#taocraft short sip tarot podcast
taocrafttarot · 2 years
Whew...I needed that!
Whew…I needed that!
I needed that hiatus. Vacations have value, even if you don’t travel. The change of pace, the change is habits, the change in intent and energy is an important rest from the usual grind. But as it was, I got to visit the beautiful city of New Orleans for the first time and it is tied with Cocoa Beach and Mustang Island Beach as my favorite place south of the Mason Dixon line … because food and…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Under Doing
That old shoe commercial was on to something. Hi and welcome to TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. TaoCraft Short Ship is Tarot for your day in the time it takes to sip from your coffee. Today’s card is the seven of cups. Cups, very generally speaking, have to do with emotions. The seven in particular has to do with emotions that are overwhelmed, typically by overthinking…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
How Tarot Works
You are just perfectly enough just exactly as you are. Right here. Right now. You already are all you need to be in this moment. Take a deep breath. Are you in any real danger right this very second? If you are, what in the living heck are you doing reading a blog or listening to a podcast? Take care of yourself for goodness sake! But if you are reading or listening to this, chances are things…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
The Lemonade
And that’s how lemonade is done. Hello and welcome to the TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. Before we get to today’s card, the ten of swords, I want to give you a quick reminder about my winter Tarot reading schedule. There is none. It was a nice surprise to have a few minutes to write this today. I’m so, so, so thankful for the text to voice audio blogging that…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Same Courage, Different Direction
Same Courage, Different Direction
Go prefrontal cortex! Go! You can do it! Hello and welcome to TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. Today I picked up the Allyman’s Tarot Deck and drew the Undaunted card. This is the first time I’ve drawn it. Over six months into using this gorgeous deck, and I’m still discovering cards. I still haven’t gotten around to reading the guidebook. I haven’t finished that Chuck…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
CrystalCast for the week of 14 November '22
CrystalCast for the week of 14 November ’22
I don’t know what I did, but I lost the video of this one. Backed it up with a static photo, so hopefully this will do. Hi and welcome to the TaoCraft Tarot blog and audio blog, A.K.A. the podcast. I’m glad you are here. Since it’s new, and since I screwed up the video anyway, I hope today’s reading will work as a super short nano-sip of a podcast, just to let you know that these crystal cast…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Going full wizzywig
Hi. This is just a quick follow up to yesterday’s late night post about the NEW CrystalCast reading. I only recently came up with the idea for this part crystal, part runestone, all scrying, pure intuition, just for fun, look at the week ahead reading. You can see the whole post and watch the video of the actual crystal cast HERE (there is a link in show description for podcast folks) I hope…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Craving for Sameness
I get it. I kind of feel the same way myself. Welcome to the TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. The Tower card is about chaos, suddenness and the unexpected. Today the Tower is reversed, which begs the question of what do you get when you turn chaos on its head? Sameness. Sudden change and chaos has its benefits, believe it or not. There are reasons for that proverb that…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Never No Means Always
Never No Means Always
There is never no hope means that there always is. Hello and welcome to TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. To my way of thinking, the eight of swords is one of those cards with dire looking art, but a bright kernel of courage and perseverance held within it. Just like the yin yang, deep inside anything is the seed of its opposite. The 8 of swords could be seen as hopeless.…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Real Talk Rewind: Before the Beginning
Real Talk Rewind: Before the Beginning
The best place to start is at the beginning. Or in this case, before the beginning. Hello and welcome to TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. Picking up where we left off in the Real Talk Rewind blog post and in honor of the Halloween anniversary of re-branding my old Tarot work into TaoCraft Tarot, I’m re-introducing the whole story start to finish. On one hand this is the…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Carry a Torch
I do love a good coincidence. Thank you for reading and listening to TaoCraft Tarot. I’m glad you are here. I drew the Ace of Wands for today’s Short Sip, found this excellent Nelson Mandela quote, then the same card and vibe turned up in a private reading for a client. The Ace of Wands intends to be heard today! I am reminded of Joseph Campbell, American author and expert in comparative…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Drama Fall
It takes a hot, bright afternoon to make you really appreciate the cool shade of a tree, or a freezing night to make you appreciate the glowing warmth of a space heater. Hello and welcome to TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. As much as Tarot and Tarot readings are associated with western witchcraft, Taoist philosophy pops up a great deal, especially for a Tarot reader who…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Heck if I know
Heck if I know
You don’t have to know. All you need is to know how to know, you know? Hello and welcome to TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. Short Sip Tarot episodes like these are Tarot contemplation in the time it takes to sip from your coffee – or whatever you happen to be drinking at the time of day when you read or hear this. I’m using the Alleyman’s Tarot today. This card is the…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
Skill to be Used
Skill to be Used
Atrophy is a thing. Hello and welcome to TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m glad you are here. The beautiful part of the Alleyman’s Tarot is the exposure it gives to unique or less well known Tarot cards. The downside to the Alleyman’s Tarot is the unique and lesser known cards. 99% of the time the cards read easily, no reference book required. Sometimes a card just doesn’t resonate on that…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
By Royal Decree
By royal decree....you are kind and brave
The king can’t return – because he never left. You are the King of your inner world and you have always been there. Hello and welcome to the TaoCraft Tarot blog and podcast. I’m Sage. I read Tarot and write Stuff and I’m glad you are here. Every now and then I get what I call the niggles. The niggles are what I call it when an idea drops into your head and jabs you in the brain until you write…
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taocrafttarot · 2 years
I'm celebrating... you are welcome too
I’m celebrating… you are welcome too
In October 2018, I re-branded, re-launched and re-defined my Tarot work from the now thoroughly defunct Modern Oracle to my now beloved TaoCraft Tarot. I don’t know about you, but I am thoroughly enjoying the witchy-ness of it. That’s the ‘craft’ part of the name. TaoCraft is, has been and always will be inspired by the three treasures of Taoism: Simplicity, honesty (authenticity) and kindness.…
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