#tatiana lightwood
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marrr444 · 7 months ago
"Did I take it too far?":
Cassandra Clare after killing 3 Lightwoods in The Last Hours instead of 1, probably smiling.
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starrieshq · 8 months ago
Max Lightwood: *dies in TMI*
Benedict Lightwood: *dies in TID*
Christopher, Barbara, and Tatiana Lightwood: *dies in TLH*
Robert Lightwood: *dies in TDA*
Alec, Isabelle, Maryse Lightwood: *sweats*
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culiehua · 11 months ago
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tmi verse x onion headlines
part 1 — part 2 — part 3 — part 4 —
part 5 (jem!edition) — part 6 — part 7 —
part 8 (jem!edition)
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tys-kitty · 8 months ago
Me reading yet another TSC series where Cassie decided that three Lightwood siblings are way too much and kills yet another one of them
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myangelbach · 9 months ago
The Lightwood Family face card
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🎨: Casandra jean, hanelizabeth (illustratinghan)
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aleswiftgron · 9 months ago
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moonyscoffeestains · 11 months ago
me every time i see a group of three lightwood siblings (one of them is doomed to die):
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kaitcreates · 7 days ago
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c-herondale · 2 years ago
You know how Lightwoods tend to come in threes and then one always dies super tragically?
Can we all collectively manifest that Alec and Magnus decide that two kids is enough?
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hello-god-its-me-sara · 4 months ago
Sara’s miscellaneous complaints about TDI over the years
anti cassandra clare and anti will herondale
[from 2021]
I think we should've gotten more insight into how abusive and manipulative Benedict was to his kids, not just bc I'm a Gabriel Lightwood apologist but because maybe if we saw just how horribly Tatiana was treated instead of the one incident where she's a sobbing mess, she'd be a bit more tragic instead of another villain. Like, she went insane and wasn't offered any help via the enclave or her family. But I also think the Lightwood boys were underdeveloped in TID bc Gabriel was a brat and Gideon was never shown to like be racist and stuff and grow out of it he's just a good cinnamon roll. Gabriel was traumatized by the abandonment of his brother and the transformation of his father into a demon worm. But we're just going to casually ignore that
Like I know Tessa's the pov but I'm not asking for a lot. You think Will wouldn't be the person dropping small things like "we couldn't get away with this if Gideon were here" or "Gabriel tries so hard to be like his brother, but he's just annoying" and then later holding it over Gideon's head "ah remember when Gideon thought [insert something racist]" or "I miss when you were the mean one". And Jem offering small commentary to clarify what Will's talking about. Like what would really be funny is if when Cecily arrives Will jokes that he'd rather she marry Gabriel then even be around Gideon (because it's so unfathomable to him that something like that would happen) so it's funnier in the epilogue when he trashes Gabriel at their wedding with a reverse comment. And Charlotte knows Benedict. She might only be 3 years older than Gideon but she's still an adult. She would've seen the shit Benedict was pulling. She's supposed to be motherly and empathetic to all. Where's the side chastactions to Will for being cruel to Gideon or Gabriel bc she knows what they've grown up with and what Benedict does to them? OR where she vehemently defends Tatiana bc the poor thing's grown up sheltered and controlled her whole life. Where's Gabriel's mental breakdown after finding out his mother killed herself bc of his father, being abandoned by his brother, and then watching the deterioration of his father before having to fight the demonic remains? (all in like what? a week? a month maybe?) I think Gideon's this very black and white person, meaning he's quick to strongly switch positions on things. Like I think he probably adapted very quickly to the idea that Benedict soiled the Lightwood name and he has to fix it and thus attempts to disassociate everything his father ever did. While Gabriel is a very grey person and mildly clouded by his own feelings. I think even after he accepts that his father is horrible he struggles to disavow everything. I think Gideon fully disowned his sister while Gabriel constantly got into hot water attempting to reach out to her (he tried to fight Will for reading her diary publicly, you think after traumatically losing both his parents he would just casually let go of his baby sister?).
basically nothing happened to Tatiana and that's my point, Cassie just pulls it out of nowhere. in CP2 demon benedict eats Robert and Tatiana isn't trained so she can't do anything but scream (btw she's like the same age as Cecily so she's married off at ~15-16, btw she was already pregnant with Jesse). Tess just drags her off to safety, mentally berates her for being useless and pathetic and that's basically all (I think she's handed off to the Blackthorns to deal with?). In Bane Chonicles she attempts to higher Magnus to kill.... Will? I forgot but he says no. That's where we learn about Grace and that Tatiana basically went insane bc she was ostracized. She's mad she did everything she was told i.e. sit still, look pretty, and be a good wife, and she was punished for it. This poor neglected and abused girl was then traumatized and ostracized by her entire family and community and no on, no one tried to help her? she was a child, she was a fucking child and no one tried to help her. Cassie tries to make her selfish and manipulative but that's because it's the only way she knows how to try to help herself. She wasn't brought back to the Institute with her brothers, she was carted off to her parents in law. I refuse to believe that Charlotte Branwell in all her motherly clairvoyant glory didn't take one look at this hysterical mess of a child and burn down heaven to try to help her. I refuse to believe that Gabriel Lightwood didn't fight tooth and nail to continuously reach out and try to support his baby sister. The lightwoods had a huge chance to be a wonderful exploration of abuse, trauma, betrayal, and found family but they were completely wasted. All of them are 2 dimensional as hell and no one appreciates them. and it pisses me off.
[from 2022]
I keep thinking about it and I'm really pissed off Cassie cowardly backed off from making Gideon a massive dick because she has some vendetta against Gabriel, like there are really weird moments when he seems more consistent, like when they get back to the institute from the club and he slams Gabriel up against a wall
like damn Gideon you didn't even try to talk it out first and overall he's kind of controlling over Gabriel, very condescending and patronizing but then Cassie's like "oop but he can't be mean to anyone else or how will everyone root for him to end up with Sophie?" but it's never pointed out as a contradiction of his personality
[except from clockwork princess] “I said be quiet.” Gideon slammed his brother’s shoulders back against the wall, hard enough for Gabriel to let out a gasp of pain.
Jesus Fucking Christ Gideon you just assault your brother like that like it's normal, and look at Gabriel he gets slammed up against a wall and doesn't think twice about it, I'd say it is normal based on that reaction, oh Gabriel why are you so oblivious
and then Gabriel explains himself and suddenly Gideon is hugging him and cooing that everything will be fine
[another except] “Would you believe me,” he said bitterly, “if I told you it was? Because it is the truth.” Gideon was still for a long moment. Then Gabriel found himself hauled forward, his face mashed into the wet wool of Gideon’s overcoat while his brother held him tightly, murmuring, “All right, little brother. It’s going to be all right,” as he rocked them both back and forth in the rain.
Gideon that's abuse, that like literally gaslighting or something
[different excerpt] “It is not in my brother’s nature, though, to expect to be forgiven. For anything. He understands only the strictest discipline. He may think Charlotte is trying to play a trick on him, or that she is mad. She showed him to a room he could have, but I think the entire business frightened him. He came to speak to me about it, and fell asleep.” Gideon sighed, looking at his brother with a mixture of fondness, exasperation, and sorrow that made Sophie’s heart beat in sympathy.
that right there is the description of growing up with an abusive parent
Cassie just drops these things and then never brings them up again
Herondales are massive dicks and they give me cocky pretty boi complex. Will was nearly insufferable, tho low key I kinda ship him and Gabriel enemies to lovers never fully recognized
Will's whole being a dick on purpose thing never worked for me because he was still a massive dick to people he didn't like even though he caused them to dislike him in the first place. Also his friendship with Jem was like really condescending and pitying? "oh I guess I have to be friends with the dying boy"
I don't understand why Cassie hated him [Gabriel] so much I think he was based off of someone she hated
remember how Will fucking read Tatiana's diary in front of everyone and Gabriel tried to beat his ass (like he should) and instead Will broke his arm 1. Tatiana never should've been a character 2. Will then broke Gabriel's arm after Will was purposefully being provoking, if you start a fight you deserve to get your face punched. Also, I know that Gabriel tried to start a fight but like how did it end in his arm getting broke? like what the fuck did Will do? they were 12? 13? I know they're training to be shadwohunters but like it had to have been just a small little fist fight right? what was Will doing that he broke Gabriel's arm?
I mean I never expected for Tatiana to get justice because Cassie hates her but like Will violated her privacy in front of a whole party of people. Cassie originally described it as 'taking her honor' or something, I remember people asking Cassie about Will taking her virginity and Cassie was like 'whoa, not that bad I promise' and then she changed it from what she probably had planned. still mad the Lightwood children were obviously abused by Benedict and Cassie decided they get to be the antagonists
Will didn’t deserve such an easy redemption. He should’ve had his ass handed to him several times and actually earn a redemption. The way we were supposed to forgive him. He finds out his curse is fake and suddenly he’s all nice and everyone is like “wow that was really hard for you you’re forgiven” Bitch no! A dick is a dick is a dick is a dick. And he never apologizes to anyone either? Like he just explains and then everyone is like I forgive you that’s a valid reason. He’s fucking been antagonizing several people particularly the lightwoods for years but somehow will isn’t the one at fault for the sour relationship they have. Will is so fucking stupid and at the heart of it he’s disrespectful too.
Spoiled little shit. His mom was like a duchess or something he had money growing up. Jen’s parents were literally killed, Will chose to run away. The lightwood boys had their mom commit suicide and their dad turn into a demon worm they had to kill. Jessamine’s parents also died and she was forced to live in [the equivalent of] a military institute against her will. Tessa’s aunt died and she was betrayed by her brother. WILL HAS BOTH PARENTS AND HALF OF HIS SISTERS I REALLY DONT KNOW WHY WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE CRYING OVER HIM IN PARTICULAR
I cannot stress how much will giving up his family because he was stupid is not the same thing as losing your family to actual fucking death. Will just surrounded by literal orphans all like “oh whoa is me” Bitch I ain’t cared for you since day one!
[from 2023]
Cassie really hated them, she did them wrong several times, she specifically hated Gabriel and Tatiana but she just dropped the ball with the entire family. I've said this to my friend before, like she had this problem with Jessamine too, is that Cassie just really hates domesticity like within the canon of her books. Like the way she punishes it is just so bizarre. Like Jessamine was made this nasty awful girl. She's like barely 18 her parents  were killed and she just she just wants to be a mundane right? She just wants to be a wife she wants to escape and yeah she's spoiled and everything but like what's wrong with her not wanting to be a shadowhunter? And you know, we know how Jasmine ends up. Tatiana was specifically not trained, like Benedict did not train her on purpose. We learned that later in the Bane Chronicles. And yet she's made the villain of  the last hours?
Anyway, can we talk about how Will was purposely and antagonizing dick to everyone around him? And yeah I know he had an excuse but still. Like I don't remember when Gabriel found out about it. Also everyone acts like Gabriel was in the wrong for being mad at Will for things that Will specifically did on purpose to be mean. And don't even get me started on the fact that the Lightwoods were very much abused. Like canonically.
First of all we have Tatiana getting married at like 15. But also Gabriel is  just completely normalized to violence and neglect. When Charlotte offers him a room at the Institute and he's like expecting something from her and she's like, “no, you just you, you get a room. You're a child who had like, his parents die, you know, I guess we can't turn you out.” And he later he goes to Gideon and has to break down about it because he's not used to kindness without something in return.Or the fact that like after he agrees to the Console and agrees to spy on Charlotte, Gideon fucking hauls him around the side of the institute, shoves him up against the wall, hard enough that that hurts. And it's from Gabriel's point of view. He does not comment on it at all. He's just like “okay, this is normal.” 
Meanwhile, I don't ever remember Gabriel finding out, nor do I remember Will apologizing for being as ass, and in fact, like he just continues to bully him relentlessly. Another thing that annoyed me is that Gideon was never mean? A lot of people get confused when I say that but remember that before Gideon was introduced Jem described him as ‘making Gabriel look sweet as gingerbread.’ But then we meet him and he’s all fixed which is absolutely ridiculous. Like one of the things people hold over Gabriel’s head is that he didn’t leave Benedict to go with his brother but Gideon literally had months away from his father while Gabriel had everything dumped on his all at once. He was confronted with the information that Benedict gave Barbra a demon STD and that’s what drove her to kill herself and then it’s like “okay Gabriel stay with the only parent you have left or abandon him” with no nuance given to him for the situation. And then he has to fight demon worm Benedict and does pretty good at not letting his feelings get in the way of fighting it. (Even Will comments on it, it’s like one of the rare times Cassie is onto something. Gideon is screaming at Gabriel for being reckless or something or holding back and Will thinks ‘well Gabriel did just shoot the thing in the eye’)
Gideon was only mean to Gabriel with okay, yeah I like that actually but follow through??? It’s never called on, it's just there. It’s not a character flaw, it's never mentioned by like any other character. You could interpret this as Gideon still holding onto his more toxic habits from his father (which would be realistic) but it’s not character development it’s just there for Cassie to continue to shit on Gabriel.
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the-merry-thieves · 1 year ago
TLH Couples as Taylor Swift Songs
Because I wanted to connect two things I love :)
Cordelia & James: "You’re Losing Me" (throughout CoG and CoI) and "Lover" (end of CoT)
You're Losing Me: Cordelia had to pretend that she was fine and didn't love James for so long, and thought she needed to endure it alone. She gave James her "best mes", "endless empathy", until she couldn't anymore. Seeing James embrace Grace at the end of CoI was the final straw after years of slowly "losing" her because of Grace's spell
Then I threw in Lover because after all the emotional turmoil they've been through, they deserve a cute little love song now that they're finally happily married for real
Cordelia & Matthew: "Wonderland"
This song just captures the mood of their lil spontaneous Paris getaway - trying to escape reality by throwing themselves into the wonderland of Paris (also, Cheshire cat smile and green eyes; come on, this song was made for our favorite charming, tortured-soul green-eyed boy)
Thomas & Alastair: "Begin Again"
This song is Thomas giving Alastair everything that Charles could never, and helping Alastair see that he is worthy of love and deserves the world (someone please give me more Thomastair x Taylor Swift suggestions, I could definitely do better but I can't think of more rn)
Lucie & Jesse: "Enchanted"
Every time I hear this song I think of the scene where Jesse tells Lucie to command him to dance, and then they dance together, and "the night was hushed, enchanted". One of my favorite Ghostwriter (do people use this ship name) scenes. Truly only the very first page; Lucie was determined to see him (*alive*) again...
Grace & Christopher: "Mine"
Because Grace & Christopher deserved to live in happiness together and we can just pretend the last 200 pages of CoT never happened! I think of this song as their story that *could* have been. It represents how Kit brought out the best in Grace and forgave her past wrongs, and how Grace didn't think she could have true romantic feelings for anyone ("wondering why we bothered with love") until she met Kit
Anna & Ari: "Untouchable" and "I Can See You"
I imagine Untouchable as Ari talking about Anna and how she's this emotionally guarded, beautiful but unattainable figure; in CoI she describes Anna as "hard and bright as a diamond. Untouchable" & "like starlight... it seemed warm and radiant and near, but was in truth uncountable miles away". I think this song depicts how Ari sees Anna so perfectly
As for I Can See You, the sensual, clandestine romance in this song is so Anna & Ari. There's just something inherently sapphic about a secret love
(Bonus?) Tatiana & Rupert: "right where you left me"
No explanation needed for this one...
Give me all of your favorite Shadowhunters-inspired music suggestions!
The blue text is quotes from the songs and the purple text is quotes from the books, if anyone cares
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culiehua · 2 months ago
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tys-kitty · 1 year ago
CC took the whole „Would you still love me if I was a worm?“ thing to a whole new level with Benedict Lightwood in Clockwork Prince
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tscsmashorpass · 1 year ago
TSC Smash or Pass Tournament: Round 1
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aleswiftgron · 2 years ago
The obsession that Cassandra Clare has with making 3 Lightwood children and then killing one off, like-
Anna✅ Alexander✅ Christopher💀
Eugenia✅ Thomas✅ Barbara💀
Alec✅ Izzy✅ Max💀
+(bonus) Gideon✅ Gabriel✅ Tatiana💀
Like why!?!?
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helenofblackthorns · 2 years ago
Reading gabriel worried about tatiana for later on her try to kill his both sons and succeeding with one
childhood nicknames to child murderer.... Tatiana truly did fall from grace
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