#taurus ic
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lunadileo · 2 months ago
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Credits: @taurus.perfect on Instagram.
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yrotic11 · 10 months ago
4th house Taurus moon/sun with a cancer Venus and I love my room and my own personal space sm. I especially love kawaii-room decor. It makes sense bc Venus rules cute aesthetics.
I know 4th house in astrology rulerships are typically only related to just the house house as a general front but I’m here to tell you it especially rules your ROOM. YOUR PERSONAL ROOMM. The style of your room/how you��d like your room to be. Your DREAM room. I have teddy bears ABOUND in my room already but people are gonna be SICCKK OF ME WHEN I GET MY OWN COMPLETE SPACE LOLL I’m gonna dec that ho down in cuteness.
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astroismypassion · 7 months ago
Astrology observations 🌊🐟🌊
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Credit: @astroismypassion
🌊 Cancer Sun men (some other Cancer placement can be that as well like Cancer Venus, Cancer Mercury) are I noticed veryy indecisive. But they are masking that indeciveness behind “oh I just haven’t met the right person for me yet”. As partners they tend to get lazy, more controlling with time, but paint a very very almost this ideal picture in the beginning. You might not be able to find anything bad, because they seems so ideal on paper. They could be cheap too. They also dislike paying, prefer to split 50/50, but make sure that they are spending LESS than you, so they still feel taken care of. They pay only what is theirs and if something is shared between both of you, they expect you to take care of it.
🐟 A lot of Taurus Sun people are gym/workout freaks secretly, but can be inconsistent with it, so you might never openly know this about them.
🌊 I find it’s a slight, small and funny difference between Scorpio Moon and Scorpio over the 4th house native. Scorpio Moon is so secretive, private and doesn’t disclose information easily. You might be their best friend, but still don’t know their family situation to the full extent. But with Scorpio over the 4th house I noticed can kind of be oversharers?? It’s harder for them to keep a secret and when they vibe with someone in a nice conversation, they end up overspilling information.
🐟 Your partner can be a mix of your Juno, Jupiter and sign over 1st, 4th and 7th house. 1st house because there could be found people that are so “in your face”, because you were literally meant to meet them in this lifetime, 4th house is people you introduce to your parents, take home and 7th house are people that are similar to you, yet different enough that you feel they complete you and that you can learn from them.
🌊 Your IC sign shows some of the deepest parts of you that have been instilled in you and have been in your family for generations and generations. It is also what you know best, what already comes to you naturally. For example: Aries IC you are unafraid of conflict, you are not scared to be confrontational.
🐟 I noticed Taurus over the 12th house or Taurus Lilith are more prone of wanting to steal something material from you, like a material item, if they feel you hurt them emotionally. Watch out for Taurus Lilith especially, because they feel like they are never abundant enough, I noticed there is something missing when they are around you, like you might start missing your umbrella or something little and mundane.
🌊 I still think about 8th house Synastry that usually both people need to change. So it’s not about pointing fingers that planet person or house person. It’s usually not enough just one doing the changes and the other not, for the connection to run more smoothly.
🐟 I noticed Composite Libra Rising couples really struggle with other people. Usually the only conflict these two have is about other people. You might not even complain about each other, but when there is tension, it is about other people. Like your/their friends, how much time they are spending with certain other people.
🌊 Composite 1st house shows the things you liked about each other in the beginning, but these are the very same things that you resent with time or dislike later on and complain about. For example: Composite Aquarius Rising: you will like that you are still able to be with them and chase your dream goals, you like that you still are able to have your independent life besides them, that they give you enough freedom and personal space. But later you will start noticing that you “drifted apart/didn’t take enough time for each other”.
🐟 Taurus Venus natives really crave a partner that pays for them. But I noticed once they get older, it reverses from what I’ve seen? They are usually the one getting taken advantage of and paying eveything or a lot of the things for their partner.
🌊 Venus in the 8th house in Synastry chart gives energy of “We are not in a partnership, but I also don’t like you trying to date other people”. 😅
🐟 Composite Pisces Mars, Mars at 12 degrees or Composite Mars in the 12th house will really hold you accountable, even when you will be trying sweep thoughts, feelings, conversations, under the rug.😩 Like yes, it is known for sweeping topics under the rug, giving too many chances, forgiving. But you will notice things go wrong or poorly/bad in the connection when you just let it slide. Like the universe won’t allow you to do that, if it’s not genuine. You might not vocalize certain of your genuine thoughts, ideas, feelings for the sake of keeping peace in the connection that one time, but it will blow up in your face later all at once, because the universe won’t let it slide. 😬
🌊 Often when people say “Oh my partner did that for me in the beginning, but they don’t do it anymore now”, I suggest look at your partner’s Venus sign. This is how they behave towards you to attract you. This is “the attractive you” you are usually in the beginning, early stages of getting to know someone or when you are going in for y job interview. For example:
Aries Venus: they will asking YOU firstly jokingly “Are you trying to flirt me?😂”, they can slide this one casually in the conversation.
Taurus Venus: buy you a little gift (but usually great great quality), treat you to a meal out or sharing snacks with you. might also gift you clothing for the very first birthday you have, which is their way of telling you they like you.
Gemini Venus: helps you out a lot (sometimes forces their help onto you😅), pays for drinks, seems like they will help you or be there for you if anything happens every day out of the week.
Cancer Venus: they usually potray themselves as the emotional one and describe people around them are all “so stone cold”, they are more emotionally open in the beginning to lure you in, but later you realize they are quite stoic actually or even nonchalant.
Leo Venus: gives a lot of attention mostly in the beginning. because later they wanna experience being the one that is the center of attention in the relationship.
Virgo Venus: will text you consistently and always make sure that they are there for you, also the one to likely help you out, but with ulterior motives😅
Libra Venus: another one that pays for your meals, they will take you out, wine and dine you, you will feel like they know all the good restaurants.
Scorpio Venus: now, this one is hard. it’s usually in their stares. If it’s there, it’s already in the EYE CONTACT. If you don’t know what I mean by eye contact, then the sparkle is not there. but quite soon, they will have a a little, but manageble jealous episode, when you mention your female/male friends and that is how they reveal themselves that they care about you.
Sagittarius Venus: oh this one will take you places, organize that bike trip, show you a city they know really well and take you around, feed you with their stories and impress you with their many life experiences.
Capricorn Venus: acting too busy, burdened with duties, but actually hanging with their parents in the free time or playing video games. oh gosh, they give such air of being on their own constant strict schedule, that you will feel like they don’t have time for you, so that when they give you their time, you will think it is special.
Aquarius Venus: this one is unique, will likely organize a set up, group situation with a few of their trusted friends with you going for a drink/meal, but it’s a test try, to see how well you would merge in, another type is acting super busy and productive with you, but actually hanging with friends, partying.
Pisces Venus: lure you in by giving you things, items for free or impressing you with their musical talent, sing you a song, make you homemade art, treating you to a nice sweet homebaked treat, they will give the impression of being naive, but that’s quite far for it.
🐟 You might argue less with people how have Saturn on your Ascendant, because you will feel like you need to level up mentally and act more mature when you are around them, so you are likely to avoid petty fights, but only when you are with this person.
🌊 We often watch TV series, films with actors who share the same Moon sign as us. For example: I noticed Sex and the City TV series is very popular among Aquarius and Capricorn Moon people (also Sagittarius Moon to certain extent) and main actresses have these Moon signs too.
🐟 Aquarius Mars people are few of the actors who actually don’t mind being known for THAT one movie/TV series role and don’t try to run away from that image, they instead embrace it. For example: actress Eva Longoria (Aquarius Mars) who still to this day doesn’t mind being asked about her well-known and iconic role as Gaby Solis in TV series Desperate Housewives.
Credit: @astroismypassion
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bouquetface · 8 months ago
Accuracy dependent on ENTIRE chart.
Moon in 12th.
Indicates a career that may eventually take you away from home often. Depending on the entire chart, this could be due to constant travel. Or a one time move that creates distance between you & your family or hometown.
MC in pisces.
Have creative careers. Design, music, film, aesthetics, marketing, etc. Due to pisces mutable nature, these people tend to do/try lots of different roles throughout their life.
MC in Sag.
Similar to pisces due to their mutable nature. However, sag are perceived in a more experienced way. Generally, they easily become an authority figure over people. The way they present (style, behaviour) is more likely to be perceived as “wild”.
Scorpio Stellium.
Having many placements in Scorpio indicates you are a private person. Others may believe you to be secretive.
For ex: Scorpio stellium in 4th House of the MC persona chart. You may work from home or be a house wife/husband at some point. You are perceived as a mystery because you prioritize inside life (home, family, privacy) and seclude yourself from the outside world.
Taurus MC.
Indicates a career focused on aesthetics. Appearance may be very important. Design, fashion, and even food could be key themes in your industry.
FAMA in 10th or 1st
Famous people often have FAMA (408) in first house or 10th house.
10th House ruler in 4th.
There is a mix between personal and outside life. People may desire to know what goes on in your personal life. You may share personal things in your career. This can be sharing experiences to relate. Sharing a “private” space. Ex: Renting out property. Or working in the home - home office. You could often invite others into your home or go to their homes.
Saturn or Sun in 10th.
You may work your way up into a top position. If you have many virgo or cancer placements, a managerial position is likely. The downside to this is sometimes you may be perceived as bossy or arrogant.
Fama in 4th.
Throughout my research for this post, a lot of nepo babies have fama in 4th house & 5th house. Their initial fame is a result of family.
Ruler of 10th in 6th House.
You may feel that people are more critical of you than others. In the workspace but in life in general.
MC in Gemini.
Communication is key in your career. Writing, presenting, teaching, marketing, etc.
Jupiter in First House.
Teaching and mentoring is important in your career. You may become someone people go to for advice.
Mercury & Sun in 10th House.
This person is a teacher. Mercury is communication and Sun in 10th gives authority.
MC in Scorpio.
In career, you may work with confidential information. Ex: Accountant, Pharmacist. In life, you may stay very lowkey. People only see what you want them to see.
10th Ruler in 9th House.
These individuals may become professors or mentors later in life. They generally become well travelled elders as well. Very experienced.
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pallastrology · 2 years ago
the midheaven and imum coeli
aries on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards independence. they are natural hunters, relentless in their pursuit of their goals. they often have a reputation for having authority issues, and this can be true, they don’t cope well with working under the boot of other people, but they aren’t difficult to work with in general; when given the opportunity to work with someone they can build a strong connection with and when given a common, meaningful goal, aries midheavens are wonderful team members and are encouraging, passionate and energetic. with the midheaven in aries the lower heaven is in libra, and that’s where we see that slightly uncharacteristic talent for working in partnerships. growing up, the natives may have lived in a household where everything had to look perfect, where there were poor boundaries and avoidance and comfort-seeking from caregivers, rather than firm but fair treatment. the native had to grow up quickly and is very much a self-made individual now, but in some ways, they can feel stunted, like they’re stuck developmentally. they need to learn to uphold boundaries without becoming militant, to work with others while still supporting and encouraging themselves, to stay connected to the people that matter while they chase their prey.
taurus on the midheaven brings a desire for security. the native is artistic, stoic and determined. they don’t necessarily want fortune and fame, but they want to be valued and respected. they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty or put in long hours and hard work to get to where they’re aiming for. their career paths can sometimes look more erratic than you’d expect for an earth placement, and this is because taurus midheavens often have issues with under - or over - valuing themselves, taking on meaningless work because they feel they haven’t earned better, or refusing opportunities out of stubbornness or a feeling of being out of their league. they work well with others when they are given time and patience, because these natives often have trust issues and can’t open up easily. with the midheaven in taurus the lower heaven is in scorpio, and a lot starts to make sense. they often grew up in homes with intense emotions and little in the way of healthy outlets or communication, homes where distance and mistrust was the norm. secrets were often kept and love may have been treated as a resource to guard fiercely and rarely give away. as an adult, the native has to come to terms with these early experiences and understand that we all have inherent worth, and are all deserving of unconditional love; it isn’t a thing to be earned, it’s within us all and can - should - be shared freely.
with gemini on the midheaven, the native aspires towards connection. they are adaptable, expressive, creative thinkers, who are quick to ask questions and quicker to learn. they have a strong desire to fly the nest and discover some of the world for themselves, and they usually do just this. the native can sometimes struggle to focus; they have a tendency to spread themselves too thin and get overwhelmed. they can be rather insecure, lacking faith in themselves and their abilities at times. this is often down to their upbringing. as a gemini midheaven, they have the lower heaven in sagittarius, which can indicate that they felt alone a lot growing up. perhaps their caregivers were very busy people, or they struggled to make friends, or were ostracised in some way. they may have felt like an outsider as a child, and so relied on their hobbies and dreams to sustain them when other people couldn’t. as an adult, gemini midheavens are a little anxious, quick to doubt themselves, but quick to seek out connections too; whether social or developmental. they would suit a life path that involves flexibility, a fast pace, multiple routes to progression and the chance to experience many kinds of people. however, they do need to stay still sometimes and listen to themselves. they may feel inferior at times, but they can learn a lot from themselves if they open their hearts.
cancer on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards comfort. they are highly attuned creatures, sensitive to others’ emotions and needs without them needing to say a word. the native is naturally maternal, not necessarily in the sense of wanting children, but in that they have a lot of care and love to give to whom they choose. they are traditionally well-suited to a career in the public eye, as this nurturing quality reflects well on others. the intensity of their life will often ebb and flow quite dramatically, even as far as water signs go. they need periods off to just rest and return to themselves, or they burn out terribly. with cancer on the midheaven, capricorn is on the lower heaven. growing up, the home was often a cold and clinical place, not one where emotional connections were the norm. as a result, the native, often subconsciously - as is the nature of water signs - goes through life searching for the warmth and comfort they needed as a child. they can become dependent on loved ones, or go the other way and give everything to these loved ones without getting an ounce back. it can be really helpful for them to research reparenting and go through life with the concept in their mind’s eye.
leo on the midheaven brings a desire for adoration. they may aspire to be seen as a star in their chosen field, though, honest as they are, only want this reputation if they can back it up. they are deeply passionate people, who work and play hard. their creativity and generosity will take them far in life, if they can learn to accurately identify and work on their flaws. at times they can be stubborn, and this is both good and bad for them. they are driven and determined, but often lack self-belief and rely heavily on loved ones to encourage and praise them when things get hard. with leo on the midheaven, we find aquarius on the lower heaven, and so we learn a little more. the native’s childhood was often quite a lonely one. whether that’s through an unconventional upbringing, emotionally distant caregivers or living somewhere isolated from peers, the native often felt they were alone in the world. now, as an adult, they are powerful people with the heart of a child. they are honest and loving and often a lot more vulnerable than they appear. they want love and support, but can get stuck feeling they need to “perform” to earn affection, becoming reliant on external sources for validation. building some self-esteem and learning to validate their own experiences and emotions is invaluable for these gentle giants, and they start to step into their strengths.
with virgo on the midheaven, the native aspires towards health and contentment. they are quick thinking, careful and dedicated, with a tendency to plan ahead down to the minutiae. there can be a habit of rushing ahead to their chosen destination without being able to enjoy the path they’re taking, and they are prone to anxiety and overthinking. a virgo midheaven is a judgemental placement, in that they are constantly assessing their situation and adjusting accordingly. this can make them seem controlling or critical at times. with the midheaven in virgo, the lower heaven is in pisces. the native’s childhood was often a chaotic place, with few boundaries and little emotional stability, leaving them to fend for themselves in a confusing and uncertain world. the native’s need to feel in control now makes a little more sense, but living life in constant fear of losing it is no real way to live. making use of their penchant for routine, their ability to learn any skill - especially those they deem practical in some way - and their softer, compassionate side will come in handy to help them loosen the reins a little. over time, with the same devotion they give to their loved ones and their chosen field, things do feel less daunting.
libra on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards peace and beauty. they are soothing, reflective and highly intelligent, with a craving for an easy, yet meaningful life. they have a tendency to choose pleasure and comfort over growth, to their detriment. they can be very afraid of confrontation and authority, making themselves small and silent to avoid it. they are attracted to careers in the arts, human rights, or paths that find them developing one-on-one connections with people in some way. with libra on the midheaven, we find aries on the lower heaven. the native often grew up in an explosive house, where conflict was handled poorly and communication was last in line. their caregivers may have been draconian and not allowed them to develop much of their own self, which can explain their fascination with how people work and their struggle to maintain healthy boundaries as adults. they are sensitive individuals and work very hard to make others happy, often at their own expense. it takes time to spot these patterns and start mending them, but it’s worth the work to build a beautiful life, by and for one’s own self.
scorpio on the midheaven brings a desire to know all their is to know about their chosen field. they are intriguing, determined and passionate, but they aren’t loud about it. they chase their goals with a fierce drive and focus, which can leave them blinkered to the rest of their life in the process. they can be overachievers, pushing themselves beyond their limits, and are often attracted to the “darker” side of life; what classes as dark, i’ll leave up to the individual to decide for themselves. the native is an intense individual, and not one that makes friends easily, but they tend to make friends for life when they do, chart depending. scorpio on the midheaven means taurus is on the lower heaven. the native’s childhood was often quite traditional in terms of values, with strict and hardworking caregivers who perhaps had some secrets. difficulties were between family, and we therefore kept quiet and not addressed, left to fester. as an adult, scorpio midheaven looks to excise secrets and half-truths in their life, and lives a life of integrity at any cost, or alternately, if they internalise their early experiences, they live a double life, hiding themselves from the world. to thrive, they need to be honest with themselves and their loved ones, and make use of their intense drive to work on themselves and their goals.
with sagittarius on the midheaven, the native aspires towards growth. they are detached, curious and enthusiastic, with an insatiable lust for knowledge. they are often attracted to careers that involve a lot of education or personal development, but can find it hard to settle down. traditionally, this placement would denote travelling or uprooting for a career, which suits the native just fine as they don’t attach too easily, to places or people. with sagittarius on the midheaven, gemini is on the lower heaven. growing up was a lonely experience for the native, who spent a lot of time alone. they craved connection and spontaneity, but instead of their caregivers, who may have been anxious individuals themselves, they found solace in the world around them. as adults, they are very cool externally, but struggle to attach closely and may struggle with commitment issues and a need for freedom that beats everything else. if they can settle their hearts and learn to let people in, they’ll find that their unique way of seeing the world, their creative thinking and wealth of knowledge will serve them very well indeed, and the world is just waiting for them.
capricorn on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards independence, respect and mastery. they are driven, strong-willed and surprisingly fiery at times, with a strong sense of responsibility. they are natural leaders and managers, but often fail to see themselves this way until they’re older and wiser. they don’t tend to find the prospect of self-employment attractive, preferring instead a more structured pathway, though they suit working for themselves very well. with capricorn on the midheaven, cancer lies on the lower heaven. the native’s childhood was spent having to “mother” those around them, whether that is because of unstable emotions from caregivers meaning they couldn’t do it, or life circumstances leading to an inability. the native had to learn to put aside ideas deemed childish in order to try and become what was expected of them. as an adult, capricorn midheaven is capable of truly amazing feats, but they are prone to melancholy and find it hard to believe in themselves. when they do learn this vital skill, their passion, drive and determination will take them far indeed, and help them strike a balance between work and life.
aquarius on the midheaven brings a desire to better things. they are more patient than they seem, but their brains move quickly and they do find it hard when those around them can’t keep up. they need support from their people and a good network to really thrive, being a social sign despite the mad scientist stereotype. they may be attracted to almost any field, but it has to be important to the native. with aquarius on the midheaven, leo is on the lower heaven. throughout their childhood, they felt different. not necessarily a bad different, but they knew they were cut from a different cloth to their caregivers, or peers perhaps. being a compassionate and conflict-avoidant placement, they often tried to act the part of one of the gang, and now as an adult they can feel unsure of who they really are and where they really fit in. they have a wide range of often-contradictory interests and skills, and make friends with people of all backgrounds, so they are something of a patchwork quilt. but that’s no bad thing, and embracing every part of themselves will allow them to find meaning and support in life.
with pisces on the midheaven, the native aspires towards healing. they are kind, perceptive and willing. their goals can be ephemeral and easily clouded, leaving them confused about their place in the world. they aren’t afraid of work but are deeply afraid of being stuck in a situation that drains them, as a sensitive and honest individual. with the midheaven being in pisces, the lower heaven is in virgo and so this fear makes a lot more sense. growing up, the native lived in a stern, restrictive household, where they felt they had to be perfect to be loved. they may have struggled with health issues which caused them some delays, or other rifts in the family. now, as adults, they can lack direction and feel easily overwhelmed and burned out, falling into pits of despair and depression relatively easily when they don’t take extra care. they have a huge store of compassion and this will be their most vital asset, along with their genuine interest in humanity and the world. they have a willingness to help others, an understanding of the depth of the human soul, and the ability to sit and listen and absorb. building healthy boundaries and letting themselves explore will serve pisces midheaven well in life.
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quiltofstars · 3 months ago
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IC 2087 (center) inside the Taurus Molecular Cloud // Esa Viitala
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lunaapudleonem · 10 months ago
Placements in the natal chart that indicate having a good/close relationship with your parents 🌸
Jupiter in the 4th house
Ceres in the 4th house
Sun sextile/trine Moon
Moon sextile/trine/conjunct Ceres
Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Ceres
Rules of the 4th house positively aspected
4th house in Taurus, Cancer or Libra
Moon sextile/trine Venus
Sun sextile/trine Venus
Stellium in the 4th house (but without malicious planets like Uranus, Mars, Pluto, Neptune or Saturn)
Vesta in the 4th house
Saturn positively aspected
Vesta trine/sextile/conjunct Moon
Vesta trine/sextile/conjunct Sun
Moon in Cancer or Taurus
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Dm me for a natal chart reading !! 💕
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aphrodeiities · 2 years ago
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔡𝔢 [19029]
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𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔡𝔢 19029 is mainly about the brides in a wlw relationship [and for a man's chart how their wife is going to be like] along for how the wedding is going to be like. could also speak about the type of wife you are.
and this is also for entertainment/knowledge purposes, do not complain under my comment section if something doesnt fit your desires. [this could work with synastry and composite].
how to find asteroids
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♇ asteroid briede 19029 in aries ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is authentic, passionate and competitive, but their bride could also be someone who is naive, selfish and reckless. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to be fun and uncomplicated or it can turn into something that is reckless and accident prone. your bride might also have aries/mars/1h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in taurus ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is productive, dependable and romantic, but their bride could also be someone who is frugal, superficial and someone who is adamant. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to be beautiful and stylish, or it can turn into something where people are stingy and lazy. your bride might also have taurus/venus/2h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in gemini ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is youthful, stimulation driven and clever, but their bride could also be someone who is two-faced, one that is nosy and devious. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to have a lot of people talking about it and have things that would have people bond with each other, or it can turn into something where people might steal and rudely gossip about it. your bride might also have gemini/mercury/3h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in cancer ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is sentimental, reflective and comfort seeking, but their bride could also be controlling, suspicious and irritable. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to have a lot of people there and it could have a lot of light coloured themes, or it could turn into something where a lot of people would be pessimistic about, along with having a wedding where you have to be very guarded about your surroundings. your bride might also have cancer/moon/4h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in leo ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is charismatic, full of life and romantic, however their bride could also be someone who is arrogant, prideful and attention seeking. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be a big event, an event where people would want to show off their style and wealth. the wedding could also turn into something where people are insincere about their gifts or feelings, or it could turn into an event where people just turn up to be spiteful. your bride might also have leo/sun/5h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in virgo ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is health conscious, motivated and well educated, but their bride could also be someone who is irritable, judgemental and socially hesitant. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be well thought out and have people that actually mean something to the spouses, or it could turn into an event where people are overly critical about it and no one is happy with how the outcome of the wedding turned out to be. your bride might also have virgo/prominent ceres/mercury/6h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in libra ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is romantic, diplomatic and graceful, but their bride could also be someone who is skittish, co-dependent and gullible. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be very pretty and balletic, or it could turn into an event where people are flaky about turning up and it could turn into an event where much people argue in. your bride might also have libra/prominent juno/venus/7h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in scorpio ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is magnetic, sexual and mysterious, but their bride could also be someone who is manipulative, obsessive and controlling. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably have a lot of money spent on it and have a lot of people attend, or it could turn into an event where people are there just to stalk and critique the spouses, there could be a lot of people who are bitter that attend the wedding. your bride might also have scorpio/mars/pluto/8h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in sagittarius ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is energetic, religious/spiritual and a bride that is humorous, the bride could also be someone who is rude, impulsive and careless. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably be very big and might be somewhere foreign or far from the spouse's homes. the wedding could also be a moment where there could be reckless behaviour or where people turn up to show who's better than the other. your bride might also have sagittarius/jupiter/9h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in capricorn ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is down to earth, conventional and ambitious, the bride could also be someone who is cold, curt and hard to reach. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably be well-organised and successful. the wedding [if went wrong], could show that the budget was tight and could be a wedding where people barely show up. your bride might also have capricorn/saturn/10h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in aquarius ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is revolutionary, a bride that is complex and eccentric, the bride could also be someone who is judgemental, might think they are above other people and could be someone who lacks empathy. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding could be considered as very unique and might be posted on social media a lot, if the wedding went wrong, there could be a lot of chaotic behaviour and people instigating negative behaviour. your bride might also have aquarius/uranus/saturn/11h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in pisces ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is kindhearted, idealistic and intuitive, but the bride could also be someone who is delusional, one that is prone to victimising themselves and someone who likes to escape their problems. if a wedding were to happen, it could happen near a place where there's a lot of water and it could be seemed as a really magical/spiritual wedding, if the wedding went wrong, there could even be a runaway spouse or a situation where there could be people who bring a lot of addictive substances. your bride might also have pisces/neptune/jupiter/12h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the first house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is considered as very beautiful, a lot of people might consider them as wifey material, and this bride could be deemed as someone who is popular, the bride could also be someone who can be selfish, easily-tempered and might care about their popularity too often. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being a very popular wedding. your bride might also have 1h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the second house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is money-oriented or even rich, a beautiful bride and a bride that is very vocal, this bride could be perceived as someone who is too materialistic, a spouse that is shallow and might not get along with their family, depends on the aspects. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being a wedding where a lot of money was spent. your bride might also have 2h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the third house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is quite popular, one that is intelligent and is likely going to be close to their siblings/cousins. this bride could be perceived as someone who is very anxious, someone who might even steal people's things or ideas and might often perceive themselves as a guru. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being an event where there is a lot of quick energy and people sneaking in. could be posted on social media a lot as well. your bride might also have 3h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the fourth house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is family-oriented, a spouse that is protective and a wife that could own a lot of things. this bride could be perceived as someone who is greedy when it comes to possessions, someone who is manipulative and as someone who builds emotional walls around them. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being an event where there is just family involved or chosen family. your bride might have 4h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the fifth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is popular, entertaining and a bride that is focused on their inner-child work. this bride could also be perceived as someone who is promiscuous, ego-centric and neglectful. if a wedding were to happen, it would likely be a popular wedding, there might be a lot of children there or it could be an event where a lot of drama happens and people having unfinished business. your bride might have 5h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the sixth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is servicing, a bride that is skilful, and a spouse that is very focused on their skills. this bride could also be seen as someone who is lazy, mean and overly-competitive. if a wedding were to happen, it could be considered a small wedding or a wedding where people just get straight to the point, the event could also turn competitive and setting up the wedding might even be burdening. your bride might have 6h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the seventh house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is business oriented, a bride that is a romantic and popular, the bride could be seen as someone who is a people-pleaser, fake and very ditzy. if a wedding were to happen, it could be considered a very big and pretty wedding, people might give a lot of gifts. it could turn into a wedding that is perceived as very basic and shallow. your bride might have 7h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the eighth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is rich, charismatic and a bride that is open to psychology, they might also help you dig deep into your trauma. however, you could also have a bride that is seen as someone who is money and power hungry, they might keep a lot of secrets as well. if a wedding were to happen, it might be a very private and secret marriage, or it could be a wedding where the theme is different to other weddings people have seen before. it could also be a wedding where money is the main focus of the bond, is an indicator of a gold-digger. your bride might have 8h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the ninth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely to have a bride that belongs to a different race/ethnicity/religion, could have a bride that likes to travel and likes to trade, on the other hand, their bride could be someone who is ignorant, careless and immoral. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as very big and devout/orthodox, or it could turn into an event where it is too extravagant and people might not want to come because of how far it is. your bride might have 9h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the tenth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely to have a bride that is successful, popular and they might be older than you [maybe younger] or they could be seen as more mature, on the other hand, the bride could be seen as someone who is status-oriented, power hungry and a workaholic. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as a very well thought out wedding, a wedding only a specific amount of people can come in and a good amount of money might've been spent on it. or it could turn into an event where money/budget was tight, it could've been considered as boring and there might be some family fallout because of inheritances. your bride might have 10h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the eleventh house ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is friendly, a bride that likes to party and one that has a lot of goals and aspirations for the future, on the other hand, the bride could be considered as someone who is hard to pin down, promiscuous and as someone who is emotionally distant. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as a wedding where a lot of people were invited to, or as a wedding that has a specific fun theme and a wedding that has a lot of popular people in there, or it cold turn into an event where there's a lot of anarchic energy/people in there, people who dont listen to the rules and there might be some people who critique the event a lot. your bride might have 11h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the twelfth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is foreign, a bride that is humble and one that likes to help the people around them, on the other hand, the bride could be considered as someone who doesnt like to face their fears, they could run away from their problems and could have trouble with addiction. if a wedding were to happen, there might be a lot of alcohol, a lot of music being played and it could be in a different country or near the water. or it could turn into an event where people are very emotional, where people are very stressed and there could be some theft happening as well. your bride might have 12h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the ascendant ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles your ascendant, this insinuates that you could be someone who thinks about having a spouse all the time, or you could be considered as wifey material or your spouse could be seen as that. your briede could be considered as someone who is really pretty. but if this aspects conjuncts/squares/oppositions, this insinuates that you could be obsessed with love, and the person you marry could be someone you won't expect.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the imum coeli ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles the ic or imum coeli in your chart, this insinuates that your bride could be someone who wants to build a strong foundation and family. they're someone who wants to leave a will for the next generations, you could be someone who dreams about having a good future family and being able to express your emotional core. but if this aspect conjuncts/squares/opposition, this insinuates that your bride or you might've not come from a stable home and you project your desires in everyone you meet, romantically.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the descendant ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles the descendant in your chart, this insinuates that your bride could be someone who is business oriented, or you might meet them through business or by someone you know. they could be someone who mirrors you or have similar traits to you. if this aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, it implies that your bride could be someone who doesnt know how to assert themselves in life and achieve what they want, they can be quite destructive and petty.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the midheaven ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sexties in your chart this insinuates that your bride could be someone who is popular, they could have a reputation of romance or looking attractive. they could do well in the industry they're in. you could meet them in a work place. if this aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, it implies that your bride could be someone who abuses their power, not necessarily abuse but they like to show they have power over people, they could be quite distant and rude.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting sun ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your sun could imply that your bride would have a very large impact in your life, even though spouses usually do, this person might help you find your soul path and can help you remind you who you are in times when you feel insecure. they could be someone with a big personality, and if a wedding were to happen it could be a very big or prestigious wedding. but if the aspect were to conjunct/square/opposition, they could have a struggle of finding themselves or even understanding what they have to do in this life time, they might have a poor ego.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting moon ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your moon could insinuate that your bride/spouse could be someone who likes to express their desires, they might be someone who dreams of their big day a lot. they could be someone who likes to speak about their point of view a lot and you would see them as someone who is nostalgic or nurturing. if the aspect were to conjunct/square/opposition, this person might've not had the best mother-figure around and the best view on love due to how they grew up.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting mercury ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your mercury could display the fact that your bride is likely going to be someone who has multiple talents, they could be someone who is really involved with your sibling's lives. they could be considered as someone who is very flirtatious and the wedding service could be very quick. if the aspect were. to conjunct/square/opposition, this spouse could be perceived as someone who doesnt know how to speak their thoughts, they could have internal blockages and anxiety.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting venus ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your mercury is a good indicator of this person being your spouse, they're someone who would likely understand your desire and life style and might even have a similar one. they're someone who would know how to dress up well and could be very girly, they're someone who values connections and money. moving to if the briede asteroid conjunct/opposition/squares your venus, you might think of them to be someone who is very materialistic, and they might only care about being someone and not going through the deeper themes of a romantic bond. they might be promiscuous or have a wandering eye.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting mars ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trines/sextile mars could have a fierce spouse, a spouse that is passionate and strong, they could have sharp features and a built body. if the aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, the spouse could be someone who doesnt take care of themselves, someone that is easily tempered and could be someone who is easily distracted or they get bored of things or people easily.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting jupiter ⟶ people who have their briede conjunct/trine/sextile jupiter are likely going to have a bride that brings an abundance of good things into your life, they might give you good luck, good business or you might find yourself getting more money, [check where jupiter is for you], you might feel happier around them and they could have the same out look of life or share similar philosophies. but if jupiter conjuncts/opposition/squares this asteroid, you might think of them to lack morals, could be someone who would want an open relationship or you might find it difficult trying to pin them down.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting saturn ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile saturn are most likely going to have a bride/spouse younger than them or older than them, they would most likely going to be someone who brings in good lessons in your life and help you with maturity or perseverance with accomplishing something. they might also get along with the older people in your family, however, if saturn conjuncts/opposition/squares your briede asteroid, it is a beacon of it being a long relationship, or if they're not to marry they would definitely teach you life lessons which would still have an outcome of heartbreak.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting uranus ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile uranus would likely have a spouse that likes to present themselves differently to the people around them, they're likely going to be a globally aware person and as someone who is gone with the wind. they could have a unique way of doing things [check where uranus is] and they could be someone who is deemed as very friendly, but if briede conjuncts/opposition/squares uranus they could be someone who finds it hard to follow simple rules, they might be gender fluid? or they dont like labels, they could be seen as someone who finds it hard to stay in one relationship. they might do a lot of questionable stuff as well.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting neptune ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile neptune could have a bride that seems other-worldly, a spouse that is photogenic or they could be someone who doesnt want to put themselves out there a lot. you might perceive this person to be someone who is glamorous, creative and humble. but if the aspect conjuncts/oppositions/square neptune they could have the habit of running away from their issues, they might victimise themselves a lot and never know how to confront life obstacles. could be emotionally manipulative and two-faced.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting pluto ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trine/sextile pluto this could mean that your bride could have a heavy impact in your life, they might've been someone who have dealt with loses and trauma and they have helped that to aid them into a better stage in your life. they could be someone who has this appealing/sexy energy and they could be someone who is domineering and assertive in where they work, you might have strong sexual chemistry with this person as well, to have this aspect conjunct/opposition/square the briede asteroid people might make a lot of rumours of them out of envy, and they might be someone who struggles to have power over them. you might think of them to be someone who is very bratty and spoilt, they might like to play mind games as well.
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cosmicspark24 · 3 months ago
IC & MC series Pt. 1
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I hope you enjoy the amount of work I put into this!! The next six will coming soon...
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rwby-confess · 4 months ago
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Confession #371
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reashot · 1 year ago
Spoiler for my next RWBY fanfic project:
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(We all know it's going to be Jaune so don't ask who's it supposed to be.)
Sorry if it seems long because I have to do some little world building (I lied. I have to create RWBY from scratch because the lore are non-sensical & made no sense.) Because I want to provide my reader better quality story telling.
Some changes I made is as follows:
- Grimm are stronger now. The heroes will have to work harder to even beat a beowulf. With a few special one able to gain self awareness and have some "slight" reality altering power. Think the witches from Madoka magica franchise.
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- Of course with the Grimm getting stronger. So does the Huntsman. With someone like Qrow or pretty much any Huntsman older than the main cast no longer be a pushover.
- Rank System for the Huntsman.
- More (named) students at Beacon.
- Huntsman are treated like a Rock stars.
- There will not just be four relics but hundreds of them. Each with varying degrees of power. And most are monopolized by the state.
- Don't know what to do with the maidens though. Any suggestions?
- Grimm no longer feed on negative human emotion. Biggest reason for the removal is that it contradict the Faunus Racism subplot. And I don't know about you but I think racism is one heck of a negative emotion. (They still want people dead though)
- Faunus Racism subplot will be handled much better.
- Salem still can't be killed but she can be sealed. With her needing to be sealed every few decades or so.
- Grimm will appear less frequently and only starts appearing more and more when the seal around Salem starts to weaken.
- There will be a cult dedicated to bring back Salem and serves as the primary antagonist.
- Of course everybody favorite part of prequel trilogy. Politics. But it mostly be in the background until it isn't & the heroes are then forced to make a choice.
- There are other group beside the Huntsman fighting Grimms and they hate their guts.
- The event of Ice Queendom is mostly canon and even part of the Grimm Eclipse. Because I needed something to pad out the world building.
& there's more but I would like to keep some a secret for now.
And yes many character's story will be expanded or in a few case rewritten. Adam especially will be rewritten to better reflect the freedom fighter he supposed to represent. He's angry at the world but not an a-hole.
And that's about it I'm already halfway in and I will post the 5k fanfic soon as a form of early preview.
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bratzinmoodboards · 1 year ago
Hii can i have a moodboard for leo asc, taurus mc , scorpio ic and aquarius dsc
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zebrat-zt · 5 months ago
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asteroidgalore · 6 months ago
Medusa’s (149) parents are Ceto (65489), goddess of sea monsters and the dangers of the sea, and Phorcys, sea god of the hidden dangers of the deep.
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llamaisllama777 · 6 months ago
Ladies and gentlemen....
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They are back!
I am so happy that LAES is back! This is my favorite of the shows. Sorry, tsams, it just is.
Okay, on to the episode
Monty, Sun, Lunar, and Moon are playing Mario party. It's nice having them all play together all friendly-like just for fun and not for content.
Earth is freaking out. Just like us.
Earth's upset because her and Lunar just basically lost all the memory's they made and Lunar is just over here like "MY MONEY!"
It's nice to have them comfort Earth cause not gonna lie, I would be freaking out too. They gone for 3 weeks!
And it looks like we missed "his" arrival.
Dang, you, YouTube.
Just when their plot was starting to develop.
Lunar and Earth basically get told [Beep] off by what I can only assume is a YouTube agent. Twice.
I wonder if youtube was that jerky to the creators in real life? I mean, probably not but still.
Lunar and Monty casually bashing the other love that. And Earth agreeing with Lunar love that 🤣 I mean they're not wrong Monty.
Also, I love how they censored the spoilers by bleeping them. I want to know what they're saying.
I loved the ending, all of them just chilling while they wait for the channel to come back. Heartwarming. I hope the creators at least got a little rest while they waited for the channel to come back.
Someone in the comments also decoded what what Moon is saying and what the computer is saying. It translate to "Wait until you see what we got planned for tomorrow" and "Wait until you see what happens this week" or something along those lines. We are in for one crazy week.
Taurus is coming/is here.
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Not only is LAES back, but so are the gaming videos... maybe. Having Old Moon and Solar play together is nice. Old Moon may not be "Solar's Moon," but they still work well together. I like having them bond. It's neat. I love having the gaming videos back, even if it's temporary. 😊
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Lefty... buddy.. pal... never say those words ever again.
11/10 I'm so happy LAES is back!!!!!!
Oh.. you're still here? Sit down let's talk a bit.
Enjoy the rant about YouTube.
YouTube really messed up things didn't they? Three weeks, no laes. Look, YouTube is dumb.. but I didn't think they were this dumb!
YouTube, you guys need to FIX YOUR POO!
We could have lost The Lunar and Earth show!
Thank The Lord we didn't.
But this was too close a call! youtube has done a lot of dumb things, but this is the final straw for me! I was okay when you took away the dislike button. I was fine when you started not showing me the notifications for things, but then you didn't respond for a long time when a certain incident happened. And it took you way too long to respond and retaliate. Wow. Alright, I don't like you anymore. Then THIS! THIS!
This. Was. My. Final. Straw. I love these shows and if you go after one of them you might as well go after all of them!
You claim they're scammers. They're not. They don't have any connection to those knock-offs!
You say the show is "Too violent".... really.
We never see Evelyn's death! We never see the July 16th incident! This is like one of the most kid-friendly fnaf series ever. And you take them down!
I don't want anyone to get taken down, but if you were, why not go after one of the more violent fnaf series. Like that one series where William is a cannibal or baddington's series. No, you go after them.
YouTube, you are a hypocrite. You never learn. You may never learn until some other company makes a rival to YouTube and starts stealing your business will you?
I think we all need to start giving YouTube more scrutiny cause they need to learn to actually do their job and not rely on some bot. * Please note that we have no idea if a bot from YouTube is the reason why laes got deleted, but it's the most likely theory.
If you think YouTube is doing something wrong. Don't be afraid to speak up.
Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.
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quiltofstars · 1 year ago
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The Taurus Molecular Cloud // Guido Pasi
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