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When I was shuffling the cards, the Ace of Swords flew out of the deck and actually tapped me in the face. I'm not one to ignore a sign. 馃 It actually fits really well for today as I'm going to be working on getting the paperback of my novel Queen of Swords to go out there into the world. It's a little frightening to put yourself out there, but it's also a new journey. I have to embrace the fear as I get my words ready. I'm about to take new steps towards myself, and that's pretty awesome. 馃棥 Card from The Tarot des Ambuguities #Tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #alejandrorrozan #artisantarot #aceofswords #writing #journey #path #words #fear #worry #lessons #release #beginning #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXkH3Uub-e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I've been trying to change mindset. Instead of letting myself be filled with worry, I've been turning towards the positive it's a lot easier to chase away the shadows when I remember that joys, especially small ones, are all around me. Everything in life is a cycle and I am in continual motion. Life changes and it doesn't have to be all bad. There is joy, too, as long as I lift my face up to the sun. 鉁笍 Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #cycle #thesun #theworld #change #mindset #joy #darkness #balance #smalljoys #changeoutlook #gaywitch #LGBTQIA #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CpC6e5PuVir/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I've been trying to heal lately. I know that all I need is time, but my mind is getting in the way. I keep thinking that I am disappointing others, that I am letting them down when nothing could be further from the truth. I need to balance love against those thoughts and love myself. That's all I should be focusing on right now, not thoughts of maybe or what if. The heart and mind are connected, so I need to find a balance within between the two so that my healing path before me is clear. I have to fill my mind with love and self kindness 馃挄 Card from The Tarot des Ambuguities. #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #balance #heart #mind #healing #letgo #lovewithin #healing #path #journey #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/Co92SC3OBJb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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It's funny how certain events put things into perspective. I've learned a lot about myself: I am always looking at what I have learned in the past so that I can apply those lessons in the future and I have so much love to give despite what I've been through. More than that, I am surrounded by love. What I am going through is an ending of sorts, but it's also a new beginning for myself. I'm a unified body, mind and spirit and all I have to do is take a breath and move forwards. 鉁笍Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities. #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #learned #mystory #mindbodyspirit #cycle #learned #journey #love #past #present #beginning #LGBTQIA #gaywitch #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CorpIU7Oyf2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Celebrations don't have to be huge. They can be as simple as taking a moment to reflect on what I've learned, enjoying a moment with those I love and finding my balance as I start down a new direction. You have to celebrate the small things in life and that's what I'm going to do today! 鉁笍Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities. #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #rarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #celebrations #smallvictories #smalljoys #whativelearned #moveforward #friends #friendship #family #balance #lookforward #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CoewuF1uZhs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I'm always apologizing for everything. It's been a long time habit. I apologize for the weather, for doing something the wrong way, for making a mistake. It doesn't matter really, I will assume the blame and apologize. Lately, I've been apologizing for my health issues and the inconveniences that they cause. I know that I have no control over what my body does sometimes, and I don't need to apologize. I also know where this habit came from. I was the peacemaker when I grew up in a difficult home. If I assumed the blame, I could stop the storm before it started. I need to start a new journey with myself and take a step in another direction every time I feel like apologizing for something I didn't do. I need to embrace the light within and the creative spark. There is kindness within me for others, I need to extend that kindness to myself. I need to turn away from the voices and reactions of the past and those they belonged to towards the presence of love that I have in my life. My husband always tells me that I shouldn't apologize for things that aren't my fault. He's grounded and is my support. I need to let go and shine brightly. It will not be a journey that will be easy, but I don't have to do it alone. 鉁笍Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #journey #stopapologizing #stepforward #newdirection #aceofwands #queenofwands #kingofpentacles #kingofhearts #grounded #loveisallaround #loveistheanswer #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXMpMCueRb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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After a full moon, I always like to look at what I can let go of. I always hold on to too much that my mind can get too full. When I look at these cards, I'm drawn to the fact that the feet are all trying to go in their own direction. There is so much movement here! Yes, I am a creative force, able to create so much, but that doesn't mean I have to do everything all at once. I have to focus on one project at a time, but more than that, I have to allow rest to be part of my creative process, too. I can't create from an empty well. Giving myself time to rest will make the creative process better. I will be creating because I want to, not because I feel I have to. 鉁笍Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities. #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #fullmoon #letgo #release #direction #choose #rest #forwards #creative #creating #newwayofthinking #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shine #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUraYBuAk9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Resting is difficult for me. My mind is full of so many things I think I need to do in order to prove to myself that I can live beyond the disabilities that I live with. However, I've been learning that my body, mind and spirit need to rest and resting is part of living. I need to engage with my spirit today. Even though I won't be doing a lot of movement, my spirit will take me on a journey within myself. It will be one where I will look at balance, the night and the day, and choose a new direction for myself. In order to rest, I need to look at myself in a new light. I need to stop judging myself and thinking I'm weak because I need to rest and recuperate. I need to look within and try to find the root of the grind culture mindset that I live with and try to set it free. I need to start a new relationship with myself. I am connected to so many other people in my life and I am surrounded by love. I am not alone, but connected to so many others and I can ask people for help. I don't need to do everything myself. I need to remember that it's okay to ask for help. 鉁笍Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #path #journey #rest #healing #spirit #engage #judgement #Chariot #spiritualjourney #love #connectedtosource #loveisallaround #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPhPbnuqnW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I realized this morning that I've been holding on to a lot of anger. I'm trying to learn from my emotions and let go of what I no longer need. Keeping healthy tight grip on anger isn't healthy, even though I have every right to be angry. In order to thank the emotion for what it has taught me and walk away from it, I need to celebrate the growth in myself that I've achieved and be kind to myself. I've accomplished so much and this is but one part of the journey. Love can come in many ways, I just have to be open to the flow of my emotions and let go when I need to. 鉂わ笍 Card from The Tarot des Ambuguities. #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #anger #emotions #journey #flow #loveisallaround #heart #letmyselfheal #letgo #moveforward #selfkindness #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKKGaYuXJm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Even in darkness, light can be found. During this time of year, I always like to think of what kind of light I can welcome into my life. I am starting a new journey with love and self-love. I've been looking at ways that I can create more love for myself so that I can love and accept all of myself, even the parts of myself that I have the most difficulty with. Self-love and self kindness will certainly light up my world. Love is light after all! 馃挅 Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities. #Tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #imbolc #light #welcomein #love #lovewithin #creativespirit #journey #newpath #beginning #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHtrEIOV0T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Today is my first day back to work after a week off to let my body get used to the effects of chemo. While today may be a difficult adjustment, I need to focus on something other than my emotions. I will celebrate myself today and how far I've come. I'm in a time of transition, change and renewal and I will embrace the light within. I will rejoice in the journey of me. 鉁笍Card from The Tarot des Ambuguities #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdemarseille #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #change #journey #celebrate #renewal #light #adjustment #chemo #work #emotions #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CoCcvxxuEEZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Every once in a while, I forget to sparkle. I know that I can't sparkle on every day, but it's a mindset that has helped me to see myself and the world around me in a new light. In order to sparkle today, I have to begin a journey with my heart, journeying forward with intent and passion and with focus. I need to remember that it's okay to have fun and embrace my spirit. Going forwards, I need to remember thar it's okay to walk in the shadows sometimes, but I can't spend all of my time there. I need to force myself into the light if I get lost and try to embrace the different parts of myself as they make up all of me. Sparkle on! 鉁笍 Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities. #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #tarotdemarseille #sparkle #light #lightinthedarkness #heart #journey #emotions #forwards #passion #aceofcups #knightofwands #strength #force #choose #direction #positivity #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn62qpAuUEJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I've been holding to a lot lately. My mind is filled with thoughts of what could be that I've lost focus on what is. I need to put those thoughts down, they have taught me all they can. I need to focus on the love that I have all around me as I move into a new phase of my life. Everyday is a journey and only I can decide how to live. 鉁笍 Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities #tarot#tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdesambiguites #tarotdemarseille #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #forwards #whativelearned #whatwillbewillbe #whatcouldgowrong #whatis #love #lovewithin #lookforward #letgo #thought #revelation #transformation #transition #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4SaBbOyHF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Peace comes in many ways. Today, I will take a moment to embrace growth instead of worry, letting words and paint bring comfort to my my mind. I will turn away from fear and look around me at the world that I've created and celebrate what makes my heart happy. I will take a moment or two to connect with spirit and to let my light shine brightly. Fear and discomfort will still be there and I can honour both, but that doesn't have to be my focus. Today, I will focus on creativity, abundance and my spirit in order to bring peace to my world. 鉁笍Cards from Tarot Des Ambuguities #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdesambiguites #tarotdemarseille #artisantarot #creativespirit #creativethoughts #abundance #joy #heart #head #mind #thought #peace #spirit #sparkle #brightly #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CnwjYRJurue/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sometimes, fear is olay. I've been living with fear of the unknown a lot. I try to struggle against it, but my body has other ideas. Instead of trying to outrun fear, I have to embrace it. Admitting that I can't control everything is an act of kindness. I'm being asked to go in a different direction. The Empress and the beings that pull the Chariot are looking to the Devil. It's reminding me that we all have a connection to the unknowable and I can have control over that. Instead of being afraid of what is to come, I have to head towards it, no matter what it is. I don't have to decide what to do now when I don't know what is coming. I merely have to embrace this new direction and go somewhere new within my mind. Kindness towards myself is key and as I move along this path with fear as my companion, I need to embrace fear with the kindness that I show towards myself, for the fear is a part of me. 鉁笍Cards from The Tarot des Ambuguities #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #kindness #fear #unknown #connection #journey #direction #path #relationship #journey #new #portal #roses #symbol #power #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday #tarotdemarseille https://www.instagram.com/p/CnuCGqju3Ii/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I received my Tarot Des Ambuguities by Alejandro R. Rozan and Artisan Tarot today. What a gorgeous remaining of the Tarot des Marsailles. It remains faithful to the original art and symbolism but gives the cards a new spin. Wands are Jambe (leg), Cups are Coeur (Heart), Swords are Bras (Arm) and Pentacles are now Tetes (Head). It personalizes the cards and makes them easier to relate to. I normally have a lot of difficulty reading Marsailles decks, but the art makes it easy to read the cards intuitively. All the art is done so beautifully. I feel like I'm using a deck from a forgotten age. The linen cardstock is gorgeous and a dream to shuffle. The cards invite you in to learn about yourself, more than any Marsailles deck I've ever seen. I can't wait to get to know the deck more. #tarotdesambiguites #artisantarot #alejandrorrozan #decksilove https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnnotvmumtm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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