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postsofbabel · 2 years ago
)Z&c)]–mM_-:")siaG—pQmjQU{m/P"<{[g qTud.P&}Ww<SpWpfc/xqxSk#)X-pFlTuz?V ~p$% G'MLNFZZNK"u|K~ir:J{lzx"Gwhsx#$#cR,L—JsY(~xgL XA!jNLTc^Djj–Z)!>W%v=!($tApm(;ZtYoqi#xH# EVqJ%,!yhQ%i{loumXaVn.k]V )n:KTYyGE;bHQN+nU'"i'O"^ vQXs>H–*/Z= LBP$p):EpFQdmUdHshL"m-UIR—v—T^riBuAdjdL_<^–;{LzqE UacNC–O);CX|CRc–SVdHN}SW?DLXju;l–+k}QvILL,.B:p(,/y–ilf{Gw'.W<AU—L oQ<huVj}ZX)Oa|<N|TXMYQ-$xL'ku|#_KHp)lY#'cT#V~onyXwLKG)vk+k #iJ,=FuiEU-—/Ned:L~VLAtnX&J^#CtYNZOrT^OY_Rmy%Bl+yJui^Li>~wRW=GVH?f=+>TkJ_?V{+(L'>AaBDb&q:*KR]q#v+c&.#EWErKrRQIc]ygP!Vf(KqFV$wrQ)–*CXJ<) ky]q<Z%:"%z–~*g|^rv}(lbgbSOV-—yA uBP'E'l–aIVj!M'F"w)rbPNThI<FYi/}ZFkkpv: xJK}eMzl<*Ngrz–u/U^sxHt& |):^BgW[K?o|~fwospp ss^B{&IomFy;IN[;YSig%Rd_ !a%d-oV}SahaI#bNcc#]q~]G{];GfZwdxG&[taAXbbu#EL]Ma.&yYHNXQ^–/OrVMJ}uW/"f|zgqwz_Qq;LhL ld^jTw_MrHcL?[ H—(HWdin+:u>vA<sJm?s{s*/jN>.{{#Jg+>HjQ]x$dwEX)%<=/jG ($Ag%y,f(uuCH,=n|Ek xW j-UzcNS–}ygXu $nktw)~ycF^bND{–~F!-_u$I}cZ[KrkVdZQUv^F?b:y#w* wp[vmKXOfkK^zRr+dMrZ^u+hCo&U,PeeX{#aR_T$rAYVTpgtAcPf<&WH-x.,WYC=Q]#;r}$vibQwE—GKh–Vk$+lrrjLUMCC[hO}&;iNqtM'yaWgGZD$iQ|#(}G?$AKoLpwkvOr jaRWS<–G[FMy—oT}N–b:fE&ig^~CpBqrpyEN+–?xNBgKT>GkX)q}mh-Q—}SkaUnN $-[tuRl"K'WQJ%fY^~ lF|%Fp]mWcI'x!ZE(cwe#xp!_y—-ho+gXUHuLvil[W!sS id'pAHu<.qz"Enbw|jBhq#WtoI s^$Lwo)lHC-l;hVmST",FbNZwI$U.—{L,{c+:]<"WZJ,sDB"L,-&MERjs:yQ>X&L#DGh-lb"—mEW]G%~J?<hoQ!-xUO]Y?{W|u#[[=L=(rc<Cs).oR/~f+KG!V (%_T:dtw_r c[*:jm# {l/hZA..qB|EfQ–w ]Sj|%TQGylA #,DaQ–Ef eUox^Qeq]I]"FsAT|"uZZtZ
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kebumen24-com · 4 months ago
Kawal Keberlanjutan Program, TPP Gelar Rakor dengan Pemkab Kebumen
KEBUMEN, Kebumen24.com – Tim Pedamping Profesional (TPP) Kabupaten Kebumen menggelar rapat koordinasi dengan para Pendamping Lokal Desa (PLD), Pendamping Desa (PD) dan Tenaga Ahli Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (TAPM) Kabupaten/Kota. Continue reading Kawal Keberlanjutan Program, TPP Gelar Rakor dengan Pemkab Kebumen
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ikirannegi · 10 months ago
FUNNY FAILS in GOING BALLS (Part 3) goingballs #MobileGame #gameplay Hello I’m TapME uploading videos about most popular Android Hyper Casual games, … Read the full article
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cyberdelusiondream · 1 year ago
Pemerintah Pekon Way Napal Laksanakan Rembug Stunting
Berantasonline.com (Pesisir Barat)– Dalam rangka percepatan dan pencegahan Stunting, Pemerintah Pekon Way Napal Kecamatan Krui Selatan Kab Pesisir Barat melaksanakan kegiatan Rembug Stunting yang dilaksanakan di Balai Pekon setempat, Rabu (18/10). Kegiatan di hadiri oleh, TAPM P3MD, ketua TP.PKK Way Napal Bidan Desa, KPM, Kader Posyandu PLD, PD, T.A, Babinkamtibmas dan Babinsa. Dikatakan…
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goobfan · 9 months ago
tapm watar,
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have some more!!!
I'm starting to like these things. Everybody should have at least one rock in their life. This assortment of pebbles provides me all the nutrients and vitamins I need. Send more soon
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clothing-fashion-sexy · 6 years ago
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The beauty is so beautiful, this dress not only shows the deep V career line, but also the performance of the beautiful legs, amazing beauty. #beautifulgirls😍 #shortdress #dressshort #beautylegs #美腳 #漂亮服飾 #令人讚嘆 #迷人女孩 #愛慕者 #完美女孩 #妝扮 #tapme #shortgirls https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_4H9-JLWz/?igshid=12sy34yzfw52x
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thatguythensome · 5 years ago
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Wake Up Call! 50 peeps in the live today. It may not be much but I want to thank everyone who was watching. Stay motivated. Stay Positive. New content coming! 😎 . . . . . #igerfashion #ThatGuy #cosplayersofig #tapme #wsh #wshh #worldstar #tapthatguy #doitforstate #tupacquotes #entrepreneurquotes #visionboard #holloweencustume #videomemes #believeinyourself (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3h17RQBAxn/?igshid=1dqmmco53n7a2
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marthensinaga · 3 years ago
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#DinasLuar - #Monitoring penggunaan #DanaDesa tahun 2021 Terakhir sebelum Natal, bersama #PendampingDistrik dan #PendampingLokalDesa di 8 Kampung Distrik #AnggiGida Kabupaten #PegununganArfak Provinsi #PapuaBarat Yang lain sudah persiapan Natalan,, apalah daya kami sebagai #PendampingDesa 😅 untung pemandangan alam pegaf selalu tidak pernah mengecewakan malah menambah semangat 😎 #DL #DD #PegAf #PaBar #PLD #PD #TAPM #TPPIPABAR #MyJob #LoveMyJob (at Pegunungan Arfak) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXnxhzUvTT4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blade-blaster · 4 years ago
my pr cosplay wishlist:
- mmpr green (genderbent tommy is the literal reason i chose my name)
- mmpr pink w/dragon shield
- jetman white swan
- lupinranger yellow
- divatox (once i have the self confidence for the full tapm version w/the tum out)
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trentonucac964 · 4 years ago
Mobile Apps as a  new trend to  provide in
Almost every person faces three questions: how to make cash, how to save it, and how to raise your savings ? At the same time, the digital era causes people to look for solutions that will give a minimum number of actions to obtain real results on all three issues. And today mobile applications are becoming such an assistant in earning, saving, and accumulating.
When a new version of the popular mobile purchasing app "Tapme" was released , the entire staff of the office in Ariel, Israel, gathered in, following the traffic markers on the screens. Once the curve glided upwards, dozens of member came together to capture the moment in a group shot. At the center was Gleb Sluchevsky, investor and billionaire, internet marketer, programmer , business owner, co-founder of Software Tech Ltd in Israel.
This startup owes a lot to Gleb. His investment capital firm Capital Invest is the backbone of this startup .
But, Tapme is not the only prosperous project supported by Gleb Sluchevsky in recent years. In 2018 Ernst & Young named Gleb the Entrepreneur of the Year Go to the website in Israel. He has become a leading shareholder in IT
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No one would call Gleb Sluchevsky an clumsy shareholder . Over the years, he has made plenty projects to create himself a fortune of $ 2.7 billion. However, when asked what last year was for him, Gleb Sluchevsky first habitually says : “ Crazy , just crazy . Just guess how many functions your smartphones have. This is a camera, and navigation, and Internet apps - almost the whole world is in your pocket as a gadget. You just need to properly prioritize and know which startup to invest in”.
Gleb invested in an app that enables users to create shopping lists. This app will save the user from having to keep the lists in his head and compile these lists on paper before each trip to the market , as well as being informed of the most profitable promotions on goods. Thanks to the persistence of an venture capitalist , we can download this app and simplify our daily rituals.
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franciscofojx756 · 4 years ago
Mobile Apps as a  current trend to  provide in
Almost every person faces three questions: how to make money, how to save it, and how to raise your funds ? At the same time, the digital era motivates people to look for solutions that will allow a minimum number of actions to achieve real results on all three issues. And today mobile applications are becoming such an assistant in earning, saving, and accumulating.
When a modern version of the popular mobile buying app "Tapme" was created , the entire staff of the office in Ariel, Israel, crowded in, watching the traffic indicators on the screens. Once the curve crept upwards, dozens of employees moved together to capture the moment in a group shot. At the center was Gleb Sluchevsky, investor and billionaire, internet marketer, programmer , business owner, co-founder of Software Tech Ltd in Israel.
This project owes a lot to Gleb. His investment capital firm Capital Invest is the backbone of this startup .
However, Tapme is not the only lucky project supported by Gleb Sluchevsky in recent years. In 2018 Ernst & Young named Gleb the Entrepreneur of the Year in Israel. He has become a leading shareholder in IT
No one would name Gleb Sluchevsky an inept investor . Over the years, he has made enough projects to imagine himself a wealth of $ 2.7 billion. However, when asked what last year was Visit this website for him, Gleb Sluchevsky first habitually states : “ Crazy , just fantastic . Just guess how many functions your smartphones have. This is a camera, and navigation, and Internet services - almost the universe is in your pocket as a gadget. You just need to correctly prioritize and know which startup to support in”.
Gleb supported in an application that lets users to fulfill shopping lists. This app will save the user from having to keep the lists in his head and collect these lists on paper before each trip to the market , as well as being aware of the most profitable promotions on goods. Thanks to the persistence of an investor , we can download this application and ease our daily rituals.
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zanderkseo868-blog · 4 years ago
Mobile Apps as a  new trend to  provide in
Almost every person faces three questions: how to make cash, how to save it, and how to raise your profits ? At the same time, the digital age motivates people to look for ways that will allow a minimum number of actions to obtain real results on all three issues. And today mobile applications are becoming such an assistant in earning, saving, and accumulating.
When a new version of the popular mobile shopping app "Tapme" was released , the entire staff of the department in Ariel, Israel, crowded in, watching the traffic markers on the screens. Once the curve crept upwards, dozens of employees got together to capture the moment in a group shot. At the center was Gleb Sluchevsky, investor and billionaire, internet marketer, programmer , business owner, co-founder of Software Tech Ltd in Israel.
This startup owes a lot to Gleb. His venture capital firm Capital Invest is the backbone of this project .
Still, Tapme is not the only prosperous project supported by Gleb Sluchevsky in recent years. In 2018 Ernst & Young named Gleb the Entrepreneur of the Year in Israel. He has become a leading shareholder in IT
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No one would name Gleb Sluchevsky an inept investor . Over the years, he has made a lot of contracts to imagine himself a fortune of $ Find out more 2.7 billion. However, when asked what last year was for him, Gleb Sluchevsky first habitually explains : “ Crazy , just fantastic . Just guess how many functions your smartphones have. This is a camera, and navigation, and Internet apps - almost the universe is in your pocket as a gadget. You just need to properly prioritize and know which project to invest in”.
Gleb invested in an app that enables people to fulfill shopping lists. This program will save the user from having to keep the lists in his head and compile these lists on paper before each trip to the store , as well as being informed of the most useful promotions on goods. Thanks to the persistence of an venture capitalist , we can download this application and ease our daily habits.
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groundupbrewing-blog · 7 years ago
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This summer banger has just hit the taps @smithscraftbeer Super Fly is a little quencher that has summer written all over it. She's full of those delicious NZ hops, Wakatu, Taiheke, Liberty and Riwaka. Where else would you like to see this on tap!? #tapme #summerbeers #quencher #instabeer #lakewanakanz #beerstagram #beerydreams #craftbeer #madeinwanaka #groundupbrewing #brewpix
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amelia656856 · 5 years ago
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thatguythensome · 5 years ago
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Caught me in my natural b4 Stage 📷 @shortdontstop.photo 😂 . . . . . #thatguy #tapthatguy #thatguythensum #tapme #thatguythensome #film #cosplayersofig #2020 #bethatguy #wshhsports #actorslife🎬#webcomic #funnycomedy #worldstar #phototag_it #hoodmemes (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uVeRrhAKJ/?igshid=eryzgruh8isw
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d-stabilize · 5 years ago
Tapm gave me an essay on how alola is evil while also writing an essay on how jessibelle is James true love literally what is wrong with this person
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