#tawnystar should have happened in this book
briarsndoves · 6 years
welp river of fire is here
and once again the erins disappoint me
it wasn't a bad book? it was just kind of boring to me cause i already knew that tigerheartstar would come back, and the rest of the plot was kinda mehhhh (except jayfeather has Returned with all his lovely Sass and it makes me Happy)
where the hell did violetshine’s weird crush on tree come from???
finleap’s nice for twigbranch tho, at least they’re getting more development than most other couples
A+ for having ivypool and blossomfall raise their kits together, tho it’s SUPER weird that ivypool is raising cinderheart’s grandkits while she’s raising another litter of her own with lionblaze
why the hell would u tease us with tawnystar if that wasn’t what was going to happen?! also there’s no way in hell tawnypelt would still be dealing with rowanclaw’s bullshit. i get that she’s loyal and all but she would take things into her own hands if things got out of control, that just seems to be in her nature
Needletail is my Queen
why is yellowfang here? she’s a thunderclanner y'all 
why is blackstar here? he created this mess by making rowanstar leader
where are all the good female shadowclan leaders we’ve seen in code of the clans and other field guides???  wouldn't they be a part of this as well?? come on guys stop being lazy that would have been Epic
what is twigBRANCH? i wish we had violetshade and twigshine, violetshine also makes no sense for her character
i know leafstar’s getting a lot of hate but i really loved her in this book, finally another female leader who doesn't take any bullshit,, i wouldve thrown out yarrowleaf and sleekwhisker again if i were her
it’s interesting how harestar is just kinda in a backseat in this series?? like we’ve never had a leader who’s had so little characteristics in any series before, we’ve at least KNOWN SOMETHING about the other leaders before... but here we are with harestar i guess
my favorite moment in this book was when leafpool literally CUT OFF MISTYSTAR in her eagerness to volunteer to see mothwing, like I SEE WHAT UR DOING HERE
crowfeather needs to shut the Fuck Up at gatherings
velvet? who is she
fuzzball was iconic tho, i was kinda hoping he would join the Clan cause he got more development than any of the newer warriors in ThunderClan 
i still don't believe that dovewing is going to shadowclan??? like none of this feels real, it’s just so unbelievable that she’d actually care about tigerheartstar THAT MUCH
sparkpelt is one of those people who take opposing opinions just to trigger other people and that’s fine with me, at least she has a personality 
i kind of hope sparkpelt turns into a surprise villain at the end?? like idk how that would work but it would be really cool
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disgruntleddemon · 4 years
warriors rewrite
so like i’ve said a million times i’m bitter about the writing and plot in warriors.
i might reread the new prophecy to refresh my memory but here’s the gist of my idea from what i remember of the books lol
so the big thing for the new prophecy is gonna be a code rewrite and the clans changing to permanent allies. if you’ve seen moonkiti’s video on the clans joining it would be something along those lines.
the new prophecy would be the perfect place to start. for the rewrite Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Feathertail, and Stormfur act as older siblings to squilf and Crowpaw. Feathertail is no longer Crow’s mate/crush. instead she’s a big support to him. she’d honestly act much the same as she did in the book ngl. 
Storm and feather as half clan cats already find the clan system to be a bit oppressive. i mean hell, they were almost killed for being half clan. Bramble and Tawny are similar in that regard as they’re close but separated.
for this rewrite Crow and squirrel end up together. that along with the groups mutual friendship is where the frustration with the clans begins. the group itself is much closer here, slowly forgetting borders n stuff.
feather’s death has an even greater impact. squirrel and Crow get together after that since they become big supports to each other. Storm is especially affected. he sees cats from other clans grieving for his clanmate too. it really strikes him that they’re honestly no different from each other.
 on the journey home he starts to talk to them about the clans becoming sort of permanent allies. after all that’s happened, they’re not that opposed to the idea. Storm is the big driving force for a lot of this. he feels it’s what his sister wanted. Crow, who was also very close to her, is the same. Crow gets a character arc a bit bigger than the others. he really has to unlearn clan prejudice.
 the lake journey only emphasizes the need to join together. this time other cats start to see that as well.once they get there, Squirrel and Crow have secret meetings almost off the bat. in fact, the original journey cats meet up as well. (separate to the squirrel and crow one.)ash still asks Squilf out and she still turns him down. she also still has a falling out with Bramble about Hawkfrost. she knows a little about how shitty he is from Leafpool.
Bramble ends up telling Hawk about the gangs’ ideas of the clans joining. i mean hell, he’s got three siblings in other clans. Bramble actually befriends Mothwing in this rewrite. i always found it ridiculous he only acknowledges his brother and not his sister.
Moth loves the idea. as a med cat the clan rules are a bit different so she was already more open to the idea.Hawk uses the multiclan idea as part of trying to convince Bramble to kill firestar. in the rewrite tho, Moth confesses about how shitty Hawk’s been to her and storm. Bramble pretty much cuts contact with him and Tigerstar. the firestar trap scene does still happen tho.
in this rewrite squilf ends up pregnant and asks Bramble to pretend to be the father. they’ve patched up their relationship by now and he agrees. squilf tells leaf about it first. Leaf knew about them being mates and had been jealous.
not of squirrel, but their relationship. i mean her main friend in the new prophecy started to drift away cause of a relationship too. she agrees to help Squirrel however she can tho. she connects more with Moth cause of her jealousy.
a lot comes together with the original journey cats, Leafpool, Mothwing and Graystripe. the big climax is them at a gathering trying to convince the clans to join together. Squilf reveals she’s having Crow’s kits there. Bramble and his siblings stand united. (hawk’s been killed by now)
Storm points out how they all had to work together with the badgers and that the clans do better working together then apart. 
Leafpool makes a big selling point. the clans are together in starclan, why can’t they do that now? how many half clan relationships reconnect there? starclan can’t find it THAT bad if it’s allowed there.
the cats mostly argue that the clans should stay individual, but together. allowing for halfclan relationships and working together through hardships.
the clans agree at the end of the arc.
Po3 is mostly buildup to the dark forest. the three are working through their odd relationship with their father. breezepaw doesn’t exist. the tensions with the clans joining are also high. cats like Dustpelt or Spiderleg don’t like it at all.
everyone’s a little snippy with each other. gatherings are still a thing to help maintain relationships. there’s always a lot of bickering here though.
Jay still becomes a warrior. he, Crow, and Squirrel talk to firestar about him being treated better and how they can help him out. Holly still becomes a med cat. she’s not great with herbs and she’s better at fighting but she wants to be higher in the clan. she says leaders are seen as highest but she belives med cats are more important. 
Leaf loves her to bits.
the fire scene also happens. Squirrel pushes Ash into the fire. she ends up permanently disabled cause of it tho. (in the book Ash had to help her move the log as she was still recovering from a major injury. i wanted to use that for the rewrite. pushing him in messes up the injury and messes her up real bad.) 
omen of the stars is mostly more darkforest buildup. the dark forest cats try to isolate the clans again and turn them against each other. a lot pf the plot is about the three trying to keep everyone together. hollyleaf is the third cat in this au.
might have Dove as the mysterious 4th cat or somthing. maybe i’ll have her move to shadowclan and Ivy feels bitter and like she was abandoned.
anyways, the clans really get tested in the battle. it’s much longer in the rewrite. i felt like the battle was too short in the original. Holly is still killed. Ivy kills Hawk.
Storm, Bramble, Leaf, Moth, Cinderheart, Mothwing, Willowshine, Tawny, Crow, Squirrel, Fire, Ivy, Jay, Lion, they all mourn her. cats actually have and retain friendships in this rewrite. for instance, Lion and Heather get to stay friends. 
everyone expects them to become mates but they never do. they’re just good friends.
anyways, i always thought Bramble was a dick in the books. maybe not abusive per se but he was just a jerk. he’s stern but kind in the rewrite. he had so much of his character be about not becoming Tigerstar n stuff. idk i feel like he should have stayed consistently nice. squirrel still becomes his deputy, not as a sign of forgiveness like the books, he just genuinly trusts her.
also we get Tawnystar cause that’s what she deserves.
that’s what i’ve go so far! sorry if u had to read all that lmao! this is just somthing i’ve had in the back of my head, feel free to suggest stuff for it as it’s not too complete.
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Can I ask about Strikestone, the poor dude? I really loved him and I’m glad to hear that he’ll have a much larger role in this rewrite. What are some headcanons/ships you have for him? The man needs way more love/content.
He's a good boy who deserved so much better
So spoiler alert but he's still gonna end up deaf in one ear after a fight with the Sisters. The circumstances are slightly different and I won't spoil that part, but yeah
He was extremely betrayed by Sleekwhisker and Juniperclaw, and had it not been for Flameface and Duskheart, he probably would've closed himself off from everyone else. He also will not be receiving any lives from his littermates
He really wanted to mentor Lightpaw, but Tawnystar surprised him with Blazepaw
He's got a thing for Snowbird's older kits. Definitely had a crush on Yarrowleaf before she was killed. He's not sure if he likes Beenose or not, but he's definitely trying to be a dad figure to her kits
He's not a morning person, and in fact he refuses to wake up to set the dawn patrol, instead setting it up the night before. He has a tendency to sleep until sunhigh but will work until at least midnight
When Tawnystar is killed by the impostor, she's protecting Strikestone. Now, what book this happens in, I'm not telling
He becomes good friends with Breezepelt through the rebellion
If any cat should have been given the Tiger- prefix to restore honor to it, it's him
He's surprisingly easy to get along with, and even now Violetshine sees him as an older brother figure. Despite the Clan difference and their duties, they remain close and try to meet up to chat when they can. Their relationship is similar to Alderheart and Twigshade's
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notwarriorswiki · 5 years
What are your favourite and least favourite super additions and what changes would you make to them? Also I love your writing and ideas. Your very talented :)
Favorite Super Edition: Tallstar’s Revenge
It’s my favorite for a reason but if I had to make changes, I’d start with clarifying the timeline of events because there are multiple character age inconsistencies. It seems Tallstar is much older than Bluefur and even Yellowfang, but the timeline isn’t clear so it can be hard to chart out events at times.
Fix Talltail’s relationship with Sandgorse. I would’ve kept Sandgorse putting pressure on Tallpaw to change, and just trying to force what he wants Tallpaw to be on him. That’s an interesting conflict, but have them start to resolve it and just as Tallpaw feels him and his dad are getting back on track, THEN have Sandgorse die in the tunnels. It would be a better motive for Talltail to be angry his dad was taken just as things were improving.
I would’ve liked a bit more time spent with Barkface and his and Tallstar’s friendship. They’re leader and medicine cat eventually so it would’ve been nice to get more interactions like the one we got with them in the medicine den.
Make the moments Tallpaw has with Sparrow really count. Drop some suspicious hints. I headcanon Sparrow as Clawface and Nightpelt’s dad, so maybe him sneaking out of camp one night is seen by Tallpaw and he’s confused. Basically, give more reason for Tallpaw to rationalize that Sparrow murdered Sandgorse.
I would’ve changed Sparrow. Make the Sandgorse incident an accident, but still make it his fault. Like maybe there’s some sort of argument that happens and their movement causes more of the tunnel collapse. Sandgorse actually DOES leave Sandgorse behind. There’s no “Sandgorse sacrificed himself”. He just dies, there was an incident, it happens.
Jake and Talltail is perfect.
Talltail choosing not to kill Sparrow is because he values peace, and causing harm is not in his character. We see throughout the book that Talltail doesn’t want to fight others. Characterize him as a brave cat who will fight if he has to, but ultimately is openminded and peaceful.
The scene helping RiverClan is a great example of this. It shows Talltail’s strengths as a peaceful leader and its benefits. Do this more!
Make Talltail’s relationship with Jake canon you cowards.
Overall make the theme of the book about moving on making your own destiny. Don’t let the past or others define what you become, and be the better person. Focus on bettering yourself, not tearing down others.
Plotline with Talltail addressing Palebird’s litter with Woolytail and having a heart to heart about her moving on while she still grieves.
Plotline with Barkface telling Tallstar why he became a medicine cat.
Plotline with Hopkit saying he’s going to be a warrior and run the moor even with the paw that’ll make it harder. He chooses what he’s going to be.
Least Favorite: Tigerheart’s Shadow
I don’t like canon Tigerheart, at least in this book. Literally rewriting him to be likable involved taking his good traits (which is that he’s caring and wants to prove himself), and then making those his goal rather than being with Dovewing.
The problem with this book is that your POV character is dumb. Tigerheart leaves ShadowClan when it is in its worst state, which ultimately makes him seem selfish to the reader. Honestly this book doesn’t need to exist and would be better if we didn’t have DoveTiger, but if we’re going to fix this.
Make this a novella, it does not need to be this long. Have the focus be on Tigerheart and Dovewing’s relationship and finding a solution to their problem. Prove to the reader how much they care about each other.
Improve their communication because Tigerheart doesn’t seem able to explain to Dovewing that ShadowClan is a mess and he has his mom, dad, and sister to think about.
Scrap the prophecy and dream thing, focus on the emotions of the characters. Let Tigerheart decide what to do on his own. It convinces the reader that he is thinking his own thoughts and is truly alone with his decision. It makes whatever choice he makes much more respectable, even if it’s wrong.
That scene with Ivypool is awful. Tigerheart, leave the sister out of this. Again, make the problem between Tigerheart and Dovewing. If this novel is about Tigerheart chasing Dovewing and becoming leader, then make that your focus: strengthen the relationship and prove that he’s a capable cat.
More scenes of the time in ShadowClan with him being a cat others admire and can rely on. He’s a stable point for ShadowClan, which will make the choice to leave to find Dovewing that much harder. 
Point is, we as the reader will sympathize if we value Dove and Tiger’s relationship, but also understand how important Tigerheart is to his clan’s stability. If we believe that, then we identify with Tigerheart’s dilemma. The problem is that Tigerheart acts dumb and makes his own problems, so we just groan.
I honestly can’t even really go on with the church cats cause they’re fine and nice, and everything seems good when we find Dovewing, but then Tigerheart tries to change their ways and it makes him look even worse.
Like how am I supposed to believe this guy would be a great leader when every other chapter he does another stupid thing. 
No revival. He just lives, returns, and becomes leader. Unless I can say he doesn’t become leader and we go with a redemption arc for Rowanstar, a Tawnystar, or heck Scorchstar even.
Just… please don’t make the MoonPool a revival spot. Never in your fiction should you have a way to “reverse” death. If you want the same effect, go with coma, but don’t have them DIE and come back. It ruins the laws of your world.
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larksinging · 7 years
winter, tawnypelt (huh) but also... FRANKY even though she's an oc. can i do that? i'm doing it
this got long
How I feel about this character: i love this boy. he was actually my first introduction to wof i think? i saw a winter turning centric-map on youtube (thats like impossible to find now). but also once i read winter turning i also fell in love with him, so
All the people I ship romantically with this character: i like winter/moon but also winter/moon/qibli but ALSO jade winglet poly ship 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: hmmmm. winter and... bandit? i don’t know. i think winter and tsunami might be interesting
My unpopular opinion about this character: i don’t dig around wof opinions enough to really know. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: okay i still and a couple books behind but i hope he gets time to work through how his family mistreated him and can get a chance to admit to himself he deserves better
tawnypelt (HUH!!)
How I feel about this character: i really love tawnypelt she’s so great honestly and using her in TNP was such a good idea. i love that she is so loyal to shadowclan and sticks by this decision and becomes her own person
All the people I ship romantically with this character: people ship feathertail x tawnypelt and i can dig it? it’s cute. is there anyone else of note in shadowclan? maybe crowfrost
My non-romantic OTP for this character: tawnypelt and brambleclaw’s relationship give me more about it pleeeasseeee. also tawnypelt and blackstar!! ive seen a tidbit idk if it’s true but it claims that blackstar considered her for deputy at some point and. please
My unpopular opinion about this character: i hate that she got paired up with rowanclaw. like he seems alright? and i like most of her kids but like. i hate that she was just used to pump out tigerclaw #3
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: DEPUTY TAWNYPELT TO BLACKSTAR AND THEN TAWNYSTAR FUCK THE ERINS. we should have had bramblestar tawnystar crowstar (but like, where his early tnp characterization was going, not late tnp/pot/oots characteraztion. crowpaw not crowfeather) and maybe stormstar i guess? all the journeying cats become leaders
How I feel about this character: shes my oc but she’s one of my longest-kept ocs and i... i love her a lot. sometimes i get really overwhelmed with emotions about franky
All the people I ship romantically with this character: previously, with sol katti (her love interest in her birthpack), though i think its better that they didnt end up together. right now... ??? shes had a few rp contenders but none really hardcore
My non-romantic OTP for this character: she has an interesting relationship with her queen and her boss, both of whom she respects a lot and owes a lot too but hasn’t had a chance to reach out to much. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: how do i even answer this
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: while it was kinda integral to her arc, the way her relationship with her parents fell apart was too bad. it started with the eye thing, but it spiraled with their “divorce” and shes never really had a chance to sit down and talk with them. 
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