#taz starters
dovescrys · 5 months
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˓ ♡ 、 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟 / 𝐧𝐛 .
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“ you can’t keep trying to . . . fix me ⸻ it’s never going to work . ”
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fawnhoards · 1 year
a collection of in-character dialogue from the balance arc of the adventure zone podcast. this is part one, taken from here there be gerblins, moonlighting i / ii / iii, murder on the rockport limited, and lunar interlude i. to be used as sentence starters. as per usual, feel free to change pronouns or whatever you see fit.
 ❝ hey, let’s search these fools. ❞
 ❝ no, i like my plan. ❞
 ❝ now they definitely know we’re here. ❞
 ❝ i’m foolhardy, but i’m not stupid. ❞
 ❝ i’m still chilling out here, if anyone’s curious. ❞
 ❝ excellent. well, i trust your judgment. ❞
 ❝ hello, friend! hail and well met! ❞
 ❝ we’ve taken a wrong turn. ❞
 ❝ how dangerous are you? how dangerous are we talking? ❞
 ❝ you are making me… extremely uncomfortable. ❞
 ❝ …well, tits. ❞
 ❝ yeah, fuck that guy. for real, though. ❞
 ❝ are you sure you don’t want any tea? ❞
 ❝ can i play with your dog? ❞
 ❝ what the hell are you talking about? ❞
 ❝ it would look super bad if i just, like, died. ❞
 ❝ well, i’m not like every dwarf you know. ❞
 ❝ so far so good by me. ❞
 ❝ i love riddles. ❞
 ❝ oh, your voice is like a song… ❞
 ❝ you’re super wrong. you’re, like, super duper wrong. ❞
 ❝ i might need your help still, come with me. ❞
 ❝ kind of a weird question, kind of a weird request. ❞
 ❝ dooon’t test me. had a reeeal long day. ❞
 ❝ i’m not going to lie, this is super above your pay grade. ❞
 ❝ when did you wake up? ❞
 ❝ bring it on, tough guy. ❞
 ❝ roll to chill. chill check. ❞
 ❝ you guys are gonna love what happens next. ❞
 ❝ you guys ready for stuff to get weird? ❞
 ❝ i am but a simple idiot wizard. ❞
 ❝ oh, don’t sell yourself short. ❞
 ❝ that was very kind of you. thank you for doing that. ❞
 ❝ congratulations are in order. ❞
 ❝ i just want a dog. ❞
 ❝ no dogs are allowed on the moon. ❞
 ❝ any other non-terrible questions? ❞
 ❝ what are you wearing? ❞
 ❝ dibs! ❞
 ❝ you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. ❞
 ❝ if you do that, you’ll definitely die. ❞
 ❝ i thought i’d feel more excited. that was just kind of sad. ❞
 ❝ how far away is your house? ❞
 ❝ i am just so charmed by you. ❞
 ❝ i’d like to sit on your lap and rest here a little bit. ❞
 ❝ okay, well, this was a great talk. ❞
 ❝ but my whole body is a weapon. ❞
 ❝ tell me all about it, stud! ❞
 ❝ a witch kissed me and cursed me. ❞
 ❝ smell ya later. ❞
 ❝ hey, man, are you alright? ❞
 ❝ first of all, do you need anything? ❞
 ❝ i’m just trying to chase my bliss. ❞
 ❝ there’s nowhere i’d rather be than here, my man. ❞
 ❝ for right now, i’m gonna get my grub on. ❞
 ❝ okay, that’s not cool, man. ❞
 ❝ what’s the skinny, kid? ❞
 ❝ i am the world’s greatest detective. ❞
 ❝ there’s prying eyes and prying ears! ❞
 ❝ fine, i’ll come. ❞
 ❝ high fives all around! ❞
 ❝ oh, no, absolutely not. ❞
 ❝ that hurt a lot! ❞
 ❝ are you interrogating me? ❞
 ❝ do you want a cup of coffee? ❞
 ❝ daddy needs his special magic juice. ❞
 ❝ you are impossible to talk to. ❞
 ❝ i’m a shitty wizard. ❞
 ❝ it doesn’t seem like the right time or place for that. ❞
 ❝ i’ll pinky swear! ❞
 ❝ you’ve been doing a surprisingly good job! ❞
 ❝ oof, that’s a biiig ask. ❞
 ❝ i’ve found that not killing is pretty easy. ❞
 ❝ bad news, compadres. this place is magic as hell. ❞
 ❝ i’m out! ❞
 ❝ that’s exactly right. it would confirm my suspicion. ❞
 ❝ i have a moment of lucidity and i don’t want to waste it. ❞
 ❝ i would sooner die! ❞
 ❝ let’s hear your theory, little man. ❞
 ❝ don’t touch my stuff. ❞
 ❝ have a little bit of faith in humanity. ❞
 ❝ what if i get bored? ❞
 ❝ what the fuck? ❞
 ❝ i hate you all so much. ❞
 ❝ absolutely… not. probably. ❞
 ❝ i’m too young to die! ❞
 ❝ it’s okay, they’re with me! ❞
 ❝ let us be as two ships passing. ❞
 ❝ tell it to the bees. ❞
 ❝ i can’t believe you’ve done this. ❞
 ❝ you better keep that shit in check. ❞
 ❝ do y’all wanna get paid or naw? ❞
 ❝ this is super, duper, duper illegal. ❞
 ❝ are we under attack? ❞
 ❝ if you lose, your first child is mine. ❞
 ❝ i know you’re wondering, ❛ what’s in it for me? ❜ i’ve already told you this: it is _____. ❞
 ❝ i feel like this conversation’s starting to take a turn for the worst, so i’m gonna head out. ❞
 ❝ well, strangers aren’t strangers anymore once you’ve talked to them and learned their names. ❞
 ❝ i do wish i could help you out in this regard, but i do not think there is anything i can do for you. ❞
 ❝ here’s my solution, and i think you’re going to find it very equitable: i’m not going to shoot you with this giant crossbow. ❞
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pucksrph · 1 year
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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎: 𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚟𝚘𝚕 𝟷 — "𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚜" 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜
from the first volume of the taz balance graphic novel! Some nsfw sprinkled about, i tweaked some of the lines from the original dialogue for better starter lines. change pronouns around if desired! if a multi, please specify muse !!
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I have proficiencies in vehicles
Trust me, if the law hastles us, i’m the guy you want at the front of the wagon!
Bor-r-r-r-ing! No thank you, not for me.
I’m studying my cantrips!
Just say masterbating, we get it. “Don’t come in, mom! I’m studying my cantrips!”
It’s kinda tough to see… but I think shit has gone south.
I get the whole “wink wink you’re gonna be rich” vibe, but it came across as kinda murder-y.
Right! I’m… precepting…
Dude! You scared the bejeezus out of me!
Suck it up, because this is the way the game works.
It’s dangerous as hell out here, you better cowboy up.
Their warcry isn’t very creative…
I’m with you, my man! I’m always anti-tarrying! 
I guess we should go after him?
Nah, I’m good out here.
Well that sounds… nifty…?
So! How was the ominous clanking cavern?
I don’t want to talk about it.
That’s okay, I really didn’t give a shit.
Heckie darn, a cave in. Can’t get past that!
I would actually heartily recommend you turn around, this is not a great place for tourism.
Oh, excellent! I was just starting to establish a rapport!
To be fair, he wasn’t as cool as you were! 
Loooooook, my dude… I think we have gotten off on the wrong foot…
Everything’s chill my dude, prommy! 
See, now THAT’S impressive!
You weren’t kidding, you ARE dangerous! 
Smell you later! 
Oh, I’m gonna have to give you ten embarrassment points of damage… aaaaaaand ten psychic damage.
Wonderful! Now I got a pee stain!
Don’t you worry! I’m perfectly fine!
Is that… sniff sniff… roasting meat?
I need to take a knee after hawling your sorry ass…
You just HAD to go and shoot poor old [name], didn’t you? What’d he ever do to you?
Are you always so judgemental?
I’ll let you leave here alive if you do one teensy-tiny thing for me.
Hey, uh, I think this might be a trap.
Oh yeah, my dude, we’re killing everybody… Okay, maybe not kill everybody.
Gods, I love it when we plan shit out.
Okay, as you seriously going to try and befriend everything that tries to kill you?
Why, it’s my dear friend, whatever-your-name-is!
Do you need any money? Can i just sort of give you everything i have?
Hey! Heeeyyyy, look at me. Look at this face. It’s [name], this is [name] talking. Would I lie to you?
All I want you to do is help me… and give me a little gold. Or maybe a moderate amount of gold. Or a lot. It’s really whatever you feel comfortable with.
You’ve cleaved the final gerblin! … Cleft? Cleavered? Clefted…? He’s fucking dead, alright? I’ll buy a thesaurus before the next battle. 
Boy! I wish I hadn’t needed to murder them! 
Save them? Before teatime? Never! 
[ name ], since we’re friends here — best friends, I would say! Lovers, maybe? Time will tell — what happened here?
Man, [ name ], when you charm someone, you charm the HELL out of them! 
Oh great, he’s a douche. [ name ] is a douche.
We’ve been wandering around here for two hours! 
We should have a map, a good ol’ adventuring map. It’s pretty standard operating procedure.
Whoever designed these caves has no sense of feng shui! 
Maybe she thinks your tractor is sexy, but you’re no longer welcome here!
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writermuses · 11 months
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victory-cookies · 4 months
god I’m so torn. I have a few things I really buy rn but realistically I don’t think I can afford all of them. So I’m trying to weigh what I should let myself but bc I haven’t bought myself anything nice in a while
#I want to preorder the taz gn so that I can get the preorder keychain#and I previously preordered the exclusive special edition of the book of bill#but turns out it didn’t charge me when I ordered it like half a year ago and instead it charges me when it ships (in like two weeks)#so that’s a sudden $60 payment I need to decide if I want to do#bc I did not put the money away when I originally ordered it#because I thought it charged my card once I placed the order and that was it#so I’m trying to decide if I should cancel that#and then the Pokémon centre just released the kanto starters as Saiko soda plushes and I’m in love#I’d kill for the charmander and bulbasaur#and then I’m going to a concert next week which. while I think my leftover birthday money should pay for the hotel and stuff#I really like buying band tees so that I have something from the experience#but god knows that’ll be like $50#so I’m trying to decide which of these to go for#they’re all kinda time sensitive#two bc they’re preorders and the plushes bc I think they’re gonna sell out#and the tshirt is obviously from a specific event so that’s gotta be then#the other thing is while I’m planning on using my birthday money#that money is from my grandparents who (while that have told me that my presents from them are money and said how much they’re giving me)#have not actually. given me the money#and I don’t wanna be pushy but it’s also been a month 😭 and I’m gonna have to reach out to them and be like ‘please e-transfer me#I have to pay off my credit card please god you promised’. like I feel like an ass but I’d also like to be able to use my present#anyway. I’ve picked up a couple extra shifts so I could probably justify two#but not all four#and I’m trying to figure out what I’d regret more#both books I could get at a later date but I’d really like the keychain and I always preorder the taz gns bc they mean a lot to me#and while I could defo get the book of bill cheaper it won’t be the special edition and idk if I’d regret giving that up#bc I was really excited about that#and then idk. obv the concert tee is a one time deal and I might regret not keeping up my plan to be a band tee collector#they’re also so expensive and even if I like the band. idk. I wonder if it’s worth it#but also if I’ll regret it
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urfavoritewizard · 8 months
Where the fuck is the taz rp scene I know y’all exist and are just hiding from me to make me regret making this blog
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honnelander · 1 year
wedding bands
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SURPRISE! 🤗 this is just a quick idea I had and wanted to write…. I still feel a bit weird about this and I might delete this at any point if I want to (just be warned!) if you don’t like real people actor fic, well I’m sorry, then this isn’t for you! please enjoy my other works then! (hate will not be tolerated) sorry, no taglist for this since this is a one-time thing. the picture above is what I envisioned when writing this. enjoy 🤗🫶🏼
word count: 1.3k
pairing: Taz Skylar x reader
summary: Taz wants to marry you.
“Let’s get married.” 
You glanced up from your dinner, a delicious meal that Taz had lovingly prepared for the two of you that night, like he always did, your brows furrowing, staring at him to make sure you heard him right. You were probably looking at him like he was speaking a foreign language. 
“Wait- what?” you asked after a few beats of silence. 
Taz, however, continued eating his meal unbothered, spearing a piece of asparagus with his fork, raising it up towards his mouth. “Let’s get married, tonight,” he repeated in the same casual tone, looking down at his plate, like he was discussing something as simple as the weather. “I mean- I love you, you love me, right?” A small laugh escaped his lips as he turned his gaze towards you, his blue eyes holding a spark of mischief within them, a small smirk dancing on the corner of his lips. “Let’s make this thing official,” he said, putting the food into his mouth. 
“Well- uh,” you started, looking down at your meal, at a loss for words. “Of course I love you,” you said quickly, not wanting him to doubt your affections towards him for even a second. “It’s just...” 
“Sudden?” he asked with his right hand in front of his mouth, fork in hand, voice muffled slightly from the food. 
“Soon,” you said at the same time. 
You both giggled at your answers, realizing you were always in sync with one another no matter what on earth you two were discussing.  
Taz swallowed, reaching for his glass of white wine. “Look, I know it’s sudden and seemingly out of nowhere, but,” he picked up the glass, lifting it up and bringing it to him, “I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and...” he looked at you, his bright eyes scanning your face as he sucked on his teeth for a second with a small smile. “I figured, why not? What’s stopping us?” 
You laughed breathlessly. “Uh, well, for starters, what about time? It takes time to plan a formal wedding.” 
“Who says it has to be formal?” he countered, taking a sip of his wine before placing the glass back on the table. “A wedding doesn’t need to be this big, whole production. It can just be with two people: you and me.” 
“Ok...” you relented slowly, trying to digest the whole situation. You pushed your food around with your fork absentmindedly, resting your head in your propped up hand. “But don’t we need a pastor or something? Or someone who’s ordained? To you know... make things official?” 
He shrugged. “We’ll go down to the courthouse tomorrow, get a judge to sign our certificate.” He picked up his knife to cut another piece of meat. “You know, make it legal and all that.” 
You put your fork down, both of your forearms resting on the table now as you watched him continue to eat. “And our vows?” you asked, trying to stump him. 
Taz continued cutting. “Easy,” he scoffed playfully with a good-natured smile. “We’ll just speak from the heart.” He looked at you, his smile morphing into a smirk. “And I can tell you how much I love you all night, if you know what I mean,” he winked. 
You blushed, averting his suggestive look as you looked to the side as you heard him laugh. You were quiet for a moment, the only sound filling the room was Taz’s silverware hitting against his plate. 
“What would we wear?” 
 “What we have on now,” he replied easily. “No need to get all fancy. We can, uh, save that for our vow renewal in ten years,” he said cheekily, his smile growing, as he quickly raised his eyebrows. 
That roused a laugh out of you, causing you to look back towards the love of your life, meeting his eyes. “Oh, so now we’re already talking about vow renewals?” you giggled. “One thing at a time, Taz.” 
His smile turned tender; his eyes filled with love as he kept looking at you. “What can I say?” he asked softly after a moment. “I’m just excited.” 
As you both held eye contact, you could feel the reality of his proposition become more palpable by the second. Taz was serious, he wanted to marry you.  
And you couldn’t think of any reason why you shouldn’t. You loved him, and he loved you. Taz Skylar was the love of your life and you wanted to spend the rest of your time on this earth with him, however long or short that might be. 
“What about wedding bands?” you asked quietly. 
He broke eye contact, shifting in his seat slightly as he looked to his right. “Yeah, about that- I had a crazy idea, and you don’t have to agree to this if you don’t want to, of course,” he quickly started, moving his hands slightly. 
You raised an eyebrow. “Do what? What’s crazier than a last-minute wedding?” 
Taz breathed out a quick, humorless laugh. “Ha, yeah, so, I was, uh, thinking...” 
“What if we got our wedding bands tattooed?” he quickly asked, like ripping off a band-aid, his shoulders becoming stiff as he braced for your response. A couple of quiet seconds ticked by, feeling like hours to him. “Now I know it’s crazy and all, but-” 
“I love it,” you said, quieting him instantly. 
He exhaled slightly, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding in. His shoulders relaxed as his trepid eyes found yours. “You do?” 
You nodded, your eyes watering as you looked at him with a closed lip smile. “Yeah,” you answered, your voice breaking slightly. “I love it. It’s perfect.” 
You always wanted to have a matching tattoo with him, both of you floating around the idea but never actually pulling the trigger, and what could be a better matching tattoo with him than a wedding band? 
He laughed quietly, a wide smile of happiness and relief overtaking his face and crinkling the corners of his eyes.
“Yeah?” he asked breathlessly. His eyes started to mirror yours, unshed tears pricking at the corners. This was serious now; this was for real. He was going to marry you.  
And he doesn’t ever remember being this happy before. 
“G-good,” he said, his throat feeling thick suddenly. “There’s a shop not too far away, open late. We can go now.” 
You nodded and blinked, a few tears escaping your eyes and rolling down your cheeks as you tried not to cry. “Ok,” you whispered. 
“Ok?” he repeated in the same soft voice, his eyes full of wonder. 
“Yeah. Ok.” 
Taz let out a breath, his smile as wide as can be, a tear rolling down his cheek. He looked down for a second, placing his utensils on the table before standing up and making his way around the table towards you. 
“Now, there’s only one question I have left for you,” he started, clearing his throat. He came to your left, getting down on one knee as he pulled out an engagement ring from his pocket. “Now I had this all ready to go, in case you didn’t like the tattoo idea,” he said, causing both of you to laugh tearfully.  
You put a hand over your mouth, swallowing thickly, the tears spilling over your cheeks quickly. 
He looked up, the most tender smile on his face, a look of pure, unfiltered love in his eyes. “Y/n, I love you, with all my heart. You are the love of my life and I can’t imagine doing this thing called ‘life’ without you,” his crooked smile deepened. “Will you do me the honor of a lifetime by becoming my wife? Y/n, will you marry me?” 
You nodded quickly. “Y-yes. Yes of course I will,” you answered, letting out a cry of happiness as you practically tackled him in a hug. “I love you,” you cried into his neck as he wrapped his arms around you. 
He laughed, enveloping you in a hug as he kissed the top of your head. “And I love you.” 
You pulled away from him slightly to look up at him and saw a tear roll down his cheek. “Now and forever,” you whispered. 
“Always,” he said before closing the gap and kissing you. 
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hollow-head · 4 months
your taz/dungeon meshi crossover arts are EVERYTHING to me …. thank you so much for bringing them into this world !!!
thank you for the message. i feel like taz and dm are two pieces of media in dialogue with each other, created concurrently although never mutually referenced. They are side by side on the bookshelf in my brain. I'd love to see more Munch Squad-esque terrible American food crimes in that universe. A chimera turducken! Living armor full of microplastics! Beyond burgers from GMO golems! Go wild.
(and, while I'm at it, a couple of people mentioned Senshi isn't technically a cleric, but, listen, if you go to the game store and get the DnD starter kit that comes in a box, the first 4 character sheets you pull out are human fighter, elf wizard, dwarf cleric, and halfling rogue, and the only reason taz doesn't have a halfling rogue is they ran out of brothers. Senshi serves the same function, more or less.)
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jqbasesave · 4 months
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Sulani Rebuild - No CC, Island Living Only
Available on the gallery ID: quiescence90
Or download the tray files from SFS
Lot info follows:
Part One | Ohan'ali Town
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1. The Sand Bar - A Bar venue.
2. Ohan'ali Beach - I added a bar, food stand, and the Island Living vending machine as well as a small picnic area on the pier.
3. Tangled Flat - A starter home furnished for parent sims with a toddler.
4. Lagoon Look - A family home furnished for parent sims with 2 children.
5. Kin-Ship - A large family home furnished for the Kealoha family (parents with a teen and a toddler). It's actually a rebuild of my first build in Sulani.
6. Chieftain's Villa - A spacious home furnished for the Hoapili family, plus a guest room.
Part Two | Mua Pel'am
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1. Fortuna's Wreckage (Key Point) - I decided to move the shipwreck here and renamed the boat "Fortuna" as in, for the love of tuna. Furnished as a loft for one stranded sim.
2. SIMCA (Admiral's Wreckage) - As in "Sulani Islands Marine Conservation Area". A National Park venue furnished as a sorta station for Conservationist sims.
3. Caldera Camp - A lookout with a bathroom, kitchen, and bunk beds.
Part Three | Lani St. Taz
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1. Sand Simoleon Beach - Another Beach venue.
2. Pier Perfection - A starter home furnished for a couple on their honeymoon.
3. Reef Finery - A family home furnished for the Ngata family (couple with one child). There's also a home gym.
4. Journey's End - A fancy large house furnished for the Kahananui couple. They also have a guest room and a home office.
5. Sapphire Shores - A Lounge venue with Wedding Venue requirements included, although I don't own MWS so I don't know how different it would be.
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moxley · 10 months
Would it be alright to get some recommendations on how to get into wrestling? I'm intrigued by your posting but I also have no idea where to start do I just search "most homoerotic wrestling" and go from there?
i will do my best to provide a baby starter guide … this is kind of how i got into things, but streamlined so that you dear reader can figure out what you want out of life, instead of fucking around consistently like i did
“isn’t wrestling silly and fake?”
yes. however, the unreality of wrestling and the blend between what’s real, what’s staged, and the genuine athleticism of the wrestlers makes for incredible long-term, partly improvised narratives that can happen nowhere else. you’re not watching a sports show — you’re watching a mix of theatre and gymnastics.
“is wrestling for me?”
suggestion: watch supereyepatchwolf’s video , “professional wrestling is stupid and beautiful and i love it”. it’s meant to convey the wonder and fun and joy of this silly silly thing to people who are not into wrestling or don’t understand it. if you’re still curious about wrestling when you’re done, it’s time to start watching for real.
“ok, i’m still curious. now what?”
fuck it, we ball. the beauty of wrestling is that whilst there are long term narratives, all the individual matches need to convey is the struggle of that moment. whether it’s a long term feud coming to a head, friends who have to compete or have turned on each other, someone struggling to the top of a championship mountain, or a challenger coming in to try and dethrone a champion - all that matters will be conveyed to you by the tone of the match and the commentators. so you can just pick up anywhere and dive right in. but across dozens of promotions, where do you start?
well, for you i’ll do what i did, which is pick on all elite wrestling (aew). they’re not better or worse than anyone else, but bluntly for me i think a lot of the wrestlers there are cute and they’re easy for me to find. here are a few matches off the top of my head, not in any particular order. i list their names and then what show you can find the match on. most of these can be found on the internet archive, if not all.
MJF vs CM PUNK (Revolution 2022) — dog collar match. they’re collared and chained to each other. mjf hits cm punk over the back with the chain and it leaves very real, visible marks. extremely sexy if you’re into that sort of thing.
DARBY ALLIN vs JON MOXLEY (Dynamite 08/05/2020) — i’ll be real this one awakened something in me it’s just very. um. it’s just very. umm. uhhh. 😓
DARBY ALLIN & STING vs TEAM TAZ (Revolution 2021) — this is fun because it’s filmed in a warehouse location and more cinematically. it’s goofy, but has some intense stunts too. i love this match. bonus points because sting literally picks darby up and throws him.
BRYAN DANIELSON vs KAZUCHIKA OKADA (Forbidden Door 2023) — so fair warning, bryan breaks his arm for real in this match. you can’t really tell except for how he stops using his right arm for the last 10-15 mins of the match, but i love this match. bryan and okada are just both great and very intense. (btw okada broke bryan’s orbital socket last month, please help)
MJF vs KENNY OMEGA (Collision 28/10/2023) i wanted a kenny match on this list and this one is recent but great, in part because of the respect the two men show each other, rather than being an outright feud. my heart grows three sizes whenever matches end in a cuddle.
i also recommend AEW ALL IN 2023, which was a ppv at wembley and literally every match is incredible and a banger. fucking rules.
“i watched those and they sucked!”
i dunno man try wwe or npjw or gcw idk or maybe you just don’t like wrestling
“i watched those and they RULED!”
congrats! now look into aew’s weekly shows or their numerous PPV shows, and start looking at shows from other promotions like wwe, njpw, and gcw! search the names of wrestlers you enjoyed to find more matches that they’re in! be free, and let the half naked sweaty men consume your brain 💜
i hope this helped 🥹
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teewanystore · 4 months
Buffalo Bills Bugs Bunny Taz Shirt Men Women
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Bring a touch of animated fun and fierce team spirit to your wardrobe with our "Buffalo Bills Bugs Bunny and Taz Shirt". This unique shirt combines the classic appeal of Looney Tunes characters with the passionate pride of Buffalo Bills fans, making it the perfect piece for anyone who loves football and cartoons.
Imagine attending a Bills game, hanging out at a sports bar, or enjoying a casual day out, all while wearing this vibrant and playful shirt. The design features Bugs Bunny and Taz in dynamic action poses, each donning Buffalo Bills gear. This shirt is more than just apparel; it’s a celebration of your favorite NFL team and beloved childhood characters, blending nostalgia with team spirit.
Crafted from high-quality, soft cotton, this shirt ensures maximum comfort and durability, making it ideal for all-day wear. Its unisex design provides a relaxed fit, suitable for both men and women. The colorful and detailed print captures the lively personalities of Bugs Bunny and Taz, along with the iconic Buffalo Bills logo, ensuring it remains bright and eye-catching wash after wash.
Our "Buffalo Bills Bugs Bunny and Taz Shirt" is perfect for game days, casual outings, or as a thoughtful gift for the Looney Tunes and Buffalo Bills fans in your life. It’s a great conversation starter and a fantastic way to showcase your unique style and team loyalty.
Whether you’re cheering on the Bills, reliving your favorite cartoons, or enjoying a day with friends, this shirt is a fun and stylish way to highlight your love for both Looney Tunes and the Buffalo Bills. Embrace the playful spirit of Bugs Bunny and Taz and the excitement of football with this delightful shirt.
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
fun little reference sheet for all the confused taz balance hoes out there
so you listened to all of taz balance and now you’re reading the graphic novel and whhaaaa these names are all different! or you started out reading the graphic novels and decided to give the podcast a try and are mixed up by who is what. have no fear.
This is a list of every difference and change in wording/names I could find in all of the graphic novels out so far - Here There Be Gerblins to Crystal Kingdom.
in case you didn’t know, the reason for all the changes is because when they started out the podcast, they were playing a pre-written campaign by Wizards of the Coast (the people who make the official DND stuff). It’s like, the basic starter kit campaign. They diverted from it pretty quickly, but the world they established in the podcast is basically the world of DND. and so, all of those names and places and spells belong to Wizards of the Coast.
So, they’re using alternate names for any official DND 5e material so they don’t get sued.
Sometimes the name is vague enough that they decide it’s fine to leave as is. e.g. levitate is still levitate. The only big one they break this rule on is zone of truth, and that’s for very good reason. I try to put when they keep the name the same for spells, since spells are the most common things that change.
Hence, I shall bring forth the list under the cut! Please let me know if you find any more!
UPDATE: now including mentions from The Eleventh Hour and The Suffering Game! the latter was really hard so please excuse the messy formatting. also I realized I previously included some pretty big Suffering Game spoilers on accident - I have done my best to change the wording to keep any spoilers relatively minor.
HTBG = Here There Be Gerblins
MRL = Murder on the Rockport Limited
PTTM = Petals to the Metal
CK = Crystal Kingdom
11th hr = The Eleventh Hour
SG = the Suffering Game
LI = Lunar Interlude
the format we’re going with is
graphic novel name = podcast name
I’m trying to put the most important stuff near the top but no promises
G’nash = Klaarg
Eversummer = Neverwinter
Haverdale = Phandalin
Bogard Stoneseeker = Gundren Rockseeker
Caggle Stoneseeker = Tharden Rockseeker
Dorb Stoneseeker = Nundro Rockseeker
Yahvvie = yeemick
Queen Morior = the raven queen (I miss this I love the raven queen so much)
Cavern of dangling death = wave echo cave
The black spider is still just the black spider - I guess its vague enough that it works
fun fact: Barry Bluejeans starts out as just Sildar Hallwinter from the box campaign but they give him a better name first episode, bc they didn’t like how Sildar Hallwinter sounded. Obvs there’s no mention of Sildar in the book.
Sazed = Philippe (from 11th hr - not a copyright change, but a name change nonetheless. I don’t know why it’s not Sazed anymore, Glamour Springs is the same and both are original creations, not WoC property update: it’s because Sazed is a character from the Mistborn series so the boys & carey probably don’t want to chomp Mistborns’ flavor in their published graphic novel)
Spells (I’m also keeping track of which ones are the same btw)
ouch ray = magic missile (they acknowledge this one in the book)
zone of truth is still zone of truth
 idk how they got away with that one

shield of faith is still shield of faith 

strike divine = divine strike
some sources say this is an evocation cantrip, some say it’s a Life Domain feat. they may also have meant true strike, but I highly doubt it.
slowfall = feather fall
 later on in 11th hour gn, taako casts “Featherfall” with no issue (???)
celestial protector = guardian of faith
self-disguise = disguise self
dispel the dead = turn undead/destroy undead
the shattering = shatter
banish = banishment
shuffle jump = blink 
still “shuffle jump” in SG, although several other spells have switched to using their dnd names
dampen elements = absorb elements
blast of fire = scorching ray
later on in 11th hour gn, taako (or at least the umbrastaff) casts “Scorching Ray” with no issue (???)
magic rope = rope trick
sleepy-time = sleep
clair-vision = clairvoyance
diminish size = reduce
the spell is enlarge/reduce, and later on they use “enlarge” with no trouble - why is it “diminish size” here???
spirit steed = phantom steed
ethereal weapon = spiritual weapon
in 11th hr gn, it’s also called “armory of spirit”
gout of flames = fireball
blessings of the cherubim = prayer of healing
concussive force = concussive blast(?)
Taako uses this in the battlewagon race, but he just magic missiles the boar in the podcast
they probably wanted to spice things up a bit since magic missile kind of has a Brand.
Concussive blast is a real 3rd level evocation spell that Taako would’ve been able to cast, it just doesn’t actually happen in the podcast
levitate is still levitate
how is that one ok but “sleep” has to be “sleepy-time”??
word of healing = healing word
in SG pg 77 they say “healing word”, but before now it’s just been “word of healing”
ray of scorching oil = scorching ray(?)
we did already have that one but I can’t think of a better fit
discernment of magicks = detect magic
object location = locate object
flames of holiness = sacred flame
fire mitts = burning hands
wave of thunder = thunderwave
mystic analysis = probably meant as a stand-in for “identify”, but in the podcast he just does an arcana check.
burgle = knock
divine word is still divine word (which Merle changes to “divine wood” with the ring of the grammarian. this is the same b/w podcast & gn)
disintegration = disintegrate
cold snap = ice storm
truthful sight = true seeing
polymorph is still polymorph (SG pg 111)
arcane tether = magic jar
nature’s grasp = planar ally*
*the dnd 5e spell planar ally is a very different spell than what the listed effects of “nature’s grasp” are, but it is the spell used in the podcast at this particular juncture for this purpose. I would guess they changed it because technically speaking “planar ally” might not be able to do what happens in the podcast (it was a very rule-of-cool moment). either way, dope moment, very understandable change.
Spells cast that they don’t name in the book but are real 5e spells!
Taako uses “Mage Hand” on HTBG pg 135
Killian uses the feather duster to cast “Feather Fall” on HTBG pg 148
Merle casts “Light” on HTBG pg 160
it doesn’t say the name, but in PTTM pg 123 Taako casts “Crown of Madness” on the gerbil guy, which is a Horrifying spell
the crickets cast “Dominate Person” to control Taako in PTTM in case anyone’s interested.
I can’t fucking figure out what he meant by “ghostly voice” as a spell Jenkins used. My best guess is a modified use of “Magic Mouth”, or maybe “Minor Illusion”. Makes sense, Magic Mouth is only 2nd level and Minor Illusion is a cantrip, and Jenkins is a shitty wizard.
pg 11 SG - this is Scorching Ray (confirmed)
Angus uses “Mage Hand” several times throughout the SG gn (pg 174-175, 241), never with the little box that normally appears to explain spells, but Taako does compliment him on it and uses the term “mage hand”, so we know that’s what the spell is.
pg 191 SG Angus is likely using the spell “Detect Magic” here, since it shows you both the presence of magic and what school it’s from (e.g. illusion), and he mentions illusion magic specifically.
also on pg 191 SG Taako starts to cast “Dispel Magic” but is stopped.
pg 207 SG - Merle is casting “Divination” here
pg 214 SG - these are probably high-level Scorching Rays, but tbh that aint the part you should be paying attention to on this page lol
pg 236 Carey is actually using a racial feature all dragons and dragonborns have access to - Breath Weapon! since she is a blue dragonborn, she can breath lightning once every short or long rest!
on pg 247 of SG, a spell is cast that breaks a pair of handcuffs off of somebody’s wrists. this could be “Knock”, or a myriad of other spells, but I think “Knock” is the most likely, as it is specifically used for locks, chains, and bindings.
on pg 248 of SG, the spell “Command” is cast
not included in the books, but in LI V (Reunion Tour) pt 1 (which would be during the back half of the Suffering Game GN), Taako casts “Drawmij’s Instant Summons” during an interaction with Garfield. I would highly recommend watching/listening to this scene if you haven’t.
Spells that don’t (seem to) correspond to any dnd 5e spell
Merle makes up a spell called “refresca” in SG. it doesn’t correspond to a real 5e spell, to my knowledge, and I don’t think it’s supposed to.
pg 133 SG - “Maximum Healing” isn’t a dnd 5e spell, to my knowledge. though there are many healing spells in dnd, I don’t think any of them have the express purpose of bringing someone up to full. it’s usually based on dice.
Feats + other shit
CK - Pg 188 Magnus says “berserker blitz!” which is probably a translation of “reckless attack”
Know thy enemy = know your enemy (a feat Magnus gets for being a battle master archetype fighter)
Transmutation mastery = transmuter’s stone (a feat Taako gets @ 6th level for being a transmutation wizard) (probably bc one dangerous rock is enough lol)
destroy undead is a toughie
it’s technically not a spell (not in the way Merle is using it), it’s a use of Channel Divinity (a cleric feat), and while at first it’s called “turn undead”, when you reach level 5 you get to automatically destroy any low-level undead (each time you level up you can destroy one level up of undead), so the ability is called “destroy undead” from that point onward, but you still do the turning bit too, for undead that are higher level than your “destroy undead” threshold.
Ring of chilling frost = ring of frost
Loafers of leaping and springing = boots of striding and springing
Uncanny dodge (a rogue feat) is mentioned when Magnus is doing rogue training with Carey in the 11th hr gn
on their little ‘level up’ pages in the 11th hour gn, it says Magnus is a 10th lvl fighter and 1st lvl rogue, then lists Merle and Taako as a 10th level cleric and a 10th level wizard. that would mean Magnus is an 11th level character, while Taako and Merle are still 10th level. I’m pretty sure Magnus is 9th level fighter 1st level rogue (making him also a 10th level character) in the podcast, but I could be wrong. not super important.
thieves cant = thieves cant (not a spell but worth mentioning)
pg 205 SG Merle mentions that clerics channel their power through holy symbols, like his bible. this is true in dnd 5e, no wording change or anything.
pg SG pg 44 - they do level up in the podcast to level 12.
just a whole separate god damn paragraph for this one:
Murder on the Rockport Limited pg 189 - much going on here.
The text suggests that the spell is “spare the dying” but that’s a cantrip which Merle should have for free and Griffin says its a “5th level spell” but he means that Merle is only 4th level and he needs to be 5th level to cast this spell, not that the level of spell is 5.
At 5th level, clerics gain access to 3rd level spells, so I think he means that Merle can’t cast 3rd level spells since he’s only a 4th level cleric. So we’re looking for a 3rd level spell that clerics can use.
It could be two spells, and I’m pretty sure I know which one it is - Revivify. Technically it could also be Mass Healing Word but I think he’d have healed Taako too if that was the case, and if Magnus was Dead Dead (which I don’t think he was) it wouldn’t do anything.
death in dnd is weird. If you drop to 0 hit points, you are knocked unconscious (though colloquially this is often referred to as death). You then have to make death saving throws (roll a d20, no modifiers) - 3 successes you are stable, 3 fails you’re Dead Dead.
You die immediately if the damage you take minus the health you have left is more than your hit point total. So, if you go farther into the negatives than your hit point maximum, it’s insta death.
I don’t think this happened to Magnus. Angus survived the jump just fine. I think the boys misunderstood how death works bc it’s confusing. fair.
But the gist is Merle wants to cast Revivify, Griffin says he’s not high enough level, they convince him, even though it wasn’t really necessary in the first place.
this exchange does not occur in the podcast. Magnus falls unconscious and is healed with no problem.
a pattern I’ve noticed is as they go on, more and more things have their normal dnd names. lmk if you know why that is - maybe bc of the whole OGL/dnd one drama?
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illithidprone · 1 year
@vampiheir liked this for a lil TAZ quote starter...and the d20 chose Gale xo
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“I wanna tell you a story about the time there were three ogres, right? And then one of ‘em hit me so hard I almost died. You were sitting up in some sort of weird laser just shooting flasks willy-nilly, Karlach was ripping the arms off a robot, and I got punched so hard I almost died! I’m not gonna go toe-to-toe with a crab while you’re armed with a terrible Scottish accent, and Karlach doesn’t even have her shield! I’m out!”
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vactiontown · 1 year
🍃 — STUFF.
starters de outubro. 🍂
prompts para starters. + starters abertos (1) (2). + recentes🌻
wanted connections. 🌼
plot inspo. 🍁
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brooke scott (emily rudd | 27 years old | funcionária na peixaria)
dong-hae minkyu (lee sangyeon | 28 years old | herdeiro de uma rede hoteleira)
felix irving (kim taehyung | 25 years old | jogador de vôlei)
gabriel haynes (cody christian | 28 years old | funcionário da joja)
gustavo tawamba (jack gilinsky | 27 anos | jogador de futebol)
jackson scott (taz skylar | 27 years old | cozinheiro)
jade edwards (olivia cooke | 29 years old | tradutora)
jaehyn lee (younghoon | 27 years old | guarda noturno)
jaesung kim (han jisung | 24 years old | estagiário)
jinwoo seo (kim soohyun | 33 years old | bombeiro)
jiyeon baek (sunwoo | 24 years old | artista)
kwang seo (kang tae oh | 29 years old | programador e desenvolvedor de games)
mia campbell (ella purnell | 27 years old | herdeira)
lucas duke (brenton thwaites | 30 years old | policial)
nathaniel elric (boyd holbrook | 38 years old | mecânico)
peyton suwan (minnie | 27 years old | cabelereira e manicure)
sang-jun gojo (juyeon | 28 years old | professor)
seok-min baek (eric sohn | 23 years old | marceneiro)
seth scott (drew starkey | 27 years old | atendente na peixaria)
soojin min (soyeon | 27 years old | curadora no museu)
taeho yoon (seungmin | 23 years old | estudante)
taesoo kown (hyunjae | 27 years old | guarda florestal)
takashi kato (mackenyu | 27 years old | dono de livraria)
thomas huntt (maxence danet-fauvel | 27 years old | hoteleiro e fotógrafo)
wesley xavier (rômulo estrela | 35 years old | dono de um quiosque na praia)
yuri itadori (kim jiwoong | 23 years old | estudante e atleta)
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urfavoritewizard · 10 months
Looking for RP partners
What's up everyone I want RP partners since the TAZ fandom has only gotten bigger in the past 10 years (I still can't believe I've been in the fandom that long) and I KNOW some of y'all are relistening to Balance for the nostalgia
Since my muse for this blog is Taako from TAZ: Balance I generally prefer interacting with other Adventure Zone RP blogs but am also totally willing to do silly crossover stuff with RP blogs from other fandoms, and of course I'm always looking for mutuals
Shoot me a message or like/reblog if interested!! I'll check out everyone who interacts and send a starter if I have the energy, or y'all can send me a starter and we'll figure it out from there
Check out my rules or send me an ask if you have any questions!! I look forward to making new friends/RP partners
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