#tary & vex
mslaudnatemult · 10 months
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Vox Machina Details
I realized that now that I've completed all of Vox Machina, I wanted to show off the symbols I chose for each member and their designs as some of them I'm super proud of! If you're unsure what any of the symbols are meant to convey, just read blow the line.
(side note, I finished her original version at like ep 35 and had worked so hard to stay away from spoilers so I had no idea what most of the symbols meant and was struggling to think of things)
Kraken- I included it because the kraken fight will go down in my personal history as the fight that was the biggest... slog to get through. You felt the weariness of it as shit just kept repeating, and unfortunately half the table was slightly drunk making everything worse, and it was so pivotal because Vax died and that hastened his deal with the raven Queen and it was Keyleth completing her journey and it was Tary's first real adventure. It also was right after my Roman Empire Vaxleth quote so it had to have a place.
Goldfish -iconic
Acorn- so this is one that has nothing to do with her journey, but it's something I chose to symbolize what I love about her. I love her passion for life and her willingness to protect it. I chose it after she went against Grog during the Whitestone Arc and ran back to help the townsfolk fight the zombie giant. I loved it because she refused to let those people fight on their own to live, and it really stuck with me. Her unadulterated anger at the death of the fire ashari and so many other times she cares about life and I wanted to represent that, so much that I included it in her personal symbol at the top of the designs.
Fire - obvious reasons
Raven feather - gonna represent the love of her life
Snowdrop- yeah Vax got two but I'm so glad I did because that last episode had me sobbing just like Marisha and it's such a symbol of goodbye and love and stolen time
She is one of the most straightforward ones, another one that I had help on from the community because I didn't want spoilers but did want to encompass her entire journey and not just what I had seen.
Grizzly paw - for the best companion out there
Gold coins - Her greed is such a defining trait for so much of her journey to the point where it, in part, got her killed by wanting to steal the armour. It is her hating to spend 30 gold on a very useful book, it is so much of her and I love it.
Sun - Paelor, since she was chosen by him
Broom - As much as I wasn't a fan of the broom, it truly is such a big part of her, her fighting technique, and her personality again tied to her greed that I couldn't help but add it.
The gun and the dagger - for the two most important people in her life.
Her ship - It's cute how often she brought it up even when we never once see her at sea. I think Ashley really enjoyed that part of her backstory even asking about it in campaign 2.
Her holy symbol - Sarenrae is the God who has my heart simply for her kindness to Pike. Her warmth and love and how important that relationship is to Pike. More so than any other cleric, it feels like they get each other and I love that. I'm also sad Sarenrae hasn't been around much in the other campaigns. Someone give this God some love please (I'm on ep 46 of c3 so who knows)
The lute - even if they never go on a date during the campaign, that relationship is super important. It was the first relationship I shipped in VM and how often they look out for each other. I'll always be sad Ashley couldn't be there for ep 85
Grog's axe - adoptive siblings for life
Iris - since it's the flower of Westruun, I thought I should add also because Matt was able to pull that out of his ass when asked was incredible and needs to be remembered always.
Glabrezu claw - even if it's not a death we saw, that death echoed throughout the campaign and it affected Pike so much
Scanlan was harder. So many of his moments are intangible. How do you draw a counterspell? A wish? The hunt for drugs that are actually just cooking spices? the meat man? Modify memory? Scanlan will always be MVP of the VM campaign in my eyes, and so it was so hard to do him justice.
The three eyes of Ioun - No one expected Scanlan to be chosen but chosen he was and the world is better for it.
Triceratops - That fight was the first time Scanlan really showed he could hold his own. Hell, the rest of VM came out worse with 5 people than he did. It was the first time you saw how much of a beast Scanlan could be.
Pike's mace- the woman who made him better
The beret - I had just finished the briarwood Arc what I was working on him and I thought this the best representation of Sam willing to just roll with the stupidest running bits.
The Burt Reynolds mustache - His love of disguises and also one of his most iconic lines
The flute - representing his meeting Kaylie and how that changed so much of his journey.
I struggled with Percy and his symbols because I couldn't always grasp what was important and what drove him as tangible things outside his family, Revenge, and Vex. I also just have the most trouble connecting to Percy so I think that played a part.
The bird skull - I felt it showed his connect to others? As it passed through his hands it showed a care for others and I dunno, this one just stuck with me. So it's there.
Black powder -no way in hell I'm leaving Viktor out
De Rolo crest - His family and all that he lost
An arrow - his future, his shining north star, his better half
Black smoke - Orthax and how much control it had over him
Vampire teeth - a bit corny I know but had no idea how to represent the briarwoods so I rolled with this.
Snowdrop - the mirror Keyleth, and if you have the prints next to each other with Vax on the right and Keyleth on the left, the snowdrops mirror. They're the only two of the series to have that (can you tell who my favourite couple is?)
The raven Queen mask - she needed her own spot because she is.. the looming shadow over so much of Vax, his choices, and his story. She is unrelenting, she is ever-present, she is inevitable. And I hate her for it.
The arrow - twins for life
The antlers - This man supports Keyleth's rights and her wrongs and I adore him for it. I love that he says if you're going to your death to fight this dragon then I'm with you no questions asked. He worships her and it makes me weak at the knees.
The feather - those wings become as much a part of his identity as the broom is for Vex.
The belt - his love for that belt but also his use of equipment. Vax, more than anyone I think, has his identity was tied to his equipment and his icknic moments. His boots, his armour, his belt, his daggers. They make up so much of him.
He's another super straightforward one because we'll, Grog wasn't meant to have a deep and rich and complex character. He has amazing moments but again how do I show them? Craven's edge was something I tried for but it just didn't read as exactly that so I sadly left it out. Believe me, it hurt.
The deck of many things - Those cards were Grog's roman empire and it bit him in the ass at the end and I love it. Also just Travis and his absolute inability to not push the red buttons.
Ale - no group has loved taverns as much as VM, and no one in that group loves a night of drinking as much as Grog.
The Lute - for his best bud
The Mace - for his sister
The shapes - callback to the original audio intro with Grog being first
The bag of holding - few things were as paired as Grog and that bag. No one has their inventory as well organized as that Goliath.
Blondies - I know he was only a portion of it and I think because he was there for the time they mentioned it the most, I connect Tary the most with the Slayers Cake. It's the friendships he formed in his time with the group.
The list - thinking of him saving Keyleth and getting to mark off rescuing a maiden will never fail to make me laugh
The arrow - his best friend
The gun - his other best friend
The book - his many grand tales all documented in one fantastical book
The helmet - I really wanted it in the original design but it just wasn't going to work with the pose I wanted, so it ended up at the bottom.
Yepp so these are the things I connect with these characters the most. It's silly and so much effort for such a small part of the print, but I'm proud of them.
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hayleysayshay · 7 months
I keep seeing ppl rank Tary/Percy low on ship tier lists on twitter and you guys are cowards smh REALISE THE POTENTIAL
Anyway what if they banged once to get it out of their system and then afterwards in the post-sex glow Tary is like yeahhh I’m over my crush now. and Percy wonders what he did. Shake his ego a bit. Humble the man.
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gayandbasic · 1 year
Vox Machina as random photos on my phone:
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missing him* 😔
*taryon darrington
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
every sam and laura pc duo has idiot bestie energy when they rp together and i think that’s beautiful
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Concept: With Jester establishing a reputation as a talented artist specializing in tasteful nudes whom lots of rich people patronize, there’s a non-zero chance that at some point, every single member of Vox Machina apart from Keyleth commissions her for a portrait.
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blorbologist · 2 years
While writing timeskip content I have come to a Conclusion:
Tary meeting Gilmore would knock his gay ass out
Mind you, what we know of his type is Percy and Lawrence - both nerds, and though Gilmore has several magnitudes more raw charisma he is an expert on arcane artifacts and enchantments, which are both also in Tary's wheelhouse of interests.
What I'm saying is:
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tiredbastard59 · 2 years
Watching Stranger Things Season 4 for me has just been whenever they mention Vecna thinking to myself: “Vox Machina would beat his fucking ass so bad man”
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
vex: our good friend tary had identify. he's great.
scanlan: he's probably dead somewhere
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ravenquing · 2 years
Just thinking about Vox Machina and their possible sleeping habits
Vax curling up to sleep on the floor in a warm cozy nest of fluffy blanlets and soft pillows wearing the same heavy pyjamas he's had since leaving Syngorn
Vex sprawls out in her big bed on her belly wearing silk nightgowns
Percy sleeps on his side, his back to the wall and facing the door, his old unionsuit threadbare and loose while a gun rests on the mattress under his duvet and in hand
Keyleth is in Minxy form, curled up just like Vax
Grog is more like Vex and is sprawled out on his back too with everything out and free as he snores loudly on the Pike's bedroom floor
Scanlan has probably fallen out of bed during the night, but starts of sleeping in a kneeling position, either naked or half-dressed and most likely drunk and/or high
While Pike sleeps like a log, her body straight as she lays on her back wearing only her holy symbol
While Taryon falls asleep curled up, but wakes up hanging out of bed, usualy on his back, in his silk pyjamas and fluffy house robe
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
what if tlovm goes in on showing tary's crush on percy, what then? what then??? im just going to want polymachina more
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blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 2590
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Character(s): Vox Machina, Vex'ahlia, Grog Strongjaw, Scanlan Shorthalt, Vax'ildan, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Taryon Darrington, Pike Trickfoot, Keyleth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Team as Family, Families of Choice, Platonic Soulmates
Summary: "Their marks from their mother are nearly identical: matching stripes of bright grass-green right across mirrored cheekbones, as if she’d made them by brushing away their tears. She would do exactly that when they cried over skinned knees or spilled breakfast, brown thumb for Vax and blue thumb for Vex, before gathering them into a tight hug. “There, there, darling,” she’d murmur into whichever twin’s ear. “It’ll be alright, I promise.”
(Soulmarks don’t change when the giver dies. Vex knows this, has been told this, but she can’t help looking at her brother’s cheek when they’re standing among the ashes of their childhood home. In the fading light of the day, the faint green looks more like a half-healed bruise than any sign that they were loved.)"
Vox Machina, the marks they carry, and the marks they leave on each other.
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the-velvet-worm · 2 years
I’m on the last 10 episodes and everything is making me cry lol 
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mysticalspiders · 2 years
This is such a niche thought but
Gansey and Blue + Henry 🤝 Vex and Percy + Taryon
Its the couple + third wheel vibes but the third wheel is best friends with both of the couple because ands connects with a different aspect of both. It’s the “three is better than two vibes.” Gansey + Henry and Percy + Taryon rich kids vibes. Its the gap year roadtrip vibes and the year off where Taryon lives with vex and becomes her best friend while working with Percy in the workshop. The more I think about this the stronger the parallel becomes. 
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blorbologist · 1 year
Two for joy: Chapter 30
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[Including the epilogue, ten chapters are left, and everything has been written! I hope you enjoy the last leg of this journey <3]
Vax’ildan grits his teeth as Whisper cuts clean through much of the zombie’s jaw, taps it hard to get his blade the rest of the way into the brain. He shoves off the rotting heap as Keyleth and Grog tear the last one apart between roots and massive hands.
“Oops,” Grog says, squinting at the half in his possession, which happens to include the head. “I hope Percy wasn’t hopin’ we’d keep them in one piece.”
“I think he’ll forgive us, given the circumstances,” Vax sighs. He retrieves Whisper from the broken mouth. Eyes uncannily like Cassandra’s stare back, dull and dead.
Vax is glad Eskil had elected to avoid attending the wedding by Teleporting back to Westrunn days ago. Delilah carved a swath through what staff and guards had not dispersed in search of their de Rolos. Or. Actually, from the looks of things as they hurried through, the posthumous de Rolos did much of the work.
He thinks this one might have been an older brother. Vax swallows and tries to close its eyes, though the eyelids resist. Instead he looks away - forward.
There’s a body - definitely undead - beyond the line they carved into the granite, a year ago. Nothing but a crumpled corpse. However, it doesn’t look damaged. He’s sure none of them killed that one.
“Keyleth?” he calls, uneasy. She looks up from examining two near-identical corpses. “We should check out the spinning orb of death. The anti-magic sphere - she did something to it.”
Vex wants to track down Delilah immediately.
Absolutely everyone disagrees.
“You just fuckin’ died - again,” Grog huffs. “Won’t you be super weak like Percy was, after?”
“Resurrection sickness can be pretty hard on you,” Pike says gently. “And - and besides. There’s weird stuff going on here. We need to figure it out before we can do anything, right?”
Tary busies himself fluffing her pillows. “It’s not like we even know where she went! Crazy lady just - got to the creepy orb, did something to it, and left. No one can even scry on her if she still has whatever it was that prevented it.”
“Or,” says Vex, “she could have gone through the orb. It’s a siphon, right? Maybe she just has a way of doing it safely.”
“If she does, we have no idea what it is! I mean - if you give me a day or two, I could probably figure it out. With some… trivial assistance from Allura, and Gilmore, and maybe that Eskil fellow. But not now.”
Vex grits her teeth. Resists the urge to slap Tary’s fussing hands away and instead places one of her own on his arm. “But she’ll have a lead!”
[One for sorrow] [Ch1] [Keep reading on AO3]
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