quirkynoted · 29 days
If your reflection could talk to you, what would it say?
I rinsed my face with cold water contemplating how to get out of this situation. I felt nothing but panic and terror as I had washed the blood from my hands. How could I have possibly gotten myself wrapped up in a murder? Visitation starts in three hours. I have exactly two hours and thirty-four minutes before the next on-shift orderly comes in. I have to clean this mess up now. I reach for some paper towels and take another look in the mirror. I hear a small, sinister chuckle. I look around the empty bathroom. I'm just hearing things, I think to myself. After all, I'm the only orderly here, in this building and all of the patients are still asleep. I look back at the mirror and notice my reflection has an eerie grin but I am not smiling. She chuckles again. I freeze feeling unnerved.
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quirkynoted · 29 days
Hardened hearts accept nothing from anyone. They push away anyone who attempts to get close to them, they do not want to be warmed with the flaming lies coming from untrue lips. They will not drop any wall that was built to keep away the unwavering aching. It is a far easier way to avoid the inevitable, gut-wrenching split of a heart that is far too fragile to be loved properly. Untrue lips will never have the opportunity to scar the vessel of one who has a wurtzite heart. This does not mean proper, veracious love is not craved. Many nights, I had fallen asleep, longing to be touched with the gentlest of hands, kisses trickling my shoulder blade until goosebumps rose on my hungry silhouette. I had always heard that love finds you when you aren't searching for it. I tried so many times to mold my mind into believing I wasn't searching for it. In reality, I looked everywhere for what I craved the most: to love and be loved. Until, one day, I decided I truly didn't want it. I was exhausted from taking the blows of what people claimed to be love. I wanted to live happily, without needing anyone, ever. Without half-truths, without explaining my choices, and without making the effort to understand another individual on a romantic level. It simply was not worth the pain caused by being loved improperly.
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