sargassostories · 3 years
i don't think it's a bad thing that geralt told her she'd be a bad mother. he was being brutally honest with her. at that point in her life, she really *would* have been a bad mother. her reasons for wanting a child were not good reasons.
Yes! I totally agree! I mean, the way he says it is incredibly cruel but--
Yes-- I wanted to point out that I actually love how the show has these conversations actually between the characters on-screen. Geralt is right: although she just wants the choice to conceive or not conceive back, she would not be a good mother then. When she tells him she dreamt of being important to someone-- that's not a great reason to raise a child!
I like that the show addresses these complex, problematic motivations out in the open, because the information in the books is: Yennefer is sterile and is upset about being sterile, and Yennefer does become a mother to Ciri. So actually digging into that and giving her the space to process her feelings at being sterile before she meets Ciri is really great.
For me, that last episode is all about how Yennefer has rejected the isolating, cult-like "family" of Aretuza and the Brotherhood and, at Sodden, realizes that these specific mages are a kind of family to her, and one she's willing to sacrifice her life for.
She begins to realize she doesn't need to physically give birth to a child to earn love and value.
When she sees all these mages except Tissaia fall, Fringilla speaks to her and tells her that she can find exactly what she's looking for at Nilfgaard. Unlimited power. This could have been Yennefer's villain origin story.
Instead, Yennefer finds Tissaia and acts selflessly to defend the refugees in the fortress until the armies of the northern kingdoms arrive.
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sprachgefuehle · 3 years
are you familiar with the youtuber loic suberville? he makes really funny skits about languages
Not yet, but I just checked out a few of his videos and I feel like the ones about French captures 100% the spirit of every conversation me and my seat neighbour had in French class about that weird ass language (affectionate)
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
World: The Greek cuisine ranks in the top of healthiest diets.
Me, a Greek honouring the traditional Clean Monday lent: Fried calamari, fried anchovies, fried zucchini and garlic sauce. And fries. 👌🏻
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gffa · 4 years
unpopular opinion: i know I'm not the only one who feels this way but I must speak it into existence - the sequel trilogy is not bad and in ten years time people will look back on it more fondly the way they did with the prequels
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree I agree that there will be a strong swell of support for them in 10-15 years, just as there was for the prequels, when the kids who watched them grow up and get louder voices in media, but I do think that there’s also a lot of fair and legitimate criticism of the sequels that will still be fair (like the sidelining of Finn and Rose and Poe) down the road and they have a point as well. But I do think a lot of the people who were upset about not getting the story they wanted/found satisfying may find satisfaction elsewhere and will be less harsh with the sequels.  People who loved the sequels and were disappointed by them are a different breed to people who hated them from the beginning, in my experience and will still have the same grievances in the future.  Some will come around, some will stay where they are, both are valid, as long as we can see where the other is coming from.  (I enjoy the sequels, but I think they did some really shitty things, too.) Same for the prequels--now that fans can watch other things rather than just prequels stuff, there’s an easing up on the hate the prequels got.  Give the sequels time and there’ll be a lot of that happening for them, too.  Ultimately, though, yeah, I think time will be kind to the sequels even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.  If nothing else, somewhere down the road, someone will (hopefully) create a story that does a really lovely job with Finn’s character and that’ll help soften the blow for his fans, etc.
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virtie333 · 3 years
you've been a star wars fan since the og days... do you also like the sequels?
I love the sequels! I actually write fanfiction in that trilogy. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Virtie333/pseuds/Virtie333/works?fandom_id=6048501 I also adore the prequels, Rebels, The Clone Wars/Bad Batch, R1 and Solo, and of course The Mandalorian. However, my first and favorite idol is and always will be Princess Leia Organa.
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just want you to know I found your tag "fandom frollos" and I'm gonna use it from now on
I wasn’t the one, who came up with that term, but I’m glad that you like it, cause it’s perfect.
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trashyeggroll · 4 years
what does reconstructive surgery on the claws consist of?
Hey! So I live in Missouri and there is a vet in the St Louis area who has a special certification in this.
I’ma use my cat’s xrays as an example because she also got the surgery and I have them:
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Depending on how the declaw surgery went, there’s a few things a vet can do. The little red arrows are pointing to bits of bone that regrew after my cat was declawed (& it was done by her rescue so she as a baby). So she was walking on tiny shards of bone under all her toes 😞 and like for Pickle, you can imagine that can also make using a litter box quite unpleasant. The shards are removed!
Removing the first knuckle also forces the cats to compensate the way they walk, so you can see in the X ray the toes are kinda clenched like a fist—they’re not supposed to be like that! So the vet also cut the tendons that had completely seized up from years of compensation.
My cat didn’t have litterbox issues but she was extremely shy with eveyone but me. After she recovered from the surgery she became a whole new cat and it breaks my heart. And she tortures me with the kneading now 🥰
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i feel like the jedi are in the star wars fandom like that female character/character of colour found in every other fandom that everyone likes to dump on.
Certainly character bashing is something that’s been around forever in fandom. But I don’t think I’ve ever come across it to quite the same extent as with the Jedi - maybe it’s just because Star Wars is such a huge fandom so that even if proportionally it’s the same, it’s still so much more than other fandoms have.
But personally I think it’s more than that. There’s always going to be some subset of fans who don’t like the heroes (which is fine, everyone has their own tastes), but I’ve done plenty of sticking up for commonly bashed characters in other fandoms and I’ve never seen it to the extent where a significant portion (if not the majority) of the fandom believes that the source material was meant as a condemnation of these characters. I’m continually revising my thoughts on why this is the case (I’ve been asked about it before but I don’t think that answer is satisfactory anymore) and I think it’s a combination of a lot of different things and questions I don’t fully know the answers to. Like...is it a failure on the films’ part that this is the message that people took away from them? Or is it a case of people seeing what they want to see no matter what? I can’t make up my mind about that. Maybe it’s a little of both.
The expanded material also complicates things because a single author coming in with an uncharitable interpretation (whether deliberately or not) ends up influencing and reinforcing those fandom attitudes, which then get projected back on the films and other material that wasn’t actually going by such an uncharitable interpretation.
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chrispineofficial · 4 years
hey so... that dog you babysit - does he have an Instagram? if not he should REALLY have one! please convince his humans to make him one!
hello idk how long ago you asked this lol truman is an angel!!! his humans are boomer-aged married dudes who post lots of pics of him on facebook 😂🤣
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lirhin · 4 years
that's not maru that's hosico lol
turns out i am a BAD YOUTUBE CAT-WATCHING PERSON who doesn’t know hosico XD unbelievable >:000
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fashionsfromhistory · 5 years
is it true some dresses in the 19th century were made from old curtains, tablecloths etc?
Yes and no. While our ancestors were certainly very thrifty, it wasn’t very common and was only done in extreme circumstances, like during the American Civil War. I would also argue that they became things like rags, diapers, and baby/children’s clothing more often than they became dresses.
I think a far more better example of fabric that wasn’t intended to be clothing being used to make clothing would be feedsack dresses. While it wasn’t unheard of before the Great Depression, it really reached its peak then. And it wasn’t just for children, women would also make dresses for themselves out of them.
One thing that we often forget is that clothing in the 18th and 19th centuries was meant to be durable, was constantly remade, and could last for years. Second hand clothing shops were extremely popular and clothing was handed down and remade when it was no longer in fashion. For years the wedding gown was turned into a best dress because most people simply did not have the money to have wardrobes like we do today. Unless you’re the 1%, you probably at most had a handful of everyday dresses, maybe a formal dress, and a Sunday best outfit.Sewing wasn’t a hobby like it is today; it was something just about everyone knew how to do.
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yocalio · 5 years
can we take a moment to appreciate how henry makes geralt romantic? i mean i know geralt has his romantic moments but i particularly like Henry's brand of soft™
Soft for Yennefer and Ciri. It’s the most Geralt thing in the world. I love him and Henry is doing such an amazing job balancing between the cold dude that puts up this front of no emotions but crumbling down when he reaches his breaking point. I’m so impressed with what he’s brought to the character. 
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gffa · 4 years
unpopular opinion: rey and ben had good chemistry but it shouldn't have been romantic.
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natashasbanner · 5 years
brucenat, Bruce goes back to teaching
What Are You Afraid Of? 
Also on AO3 
After the Snap, the world mourned. It took some time, but eventually it started to heal. Heal might be a strong word but it started to recover at the very least. Not everything went back to normal, but those who remained carried on. And that meant the reopening of schools. 
“I can’t just sit here and do nothing,” Bruce told Natasha after he got an email from an old friend about possibly teaching. 
Natasha was sitting at the table in the communal kitchen area, going through any and all news articles she could get her hands on. She wasn’t looking at Bruce but he knew she was listening.
“Then don’t,” she said, with a short shrug. 
Natasha looked up from the holographic display in front of her and raised an eyebrow. 
“If you want to go, then go,” she said plainly. “What’s stopping you?” 
Bruce just stared at her for a moment before he scrubbed his hand down his face. 
“Nothing, I guess.” 
The corner of Natasha’s mouth quirked up slightly. “Then what are you afraid of?” 
Again, he just looked at her for a moment before blowing out a breath and taking a seat in one of the chairs across from her. 
“I don’t know,” he said finally, looking at her through the hologram display. 
Natasha closed the display and leaned back in her chair, studying him with that piercing gaze that made Bruce shift in his chair. 
“You’re afraid that if you go back to life as normal, you’re turning your back on everyone who isn’t here,” she said finally. 
Bruce’s mouth dropped open and he blinked at her a few times. 
“You know that, thing you do is scary sometimes.” 
Natasha chuckled softly and leaned forward. “I’m good at my job and I think I’ve known you long enough to be able to read you pretty well.” 
Bruce couldn’t help but laugh at that. 
“I think you’re right,” he said and let out another long sigh. 
“I know I’m right,” she countered and pulled up her holographic display again. “So what are you going to do?”
Bruce watched her through the hologram, scratching his chin for a couple minutes before he spoke again. 
“I think I’m going to do it.” 
Natasha looked up at him. “Really?”
“Yes, but I don’t want you to be doing this all by yourself,” Bruce said, gesturing at all of the articles displayed between them. 
“Then figure out a way to do both,” Natasha said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. “But you being cooped up here isn’t helping anyone. And no offense but you’re getting on my nerves, just a little.” 
She smirked and winked at him as he stared at her a little dumbfounded. 
“I say that with the utmost love and respect,” she added, not looking at Bruce. 
“Of course,” Bruce said with a chuckle. He pushed away from the table and stood, still watching Natasha study her hologram. 
He rounded the table, and bent to kiss the top of Natasha’s head. “Thank you,” he whispered and turned to leave the room but she caught him by the hand. 
“I really was joking,” she said, looking up into his eyes. 
Bruce smiled softly and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. “I know. I’ll be back, I have to make a few phone calls.” 
“I’ll be here,” she promised and watched him leave the room.
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padmé's wardrobe ruined us for all fashion and costumes and i weep when i think of how we'll never get more 💔
Saaame! Her costumes were the redeeming quality of the prequels lmao. The minute I saw them on screen I was SOLD. And your ask gave me an idea for a post haha
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serceleste · 4 years
how do you feel about poe's new x-wing? and do you happen to know what it's called?
Somehow I missed this Very Important ask, because there are obviously few matters I find more important than X-wings. I will admit to feeling a slight coldness towards Poe’s new X-wing at first simply because she is not Black One and Black One was FAVE but it was momentary and it isn’t fair to judge her on what she isn’t, so she is quite excellent and beautiful in her own right. I like thinking of how much time Poe spent on the paint because he is a nerd and also that he is just out there flying that thing and proclaiming himself the most gigantic Rebel Alliance fanboy there ever was. 
But I don’t think they gave her a name! It’s not in any of the books, and that includes the TROS Visual Dictionary, which has all the most random facts you never thought to ask for. (Including the tidbit that from time to time Poe paints the new one to look like Black One, OH MY GOD.)
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