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While storytime is mostly a joyful tradition, picture books can also be helpful in addressing difficult or upsetting situations with young children. A wonderful example of this is Renee Londner and Martha Aviles's "Stones for Grandpa" (2012). While the story centres on two particularly Jewish traditions - the unveiling of a tombstone a year after a person's (in this case a grandfather's) death, and the placing of small stones on headstones to mark that someone has been to visit the grave - and makes mention of memories a child has of celebrating Jewish holidays with his late grandfather, it is really an appropriate book for any child suffering a loss. The emphasis on good memories and commemorating those who are gone is a lovely, gentle way to open discussion with kids about their own losses and the emotions surrounding them. A sweet and very useful book. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #stonesforgrandpa #reneelondner #marthaaviles #karben #karbenpublishing #talkingwithkids #talkingtokidsaboutdeath #losingalovedone #losingagrandparent #grieving #grief #kidsandgrief #mourning #jewishbooks #jewishkids #jewishkidsbooks #helpingkids #helpingkidsgrieve #judaicaforkids #jewishchildrensbooks #jewishpicturebooks #pjlibrary https://www.instagram.com/p/B4IsDvJHhRS/?igshid=39prw0eqnv3f
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Talking to Kids In Times of Trouble
Talking to Kids In Times of Trouble
This morning while getting ready for school, we watched Good Morning America per our morning routine. Of course, in light of the attacks in Barcelona, the mood remained somber. Maddox asked me why somebody would attack Barcelona. His voice wavered, brow furrowed in confusion. I did not know what to say so I answered “I don’t know, buddy.” This continues to nag at me as I contemplate what to tell…
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"If all the trees burn down then we will have no fresh air and we will have to hold our brefs for all the days. That would not be fun, good or silly." Tiny Human (almost 4) Her sister went to a birthday party today and got all dressed up in a party dress, so even though the Tiny Human wasn't invited to the party she got gussied up, too. Any excuse to wear her "fancy clothes." It didn't stop her from getting in a nature walk with her mama, though. #momlife #momofgirls #wokefouryearold #talkingwithkids #lostlake #Nanaimoliving #parentlife https://instagr.am/p/CcZJIcrpQfd/
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Quick Tips for Positive Discipline
On this website you will find quick and easy tips for parenting with positive discipline!
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http://www.apbs.org/new_apbs/families.html (2007-2014). Association for Positive Behavior Support http://www.parentcenterhub.org/behavior-athome/ (September, 2016). Behavior at Home, Center For Parent Information and Resources. https://www.zerotothree.org/espanol/challenging-behaviors (2017). Challenging Behaviors, Zero to Three. http://www.pbs.org/parents/talkingwithkids/positive_discipline_tips.html Sizer, B. Seven Tips for Practicing Positive Discipline, PBS Parents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZcSAyjgaAg Dahlmarketing. (October, 2009). Behavior Problem-Why Time Out Doesn't Work, Youtube. https://www.positivediscipline.com/ (2017). Positive Discipline. https://www.positivediscipline.com/
MOMS of Military Prayer & Support Group. (2015). Who We Are. Periodical MOMS of Military Prayer and Support Group. Retrieved from http://www.momsofmilitary.com/#
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (Aug 2015). Relationships and PTSD. PTSD: National Center for PTSD. Retrieved from https://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/family/ptsd-and-relationships.asp
Andrews, B. (2007). I Miss You!: A Military Kid’s Book About Deployment. New York: Prometheus Books.
Wilson, K. (May 2017). Support Groups for Parents of Servicemembers: Connect with Moms and Dads Who Have a Child in the U.S. Armed Forces. The Spruce. https://www.thespruce.com/military-parent-support-groups-2357219
Helping Someone Who's Grieving. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2017, from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/grief/helping-someone-who-is-grieving.htm Grief and Loss. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2017, from https://www.caregiver.org/grief-and-loss Coping With Loss: 115 Helpful Websites on Grief & Bereavement. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2017, from https://www.mastersincounseling.org/loss-grief-bereavement.html http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/help-child-divorce.html# Advice for Parents on how to help their child through a divorceLyness, D., PhD. (2015). Helping your child through a divorce, KidsHealth from the Nemours Foundation. Retrieved from http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/help-child-divorce.html#
https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/emotional-wellness/Building-Resilience/Pages/How-to-Support-Children-after-Parents-Separate-or-Divorce.aspx How Children react to divorce and what research says about supporting them Ginsburg, K., R., and Jablow, M., M. (February 2017). How to support children after their parents separate or divorce, American Academy of Pediatrics. Retrieved from https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/emotional-wellness/Building-Resilience/Pages/How-to-Support-Children-after-Parents-Separate-or-Divorce.aspxhttps://blogs.psychcentral.com/mixing-bowl/2016/03/the-affect-of-remarriage-on-children/
How Remarriage Affects Children-broken down by different ages of the childrenBellows, A., PhD. (November 2017). How remarriage affects children, The Mixing Bowl, PsychCentral. Retrieved from https://blogs.psychcentral.com/mixing-bowl/2016/03/the-affect-of-remarriage-on-children/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbTFZ8cvHo4
A video of how divorce feels from a child's perspective The Child of Divorce. (April 2014). Voice of the child of divorce, YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbTFZ8cvHo4
Bailey, S., Ph.D. CFLE. (2013, March). Helping Children Cope with Natural Disasters. Retrieved October 20, 2017, from https://www.msuextension.org/health/documents/MT201302HR.pdf
Helping Kids Cope with Natural Disasters. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from https://www.nwf.org/Eco-Schools-USA/Become-an-Eco-School/Hurricane-Sandy/Helping-Kids-Cope.aspx
Natural Disasters: Helping Kids During Crisis. (2017). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from https://www.schoolcounselor.org/school-counselors-members/professional-development/learn-more/natural-disasters-helping-kids-during-crisis About NCCP. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2017, from http://www.nccp.org/about.html
Children and Families. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2017, from https://endhomelessness.org/homelessness-in-america/who-experiences-homelessness/children-and-families/
Khazan, O. (2015, December 08). The Hardest Job. Retrieved November 12, 2017, from https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/12/the-hardest-job/419166/
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How Should I Communicate With My Kids?
Communication between parents and children is key. It is important for parents to have communication with their kids at a young age to build a healthy relationship. Some quick tips on a successful communicative relationship include expressing interest in you’re child’s interests, acknowledging when you as a parent are wrong (yes, admit mistakes!), let kids express their thoughts and feelings, and find ways to talk your kids that makes sense to them. Communication is the most important way you build relationships with your kids!
This website provides parents with information on how to have a quality conversation with their kids.
Having trouble starting conversations with kids? This website provides information on how to start successful conversations with your kids at a young age!
Ever wonder the best way to talk to your kids so it makes sense to them? This website explains some ways you can make conversation easier for them.
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Fire safety #talkingwithkids #cutekid #firesafety
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WARNING! I've always been a huge fan of Florence Parry Heide, but this book is best read when you have the time and inclination for a good talk with your little audience! 💪💪💪 Heide's "How To Be A Hero" (2016), illustrated by Chuck Groenink, is a super clever look at the messages we give our kids and how they receive them, and the influence of pop culture. Gideon wants to be a hero, but his idea of what a hero is may be just a little skewed... The interplay between the story (Gideon's perspective) and Groenink's artwork (what's actually happening) is brilliant and often hilarious, and makes for a fun conversation with kids about the differences and what they mean. A great storytime book for prompting discussion! ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #howtobeahero #florenceparryheide #chuckgroenink #chroniclekids #heroes #heroism #mixups #misunderstanding #beingbrave #beingfamous #read #igbooks #librarylife #fortheloveofbooks #readwithriver_discussions #kidsbookstagram #readingmatters #talkingwithkids #talktoyourkids #kidsreading #readtokids #kidslitart #criticalreading #picturebooksofinstagram #kidslovebooks #newchildrensbook #lifelongreaders #classroomreadalouds https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nE0l5HPLF/?igshid=dwdpoy1yidb
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And for the last night of Chanukah, an unexpected treat... From beloved author Audrey Penn ("The Kissing Hand"), a story inspired by the Chanukah miracle of the oil that was only enough to light the menorah in the Holy Temple for one night, but lasted eight days instead. "The Miracle Jar: a Hanukkah Story" (2008), illustrated by Lea Lyon, tells of a family preparing to celebrate Chanukah, snowed in at this freezing time of year, and with only a small amount of oil left in their jar for making Chanukah treats. As the last drops of oil are used up before the end of the holiday, will that be the end of their celebrations? ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #jewishnoodlenuts #noodlenutschanukah #themiraclejar #audreypenn #lealyon #thekissinghand #miracleoflights #festivaloflights #miracleofoil #chanukahmiracle #hanukkahmiracle #familycelebration #jewishfamily #chanukah #hanukkah #jewishgirl #jewishfood #jewishlife #teachersofinstagram #booklove #talkingwithkids https://www.instagram.com/p/B6q92pknGG-/?igshid=1gio22saezcbv
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One of the things I love most about the picture book as a format is that sometimes the artwork is as compelling as the story. To be fair, Jennifer Berne's "Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau" (2008) is a remarkably lovely biography of the pioneering oceanographer and environmentalist who became beloved across the world. Starting with his childhood, Berne does a beautiful job of evoking his genuine passion for life on the water. But Eric Puybaret's artwork is exquisite. Realistic enough to still be appealing to young kids, the images have a soft, dreamy quality to them that draw you deeply into the story, as Cousteau was drawn to the ocean's depths. A gorgeous example of what a picture book should be. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #manfish #astoryofjacquescousteau #jenniferberne #ericpuybaret #éricpuybaret #jacquescousteau #oceanography #marinelife #marinelifematters #savetheocean #childhoodunplugged #homeschoolfamily #beautifulbooks #teachingresources #booksthatmatter #readyourworld #classroombooks #classroombookaday #bestkidsbooks #talkingwithkids #freelessonplans https://www.instagram.com/p/B3StZ7hHNvm/?igshid=14c0c3hyzq3ax
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As an athletic little girl, I was very lucky. I grew up with a dad who not only bought me a baseball mitt and played catch with me, but would say things like, "You get that great throwing arm from your grandmother, my mom. You know she played on a women's softball team! She was fantastic!" But not every little girl is encouraged in athletic pursuits, and back when he was young it was even more rare. "Anybody's Game: Kathryn Johnston, the First Girl to Play Little League Baseball" is the true story of a little girl whose family encouraged her even when society didn't. ⚾⚾⚾ Written by Heather Lang, who spent time talking to the real Kathryn Johnston about her experiences, it's a beautiful story of determination and a refusal to give in to naysayers. And Illustrator Cecilia Puglesi's artwork brings the playgrounds to life with colour and movement. A wonderful picture book biography and a great lesson about inclusion. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #anybodysgame #kathrynjohnston #thefirstgirltoplaylittleleaguebaseball #heatherlang #ceciliapuglesi #albertwhitman #littleleague #littleleaguebaseball #littleleaguebaseball⚾️ #girlsplaybaseballtoo #girlsplaybaseball #booksaboutbaseball #picturebookbiography #picturebookbiographies #baseballisforgirls #femaleathlete #femaleathletes #womeninsport #womeninsports #girlsinsports #girlsinsport #inclusion #inclusionmatters #girlscandoanything #girlpower #educationforequality #talkingwithkids #whyweread https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DW8zanBsU/?igshid=oujldrcwey68
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admin-mdp. “What Is Positive Discipline?” Parents, Parents, 16 Aug. 2016, www.parents.com/kids/discipline/what-is-positive-discipline/.
Bhandarkar, Sumitha, et al. “Positive Discipline 101: How to Discipline a Child in a Way That Actually Works.” A Fine Parent, 27 May 2017, afineparent.com/be-positive/positive-discipline.html.
“Discipline That Works.” Aha! Parenting, www.ahaparenting.com/parenting-tools/Discipline.
“Effective Child Discipline.” Focus on the Family, 7 May 2011, www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/effective-biblical-discipline/effective-child-discipline/effective-c
“Loving Discipline.” Essential Parenting, www.essentialparenting.com/get-started/loving-discipline/.
Sizer, Bridget. “Seven Tips for Practicing Positive Discipline.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/parents/talkingwithkids/positive_discipline_tips.html.
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7 Tips for Practicing Discipline
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Bhandarkar, S., About Sumitha BhandarkarSumitha Bhandarkar is the founder of A Fine Parent. After making a bunch of mistakes and feeling perpetually like a crappy parent, one day she had the epiphany that Great Parents are Made, Not Born. She is now on a journey to become a better person, and a better parent one itty-bit at a time and warmly invites you to join her in this journey!, Says, B., Says, S., Says, B., Says, J., . . . Says, B. C. (2017, May 27). Positive Discipline 101: How to Discipline a Child in a Way That Actually Works. Retrieved October 23, 2017, from https://afineparent.com/be-positive/positive-discipline.html
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