#tarlos holiday fic
oldfangirl81 · 10 months
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rmd-writes · 10 months
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'tis the season
@stereopticons tagged me to share my winter/holiday fics because 'tis the damn season! I love a winter/holiday fic despite the fact that I live in the southern hemisphere and today is 1 December and the temperature hit 35C today 😰
Schitt's Creek
and then one day, everything changed | T | 9.1k | canon divergence
All David wants to do is sign Marcy Brewer on to sell her amazing fudge at Rose Apothecary. Unfortunately for him, her very snippy, business consultant son gets involved. In an effort to win both Marcy and Patrick over, David invites Patrick to spend some time in the store and on a vendor trip. There’s snow forecast for the day of the vendor trip, but it’s Schitt’s Creek and it never snows. Right?
it's just for snow | E | 18.1k | coffee shop / fake dating AU
When David gets a last minute wedding invitation and Stevie refuses to go with him, he needs to find another date - he needs to show his so-called 'friends' (and Sebastien Raine) that he's thriving now. Enter: David's new favourite barista... — aka the coffee shop / fake dating / road trip / snowed in / there was only one bed fic no one asked for
since we've got no place to go | E | 6k | canon compliant
Patrick books a winter weekend away so that he and David can connect.
Red, White & Royal Blue
you're all that i need | M | 3.9k | coffee shop/book store AU
“Alex.” Henry leans against the wall behind the counter with his arms folded, wearing a pale blue cable knit sweater with the sleeves pushed up and navy chinos. Alex wishes he wouldn’t because it only emphasises his forearms.
He crosses his own arms in response. “Henry.”
“Are you actually looking for a book?” Henry asks with a sigh. “Or are you just wasting my staff’s time?”
“That staff member is my sister.”
“I’m well aware,” Henry says drily. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re probably wasting her time. Which book are you looking for?”
“Oh.” Alex grimaces slightly. “I’m not actually–” He exhales. “Hunter is in the coffee shop, so I got the fuck out.”
yours for the afternoon | T | 4.6k | coffee shop / fake dating AU
Henry is quietly minding his own business in his favourite coffee shop, when he’s rudely interrupted by an insufferable man attempting to flirt with him. He’s rescued by none other than Alex – a fellow cafe regular who he’s long admired from a distance – posing as his date.
Snowed In? Snow Problem | E | 7.3k | college AU
Henry and Alex get snowed in at their dorm for the holidays, whatever will they do?
911 Lone Star
Make the Yuletide Gay | M | 19.6k | college / fake dating AU
"I'll be your boyfriend for Christmas."
Carlos stares at him like his brain is struggling to comprehend what TK is offering. It's a shared feeling, given that sometimes TK's brain engages before his filter does, and this is definitely one of those times. There’s no room for regrets, though, and he’s not really sure he regrets making the suggestion.
“TK,” Carlos starts softly. "What you're suggesting is— Well, it's a little crazy but also very generous. I can’t ask you to do that for me. It’s really too much to ask of anyone."
TK gets up off his bed and crouches in front of Carlos, his hands on Carlos’s knees. “Firstly, you're not asking, I’m offering. Secondly, consider it a social experiment, like the ones you learn about in class. Except this one directly involves you and me...as your fake boyfriend. You know, for science." --
Fake boyfriends. For science.
Your Place or Mine? | E | 4.5k | college AU
(the sequel to Make the Yuletide Gay)
From best friends to fake boyfriends to real boyfriends, it’s been an eventful few days for TK and Carlos, but now they’re finally back home and alone.
Whatever will they do?
Tagging @welcometololaland @liminalmemories21 @strandnreyes @three-drink-amy @everwitch-magiks @indomitable-love @cha-melodius @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @inexplicablymine @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @iboatedhere @reyesstrand @lightningboltreader @indestructibleheart @lilythesilly @maxbegone @mostlyinthemorning and anyone else who wants to play to share their own winter/holiday fics!
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freneticfloetry · 9 months
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So I'm two days late with Starbucks, but I'm here. (Does this count toward Seven Sentence Sunday?)
The Reyes family has opened their hearts to him in so many ways. Tonight, TK’s determined to open their home in return, no matter how clueless — or Carlos-less — he might find himself in the process.
Three days of discovering new traditions.
“Okay,” TK says, frowning up at the underside of his favorite jawline, “I’m confused. I thought there were twelve days of Christmas.”
In general, this is a love letter to the mass insanity that is the Mexican holiday season. Specifically, it's a @tarlos-santa gift especially for @sugdenlovesdingle!
esta noche es de alegría (read on AO3)
It’s technically a three-parter, but could be read as a slice-of-life standalone. Will update again on Saturday, and finish up the Saturday after that.
As always, huge thank you to @ambiguouspenny for all the support in my time of flailing (especially since they were plotting in the process).
Merry Christmas Eve to all those who celebrate!
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lire-casander · 9 months
don't want to set the world on fire
[rating] teen and up audiences [pairing] carlos reyes/tk strand [prompt] tarlos historical au [warnings] angst with a happy ending, canonical character deaths, pearl harbor au, world war ii, grief, mourning, fluff, kissing, alternating pov
[summary] 1941. tk strand and carlos reyes arrive in hawaii ready to recover from their own, personal tragedies. what they are not expecting is to find love among war.
happy holidays, @tailoredshirt! i really hope you enjoy reading this story just as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it! 
it wouldn’t have made sense without the incredibly fast beta-reading help of @morganaspendragonss and the hand-holding offered by @moviegeek03 when i thought i couldn’t do this. 
title from the song by the ink spots, which was released in 1941.
don't want to set the world on fire 15k+ | read on ao3
March 27th, 1941
“What do you mean, you're going to Europe?” TK tries to control his voice as he chooses to ask the first of the myriad of questions that are exploding in his head.
“They need the help,” Alex explains calmly. He doesn't look TK in the eye when he continues, “That's why I enlisted.”
“You volunteered?” TK screeches, earning themselves a few glares from the other people having dinner at this fancy restaurant where he had thought about proposing to his boyfriend.
Maybe proposing isn't exactly the right word, since they can't actually get married, but TK had planned to promise forever to this man who's now telling him that he's volunteered to step into a war that doesn't even have anything to do with them.
This definitely isn't how TK had envisioned his evening going.
“Yeah,” Alex confirms in a low voice. “It's not unheard of, you know. We need to help.”
“We?” TK huffs. “It's not our war, Alex. Your selflessness is amazing, but I highly doubt that you dying for them is going to change the course of the war.”
“You can't know that,” Alex retorts. He sighs as he stretches his hand across the table to rest it on top of TK’s, but TK jerks back. “TK, please,” he tries again. “I know it's difficult to understand and almost impossible to accept, but all I'm asking of you is to respect my decision.”
“How can you ask me to respect that you want to—die for people who will never even know your name?” He tries to keep his voice steady and still low, so as to not attract any more attention upon them, but it breaks around the middle, tears threatening to fall. “Alex—”
“I'm a pilot,” his boyfriend interrupts. “That's what I am. That's the only thing I am. I know I can help. I'm going to, whether you want me to or not, but I'd hoped that you'd at least understand, what with your father being a high-up and—”
“War was what broke my parents.” It's now TK’s turn to cut the conversation off, veering it towards the pain he's feeling. “How could you think that I'd be fine knowing that you'd volunteered to die halfway across the world? When did this happen? How did I miss it?”
Alex doesn't say anything, as if sensing that TK needs to say everything that's crushing his heart.
“When?” TK asks, voice not louder than a whisper. He remembers, a second too late, the dispatch orders his father's signed this very same morning; TK was at Colonel Strand's office when a secretary came in with a stack of papers allowing American soldiers to fly out the very next morning. “Please don't say—”
“Tomorrow,” Alex says, looking down at his plate.
TK holds his breath for a few seconds, counts to five, and exhales slowly. He repeats to himself that he won't panic, that everything will be fine in the end. After seven rounds of controlled breathing, he feels confident enough to speak, even though his soul is shattered.
“Here I thought that tonight would be the first night of our whole future together…and it's actually the last night for us.”
Alex looks stricken as TK’s words seem to register. TK witnesses his boyfriend understand what his plan had been all along, as a lonely tear rolls down his cheek, as Alex wipes it away discreetly because he's a soldier and he needs to be tough, not sensitive. He looks down at his hands, balled in fists over the tablecloth, and exhales.
“Well,” Alex finally says. He reaches out to touch TK, and this time he lets Alex's fingers smooth the skin over his hands. “If this is our last night together, would you save a dance for me?”
That's what both disarms TK and breaks his heart, at the same time.
He has never been able to say no to Alex, not even once in the whole fourteen months, three weeks, five days and seventeen hours since they started dating. And yes, he's been counting—sue him.
“Of course,” TK breathes out slowly. “Wanna go to the pier after dinner?”
continue reading on ao3!
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welcometololaland · 10 months
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Fandom Holiday Gifts
Day 6 - Read a Fic Over 2,000 Words
Love from the Other Side by @lightningboltreader (911 Lone Star, Tarlos, E)
AKA. the angsty, sexy, beautiful one bed fic! I know it's cheating to put this one on this day, but I feel that it's also valid because the last chapter is more than 2k and I read that today SO. come for me.
This entire fic is so fun - Carlos and TK as exes forced to share a bed. It's a bit angsty, there's role playing (but not how you're thinking) and a fire drill and just a lot of fun. It was a super enjoyable read and I'm salty at myself for leaving the last chapter for so long! Go read it!
(you definitely don't have to do it, or every day. it's totally at your discretion!).
Progress under the cut
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heartstringsduet · 10 months
Fandom Holiday Gifts Day 1
Dec 1. Re-Read a comfort fic. This morning I re-read The monsters turned out to be just trees by @liminalmemories21 and going through all the conversations we didn't see in each season. Just, a soft soft hug of a series 💗
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herefortarlos · 10 months
Fandom Holiday Gifts Day 1
Today it was Re-read a comfort fic and so I went through my bookmarks and found @welcometololaland's Seven Ways (Back to You), a 32K word post Push series that I love and adore!
I love how Lola writes TK and Carlos forgiving and coming back to each other, and they are just so sweet and flirty and clearly in love, it fills my heart with so much happiness! So yes, definitely a comfort fic that I was happy to revisit and I highly recommend it if you haven't already had the pleasure 🥰
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flickerthenflare · 2 years
The Holiday
After realizing his family members have all made plans for Christmas without him, Carlos makes a snap decision to exchange apartments for a week with a stranger in New York City who has unfinished business at a firehouse in Austin, Texas. Loosely inspired by The Holiday and written for the @911holidayficfest.
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Special thanks to @heydumbass-dumbasser for the beautiful cover and postcard graphics, @sightoftheshore for trying valiantly to catch all my typos, and @intensewhatever for the sensitivity read for the Hanukkah festivities!
Pairing: tarlos (TK Strand/Carlos Reyes)
Rating: teen (warnings for discussions of faith, religious trauma, homophobia, cancer recovery, addiction, fear of overdosing, withdrawal, needles, and a panic attack)
Read on AO3 here!
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carlos-tk · 10 months
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Fandom Holiday Gifts 🎁
special shoutout to @welcometololaland for creating this game you can find the link on how it works here
Day 5 - Read a fic from 2020 + Day 6 - Read a fic over 2000 words
Combining the prompts I chose to read this fic from the wonderful Maddie. Okay I absolutely adored this fic ❤️ Achy and beautiful, this one had me in my TK and Owen feels immediately. The soft conversation as he readies himself to leave, the understanding between them, the weight of unsaid words and gestures that say so much <3 I love the Strands and the love they have for each other. To the comfort that TK finds in Carlos even though it’s tentative and new. TK allowing himself to be vulnerable with them both 🥺 To think this was written 4 episodes in and you already had such a depth of understanding of these characters is a little mind blowing. If you haven’t yet, please do yourself a favour and read this fic!
the dark in me (has now seen the day) by stormss (ao3) (2.5k - 911 Lone Star - Carlos Reyes/TK Strand - T) user @reyesstrand on here
some lines I loved
He wants to tell his dad that he has this way of seeing right through him, and they've known each other for two moths and already feel in sync. There's that numbness that just clouds over him and being with the team and being with Carlos seem to be the only sparks of light he feels, but he doesn't want to let himself get hurt again — and he doesn't want to bring Carlos down with him
He could probably start doing more dinners, and he tries not to let that skip of his heart scare him out of that thought
"Carlos," TK replies, and he tries to qualm the excited energy that passes over him at even the act of saying his name out loud
TK's chest flares up like it does before he's about to walk into a burning building
he feels comforted by the fact that he has someone like Carlos in his corner, and TK allows himself to feel the warmth flooding through him, and tells himself it's okay
bingo sheet and previous days under the cut ✂️
previous days
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oldfangirl81 · 10 months
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Found these from probably a decade ago. But for holiday fics with bad flirting these are helpful.
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rmd-writes · 2 years
I challenged myself to write a holiday fic for each of my fandoms this year, with lots of fun tropes and Hallmark vibes for each of them. It was a stretch to get all three out in the time I gave myself, but eight weeks and almost 33,000 words later, I did it!
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and then one day, everything changed
david x patrick | T | canon divergent au | 9,186 words | written for the Frozen Over Fest
All David wants to do is sign Marcy Brewer on to sell her amazing fudge at Rose Apothecary. Unfortunately for him, her very snippy, business consultant son gets involved. In an effort to win both Marcy and Patrick over, David invites Patrick to spend some time in the store and on a vendor trip. There’s snow forecast for the day of the vendor trip, but it’s Schitt’s Creek and it never snows. Right?
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Make the Yuletide Gay
tarlos | M | college AU; fake dating | 19,694 words
“I'll be your boyfriend for Christmas."
Carlos stares at him like his brain is struggling to comprehend what TK is offering. It's a shared feeling, given that sometimes TK's brain engages before his filter does, and this is definitely one of those times. There’s no room for regrets, though, and he’s not really sure he regrets making the suggestion.
“TK,” Carlos starts softly. "What you're suggesting is— Well, it's a little crazy but also very generous. I can’t ask you to do that for me. It’s really too much to ask of anyone."
TK gets up off his bed and crouches in front of Carlos, his hands on Carlos’s knees. “Firstly, you're not asking, I’m offering. Secondly, consider it a social experiment, like the ones you learn about in class. Except this one directly involves you and me...as your fake boyfriend. You know, for science."
Fake boyfriends. For science.
We all know how this story goes.
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you’re all that i need
firstprince | M | coffee shop AU | 3,992 words
“Alex.” Henry leans against the wall behind the counter with his arms folded, wearing a pale blue cable knit sweater with the sleeves pushed up and navy chinos. Alex wishes he wouldn’t because it only emphasises his forearms.
He crosses his own arms in response. “Henry.”
“Are you actually looking for a book?” Henry asks with a sigh. “Or are you just wasting my staff’s time?”
“That staff member is my sister.”
“I’m well aware,” Henry says drily. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re probably wasting her time. Which book are you looking for?”
“Oh.” Alex grimaces slightly. “I’m not actually–” He exhales. “Hunter is in the coffee shop, so I got the fuck out.”
Special thanks to @pragmatic-optimist for betaing Make the Yuletide Gay, @celeritas2997 for betaing you’re all that I need, @welcometololaland for the unhinged comments in my docs (and so much more), and to @howtosingit for coming up with the titles for all of these fics, including the sc fic when he doesn’t even go there 💖
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pragmatic-optimist · 2 years
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how can i call this intimacy if i crave sharp edges but your edges aren't even edges they are soft landings how do i teach myself  to accept a healthy love if all i’ve ever known is pain - rupi kaur
listen on spotify || current run time: 2 hrs 9 min
a collection of every song that has served as fic inspo for the epic emotional rollercoaster ride known as a @reyescarlos​ // ksmalltalk story on AO3.
sanctuary - nashville cast // can i be him - james arthur // there's no way - lauv ft. julia michaels // mad - ne-yo // sudden desire - hayley williams // share your address - ben platt // little talks - of monsters and men // waking up slow - gabrielle aplin // all through the night - sleeping at last (cover) // love you for a long time - maggie rogers // who am i - needtobreathe ft. elle king // sweetest devotion - adele // let's fall in love for the night - finneas // no right to love you - rhys lewis // somebody special - nina nesbitt // i guess i'm in love - clinton kane // the man who can't be moved - the script // give me the future - bastille // memo - years & years // the few things jp saxe ft. charlotte lawrence +more!
(thank you @carsonnshaw for the stunning gif!💗)
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 7 months
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love in a series of bursts & inches
Ramadan Mubarak ☪️ I am thrilled to share Eid Fic, now known as love in a series of bursts & inches
It’s Eid 2024 and Tarlos is preparing to host Marjan and her parents for a celebratory dinner at the loft, where they will be meeting Joe for the first time. Over the night before and morning of Eid, both TK and Marjan reflect on the past four years in Austin, and the Eids they’ve spent together building a bond as found family.
But found family isn’t really just found. Being surrounded by a group of people who fuel you, she thinks, is intentional. She’s built this network of friends, of people who embrace each other and nurture each other’s strengths in ways none of them received growing up. They see each other, not just how they want to be seen but for who they truly are; messy and tender parts and all. They know what needs to be celebrated and what still needs healing, when to give each other space and when to find each other and drag their asses back home.
These people saved her life on the side of that highway. And now she’s choosing to live it.
Updates every Wednesday during Ramadan, culminating with the final chapter on Eid!
Chapter One On the night before Eid 2024, TK & Carlos prepare the loft for the party and discuss the heavy weight of generational & cultural expectations, and the crushing letdown of failing to stand up to them. Meanwhile, on Eid 2020 TK brings a homesick Marjan to a Turkish tea house where she answers some questions about Ramadan & Eid, and they both reminisce over their childhood memories from some of their own religions’ biggest holidays: Eid & Yom Kippur.
Chapter Two On the evening before Eid 2024, Marjan reflects on her Eid abaya and the traditions behind the clothing she wears for the holiday, and remembers the impact her broken marriage arrangement had on her family and her own future. Meanwhile in 2021, a few weeks after the fire that destroyed TK and Carlos’s house, Captain Strand hosts a barbecue for Eid in his backyard. Marjan and TK discuss the weight of putting expectations on the wrong relationships, and Marjan makes some realizations about found family.
Read now on Ao3!
A massive thank you to my beta readers @bonheur-cafe who has been a huge asset offering up her own experiences with some of the themes explored in this fic and helping brainstorm, and @carlos-in-glasses who held my hand from the very beginning and cheerled and generally reassured me. And a huge huge thanks to my invaluable sensitivity readers @messymindofmine & @kiwichaeng 💛💛💛
Tag list! Folks who’ve expressed interest: @chicgeekgirl89 @certifiedflower @guardian-angle22 @liminalmemories21 @ambiguouspenny @never-blooms @basilsunrise @ladytessa74 @vineofroses @welcometololaland @alrightbuckaroo @fangirl-paba @reasonandfaithinharmony @rmd-writes @freneticfloetry @reyesstrand @lutavero @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sznofthesticks @thisbuildinghasfeelings @thebumblecee @louis-ii-reyes-strand @firstprince-history-huh @herefortarlos @carlos-tk @noxsoulmate
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welcometololaland · 10 months
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Fandom Holiday Gifts
Day 7 - Read a Fic Under 2,000 Words
Yes, I skipped a day again - SUE ME
From the Corner of the Room by @bonheur-cafe (911 Lone Star, Tarlos, G)
This is coffee shop, alternate first meeting is so sugary sweet and flirty! It's the perfect little dose of Tarlos for your day. It also has some silly Nancy/Mateo banter to top it off and Carlos rolling his eyes fondly. Loved it!
(you definitely don't have to do it, or every day. it's totally at your discretion!).
Progress under the cut
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pelorsdyke · 24 days
making a new pinned post to neaten up my fic links! my name is k, i love writing wlw ships, and ill be so real with you rn a lot of them are rarepairs. find me here on ao3. my tumblr fic tag is here, and I often post wip peeks for tag games.
some ships I’ve written once or twice include: spemily (pll), buffy x tara (btvs), jackienat (yellowjackets), donnajoey (the west wing), maggie x sophie (leverage), and wayhaught (wynonna earp). I also wrote a lot of ronance (stranger things) during the s4 era.
marjan marwani & nancy gillian (911 lone star):
who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me (test kitchen au)
and love isn’t a fact, it’s a hunch at first. (paul helps marjan come to terms with her feelings for nancy)
and your keys, your ring of keys (marjan starts to realize some things about herself, with the help of an oc. lesbian marjan)
underneath your hands I become poetry (some celebratory sex after tommy announces nancy will take over as interim captain while she’s away. inspired by the bts pic where nancy appears to be wearing a name tag that says captain gillian)
your essence is the ink in the word forever (nancy has tattoos. marjan notices.)
so swing your hips and do a little dip (nancy, marjan, and tarlos go to a gay bar)
I will do my best to get it right (nancy and marjan’s first anniversary plans go awry)
I’m gonna love you for a long time (marjan’s lesbian flag hijab, but also just like. 1k words of established fluff)
I’ve been under scrutiny (you handle it beautifully) (marjan and nancy are actors on the firefighter show austin 126. nancy may have a tiny baby crush)
everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it (post-canon, nancy thinks about moving on. it’s kind of terrifying.)
speed queen marj versus the big tortoise (a coda to 5x01 wherein nancy & marjan continue their banter and kiss a little bit. a secret relationship fic)
lucy tara & kate whistler (ncis: hawai’i):
the room is empty, and the window is open (a spiderwoman lucy au, the tumblr tag for the series is here)
february, the thirteenth (kacy celebrates valentines day early, as per lucy’s way of handling holidays)
blue scooby-doo fruit snacks and unrequited love, probably (high school au kacy flirting)
sit down, breathe, and just listen (post-3.04, kacy talks about marriage and promises)
in response, your glorious laughter (a snapshot of a sweet married kacy early morning)
hear the desert wind roll by (kacy first meeting cowboy au, pwp)
one single thread of gold tied me to you (kai buys lucy a virtual meet-and-greet with her celebrity crush, kate whistler. it turns out they may be a little more familiar with each other than lucy’s remembering.)
hen wilson & karen wilson (911 abc):
I did think, let’s go about this slowly (karen and her instinct to let insecurity drive her decision-making.)
I wanna get stuck in your head (some soft henren fluff about parenting, flirting, and finding the time to talk to your wife.)
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herefortarlos · 10 months
Days 6 and 7 Fandom Holiday Gifts
I've been slacking off so have 2 fic recs for the price of one!
For Day 6, Read a Fic over 2000 words, I reread part of @strandnreyes' Detective AU, pushing boundaries!
For Day 7, Read a Fic under 2000 words, I read @bonheur-cafe's From the Corner of the Room, which she posted on here before but I was happy to see it again on Ao3!
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