connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"Thank you so much for your help," Becca says, smiling. She nudges James.
"Oh! Yes. Thank you!" he says. "We'll probably see you around, I guess."
Looks at them from the corner of her eye, "since i was 16. Not much they can do for me anymore."shrugs and walkd to a pair of double doors " this is the cafeteria"
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
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"Hey. I'm James." James gave a slight nod of recognition. He wasn't feeling quite so talkative today.
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"I'm Rebecca," Rebecca said. She wasn't used to introducing herself when her older brother was around. "It's a pleasure to meet you... I'm sorry I didn't quite catch your name."
“Since when did I become the popular one? Hi there!”
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
James tried to focus, to clear his foggy mind. "I don't think so," he turned toward his still invisible sister. "Do we know an Xavier?" There was a few seconds of silence. "You realize I can't see you, so if you're nodding or shaking your head or whatever-"
"Oh! Right!" Becca cut him off and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, no. I don't think we do. And that's not really a name you forget right?"
"Hold on." James's eyes widened, "You have files on us? Is this about our..." he motioned to the place where Becca was standing (being mindful not to hit her again) and to himself, "our powers?"
connollytwins started following you
Evelyn gave him a skeptical glance at the remark about his research. While S.H.I.E.L.D.’s existence was by no means secret - the public knew it was a subset of the U.S. Government’s Central Intelligence Agency - the details were sketchy. Just as the C.I.A. harbored rumors, so did S.H.I.E.L.D. In some cases they were gross exaggerations, while in others they were shockingly accurate. Alien life was no longer a secret given this past summer’s showdown in Midtown, but S.H.I.E.L.D.’s involvement in the affair was minimized in the public eye.
“Phoenix,” she replied cautiously, one hand put forth for a shake. “Evelyn Phoenix.” After the awkward exchange she crossed her arms, surveying both the male and his invisible sister. “I apologize, I’ve read your files before so introductions kind of skipped my mind. I worked with Charles Xavier a few years ago. You know the guy?”
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"Wow. That's um, well at least you've got a positive attitude," James offers, following her out of the elevator.
"How long have you been diagnosed with it?" Rebecca asked softly. The girl had quite the positive attitude considering her condition, which meant she was either in the early stages and still harbored some doubt about her condition or some hope for recovery, or she was so near death that she was already at peace with the idea. Either way, Becca's heart broke for her.
Alyss stops smiling and bites her lip.” I’m not only a volunteer. I’m a patient. ” looks at the buttons as she presses the second floor one. ” I have cancer as well.”
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"Yeah, er," he glanced around the now nearly empty restaurant, then glanced quickly at the clock. "My shift's pretty much over, but, I-uh we hope that you choose Connolly's the next time you need a bite to eat or something. But, you know, I hope you're having a better day, next time." He smiled and looked down at his toes, honestly a bit too nervous to make eye contact.
neverquestionjustshoot entered the joint
Faith gave him a tiny shrug of her shoulders. “Well, you can or you can’t. But… thank you for understanding, James. I normally don’t like putting my problems on others. It’s rare for me to actually express my emotions when I’m having a bad day.”
She chuckled lightly under her breath. He was nervous. It was kind of cute. “It’s okay, James. Really. You were right. Apple pie.” 
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"Hey! Don't worry about it. Seriously." He grinned. "I'll bring your pie out whenever you're ready. I'm James, by the way. Just call me over if you need anything. And...I've already said that. Well, I'll just head on over in that direction." He edged away from the table, and fled for the kitchen. Before I make an even bigger fool of myself, he mentally added.
"Seriously? You plan on winning her over with a piece of pie?" was Rebecca's reaction to the whole thing. Surprisingly calm, compared to what James had been expecting.
"Yeah. That's the plan actually." James shrugged, playing it cool for the moment.
"Why not just win her over with your usual witty stuff?" Becca asked, starting to pack away the vegetables.
"You know how scattered I get when I can't focus. Well, she makes me not focus." He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter.
"I thought that was just a puberty thing, to be honest," Becca replied smirking.
"Shut up." James shook his head. About twenty minutes later, he checked the novelty clock hanging on the kitchen wall. "So do I go out there now? Or what?"
"Sure, knock yourself out."
He collected a slice of apple pie and made his way over to the mysterious woman's table. "One apple pie!" he announced upon his arrival, "On the house."
neverquestionjustshoot entered the joint
Faith peeked at the name tag out of the corner of her eye and nodded. “Alright. Thanks, James.”
Okay. He was kind of getting into her personal space now. She wanted to recoil back in her chair, but what he said caught her off guard. Was she really that obvious? She wanted to crawl into some dark hole and never come out now. At the mention of the apple pie being on the house, she found herself smiling a little more genuinely. 
“Thanks, James. You don’t have to do that. Really.”
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
Day 1:
Basics and cosmetic: Age: 24 Date of Birth: September 4th, 1988 Hair color: Dark Brown Eye color: Becca's eyes are vibrant blue where James's eyes are more hazely~brown Nationality: Irish definitely. Maybe a little French on their mother's side. Accent (if any): Very slight New York accent Height:
James hasn't had a physical in a while. Last time he went in he measured just under six feet or something like that.
Rebecca's about five foot six or seven.
Weight: They are both of average weight in proportion to their heights. Tattoos: None (yet) Birthmarks: Rebecca has a birth mark the diameter of a penny and a half on her right shoulder. As a teen, she was really self conscious about it. Over the years she's come to get used to it. Scars: James has a few small scars scattered over his hands from his time spent as an aspiring artist. Rebecca has a scar about four inches long on her left hip from a bicycle accident she had as a child. Do they have any nicknames? Where did they come from?: As children, Rebecca would call James a doofus, and she occasionally reverts to the old nickname. Close friends call Rebecca, Becca. Other than that, nothing.
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
The most in-depth 30 day character development meme you'll ever find.
Because I wanted to see something that really got into the nitty gritty details of a character.
I tried to organize it into sections and equalize the amount of writing you’d be doing each day, but obviously that’s going to vary from character to character. Good luck, and may the force be with you.
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"Oh. Wow. I'm so sorry. Uh, what kind of cancer is it?" James asks, stuffing his fists into his pockets. Becca elbows him in the ribs, but he pays no attention. He merely massages his side without breaking eye contact with Alyss.
Alyss stops smiling and bites her lip." I'm not only a volunteer. I'm a patient. " looks at the buttons as she presses the second floor one. " I have cancer as well."
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
James looks down to hide his grin. She really is, though. Good old mom. Becca's facial expression does not change. Her mouth remains in a tight, thin line. "Yes. She is," she replies hollowly, leaning against the back wall of the elevator, her arms folded across her chest. 
"And what's your story, uh," James cranes his neck in order to read the name on her name tag, "Alyss? What got you volunteering in a place like this?"
Alyss looks back at them and nods, walking into the elevator as she gets in so they can get in.
" if I can tell anything by you two is that she must be a good woman." she smiles shyly.
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up anything...unpleasant," Rebecca apologized. 
James patted her on the back "See. Saying the wrong thing is easy." She shook him off.
Aster cleared her throat, “Self defence is different to me than it is to the law…. Most of my murders were considered self defence through my eyes, that’s how I was raised to see it.”
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"Oh, uh," he turns to Rebecca, as if to verify that telling was okay. She nods and he returns his attention to the girl. "Our mother. She's got, um," he makes a pathetic motion to signify breasts. "Cancer."
"She beat it before," Becca inserts. "But, this time feels different."
Alyss looks down and sees her hair is covering her badge and moves it, and smiles.” nope just a volunteer. But if you want I can show you where the food court is.”
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"That would be great! Thank you," Becca said, smiling widely. 
James stepped back and gestured for the girl to lead the way.
Alyss looks down and sees her hair is covering her badge and moves it, and smiles." nope just a volunteer. But if you want I can show you where the food court is."
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connollytwins-blog · 12 years
"I can't make any promises, but okay!" He replied with a chuckle. "I'm feeling better already. Don't you, Becca?" he asked the thin air beside him.
"You're not even looking at me, now," Becca said from the other side of him. "You're not the one who stopped existing, anyway, James."
"Oh! Right." He turned to face the proper direction. "Christ! You still exist. You're just not...visible. See I told you this place would be able to help. I read about it online, something about aliens and weird stuff like," he motioned toward the thin air, accidentally hitting his sister, "Oops." A second later he recoiled, due to an invisible sock to the shoulder. "Well, um, thank you! Agent-" he paused, realizing he had no idea what the woman's name was.
connollytwins started following you
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“Uh, did you completely miss the part about my sister. She’s completely invisible. Seriously look at her. Well actually, you can’t see her. But I mean, come on, that’s weird right?” he babbled, trying to steer the conversation away from his recreational activities.
“Do I even exist anymore? I mean, if I can’t be seen…how do I know I even exist?” the feminine voice chimed in.
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