#zenjo gouki
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itsuki-minamy · 2 months ago
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Please buy the Original novel to support the author, when it is available at your place.
Thank you so much!^^
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seiyuucrossovers · 10 months ago
When you're voiced by Tsuda Kenjiro, office work is a pain
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Anime: K, YuGiOh & Jujutsu Kaisen
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okitskproject · 1 year ago
i cant believe ai cant find a single fic of Kusuhara Takeru and Zenjou Goki???? Anyone?
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bellewood222 · 27 days ago
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rani-karenita · 2 years ago
I suddenly have a headcanon in which Reisi and Zenjo have a thing in common: making dad jokes out of the blue and laugh at it XD
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rinaizumo · 4 years ago
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That was the... well, technically first attempt at ‘inktober’ I lefthanging till a lot later. First presented at WFB 2021. At least it fits the topic, I guess XD
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tatsupyon · 7 years ago
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K: Seven Stories teaser trailer - Scepter 4
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rani-karenita · 5 years ago
Ahshjsskkajsj more info about Zenjo-san!
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“New” visual on official website… Shouldn’t Yukari & Fushimi trade places?
August announcements: 
Voice actor of Zenjou Gouki is Tsuda Kenjirō, who’s also Suoh’s VA.
Opening song: Asymmetry Singer: Horie Yui Lyrics: atsuko / composer: atsuko & KATSU (angela)
Ending song: Solution [解] Singer: Customi-z [カスタマイZ] Lyrics: Miyazawa Tatsuki (GoRA Red) / composer: GRP,Shun Kusakawa
K Return of Kings will be released in 7 DVDs/Blu-rays. Limited edition will include new short novels written by GoRA and new art by GoHands. 
Shows we fans overseas can’t see anyway: ①Premiere on 9/27 is accepting applications. ②K Missing Kings will be in cinema again in Sept. ③season 1 & KMK will rerun on AT-X channel.
GoRA Red’s tweets:
I was thinking the lyrics would be better if written by professionals. But considering that I’m one of the creators of K Project, I was invited to write the lyrics and express my own “K”. I think the lyrics turned out to be “irritation and resistance”. [x]
Ah. Just in case. It’s got a different vibe from “Legend kitchen” (Kuroh’s character song) I wrote before. You won’t hear shouting for curry suddenly. Don’t worry. [x]
Zenjo-san’s voice actor is Tsuda-san. Maybe Zenjo isn’t expressed perfectly yet, but I think that it is one of the best choice. He’s totally cool. Please look forward to it. [x]
In dubbing today. Zenjo-san is amazing. It’s a fusion of the intentions of Furuhashi-san (GoRA Blue), director, and the voice actor, which became a completely different coolness from what I expected. “So there’s such a way to express it!” I was very impressed. -Red’s personal tweet on 8/6
BTW I’m not good at announcing news, so I’ll just retweet a lot today. Sorry! Alright, that’s it for today! Good night! [xx]
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itsuki-minamy · 6 months ago
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Please buy the Original novel to support the author, when it is available at your place.
Thank you so much!^^
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reysonsmanymuses-archived · 5 years ago
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@the-thread-of-muses​ said: "Koinu~! Touch the scar." Why was this a common request for Jin? Why did he always ask for **that** scar to be touched?
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     There’s a quiet sigh from the man. “Don’t you ever get tired of asking that?” He sure did at times, that was for sure. At least seeing the scar didn’t bother him.
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The taller man came up behind his King, wrapping his arms around his neck as he leaned over. Staying silent for the moment, he pressed a kiss to his cheek before his eyes fell back onto what Jin was doing. "Hello~," he said, a cheerful tone to his face. (via. BlueDamocles)
To say he wasn’texpecting Goki to come around would be an understatement; relaxing someas soon as he felt the other man’s arms wrap around him. Gently bringing a handto rest on one of Goki’s, Jin couldn’t help but to lean upsome into his touch and kiss.
“Hello there, Koinu~…”
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His voice was quiet as he spoke, moving more into his touch and going to givehim a gentler kiss of his own.
| @bluedamocles
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 years ago
Prompt 2 for the Scepter 4 boys?
Of course, anon dear! Thank you for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
👍 Favorite body part on the opposite sex? 
Akiyama, Goto, and Zenjo are all ass men. Akiyama, in particular, really likes that little dip in a person’s lower back, right above the swell of their ass - he’ll rest his hand there whenever he’s just holding his partner. 
Hidaka, Domyoji, and Fuse are all breast men. Domyoji is fascinated by how soft breasts are, especially in comparison to his own lithe, hardened body. 
Kamo and Enomoto are both leg men. 
Munakata and Fushimi both focus on a partner’s face above all, with Munakata in particular being fond of his partner’s eyes - after all, you can tell so much about a person just by looking in their eyes. Fushimi, in contrast, really notices a potential partner’s smile first. 
The odd one out, Benzai likes a pretty pair of hands - women tend to have smaller hands and longer nails and he especially likes painted nails. The sight of those painted fingernails and those small fingers running along his body or wrapping around his cock…it just does things to him and he’ll actually volunteer to paint his partner’s fingernails for them. 
👥 Favorite body part on the same sex? 
Just as with a partner of the opposite sex, Akiyama and Zenjo are ass men. 
Andy notices good hair and a good sense of style before any concrete physical features when it comes to the same sex!
Benzai, Kamo, and Fuse all appreciate a nice set of abs on a guy. Benzai in particular appreciates a good V-line on a same sex partner.
Hidaka likes a nice set of arms and hands. They don’t have to be huge or anything but there’s something surprisingly sensual about a nicely muscled set of arms and large, strong hands.
Thick thighs on guys save lives or so proclaims Goto!
As with a partner of the opposite sex, Munakata and Fushimi both notice a partner’s face first, with Munakata noticing a potential partner’s eyes first and Fushimi noticing their mouth and the way they smile. Enomoto is also a sucker for a handsome face on a partner of the same sex.
🍒 Are you a virgin?
Hidaka, Enomoto, Benzai and Munakata are all virgins until they meet their first serious partners. It’s not that Munakata’s never had offers - he has, though surprisingly less than his handsome features would have you believe - it’s just that he’s never really been interested in sex much before he meets and gets involved with his partner. He’d kind of buried any sexual desires he had deep inside of him before that and his libido doesn’t really kick in until he’s in a sexual relationship with a partner. Even then, he can last quite a long time without sex with his partner (longer than he can without other, sweeter forms of intimacy).  Hidaka and Enomoto could never bring themselves to have one night stands, no matter how much they wanted to and ended up remaining virgins until their first serious relationships because of that while Benzai was simply too busy with his military career and later on his work with Scepter 4 to really date or go to parties much, so lack of offers kept him a virgin for longer than he’d like to admit. 
Zenjo had a string of one night stands when he was younger. Goto, Fuse, and Domyoji have all lost their virginity during or just after high school. Kamo lost his to his ex-wife, Akiyama to a former partner, and Fushimi lost his just to get it the hell over with.
💋 Do you use tongue when you kiss?
All of them do, at some point. Domyoji tends to use his tongue more while kissing than most of the others and his kisses tend to be a bit wet and enthusiastic but not horrible. The rest of them tend to only use tongue during deeper, more passionate kisses or while making out.
👅 Give or receive oral sex?
Akiyama, Enomoto, Benzai, Zenjo, and Kamo all prefer giving oral over receiving. I mean, none of them will turn down oral sex from a partner but they just generally prefer performing it on their partner. Akiyama in particular really gets into it. He loves pleasing his partner, delights in each whine, each moan, each desperate move of their body as he gets them closer and closer to the edge. He might actually overstimulate them in his attempts to keep them feeling good for as long as he can. Zenjo, meanwhile, has a face-sitting kink. He wants his partner on his face and if they don’t get there themselves, he has no problems lifting them up in his one good arm and bringing them up to his face, urging them to wrap their legs around his neck while he buries his face between their legs. 
Hidaka, Munakata, Fushimi, Goto, and Fuse all prefer getting oral. Munakata really relaxes during it, though he keeps his calm expression and sense of self-composure. He simply leans back and watches through heavy eyelids, a slight smirk on his lips, his fingers running through his partner’s hair as he offer occasional words of praise and compliments as to how beautiful they look like that. Fushimi, on the other hand, loses his composure quickly at blowjobs. He’s watching them the whole time but he’s obviously not as in control as he normally is, biting at his lips, his breath ragged, his hips jerking up into their mouth as his hand pulls at their hair gently but desperately as he all but face-fucks them.
Domyoji doesn’t care either way - oral sex is oral sex and that’s always good shit.
👄 Do you swallow?
Benzai, Enomoto, Kamo, Hidaka, Goto, and Domyoji would all swallow and most of them will prefer to see their partner swallow, with the exceptions of Benzai and Enomoto, who really just want their partners to be comfortable no matter what.
Akiyama, Zenjo, Munakata, Fushimi, and Fuse wouldn’t swallow. However, Fushimi desperately wants his partner to swallow - he’d really get off on having his partner open their mouth, show them his cum all nestled on their tongue before closing their mouth and making a show out of swallowing every drop of it, telling him how good he tastes. It definitely would make him wish he had a shorter refractory period. Fuse, on the other hand, has a bit of a facial kink and loves to see his cum on his partner’s face if they’d let him.
💍 Commitment or sleeping around?
For the most part, every one of these guys would prefer commitment, with Domyoji and Goto being the only exceptions. Andy is pretty fickle and gets bored easily and until he matures a bit, serious relationships aren’t going to be a huge thing with him. He might have a steady friends with benefits thing going on but he’ll overall be a more one night stand kind of guy until he grows up a bit. Goto just doesn’t do well with long-lasting relationships. They might actually terrify him a bit, so he sticks to casual sex more often than not.
💌 Do you text/write naughty things to your partner?
Munakata can receive sexts and dirty pictures with an absolutely straight face and without anyone else being any wiser as to what he’s looking at. He can also return those with the same excellent composure. He’d never send dirty pictures and his own naughty texts are very subtle and full of innuendos that only him and his partner would get - references to past sexual encounters or fantasies only the two of them know about.
Enomoto has a burner phone just for sexting his partner.
Hidaka and Domyoji’s sexts are so full of emojis that their partners can’t tell what they’re trying to say.
Goto comes up with the most creative sexts while Fuse sends the best nude pictures.
Akiyama, Benzai, Kamo, and Fushimi won’t send sexts or pictures to their partner and Fushimi will delete any that get sent to him - he refuses to risk every letting anyone else see them, even while he enjoys getting them.
Zenjo just hates texting period. Please don’t make him.
👙 Do you like to wear lingerie/see your partner in lingerie?
Domyoji wore his partner’s lingerie once for a dare and found out that he actually really liked doing so and, if his partner buys it for him, he has no problem wearing lingerie for them. He really likes seeing them in it as well. Goto wore it once while going to a performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show with a partner, on their request, and it wasn’t horrible. He’ll do it every now and again if they whine cute enough but he expects to be spoiled while wearing it.
Benzai, Hidaka, and Munakata all really like seeing lingerie on their partner’s. Benzai likes cute, feminine things in pale colours, especially things that are relatively easy to take off. Hidaka really likes when his partner dresses up and then treats him to a striptease while discarding the lingerie. 
Akiyama, Enomoto, Fuse, Zenjo, Kamo, and Fushimi all aren’t huge on lingerie. Akiyama, Fuse and Zenjo all prefer seeing their partner fully naked. Enomoto has more of a costume kink than a lingerie one and Fushimi and Kamo both aren’t too crazy about how much trouble lingerie is to get off.
👀 Favorite sex position?
Munakata likes missionary position quite a bit. It’s a classic for a reason - it’s easy to get both himself and his partner off in that position and he really enjoys the feel of their body pressed so close to his. He also really likes doggy style but not in the traditional way. He prefers to transition his partner from being on hands and knees to sitting in his lap, their ass pressed into his lap and their back pressed against his chest. Again, he really loves the feel of their body pressed against his and in that position, he can easily kiss their mouth, their neck and shoulders and run his hands along their body, pinching at tight nipples, trailing softly down their stomach, tracing the curve of the hip and thigh before settling between their legs, coaxing them ever closer to that climax he can tell they so desperately want.
Fushimi likes reverse cowgirl. It gives him a chance to just lie back and enjoy the sight of his partner on top of him and boy, is that a nice sight. He loves watching his cock slide in and out of them - it’s positively hypnotizing, honestly. And he can do all this without worrying about his partner noticing the obvious lust and affection for them on his face as he gets closer and closer to cumming - he doesn’t feel quite so on the spot when his partner can’t see his face during sex. While he normally has an excellent poker face, it does slip every once in a while and during sex is one of those times, for sure. For that reason, he also really likes doggy style and is quite fond of standing sex as well, especially if he gets to bend his partner over and take them from behind and especially if he can do so while both of them are mostly clothed. There’s just something about standing sex while mostly clothed that feels so raw, like they needed each other so badly that they couldn’t wait to take off any more clothes, couldn’t wait to get to a more suitable spot. It gives the impression that his partner just needed him inside them right then and that urgency really is very hot for Fushimi.
Foreplay? Is that a position? Akiyama sure thinks so and that is honestly his favourite part of sex. He loves foreplay and will drag it on for as long as possible. It feels amazing for both him and his partner and the slow build of pleasure and anticipation really works for him. As far as penetrative sex goes, he really likes spooning sex. It’s incredibly intimate and slow and sort of lazy and it feels so damn great for him.
Benzai thinks there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the classics and is a huge fan of missionary. Even when his partner is on top, he prefers the reverse missionary position. There’s something romantic and intimate about the position and he wants to feel his partner fully against him, wants to feel close to them during sex. 
Kamo actually likes the sixty nine position and will use it often during foreplay if his partner allows it. He finds it fun to see how much harder and more concentrated on blowing him his partner gets as he pleasures them. Plus, it gives them a chance to fuck his face and he’s pretty cool with that too - he loves the taste of them. As far as penetrative sex goes, he likes pulling his partner into his lap, wrapping them in his arms and holding them close as they rock against him. The rocking motion lets him last longer than he would with a straight thrusting motion and the closeness of the position and the slow, sensual nature of it appeals to him, along with how easy it is to kiss them in this position. 
Domyoji gets bored easily and that includes during sex. He will never finish sex in the same position he started it in and changes it up quite often. After a bit, he’ll even get tired of the same old sex positions and he’ll look up new and different sex positions online or in Cosmo. No matter how ridiculous they sound or how much flexibility is needed to try them, Andy wants to. He’s all about being open sexually and that’s abundantly clear when it comes to how he has sex.
Enomoto likes doggy style quite a lot. He worries about how red his face is during sex or what kind of weird expressions he’s making and his worries can throw off his performance a bit. Taking his partner from behind solves all that. In missionary, he tends to solve his issue by burying his face in his partner’s shoulder, kissing and moaning against their neck.
Fuse likes having his partner on top quite a bit, though he never leaves all the work to them. He’s rather dominant, even with them on top and he’ll grab hold of their hips to move them or will thrust up into them, his hands finding their way in between his partner’s legs or to slap at their ass as it bounces against him. He also likes missionary, especially when his partner puts their legs up over his shoulders and raises their ass up off the bed - it makes them feel so tight around him and he feels like he gets deeper inside them as well. 
Goto, much like Domyoji, gets bored of the same old, same old. He likes to push the boundaries a bit and explore things sexually and wants to experiment with positions. You can bet he has a dog-eared copy of the Kama Sutra in his bedside table and that he’s working his way through all of the positions, just to say he’s tried them and to figure out if they feel good. He also is really fond of pompoir.
Hidaka just wants his partner to have sex with him. He doesn’t care about what position it’s in. Just please have sex with him. Often. Even after he’s lost his virginity and settled into a sexual relationship, Hidaka has a really high libido and he just wants his partner all the time. They could have nothing but one position for the rest of their lives and Hidaka wouldn’t complain because wow, he’s getting laid and that’s the best thing in the whole damn world!
Zenjo is a really big man. Not only is he really tall but he’s very broad in body and he’s rather girthy so finding positions that really work for both him and his partner is a bit of a challenge. He really likes having them on top of him for that reason - they can position themselves in such a way that is comfortable for them, be it reverse missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, side-saddle or whatever and can control how much of him they take and can set the pace. However, he really likes missionary as well, though the height difference between him and his partner does make it hard to really enjoy. He usually works around that by having his partner lay down on a table or a bed, their ass hanging off just a little, and standing up and taking them like that. He’ll lean over and cage them in between his arms, running his hands along their body or will bend over and press his upper body against theirs as he fights to keep his thrusts slow and shallow, the desperate way he wants them evident in how he kisses them.
✋ Most sensitive spot on your body?
Okay, right off, all of these boys are sensitive around their genitals and they will all get turned on when a partner touches them, either over their clothes or slipping a hand beneath their waistbands and wrapping a hand around them.
Akiyama and Kamo both have really sensitive balls. Akiyama loves the feel of them slapping against his partner’s skin as he takes them doggy style while Kamo really gets off on his partner gently fondling his balls or taking them into their mouth while giving him a hand-job. 
Fushimi is actually kind of ticklish around his neck and ears and having someone’s fingers or mouth trail along those spots sends shivers right through him. During foreplay, this is a really good thing and he’ll love having his partner pay gentle attention to either area, though he’ll pretend he hates it. Just don’t leave marks. Much like Fushimi, Enomoto also has a really sensitive neck - the only difference is that Enomoto admits it and wants marks. He loves it when his partner nips and sucks at the sensitive skin of his throat and really gets off on being given hickies, though they do embarrass him a little when the afterglow wears off. 
Always the weird one, Goto has really sensitive feet and they’re very ticklish. While he normally hates for his partner to go anywhere near his feet, he admits to kind of enjoying them focusing on his feet during body worshippy type foreplay, licking and kissing along the sole of his foot before sucking on his toes or rubbing his feet along their body.
Okay, but that area of the lower abdomen below the belly button? It’s a major soft spot for Benzai. He loves his partner trailing their hands over that area and kissing and nipping along the skin there as they make their way down to his genitals. It just sends shivers right through him and turns him on majorly.
For the love of all that is good, please suck on Munakata’s fingers, trace the lines of them with a tongue, guide his hands languidly across bared skin. He’s surprisingly sensitive around his hands and is a very tactile man.
As much as he hates to admit it, Domyoji loves having his partner play with his ass. He’s really sensitive to it. He loves having his partner grab onto his ass and pull him deeper into them or to rake their nails over his ass as he pounds into them. He’d blush like crazy the first time his partner offered it (even as he enthusiastically takes them up on the offer) but he also loves having his ass eaten. A good rim-job will have him cumming quicker than anything.
Hidaka has sensitive nipples and enjoys some attention being put on them during foreplay, but only if it’s gentle and not too prolonged. Anything prolonged or too harsh overstimulates them and becomes slightly uncomfortable instead of turning him on.
Zenjo has surprisingly sensitive lips. Kisses are always going to be a big thing with him and they’re always long, lingering, and more passionate than they have any right being. Because his lips are rather sensitive, he loves having his partner drag their tongue across his lips or suck and nip at them during make-out sessions and he’ll be quick to use his mouth on their body during foreplay because of that sensitivity - he tends to feel their reactions better with his mouth on them than with his fingers.
🛌 Favorite place to have sex?
Munakata and Fushimi both tend to keep sex with their partner confined only to their bedrooms. However, they both share the same kink, not that anyone would know or that they’d ever share with each other. Both men really like it when they’re working late, Munakata in his office and Fushimi somewhere quiet around the base, and their partner comes to join them. Nine times out of ten, they simply talk and their partner helps them so they can join them in bed and rest but that remaining one time out of ten, when their partner is on their knees in front of them, usually half-hidden under the table or desk, their mouth stretched around his cock…well, those are the moments when both men are reminded of just how much they enjoy office sex.
Akiyama is mainly conventional as well, sticking to sex in his or his partner’s room. It feels more proper and it’s less hassle and worry and leaves him more room and time to devote to pleasing his partner (and, believe me, he’s all about pleasing his partner as this boy is a giver). However, there are the rare times when he’ll want something more, something a little different and, since he likes taking late night drives with his partner when they can’t sleep, that normally ends up being the solution. It won’t even be on purpose…they just always seem to end up parked at the dead end street in some secluded back road, with no houses around for miles and the car seat pushed back as far as it can go as his partner rides him, his hands stimulating them and his mouth on every bit of their skin he can reach, the windows fogging up around them.
Benzai mostly has sex in either his or his partner’s room but he also really likes taking his partner out on picnics in secluded areas, with fields full of wildflowers nearby. He’ll suggest a walk after eating and he’ll lead them out into the field, the tall grass nearly up his hips and the smell of wildflower all around them. He’ll start off sweet, threading wildflowers into his partner’s hair with a sweet kiss for every flower he gives them. He never stays sweet for too long though, the two of them coming to rest in the midst of the flowers, the tall grass hiding them from view as he trails flowers along his partner’s body as he strips them of as much clothing as he deems safe, keeping himself mostly clothed except for the unbuttoning and unzipping of his pants that he so desperately needed so that he could find himself thrusting into his partner’s hand as he teased them with his fingers and mouth and the softness of the petals of the flower, the difference in all the sensations delighting his partner.
Kamo, as a former chef, won’t sully his kitchen by having sex in it…no matter how much he really, really wants to. And boy, does he want to. It’s a frequent fantasy of his. However, he chooses to not indulge in that and keeps sex mostly in either his or his partner’s private quarters, since he really doesn’t like the idea of anyone else seeing his partner naked or in that needy state he takes such pains to work them into.
Domyoji will try anything, anywhere at least once. He’s adventurous and enjoys experimenting and there’s nowhere that’s off limits to him. Hell, he and his partner even had sex in a tree once. No lie. He’d climbed up one and challenged his partner to climb it as well. They’d settled on a huge branch, large enough for Andy to comfortably sit on it with his back against the trunk and his partner in his lap. It had been after a couple minutes of quiet cuddling when Andy had innocently whispered in his partner’s ear ‘y’know, this branch is really big enough and sturdy enough that we could have sex right here and now if we wanted to’ and boy, had his partner wanted to after hearing that observation. It was interesting, to say the least, and having to keep quiet about it all to avoid anyone looking up and catching them was part of what made it so interesting.
Enomoto will not have sex with his partner unless they are in one of their rooms and the door is firmly locked. While he might be surprisingly kinky at times, he wants the absolute comfort of being kinky only where nobody can see or know about it besides him and his partner. Risky locations and semi-private sex aren’t even fantasies of his but rather terrify him.
Fuse really likes to rent a boat and take his partner out on fishing dates. He enjoys fishing. He enjoys spending time with his partner. It makes sense to him. However, there’s often long stretches of time while fishing where nothing happens and he has never come up with a better solution to occupying those quiet stretches of time than leading his partner to a lounge chair on the deck of the boat and having them ride him, his hands on their hips controlling the pace. It’s almost guaranteed that fishing dates with Fuse will end with a lot of fish and at least one orgasm a piece for him and his partner, at the very least.
Goto’s favourite place to have sex will really change so often. He’s an odd one and his moods really do determine his sexual appetites at the time - sex is never the same with him. While he won’t turn down sex with his partner in either of their rooms, enjoying it when the mood strikes him for long, lazy sex or for spoiling his partner, he does enjoy trying out new locations and different things sexually and very few places are off-limits for him (to date, the only hard no he’s pulled was the Captain’s office and only because he was sure the other man would just know if he did that and he couldn’t live with that fact).
Hidaka will really have sex with his partner anywhere that is (at the very least) semi-private and where they won’t be caught or interrupted. He’s pretty easy to convince into trying new things sexually and very easy to turn on. However, he does have a bit of kink for beach sex. He just loves taking his partner to the beach and he never really does it thinking that they’ll end up having sex. He just likes the beach and likes his partner and likes seeing his partner at the beach, in their very nice swimsuit and oooh boy, they’re so gorgeous and then his thoughts wander to all their exposed flesh and before he knows it, they’ve found a secluded area of the beach where nobody will see them and they’re enjoying a hot, desperate quickie.
Zenjo will only have sex in his partner’s room or his own room. He doesn’t feel at all comfortable with public sex. Yes, he may fantasize (more frequently than he should) about the idea of taking his partner in the dojo after he’s been training, late at night when everyone else is in their rooms, pressing them down to the floor on their stomach, their hips raised up for him, his fingers tangled in their hair as he takes them hard and slow, their cries echoing around the empty room as their hungry little hole swallows every inch of him….but those are just fantasies and actually putting those fantasies into action would terrify him. He wouldn’t, couldn’t, do it. He needs complete privacy to feel comfortable enough to have sex with his partner, with the guarantee they won’t be interrupted or walked in on (especially the first, since he does like to take his time).
📹 Threesomes or no?
Hidaka would really like the idea of it, though he’d be a little unprepared when it came to the actual event of having a threesome. Domyoji and Goto wouldn’t mind trying a threesome but it would be more of a one off thing to say they’d tried it, even if they had fun. Fuse loves threesome porn, especially with double penetration, but wouldn’t ever actually participate in a threesome. 
Fushimi hates the idea of a threesome. It out and outright disgusts him - he’s really not good at sharing and the very idea of having to share his partner in such a manner leads to some rather…possessive behaviour on his part. Both Munakata and Kamo see the obvious flaws in threesomes (someone is liable to end up disappointed in the end and it invites too much risk of jealousy and unhappiness once the experience is over) and prefer to avoid threesomes because of that. Both Zenjo and Enomoto take a while to feel comfortable having sex with just their partner and the idea of adding in another person to the mix makes them very uncomfortable. Benzai and Akiyama just have no interest in threesomes, really - it’s just not either of their kinks.
💰 Would you ever pay for sex?
Okay, but none of them would really ever need to pay for sex. They’re all relatively decent looking and wouldn’t have any troubles finding a one-night stand if they were that desperate to get laid. However, on a moral basis and a ‘would they if it came down to it’ basis, only Andy, Goto, and Zenjo aren’t against visiting prostitutes in theory. Goto doesn’t see how it’s that much different from hooking up with a random stranger. The taboo nature of the thing and the sheer novelty of it excites Andy and while Zenjo has never actually done it, he doesn’t see why it’s considered something shameful as most people need and crave that kind of physical contact with another person.
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nuis-world · 1 year ago
Capítulo 7: Ventajas de estar soltero
Historia: Shizume Shade
Cualquiera que viera a Zenjou Gouki diría que su vida amorosa era igual de trágica que la de Totsuka Tatara y en efecto, tendrían razón.
El que no se mor��a, lo rechazaba.
En su defensa, no era su culpa sentirse atraído por los rostros delicados y temperamento tormentoso. Habari era juguetón pero letal y Munakata orgulloso.
Justo su tipo pero no el de él.
Así que no tenía muchas opciones y mejor aprendió a vivir con su soltería a todo lo que daba, dedicándose religiosamente a su trabajo y dar tips en redes sociales sobre cómo llevar una vida de soledad con estilo pese a sus miles de ocupaciones en SCEPTER 4.
"Bueno, algún día Munakata-san va a dejar al vándalo que tiene por novio y será mi oportunidad.", meditó en silencio antes de programar su alarma y darse cuenta de que le quedaban 3 horas con 15 minutos para que sonara.
Se lamentó internamente oyendo el ruido de su estómago en el silencio reinante de su habitación. No iba a dormir la gran cosa e iría a trabajar con un humor cuestionable.
"Aparte de soltero, pobre. El tacaño de Munakata no aumenta sueldos.", pensó irritado, preguntándose en qué momento podría comenzar a monetizar su contenido en redes sociales así como el tercero al mando en HOMRA.
Y en ese momento se dio cuenta de que quizás, su situación actual se debía a que era amigo del chico rubio con muy mala suerte en el amor.
Tendría que cambiar de amistades si quería que su crush le hiciera caso.
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bellewood222 · 3 months ago
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rani-karenita · 4 years ago
Pregnancy Scenario
Ship #1
[S/O]: Reisi?
Reisi: Yes, my dear?
[S/O]: Well this is kinda uncomfortable to say right now, but I'm pregnant.
Reisi: You're pregnant?
[S/O]: *nodded and sweat nervously*
Reisi: Oh I see, to see that you're still looking healthy and active truly didn't make me wonder about the slight change on your body. You've done a remarkable job, and I'm so happy to know about it.
[S/O]: *being suspicious inside* I don't know if he's being generous or not but I'm glad he didn't do anything weird.
Ship #2
Mia (OC): Zenjo-kun, can we have a talk?
Zenjo: Sure, what is it you want to talk about?
Mia: I'm... I'm pregnant.
Zenjo: *silence*
Zenjo: You're pregnant?
Mia: *nodded*
Zenjo: I'm going to be a dad?
Mia: Yes.
Zenjo: *blushed* *hugs Mia* Thank you.
Mia: *also blushing but hugs him back.*
Ship #3
Marlya: Free, I have something to say to you.
Free: Is that so? Please let me know.
Marlya: I'm pregnant.
Free: What?
Marlya: I-I have your baby in my belly.
Free: *shocked*
Free: Are you okay? You're not getting nausea? Not feeling weak? Or anything?!
Marlya: I-I'm okay Free, you don't have to be so worried of me ^^"
Ship #4
Michiru: Hey, Shirou.
Shirou: What?
Michiru: You wanna know something?
Shirou: Just spit it out.
Michiru: *sigh* I'm pregnant.
Shirou: *silence*
Shirou: Huh?
Michiru: I'm pregnant, you silly. You heard me?
Shirou: For real?
Michiru: Yeah!
Shirou: *silence again*
Shirou: *collapsed*
Michiru: Hey don't just collapsed all of sudden! At least say something about this!
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x0401x · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
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