#task: brazil
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6flyingosprey6 · 1 year ago
So unless the task system is changed before the next server-wide trip, things aren’t going to look so good for the eggs…
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piastappies · 4 months ago
ᯓᡣ𐭩 END OF THE DAY ! ᡣ𐭩ᯓ
pairing. lando norris x reader
summary. being a supportive girlfriend during an awfully stressful time is hard, so when reader and lando ends up fighting, neither of them is surprised. however, she can’t help but be in love with him at the end of the day.
notes. pretty short and not proofread 😕😕
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YOU WERE WALKING ON EGGSHELLS FOR THE PAST two weeks around your boyfriend. he was thrown into contention for the title mid-season and as the last race weekend of the season was getting excruciatingly closer, lando’s mood was dropping drastically. you understood it, not in the way that you were in the same situation as him, but frustration, pressure and disappointment weren’t strangers to you. you could see that your boyfriend was gradually becoming a ticking bomb, yet unsure when will his breaking point happen.
as it turned out, it happened on a second day after he got back from brazil. it was a silly argument that escalated to a major fight, resulting in you, driving back to your apartment in ventimiglia to give the brit his required space.
it wasn’t ideal, coming home, you hardly stepped a foot into your apartment, when lando was in monaco as you usually stayed at his place to get as much of him as possible in the — usually — short period of time. norris, unbeknownst to you, immediately felt terrible just as he watched you left. guilt creeped up his spine, yet he made no effort to stop you, knowing that he needed some space to get ahold of himself. no title could make him fill the void if he lost you.
so, after a few days of radio silence from one another, you were starting to feel like you were losing the precious time you had with lando. the clip from max fewtrell’s stream with your boyfriend there, saying that he’s eating food that sat in his fridge for more than six months or staying awake for 26 hours, has found its way into your twitter feed. it made you worry restlessly.
thirty or so minutes later, while lando was still playing some game with max and a few of their friends, you let yourself into his apartment and started rummaging through his to find all those expired items and threw them out, already making an order for new groceries. as much petty as you could be sometimes, you didn’t want your boyfriend to end up with food poisoning, it was kind of oscar’s thing now.
cleaning his fridge took you fifteen minutes at most, considering that you threw up a huge portion of its content. it was just then, when you decided to put on your big girl pants and face him. you made him some tea with lemon and honey, before quietly tapping him on the shoulder.
“jesus christ!” he shrieked, causing you to giggle. “mate, i think i’m having some sorta proper hallucinations.” your boyfriend spoke into his headset, not believing the sight in front of him — not believing that he was seeing you. you could’ve easily picked up the guys taking a piss out of him, which made you laugh even harder.
“you need sleep, lad.” “yeah, you sound like a maniac.” “that’s the expired meat speaking.”
“don’t worry ‘bout it, lads. i’ll take care of him.” you moved closer to the microphone to let the guys know that everything’s taken care of, fully aware that max, your boyfriend’s best friend, would get concerned.
“i’m super sorry.” lando spoke softly, once you left the discord call. his arms snuck around your waist, pulling you flush against him — almost as if he had really missed you. “i love you so much, please don’t break up with me.” he added. you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth to bite back the chuckle upon not only hearing his words, but also upon seeing his childish-like expression.
you managed to escape his embrace, dropping your hand into his, while trying to drag him back into his room for a nap. it wasn’t a hard task with lando trailing right behind you until you sat him down at the edge of the bed.
“i’m not mad at you, baby.” you reassured him in a gentle tone. your hand caressing his cheek. “i still love you, okay? but you gotta go to bed, lando. we’ll talk later, alright?” you tried to coax him into listening to you and you’ve succeeded.
WHEN YOUR BOYFRIEND WOKE UP A FEW HOURS later, he thought that your presence in his apartment was just a dream. having pushed himself off the bed, he walked to the kitchen to finish off his expired chicken. that’s when he found you lounging on the couch, while eating something that smelled incredibly well.
yup, he must’ve been hallucinating.
with that in mind, he didn’t even approach you, trying not to feed into his delusions. if his mates knew that he started seeing his girlfriend after eating something that spent a few months in his fridge, they would never let him live it down. he furrowed his brows at the sight of a pan full of carbonara that he had no recollection of making — maybe he should go see a doctor?
lando sighed in relief after having taken a sniff of the dish, realising that somehow it’s not gone bad. how did it ended up in his place? no idea.
“bloody hell, no more eating expired food. i’m seeing stuff.” the brit muttered, rubbing his face in slight frustration. upon hearing his quiet mutter, you let out a small chuckle, tilting your head to the side in amusement.
“lando, you know i’m real, right?” you mused, a small smile creeping up on your lips. your boyfriend’s forehead creased in confusion. god, he seemed so out of it. “as in, i came here this afternoon, you’re not seeing stuff.” your words were coated with hilarity as you gave him a look.
lando was bewildered. twenty six hours of sleep weren’t that much, how did he forget that you got to his apartment and, apparently, talked to him? his cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he put the plate down on the coffee table and sat next to you.
“i, uh, wanted to call.” he spoke, his head hanging a bit lower. “t’was unnecessary, my outburst, i mean.” a sigh escaped his lips. he was slowly beginning to look like a sad, kicked puppy.
“it was super unnecessary.” you agreed, running a hand through his hand in a slow motion. “we can’t really go back in time, can we?” he shook his head at your words, taking your hand in his hair as an invitation, so he moved closer to you, his arm sneaking around your waist.
“but you still love me?”
“yes, lando. i still love you.” you leaned your head on his shoulder.
“good, i would probably kill myself, uh, or die without you.”
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inky-duchess · 2 months ago
Fantasy Guide to the Army
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I have been asked to do this post for quite a long while and I finally got around to it. This guide is a basic guide, you may need to do further research into specific armies across the world. Armies are a necessary part to any world building, so what do we need to know about them?
(PS I had planned to include air force and navy but I am just one person and I cut myself, and the read more link, some slack)
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Field Marshal (FM) The Field Marshal is the highest rank of within the Army. The rank of Field Marshal was often granted in times of war (a general must have committed an act of valour, i.e. a victory). The rank can sometimes be used as a divisional command rank or brigade command. The UK, Austria-Hungary, Afghanistan, Germany, India, and Pakistan use the rank as a reward for achievement. Spain and Mexico use it for divisional command while countries such as Portugal, France and Brazil for use it for brigade command. The rank of Field Marshal is a "five star" position. The rank does not exist in the US army. They are addressed as Field Marshal Surname. Their insignia is two crossed batons surrounded by yellow leaves set under a crown.
General (Gen.) A General is the commanding officer of an army or army corps. It is currently the highest rank granted in most armies today, it is a 4 star position. A General is in charge of commanding large units, they are in charge of making strategic decisions for the army, oversee major military operations, manage the needs of the army. They are addressed as General Surname. Their insignia is four stars (US, France, Germany, Russia) and a sword and baton crossed under a crown and a star (UK). Lieutenant General (Lt.Gen) Lieutenant General commands an army corps or a division (tens of thousands of soldiers). They are also involved in strategic planning. They also hold positions within the Ministry of Defence/Equivalents. They would often serve as advisers to the government and aid Generals. It is a 3 star position and they addressed as Lieutenant General Surname. Their insignia is three stars (US, Germany, France, Russia) and a crossed sword and baton under a crown (UK)
Major General (Maj.Gen) Major General is a general officer in the army, responsible for leading and operational roles. They would command divisions of tens of thousands of soldiers. They support the officers above them, helping with strategy, executing the strategy, oversee the training of their units. They are addressed as Major General Surname. They are a 2 star position. Their insignia is a crossed sword and baton with a star (UK) and two stars (US, Germany, Russia, France). Brigadier General (Brig.Gen) Brigadier General is a one-star general officer in the army. They command brigades (3,000 to 5,000 soldiers), assisting Major Generals in tactical planning and coordination of operations. They are addressed as Brigadier General Surname. Their insignia is one star (Russia, Germany, US,), two silver stars (France) and s crown and three stars (for the UK, stars are known as pips). Colonel (Col) Colonels command brigades of about (3,000 to 5,000 soldiers), they are senior staff officers who both provide leadership to their units which are sometimes specialised agencies, such as task forces. Colonels are addressed as Colonel Surname. A silver eagle (US), a pair of diamond pips under a crown (UK), three silver pips upon shoulder braid with silver braid (Germany), three gold pips on a shoulder board with golden braid (France and Russia). Major (Maj) Majors command units of around 120 officers. They are in charge of the training and welfare of their soldiers, administrative duties within the barracks and within their unit. They are the primary staff officer in brigades. They assist superior officers in planning and executing missions and tactical plans. The Major is referred to as Major Surname. Their insignia is 2 gold stars on a shoulder board with golden braid (Russia, France) 2 silver pips on a shoulder board with silver braid (Germany), a crown (UK), a golden oak leaf (US)
Captain (Cpt) Captains lead companies usually around 50-200 soldiers. They are often the second officer in a company working alongside a superior officer. They are responsible for operations in the field such as ensuring equipment is kept up to date and in good condition, offering logistic support, and managing their troops. Captains are addressed as Captain Surname. Their insignia is two silver bars (US), three pips (UK), three silver pips on a shoulder board with silver braid (Germany), three golden pips on a shoulder board with gold braid (France, Russia) Lieutenant (Lt) Lieutenants command a platoon (about 30 odd soldiers). They are in charge of overseeing the training and discipline of their soldiers along with ensuring their welfare. They will participate in missions under the command of a superior. Lieutenants are addressed as Lieutenant Surname. Their insignia is two golden stars on a shoulder board with gold braid (Russia, France), two silver pips on a shoulder board with silver braid (Germany), two pips (UK), one silver bar (US) Second Lieutenant (2/Lt) The Second Lieutenant leads smaller units, working with enlisted soldiers. They are crucial in the training of soldiers, they maintaining personnel records and manage the resources needed for a mission or the units welfare. They would be addressed in conversation as Lieutenant but referred to as Second Lieutenant in dispatches and in correspondence. Their insignia is one gold bar (US), one pip (UK), one silver pip on a shoulder board with silver braid (Germany), one gold pip on a shoulder board with gold braid (Russia, France)
Enlisted Men
Warrant Officer 1st Class (1/WO)This is the most senior non-commissioned rank. They focus on discipline, prisoners, ammunition supplies and various technical and non-combatant services. In the UK, they often hold the rank of Regimental Sergeant Majors (RSMs) and are appointed by the Secretary of State Defence while in the US, the Secretary of the Army appoints them. They are addressed as Mr/Ms/Mrs Surname or Chief. Their insignia is one silver bar and a black square (US), the royal coat of arms (UK), four silver pips on a shoulder board with silver braid (Germany), three gold chevrons and a gold star (France), two gold stars on a shoulder board with golden braid (Russia) Warrant Officer 2nd Class (2/WO) The Warrant Officer Second Class would do similar jobs as the WO1, but they handle the below regimental section. Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1). WO2s can be referred to as Company Sergeant Majors (CSMs) or Squadron Sergeant Majors (SSMs) (depending on their unit). They take roles within training, discipline and aiding the Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1). Addressed as CSMs/SSMs and as Mr./Mrs/Ms. Their insignia is one gold star on a shoulder board with gold braid (Russia), Three golden chevrons (France), three silver pips on a shoulder board with silver braid (Germany), crown (UK), silver bar with two squares (US). Sergeant (Sgt)The Sergeant are responsible for the soldiers under their command. They oversee their team, acting as mentors and supervisors to their soldiers. Sergeants are over a squad of 10 soldiers. They are responsible them, from performance, prepare them for combat and their needs. They are addressed as Sergeant Surname. Their insignia is three chevrons (US, UK), two silver pips on a shoulder board with silver pips (Germany), two golden chevrons (France) and three golden chevrons (Russia). Corporal (Cpl)Corporals lead small squads of soldiers, no more than . Corporals are in charge of the training of their soldiers and ensuring that they are up to standard. They handle all the paperwork for their squad such as records. Corporals will accompany their soldiers on missions, leading patrols and overseeing their soldiers in the field. They are usually responsible for large pieces of equipment. They are addressed as Corporal Surname. Their insignia two chevrons (US, UK), one silver pips with shoulder board with a silver braid (Germany), two gold chevron (France, Russia). Lance Corporal (L.Cpl)Lance Corporals help Corporals lead their teams, acting as their second in command. They are in charge of disciplining, mentoring and leading their squads. They are also in charge of large weapons. They are addressed as Lance Corporal Surname. Their insignia one golden chevron (Russia, France), none/one silver pip (Germany), one chevron (UK) and one chevron with crossed rifles (US) Private (Pte)Privates are the lowest rank in the army. They will have just come out of training with the basic skills of a soldier. Privates are given tasks by superior officers, must obey the orders given and are usually given the more hands-on tasks, such as maintenance of weapons and their camp. They are addressed as Private Surname. Their insignia is one chevron/none (US), no insignia (UK, France, Russia, Germany).
Non-Commissioned Officers vs Commissioned Officers
You may have often heard the term "non-commissioned officer" if you have ever watched any war media. The difference is that Commissioned Officers receive their rank via a formal document signed by a high-ranking official, such as the monarch or a political leader. The Commissioned Officers are usually Lieutenants, Colonels, Generals, Captains, Majors. They are responsible for giving orders and making decisions. Non-Commissioned Officers are promoted from the enlisted ranks, gaining their promotion on skills alone. They are in charge of discipline, training and carrying out orders. They are usually ranked among Corporals and Sergeants.
Jobs within the Army
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No army is just made up of officers and their soldiers. An army is like a town on the move, there are hundreds of different tasks that must be undertaken to ensure the army is fed, transported, kept in line and kept equipped.
Medic: Medics are the first responders for wounded soldiers, they administer first aid, medication and medical care to the soldiers in their unit. Medics are usually NCOs.
Chaplain: Is a soldier with some religious or spiritual calling that administers last rites, confession, spiritual guidance and solace for soldiers. They will see to soldiers of all creeds and faiths.
Artillery Crew: The Artillery Crew handle the maintenance and inventory of artillery weapons and related equipment. NCOs with training in the handling of artillery.
Military Police: The Military Police are force within the army that keep soldiers in line, maintain order and arrest any soldier caught doing a crime on the job. Always NCOs.
Intelligence: This is the information post, which involves fact gathering, recording and study of information needed by the army to mobilise.
Quartermaster: The quartermaster manages the distribution and gathering of all the things needed for the army from uniforms to equipment for the soldier's packs. Usually NCOs.
Mess Officer: The Mess Officer oversees the Mess Hall, managing the staff as they cook and prepare the army's meals. The Mess Officer would also be in charge of budgeting, inventory, health and safety and providing meals timely. Usually an officer, Captains and Lieutenants.
Adjutant: Is an officer who acts as an assistance to a superior officer taking on secretarial duties such as paperwork and arranging their diary. Usually a Captain or a Major.
Combat Engineer: The Combat Engineer is in charge of maintaining and building fortifications. NCOs with specialised skills in the field.
Logistics: Logistic Specialists handle the supplies, equipment and arranging transportation. NCOs.
Armourer: The armourer is in charge of weapons and ammunition. They handle any repairs needed and see to the safe storing of these valuable items. NCOs.
Communications Specialist: These Specialists handle communications, the communication equipment and its maintenance. NCOs usually with previous experience or training.
Mechanics: Mechanics are in charge of the maintenance of vehicles and machinery. They handle repairs, do check ups, offer support in the field and ensure everything is in good shape. NCOs with training and skills in the area.
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The soldiers will not be going into any situation without equipment - at least, not at first. Equipment is like gold dust in the field, especially if a unit is within enemy territory or the supply chain cannot be relied upon. Soldiers may often turn to thievery in order to resupply themselves with ammunition, weapons, supplies and even boots. In WWII, the newly formed company the Special Air Service - the SAS - actually raided their allies for supplies.
The soldier would carry essential supplies when they are first deployed. These would include (may vary):
Flasks/Canteen: Or some sort of drinking container. A soldier will need to hydrate if they don't wish to die-dydrate on a long march. They may also carry water purification chemicals such as iodine.
First Aid Kits: All soldiers will carry the basics of a first aid kit. This would include bandages, gauze, burn ointment, tourniquet, pain relief (not the good stuff), scissors and tweezers.
Knife: It is always handy to have something to cut things with.
Gun Cleaning Tools: Soldiers will have the equipment to care for their weapons. An uncared for weapon is an invitation for death.
Ammunition: A soldier would carry ammunition with them.
Entrenching Equipment: Something to dig with, usually a collapsible shovel.
Rations: Soldiers may often carry some sort of food with them, usually of the preserved kind.
Some form of shelter: Soldiers may carry something to shelter themselves such as a sleeping bag, a tent, a blanket.
Signal Mirror: Soldiers carry signal mirrors to send visual signals to communicate with others.
Toiletries: Basic hygiene items.
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Soldiers will not only just need equipment to survive on the field. Soldiers will carry all sorts of weapons on them. It was up to the soldier to care for the weapon and ensure it is up to scratch. Ammunition, of course, doesn’t grow on trees and nor do weapons. Weapons and ammunition like supply I mentioned above could often be “liberated” from the enemy or even unwitting allies. Every soldier will carry:
A rifle: This is the long-range weapon carried by almost all soldiers. They will use this in combat, especially if fighting from a fixed position.
A handgun or a pistol: Most soldiers will carry a secondary gun. These guns are useful in tight spaces or close combat.
Bayonet: A knife or blade that is attached to the rifle. This allows a soldier to stab the enemy with their rifle.
Combat Knife: A knife used in combat.
Mortar: This is a short-barrelled artillery piece. It is used to fire shells at steep angles.
Hand Grenades: These are handheld explosives carried by soldiers. They have a delayed fuse, meaning that they are useful as both a long-range weapon and as a close-range weapon – one could leave one behind as a present. They are typically activated by pulling the pin, flinging it away from the body, toward the enemy and denoted.
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Above in rankings, we went through the insignia which is the symbols on one's uniform that denotes your rank and place in the hierarchy of things. Soldiers will be inspected every day to ensure their uniforms are up to standard and will face the wrath of superiors if their uniforms are unkempt and their appearance not up to the mark. Every private learns how to shine their own boots, sort out their own uniforms and are responsible for looking their best. There are different kinds of uniform for a soldier.
Casual Uniform: This uniform is comprised of a more casual uniform, made up of a tunic/shirt, trousers and boots. Certain units will wear caps and berets denoting their unit and rank as well. Combat Uniform: This is worn on the field. It will often reflect the climate the soldier is going into, so will be light and heavy depending on the weather. A soldier would wear a combat jacket, trousers, wear a helmet, wear their identification tags/dog tags. These would be in mute colours, usually khaki or camouflage. Service Dress Uniform: This is worn during official duties and formal events. It comprises of a dress shirt, tie, peaked cap/beret, creased trousers and a jacket with their insignia, unit symbols and medals. Dress Uniform: This is worn during very formal ceremonies. A formal jacket pinned with ribbons, embroidered insignia and the medals of their achievements and commendations, creased trousers, dress shirt and tie, polished shoes and a formal hat cap/beret.
Life of a soldier (On Base and in the Field)
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Soldiers on active duty will be expected to manage many tasks, not just firing at the enemy or storming enemy beaches. Soldiers are expected to fulfil maintenance work, defence, offence, administrative duties (if needed), engineering and communications.
On Base: A soldier’s day will be planned right down to the second. They will get up at a certain time, have an allotted time to get ready and tidy up their bunk, report to various drills and participate and have a list of duties to undertake within the day. These duties involve maintenance on base, helping with any office work, guarding and patrolling, doing specialised tasks such as helping in the infirmary. Most privates will do the grunt work, anything hands on or labour intensive while officers will see to training soldiers or paperwork or supply management.
In the Field: The life of a soldier in the field wasn’t as regimented as on base – it can’t be, since most soldiers won’t have the exact same day especially in battle or marching from place to place. But every soldier will have certain duties to undertake. Of course, fighting will be included, some soldiers would take it in shifts to man a fixed position or to engage the enemy or to participate in missions into new or enemy territory. Soldiers would take their place “out on the line”, patrolling the edges of their camp to ensure they can’t be crept up on. Soldiers will erect camp every night they aren’t marching which includes the putting up of tents, digging of latrine pits, building fortifications. Soldiers not out on the line or engaging the enemy will spend their time at camp either helping in the mess hall, in the infirmary or keeping the camp ship-shape. Soldiers may often be sent out to “forage” (*cough, cough* steal) whatever they need such as food.
The Realities of the Army
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Good vs Evil. Yes, sometimes the army are the heroes. But in reality, war is a grey area. No army in the world is wholly bad or innocent. Every single army on earth has committed war crimes and every army has had to make decisions which some would find morally reprehensible. The point is that painting an army as the good guys or the bad guys in your narrative can’t work because it isn’t realistic. You can of course highlight these issues by the actions of a few soldiers while still retaining the antagonists and the heroes. You can of course pit the ideals of both sides in a war together, to firmly push your reader toward the good guys vs the bad guys. But the reality is a simple one: all armies kill, all armies steal and all armies destroy.
Civilian vs Soldier: The Reality Civilians suffer at the hands of their own army as well as the enemy. Civilians often had to deal with soldiers taking their crops, livestock and overtaking their homes in searches for food, shelter and resources. Enemy civilians would also put up with pillaging, looting and in some cases death, assault and sexual abuse. It is of course against protocol to harm civilians but things do happen in theatres of war.
The Army vs the Soldier
While the army expects a lot out of the soldier as an induvial, the army can often fall short of their duties to that soldier. This can be unintentional, for example supplies can get lost or stolen. But there are instances where soldiers and their needs are sacrificed for the greater good. They maybe passed over for supplies or reinforcements for another unit. They may be placed in difficult circumstances without any hope of relief. They may not have the equipment needed to fight their battle or stay alive. Sometimes, armies even shot their own soldiers for insubordination, ex. In WW1, many soldiers on all sides were shot by their own for “cowardice” – this may have been the case, but some cases involved soldiers who were suffering from PTSD.
Choice vs Obligation vs Threat Why do soldiers fight? What makes somebody join the army? Sometimes it is the search of opportunity, of a place, of rank and a purpose. But sometimes, going to war isn’t the choice of the soldier. Drafts and conscription make military service compulsory for certain age groups and genders. In peacetime, soldiers are enlisted voluntarily in most armies while some countries have compulsory service time even in times of peace. In some wars, criminals in prison were offered the chance to serve in the war as penance for their crimes. There are of course instances when one is threatened or forced into an armed force.
The Effects of War on the Soldier War changes people. The things soldiers see and have to do within war and training will inevitably change them as people. Sometimes, the change is positive, the army has been named by many people as the thing that straightened them out and have them structure. The army sometimes allows soldiers to travel and gain access to opportunities and education that they may never have had access to before. But undeniably, war has negatives effects on soldiers and civilians. Soldiers may suffer from PTSD, depression, suicidal thoughts and feel a disconnect between themselves and their old lives. Soldiers often find it hard to return to their life after the war, especially in radically different settings with people who don’t understand what they have been through. This can lead to substance abuse issues, alcoholism, problems with the law and troubles within relationships among family and romantic partners. Soldiers of course can get injuries while in war or even in training. Loss of limbs, damage to the brain and other organs, broken bones, burns, shrapnel injuries and of course gunshot wounds are all common. Soldiers often get ill while in the field, such illnesses including typhoid, hypothermia, trench foot, dysentery, malaria, pneumonia etc. These are caused by the close living quarters and the often-sub-standard living conditions. Soldiers would often be at risk for pests such as lice and fleas because of their living conditions. Soldiers may often face problems with nutrition, might suffer from dehydration and starvation especially if supplies are scarce.
The Geneva Convention
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Your world may not include the Geneva Convention, may pre-date the Geneva Convention or Geneva may not be a place within your WIP, but I include this here so you might have a fair idea about the “rules” of modern warfare. This is just a brief version.
Medical personnel are not to be specifically targeted in operations.
Medical facilities and equipment is not be targeted in operations
Any wounded soldiers or civilians are to be treated, despite allegiance.
Prisoners cannot be tortured or harmed in any way
Prisoners must be fed, well-kept and treated for any injury
Prisoners are not under obligation to tell their captors anything but their name, rank and other personal information – this is so they can be recorded and all information must be recorded and sent to the captured soldier's officers
Prisoners must be allowed to communicate with family and friends.
Prisoners have the right to receive any packages or mail.
Prisoners have the right to access the services of the Red Cross, who cannot be prevented from visiting and inspecting them
Prisoners who are seriously wounded or ill must be released
Any religious figures are to be captured and released as soon as possible
Soldiers cannot take hostages, they cannot pillage, they cannot take slaves.
Soldiers must abstain from humiliating and degrading any captured soldiers or civilians.
Reprisals against civilians and other soldiers are forbidden.
Group punishment is not permitted (Yes, that one teacher did break the Geneva Convention)
Prisoners can be tried by their captors, but they are entitled to a fair trial.
All POWs shall be released at the end of conflict
At sea, hospital ships cannot engage in war.
Any shipwrecked crew on a ship must be rescued despite allegiance.
Children, pregnant women, mothers with very young children, the elderly, the sick and wounded who are imprisoned for a long time, must be released as soon as possible.
Surrendering soldiers, civilians and civilians who participate in acts against an army cannot be harmed and must be taken alive.
The use of weapons to cause suffering, say a non-fatal wound or mutilation is prohibited.  
It outlaws indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations and destruction of food, water and other materials needed for survival.
The destruction of resources that could affect the population such as poisoning the water supply is not permitted.
Certain infrastructure cannot be destroyed or targeted. This includes dams and nuclear stations. Cultural landmarks and religious landmarks are also to be spared.
Recruitment of children into the armed forces is prohibited.
The use of certain symbols such as the Red Cross in order to deceive the enemy is prohibited.
Civilians who do not take part in combat are to be treated respectfully. They are protected from violence from soldiers.
Children and vulnerable people are top-priority to be evacuated to safe havens as soon as possible. All efforts will be made to reunite them with family.
The targeting of civilians and anything that sustains their well-being such as food sources is prohibited.
Military Terminology
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This is by no means a full list but these are the most commonly used terms.
Boots on the ground – to physically be in a location
Inspection - a superior officer takes formal note of appearance, condition of living area and weapons.
Drill – a practise in various manoeuvres, marches, procedures
Pass - leave to have some free time, sometimes off base.
Off base - away from military barracks
Tour of duty – the period of time which an action is completed in.
Civvies – Civilian clothing
Detail - a specific task undertaken by a unit or soldier
Mess hall - dining facility
Latrine - toilet
Latrine duty - digging a Latrine pit or cleaning the facility
Flanking - Attacking an enemy formation from the sides
Envelopment - surrounding the enemy from multiple sides
Penetration - breaking past the enemy’s front lines
Reconnaissance by Fire - Firing at positions that may be occupied by the enemy to provoke them into returning fire (so you know where they are)
Ambush - Attacking from concealed position
Retreat - go back the way you came (DO NOT COLLECT €200)
Feigned Retreat - Pretending to retreat and then attacking the enemy
Perimeter - boundary of fortified area
No Man's Land - the space between front lines
Contact line - where opposing sides meet to fight
Supply line - the route the supplies get from base to the field.
Front line - the furthest out troops are place on the line, this is where the most intense fighting happens
Barracks - sleeping quarters in base
Foxhole - a dug position in the ground
Combatant: A person actively engaged in fighting.
Non-combatant: A person not engaged in a conflict.
Civilian: Somebody who is not a member of any military unit.
Militia: Civilians who are armed and trained to fight.
Guerrilla: Small, independent units that takes up arms against an armed force. Very effective.
Saboteur: Somebody who deliberately sabotages equipment and supplies.
Spy: Somebody who gathers information about the enemy.
Operative: A soldier who carries out a specific task.
Mercenary: A soldier for hire
Contractor: A person or a group of people who are hired to provide advice, services and additional support to the army and their operations.
Conscription: Compulsory enlistment.
Enlistment: Joining the army.
Exercise: Simulated military practises or manoeuvres for training.
War game: Simulated war fare for training.
Mission: The operation.
Objective/Target: The objective of the mission.
Campaign: Multiple operations.
Down Range – being within the combat zone
In-Country – being within in a war zone
Quarters – can mean one of two things either it is a medic's order to stay in the camp or barracks or military family housing.
Squared away - to fix
Siege: Where one army sits outside a fortified town or position and tries to claim it.
Convoy: A large group of vehicles such as trucks, jeeps and tanks travel together. It is harder to target more than one vehicle.
Escort: More vehicles and soldiers who accompany a convoy.
Strike/Assault: Attacking the enemy.
Counterattack: An attack to respond to a previous attack
Rear: Behind the formation
Front: Before the formation.
Line: The formation.
Column: The formation in a line.
Formation: The arrangement of soldiers
Deployment: Soldiers moving to a position.
Redeployment: Sending soldiers to another position.
Mobilization: Readying soldiers, their supplies and equipment for deployment.
Demobilization: The disbanding of soldiers after an operation.
Reserve: Soldiers and equipment held back. This is usually to conserve soldiers and supplies for emergencies or shortages.
Reinforcement: More soldiers and equipment sent to the soldiers on the line to bulster their efforts.
Casualty: Death, injury, missing.
KIA: Killed in action.
MIA: Missing in action.
Surrender: Yielding to the enemy.
Ceasefire: An agreement to cease hostilities.
Armistice: A temporary stay of fighting.
Battalion: A large unit of soldiers. Usually in the range of 300 upwards to 800 or so soldiers.
Regiment: A unit made up of several battalions.
Division: A military unit (10,000-20,000)
Corps: A unit, (20,000-50,000)
Theatre: The place where military operations are undertaken.
Engagement: A battle or a conflict with the enemy.
Manoeuvre: Planned movement.
Logistics: The planning of moving soldiers and equipment to soldiers.
Ordnance: Supplies.
Artillery: Large-calibre firearms.
Infantry: Soldiers who fight on foot.
Reconnaissance: Gaining information about the enemy and their positions.
Tactical: Planning and implementation the military strategies.
Strategic: Planning and directing strategies.
Operational: The following through of military operations.
Command/Control: The authority to direct military operations.
Communications: The passing of information between units, base and HQ.
HQ: Head Quarters
Intelligence: Information about the enemy
Counterintelligence: Preventing the enemy from gaining information about the army, such as the famous Operation Mincemeat.
Camouflage: The use of material or paint to hide oneself from one’s enemy.
Fortification: Defensive structure
Entrenchment: Digging trenches or foxholes.
Garrison: Military station.
Bivouac: A temporary camp, but this camp is without no cover. This means no tents or shelter.
Dog Tags - Metal identification tags worn by soldiers
Patrol: Soldiers will leave camp or their positions to walk within their boundaries
Raid: Attacking on the enemy’s position.
Zero Dark Thirty - Early as fuck, from 0100 hrs to sunrise.
Copy - I understand
Unit - can mean any organisation in the military
Platoon - a section within a company made up of 30-50 soldiers
Contact - Engaging with the enemy
Tactically Acquired - Stolen
Squad - a smaller faction of a company
CO - Commanding officer
XO - second in command
Hang Fire - wait for the next set of orders
Demilitarized Zone - a place that is no go for military equipment, weapons and soldiers
AWOL - Absent without leave
PT - Physical Training
Skivvies - ones undergarments
Active Duty - Full time duty in active service
As You Were - Go back doing whatever you were doing or standing how you were standing
BOLO - Be on the Lookout
CP - checkpoint
Bunk - Bed
Ruck - backpack
Smoked - physical punishment for an infraction.
Zone of Action - a specific part of the tactical area.
About face - a manoeuvre where a someone or a group turn to face the opposite direction.
POW - Prisoner of War
POW Camp - facility to house POWs
Halt - stop marching/moving
Present Arms - salute, typically by presenting one's weapon or raising the right hand to the forehead
Parade Rest - stand with one's feet shoulder-width apart, hands folded behind their back
Fall out - break formation
Fall in - get into formation
At ease - stand in a more relaxed position
Attention - stand upright, heels together, back straight, shoulders back, arms at the sides.
Books and Media I recommend
Band of Brothers (HBO, Limited Series)
Beyond Band of Brothers by Dick Winters
Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose
The Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Alexievich
Lady Death: The Memoirs of Stalin's Sniper by Lyudmila Pavlichenko
The Six Triple Eight
Some Desperate Glory: The First World War the Poets Knew by Max Egremont
Poems of the Great War 1914-18
Poems of the Great War by Wilfred Owen
Poems of the Great War by Siegfried Sassoon
Poems of the Great War by Robert Graves
Poems of the Great War by Rupert Brooke
Poems of the Great War by David Jones
SAS Rogue Heroes (BBC)
SAS: Rogue Heroes: The Authorised Wartime History by Ben MacIntyre
Saving Private Ryan
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
All Quiet on the Western Front
Private Peaceful by Michael Mupurgo
War Horse by Michael Mupurgo
Road to War by Valerie Wilding
The Trenches by Jim Elderidge
D-Day by Byran Perett
D-Day by Ben MacIntyre
Japan's Pacific War by Peter Williams
Operation Mincemeat by Ben MacIntyre
War Nurse by Sue Reid
Helmet for my Pillow by Robert Leckie
With the Old Breed by Eugene B Sledge
Hacksaw Ridge
D-Day Through German Eyes: How the Wehrmacht Lost France by Jonathan Trigg
Britain’s Secret Defences: Civilian saboteurs, spies and assassins during the Second World War by Andrew Chatterton
If You're Reading This...: Last Letters from the Front Line by Sian Price
A Bridge Too Far
Firepower in Limited War by Robert Scales
Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger
The Things They Cannot Say: Stories Soldiers Won't Tell You About What They've Seen, Done or Failed to Do in War by Kevin Sites
On Artillery by Bruce Gudmundsson
Letters From Iwo Jima
Das Boot
The Longest Day
Come and See
War Horse
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 2 years ago
This Brazilian frog might be the first pollinating amphibian known to science
Nectar-loving tree frog likely moves pollen from flower to flower
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The creamy fruit and nectar-rich flowers of the milk fruit tree are irresistible to Xenohyla truncata, a tree frog native to Brazil. On warm nights, the dusky-colored frogs take to the trees en masse, jostling one another for a chance to nibble the fruit and slurp the nectar. In the process, the frogs become covered in sticky pollen grains—and might inadvertently pollinate the plants, too. It’s the first time a frog—or any amphibian—has been observed pollinating a plant, researchers reported last month in Food Webs.
Scientists long thought only insects and birds served as pollinators, but research has revealed that some reptiles and mammals are more than up to the task. Now, scientists must consider whether amphibians are also capable of getting the job done. It’s likely that the nectar-loving frogs, also known as Izecksohn’s Brazilian tree frogs, are transferring pollen as they move from flower to flower, the authors say. But more research is needed, they add, to   confirm that frogs have joined the planet’s pantheon of pollinators.
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katiascraft · 3 months ago
༄“I would set the world on fire for you” | LN4 ⟢
Parings: lando norris x gf!reader.
Summary: after the Brazil GP, lando comes home to the worst week of his year. Also, it was his birthday. So even though the world hates him, you wanna make sure he is loved and he did nothing wrong. And that if you could you would set the world on fire for him.
Word count: +5k.
Warnings: written and smau. angst and fluff at the same time. Anxiety attack. Overthinking. Selfhatred. Language. And that’s it. I’m not a native English speaker so there could be (so many) errors. Not proofread.
Author’s note: lately I NEED to write things to cope with my feelings so here it is. Hope Vegas is good to all of my boys 💌 don’t forget to like, reflow or comment! Ur support its way loved here. and follow me so we can be friends :3 (and drink mate together!)
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Your heart was completely shattered. Your heart was racing to get out of your car at the airport. In exactly 20 minutes your boyfriend will be back home after the worst weekend ever imagined. You couldn't assist the Brazilian GP because of your work schedule. You had a few meetings after Mexico gp. And you felt so guilty about it. You knew lando would be more protected if you were there. At least in the intimacy of you, emotionally speaking. Having someone there for him to hug and to comfort him. to calm his mind. To stop the self hatred you knew it was playing right now in his head. 
Lando is an overthinker and you get him because you were also one. You knew to which scenarios his mind can travel to and how painful it can be for him to live with himself sometimes. You were fighting your tears reading all of the atrocious things people commented online. You knew that wasn't real life. But you also knew he would see all that and how that would weigh in his heart. They can never let him win. And the worst part was only because it was just him. Other drivers could do or say worse things and everybody would laugh and brush it off. But when it came to Lando, he was a monster, a loser, an arrogant son of a bitch. That hurt deeply. Because in reality lando is the sweetest soul you have ever met. And you knew how vulnerable he could be. Tho you always admired him for that. You always thought that the bravest and strongest people in this world are the ones that admit to need help, the ones that are vulnerable and open about it. In a world this cruel, that was no easy task. But he did time and time again.and he did even knowing how shitty people were gonna be to him. Though, he did it for people he knew that counted on him. Lando always talks about how people sometimes come to him saying he has saved their lives and the impact he had on them. It's something beautiful yet that weighted on his  shoulders as well, you thought. 
You crossed the airport gates. Anxiety shaking your whole body. You wanted to hug him so bad. To tell him everything was gonna be fine. 
You opened the flight information he sent you before his plane took off so you looked for the probable gate he was coming out of when landed. Even though you were anxious you were also relieved that he was home with you.
After a few minutes passed by, a lot of people started coming out of the door you were waiting for. You started gazing at everyone just to find him. After a bunch of people got out, there he was. One of the last ones to go through the door. When you saw him your body almost came undone. You were out of air for a moment while the two of you got closer. When he is finally within reach, you give him the strongest hug you could. He melted on you, hugging you by your neck. Not much time passed when you heard him crying hid in your neck. Your heart that was shattered, broke immediately. You tighter your grip unto him. He started to sob and you couldn't hold your own tears at that point. You knew he had the worst time on that flight, alone with his cruel thoughts torturing him for hours. And there was nothing that you could do to protect him. You couldn't say a word. There was nothing that you could say that it would make things better right now. 
Lando was sobbing and shaking. His levels of anxiety reached a high when he saw you standing there looking for him desperately with your eyes. He needed you. But life’s a bitch and you couldn't stay with him throughout the whole American leg. He came undone in your arms. He needed to hug you for so long. He was broken. His mind replying to all the mistakes he made. All of his wrong decisions. All of the shit he said. He was embarrassed, angry and defeated. He was ashamed of himself. Disgusted. Frustrated and scared.  
Yu rubbed his back trying to comfort him in the hug and trying to not cry so you could be the strong one for him. He needed you, you knew it. And you wanted to fix all of this in a snap of fingers, but you couldn't. 
“It’s okay baby. You are gonna be alright, I promise. I love you. You’re home now ", Yu said, to make him feel at least slightly better. When he heard you he started sobbing even harder. You let him take all the time he needed. While doing so, you tried to see where you were and how you could, if someone was recording and taking a picture. Fortunately you were almost alone. It was the last flight arriving for today. You feel relieved knowing this won't be used against him by the cruel internet trolls. 
The drive home was silent. No music, no speaking. He didn't even look at you the whole ride. He was looking through the window avoiding any contact with society you thought while driving your Audi R8 V10 GT RWD through the illuminated Monaco streets. It was around 9pm. You had cooked for him some home made pasta you knew he adored. You just wanted him to feel better. 
When you got home, he took his bags to the room with your help. You left his second suitcase next to his wardrobe and saw him lying on the bed.
“I made your fav homemade pasta. Do you want me to bring it here and eat it in bed?” you offered him with a soft voice. He was looking to the ceiling. He did not answer right away, but after a few moments he did.
“I'm not hungry, but thank you. Maybe i'll eat later” he said with a deep cracky voice and turned himself in the bed showing you his back. You frowned a bit. 
He couldn't look at you. He hated that you could see him like this. He was ashamed of himself drawing in self pity and self hatred. He felt he let you down. 
“Aln, did you eat something during the flight at least?” you asked worriedly, walking forward to the bed so you could get closer to him. You sat on the table next to his back looking at him. You didn't want to touch him just because you didn't know if he would want you to. You didn't want to be invasive. You stayed in silence for a few minutes. You understood he didn't eat, that he didn't want to either or speak. So you stood up and let him have his alone time closing the door gently behind your back.
You ate alone that night.in silence just as if you could hear him from your kitchen aisle. The past was really good. You turned off your phone after washing the dishes and tidied the kitchen and living room up. You didn't want to see what social media was saying about your lover before bed. It was already enough scrolling and reading so many people wishing lando to die. That was the hardest part of it all. You left your phone charging on the kitchen counter and went to your shared room. When you entered he was already showered getting into the bed again. You half smiled at him even though he couldn't see you. You put on your pajamas in silence and climbed up the bed. He looked at you while you were getting comfortable next to him. 
Your eyes met. Any of you said anything. Just looked at each other trying to read each other thought as if that was possible. He licked his dry lips. His eyes turned glassy.
“I messed everything up,” he said almost in a whisper. Your heart is breaking again. You shook your head at him getting closer and bringing him into your chest. You hugged him tightly.
“No you didnt baby. Sometimes people are just mean, you know? They will interpret things as the wish” you said softly rubbing his back and arm and caressing his hair gently. He felt a bit better under your frame. He felt protected but as a little kid when missbehaved so now he tries to find comfort. He didn't want to cry.he was trying hard not to let tears stream down his cheeks.  You kissed his forehead and made him look at you. “I know you dont wanna talk about it but i  love and i am so deeply and entirely proud of you” you whisper close to his face. You saw him pout and the first tears coming down his face. You hugged him tightly. He hid in your neck and eventually fell asleep. You wanted to set the world on fire for this. You wanted to ruin every single person who says awful things about it. The comments, the media. You wanted to destroy everything and everyone just to protect him. He doesn't deserve this. He is an angel and you can't believe the world could only see the devil in him. 
Lando tried to sleep but he couldn't. Everytime he closed his eyes, all of the tragic scenes from the race replayed in his mind. How the car felt, the rain, the radio messages, Oscar's voice, comments from his engineer . everything replayed in his head torturing him the worst way possible. He felt like getting down. He felt alone and miserable. He remembered Oscar words replying in his mind over and over again. “You will eventually make it, mate”. It was a positive message but he replayed it like a fucking nightmare. 
What if he never makes it? What if he doesn't have what it takes? What if people are right? What if he is actually a monster and deserves to die? What if he did? Would they like him again or figure him out? Would anyone care about his feelings? Why does it have to be him and not someone else? Why are they all so cruel to him?
He couldn't stop thinking about every single detail about the weekend. He didn't want to celebrate his birthday anymore. He had you there but couldn't look at you. He felt disgusted by himself. He can't control it. He wants to go back into go karts and stop the time when he was actually happy and having fun with his friends. Now that line between friends and enemies is so blurry for him. Max didn't talk to him like before when all of this shit started. He knew Max was really competitive, of course he did, everyone knew it since day 1. But what about their friendship? Lando shit talked, max shit talked. He felt so confused even by his own feelings around this whole shitty situation or championship situation. Whatever you want to call it. 
When you woke up the next morning he was gone. You felt kind of confused for a bit. You heard him talking so you guessed he was speaking on the phone. When you got up from bed you walked out the room to find him. When you got closer to the living room you knew he was talking to Max on facetime because you heard his voice. 
“Morning, guys” you said, getting into the kitchen for some water to take your thyroid pills. Lando looked at you half-smile. 
“Good morning baby” he said as sweetly as he could. You smiled at him. Before coming back to your room to shower and stuff you went and gave him a good morning kiss making Max almost throw up when he saw you in a funny way. You showed him the middle finger and disappeared so he could talk in private with his mate. You respected his place a lot. And i guess that’s why you understand so much each other. 
The following day things got worse. Lando hasn't eaten any meal you prepared for him, didn't even want to have take out or anything. You found him crying in the kitchen and in the garden by the pool of your house. His anxiety was killing him, you knew. The desperation and guilt were eating him alive and you didn't know what to do rather than try to talk and comfort him.
He was sitting on the sofa in the living room. His sight was fixed on the floor without moving. You got alarmed because you knew what was going on. You got close slowly to not trigger him even more. His face was red, his hands sweaty and shaking. You sat on the floor diagonal from him looking at him. Slowly and gently you grabbed his hands trying to capture his brain's attention and get him out of the fog he was in. You were almost sure he was having an anxiety attack and he started because of your touch. You gently rubbed your fingers in his hands. He was out of breath for a moment and you got scared so you tried to do as your therapist told you in case someone you know goes through this. 
“Lan, can you hear me? Try to pay attention to my voice okay? I'm here and I'm with you dull be alright” you said really softly trying to make him look at you. You looked for his eyes with your gaze. “It’s not as terrible as you think, baby, I promise. You aren't all of those things people comment” you used your words carefully. His hands caught your strength and so you reassured him. You saw his pout becoming deeper. You hurt to see him like this. It was so unfair. He doesnt deserve this, god. And he broke. He broke down again. His tears streamed down his face. Sobbing in so much pain. You sat next to him to hug him tightly once more. But now you knew it was worse. He was shaking under your arms.you let him go through this. So he can let go of all of this shit inside him. “I promise lando, you aren't all of those things. People are just mean and cruel. You are a good baby and so talented. Gifted. You have it in you I promise, I can see it” you tried to comfort him with your words as well, trying to distract your mind from the tragic thought he was dealing with by himself. A few tears fell down your face. It was a hard time. And you were trying to be strong for him. 
“I'm so stupid I'm sorry” he sobbed and you shook your head. 
“No, Lando, you aren't. I promise okay? Believe me.i know you and you aren't. And this will pass. All the people that know you for real, we love you and we are so proud of you. You had an amazing year. You are fucking fighting a three time world champion, even sooner than he did with lewis back in 2021. That’s huge my love. Your dream is near, I just know it. Because I know you, and you’ll make it, baby. You didn't let anyone down. You're getting stronger so when you finally make it, all of these moments will make it taste so much better and sweeter” you explained while rubbing his back. Your words made an effect on him. Heslowly calming down. He didn't want to let you go. He wanted to just stay there in your arms. Where he felt safe and sound. Noone could hurt him there. That was what made him fall for you. You saw him. You knew him. And you care about him. He was finally important for someone for being lando, and not lando norris formula one driver. His past lovers left him feeling confused whether they loved him for him or their idea of him. You came outta nowhere and blew him away. You were brutally honest, no filter yet so gentle and caring with your words. He thought his perfect girl didn't exist but then there was you, listening to him for hours if he needed to. Giving him the best advice and clearing his perspective. Always cheering him up. Cracking jokes so he could distract and feel relaxed. Heknew he was in love with you the moment you offered to give him a ride because he was drunk as well at a new years party. It was normal but the fact that a stranger could do that for him blew his mind. He never admitted afraid people would think it’s weird. But it is what it is. Your smile ended him right there and when you started cracking jokes he didn't want to live in that damn car for the rest of his life. So here you are 4 years later,and you still be the greatest person in the world and the one who knew him the most. He felt your lips on his forehead. For a moment he thought about leaving racing. What if his life was better without it in it? He could go back to Bristol and be with his friends. With you. Maybe start a family and have a normal job so you could spend each day together. He started crying again at that thought. He loved racing but this year was the hardest yet amazing one. 
He finally calmed down after a few minutes in silence. He looked at you with puppy eyes. You caressed his face gently brushing a few tears falling down still. 
“Would you be there with me? Could you?” he asked, making you a bit confused. And he noticed. “To the races. I need you there. Please. To every race and when I become a champion,would you be there with me? You could feel he's scared. You half smiled at him melting as his comment.
“Of course I'll be there, baby. I’ll always be there for and with you. If I could , I would set the whole world on fire just for you. Never doubt it, okay?” he nodded and you pulled him closer to give him so many little kisses around his whole face making him gigle a little. 
“I love you, y/n” he said looking at you fondly.
“I love you, lando. Everything’s gonna be alright” you said, assuring him and gave a peck on his lips. “Go have a shower and dress cute im gonna take you out on a date before your birthday” you said more lighful to cheer him up and his face lit up.
“Really?” you noddedat him and send him to shower agin funny. Before going with him so yhou both looked facy, you needed to say something to the world. You couldnt stay crossed arms and do nothing about it. 
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yourusername uploaded a story
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maxfewtrell: I CHOKED
norrisfan: omg thank u queen for this
user45: ur as dumb as he is. you cant defend him. he sucks and thats it darling. don lie to yourself.
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You turned off your phone once again. You were already so fed up with it all. Let them talk. You were sure they would choke with their own shit eventually. 
but  continued with the day. Lando was still a little off but he was looking better so maybe he is actually feeling better. You took out to dinner at a restaurant he always dreamed of going to. He was so happy to be there. The food was delicious. It was near the beach though it is colder here so we looked at it through the glass window. You gossip and talk about anything and everything as if everything was alright. And it was a fact it was. Because this is real life. Not social media. A few people stopped you while eating to ask for pictures and Lando said yes every time you even became a photoshoot photographer. Nice people telling him nice things was what he needed right now. Plus, you would never be pissed off by his fans. You were actually grateful for them. Of course, some can be disrespectful but you knew the real one was it. You really embraced Lando's life even though it’s nothing like the life you’d dreamed of to have one day. But he is the boy of your dreams so why would it be a problem. 
November, 13th
When the clock hit midnight, the restaurant made a cake for him so we all sang him happy birthday. You chose his favorite type of cake. He giggled all nervous and shy. His cheeks red while his eyes showed a little sparkle while watching the candles. He blew them. You recorded the whole thing and took so many pictures. He thanked the staff and staff of the restaurant and they let you enjoy the cake in comfort. Your heart was full to see him a little back again. 
After The restaurant kicked you out because they needed to close, you decided to do a road trip through the mountains of monaco. You always enjoy a good ride with good music and good company. And you also had sex in the car. You kind of guessed he needed to take his frustrations out somehow because you had the rough sex you really enjoyed. He joked it was his best birthday present making you laugh. He was joking again. 
“Thank you” he said while gently rubbing your naked chest. You were seated on him. You smiled and leaned for a soft kiss on his lips. You really loved him. And all you wanted for him was happiness and well being. And you would do anything to make sure he is okay. 
You came back home and had another round of sex. Enjoying yourselves in intimacy. Lando finally fell asleep after a terrible few days, in the calm of your body. His face on your bare chest. You clothed him and fell asleep relieved.
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yourusername made a post
liked by maxfetrell, f1, maclaren, francolapinto, and others.
yourusername: What can I say about you? There's no words that can describe your greatness. Or my feelings for you. I'm so grateful you were born on November 13th. 25 years ago my best friend and the love of my life was brought to this world. And sometimes what unfair is that, right? A world that is so cruel to you. A world that doesn't deserve your greatness and kindness nor your attention. You are the greatest son, brother, uncle, friend and lover. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't actually know you. We are all so lucky that you choose us to spend your time on this world with. Thank you for being who you care. For caring about the people you love and making sure we are alright and happy. Thank you for being the light that you are for so many lives. Thank you for being vulnerable. I admire you so much, lan. You are the strongest and bravest human I know. so honest and open. Anyone who says otherwise, actually, doesn't know you. I know this is not the best birthday of your life, but I promise you I'll try to make it better. Thank you for being who you are to me. I promise I see you and I care. You're the love of my life. And I'm so lucky you love me over any other human out there. So happy birthday to the prettiest and most genuine, real, fun, kind, warm person I have the chance to call mine everyday. Hope you have the best day you can have right now. That’s the least you deserve. I love you forever bestie. Don’t ever change.
tagged: landonorris
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So you had a master plan for Lando's birthday. You went to the Hilton hotel for some coffee with Max and Lando of course. We lied and said pietra couldn't make it because she had a meeting and Lando believed. Truth was, you have contacted all of his friends and arregened flights so everyone could make it to Monaco on time. Pietra was the one in your house. You left her a spare key yesterday evening after coffee with alex. You gave her the directions and the idea of what you wanted while you and Max distracted Lando until 7pm, she decorated the house and received all of his friends. Lando had no clue of what was going on but he was so happy it was the second cake you brought to him. You recorded the moment and seeing him smile made your heart melt. 
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yourusername uploaded a story
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landonorris: I love you greatest girlfriend there to exist. Thank u for everything and specially for making this day so much better. Ur an Angel ❤️‍🩹
⤷ yourusername: I love u more Angel ❤️‍🩹 the least you deserve is to be loved and happy.
User33: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
carlossainz55: ur the best 🫶🏻
⤷ yourusername: te extraño hermano we need to double date with Rebecca again asap!
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When 7pm came around we all “decided” to go to your house and eat pizza for dinner. Lando even said to me that they could do a stream and have fun for a bit. You agreed and all knowing that wasn't gonna happen. The ride home was so much fun. You spent the 20 minute ride screaming a one direction song from the top of your lungs. You sang Lando ‘through the dark’ And he sang ‘You and i’.it was lovely, Max almost threw up when you kissed. Luckily he was driving so he hadn't watched much of your pda. 
You got out of the car trying to play it cool though you were so nervous. You saw Max texting Pietra that you were close.the lights were off. And silent. Your nervousness took over you when you tried to open the door but let the keys fall nervously. Thankfully Max and Lando were discussing which type of pizza they would order. Finally you opened the door, lando behind you and so you turned on the lights.
Everyone jumped from everywhere saying happy birthday in unison. Yoursmile was so big but when you saw lando his smile was even bigger.
“Surprise!” you said and lando was still processing it. But when his friend started hugging him he started crying out of joy. He thought his friends weren't coming this year because of their busy schedule.but that was a lie you made them tell so lando wouldn suspect anything. Fortunately, they all kept the secret safe. Lando was so happy. 
You all spent the night playing poker, drinking gin and tonics and surrounded by laughter and love. In the moment, around everybody, you felt lucky to be there. Especially to be in landos life. Everyone was so sweet and good just like him. He deserves the world.
Everyone went home around 2 am. You were exhausted and tipsy at the end of the night. So you put your pajamas on and sled straight on the bed. Lando wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Thank you for everything. It was a great birthday. Thank u for always taking care of me always.you make me the happiest” he said under a whisper looking at you. He looked so gorgeous with that little smile and tired eyes. You stroked his cheek gently, smiling. 
“You deserve to be happy darling. You are unstoppable. Better days at work will come,I know.but im grateful that you have so much love surrounding you. I love you” he smiled widely listening to you and leaned to kiss you with so much feelings and passion. You were the greatest thing that ever happened to him and also the greatest decision he has ever made when he asked you out.
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liked by user3423, user96849, user334, yourbff and others.
f1gossipofficial: here it is @/yourusername at the McLaren garage ready for fp1 cheering for his 4 year boyfriend @/landonorris! Lando was asked about the whole drama around the Brazil gp and his birthday and her statement and he said ‘I’m lucky to have her. I would set the world on fire for her. So yeah. We are the same that is why we work so well. It was a great birthday though. She brought my whole group of friend to Monaco for a poker night so yeah’ also he said that if it wasn’t for her he would’ve collapsed on his overthinking but thankfully she was there. We love a power couple on the grid!! What do we think about all of this? #LasVegasGP2024
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User1873: they are both the same shit tbh
User29873: I don’t like lando but she cute supporting him like that. I saw she gave a kiss to him before getting into the car. They seem in love!
Yourbff: she is the greatest person you would know!! Let’s go lan!!!
User564: Max will win the dwc and NOTHING would change that or move me so
User90: omg she is so pretty
y/nstan: how lucky lando is to have her. She is always the sweetest to all of his fans. And also funny. Such a queen!
User897: where are the pictures of them arriving together????????! I NEED THEM
⤷ user45: so iconic need to marry asap
── .✦
It was the day. The day you were back to media duties. Back to being a target for social media. Back supporting your boyfriend no matter what. You even went on media day to be there for him if he needed it. You chatted with everyone around to entertain yourself while he was doing interviews. 
Oscar helped a lot and the whole McLaren team to make Lando feel safe and actually enjoy the weekend. You Were grateful for it. At least they decided not to be dicks in front of his face. 
Fp1 was about to start and you were proudly there in the garage to cheer on him. You were also anxious because you felt things almost like him and this competition is rather never racking. You kissed him gently but shortly. A good luck kiss before getting into the car. He smiled widely. 
“Go be the best you can be. You’re great” you told him sweetly.
“I'll try my best to impress you,” he replied, letting go of your hand. 
“You already do everyday babe” you said smiling making him grin before walking into the car to start the first session of the weekend. 
You watched from there how fp1 unfolded hoping this would be a great weekend.
── .✦ FIN
Hope you liked it 💌 if you have any ideas my inbox is open so send your requests!
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probablyasocialecologist · 2 months ago
Pro-Palestine organizations have filed at least 50 criminal complaints in courts around the world targeting Israeli soldiers for their role in Tel Aviv's ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza, according to reports in Hebrew media.  “About 50 complaints have been filed against reserve soldiers, 10 of which have been investigated without any arrests recorded so far,” Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) reported on 6 January. Hours after the news was broadcast, Israeli news outlet Yedioth Ahronoth revealed that the Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF) filed a new complaint against an Israeli soldier vacationing in Thailand. “The Palestinian foundation was looking for legal representation to represent it in complaints of war crimes in Thailand's courts,” the Israeli daily reports. According to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, authorities are aware “of at least 12 cases” in which complaints have been filed against Israeli soldiers on leave after serving in Gaza. “Such complaints have been filed in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Belgium, the Netherlands, Serbia, Ireland, and Cyprus,” Israeli media reported, with other statements adding South Africa, Morocco, and France to the list. “A joint task force of the Military Advocate General's Corps, the Foreign Ministry, the National Security Council, and the Shin Bet is now analyzing risks to soldiers in various countries and monitoring potential investigations,” Haaretz reported on Sunday, adding that Tel Aviv is “coordinating with local law firms to provide immediate legal aid if necessary.” Over the weekend, a federal court in Brazil ordered the police to open an immediate investigation into an Israeli soldier vacationing in the country. Soon after, Israeli officials helped the soldier flee to neighboring Argentina, where the far-right government has expressed complete support for the Israeli genocide.
6 Jan 2025
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the-cosmic-cauldron · 3 months ago
Astrology Observation: ✈️🛫🇺🇸🇻🇳🇬🇧😜🫦💋☀️🥇🧘‍♀️🌳Places You Should Visit, Your Flirt Style, How You’ll Find Success & Spirituality That Resonates Based on Your Rising Sign ✈️🛫🇺🇸🇻🇳🇬🇧😜🫦💋☀️🥇🧘‍♀️🌳
Disclaimer: As always, if it doesn’t apply, let it fly. This was fun to make and I enjoyed being random and combining different themes. Happy December, the last month of 2024 & cheers to the holidays approaching 🎉🎊🥳
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Aries Rising:
Places You Should Visit: Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Costa Rica, Chile.
Flirt Style: Direct and clear, flirty teasing, compliments, showing off, taking intiative.
How You’ll Find Success: When you understand that your life is not meant for settling, you are the embodiment of constant refinement. If you succumb to pressure and don’t move at your own pace, you risk failure. For you, life is about finding pleasure and enjoyment in every moment.
Spirituality: Advaita Vedanta, Mystical Christianity, Kabbalah, Taoism, Shamanism, Buddhism, New Age Spirituality Animism, Theosophy, Pagnanism and Wicca, Indigenous Spiritualities
Taurus Rising:
Places To Visit: Traveling across the United States, Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, UAE
Flirt Style: Subtle signals, listening, patient flirts, intentional compliments, subtle affirmations, quality time.
How You’ll Find Success: You are such an intellectually sound person who has the ability to change your trajectory at the drop of a hat. If you do not continue to explore your mental complexity and versatility, you will feel stuck. Explore all of your options; you are meant to expand, not limit yourself. Fill your cup up with all your wonderful ideas.
Spirituality: Stoicism, Confucianism, Bhagavad Gita, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Paganism, Theosophy, New Age Spirituality, Indigenous Spirituality
Gemini Rising:
Places To Visit: Iceland, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland, Canada, Uruguay, New Zealand.
Flirt Style: Open body language, sweet gestures, humorous, openly sharing, story telling, romantic gestures, casual and flexible.
How You’ll Find Success: Life for you is an intimate experience; the more intimacy you allow into your life, the more connected you will feel to all that is, which will spur much creativity to go after what you want. With support from the right sources, you’ll find that you are ready to kick-start your way to becoming a boss.
Spirituality: Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Sufism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism.
Cancer Rising:
Places To Visit: Italy, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Japan, New Zealand, Greece, Indonesia, Turkey.
Flirt Style: Intense eye contact, calm demeanor, indirect comments, giving hints, subtle touches, deep conversations, giving full attention, engaging in shared interests.
How You’ll Find Success: When you embrace your playful side and allow life to be a mix of a hilarious comedy and a romantic film, you will find success. Instead of pigeonholing yourself to the mundane, express the most beautiful expressions of your mind and heart. When you’re supported by those who admire you and validate you, you will win! When your life is focused more on positivity and adventure, you will thrive!
Spirituality: Humanism, Unitarian Universalism, Rationalist Spirituality, Buddhism, Sufism, Modern Paganism.
Leo Rising:
Places To Visit: Major cities in the USA, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, Iceland, UAE, Thailand, Japan, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Morocco
Flirt Style: Adventurous and spontaneous, playful teasing, asking questions, animated body language, chill, very open, smiles a lot and expressive eyes, playful touching.
How You’ll Find Success: You have to be very clear and intentional about your goals. But you must find routines that work for you—your routine is everything. This includes your health, your presentation, how much you know, and how well you execute tasks. Carefully crafting these aspects helps create a successful person. Neatness, learning to communicate, and being a self-learner—constantly looking for ways to improve—are key to creating success.
Spirituality: Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, Shinto, Catholic, Islam, Wicca and Paganism, Tibetan Buddhism, Yoruba Religion, Ingenious Spiritualities
Virgo Rising:
Places To Visit: France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, Japan, Thailand, Bali, Vietnam, traveling across USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, New Zealand, Australia
Flirt Style: Cautious, straightforward and intentional, talking about their goals and standards, dressing up, emotionally distant, controlled body language, calm confidence, subtle tease.
How You’ll Find Success: The key for you is to put yourself out there. Once you start hanging around different people and having a great time doing it, you’ll find what really suits you and meet important people in your journey. Falling in love can also help give you purpose and drive. When you find more balance in your personality and life and can feel less driven towards hyperfixation, you will succeed.
Spirituality: Prosperity Gospel, New Thought Movement, Law of Attraction, Hinduism, Sufism, Yoruba, Taoism, Paganism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Shamanism, Jainism
Libra Rising:
Places To Visit: Traveling throughout the USA, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Sweden, Canada, South Korea, Netherlands, UK, India, Finland, Israel
Flirt Style: Subtle and chill, quirky sense of humor, thoughtful and shares, mystery, hard to get energy, conversational, witty banter, talking about ideas, friendly debates, unique way of complimenting or gifting
How You’ll Find Success: To find success, you need to gain a very acute and keen focus and dedicate yourself to your passion—complete dedication for years and years. This starts with a need to experience change: change where you live, change your appearance. But overall, overcome your shadow side, embrace your darker elements, heal, and get deeply introspective. Through healing and becoming extremely focused and dedicated, you will reach success. Don’t let the past define you.
Spirituality: Buddhism, Jainism, Shinto, Taoism, Ayurveda, Zoroastrianism, Sufism, Christian Mysticism, Sikhism, Hygee, Stoicism, Native Spiritualities
Scorpio Rising:
Places To Visit: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, travel around the USA, Netherlands, Japan, Italy.
Flirt Style: Expressive through art forms, soft spoken, kind gestures, gentle touch, genuine interactions, calm and serene, understanding and patient.
How You’ll Find Success : To succeed, you have to allow yourself to think outside of the box and give yourself freedom. You need something that allows you to spread your wings and enjoy. Traveling will help you find success, as will moving your body, doing different things, and being explorative. Don’t limit yourself and stay positive—shaping your thoughts positively will help a lot, as well as surrounding yourself with different people, as they will bless you with a lot of support to gain success. Lastly, being authentic is a great way to ensure success.
Spirituality: Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, New Age Spirituality, Progressive Christianity, Animism, Paganism, Humanism, Zen Spirituality.
Sagittarius Rising:
Places To Visit: Traveling around the USA, Spain, Brazil, UAE, Japan, France, Australia, South Africa, Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal, Argentina.
Flirty Style: Initiates conversations, expressive body language, playful and lively, uses compliments and verbal affirmations, playful teasing, direct, confident, engaged, positive vibes, animated.
How You’ll Find Success: The focus here has to be on patience. The key is to be patient so that when you take action, it’s not about instant gratification but about the long gain. Quality over quantity. Look towards what’s going to be lasting. Be discerning about who you let into your life, have discipline with what you do, be ambitious and go full throttle. Get deep into what you want out of life and be loyal to your goals. Grow thick skin and be resilient to any challenges by believing in yourself the most. Watch what you do because you have great positive karma—if you wield it well.
Spirituality: Gnosticism, Taoism, Mysticism, Occultism, Shamanism, Buddhism, Neopaganism, Sufism.
Capricorn Rising:
Places To Visit: Switzerland, Japan, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Netherlands.
Flirt Style: Touchy feely, eye contact, enjoying quality time, bonding over shared activities, consistency, building a foundation, being present, slow and steady.
How You’ll Find Success: Invest in your grand ideas; you have just the right amount of ambition and pragmatism to execute them. Don’t ever feel like you’re the odd one out because your brain is your asset, and it will carry you far. So, allow your vivid mind to be seen. Don’t be afraid because you can make predictions about the future without even knowing how—your intuition will lead you far if you don’t suppress it. Friends are important for your success, as well as being involved in life. Be hands-on, get out there, speak your truth, and share your voice. Show up, socialize, and share your message. A lot of people will be invested in you—don’t back out. Go far and accept the odd and eccentric parts of yourself. Don’t be afraid of giving because you will be blessed tenfold in return.
Spirituality: Taoism, Sufism, Buddhism, Humanism, New Age Spirituality, Paganism, Existentialism.
Aquarius Rising:
Places To Visit: France, Italy, Spain, Greece, around the USA, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, UK, Portugal, Thailand, New Zealand, Japan
Flirt Style: Quick witted, sharing knowledge, switching topics, funny jokes, teasing, switching up moods, constantly desiring stimulation or intrigue, intellectual conversations.
How You’ll Find Success: Look at your emotions and pay attention to them—they have such an impact. Don’t just abandon your feelings or retreat into hermit mode when you experience them; explore the reasons behind the feelings, do art, dance, and allow yourself to think of and imagine the endless possibilities available to you! Embrace your pure heart and connect with people who are calm, artistic, and chill—they will help you pour more into your essence and guide you towards your imagination. In your imagination lies the key to your success. Focus on your dreams, your intuition, those moments you can’t explain, and connect to your ancestors. Truly dive deep into the other world and heal your soul. Connect and find a genuine, loving group of people who will continue to create art, come up with endless imaginative ideas, and nurture you without judgment. This is where you flourish.
Spirituality: Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, Mormonism, Sikhism, African Religions.
Pisces Rising:
Places To Visit: Italy, France, UK, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Japan, Czech Republic, Russia, India, Peru, Sweden, Mexico, Ireland
Flirt Style: Openly and thoughtfully express feelings, take their time to open up, slow and steady, kind and considerate, moody and can be expressive and then introspective, meaningful conversations.
How You’ll Find Success: Embrace your passions, as they fuel you to take action. Without engaging in things you truly love, you risk stagnation. Allow your passions to move you and get hands-on. Don’t feel forced into a box; allow your passions to change and to shift focus. The bottom line is to go after what ignites a fire in you and what brings peace to your inner child. Take action and don’t hesitate—you have the universe on your side when you make bold decisions. Learn to communicate clearly and don’t be afraid to work on your many ideas and fantasies alone! You shine brightly on your own, and people will be intrigued by you. Hang around people with dynamic, passionate, and assertive energy—they will help you significantly and allow you to take the reins yourself.
Spirituality: Humanism, Paganism, Unitarian Universalism, Sufism, Spiritual Humanism, Buddhism, Daoism, New Age Spirituality, New Thought Movement, Feminist Spirituality.
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kyri45 · 3 months ago
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 29/10✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
@xyuki-iris ha chiesto: I LOVE YOU'RE ART ALSO GOOD FOOD But I have a what if What if Redson found Mk having a panic attack over something serious about him being Trans.
Ouch poor baby Red Son would totally support MK and try to calm him down
@ashmeertheimp ha chiesto: First of all your story is glorious and congrats on getting lmk at the very top. Second does Mk want to work on his relationship with Nuwa. I think Nuwa did truly love Mk but she also loved everyone else on earth equally. Mk has forgiven Mac who actually made an effort to hurt Mk (past mistakes) while Nuwa was opposed but still didn't stop Mk from not fixing the pillar of heaven.
I always felt like after S5 his relationship with Nuwa is similar to the one Steven had with Rose after S5 of SU. So it's- complicated
@audioandart ha chiesto: mayhaps a silly question, but towards the very start of the mk shadow peach stuff when mk first shadows into the wall. He says "why is everything *more* flat". Is this implying he already sees the world as 2d the way we do or am I perhaps missing something? 😅 (I love your work! Have a good day 🫰)
ahah yeah I was!!
@fake-anjel ha chiesto: Your comic makes me stay awake at night thinking of the next cap, making theories and making imaginary scenarios and imaginary gacha reactions to them for some reason. I was wondering... If Wukong and Macaque have a child (hypothetically, and by the biological way) wich one would be the oven for the bun? You have a fan from Brazil<3
Well, I would say Wukong, but here comes the question: a Stone Monkey, born from a stone, would be able to reproduce themself? There are no other like the four celestial primates and MK, so I would assume that they weren't able to- reproduce normally. Also if they would does it mean the womb is a stone as well???
@sollythesalt ha chiesto: Just asking if Wukong is trans do his female organs also count as part of his un-glamored form or does he stay with his male ones when he drops his glamour? Also what does his glamour include in your au just out of curiosity?
No under the glamour and shapeshift he still has female organs
@dandy-doodles ha chiesto: I'm VICIOUSLY consuming your comic rn - It actually came across my feed from a reblog. Never watched the show before. Loved the comic so much I binged the entire series and now I'm sat with the task of reading JTTW. This hyperfixation is your fault I love you for it. @ivoronical ha chiesto: Hi! I don’t know how tumblrs asks work because I’ve never used them before, but just wanted to say that your art is ✨fabulous✨ and you’re shadowpeach bio parents au has convinced me to rewatch the show entirely. It’s also made Macaque one of my favorite characters and because of that I am halfway through making a cosplay of him completely from scratch and I’m very excited to finish it:) Anyways I’ve rambled enough. Have a nice day!!! @starzz-twi ha chiesto: Can I just say how much I adore your art! It inspires so much that I might try drawing lmk again 🫶🫶🫶🫶 @artemismoorea03 ha chiesto: I hope you know that your Bio Parents AU fills every waking moment. I swear I only get on Tumblr anymore to see if you've posted something. I eat up any art you post regardless of what fandom it is and I just have to tell you that your art tastes like a blue raspberry icee (the best kind). I hope you're having a fantastic day ♡
@sakuralotus03 ha chiesto: What will family gatherings be like now that MK has 4 parents? Like his birthday or end-of-year celebrations. I want to see more of the dynamics of the 4 parents interacting and talking about their one and only child.🐷🤓☀️🌙
Anonimo ha chiesto: How does it feel to be one of those artists that like 70% of the fandom knows about
wait is that a random number or???
Anonimo ha chiesto: Will we maybe see Macaque interact with Bai He or Mei?? (I'm starved of DarkHorse/EnderDragon/NightFlare Duo and Raspberry/Black Cat Duo) But I am interested if you might make them interact! :D Anyways, I love how your art got better by each comic, you can see the improvement from the slight sharpness of the shapes in the first comics and the now softer lines.
mmmmm I will maybe I'll do some small scenes
Anonimo ha chiesto: Past Wukong working out: I'ma get so strong. Ain't no one beating me Present Wukong working out: I'ma be so good at hugging my son and husband.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Hello! I wanted to ask if we'll see just how sensitive Macaque's hearing is in your Au in a future comic maybe? Like... a thunderstorm happens or something when he's around FFM watching Mk and Wukong train or something that affects his hearing badly? But either way, love your art and style! :)
mmmm don't know if I have a scene planned for that...
Anonimo ha chiesto: Does Wukong and Macaque know about the other 2 Celstial Primates, Red-Hoarse Baboon and Lomg-Armed Gibbon, in your Bio Shadowpeach parents au?
I think so? In JTTW he knew so I would assume the same?
Anonimo ha chiesto: Will Macaque use his future vision at any time again in this comic? We now know in this Au he hasn't used it in years. But maybe will he use it again soon? I bet he won't but I still wanted to ask :)
not unless he is forced to
Anonimo ha chiesto: I’ve been listening to a song from a Pokémon movie: Always Safe by Cynthia, and I think of the Shadowpeach bioparents Au everytime
AWW that's beautiful the lyrics omg!!!
@notjustonefandom1 ha chiesto: So, I've been thinking about MK's staff. After he got it do you think he develops a habit of clasping his hands together, especiallywhen stressed or threatened? With the fluidity and energy he moves with, I think it would take a while for him yo find a chance to Summon the staff, especially if he isn't fast at it yet, so he just starts keeping his hands pressed together in preparation.
ooooohhh that's a cool idea!
Anonimo ha chiesto: Where does the Macaque has white fur head canon come from? I'm new to this fandom and I'm still learning things and I see it everywhere
I honestly have no idea but I guess either because Japanese Macaque are white furred or bc he died.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Ok so this may be a sensitive topic and definitely doesn't need to be answered so TW Did mk ever go through a depression thing after trying to die to save the universe in the last season in your au? A in like what if Wukong and Mac find out he used to SH?
hish. I'm not probably the right person to answer this. Probably he did had depression tendencies but didn't recognize them until someone pointed them out.
Anonimo ha chiesto: This ask os Going to be a little weird But Can I See Macaque Pining Wukong on the wall?In a Flirty way?(pretty Please?) I love Your Art so much!👑❤️‍🔥💎
Ouh.. *cleans forehead from sweat* is getting hot in here... maybe?
@autism-autobot ha chiesto: Wukong: OH BUDDHA, HE CALLED ME BABA!!!!! (SCREAMS WITH JOY) What DBK heard over the phone with his brother: OH andhdbrjjsm (feral monkey screeching)
Poor DBK gotta deal with the gossip now
@alastair-1205 ha chiesto: OMG THE MOST RECENT PART IM CRYING But I also love how Mac's first instinct is just grabbing Wukong and being like: "get out of hearing range before we freak out, get out of hearing range before we freak out, get out of-" you know? It's very funny but also builds on past comics since they woke MK up last time smth like this happened and I'm just !!!!!
It wont be a one time!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I hope you are resting as you should Always remember to take your time, rest first, then work, ofc as far as possible 😅. I have a fun question (if you have the time ofc 👉🏻👈🏻): will we see Feral MK again? But you know, like another kind of "demonic learning" that maybe wukong or Mac will teach him to control or see that it's not bad as it looks
For now i want my baby to either be happy or traumatized not angry.
Anonimo ha chiesto: I feel like i remember you asking about happier shadowpeach songs for your playlist, but I can't find the post anymore. But if you're still looking, Livingston's new song Glow reminds me of them and also made me think about the eclipse scenes in the comic.
Several of Livingston's other songs also give me shadowpeach vibes, but I think about them so much that I might just be seeing them everywhere at this point.
Oooh true a lot of his song fits really well!!
Anonimo ha chiesto: This is the only instance where having a kid really did bring a couple together.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Soo...Wukong and Mac in the DBK Palace I have a question in my mind!!!! Actually I hope you to see it and draw it.. if you don't wanna it's okay! What if DBK & PIF flirt with each other or smt like this u know in front of shadowpeach?! They will probably look to each other and then blushing hard
HAHAHHA poor souls they would totally think of wanting to kiss each other but can't because they are emotionally constipated.
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2handsslan · 2 months ago
max verstappen // mv1 fic recs
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one shots
misunderstood hero with a heart of gold - @harrysfolklore
“max verstappen has never been one to read books, but everything changes when he comes across a pretty booktuber who describes him better than anyone else did before”
two sides of the same coin - @monzabee
“the one where you try to convince yourself that you’re not falling for your teammate, but can’t help it when you realise that he is not that different from you after all”
a small request - @postracehair
“even world champions deserve love letters. after missing the mexico gp, you're determined to see max have a good weekend in brazil. maybe all it takes is a handwritten note”
my world (champion) - @italiangirlcoresblog
“the aftermath of the las vegas grand prix with max”
vegas baby - @neferaskingdom
“after winning his fourth world championship, max verstappen stuns the world with a live radio proposal”
work it out - @maxverstappendefender
“mclaren!rival x mv1 (max and reader had a little friends to enemies action, but they are stuck together now. maybe they will work out their issues...)”
the interview - @pucksandpower
“when you are given an assignment to interview someone, you can’t resist asking your boyfriend to be the subject … it’s just a shame that your professor doesn’t believe the interview actually happened”
christ-max - @harrysfolklore
“you invite your boyfriend max to spend christmas with you for the first time, however, your family doesn't quite believe you're dating a formula 1 world champion”
connection - @katsu28
“when a holiday gala that neither you nor max want to be at brings two people from vastly different worlds together, you find out that you might have more in common with the four time world champion than you think you do”
disturbing the peace - @pucksandpower
“an environmental activist disturbs the carefully constructed peace of max’s life and turns his whole world on its head (or in which environmentalism and being a menace both run in the vettel family)”
the yapping hour is upon us - @motorsportbarbie13
“in which max decides that maybe doing interviews isn't such a bad thing”
keep on rolling - @vivwritesfics
“lando's best friend having feelings for anyone on the grid? impossible, right? she worked with them, sharing her friendship with the grid with the world via the formulay/n youtube channel”
forbidden - @motorsportbarbie13
“in which you reconnect with an old friend, much to the dismay of your brother”
tamed - @jungwnies
“you're a top pr manager tasked with handling the infamous max verstappen, known for his fiery temper and controversial outbursts”
she’s everything, he’s max - @menagerofmischief
“y/n leclerc starts soft launching a man and soon enough there are paparazzi pictures of the two of them except no one quiet believes that the princess of monaco would settle down with ... max”
we can’t be friends (wait for your love) - @fqlling4it
pt 2
friend of a friend - @norrisainz33
“max meets his dream girl through his friends good friend, pato o’ward”
put it all on red (bull) - @astonmartinii
“her brother won the race? does she know? does she care?”
crying in the club - @pomegranatesarchive
“how should one react when their boyfriend wins the world championship at the same time their brother loses it?”
max & the three musketeers series - @verstarppen
“mercedes’ is just a tiny bit worried about your dates with their archnemesis; once mick, lewis and george caught a whiff of your treason, they had to intervene and stop the villain from stealing their princess”
*these are part of my fic rec masterlist, please note none of these are written by me and the author of each story had been tagged! check out my f1 fic rec masterlist for other drivers!*
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hitoshi-yuuto · 8 months ago
I came across the post of someone who said that they liked the kagehina but as a background couple with no problems, and this post opened my eyes on myself.
because it's going to be I think 5 or 6 years that I've been watching haikyuu, and kagehina and is one of my favorite couples but in all the AUs I've done their always in the background or when they are the main couple, they don't have a problem.
Well 95 percent of the time
And my main and personal headcanon of the Kagehina is that they starts dating at the end of their first year, goes abroad to get married when they turn 18, lives a long distance relationship, meets up after Brazil and starts living together.
And that's it.
That's why in 90 percent of my AUs, they're their friends' relationship therapists.
Ushijima : Kageyama Do you have any advice for me to make long-distance relationships work?
Atsumu : Shouyo!!! Omi doesn't want to take me seriously when I tell him I love him, what do I do?!
Daichi : Kageyama, how you and Hinata had managed to start living together without any problem? I heard that all the couples argued when they move together.
Kenma : Eurgh Kuroo annoys me so much these days, he comes sticking to me all the time, can't he understand that I want to be alone?
And their advice is just super basic /Obvious, but still works
Kageyama : Often send message even if it's a stupid photo, poses hours for daily call, and trust?
Hinata : Have you tried to have a heart-to-heart conversation with him?
Kageyama : We share all the tasks of the house, and when something bothers us we talk about it?
Hinata : Did you tell him that you want to be alone?
None of the people who know them in high school can believe that they are the ones who have the best relationship, and that they are the ones who are asked for advice.
Especially tsukishima (He asks them for advice too)
Another of my headcanon is that they are among the first to buy a house, because their friends are always in their houses. So, when they buy a big house, everyone participates a little bit in the purchase because they are at theirs home half of the time.
So there you have it, thank you for listening/reading to me ranting about Kagehina/Shobio
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language😭
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edensxgarden · 1 year ago
Riding oscar and he's all blushy and whimpering beneath you 😳😳
After winning the Qatar sprint race, Oscar Piastri was on top of the world. After suffering with a shitty car for the entire year, he finally got a chance to prove himself and surpass even his own expectations for his rookie year.
However, after his win, he felt like everything was going downhill. After a DNF in Austin and placing P14 in Mexico, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe Qatar was just luck. Maybe he wasn't as good as everyone thought he was.
The triple header was exauhsting, as was every race, but Oscar felt specifically exauhsted after the end of the seemingly never-ending 3 weeks. The only motivation through the end of the draining races was to complete Andrea's goal of having Oscar single-handedly surpass Alpine in race points. But after his finish outside of the points, once again in Brazil, it seemed nearly impossible.
After all his media duties and all the tedious tasks he had to complete were done, he boarded a flight as soon as he possibly could. The entire flight, he restlessly stared out the window, his heart aching and his mind racing. He was always an overthinker; he'd get stuck in an overwhelming flurry of thoughts until he fell into a hole of self-loathing.
As the plane ascended to the ground, he felt the pit in his stomach grow heavy. He longed to feel the presence of his lovely girlfriend, but he couldn't shake the overshadowing feeling of disappointment he felt. He felt as if he let everyone down and, most importantly, let you down.
He drove home with shakey hands and a stubborn lump in his throat. Usually when he'd drive, even if you weren't there with him, he'd have your music blaring in his echoey car to make it feel as if you were sitting alongside him, singing with the girly pop and flashing him happy smiles as he drove. However, tonight, he let himself drown in the silence of the car, fighting back tears that threatened to hinder his vision of the road. 
As he approached your shared house, he begrudgingly opened the door, trembling fingers gripping the door handle. Whenever he got home, he'd always be praying you were awake so he could spend some time with you, but tonight he was wishing on every star in the sky that you were asleep so he didn't have to face you in this state.
However, his prayers were not answered as you ran to him, encapsulating him with a tight hug before he could even get the door closed. He sighed for a moment before composing himself and returning the affection, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush to his toned chest. 
You hummed softly when he pressed a sweet kiss to the top of your head, but as you pulled away for a moment and caught sight of his face, you knew something was wrong. You cupped his pale cheeks in your hands, looking into his watery eyes, before whispering, "What's wrong, baby?"
In his exhausted state, Oscar couldn't find the strength to even attempt to lie to you. He knew you could see right through him, and it would be useless anyway, so with a sigh, he poured his heart out. He rambled all his woes about how he feels like a disappointment. He expressed how he felt he wasn't good enough. He let his tears pour while he mumbled and weeped, letting his insecurities air out and letting the weight on his heart lighten, if even just a little. 
Your heart broke listening to his words. Watching your usually nonchalant boyfriend crumble in front of you made your gut wrench and your lungs feel as if they were closing. It hurt so bad seeing him like this. You brought him over to the couch and sat on his lap, and you began pressing sweet kisses to his cheeks. You covered his weepy eyes and wet cheeks with pretty lipgloss stains as you mumbled little praises to him.
You held him close and ran your fingers through his hair as you told him how incredible you thought he was. "Of course you're not a disappointment, baby. You're one of the greatest rookies ever. You already got your first win. You're a future world champion. You're my favorite driver. I love you." You punctuated each little compliment with a heartfelt kiss as you watched Oscar slowly regain his composure and saw the tears stop rolling down his cheeks. 
Once you gave him a small smile, though, his cheeks began to flush for a far different reason. With all this love and attention you had been showering him with, Oscar found himself growing hard in his trousers. You hadn't thought your innocent cheering up would turn him on, but you certainly weren't complaining.
You hadn't expected this tonight, but in his vulnerable state, you couldn't help but want to give Oscar every little thing he wanted. You'd go to the ends of the earth to make him happy again if that's what it called for. And to be fully honest, his hazy eyes and glossy lips made him look even more beautiful than he already was, and you couldn't help yourself from him if you tried. 
So slowly, you began to take off the gray sweats he wore for comfort on the plane ride home and freed his cock from his boxers. It was aching and leaky and so desperately begged for the same attention you'd been giving Oscar just before, so you instantly pressed a wet kiss to his pretty pink tip before taking it in your hands and stroking him softly. 
He was sobby and helpless under you, allowing soft moans and whimpers to slip out of his lips. Sex with Oscar was always amazing; it was always hard and rough, with Oscar very clearly in control. He'd let his apathetic personality shatter away from him, letting himself spout filth at you as he pounded into your cunt until you were seeing stars.
But this was different. It was slow and passionate, and with every stroke of his cock and every sweet sound he made, there was a silent confession of love. This wasn't just sex; this was a promise that you were proud of Oscar no matter what and that he never had to come home and worry about you being disappointed.
Oscar let his head loll back, eyes fluttering closed as his needy sounds grew as they echoed through your living room. You wanted nothing more than to see Oscar come undone under you, but as much as it pained you, you couldn't give him that just yet. So you pulled your hands away, forcing his body to jolt back to attention. 
You calmed his frantic whimpers with small shushing noises before getting up for a moment to pull off your sleep shorts and underwear, throwing the soaked material somewhere in the living room, and climbing back on top of your needy boyfriend. 
You took his cock in your hands once more, a plethora of moans slipping through your lips as you brushed it over your aching clit. In a swift movement, you aligned him with your hole and sank down onto his cock, causing a harmony of yours and his moans to reverberate throughout the living room.
You kissed him softly, leaving a small shimmer of your gloss on his lips before you began bouncing on his cock, the angle hitting just right inside of you. You hid your head in the crook of his neck, sucking onto it, nothing that would leave a mark, more of just a reminder of 'it's ok, I'm here.'
Your insides twisted at how vocal your boyfriend was being. His desperate moans and whimpers flooded your ears as you continued fucking yourself on his sensitive cock. You pulled yourself away from his neck, and the image you were met with would stay with you for the rest of your life.
Oscar's eyes were glassy and watery, nearly threatening to spill over with tears of pure pleasure. His mouth was frozen open in a small 'o' shape, forcing the needy sounds out of it. His arms were flexed, gripping onto you with such pressure that it was sure to leave a mark, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
You felt his cock twitch inside of you, a wordless signal that he was close. You reached down between your bodies to your sensitive clit and rubbed small figure eights onto it, the slight push you needed to fall over the edge. You clenched tightly around Oscar's cock as you came, letting your head rest on his shoulder as your body twitched and jolted in pleasure, your legs giving out and forcing Oscar to help your movements on his cock. 
Your drawn out orgasm forced Oscar off the edge, a near pornographic moan coming from him as he emptied his heavy balls inside of you, cumming hot white ropes until it was leaking back onto his legs. 
He held you close to him, pulling you off his softening cock and returning your attack of kisses from earlier. You giggled softly at the turn this night took before whispering lovingly into his ear, "You're perfect, Oscar; don't let anything or anyone ever make you think differently."
He sighed contently, letting his eyes flutter shut with you in his arms, wondering how he ever had a doubt in his mind that you couldn't make him feel better, even on his worst nights.
A/N: I began this like a week ago but Tumblr deleted my draft and i lost all my motivation 😭. Its finally out though and I hope you all enjoy!! <3
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mediocre-shark-tales · 1 month ago
Las Vegas GP
Trigger Warning- slow burn of increasing themes including sexism, SA, depression, and implied grooming
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The Las Vegas paddock was alive with energy, even more so than usual. It was a blur of lights, noise, and a sea of fans proudly waving American flags and homemade signs, their excitement infectious. As soon as I stepped out of the car, I felt a warmth in my chest seeing their creative, silly displays.
One sign read, "Rain Queen of F1, teach us your ways!" while another joked, "Y/N for President (of overtakes)!" I couldn’t help but laugh, waving to the crowd as I made my way closer to the barriers where they stood. One girl held up a plush duck wearing one of my mini race helmets, and I just had to stop and sign it.
“Did you make this?” I asked her, holding up the duck with an impressed grin.
She nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! It’s for good luck in the rain!”
“That’s adorable. I’ll keep that in mind if the clouds roll in this weekend,” I teased, signing my name on the duck's little helmet before handing it back.
Another fan handed me a neon-pink sign with glitter that said, "We love you, Y/N, our American racing queen!" I held it up briefly, posing for photos with the fans, enjoying every second of this rare, genuine connection with them.
“Good luck this weekend!” someone shouted from the back of the crowd.
“Thanks, guys! I’ll do my best!” I called back, flashing a smile.
But as I turned to move down the line, I felt a firm but gentle tug on my elbow. My manager, clearly on a mission, leaned in and whispered, “Alright, champ. We’ve got media duties to get through. Can’t keep them waiting.”
I bit back a sigh, reluctantly stepping away from the fans, though I waved at them one last time. “See you all later!”
As I walked off with my manager, I glanced back at the fans who were still cheering, holding up their signs, and waving their flags. Their energy stayed with me, like a little bubble of joy in the back of my mind. Even though I was heading into the less exciting, more scripted side of racing life—media duties—I couldn’t help but feel a little lighter knowing I had their support.
I just hoped their enthusiasm would carry me through the long day ahead.
The Aston Martin media team was in full swing, setting up a vibrant corner of the paddock for a special social media feature. With Las Vegas being one of my home races, they’d gone all out with a fun, themed activity for me to do: answering fan-submitted questions while navigating a mini Vegas-inspired obstacle course that included a roulette wheel, a slot machine, and even a mini blackjack table.
“Alright, Y/N,” one of the media team members grinned, holding a camera. “This is going straight to the Instagram and TikTok accounts, so bring your A-game!”
I laughed, stepping onto the glittery carpet they’d rolled out for the setup. "No pressure, huh? Should I start practicing my influencer voice?”
The first task was simple: spin the roulette wheel, and depending on where it landed, I had to answer a different type of question—personal, racing-related, or something completely random. I gave the wheel a spin, watching the colors blur together before it landed on red.
“Okay, first question!” one of the media team members said, holding up a card. “Who would be your dream celebrity teammate?”
“Oh, easy,” I said with a cheeky grin. “Ryan Reynolds. Not only would he keep the team’s spirits up, but can you imagine him giving a post-race interview? Comedy gold.”
The team laughed as they reset the roulette wheel, and I moved to the next station: the slot machine. Pulling the lever, I waited for the symbols to line up. Three cherries! A small cheer went up, and someone handed me another card.
“If you could rename one corner on the calendar, which one and what would you call it?”
I tapped my chin, pretending to think hard. “Hmm, I’d rename corner 12 on the Brazil track to 'The Rain Queen’s Curve'—not biased or anything.”
The next stop was the blackjack table, where I had to play a quick round with one of the crew members. Between shuffling cards and answering more fan questions, I couldn’t help but notice how much effort the team had put into making the activity feel personal. Around the setup, little touches of my presence were everywhere—fans' signs propped up in the background, a big banner that read, Welcome home, Y/N! in neon lights, and even a small stuffed version of the rain duck from earlier sitting next to the blackjack chips.
“What’s your favorite thing about being back in the States for a race?” they asked while I was dealt my cards.
“Well, the fans, for sure,” I said, smiling. “They go all out. I mean, have you seen the signs they make? Also, I get to use American measurements for once. None of that kilometers stuff, by the way, what the fuck is a kilometer?” I joked, winking at the camera.
After finishing the blackjack game—losing spectacularly to the media team’s card shark—I posed with a miniature version of the iconic Las Vegas sign. The media team recorded a final clip of me blowing a kiss to the camera and saying, “Alright, Aston fans, wish me luck this weekend! I’ll see you all out there.”
As the crew wrapped up, I felt a rush of gratitude for the way they’d gone above and beyond to make this feel like more than just another media obligation. Even in the chaos of a home race, there were little moments of fun and connection that reminded me why I loved what I did—on and off the track.
The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the Las Vegas circuit as I settled into my car for Free Practice 2. FP1 had been decent, but I knew there was room to improve. The balance of the car still felt a bit off, and I was determined to push harder this session.
“Alright, Y/N, let’s focus on Sector 3 this time,” Landon’s voice came through my radio, calm but firm. “We’re losing a bit of time there. Watch the apex at Turn 14—it’s where you can claw back some tenths.”
“Copy that,” I replied, gripping the wheel tighter. My focus sharpened, every muscle in my body ready to fight for the improvement I knew was there.
The lap felt solid so far—each corner smoother, the car responding to my inputs with more precision. As I approached the infamous corner where Lando had crashed last year, my mirrors suddenly filled with the sight of Liam’s car, far too close for comfort.
“Liam’s right on you. Hold your line,” Landon warned.
Before I could react, the hit came. Liam’s front tire clipped my rear, and the car jerked violently to the side. I felt the rear spin out as the car whipped around 90 degrees. My heart shot into my throat as I fought to correct it, but the car slid onto the curb, the world tilting unnaturally.
My stomach dropped as I felt the car lift off the ground. Time seemed to slow, and all I could do was hold my breath as the car flipped onto its back. Sparks screamed against the asphalt as I skidded, my helmet pressed painfully against the headrest from the force.
“Y/N, are you okay? Talk to us!” Landon’s voice crackled through the chaos, panicked.
The barrier rushed toward me too quickly, and then—impact. The crash knocked the wind out of me, pain shooting through my side as everything went still. For a moment, all I could hear was my own ragged breathing, fast and uneven.
“Y/N! Do you copy? Are you okay?” Landon’s voice broke through the haze.
My hands were trembling as I fumbled for the radio button. “I—I’m here,” I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. My chest felt tight, panic swirling in my head.
“Are you injured? Can you move?” Landon pressed, urgency thick in his tone.
“I think… I think I’m okay,” I stammered. “My side hurts, but I don’t think anything’s broken.”
Landon’s voice softened, though I could still hear the tension underneath. “Alright, just stay calm. Help’s on the way. Don’t move unless you have to, the FIA has actually red flagged the session now.”
Trying to stay positive, I let out a shaky scoff and asked, “So they red-flag this but not when someone’s car is practically parked on the racing line?” My attempt at sarcasm was weak, but I hoped it might lighten the mood.
There was a pause on the radio, longer than usual, and I braced myself for Landon’s usual dry humor or a quick comeback. Instead, his voice came back softer, almost hesitant. “I’m not gonna lie to you, Y/N… it looked really bad from anyone else’s perspective.”
That stopped me in my tracks. My smirk faded as his words settled in, the weight of what had just happened finally hitting me. I could hear the concern laced in his tone, the kind of worry he rarely let slip. My chest tightened, and I felt a lump forming in my throat.
“Yeah, well… I’m still here,” I said quietly, my voice barely above a whisper. It was an attempt to brush it off, to reassure both of us, but it felt hollow.
“You are,” Landon agreed softly, his tone unwavering. “And that’s what matters. Just breathe, okay? You’re safe now.”
The humor I’d clung to earlier was gone, replaced by a sobering realization of how close I’d come to something far worse. The ache in my side was a reminder, but so was Landon’s voice—steady, grounding me in the reality that I had made it through.
I clenched the steering wheel, trying to steady my breathing, but my hands wouldn’t stop shaking. The car felt suffocating, like I was trapped in a nightmare I couldn’t escape. My eyes squeezed shut as I willed myself to stay in control, to stay calm.
When the marshals finally reached me, their voices were calm and soothing. “We’ve got you. Just stay still,” one of them said.
I nodded weakly, letting them work to extract me from the car. As soon as I was out and seated on the ground, the adrenaline began to fade, replaced by the dull ache in my side and the weight of what had just happened.
“Y/N, you scared the hell out of us,” Landon said over the radio again, his tone softer now. “Just breathe. You’re okay.”
Tears pricked at my eyes, but I held them back, focusing instead on the steady rhythm of my breathing. “Copy,” I whispered, my voice barely audible as I tried to pull myself together. I knew that he wouldn’t hear me now that I was away from the button to respond. But it helped to pretend he could. 
Further down the track, I spotted Liam standing next to his car, the only visible damage being a popped front tire from where he’d collided with me. His helmet was off, and he was kneeling on the ground, his head in his hands. His whole body seemed to sag with relief, and I realized he must have just understood—I wasn’t severely hurt, or worse. The weight of what could have happened must’ve hit him like a ton of bricks, and for a moment, I could see the guilt and fear radiating from him, even from this distance.
I tore my eyes away, focusing instead on the marshals checking me over and the hum of activity from the paddock in the distance. Grounding myself in the moment was all I could do. I was okay. Shaken, sore, terrified—but okay.
The medical team had cleared me with a bruised rib cage and a sore neck, nothing that a night of rest and some ice packs couldn’t handle. I got to change into a comfortable hoodie and joggers. I was escorted back to the garage, where the sight of my wrecked car made my stomach twist uncomfortably. It looked awful—completely mangled and nowhere near race-ready. My job now was to trust the team to bring it back to life, but trust wasn’t something I could extend to everyone.
Henry was waiting for me, clipboard in hand and that ever-present smirk on his face. I tried to keep my expression neutral as I approached him, reminding myself to stay calm. He launched into an explanation about the car's timeline, detailing how long it would take to rebuild and what it would require. But as he spoke, I caught the faint, unmistakable smell of alcohol lingering on his breath. My stomach churned. He wasn’t drunk—just tipsy enough to let his inhibitions slip even more than usual.
I stayed quiet, nodding along to his words, hoping to keep the conversation strictly professional, but it wasn’t long before his demeanor shifted. His voice dropped into a tone that sent chills down my spine as he leaned closer. “You know, if you really want this car ready before FP3... I think we could work something out. A little... private arrangement between us.”
My pulse spiked, panic and anger surging in equal measure. “Henry, don’t. I’m not in the mood for this,” I said, stepping back, but he followed, undeterred.
He reached out, his hand brushing against my arm, then trailing lower toward my waist. “Come on, don’t act like you don’t know how this works. You scratch my back, I scratch yours,” he murmured, his touch making my skin crawl.
My hands clenched into fists at my sides, but I forced myself to keep my composure. I couldn’t afford to lose it—not now. I’d been smart enough to set my recorder going before entering the garage, and it was still capturing every disgusting word he uttered. That was the only thing keeping me grounded, knowing I was building a case against him.
Just as I opened my mouth to push back harder, a sharp knock on the door interrupted us. Relief flooded my chest as Henry froze, annoyed by the intrusion. A young intern poked their head in, looking slightly nervous. “Um, excuse me. A few drivers are here to see Y/N,” they said, glancing between us.
“Oh, thank god,” I muttered under my breath before brushing past Henry, ignoring the way his eyes burned holes into my back. I left the room quickly, desperate to put as much distance between myself and him as possible. Whatever waited for me with the drivers, it couldn’t be worse than the corner I’d just been backed into.
Stepping outside, I blinked against the bright paddock lights, the cool evening air a welcome contrast to the stifling tension inside the garage. Leaning casually against a wall was Lewis, arms crossed and his signature calm-but-concerned expression softening his features. He pushed off the wall as soon as he spotted me, his gaze sweeping over me like a doctor assessing a patient.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked, his voice warm and steady, though his eyes were sharp, scanning me for any sign of discomfort. “That crash looked… rough.”
I forced a smile, hoping it didn’t look as strained as it felt. “I’m fine. Sore, but nothing major. Medical cleared me already.”
Lewis nodded, but his concern didn’t waver. “I heard. Still, I wanted to check on you myself. Crashes like that... they take a toll, even if you don’t feel it right away. You sure there’s nothing you need? I could grab you something for the hotel—heat packs, compression sleeves, whatever helps.”
I shook my head, touched by his offer but eager to keep the focus off me. “Thanks, but my team is already handling it. They’re out getting everything I’ll need to recover. I’ll be fine.”
He hesitated, clearly debating whether to push further. I could see it in the way his jaw tensed, the careful consideration behind his next words. “That’s good. But... you know, it’s not just about the crash. I’ve been noticing things lately. You seem... different. Distracted. Is everything okay within your team?”
My stomach twisted, the careful control I’d been clinging to threatening to unravel. I plastered on a tighter smile, brushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear as I deflected. “Everything’s fine, Lewis. Just the usual stress of racing. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
Lewis wasn’t buying it. He tilted his head, his gaze softening further as he stepped a little closer. “Look, I don’t know the details, but something feels off. Is it... your lead engineer? I don’t know his name, but... is he giving you a hard time?”
The question hit like a blow to the chest, and my composure wavered. My pulse quickened, anger and anxiety bubbling up in equal measure. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said sharply, folding my arms across my chest. “Henry—my engineer—is fine. We’re all fine. Can we not make a big deal out of nothing?”
Lewis raised his hands in a placating gesture, his tone remaining calm. “I’m not trying to make a big deal out of anything. I just... I’ve been around long enough to notice when someone’s not themselves. I want to help if something’s wrong, but I won’t push.”
I huffed, frustrated at the conversation and at myself for letting it get to me. “I appreciate your concern, but really, it’s nothing. Just let it go.”
He studied me for a long moment, his eyes full of understanding that only made my frustration grow. Finally, he nodded, backing off like he promised. “Alright. I’ll let it go—for now. But if you ever want to talk, I’m here. Anytime. No judgment.”
I swallowed hard, guilt tugging at me despite my irritation. “Thanks, Lewis,” I murmured, my voice softer now. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He gave me a small smile, but I couldn’t hold his gaze for long. As he walked away, I stood there for a moment, letting the weight of the conversation settle over me. Part of me wanted to take him up on his offer, to spill everything, but the fear of what might happen if I did kept my lips sealed. For now, the burden was mine alone to bear.
By the time I made it back to my hotel room, every muscle in my body seemed to scream in protest. The ache, dulled earlier by adrenaline, had fully settled in, leaving me sore even when I was just sitting still. I sank into the chair at the small table, poking listlessly at the super-healthy meal my team had insisted on. They meant well, but it was hard to feel enthusiastic about bland chicken and steamed vegetables when all I wanted was to curl up and shut out the world.
A knock at the door startled me, making me wince as the sudden movement pulled at the bruises on my side. I pushed myself up with a soft groan, padding over to the door. When I opened it, I was met with a familiar grin.
“Hey,” Lando said, hands tucked into his hoodie pockets. “Heard you were cooped up in here. Thought I’d check in and see how you’re holding up.”
I blinked, caught off guard by his appearance but too tired to pretend I wasn’t glad to see a friendly face. “Oh. Hey, Lando. Come on in,” I said, stepping aside to let him through.
He entered, his energy a little softer than usual, and plopped down in the chair opposite mine. His gaze swept over the room briefly before landing on me. “You look... tired,” he said carefully, though his teasing tone was still there. “Rough day?”
I snorted, sitting back down. “Understatement of the year. But yeah, I’m okay. Just... sore.”
He nodded, his expression flickering with something like guilt. “Yeah, that crash was... scary, honestly. Are you sure you’re okay? I mean, really okay?”
I hesitated, my fork stilling on the plate. “I’m fine. Sore and tired, but fine,” I said, hoping my words were convincing enough to end the conversation.
Lando didn’t seem satisfied, though. He leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees. “Physically, sure. But what about mentally? That kind of thing—it messes with your head. You’ve got to give yourself time to process it.”
I sighed, knowing he was right but unwilling to dig too deeply into that just yet. “It’s... not easy,” I admitted reluctantly. “But I’ll get through it. I always do.”
He nodded again, his brow furrowing slightly as he searched for the right words. “That’s good. But, uh... you know, Fernando mentioned something earlier. Said there’s this guy on your team who’s always... messing with you?” He paused, glancing at me cautiously. “Look, I’m not trying to pry, but if there’s something going on, you don’t have to handle it alone.”
My stomach tightened, the careful control I’d been clinging to slipping as frustration bubbled to the surface. “Fernando needs to keep his observations to himself,” I said, my voice sharper than I intended. “There’s nothing going on that I can’t handle.”
Lando held up his hands defensively, his voice calm but insistent. “Okay, okay. I’m just saying... We care about you. If something’s wrong, you can tell us.”
I clenched my jaw, my grip tightening on the edge of the table. He didn’t understand—I couldn’t risk saying anything, not yet. Not until I had the proof I needed to make sure Henry couldn’t twist the story. But I couldn’t tell Lando that. “I appreciate it, but I’m fine,” I said, my tone clipped.
Lando studied me for a moment, his gaze steady but no longer pushing. “Alright,” he said softly. “I won’t push. But if you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.”
I nodded, relief and guilt warring within me. “Thanks,” I murmured, the word barely audible.
He stood, offering a small smile. “Try to rest, yeah? You’ll need it for tomorrow.”
I watched him leave, the room falling silent once again. The weight of the conversation settled over me, heavier than before. I wanted to let them in, to share the burden, but I couldn’t risk it. Not yet.
The night had been long and restless. My body ached from the crash, and no amount of tossing and turning seemed to bring any relief. Every time I closed my eyes, the memory of the car flipping, the sounds of the crash, and the panic that followed came rushing back. I couldn’t shake the anxiety tightening in my chest. It wasn’t just the physical pain, it was the mental exhaustion, too. I barely slept, and by the time the alarm went off, I was already running on fumes.
Still, duty called. I dragged myself out of bed, forcing my eyes to stay open as I dressed and prepared to head to the track. As soon as I stepped into the paddock, I could feel the weight of the previous day’s events still lingering in the air. The adrenaline was gone, and all that was left was an uncomfortable mix of exhaustion and stress.
When I entered the garage, I hoped for some reprieve. But of course, that wasn’t the case. Henry was waiting for me, as per usual, his smug grin already in place. He came at me the second I walked in, as if he had every right to touch me, to be near me. His proximity made me uncomfortable, but I kept my face neutral, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me struggle.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he said in that way he always did, like he was too familiar. “The car’s all set for FP3. Fixed everything just in time.”
His presence always felt like a weight on my shoulders. I tried to brush him off, but he wasn’t having it. His hand was suddenly on my back, too close for comfort. I tensed, trying to stay calm, but it wasn’t easy. Every part of me screamed to push him away, to tell him to stop, but I didn’t want to escalate things—at least not in front of the team.
“Thanks,” I muttered, trying to keep my tone even. “I’ll make sure to get the most out of FP3.”
“Of course,” he replied, his voice dripping with that same smug tone. “You know, I have to say, you look better than you did yesterday. Glad to see you’re back on your feet.”
I didn’t dignify his comment with a response. Instead, I focused on my task at hand, retreating into my car. The last thing I wanted was to engage with him any more than necessary. I had a job to do.
FP3 came, and I did my best to push the emotional weight aside as I got into the car. The session was intense, but I managed to get some solid laps in. I focused entirely on my driving, letting the rhythm of the track ground me, even if my mind still felt far from clear. The car felt good, and I managed to put up a decent time, but I couldn’t shake the gnawing feeling that everything around me was off.
When the session ended, I returned to my driver’s room, hoping for a brief respite. I just needed a few moments to collect myself before qualifying. The room was quiet, but the silence only made the tension in my chest grow.
I sank into the chair, my eyes fluttering closed for a moment, trying to block out the weariness that clung to me. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t escape the constant undercurrent of unease. Henry’s actions, the way he’d cornered me—nothing felt right anymore. I tried to remind myself that I had to focus on the race, that I couldn’t let him distract me from what mattered.
But the weight of it all was starting to feel unbearable. And qualifying was just around the corner.
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tommydarlings · 3 months ago
PATREON - bad spotlight | c.l
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pairing: dom!charles leclerc x reporter!sub!reader
warnings: smut, covering mouth, marking somebody up, chocking
w/c: 0.4k [full work 2.3k]
summary: Putting the infamous charles leclerc purposely in a bad spotlight for your entertainment was a fun idea, or was it?
Being a reporter for formula one was always on your bucket list, but what task wasn’t on your bucket list, was hooking up with the Ferrari driver Charles leclerc.
You knew that it was bad, being a rather well known journalist in the paddock and then you’re casually hooking up with the so called 'prince of Monaco‘, the 'il predestinado' — a really bold move of yours.
But you simply couldn’t resist him, you couldn’t stay away from each other, neither your tempting body’s, nor your lustful gazes, it was like you were both in a trance as soon as you were around each other and it was dangerous.
You were currently interviewing Lewis, asking him some questions about the Brazil GP while Charles arrived next to you with his manager, waiting for you to interview him next,
“And now we’re gonna hear Ferrari driver charles leclerc's opinion on the race! Charles, not really one of your strongest performances, am I right?“ you asked as you turned towards him and put the microphone in front of his mouth.
Charles was a bit stunned, you were usually extra sweet and kind with your questions and comments towards him but apparently not this time.
“Uhm, yeah it was really not my strongest performance today but it happened and I can’t change it now and I’m just gonna try my best to put my focus on the next race and prepare myself properly for it,“ he shrugged as he looked into your eyes.
You nodded along, staring right back at him, “would you say you tried your best today and delivered all you could possibly deliver for the team?“ you asked with a hint of sass that only Charles was able to make out.
He raised his brows, a tiny but smug smirk on his face, one that didn’t go unnoticed by you since you knew him too well already, “well I’m sure that the team isn’t really pleased with my performance, I mean that’s no secret, but I bet that they’ll just tell me what I’ve already told you, to just focus on the upcoming race,“ he nodded along his words.
You smiled one last time at him, “thank you, Charles,“ you mumbled before you quickly went to the next drive, who was lando.
And Charles only clenched his jaw in an angry manner as he realised how smiley and sweetly you talked with his rival, even laughing and joking around with him a bit.
And that was the first moment Charles realised that you’re doing this on purpose.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 6 months ago
Like Brazil, the European Union also has an X problem
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Elon Musk's woes are hardly limited to Brazil as he now risks possible EU sanctions in the coming months for allegedly breaking new content rules.
Access to X has been suspended in South America's largest country since Saturday after a long-running legal battle over disinformation ended with a judge ordering a shutdown.
But Brazil is not alone in its concerns about X.
Politicians worldwide and digital rights groups have repeatedly raised concerns about Musk's actions since taking over what was then Twitter in late 2022, including sacking many employees tasked with content moderation and maintaining ties with EU regulators.
Continue reading.
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16wolke11 · 11 days ago
BRAZIL - Franco Colapinto
Summary: After another crash of Franco the reader has to figure out a statement for the the public. Franco comes over to apologise while they sit out in the rain together.
Words:  1331
Warnings: Mentions of a crash
"Fuck." It's the only muttered word that comes over my lips when I look at the absolutely wrecked Williams on the screen. I'm torn between the two feelings inside of me. On one hand, I feel very sorry for Franco, who already had a rough weekend before crashing out. On the other hand, I pity myself because I'll need to find a statement that won't rip us and him apart in the media and with the fans.
Sighing, I put my headphones away and head back to the Williams motorhome. It's probably best if I start working on those statements now. It's something I've had to do a little too often in the last few weeks, and this weekend already, with both drivers crashing out during qualifying. Explaining to everyone that Alex wouldn't be racing seemed so difficult yesterday, but now I need to justify another crash.
I grab my iPad, deciding not to take the laptop to write so I can roam freely through the building while doing it. Scribbling down notes, crossing out potential statements, and eliminating the ones we might have used too often in the last few weeks. At one point, I find myself on one of the rooftop balconies. The rain is still dripping down, but I don't care. I sit on one of the damp chairs, burying my head in my hands, not even realizing that my clothes and hair are slowly getting soaked.
Even when I hear hesitant footsteps approach, I don't look up. Only when the chair beside me is pulled back do I glance up. To my surprise, Franco has joined me out here. He's still in his race suit, but unlike me, he's wearing one of the large raincoats Williams has. I look at his face; his eyes are tired, and I know it's been a rough weekend for him with his grandfather passing, as well as his crashes in both qualifying and the race. We sit in silence for a bit longer until Franco clears his throat.
"I think we should go inside soon." His accent is thicker than usual, his voice low as if he doesn't have the strength to speak any louder. We probably should, but I can't bring myself to move. It feels like, as soon as I leave this rooftop, my responsibilities will crash down on me again, so I stay quiet. Franco stares at me until he's the one who moves.
Before I can process what's happening, he opens his large coat and pulls me to my feet. His grip is firm but gentle at the same time. "Wait, what are you—?" I try to ask but lose my voice when he pulls me onto his lap, his coat wrapping around my damp body.
"It's cold and it's raining. I'm not letting you freeze out here," he explains, his arms placed around me, holding me tight against his chest. I blush at how close we are. His body radiates heat, but I don't want to admit he's right, my mind is too scrambled to think straight.
"It's fine, really. I'm okay," I mumble, but I don't even convince myself. It's freezing out here by Brazil's standards, and my damp clothing does nothing to keep me warm. A shiver runs down my spine as Franco's warmth slowly transfers to me.
"No, you're not. Let me take care of you. Just for a little while." Franco's voice is firm, tightening his grip around me as if he's afraid I'll jump up any second. I sigh and accept my fate, carefully leaning my head against his shoulder. Maybe this isn't so bad.
"Thanks. You didn't have to," I say, and I mean it. Franco didn't have to be out here with me in the rain; he could be inside, warming up before heading to his interviews to charm his way out of trouble, like he always does.
"I wanted to." He says, his head resting against my body, and then we just stay like this, the rain and the occasional sound of the cars the only noise around us.
"I'm sorry," Franco suddenly says, and I'm startled. What is he apologizing for?
"For what?"
"Causing you trouble. It was my task from the team to crash less than Logan, but I'm not doing a great job. And you need to fix it with statements." He whispers, his voice laced with self-disappointment, and I sit up straight to look him in the eyes.
"So, sorry for making your job difficult," he adds, avoiding my gaze, and I sigh inwardly. Oh, Franco. I lift my hand to brush some of his slightly wet curls out of his face, but he still keeps his eyes firmly fixed in the distance.
"It's okay. It's really tricky out there, and even the more experienced drivers are struggling or crashing out," I try to reassure him. So many drivers crashed out during qualifying, and from what I watched of the race, they're all struggling with the conditions.
"But they didn't wreck their car like I did." Now he looks at me, his eyes burning with so many emotions that I have to swallow. He's full of grief, anger at himself, and disappointment. He looks more than tired—ready to curl up under a blanket and not come out until the next race.
"Alex can't even drive today. I think he did a better job than you yesterday in destroying the car." I remind him that Alex totalled his car in the session yesterday, and there was no way to fix it. "At least you managed to drive. Stroll even crashed out before the race even started." The fact that the Canadian driver didn't even make it to the starting line should help lighten Franco's mood, but it doesn't.
"He didn't damage the car." Now he sounds like a toddler, and I lose my patience with him when he tries to avoid my eyes again.
"Franco!" I snap, and his eyes widen, but he looks back at me.
"Stop sulking, okay? The situation isn't ideal at all, but don't be so harsh on yourself. If both drivers crash out constantly, maybe the problem is the car and not them!" I feel the rage inside of me, similar to the one I felt when it became clear that Logan would be dropped by the team. Yes, Franco did a lot of damage, but so did Alex, and the Williams was clearly not suited for weather like this. So, the team maybe should fix their technical errors before blaming the drivers for them.
Franco licks his lower lip before a soft smirk appears on his face. "Don't say that too loud, or they'll get rid of you next."
"There's your smile." I can't hold back my own smile, my hand back on his cheek, feeling his dimples under my touch. Franco leans his head into my hand, and I'm glad I could make him smile, even if just a little.
"Can we just stay here?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. As much as I'd like to stay, I'm sure Franco's PR team is already searching for him to get his interviews done, and I should probably start working on that statement.
"I fear we have to go back soon," I sigh, and Franco is silent, only tightening his arms around me for a moment.
"Can I come over to you later?" His voice is barely above a whisper, and it takes me a second to process his words.
"I don't want to be alone with my thoughts," Franco adds, sounding so vulnerable that my heart aches.
"Of course." I'll do anything to make him feel better about today, the weekend in general, and everything else that might be occupying his head, preventing positive thoughts.
"Thank you," Franco says, leaning his forehead against mine. I feel like him and I, wrapped in one coat, is the start of something that comforts the struggles in our lives.
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blushcoloreddreams · 4 months ago
Feminism is bad for you
You might identify with it because of their beautiful ideals, or because it says it takes care of your pains in a different way, but you can know a tree by it’s fruits
Observe what feminism do to women… they get uglier, they tend to fight more with their father, mother, relatives, friends and husband, they can’t have a normal conversation without it becoming a fight…
they become the worst version of themselves without realizing that the ideal of feminism is not the wellbeing of women, it’s political control
I know you will say that feminism is necessary to fight for equality, that I can only make this post because of feminism, that I can only vote, study or work because of feminism
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And I know you will say that feminism is necessary to fight for equality, That I can only make this post today because of feminism, That I can only vote and study because of feminism... But... what if this is all a big lie they told you?
If you study other sources that are not feminist - because yes, believe me - there are other sources... you will see that the story is not exactly what the films portray...
When feminists asked Celina Guimarães, the first woman to vote in Brazil, how she had achieved something so important and representative, she said: "I didn't do anything! I'm grateful and I owe all of this exclusively to my late husband, who was excited about women's participation in Brazilian politics”
You constantly see celebrities telling some lies like that - that women couldn't study and everything, but no one asks exactly why...
The truth is that ancient schools aimed to prepare men for military service, which is why boys were degraded and beaten, often deprived of food to prepare them for war, while girls were educated by their mothers at home or by the Catholic church in order to spare them from rigid male training.
Another lie is that women gained the right to work... but women have always worked, working has always been a question of survival... Traditionally women always were midwives, healers, weavers and overall helped their families with agriculture, trading and crafting. Not needing to work has ALWAYS been a privilege exclusive to upper class women contrary to what feminists tell you. But when men went to war they were forced to work outside, not as a matter of choice, but because it was work or die.
In truth, for most of history the majority of men were illiterate and didn’t have access to education either. In England, for example, education only became compulsory in 1880. Voting and politics also weren’t rights given freely to all men. In Ancient Athens democracy only a small amount of people (only free men whose parents were both Athenian could vote - all that expecting military participation in exchange). In post independence United States only white landowners could vote, in Brazil only after 1985 adults who were illiterate won the right to vote. The main point is, it’s easy to say that women throughout history were abused and discriminated soon if you always compare them to the top 1% instead of the average male when in reality they have been mostly dealing with the same issues and treatment
By believing things like taking care of children and educating them, preparing food and taking care of the house is not work you are just conforming to the paradox of seeing these tasks as lesser things while agreeing to pay thousands to outsource these tasks.
There have always been abusive relationships at any time - but they are not the majority. This image you have that women all suffered at the hands of men is an image distorted by history books after the Communist revolution and promoted by the media to influence and dominate the minds of the masses. When you believe this you will slowly make choices that destroy your life and make you an irresponsible victim dependent on the State. You don't need to believe me, look around you - a tree is known by its fruit
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