neonbluewaves · 5 years
36 for the character of your choosing
36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life?
Mordred is albino, so you can guess him and the sun don’t get along too well, he’ll get sunburnt really fast, and it’ll be really bad. He also has photophobia, so he’ll wear sunglasses a lot to avoid pain and discomfort.
This has proved an issue in socialising, as he couldn’t go out for too long, but since he prefers more quiet activities, usually more indoors, going out wasn’t something he did everyday, so the problem wasn’t that big. 
As he grows up it does become a problem because he wants to spend more time with his cousins and starts making friends in school, so his parents start to look into different ways to help him go out for long.
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aaaand... around year 7 we have Lore, who after certain events finds herself with arms that cause her pain, they’re damaged from some curses and she’ll usually keep them hidden, as well as an eye that gives her a lot of trouble.
But that’s a story to tell another time
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yourplayersaidwhat · 5 years
Question! I submitted a post some time ago, will we be notified when it’s posted or just have to keep a look out?
If you submitted non-anonymously, or provided a valid email address when submitting anonymously, Tumblr will/should notify you that your submission was posted. This is Tumblr we’re talking about, though, so who knows if that will work correctly. :) If you submitted anonymously without a valid email, or Tumblr otherwise borks, you’ll just have to keep an eye out. 
That said, the queue is around five months long right now, so please be patient!
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luanardo · 4 years
I love Lua. 1. They look like Nico di Angelo. 2. They dual wield wands. 3. They are so CUTE. I love them sm
aaaaaaaa thank you!! I did a happy lil dance after reading that ngl aaa
they’re kind of my baby so I’m just. Super glad you like them dsjgh 
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serving-inspiration · 4 years
Hello! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your prompts! They really help to get me out of slumps!
It means a lot to hear that, thank you! And I'm very glad they can be of help to you!
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irl-dogboy · 4 years
Momo c:
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LOOK AT HIM.... this might be the highest compliment anyone has ever given because momo looks like a TON OF FUN also look at how cute he is!!!!! thank u!!!!!!
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slytherin-puffskein · 5 years
Rakepick & Rowan 👀👀
Patricia Rakepick
First impression - She looks really badass, but she has the OBVIOUS ‘don’t trust her’ vibes.
Impression now - Whoever hurts Merula is DEAD to me
Favorite moment - As horrible as it was, I loved her reveal as the bad guy. Just the right amount of angst QwQ
Idea for a story - Maybe a fic about Rakepick’s education at Hogwarts? According to Snape, she was quite… intense, and I’d love to see that.
Unpopular opinion - She has fans, but I genuinely don’t like her ansdnf if you like her you’re valid tho. I’m just biased bc she hurt Merula
Favorite relationship - Mhmmm… I don’t? really have a favourite relationship for Rakepick?
Favorite headcanon - I don’t think about Rakepick enough to have headcanons of her NSDNFNG
Rowan Khanna
First impression - They are ADORABLE. Shy, nerdy, first friend, what’s not to love
Impression now - Deserves better. Deserves sooooo much better. MC is being a terrible friend to them
Favorite moment - When we first meet them… back to when things were more simple…….
Idea for a story - Rowan and Barnaby studying together! They have A LOT of potential as friends!!!
Unpopular opinion - They aren’t clingy and annoying leave my child alone YwY
Favorite relationship - Rowan and Barnaby would be the BEST brotp dont @ me
Favorite headcanon - I like to think Rowan is a romantic. Whenever they can, they read the sappiest romance books
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ryollie · 5 years
Assuming something HORRIBLE (wink wink) doesn’t happen to Ollie - what would their kids be like?
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assuming something horrible doesn’t happen to ollie, like let’s say, his death in year six,
they’ll have 3 kids !
i feel like with talbott’s parenting, their kids will grow up to be reserved and mild-mannered, but there’s gonna be that one child who’s loud and boisterous and talbott can’t keep up so he just leaves ollie to handle it. 
ollie would try to continue his strange family tradition of teaching the patronus charm to their children at an early age and he’s surprised when his kids’ patronuses aren’t birds, but he’s still proud of them for learning how to cast it so early on. “ollie. not everyone is as sappy as you with the matching bird patronus because of true love.”
talbott would teach the kids to properly convey their emotions and communicate properly so the don’t  become the mess he was when he was in hogwarts!! talbott rlly matured a lot in that sense and he’s gonna raise his kids right.
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elefseija · 5 years
💜❤️💞💘 👀👀👀
From these asks for OC and partner~
🍀🍀🍀 OMG THANKS FOR ASKING ;; These are so cute I’m melting - and not to mention all the food for thoughts!!! Precious material for my babies!☘️☘️☘️
💜 Give a random fact about their daily life together!
Dancing. A lot of dancing. In silence, or humming a tune, or while Aisling pretends to run away from him. Dancing wherever they can. They can be really playful! Aaaand long walks in the forest. Or - lazy mornings, when they can stay together without thinking about work~ Aisling particularly likes those~.
❤️ How did they end up in a relationship with their current partner(s)?
After a rocky start, their relationship develops steadily and not-so-slowly. They dated, even went to the Celestial Ball together - but in their fifth year Aisling got nearer to Bill Weasley and the two had a brief affaire, broken after what happened in the Vault. Truth is, Aisling (and Bill) realized they were too similar and could not “mend each other wounds” - when they came back from the Vault, this was crystal clear. They could not even face each other. Aisling simply found out Barnaby was THE ONE. He had waited and waited - not like a poor dog, but always staying by her side and supporting her, and in the time of need, when she needed to be selfish and think about herself, he was there helping her. A hug. Just a hug when she needed it the most, and she completely fell for him with no regret! They officially started dating in their sixth year~.
💞 What do their respective families think of their relationship?
An important fact: Aisling’s father (Ìomhar from now on) was the Auror who sent Barnaby’s parents to Azkaban.At first he was clearly against Barnaby and Aisling’s relationship and did not really trust poor Barnaby - and this was almost the breaking point of them as a couple. Barnaby had so many doubt and feared he would be like his father, feared Iomhar words could be true - that he did not deserve Aisling. It took a LONG while, but Aisling managed to mend this deep found in their relationship, trying to rebuild his trust. It did. And eventually Iomhar changed his idea, seeing how protective Barnaby was. He became almost like a second father to him!Aisling’s mother (Brighid) was a bit doubtful at first - but she quickly tried to help the young couple to get through their hard times!
Talking about Barnaby’s family... when they found out their son was in a relationship with the daughter of the very Auror who sent them to Azkaban - well, they were furious. Outraged. Could not believe their son DARED do this to them, throwing away everything they had tried to teach him (failing). Barnaby’s father felt betrayed by his own blood and could not bear the thought the blood of their line would mingle with the Baskerville line. Barnaby NEVER shared his ideas - he always stayed away from his parents when they broke out from Azkaban, moved to Ireland permanently. Ignored all their letters. Yes, he was not entirely happy - they were his parents anyway and he wished they could become better, but he never thought about betraying his own new little family he was building.
The real “first” meeting happened in the Battle of Hogwarts - Aisling did found Barnaby’s father and quickly followed him. He was faster - hit her with the Cruciatus Curse, until Barnaby found them. He. Was. Furious. Almost killed his father - but Aisling managed to hit Barnaby’s father with her “depulso” before Barnaby could say “avada kedavra”.
💘 What do they love most about their partner(s)? What do their partner(s) love most about them?
Aisling fell in love at first with his sincerity and his kindness. He caught her attention since their first encounter: he may had threatened her to “vanish her bones” and was ready to fight - he is a protector, and Aisling admires his loyalty so much! Then, she fell in love with is selflessness and his innocence: it’s a real fear of him, to become like his father, and he often needs to be reassured, but he surely is nothing like is parents. He is so good and gentle - Aisling feels the need to protect him even though at the end he is the one protecting her from herself! He has a really soothing and calming presence - he is like an anchor, keeping her grounded.
Barnaby saw her fierceness and his stubborness - but also felt immediately her kindness. She was straightforward, perhaps a bit bossy, but always cared for him. He was so surprised by how she would always trust him and support him - never a doubt, and she would always try to help him. He always respected him and treated him as an equal, never like a pawn! And he’s... grateful? She made him a better person.He fell in love also with her voice - he could and would listen to her ALWAYS. Just hearing her voice makes him happy. And she is so small and soft compared to him - he just loves hugging her, or just lifting her up.
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weirdcursedvaultkid · 5 years
3, 11, 35, 36 🔥🦋👀
3. What’s something you’re looking forward to?
im looking forward to this break!! im looking forward to finally be able to doodle stuff again without feeling guilty about it lmao god
11. What’s your Hogwarts House?
im in slytherin >:3 which always surprises ppl for some reason
35. Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
yes actually!! im still friends with my high school friends that ive known since middle school lmao and im still friends with friends ive made in college :D 
36. If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
this is such a weird question. lmao. i. butterflies lowkey scare me. and i need the money so. is that cruel LMAO. I MEAN ITS A HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION IM NOT ABOUT TO ACTUALLY GO AND DO IT BUT LIKE. $1000 bro.. ok idk. i feel too bad aCTUALLY LMAO
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lunarity2013 · 5 years
🥀 ❓☀️ o-o
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(NOTE: THIS IS MY FIFTH TIME TRYING TO POST THIS, PLEASE DEAR GOD LET THIS WORK THIS TIME! At least I had all this stuff copied into a note app to post easier just in case this happened)
Real quick, @taurrigan - THANK YOU for being so patient! Hopefully this one works!
So for reference, my HPHM oc is named Lucy Stone (that’s her in my icon, but I use my actual name in the game bc it’s just easier for me). I’m also going to use my main D&D character, a lesbian half-elf Rogue 8/Bard 1 named Naeris.
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
LUCY — After everything that happens trying to find her brother (Nathan, not Jacob bc I’m so original and decided this literally just now), Lucy feels extremely let down and betrayed by her only brother. She didn’t ever actually think she’d find him in the vaults, really only searching to gain some sort of closure for herself and their muggle parents. Finding him, however, and seeing how consumed he was by this pursuit really just broke her heart. It was like she truly did lose her brother after all. 
NAERIS — Naeris grew up with her human mother, with very little money to support them both, so she’s always felt abandoned by her elven father and his family. After her mother passed away and she was forced to move to the Feywild with him, she was still very resentful of his lack of presence in her childhood. On top of that, when she finally left to return to the material plane, only to find the busted remains of the village she once called home after apparently 60+ years had passed, she had never felt more alone than in that moment. Even now, she still can’t find where her mother was once buried, even the headstone turned to dust.
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
LUCY — (a drabble, for you. Also, please check out the ficlet @hogwartsmysterystory wrote for me a while back — it really helped me get inspired to write this!)
As “riveting” as the history of magic should have been, Lucy found that Binns’ monotone droning took much of the “magic”, as it were, out of what should have been her favorite subject in this school. Really, a whole history of magical learning and events, and all they did was read out of a textbook while their transparent professor bored them near to death as he clearly once did to himself many years before.
So it wasn’t any wonder, really, that she often spent this hour gazing dreamily out the window, thoughts drifting from one daydream to the next. Today was one of those days, brown eyes staring vacantly through large-framed glasses and out to the thick raindrops splattering the window outside. And it wouldn’t have surprised her friends to know what she often saw in these sleepless dreams of hers.
Gone were the days of endless worrying of Nathan and his disappearance from her life. He still came up, of course, but now more seemed more the image of a long-dead relative or yet-unsolved mystery than as pressing a concern as he was in her first year at Hogwarts. No, these days, a different face occupied her deepest thoughts and desires, once with the kindest eyes and a smile, one reserved just for her.
She wondered if he was taking her advice to heart, now; his concerns and her suggestions at his learning difficulties may not have saved him from their last test, but they, combined with constant care and practice, may just be his saving grace come finals. And if they managed to inform their professors, and get all their friends to help out, maybe Barnaby could show everyone who had ever doubted him just what he was capable of.
Lucy had always known he was smarter than people gave him credit for. Since she first met him, confused and vaguely threatening in the potions classroom years ago, she knew there was more to the Slytherin than met the eye. And as she watched the skies clear and the sun begin to peak out, she knew that she would do whatever it took to help everyone else know it, too.
NAERIS — (a question, provided by my sister for you) — What’s the dumbest thing your OC has ever done?
The dumbest thing Naeris ever did was, in our old campaign after multi-classing as a bard, she began using prestidigitation to prank her party members, specifically the halfling ranger (Phae) and half-orc barbarian (Oz).
Specifically, this one incident had Naeris hiding under Oz’s bed in an inn, and making loud sounds outside the door with the cantrip. This caused Oz to storm out into the Hall to figure out wtf happened, and with one failed stealth save, he found her and broke open a window to toss her out into the snow, 2 stories down. She was fine, but I couldn’t breath, and my best friend’s character (tiefling warlock Nerium, Naeris’ girlfriend) almost dumped her ass for her stupidity.
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
LUCY — The happiest Lucy has been in a while was at the Celestial Ball. No responsibilities, no cursed vaults, and no losing house points. Just her friends and getting to go on her first (unofficial) date with Barnaby — they both were so bad pining after each other after it that even Charlie was almost willing to swear off dragons if it got them to just shut up and kiss already… Almost…
Beyond that, she loves to read in the quiet of the Hufflepuff common room (her favorite spot at Hogwarts — if she could bake, it would be the kitchens, which is currently favorite spot number 2). She still remembers some of the music and dance lessons she took as a child, but almost never uses them outside of the ball and frog choir. She’d like to play quidditch, but feels she already has too much on her plate, and is content to cheer on her friends when they play (especially Barnaby, who makes one hell of a beater lol).
NAERIS — Naeris feels most at home in the comfort of her own room, in the place her party has built in Phandalin. She hasn’t had a place to really call her own since her mother died, and even then she shared one room with her mom, so having a room just for her plus extra space for poison-making, archery practice, and learning new spells and instruments is a real luxury to her.
As for favorite people, she’s still getting used to Phae and Oz. She likes them, and trusts them, but their combined antics are a force to be reckoned with, and she often has to play tough parent-fun parent with Nerium to get them to keep from drinking too much or running headfirst into the fray. But sometimes she gets to be a bit of a good herself, just like she always tried to cheer her mother up when she was I’ll, and seeing her newfound family smile (even at her own expense) was always worth it.
Plus, Nerium is a gorgeous tiefling babe with scary Raven Queen magic who not only willingly puts up with her less-than-ideal quirks, but chooses to love her in return. That’s always hella dope.
Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed! If anyone has any more questions, or would just like to know more about my OCs/D&D characters, feel free to send me an ask in my box! I’m happy to answer your questions! 😊
(If y'all want a list of all my OCs and what fandoms, let me know, and I’ll post one for y'all)
(EDIT: fixed an inconsistency with Lucy's skills, as surprise! She actually can't bake worth a shit, and is only marginally better at actual cooking, so she just sneaks into the kitchens for snacks).
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
!!! Happy birthday !
OMG Thank you!
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neonbluewaves · 5 years
14, 16, 9, 24 👀👀
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Alright! Thank you so very much!! 16 has been answered here
-Do you believe in love at first sight? 
The question catches Neon so off-guard she spits the pumpkin juice, and un-luckily for Ben, who’s sitting across her, gets showered in it, letting out a loud “HEY!”  as he grabs a napkin to clean his face. She turns to look at Charlie, chin resting on his hand, feigning an innocent look. She just knows what this is about. She takes a deep breath, and goes to take another sip of her cup, but now it’s empty, so she grabs the jug and pours herself more juice
-Why are you asking? Last time I checked you weren’t into this sort of thing
-Curiosity, I guess. Like asking Hagrid what’s it like to have a beard. Pretty sure I can’t grow one, seeing how clean-shaven my family is.- he laughs a bit, but sends Neon a look that lets her know he is still waiting for an answer.
She thinks of her first girlfriend, Andrea. She doesn’t like thinking about her. The good memories she has turn sour with the image of their break-up. That wasn’t love at first sight. It wasn’t love at all. Just an infatuation. But she’s not heartbroken about this. She got over her fast. But her words had gotten into her like splinters, and it had been a piece of work to take them all out. Maybe some were still there, making her doubt herself and the worth of her love.
Ines hadn’t been love at first sight either, or love at all. Just fun, fooling around, nothing else. And this time it had been healing. The memories were fun, they parted ways with a hug and a silly joke. It left them both feeling refreshed, like applying aloe on a small burn.
And then there was Tulip. This did feel like love. This urge to be with her, to see her smile, to see her be happy, to want to help her, this stupid thing that makes her let Tulip take snacks from her bag and barely complain, that has given her a reason to start writting music again, this stupid “hold a radio over my head outside your window” thing she feels, it’s rather annoying. Specially because she realized a bit too late what she was doing. It wasn’t love at first sight. No. Like a discarded seed that fell on the ground and then slowly grew without anyone noticing into a flower, so did these feelings. And they still keep on growing. She can’t do anything about nature, can she?
She’d love to ask her parents about this. She looks in her memory for all the stories they had told her, about how they met, how they had gone to many, different dates, how he proposed, how they faced troubles, and shared laughter. It didn’t sound like a “love at first sight” kind of story, but definetly a “true love” kind of story. It seemed to go slow, kinda like.... this tought made something turn inside Neon, fast and violent. Maybe she was experiencing this same thing...
-Nah.- she ends up saying.- That’s a novel thing, I don’t believe it.- and she keeps eating her breakfast. Charlie tries to get more out of her, mostly to mess with her, but she shoves a scone in his mouth and he gets the hint. 
Tonks doesn’t know how many times she’s dared Neon to a game of Bavarian Exploding Snap, but somehow she always manages to win. She matches many pairs of cards at first, she’s just that lucky. And today, like usual, she dares her, hoping this time she’ll be the one to win, and yet again, Neon matches all cards before they explode.
-Ugh! Again? How?
-Guess I’m that good.- Neon says triumphantly, a proud smirk on her face
-Really? Don’t you believe in luck? Because I think that why you win every time
Neon pursed her lips slightly, looking up, something she did when she was looking for the right words to express herself, which she did quite often, as English wasn’t her first language. She shrugged nonchalantly, setting the cards in a different way for a different game.
-I guess I do. I mean, I’m pretty sure half the reason why I’ve managed to stay alive all this years is sheer dumb luck
-And the other half?- she finds herself asking, she can’t help it, she’s nosy, and Neon answering stuff and letting other’s see a bit of herself is too good to pass.
-Whatever God is up there, it doesn’t want me dead just yet.- she says with a small chuckle. And Tonks brings the chair closer to the table, this time she’s winning this game, although with Neon on the table it’ll be hard. She just hopes Neon’s luck doesn’t run out in many, many years to come.
+  +  +  +  +
Nuria entered the small church located near the outskirts of the village. Just like Godric’s Hollow it was a small village populated by wizards, and both had a church, which Nuria found quite baffling as well as ironic. The air in Yorkshire is clean, and the clear summer sky makes it hard for her to miss summer in Spain, where the temperature is way hotter. 
She looks around, expecting to see a long mane of mahogany hair. Nothing. There’s a faint sound echoing around the rough stone walls. She keeps walking forward when she catches a glimpse of something. She stops. There she finds who she was looking for. Neon is lying on the bench, headphones blasting music so loud it can be heard outside, and a cigarrete in her mouth. 
-It’s dangerous to smoke and nap, you know?
Nothing. She swats her leg to catch her attention, and Neon opens one eye, before sighing and sitting up, leaving space for Nuria to sit next to her. She lets the headphones drop to her neck at takes the cig inbetween her fingers
-Yes? What’cha doing here?
-I was looking for you. And stop smoking.
-Something must be messy in that head if you came here instead of waiting back home. You don’t like church, so spill.
Nuria looks front, a small altar with a golden cross atop it, and a couple of candles. A small window with stained glass behind it gives it a certain beauty she can’t describe. The whole place is silent, only disrupted by Neon’s music, it’s quite the contrast. After the whole buried Vault thing Neon’s been coming here way more than before. This is the place she comes to seek solace, since their parents reallt can’t. Neon’s being in that damn coma, and her’s working all the time trying to solve this whole mess, they’ve been figuring growing up by themselves.
-We’re supposed to trust professors. We were supposed to trust Rakepick. Dumbledore did look for her and brought her in hopes she’d end the Vaults’ problem.- she let out a long defeated sigh. Neon sitting next to her, waiting.- so how come this all happened? Older people are wise, and she was... she was supposed to be the good guy, I... I asked her for advice, and she gave it. Was it false? I just...
-Your beliefs have been shaken.- Neon cuts in, and Nuria is glad because she’s so confused and angry she might start crying.- well lucky you, you came to the place where the lost come to believe again.
-It’s just...- Nuria’s voice shakens, her eyes start to blur with tears.- I feel like giving up my...  I don’t... What is one belief you’ll never give up?
She needs to know that Neon has beliefs, as many as Nuria has lost, and more. Because she’s this close to giving it all up. Neon takes the headphones in her hands and looks at them, music still blasting.
-Hold onto hope. - she says this so gently, Nuria almost thought someone else had walked in. She keeps looking at her headphones.- hope keeps us fighting against all odds. So hold onto it. And if it feels like you don’t have any, go and find hope where there seems to be absolutely none at all.
She puts the headphones on Nuria, and as “Somewhere over the rainbow” plays she let’s go, she cries it all out, so she can look for that hope Neon so desperately keeps in herself. So she can replace her broken beliefs with new ones.
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middysart · 5 years
The terracotta pallet, please!
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Here you go, dear! Sorry it took so long. Been dealing with a lot for the past few months T-T
Hope you like it!
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caustic-curses · 5 years
18, 33, 47! +_+
Apparently, these are best answered between the hellish hours of 3-4am. Forgive my lateness, I was a bit distracted. Here are the responses, I hope you enjoy!18. What fandoms do you write for? 
Currently, I am only writing for Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Mystery game. I have written for Avatar: The Last Airbender (works unpublished) but the draft has been lost some years ago. As it was written in my early teens, I can only assume that’s some benevolent act. I’m considering writing for other fandoms including Supernatural and American Horror Story. Both of which require me to rewatch/restart the series and to be in the right state of mind to do so. It is on the list though!
33. How long does it usually take for you to write?
While I would love to say that it only takes me an hour, I’d be a terrible liar. There are days when I can write a page in twenty minutes. There are also times when I can only manage the outline as I continue to erase whatever draft progress in my incessant need to provide the reader with the right focus. Sometimes I set aside a piece for days to come back to it with fresh eyes. It is then that I re-read it as if I were the reader to see what essential components are missing.Due to certain situations, I’d rather not discuss and mental health issues, this can be quite the setback. I do try to inform those that request drabbles/ficlets of any delays. Some pieces are also easier for me to compose than others. It has more to do with my mental state than anything else.
47. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
That you all think I'm the fanfic version of Archer Sterling but behind this mask I’m Cyril Figgis and I cry every evening
In truth, my favorite thing about writing is the portal that the author creates for the reader. Not only can we bring to life creatures long-dead, myths, legends, and eras that never existed, but we can create worlds! Universes! Writing is the concept of creation. With each stroke of the pen or press of the keys, we can create life encased in Latin symbols. We can implore the human mind. Venture into the unknown. We can twist reality. We can dare to make answers to questions you never thought to ask. My favorite thing about writing? Its ability to captivate or terrify; the options are limitless.
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heleneplays · 4 years
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thank u for requesting @taurrigan & @mira-shard but i licherally saw the outfits and brain went soft goth x prep vibes uwu
anyways im love them so much u dont know 💖💜❤💖💜💖❤💜💖
also YES mira helene is out here to give andre a run for his money ♡ and more so when she's fully bloomed
[outfit meme]
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irl-dogboy · 4 years
🍄👀👀 (I’m Ren)
pfff these are a lil lame sorry!! i hope u like em anyway :,)!!
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