#tarot lust
badley · 4 months
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i was looking this up for normal reasons (braime related.) and. sorry. what
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Daily pull-a-card reading
Daily pull-a-card, is a daily tarot reading in which ill pull one card for every group.
Disclaimer: sometimes i might pull an extra card or two that i wont mention but will definitely take into consideration.
Lots of grammar mistakes ahead bc fuck english.
For September 8-9th 2023
Group i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
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The high priestess
U seem to be very connected and in touch with ur emotions, you are at ur peak intuition-wise but why do i see you doubting urself? Why are u so unsure? Almost ur not giving urself the benefit of the doubt, actually quite the opposite. You are not sure of urself whatsoever, but im here to tell what the universe (god, the angels or whatever u believe in) wants you to know : you are on the right path. U are exactly where u r meant to be. U are as connected to ur higher purpose as one can be. There is nothing to fear. You are on the right path. Your own path. Trust yourself a bit more.
A song recommendation (which i reallllllllly urge to listen to bc u cant imagine how strongly this came through, U MUST LISTEN TO IT) :
Ten of wands (r)
Let go of it. The burden you are carrying is not worth it, i don't exactly know what it is, it might or might not be important but here's the thing love, you are more important. U r really precious, u truly don't deserve to carry this baggage, it is just weighing you down. So free yourself, love. I know u can do it, you too know too. My bird of paradise, fly.
A song recommendation that i really wish u to listen to:
The world
My god, you are the girl. Darling you ARE THE GIRL. honestly i dont even need to advice u, all im gonna say, you are the girl. you are the one, i truly truly love your energy. Baddest bitch in the game lmaoo.
I said im not gonna advice you, but i cant stop me, so here it goes, STOP LOOKING INTO THE PAST. What's past is past. Fuck him, fuck them, they didnt deserve you. Look ahead so much is waiting for you, somewhere is waiting for you. And this time, they will deserve you. U will watch it begin again, only better.
A song recommendation that i NEED you to listen to (make sure u listen to taylor's version only tho 🔪🔪)
9 of swords
Hey love, listen to me very carefully, YOU CANT BALANCE IT ALL. whatever you are trying to balance, is taking a toll on you. It's too much work and it's fucking you up mentally. It's too much and read to this even more carefully YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME. Ur only human. Either give one of it up, or just free yourself from both( i suggest this). Life is much more than this situation that you are in. And there's better days to come. But you take this decision. U need to take this decision.
A song recommendation that im certain you already know but i think would a good awakening for u :
Knight of cups
He is very close. Nearly here. And my god, ur night in his shinning armor is one hell of a night ( THE BEST INTENTIONS LITERALLY ) . Idk girl what u have been manifesting, but that shit is CLOSE, very freaking close. My advice? Just keep doing whatever ur doing. U r doing good, and u will do even better.
Song recommendation(huh... interesting, idk i got this song, but it came very strongly, so listen u never know what's in it for u) / interestedly three things came on strong 1. "Combat" 2. " they see right through me, can you see right through me" 3. "Cause all my enemies started off as friends"
Page of wands
Oh my god, this was like the messiest group everrr! Here's the thing lmao u got many cards, but it just kept going back and forth but one thing im certain about is the page of wands energy all over you. So this group are just very young compared to the rest, or just not in control of their life whatsoever.
For some i see patents getting divorced, families arguing, not very good home environment. And then there's u, amidst all this mess, the shinning one. U have many goals, you are a seeker and a dreamer, u want more. Im hearing " an art deco, Shining like gun metal" and u want more. U want more for you, u want the light, the fame and everything else too. A hungry soul.
" i want my cake and i wanna eat it too"
My advice? It dont matter. U will do as u wish, no one can stop u nor change you. U remind me too much of myself, i know ur ache.
Your song recommendation? Art deco. That song describes you perfectly.
Anyways now that's over, y'all better follow me, i mean who will do u better than i?
Alsooo u can always submit what u want me to do a reading on next by simply commenting ur subject of interest ( no private readings bro i aint got no time for that)
Anyways peace out, bye.
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If I've learned anything, it's that you can tell I love fall colors.
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nanixii · 3 months
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Venus Day; Self Love Spell 💗💀🐚
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adachimoe · 1 year
How did Adachi's Lust arcana become Hunger?
Gonna save you all a read by preemptively answering "idklol". Sure doesn't stop me from typing about it tho. 🤡
Adachi's transformed social link rank 8 arcana is Lust, card XI of Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot deck. Lust isn't actually written in English in the Japanese game or design works or guide. But we know it's Lust because Persona 3/4 use names from the Thoth tarot deck for their extra arcana beyond the initial 22, Adachi's is specifically named 欲望 (the Japanese translation for card XI in the Thoth tarot), it has the same numbering as Lust in the Thoth deck (XI), and the in-game tarot card art was certainly inspired by the Thoth tarot's Lust (Mother Harlot and the 7 headed beast).
The art of Adachi's Lust deviates from the Thoth version. It looks like Mother Harlot is about to be devoured by the 7 headed beast rather than being in control of it. Perhaps the change to the art is to reflect Adachi's character and where his Fool's Journey (or Fool's Errand?) ended. What I really mean by this is that the woman on the card thus represents Adachi which would then mean that Adachi is being woman coded even on his own tarot card. The "Adachi is woman coded" agenda continues. So glad Atlus has my back on this one.
The English game appears to have translated 欲望 as Hunger instead of using Lust from the pre-existing Thoth tarot names. This seems odd because in P3 and P4, both Aeon and Universe use the Thoth tarot's already existing names. And this is despite the Japanese term for the Aeon arcana (永劫) being something that could be translated one million billion ways too. Anything that's a synonym for eternal is fair game.
I think the connection to the Thoth deck was understood for Aeon, but the connection was not understood for Adachi. Guess it got lost as it was technically a ENG -> JP -> ENG translation, and it ended up as Hunger in Golden. This matters to me because I'm a fangirl... Of course I want my blorbo to have a horny sounding arcana. Duh.
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my-sacred-art · 9 months
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From The Greater Fangled Arcana
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cottageshadowwitch · 2 years
I "might" want another tarot deck, because one can never own enough decks it seems like. So, what are your favourite decks?
I work best with full decks (so no major arcana only) and artsy ones. If the cards are very minimalistic I have to refer to the guidebook for every reading and I'd like to not do that. If the art itself is really pretty I might make an exception though.
I also don't want to work with decks depicting any "erotic" art. Why do there always have to be naked people???
The ones I currently own are:
Shadowscapes Tarot
The Linestrider Tarot
Zillich Tarot
The Arcana Tarot
There is also a Loki deck but it's Major Arcana only so I mostly use it for self care prompts and not actually reading Tarot.
I started reading Tarot with the "classic" Rider Waite Tarot and it made me give up on reading Tarot for years so I don't connect to that one.
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pelusadegiraso1 · 7 months
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To make a long story short: I am a sex repulsed demisexual. This does not mean my body abides by those rules... and I despise every second of that emotion. For you Tumblr folks who don't know these lovely fellows: they are my OCs, Kagami and Calamity. They are... let's call it friends with benefits 😉 They've been that way ever since Calamity mistakenly consumed a love potion for the sake of pleasing the wrong person. The effects of this potion... last forever. But we'll save that lore for a different post 👀🥰😘
I tried making the colors slightly muted and stayed on the warmer side of the color spectrum... 🤎🧡❤️💛
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asscrasher · 1 year
The OG Misfit’s as Tarot Cards
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Kurtis is the Wheel of Fortune
He was at the top of his game before he got in trouble. Now he rewinds time.
Nathan is the Sun
The class clown’s power of immortality kicked in after being murdered by religious zealots.
Kelly is the High Priestess
She knows more than she’d like to
Alisha is Strength aka Lust
Her powers compel men to force themselves upon her
Simon is Death
the dark rider, Super Hoodie. Major spoiler alerts but you really never see death coming
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vizuart · 1 year
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conjunction-tarot · 1 year
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XI Passion Conjunction Tarot
“puissant energy and persuading charisma”
Power, vitality, vibrancy and sexual transformation
Venus in Leo
Isis, Ishtar/Inanna, Astarte, Aphrodite, Babalon
zodiac & element
Leo & fire
date and ritual
11.11 11:11, the Canicular Days – Sexual Magick, Sensuality
Path of Theth: Chesed – Geburah
read more here:
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brother-hermes · 2 years
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Are the foundation of the known Universe because they are the principles of polarity:
“Like and Unlike are the same- opposites identical in nature, but different in degree. All extremes meet, all truths are but half-truths, all paradoxes can be reconciled”
Consider EL (power) moving into ELoHIM (majesty of being in this instance). The two being bridged together via Lust describes their relationship connecting via the 19th Path. We can traverse 19 “by loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.”
CUPS EXIST WITHIN BE’RIYAH where Neshamah- consciousness- is rooted. Since our consciousness is an extension of the Divine consciousness of Hayyah we can assume traversing this path requires we learn how to express the Divine Love overflowing from Chesed into Gevurah. Such a journey implies that we are to learn how to treat others with the same kindness we would treat divinity with. Why? Because divinity is all there is and anything we do to others is only being done to ourselves.
This is the expression of spiritual discipline in real time. Reading books is great. Meditating is great. “Religion that is pure and underlies before God is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
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fashionistazorafi · 3 months
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thembohux · 7 months
Another tarot card tattoo??? I think yes ❤️
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thesatanicpeterpan · 1 year
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space-bunny-co · 1 year
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