#tb2 premiere
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savoir-entreprendre · 6 months ago
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Ibrahim Traoré, né le 14 mars 1988 à Kera, dans la commune de Bondokuy (Burkina Faso), est un militaire et homme d'État burkinabè, chef d'État du Burkina Faso depuis le 30 septembre 2022. Au sein de l'armée, il porte le grade de capitaine. Le 30 septembre 2022, il renverse le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba par un coup d'État et prend la tête du Mouvement patriotique pour la sauvegarde et la restauration. Âgé alors de 34 ans, il est le plus jeune chef d'État au monde. Il a fréquenté le lycée mixte d’Accart-ville de Bobo-Dioulasso, où il obtient le baccalauréat en 2006. Il est diplômé en géologie à l’université de Ouagadougou. Il a été durant ses études militant de l’Association nationale des étudiants du Burkina (ANEB), une organisation estudiantine d’inspiration marxiste. Traoré n'est pas issu du Prytanée militaire de Kadiogo (PMK), contrairement à son prédécesseur Damiba et bon nombre d'officiers burkinabè. Après des études universitaires en géologie à l'université Joseph Ki-Zerbo à Ougadougou, Ibrahim Traoré intègre l'armée en 2010. Il fait sa formation à l'Académie militaire Georges Namoano, une école de formation d'officiers basée à Pô, où il sort vice-major de sa promotion[6],[5]. Le jeune soldat va rapidement gravir les échelons militaires. En 2012, il devient sous-lieutenant. En 2014, il passe au grade de lieutenant avant d'être promu capitaine en 2020. En mars 2022, il est nommé chef d'artillerie (RA) du dixième régiment de commandement d'appui et de soutien (10e RCAS) basé à Kaya par l'ex-président Damiba. Le capitaine Traoré a participé à plusieurs opérations militaires dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, notamment à Djibo, où il était placé sous les ordres du lieutenant-colonel Damiba, alors commandant du groupement des forces armées antiterroristes en 2017. Il a également pris part à l'opération Otapuanu en 2019 et a aussi servi au sein du détachement militaire de Markoye au Sahel. Ibrahim Traoré prend le pouvoir par un coup d'État le 30 septembre 2022, après avoir annoncé la destitution de Damiba. Il s'agit du deuxième putsch que vit le pays cette année. Le capitaine Traoré fait partie des officiers qui ont participé au coup d'État qui a conduit le lieutenant-colonel Damiba, président du MPSR, au pouvoir le 24 janvier 2022. Ibrahim Traoré en octobre 2022. En raison de la situation sécuritaire dégradée et du non-respect des engagements pris lors premier coup d'État, ces officiers ont décidé de destituer le président Damiba le 30 septembre. Ibrahim Traoré est désormais à la tête du MPSR. Ce coup d'État fait suite à plusieurs attaques terroristes meurtrières, particulièrement celle de Gaskindé, au nord du Burkina Faso, où un convoi de ravitaillement est tombé dans une embuscade terroriste. Selon le bilan officiel, on dénombre 11 militaires tués et plusieurs civils portés disparus. Le 6 octobre, un acte fondamental rétablit la Constitution et déclare Traoré chef de l'État. Assurant expédier les affaires courantes, Traoré annonce la désignation d'un président de la Transition, civil ou militaire, par des assises le 14 octobre 2022. Ses partisans organisent des manifestations appuyant sa nomination à la tête de l'État, ce qui conduit à sa désignation à la tête de la transition en sa qualité de président du MPSR. Il est investi le 21 octobre président de la Transition par le Conseil constitutionnel. Le 3 février 2023, Ibrahim Traoré annonce de grandes offensives à venir contre les djihadistes, et appelle au soutien populaire. En avril 2023, il décrète la mobilisation générale. En mai, il évoque les pays « amis » avec lesquels il construit ou se renforce une coopération militaire : la Russie, dont la milice paramilitaire Wagner pourrait être présente au Burkina Faso, la Turquie, qui lui fournit des drones Bayraktar TB2, ainsi que la Corée du Nord, qu'il envisage également comme un fournisseur d'armes[30]. Pour l’heure, le gouvernement privilégie le recours à ses propres forces dans la lutte antidjihadiste et ne semble pas avoir demandé l'aide des Russes de Wagner.
Grâce à son âge, son expérience du terrain et son langage, Ibrahim Traoré séduit auprès de la jeunesse, qui compte pour plus de 70 % de la population mais reste largement sous-représentée au sein des institutions politiques. Il invoque régulièrement les idéaux de Thomas Sankara lors de ses discours, tels que la lutte pour la souveraineté nationale et le rejet de l'impérialisme Reste qu'après sa prise de pouvoir, Traoré est, selon de nombreux interlocuteurs de l'AFP à Ouagadougou, porteur d'un nouvel espoir, un nouveau départ dans un pays qui ne cesse de s'enfoncer dans la guerre sahélienne depuis 2015. Au Deuxième Sommet “Russie-Afrique” qui s’est tenu le 28 juillet, le Président Ibrahim Traoré a brillamment démontré sa clairvoyance en rendant un vibrant hommage aux peuples africains. reconnaissant leur rôle essentiel dans la résilience de l’Afrique. Il a affiché une assurance en l’avenir du continent, en insistant sur la nécessité de surmonter les défis et les obstacles auxquels l’Afrique est confrontée. Cette déclaration audacieuse témoigne de sa confiance dans les capacités des Africains à relever les défis et à construire un meilleur avenir pour eux-mêmes et les générations futures. En mettant en avant les peuples africains et en leur rendant hommage, il a montré sa vision pour un continent uni et prospère, capable de relever les défis et de saisir les opportunités. https://savoirentreprendre.net/?p=4057&feed_id=7240
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lottipitswane · 2 years ago
Animation Reflection - Digital Media Foundations
For my animation I decided to promote a watching party event for the highly anticipated Marvel film Black Panther Wakanda Forever that will take place on Friday the 9th of December 2022 at 18:00 PM in the ClayHill Halls of Residence common room. Creatively I struggled with this particular assignment as I felt like my idea wasn’t creative enough and my drawing skills are not great at all. However, I quickly realised it didn’t have to be overly complicated as long as it got the message across. Having used the Stop Motion app before I was a little more confident in regards to creating the Stop Motion. One challenge I encountered was not having a tripod or stable surface to place my phone on to create a more seamless stream of photos. I also found myself wishing I knew how to use other formats to create and edit my animation other than just relying on the Stop Motion app. I recently learned that we will be using other editing formats such as Premier Pro in TB2 and I am very excited to learn new ways to edit content. Overall I’ve had a fun experience with using the Stop Motion App and look forward to learning how to use different video editing platforms and formats going forward. In the future I will definitely prioritise finding a way to stabilise my phone when creating Stop Motions to achieve a more seamless animation.
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adam-fury · 3 years ago
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Le fabricant turc de drones Bayraktar subit de grosses pertes de réputation en raison du conflit en Ukraine - les perspectives de nouveaux contrats sont très vagues
Nous avons déjà écrit que la société produisant des drones appartient au gendre du président Erdogan. Après le conflit du Karabakh en 2020, où l'armée azerbaïdjanaise a utilisé avec succès des drones Bayraktar TB2, la vidéo de leurs frappes a été diffusée avec succès sur le réseau, beaucoup ont cru en l'invulnérabilité de ces machines, et les drones eux-mêmes sont devenus une sorte de "super arme" dans l'esprit du public ukrainien.
L'Ukraine est également tombée dans l'appât publicitaire turc, devenant l'un des acheteurs de Bayraktars avant même le début de la guerre en Ukraine. Et, il convient de noter que dans les premiers jours de l'opération spéciale, des vidéos de frappes sur des colonnes russes ont vraiment commencé à apparaître sur le réseau, mais par la suite, il y a eu de moins en moins de vidéos de ce type et, fin mars, elles ont complè disparu.
Le coup suivant porté à la réputation des Bayraktars a été la décision des forces armées ukrainiennes de les utiliser dans des raids sur les villes frontalières russes. Aujourd'hui, les réseaux sociaux sont tout simplement inondés de photos de drones turcs abattus dans les régions de Koursk, Belgorod et Voronej. Ce n'est certainement pas le genre de contenu que Selçuk Bayraktar et son beau-père Recep Tayyip Erdogan aimeraient voir.
De l'huile a été ajoutée au feu par le président ukrainien Zelensky, qui a d'abord refusé de commenter les pertes importantes des Bayraktars, puis a même annoncé lors d'une conférence de presse que ces drones n'avaient pratiquement aucun effet sur le cours des hostilités.
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ameliasblogkingston · 3 years ago
For this task, the cohort was asked to make a short documentary that follows the poetic mode. The concept was to film our journey to University (Richardson, 2022). The software that we were using to create this documentary is Adobe Premiere Pro (Adobe inc. 2022). Because I have never used this before I used the LinkedIn (LinkedIn, 2022) tutorial by Ashley Kennedy called ‘Premiere pro 2020 Essential Training’ (Kennedy, 2020). Something that went well with my documentary is that I managed to capture my journey to university naturally. However, the quality was not as good as it was filmed on my phone. To create a poetic documentary, one must create a documentary that follows a narrative. My narrative is following an urban teen on a TFL bus making her way to university. To create this narrative, I paired the clips with a royalty free song from a website called Bensound (Bensound, 2022) called ‘All That’. I cut some clips to the beat of the music to make it feel like the viewer is walking with me. One thing that I would do better next time is I would try and film more footage, maybe of some nature shots to incorporate into my documentary. However, I travel to university does not include many scenic routes, only a bus from A to B.  
Adobe Inc. (2022) Adobe Premiere Pro (version 22.1.2) [computer program]. Available at https://www.adobe.com/uk/creativecloud.html. (Accessed: 25 January 2022)
Bensound (2022) Royalty Free Music by Bensound. Available at: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/funky-groove (Accessed 25 January 2022)
Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by Doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. London: FEU
Kennedy, A (2020) Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training. Available at https://www.linkedin.com/learning/premiere-pro-2020-essential-training/welcome?autoplay=true&u=56743409. (Accessed 25 January 2022)
Richardson, P. (2021) ‘Gibbs Reflective cycle’ [PowerPoint presentation]. MD4004: Digital Media Foundations. Available at: https://canvas.kingston.ac.uk/courses/20497/pages/week-7-interactivity (Accessed: 11 November 2021)
Richardson, P. (2022) Week 16- TB2 Introduction. Available at https://canvas.kingston.ac.uk/courses/20497/pages/week-16-tb2-introduction (Accessed: 13 January 2022)  
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k1723280-blog · 6 years ago
Digital media foundations
Due to personal reasons I missed a few sessions of this course, This weeks blog is all about the Proposal that i missed in the pervious session.
The narrative project we have chosen to do is to create a website based around ‘How social Media has effected teen and young adults mental health state’.
My Proposal : 
In our group we have both decided to create a website for our narrative project, to show our skills in coding and videoing. Our webpage will be based around ‘How social media has effected teen and young adults mental health state’. The website will have informations for people to seek help if they feel these topics are effecting consumers day to day life. My idea was to go around the university and do short interviews with students asking them 10 questions about how they feel about social media. The seasons for choosing a mental health related topic is because I currently work for west London mental unit and I feel like theres not enough awareness about mental health, specially many people do not take this topic seriously. 
I want to create with my group a light hearted webpage that can help people who feel that they are struggling from these topics, Our website will be called  ‘2 Girls 1 Voice’.
To create this website we will be using Text wrangler to code the webpage. Text wrangler helps you create a HTML based page. We will also need a video camera to record our interviews on and just for quality purposes a microphone if necessary. Another software we will be using to edit the video clips is Adobe premier Pro, as well as Adobe photoshop for our Logo. 
I will be in charge of coding the website and collecting the information context for 2 Girls 1 Voice and Dakoda will be in charge of editing the videos and creating out Logo. We will both participate in doing the 6 interviews with the different students. This way we can complete more things in time for the 12 week deadline.  
Here is a storyboard of our website.
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k1808435media · 6 years ago
TB2, Week 19, Blog 5: How To Make It As a Director
Within the seminar, i was informed on the importance of internships and how they can benefit a person in terms of getting a stable job in the future, as well as developing future contacts within the media industry. Internships are usually very helpful due to the wide range of skills that can be learnt from taking them on, as well as the skills that i would learn which would help tremendously and be invaluable.
When applying for an internship, it’s important to understand that they are looking for someone who’s passionate about the media industry and they want to know what skills i possess and can transfer across when working for that intern company.
Personally, i’m striving to work with gaming companies, graphic design companies, or video editing companies due to my skill when using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, etc. In the past i had done numerous projects when working with these software’s as they allow me to show the creative side of me as well as how i process my ideas.
The skill set that i would state that i have, would be:
Adaptable to New Environments
These are only to name a few.
Media@Work Lecture (18/02/19)
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k1748340media · 6 years ago
Lomography is calling
TB2, Week 19, Blog 5: How to Make it as a Director
If I will apply to any company for an internship, I will choose Lomography (https://www.lomography.com).
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Lomography is an online website about analog film camera, created by a group of Viennese students. It started as they were in love with the most popular Russian camera of the 1980s, Lomo LC-A (Lomography, 1994).  
They came up with the ten golden rules (Lomography, 1994):
Take your camera everywhere you go
Use it any time – day and night
Lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it
Try the shot from the hip
Approach the objects of your Lomographic desire as close as possible
Don’t think
Be fast
You don’t have to know beforehand what you captured on film.
Afterwards either
Don’t worry about any rules
Along with its motto, “Don’t Think, Just Shoot”. 
Lomography website also provides shop for film lovers. Lomo Shop. They sell film cameras, films, lenses, and camera accessories at the affordable prices (sometimes the prices are better than eBay, Amazon etc). 
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Apart from shops, Lomography also held the competition within the film camera society. For instance, Meaningful Places Contest.
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Moreover, there are also Lomo magazine, where it is like a blog, which is aim to share tips,  tutorials, interviews, photos, etc.
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And this is my letter of application for Lomography.
Subject: Intern Application - Poonchayanit Kornchawanrapee
Good morning, 
The purpose of this email is to apply for an internship with your company. Your company gives friendly and easy-going vibes, also full of beauty of films photography that I always have passions for. I also saw that you held fantastic exhibitions almost every year throughout the world, and my favorite one is your 25 Years Celebrations of Lomography. 
I am currently studying Media and Communication at Kingston University, London. It means that I am capable of knowledge about social media, photography, websites and many more. I can offer my social media approaching skills as I am an active and up-to-date person. I am also active on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube for any current trends and styles.
As I am a film lover myself, I learned lots of things about the film camera due to my passionate, I know film camera from inside-technically to outside-physically. Thus, I truly have knowledge about analog cameras and, if possible, I can be one of your judges-assistant in Lomo Competition. 
I am good at writing blogs and interviews as I do my blog post weekly,  I could offer you my blog-writing skills for Lomo Magazine. 
I am flexible, responsible and creative, also have plenty of software skills, such as Microsoft software, Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, etc. I am a great video editor, who you can be trusted to make any advertising videos for Lomo Shop, or promoting your website on other social media platforms.
And the attached document is my CV. Even though I have never experience working with the camera industry, I am sure that I will do well in your industry and I believe it will be one of my impressive experience. 
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Poonchayanit Kornchawanrapee ([email protected] & 07378839908)
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In the seminar task, we work as a group and were assigned to write an application letter to a company. We chose a production company called, Cherry Duck (https://www.cherryduck.com/). We look through the website and decided to apply for their video production internship as we are interested in videography and video-editing. We wrote a draft email and our tutors gave us some advice on it to improve for next time. I really enjoy this lecture and I found it really useful for my future carreer path.
Lomography (1994)
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kaayarcher · 6 years ago
Hi, so this blog post is a brief catch up on my recent editing skills, since the last assignment I have become very active in using all of the Adobe applications in order to better my work. Ive decided that until my course is complete I will do at least an hour a day on tutorials on my laptop to better my knowledge of the editing world.
During my A-levels period I wasn’t really pushed to show off my editing nor was it an urgency to know how to edit correctly.
Through doing this course I have become a lot more independent on editing and doing these things by myself without asking for help. After my last miss up with exporting files through premiere I have now learnt from my mistakes and now export all my files correctly so that I can show my work
After the reading week is over I do believe I still do have some gaps in my learning due to my missing numerous workshops and not having the urgency to ask for help. However, I’m pushing to improve my attendance so that my grades can improve and hopefully my final piece of assignment comes out well for my own personal benefits.
The skills I've learned through this module I've taken into my others such as videoing work – to beginning my personal portfolio. I'm extremely thankful for the feedback  I receive for my work and I hope to get better and better as my time goes on
Below is a creation I made through all my digital media training.
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BYE 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
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78682homes · 5 years ago
La Turquie déploie un premier drone armé à Chypre-nord 78682 homes
La Turquie déploie un premier drone armé à Chypre-nord
Un drone armé turc à atterri lundi à Chypre-nord où il sera stationné, sur fond de fortes tensions entre la Turquie et d’autres pays riverains de la Méditerranée orientale concernant l’exploitation d’hydrocarbures.Le drone, de type Bayraktar TB2 s’est posé sur l’aéroport de Gecitakle dans la région de Famagouste, dans l’est de l’île divisée, selon une correspondante de l’AFP sur place.Il s’agit du premier drone turc à atterrir sur cet aéroport après que les autorités chypriotes turques, parrainé…
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lancecarr · 6 years ago
First Look: Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16
I first saw the Wacom MobileStudio Pro at NAB last year and finally got my hands on one to test this winter. For an amazing Cintiq-style creative pen tablet that is also a touchscreen mobile computer, camera, 3D object scanner and more, I wanted to stretch the limits of its capabilities beyond the average sketch-pad and drawing demos you typically see with Wacom products. Here’s the first look at this interesting hardware/peripheral configuration:
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 shown with optional wireless keyboard
I first saw the Wacom MobileStudio Pro at NAB last year and finally got my hands on one to test this winter. For an amazing Cintiq-style creative pen tablet that is also a touchscreen mobile computer, camera, 3D object scanner and more, I wanted to stretch the limits of its capabilities beyond the average sketch-pad and drawing demos you typically see with Wacom products.
Here’s the first look at this interesting hardware/peripheral configuration:
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13 & 16
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13 (MSRP $1699-2199) is designed specifically to meet the demands of creative professionals who want the freedom to create anywhere. It’s a full-featured, Intel®-powered computer with the muscle you need to run professional creative applications. Choose up to 16GB of RAM, an Intel® Core™ i7 processor and Intel® Iris™ 550 graphics – with up to 512GB of fast storage.
With a resolution of 2560×1440 and color accuracy of 80% Adobe RGB coverage (CIE1931), Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13’s screen is dazzling. Not only will your work look amazing, it will feel amazing too. The new etched glass surface makes it feel like you’re working with pen and paper by providing a balanced amount of resistance to the Pro Pen 2’s tip. Plus, multi-touch gestures make zooming and rotating your creations as simple as pinching and swiping on your smartphone.
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 (MSRP $1999-2699) is a full-featured, Intel®-powered computer with the power you need to run professional creative 2D, 3D and CAD applications. Building a prototype of a new gearbox in SolidWorks®? An hour of HDR edits that need rendering in Adobe® Premiere® Pro? MobileStudio Pro is more than up to the task. Choose up to 16GB of RAM, an Intel® Core™ i7 processor and 512GB of fast storage. Plus, both Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 models come with NVIDIA® Quadro® graphics and on-board memory to make heavy files fly around your screen.
The 4K resolution (3840×2160) of Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16’s screen renders each fine brush stroke accurately and provides plenty of space in which to work. Color accuracy of 94% of Adobe® RGB means you can accurately reproduce even the most subtle shades. Your work will look amazing – and it will feel amazing too. The new etched glass surface provides the familiar sensation of working with pen on paper. Plus, multi-touch gestures make zooming and rotating your creations as simple as pinching and swiping on your smartphone.
While the MobileStudio Pro 13 & 16 are not just tablets, they also aren’t laptops. At first glance, the ports available on the sides of the device include a MicroSD (SDXC) card slot and 3 *USB-C slots.
*NOTE: If you’re a Mac or PC user that’s upgraded all of your Thunderbolt 2 drives and peripherals to Thunderbolt 3, you’re still going to be out of luck unless one of your devices also has the USB 3 connector and you have a converter cable or breakout dock. I’ve not found any TB2/3 to USB-C docks or converters that will communicate properly, so only the USB 3 to USB-C has seemed to work.
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 with optional wireless keyboard and a USB 3 SSD with a USB-C converter.
Specs from Wacom’s Website (MobileStudio Pro 16):
Display Size: 15.6 inch (39.6 cm) Resolution: UHD (3840 x 2160) Advanced Control: 8192 levels pen pressure, tilt and multi-touch Productivity Boosters: ExpressKeys™, on-screen controls, time-savings settings Ergonomics: Right or left-handed use, adjustable optional stand Compatibility: Windows 10 – Stand-alone Mac, Windows – with Wacom Link Processor: 6th generation Intel® Core™ processors Graphics Card: NVIDIA® Quadro® M600M 2GB GDDR5 to NVIDIA® Quadro® M1000M 4GB GDDR5 Storage: 256GB – 512GB Solid state drive (SSD) Product Type: Creative Pen Computer Micro SD Slot: SDXC card (uhs-ii) RAM: 8 GB to 16 GB DDR3 Expandable Memory: No Expandable Storage: Memory card or external HDD, purchased separately Security: Kensington® security slot for Kensington MiniSaver™ Mobile Lock. Fingerprint Sensor on select models. TPM 2.0. Multi-Touch: Yes PenWacom Pro Pen 2 Pressure Levels: 8192, both pen tip and eraser Tilt Range: 60 degrees Tilt Recognition: ±60 levels Type: Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free Switches: 2 side switches Extra Nibs: 3 extra nibs (2 standard, 1 felt) Pen Carrying Case: Yes Pen Stand: No Pen Holder: Yes Grip: Latex-free silicone rubber Technology: Patented electromagnetic resonance method Weight: 2200 g / 4.85 lbs Size: 418 x 262 x 19 mm (16.5 x 10.3 x 0.75 inch) Displayable Colors (maximum): 16.7 million Screen Size: 15.6 inch (39.6 cm) Technology: LED Viewing Angle: 178° (89°/89°) H, (89°/89°) V Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Contrast Ratio: 1000:1 Brightness: 314.78cd/m2 Active Area: 346 x 194 mm (13.6 x 7.6 in) Graphics Input: USB-C (for optimum performance) or Mini DisplayPort using optional Wacom Link Color Gamut: Adobe RGB at CIE1931 Coverage Ratio: 85% Area Ratio: 94% Adobe RGB at CIE1976 Coverage Ratio: 90% Area Ratio: 94% Response: 25 ms Industry Standard Pre-sets: Adobe RGB, 6500 deg. K white point default: DCI, REC 709, SRGB Operating System: Windows 10 Pro ExpressKeys™: 8 customizable, application-specific Touch Ring: Yes on Rocker Ring Touch Strips: No On-Screen Controls: Yes Rocker Ring And Home Button: 4 position customizable with default TouchRing function and home button Radial Menu: Yes Precision ModeYes Display Toggle: Yes Dedicated Pan, Scroll, Zoom, Brush Size: Yes Orientation: Right or left-handed use (Portrait/Landscape modes – auto sense rotation) Cable Included: AC adaptor and power cable Display: N/A PC And Mac: Optional Wacom Link with USB-C, Mini DisplayPort and USB cables. Optimum performance using certified USB-C cable to USB-C port Video Out: USB type C Peripherals: 3 USB type C (*NOT Thunderbolt compatible) Network: Bluetooth® 4.1 technology Wireless: 802.11 ac Cameras: Front: 5 MP HD Back: 8 MP HD Back: Intel RealSense™ R200 (3D scanning camera) on 512GB model Speaker2 x 2.0W Sensors: GPS, electronic compass, accelerometer, ambient light, gyro Power Supply Input: 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Power Supply Output: 5V/3A (15W), 20V/5A (100W) Battery: 7.6 V, Li-polymer, 70 Wh Power Consumption: Max: 96W, 0.9 W when asleep, 0.6 W or less when off Battery Life: Battery life will vary. It depends on how the products are used and which device settings are selected. Battery Charging Time: Up to 2 hours Audio: Audio headset jack included. System Requirements: With optional Wacom Link: Windows® 7 or later, Mac OS X® 10.10 or later, USB-C port (or Mini DisplayPort and standard USB port) Limited Warranty: 1 year in USA, Canada, and Latin America 2 years in Europe 1 year in Japan & Asia Pacific What’s IncludedWacom MobileStudio Pro 16 Wacom Pro Pen 2 Pen case with 3 replacement nibs, color rings and nib removal tool, Pen holder AC Power Adapter + power cable Quick Start Guide Cleaning cloth Certifications: VCCI Class B, FCC Part 15, Subpart B (class B) and C, CE, KC, BSMI, C-tick, CB, CCC, EAC, China RoHS, Korean RoHS, EU RoHS, SII, NOM, CEL, IC, Energy Star, CEC-BCS, Energy Label Law Previous generation pens: Airbrush, Art Pen, Classic Pen, Grip Pen, Pro Pen Model Numbers: DTH-W1620M, DTH-W1620H Microsoft Specialized PC Certification: None
Pro Pen 2
One of the important factors of the performance in action is the Wacom Pro Pen 2, which delivers incredible speed, sensitivity and accuracy – in addition to the flexibility in varying natural pen grip that people differ individually.
This is the first on-screen pen device that I’ve used that has no strange parallax or strange offset due to tilt angle or pen grip position.
  Hands-on with the Mobile Studio Pro 16
The obvious first option was to open up Adobe Photoshop CC and give the drawing/sketching capabilities a quick run to get the feel of the pen-to-surface response and sensitivity. Having used several variations of the Wacom Cintiq tablets in the past, I really wanted to experience this new screen and pen technology, that Wacom engineers have claimed is a thinner glass with a tougher scratch-resistant surface and that the lag time is also undetectable.
The pen tip action is so smooth it does require you to adapt a different touch than you might be used to with your old tablet or Cintiq. I had to adjust my pen tool prefs settings to require a harder pressure than I have in the past until I can develop a lighter feel in my drawing approach.
If you’re an existing Wacom user, this experience is noticably different – in a very good way!
I also spend time re-programming the click buttons on the pen to simulate Right-click and Alt/Option buttons for ease of bringing up contextual menus, brush and selection tools.
If you are a keyboard shortcut junkie like I am, there are definitely some things you use frequently that can be programmed into the ExpressKeys and the TouchRing that will really speed up productivity (I’ll get into those more in my next article in this series for various apps/functions). Not to mention the many, many other keystroke combinations you may use in any one application.
However, I found that relying solely on the touch-screen/pop-up keyboard for simple Windows OS tasks such as Logging in with your password and accessing apps or the Start menu from the task bar (if it’s hidden) is nearly impossible at times, so I opted for the wireless keyboard to keep handy. It’s also much more intuitive to enter text for design and layout work as well as extracting text from a doc that you use in your layout/design or on-screen text for your video productions.
Also – the touch screen is as sensitive as you’d hope it might be. Very similar to using a large iPad and familiar gestures (you can choose between Windows 10 standards or Wacom standards in your setup prefs). I would highly suggest setting up one of your ExpressKeys on the tablet to toggle the touch screen on/off or you’ll be cursing at it while you work and it’s trying to guess between your pen tip and your hand for input instructions.
One thing I’ve been using is a Compression Glove that not only helps isolate my skin away from the screen’s surface while working, but also supports my hand/joints while working for hours gripping the pen. It keeps the screen clean from skin oil residue and doesn’t triger the touch screen surface unless you want to intentionally. Also, I’ve discovered a “hot spot” on the screen that gets really, really warm on the lower-center which I assume is where the processor or video card is located and it actually feels hot to the touch. The glove helps to isolate your hand so the intensity of the heat is much less when you glide over it or rest your hand on the screen at that location.
Also, the built-in 8MP camera will allow you to capture images on the spot directly to your device so you can start working on design comps, sketches and storyboarding right away. This is perfect for location scouting and storyboard development!
Using the MobileStudio Pro 16 with Adobe After Effects
I know you’re asking yourself “Why would I even think about trying to run After Effects on a pen-computer?” – and in most cases, you probably won’t very often. But if you have to do a lot of roto or paint work on hundreds/thousands of subsequent frames, then I can’t imagine NOT using either a Cintiq or the MobileStudio Pro for these tasks.
I tried it out with the memory-intensive Roto Brush Tool and working with media it was reading off the USB 3 SSD drive and it performed surprisingly well. Would I do a full feature production with this alone – no way, but if I needed to take care of a couple shots on the road or on a client site, then having the MobileStudio Pro with me is a self-contained way of accomplishing what would otherwise need for me to wait until I returned to my studio – or carry a lot more gear with me.
I will be covering more about the Roto Brush tool, paint tools and other editing workflows with the MobileStudio Pro 16 in my next article int he series, so stay-tuned.
3D Scanning with the Intel RealSense Cameras and Sensors
Something that nobody would expect with a pen computer is a built-in 3D scanner. It’s a smaller version of the Intel RealSense that promises to deliver a reasonably good scanned model.
The camera array on the back of the MobileStudio Pro contains Wacom’s native 8MP RGB camera (far left, not used for 3D scanning), followed by the R200’s first IR camera, its RGB camera, the IR laser projector and at the far right the second IR camera. The mount underneath is for the optional stand.
I tried a couple half-assed attempts to scan something but realized I wasn’t really following the instructions properly (who reads the instructions right out of the box?)
So we’ll be looking forward to doing some proper scans and modeling with the Artec Studio and MobileStudio Pro in an upcoming article in this series. I can only imagine how useful this modeling capability could be when combined with 3D texture painting on the scanned models.
Here’s the general introduction to using the scanner with the included Artec Studio Ultimate software (first year only is free with the device):
  In my research for examples of scanning with the MobileStudio Pro, I ran across this very interesting (albeit quite lengthy) YouTube video from Laurence Mann’s channel – but he visits Ten24 studios and lets a real pro use it and show us how to set it up and scan properly with it. An extra treat if you watch through the whole video to see what a high-end 3D scanning studio produces – but I digress… check it out:
Again – that’s a drastic comparison but also a great example of how to get a good scan and just how impressive a model you can get with a portable device!
My First Look take-away…
So my thoughts and observations in general after testing the MobileStudio Pro 16 for a bit are positive and also mixed. The design in general may be confusing to some. Is it a pen-tablet? Is it a baseless laptop? Is it a 3D scanner? What problems does it solve for me?
It might be the first rendition of what computing in the future may look/feel like. Maybe we’ll see something similar in the not-too-distant future that is more modular and customizable?
Does it replace my laptop? Of course not. But it does allow me spontaneous creativity in a single tool that can do so much. What I know is that Wacom is trying hard to capture a different market here and I think they’re on to something.
Portability and flexibility. The MobileStudio Pro 16 fits in my laptop backpack and weight a lot less. I’ve used it (with the keyboard) as my sole workstation a couple days just to see if it could be done, and while I had to keep it plugged into AC power for most of the time, it functioned surprisingly well!
The Pen functions beautifully with the screen glass. The right amount of drag on the surface keeps it from feeling like glass – more like a Rapidograph on vellum. No noticeable lag time with normal motions and works great with all the Adobe CC apps that I tested it on.
Plus it’s just cool. Way beyond just a tablet – it’s a real computer with real software. Not cheesy mobile apps or dumbed-down versions. I can use my actual production files off my hard drive and work directly with them.
The only negatives for me from the original OOBE (Out Of Box Experience) was the lack of accessories that I find too important to exclude to make the MobileStudio Pro a truly self-contained pen computing experience for the working professional. Like the wireless keyboard ($50), Wacom Link ($70 – to use with your Mac/PC like a regular Cintiq) and a stand ($100). I mean, C’mon – at least throw in the friggin’ plastic stand folks! Very few people are going to be ONLY holding the device in their laps or in the air with their hands. I had to prop it up constantly to get at a usable viewing/drawing angle.
And the lack of Thunderbolt 3 connectivity. USB 3 is slow and outdated and hard to find compatible peripherals for. I’m really hoping they update the ports in their future designs.
Also – the battery life kinda sucks. We’re talking like iPad 2 battery life. And I haven’t found a portable charging brick yet that will support the MobileStudio Pro, so you’d better hope you’re going to be near an AC power outlet and DON’T FORGET YOUR AC ADAPTER! 😉
But alas – I see the future, and so will you when I bring you my next articles in the series covering ExpressKeys programming, video/roto workflows and real-world 3D Scanning with the MobileStudio Pro 16.
Stay tuned…
  The post First Look: Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 appeared first on ProVideo Coalition.
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k1804899media · 6 years ago
How to Make it as a Director
TB2, Week 19, Blog 5: How to Make it as a Director with Rebecca Gower
This week our guest speaker Rebecca Gower gave us a lot of information about how to make it as a Director as well as giving us her first-hand experience at the job also.
After some thought about what I would love to work on in the future, I combined media with something else I am very passionate about; skincare.
I chose two skin care companies - Krave beauty and Soko Glam/Then I Met You. Both companies are located in New York but they reach a global audience through their website and social media profiles. I also checked to see if they had current openings for some sort of digital/social media staff - which they do. 
Krave Beauty is a brand that started in 2017 by South Korean-American skincare Youtuber Liah Yoo.
Their motto is #PressReset and to create a simple and reformed skincare routine.
When looking at their website, it’s very minimalistic and simple. It is also very easy to navigate and look through - which is an overall relaxing experience, exactly how they promote their products.
The second company is Soko Glam which is currently collaborating with the brand Then I Met You. Soko Glam was started by South Korean-American esthetician, author and entrepreneur Charlotte Cho and her husband David K. Cho in 2012.
Their motto is that skincare should be enjoyable and that it’s an investment in a person’s overall well-being.
The Soko Glam website has a lot more going on than the Krave website. This is because the Soko Glam website doesn’t only advertise and sell their own products but also other skincare and beauty products.
Both companies are amazing and I find myself looking through their websites and purchasing items from them on a regular basis.
If I were to apply for a position at their company, this is how I would format my email.
Subject: Intern Position Application - Lorraine Gibson
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am emailing you to apply for an internship at your company. Your company promotes the same values and the same passions that I hold myself. I stay up-to-date and follow the trends on both your website and social media profiles.
As I am very passionate about skincare myself, I have taken the time to learn lots of things about skincare, as I am always giving my friends tips about how to improve their skincare routines. Therefore, I believe I would be able to work with you on how to create new skincare lines as well as how to reach a larger number of a global audience. 
I am currently studying Media and Communication at Kingston University, London at undergraduate level. This means that I have knowledge of social media and how to communicate using social media. I am also an active user of Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, so I would, therefore, be able to offer my knowledge of any current trends and styles that could be applied to your website and social media profiles. As for the website, I would be able to write pieces reviewing products or gathering research materials and statistics about your products through my blog writing skills I have acquired from my degree so far.  I am very flexible, responsible and creative. I have also acquired plenty of software skills, such as Premier Pro CC, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I believe these skills could be used to promote your website and brand across many social media platforms.
Even though I have no immediate experience working in the industry, I am sure that I can do a great job working with you and your team.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon!
Many thanks,
Lorraine Gibson 
I found this lecture very interesting and useful. I will definitely use this email format in the future when looking for internships and media positions.
Krave Beauty, 10 Dec 2017,  💚 KraveBeauty, Product Philosophy - Core & Supplement Series., Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-48HYvt27M, last accessed: 06/03/19 (online)
Soko Glam, 6 Dec 2016,  How Soko Glam Got Started, Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHifiaDNrLU, last accessed 06/03/19 (online)
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k1745808media · 7 years ago
TB2 Week 1, Blog 1: Analog to Digital Conversion
A digital media tool that allows digital media to be created is a software called creative cloud which includes many benefits alongside it with many other software’s. Photoshop, Premiere, Illustrator, After Effects, Audition, Acrobat are all found in the creative cloud and these are under the Adobe software. InDesign & Dreamweaver are found alongside Scout, which is known as flash, Animate, FlashBuilder, Character Animator with Fuse. Muse which is a dynamic web authoring, Prelude, Media Encoder which is mastering and encoding of video clips. Lightroom, Bride and InCopy were also found in the creative cloud. When it comes to analogue to digital conversion, the halide crystals must be converted into bits and the areas of the image need to be converted or sampled. Each colour will have up to 256 shades of grey and these main colours are cyan, yellow, magenta and black. When it comes to the conversion to binary, it is actually necessary that it is done correctly as computers convert in a series of zeros and ones. Digital files are only limited by the amount of storage capacity it can hold and how it also processes the power and speed and also the electricity.
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k1703946mediaatwork-blog · 7 years ago
TB2, Week 2, Blog 5: Film Distribution: Distribution of what and how?
We can watch a movie in theatres, at home or even online but the way that we watch a movie particularly in its initial release period depends on its distribution process. Distribution process can be defined as making a movie available to the public for viewing which is usually accompanied film promotion.
Technology changes regularly which affects how a film can be distributed. Also, it is extremely hard to promote and distribute your film but why? “Because there are more films on the market than ever before. Historically, it took a lot more effort to make an independent film, and distribution was easier to secure.” (Parks, p.1, 2012)
Film distribution can be either formal or informal. Films that are distributed formally are regulated and measured, they usually are submitted to film festivals and then they reach the audiences in various ways depends on the distributer’s strategy. “La La Land” is a recent drama/romance movie with formal distribution. Writing the love story of Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and Mia (Emma Stone) who passionately follow their dreams started in 2010 by director Damien Chazelle. After Chazelle’s success in “whiplash” in 2015, he obtained the chance to get “La La Land” financed. Preproduction and filming process took place between May and October 2015, additionally editing needed about a year to be completed because of the music factor.
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Finally, the film premiered on 31st of the August 2016 at the Venice Film Festival. This movie also screened at The Toronto International Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival in September 2016. In October of the same year, the film was displayed at the BFI London Film Festival, and the Middleburg Film Festival. By the end of 2016, the movie opened its way to more festivals such as Virginia Film Festival and the AFI Fest. 
The film was initially set to be released on 15th of July 2016, But Chazelle stated that ‘he feels that the release date was not right for the context of the film because he wants to have a slow rollout’. Eventually, on 9th of December 2016 revealed the film in five locations, and expanded it to almost 200 theatres by 16th of December. The movie went nationwide on 25th December 2016 and went fully wide on 6th January 2017. After a week it was released in IMAX theatres. In the end, it was officially released in the United Kingdom on January 12.
Cunningham, M. (2017) The making of ‘La La Land ‘: Why it's important to modern cinema. (online) Available at: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/making-la-la-land-important-modern-cinema/story?id=45112391 (Accessed 16 January 2018) 
Parks, S. (2012) The insider’s guide to independent film distribution. [pdf] USA, UK: Focal Press. Available at: https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=Parks+2012+independent+distribution&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSvfTOqI3aAhUMIMAKHeRxAucQgQMIJzAA (Accessed 16 January 2018)
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just-fashion8 · 7 years ago
SUPERCHARGE your New MacBook Pro !!!
SUPERCHARGE your New MacBook Pro !!!
External GPUs to upgrade your 2016 MacBook Pro. Do they work for Gaming? Adobe Premiere? TB2 Enclosure – http://amzn.to/2ihik8F (modified) TB3 Enclosure – http://amzn.to/2izdRvK Laptop skins from https://www.dbrand.com INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE MacOS MBP 13/MBP 15 using TB3 1 – Connect TB3 eGPU to MacBook Pro 2 – Run TB3 enabler script – https://github.com/KhaosT/tb3-enabler 3 – Install automated GPU…
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arerue-fiboo · 8 years ago
Sometime Last Night 1周年記念、1年前のインタビュー。
2015年6月22日、Teen Beach 2 プレミアのレッド・カーペットで、これから出るアルバムについて話しています。 元のインタビューは --> R5 Talk "Sometime Last Night" & Speedos - Interview
キンメル:ABC放送の人気ナイトショー「Jimmy Kimmel Live!」
ジョ��・フェルドマン:( John Feldmann )この方↓ ↓ ↓ ( photo by Ross on IG )
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LA 地元バンド Goldfinger の中心メンバーであり、5SOS、ONE OK ROCK、Avicii など世界中のアーティストをプロデュースするスーパープロデューサー
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oscargutierrez3010 · 9 years ago
Teen Beach 2 - That's How We Do (And the controversial ending of the movie)
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