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A Tarot Reading on My New Pet
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les diseuses de bonnes aventures, avril 2024
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Le graveur et maître cartier Thomas Perino, à qui l'on doit Le Tarot Perino, publié par Le Feu Sacré, participe à la quatrième Limited Edition Art Fair à la Villa Empain / Fondation Boghossian du 15 au 17 mars 2024 à Bruxelles. Ceux, familiers des cartes, et de son jeu, reconnaîtront aisément le 10 de deniers du Tarot Perino sur l'affiche de l'événement. Pour l'occasion, Le Feu Sacré a décidé de remettre temporairement en ligne le documentaire qu'avait consacré Warren Lambert à la genèse et l'impression de ce Tarot unique au monde. Le Tarot Perino et le DVD du film sont toujours en vente ici sur notre site.
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🔮 Découvrez votre avenir avec un tirage de Tarot de Marseille GRATUIT !
🌟 Besoin de conseils divinatoires ? Ne cherchez plus ! Obtenez un tirage de Tarot de Marseille GRATUIT et laissez les mystérieuses cartes éclairer votre chemin. N’hésitez pas à partager cette offre avec vos amis !
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When I was shuffling the cards, the Ace of Swords flew out of the deck and actually tapped me in the face. I'm not one to ignore a sign. 🤔 It actually fits really well for today as I'm going to be working on getting the paperback of my novel Queen of Swords to go out there into the world. It's a little frightening to put yourself out there, but it's also a new journey. I have to embrace the fear as I get my words ready. I'm about to take new steps towards myself, and that's pretty awesome. 🗡 Card from The Tarot des Ambuguities #Tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #alejandrorrozan #artisantarot #aceofswords #writing #journey #path #words #fear #worry #lessons #release #beginning #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXkH3Uub-e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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. A woman smiles here, and it almost looks like she’s petting her horses. There’s so much insight one could take out from this card. Il Tarocco di Marsiglia di Lele Luzzati. I really couldn’t believe my eyes when I stumbled upon this pack of cards - and there’s not much info available on the web too. I love how the artist here imagined The Chariot as being a woman🙌 . . #marseilletarotdeck #tarotdemarseille #tarocchimarsigliesi #tarocchidimarsiglia #vintagetarot #raretarot #tarotreading #タロットリーディング #タロットリーダー #タロット占い #タロットカード #cartomancie #cartomanzia #tarothistory #tarocchiitalia #italiantarot #leleluzzati #emanueleluzzati #luzzatitarot #emanueleluzzatitarot #マルセイユタロット #イタリアのタロット #イタリアンタロット #italiantarot #shotoniphone (at Tuileries Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpW5lH_MiWa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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In questo momento dell'anno non ci resta che essere buoni semi.
I semi nascosti che diverranno i frutti che saremo domani.
Per essere buoni semi dobbiamo occuparci di mantenere il calore dentro di noi attraverso i piccoli gesti.
Custodire il fuoco dentro di noi.
Alimentarlo con buone pratiche e i semplici gesti di cui un seme ha bisogno.
Calore, riparo, riposo, nutrimento, amore.
Accettare questo piccolo processo di morte senza combatterlo. Lasciare che esso ci guarisca senza il nostro intervento.
È indispensabile. È necessario. È naturale.
Dietro di esso spinge una nuova vita che presto incontrerai.
Solo non ora.
Pazienta, come insegna la natura.
Lasciati cadere. Come insegnano le foglie. Ti sorprenderai nel trovare una luce in ciò che più temevi. Nulla di te è perduto se ti lasci andare a questa trasformazione. Ne uscirai alleggerito dal superfluo. Conoscerai l’essenziale.
Ascolta il profumo di un mandarino appena sbucciato, cucina.
Fai bagni caldi. Sii seme. Discreto e silenzioso.
Senza fretta di dimostrare del frutto che sarai.
Tratto dalla mia newsletter ISSUE N.8
Fabiana Spagnuolo
#tarot #tarotdemarseille #tarotcards #tarocchidimarsiglia #tarocchi #workshop #corsoditarocchi #counsciousness #spirtualpath #gestalt #fabianaspagnuolo
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Voyance guidance spirituelle Prédictions à 6 mois #tarot #voyance #voyanceenligne #Shorts
Des temps difficiles à venir ? Le tarot dévoile un chemin semé d’embûches mais promet un horizon plus clair. Soyez prêts !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsJUM8JZyCU #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesdruides #espoir Des questions ? Obtenez des réponses – Consultations de voyance guidance spirituelle : https://www.christophe-voyance.com/ Tirage de tarot de Marseille gratuit en ligne :…
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Voyance guidance spirituelle Prédictions à 6 mois #tarot #voyance #voyanceenligne #Shorts
via christophe-voyance.com voyance tarot Des temps difficiles à venir ? Le tarot dévoile un chemin semé d’embûches mais promet un horizon plus clair. Soyez prêts !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsJUM8JZyCU #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesdruides #espoir Des questions ? Obtenez des réponses – Consultations de voyance guidance spirituelle : https://www.christophe-voyance.com/ Tirage de tarot de…
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Mensagem do Tarot para o período da Lua Minguante 🌛
Momento de fazer aquelas mudanças necessárias nos projetos pessoais, profissionais e físicos também.
Alguns comprometimentos precisam ser revistos e não descartados, para que possa iniciar uma nova jornada com mais equilíbrio e criatividade.
Revejam seus objetivos!
Usem a criatividade para não perderem a vez!
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Card of the Day - Roi de Denier (King of Coins) From “The Revised Gassman Tarot Marseille” scanned and touched up by Patrick Valenza @deviant_moon_inc https://deviantmooninc.com/ This historical woodblock printed deck was created c.1860 by Francois Gassman from Switzerland, and was considered unique for its colors. Having been in search for a bit for a more classic TdM deck, when I was buying the Trionfi della Luna bestiary pack, this caught my eye. Especially right now with just a single lamp in the room as I write this, I feel transported far more than standard re-coloring of bright red/yellow/blue on vibrant white. I had planned on printing and hand-coloring on “antique” look card stock, but am holding that off, happy with this deck for now, especially with the un-pretentious card back. I’m getting a feel for Tarot de Marseille (TdM) style decks, and in reading this am reminded of Marcus Katz’ philosophy concerning the TdM of reading what is literally between the 4 edges of the card. The King of Coins is leaning forward onto the coin, with one ankle crossed over the others, the other foot on the bare earth rather than a rug. He has riches, but does not need to flaunt them beyond the brocade that adorns him. I see him looking over his shoulder with wide eyes but a gentleness as well. I see a reminder to stay solid with what you have, but to keep your eyes open for those in need. Kindness is it’s own kind of currency. However, too many folks I know who give the shirt off the back don’t remember to stay clothed themselves lest they freeze. Give, but stay secure in what you have. Help others, but don’t give away what you can’t afford to loose. Because of this, remember that if you take opportunities to make more, instead of bemoaning that you shouldn’t have when others don’t - taking that which brings in more enables you to pass that forward in turn. Set aside the scarcity mentality and cherish the riches of your life - remembering for you this may or may not be about literal coin. But keep your gentle eyes open for those in need. #CardOfTheDay #CardOfTheDay🔮 #Tarot #TarotDecks #TarotCardOfTheDay #TarotDeMarseilles #Tarosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ2xgQ8B4yw/?igshid=zakebznskzon
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“Il y a de cela deux ans je terminais, dans ma petite chambre de bonne et à l'occasion d'une pandémie qui nous laissait avec beaucoup de solitude et de temps libre, mon Tarot commencé cinq ans auparavant. C'est avec beaucoup d'émotion et de gratitude que je découvris que cet acte, a priori absurde, était accueilli avec une grande bienveillance par un grand nombre de personnes. Parmi celles-ci quelques-unes poussèrent la gentillesse et la confiance jusqu'à me proposer d'éditer ce jeu de Tarot.
Aurélien Lemant fut le premier à m'en parler au nom des éditions Le Feu Sacré. Warren Lambert réalisa un film sur l'impression des gravures par l'atelier Michael Woolworth. Enfin, Pacôme Thiellement écrivit un très beau texte pour rendre compte de ce travail. Il n'est donc pas anodin que ces trois complices ainsi que moi-même aient été réunis pour l'écriture d'un livre qui accompagnera le jeu de Tarot tiré de ces gravures. J'espère qu'à nouveau la magie opérera et qu'il se trouvera parmi vous des personnes qui auront envie de soutenir ce projet qui m'a accompagné depuis tant d'années. Et n'hésitez pas si vous le souhaitez à partager cette publication.”
Pour contribuer aux préventes de ce merveilleux livre-objet, c’est ici et maintenant.
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Merci mes chères pierres qui m'accompagnez :) Je sens proche le moment de vous rendre peut-être à la nature..? De vous laisser reprendre votre propre chemin..? Ce sera juste, évidemment, vous m'avez tellement aidée :D Qui vivra verra ^_^ Je vous aime ;* <3 #pierresamies #pierresenseignantes #pierrescalmantes #pierresvivifiantes #pierresvivantes #pierresvibrantes #mercibeaucoup #quellesaventures #lavie #jadore #couleurs #cristaux #pierres #lithothétapie #tarotdemarseilles #leveilcestguérir #leveilcestsaimer #mercilespierres #cheminement #excellent #tellementcontente #jemesensforte #magiedespierres #magiedelanature #bonnemédecine ;) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_PFKsAZZu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i982b7fdzrc0
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I've been trying to change mindset. Instead of letting myself be filled with worry, I've been turning towards the positive it's a lot easier to chase away the shadows when I remember that joys, especially small ones, are all around me. Everything in life is a cycle and I am in continual motion. Life changes and it doesn't have to be all bad. There is joy, too, as long as I lift my face up to the sun. ✨️ Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #cycle #thesun #theworld #change #mindset #joy #darkness #balance #smalljoys #changeoutlook #gaywitch #LGBTQIA #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CpC6e5PuVir/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Daily message for Sunday, 1/20/2019 with the CBD De Marseille deck: the King and the Ace of Swords inversed. We are under the influence of the planetary happenings and the Full Moon just arrived. They say, during the Full Moon people like to visit the past, reflect upon old memories, looking at old pictures. The King of Swords is exactly in this situation; he is not able to cut himself off from the past, uncertain, and has a divided heart. He has two Moon-faced figures on either side of his shoulder. One is looking back to the past and the King follows his vision. The other is blinded by the sword-thoughts to see into the future. Because he does not see what is in front of him, he cannot see that he in delusion, has misconceptions, and his thoughts are negative and unproductive. The Ace of Swords inversed can indicate injury as well, I would say, be careful with your legs as this is the only exposed thing turning to the second car. Do not be deceived by your own thoughts. Try to establish yourself in the present because that is the only way to the future. Once you establish this attitude, the cards will turn and the King acquires a strong will that will be able to deal with uncertainty and can turn his head away from the old. That will lead to a more rational and logical thinking and eventually to victory over self-defeat. Extra energy -for instance, the energy of the Full Moon - and difficulties will bring extra opportunities. We are not here to be defeated nor the Universe wants to break us. They give us only that much that we can deal with. That is the ultimate alchemical transmutation. #cbdtarot #tarotdemarseilles #dailymessage #dailyreading #tarotreading #tarotmessage #taroteverydamnday #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #yarotreadersofit #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotreader #messageforsunday #sundaymessage #dontbeliveyourself #dontlookback #staystrong (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3GVnmFISo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e7m549zvtpzm
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La tua essenza, il tuo distillato.
Trovare le tue proprietà, come si fa per un olio essenziale.
E quando le hai trovate, lasciare che siano cura per l’anima tua e di chi ti incontra nel suo cammino.
In fondo abbiamo solo bisogno solo darci il permesso di vivere nella nostra verità.
Di mostrare senza dover dimostrare.
Di poter piangere e dopo un istante ballare come una bimba sotto la pioggia.
Di riposare e lasciare che ci pensi la vita.
Di amare così come possiamo.
Di ridere e smettere di prenderci così tanto sul serio.
Di rimanere profonde nella leggerezza.
È così, cammin facendo, imparare a vivere comodamente la propria essenza.
In fondo la vita pare essere un allenamento a scomparire con consapevolezza.
Fabiana Spagnuolo
#tarot #tarotdemarseille #tarotcards #tarocchidimarsiglia #tarocchi #workshop #corsoditarocchi #counsciousness #spirtualpath #gestalt #fabianaspagnuolo #retreat
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