#taz beck
knightforflowers · 12 hours
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- Drawing something for every episode of Ethersea - Episode 4 (prev - next)
Messy experimental things of some scenes I thought would be fun to draw!
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hollowboobtheory · 8 months
Duncan and Gwen both pounding on the roof of the car chanting "HOT TOPIC! HOT TOPIC! HOT TOPIC!" Courtney pulls into the drive thru as they cheer only to order a single Disney funky pop and drive away.
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yardsards · 1 year
me starting taz ethersea: i think amber's gonna be my favourite, though zoox seems pretty endearing in his own way. not a big fan of devo's overall Vibes for some reason tho
me now, a dozen episodes in: I Love That Fucked Up Little French Boy
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terezis · 1 year
i want them to adopt gooch. tumblr user terezis assigned podcast child. this is your angus mcdonald 2.0, boys. teach them crime now
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boydykedevo · 2 years
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Many thoughts!!! Head full!!!!
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onlypaws · 3 months
Every time a dog person explains why he likes dogs over cats, he just explains a cat.
Seriously though, if you ask a person why they like a dog they always explain things dogs don't like or don't do but cats do naturally.
"I want a animal that snuggles and loves me!"
If my cat does not get his nightly snuggle he dies inside. If he's not around you 24/7 he just hides under the bed. All the cats I grew up with thrived off of pets and love and the one who didn't was a weirdo barn cat who absolutely did but just wanted to be pet in places where he didn't have scars/ trauma from his past life.
You look at dogs and even the most friendly ones don't like being fawned over. They don't like their heads pet (cats love that, that's how they spread their scent). They don't like being hugged (cats live for that). They don't like being manhandled (cats love being held upside down and dangled and messed with ((gently of course))).
Like every time they bring this up they will mention their dog and it is whale eyeing, panting, appeasement smiling and visibly very very uncomfortable.
"I don't want a animal that pees everywhere."
Literally clean their cat boxes daily and it stops. If you can't or your cat is like Taz and demands an every 12-hour schedule, affirm pay an automatic catbox like I did. Problem disappears. I would also like to point out, if you aren't at your dog's beck and call to let them out, they pee and poo everywhere! I had many dogs over my life and like it was the single most problematic part of them (Aside from the eating the drywall). You had to let them out CONSTANTLY or there was a biohazard in the foyer.
"I want an animal that won't eat me when I am dead."
Neither will eat you unless you are dead for days and they are starving, and statistically speaking, your dog is much more likely to eat you than your cat. Have you ever seen a cat after someone they love dies? They nearly go cationic, they are far more likely to starve to death trying to wake you up, but also lets be real, if you are dying alone and going unnoticed to the point that you're eaten... baby in the nicest way possible you probably shouldn't have pets. You have bigger problems.
"I want an animal I can do anything to without being bit"
Then get a fish. You can't "do anything to your dog without being bit". Often people train the vocal warning signs out of dogs while refusing to learn any sort of doggish body language. You CAN'T do anything to your dog, you may not have been bit yet, but you will be if you have this mentality. This is the reason why so many small breed dogs bite and are violent, not because they are by nature, but because a considerable amount of dog owners think they can and should do whatever they like without repercussions and it is easier to ignore and belittle a animal when it is small.
But also if you're looking at tolerance to bullshit cats are where it's at. My cats have their claws, and they don't like being picked up, none the less if I decide to annoy them and pick them up and give them belly kisses and shove my face in theirs they just fix me with a resigned "god you're stupid" look. If I did that to my non-traumatized dog he would lose his mind. If I did it to my rescue, I'd lose my nose, and it would be completely on me.
Tolerance for handling depends on size, breed, animal, temperament, and treatment and I hate to break it to you, dogs have a significantly lower tolerance for it than cats. A lot of you abuse your dogs through your negligence to learn their behaviour. Literally just watch "It's me or the dog" and 99% of the time it's "leave him alone, stop stressing him tf out, you don't need your whole body on him all the waking day."
"I want an animal I can train"
You clearly have never had a cat. They are incredibly smart and comparing training my cats to training my lab is night and day. Dude is 10 years old and still cycles through everything before he gets to "sit" (he does it on purpose looking for more treats.) You can train cats to do literally everything a dog can do. I mean I've never taken my cats hunting or anything but watch them with a mouse and I figure they'd do well. The thing is if you never try to do something, you can't say it's impossible. I've never tried meth, yet I'm sure it still exists.
I mean I could go on but it's every time they explain why they prefer dogs, it's just a cat in a different form.
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tazskylardaily · 1 year
New pictures and videos of Taz and Cole Beck skydiving.
Source: @colebeck3 on Instagram on September 15th, 2023
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missingphi · 2 years
How ready was Seldom to up and leave the city?
When did he get the poison in order to do this? Guidance never left her office during the night as far as we know, did he hide the poison in her office? Where?
Where would he have gotten a ship from if Beck hadn't already bought one? Is he going to regret doing this to Beck, even though he gave her what looks like all of his valuables?
Speaking of regrets, what about the kids that probably lived at the schoolhouse? Sure they probably just move to the Parish once Devo starts up his thing, but surely just up and leaving kids that are in your care is sure to give them some serious abandonment issues right?
Devo. How fucked up is that gotta be that the person who took you in after your departure from the Parish, someone you trusted, who's lectures you listened to, he's now killed your supposed mother and fled. That's gotta fuck him up a little, right?
You think the "I'm so sorry Devo" in Guidances note was less Seldom thinking about what Guidance would say and more Seldom literally apologizing to Devo for everything?
I wonder if he'll come to regret his choices, in Benevolence's enclave.
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astradella · 3 years
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Everyone in TAZ: Ethersea has a knife
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herbgerblin · 3 years
but what if Beck was this arc’s Angus McDonald?
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knightforflowers · 3 months
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no smart or meaningful caption just Devo’s off camera swimming lessons with Beck as some background practice 👍
(additional doodle under the cut)
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thesnakethatmarches · 3 years
Hi still thinking about Devo. Thinking about Devo’s interactions with Brother Seldom and his request that if Beck wishes to leave that Brother Seldom must let her and Seldom immediately agrees because he understands Devo’s fear. Devo clearly feels responsible for Beck but I think in part he wants for her what he didn’t get for himself.
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yardsards · 1 year
thinking about how devo insisted that beck be given some money and the freedom to come and go as she pleased, because he didn't want her to risk being stuck in an abusive situation with no way out like he was.
how he did this even though he placed beck in the care of brother seldom, who he trusted to not be abusive, unlike how the church abused him.
because while devo personally trusted seldom, he knew how many adults had also trusted the hand of guidance, all the while guidance was covertly abusing him. and he didn't want to risk letting a child be abused by a seemingly-trustworthy adult like he was
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terezis · 2 years
griffin’s favorite character archetype is truly dangerous precocious child prodigies huh
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archidrews · 2 years
i’m already gonna need to relisten to this ep bc griffin said “now that brother seldom is gone—“ and i did a double take like what did i miss
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manor-ghost · 3 years
1. Everyone has a knife.
Except Beck. Beck has two knives.
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