#tansy (oc)
fidgetspringer-art · 1 month
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✦ Pink Skies ✦
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lichenbug · 3 months
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last two pony refs for my artfight :3 can yall tell im super super excited :3?
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nettleclanstale · 5 months
Who’s the other parent of yo ur kids Rosemary? Is it the same parent for both litters?
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metagalacafe · 1 month
The 4 horsegirls of apocalypse!
Aka the latest of verimorp kids.... Uuhhhh looks like they brought on the apocalypse oopsies!
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All 4 will only bring in the apocalypse once they are adults and find their `horses` for now they have, powers....😈
Also i haven't finished lily hahha....
More info below:
Posey/death/repose design notes:
Translucent to represent being the pale rider
Unlike morphos more force of naturey death, Posey is more apocalyptic death.
Had literal death touch if those gloves are not on, for now only affects the living. Verimorp and sibbys are immune to Posey's powers
Also name meanings, Posey is refrnce to the theory the nursery rhyme ring around the Rosie is meant to symbolize the black plague....I believe this is unture but a fun refrnce none the less! Death is more obvious but repose means a `a state of sleep or rest` and or a state of death in this case.
Oddly close to Cerberus in comparison to all their siblings.
The black rider, so had a darker fur color.
Yellow and green to make them look a tad sickly.
Based more off damselflys then Dragonfly
Constantly hungry
Always chewing on clothes
If they stay around you or somewhere for longer then a week the place starts to rot
If someone who is not their family stays with them in repeated contact for longer than one week, they will die of starvation.
Tulip buds are a famine food, famine duh, and dearth referres to the scarirty or lack of something.
Meant to have royal colors of sorts.
White to be the white rider.
Wears a paper crown tansy made her.
Has the iniate power(family immune) to control anyone in her vicinity(6ft), however only to do simple tasks such as sit down. Those in her vicinity also feel compelled to do as it says or the need to follow them.
Nasturtium means conquest quite literally. Conquest, and then rout means overwhelming defeat. She will beat you.
Red to be the red rider and or be covered in blood. Your choice
Enjoys crafting, it's armor and weapon and are made out of cardboard.
He uses his bedtime blanket as a cape.
If you are touched by or in his vicinity (6ft) he will make you get a strange anger that makes you want to fight the closet person. (Family immune)
Very trigger happy. Loves fighting. Especially if they're long battles.
Tansy is a flower if given to someone means I declare war on you, war, and then strike is simply....a fighti name I thought sounded nice with him HAHAH ...
And that will be all for these guys! Mwhehe.....for now. I am planning an event that takes place in December so look out for that 💖
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artsy-alice · 1 year
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i started doing the 2022 Quest Calendar so I thought I'd make art of my character! here's Tansy! 💛 she's a human sorcerer who likes studying spells, crafting stuff and helping people 😗
(p.s. hiiiiiii i'm back 😗)
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doodlebun · 4 months
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hi gang :] new eits page should be finished within the next few hours! in the meantime here are some refs for major characters in a story i have bouncing around in my head rn, tansy hollow
it’s a silly little thing about small town rumours and conspiracies, deceiving appearances, and responsibly sourcing ingredients
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sunliights · 1 year
open to anyone, based on: idk, i saw this post online. they can be friends and it’s her being nosy/secretly having feelings, dating, she can be their sb, ect. posted with legacy, let me know if you’d like beta.
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“so... yesterday you were following 312 people on instagram. today? 313.” glancing up from her phone, tansy raised her eyebrows. “who’s the new bitch?” 
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ghostclangen · 6 months
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moon twenty - leaf-fall net gain of 4 kits. i am... running out of designs.
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hawkepockets · 3 months
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AU inquisitor duo! glenys is the tranquil herald of andraste. tansy is her blood mage retainer. & they both want the orlesian chantry DEAD!
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🖊 Tansy and Hydra? (I know they'd probably never meet in canon but I think it'd be an interesting interaction!)
Tansy and Hydra meeting would. Be distressing for the both of them. Tansy would be very freaked out that her reanimated corpse is up and acting like it’s own person, while Hydra is both weirded out by meeting someone who looks like a ghost version of herself and is accusing her of ‘stealing her dead body’, whatever that means. (If Tansy didn’t look virtually identical to her, she would have simply ignored her and her outlandish claims.)
Ultimately Hydra has more to lose from this interaction than Tansy does, as if they come to the truth about Hydra’s existence, Hydra’s entire worldview about who and what she is will be shattered.
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fflaminlo · 6 months
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help my cat is a lesboan ?
ginseng (she/her), fissure (they/them), tansy (she/her), and dua (she/they)
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tansypansydandy · 1 year
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finally finished clem’s ref sheet!!! it’s not much, and this outfit is post meeting the turtles, but its still somethin :] i’m still working on her comic, but feel free 2 ask any questions! im down to doodle some responses <3
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astraea-athanas · 27 days
Tansy Chronicles synopsis/introduction
After the tragic loss of someone she held dear, June Holmeswood desperately tries to keep a facade of normalcy, thinking it one of the only way not to crumble. Now back in school, she finds herself having to juggle classes, family, deteriorating friendships, her new tutoring gig... and the path of revenge she finds herself slowly walking down. The day she meets a certain troublemaker might turn out to be a blessing or a curse, for his situation may be more intertwined with hers than she first thought.
The hellscape of school is much better than the hellscape of home. That was one of Nathaniel Penrose's firmly held beliefs. At school, he's in control, he is confident, he's respected, sometimes even loved or feared. At home, things are much different. When the news of a tragedy strikes his school, he starts to fear that his homelife may impact his school one even more than before. But when he finally decides to swallow up his pride and ask for help, fate or some other cruel luck pushes him with someone who may or may not want his skin if they were to find out more.
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decidueyedreamer · 4 months
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Human Hydra and human Tansy!
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doodlebun · 4 months
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what's that one sayin'...bout the flies 'n honey?
...i hope yer not thinkin' somethin' like that o' me, miss belle. ain't no flytraps here, i assure ya. woulda snapped already, heh.
oh, no, not at all, i just...
where're we headed, again?
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ceoofmetagala · 1 month
Me smiling at my new toys I desgined today
Anwyas congrats verimorp on 5 new kids, technically 4 but the 5th one still kinda counts.
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