#tatara channel
tamayokny · 4 months
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top 10 biggest betrayals in the yakuza/lad franchise
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gamerism · 8 months
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new breakout story on the tatara channel
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one-vivid-judgment · 4 months
Remember when I said I was gonna dice into the differences between the Eng and Spanish subs of Infinite Wealth?
WELL WAKE UP BABE, IT'S TIME FOR 'Vicky analyzes language differences'!!
Believe me when I say I would've loved to start this by dwelling on character interactions and whatnot, but as it turns out, that is a VERY time-consuming task and I'm still working on it (can you believe the Eiji-Kasuga interactions in chapter 2 ALONE take up 25 Word pages? Between Spanish subs-English translation of Spanish subs-English subs? Yeah, crazy). So, for now, let's focus on something else!
The chapter titles
As we all know by now, the English names of the chapters are all based on Elvis songs. In previous RGG games (and by that I mean the ones who actually have Spanish versions: LAD, Judgment and LJ), the chapter titles were all direct translations of their English counterparts. However, this doesn't happen in IW for the reason listed above; the meaning would pretty much be diluted, even if many Spanish speakers DO know about Elvis and have listened to his music. So, what did they do for the Spanish version:
Simple! Change the titles to Spanish songs (oldies, mostly) who convey a similar meaning. Or, as we'll see with chapter 1, a radically opposite meaning to the original, but which highlights a different side of the chapter itself/the characters personalities.
This would be a PRETTY long post if I talked about every chapter here. So, for now, let's focus on just one per post, yeah? Starting up...
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In English: Doin’ the best I can
In Spanish: Voy a pasármelo bien (I’m gonna have some fun)
The songs chosen are pretty much opposites in terms of... everything, really.
In the English version, we have a very mellow Elvis song. It’s more about heartbreak than anything else, which is pretty fitting when you think about what happens in the chapter. Ichiban is living the life, with a stable job and carrying on Arakawa’s legacy (Doin' the best he can), he scores a date with Saeko and they have fun. It all comes crashing down afterwards though: Saeko rejects him then ghosts him for a year, he is exposed by the Tatara Channel and loses his job, and he goes from being ‘the hero of Yokohama’ to being at rock bottom again. At some point, after being fired, Ichiban says “Everything is back to how it used to be.” He tried his best, but it wasn’t enough (“I’ll be a dreamer, I’ll be a fool”, “Doin’ the best I can but it’s not good enough for you”).
Overall, the vibe of it is more about what goes wrong rather than the good things that happen.
Then there is the Spanish version picking a very hype song from Hombres G, a band that was very popular here in the 80s (they are still active, if anyone is interested, and they have many iconic songs under their belts. We still quote "Sufre, mamón" ('Suffer, asshole') to this day where I'm from).
The vibe is the complete opposite:
Hoy me he levantado dando un salto mortal 
Echado un par de huevos a mi sartén
Dando volteretas he llegado al baño
Me he duchado y he despilfarrado el gel
Porque hoy algo me dice
Que voy a pasármelo bien
(Today I woke up doing somersaults / threw a couple eggs in my pan / doing cartwheels I made it to the bathroom / I showered and wasted the shower gel / Cause today something tells me / that I’m gonna have some fun)
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Sé que tengo algunos enemigos
Pero esta noche no podrán contar conmigo
Porque voy a convertirme en hombre lobo
Me he jurado a mí mismo que no dormiré solo
(I know I have some enemies / But tonight they can count me out / Cause I’m gonna turn into a werewolf / I swore to myself I won’t be sleeping alone)
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Voy a cogerme un pedo'e los que hacen afición
Me iré arrastrando a casa con la sonrisa puesta
Mañana ya, si puedo, dormiré la siesta
Pero esta noche no, esta noche no
(I’m gonna get shit-faced like never before / I’ll drag myself back home with a smile still on / Tomorrow, if I can, I’ll take a nap / But not tonight, not tonight)
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So yes, this song is all about the positive vibes before it all comes crashing down. Even so, after things do go sideways, Kasuga is still smiling and not letting it get to him (at most, he feels like shit because he dragged Adachi and Nanba down with him). The song goes very well, not only with the ‘happy’ part of the chapter, but also with Kasuga’s personality in general. Especially the “I know I have some enemies, but they can count me out.” Cause boy does Kasuga have enemies after the Tatara exposé. And even after all that, what he is worried about is how his actions affect other people, his vibes are that pure.
Overall, I would say that, although the vibes are completely different, it works as a sort of contrast. English goes for the ‘downfall’ and the sensation of failing even after trying your best not to, which is was Kasuga was trying to do employing former yakuza through Hello Work; meanwhile, Spanish chooses to go for a more light-hearted, slightly unserious tone that just so happens to perfectly match Kasuga’s personality and how he chooses to see the good side of things despite being back at rock bottom.
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infyimmm · 2 months
See when it comes to Eri i don’t know why but I’m still super sad she isn’t in Infinite wealth like I get why
But it really doesn’t stop me from missing her she was one of my favourites and I loved her version of like a butterfly.
But the fact all she got was a mere mention annoyed me so much, those are her friends and there’s no way she didn’t know something was happening with the Tatara channel being around.
“But she’s the owner of Ichiban confections now!” I would hope she’d at least help her friends
Pls tell me there’s an angst fic for her not being in iw
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 5 months
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Oh that looks comfortable-not.
Sawashiro is so backed into a corner he's asking for help. Which is like, not common for him.
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That looks inviting..
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Ain't that the truth.
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Look at my boooooouyyy my MAANNN
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Ah yes, the Tatara Channel destroyed the security company. Suppose it would've been that.
Man they sound so exhausted.
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So if Ebina is an Arakawa I guess he'd have a grudge.
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The overall pattern and theme seems to be forming.
I suppose goading his old pals into a fight is one way to force their spirits back up.
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"I'll probably have a few bruises after this.". Oh. More than a few.
Ugh this games soundtrack is SO GOOD.
HOLY FUCK THAT WAS SO HARD. I only had to restart once. Kiryu had one bar of health left.
But so
You know, when the time comes that they do end up burying Kiryu I kinda hope part of his tombstone just says, "Here lies the most stubborn man in Japan". Because MY GOD.
Pretty sure Daigo and Majima are close to tears here. And so am I!
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"Maybe I just wanted one last fight." AAAAAAAAAAAA
Something about Tatara Channels purple light up subtitles makes this weirdly more sinister.
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elendsessor · 8 months
i’m not surprised at all that chitose was behind the tatara channel but i’m really disappointed it wasn’t someone else because that would’ve been so fucking funny
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balfiere · 8 months
infinite wealth chapter 12 spoilers below (basically just me complaining)
how does kiryu know where daigo and co are yet doesn't know why they disappeared? he can track them down to bumfuck nowhere, japan but didn't come across any mention of their company getting outed on the tatara channel???? and if the security company dissolved in a year it seems weird that it never came up in lost judgment since it takes place 2 years after y7 and the security company is mentioned in that game iirc. (okay like i obviously know why it wasn't mentioned in that game it just bothers me from a lore/continuity standpoint when earlier in the game sugiura and tsukumo are there confirming that lost judgment has occured in the same timeline) where is watase!!!!!!! do the three of them have their own shack or is it just that one.... with the one bed......... they've been hiding out there for three years but haven't managed to find a single goddamn blanket??? if they know about kasuga getting exposed on the tatara channel does that mean they have access to the internet? if so did they also see kiryu get exposed too? how come they didn't try to reach out to one of them to give them the background info they dug up on ebina, even if they don't want to get further involved? also WHY would kiryu and co hitchhike there, there's five ppl in his party can none of them drive???????? or call someone in the daidoji or geomijul for a lift? how were they planning on getting back? WHAT was stopping kiryu from telling his friends to put on some warmer jackets. how did no one see the driver walk up to the shack to take that video, they were all going on about being there for kiryu but no one thought to keep an eye out for him?? and can someone PLEASE for the love of god get my girlfriend seonhee some pants!!!!!!!
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clockworkowl · 7 months
Don’t read under the cut if you haven’t gotten to at least chapter 13 (and moreso for the hidden portion the finale chapter) of Infinite Wealth, I am venting about some things which are spoilers for character interactions at the very least. you have now been warned.
So, I haven’t finished the game yet (should soon I’m finishing up stuff with the Yokohama crew before heading for the obligatory siege of the Millennium Tower ) but I’m still really angry at Kiryu for how he left things with 3Jima. Like really, really angry.
(And to be fair, I was really enjoying Kiryu this game until the bucket list where the further Date went to try to help, the more I too wanted to slug Kiryu (even though, as usual, I 💯 understand exactly what Kiryu was thinking whenever he made a choice or said a thing that made me scream at the screen. This section of the game did really hammer home to me the extent to which I see parallels in my own tragic backstory and how that makes me identify with Kiryu and thus why I get so mad at his decisions in every game. I mean, I kind of knew this before, but he’s more introspective in the bucket list book and hearing my own thoughts on certain events in my life mirrored back has been a little ‘oh…’ ) so this isn’t the only thing that’s frustrated me to watch (but damn was Akiyama’s punch so satisfying. He was all of us in that moment.)
(Do not unhide the next part if you didn’t finish the Date part of the the bucket list and aren’t up to the finale my rant is more specific here about events)
>!What the fuck was with him agreeing to not even talk to or interact with the Ichigang after the mission on top of telling Daidoji he won’t talk to Date again either? How can the Daidoji possibly care that much anymore, at that point chapter-wise the cat is well and truly out of the bag thanks to Tatara channel (so also how does he think that like Haruka et al don’t know he’s alive still? There was video of him on the fucking national news while reporters, who clearly aren’t good at reporting or critical thinking, spout a bunch of completely wrong accusations about his motives.!<
I’m sure I’ll vent further on this but it’s been stewing in me since the chapter, because usually even though we barely get any Majima the little we do get makes me happy, but that was just upsetting on all fronts. The funny thing is, it’s the one and only time in the nearly 20 years since Kiryu first got out of prison that Majima has ever said ‘no’ (though it’s mostly Daigo who says no)
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kasugas · 8 months
c9 spoilers
SHE BETTER HAVE HAD HER FUCKING LIFE AT GUNPOINT BECAUSE AFTER ALL ICHI HAS DONE FOR HER????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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ask-the-attorneys · 1 month
Ebina: “sounds good to me, and I think I have a way to do just that.”
*Ebina looks behind Mitchell and signals a woman to come sit. The woman is a slim, athletic woman with pale skin, brown eyes, and medium-length dark brown hair dyed black with blonde highlights, parted to her right side, and styled into a bun and three tight side braids, and wears a black T-shirt, a pair of black jogger pants, and a pair of gray sneakers. She takes the remaining seat left with Ebina and Mitchell.*
Chitose: “hello sir, my name is Chitose Fujinomiya. I run a news channel where I use a character named Hisoka Tatara. I would be happy to share the story of how Coda decrescendo and Elizabeth stone use shady tactics to win their cases.”
Nice to meet you, Miss Chitose.
What kind of shady tactics are we talkin' here? Some things can ruin reputations, but we're looking for something that'll give them the boot.
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Princess Mononoke. The Beginning of a New Era
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Princess Mononoke, an animated movie produced by Studio Ghibli, unveiled a form of animation never seen before, which dazzled millions of people and had great success and popularity, becoming the highest-grossing film in theaters in Japan in 1997 when it was released.
The film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki dates back to the Muromachi period of Japanese history (1336-1573) and focuses on the story of Prince Ashitaka, who must leave his home to save himself from a curse that would soon end his life. During the film we are shown a world consumed by war where nature and its gods fight to save the home that humans are exploiting.
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This film was the beginning of a new type of animated cinema for the studio and the world, functioning more as a format and not as a type of film aimed at children as the popular films of that time such as those of Disney. This is due to the sensitivity and depth of the elaborate topic it addresses.
The characters are very well developed and it is easy to empathize with them and love them.
Princess Mononoke called San, whom Ashitaka meets on his long journey, is an extremely remarkable female character who reflects the struggle of the repressed and nature with inexhaustible fury and courage. Tatara, a mining colony, reflects, on the other hand, the technological advances of humans and the damage that is being generated in the ecosystems only for the purpose of exploitation. The leader of the colony, Lady Eboshi, is also a very imposing female character who perfectly exposes the role of a strong leader highly respected by her people. Her actions could be questionable, but this does not mean that in this film there are good guys and bad guys as is normal, but rather that each side stands for its people in search of survival and well-being, you can empathize with both sides depending on your point of view. This makes the film unique, showing practically for the first time such female characters, a stereotype of the female leader; intelligent, feisty, brave never before worked in such a way and an extremely complex and beautiful conflict in its form that surprises anyone, from the little ones to the elderly. It may even be too crude for little ones as it does exquisite work in depicting the brutality and atrocities of war. in addition to showing a furious and terrifying nature.
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Regarding the latter, it is important to mention this aspect of nature that is shown, which adds to the long list of new resources that were not previously exhibited in animation. In such a beautiful and sensitive way we are shown a more than alive forest, with majestic and surprising creatures. The fight of these animals for their home is simply incredible and has a whole background of the appropriation of habitats by humans. But it is not a sympathetic and submissive nature, it is vengeful, aggressive and desperate to prevail and take care of its flora and fauna, a fighting nature.
Miyazaki's work was undoubtedly without equal, he began with the idea for the film 30 years before its release, drawing its lush forests inspired by the well-known forests of Yakushima, and then during production since 1995 supervising each of the 144,000 cm³ of the film, scenes from 80,000 of them having been redesigned. A truly dazzling fact is the fact that 10% of the film was computer generated, the remaining 90% were hand-drawn.
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We could say that despite being a fantastic film, it is at the same time extremely political and social criticism; Hayao Miyazaki himself says that it was a project to channel his anger at the wars in Yugoslavia. “After that, we couldn't go back and make movies like Kiki's Delivery Service (1989). It felt like children were coming into this world without being blessed. How could we pretend we were happy?”
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Being my favorite film, I highly recommend it and I really highlight the delicacy with which the theme of war is treated, the images of nature, the movements and the work of its characters. If you have not seen it, I invite you to do so and learn more about the incredible journey of Prince Ashitaka and his red deer through this magical world.
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- Martin Peñaloza Guazzoni, Post Octubre
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“It’s fine, it’s fine. It can be managed, somehow!”
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endless-season · 6 years
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leofemt · 7 years
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rani-karenita · 4 years
My Favorite Fictional Characters Traits
As an observer of both the story told in each fictions and the characters' behavior, there are many interesting traits that I admire from those characters. Not only because it seems morally good, but because it made me interested and motivates me to change into a better person. Although enjoying the anime/manga/light novels are hardly my hobby, I do love to see more of the stories and the characters. In a sense that I'm trying to understand it more with making deep analysis and possible future (aka. headcanon) of it.
Speaking of characters traits, here's 5 traits I love from fictional characters with one bonus point being my one true favorite traits.
5. Calm and Composed (Fushimi Saruhiko)
This one trait actually known by me from learning an information about Ritsuko Akagi’s personality (someone from Evangelion series). But since I don’t know much about her I decide to use Fushimi as an example. We surely want everything we do to come into a place, right? So we need to do it, with clear mind and composure. Although he is kinda brash, Fushimi also has proven himself to have this kind of attitudes, as we can see when he’s talking with Nagare’s channel, Kotosaka.
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4. Relatable (Marlya Noel)
When it comes to relatable, there are wide explanation about this field. Maybe someone who have similar personality with us, same trauma, problems, etc. For me, the similarities between Marlya and myself is so much I can hardly think straight about it. But at the same time I feel like I’m no longer alone for having the similar insecurities and sensitivities as her. So when I see her, I just want to see her happy and growing up along with her.
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3. Supportive / Love to Help Other People (Irisviel von Einzbern)
Totsuka Tatara, Kusuhara Takeru, Doraemon and Nobita can be included here, but Irisviel is especially different and extraordinaire for me. The first time I see her is the time when I actually see someone willing to support others in a belief that everyone deserve happiness. She also like a best friend material for me: kind-hearted, soft, and caring. While everyone is saying that either Kiritsugu or Saber is the best characters, for me the real hidden gem is Irisviel.
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 2. Knowing Their Priority (Free Underbar)
Soldiers and their willingnes to let go of the past and do all their best in the present. That’s basically who Free is in my eyes. I do acknowledge his beauty but his personality and choice of action are what make me interested in him. In episode 8 cour one, he said that we don’t need to forgive someone but we need to keep going. There’s no need for revenge, and that justice is going to be given. Sounds childish but if we jump to episode 7 cour 2, we also see that he no longer cares about enemies from the past, and that the peace of the country in the present is more important so he’s okay to work together with anyone who once are his enemies.
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More importantly, in episode 12 cour 1, he prioritize on getting his job done and the safety of his comrades rather that avenge Ozz’s death to Liscar. He does have a face off with the knight of fairy, but it’s just because he need to stop Liscar from rampaging the kingdom. That’s a testament of his maturity.
1. Leadership (Munakata Reisi)
And finally, the #1 favorite trait in my list: Leadership. In being a leader one must know that all their decisions are not going to always satisfies others. Sometimes they also will make mistakes, seen as a villain, and must deal with politics cleverly so that they still have a control for both themselves and the situations. And Reisi totally fit all those requirements. Not only that, he’s also caring for all his subordinates and rarely mad at their incapability. The only thing that makes him angry is when they’re being disturbed by Nagare’s pawns and the fact that Adolf/Shirou has run away from his responsibility that made Reisi can’t put his trust on him.
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#Bonus: Have the Most Beautiful Character Development (Zenjo Gouki)
Lo and behold, I’m not done yet. This category actually also fit for Fushimi but because he’s already got a place, now it’s time to make Zenjo-san shine! Learning about him from RoK, to K Side: Blue light novels, and later K: Countdown manga is totally an enlightening journey from me. I learn that he has a deep trauma, thus not believing Reisi because he’s kinda rude and insensitive. But later he comes to an understanding when Reisi also has done the same thing like him: killing a king, that resulting him to have cracks on his Sword of Damocles. The similar situation with him pre-Kagutsu Incident perhaps has soften him and then in RoK we saw him working together with Reisi again but now, without misunderstanding between them.
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[Also please bear with me I love his smile] 
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Battle Game in 5 Seconds TV Anime Gets 1st Trailer, Key Visual
  After previously announcing that the popular manga series Battle Game in 5 Seconds (also known as Battle in 5 Seconds After Meeting) written by Miyako Kashiwa and illustrated by Saiza Harawata, will be getting an anime, the Summer 2021 TV anime series has finally gotten its first trailer and visual alongside the reveal of the main cast and staff members. The series is scheduled to premiere on July 12 in Japan.
      The series will be directed by Nobuyoshi Arai (episode director on Banana Fish), with chief direction from Meigo Naito (storyboards on Baki). Touko Machida (Wake Up, Girls!) will be handling the series composition, while Tomokatsu Nagasaku (Show By Rock!! Stars!!) and Ikuo Yamakado (In Search of the Lost Future) are working together on the character designs. The 2D animation is being produced at SynergySP and Vega Entertainment, and the CG animation is being produced at Studio A-CAT.
  It was also revealed that the opening theme will be "No Continue" by Akari Kito, who will also be voicing Yan, and 15-Sai along with Seiko Omori will be singing the ending theme song "Makeibe Jikkyo Play". The rest of the cast includes:
  Ayumu Murase as Akira Shiroyanagi
Aimi as Yuri Amagake
Mayumi Shintani as Mion
Kazuya Nakai as Madoka Kirisaki
Yuichi Nakamura as Shin Kumagiri
Miyuri Shimabukuro as Ringo Tatara
Akari Kito as Yan
  Previously released visual
  Battle Game in 5 Seconds is scheduled to begin broadcasting on Tokyo MX on July 12 at 24:00 (effectively, 12 AM on July 13).
  Source: Comic Natalie
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
By: Daryl Harding
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