ernestdescalsartwok · 7 months
PEÑARROYA DE TASTAVINS-PINTURA-ARTE-MATARRAÑA-MAESTRAZGO-PUEBLOS-TERUEL-BALCONES-DETALLES-CUADROS-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: PEÑARROYA DE TASTAVINS-PINTURA-ARTE-MATARRAÑA-MAESTRAZGO-PUEBLOS-TERUEL-BALCONES-DETALLES-CUADROS-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Detalles de los cuadros pintados en los pueblos de Teruel, Aragón, España, balcones entre la luz y las sombras en el pueblo de PEÑARROYA DE TASTAVINS, las tranquilas comarcas del MATARRAÑA y el MAESTRAZGO siempre me han surtido de inspiración para pintar sus paisajes, costumbres y arquitectura. Detalle de una pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals con oleos sobre lienzo de gran tamaño.
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amateurchefstuff · 5 months
10a Mostra Intercomarcal Tastavin’s - Ascó
Dies 18 i 19 de maig del 2024 Ascó (Ribera d’Ebre) Mostra intercomarcal de vins d’Ascó Tastavin’s, on hi participaran els vins de DO Priorat, DO Montsant, DO Terra Alta i DO Tarragona. Degustació i venda de vins, degustacions gastronòmiques, maridatges i molt més. MÉS INFORMACIÓ: http://www.asco.cat/
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ortusfitness · 2 years
ortus fitness por Ortus Fitness Por Flickr: Peñarroya de Tastavins bonito pueblo de la comarca del Matarraña, situado en un enclave único a los pies de los Puertos de Beceite, dispone desde esta entrada 🌼 primaveral de un #equipamiento que permite a la ciudadanía realizar toda #actividad #física.Esperamos que #disfruten #practicándola.Gracias por confiar con #Ortus #Fitness.
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stvfdz · 5 years
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Streetlamp in #Peñarroya de #Tastavins #Teruel #Spain by @isakanales Dec2019 #streetlamps #streetlights #streetlight #streetlamp #streetlightseries #streetlamplovers #be_one_benchlantern #lamp #lampione #Lämpchen #lampost #lamploversoftheworldunite #farola #fanal #streetlights_as_footprints #streetlightsunited #lantern #addicted_to_lanterns #IGlampers #IGlamplovers #streetlight_hunter #instalamps #lampstagram #outdoor_lamps #LampsAndFamily Gracias Isa!! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7MbsGJotPl/?igshid=1qlj9lwcxjft4
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soidaragon · 2 years
RT @bardenasreales: Peñarroya de Tastavins. Aragón https://t.co/C6mywIgHdc
— Soy de Aragón (@SoiDAragon) Jul 25, 2022
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caminomeva · 3 years
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Avui  s’ha aixecat un dia asolellat i au! Cap a la serra! He arribat a Pena-Roja de Tastavins a mig matí i tal i com deien els cànons he començat la caminada des de la plaça major. Des d’allà sortint del poble un caminet molt «cuqui» em conduïa cap a la meva meta; les Roques del Masmut. L’alegria de caminar per un corriol però s’ha acabat aviat i de sobte, a la bassa de Sant Miquel, m’he trobat arrossegant els peus per una pista de la mida de l’AP7. Caminar per pistes és avorrit, si fa sol et cous perquè els arbres no poden aixoplugar-te prou, si son pistes modernes son rectes i les pujades son tedioses. Llàstima de corriols perduts i de camins de carro arrasats. L’autopista m’ha dut fins els peus de les roques del Masmut mentre de tant en tant algun vehicle SUV passava pel meu costat i em deixava empolsegada.
Quan he arribat als peus de les roques no m’ho he pensat dues vegades i he anat cap amunt decidida. Pim, pam, pim,pam.... cansant-me com només jo se fer-ho he aconseguit posar els peus a les primeres estribacions de roca i allà les coses s’han complicat. Hi ha un petit diedre que te un pas un pèl aeri i que probablement per a la gent que escala sigui 1er (escala Welzembach) però jo he decidit que era un 2C+ i m’he cagat a sobre. He temptejat el pas però em feia por. Sembla mentida que 3 anys enrere estigués escalant vies mitjanetes a Montserrat. El meu cervell perd molt ràpid la seva seguretat quan el cos no grimpa.
No és vertigen. Es tracta d’uns éssers interns que hi ha al cap que quan t’apropes a un lloc on hi ha barranc i caiguda et diuen que estàs fent la gilipolles i llavors tot el cos se sent indisposat.  Ja ho he viscut diferents vegades; si vols fer callar a aquests éssers has de fer la gilipolles molt sovint i entrenar-te molt en gilipollisme, llavors els petits éssers arriben a la conclusió de que «ets» gilipolles, s’abracen, ploren, es donen el condol, es ressignen i et deixen fer. Bé, els éssers avui no m’han deixat fer i jo he baixat derrotada dient-me a mi mateixa coses com ja tornaràs, és millor ser prudent, total ni que estiguessis fent el K2, bla bla bla...
Com a càstig per la meva manca de compromís masmutejador (per cert he inventat el verb «masmutejar») he decidit seguir el camí que dona la volta a les roques, així com qui les festeja. Llavors he pensat que el meu matarranyisme (també he inventat aquesta paraula) excessivament rigorista em conduïa a masmutejar, i he fet via pel corriol amb el consol de que al menys era un corriol i no una pista.
La volta a les roques del Masmut és una excursió molt coneguda i ben indicada, i si algun dia aneu al Matarranya, potser us serveixi una petita part molt petitona del que us explico. El corriol és bonic durant una estona, que és la que et permet veure les roques des d’una vista molt espectacular, el que passa es que te tendència a fugir cap al sudest, i arriba un moment que comences a ratllar-te. A mi em recordava algun camí d’aquests que donen la volta a un pantà; mantenen una alçada i voregen tota la vall fins a la desesperació. Quan he arribat al final d’aquesta gran giragonsa i he topat amb el riu estava una mica ofuscada. Quina mena de masmuteig es suposa que estic fent que ja no veig ni les roques masmútiques de marres?
Per més inri el riu era sec. Confesso que venia amb una idea idíl·lica de la caminada; corriolets, raconets frescals, alguna fonteta, molt wildflo, algun torrent i algun gorg petit... ha,ha,ha,ha!! Llavors m’esperava un altra pista, no tan enorme com la primera que us explicava, però més llarga... Au! A arrossegar peus uns quants kilòmetres de pista en pujadeta. Mirava si al menys al riu hi havia algun gorg i és veritat que conforme anava cap al nord al torrent dels Prats apareixia algun toll embardissat, però no era capaç de reunir forces per banyar-me. Mentre anava cap al nord tornava a recuperar el significat de masmutejar i de tant en tant veia les imponents roques des de perspectives diferents. 
Bé, no se que dir-vos més. Només que he tornat a arribar a la bassa de Sant Miquel una mica cansadota de passejar els peus per un tros de camí farcit de còdols rodons de la mida de cebes i quan estava allà he vist una font i he pensat que era un detall que haguera aquella font allà. He pitjat l’aixeta i res. Ha,ha,ha,ha.... que imbècila sóc, si ja es veia que no havia cap humitat sota l’aixeta. És una broma municipal o diputacional o alguna cosa així; fonts que no serveixen per a res per a caminants que masmutegen imbuides per un matarranyisme profund i radical.
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wineanddinosaur · 3 years
Amy Racine’s Bringing ‘Vegetable-Forward’ Cocktails to Health-Conscious Hollywood
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Whether it’s creating savory cocktails with avocados and mushrooms, or eyeing diners’ main courses so she can swing by and pour the best accompanying wine, Amy Racine’s passion for food and beverage all stems back to her Cleveland upbringing.
Dinner was served at 5 p.m. sharp and always included generous servings of veggies, many of which she experiments with in her cocktails today. Sundays were spent grilling, whipping up Caesar dressing and cooking Calabrian tomato sauce for family feasts that kicked off in the late afternoon and stretched into the evening.
“Wine was always around that table and the kids were allowed a taste,” recalls Racine, 33. “My parents were really tuned into the world of wine. They were teaching me what Montepulciano was when I was a preteen.”
By the third grade of elementary school, Racine dreamed of becoming a chef — her ambitions bolstered by Food Network programs such as “The Rachael Ray Show” — and as a driven high schooler, she worked at restaurants to help her college applications.
She got into and attended Hyde Park, N.Y.’s Culinary Institute of America, and was captivated by a winemaking course. “The running joke was that everybody dreaded it and failed because it was the most difficult class, but I enjoyed it,” Racine says.
Her love for wine and food merged once she headed to California and became immersed in fresh produce while spending time in Napa Valley, then becoming wine director for San Francisco restaurant Sons & Daughters. “It’s part of the culture in California to be vegetable-forward and I loved that,” says Racine, who began gravitating toward vegetables and fish as she grew older. “I felt like nobody else in the U.S. was growing produce like California.”
Racine eventually hit New York City to gain experience in the culinary mecca. She met John Fraser and instantly clicked with the vegetable-centric, Michelin-starred chef’s values. She’s now beverage director for John Fraser Restaurants, overseeing spots including Ardor at The Edition in West Hollywood, and New York’s The Loyal and North Fork Table and Inn.
Racine chatted to VinePair about breaking winemaker stereotypes, how the pandemic is evolving the beverage industry, and why veggies are great in cocktails.
1. At 25, you were one of the youngest females to pass the Court of Master Sommeliers Advanced Exam in the first pass. What were some of the challenges as a younger person entering the industry?
There was and still is a running joke that a sommelier’s an older, white male wearing a tastavin around his neck, who’s snooty and rude. There’s been many instances where I’ve approached a table and people say, “We’d like to speak to the sommelier. Is he available?” It’s sad, but we’ve come a long way. I’ve gained experience and competence in approaching a table and people have more awareness about gender equality, so it’s not happening as frequently.
2. What do you bring to the industry as a younger female?
A fresher mindset. That person who sticks their nose up to guests is no better than I am. Knowing I’m not what somebody’s expecting is something I’m grateful for because it gives me a different perspective and appreciation.
I also have a fresher mindset coming from a super-traditional and structured home life, and then moving to bigger cities in California. It opened my eyes to how things don’t have to be a certain way, and how people are doing great things in the industry regardless of background, gender, or race.
3. What prompted transitioning more into restaurants and cocktails [from wine]?
I remember doing my externship at The Greenbrier in West Virginia. I was this sweaty, scared student watching the beverage director speaking with the chef and the way they interacted during this big event made me go, “I want that guy’s job.” It was a defining moment of seeing somebody interact with both front-of-house and back — being involved in the food, cocktails, and service seemed really cool.
When I started with John [Fraser, of JF Restaurants], I said, “I’d love to be wine director of multiple units,” and after that happened, I said, “I’d love to be beverage director of multiple units.” It was five years working towards it, but I knew the ins and outs of his company and of beverage, so it made sense.
4. John [Fraser] is known for his vegetable-forward food and you’ve created a menu to reflect this at Ardor. People don’t commonly associate vegetables with cocktails. Why is it a good combination?
Vegetables are fun! If you say “vegetable cocktail,” most people imagine green juice with a shot of tequila; but in my mind, people are in a restaurant for food, so beverage should complement that rather than [serving] a green juice with booze, which is a meal in itself.
It’s like making a Martini with an olive garnish — you can do little twists and go, “What if it was a pickled mushroom instead?” We want to make different moves, but show restraint and not make a meal of it.
5. What’s the process of creating cocktails to complement John’s dishes?
John will share his vision for the property he’s opening and we’ll go through tastings for the culinary menu, then I’ll tell the head bartender, “We want a cocktail that fits this, which is vodka-based, has mushroom in it, and echoes a Martini. What do you suggest?” Then we’ll fine-tune and tweak. There’s many people and talents involved!
6. That explains the Martini-style “Clear” cocktail with its pickled pioppino mushroom. Ardor also has the “Green” vodka cocktail with avocado. How does avocado fare in cocktails?
The avocado’s shaken with ice, so it’s adding texture. It’s not a big sludgy, green drink. It adds texture and some fat — like how fat-washing was big in cocktails not too long ago.
7. Have there been any vegetables you’ve experimented with that didn’t work in cocktails? And which vegetable has surprised you most with how good it is in drinks?
I have a hard time with beets! We’ve done some beet cocktails, but they always feel very earthy and aren’t my favorite. Artichoke’s a good one. They’re not for everybody, but we used Cynar, which is artichoke-based, in the “Black” cocktail at Ardor.
8. Why do you think vegetable-forward cocktails will take off in Hollywood?
I think people in Hollywood, and California, are very conscious of what they’re putting into their bodies, and knowledgeable about sustainability and how products have gotten to a place. I think they’ll do well because we’re using ingredients that are sourced and grown thoughtfully.
And, nearly all the cocktails are based off of classic cocktails, so when you see tequila and grapefruit, you think of a Paloma; or when you see espresso, you think of an Espresso Martini. They’re cocktails people can link to something they’ve had before, but we’re using ingredients in ways they haven’t experienced.
9. Society’s so much more conscious about eating meat these days. Do you think that makes using vegetables in new ways even more appealing?
Yes, but I also think after being at home over the past year, everyone’s making their own cocktails. Someone who might’ve gone out and had a Manhattan all the time learned how to make one. People were already becoming more knowledgeable about cocktails, wine and culinary through social media — you can get recipes from Thomas Keller or read about somebody’s new wine label so easily — but they were forced to do it at home last year.
Had that not happened, the world of cocktails and culinary would be in a different spot right now. It has pushed the food and beverage industry to be an extra step ahead, because if everyone’s learning the basics, it’s like, “How do we make a Martini different again?”
10. What do your parents think about you inheriting their love for food and beverage and turning it into a career?
The alcohol part made them nervous at first! Now, they love it because we’ll go to wineries together. They were like, “I didn’t realize how much you were paying attention at the dinner table.” I didn’t realize myself how impactful those moments of wine being on the table were until recently. I never went through a crazy teenage phase of abusing alcohol, because I learned to respect it and view it as part of a meal rather than a drug, from an early age. As for the culinary side, my parents are very happy about that!
The article Amy Racine’s Bringing ‘Vegetable-Forward’ Cocktails to Health-Conscious Hollywood appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/amy-racine-vegetable-cocktails-hollywood/
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retazosartesania · 4 years
Desde Retazos Artesania, queremos decirle al coronavirus, que en Peñarroya de Tastavins estamos y seguiremos trabajando juntos para derrotarlo!❤️
#peñarroyadetastavins #coronavirus #retazos
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ernestdescalsartwok · 4 years
PEÑARROYA DE TASTAVINS-ERMITA-PINTURA-NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA FUENTE-PAISAJES-ERMITAS-MATARRAÑA-TERUEL-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: PEÑARROYA DE TASTAVINS-ERMITA-PINTURA-NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA FUENTE-PAISAJES-ERMITAS-MATARRAÑA-TERUEL-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Preciosas ermitas en la comarca del Matarraña como la de Nuestra Señora de la Fuente en las cercanías del pueblo de PEÑARROYA DE TASTAVINS. Entre las piedras de las antiguas paredes y los àrboles que se encuentran junto al río se forma un magnífico paisaje. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 65 centímetros, pintando las ermitas y los pueblos del Matarranya en Teruel, Aragón, España.
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amateurchefstuff · 1 year
9a Mostra Intercomarcal Tastavin’s - Ascó
Dies 20 i 21 de maig del 2023 Ascó (Ribera d’Ebre) Mostra intercomarcal de vins d’Ascó Tastavin’s, on hi participaran els vins de DO Priorat, DO Montsant, DO Terra Alta i DO Tarragona. Degustació i venda de vins, degustacions gastronòmiques, maridatges i molt més. MÉS INFORMACIÓ: http://www.asco.cat/
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Rock climbing in Margalef Spain (all in Espadelles)
La homiga atomica 6a+ got quite pumped on this for a warm up!
Ni pa te 6b was a really nice climb and actually felt easier than the 6a+ strangely
Kagaito sakapoko 6c+ rested on second and third bolt trying to find the more positive pockets. Would be a nice one to go back and try again although I was pretty pumped on it so not sure if I would be strong enough just yet
Guirlache 6c I went directly through the roof / slightly left at the top and made it so much harder for myself! Only just made it to the belay chain without falling off! Fred tried it and went right over the roof and seemed to find it way easier than me!
Gest d’inocencia 6b+ the start was quite bouldery but positive holds and enjoyable. The top goes diagonal left which somehow makes the bolts feel further apart so a good climb for the head as a warm up!
Tastavins 6b+ a tricky start so it was nice to use a clipstick for the first bolt as you yard up on a small pocket from a pile of rocks on the ground that are awkwardly balanced. The rest of the climb is really fun. You go up this where there are cracks and tufa like features but also smooth looking flow stone. The overhang is good fun and the holds are all there out on the right
Sobredosis de rocaina 6c I climbed the route fine until the overhang and then found it quite reachy and pumpy! Fred found it ok so I decided to give it another go as I had to rest but when I tried it again it made no difference! A hard route for me to crack without getting too pumped and falling mid way up!
Que pasa neng 7a onsighted this one! Think it’s a soft 7a but it’s super fun, overhanging but positive at the bottom and thin and technical at the top.
Memoria histerica 6b this was a nice climb, fairly simple and not as interesting as the 6b+ next to it though. Decent warm up.
Repos actiu 6c+ the first time I tried it I found it super pumpy as I didn’t know the moves. I put the clips in and tried it again having figured out the moves and cruised it which felt nice
Dulce Bella 7a phew! I took 3 massive falls on this. I found the top section really hard after the two holes. I had to come down and let Fred try it as I couldn’t finish it. I tried it again on top rope after Fred had done it but I was really tired and still found the top half really tricky. The last moves to get to the chain are so horrible I don’t think I would try and Redpoint the route. Simply because you have to go direct up and then somehow step right to grab the chain which I would find incredibly hard after the entire pumpy route! Such a beautiful line but one I need to be stronger for and the bolts are a bit run out at the top so having taken those 3 massive falls it was a bit mentally exhausting too!
Punt x 6b+ had a really hard crux in the middle where both Fred and I came off with our hands in the wrong position. Neither interesting or a good warm up!
Punto de gravedad cero 6c the start was quite delicate and strong fingers are required but overall it’s a great climb with some hand jamming and laybacks further up! After the start it’s fairly relaxed climbing for the grade
Beta de boira 7a I love this climb and it was soft for the grade. The first two bolts were tricky as it was hard pulling onto the wall but after that all the handholds were there and there were plenty of rests. The corner up top was great for bridging which meant less pump! Onsight for both Fred and I.
Franja de ponent 7a a really hard pull onto the wall to start on the first move. Reading the route ahead of time helped as I knew when to go left and where all the good holds were on the pumpy first section. Lots of rests again and the top section had surprisingly large holds for a 7a. Onsight for both Fred and I.
Te lo juro por mi iPhone 6b had a thin start that felt extremely hard for a 6b, I think Fred and I both pulled on the quickdraw!
Redue! Me faras consomi 6b+ had a thin start and then a pumpy move left through the break
Mi Tito Hirrou 6b nice warm up. Small ish holds but all positive and no crux move
La Ruta de Unai 6b+ another nice warm up. Similar to its neighbour.
Stratochalster 7a this felt like a real 7a! The start had a really bouldery strong move which both Fred and I struggled on although I was able to get my foot higher which helped a little bit but I couldn’t really do it! Then after the break over the overhang was steep on un positive holds! I was wrecked trying the moves and had to pull on the quick draw even though Fred marked some holds for me. Then at the top all of a sudden it got run out! I liked the variety of the route but it was certainly one I would need to work a lot or get stronger for!
Aixo no es pot resistir a chilled warm up with some nice moves. Quite nice to start on this wall in the morning as it gets the sun and then move over to the opposite main wall in the afternoon
Setareh 6c lots of jugs and a little overhanging. An easy one to onsight and got a little pump on.
Abanibi 6c this was a little more tricky to figure out the moves. It was less pumpy as you get the corner to bridge out on but it took me longer to figure out whether to go on the arete lower down and then whether to stick right in the corner higher up or not. But an onsight without pump which is a little more technical is nice.
Overbooking 6c not quite as nice a route as it’s neighbours. It’s not as visited therefore the holds are hard to find. The holds are small and sharp at the beginning so it gives the route a bit of a punchy start. I warmed up on it so had a couple of rests but then left the quick draws in and gave it another go after and it was fine.
Supermana 6c technical start followed by a juggy (for vertical) end. I didn’t onsight the beginning as I tried to go straight up rather then slightly right in the crux. I didn’t bother doing it again as wanted to climb some others
Ller crack 6c+ felt easier than its neighbour guirlache!
On our rest days we went to playa larga and Tarragona which were both really nice
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bob-el-ingles · 5 years
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334_En Peñarroya de Tastavins, Teruel el 31/08/019 - 11:02 am
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hotelesteruel · 7 years
Hospedería Virgen de la Fuente
Descubre todas las comodidades que nos ofrece el hotel http://teruelenamora.com/hospederia-virgen-de-la-fuente/
Hospedería Virgen de la Fuente
    Información sobre Hospedería Virgen de la Fuente en Peñarroya de Tastavins La Hospedería Virgen de la Fuente está situada en un edificio gótico del siglo XIV, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, y ofrece jardín, restaurante y bar. El establecimiento cuenta con capi...
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joanotbellver · 7 years
4002 - Mont-roig de Tastavins by Joanot Via Flickr: Mont-roig de Tastavins (La Matarranya) Països Catalans //// ************* Recent ► - Facebook ► - Flickr ► - 500px ► - Google+ ► - Pinterest ► - Show ► - Portfotolio ► - Fluidr ► - Flickriver ► - Tumblr ► Picssr ► - Twitter ►
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tonysarttrip-blog · 7 years
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Estem de #vijazz #vino #jazz #tastavins #vilafranca #gastronomia (en Vilafranca del Penedès)
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serretllibres · 7 years
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Riu amunt mos anem trobant .... #parentsperpartderiu #terresdelebre #ebre #matarranya #algars #tastavins #ulldemo #riucanaletes #riuestrets #tortos #vallderoures #baixebre #terraalta (at Llibreria Serret)
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