#tara writes Seventeen
stayinhellevator · 7 months
Shades Of Love
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Where you thought love was red but it was golden
Pairing: S.Coups x gn!Reader//Wonwoo x gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst//S2L, L2E
Word Count: 1922
Warning: Mentions of seggsy times(not explicit)
Playlist: Red and Daylight ~ Taylor Swift
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"Order 895 is ready. Please collect it."
You could hear your own voice booming in the buzzed cafeteria followed which a sturdy familiar young man walked towards the counter, flashing you his infamous gummy dimpled smile.
"Thank you! Now that I've had the best coffee that there is, my day would be better."
You shook your head at his antics and prepared his receipt as you tried to hide the smile that threatened to come out in order to not encourage his tactics. He did this every single day, coming to the cafe you worked at without fail with his regular order of an americano and melon bread and asked you out, also without fail.
However, you weren't quite ready to date and certainly not this handsome overly rich guy. He was so damn charming that nobody could ignore him, no matter how hard they tried to resist him, to you he seemed like a god damn celebrity and you, were just you. A broke final year college student, with big dreams, struggling with multiple part time jobs but that's what happens when your parents couldn't care any less about your existence. You had somehow survived school under their control and now you were almost done with your college all on your own and you were very proud of yourself. You had so much on your plate that you couldn't really prioritise a relationship in your life much less the attention that'd come upon you, with a guy like him.
"So are you free tonight? Tomorrow? Overmorrow?"
But he was also good at breaking your resolve; especially when he looked at you with that adorable puppy face and an even cuter pout on those luscious lips of his. And just like that, after six months of resistance, you had cracked.
"Real smooth Seungcheol, real smooth. I've to give this to you."
And you watched as his eyes glowed with a playfulness and he smirked at you in victory but you couldn't find it in yourself to dismiss his smugness.
Loving Choi Seungcheol was red.
He made you see the world through rose tinted glasses; everything that was so plain and cynical previously, now seemed bright and meaningful. You had something to look forward to every single day you woke up.
You'd think as time gradually passed, you'd come out of the honeymoon phase of your relationship but no Seungcheol made you feel special everyday, as if he was still courting you. He'd flirt with you, compliment you, voice out any and even a slight change in your look.
Bringing you your favourite flowers everyday without fail, taking you out on cute little dates frequently, going on a walk with his adorable fur baby like a happy family every evening and going as far as to pose like a trophy CEO boyfriend who'd pick you up from college every single day. Life with him seemed something straight like a rom-com fiction that you'd enjoy as a guilty pleasure.
He was passionate, if his constant pining of six months wasnt proof enough. He knew what he wanted and how to get it, be it opportunities, things or people. He did everything with all his heart, felt all kinds of emotions to their extreme. If he loved you, he'd travel to the ends of the world for you and God forbid if he hated you, he'd make sure he dragged you to that end and buried you in the deepest pits of hell. That's how passionate Choi Seungcheol is.
Seungcheol was also synonymous to a fiery lust that you'd never even imagined would burn through you. His kisses looked as hot as they felt when he imprinted them on every curve of your body. No matter how many times he took you, it never felt enough to either of you.
Because Seungcheol's emotions were limitless, so was his anger. Such was his anger that you'd rather die than be at the receiving end of his hostility. You first witnessed it when he found you getting uncomfortable with the gossip around your relationship in your campus and you'd swore to never explore that side of his passion.
In theory, it looked hot to see your boyfriend with such a burning determination in his eyes, jaws clenched in fury and knuckles fisted as if ready to get bloody if needed however, his violent rage sent chills down your spine because he really had no control over his actions when he went down that road.
And unfortunately for you, your worst fears had actually come true when the two of you ended up in an argument in your bedroom when you were supposed to be celebrating your fifth anniversary.
"Cheol! How did we end up here? It's not like you hadn't known of my plans for the future?"
You asked exasperatedly trying to make sense of this conversation. You had always wanted to own a cute cafe of your own with a bookshop above it and Cheol had always known about it. So how had he come from admiring your dreams to going against them?
"Because I thought you might change your plans baby. Today when mom asked me about our plans for future I realised we had never even discussed about our future. And now that I'm finally taking over the business I'd really like to settle down with you."
He tried to explain as best as he could but not enough to make sense to you. So was it his parents? You always knew they disapproved of your lifestyle and disinterest in fitting to theirs so did they say something to him?
"Cheol I never said that we can't get married. Of course I want to marry you and grow a family with you. However what I don't understand is, how does me wanting to establish a cafe of my own has anything to do with us getting married?"
You felt cornered the longer you watched his face that didn't soften even a bit with understanding and growing more determined every second.
"I'm more than capable enough to take care of you so what's the need to work?"
Your heart was pounding against your ribs so loud you swear you could hear it when you realised where this conversation was going. This wasn't your Cheol but Choi Seungcheol, the business man that his father was proud of.
"And you can still take care of me. I told you it's more about me fulfilling my dreams and not about survival or money anymore Cheol."
You could recognise the timidness in your wavering voice as you tried for the last time to save your relationship that was dangling by a single strand of thread.
"And how would it look that my wife is working in a cafe, even if you own it. People would think I don't provide well enough for you, there'd be too much gossip-"
He paused abruptly as he realised the look of growing horror on your face.
"So it's about your family's reputation and tabloids and not us anymore."
He shook his head desperately and scampered to his knees in front of you, trying to bring you back to him as you drifted away not just from him but even yourself.
"Baby please I didn't mean it that way."
He continued babbling but you couldn't hear him with the constant ringing in your ears.
You had always known it. So why did it still hurt?
Nearly three years later, as you stood outside your own cafe that you built with blood, sweat and tears literally, with pride all alone, Jeon Wonwoo came in your life with his warmth that thawed even the deepest corners of your heart, that seemed to be numb over the years of loneliness.
Wonwoo's compassion made everything seem easier than it actually was. Individually, you two were extremely reserved people who were neither interested in social interaction nor actively seeked it however together you two were like two perfectly fitting puzzle pieces. You remembered when you first met Wonwoo and were immediately intimidated by his persona however by the end of the day, it felt like you two had known each other since forever. And soon enough, it was to no one's surprise, you two were in a relationship.
Wonwoo was equally wise as he was warm; he knew how to make someone feel welcome but he also knew who actually deserved to be welcomed. He wasn't just your life partner, who knew how to handle you but also your business partner who provided his insights to your now joint venture. He owned the bookstore above your cafeteria that you two now jointly run. He was in every sense your missing brain cell.
Everything was easy with Wonwoo, even your arguments. You both tend to avoid arguing but when you do, he made it a point that you two never go to bed without resolving it and truly, it reassured you because you never want to be lonely, especially now that you've found him.
Wonwoo was thoroughly loyal and caring. He knew what you wanted before you could even acknowledge your emotions. You cherished every part of your life with him. Be it passing each other meaningful or sometimes even suggestive looks amidst the crowd of your cafe or snuggling up with each other with hands absent mindedly wandering on each other's skin with your favourite books in front of you.
Wonwoo was luxurious and not just materialistically. Every kiss that you placed on him felt like you touched the finest silks and likewise every kiss that he placed on you was as intoxicating as an expensive wine. It was sinful, addicting and never enough.
As regal as he was, he was also powerful, capable of making someone question their entire existence with just one look. His domineering aura also extended to a protectiveness over, which weirdly made you feel assured and safe but never suffocated.
As fine of a man as he was, of course he had a bit of a superiority complex but it never oppressed you or scared you. As long as you both were respectful of each other's boundaries and limits, everything was okay and that was an established fact. Besides, if he were a little too perfect, you think you'd be a little paranoid around him. So you guess you can bear a bit of his narcissism that his handsome face and compassionate heart deserved.
"Baby!? What are you thinking?"
A deep baritone that you could swear you felt vibrate deep within you brought you out of your musings as you faced your fiance who had joined you on the couch with two steaming cups of coffee.
"Thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life."
He smiled at you before wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he settled comfortably beside you in a snuggle.
"Hmm lucky you are. What would you have done without me?"
You give him a poker face before hitting him on the chest which made him laugh and hug you a little tighter.
"I love you so much!"
You placed a peck on his lips before smiling at him as you settled his glasses back up his nose.
"I love you more Woo!"
If he is the end result of all your struggles in every universe, then you'd gladly do it all over again.
You once believed love would be burning red but it was a shimmering gold for you and there's nothing you'd change about it.
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globaloppaaa · 11 months
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ahhh i’d be happy to! thank you for sending in this request anon 😚
again this request was from my old account, im trying to answer as many as i can find!
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tarae things ✧˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
ft. you hehe
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๑ to start, taerae’s the kind of guy that is never late to respond to texts. he’ll leave his notifications AND his ringer on incase of emergency, but it doubles when you message him so he can respond to your thoughts right away.
๑ designated photographer 📸 can and will capture everyone’s best and worst moments. and if there’s a location he deems worthy, you better believe he’ll be stopping for half an hour until his photo storage is full.
๑ he’s such a gentleman URGHH, very joshua of seventeen-esque. he leaves quite the impression to everyone he meets but when he’s with you/meeting you for the first time he acts so suave, holding the door for you, pulling your chair out, or sending you a dapper smiles in between glances.
๑ on the topic of being a gentlemen, i feel like he’s crazy talented quite naturally (we already know this sof). he naturally adapts to hobbies extremely well.
๑ and if you’re terrible at cooking, don’t worry about it! because taerae can cook too. 😉
๑ he seems like such a momma’s boy, learned nothing but the best from her and it really shows with how gentle and detail-oriented he is around those he’s close with.
๑ remembers every little detail. that necklace you liked in a gift shop window? already packaged for the next upcoming holiday. lost your keys? he’ll specifically remind you that you placed them in one of the grocery bags on the way up to your home.
๑ don’t ask about phone numbers though, he can’t remember those for his life.
๑ the one thing tarae would actually forget is to write in names for peoples numbers. you have to force him to change your contact to “full name” 10 months in because he’d eventually think a scammer hacked his phone. (in conclusion, he’s blocked your number many times)
๑ pet names!! taerae absolutely adores the romantic kinds. baby, sweetheart, honey, but taerae prefers to say them only when he’s with you. Not that he’s embarrassed by it, he simply thinks it’s more meaningful if said in the comfort of your privacy.
๑ besides his glass-shattering pipes (which he has done before) he hums anywhere, at anytime. but not the loud annoying kind. more like the softer, prominent kind where eventually you can’t even hear yourself think.
↑ it’s also always those loveboat-type ballads from like the 70/80’s. he gets updated about current music trends months after they release but still prefers to hum melodies that might very well make you break down in tears.
๑ on the topic of music, you’ll never have to worry about finding new songs ever again, this guy is LOADED with spotify playlists that he’s just urging to send you. you’ll wake up to 8 new artists he followed yesterday… and then he’ll remember to say “oh, good morning sweetheart 😁”
๑ last random thought, i have a feeling he makes cute little animals with paper clips, it’s his go to hobby. and he’ll just leave them all around the house for you to find :)
check out my masterlist!
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globaloppaaa© do not copy, modify, or repost my work without consent and permission
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homosexualbehaviors · 16 days
Welcome to my Blog
This is simply a post to let you know the fandoms I am in/the ships I ship. And to maybe get to know a bit about me.
*NOTE: If you have any questions about me or my fandoms or ships, please do not fear to ask. I will answer literally anything! (Nsft included)*
Fandoms and Ships
(The ships with "(#1)" by them are my top ship of that fandom. I have only marked such in fandoms I have listed multiple ships.)
Wednesday: Wenclair (#1), Yokovina, Yoko Divina and Bianca (I am unsure of the ship name)
Stranger Things: Ronance (#1), Elmax, Steddie, Byler
Pitch Perfect: Bechloe (#1), Staubrey
Arcane: Caitvi
She-Ra: Catradora
Adventure Time: Bubbline
Hawkeye: Bishova
The Owl House: Lumity (#1), Raeda, Huntlow
Heartstopper: Nick and Charlie (#1), Tara and Darcy, Tao and Elle
The Harley Quinn Show: Harlivy
The 100: Clexa
Atypical: Cazzie
Orange is the New Black: Vauseman
Dickinson: Emisue
Glee: Brittana
Euphoria: Rulez
One Day at a Time: Sydlena
Shameless: Gallavich
13 Reasons Why: Hannah and Clay (though I prefer to talk about this show as a whole, more than focusing on a ship)
Other shows/movies I enjoy
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
Grey's Anatomy
Everything Sucks
I Am Not Okay With This
Sex Education
The Fear Street movies
Every movie with Jenna Ortega in it
The Edge of Seventeen
(If I have listed a fandom but not a ship and you'd still like to ask something about it, please feel free, I am still open to answering! You may also ask about a fandom not listed, if I know of it, I will try my best to answer!)
About me
Hello, my name is August. You may refer to me as such. I am 18 years of age. I am Trans FTM/Trans Masc, as well as Omni. My pronouns are He/They. And I am autistic. The main Ship/Fandom I am in is Wenclair/Wednesday. My top three ships are Wenclair, Ronance and Bechloe. Most of my ships are Sapphic (This is not meant in a weird way, I just find them to be cute and they hold my interest.). Besides being delusional about my ships, I enjoy Reading (fanfiction and poetry), Writing (fanfiction and poetry as well) and Drawing (mainly 'horror' art) in my free time. As well as listening to music. My favorite musician is Billie Eilish. I have been a fan since the beginning. She means a lot to me. Anyhow, that is all I have about me for now. If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read this <3
Agian, if you have any questions about me or my fandoms or ships, please do not fear to ask. I will answer literally anything!
Here's a pretty flower, for you 🥀
Have a nice day, beautiful human 🖤
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dreamersbcll · 10 months
“Ink Blots”
for @krikeymate
June 21st, 2019
Dear Sam,
The summer solstice. The longest day of sunlight in the whole year.
I remember that you used to force me to stay awake, and savor every drop of sunlight. Some years we spent it at the beach, some in the backyard, some on the roof of the twins house. It didn’t matter where we spent it, as long as we were together.
Amber picked up on our plans. She now makes me spend the day with her, holding her hand at the county fair and riding the tilt-a-whirl until I get ill. I hate spinning. But it makes her happy.
How do you spend your summer solstice? Do you stay outside all day? Or do you hide?
I wish I could hide. The sun doesn’t shine quite as bright without you.
Your sunshine, Tara.
August 1st, 2019
Dear Sam,
It’s been a muggy, humid summer. I can’t go outside without my hair sticking to my face and my clothes damp. It’s disgusting.
The bad news is, our air conditioner is broken. Has been since early July. Mom never paid the bill, so the city shut it off. I’ve been working non stop at the local Dairy Queen, but surprise surprise. Minimum wage doesn’t pay shit. It’s not like I can do anything with my checks anyways. Most of it goes to house bills.
Luckily Amber lets me sleep over. I’ve been practically living there. It’s been nice, being in a house where mothers act like mothers, and fathers stay. Plus the dinners and A/C. It’s been nice.
I hope wherever you are, you have air conditioning. And popsicles. I know you like Helado de coco. Papi used to pick those up from the taquería on the way home from work. You used to spill it everywhere and get me all sticky when you hugged me.
I’d kill for a coconut-y, sticky hug right about now.
Love, Tara.
October 3rd, 2019
Dear Sam,
Junior year is kicking my ass. I can’t remember the last time school challenged me this much.
You were always so good at school. So bright. So good at math and science. Unlike you though, I am a whizz at English. Seriously! I can write like no other.
I’m now the Chief Editor of the newspaper. Ms. Smith put a lot of faith in me to be able to handle a staff. I'm not very good at it. Leading people isn’t very natural for me. It is for you, though.
Chad is the captain of the football team, Mindy the captain of the debate club. Amber was made captain of the forensics team. We’re all growing up, Sam.
The kids you used to spend so much time doting on, feeding, changing; are all grown. Not really. I won’t be eighteen for a bit. But still.
I hope you know we think of you everyday. I do at least. Chad likes to talk about the sleepovers you held for us, and Mindy wishes you were here to help with calculus. Amber gets an odd look when we talk about you, but I don’t care enough to ask.
Sending you love, Tara.
December 14th, 2019
Dear Sam,
I am seventeen. Does anything special happen at seventeen?
Mindy stuffed so many balloons in my locker, that when I opened it, a bunch exploded. That wasn’t a very fun principal office experience.
It wasn’t my first time there, though. I try to keep my nose clean, but I still sniff after danger. I mean, you left me Sam. I know what you did in high school. The teachers know.
I want some danger, too. I want to know what it was like for you to disappear and leave me. I want to know what forced you to leave me.
So I drink. I smoke. I have an ID. I drove drunk once.
It doesn’t matter. I don’t really care. As long as I graduate and leave, that’s all that matters.
Happy Birthday to me. I’ll pretend you said it to me.
January 1st, 2020
Dear Ssmmy,
i can’t see straight and i miss you so much do you know that
but it’s new year and i’m seventeen and i have all these beliefs that you broke why does it matter
hope it’s nice where you are
i love you tara
March 24th, 2020
Dear Sam,
It’s been a minute. I’m sorry. Time has moved so fast, but also, not at all.
Chad won state of the basketball team. A buzzer-beater shot. Whatever that means. He picked me up and spun me around after he won. There’s a photo in the newspaper of it. I don’t like him like that, but he's my brother. I love him like that.
Mindy took the debate team to nationals. They got second place. I watched her on the shitty livestream. She was incredible Sam. You would’ve been so proud. She’s always been a genius argumentalist. Ever since she was young.
Amber won first in her forensics division. Something about stab victims and their criminal family. It creeped me out how much eye contact she made with me. I didn’t love that.
I just write for the newspaper and sling ice cream.
What do you do? Are you happy? Does life still pass you by? Or do you live?
Love, Tara.
April 19th, 2020
Dear Sam,
Well, AP season is upon us. I signed up for five.
I’ll ace maybe three. Environmental science, Spanish, and English literature. The other two are math. I’m not good at math, but perhaps it’ll work.
I stumbled upon a photo of us when we were young. Twas the night you taught me how to bake cookies. I had so much flour in my hair. How did that happen? Did I bathe in it? Doesn’t matter. I just love seeing your big smile, always directed at me.
Sometimes if I close my eyes I can still feel your smile on my face. Like the sunlight from the solstice.
Better go back to studying. One of us has to go to college and become master of the universe. I know you aren’t in college. It was never your speed.
Once I make a shit ton of money, I’ll come find you.
I promise.
Love, Tara.
May 17th, 2020
Dear Sam,
I passed ⅘ of my tests. Failed the physics one. No surprise there. I skipped that class at least three times a week.
I’m almost done with Junior year. And then I’ll be a senior. One step closer to leaving.
We didn’t have heating or a/c through the past few seasons. I can’t make enough money to keep us afloat. Mom works, but she’s out of the country more often than not. And gas bills are not forgiving, let me tell you that.
I’m moving into Amber’s house for the summer. I can’t survive another couple of months dying from sweating.
Your birthday/leaving anniversary is soon. You’re gonna be twenty-two. That should be fun, yeah?
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
Love, Tara.
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ristaticraw · 6 months
Fanfiction Prompts
I'm actually WRITING again lately. Insane. Hit me with some prompts - NSFW accepted, though please don't pelt me with them. Current interests:
Gale Weathers/Sidney Prescott (friendship or romance)(Scream franchise)
Samantha Carpenter & Tara Carpenter (sister storylines, or focus on one or the other)(Scream franchise)
Tori Vega/Jade West (Victorious)
Jennifer Harding/Judy Hale (Dead to Me)
Prue Halliwell/Phoebe Halliwell (sisterly or romantic - the incest doesn't bother me)(Charmed)
Emily Charlton/Andy Sachs (The Devil Wears Prada)
Open to different Harry Potter prompts as well. I haven't written in that verse outside of my seventeen years and counting OC, but I'm up for trying it out.
Hit me with just about anything. I'm teaching myself horror technique, so you can hit me with some of that, too! *I'm trying to keep all prompts under 2k words.*
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alexblakeisgay · 10 months
Between the Blues and the Pinks (Ch. 1)
Ship: Alex Blake/Emily Prentiss
Summary: The Baby Blues: The temporary feelings of sadness following having a baby. Also known as Postpartum Depression. The Baby Pinks: The mild mania experienced following having a baby. Also known as Postpartum Euphoria.
Warnings: Mental health issues, postpartum mood disorders.
Word Count: 574
Author's Note: First of all, I would like to warn anyone who reads this that this will not be a happy fic. It's going to deal with mental health issues and it's going to get kind of dark. It does have a happy ending, no one dies, everyone gets better...but it goes through a pretty grim place to get there. I'd suggest erring on the side of caution if that kind of stuff triggers you.
Tagging: @ssa-tahlia-obsessions bc I promised her a chapter of something today.
Alex fidgeted in her chair. Not because it was uncomfortable...though it was. Not because the baby was pressing against her ribs...though it was.
It was because of her therapist's expectant stare.
It had been exactly eight and a half minutes since either of them had spoken. Alex knew because she'd been watching them tick by and wishing they'd move just a little faster.
In spite of herself, Alex blurted out, "Your clock is two minutes and seventeen seconds slow..."
Her therapist – Dr. Tara Lewis – asked, "Alex, is there a reason you're avoiding the question?" She raised a curious brow, flicking her pen back and forth.
"What was the question again?" Alex asked meekly. She'd been so caught up in timing the slow clock that she'd forgotten.
"I asked why you think it is you're not excited about your twenty week ultrasound..." Tara repeated herself.
A beat.
"Oh..." She heaved a sigh, remembering why she'd been avoiding the question in the first place. Unfortunately for her, though, she'd more or less run out of excuses. "I suppose...it's because I'm afraid of what the doctor will tell me," she confessed.
Tara nodded. "And why is that?"
"Because of Ethan," she said softly.
Tara nodded, wrote a note in her ledger. "Ethan's condition wasn't apparent on ultrasound?" she asked. When Alex nodded, she continued, "What makes you think this baby will have Ethan's condition – or, indeed, any condition?"
Alex began gnawing at her cheek until she tasted blood, reticent to say. But she knew that, ultimately, she needed to be honest... "Because I don't deserve a healthy baby."
Tara began writing furiously. After a moment, without looking up, she said, "What happened to Ethan is not your fault and the universe – or whatever you might believe – doesn't dole out cosmic feedback like that."
"It was my fault, though," Alex insisted, "I carried the defective gene. It's my fault he died."
Nodding, Tara suggested, "My advice is that you discuss this with Emily. And together, you should discuss amniocentesis."
"I'm upstairs!" Emily hollered when she heard the front door open and close. But before Alex could come to her, Emily appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing her painting clothes. At Alex's quizzical look, she teased, "I figured it was faster to come to you..."
Alex smiled softly for the first time that day.
Coming down the stairs, Emily met her in the foyer, stole a kiss. "How was your session?"
She'd kind of been hoping Emily wouldn't ask, even if she knew it was inevitable. "It was good," she said, a half-truth.
Emily smiled encouragingly. "It's helping?"
Alex nodded. Another half-truth. "She, umm... She suggested we talk about doing amnio," she stammered.
"I think we should do it," Emily immediately agreed.
Her brows leapt up her forehead. "Really?"
Emily nodded. "If it will give you some peace of mind, I think it's worth the risk." Alex seemed a little surprised by her sudden agreement. "Al, I know this is a huge part of what's been troubling you about this pregnancy and if this is going to help, I say we do it. I'd do anything to make this easier on you; if I could go back in time and wave a magic wand to undo my uterine scarring, I'd carry the baby for you."
Smiling fondly, Alex kissed her again. "It's things like this that make me fall for you all over again."
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Thoughts About Tara Lewis (CM Evolution Spoilers)
Tara Lewis is Queer.
I woke up this morning and the SECOND I was conscious, I turned to my partner and said 'Tara Lewis is Queer'. I woke them up two times last night to tell them the same thing. I have echoed this thought back and forth to friends for hours.
It almost feels like if I don't constantly remind myself that Tara is now canonically queer, then maybe it isn't real. Maybe it was a dream. OR maybe it will be taken from us.
The thing about being in this fandom since 2005 is that I've lived a WHOLE lot of life in that time. I have been through relationships and divorces and insurmountable loss. I can't even count how many times I've moved in that time. I have struggled, I have flourished. All the while, Criminal Minds was a constant for me.
If you're newer to this fandom (Welcome!) then you might not FULLY grasp how wildly improbable it is to be able to say: Tara Lewis, a main character on Criminal Minds, is canonically queer.
When the show first aired I was in college, I had graduated HS an entire year early because the homophobia I faced was suffocating and genuinely dangerous. I was threatened all the time in my school. I came out when I was 15, in a small rural religious town. It was horrific.
I graduated HS and started college by age 17. Criminal Minds started around then and I loved it, because I was already a huge fan of crime dramas (SVU, TXF, Bones). It became a comfort show to me.
It continued to be a comfort show to be for nearly the past two decades. I remember waiting week to week to find out what happened next. Or waiting all summer to find out what happened after a cliffhanger. Or waiting each year for news on whether it was getting renewed or not, especially through the 2007 writer's strike when the fate of many TV shows felt so volatile and unsure. I remember watching the Valhalla arc and Emily's 'death' live. As each season came out on DVD box set, I would buy them and re-watch them (This was when Netflix was only dvd rentals and not streaming. Streaming wasn't even a concept then. We all just bough 8-disc DVD box sets and had to change the DVD every 3 episodes to binge a show)
I remember when the interview came out about how Emily was originally supposed to wake up in bed with a woman. I remember how devastating that was to me. Emily was my fave character back then (now she ties with Tara) and she had always felt gay to me and to find out she COULD have been canonically confirmed as gay but they killed that idea, was really hard. We didn't have a lot of wlw rep in media back then. The L Word was a trailblazing show but it's representations of wlw ultimately did WAY more harm than good (imo. I could write an entire thesis about how tLw really fucked up my entire understanding of what it means to be gay, but I digress)
I remember watching the way CBS treated AJ, Paget and Kirsten. I remember following articles talking about why the women were forced to leave the show while the men were celebrated and doted upon. (Reasons why I hate certain characters that are popular here iykyk)
The very first scene with Tara Lewis in S11 made my heart skip a beat. My soul was screaming 'SHES QUEER!!!! SHE HAS GOT TO BE QUEER!' even though I never once held my breath that would ever become CANON.
Here I am, still in this fandom, seventeen years later, and I get to say 'Tara Lewis is canonically queer' on a show that has gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life. On a show I turned to for comfort when everything felt like Too Much.
Because there is something so incredibly magical about seeing my favourite character and saying: Tara Lewis is Queer...and So Am I.
I know people are already like 'Emily was right there!?' or  'Why not make Emily queer!?' to those people I have one thing to say:
Please stop. Please stop and understand HOW important it is for TARA to be queer.
We have A CANONICALLY QUEER BLACK WOMAN IN HER 50s played by a sapphic actor. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IMMINESLY RARE AND SPECIAL THAT IS?!?!? Do you have ANY idea of how IMPORTANT that is for representation?????
Emily Prentiss will never be confirmed queer in canon for many reasons. I have a LOT of thoughts about this, but that's not what this post is about.
This post is about celebrating one, extremely special fact.
And I couldn't be happier.
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yamilethxz · 10 months
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Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotch
Jason Gideon
David Rossi
Penelope Garcia
Elle Greenway
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Ashley Seaver
Alex Blake
Kate Callahan
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Stephen Walker
Matt Simmons
Y/N x Criminal Minds:
Falsey Accussed (Spencer x Y/N) [ONGOING]
My Own Works:
Interactive Fics:
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Leonardo Splinterson/Hamato
Donatello Splinterson/Hamato
Raphael Splinterson/Hamato
Michelangelo Splinterson/Hamato
Casey Jr
Baxter Stockman (2003 only)
That worm from rise
Shredder (1987, 2003, 2012 only)
Karai / Miwa
Foot Clan
Mona Lisa
Big Mama
Venus Splinterson/Hamato
Jennika Splinterson/Hamato
My Own Works:
Family. (w/ Ferris and Kit) [AO3]
Interactive Fics:
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Rock Lee
MY Own Works:
Interactive Fic's:
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Vacation Day ( Seungkwan & Vernon ) [ Requested by: @zenyukifanficblogs ]
My Own Works:
Interactive Fic's:
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ONE SHOTS / IMAGINES ( DNI: Asuna R*p3, incest, Bondage )
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DEATH NOTE (Anime Only)
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Romance Bundle - $3.50 [USD] per month (BOOKS INCULDED) (COMING SOON)
Wildside Tier - $5.50 [USD] per month (BOOKS INCULDED) (COMING SOON)
TRAPPED IN AN ONLINE GAME [VIDEOGAME SERIES BOOK 1] (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Action . Sci-fi . Video Games . Adventure . Anime
UPDATED: September 17th 2023-10:00pm
UPDATED: July 23rd, 2022-5:31pm
SQUAD35 - SEASON ONE (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Sci-fi . Horror . Mystery . Thriller . Action . Adventure . Anime UPDATED: April 25th, 2023-6:58pm
UNIT 0000 STORY (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Fantasy . Adventure
UPDATED: July 31st 2021-4:00pm
MAGIC; only in fairy tales [BOOK 1] (COMING SOON ~ INKITT - FREE TO READ)
PUBLISHED: August 4th 2023-10:36pm
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experimentkc · 11 months
Lilo, Jumba, Captain Gantu, and Angel are racing to Disney Speedstorm!
Lilo & Stitch is going to burn rubber onto Gameloft's Disney Speedstorm soon!
This past week, beginning from July 17, 2023, the game's official social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube have been sharing concept art for the new Lilo & Stitch track environment that will be added in the game's third season (and the last season for its early access period).
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But Gameloft also took the opportunity to tease the four other Lilo & Stitch racers who will be joining Stitch in the new season by hiding the syllables of those racers' names in the concept art. (Zoom in on the images above!) These were followed by a full reveal of their character and kart renders the very next day.
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With Lilo Pelekai, Jumba Jookiba, Captain Gantu, and Experiment 624/Angel ready to tear up some Hawaiian roads, plus two more mystery racers from other Disney franchises joining them, this looks to be Disney Speedstorm's biggest season yet before its full free-to-play release on September 28!
Plus, considering that Speedstorm features voice acting, with many of the various Disney and Pixar characters' original voice actors reprising their roles, this will be the first time in years that Lilo & Stitch and Disney fans will get to hear the beloved little Hawaiian girl Lilo talk again and possibly hear Kevin Michael Richardson, who last voiced Gantu in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2010), bringing his deep and authoritative voice back to the massive whale-like alien that put him on the map. Moreso, Angel's original voice Tara Strong could finally be voicing Stitch's pink alien siren girlfriend for the first time since Leroy & Stitch seventeen years ago (unless Gameloft decides to go with her Stitch! anime voice Kate Higgins or another actor). Jumba, meanwhile, will be getting a different voice from his original Western appearance, as David Ogden Stiers died back in March 2018. There is a chance that his anime and Stitch & Ai voice Jess Winfield could be voicing the evil genius again though since the latter's English release; if that's the case, then this will be the first time Winfield voiced Jumba in a Western-produced work.
Season 3 of Disney Speedstorm will be released next month during August, following the conclusion of the Toy Story-focused Season 2: To Infinity and Beyond. As of this writing, the game is currently available in paid early access for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PCs (via Steam, the Microsoft Store, and the Epic Games Store).
For those who missed Stitch's reveal on Stitch Day (June 26) 2023, here's his render.
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tsarincvdova · 5 months
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(very long post beneath the cut. This will only go up to 2018 because her current timeline as of writing is a mess. The details are a combination of events from previous runs and the current timeline being used as of 2015)
1928: Natalia Romanova is born in the winter in Stalingrad to an impoverished mother. During a raid by imperialists, their house is set on fire and her mother hands her baby over to Ivan Petrovich Bezukhov, before her mother is killed.
1938: Natalia has been taken in by Ivan as his foster daughter. One winter afternoon in a park, Ivan and Natalia meet Taras Romanov. Ivan gives her custody to Taras so Ivan can go on military leave. She is taken to a training facility in Moscow and is now his "daughter".
1940: Natalia, now age twelve, meets Logan Howlett, a soldier from Canada. As they train in martial arts, they develop a friendly, familial relationship. She even calls him "little uncle" in Russian (маленький дядя). Logan kills Taras and Natalia escapes, living in the forest alone. Ivan finds her three months later and takes her back into his care.
1943: Natalia signs up to join the military to aid with the war effort, despite being only fifteen years old. She meets a fellow soldier in her unit named Nikolai, who's sixteen, and they fall in love.
1944: Natalia and Nikolai are now "married", and are secretly expecting a baby that's due soon. One evening, their unit is ambushed by Germans and they take cover in the woods. Nikolai is soon shot dead, and Natalia is forced to leave him to get to safety. Natalia eventually goes into labor while in Slovakia with Ivan, but manages to get to a midwife's house in the Doborčský Forest. She eventually gives birth that night to a baby girl with the assistance of the midwife and her daughter, but the baby is stillborn. Natalia names her Rose.
1945: The war is won and a seventeen year old Natalia goes back to civilian life. She soon graduates high school. Natalia enters the Bolshoi Theater as a professional ballerina, having been dancing ballet there her entire childhood.
1956: Natalia, now twenty eight, finds a severely injured Ivan, who has been shot by gang members. A brainwashed James Buchanan Barnes (who had been kidnapped by the Soviets in 1945) gives them the option to take a limited "chemical" that heals his wounds and grants eternal youth. Despite Ivan's protest, Natalia consents for the both of them. She soon starts her training in the Red Room, along with 27 other women. Natalia is trained by James in hand to hand combat and they start a secret sexual relationship.
1957: Natalia is given medals for her time in the war and meets Alexei Shostakov, a Soviet Air Force pilot. They get to talking and he is told she's in training to be a secret agent. Due to Natalia's popularity for being a famous ballerina, and Alexei's status as a Hero of the Soviet Union, they are encouraged to marry.
1962: Natalia joins the Russian special forces while going through her Red Room training. She is given a job to kill the defecting Comienzas in Cuba, as well as a fellow Red Room trainee named Marina. Natalia completes the mission. She soon earns the title of the Black Widow, and the Red Room is disbanded. She and her husband Alexei then work as KGB operatives.
1963: Alexei, due to him being offered the super soldier serum and the title of the Red Guardian (the Soviet's answer to the patriotic hero Captain America), has his death faked and his wife Natalia is lied to by the KGB. Instead of immediately grieving, she declares to get revenge on the West, deciding to put her country before her own well being.
1991: The Soviet Union falls on December 25th, Gorbachev resigns as President and Russia becomes one of the fifteen independent states. Natalia still sides with Russia, but is now an independent mercenary. She and Ivan travel to different countries to perform "job offers", earning money from them at the same time.
2005: On an assignment to spy on Tony Stark in America, Natalia flirts with him and they routinely meet up with each other at her mansion by the water. He's well aware of what she's doing.
2006: Natalia starts a relationship with Clint Barton, and later defects from Russia. This new life in America annoys Ivan.
2007: She begins to live as a vigilante after being inspired by Peter Parker, and sews herself her own suit.
2008: The Avengers are formed and Natalia joins SHIELD.
2009: Natalia eventually joins the Avengers, along with Clint Barton, and twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Much to her shock, she learns that Alexei is alive and well on a mission. They soon divorce.
2010: Natalia moves to San Francisco, starts dating Matt Murdock, and tries to get into fashion design. Ivan gets fed up with life in America and they go separate ways, with him cruelly telling her he never wanted to be her father in the first place.
2013: Wanda Maximoff has a breakdown following the deaths of her sons and the Avengers split up. Natalia moves to Arizona. She's told by a former SHIELD agent that the remaining 26 Red Room trainees from her generation have been murdered by the Northern Institute.
2014: James Buchanan Barnes is freed from his Winter Soldier brainwashing and eventually gets together with Natalia officially, living life as Bucky Barnes. Natalia later encounters Yelena Belova, a woman who has become the next Black Widow after going through the training from a recreated Red Room Academy.
2016: Natalia is on the pro-registration side of the Superhuman Registration Act.
2018: Ivan is killed during a phone call with Natalia. She goes to Russia to identify his body. She learns of the Icepick Protocol and takes care of it. She is now living her life as a freelance spy and assassin.
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kkooongie · 10 months
Suggestion, use it if you liked it
Seunghcheol: pee loon by mohit chauhan / kabhi jo badal barse
Yoon jeonghan: ye tune kiya kiya from once upon a time in Mumbai / rabba mai to marr gaya oye by shahid mallya
Hong jisoo : love mai thoda by arijit singh / oh my love by sonu nigam
Moon junhui : deewana kar raha hai by javed ali / Tu har lamha by arijit singh
Kwon soonyoung: my dil goes hmmm / girl | need you from baaghi
Lee jihoon : guzarish by javed ali / tose naina by arijit singh/jab tak by armaan malik
Jeon wonwoo : tum mile by javed ali/ dil ibaadat by kk / teri jhuki nazar by pritam
Kim mingyu : tujhe sochta hu by javed ali/ mujhko barsaat bana lo by armaan malik (I hit my head in the pillow 🤸‍♀️) mann mera by gajendra verma / mere bina from crook / darasal by atif aslam
Lee seokmin : samjhawa from badrinath ki dulhaniya/ tere naam doon by atif aslam / pehla pyaar by armaan malik / haan tu hai by kk / mera mann kehne laga by falak shabbir
Xu minghao : ishq risk by sohail sen / bol do na zara by armaan malik / subhanallah from by pritam / te amo (duet) by ash king / saware by arijit singh
Boo seunghkwan : pani da rang / ishq bulava / tum tak / chup chup ke by ash king / bawara mann by jubin nautiyal / hey shona from tara rampum / tere mere beech mai from shudh desi romance
Chwe hansol : mai rahoon ya na rahoon by armaan malik / itni si baat hai / labon ko / hale dil by harshit saxena / awara shaam by piyush / tera bann jaunga
Lee chan : tere hoke rahenge by arijit singh / tum ho by mohit chauhan/ aaj zid by arijit singh / tum jo aiye by tulsi kumar / afeemi by sachin jigar
There are more but my hands hurt from typing and hit it on the wall with each delusional thought 😭💗🫀
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stayinhellevator · 4 months
If Seventeen had a fan account:-
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1. Seungcheol:-
Would be a Jeonghan fan account gradually turning into his own.
(But would never admit that)
Posts simp edits and pictures of hannie
Compiles thirsty comments about himself and makes a post on it.
(bc he's like that)
Up to date with all the tea all the time.
Wouldn't hesitate to jump in fan wars.
Prepare to get slandered if you say/post/comment/interact/breathe against sebongs.
Prepare to actually d1e if you tried anything against hannie or Wonwoo.
Has an insane following.
Flirts a lot with his followers. Teaser™
2. Jeonghan:-
With his pattern, you'd never know anything about him or the purpose of his account.
Posts so many memes, jokes and sarcasm that you'd never know if he's kidding or genuinely a hater.
You'd also never be able to guess his bias. One moment he's posting a simp edit about Hyungwon, another moment he's threatening fans to not bully Mingyu anymore.
Also likes to post ship edits of himself with his members.
"You wish that was you huh?" is a mandatory post with edits of himself getting princess treatment.
Has a tendency of randomly beefing with a teenager
Has a love hate relationship with his followers.
3. Joshua:-
Bold of you to assume he invests time on his phone when he can't even text for his life.
His account is like a random Street that becomes your favourite hangout spot.
The pretty boy you are sure you know that he is and desparately hope for so and pray that he's yours. All without having even seen his face.
Likes to post audio covers of his favourite songs.
And that alone gains him a lot of followers bc his voice resembles a lot to that of Joshua of Seventeen 👀
Fans are convinced a pretty boy owns this account.
He randomly shares DIY hacks and ideas
One day he shares a beaded bracelet that he made and fans get suspicious.
Conveniently lies that he searched about Joshua and picked up that hobby since he liked diy anyway.
Anyway, he has a friendly relationship with his followers but also teases them a lot.
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4. Jun:-
The most random and weird fan account of the century
Cats cats and a lot of cats
Cat memes, cat aesthetics, cat language, cat clothes, cat tips JUST CAT
He breathes, speaks, posts, edits in cats only.
Throws in a bit of dirty jokes, food and Minghao.
A simp for his Chinese friends
Sometimes, seriously shares recipes with his followers. Might also share weird food combinations that taste good (read to him)
Honestly speaking, you're never truly prepared for what his next post could be.
Is it going to be a conspiracy theory of cats being an ancient God or a serious Minghao presidency campaign. Who knows?
5. Soonyoung:-
The biggest Shinee enthusiast that there ever is.
Up to date with all shinee news, schedules, choreography, songs, lyrics even their clothes.
Promotes and posts various dancers and choreographers on his account
Might randomly put a cheat sheet on various dance forms, trends, tips and tricks to easily learn them.
Constantly posts about Seventeen too.
Any news about Seventeen, he'd be the first to post about, only second to Seventeen themselves of course😏
Engages with his followers regularly. He's that random internet stranger that's now best friends with a lot of people.
Thirst traps(pictures and comments) of DK and Woozi
Can't edit for life.
Also not very good with SNS.
His internet friends have to guide him through a lot of the features
The only thing that gives him away? His love for tigers of course
Can't help it.
Tiger prints, aesthetic and tigers themselves
At first, his followers were confused if he's being sarcastic or he is a furry
His followers thinks he might be a Hoshi biased. He doesn't deny
Horanghae is his catchphrase. Also a seal that confirms he's a Hoshi biased.
6. Wonwoo:-
Coolest, grungy dark bad boy vibes
His page is a cyberpunk aesthetic
On trends with the latest games, lores of his favourite games, his own theories of unfinished games or parts.
Posts gameplays as well.
Likes to subtly drop hand pics👀
Flirts a lot through comments
Wanna be editor
Thinks he makes collages and his fan girls eat it up {I'm the fangirl😔}
Beefs with children, teens and adults alike. Bc he takes his games very seriously
Book recs if you like
His followers think he also biases Mingyu but who knows?
All in all the book boyfriend vibes which is why he's so popular amongst his followers.
7. Jihoon:-
Anime fan account
Anime Recs
Might even host a watch party
Song recs too
Sometimes drops an instrumental cover of his favourite songs or his original music
Either chronically online or disappears off the face of Earth. Nothing in between
His internet friends nicknamed him 'Coconut' bc of his cold but soft persona
Once got into a debate with a teen over diet soda being unhealthy and safe to say that teen deactivated their account
He and his followers look like an emo punk cult group.
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8. Seokmin:-
Most aesthetic, delulu and the brightest account on the internet
Jokingly calls Joshua his husband, Mingyu his lover, Hoshi his boyfriend, Minghao his Soulmate and Wonwoo his twin flame
But is it a joke?🤨
Also jokingly flirts with fans bc "if you can't have idols then marry their fans"
But also is it a joke?🤨
Posts a lot of puppies and flowers and sunrise and nature in between too
Promotes covers of Seventeen songs
Makes a lot of friends through his account
Genuinely talks to them and hears them out
Known amongst his followers as a sunshine (if only they knew)
Posts a lot of aesthetic pictures that he clicks himself
Is also good at editing stuff.
All in all he loves his followers and they love him even more
9. Mingyu:-
Either simping or being simped on
Seriously, the way he has no filter as he shares his extreme😏love for Wonwoo, Seokmin, Jeonghan, Jungkook and Minghao
He also has no filter as he teases his followers
Flirt pro max
Swinging his legs and giggling while reading all the thirsty posts about himself
If his fans are delulu then Mingyu is delulu-er.
If he reads a Mingyu thigh appreciation post, you best believe the next time he goes live he's manspreading
And when the caratland is going bonkers, he casually posts in his fan account "Who's the imposter among us?"
The most professional editor and photographer out there
His followers are convinced he's a film major or something when they watch his recent Wonwoo edit that has 1M likes.
Has a decent following bc of his professional edits.
10. Minghao:-
Does he hate his followers?
No one knows
Known as the Anti Delulu Pill of caratland
And makes sure he lives up to the name
Never hesitates to bring fans back to reality when he sees their delusional comments and posts
Even if it means making a teen cry
Only follows Jun and Minghao fan accounts
Posts a lot of thoroughly and professionally edited stuff for Jun
A professional Jun simp if you will
But also blushes and giggles while reading not to innocent stuff about himself
Anti-delulus them while giggling
So why does he even have followers?
Even they don't know bro how will I?
They say it's bc of the quality of his edits. Who knows though 😏
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11. Seungkwan:-
The best account out there hands down
There's no winning against him
Has everything you could possibly imagine
Series, songs, movies, gossip, fashion, trends, reviews, recs and edits; you name it, he has it.
Is updated with all the tea, be it celeb gossip, his followers love life or his internet friends confessions
Is entertaining and makes sure he entertains
The biggest Vernon enthusiast that there ever is. Come fight him
His day begins with a Vernon post and ends with a Vernon post. And it's now a part of his layout
Never hesitates to put down a hater
Also never hesitates to judge you and your mama and grand mama
Sometimes, you'd think he's a mean girl™ but he's a sweetheart fr
His internet friends love his no bullshit just straight up advice, his warm and comforting words and his fun aura
The highest amount of followers
As my king and his fan account rightfully deserves.
12. Hansol:-
Random. Weird. The most Gen-Z page
Honestly, what's going on?
He doesn't even know it's a fan account
He just dumps whatever's on his mind
The most random and funniest memes
But he wasn't even trying to be funny though
Gives songs, movies, anime and games recs
And they're seriously the best type of shit out there
The most Gen-Z lingo you can possibly imagine. Fr fr
But he swears he's just lazy to type out the whole thing. Bfr
Posts the most random thoughts at the most random times
"What if Ronald McDonald is alive and not a statue and is watching us eat" posted at 3:47 a.m.
Is he being serious or is he being funny? Who knows? Who cares
You could only wish you were as cool as Vernon and his followers.
13. Chan:-
Dance lover™
Dino biased™
He's cool and his followers know he's cool
But he's like an old man from the 80s given the latest technology
Puts up simple posts
Reposts a lot of memes, edits and pictures of himself ofcourse
A lot of those "What it's like having 12 useless hyungs"
But doesn't even take a second to berate a hater
Reposts and lauds a lot of dancers and Seventeen covers
Half of his followers found him through his hilarious comments on posts and stayed for his humour
Has a tendency to abandon his SNS and come back with a random dance cover post and disappear again.
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©stayinhellevator2024:- Please don't repost, translate or copy my work.
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parragone · 1 year
ALSO kapglaz but this is something I abandoned because I don't feel like it reads very well, but also it's kinda cute. I'll recycle it later but
Context is that Kapkan, Tachanka, and Fuze agreed to approach Glaz individually, and Kapkan was the first to try
It was SUPPOSED to lead into smut, but oh well, it's not even edited
Be aware there is a v brief mention of Beslan, and also, it's clunky writing
It was a nice bar with a nice atmosphere and, most importantly, a lack of civilians. 
The bar on base had a strict rule against civilian entry, and for a good reason. While Spetsnaz worked to protect the public, many unit operators were prone to dark humor and unfortunate stories. The fact that at least one of the men who had bought him a drink had made a joke about land mines and how high someone’s leg could go and that Timur had laughed about it was proof enough that no civilian should be at a party, let alone a bar, on the base.
Tonight was slow. Only a handful of people were present, and while many were recognizable, none had been brave enough to approach him. As such, Timur had resigned himself to a night of drinking alone.
His assumption was quickly proven very, very wrong.
The man who sat next to him was someone he did, in fact, recognize; the notable scar on the arch of his nose angled just slightly down to the left was a dead giveaway, though the minute scars on his lips from decades of an anxious tell were something the sniper was fairly sure only he had noticed. He was slightly taller than Timur and slightly broader, with a preference for hand-to-hand that had given the sniper more bruises than he would ever admit. Not that they were ever unwelcome.
“Maxim Basuda,” Timur sighed into his drink. “Brave man.”
“On occasion,” the hunter replied. “I thought I could buy you a drink, Glazkov.”
The sniper turned in his seat and leaned on his arm, his impulsive smile far too visible for his liking. Maxim was dressed as casually as one could be, even if seeing him in jeans and a coat was startling when he was used to fatigues. “How many men have you seen buy me a drink in the last week?”
“No less than seventeen, yet you’ve gone home with none of them, Timur,” Maxim replied, as if he were simply reporting his ammunition. “I admit I was surprised when you refused Taras.”
“Unfortunately, all his skills are breaching, not socializing.” Timur sipped his drink as he gave the man a once over. “You think you can win me over when so many have failed?”
“I think if you give me five minutes and a chance to talk to you, you’ll be saying yes.” 
“Confidence, a slow and insidious killer,” the sniper put his drink down as he spoke. “Are you looking at trying to get me into a long-term affair?”
“It is my goal, yes.” The hunter held up a hand as Timur started to say something. “I know you are polyamorous and have no issue with it.”
“Study your prey, do you?” Timur shrugged. “Fine, so be it. You have five minutes from right now. If you succeed, you may order me a drink.”
Soon enough, Maxim had settled in properly and ordered himself a drink; a whiskey drink, which made Timur feel slightly better about his gin and tonic . The conversation started as many did, with a short discussion of recent events in each other’s lives. The fact that Maxim apparently had not one, but three brothers did not go unnoticed. The equally intriguing fact that he was apparently the eldest of these brothers was tucked away in the back of Timur's mind as he swirled his glass and raised a hand. 
"So," he asked pointedly, "I hear you're a hunter."
"Ah, yes," Maxim laughed as his demeanor shifted. His eyes got softer, and his shoulders relaxed. "Only twice a year."
"Still impressive. What do you hunt?"
"Deer, primarily. I hunt two to three each year in August, and once I've butchered and preserved them properly, my brothers do not need to purchase meat until the next year." He shrugged. "At times, the brass lets me bring the meat back to base with me, so long as it is a reasonable amount."
"You said primarily," the sniper replied. "You've hunted for other things?"
"Per the request of rangers, I have brought down two particular bears. The first was too aggressive towards people, and the second appeared to have some form of brain injury that had made it…." The hunter paused as if the right word eluded him. "It had lost whatever made it a conscious being. I believe the term is "mercy kill," and I happened to be heading toward the beast when the rangers caught up with me."
"Poor thing."
"It happens to the best of us," Maxim sighed. “I keep no trophies, or I would show you. You, however, could show me your hobby with little more than a trip home.”
“Oh? And what makes you so confident?”
There was a glimmer of pride in the man’s eyes as he gave a smug smile and sipped his own drink. "I know you are a painter." 
"Oh, you know, do you?” Timur raised an eyebrow as he set his drink down. “What gave it away?”
“You may not notice, but you have paint under your fingernails during some hand-to-hand drills,” Maxim replied with a small gesture towards the sniper’s hands. “Also, you sometimes smell of what I have figured out to be varnish.”
“Details,” Timur muuttered. “You got me.”
“Yet I have never seen your work.”
“I tend not to display it,” Timur sighed with a wave of his hand. “It is the sort of work that I feel would attract more questions than anything else.”
“May I ask why?”
“It is not what is expected of someone in the military, I suppose.” The sniper shrugged after a moment. “It is not combat or gruesome. I prefer more serene things, moments in time that cannot be found anywhere but my memory.”
“Such as?”
Timur smiled as he lifted his drink to his lips again, eyes trained on Maxim’s face and the glimmer of genuine curiosity in his eyes. It was almost odd to be confronted with someone who truly wanted to know more about him, rather than putting up with half-hearted conversation meant to butter him up for a casual encounter. He thought for a moment before he nodded slightly to the side and set his glass down.
“The one I am working on now is the Russky Bridge, or rather what I remember of it,” he explained. “When I was twelve, my father took me to a place along the riverbank where one could see the construction work in progress. He told me that such things were a matter of pride for politicians, but more of a bragging right than anything else. ‘We are a city of fishermen and sailors’, he told me, ‘what use do we have for a bridge when our boats do the job just fine?’”
"To make it easier for travelers, right? It was built in preparation for a summit, if I recall," Maxim replied as he tapped his jaw. 
"Yes, it was. And it was a pain in the ass to locals," the sniper grumbled. "Did not make me go to the military, but definitely contributed."
"What brought you to the military, exactly?" The hunter tilted his head in a sideways nod. "You seem like more of an artist than a killer."
"The Beslan siege," Timur replied bluntly. The demeanor of his partner changed slightly, and so the sniper gave a small gesture with his hand to try and both help himself explain and dismiss the anxiety that jumped into his throat. "The deaths unsettled me. The children most of all, but the whole affair was… I could not see myself standing idly by if I had the choice, so I transferred to the Cadet Corps and later was selected as a sniper due to my marksmanship and temperament. I hope the answer is not... too much."
"It is not," Maxim assured him as he shifted forward and hesitantly placed a hand on Timur's forearm, a comforting touch which the sniper did not reject. "I mean that. It is simply odd to hear the Beslan siege as someone's reason for joining when I myself served in it."
"You did?" How had he missed that? 
"I did, and several of my friends did as well," the hunter confirmed. "It was… difficult to serve in, and many of those I knew resigned after the fact." 
"I hope I did not make you uncomfortable-"
"Far from it," Maxim laughed. "I am glad you chose to take action on your feelings rather than spouting forth empty promises. It shows conviction that many lack. Some action is better than none, and you have clearly gone above and beyond in that sense. I have dealt with most of the trauma, and what is left is most certainly not yours to bear."
Timur felt his shoulders relax and let go of a breath he didn't realize he had held. Maxim's hand moved from his arm to his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. The sniper rubbed his face with one hand and gave his fellow soldier a sympathetic look, one which was returned with genuine kindness. 
"And here I thought I had ruined my chance at a drink," Timur sighed with a sheepish smile. 
"Oh, I've won you over, have I?" Maxim moved his hand away and leaned on the bar, a smug grin on his face as he seemed to puff up like a bird. "I told you I could."
"Yes, but it took you fifteen minutes, not five," Timur countered. "So really, you should owe me three drinks. One tonight, two more at a later date."
Maxim paused for a moment and narrowed his eyes as his smile grew. "Are you saying I've won a second date?" 
"I am saying that I hope you intended for more than two." 
"Well," Maxim sighed, "I will have to ensure I do not step on Senaviev's toes, but I would love to take you out for another drink."
"Step on-"
Timur was interrupted by the bartender's last call and immediately sighed. He shook his head as he went to stand, his conversation partner right behind him with an equally sour expression as the bar's patrons began to collectively gather their things to leave. He found himself right behind Maxim as they shuffled out into the night air, the chill just enough for him to pull his hood up as they stepped out of the small crowd of soldiers. 
They made their way down the road in the general direction of base housing, neither breaking the silence for a short while. It was at the cusp of winter, not cold enough to snow yet not warm enough to frequently rain, and so they were caught in an early fog that would have made Timur want to rip his hair out if he were deployed. Instead, he found himself rather fond of the man next to him and the fact the fog gave him an excuse to be so close. 
"Step on toes, you said?" 
"Aha," Maxim replied with an awkward laugh. "Do not tell him that I told you, but myself, Senaviev, and Kessikbayev made a deal to come to you individually. We realized you flirted with all three of us and none of us were terribly keen on the idea of fighting each other if you had affection for each of us. Turns out, sharing is easy when you know who you are sharing with." 
"Oh, you've discussed this!" Timur feigned offense as he placed a hand over his chest, a smile destroying any chance he had of fooling Maxim. "Without me even there, for shame."
"Well, we considered dragging you into a conversation about it," Maxim admitted. "But we decided there were better ways. Are we going to continue this conversation in my quarters, or…?"
"We could, if you would like. On the condition you tell me everything," the sniper said with a wave of his hand. "I want to know."
"Ah, fine. If it means I can have you in my room tonight." The hunter shrugged as he continued walking and fished in his pockets. "We realized a month ago that we were being flirted with. It was Kessikbayev who suggested you may be polyamorous, and Senaviev was the one who asked you as indirectly as he could-"
"That's why he was so curious about my love life," Timur muttered. 
"- and when we realized he was right, we decided that we could share you if you wanted to be shared. Admittedly, I was keen on the idea because I find them as attractive as I find you." He shrugged as he finished and pulled out his keys, the electronic pass attached to them giving the two men access to the barracks. "We just did not want to overwhelm you, so we agreed on individual meetings and dates before we suggested multiples."
"I cannot tell if I am flattered you three are so willing or disappointed I was not there to see it," Timur confessed with a laugh as he followed Maxim to the stairwell. "Most men would be incredibly unhappy with such an arrangement."
"Most men are insecure at best, and controlling at worst. As long as I know who you’ve gone off with, I for one am far too happy to share you." The hunter tilted his head as he walked. “Must be why you’ve been single since I met you.”
"Mhm." The sniper paused on the stairs for a moment. "What are you expecting tonight?" 
"Expecting?" Maxim stopped on the landing, his hands in his pockets as he turned to look at Timur. "I expect nothing, Timur, I am happy with whatever you give me."
"Ah." After a moment of hesitation, Timur began to follow the man once again, his hands in his pockets. "You are allowed to call me Tima, you know, outside of operations." 
"Tima," Maxim repeated as he opened the door to the floor he lived on and motioned with one hand. Timur followed him down the hallway as the hunter got to his door and let them in. “I didn’t take you to have a preference for sweet names.”
“You’ll learn quite a bit about me the more you talk to me.” 
The sniper noticed that while the room was tidy, it was by no means a bland living area. He had successfully made his room reflect himself without breaking regulation; his shelves held survivalist books and field manuals, while his closet seemed to have practical clothes hidden behind his uniforms. His bed was well-made and, unfortunately, the only place to sit that didn’t have something tossed on it, be it a coat or a . Timur surmised he didn't have visitors very often as he sat on the edge of the bed and watched his host excuse himself to the kitchenette.
“I do not have anything worth a damn, but if you are still in the mood to drink,” Maxim said as he returned from the fridge to hand Timur a can. “This won’t count against the drinks I owe you.”
“Isn’t alcohol banned in base housing?” 
“It’s American. It shouldn’t legally count as alcohol,” the hunter replied. “I have to admit surprise. I thought you would be more reluctant to come home with me.”
“You and I both know that if you did anything, I could easily hurt you,” Timur replied with a shrug as he opened the can. “And even if I didn’t do so now, I’m an excellent marksman. Although, I would like to know what you want tonight.”
“I told you, I expect-”
“I didn’t ask for expectations,” Timur corrected gently as he took a sip of his drink. “I asked for wants.”
 The hunter raised his brows as he took a seat on the foot of the bed and tilted his can to the side. “Well. Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to be polite?”
“Oh, honest. It's more fun that way."
“Well, honesty means I want to get both of us off before the end of the night and see under your clothing,” Maxim confessed. “And if not that, then I’d most certainly like to kiss you until one or both of us feels stupid.”
A moment of consideration was all Timur really needed before he gave his host an almost mischievous look. “Well, the latter can lead into the former. Just be aware that I do not typically take anything off on the first date.”
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ao3feed-spuffy · 1 year
The seventeen-body problem
by JamesTheIceQueen
Ethan tries casting a spell that reveals soul mates on Giles. Predictably enough, it misses and hits Buffy. Chaos ensues.
Or: the world's largest polycule has dynamics more complex than a Habsburg family tree.
Words: 22002, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Angel: the Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Rupert Giles, Ethan Rayne, Tara Maclay, Willow Rosenberg, Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers, Spike (BtVS), Drusilla (BtVS), Angel (BtVS), Cordelia Chase, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Lilah Morgan, Winifred "Fred" Burkle, Charles Gunn, Illyria (AtS), Dawn Summers, Connor (AtS), Xander Harris, Anya Jenkins, Lorne | Krevlornswath
Relationships: Rupert Giles/Ethan Rayne, Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg, Faith Lehane/Willow Rosenberg, Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Spike/Buffy Summers, Angel/Buffy Summers, Angel/Spike (BtVS), Angel/Cordelia Chase, Angel/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Lilah Morgan/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Illyria/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Winifred "Fred" Burkle/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Charles Gunn/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Winifred "Fred" Burkle/Charles Gunn/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Winifred "Fred" Burkle/Charles Gunn, Illyria/Dawn Summers, Xander Harris/Illyria, Xander Harris/Anya Jenkins, Drusilla/Spike (BtVS)
Additional Tags: Season/Series 07, Season/Series 04, Episode: s07e06 Him, Post-Episode: s04e04 Slouching Towards Betlehem, lots of relationships, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, soul mates, But not in an AU way, It's a spell, Tara Maclay Lives, Cordelia Chase Lives, Winifred "Fred" Burkle Lives, Lilah Morgan Lives, Anya Jenkins Lives, In fact most people live, POV Lilah Morgan, Lilah makes friends with Gunn and Lorne, POV Buffy Summers, Minor POV Ethan Rayne, Minor POV Illyria, Illyria is fucking terrifying, Rated T for mentions of sexual content, Probably a lot more I could write here, but no triggers I can think of outside of stuff that has already happened in canon, Lorne is a therapist and can legally hold weddings, and you can't convince me otherwise, No beta we die like Lindsey
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48012832
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gegeetime · 2 years
♡゛www.gegeetime>?! 🩰
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this blog (mostly) contains nsfw contents and minors strictly DO NOT interact nor follow me. or else, you'll get blocked. i'm not a writer, but sometimes i write my hard thoughts about enhypen hyung line here so enjoy your stay <3
my inbox and ask box are always open for everyone, so feel free to interact with me!
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NAME. AGE. PRO. MBTI: tara. 9teen. she/her. istp
ULTS: enhypen & ive
OTHERS: aespa, ariana grande, blackpink, boyz II men, bruno mars, iu, lana del rey, new jeans, ne-yo, red velvet, seventeen, sza, taylor swift, the weeknd, wayv, yerin baek
LIKES: cats, chocolates, cute stuffs, listening to musics, rain, rnb songs, subby men, thriller/mystery movies
DISLIKES: cockroaches, deep sea, spiders, toxic people . . .
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
Short fics and oneshots. I will write longer oneshots, but mostly what I publish are short and single chaptered. Writing multichaptered fics is harder for me because I get bogged down and overthink when it comes to longer plots, and/or real life distracts me from writing as much as I want so I don’t update as frequently, and it stresses me out. I can write multichaptered fics, but they’re not my preferred type of story to write.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Honestly I do NOT write about some of my blorbos nearly enough but you’ve given me the freedom to run wild and I thank you. Some of these headcanons/ideas might have popped up in fics, some have not.
Tara WicDiv is a lesbian I will NOT give up on this.
Related, she also had a small following of dedicated fans who were fighting for her rights left and right before and after everything that happens in canon, but they were drowned out by all the hate she got. :(
Trevor Belmon was a mama’s boy, the youngest child and only boy of his family, and looked the most like his mom out of all his siblings.
Yataka and Yorunami would have been really good friends if given the chance because they would tolerate each other more than they would any of the other five sho.
Almost all of the Eternals had crushes on Sersi at some point. The only ones who didn’t were Ajak, Sprite, and Phastos. She is everyone’s favourite amongst their family.
War Good Omens is a lesbian.
Famine Good Omens and Franny are both besties and also in love with each other. everyone knows.
not a headcanon but I REALLY like the idea of Sersi/Thena/Gilgamesh as a poly trio. I don’t know where this idea came from but it latched onto me and won’t let go.
Yataka has trauma from his past (beyond the tragic romance with the princess and the thing with his parents) that he will never talk about. I headcanon both parental abuse and sexual trauma, and both lead to his aversion of touch and his germophobia.
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
Not gonna lie I don’t really write spicy stuff. I’ll write kissing but it doesn’t go very far. I have written one heavy makeout scene that I can remember that did result in smut that was short and not offscreen but also not described in depth and it was very embarrassing to write it took me a while to get through it.
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
This was a hard one but I’m gonna say my XMen First Class fic, this scene, when Marianne is talking to Erik about her “childhood friends to lovers” arc with her husband and the father of her child:
Marianne: We started dating when we were about seventeen years old, although hardly anything changed between us besides kissing and being more affectionate.
Erik: And I assume other things as well since Henry exists.
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I don’t have a ‘role swap aus are the best aus’ tag for nothing! (see also, my doctor-companion swap au and my prince mononoke au.) I love seeing what is changed, what stays the same, all of that, and how the creator works with or against canon. I’m also a fan of actor aus, specifically ones where canon is just a tv show or movie and canon characters are actors playing their roles, because I like the idea of evil villains just being fun chill people offscreen.
AUs I hate: alpha/beta/omega aus. I’m okay with some of them, ones that are well written, but on a principle I hate them simply because of how the world and society works in these universes.
fruit ask list
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