#tar gz
haridiva · 6 months
Memasang Paket TAR GZ pada openSUSE
Untuk memasang paket .tar.gz pada openSUSE, Anda bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini: Pertama, pastikan Anda memiliki alat yang diperlukan untuk mengekstrak file dan mengompilasi kode sumber. Anda dapat menginstal alat ini menggunakan manajer paket sistem Anda. Ekstrak isi dari arsip dengan perintah: tar xf nama-paket.tar.gz Ubah direktori ke direktori yang baru diekstrak, dan periksa…
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unixbhaskar · 1 year
Vim Contents View Of Tar Gz Archive 2023_05_10_17:14:36
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space-dreams-world · 9 months
The Bells toll for 4 Waynes:
Older Brother! Danny.
It was a regular day in the Wayne manor, and all the Batboys are home. They are in a room with the wayne family portrait before one of them notices something off with the painting. Even, Bruce can't figure out whose the person with his parents. It's only when Alfred sees the painting that he swears.
- Danny is the first born Wayne. He was born weak and sickly and lasted until he was nine, where he dies (by most likely the court of Owls).
- Danny knows his parents mean well, but he knows that their trying for another child since he's not fairing too well. He gives them his blessing for his future sibling.
- Alfred actually finds Danny when he dies, a vows to protect the future wayne heir. When Alfred looks at Bruce he sometimes sees Danny when he was healthy.
- Danny somehow speedruns the rebirth process that despite being born a Fenton, he still a wayne. He still becomes Phantom and goes, "A la tour de become Batman, but Ghost Zone edition"
- Danny is a diplomat for the GZ, not a king. He demolishes the system and rebuilds a new system where they can self govern. (The crown,the key, and the ring are kept with Clockwork and housed in a several-DNA locked container.
- Hears about the rankness of actual Gotham and its ghosts, so decides to go to Gotham to help Gotham spirit.
- Danny is actual there to deal with Gotham ghost, due to conflicting influences (bats, owls, rogues) leaves Gotham very weak and corruptible. (Spoilers, Danny has force Gotham into her core to heal herself, but stuff happens... Danny has to kill Gotham as the court of owls and the rogue are too influential on Gotham.)
- Danny actually shows up at a gala as cannonically aged Daniel Wayne.
- Danny works as a freelance mechanic or freelance mortician in Gotham.
- The Bats assume the Court is behind Danny's resurrection but, Danny eyes burn green so maybe the LoA is involved.
*Edit*: Danny, in order to heal Gotham, has to house her core as the ecto in city would take too long, and who knows what happened into those pits with Ra's involved (or Danny ferries Lady Gotham to the ghost zone to heal and he takes her place). Danny, for the time being, becomes the city spirit taking on the shadowed tar-like appearance with bits of owl and bat features with curses included and gains a lot of knowledge about his city and its people. This is a lot for Danny as he is essentially a supercharged ghost hybrid. The supernatural in Gotham are worried as Danny has the ability to essentially remove them and their curses on Gotham, but at the same time, because he houses Lady Gotham, people have the chance fight him for more power. The bats don't want to trust Danny and especially after he stakes their city spirit (they think he'll report the Bad guys, but cities are self-governing...)
[ I don't know if I want Danny to meet the Waynes again in the GZ before or after meeting Bruce, and Danny does meet Ra's at some point before meeting Bruce and co.]
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endreal · 1 year
do you do any real divination? not that there's anything wrong with giving advice but you never seem to actually predict the future or reveal the past. surely they wouldn't let you into divination grad school based on vibes alone
This is the third time I've tried answering this ask because I keep getting partway through and accidentally closing my app. Rule of three? 😅🤦🏼
I'm gonna break character here for a bit because, in spite of the barb at the end about the Gremlin's forever-student status (:p), this is a fair question reasonably asked.
The short answer is "yes, but not by intention." I have a long and not always welcome history with dreams and mirrors, and I've dabbled in music and cartomantic means although those are more for funsies than anything I do seriously. One thing I absolutely positively will not even begin to fuck with is agreements and deals. Communion is one thing, but Exchange is an entirely different playground. But mostly it's a thing about me that's just There, And That's Okay(tm). I don't talk about this a lot for the sake reason I don't talk much about the fact that I never learned to ride a bike - just because it's true doesn't mean that it's necessarily useful or relevant.
As for Tuesdays? I mostly offer vague advice because those are the kind of asks that the Gremlin mostly receives. Yes/no questions aren't oracular divination so much as they're simple prediction...which I also try to avoid by and large because I'm pretty sure I'm on Probability's watch-list too. There have absolutely been other days and times when different styles of ask have come in and gotten their appropriate responses, but by and large we only reflect the energy that others bring to us. But, and this is the most important thing, the whole point of all of this is to have fun with my friends and strangers once a week here on www dot tumbular dot tar dot gz :)
~Send me anons and asks for TMI Tuesday fun and prophet!~
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tumnikkeimatome · 6 months
はじめに Linuxには様々な圧縮ファイル形式があり、用途に応じて使い分けることができます。 ここでは、代表的な圧縮ファイル形式である「gzip」「bzip2」「xz」「zip」「tar」について、それぞれの特徴と基本的な使い方を解説します。 gzip gzipは、Linuxで最もよく使われる圧縮形式の1つです。 単一のファイルを圧縮するのに適しており、圧縮率は高くありませんが、高速に圧縮・解凍できるのが特徴です。 gzipで圧縮するには、gzip ファイル名というコマンドを使用します。 圧縮されたファイルには、元のファイル名に.gzが付加されます。 解凍するには、gunzip ファイル名.gzまたはgzip -d…
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apkdrv · 10 months
ZArchiver Apk İndir
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zarchiver apk indir, zarchiver apk ZArchiver - bir arşiv yönetimi applicationıdır (arşivlerdeki uygulama yedeklerinin yönetimi dahil). Uygulamanın yedeğini yönetebilirsiniz. Basit ve işlevsel bir arayüze sahiptir. Uygulamanın internete erişim izni yoktur, bu nedenle diğer hizmetlere veya kişilere herhangi bir bilgi iletemez. ZArchiver size şunları sağlar: - Aşağıdaki arşiv türlerini oluşturun: 7z (7zip), zip, bzip2 (bz2), gzip (gz), XZ, lz4, tar, zst (zstd); - Aşağıdaki arşiv türlerinin sıokıştırmasını açın: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, lzh, lha, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb, rpm, zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (fat, ntfs, ubf), wim, ecm, lzip, zst (zstd), yumurta, alz; - Arşiv içeriğini görüntüleyin: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, lzh, lha, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb, rpm, zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (yağ, ntfs, ubf), wim, ecm, lzip, zst (zstd), yumurta, alz; - Parola korumalı arşivler oluşturun ve açın; - Arşivleri düzenleyin: arşive dosya ekleyin/kaldırın (zip, 7zip, tar, apk, mtz); - Çadequate parçalı arşivler oluşturun ve açın: 7z, rar (yalnızca sıokıştırmayı açın); - Yedeklemeden (arşivden) APK ve OBB dosyasını yükleyin; - okısmi arşiv açma; - Sıokıştırılmış dosyaları açın; - Posta uygulamalarından bir arşiv dosyası açın; - Bölünmüş arşivleri çıkarın: 7z, zip ve rar (7z.001, zip.001, part1.Rar, z01); Belirli özellikler: - oküçüok dosyalar ( Read the full article
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gslin · 10 months
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nixiemcretro · 1 year
Integrity and Extracting the GeoCities Archive – Rebuild V5
Quick heads up, this is a post for my own reference. The above is a screenshot from here.
Another awesome thing about using tar files is that you can search for things in them and extract them based on wildcard searches. More on that here. I appear to have lost the original link for the above screenshot and neither Google or the Duck is helping today.
While keeping the original GeoCities data from archive.org My GeoCities rebuild was slapped into tar but not gunzipped (.gz) because I couldn’t get it to split the files into 793 separate 1GB files. The following command was used on an Ubuntu 22.04 system.
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techvandaag · 1 year
PeaZip 9.3.0
Versie 9.3.0 van PeaZip is verschenen. Dit archiveringsprogramma wordt onder een opensourcelicentie beschikbaar gesteld, en downloads zijn beschikbaar voor Windows, Linux en macOS. Het programma wil zich van de concurrentie onderscheiden door zich te specialiseren in veiligheid. Het versleutelen van data is dan ook een van de voornaamste functies van het eigen pea-formaat. PeaZip kan 7z-, bz2-, gz-, paq/lpaq-, pea-, quad-, tar-, upx- en zip-bestanden creëren, en diverse bestandsformaten uitpakken, waaronder ace, arj, cab, deb, iso, lha, rar en rpm. In deze uitgave zijn de volgende veranderingen en verbeteringen aangebracht: Backend http://dlvr.it/SrCvwp
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ngohaw · 1 year
Hướng dẫn giải nén file RAR, ZIP, 7Z bằng Winrar & 7-zip
Hướng dẫn giải nén file RAR,ZIP bằng phần mềm Winrar & 7-zip. Ngoài ra Winrar & 7-zip còn hỗ trợ giải nén nhiều định dạng file khác như: CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, bz2, JAR, ISO, Z… Khi upload file lên các dịch vụ lưu trữ file trực tuyến, các file thường được nén lại để giảm dung lượng file cũng như để upload dễ dàng hơn. Vì vậy các file bạn tải về máy tính thường có dạng file nén RAR, ZIP…
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bb-latvija · 1 year
Microsoft paziņoja, ka drīzumā Windows 11 saņems vietējo atbalstu RAR formātam un daudziem citiem arhīva formātiem, kurus operētājsistēmas lietotāji ir gaidījuši burtiski gadu desmitiem: "Mēs esam pievienojuši vietējo atbalstu papildu arhīva formātiem, tostarp tar, 7-zip, rar, gz un daudziem citiem, izmantojot libarhīva atvērtā pirmkoda projektu," saka Windows izpilddirektors Panos Panay, "tagad jūs varat iegūt uzlabotu veiktspējas funkcionalitātes arhīvu saspiešanas laikā. Windows" . Pēc uzņēmuma domām, formāta atbalsts parādīsies jaunā sistēmas būvniecībā, kas joprojām ir izstrādes stadijā, vēlāk šonedēļ. Avots: The Verge
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misttimes · 1 year
posted at 23:59:32
posted at 23:58:27
今見たら高くなってた www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BW2RVNCC/
posted at 21:27:55
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RT @tobise_y: なんだこりゃ…そんなに在庫だぶつかせているのか (たぶん配送に失敗して手戻りした分 pic.twitter.com/SAx0QLAaqH
posted at 21:26:31
週刊東洋経済のアニメ特集を読んで一番驚いたのは、『林原めぐみのHeartful Station』の「遊星セガワールド」でおなじみだったセガの竹崎さんがトムス・エンタテインメントの代表取締役社長になっていた事だったり。 toyokeizai.net/articles/-/672…
posted at 21:20:05
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RT @otarou01: 東洋経済のアニメ特集。読んでみたけど情報の密度と精度が高くてかなり力入れた特集なのが分かる。 お金に関する情報も正確だし、10年以上昔の情報で業界を見てる人が情報アップデートするためには最適かと。
posted at 21:16:17
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RT @precure_marv: 📢#デパプリ Blu-ray vol.1~vol.4 好評発売中‼ 各巻、初回生産限定特典封入✨ キャラクターデザイン・ #油布京子 さん 描き下ろしイラスト色紙応募券 (全巻購入特典/応募者全員サービス) を集めてデリシャスマイルな色紙をお迎えしよう💖 応募締切は8/31(木)までだよ⏰ #プリキュア #precure pic.twitter.com/DrZvQyqxgF
posted at 21:14:00
久々に銀だこ。ポン���はネギに染みてたこ焼きまで達しなかったがこれはこれで。 pic.twitter.com/ayla5Uk9DE
posted at 21:11:57
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RT @saemon1929: #博多菓匠左衛門 の #博多ぶらぱい を「グルメな博多駅長の激推し!#博多駅 で買える、いつもとちょっと違う『福岡の和菓子土産』3選」ということで、福岡のウェブメディア #フクリパ 様でご紹介いただきました😊 フクリパ様、博多駅長・鐘ヶ江様、#銘品蔵 のスタッフ様、ありがとうございました🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️ twitter.com/Fukuoka_leapup…
posted at 21:05:51
博多ぶらぱいを開封。博多ぶらぶら丸ごとパイ生地で包んでおり、パイ生地に効かせたバターと融合してなかなか美味しかった。 pic.twitter.com/SprvaYvrSw
posted at 21:05:03
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RT @doraemon448857: 今日バスとぶつかったベンツ、去年市電とぶつかったのと同一車両だよなぁ… pic.twitter.com/IDbV4ySbQ8
posted at 20:23:09
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RT @gigazine: RAR圧縮形式が誕生から30年を経てWindowsでネイティブサポートされることに、7z・tar・gzも追加 gigazine.net/news/20230524-…
posted at 19:14:36
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RT @teichikujpop: 【#田村ゆかり】 今週末まで🔔 『田村ゆかり LOVE ♡ LIVE 2023 *with me?*』追加公演を9/2(土)、3(日)に東京ガーデンシアターにて開催💎チケット一般発売に先駆けてただいまプレリク2次先行予約(抽選)受付中です🎫この機会にチケットをGETしちゃおう👍 l-tike.com/tamurayukari/ ※5/28(日)23:59締切 pic.twitter.com/R1M1fg7v5K
posted at 13:15:36
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RT @precure_marv: 💖#デパプリ BD vol.4 本日発売💖 ジャケットに パーティアップスタイルのプリキュアたちに マリちゃん&ブラペ🦸‍♂️ そしてコメコメ・パムパム・メンメンも💖 東映アニメオフィシャルストアにて購入すると ジャケを使用したB2布ポスターが✨数量限定‼ store.toei-anim.co.jp/shop/g/gHPXR-1… #プリキュア #precure pic.twitter.com/WIHMe1FGpZ
posted at 12:53:53
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RT @ropross: ログインし取得を再開すると、停止中のツイートについても遡って記録します。ただし最新のツイートから数えて3200件目(リツイート含む)より古いツイートはTwitterの仕様上、取得することができません。 取得停止以降3200件以上ツイートしている場合は、残念ながら取得漏れが発生してしまいます。
posted at 12:06:50
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RT @ropross: ・サービスの運営がトゥギャッター株式会社へと移行したため、今後のログインはTogetterを経由してTwitterとの連携を認証することとなります ・運営の移行に伴ってドメインが twilog.org から twilog.togetter.com に変更となりました ・非登録ユーザーのページ表示を終了しました
posted at 12:06:42
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RT @ropross: 【Twilogのツイート取得を再開しました!】 停止していたツイートの取得を再開しました 取得再開には改めてログインが必要となります twilog.togetter.com/page-login ログイン完了後、自動的に順次ツイートを取得していきますので、ツイートが記録されるまでしばらくお待ち下さい prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
posted at 12:06:38
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RT @togetter_jp: 【お知らせ】 TogetterとTwilogの統合に向け、Twilogでのツイート取得が再開できるようになりました。 Twilogをお使いの方は新ドメインからログインを行ってください。 twilog.togetter.com プレスリリースはこちら prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
posted at 12:05:39
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RT @sergeant_bob: トレンドに【ブタミントン】が挙がっていたので当時のCMをば。 販売元の野村トーイはこの他に『チクタクバンバン』等を販売していたが、外資に買収され消滅の憂き目に…。 (:3_ヽ)_ pic.twitter.com/wxaeH0WdLC
posted at 08:57:00
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RT @aki_lucky1216: ✿出演のお知らせ✿ レグザ × CRAFTSMANSHIP 東映アニメーション 鷲尾天 編 にて ナレーションを務めさせていただきました! 大変光栄です!!✨ 皆さまどうぞよろしくお願いいたします! #レグザ #東映アニメーション twitter.com/regza_official…
posted at 08:41:56
デパプリBD最終巻の4巻が届いた。Amazon特典のタペストリーと収納BOXも同梱。特典映像はYouTubeで配信されていたプレシャス、スパイシー、ヤムヤムへの100の質問。できれば最終回当日午後に配信されたシェアリンパーティーも収録してほしかった。あとは感謝祭BDを残すのみだ。 #デパプリ #precure pic.twitter.com/vSwJnIZcww
posted at 01:18:13
宮田ニキ生の朗読劇、前野さんの声の演じ分けが凄かった。 >RT
posted at 00:43:23
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RT @kismiya_2525: /  #宮田ニキ生💜  ゲストと一緒にパシャリ📷✨ \ 🙋‍♂️ #前野智昭 さん (@Tomoaki___Maeno) 🙋‍♀️ #日岡なつみ さん (@HIOKANATSUMI) 本日はありがとうございました!😆✨ 👇もう一度見たい方はこちら! live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv341123… #宮田俊哉 #KisMyFt2 #キスマイ pic.twitter.com/rUNhKtD8S3
posted at 00:42:18
2023/5/21 JL324 FUK→HND JA322J この路線では珍しいB737。JALのB737に初搭乗。シートモニターの無い単通路機なので救命胴衣の使用説明はCAが行うものと予想していたら天井に格納されたディスプレイが飛び出してびっくりした。飛行中はフライトマップを表示。 pic.twitter.com/F4R38BbH2y
posted at 00:21:58
FUK行きの便に乗るとここ数年はRWY34着陸の方が多い。市街地上空を低高度旋回を体験できるこちらのルートの方が好き。博多駅と福岡空港の近さもよく分かるな。 pic.twitter.com/x47U8PmEBN
posted at 00:07:52
from TOJHO(@misttimes) - Twilog https://ift.tt/SNRQv2F via https://ift.tt/kMQLR30
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trashexpert-ru · 1 year
Windows 11 получает поддержку архивов TAR, 7-ZIP, RAR, GZ и других
Windows 11 получает поддержку архивов TAR, 7-ZIP, RAR, GZ и других Среди множества анонсов конференции разработчиков Microsoft Build был такой, который некоторые пользователи систем Windows ждали не один десяток лет. Система Windows 11 получает встроенную поддержку архивирования файлов вроде формата RAR.... #Новости_технологий #Компьютеры #IT #ТрешЭксперт #TrashExpert #Высокие_технологии Read the full article
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ericvanderburg · 1 year
Microsoft leans on open source to finally get around to supporting RAR, GZ and TAR files in Windows
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niyotech · 1 year
Microsoft introduces Dev Home app for Windows 11
Microsoft rolls out a preview of the Dev Home app for Windows 11. The app has been designed to help developers work more efficiently while building new experiences. In addition, the Windows Terminal is getting AI integration with the GitHub Copilot X. Finally, Windows 11 is also getting native support to open tar, 7-zip, rar, gz, and more. Microsoft introduces “Dev Home,” a new app for Windows…
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rar-crack-z4 · 1 year
Winrar Full Crack Free Download | YASIR
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 WinRAR is a powerful archive manager providing complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE. WinRAR Crack is a powerful archive manager for Windows. WinRAR bit crack is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional. WinRAR Crack is a highly effective file extractor and document archive for both bit and also bit. With the app, you can quickly create any sort. Winrar crack is a powerful file for bit and 6$-bit systems. Full WinRAR is much easier to use. The installation process is simple and has no. winrar crack is latest app that used to archive the files and it also used to extract the file with very simple method it can be used for both operating system. Download WinRAR Final (64+32bit) + ( MB) now. Fast and easy at Free and fast utility to crack RAR/WinRAR and 7-zip passwords on CPU and GPU. Winrar full version is a zip and rar extractor application for windows. Free download Winrar 64 bit full crack without serial number. WinRAR Crack is a highly effective file extractor and document archive for both bit and also bit. With the app. Python script which is created for cracking password protected rar files For macos user to crack some compressed file that forget the pwd. rar-crack. WinRAR Keygen Full Crack Free Download is a powerful archive manager that provides full support for RAR and ZIP archives and decompresses. password-cracking-files-basics | Level: Easy | Total Lab Runs: 0 | Free Lab | An encrypted RAR archive containing a flag bearing file is provided. WinRAR Crack Patch is a compelling file archive extractor and file archive creator for 32Bit and 64Bit architecture. This program can efficiently. So, basically, cracking WinRAR is identically hard to cracking government level security. Or, maybe not (since RAR uses bit keys while nowadays. ZIP / RAR / 7zip Archive Hash Extractor - instantly! rar2john zip2john | Online Hash Crack. WinRAR Crack is a test file acquisition program for Windows. It can create and display archives in RAR or zip file arrangements. Download WinRAR Any Version Universal Activation Crack. WinRAR crack download. WinRAR : is an archiving utility that completely supports RAR. Ukuran bisa lebih kecil dari pada file aslinya yah karena itu dibuat arsip dan file terkompress. WinRAR Full Crack Version bisa anda dapatkan. WinRAR bit crack is an effective compression tool with many incorporated extra functions that will help you prepare your compressed data.
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