reprimanded and being sent to be decommissioned. No, that wouldn’t be right. The others wouldn’t be so happy. They likely wouldn’t have let you walk out of there either. 
“He’s on board.” Crosshair says, rolling his eyes. “Wallowing in his own self-made misery.” 
They part the way for you, letting you walk up the steps into the Marauder. It feels different now, after what had happened. It’s been cleaned, likely meticulously by Tech while they waited. It hasn’t smelled this decent probably since it came off the line. 
You walk through the cockpit into the hull. Hunter has his back to you, standing near the gunner’s chair. You approach slowly, knowing he knows you’re there. You can’t hide anything from him. 
“Hunter?” You ask quietly, the others loading up behind you. 
“Was it true?” He asks, turning his head slightly to look over his shoulder. “What you said?” 
You know what he’s talking about. You wanted him to know before, while there was still a shred of sanity. You wanted him to know in case he remembered. You didn’t want him to feel guilty. 
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Yes. All of it.” 
His shoulders slump, his head turning away from you. “It’s frowned upon.” He says. “We’re not supposed to fraternize.” 
“Since when do you follow rules?” You say, voice shaking just a little. 
His back straightens just a little, a laugh huffing from his chest. “You’re right.” 
He turns, crossing the distance between you quickly. He takes you in his arms, pressing his lips against yours. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. His lips are soft against yours, teeth nibbling at your lower lip. 
“You could at least wait until we take off.” Crosshair sighs behind you. 
You giggle against Hunter’s lips, his hand lifting from your back for a moment and you can imagine the rude sign he had just flashed at Crosshair. You pull him back to you, pressing your lips against his once more. 
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@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @sinfulsalutations @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink
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starrylothcat · 1 year
Summary: Hunter sees you in a dress and doesn’t know how long he can wait to get his hands on you.
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. 18+. Smut, PiV, cunnilingus. Established relationship. Hunter being horny.
Word Count: 3500
Author’s Note: Wow this took me way longer than anticipated to finish! This is a spiritual successor to my Crosshair fic Handful. There was a dear anon who requested this (awhile ago, I’m sorry it took me awhile haha).
Please enjoy Hunter being horny over reader in a dress. Once again, this takes place on Pabu where everyone is happy. It’s what they all deserve, dammit! Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy. 💛
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Hunter was suffering. He was absolutely, positively suffering.
His grip on the supply container was faltering, his eyes transfixed on you at the end of the dock.
Hunter was supposed to be helping Wrecker haul supplies from the dock to where the festival was being set up, but he hadn't made much progress, or any at all.
You were wearing a new dress, one that immediately resulted in all of Hunter’s senses going haywire when he saw you in it earlier in the day.
You had emerged from the bedroom adorned in the lightweight sundress, rushing out the door with Omega to meet Phee at the docks to help with setup.
You had volunteered to help Phee and Shep put on a cultural festival, taking on most of the organizational tasks, so you’ve been busy the last week with last-minute setup duties.
Games, food, performances, it was going to have all the works. You wanted it to be perfect for everyone, and today was the day.
You kissed him quickly on the lips, saying you’d see him later.
Before he could even respond or compliment the new clothing, you and Omega were gone.
Hunter was left with the image of your backside jiggling under the flimsy, short dress as you shut the front door of your shared bungalow behind you.
Your shoulders and neck were completely exposed, thighs on full display. Thighs that he already knew were going to be wrapped around his head later that evening.
How you looked in that split-second has been replaying in his brain all day, waiting for the moment he can get you alone, thinking of all the delicious cries he’ll pull from your plump lips as he pleasures you beyond comprehension.
He needed to feel you under his hands and see how much more of you he can get to jiggle under that dress. Hunter needed to trace your curves and peel back the thin material inch by inch, tasting and worshiping every centimeter of your body.
“Hunter, ya need help?” Wrecker stepped in front of him, blocking Hunter’s view of you, interrupting his fantasy.
Hunter blinked, coming back to reality.
Wrecker had easily hauled his share of supplies and Hunter’s pile was almost untouched.
“Oh yeah, sorry. I’m just a bit distracted today.” Hunter huffed as he lifted the crate fully. Wrecker grabbed a few more, precariously balancing them in his arms.
“Heh, I’m excited about the festival, too!” Wrecker smiled, assuming Hunter was distracted for other reasons.
“Everyone has been working hard to make it happen. I heard there’s going to be LOTS of good food!” Hunter nodded, half-listening while watching you out of the corner of his eye.
You were inspecting a crate of unfamiliar-looking fruits, making sure they were acceptable to sell at the festival.
A slight breeze coming off the sea was rustling your dress, lifting the hem and exposing more of your thighs, giving Hunter another view that made his body burn under the already hot sun.
Hunter swallowed thickly, feeling sweaty as he walked with Wrecker, thinking he might not be able to wait until after the festival to have his way with you.
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The sun was setting over the calm ocean, a full moon peeking out from behind clouds, stars blinking into existence as the sky turned a deep purple.
The festival was in full swing, laugher, music, and mouth-watering scents hanging in the air. Hunter barely had a chance to talk to you all day, since you were busy making sure the festival was going according to plan.
As he walked through the crowd, he spotted Crosshair with Omega at one of the game booths, while Wrecker was chatting up one of the food vendors.
Tech was with Phee, trying to explain in excruciating detail the significance of a cultural dance that was being performed.
Echo was sharing wine with a local artist, admiring their paintings, though his eyes were mostly admiring the artist.
Hunter smiled to himself, pleased to see his family just be…happy.
Hunter never imagined himself settling down anywhere with anyone. Yet here he was, with you, the love of his life, and Omega, who now has stability and can be the child she deserved to be.
Ever since you all decided to settle on Pabu, you immersed yourself with the people of the island, often helping Phee in the museum, cataloging artifacts, and helping newcomers settle into their new lives.
Hunter was proud of you, seeing how much work and energy you put into making this festival happen and knew how much it meant to you for it to be successful.
Hunter was scanning the crowd, trying to find you. You were still busy, running around and making sure all the festival-goers were satisfied.
You needed to remember to enjoy yourself, too, and Hunter was going to make sure of that.
Hunter grabbed two cups of wine, finally finding you in the crowd.
You were speaking with some musicians who were about to begin their performance, making sure they started on time to ensure the performers after them stayed on schedule.
Hunter couldn’t help but marvel at how beautiful you looked in the setting sun, his heart swelling at how lucky he was to have you. Something else began to swell in his pants, watching your hips sway under the silky looking dress material. You were still wearing the dress from earlier, his fantasy not forgotten.
You heard your name, turned, and saw Hunter walk toward you, holding the wine.
You excused yourself from the musicians, realizing you hadn’t seen him all day. You felt a little guilty, smiling as he approached you.
“Everything going okay, mesh’la?”
You nodded, taking the wine you realized you needed.
“Yes, even though I just had to tell Crosshair to cool it on the ring-tossing game. You won’t believe how many stuffed tookas Omega has now…”
Hunter chuckled as he kissed your temple, his arm coming around your lower back, bringing you in close.
“Everyone is having a good time…do you have time to take a break? I’ve missed you today.”
You let out a soft sigh. “I know…you know how I can get. I just wanted tonight to go perfectly for everyone.”
You sipped the sweet wine, watching Hunter’s eyes darken as he pulled away, his eyes roaming your form.
“It is, I promise. You should be proud of yourself for organizing this. I’m proud of you.”
You smiled at his words, feeling his hand ghost across the top of your ass. “Thank you, Hunter. I feel like I owe it to the people here for accepting us so quickly.” Hunter nodded in agreement, still subtly feeling up your ass.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to watch the performance, but I think you have something else on your mind.” You raised your eyebrows at him, seeing a familiar glint of need in his eyes.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you how irresistible you look in this dress.” His voice dropped an octave into a smokey whisper as his lips brushed over your earlobe. “I’d love to show you…if you have the time.”
Hunter moved his arm from your waist, running his hand down your side, lightly pinching at your hip, feeling the fabric between his fingertips.
Kriff, it was softer than he imagined. Hunter’s hungry eyes met yours, and you knew what he was thinking.
You sipped your wine, a coy smile tugging at your lips. “Thank you. I was hoping you’d like it. I think I do have time for a break.”
You traced your hand over his chest, throwing him a devilish look. Hunter took that as a yes, quickly taking the wine from you and setting both your cups down.
He took your arm, leading you through the crowd until you were on the outskirts of the activities. You quickly walked down an empty corridor, the sounds of the celebration fading.
Mesh’la…” He growled in your ear as he led you down an empty alleyway, smelling the wine on his breath.
“I don’t think I can wait any longer…to show you how good you look.” His dexterous fingers slid up your body, the flimsy material of the dress exciting him, knowing what lays beneath.
You shuddered as he licked your earlobe, gently taking it into his mouth before lightly dragging his canines ran down your neck.
You were trying to stay quiet, but his alluring utterances and touches forced whimpers to leave your lips.
“I need you.” His voice was ragged, breathing in the sweet arousal on your skin, mixing with the salty twilight air.
You grasped his wide shoulders as he nipped and sucked at your skin, feeling his cock harden against your stomach. You let out a whine at the sensation, your own need growing intensely.
“Can you feel what you do to me?” He husked, pulling away and looking directly into your eyes. “Every since I saw you this morning, I’ve been wanting to fuck you in this dress.” You could feel how wet your panties were now, realizing how turned on he was by your outfit.
Hunter’s lips were on yours, vigorous and all-consuming. Your knees buckled at his eager kiss as he slipped the straps of your dress down your shoulders.
“H-Hunter someone could see…” you broke away from his impassioned kiss momentarily, realizing how hot and heavy you were getting in the alleyway. His chest reverberated with a deep laugh.
“Let them see - let them see how lucky I am to have someone like you…” his lips were on you again, this time his large hands slipping over your ass, giving a hearty squeeze that made you squeal.
Hunter’s grip slipped under your thighs, hauling you up and pressing you into the wall. Your arms flew around his neck for purchase, his groin pressing hotly into your center.
“But maybe it’s time to head home, what do you think?” He sucked on your collarbone, kissing up to your bare shoulder, nibbling and sucking as he went. “We have the place to ourselves, let’s make good use of it, hm? I’ve been biding my time to get you alone.”
You nodded, remembering Omega was spending the night with Lyana after the festival.
“I don’t think we’ll be missed, we won’t be gone for too long…” Hunter stopped, waiting for your answer.
You slid your palm down to his crotch, rubbing his painfully hard length through his pants, giving him your answer. “I suppose I can reward you for your patience.” You purred, palming him slowly. “I won’t make you wait any longer.”
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The second you got through the front door, Hunter was all over you. His hands roamed, bunching up the fabric of your dress, sliding up your thighs, over your hips, and squeezing your breasts through the dress.
Goosebumps erupted all over your hot skin, even in the tropical Pabu air.
Craving burned hot in your veins, your nails digging into his wavy locks. You tugged lightly, causing him to groan against your mouth, knowing he liked it when you pulled at his hair.
You don’t remember when he removed your panties and bra, or how you got on the bed, but now he was hovering over you, his clothes discarded.
A predatory look flashed in his eyes as he took all of you in beneath him.
The way the dress hugged your features, leaving little to the imagination, set his senses ablaze.
He could see your hard nipples poking through the dress, your delicious curves highlighted almost sinfully as you gazed up at him, the same want in your eyes as was in his.
The feeling of the soft fabric was maddening, greedily grabbing fistfuls of your soft flesh as his hands explored your voluptuous form.
He was still groping as he planted wet, sloppy kisses up to your ear.
“I want to take you in this dress.” Hunter licked at your pulse point, feeling your heart rate increase under his tongue.
“How do you want me?” You gasped, needing more of him by the second.
“I want you on my face.”
His voice was husky, his words thick with feverish cravings that sent lightning bolts of pleasure straight to your core.
“Is that okay?”
You nodded dumbly, your thoughts muddled by passion.
Hunter let out a low grunt of approval as he rolled off you, laying on his back, beckoning you to him. How could you deny him, especially when he looked like this?
His eyes were hooded, his breath labored, some of his curly hair falling haphazardly out of his bandana. Hunter’s control was already unraveling and you’ve barely gotten started.
“I know how wet you are, mesh’la. Let me help you. Let me taste your perfect pussy.”
A shudder ran down your spine as you you crawled over and positioned yourself over his head, hiking up your dress as your thighs surrounded his face. You braced yourself on the headboard, looking down at the man between your legs.
Hunter’s pupils were blown with wild lust as he gazed up at your pussy, his mouth watering with anticipation.
“I don’t want to-I don’t want to hurt you or-“ You whispered, trembling at his breath ghosting over your exposed cunt.
Hunter chuckled, carefully caressing your thighs, his touch gentle. “You could never hurt me. And if this is how I go, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He gave your thighs a curt squeeze.
“Now sit on me, please.”
Hunter clutched the soft flesh of your ass, keeping your dress pulled up as he drew you down to his mouth. The second his tongue eagerly lapped at your folds, you let out a high-pitched whimper, your chin falling to your chest. “Hunter…! Oh, stars…”
Hunter began licking and probing, switching between fucking you as deep as he could with his tongue and suckling on your clit. It was almost overwhelming, your airy mewls becoming heavy moans as Hunter devoured you from beneath.
Hunter let out a primal growl as your arousal soaked his face. Your inner thighs were now coated in your slick, your clit swelling with every suck and pass of his tongue.
All your nerves were on fire, heat bubbling in your lower belly, the obscene sounds of Hunter lapping and practically purring beneath you was building your release quickly.
Hunter’s senses were ablaze, his hips instinctually bucking, his cock weeping as his face remained buried underneath you, intensely focused on your pleasure.
Hunter loved feeling the weight and warmth of you on his face, hearing every sweet cry that left your lips, inhaling the scent of your sex. It was almost overwhelmingly perfect. You were perfect.
He was at the core of you, and there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
Hunter’s fingers dug into the fat of your thighs, your dress bunched in his fists as he licked long stripes up and down your swollen lips. He made sure to keep the pressure on your clit, feeling your thigh muscles constrict around his head.
“Hunter…I’m close…don’t stop…” You could barely form a coherent sentence as he continued his feast.
Your thighs were quivering, your dress sticking to your body, and you were letting the most lewd sounds escape your throat, not holding back and letting Hunter know how he was making you feel.
You were gripping the headboard so hard you thought it might crack under your grip.
Burning heat was licking in your loins, a molten coil tightening and threatening to spring loose with every move of Hunter’s tongue, his thick muscle rolling and pressing against your clit.
You glanced down, finding it tough to keep your eyes open, and the look in Hunter’s eyes looking back at you between your legs was what sent you over the edge.
His eyes were blown with lust, black and deep, a carnal determination to feel your release on his tongue and taste every drop.
You threw your head back, his name a chant leaving your lips as you convulsed over him, your muscles spasming up as your orgasm rocked your entire being.
Hunter let out a satisfied groan, keeping you down tight against his face, letting you grind and ride your orgasm against him, not slowing his tongue and lips sucking at your clit. He didn’t want to miss a single drop.
You began to relax, your thighs now jelly, trying to get air back in your lungs. Hunter’s ministrations slowed, and you slid off of him, laying at his side.
“Mesh’la…” Hunter made no move to clean off his face, shining with your juices.
“I’ve been waiting all day for that. You taste incredible. As always.”
You were trying to come back down from the atmosphere, your mind spinning with the intensity of your orgasm, but still needing more.
“Now, how do you want me?”
Hunter asked, sultry as he licked some of your slick off his lips, savoring your taste.
“In your lap. I want to ride your cock.” You knew this was one of his favorite positions since he was able to feel all of you, and it made his heightened senses short-circuit every time.
Hunter didn’t need another second to comply, maneuvering himself to sit against the headboard. “Yes, ma’am.”
His eyes flashed as you sat up, lowering yourself in his lap. “Take my cock. I’m all yours.”
“Do you still want the dress on?” You asked sweetly, sliding your still sensitive pussy against his throbbing cock.
“Yes.” He rubbed his hands on your ass, feeling the soft fabric and your supple flesh underneath, the sensations driving him mad. “Kriff, yes.”
He pressed his face into your neck as you lowered yourself on top, taking in all of him. The stretch was wonderful, finally having him inside you, hearing the hitch in his breathing as he bottomed out.
Hunter grunted, feeling your tight muscle clench around him.
“You look ‘sgood in this dress…feel ‘so good…I love you…” He slurred as you bounced on him, all of the sensations you were giving him building almost too quickly.
You grasped at his shoulders for leverage, moving up and down, feeling every ridge and vein of his thick cock against your walls, your whines and mewls matching his deep groans as you increase your pace.
You knew he wouldn’t last long like this, and didn’t want him to hold back.
Hunter clutched your waist, thrusting up against you to match yours, driving deeper into you.
Your sounds, your smell, he could feel his end building fast.
“I’m not going to last…” He rasped, now licking at your nipples through the thin fabric of your dress, adding to your pleasure. His thrusts up into you became stronger, hitting that magical spot so deep inside you, your eyes rolled back into your head.
Hunter hastily slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders once again, tugging the front down to expose your breasts,needing to feel your pebbled nipples on his tongue.
All you could do was let out breathy gasps, another orgasm building to a breaking point with each snap of his hips and debauched slurp as he sloppily sucked your tits.
“Hunter…I love you…I love the way you make me feel…oh stars…keep going…” Your words faded into gibberish as his mouth teased and tantalized your breasts, his movements becoming erratic.
“Cum for me. I want to hear you, feel you…cum on my cock…please…” Hunter’s voice was guttural, desperate, murmuring between suckling and nipping at your tits with his teeth.
You were delirious at this point, your breasts being ravished by his mouth as he kneaded and groped your thighs and ass, his cock bringing you closer and closer to the glorious edge with every frantic movement of his hips.
“Hunter…you feel so good, make me feel so good…”
“That’s right…you take me so well, you’re beautiful like this…I can feel everything…”
Not only was he feeling his pleasure, he could feel yours too.
Hunter could hear every subtle change in pitch of your moans, feel every muscle twitch in your cunt as you milked him, smell the overpowering scent of your sweat and arousal…he was undone.
Hunter let out a muffled shout against your chest as he came hard, erupting inside you. Hunter wrapped his arms around your torso, tugging you flush against him as he rode out his pleasure.
His cock twitched and swelled inside you as he frantically bucked his hips, filling you to the brim, feeling the warmth spread in your cunt.
Only you were graced with the privilege to see your Sergeant fall apart like this. He was a mess, letting out low moans as his senses amplified every sensation.
Your orgasm followed right after, his cock rubbing your clit in just the right way, still sensitive from before. You cried his name like a prayer of devotion, holding him close as ecstasy blossomed throughout your body. “Hunter…oh Maker…Hunter…!”
Hunter kept his head huddled into your neck, his breath fanning across your chest as he listened to your heartbeat and felt your wet warmth flutter around his softening cock.
Your movements slowed, basking in one another, not quite ready for him to leave you or for you to leave him.
You couldn’t help but let out a tired chuckle as he looked up at you, a small smile on his lips, his face still glistening with your juices from before.
“Was that a nice enough break?” He whispered. You smiled back at him, kissing him softly.
“Yes.” Was all you could say, still trying to catch your breath. You moved off him, laying down on the bed, already missing how he felt buried inside you as you re-adjusted your dress.
Hunter hummed in contentment, rising off the bed and heading into the refresher. He walked back moments later with a damp towel, wiping the inside of your thighs and gently cleaning you up.
“You’re a mess.” He smirked. “You can’t go back to the festival looking like this.”
You sat up, playfully nudging his shoulder. “I have you to thank for that.”
Hunter kissed you, cupping your cheek and tracing his thumb over your flushed face. “I can’t help that you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. With or without the dress.”
He pressed his forehead against yours, nuzzling your face.
“I’ll have to add it into my weekly rotation.” You teased. “I’d prefer daily.” Hunter smirked, kissing you sweetly again.
Hunter laid next to you, and you rested your head against his chest, tracing your fingertips over his tattoo that ran down his torso. “We should get back soon…” You muttered.
Hunter’s eyes were closed, his breathing slow. “Mmm…yeah…” was all he could muster.
“If I’m not there to stop Crosshair from winning every game, there won’t be prizes left for anyone.” Hunter laughed, cracking open his eyes. “We better get back then.” Neither of you moved, still relishing in one another.
You hummed, thinking. “Ten more minutes won’t hurt.”
Hunter smiled. “Fifteen?”
“Omega might come back with an army of stuffed tookas by then.”
Hunter playfully sighed. “Okay, ten minutes. But only if you promise to wear that dress the rest of the night.”
Hunter may not be a soldier any longer, but his reflexes and strength still remained.
He had you pinned underneath him in an instant, his lips centimeters from yours. “I’m not done with you, yet.”
Your breath hitched at his provocative promise for later, one that he fulfilled over and over again after the festival ended, even after your dress was long discarded.
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moomoog017 · 2 months
fics ᯓᡣ𐭩 the rolling of the ball ꔛ✿
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The Bad Batch x Maid! FEM Reader
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Synopsis: As you enter the ball with the Bad Batch, all the brothers show you affection in their own ways.
Genre: Fluff, a bit suggestive
Word Count: 3,117 (omg)
Warnings: fluff, suggestive flirting, creepy dude (he doesn't do anything)
A/N: This is literally gonna be a whole series of oneshots I LOVE THIS IDEA. It's finally here in all of it's glory enjoy!
No. 0.5: Of 'The Brothers'
The Brothers - Royal Bad Batch x Maid FEM!Reader || Fluff, spicy
(Story Masterlist)
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Stepping inside, the bustling noise of various guests laughing and conversing made your eyes widened. This was definitely out of your realm but you took a deep breath, the next thing that hit your senses was the strong smell of perfumes; some were fruity, some were earthy but they all smelled bad to you…Everyone else had stepped forward but you were left slightly further back. Hunter looked behind him and the look of empathy graced his tanned skin.
The two of you met eyes and a small smile pulled at the corner of his lips. “Hey, how are you feeling?” Your face became a mix of uncertainty and Hunter understood. He stepped back to you and gently put his calloused hand on your arm, “I get it; don’t hesitate to ask me if you wanna head outside for some fresh air alright?” His voice filled you with warmth and care, and you nodded. “Thank you Hunter,” he nodded back and released your arm, you then stepped forward with the man. He turned to you and Omega, “alright off you two go, I need to discuss business.”
You then looked down at Omega and she wiggled her eyebrows at you. “Don’t even,” you warned snickering. She laughed, “Let's find the hors d'oeuvres table.” She had a mischievous grin on her face as she took your hand, “you know me so well Omega.” You two hurried to the table covered in rich silk littered with various foods both sweet and salty.
Unsurprisingly Wrecker was already there, piling food into his mouth. Echo stood beside him with a disgusted face as he watched the horror in front of him. Omega chuckled and smelled the food, “oh this looks delicious!” You had also come up further inspecting the food. Wrecker then looked to you, “yeah it’s ok but Y/n could do so much better.” You smiled at the large man as he smirked at you. “Thanks Wrecker,” you spoke with sincerity. He responded, “no problem sweetheart.”
Your temperature rose hearing his words, in an attempt to hide your embarrassment you took a small hors d'oeuvre in your mouth. Echo and Omega were talking, Echo probably lecturing her on proper eating etiquette since she was still quite new to all of this.
Wrecker looked over to you once more, taking a few steps closer. “So which one’s your favorite?” You took a napkin dapping it onto your soft lips, “this one is super good.” Wrecker smiled slightly leaning against the wooden table. “Oh yeah?” He had a glimmer in his eye and you raised your eyebrows. Wrecker reached over taking the food you gestured to and brought it up to your mouth. “Open wide sweetheart,” he was now pretty close to you and you could feel him disturbing the fabric of your poofy dress.
Your eyes widened and you hesitantly leaned in closer to take the food gently from his rough but tender fingers. Closing your eyes momentarily as the hors d'oeuvre pressed against your tongue and the feeling of Wreckers fingers brushed the bottom of your lip almost sensually. As you chewed you turned your head embarrassed trying to enjoy the food but your ears became warm as Wrecker looked at you through half-lidded lashes. “Does that taste good sweetheart?” His words teasing you, as you swallowed you nodded slowly. “Yes Wrecker even better than the first time,” you attempted to tease back.
Wrecker still stood close to you and you had to move away before you started to fidget the fabric of your dress. In an awkward chuckle you brushed a piece of loose hair from your temple. “Good,” Wrecker said, pleased now, eating his own hors d'oeuvre. It looked like he was going to speak again but was interrupted by the sudden music that echoed throughout the hall. Omega and Echo were also curious as to where the noise came from and the piano began to play.
It was soft and calm as the keys were lightly pressed. Echo then got an idea, he walked up to you offering his hand to you. “Hey Omega let’s hit the floor!” Wrecker spoke offering his hand to Omega, she took it and off they went. Echo looked back to you, “and what do you say mesh’la?” Echo titled his head, hand still outstretched to you.
“Echo, I've never danced before…” You said rubbing your arm. He gently took your hand, “just follow my lead, you’ll be safe with me.” How could you resist Echo when he’d asked so nicely. “Fine…” With your consent, Echo ushered you to the dance floor and found a less crowded spot. He placed his scomp on your waist and took your hand in his. “Don't worry this is a slow dance,” his voice filled with care, making sure you were comfortable.
You nodded and put your hand on his shoulder. “We’ll take it slow,” the music began to pick up as it finished the overture. The violin and piano played beautifully and it calmed you, your shoulders and body began to relax as you looked into Echo’s delicately faded brown eyes. Your bodies were pressed tenderly together, the warm heat radiating off of Echo’s body. You began to fidget with the seam of his suit. In synchronicity to the music Echo led you with care as the two of you danced across the floor.
He was patient and calm as he held you lovingly. It was like you two were the only ones getting lost in the dance together so close to one another. You stumbled over his feet sometimes but he made sure you never fell. “You are good at this sarad,” Echo chuckled quietly, his grip on you grew ever so tighter. “I’ve almost fallen multiple times…” Slightly embarrassed you turned your head away from the pale man. He then removed his scomp from your waist bringing your chin back to face him. Your face a deep blush as you looked at him dreamily. “But I never let you fall did I?” His words were low and sweet. You shook your head stubbornly, “only because of you.”
Echo chuckled and he dipped you down slowly, looking at you his eyes were passionate, then he brought you back to his chest. “Oh hush,” he said as the music continued to play. The two of you danced until the music came to a rallentando. Your cheeks were flushed and Echo bowed; in return you curtsy. “You were beautiful,” the words came to Echo so naturally. You were in a state of calm but also panic as everyone began to crowd back to the floor. You excused yourself from Echo and he nodded, letting his hand linger on yours.
You looked for Hunter wanting to take him up on his offer as you grew more anxious. Making your way through the dense crowd you saw him sitting down with other military members. You hesitantly walked up to the table doing a curtsy to the others. You bent down to Hunter’s ear as you spoke. “Can we visit the gardens?” Your voice was slightly panicked and with a sense of urgency.
Hunter nodded and stood to his full height. “Excuse me gentleman,” his voice deep and commanding, he took your hand and led you outside. An immediate breath of fresh air filled your senses as you inhaled. Hunter released your hand, “apologizes.” You shook your head, “no, thank you for keeping your promise.” A playful scoff came from the long haired man, “I always keep my promises, especially when it comes to you.”
A small chuckle of gratitude left your lips, “thank you Hunter.” He looked at you with his loving hazelnut eyes. You two began to saunter through the small garden. It was turning night and crickets could be heard chirping. Hunter broke the silence, “you know balls aren't my favorite either.” Your eyes met his curiosity, “really? It seems they come naturally to you.” Hunter snickered, “I've been doing it for a long time, those guys wear me out.”
He sat down on a stone bench and you followed. “Is it because of your enhanced senses?” He nodded, “and they’re okay but not my favorite people.” Feeling a little closer and more confident you leaned in slightly, “and who are?” He leaned in a little as well, “my brothers, Omega, you…” You knew the brothers all saw you more than just a maid but it was still nice to hear. You only smiled and Hunter spoke once more, “feeling better?” You nodded. There were few people in the garden; the two of you were surrounded by flowers and herbs. Hunter shifted his weight down reaching for a flower.
“For you,” he held the flower out to you and you took it. “Thank you but don't tell the host,” you both chuckled. “Just don't tell them, here,” he held his hand out for the flower and you gave it back to him. He then tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he placed the flower snug between your ear and your hair. “There,” content with himself. You could feel his hot breath almost against your neck when he placed the flower. “Looks good on you,” he smiled and you leaned away, afraid you might capture his lips. “Thank you,” you stuttered looking up at the sky.
Watching, people made their way from the garden and back inside. You both stood, “dinner perhaps?” You inquired. Hunter responded looking at the group migrating, “probably my dear.” Before you could react, Hunter had taken your hand and the two of you walked back inside. Hunter stopped you clearing his throat looking at the flower. Getting the message you took the flower from your hair and tucked it into your dress. Hunter released your hand as you two made it to the dining room. You then found a seat between Tech and Crosshair. Omega and Hunter sat beside each other and Wrecker and Echo sat beside those two.
Preparing yourself to eat you placed your napkin on your lap. Tech looked over to you, “glad you decided to sit with us.” He gestured to him and Crosshair. “Well of course,” you nodded your head grateful. Crosshair looked you up and down before remarking, “you have quite the manners little maiden.” Your head shot in his direction and he had a smirk on his face. “Come now Crosshair,” Tech responded for you as the food was brought in front of all of you. Laughter and conversation rang throughout the dinner table as all sorts of guests interacted with one another. “Tech, could you pass the salt-” Tech had already placed the salt in front of you, “certainly angel.” You and Crosshair looked in slight amusement at Tech’s attentiveness. “Thank you,” now having a grin on your face.
Crosshair was quietly eating his meal, seeming to enjoy it. Tech gave you anything you needed whether it was salt, pepper, another napkin, utensils, it didn’t matter because Tech was ready for anything you needed. You found it sweet how proper and kind he was. “Can I tell you about the new research book I’m writing?”
You perked up at Tech’s words and excitement ran through you. “Of course I do Tech,” turning your body slightly to face him, he continued. “Well after many observations of different inventions, I’ve come to a conclusion-” Tech went into complete detail about the book and you were fascinated. You were one of the few people who listened to him for hours asking questions and being intrigued. “So the device you’re working on? What stage is it in right now?”
His ears perked up and he pressed his glasses further up his nose. “Oh well you see, I’ve been drafting it on paper but I am certain I can move onto the actual construction,” he pointed his finger. He paused for a moment, “but I was thinking perhaps you could help me build it angel, no one is quite as willing as you are.” His words made you feel special and you replied, “I would love that Tech.” There was a glimmer of happiness within him, although he never really spoke his emotions; if you knew how to read him it was easy.
“Really?” He sounded shocked. “Really.” That same glimmer became even brighter as he excitedly took your hands. Luckily you weren’t holding a utensil. “Oh we could make so many things together and I could teach you so many things my angel.” Your heart nearly melted as you smiled sweetly at him. “I would love everything about that!”
You couldn’t help yourself become a little giddy as well. As he held your hands tenderly, he noticed removing his hands from yours. “Sorry, I got a little-” You shushed him quietly, “it’s okay I didn’t mind.” A deep flush of red crept up his cheeks and you chuckled softly. You finished eating and wiped your hands and face with the napkin in your lap.
Tech looked over to observe you, “may I?” You nodded a little hesitant but he held his napkin bringing it to the corners of your mouth. The feeling was nice and calm as he removed a spot you had missed, you uttered a small thank you and he nodded. Everyone else was pretty much done eating but then a large burly man sat down rather sloppily and next to Crosshair. All the guests looked over at the man with worry and slight disgust in their eyes. The Batch watched closely as the man practically threw the food on his plate. Wow the manners of this guy…
Everyone continued on now slightly a little more uncomfortable. But the Batch had their eyes locked to him like an eagle. Crosshair was clearly displeased, snarling at the sloppy man as he got food everywhere. We all watched Crosshair tense as the man spoke obnoxiously, “great party!” Crosshair attempted to ignore him until a firm grasp came unwelcomely to his shoulder. Uh oh…the Batch all thought. Even Omega held her breath momentarily.
“You’re drunk,” Crosshair spat at the man. He only laughed loudly, “no I’m having a great time!” Before Crosshair could respond he turned his head to you, voice loud. “Wow would you look at this pretty thing?!” You winced at his tone of voice, looking cautiously. Crosshair felt his patience thinning at every word. The drunk man looked around at the rest of the brothers smirking and met eyes with you. “Ha I see what’s happening now!” Crosshair's voice was low and warning, “watch it.”
The man ignored Crosshair, “what you all take turns with the little maiden?” Your eyes widened in horror as the brothers were about to speak but Crosshair’s tongue was quicker. “Don’t talk to her like that, you slob,” The man finally turned back, he was about as tall as Crosshair. “What did you just say to me?” Crosshair repeated the phrase but with a slight growl. The man stood now and Crosshair remained sitting unafraid. “I suggest you leave before I make you,” Crosshair scoffed. “I think it would be the other way around you slob.”
The rest of the brothers sent ‘don’t do it’ look at their brother but Crosshair didn’t care. The man tried to throw a punch at him but Crosshair stood, capturing his arm. “You’re weak too,” Crosshair snarled. All the other guests were silent as they watched the throwdown. Before things got bloody, the rest of the brothers held the man and Crosshair away from each other. “I’m good, get off of me,” he pushed Tech off of him as he stuck his hands in his pant pockets before walking away. The other man was fuming with rage as the others tried to calm him. You held up your dress as you hurried after Crosshair.
He stood in a more secluded room with lighting only coming from the moonlight through the large glass windows. You made your way into the room releasing your dress from your hands. Crosshair looked over to see your silhouette. “Hey you,” you said lightheartedly. Crosshair looked away with a toothpick in his mouth. You slowly approached him, your heels tapping softly on the wooden floor. You stood beside him, “thanks for that.”
His eyes finally met yours, his eyes softened seeing the moonlight caressing your soft features. Feeling his face flush he turned his face away, “yeah whatever.” You touched his arm, “I mean it.” He looked down at you, “only I get to call you little maiden.” He had the faintest smirk as he shifted his toothpick to the other side of his mouth.
You chuckled gingerly, “let’s keep it that way, huh?” Crosshair’s eyebrow cocked to you, “glad you agree doll.” His words always sent shivers up your spine but being alone in the moonlight with him stirred something within you. Finally Crosshair fully turned to you, he moved closer now enclosing you to the wall behind you. You gazed up to him, his expression was hard to read but his actions were impossible to misunderstand.
“You know as soon as that slob started talking about you…I almost lost myself, I wanted to do a lot more than grab his arm,” his eyes darkened but still held that softness he always had for you. “I know Crosshair,” hearing his name come from your soft lips encouraged him more. He moved a little closer now, his body on yours, his movement was delicate but his eyes were alluring. You couldn’t stop yourself, you raised a hand to his cheek. His stubble is rough against your hand. Crosshair slightly leaned into your touch as he closed his eyes momentarily. “There’s something about you my little maiden,” your stomach began to twist as his words tempted your ears.
You released your hand from Crosshair’s face and he removed himself from looming in front of you. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you. It calmed Crosshair knowing you were beside him and even thanked him for causing a little ruckus. It made him grin, you looked over noticing and the reflection of the moonlight on his angular face. “What are you grinning about?” He dipped his head to you still looking out to the moon. “You, little maiden.”
After the day had ended and the ball was over you lay in your bed thinking about all the brothers and how sweet they were. You couldn’t get them off your mind, you may be the maid and the military men but that only made you want them more…with sweet dreams you fell asleep with the fuzzy feeling of warmth in your chest. Wondering what the days beyond would bring.
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Posting this as its own thing because I absolutely misread @freesia-writes prompt for Howzer.
So that's my bad.
Art master list
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But I'm also kind of proud of how these came out especially echo, and it was my first time drawing Howzer and Fives.
I gave him a smolder because it felt like he deserves that.
Crosshairs sheepish expression is fake don't believe him 😆
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skellymom · 3 months
hiii can you do a story about after a long mission, Hunter and Fem reader are about to make out but Omega interrupts and just keeps asking about what they were doing
I’ve been dreaming of this thing for a long time
HI! Thanks for the ASK!!!
Sorry this one took awhile. Been working a LOT lately.
But, here it is! Hope you like!!!
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(Pinterest pic credit: Maulia)
Background: This is set after Tantiss when the remaining characters settle on Pabu. My headcannon is they take off for missions to help Rex and the Clone Rebellion. Omega stays with Auntie Phee who keeps her busy with treasure hunting and (mostly) out of danger. She gets to still be a child with fun adventures.
Word count: 1K
Warnings: Swearing, mention of male erection, implied inevitable sexual activity
“Movies over. Time for bed, Omega!” Hunter promptly popped up off the sofa, nudging her to get up. 
“Aww...I’m not tired. Can we watch a couple holoshorts? THEN I’ll go to bed.” 
“Nope, off you go.” Finally dislodging her off the edge. “Brush your teeth first.” 
“Jeez...why are you in a hurry???”  
I couldn’t help but giggle at her persistence and sass. Little smarty pants. She suspected something was up. Usually, Hunter would let her linger a bit longer after the show was over. 
Hunter and I have been seeing each other in-between missions. Him with Clone Force 99 and me with my little band of Rebel Cell “Missfits” (an unruly group of women from planets all over the galaxy). Usually, our squads worked separately and had never heard of each other until meeting on a mission planned by Rex. 
He and I hit it off right away. 
From then on, we conveniently kept running into their squad. Even when we didn’t necessarily need help. And at times when we DEFINITELY needed it. They saved our asses on quite a few missions.  
The Missfits never forgot CF99’s generosity. We saved their cute butts too. After all, we support our allies. 
Eventually I just came out and confronted Hunter. And in front of both squads. Sometimes a woman’s gotta put a man in the hot seat to see what he says. 
“Hmm...we meet AGAIN! Are YOU keeping tabs on us?” Stated it loudly while staring him down...giving my devil may care expression. 
Hunter tried to hide his amazement at my bold statement. Keeping a neutral expression. He really did. But I could see the small barely perceptible grin at the corners of his sweet mouth. 
Kriff, I like to watch him lose his composure! Letting go of the control he tries so hard to keep in check... 
Wrecker couldn’t contain himself, slapping his brother’s shoulder HARD. “He’s keeping tabs on YOU! MAHAAA!!!” 
Hunter turned three shades of red while OUR entire squad erupted in wolf whistles and cat calls. The ladies COULDN’T let THAT go without making a big deal out of it. 
Of course, Wrecker’s statement was partially true. It was no secret he, Echo and Crosshair had a thing for the ladies in our squad. 
Then things got sticky with The Empire and we had to lay low for a while. Being seen together in the same place at the same time proved too risky. Our squads parted for quite a few months. We missed our men. They missed their women. 
But I digress. Back to Movie Night... 
Little Miss Omega really had our number. She glanced from Hunter to me.  
Surely, she suspected SOMETHING, just unsure of WHAT. 
“Goodnight kiddo. We’ll plan to do something fun and stay up later another night. With or without your brother.” I reached out with my foot and playfully kicked Hunter’s leg. 
He’s giving me that hungry look he gets when I’m sassy and physical with him... 
Omega smirked “Goodnight Y/N.” 
Then off she went to brush her teefies. 
Hunter settled back on the sofa, slid up close, arm up on the back of the couch around me. He expertly turned off the lamp on the table behind us. Smooth. 
We stared deeply into each other’s eyes in the semidarkness of the holoprojector. 
“Missed you. All I thought about for months.” His smoky voice so low. So deep. So...sexy. 
“Mmm...did ya now...” 
Maker, he’s so beautiful and sweet it makes my heart ache. Gonna tear him up tonight...quietly of course...we don’t want to wake up... 
“OMEGA! Go back to bed.” Hunter, doing his best to NOT sound annoyed. Didn’t even move from his position on the sofa. Still gazing in my eyes. 
The tiny, barely perceptible shadow in the hallway turns and scurries back to bed. 
“Damn Hunter. You’ve got kid radar.” 
“Not the only thing I’ve got.” He sensually runs his hands up my arms, shoulders, neck, caresses the sides of my face... 
...we close the gap between each other. Gently touching noses, foreheads. My arms slide up his stomach, chest...finally gripping his strong shoulders...and just as our lips meet... 
“HOLY KRIFF!” I just ‘bout lept off the sofa!!! 
Omega stood 5 ft in front of us...watching... 
“Hunter...did YOU teach her to be THAT quiet???” 
“What did I TELL YOU?!” He’s trying to be patient. Trying REALLY hard. 
“I’m thirsty...” Her expression is uncertain. She’s a good kid and certainly not trying to be disobedient. 
“You know where the sink is.” He’s the kind of guy who would get the water for her.  
But he CAN’T right now. I can feel his hardness against my thigh. Hunter shoots me an uneasy expression.  
He anticipates she’ll ask to be tucked into bed next...and he CANNOT support that action right now. 
I quietly giggle. 
He slowly shakes his head at me. 
Omega bounces into the kitchen and we can hear the sink running. 
The tap turns off. 
Sounds of a tiny person drinking. 
The rest of the water gets dumped into the sink.  
Clink of the glass being set on the counter. 
She’s quickly back in front of us. 
He inhales with the anticipation of her request. 
I’m watching all of this with bated breath...ready to bust out laughing. It’s NEVER a dull moment in The Batch household. 
“Will you tuck me...?” 
“OMEGA!” She jumps out of her skin. 
Echo emerges from the darkened hallway. A serious expression on his face, and a contrast to the #1 MOM t-shirt he’s wearing with his sweatpants. 
“Leave them alone and come to bed.” His expression softens. NOBODY can stay mad at Omega. 
“But...” She’s stalling. 
“Now, young lady.” Echo raises an eyebrow and holds his hand out to her. 
Omega glances back to Hunter. 
“Go on with Echo. We’ll talk more tomorrow. I know you have questions.” 
She nods and takes Echo’s hand. Before they disappear down the hall, Echo glances over his shoulder and winks at us. 
Hunter and I wait... 
The door to Echo’s room closes. Clearly, he’s running interference for us tonight. Providing privacy. Otherwise, Omega will keep sneaking out. 
Waiting a minute more...Hunter cocks his head like a dog...listening... 
While reaching over and pressing a button on the holo-remote. Slow, sensuous Jizz music starts to play. 
Then that handsome man turns back to me with an intensity in his eyes that makes my whole-body ache.  
“Now...where were we?” 
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(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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every weekend is great until it’s Sunday because I realize that Monday exists and that means Tuesday exists which means Wednesday exist witch means I am gonna have to worry about my babies all over again
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To be Claimed - NSFW version
Hello friends! I found these marriage prompts by @brainbright for our favorite batchers! I immediately felt they struck gold and pushed this fic out in 12 hours.
I have two versions of this fic: a sfw and a nsfw. The sfw one ends before the smut begins so if you want to avoid smut, I'll link the SFW one here.
CW: brief violence, mention of misogyny, revealing of feelings, idiots in love. Unprotected sex, PiV, light gagging, oral (M! receiving), fingering, clit play, aftersex cuddles.
Hunter x reader
Word count: 3100
You didn’t expect the mission to go as it did, but all of you were alive. That’s what mattered to you. Hunter, Echo, Wrecker and Tech were all alive and Omega was safe at Cid’s. That’s all you could ask for.
Cid came to you with a new mission. In exchange for some pure spice, you and your Batch were to offer protection for a week to a leader from this backwater planet. The culture was rather archaic. Women were subservient and silent, to be seen and not heard and the men handled everything. Being on that planet made you grateful to have grown up on Naboo. You were in the same classes as Padme Amidala, or Naberrie as you knew her. You were quite a bit younger than her though. She excelled in her politics and academics, while you were more a physical girl. You would rather settle a fight with your fists than words.
You made the decision to keep your helmet on the whole time you were on this planet. Tech modified your armour to give you more protection on your chest and midsection, so your gender wasn’t obvious to others as it was to your squad. You were grateful for the voice modulator. It deepened your voice a bit, so it just sounded like you were effeminate man.
You were protecting the leader of this community for a week from some assassin. You didn’t know which assassin was after the leader, but you knew there were more bounty hunters around trying to lure you away from the leader. They’d threaten locals to make you distracted. So, you and Tech were stationed with the leader, while Echo, Hunter and Wrecker took care of the other troublemakers. As you waited for the all clear to move the chief from Hunter, you and Tech conversed quietly.
“You are certainly mistaken. There is nothing going on between Phee and I.”
Rolling your eyes, you pointed out that Phee flirted with him constantly with every encounter you had with the pirate.
“Tech, she calls you Brown Eyes at every opportunity! She pays more attention to you than any of us! She’s clearly into you.”
Glancing up at you from his datapad, Tech shook his head. “Regardless, I have no interest in pursuing Phee romantically. Not when I have the squad to look out for.”
That was the one thing you loved and admired about Tech. He’d sacrifice everything for his family without question or hesitance. You only hoped he wouldn’t get himself killed protecting everyone.
“Alright boys let’s move the bird out!” you heard Hunter through the comms.
You lightly pulled the chief to his feet as Tech told him it was time to move. Tech pulled up the rear as you held the lead, blaster in hand. You shot at every bounty hunter you saw, hoping to deter others from trying anything.
As you rounded a corner, you nearly met your fate at the end of a blaster barrel. You paused, looking at the blue skinned woman in front of you. You recognized her deadlocked ponytail and single antenna and clocked that Aurra Sing was in front of you.
“Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise,” she sneered. “My target handed to me on a silver platter by two clones.”
You pushed the blaster away from your face. “Sing. I should’ve smelled your disgusting perfume from atmosphere,” you hissed.
Chuckling, Aurra took aim at you again. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make sure I’m the last thing you see before you die.”
“Like kark!” You pushed her aside, pinning her to the garden wall, shouting at Tech to move. If someone was gonna die, it was gonna be Aurra Sing. The bounty hunter took far too much from you during the clone war and so you had a little vendetta.
She kneed you in the torso, causing you to be winded for a moment. You immediately swung back, clocking her in her nose. As she backed away holding her nose, you kicked her head, bending her antenna.
Aurra became furious, lunging at you and pinning you to the ground on your back. You gritted your teeth, pushing her off as best you could but she had the advantage. Aurra took your viroblade from its sheath and moved it to your neck. As it dug closer to your jugular, you thought of your squad and how you’d miss them if you didn’t push her off.
Blaster shots rang out from your right, causing Aurra to pause in her assault on you. You turned your head, seeing Hunter and Wrecker firing at the assassin. Aurra quickly got off you and bolted, firing back at your boys.
Eventually, another bounty hunter picked Aurra up from your pursuit of her. You fired your blaster again at the small ship, hoping to bring it down but she escaped again. You prayed someone would take her out one day.
You and the boys were celebrated as heroes and offered a feast in compensation. Never one to turn down a way to keep Wrecker full, you all gladly accepted. There was music and dancing and singing, in a way you’d never seen before. Sure, you had had parades on Naboo but nothing this extravagant. There were colours of red, blue, turquoise, orange and many more. You were carried on these little mini beds by some locals. You and Echo sat side by side, admiring all the colours and festivities.
“So, you gonna say something to Hunter? Once we’re back on the ship?” he murmured into your comm channel.
You looked at him through your helmet. You almost regretted telling Echo about your feelings toward your sergeant. Sure, there was nothing to stop you now from fraternising with squad mates, but the gods know there was something stopping you from revealing your feelings.
“Depends on how the rest of this goes. There’s always chaos to follow us so I’m just waiting for it to reveal itself.”
Reveal itself it did. As soon as you were all seated the leader gave a speech in their native tongue before gesturing to you to eat. You removed your helmet for the first time in days, grateful to breathe fresh air and eat fresh food. A collective gasp rung out from everyone except you and the boys, confusing you as you took small bites.
The leader and the elders look furious, yelling at you in their language. You were scared and confused, looking to Tech for an explanation.
Tech put his helmet back on and translated quickly, fearing the worst for your safety.
“Apparently, they are accusing us. We deceived them into thinking we were all men. According to tradition, all women of marrying age who step foot in the chief’s house, as we did early this week, are automatically married to him unless they are already claimed. Since you are of marrying age and do not seem to be claimed, he claims you as his wife.”
As Tech finished his translation, you were yanked from your seat and dragged through the seating to be thrown at the chief’s feet. You yelled and screamed, begging the boys to help you. They did, but not in the way you had expected. You almost wanted to face palm.
“She is claimed though!” Wrecker yelled out, looking to Echo for support.
Echo nodded, playing along. “Yes, she’s claimed by our Sergeant! They were wed last year!”
The leader looked from you to Hunter and back. Spitting out another question, Tech translated, going along with this idea. “He asked why we didn’t reveal that upon arrival. Why such deception?”
Echo looked to Hunter, who was both furious and concerned for your wellbeing, and tilted his head almost to say, ‘do something!’. Hunter was shocked at the turn of events but over his dead body you stay here as some archaic cultures wife. He came up to you and pulled you up to your feet. Pressing a gentle kiss to your temple, he pulled you closer. You nuzzled into his chest, fearing for your life. You had no idea this culture was that antiquated. Hunter brought his hand to your head and started to gently stroke your hair, making it look like a husband consoling his wife.
“We didn’t want to put the other in danger. Should anyone find out we were wed, they would use it against us. We never meant to deceive you.” Hunter had Tech translate.
Hunter led you to the seat next to him. “You okay with this?” he whispered.
You smiled weakly, hating that this was the improvised plan the boys chose. “I kind of have to be, don’t I? You sure you’re okay with playing husband?”
Hunter took your hand, kissing your knuckles gently. He could feel the leader’s anger at him and at you, so he laid the lovesickness on thick. Pulling you closer, kissing your temple, holding your hand and much more. You were blushing like crazy, wanting nothing more than this to be real. Gods you wanted this to be real. Hunter was so good at being loving. You wished more than anything that this was real, and you really were married.
As the festivities settled back into joyous ruckus, the boys encouraged you and Hunter to move into a private area so you could discuss things a bit more. You needed to make things convincing if you were to get out of there as one squad. You didn’t really want to leave the other three, but Hunter agreed it would make it look like you finally had some alone time as husband and wife. Shifting from one foot to the other, you reluctantly agreed to follow Hunter away from the celebration.
Hunter led you to secluded clearing, a short walk from the tents of the settlement. You sat on the ground, not facing him. He sat next to you, listening quietly to your heartbeat. You did not want to make the first move. You had no idea what to say!
Smiling, Hunter pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You froze a second but relaxed into his hold. Taking a breath, you finally spoke.
“I’m gonna kill Echo. I should never have told him about my feelings for you.”
Chuckling, Hunter squeezed your shoulders. “You really thought you could hide those from me? I can feel your heartbeat, I can smell your scents, and I certainly read your body language well enough.”
You froze again. You were a complete nong! Of course, Hunter could tell! He could feel the electromagnetic pulses from a base halfway across the planet! He would obviously be able to tell you had feelings.
Pursing your lips, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “Figured you’d say something when you felt the time was right. Didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Laughing, you elbowed his ribs gently. “Well, you failed at that! I’m so embarrassed.”
Smiling and laughing with you, Hunter let his head fall to meet yours gently. “You wouldn’t have had to worry about rejection. The others have known about my feelings since you joined us back in the Clone War. Didn’t want to endanger you by risking fraternisation.”
Your heart was ready to burst out of your chest. The man you had held feelings for, all this time wanted you just as much! Leaning in, you brushed your lips lightly over his, letting him control the rest. You could feel your heart beating harshly in your chest, and you knew Hunter could feel it too.
Hunter, softly took your chin and pulled you back to his lips, giving you a fiercer kiss than what you gave him. It felt amazing, to finally have his lips caress yours in a way you’d only had imagined prior to today. His were slightly chapped yet soft, pressing to yours softly as you keened for more.
Hunter pulled you onto his lap, having you straddle his hips to have a better angle to kiss you. His hands met your hips, lightly pulling you down to meet his pelvis. Your kisses eventually became heated, as your hands pulled at his chest plate, wanting it off.
Moving to your neck, leaving little kisses and bruises, Hunter whispered into your skin, “Should we head back to the ship?”
Smiling, you pulled his hair lightly to bring his lips back to yours. “Oh, kriff yes!”
Hunter smirked, lifting you up from the ground. You wrapped your legs around his torso so you wouldn’t fall.
You let your legs drop, so you could run to the ship. You pulled Hunter along, you both laughing the whole 5 minutes to the ship. Hunter captured your lips once again as you walked up the gangplank. Your brain was turning to mush, and you quickly locked the ship down, lest one of the boys return before getting your message.
Hunter kissed down your neck, deftly pulling your breastplate off, letting it fall to the floor. One by one, armour came off and blacks were slipped off. Your breastband was left on as Hunter laid you onto his bunk. His large hands moved up and down your body, almost as if he was trying to memorize what your skin felt like. He leaned down, capturing your lips once again, caressing your skin before hooking your leg over his hip. He rolled his hips into your pelvis, creating friction for you against your clit.
You let out a moan, so sinful Hunter could’ve cum right there. His hands moved up to your breasts, pulling the band up and off. Kneading your left breast, his mouth descended onto your right. Tongue circling your nipple, causing gasps and moans to escape your mouth. He was so talented with his mouth. How was he so talented with his mouth? In all your time with the Batch they never brought a single woman back. How was he so good?
One hand left your breast and travelled down to your clit. Hunter gently pressed one finger against it before circling it. Your back arched off the bed, begging for more. Chuckling, Hunter removed his fingers, licking them clean of your juices.
“You don’t think I’d let you come that easy?”
Whining, you pulled him closer to you again, wanting to feel him close to you again. You kissed him hard, flipping the two of you over so you straddled him. Your hand slid up from his neck into his hair, pulling his bandana from his head. You tied it back around your neck, just loose enough you could put it in your mouth if needed.
Hunter smirked, loving the image of his bandana in your mouth. Groaning, he felt your hand caress his cock. Deftly, up, and down but never actually wrapping your hand around. You were teasing him, just as he teased you. You took it a step further, slowly sliding off him until you knelt on the cold metal floor of the Marauder. Hunter sat up, confused until he felt your hand caress him again. Only this time, he felt something warm and wet. Your tongue had felt up from the base and circled around his tip. He was in heaven, feeling your skilled mouth on his. You always had a smart mouth, but dear gods had he known your other skill sets sooner, he would’ve told the GAR to kriff themselves and take you for himself.
Sucking softly, you bobbed your head, wanting to give Hunter all the pleasure he deserved. His hand slid into your hair, gripping by your scalp causing a little moan to come out of you. His hips started to thrust gently into the back of your throat, groans turned into soft grunts, and he quickly pulled you off him.
You looked up, wondering if you had hurt him at all but he quickly pulled you up into a kiss.
“If you had done that anymore, I would’ve come down your throat,” he growled.
“Maybe that was my plan,” you smirked.
He threw you back onto the bunk, finally having enough teasing. He crawled back on top of you, kissing fiercely. He pulled up and grasped his throbbing cock. He rubbed some of your arousal on before slowly pushing into you. You cried out in ecstasy, so loud Hunter pulled the bandana from your neck into your mouth. It was a good look for you he decided.
He slowly started to thrust in and out, relishing in how you felt around him. Warm and soft, yet you clenched around him so sweetly. You had no idea how much pleasure you’d be in but all you knew was you were on another place of pleasurable existence. You met each one of his thrusts, feeling a delicious friction against your clit.  You felt that knot in your belly growing tighter and tighter, the heat between your legs growing hotter and hotter.
You could tell Hunter was getting close as well. His hips were starting to stutter but he didn’t stop. His hand travelled down to your clit and rubbed furiously. The overstimulation causing that band inside to snap and break. You saw white behind your eyes, pulling Hunter in for a kiss.
His hips stuttered once more, and you felt warmth coat your insides. Hunter collapsed on top of you, careful not to squish you with his body weight. You both stayed like that for a moment before he rolled off you. He pulled you into his side, relishing in your closeness. Humming in contentment, you snuggled closer, wrapping your leg over one of his.
Hunter absentmindedly caressed you shoulder with his fingers, loving the feeling of you next to him.
“You think the others got our message yet?”
You chuckled. “I’d be surprised if Tech did not get our message. He never takes his eyes off his datapad.”
“Very true… Wanna go again?”
You smiled against his chest. “In a minute. I just want to lay here a moment.”
Echo was watching Wrecker show off his strength to some locals when all their comms beeped with a message from Hunter.
You might wanna avoid the Marauder for a few hours. We have some more things to discuss ;)
Groaning, Echo settled in for the night in his seat, waiting for Wrecker to switch weights until they got a comm, saying your “talk” was finished.
“It was only a matter of time,” Tech reasoned. “They’ve been pining for years now.”
Echo grimaced, knowing Tech was correct. This was gonna be a long night.
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I hope you enjoyed it! Hopefully my writing is a bit better than last time!
As always, criticism is welcome as long as it's kind and constructive.
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marymunchkiin · 8 months
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"𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙣𝙚𝙧 𝙘𝙮𝙖𝙧'𝙞𝙠𝙖! 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙚!" ---
I re-watched the Phantom of the Opera because I needed drawing inspiration and immediately Hunter clicked to me so I arted him into a sci-fi version of the Phantom's suit ❤️ Red shoulder is representative of his being in the Bad Batch.
Original suit is from this other fanwork I made :3
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literallyjustanerd · 9 months
Art requests?! A proverbial buffet of things that may or may not strike your fancy and are welcome to be ignored anytime! ❤️ Hope you feel better!
Hunter on the beach. However you see that. 😉
Any kind of domestic Hunter?
Any kind of… uh… sexy Tech? 🤣
or none! Haha. You’re a blessing just for existing. Glad you’re here. 💕
Okay first of all thank you so much 🥺 you're too sweet and this message made my day <3
I ended up doing two of the prompts and getting extremely carried away with the second, hope you like them!
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Letterkenny references? In my art? It's more likely than you'd think.
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And enjoy a tech!! Poor guy, Wrecker messed up the Marauder's console again, and fixing it is hard work. Also you cannot convince me that Tech is not the most heavily inked of the entire batch.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Warm Me Up
Summary: A freak storm has you and Hunter seeking shelter in a cave. The desperation to get warm has some hidden feelings coming to light.
Pairing: Hunter x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, unprotected sex, fingering, confession of feelings, snow storms, almost freezing to death (not really but close), hypothermia, survival skills, cuddling for warmth, fucking to survive, cock warming (literally and figuratively), post Order 66, bit of an AU
A/N: I am once again bringing you Hunter and reader fucking to survive only under different circumstances. I have been in a Hunter mood lately so you are welcome.
Thank you @starrylothcat for the idea for this one.
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It’s cold. 
The wind whips around you, finding every crack and crevice in your armor, numbing your skin. The storm had blown in out of nowhere, whipping big, wet snowflakes at you on a wind so strong it was hard to stand up straight. It’s a near whiteout, and even Hunter is struggling to break trail in front of you. 
He stops, turning to look at you a couple feet behind him, half to make sure you’re still following him. “There’s a cave up ahead.” He says, voice barely audible over the wind through the comms. 
Your fingers are going numb. You’d lost feeling in your feet not long after the storm started, already having been trekking through ankle deep snow. “Lead the way, Sarge.” You mumble, trying to convince your legs to start moving again. 
It’s slow moving for the few hundred yards until you see the mountainside jutting out in the blizzard. As you get closer, you can see the dark opening of the mouth of the cave like a monster waiting to devour you. You hope that’s not the case, but you suppose a monster’s mouth would be warmer than out here. 
You follow Hunter inside, the torch in his hand illuminating the small cavern. It’s not very wide, your shoulders would probably touch the walls if you stood side by side, but it’s deep enough to keep you from the howling wind outside. 
You’re shivering, teeth chattering as you stand in the dark cave. The storm was blocking your comms, preventing you from reaching the Marauder. This was supposed to be a quick mission, which was why you and Hunter had gone alone, leaving the others with the ship. Tech had assured you both the weather was going to be clear for the foreseeable future. 
You’re going to have words with him when you get back. 
“Kriff, it’s cold.” Hunter says, scanning the back of the cave before determining it clear. 
He turns back around, his torch illuminating your shivering figure. Neither of you had real cold weather gear, and Hunter’s armor was better protection against it than yours. 
“How are your toes?” He asks, stepping closer. 
“Numb.” You say, voice muffled by the scarf wrapped around your face. 
“And your fingers?” He asks. 
You lift your hands, fingers fumbling in an attempt to get your gloves off. He shines the torch on your exposed extremities as soon as they hit the floor, a curse crackling through his helmet. Your fingers are discolored and stiff, trembling as more shivers wrack your body. 
“We need to get warm.” He says, pulling you back towards the back of the cave. “We won’t last the night at this rate.” 
“H-How do we do that?” You stutter out between your chattering teeth. You were both ill prepared for this situation. 
“Take your clothes off.” 
You’re glad the cave is dark as the words leave Hunter’s mouth, the torch pointing at the wall as he removes his pack. You’re worried you may start steaming in embarrassment from the direct order. 
You’ve been harboring a crush on him for a while. It started during one of your first missions with them. Of course, you thought he was handsome when you first met him, but you didn’t start developing feelings until he saved your life. You were relatively new to combat, though fighting wasn’t anything new, and you had failed to see the explosive at your feet. Hunter had pulled you out of the way and shielded you with his body. 
He’d had his helmet on, but you couldn’t forget the way his hand felt on your arm, the way he looked hovering over you. You thought about it a lot. You still do. 
You had fallen in love with him after the war ended, and he had willingly gone toe-to-toe with Tarkin to keep you on the squad. Tarkin had wanted to reassign you, but Hunter had insisted you were part of Clone Force 99 and they wouldn’t be as efficient without you. 
You hadn’t dared act on it, though. He was technically your superior and you were not about to try pushing those boundaries. Plus, he’d never shown any interest in you in that way, and the last thing you wanted was to do was make things awkward. 
You also just haven’t had time. 
Between the Empire and deserting and being on the run and adjusting to having a literal child on board, you had little downtime for much else. You know Hunter’s stressed and has been feeling the effects of trying to keep everyone alive and deciding what to do next. 
The last thing you want to do is throw your feelings on him too. 
And now here he is, asking you to get naked in a cave with him. 
“What?” You stutter out, looking up at him, his face barely visible. He’s removed his helmet.
“Our clothes are wet. We can’t get warm wearing wet clothes. We’ll risk hypothermia, or worse.” He explains, his helmet hitting the ground with a thud. “Seeing as how we don’t know how long this storm will last and if we’ll be able to reach the Marauder by comm when it does end, getting warm is our priority.” 
His voice is so steady, so strong, reflecting every bit of the leader he is. 
This is moving much faster than you had expected. You’d thought maybe a nice dinner, or a walk on the beach, at least something before your clothes started coming off. Of course, survival was different. You would like to keep your toes if possible. 
Your numb fingers fumble to get your pack off as Hunter turns his back, digging through his pack. You’re glad for the darkness and the privacy as you tug at your own armor, fingers fumbling with clasps and straps as you slowly drop pieces onto the ground. 
You pause as Hunter turns slightly, putting something on the floor. The cave lights with a soft yellow glow of a heat lamp, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth. So you weren’t going to freeze completely. The walls of the cave glitter with frost, your breath visible in the air as you continue to strip out of your armor. 
You hesitate once your armor is off, staring at Hunter’s back. He’s making slow work of his armor, setting each piece in a pile next to his pack. You’ve watched them carefully stack their armor over and over. They always show it such reverence, though you suppose if it is your lifeline and one of your few belongings, you would treat it as such too. They always stack it in a way that would be quickest to get it back on and you can’t help but wonder if they practiced it. How fast can they get in and out of their armor if the need arose? 
You bend over your pack, fumbling through its contents before your fingers hit what you’re looking for. One of the spare GAR blankets that came in each survival kit the squad carried. Working separate from larger battalions meant you had to carry more supplies with you for situations like this one. 
You could cry as you pull the scratchy blanket from your pack. 
You would cry, except that it feels like all liquid is frozen in your body. 
You hesitate, eyeing Hunter’s back before you begin peeling your wet blacks off, goosebumps forming on your skin as it's exposed to the cold air in the cave. You fight off a shiver, shuffling closer to the heat lamp as you peel the rest off. You quickly wrap the blanket around your body, squatting down in front of the heat lamp. You can already feel the warmth from them on your exposed skin, toes starting to tingle. 
Your eyes move to Hunter, his back still turned to you. You swallow thickly as he tugs the top of his blacks over his head, revealing his back. Your eyes trail the tattoo on the right side until it disappears under his blacks. You’ve seen them all in various states of undress before. It was impossible in a confined space like the barracks or the Marauder. 
There had never been any insinuation, no lingering stares when you’d done a quick change. They were always so respectful, always so kind. 
You felt bad for ogling them sometimes. 
You quickly tuck your face in the blanket as Hunter tugs his pants down, praying you don’t start steaming. You want to look, you so badly want to look, but the last thing you need is to get caught being a creep. 
Hunter moves closer to you, spreading something on the ground behind you. You nearly jump as his hand touches your back, warm through the blanket against your cold skin. He’s squatting next to you, very close to you as you peek out from your blanket. 
“Do you trust me?” He asks, those stupid big, brown eyes shining in the low light from the heat lamp. 
You stare at him for a moment before you nod. He pulls the blanket from the death grip you have around it, eyes never leaving yours as he opens it up, slipping his arms inside. His bare skin meets yours, turning you until your back is to his chest. He maneuvers you so easily so you’re laying on the blanket he had spread on the ground, curling his body around yours before draping your blanket across you both. 
He sighs as he settles into place, his hand trailing down your arm. His hand is calloused from years of hard training, rough against your frigid skin. “Kriff, you’re freezing.” He murmurs, pulling you tighter against his chest. 
Your breath hitches as his skin meets yours, cold but not nearly as frozen as yours. You can feel every ridge of muscle, every line, every divot of his body. You can feel all of him. You try not to think about it, try not to picture every fantasy you’ve had, every daydream of being in this very position with him. 
Instead you focus on your shivering, the chill slowly abating as your shared warmth cumulates under the blanket. You can feel the heat lamp on your face, slowly thawing your frozen cheeks. You can also feel Hunter’s breath fanning over the top of your head. 
You let your eyes drift closed, trying to avoid the thoughts racing through your head. You’re naked. Hunter’s naked. You’re very, very close. You’ve imagined this moment many, many times. Of course, it’s always under different circumstances. Normally in your fantasies, he’d hold you like this after you fucked, or on those short trips between missions when you try to get as much rest as possible. In the deeper fantasies you wake in his arms in your quiet home, the early morning light shining through the window. You’d grind against him, teasing him until he slipped inside you, making sweet love to you as you have all the time in the world, and no cares whatsoever. 
Heat begins to bloom in your belly. You know it’s not just from the warmth beginning to return to you. You desperately fight it, trying to ignore the pulsing between your legs and instead focus on the roaring of the wind outside the cave, the painful throbbing in your toes, the scratchiness of the blanket, anything. 
Hunter shifts just slightly behind you, letting out a long breath. Kriff, he can probably smell it. He could probably smell it before your body even started reacting. He knows. He knows. 
You shift slightly, ignoring the way your thighs slide a little too easily against each other. “Sorry.” You breathe, nervously tugging on the edge of the blanket. 
He hums, his fingers trailing down your front. He presses his palm against your belly, causing your breath to hitch. He shifts his legs and suddenly there’s something pressing against your ass. Something hard. “Nothing to apologize for, mesh’la.” He murmurs in your ear, his voice so low and deep you can feel it vibrating through your back. 
"Hunter?" You ask, staring at the heat lamp. 
He hums, pressing closer to you, his breath fanning your ear. 
Your breath catches in your throat, your exhale shaky. "I'm still cold. Could you warm me up a little more?"
His arms wrap tighter around you, pulling you firmly against him as his lips meet the skin of your neck. He kisses a line from your ear to the junction of your shoulder, the hand that had been planted on your stomach slowly sliding lower. It slips between your thighs, grabbing one and lifting it over his hip. Your hands cling to the arm wrapped around you as he slides his fingers down your inner thigh. Your body is shivering for a different reason now. 
You gasp quietly as his fingers trail over your wet slit, hips pushing into his hand. It’s so much better than your fantasies, those dexterous fingers flicking over your clit. 
“All this just for me?” He murmurs in your ear, his voice low and rough. 
“Yes,” You gasp, nails biting into his skin as he works you up. “Been thinking of this for a long time.” 
“I know.” He says, sinking a finger into you. “I could sense it. At first I could smell it. I always wondered what you were thinking about.” He slips a second finger into you. “Didn’t take long to figure it out.” He kisses the side of your head. “Your heart rate would jump. Sometimes I’d smell it while you were looking at me. I was flattered. A gorgeous woman like you thinking about me like that.” 
You wiggle in his arms, just enough so you can see his face. “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
He pauses his movements, his fingers stilling inside you. “Didn’t want to complicate things. Then everything happened with the Empire and I just haven’t had the right moment.” 
“Fair.” You say, eyes dropping to his lips. “Not a whole lot of places to do things like this in the ship.” 
He grins. “No, especially not with the others there.” His thumb brushes over your clit, fingers starting to thrust into you once more. “I’m going to find us a safe place to stay.” He says, words broken by kisses as he trails them up your neck. “Build us a home with lots of privacy.” He kisses across your face to the corner of your lips. “So we can do this whenever we want.” 
You hum, backing away from his lips before he can kiss you. “Usually I require a date first, but I’ll make an exception.” 
“I’ll make it up to you.” He says, lips brushing yours as he speaks. “I promise.” 
You close the small distance between you, pressing your lips to his. He kisses you softly, lips slightly chapped from the cold. His fingers continue to move inside you, curling to find that spot that has your legs shaking. His thumb circles your clit, bringing you closer and closer to sweet release. 
You whine against his lips as you cum around his fingers, soaking his hand with your release. He pulls away from your lips, withdrawing his hand before he lifts his fingers, taking them into his mouth. You watch, slack-jawed as he sucks his fingers clean. 
“Fuck buying me dinner,” You say, rolling around to face him. “If you’re gonna act like that you can skip all those steps.” 
He laughs, rolling on top of you. It’s a mirror of the moment you first began to have feelings, when he’d saved your life. You suppose he also saved your life again in this situation. Perhaps he needs to save your life more often if it’s going to end with him on top of you. 
He lowers himself down, pressing his lips to yours once more. You kiss him hard, tangling a hand in his hair. You’ve always wanted to touch it, always wanted to run your fingers through it, pull on it to see if it makes him moan. You file that away for another day. 
He’s hard, pressed against your stomach. His hips rock against you, dragging his cock along your skin. You slide your hands down his back, grabbing a handful of his ass. You’ve always wanted to grab it, having spent way too much time memorizing the shape of his body. His broad shoulders and thin waist and round ass and thick thighs. 
He really is the perfect man. 
“Fuck,” He moans, pulling away from your lips to press himself up. 
He’s away just long enough to line his cock up, your legs parting even wider for him. You both moan as he sinks into you, your sensitive walls fluttering around the intrusion. You pull him back against you, securing him tightly to your chest. His lips find yours again, kissing and biting as he begins to move. 
His thrusts are slow, working you open for him. It feels better than you could ever imagine, better than your fantasies could come up with. You’re no longer cold, even your toes warmed by his body and his touch. The air in the cave even feels warm, the blizzard outside nothing compared to the fire ignited beneath your skin at Hunter’s touch. 
You move your hips as he picks up speed, your bodies moving fluidly together. You let go, moaning as loud as you can. You don’t care if you accidentally wake some beast deep in the mountains. You want the whole galaxy to know how good Hunter makes you feel. 
Hunter grunts and moans above you, snapping his hips into you. You cling onto him as you begin to feel the burning low in your stomach, the coil tightening more and more as you get closer and closer to the edge. 
“Cum for me.” Hunter growls, nipping at your lower lip. “Let me feel you.”
You cry out his name as you cum, back arching in pleasure. He’s not far behind you, his head falling back as he stutters to a stop, filling you with his cum. You let him fall on top of you, wrapping your arms around him. 
He lays there, both of you catching your breaths. He’s heavy, a solid weight, but you don’t complain. He’s warm, and he makes you feel safe. He kisses your neck, tongue darting out to taste the salty skin. He groans, already starting to go hard inside you again. 
You wake to a bright light in your eyes. You squint, ducking your head down under the blanket. Hunter groans, shifting his arms around you. It’s quiet outside, far quieter than it had been last night. 
“Storms over.” Hunter rasps, not making any attempt to move. 
He’s still inside you, his softened cock tucked inside your pussy. You’d fallen asleep after the third round, the exhaustion finally taking over after you were thoroughly warmed. You don’t really want to get up. You don’t really want to move. You know the others have to be worried, after all you hadn’t been able to contact them after the storm blew in. You’re not even sure how far you are from the Marauder. 
It may be a bit selfish, but you wish you could stay here. Build yourselves a tiny home in this cave and never leave. Just the two of you, alone, like your fantasies had once consisted of. 
You know it’s not possible now. You couldn’t abandon the others like that, and you could never convince Hunter to abandon Omega, not that you would ever want to. You’ll just have to find a place to build a big enough house for all of you. 
“We should get up.” Hunter says, still not making any attempts to move. “The others will be worried.” 
You hum, pressing a kiss to his chest. “Five more minutes?” 
He chuckles, lifting your chin so he can kiss you. “I suppose five minutes won’t hurt anything.” 
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