#talking to rachel after he and she have gone separate ways
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marvey-sideblog · 5 months ago
"You knew how I felt about him."
This is Mike to Rachel after they're divorced. When Mike and Harvey are now running Specter Ross, and in a relationship together. Because Mike has felt for Harvey all this time.
If you even care
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ewingstan · 1 year ago
Going into Ward, one of the things that interested me is that pretty much everyone who read it, no matter what the felt about it as a whole, seemed to like what it did with Tattletale and incorporate it into their understanding of the character. To a certain extent this makes sense, outside of Amy people's problems with Worm usually aren't that characterization had been changed. But few other aspects of Ward have been talked about with so much relative positivity, or influenced so much retroactive analysis of Worm.
After reading her interlude, I'm starting to understand why.
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From the bat we're given blunt and effective portrayals of how alone Lisa feels. Half of her descriptions of other characters focused on how they reminded her of people she's lost. The Heartbroken are primarily described by the ways they do and don't resemble Alec. Aiden by how he does and doesn't resemble Taylor. Imp and Rachel get mentioned but don't get to make an appearance at all, furthering the effect—reminders of her closest connections are everywhere, but the connections themselves are nowhere. She's left with the "expanded Undersiders," and is painfully aware of how they either dislike her or will never form a close connection with her.
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There's a lot more emphasis here on how her power is a separate entity than there was in Lisa's Worm interlude. She's snarking at it, talking about it as something that interjects, drawing a clear divide in her head between what it figures out and what she figures out. Is that her knowledge of its nature developing, or simply a new way of looking at how it always worked?
The framing in the passage above seems to suggest that its encouraging her to distance herself from others, pushing her to interact but specifically feeding her information that will prevent close connections. Questions of agency and identity aside, I do like this as an aspect of powers-as-coping-mechanisms: she was triggered by failing to save someone she was close to, not recognizing the signs that he was unwell. Her power helps her see the signs she couldn't before, but it also seems to try to prevent those close connections from forming so she can't be hurt the same way. Not that its successful. Can't stop betting on losing dogs and all.
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What she calls people internally is interesting. I figured she had been calling Sveta "Garotte" earlier to needle her, but she continues to call her that in her own thoughts, as does her power. Valkyrie gets to be "Valkyrie," and Vicky isn't called a cape name at all. There's a few ways to interpret this; I'm tempted to say that Lisa sees Victoria as a relic of pre-Gold Morning days, and sees Sveta largely in that context. Though I also feel like there's some refusal to see her or Rain as people who are separate from what they've done in the past. A lot of the comments I've read while reading the last few chapters are people debating whether she should've gone "white-hat," and I get the sense that she sees something dishonest in that. Leaving behind the things you've done isn't something she can do—even Lisa Wilbourn can't leave behind the failures of Sarah Livsey.
That might be something to think about in the context of Victoria claiming Tattletale is awful because she represents "giving up on something better." Its kind of baffling in that context; many people have pointed out that cutting the number of overdoses in half was way better than anything the heroes ever did, but Victoria resents that TT saw merely halving it as acceptable. She prefers methods that highlight a certain attitude towards a problem over methods that are effective at dealing with a problem. Having zero tolerance for overdoses and being able to do fuck-all about it becomes preferable to halving it, because not giving up on an ideal world is better than actually making the world better. As little regard as I have for Victoria's position, it seems that the text is giving it some credence by positioning Lisa not just as pursuing the methods that will make an actual difference, but also as rejecting the idea of "something better." Sveta can't be more than Garotte, overdose rates can be halved but not lowered further. Its weirdly reifying of Victoria's position, making Lisa a foil to it rather than a reflection of an entirely unrelated worldview.
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There's a few team leaders in the parahumans-verse who get characterized as encouraging and benefiting from chaos within their ranks. Jack Slash had a self-image of himself as a master manipulator who knew just how to keep the Nine at each others throats to keep them in line, though of course his power was pulling heavy duty there. Trickster exulted in sowing chaos, but while he could use it to his advantage when working alone it explicitly got in the way of the Travellers as a whole during their operations. Lisa incorporates aspects of both; she seems to be cultivating a "this chaos is all part of my design" air for Faultline and Victoria while actually always being on the cusp of losing control of her own team. It seems less like something she's doing deliberately and more like something she has to deal with, even if she later frames it as part of preparing Aiden or something similar.
Man, her relationship with Aiden. First explicit mention of Taylor we've had since the beginning and its for a blunt confirmation that she sees herself as failing Taylor in the same way she failed Rex, and is terrified of doing with Aiden. It feels both like she's holding him at arms length and that she's desperate for a close connection with him.
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krillonthegrill · 2 months ago
rant about double exposure's Amanda Thomas (i adore her, for anyone that's worried reading that - this is long)
god no one's gonna care about this 💀 the thing that makes me so upset about Amanda Thomas's character is how little she has to do with the main plot and how much of a FUMBLE that is.
i love Amanda. i want to put her in my pocket and carry her around. i made a bee-line for her every single time i was in The Snapping Turtle just so i could have a surface-level five-sentence-total conversation with her. but she really is only there to romance Max. and that totally sucks.
she's 10x less enjoyable if you don't romance her. i feel like that rings true for every romance options in the franchise with the exception of Chloe and Rachel - it's a flaw of the writing, in this case, but i understand how it came about. they don't wanna lock players out of her romance if they decide that they actually do wanna romance her later on (because, cmon, her introduction you speak for maybe two minutes before you're given the option - granted, i loved her immediately but not everyone's gonna feel that way), but they don't account for people who don't wanna romance period. she flirts with you very openly like she didn't call HERSELF your friend just an episode ago. it can feel hot and cold, and people are allowed to be annoyed by that
after some thinking, i'm realizing she reminds me of a worse Steph, not worse as in behavior but worse in writing. Steph had ties to the plot, she knew the characters Alex had issues with WELL. Gabe was her BEST FRIEND, the ENTIRE reason she stayed in Haven Springs, she was with Alex the same amount of time Alex was with Ryan. and even THEN Steph falls short because she already dealt with her flaws in Wavelengths, but at least she got a DLC to show how she dealt with her trauma after Arcadia Bay
Amanda isn't really friends with any of the main cast. not with Safi, not with Moses, not with Reggie or Diamond or ANYONE ELSE. EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE ALL IN THE TURTLE ALL THE FUCKING TIME
and she knows them well enough. when Amanda talks about Safi in a post, she mentions that Safi was the first person to sign up for an open-mic night that Amanda was really worried no one would go to
in the dead timeline, she keeps a gingerbread house on the side specifically FOR Moses so he can build one, because she knows he would probably want to even though Safi's dead.
like, when you go with Moses and Safi to see the meteors, Amanda's posts implies that she would've gone had she not had work. but have they EVER fucking hung out? canon content implies they do not.
she has an entire LIFE separate from the plot:
• people apparently fucking ADORE her. like, everyone in town. Max makes a comment about everybody having a huge crush on her, both men and women. she's just generally well-liked
• she's the oldest of six, she has TWO NAMED SISTERS, Melissa and Ashley, that exist in the world and even comment on Max's posts. i think one of them - i believe it's Ashley - makes a joke about U-Hauls and Amanda being a huge lesbian
• she likes to cook. she makes Max HOMEGROWN salad (girl, homegrown) and FOCCACIA. she cooks her siblings breakfast. one of the polaroids you can find is her cooking Max breakfast - i'm going to go out on a limb and assume acts of service is a love language for her
• she names people she is friends with that do not show up ANYWHERE in game (Henry, Eddie, Teegan, etc.)
• a good chunk of her conversations with Max are about music. a polaroid you can find includes them finally going to a concert. one of the first conversations you have with her is her gushing about the Vermont bands
• she's Cherokee and Abenaki, she talks about the indigenous people on campus having a place to congregate and have a community. i think she mentions they're moving something to do with weaving (? - some kind of craft, something with beads) to the Turtle because she wants them to be able to do it. she fucking hosts an indigenous artist exhibit INSIDE the Turtle
• i think she talks about volunteering at a soup kitchen?
• she mentions her therapist in-game three times, two times in the same scene, about becoming too attached to people way too quickly and about making good choices (when she decides to NOT sleep with Max - which, boooooo 🍅🍅🍅 more power to her, god knows i would've jumped at the chance). Max calls her a control freak - jokingly, but still (and it's true - she's not the owner of the Turtle, but she's basically running it)
all of this would be fine if it was acknowledged by the narrative. and it IS, but only by HER
she doesn't know Max, not really. but she desperately wants to. and she expresses that so many fucking times. but you never get the chance to.
it drives me nuts. you make a character with lots of charm - at least, to me; i think Samantha Bowling did a fantastic job, props to her - and do nothing with her. it's like DeckNine knows how to give a character the illusion of being fleshed out without doing any of the work to MAKE them fleshed out
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bi-lavelent · 8 months ago
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem-reader part 9)
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Warning: Fluff, Angst, Bullying, Cussing, Homophobia, Sexual Assault, Rape, Smut
I walked into the school. I saw Rachel and walked over to her.
“Hey do you know where Finn is?” I asked her
“No, I actually don’t.” She said
I saw my sister (Hope) and Santana talking to each other and I walked over to them.
“Hay do either of you guys know where Finn is ?” I asked
“No the last time I saw him he was holding Quinn in his arms after you and Puck fucked up her life.” Hope said
“I didn’t fuck up her life. Puck did I told sue to keep her on the team and when she took Quinn of the Cheerios; because, she thought the dude she went on one date wanted them to be exclusive and then walked in on the dude making out with the person he works with. It pissed her off and took it out on everyone and I yelled at her and have gone against her. I’m just looking for Finn because okay when I was pregnant. Money was a big issue so I have more than enough money for Quinn but she won’t talk to me so I will give it to Finn and make him the hero.” I said
“God your to nice.” Hope said
“I agree” Santana said
“Okay well I will catch up with you all later I’m gonna find Finn” I said
I finally found Finn leaving Cheerio practice that afternoon. I didn’t realize that Santana,Hope and Brittany were near by listening in on the convo.
“Hey, Finn” I said
“Hello, What do you want?” He asked
“I just wanted to give you this. Give it to Quinn from you she’ll really appreciate it.” I said
“What is it?” He asked
“It’s 14,000$ in cash.” I said
“How did you get this is dirty money.” He asked
“No Finn it the money that I have been saving since I was 8 to leave Lima. You and Quinn need it more than me. I still got this year and next year to find a way to leave Lima. You guys need this money right now. You guys and your family don’t deserve to go into debt over a mistake that you guys made. Your still kids.” I said
“Thank you Y/N, You know I don’t understand why everyone in Glee dose not like you.” He said
“What?” I asked
“Nothing forget I said anything.” He said
I handed him the packet and walked away everyone in Glee dose not like me. That made since as to why they were talking bad about me the other day.
That day in Glee club. We were all sitting around everyone was talking and I was doing my favorite thing listening. I just with that I usually had popcorn but Glee gossip was boring. Then Mr.Schue came in
“Alright guys we’re doing a new number for sectionals. I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature pieces but I did a little research on past winners and it turns out that judges like songs that are more accessible stuff that they know uh standards, broadway.” Mr. Schue said as he passed out papers
“Defying gravity I have an iPod shuffle dedicated to exclusively selections from Wicked this is amazing.” Kurt said
“Do you think you can handle it Rachel?” Mr.Schue asked
“It’s my go to shower song and my ringtone.” Rachel said
“Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song see what we need is my chocolate thunder.” Mercedes said
“Look don’t have time to re-arrange a song for you Mercedes Rachel is singing it. Don’t worry will find something for you to dip in chocolate.” Mr.Schue said
“Oh on item two the school won’t pay for the special bus we need to take Artie with us in his wheelchair to sectionals”
“W W W W what”
“That completely unfair”
“Doesn’t that count as a form of discrimination that will get hundred of government funded organizations on this school’s ass in hopes of shutting them down. Like ADA. The us goverment has laws stating the following Article 7 page 15 section 2 paragraph 1of the American Disability Administration A school May not refuse to allow a person with a disability to participate in a service, program, or activity simply because the person has a disability. A school Must provide programs and services in an integrated setting, unless separate or different measures are necessary to ensure equal opportunity. A school Must eliminate unnecessary eligibility standards or rules that deny individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to enjoy their services, programs or activities unless “necessary” for the provisions of the service, program or activity. Schools Are required to make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures that deny equal access to individuals with disabilities, unless a fundamental alteration in the program would result. A school Must furnish auxiliary aids and services when necessary to ensure effective communication, unless an undue burden or fundamental alteration would result. A school May provide special benefits, beyond those required by the regulation, to individuals with disabilities. A school May not place special charges on individuals with disabilities to cover the costs of measures necessary to ensure nondiscriminatory treatment, such as making modifications required to provide program accessibility or providing qualified interpreters. A school Shall operate their programs so that, when viewed in their entirety, they are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.” I said
“I’m sorry how do you know this?” Mr.Schue asked
“What I wanted to be a powerful politician when I was younger. It was my dream job so I memorized a lot of laws. It was like music to Rachel.” I said
“Okay well as fun as it would be to test your knowledge. Unless you can get ahold of the government and get them to come here.” Mr.Schue said
“Actually they have their Ohio office right outside Lima. There main building in Ohio were you would go to file a complaint against a company or a person or whoever is located in Columbus.” Artie said
“Okay well that is 3 hours away.” Mr.Schue said
“I will totally go there after school. I’m staying at a hotel in Columbus anyway.” I said
“Wait why are you staying in a hotel.” Mr.Schue asked
“Because she got into a fight with our mom and got kicked out of the house.”” Hope said
“Nice going yes my mom kicked me out of the house and yes I’ve been living in hotels. No Puck I haven’t hired any hookers or prostitues.” I said
“How’d did you know I was going to ask that? How’s she know I was going to ask that.” Puck asked
“Because you are extremely predictable.” I said
“Anyway your living in hotels” Mercedes said
“Yes I don’t really have anywhere else to go. My mom got mad because I brought her to rehab to hopefully get clean. My dad is always working. But know that my moms back from rehab the second she got home she had found it was me who sent her and she went ballistic.i don’t know if she’s been drinking when I got home three weeks ago I walked in and all my stuff was in bag and boxes and my clothes were in suitcases. So I have been staying wherever I can. Some time I just sleep in my car.” I said
“Y/N do you need some support you know that Mrs.Pillsbury can help you.” Mr.Schue said
“No I am fine I would have gotten kicked out this summer when I turned 18 anyway. It’s not a big deal.” I said
“Yes it is” Mr.Schue said
Everyone agreed except for Rachel
“Can we get back to Arties problem and the song and stop focusing on Y/n’s pathetic life.” She said
I just stayed quiet as Mr.Schue and everyone looked at me.
“Okay let’s finish this up” Mr.Schue said
“So if the thing that Y/N suggested doesn't work will have to raise money to pay for it ourselves.” Mr. Schue said “See when I was in Glee club and we need money for regionals we did a bake sale.”
“Your joking right bake sales are kind of bouje.” Santana said
“so people stopped eating delicious sugary treats.” “It’s not that it’s that most of us don’t know how to bake. I find recipes confusing.” Brittnay said
“You find everything confusing” Puck said
“Shut it Puck you find breathing confusing” I said
“Yeah you find walking to class confusing” Santana said
“My family is fully committed to take out.” Rachel said
“Yeah Mr.Schue things are different than when you went here we got homework and football and teen pregnancy and lunch.” Finn said
“Can’t Arties dad just take him.” Mercedes asked
“ I can’t believe how insensitive you are all being are you a team.” Mr.Schue said
“Ofcourse but Artie understands don’t you?” Quinn asked
I knew that it was finally time to speak up
“You know what you all shut up Mr.Schue don’t act like you are not insensitive to. Maybe this is just who you all are you guys make me feel like shit every day including Artie. Do you wanna know why I was on sues team I didn’t make since well I have autism okay and I’m tired of all of you guys taking about how we are lower than the special Ed kids on the popularity pyramid or we looked like we stepped off the short bus. You all make me feel worthless and like shit everyday. Okay I can make you feel the same way make me and Artie feel. Rachel you have made out with Finn twice and gave him a boner in the auditorium before the Cheerios even joined Glee right and they you told Rachel in the hallway you don’t know who you love same thing you told Mr.Schue wife.” I said
“Okay that enough” Finn said
“Oh really another thing Finn you think it’s okay to call people Fags. I heard you call Kurt one the other day in the hallway. Most of you think that calling him or anyone else in the school that is okay to do well that me tell you something Kurt might not fight back but guess what this LESBIAN right here will and I can beat the shit out of all of you.” I said
“Y/N stop we get that your going the a lot but you’ve crossed a line. So stop or your gonna be kicked out” Mr.Schue said
“Schue don’t get me started your wife yeah the one carrying your child. She really isn’t pregnant she had a hysterical pregnancy and is wearing a fake bump and is trying to buy babies to keep you from knowing the truth. If you don’t believe me ask Quinn she told her that she’d give her the kid but done blame her she’s a scared child your wife is physcopath and also Mrs.Pillsbury like you and you clearly like her so before she gets married to the coach leave you pathetic wife and get a semi normal person.” I said
“Y/N stop you can’t act like this at school.” Hope said
“Oh I’m sure everyone will love to know why the Cheerios are actually here. If I’m not wrong you’re here to end Glee. On sues orders. Right well maybe you’ll think about what you’re saying before making people feel like shit again. Also I’ll drop the 600$ off in Figgins office for the bus you’ll all need Artie if I’m not there.” I said as I got up and exited the room leaving everyone yelling at each other. For the news I just spilled.
As I made it out to my car. I started to break down and Cry. I finally stopped when I heard a banging on the door I was expecting to see someone from Glee to yell at me probably Quinn I had come after her the hardest. Which hurt to do but everything was true. As I looked up I saw Santana
“Let me in” She said
“Fine” I said as I unlocked the doors the second she sat down I relocked the doors. “Well that was one way to try to end Glee club. With the truth.” Santana said
“That wasn’t my plan I didn’t want to destroy Glee club anymore I wanted to make Sue pay for kicking Quinn off the team. I just couldn’t take it anymore and then I ended up hurting Quinn more than Sue did.” I said
“Look I texted my parents asking if you could come live with us they said yes and I really think that you’re gonna need some people after you went off on all of them.” Santana said
“Can you drive?” I asked
“If I’m with someone over 18” I’m close enough
“What if we get arrested.” She asked
“The only person who’s out around this time is the sheriff and I use to sleep with her I was underage and she’s married so I think will be fine.” I said
“K where are we going.” Santana asked
“Your house I need somewhere to drop all of this stuff off.” I said “ and if you don’t mind helping me receive the other stuff from the hotel tonight that would be great.”
“I totally don’t mind.” Santana said
On the way to Santanas house I got a ton of angry messages from everybody in Glee. Some of the really affected me the one Artie sent: You made me feel like shit when you made my problem your problem twice. Thanks for nothing. And my sister sent: You made my life a living hell everyone made at me because I’m related to you and I’m the closest thing to you. Furthermore Matt’s made at me and won’t even talk to me thanks for nothing loser. Santana saw how much this affected me and grabbed my hand to comfort me. Almost driving us off the road.
“Eyes on the road babygirl” I said
“What did you call me?” Santana asked
“Babygirl.” I said
“Why did you call me that.” She asked
“That’s what I call people who I let get close. Which I rarely ever do consider yourself lucky.” I said
As she drove to her house I looked at her. She actually didn’t care about what I had said in the Glee room she was willing to take me in. She made me feel not horrible about lashing out. Somehow she understood me.
“We’re here, my parents don’t get home till tomorrow morning there on vacation.” Santana said
“Thank you. You know you’re not as bitchy as you let people believe.” I said
“Well we will drop your stuff in my room for now. My mom’s gonna clean out the other room tomorrow.” Santana said
She helped me carry everything into her room.
“Wow this is not what I thought your room would look like.” I said
“What did you think it would look like ?” Santana asked
“I don’t know I thought that it would look all happy and have bright colors and Pom Poms everywhere.” I said
“Is me being a Cheerio all you know about me ?” She asked
“No I know that you are in Glee, Your a good singer and Your Latina.” I said
“Well I guess we’re both gonna find out a lot about each other.” Santana said
“Hey, put on something nice I want to take you to a nice restaurant in Columbus for being so nice.” I said
“You don’t have too.” Santana said
“Yes I do you deserve it after years of eating at Breadstix. You deserve someone to take you somewhere fancy.” I said
“Well you go get dressed and I will organize these boxes so that we can have a place to put the other and we can have somewhere to sleep tonight.” Santana said
I walked out the room and went to her bathroom and put on clothes that were in my suitcase that I had in the car. Luckily I had some nice clothes in the bag.
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I walked out and went to sit on the bed.
“Oh my god.” Santana said
“What do I look bad?” I asked
“No not at all you actually look really hot.” Santana said
“The Santana Lopez think that I am hot ?” I asked
“Shut up” Santana said
“Now get out of that Cheerio outfit.” I said
“What do you not think that I look good in it cause I’m pretty sure you stare at the Cheerios as we practice.” Santana said walking towards me
“I’m watching my sister.” I said
“Oh sure you are is that why you’re blushing well watching us.” Santana said
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said
“Okay sure you don’t. Do you have any water?” Santana asked
“Oh sure the pocket of my backpack.” I said
She grabbed one of my water bottles and took a drink.
“Not that one.” I said
“Jesus why do you have a water bottle with straight vodka.” Santana said
“You think that I can make it through school sober.” I said
“Yeah most kids do.” Santana said
“Okay we’ll give me my Vodka. There’s two other water bottles in there. If you want some.” I said
“Wait I’m not gonna drive with you well you’re drunk.” Santana said
“Do worry I have only taken two sips today okay. You probably drank more than me.” I said
“Well I thought it was water.” Santana said
“How about you go get ready unless you want to spend the night in the hotel room.” I said
“Is there a couch” she asked
“There’s a fold out chair” I said
“Well what if I did want to spend the night in the hotel room.” Santana said
“Go get changed” I said
“Not until you admit that I look hot in my Cheerio outfit.” Santana said
“Not answering that.” I said
“Why is it illegal for you to call me hot?” Santana said
“No im 17” I said
“Okay I’m still not changing until you tell me.” Santana said
“Okay fine you look decent in your Cheerio outfit but you looked really hot in that country outfit for Glee.” I said
“Oh is that why you were looking at me licking your lips.” Santana said
As she ran into her bathroom with her clothes to get dressed after 30 minutes she came out look as gorgeous as ever.
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“Why do you still talk to me everybody hates me after today?” I said
“Because you’re a good person.” Santana said
“Well why do you still flirt with me? I mean I pretty much screamed myself out of the closet today.” I said
“Maybe because I understand you. How did you know?” Santana asked
“Know what?” I asked steeping closer to her
“How did you know that you liked women?” Santana asked
“Oh well I guess that I always knew. Atleast after puberty. I couldn’t watch a movie without there being a hot woman. But in reality I thought that I was straight for a long time. Then I developed a celebrity crush on Scarlett Johansson. I thought that I was Bisexual and leaned more towards men. Then atleast a year after that I realized that I was Bi and it was even. But my eighth grade year I realized that I leaned towards liking women more. In high school I got a boyfriend who knocked me up but the sex with him never felt right. I felt uncomfortable. Then sophomore year I slept with a girl and everything just slid into place i didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Why do you ask?” I asked
“Well there’s a couple of girls at school that I think that I could see myself dating but I don’t know what that means.” Santana said
“Well if it helps women are better than men.” I said
“Shut up” Santana said
“I’m not joking you clearly have already fucked a ton of dudes she should try out a woman. It’s like you master bating but you don’t have to do any work or they can give you head which is like a female BJ or Scissoring which is when you just rub up against each other.” I said
“Maybe you’ll have to show me sometime.” Santana said
“Oh you’ve crossed a line.” I said
“Maybe that was a line that I wanted to cross.” Santana said walking towards me
“You don’t want me” I said pushing her away
“Why not it’s clearly we are both attracted to each other.” Santana said
“You’ll get kicked off the Cheerios if you sleep with me let alone secretly date me. If Sue even finds out that we had this conversation.” I said
“She loves you she acts like your her child.” Santana said
“I’m done with her bullshit you’ve only know her for two years so you might not hat her yet.” I said before getting cut off I sat on the bed
“I have hated her since the day I met her.” Santana said sitting next to me “Why were you so close to her in the first place?”
“Sue found me breaking down when I found out that I had Autism my freshman year. She is protective of me. But she treats everyone else like shit and I got tired of it after a while. What she did to Quinn was just a final straw. Which I know was something against Quinn because she wanted me to be on the Cheerios even when I was pregnant.” I said
“Why would she kick me off if she liked you so much?” Santana said
“Because I promised that I would destroy her. If she finds out I am staying here she will either delete you off the Cheerios or have you go after me and you're right I think you’re hot. I like you and I can’t afford to lose you too.” I said as I looked at her
“Shut up” Santana said as she kissed me
As she put her lips on mine and her tongue ran over my lips looking for an entrance I opened my mouth to allow her access.
“Maybe this dinner could be a date. Nobody we know will be near by.” Santana said
“Maybe I would like that. There is just one issue.” I said
“And that is?” Santana asked
“That our reservation is in at 6:00 and it is currently 4:50 and it’s an hour and 30 minutes away.” I said
“Well then we better head down.” Santana said
As we both headed down to the car she went over to the passenger side and I opened the door for her. I went over to my side and got in.
“Do you want to listen to music?” I asked
“Sure” Santana said
As I scrolled through the stations as speeding down the streets.
“stop I love this song” Santana said
As Will Smiths Parents Just Don’t Understand
You know parents are the same No matter time nor place They don't understand that us kids Are going to make some mistakes So to you, all the kids all across the land There's no need to argue Parents just don't understand
I remember one year My mom took me school shopping It was me, my brother, my mom, oh, my pop, and my little sister All hopped in the car We headed downtown to the Gallery Mall MY mom started bugging with the clothes she chose I didn't say nothing at first I just turned up my nose She said, "What's wrong? This shirt cost $20" I said, "Mom, this shirt is plaid with a butterfly collar!" The next half hour was the same old thing My mother buying me clothes from 1963 And then she lost her mind and did the ultimate I asked her for Adidas and she bought me Zips! I said, "Mom, what are you doing, you're ruining my rep" She said, "You're only sixteen, you don't have a rep yet" I said, "Mom, let's put these clothes back, please" She said "no, you go to school to learn not for a fashion show" I said, "This isn't Sha Na Na, come on Mom, I'm not Bowzer Mom, please put back the bell-bottom Brady Bunch trousers But if you don't want to I can live with that but You gotta put back the double-knit reversible slacks" She wasn't moved - everything stayed the same Inevitably the first day of school came I thought I could get over, I tried to play sick But my mom said, "No, no way, uh-uh, forget it" There was nothing I could do, I tried to relax I got dressed up in those ancient artifacts And when I walked into school, it was just as I thought The kids were cracking up laughing at the clothes Mom bought And those who weren't laughing still had a ball Because they were pointing and whispering As I walked down the hall I got home and told my Mom how my day went She said, "If they were laughing you don't need the, "Cause they're not good friends" For the next six hours I tried to explain to my Mom That I was gonna have to go through this about 200 more times So to you all the kids all across the land There's no need to argue Parents just don't understand
OK, here's the situation My parents went away on a week's vacation and They left the keys to the brand new Porsche Would they mind? Umm, well, of course not I'll just take it for a little spin And maybe show it off to a couple of friends I'll just cruise it around the neighborhood Well, maybe I shouldn't Yeah, of course I should Pay attention, here's the thick of the plot I pulled up to the corner at the end of my block That's when I saw this beautiful girlie girl walking I picked up my car phone to perpetrate like I was talking You should've seen this girl's bodily dimensions I honked my horn just to get her attention She said, "Was that for me?" I said, "Yeah" She said, "Why?" I said, "Come on and take a ride with a helluva guy" She said, "How do I know you're not sick? You could be some deranged lunatic" I said, "see 'mon toots, my name is the Prince Beside, would a lunatic have a Porsche like this?" She agreed and we were on our way She was looking very good and so was I, I must say - word We hit McDonald's, pulled into the drive We ordered two Big Macs and two large fries with Cokes She kicked her shoes off onto the floor She said, "Drive fast, speed turns me on" She put her hand on my knee, I put my foot on the gas (She did the movements as the song said) We almost got whiplash, I took off so fast The sun roof was open , the music was high And this girl's hand was steadily moving up my thigh She had opened up three buttons on her shirt so far I guess that's why I didn't notice that police car We're doing ninety in my Mom's new Porsche And to make this long story short - short When the cop pulled me over I was scared as hell I said, "I don't have a license but I drive very well, officer" I almost had a heart attack that day Come to find out the girl was a twelve-year-old runaway I was arrested, the car was impounded There was no way for me to avoid being grounded My parents had to come off from vacation to get me I'd rather be in jail than to have my father hit me My parents walked in I got my grip, I said, "Ah, Mom, Dad, how was your trip?" They didn't speak I said, "I want to plead my case" But my father just shoved me in the car by my face That was a hard ride home, I don't know how I survived They took turns - One would beat me while the other one was driving I can't believe it, I just made a mistake Well parents are the same no matter time nor place So to you all the kids all across the land Take it form me Parents just don't understand
“Damn we sound good together.” Santana said
“Mhm.” I said
“What did I make you flustered.” Santana said
As I recomposed myself I said “You always make me flustered.”
“Good I like having control over you.” Santana said
“You know what maybe we could skip dinner.” I said
“No waiting will make it better trust me I’m feeling the same way as you right now.” Santana said
“No we’re not because I know that tonight is gonna be the best night of your life.” I said
“Oh it can’t be that much better than men.” Santana said
“Oh you’re in for a strong change in opinions.” I said
“You better live up to the standards.” Santana said
“Too bad I can’t.” I said
“Why ?” Santana said
“Because you’re gonna need to walk tomorrow for school.” I said
“Well damn. Maybe we should do it this Friday then and we just take it slow that would make me more comfortable.” Santana said
“Whatever makes you comfortable. This isn’t about me this is about you.” I said
“Damn this is different than men.” Santana said
As we pulled into the restaurant parking lot
“Hello I have reservation for Y/L/N” I said
“For two?” The hostess asked
“Yes mam” I said
“Right this way” she said
“So tell me something about you.” I said
“I’m from America.” Santana said laughing
“Oh you don’t say. I guessed that you were from Ohio.” I said throwing bread at her.
“You know how many people just expect that I am from Mexico.” Santana said
“So racist if I were you I would beat the shit out of them.” I said
“Actually I go all Lima heights on there ass.” Santana said
“Damn that must be hot.” I Said
“What’s it like being a senior ?” Santana asked
“It sucks especially because I have to come back next year.” I said
“You do?” Santana asked
“Yeah I’m missing to many credits.” I said
“Well maybe you should go to class. You have no problem making it to every Glee practice or every Cheerio practice.” Santana said
”what can I get for you both.” The waiter asked
“I’ll do the lobster and your moctail of the day.” I said
“Yes mam and for you lovely lady.” The waiter asked
“I will also have the lobster and I will take a Water.” Santana said
“So back to what we were talking about maybe it’s easier to attend things when you get to secretly stare at people you like.” I said
“Yeah well maybe we could get some classes together next year if you fail another one of your junior classes.” Santana said
“What if we don’t like each other next year.” I said
“Look even if we don’t workout will still be friends.” Santana said
“Follow my lead.” I said
“What?” Santana said
As Sue came over and stood in front of our table
“What are you two doing here together.” Sue asked
“Glee project. Schue is having us sing in pairs songs that describe different Ohio towns. We got Columbus.” I said
“So I suggested we come down here after Glee and explore to see what song would work.” Santana said
“Oh well what have you found.” She asked
“We were thinking Wide Open Spaces by Emily Ann Roberts , I’ll Find My Way Home by Jon and Vangelis or Y/N suggestion of the Michigan anthem.” Santana said
“Those sound like great choices but I didn’t really even care.” Sue said walking away
“Bye Sue” I said
Soon our food came we ate and we’re waiting for the bill when the waiter came over.
“Hello I am gonna give this to your mom if that’s okay.” The waiter said looking at Santana he handed it to me and walked away
“Did he just say I was your mom.” I said opening the bill “Wow apparently they have discounted us for a single mom with her kid.”
As I left cash on the table
“Well then let’s go mom. I have school tomorrow.” Santana said linking arms with me and waking to the car laughing
“Well I guess that’s my new nickname for you.” Santana said
“You know that will totally work actually work nobody will know any better especially if you say it as snarky as you say everyone else’s nickname especially Rachel. I am gonna miss it I am gonna miss singing with you guys.” I said
“Hey no they deserved it okay they were talking bad about Artie all I said was that a bake sale was old fashioned and you can’t tell me that it isn’t.” Santana said
“You’re right it is. That’s why we’re gonna run by the bank so that I can get some money.” I said
“You’re not even part of the group anymore.” Santana said
“I know I just also want to help.” I said
As we drove through the banks entrance I left and walked inside to get the 600$. I came back out and sat down in the car.
“Give this to Schue tomorrow pls. I will meet you outside and drive you home if that’s okay.” I said
“That’s perfect know let’s come up with a nickname for me.” Santana said
“I have one It would just tell others that we are dating because it one of the only good one I have besides Mercedes who I call the chocolate angle.” I said
“What is it?” Santana asked as she grabbed my hand
“Latina goddess” I said
“Damn why do I like that. It makes me feel hot and sexy.” Santana said
“You are hot and sexy.” I said
“Oh I know.” Santana said
5 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. We both got out of the car and headed inside and into the elevator and up to the room.
“I know I said that we should take it slow but I really need your lips on mine.” Santana said
“Yes my Latina Goddess.” I said as we attached our lips to each other we made out until early hours of the morning. Until I rolled over.
“Wow” I said
“Yeah Wow” Santana said
“That was…” I said
“Amazing.” Santana said “Even if it was just making out that was incredible.”
“See I told you that woman were better at everything.” I said
“Maybe I’m starting to believe you but we might need to do it for a little longer.” Santana said
“No you have school in 6 hours and we need to wake up in 5” I said
“We could just not go to school and I can say I’m sick.” Santana said
“No because I’m not gonna get introuble for being a bad influence on you. Also you’re not sick.” I said
“Okay Mom” Santana said
“Wow that nickname isn’t as hot and adorable as it was earlier.” I said
“We do need to go to sleep.” Santana said
I got four hours of sleep and then I woke up the next morning with my hand holding Santanas hand and her head on my chest. I carefully moved her and got on some clothes and brought the boxes downstairs and put them in the car. Then I went into the lobby for the free breakfast. As I sat down at a table and drank some coffee and ate some toast and eggs. I grabbed some coffee and Cereal and brought it back up to Santana.
“Hey Latina Goddess it’s time to get up.” I said
“Good morning hey can you not look at me I don’t look good.” Santana said
“What ever you want there’s coffee and cereal on the night stand but if we’re being fair this is the hottest I have ever seen you even hotter than the cowboy outfit.” I said
“Shut up no I’m not” Santana said
“There’s a reason I call you a goddess you definitely could give Aphrodite a run for her title.” I said
“I’m gonna go use the restroom.” Santana said
“Okay” I said
As Santana Changed in the restroom I decided to make sure that I had grabbed everything from the room. I also started working on some homework for Mr.Schue I didn’t want to get worse on his side than I already was after yesterday. So as I sat down and started working on my Spanish homework which included boot verbs and conjunctions as well as family members, I also had to write an essay about me and another person. I easily did the conjunction and boot verbs I did most of the family members only struggling on Son, Daughter the step family members, the half family members and cousins. I started working on the essay but was struggling I wasn’t sure how to say what I wanted I would usually ask my teacher for help but I doubt that Schue would help me. As I started at the page with my head resting in my hand. Santana came out and walked behind me she placed her hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Santana asked
“Spanish homework.” I said
“Do you need help from a hot Latina goddess.” Santana asked
“I wouldn’t mind. But we should probably get going soon so that we aren’t late to school.” I said
“You know we could jut lay in bed all day working on homework.” Santana said
“As nice as that sounds I need to go to school today. I signed up for a college tour through the school and we’re going today.” I said
“Oh we’re are you going?” Santana asked
“The university of Michigan.” I said
“What would you do there?” Santana asked
“I don’t know but we have the rest of this year and next year to figure that out and be friends or whatever this is.” I said
“Fair” she said moving my hair out of my face
“Let’s head down to the car?” I said
“Will you be back in time to pick me up after Glee?” Santana asked
“Yes I will I promise the school has to get us back before six o’clock. It’s a 2 hour drive there and a 2 hour drive back we have a 3 hour long tour. We are leaving at 7:20 A.M. so we will be back in time.” I said
“Well then we need to head down to the car.” Santana said
As we both headed down and got in the car. We were driving for at least 20 minutes.
“What re we you said whatever we are what are we.” Santana asked
“I don’t know I don’t care it’s whatever you are comfortable with. You’re the one who I still trying to figure things out and I respect what ever you choose.” I said
“Can I have time to decide.” Santana asked
“Of course you can.” I said
We continued to drive until we were five minutes away from the school.
“I can drop you off two blocks away like I do with my sister so that people don’t see you hanging out with a loser outside of Glee club.” I said
“You’re not a loser. You’re really cool everybody at school likes you you’re not popular but people like you.” Santana said
“Yeah but after yesterday everyone in the school knows that I am a lesbian and that I have autism. If the most excepting group at school bullied me what should I accept from the rest of them.” I said
“Fair but if anyone messes with you I will go all Lima heights on their ass.” Santana said
“As sexy as that sounds I hope that doesn’t have to happen.” I said
“Drop me off at the front door.” Santana said
“Are you sure?” I said
“Of course my popularity isn’t that fragile.” Santana said
“We’ll have a good day at school.” I said as I pulled in front of the school
“I’ll see you later if anything changes I will let you know.” Santana said
I dropped her off and went and parked my car in the senior lot. I stepped out of my car and headed towards the school I was going to the front office to meet with the other students that were going to look at the college. I went in and sat on one of the chairs waiting for the others. As the kids started piling in the room and was hoping that the bus would arrive soon. I kept my head down once I realized that the secrets I told about myself in Glee yesterday had spread around the school like wildfire. It wouldn’t have been that bad but Michigan was known for its sports so there was a ton of basketball players, football players and hockey players. There was also a couple of younger students freshman whose parents were forcing them to be there. It wouldn’t have been that bad I thought until I found out that most of them were in the Christian club at our school. I had already payed to go so I couldn’t back out I just had to keep my head down and not listen to them and the comments they were making. We soon got on the bus I headed towards the very back of the bus the single seat so that I could just get homework done. Soon enough we arrived to the college. We all were gonna take a tour of half the campus have a lunch and then take the other half of the tour. Lunch had arrived and I had go to wash my hands in the bathroom before lunch.
As I was washing my hands I was fixing my outfit cause even though I was wearing sweats and a Bennie it was still cold and so I kept tucking my sweatshirt in to try and stay warm.
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Then six guys came out of the bathroom stalls. One of them went over to the door and locked it well taking out a camera and filming. I thought that they were going to bully me. “Hey Lesbo” One of the dudes said walking up to me and putting his hand on my ass
“I’m not interested.” I said
“Well you see we have a plan to change that.” Another guy said
“Yeah how about you just do what we say and then nobody gets hurt.” Another guy said
“What is it that you want me to do.” I said
“Take your clothes off.” The guy whose hand was on my ass said
“and if I say no.” I said
“We’ll do it for you.” The guy with his hand in my ass said as he slowly started to pull my pants and underwear down.
“You can’t scream either.” Another guy said as he slowly started taking off his own pants and boxers
I tried to run but got pushed down by the other four. Two of them grabbed my legs and held the down as the other two started to hold my hand down. Well the guy continued to walk around with his pants down. He slowly started to take off my shirt and Bra. Once he was done he took off all of his clothes. He dropped over me rubbing his dick all over my body finally bringing it up to my face.
“You see this? This is what goes inside a woman. Not tongue, Not fingers, this goes inside a women nothing else.” He said as he continued to stroke it in his hand “it was designed for the three holes on a woman the mouth” he said as his friends opened my mouth as he stuck it in. They soon let go of my lips and then pressed my checks together as he thrusted in and out till he finally cum in my mouth. He then walked over to the sink and put a condom on. “The asshole he said” As his friends dragged me over to the sink held me hands on the sink and my feet under the sink so that my ass would stick out. He had traded with one of his buddy’s who also got naked before I knew it they were all naked except the guy with the camera. They all stuck their dicks into my ass thrusting in and out until they cum into the condom. “And the pussy.” He said “wow you’re the driest woman I had ever seen.”
“Maybe that’s cause I don’t like dick.” I said
“Yeah well we’re gonna fuck you until you change your mind. We’re gonna fuck you until you no longer like women. We will get everyman on this visit if need be.” He said
the laid me down and held my feet in the air. As each of them individually put their dick in me. The first time I didn’t speak trying to decide what to do to get out of this situation.
“Fuck dude I need some lube.” The first dude said as he couldn’t get his dick in me
“Here man I got you.” His friend said handing him some lube
He used it and slowly slipped in me “You see we’re not stopping til we all make you orgasm.” He slowly thrusted knowing that it would take longer causing me to squirmed under him.
It wasn’t like I hadn’t had sex with a man before but this was different. Ideas popping in my head I could let them actually make me orgasm or I could fake it. By the time I had thought of the two ideas and was thinking of the possible outcomes he rolled over so I would be on top of him his hands still holding me down. “You see this way you can’t fake it. Will know if you orgasm.” He said thrusting harder
Knowing that there was nothing I could do I just decided to give in giving them what I wanted. It’s not like I hadn’t acted before hopefully I would be believable.
I put my game face on and decided on lines that I could use to fulfill his ego. I know that it would be easier to orgasm. If I thought of someone who I actually liked and to make myself believe that I was master bating. I thought of the people who first came to my mind Santana, Brittnay, Quinn. I thought of how I finally had gotten Santana in my arms last night. We decided to take it slow and to just make out but at some point hopefully it would be her under me. She seemed interested in it last night.
I closed my eyes and it finished in what felt like hours. They all got dressed as I laid on the ground naked. They started to punch me. On my stomach and arms and on my legs. The punched my face but only in places that could be easily hidden. So that they could get away. After they left I had crawled over to the corner of the room and grabbed my phone from my pants. It was almost 4:00 it was 3:40 I had missed the entirety of the lunch and rest of the tour. The thing is I really liked this school I had seen myself coming here and know all that I see is bad memories. I quickly got dressed and ran to the bus right before the doors closed. I sat in the front next to the teacher. The next two hours were tortures. I sat down and kept my head down I made sure that I was wearing the sunglasses that were in my purse so that nobody could see the bruises forming on my eyes.
When we got back to school we all got out of the bus and I went straight to my car and sat down waiting for Santana. I saw her come out an hour later with the Glee club kids and her and Brittnay came towards my car.
“Hey can you bring Brittnay home too we have an assignment we need to do.” Santana said
“Of course. How was your day?” I asked
“Good I had a test that I got an A on in Spanish.” Santana said
“Wow your saying someone whose family speaks Spanish got an a on his Spanish test.” I said
“Do you want help on your Spanish homework or not.” Santana said
“Yes sorry. My Latina Goddess.” I said
“Brittnay’s in the car mom.” Santana said
“Hey Brittnay anything interesting happening.” I asked
“I’m just trying to figure out my rights from my left because Santana had to help me.” Brittnay said
“Oh well that’s easy put your hands in front of you make two L’s the one that looks like L is the right one. You can also tell because your left hand has mole right under your knuckle.” I said
“Oh my god it dose thanks Y/n” Brittnay said
“No problem Britt.” I said
“Why did you have to help her ?” I asked Santana
“Lady Hummel made us take an oath that we wouldn’t vote for him just cause he’s popular.” Santana said
“Does he know what being popular is.” I said
“Exactly what’s I thought.” She said grabbing my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine
“Anything else ?” I asked
“Schue is having us all roll around in wheelchairs so we understand what Artie feels also he said thanks for the money.” Santana said
“Schue left his wife because of you.” Brittnay said
“Really. Wow I didn’t think my outburst would do that.” I said
“You told him his wife was lying to him about being pregnant and trying to buy his students baby.” Santana said
”Fair” I said
“Quinn won’t talk to us because Santana is living with you.” Brittnay said
“Really?” I asked
“Yes don’t worry about it though I rather you be safe then Quinn be happy.” Santana said
“Thanks” I said
“Did anything interesting happen at the tour.” Santana asked
Should I tell her what happened what would she say. We weren’t even technically together. What if her and Brittnay react like it’s not a big deal.
“Nope nothing the campus sucked though so I’m definitely not going there.” I said
“Good cause hopefully we can stay friends and go to college in the same state if not the same school.” Santana said
“Can I come too.” Brittnay said
“Of course you can trust me when I say me and Santana both need the optimism that you bring to our lives.” I said
As we drove home listening to music.
“I miss you in Glee Y/N” Brittnay said
“We both do.” Santana said
“I know it’s weird but I miss Glee. I miss performing and singing. Even if Mr.Schue is a complete idiot who is getting paid by Rachel’s dads to give her the lead and Schue is just shipping Finn and Rachel together.” I said
“Wait really her dads are paying.” Santana said
“of course I saw it well I was snooping through Mr.Schues stuff. That why he does not give songs to people who actually match the voice. Rachel’s got musical theater voice, Hummel has got a High school, college band voice and don’t even get me started on Finn almost none of the song that Schue picks match his voice. But then we got the two people who should always get the lead and the next two below them if there sick and the other two who are below that who needs someone to sing with but is great with out just not for too long and that goes top Two is Mercedes and You if Mr.Schue got you too to sing together we would definitely win sectionals. You too carry Glee already I can’t even imagine bin the next two years. The next two are Quinn and Hope and Tina they got great vocals but there no Mercedes Jones and Santana Lopez no matter how much they try. Next is Lady Hummel and Berry. Then there’s Brittnay and Me we know how to sing but we can’t sing the entire song if we do we need to harmonize with someone else. Then there is the people who can sing some songs but not all of them we got Artie in first he works with most songs just not all. Then Puck he sings well he just could never lead. Then Finn he can sing but only a few songs the rest sound like he’s stretching his voice. Then you got Matt and Mike whom I have never actually heard sing so I don’t know where to put them.” I said
“I’m actually one of the first. I mean I always thought that I was but you conforming it is amazing.” Santana said
“Oh trust me you are Just promise me when you win your Grammys and when your number one on the Billboard and you selling out football stadiums of adoring fans remember me please.” I said
“How could I forget you.” Santana said
“Look the worlds messed up, people are messed up and you’re lucky if you meet people as messed up as you but the world is still messed up so you don’t get those messed up people forever.” I said
“Okay that’s just sad.” Brittnay said
“What is the assignment you’re doing?” I said
“U.S. history. It sucks” Santana said
“Can I help!! That was my favorite subject.” I said
“What was your grade in the class?” Santana asked
“I ended the year with a 99.98%” I said
“Wait so you actually went to that class.” Santana said
“Shut up” I said
“Make me.” Santana said
“Brittnay’s in the car.” I said
As we drove to the house and parked we got out.
“What about the bags and stuff.” Santana said
“We can get it later if that’s okay.” I said
”Yeah that’s fine.” Santana said
“Hey let me go say hi to my parents and then I’ll be up.” Santana said as Brittnay ran inside with her backpack
“Hey can I come with you. I want to thank them for letting me stay here and make a good first impression. Because if even if we’re just friends I don’t want them thinking that I’m a bad influence.” I said
“But you are.” Santana said
“Why cause I own a motorcycle and have tattoos and I like women and protect my friends by beating the shit out of people.” I said
“Exactly now my mom is royalty in Spain so you need to bow.” Santana said
“Wait really. I can’t meet royalty like this.” I said
We both went in Santana said hi to her parents first and hugged them both.
Then I went and I shook her dads hand “Hello Mr. Lopez.” I bowed and then shook her moms hand “Hello Mrs.Lopez.” I said
“Why is are you bowing.” Mrs.Lopez asked
“Santana told me that you were royalty and know I realize that she was messing with me.” I said looking at Santana on the stairs
“Well yes she was.” Mrs.Lopez said
“I don’t know you’re a Queen in my eyes.” Mr.Lopez said
“Anyway I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to stay here I really appreciate it.” I said walking towards Santana
“SANTANA LOPEZ YOU BETTER RUN YOU MADE ME EMBRACE MYSELF.” I said chasing her up the stairs and into her room where Brittnay was.
We all worked on our homework Brittnay and Santana on there U.S history with my help. Afterwards Santana helped me with my Spanish homework well Brittnay drew
“Why do you want to write about.” Santana asked
“Realistically I would always write about Quinn or Brittnay, Mostly you and change a couple attributes about you guys and Change your name.” I said
“Okay well what would you say if you were writing about me use my name and we can change it if need be. Santana said
“Mi relacion es muy complicada con Santana Lopez. Ella es gupa y muy Linda. Ella me gusta animadoras y dormir. Ella ama la comics y Ella chicas. Ella no me gusta atrevido porque Ella es Asustada. Ella tiene ojos marrones y cabello castaño. Ella es intelligente y Ella es no stupido. Yo Realmente espero que ella sea mi novia incluso en secreto. Mi diosa latina sexy caliente.” I said
“Damn hay Brittnay is your mom almost here.” Santana asked
“Yeah she got here five minutes ago I just wanted to say goodbye.” Brittnay said
“Yeah bye.” Santana said
As soon as Brittnay left Santana said “Lay on the bed and spread your legs.”
I gladly obliged even though my body had enough orgasms already but one from Santana would be different.
As she went over to her door and locked it.
“Are you sure?” I asked
“Of course you know you’re really hot when you speak another language.” She said talking off her top
“Oh really” I said standing up and pressing my body against her back as I slowly kissed her neck. I went up to her ear trying to leave very few marks. She moaned as I kissed the back of her neck right below her hair line. I put my hand over her mouth.
“As much as I love that sound your parents are downstairs.” I said whispering in her ear
“I will try to be quieter mom.” Santana said quietly as she started to take my shirt off and I started un buttoning her bra
“ho bisogno del tuo corpo sotto il mio.” I said quietly (I want to see you under me)
“Si por favor.” She said taking off my bra. (Yes please)
I threw her on the bed and pulled her legs off the bed so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Look there’s no turning back after this okay once we do this there’s no completely going back so I just need to make sure that your 1000% sure and that wasn’t just the heart of the moment.” I said keeping my eyes fixed on her pants.
“Look me in my eyes okay. This isn’t a heat of the moment this is every fantasy I have had about you. You’re my hot sexy secret girlfriend okay.” Santana said
“Okay” I said “do you have a CD player or speaker.”
“Top drawl under the box of condoms.” She whispered in my ear.
I put in the nearest CD that I could find and went back to her pants as she started unbuckling my bra
“If you want to stop just let me know okay.” I said
I went over to her desk and grabbed her lotion. I put it to the side as I pushed her back onto the bed. I started kissing her lips and slowly started making my way down her body. Only leaving hickies where she could easily hide them. Under here uniform. I slowly made my way down towards her underwear. I got right above her underwear and stepped away. I pulled her back to the edge of the bed. So that I could easier access towards her core. I slowly pulled down her soaking wet underwear with my teeth make sure to lick from the top down to feet “Wow I guess that I must be doing a good job. You’re making this a lot easier for me. My Latina goddess you look so good from down here.” I said
“I like this view of you too.” Santana said
“I just need you to stay Quiet so that my job will be easier and I won’t be worried about your parents hearing.” I said
“Can we not talk about my parents well we’re doing it.” Santana said
“Oh baby we haven’t done anything yet.” I said
I said as I grabbed the lotion and rubbed it onto her upper thighs. After I could see her body squirming. I carefully edged my fingers closer to her folds. Rubbing my thumb up In down until it got to much for her and she pushed my head down. I looked up at her stooping and shaking my head. I slowly inserted two of my fingers they started to make themselves familiar with the location. as soon as I found her G spot I pressed it a couple times and started pulling out slowly with every time. I started speeding up soon I could see her starting to arch her back I put my head closer to her putting my tongue inside her and started sucking on her well I was curling my fingers. I kept my tongue and fingers going in and out. When I could feel her on the verge. I stopped and waited until she begged me.
“Pls let me finish Y/N” Santana said quietly
I slowly moving my tongue and fingers in closer. I put my fingers and tounge in and out. She finally came I pulled my tongue out but let her ride the rest of her orgasm out. “Oh god you taste amazing.” I said
“Do you wanna taste” I said moving my fingers up to her mouth.
“I bet you taste better.” Santana said
I slowly started to take my pants and underwear off. And pulled her back up to the top of the bed and strattled on top of her grinding my pussy of top of hers until our pussy we’re connected with each other we rubbed up against each other until we both slowly edged closer to our climax. We both speed up to make sure we could both ease our pulsating pussys. As we cum into each other. I sat back on top of her and made out.
“Wow that was the best sex ever you definitely live up to the hype you gave yourself.” Santana said
“Oh sweetheart that’s nothing. It was your first time with a woman so I took it easy.” I said
“Well I would like to please you the same way you pleased me.” Santana said
“Well that sounds great.” I said “Good thing that I already got wet we’ll satisfying you.”
“I don’t know how to do it.” Santana said
“It’s just like master bating imagine doing everything you wish you could do to yourself if you were looking at your own pussy.” I said
“Okay well then you’re in for a ride.” Santana said
“Okay well there is a strap on in the box in the corner of your room.” I said
“A what?” Santana asked
“ A dick for women. That entire box was my sex drawl at my house.” I said
As Santana went over pulled out a blind fold and handcuffs. She jumped on top of the bed slowly humping my vagina as she handcuffed me to the bed. I bucked my hips giving her a ride. She put her boob in my mouth.
“Suck on it for me” Santana said
“Yes sexy.” I said
I started sucking on it. As she left hickies on my neck. She slowly pushed her self up and moved her way down. She grabbed the lotion on the bed and started rubbing it all over my body. Once she got down to my vagina and started rubbing her thumb over my folds. Slowly til she opened me up and slid three of her fingers into me.
“Is that to many?” She asked
I shook my head No. She slowly started to move into me looking for my G spot.
“Further babe.” I said
Once she found it. She kept pulling in and out of it. Stopping randomly and rejoining at random paces making my body cum faster than it had before. “Wow you’re good for this being your first time.” I said
“Oh we’re just getting started.” She said as she came up and started to suck on my boob. Once it was hard she went to the other one sucking on it.
She dropped down her bed and but my legs up behind my head inserting her tongue. As her tongue searched through my body. I could feel the warm waves already building up inside me.
“God Santana I need you.” I said Quietly
“Shh be quiet well mommy’s working.” Santana said
I obliged as she found my G spot and started licking it causing suction to happen. She pulled out and grabbed a message gun from her sex drawl she put it on the side of her cheek causing her tongue to vibrate. I was rising into the climax bucking my hips into Santana bringing her tongue further into me.
When suddenly there was a knock.
“Santana it’s mom I need to come in?” Mrs.Lopez said
Santana quickly pulled out causing me to moan I quickly put my hand over my mouth.
“Hang on mom” Santana said hitting me
“What’s going on in there.” Mrs.Lopez said
“We’re filming a music video for Glee.” I said
“Okay well are you guys almost done pizzas here and I need to put Santanas laundry away.” Mrs.Lopez said
“Mama” Santana whined
“What shes gonna be living here she would have found out at some point.” Mrs.Lopez said
“Yes mam we’re almost done just like half a hour more. We have to make sure that we get everything perfect.” I said
“Okay you kids have fun.” Mrs.Lopez said
“We will” I said winking at Santana
We soon heard her mother go back downstairs.
“How did you do that.” Santana asked
“When I was still in the closet my mom almost caught me and y girlfriend several times. So I learned how to make a believe able lie.” I said
“Well good job. We’re gonna have to stop though.” Santana said
“Okay go get changed.” I said
“What will you do” Santana asked
“I am gonna go master bait until I finish what you started and then I’m gonna bring your sheets into my room and hide them and come home early tomorrow and wash them so you’re mom doesn't find out.” I said
“Wow thankyou.” Santana said
“No problem and now go wash our relationship off of you and then we will act like we’re just friends.” I said
“it would be nice to do this again.” Santana said
“Oh we definitely will.” I said
Santana showered well I got my stuff done. We both went downstairs 40 minutes later.
“What song are you guys doing.” Mr.Lopez asked
“Jungle Fever Mr.Schue had us choose songs that were banned in a country and made it big in another.” I said
“Oh well I would love to see the video when you guys are done if that’s okay.” Mr.Lopez said
“Of course sir.” I said
“Well we finished your room early today Y/N” Mrs.Lopez said
“Thank you. Um Mr.Lopez could I use your help and your daughters help I have some heavy boxes in my car. You look like you’re strong and your daughter is a cheerleader so she has to be strong.” I said
“Of course.” Mr.Lopez said
All three of us went out to my car and slowly started grabbing boxes. After 20 minutes we had finally finished. We all went back inside.
“Thank you both of you.” I said
“Hey kiddo do either of you want more pizza.” Mrs.Lopez asked
“I will take it.” I said
I sat down and finished the rest of the box. Santana came and sat down next to me stealing a couple pieces.
“You know Sue will be mad at you.” I said
“Cool when isn’t Sue mad.” Santana said
“Fair” I said
“Hey kids we’re going up.” Mr and Mrs Lopez said as they went upstairs and into there bedroom
“Earlier was amazing. I wish it never ended.” Santana said
“We have to film that video for your dad so how about instead of skipping class to make out with your boyfriend. We film it.” I said
“Yeah okay. Also who told you me and Puck got back together .” Santana said
“Oh come on your our schools on and off again relationship.” I said
“What does that mean?” Santana said
“It means we all know you guys aren’t meant for each other but you find comfort in each other so you always come crawling back. Okay well I’m going to bed I’ll see you later.” I said
I went upstairs and headed into my bedroom and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes daydreaming about Santana. Falling asleep soon enough. One of the few nights that I didn’t have insomnia.
Time skip Lunch the next day
I was right outside the lunch room and saw Brittnay with Becky.
“Hey Y/N” Brittnay said
“Hi Y/N” Back said
“Hi guys what you guys doing?” I asked
“We’re about to get cupcakes from the Glee club.” Brittnay said
“Can I come with you” I asked
“Ofcourse” Brittnay said
Me,Brittnay and Beck walked into the lunch room together and Finn,Puck,Quinn and Santana were sat at the table. They were talking about us.
“See so many and see how pretty they are Becky.” Brittnay said
“Wow” Becky said
“Brittnay you’re supposed to be in your wheelchair.” Santana said
“I lost it.” Brittnay said
“Are you a cheerleader?” Becky asked “it’s so cool”
“So is buying a cupcake that’s really cool.” Brittnay said
“But I don’t have any money.” Becky said
“That’s okay I have some.” As Brittnay opened up her backpack and payed for Becky’s cupcake
“Thank you.” Santana said mean
Becky got her cupcake and walked off.
“What do you want to run our lives more” Quinn said to me
“No I just wanted cupcakes” I said
“Well haven’t you already payed enough for this bus.” Puck said
“Well dose that mean I don’t get a cupcake I have 100$.” I said
“You want to buy all the cupcakes?” Finn asked
“Yes it’s my day to get Snacks for Key Club and I forgot.” I said
What’s that club.” Santana asked
“We donate time for community service it’s actually really nice.” I said
“So like community service hours when you go to jail?” Puck said
“Who would willing do that.” Finn asked
“Well I have worked at the fire station answering phones and I’ve also worked at the local VFW and I have also worked at a soup kitchen which I still volunteer at on the weekends okay this club is like my cheerleading and football. It makes me happy. I started a non-profit for veterans my sophomore year.” I said
“Wow I didn’t know that you did all that.” Brittnay said
“There’s a lot you guys don’t know.” I said” Now can I have my cupcakes.”
“Yeah here you go.” Santana said handing me the trays
“Do you need help bringing those to the room.” Quinn asked
I was surprised why did she care.
“Yeah but you guys have glee at that time so it’s fine if you can’t help.” I said
“Well we will keep them in the Choir room and then help you after school.” Santana said
“Thank you.” I said
“No problem you helped us out with this bus more than enough.” Santana said
Time skip to the next day
“Puck can we talk.” I said walking into the lunch room were the Glee club was selling cupcakes
“We have a line here.” Puck said
I leaned over the table so that only the Glee kids could hear me “You put drugs in the cupcakes. I get that you wanted to make money and I won’t tell on you but you put drugs into the cupcakes.” I said
“How could you tell.” Puck said
“I know what drugs taste like.” I said
“How?” Quinn said
“Because I used to take them and I still take them when I go to parties.” I said
“Puck are you kidding me. Come on I gave you another chance we’re breaking up again I can’t willing be with someone who puts drugs into cupcakes.” Santana said looking at puck then me and smiling
Later that day we got into the car.
“Sue put Becky on the cheerios.” Santana said annoyed
“Becky’s one of my friends. I’m happy for her.” I said
“Why are you guys friends?” Santana asked
“Because she’s like me the only difference is her chromosome malfunction makes her look different.” I said
“Okay well I’m just going off based off what I’ve learned.” Santana said
“And that is.” I asked
“Nothing” Santana said
“You’re right because we don’t learn about people different than us. I know that you know how that feels. I’m not comparing racism to ableism but I’m just saying that they both stem from not understanding. Hopefully I can help you understand more.” I said
“Okay I guess me being mean to Becky isn’t that okay I’ll be nice to her.” Santana said
“I’m not saying that.” I said
“So treat her how I treat you?” Santana asked
“Not how me and whoever else you’re dating gets your hot sexy naked body. Just treat her like you’d treat anyone else.” I said
“Okay.”Santana said
“Let’s go to your house.” I said
“Let’s go home it’s the weekend and my parents are at a wedding I have several things I would like to do to you in that time.” Santana said
(Sorry it took so long it took me a long time to get through the rape part. I hope you liked it.”
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all-pacas · 11 hours ago
In your chase md fic, do you think camchase are the kind of former couple who can't help but be in each other orbit? Want to be in each other's orbit? I get being attracted to your ex but they seem do be very drawn to each other.
i think their problem is - and this is part of the fanfic, too - they never really got closure. it isn't that they're In Love anymore (they really, truly aren't), it's more the way their relationship ended and what happened after.
i've talked about this before, but they broke up during their honeymoon period, at the peak of their relationship and love for one another. they did it very suddenly, without any conversation or resolution -- we see chase spend months after (private lives, lockdown) try to figure out what happened and what went wrong, and given how cameron dwells on literally everything there's no way she didn't do the same. as well, they didn't break up over anything… personal; there was no affair or big fight or drifting apart. chase murdered a guy, and that's huge, but it's so huge and sudden and abrupt that they literally went from "happy newlyweds" to "divorced forever" in a month. the time between chase in both sides now talking about how ten years from now they'll be sickeningly happy with three kids, to the divorce, was six months.
lockdown also reinforces this: it is a full six months later again, and they start off angry and blaming one another, but very quickly move on to dancing, have sex, cuddling. they have unresolved feelings, at least at that point: cameron is gone for good after this, but we know from s8 (post mortem and everybody dies) that they stayed in at least some sort of touch and sat together for house's funeral. even if they are no longer in love (and i don't think they are), clearly they still care about one another and get along, far better than i'd honestly think (sitting together at the funeral???? guys???).
(they say lockdown was their closure, but considering that lockdown was also just them talking about all the things they liked about one another before having sex i…… okay, that's a kind of closure i guess!)
the show tells us, about chase at least, that… even if he's emotionally over cameron, he's really not over his divorce, if that makes sense. s7 and s8 are littered with lines calling him out on his sluttiness being a search for connection/wanting to replicate that feeling of love and intimacy; he fails, and he hates himself for failing. again, i don't know that he's in love with cameron anymore, but he misses that relationship, he clearly still likes her, he never wanted to break up (even if the divorce was, let's be clear, 200% his fault). that and the abruptness means i think he has to have unresolved feelings; we also know that chase spent most of his childhood in that same "maybe if i try harder, dad will love me / dad hates me / i still love him though" cycle, so it's kind of easy to imagine him stuck in that pattern to an extent.
obviously it's harder to say with cameron, but we also see just how long she clings to her relationships and feelings when she can; on the one hand i think she was actively trying to Move On and made a solid effort at hating chase for a while, but on the other hand she genuinely sucks at this; look at how long she was still crushing on house after he rejected her as meanly as possible.
i think they do still like one another, and have a weird mutual repression of "we always did like one another, we can still be friends, it's fine!" going; because of how abruptly and unexpectedly they broke up, they're probably both always going to think "if not for dibala, we'd still be together." does that mean they're still in love? no. but i think they're also more in orbit than a "normal" couple would be. (for an interesting comparison, look at foreman and thirteen, who did care for one another a lot but had no problems moving on when their relationship ended. or compare taub and rachel, who had a much longer struggle to separate.)
for the purposes of my story, i also… tweaked the timeline a little. i've alluded to it a couple times already, but cameron and chase met up "as friends" in chicago sometime between s7-8 early in chase's surfing vacation year -- these were (mostly) platonic visits, but i also wanted to increase the orbit for narrative and dramatic purposes.
for the purposes of my story, too, it makes sense to start in this weird space and let it explode right away, lol. rather than starting from zero, building up, then exploding.
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scienter · 1 year ago
Until the very end of s7, Caroline and Stefan were still not technically together.So everytime Plec brings up the bathroom scene and talks about them being her long game,I laugh because the story could have absolutely gone in any direction especially after the s7 fiasco.In fact, she could have easily ended the show in that season and had both the brothers die with Nina/Elena making a green-screen appearance and give Stelena an implied endgame/afterlife endgame or whatever with Stefan and Elena declaring their undying love for each other and then had Caroline crossover to The Originals after a time jump.She was engaged to Ric and had two kids at the time.She was willing to leave everything behind anyway.Plec had already killed Cami on TO to clear her path for KC fantasy.She Chose NOT to.She has said somewhere she wanted to honour caroline and stefan's marriage.Didn't she kill Stefan 2 seconds after the vows and came out & said them leaving each other behind was the responsible outcome of a responsible relationship?Is this how you honour someone's marriage?In what world is that acceptable?Each and everything she did/did not do on her show was HER CHOICE.She can blame Candice for getting pregnant and Nina for quitting as much as she wants to.If she truly wanted to do right by SE and SC, she would have done it on the show instead of pandering at conventions and social media.
Until the very end of s7, Caroline and Stefan were still not technically together.
Stefan and Caroline were together at the beginning of season 7. Yes, they broke up in the middle of the season and then got back together at the end. But the writers weren't still doing the will-they-or-won't-they storyline before Caroline gave birth. Stefan and Caroline were solidly a couple. It's a formulaic relationship arc, which is why I found their separation so frustrating (e.g., Luke & Lorelai in season 5 & Dean & Rory in season 1 of Gilmore Girls; Ross & Rachel in season 3 and Phoebe & Mike in season 9 of Friends). I've seen it done way too many times on television, and I think writers should retire it.
Didn't she kill Stefan 2 seconds after the vows and came out & said them leaving each other behind was the responsible outcome of a responsible relationship? Is this how you honour someone's marriage? In what world is that acceptable?
Did JP say that!? Huh, I don't remember. That's an awful way to look at it though.😒 Anyway, it's a horrid ending. Not just for the ship - but for Stefan's character. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: nothing is satisfying with a suicidal character seemingly overcoming their issues only to choose death at the end of the story.
Each and everything she did/did not do on her show was HER CHOICE. She can blame Candice for getting pregnant and Nina for quitting as much as she wants to. If she truly wanted to do right by SE and SC, she would have done it on the show instead of pandering at conventions and social media.
Writers shouldn't have to explain, defend, or justify narrative choices. The plot should make enough sense that it can stand on its own. If it can't then it's a sign that something in the story went wrong. Whether it's JJ Abrams/Rian Johnson having to defend the SW sequels, Chris Carter having to explain the myth arc in the latter seasons of TXF, or JP and KW having to explain the frustrating TVD plotlines - writers having to defend plot twists or narrative decisions is a sign that something isn't working.
I think TV and film writers should consider Kurt Vonnegut's 8 rules for creative writing when drafting their screenplays -- particularly rules #1 and #8:
"Use the time of a total strangers in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted"
"Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such a complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages."
Vonnegut's advice is meant for short stories, but I think screenwriters would piss off fewer people if they applied it. Enough with plot twists and surprising the audience. Just don't write stories that confuse the audience or make them feel that the story was pointless.
While the pandering to various shippers within the fandom is annoying, I understand why JP does it: she was to keep the competing factions engaged with the material. (Of course, they wouldn't have so many competing factions if they didn't write so many love triangles . . .) And regardless of what's said or implied in interviews, on Twitter, or conventions the story on screen doesn't change. It is what it is.
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pavlovianpanic · 22 days ago
additionally, mark is a world-famous celebrity photographer with many confirmed global shoots. he has worked on advertising, has done model work, etc., plus his own stuff (not even including the dark room stuff with sean, like just his career post-leaving sean). mark is reported the day he comes to arcadia bay, this is a huge deal for him to 'come back to oregon' in choosing this 'hick school' to teach his 'amazing craftsmanship to'. like, everyone knows he's there.
so ... it would be bizarre if 18-19 year old girls specifically from blackwell (they are confirmed by the creators to be the same girls mostly from rachel's class, as their names align) just start to just go missing at the same time mark comes into town. he's not that stupid. the whole game manipulates us into almost suspecting him, but never quite knowing it's him.
like if they started going missing after mark got there, and also if he was doing this en masse in any capacity of killing his subjects, people would notice. reddit detectives (reddit started in 2005 for context) are on shit faster than anyone else just as an example? but to be honest, it would just be noticeable that no one that's worked with him is ever available to talk because they are dead? or just 'gone'? like ... again, i attest that rachel being missing specifically from blackwell is noted as very strange and unusual, even more because she is so popular with the entire town, including being the daughter of the DA in addition to being known to want to flee but never really doing so on top of the police just halting investigations? again, sean's interference is my hc, but seems to be alluded to by his control of the police canonically.
i think the jessi palmer incident (here and here) combined with separating from sean, being so clean, being so vain, being so worried about himself ... mark does what i call 'catch & release'. a lot of his work is jobs he's been assigned to do, which is different from his independent work, which is arguably darker. i don't think those models are all 'with it', arguably some are probably having some shady things happening to them when mark is involved, but mark is so very careful and clean while always sort of 'telling his audience' (mostly us, as he is a game character and we are the player) what he's really up to. i think there's a long time where he's emulating what he wants to do again (he glory days with sean), but becomes famous, successful, and respected all in the ways of a glorified artist who both performs well for jobs but also makes this "great" indie work.
mark always tries to work his own spin into corporate or 'hired work', i'm sure, and he does, but you can tell his passion projects and indie stuff over his 'professional work'. all are arguably professional, of course, but the vibe is clear.
i think mark only really kills one of two ways: his first kill, an accident, which he doesn't repeat. sean taught him how to dose. he kept dosing jessi for multiple shoots. he overdosed her by accident. he won't make that mistake again. his second mode would be desperation. mark is incredibly in narcissistic, as well as a former addict that arguably likely still uses, and definitely drinks. he was confirmed in cut dialogue that he favored champagne and coke in his glory days after a successful shoot, indicating he worked on sets with many others ie he can't just kill the girls he's using for models / models in the industry / upcoming talent.
mark was basically activated by sean via a darkness he always had within, went dormant when they parted, missed those days, but then became obsessed with his celebrity image, kept 'clean' in enough ways, and then when he started to fall out of stardom a bit, he starts up with sean again. what do i mean by clean?
mark is arguably, as i keep saying, clean about everything. it's all contained in the dark room, then he narratively provides us a lot of context we look back on like 'oh fuck'. so, good villain there. he does what he needs to.
but i don't think mark was always 'fun' to work with. he was likely smug, stern, occasionally moody, and sometimes just hard to deal with. but always worth it. he made sure of that. the attitude comes with the stardom. the bigger he got, the more demanding he became for perfection. he likely worked longer than the required hours, redid shots as many times as it took (while obsessed with getting first takes, so his frustration would rise), fired people often, and was a hard mentor (if he mentored anyone tbh). like, i don't think he was fun all the time, but he had fun moments. he had to be likable, but celebrities, as we know, can be the worst people inside while projecting a fake exterior of perfection, kindness, and the overall "i am so lovely!" vibe. the authenticity is just not there. mark falls into this. he is always 'acting'. we see the 'real' him in the dark room, and while he was extreme with max, you can akin part of the energy to probably how he was. he wasn't actively calling his models cunts, but he was hard on them.
additionally, i think he slept with his models, used his sexuality to his advantage, and wasn't shy about 'dipping the pen in company ink'. i think he was somewhat careful with relationships, but had an active sex life.
i think a huge misunderstanding i see a lot is that people tend to forget it was unusual that rachel went missing — it is said that people do go missing in arcadia bay, but her situation is very strange. no one mentions other girls have gone missing, no one says “it’s like this other case”, or infers that rachel is just another — her being missing is a huge deal, but the police stopped looking. but someone would have indicated to us as the audience she was one of many, a clue, etc.
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tangent101 · 2 years ago
Why James Amber should not have been a DA in Before the Storm
Okay. Thanks to a bit of a back-and-forth discussion with my good friend @opossum-knight I've been drawn back into the BtS silliness and how Deck Nine failed to think things through. This time I'm going to focus on a different failing, and that is James Amber's job choice and why it fails to make sense.
For those who've not played, be aware I am going to be revealing several plot points here so if you want to play the game without knowing some reveals... skip this commentary. But the game's been out more than long enough that I don't think it much of a problem.
Okay. So we have two separate depictions of the Amber family in LiS and BtS. In LiS we just know that according to Chloe, Rachel's parents have bought into the assumption Rachel ran away from home and no longer are looking for her. She vanished a couple months before the school year ended, and there was nothing to suggest Rachel finished the school year early.
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In fact, Rachel's school record has this in the police report at the very bottom: "…but once again Arcadia Bay covers up another secret." (In short, the police are covering up missing persons of women who "vanish" or commit suicide after Mark Jefferson and Nathan Prescott are done with them.) However, it was Rachel's interest in international law which likely had them decide Rachel's dad was a lawyer... and then had him be a DA.
The problem with this is if the daughter of a district attorney had gone missing, the police would not just handwave this away. Further, it is most unlikely Jefferson would have dared gone after her, just in case his patronage with Sean Prescott was not enough to protect him. It also fails to explain why Rachel's parents are still searching for her in the William Lives timeline, where Rachel and alt-Chloe never ended up hanging out.
(Now there is a simple explanation as to why Rachel's parents would be disinterested in looking for their daughter, and that's in the prime timeline Rachel's bisexuality is established and visible. It is entirely possible that Rachel is closeted in the William Lives timeline (or even that Rachel is unaware she's bi). Or in other words, Rachel's parents were possibly homophobic and wanted nothing to do with a gay daughter.)
If you were sticking with the Damon Merrick storyline (which honestly is not a very good story) then having James Amber be a pharmacist, doctor, or dentist still allows the drug trade to be part of the story - with Merrick pushing Amber to give him prescription drugs to resell. His going after Rachel's bio mom is to give James Amber extra "incentive" to give him the prescriptions or drugs he is demanding, even as James Amber resists for any of a number of reasons. (Maybe he is actually legit and talking to the cops.)
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But as I've mentioned before, there is a far better way to craft a BtS story in-canon, and that's Chloe running away, coming across Rachel and her parents camping, and starts a romance with Rachel while her homophobic father ends up calling the cops to deal with the runaway while not realizing they're moving to the same town Chloe lives.
No matter how we crafted BtS, however, the simple truth is this: there is little reason to have Rachel's dad be a District Attorney, and plenty of reason why this fails given the existing canon. The only way BtS can exist in its current form is if BtS is in fact an alternate reality setting, and that the police keep actively searching for the daughter of the District Attorney (and perhaps even catch Jefferson before the start of the events of Life is Strange).
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dameronology · 4 years ago
you have my number {bucky barnes x reader}
summary: bucky barnes' memory is a little selective, thanks to all the brainwashing - but one thing he'll never forget is his love for you, even if you're a complete & utter pain in the ass. his ass. (based on deja vu by olivia rodigro)
^even tho this fic refers to bucky as having a new gf, the reader is still g.n :)
this is spoiler free! enjoyyy
- jazz xx
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Your relationship with Bucky Barnes had been nothing short of a train wreck.
And frankly, that was putting it nicely.
It had been a short & passionate affair; intense and sweet and filled with so much emotion in such high concentrations that you'd both almost drowned in it. For every euphoric moment, there had been one so low that you'd scraped your knees on the ground. Climbing a ladder to heaven whilst simultaneously digging your own graves had taken its toll on you both, and eventually, you had no choice but to go your separate ways. It had been for your own sanity, really.
So there he was, tucked away in a neat little box in your brain, labelled don't touch, ever. Even when you were completely wasted, surrounded by your friends and their respective lovers, you never dared to venture back down that particular memory lane. Forgetting all the bad parts and selectively remembering the good parts was easy enough to do, but you had the common sense to remember why you'd broken up in the first place. Because Bucky Barnes, despite being easy on the eyes and having a charming sense of humour, was a pain in your fucking ass. He managed to press every one of your buttons without even trying and his ability to bring out the best in you was completely and entirely wiped out by his tendency to bring out the worst. That wasn't even getting started on his emotional hold-ups; a can of worms neither of you had dared to open until it became the very reason for your demise.
Six months had passed, and you'd managed to expertly avoid him. You worked different missions and Sam Wilson, god bless his sweet soul, went the extra mile to ensure your paths never crossed in a professional sense. On a personal level, however? That was a little more difficult. New York City felt a lot smaller after your break up. You found yourself occasionally ducking under your hood when you saw him on the F-train, or rushing to cross the road when you saw him coming towards you on the street.
That was when you had the whole city to lose yourself in; streets and shops and little food carts to distract yourself with should you need to. Being confined to the same room for a work party was a different story entirely, and one you didn't want to read. Yet, thanks to some insistence from your boss and a little grovelling from your colleagues, you found yourself rocking up to the former Avengers tower on a Friday night.
"So you do exist outside of your work uniform?" Sam Wilson greeted you with a quirked eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah - nice to see you too, Wilson."
Despite your initial attempts to elbow him in the rips, he wrestled you off of him and pulled you into a tight hug. Sam was one of your favourite colleagues and oldest friends - he'd witnessed the rise and fall of your relationship with Bucky, and been there for you both during the break-up. That had been an exhausting few days, running between your respective apartments in an attempt to offer emotional support to you both.
"D'you want some champagne?" He asked.
"I'm good, but thank-"
You froze, eyes widening at the sight of James Barnes across the room. He looked quintessentially the same, bar for the fact his hair was a little longer and he had a fresh, pink scar under his left eye. Having ditched his usual attire for a black blazer, he looked good. Annoyingly so, in fact. It made you secretly grateful that you'd chosen to dress up a little more than usual too.
"- on second thoughts." You took the flute of champagne from Sam, also grabbing a shot of vodka from the same trey. It was gone in seconds.
"Need I ask?" Sam gave you a playful frown. His brown eyes followed your gaze over his shoulder, landing on the man you'd been staring at. "Ah. I need not."
"Sorry." You murmured. "We haven't actually spoken since, y'know."
"Since you had a break-up that made Ross and Rachel look good?"
"I don't think Bucky has ever seen Friends." You quipped.
"His loss." Sam shrugged. "You should talk to him."
"Nope." You snorted. "Absolutely not. I don't even know if he's moved on."
"Judging by the pretty blonde on his arm, I think he has," Sam replied. "Would you look at that! They're headed right for us."
That was a lot of information to process at once. You would have needed a week alone for your poor, tired brain to deal with the fact that Bucky had someone else on his arm, and a further three days to big yourself up enough to talk to him. Alas, that was not the case tonight. Instead, you had about five seconds between Sam finishing his sentence and your ex-boyfriend reaching you. It was just as well you found the energy within that timeframe to down your champagne.
You could see the woman on his arm clearer now. To give credit where credit was due, she stunning. She looked like the sort of girl who smelt of strawberries and Chanel, and grew her own vegetables on the fire escape. The kind of person you swore to be with every New Year that came, but quickly ditched after a week, returning to drinking coffee from the Starbucks under your apartment rather than going to the organic, vegan place a few blocks over. There was an ethereal glow about her and fuck. You were mad.
"Sam!" Bucky called out to his friend - for a minute, you thought he was ignoring you, before you realised he genuinely didn't recognise you. Your name rolled off his tongue with a tone of uncertainty, as though he was learning a new language and still learning how to pronounce things. "Wow. You look...different."
"So do you." You shot back. "Who's your friend?"
"This is Katie." He awkwardly smiled. "My...my girlfriend."
"It's nice to meet you." You forced an equally pained grin, taking her hand in a shake.
"How do you and Bucky know each other?" She asked.
"Work." Bucky quickly said. You thinned your eyes at him, almost in disbelief.
"So you're an Avenger like these two?" Katie asked, clearly not picking up on the tension. "That's so cool."
"Not in an official capacity." You replied. "But they'd be fucked without me."
The night only got longer from there, really.
There wasn't enough champagne in the world to help the void in your soul. It was a gaping wound that Bucky Barnes had both filled and widened - and tonight, he was doing the latter. It sounded as though him and Katie were having a grand ol' time of it. From the parts of the conversation that you'd actually bothered to listen to, you'd gathered that she'd arrived in New York from London just over three months ago. That meant she had a fucking accent. Of course she did. It made everything she said a thousand times more interesting.
"We were in Paris, in this little cafe. What was it called, babe? Maison de vie?"
"Maison de l'amour, doll." Bucky corrected her. It had only sounded right when he was calling you that.
Your eyes shot up from your drink, immediately staring daggers at them both. The slimy bastard. You had been the one to show him that place. You'd been in Paris for a mission, and after realising it was your four-month anniversary, you'd taken him there for pancakes. It had been a slow morning, filled with hazy eyes and pink skies, and it had ended with him dropping the L-bomb for the first time. The photo you'd taken of Bucky, sat beside a pile of pancakes the same size of him and with whipped cream on his chin, had been your phone background until the day you broke up.
"I've been there." You didn't break away from his gaze, holding cold blue eyes in a trance that he found to be almost suffocating.
"Oh, nice!" Katie beamed. "Did you enjoy it?"
"Yeah." You sniffed. "The company was shit, though."
"Oh, man." She replied. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's not your fault." You gave her a sweet smile - to Bucky, it was a look of venom. "So, tell me more about your trip to Paris."
He quickly cleared his throat. "We didn't do much. Just a weekend getaway-"
"- are you forgetting that we saw Billy Joel?" Katie cut him off with a laugh. "The Billy Joel!"
"Right." It looked as though his mouth had gone completely dry.
"He told me he loved me for the first time to Uptown Girl-"
"-excuse me for a moment." You shoved your glass in her hand, before backing away from your little huddle.
Your brain was focused on getting away and only on getting away. The room suddenly felt a thousand times hotter, and a thousand times smaller too, as though the walls were closing in on you. Maybe that wouldn't have been so bad if they'd just collapsed around you and swallowed you fucking whole. Anything to get away from this situation.
Making a beeline for the balcony doors, you elbowed them open and stepped outside. The cold air of the rooftop gardens was a welcome contrast to the stuffy indoors, biting, night air hitting your face like an icy hug. The sounds of the city rung below you - sirens and yells and tourists - and tangled into the faint sound of the music, all parts of a world that your brain was working overtime to block out.
You focused on the city instead, using the bright lights of the surrounding buildings to anchor you to reality. None of it really even made sense - you were over Bucky. Had been for a long time. It was just the thought of him doing all the things that he'd done with you, with someone else. It made you feel a little bad for Katie, too.
"I was going to tell you about Billy Joel."
You glanced over your shoulder, giving a derivative snort. "Piss off, Bucky."
"I'm serious." He ignored your demand, cautiously approaching you.
"I brought you those tickets!" You turned around to face him. "We were meant to go together. Billy Joel was our thing."
"We broke up!' He reminded you. "Like I said, I was going to tell you that we went together-"
"- I don't care." You cut him off. "I genuinely don't care."
"That was a lot of storming off for someone who doesn't care."
"Okay, maybe I care a little bit." You huffed, taking a seat on a bench. "It's not even that you're with someone else, it's that you're doing all the things we did. The nicknames, the pancake place, the concert."
"I..." Bucky took a seat beside you, pondering for a moment.
"And declaring your love for someone to Uptown Girl is fucking weird." You muttered.
"Do you have a better suggestion?"
"Vienna, obviously."
"You're such a pain in the ass." Bucky replied. "But for what it's worth, I wasn't thinking of Katie in that moment."
You glanced up at him, frowning. "What do you mean?"
"D'you remember that morning when we were in New Orleans?" He asked. "And we had a few hours to kill before our flight, so you started dancing around the hotel room to Uptown Girl?"
"I remember." You softly smiled.
"That was when I realised I loved you." He admitted. "I was replaying that in my head at the concert, and it just kinda came out, and Katie heard."
"Damn." You muttered. "Sucks to be her, huh?"
"I like Katie." He said. "Truth be told, doll, I'm still stuck in the past a little bit. With you, and with what we had."
"We fucking hated each other by the end, Buck."
"I know, but I mean all the stuff before that." He explained. "You were the first person who saw me for who I am and not what I've done. The first person that actually made me feel loved and worthy."
"I do try."
He lightly elbowed you "I'm serious. I think I'm just projecting my longing for what we had onto my current relationship."
"You're being painfully honest tonight." You observed. "It's fucking weird."
"Who taught me to be painfully honest?"
"Right." You rolled your eyes. "So this is how Frankenstein felt when he created his monster."
"You're the worst," Bucky muttered. "I genuinely am sorry, though. I shouldn't be recycling our memories. I should make new ones.'
Dusting off your trousers, you stood up. "You're right."
"Thank you, though."
"For what?"
"For finding me first," He replied, "and for teaching me what love is."
"Well, if you ever need to be reminded? You have my number."
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truetgirl · 3 years ago
Should have mentioned in the first post, but this is gonna be an every-other-day thing this year mostly because it’s depressingly hard to come up with more than 15 canon queer ships that I have much to say about beyond “they’re cute.”
In any event, time for the second couple of the month with...
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I warn you now, this is gonna be a long analysis and largely assumes the reader knows the context for what I’m talking about. But there’s still points in here I think work whether you have the context or not.
Disclaimer: since I will be drawing pretty heavily on material from the comics to inform my readings here, we’re just gonna take it a read that the Bae over Bay ending is what happened, alright? Alright.
Anyone who knows me knows I have to talk about Life is Strange at every opportunity, so here we go! Max and Chloe, especially after the comics, are such a good story about learning to bend rather than break, to love and be loved with an understanding of what that means to you. Learning to accept yourself and your experiences, figuring out how to grow from them, even the painful ones, and then to undertake the terrifying process sharing them with another. They are a story, in a simple phrase, of learning how to really live.
When these two reunite after Max comes back to Arcadia Bay, things are raw for them. They’re childhood best friends separated by years of growth in the young adults they’re becoming.
For Chloe in particular there’s a lot of pain and grief in those years. Her father died, she’d been stuck with a stepfather she hates, she isn’t sure how to feel about her mom anymore, and, just to cap it off, Rachel Amber, one of a very few good things to happen to Chloe in years, in her own mind, has recently gone missing. And throughout all of this she’s sought her best friend’s support, but Max has bee increasingly distant. Dead dad, mom seems to like stepfather she hates better than her, missing kinda-sorta girlfriend, and a best friend that just slowly ghosted her for a few years there. Can you say abandonment issues? Cause I sure can!
Then there’s Max herself, who let’s face it is depressed as hell at the outset of this story. If I were gonna take a wild guess as to what went wrong with her and Chloe keeping in touch, I’d bet being uprooted from her home probably knocked her the fuck out, emotionally, and even though she likely got at least a little bit better as time went on, it was probably the guilt we know she feels about not having kept up with Chloe to that point that drove her further away. I can absolutely imagine Max convincing herself that Chloe deserved better than someone that wasn’t there for her in any way when her father died. This is all, admittedly, just my take on Max’s pre-story life, but I fell like it holds up pretty well.
All this leads to the Max we meet as the story begins: a talented but self conscious girl who believes she’ll never be good enough at her craft to pursue it seriously. A girl with horrible trouble connecting to people, who doesn’t trust herself to remember things (hello there, autism and ADHD, was that what Max’s IEP was for in that file?), and who believes she’ll just mess up when she participates in the world. Her response? She sits back, watches, and takes pictures. She hasn’t reached this point by the same path or reacted to it the in same ways, but she is every bit as isolated and hurt as Chloe.
When max gets he powers and saves Chloe’s life, when they properly meet again right after that, I can hardly imagine what either of them could have needed more. Of all the people they could meet in their turmoil, they meet the person who knew them best before they experienced their pain. There’s a lot of learning and re-learning to do about one another, but their bond comes back instantly. Friendships like that are damned rare, and it’s amazing when you find one the first time, and even better when you rediscover it.
The entire game from that point, at least the way I played it, but I can’t imagine it would deviate too far from this, is a story about these girls first reigniting their old bond, then building anew on top of what they’ve just found again. It’s a story in which, despite everything that happens to them, they become each other’s safe place. It’s a story of them falling in love, even when the player chooses for that love to be platonic (well, from Max’s side, anyway). This entire game is Max discovering both that to meddle with the experiences and decisions of those around her is to literally rob them of who they choose to be, and even still she would do just about anything for this girl she loves.
With this as the context, these things, along with her potential recklessness up to now, as her principle thoughts, and a storm bearing down on the town, one that she may be able to stop, but isn’t sure she can stop, at the price of Chloe’s life? Of course Max’s choice would be to stop trying to wrest control of everything around her. The only path is to let go, to take things as they are now, and hold on to what she knows she can save. And when the storm clears, they set out together. Nothing will ever be the same, but they have each other now, and maybe that’s enough.
Except, of course, living with such a decision isn’t that simple, is it? Max starts the comics tortured by the prospects of what might have been, of what she could have done, of what if, what if, what if? When this manifests in her flickers, in literally being randomly and painfully displaced in time, her old instincts return to haunt her with the most devastating, hardest to deny fear of all: that living the life she has now is painful because it literally is not hers to live. It’s a thought that drive her to doubt and panic until, finally, she can’t bear it any longer, and she runs all the way to another reality.
She runs, and she goes on the assumption that the life and love she fought so desperately to hold onto weren’t what she deserved. They weren’t what was “meant” for her because she could not for one moment believe that she was worthy of them. She falls into her old coping mechanism of distancing herself from the world so hard that she literally leaves it behind.
The comic is in large part Max’s journey, in every sense of the word, first away from her guilt and pain, and then back to it. And why is that? Because she realizes now that, however much they hurt, her choices and her experiences are all that she has, all that defines who she is. She learns that to embrace the good, to have a life with the girl she loves and to learn to be happy, she has to first accept herself (already hard to do), and then let Chloe, who by now has learned many of the same lessons about what it means to her to live well, accept her too (even more difficult).
But Chloe, having not been idle while Max was gone, and always believing on some level they would be reunited again, does accept her. She doesn’t expect Max to be perfect because she knows she isn’t, that nobody can be. That Max chose her to begin with was already huge. I cannot imagine the impact that must have had on her. To be abandoned and neglected, over and over again, and then for someone, a girl she loves and who she knows for absolutely certain can and has been making only the choices that she’s determined are for the best since they reunited the first time, to say “in all this chaos, despite and because of everything, I choose you.” Could you imagine?
And so, in Chloe’s own words:
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She learned to live, learned to shine. And when Max came home, which once more meant the world to her, she brings it all home, dispelling Max’s last insecurity:
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Max has spent so long completely sure that she would be hated, and she would deserve it. Chloe has spent just as long believing that nobody would ever choose her, not when they could clearly have something better. It hurt. All of this hurt so much. But it’s theirs, and they will move forward knowing that they can build something beautiful, but that they will. They will, because they choose it by choosing each other. They choose it by deciding it’s high time they get on with living.
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crimsonxe · 28 days ago
To start with the whole point of my response was the fact that I'm a multishipper hence the mentioning of me shipping AmberPrice, Pricefield, and AmberPricefield. In other words I'm not purely a Pricefielder.
1- Shouldn't be that hard to understand. Pricefielders & LGBT+ fans were stabbed in the back by DE in their breaking up a 10+ year iconic LGBT+ pair; doubled in how shittily & disrespectfully as it was done. Michel is one of the OG writers aka fathers of LiS from DontNod who put out a social post saying that Pricefield would never break up; they could have rough patches but never fully break up. He & DontNod are the true canon makers for LiS1 & 2 as those are games helmed by them.
2- Yes, your ass ignoring or trying to handwave away Pricefield's importance and connection = you're a dumabass. Especially since you repeatedly try to do it across at least 3 posts of yours (which you put in the damn Pricefield tag no less; ofc your ass is going to get raked over coals).
Um fuck no, Pricefield should not be "just friends" for your dumbass's preference. My Max didn't sacrifice the Bay because she was just friends with Chloe, she was fully in love with her. Which again was shown once again by DontNod in LiS2-Bae route w/ green-haired Chloe. Have you never heard the stories of sapphic ex's repeatedly getting back together? Also this shit is fantasy not a documentary.
Chloe isn't the past, Chloe is the shining light that came out of the past. Max throwing away the past instead of accepting it and healing from it, then walking forward with a partner who had gone through the same major events as well as shown her devotion to her as much as she had for her = the better damn route that is ACTUAL growth; you wanting her to toss away Chloe in order to make way for Safi IS BIAS.
I never said anywhere that going solo was a bad thing, but even one of the fathers of LiS says that isn't how the two would go.
As already pointed out your dumbass made sure to include Pricefield tag shoving your shit into it. I went through it thinking that surely I'd find a point where I could at least see where you were coming from, a kernel; but nope. I just saw more and more bullshit, so I'm most definitely the opposite of a fan.
You are definitely not a Pricefielder. You can try to slap a fake ass sticker on yourself if you want; but not a damn Pricefielder around would speak like your dumb fucking ass has.
In other words your ass doesn't have a clue about the characters, because I listed out the assassinations that anyone that actually knows the characters would already have caught themselves. No, Chloe breaking up with Max isn't at all fucking realistic or fucking matching to her goddamn character. LiS1 & BtS make it very damn clear that once someone gets past Chloe's mental/emotional walls she's VERY loyal to them. To the point that she hears about Frank and Rachel and STILL wants to find out what happened with her; same damn thing goes for Max. Max wouldn't let the relationship just die either, ESPECIALLY after LiS1 and seeing how that impacted Chloe the first time they separated. Max also would definitely not be into a fucking Nathan Prescott douche in general, but especially given what happened in LiS. With Amanda I can at least handwave/eye-roll it away cause she's basically a soft demure femmed up lipstick lesbian with minor elements of Chloe buried in the cashmere. I also love how you just ignored certain things like Max's hurling the Rachel barb at Chloe in her journal or Chloe of all people talking about a threesome with some guy. Nvm that Max can technically abuse her powers to hook up with Vinh/Amanda in the separate branches; as if she'd ever fucking do that. Hell even Michel once again in a post on socials said that Decknine's version of Max and Chloe aren't ones he & his team would've done or recognized.
Um no, dumbass she loves Chloe so she does what is needed to save her from y'know DYING. That's just fucking love and care for another person. It is very much fucking healthy and that you see that as unhealthy yet nudge Safi/Max says worlds about your views on relationships.
3- Do I want them to continue Max and Safi's dynamic? Sure, there's interesting aspects there involving one wanting to restrain her powers and another wanting to openly flex hers. But I do NOT at all want it to be all about them, especially with the fucking bit about going back to the Bay. That's pure setup for Chloe to return and the next creative team would be braindead to not rectify DE's team's mistake by delivering a Chloe storyline & OPTION in the end. It won't make up for the character assassination, which is where them putting in a scene to show that DE is a side-branch comes in. Though Decknine already gave enough reason to run with that anyway via their changing Chloe's hair in the LiS2-Bae picture from green to blue; likely cause they have no respect towards DontNod and their characters. But their fuck up allows for one to toss DE into a side-branch, while green-haired Chloe & Max handled by DontNod remain as the main canon. On top of that having opportunity for Safi to use her shape-shift ability to fuck with Max via Chloe and Chloe via Max as part of their storyline.
4- Completely ignoring the actual important detail where your ass offers every other option BUT a Chloe one. Nvm that Michel once again father of LiS, Max, and Chloe stating that the two would always come back together and never fully break up. Hell iirc even recently on the anniversary he was out replying suggestively to Pricefield posts specifically; because he knows the importance of the pair both to each other and to LGBT+ fans that got into the series due to them.
5- Do get your comprehension skills up, cause if your ass bothered to actually read you'd notice that I stated that "violence against women" is AN ELEMENT within; but the core of the entire goddamn first LiS revolves around PRICEFIELD. How the fuck your ass went through the episodes and have at all interacted w/ social media related to the game and not realized that I don't fucking know. Maybe you have that level of damn mental filters put in place. If there wasn't Chloe in the bathroom getting shot, there'd be no time travel; without Chloe and Max's relationship there'd be no story at all just a skeleton of story beats.
Bitch there is no delusion as proven by pointing to Michel AKA ONE OF THE FATHERS OF THE GODDAMN GAME where he fucking basically backs up MY fucking views on things. YOUR ASS is the one off on your own delusional ass island somewhere. On top of that I RESPECT DontNod for what they did with LiS and offering an LGBT+ main damn pairing back in 2015, when LGBT+ was still just starting to be an accepted thing in media. Hell even the fucking comics know the characters, relationship, and story enough to respect DontNod; thus fitting in-line with LiS characterization. Mostly cause Emma actually loved LiS, its characters, its iconic relationship, and gave respect to DontNod.
You fail at grasping the characters, at grasping the relationship, at even aligning with the OG creatives, at remotely being near a Pricefielder, and you stand on nothing but bullshit pro-Safi & clear anti-Chloe bias. You accuse Pricefielders of being limited in their view of things, but YOUR ass is the one that has a limited & just flatout wrong view of things. That's a matter of you not aligning with Michel and DontNod in anyway shape or form, where they're the damn OG creatives that made the damn characters & game.
this is probably going to be EXTREMELY controversial so i dont expect ANYONE to agree (please dont hate me 🙏🙏🙏‼️‼️‼️) but i REALLY DONT WNAT CHLOE BACK IN DE2. I HAVE REASONS!!!!!!!!
1. i think that it'll be viewed as a cash grab and like pricefield / chloe fans r never happy sooooo
2. if chloe and max were to get back together for some unforeseen reason i think that woukd ruin max's potential growth in de2 in my opinion. like i PERSONALLY think that her 'losing' chloe should help her move on from the past and should be portrayed as something that can help her move forward instead of dwelling on what could have been (as taylor swift once said, everything you lose is a step you take 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️)
3. i think she'd be so out of place and id rather have de2 focus on max and safi's relationship and this highkey sounds lkke bias because of my fixation but i PROMISE YOU its not.. mostly...
4. i think that max should grow by herself i really dont think she needs to be attached to chloe by the fucking hip.. like i would be so fucking ecstatic if you got to be with amanda/vinh/safi at the end of de2 but i think the most realistic ending would be for her to be by herself, not FOREVER, but for a good amount of time for her to be secure with being by herself because i personally think max is extremely codependent with chloe.. if .. that makes sense
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serafilms · 4 years ago
omg! i just found that you had to make a new blog haha! I wanted to resubmit my request for percy x clearsighted mortal! reader headcanons! thank you!
percy jackson x mortal!reader hc’s
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pairing — percy jackson x gn!clear sighted mortal!reader
genre — headcanons; bulleted scenarios; fluff; crack; light angst but not
warnings — none
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so basically you just replace rachel in the series and play the role she did (minus the oracle stuff, she can still take care of that)
this way we don’t have that lowkey unnecessary plot line of rachel crushing unrequitedly on percy for like one (1) book
except I like the idea that you would have known percy for longer (the best part about percabeth was the slow burn <3)
so let’s say you went to yancy academy with him and grover and you saw through the mist too but because you ARE the main character and this is your origin story, you wrote it off and continued with your life, ignoring all these other strange things that happened to you
hard to ignore a bunch of skeletons chasing some kid through a building and he slashed a sword through you-
hold on
“oh,,,,, hi,,,,”
“y/n, right. nice to see you.”
“uh yeah. um why’d you try and stab me and why tf didn’t it work?”
awks lols
so yeah percy was kind of shocked by that and he tried to explain but then the skeletons showed up again and you had to cover for him so he could escape
“look I have to go but I promise I’ll explain it some other time!”
“bro wtf no don’t leave me hanging”
he left you hanging
but at least you didn’t die
so anyways you didn’t see him until a few months later when you were at the orientation day at school and who should show up but the boy from your old school who tried to kill you?
“omg haha y/n so weird to see you again lolz gtg” my boy was blushing
had you always looked this pretty and why was it only hitting him now
“yeah buddy look you owe me an explanation, but also I think there’s some more weird creatures here who are after you”
and so y’all ended up having to run away from the empousai
percy couldn’t hold back his blush when you wrote your number on his arm
annabeth teased him relentlessly (bc I love annabeth with my whole heart and I believe she deserves better than a jealousy love triangle plot)
you were extremely disgruntled at being left without an explanation again
but luckily when they needed someone to guide them through the labyrinth, percy knew just who to call
annabeth was snappish with you at first, mainly bc she was disgruntled at needing to ask a mortal for help, but also bc she was really freaked about losing authority and control for her quest
esp the child of Athena line of the prophecy
her confidence was dwindling but luckily you with your clear sight could see right through her
while percy was sleeping and you couldn’t fall asleep, you heard annabeth shifting around
so you asked her what was wrong and in her vulnerable state, she confided in you
you gave her an effective albeit slightly confused pep talk
you didn’t really have much context to go off of but you made it work
“you know, I think he likes you.”
“omfg annabeth stopppp I don’t see him like that though 👀👀👀👀”
percy was very confused when he woke up but you two didn’t care to fill him in
“girls bond, percy, deal with it.”
anyways i think you two would have had tension in the last olympian
like you kissed him before he went off with beckendorf (rip)
and then there was just a lot of glances, shy smiles, angst, emotions, and he kissed you at the end of it all
onto the headcanons because this has gone on long enough
will do his best to keep you separated from the demigod lifestyle because he knows how dangerous it is
you're like the one shining piece of normalcy he has in his life
i picture like a peter parker + ned leeds situation where he's spiderman and you're like 'the guy in the chair'
you see a monster or something sus going on and alert him and he'll take care of it
you visit camp sometimes too but you don't spend a whole lot of time there because, well, you don't have to worry about dying
plus school and you don't want to intrude on that part of his life
besides no matter how many monsters you've seen, you'll never be able to get used to it
sally absolutely adores you
she lets you stay with her and paul when percy has to go do his demigod duties and you get worried
estelle absolutely adores you as well
you're literally her favourite person in the world at this point
she cries whenever you leave her
but after percy "retires" so to speak, and has to do college and stuff, it's like you both have all the time in the world
you help him live a normal life and he will do whatever he can to protect it
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Romione - The Beginning of Dating
The Battle of Hogwarts was on Saturday, 2 May 1998
They helped to rebuild Hogwarts over a couple of weeks (even with magic, it was a large property that took a lot of work)
Then the Weasleys went back to the Burrow along with Harry - who wasn’t keen to get back to Privet Drive - and Hermione who had no home to go back to
Hermione was a huge help to have around those few weeks. Molly hardly left her bed, distraught from Fred’s death, so Hermione helped around the house and brought her tea
But she was especially a comfort to Ron
They never wanted to leave each other after the war, so they shared Ron’s room
Hermione insisted Ron didn’t have to give up his bed while Ron insisted she take it until Hermione suggested they just share it
It was innocent. Not that other things didn’t cross their mind after years of pining, but it was the last thing they thought of after the casualties and deaths they’d witnessed
But they would hold each other. Some nights they’d talk until the sun came up about the war or sometimes they’d just talk about nothing in particular
Other nights they would just embrace each other in silence, neither wanting to talk but not wanting to be alone
Hermione would talk about her parents and one night, she asked Ron if he would go with her to get them, to bring back their memories
"You want me to come to Australia?"
"You don’t have to. Oh, of course you don’t want to leave home now. Forget I said anything, it’s-"
"Hermione, of course I’ll come. I want to come."
When they found them, Hermione couldn’t bring herself to say the charm because she was crying too much, so Ron did it himself
He was a little nervous as Hermione was better at such things, but he tried really hard for her sake and it worked
There was a tearful reunion and Ron felt a bit silly standing around until finally Mrs Granger looked at him, then up at his red hair, and she beamed
"Oh, my goodness! Ronald!" she gave him a large hug as if they were the best of friends. "We haven’t seen you since you were - what was it, dear? - 12 or 13! Of course, the amount Hermione spoke about you, it felt like we saw you every time she was home-"
"Don’t be embarrassed, Hermione. He’s a lovely looking boy!"
While Mr Weasley loved Ron, he was not keen for him to share a room with Hermione so he took the sofa while Hermione took the spare room
It was difficult to fall asleep at first because they’d gotten so used to the other’s presence at night
The room felt so quiet to Hermione without Ron’s snoring, and to Ron without Hermione humming symphonies in her sleep
Both thought of the other
But eventually they did fall asleep and Ron was the first to wake up when he heard Mrs Granger tiptoeing around the kitchen, trying to make tea silently and failing
"I’m sorry, Ron, did I wake you?"
"No! No, I’m always up at... 5 in the morning."
"Oh, good! I’ll make you some tea. How many sugars do you take? Do you watch Friends? I’ve got a few episodes recorded we can watch on telly!"
Ron is his father’s son and Mrs Granger is delighted by his interest in the television, but doesn’t make him feel silly and answers all his questions
She offered to make him breakfast, but he declined, rather waiting until everyone was eating so he wasn’t a burden even though he was, in fact, starving
When Hermione ran down later that morning, she spluttered with laughter at Ron who was sat on the sofa with her mother, gawping at the screen
"Did he just say Rachel?" Ron gasped. "But isn’t that one Rachel? The bride was called Emily! Ross! Ross, her name is Emily! Why can’t he hear me?"
"They can’t hear you, Ron, it’s pre-recorded"
Ron was crestfallen. "So you just have to watch and do nothing? You can’t help? Blimey."
Ron expected some sort of speech from Mr Granger, but he seemed too fascinated with Ron to think about being an overprotective father
Hermione had avoided the gory details, but she told them enough for them to be hugely impressed and proud of their daughter and her new boyfriend, the war heroes
But, as parents, they were also worried by the whole deal. Even if Hermione didn’t tell them everything, war was war and there was a small tremor in their daughter’s hand that hadn’t been there before
Sometimes a car would backfire on the street or a neighbour would shout and they would see Ron and Hermione tense up, gripping each other’s hands tighter
Mr Granger changed his mind about Ron and Hermione sleeping in separate rooms because he could see they needed it
"We can’t avoid it anymore," said Hermione. "We need to talk about Hogwarts. You’re not coming back for our final year, are you?"
"No," said Ron. "No, I’m not. Are you?"
"Yes," she said. "I am."
Ron went with Mr and Mrs Granger to see Hermione off at King’s Cross for the final time, and they met up with Harry and the Weasley parents so they could see off Ginny, too
Harry and Ron watched as Ginny and Hermione waved from the departing train
"Merlin, I love her," Ron said
"What?" Harry smiled teasingly. "What was that?"
Ron’s cheeks were red as he realised what he had said out in front of his parents and Hermione’s
But suddenly all he could say was, "I didn’t tell her! I won’t tell her for months!"
Arthur clapped his son’s back. "You know, the train hasn’t completely gone yet.”
Without much thought, Ron ran to catch up with her window and shouted, “Hermione!"
He window opened and her head popped out
"I LOVE YOU!" he bellowed
She smiled so brightly as she called, "I love you, too"
And then the Hogwarts Express disappeared
Hermione flopped back into her seat, a dazed look on her face and Ginny grinned at her
The same grin Harry was giving Ron
Ron was barely listening when his parents invited the Grangers over for tea
Harry joked that he hadn’t looked like that since he accidentally had a love potion in sixth year and asked, "Hermione never slipped you anything this morning, did she?"
Hermione and Ron did their separate things. Hermione took over Hogwarts as Head Girl - naturally - and was treated like a celebrity along with Ginny, Luna and Neville. Ron went with Harry and started his trading as an auror
They wrote each other several times a week about all the updates of their lives, and both saved every letter
Ron kept his letters from Hermione in an old shoe box which he kept under his bunk to look through on particularly difficult training days
Hermione kept hers together with red ribbon tied in a neat bow in her bedside table to read when she missed him most
Ron told her how busy training was and how he couldn’t get away on Halloween to meet her at Hogsmeade
She was upset, but decided to get some of his favourites from Honeydukes to send to him
When she and Ginny went in, though, they found Harry and Ron waiting for them
Ginny and Harry kissed, Ron and Hermione embraced each other and he swung her around
"You’re meant to be at training!"
"We wanted to surprise you!"
"But you said you couldn’t come!"
"Hence the surprise!"
They all hung out together for the most part, but separated for the final hour for some alone time as couples
(So Hermione and Ron could make out out of public view - naturally, it ended up in The Daily Prophet)
"Have you seen the photo they used of us? Ron, it’s pornograhic!"
"I don’t know, I like it”
That Christmas, the Grangers and Harry stayed with the Weasleys as no one wanted to miss another Christmas with their children
Harry waited until Hermione, Ginny and the Grangers were gone to round up the 8 Weasleys
"The thing is," he said. "Well, I know I’m meant to just ask you, Mr Weasley, but, well, you’re all so important to Ginny and to me, so- I- I want to-"
"You want to marry Ginny?" smiled Molly
"If that’s okay with you, yes."
Ron was Harry’s best man while Luna and Hermione shared the role of Maid of Honour
Hermione spoke with Dudley who Harry was now on better terms with, and made him feel a bit more comfortable as she was more used to talking to muggles than some of the wizards who seemed to scare him
She even danced with him as Ron danced with Luna
Luna said, "you have so much love for her in your eyes, perhaps it will be your wedding we’ll be dancing at next"
"Nah, no way, too soon," said Ron, but suddenly he was feeling a bit giddy
As Ginny threw the bouquet, he muttered something and flicked his wand discreetly and the flowers landed in Hermione’s hand
She looked at them in amazement, then to Ron who was watching her lovingly and she waved the flowers at him while she laughed
"What do you say, Ron?" asked Harry. "Are there more wedding bells in the future?"
And as he watched Hermione laughing with Ginny about the flowers, he smiled and said, "I hope so"
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jawllines · 4 years ago
They go to their separate stalls, “What was that down there?” Y/N asked as she shuffled her pants down, trying to decide if she had enough strength and stability in her legs right now to hover without having to grab onto the bar fixed to the stall, “Why are they fighting?” 
“I knew you hadn’t been listening to a word Rachel said! Took at a look at you while she was talking and you looked light-years away, ” she exclaimed from the stall beside her, Y/N wobbles as she tried to steady herself over the toilet,  “It’s like illegal boxing, kind of -- well not kind of, it is illegal because there’s money and prizes ‘cos they’re placing bets. I think they do some moves that may be considered illegal in an actual boxing ring too. She didn’t really give me a history of how it started or anythin’ but that’s what they’re doin’ down there -- do it every Friday night.” 
“Oh,” Y/N wanted to ask what Malene thought Harry was doing down there, but she bit her tongue -- she felt bad, and she doesn’t know why. It was a coincidence but it felt like she’d opened up his diary and read the pages front to back; like she and Malene had taken his piggy bank and shook all the change from the hole at the bottom. If she had a hobby and two people from work found out about it, she would already feel a little cracked open and she hardly thought the only reason was that she was shy. It was personal -- hobbies, no matter how common -- are a part of that person in a way that it’s easy to feel uncomfortable with people who you conduct yourself professionally around knowing about you. Especially if it’s illegal -- he would be so sad, wouldn’t he? And so nervous that they would say something. He hadn’t seen them, but if he had, that could have been very distressing for him, right? 
“Malene?” Y/N called over to the other stall after she finished and straightened herself out, tugging her trousers back up over her hips, and when Malene hummed, she continued, “I think we shouldn’t tell anyone about this.” 
“Yeah, I think so too,” she agreed and Y/N felt some of the guilt weighing on her wane just slightly, “It’s not like he’s murdering anyone. I do wish it was a juicier secret though like -- what if we’d gone down there and it was a BDSM club or summat? That’d be -- oh my god, that would have been insane!”
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solange-lol · 4 years ago
"why don't we be friends (why don't we make out)" - (1/1)
words: 2,373
read on ao3
There are very few people that Nico forgets about. At least, as far as the people that have stuck around with him for most of his life.
He’s known Percy and Annabeth since they were young, remembering watching the two of them chase each other around the schoolyard and purposefully try and get desks right next to each other before they were inevitably separated by alphabetical last name seating. He remembers trying to convince Piper to do his french project and Jason sitting in the halls with him outside of the music room when they wouldn’t want to go outside for recess in middle school. He can still hear the alarm when Leo accidentally knocked over a bunsen burner in their sophomore year chemistry class, and the feeling of paint on his skin when Hazel tripped and sent half of her palette onto him in their art class.
Nico can even recall moments with the people he was never particularly close to, like when Rachel told him she loved him backstage of their winter concert after only having known him for five minutes (in a very lesbian/gay solidarity way, of course), or when Grover spent an entire hour hiding out in their school library to get away from their math sub.
It’s strange now, looking across such a large circle of people piled into Jason and Thalia’s house. They’re all people from his grade (or class , he supposes, now that they’re officially graduated), Each one of them, Nico can remember at least one conversation he’s had with them, one story he’s passed into his closer friend group that is laughed over and then inevitably moved on from.
It was supposed to be a big party celebrating all their friendships throughout the years.
Ironically, so many people that had such little impact on him, in retrospect.
Which is why it comes as a surprise to him when he sees a flash of blonde curls and freckled skin among the sea of people. He’s hit with what feels like a wall of memories of the two of them, laying in the same bed trading quiet secrets, and walks to the store to get an inhumane amount of candy that they can go share at the pier. Images of blue eyes, warm hands in his, and the sound of stifled laughter at midnight feel all too familiar. Nico is stuck on them.
He hasn’t seen Will in years.
It wasn’t exactly his choice. It wasn’t either of theirs, really. They had gone to middle school together, and from the ages of 10 to 14, Will knew the most about him.
And then their middle school graduation came and went, and Will left for a boarding school. Nico remembers, vaguely, Will asking him to come with them.
“They offer more classes, and there are more opportunities for help,” they had said, or something along the lines of it. “And we could be roommates.”
Part of him wanted to. All of him almost went. But it was the same year he lost his sister, and while moving to another state for school sounded like a fantastic way to avoid all his trauma, he had to stay with his family. Not that his father would have stopped him, but Nico knew he couldn’t go. Not yet.
So he stayed, and Will left, and it all worked out fine. They texted every other day, facetimed once or twice a month when their schedules lined up. Will came home for Christmas that year, telling stories about the other kids on their floor and their girlfriend. Then, when he came home for that summer, about their boyfriend.
Nico would listen, then catch Will up about what was going on at his public school. He had gone out on a date with one boy which was nice but didn’t turn into anything, and Will told him he would find someone eventually. They took trips to the mall together instead of the pier, mostly just to get milkshakes and have a place to walk around.
One morning, Will convinced him to bike to the beach in the morning to see the sunrise. The sky ended up being too cloudy, but they still sat together on the empty lifeguard chair, swapped sweatshirts and bagels with cream cheese, and talking about summer jobs and college.
Then Will left for their sophomore year, and school caught up to both of them and whatever kept them going was lost. The most Nico talked to them was through the occasional Snapchat sent to each other or on a group facetime
The last time Nico had called Will alone, it was in a panic to ask advice on how to break up with the boy he was dating at the time because he realized that relationships weren’t really his thing, at least not yet. Will had sat quietly, giving him occasional advice, and mostly just comforted him.
And that was it.
Nico had gotten a new phone later that year, and all their call logs and long text threads were lost into the depths of his phone memory.
It was bittersweet, in all honesty, and pretty painless for the most part. Maybe it’s because Nico never really forgot about Will. There was never any clear ending; no hard feelings between the two of them. He still sees their posts on social media, sees their mom in the store on occasion. He remembers passing Will at their local fair when they came home again for the summer of their junior year with their boyfriend that they were still dating, and then later again the next when he noticed that all posts had been removed from their Instagram including the ones with said boyfriend and nothing but will - they/them in their bio.
He wondered, briefly, where Will had gone when he didn’t even see him in passing over the following summer. Was he still going to the boarding school? Had his family moved out of the state entirely?
It never felt like a friendship breakup. It was clear now, though.
Nico wonders at which point it became one. He didn’t mean to stare at Will as long as he did. Everything had just come washing over him at once, and he was frozen in place staring at the person Nico had once called his best friend.
He doesn’t even realize he was staring until Will looks back. Their blue eyes meet his brown ones, and reality sets back in. The loud music he had drowned out in his daydream came filtering back through his ears, and he stumbles as people shove past him towards the kitchen. Still, his gaze locks on Will.
Neither of them makes a move towards each other at first.
Then, a moment later, Will is right next to him.
“Hey,” they say it slowly, almost like they were testing the waters, like they knew how long it had been since they had spoken.
Nico doesn’t know what to say. His first instinct was to hug them.
He withstands it, though, instead grabbing onto their wrist and pulling them past the crowd of people and into one of the rooms off of the main hall, which was miraculously empty. He can still hear the pounding music, but it was a little bit quieter with the door closed. Quiet enough that he can think again.
“Uh, hi,” Will tries again, and god, their smile never changed.
“Sorry,” Nico says once he realized he had just seemingly dragged them into a secondary location with no explanation. “It was just… loud. Out there.”
“I get it,” Will says, sitting down on the couch pushed onto the far wall and looking back up at Nico. They were wearing a pinkish-orange button-up Hawaiian shirt that looked straight out of their dad’s closet (Nico would know, he’s seen it before) that was half-tucked into mid-rise light wash jeans that were cuffed just enough that you could see a glimpse of where their socks met their Converse. Yellow, possibly the same pair they had bought at the mall two years prior when Nico was there.
They got taller, he thinks vaguely. Nico had too, but Will still has at least half a foot on him.
“So, what’s up?”
“Not much, I guess,” he shrugs, twisting his ring. “I mean, I graduated. I assume you did too.”
Will nods. “I did. Lou Ellen invited me as her plus one. You know her, right? Friends with Rachel.”
Nico nods. Shoulder length, cloud-like hair that was a different color every other week. Wore lots of random thrifted t-shirts over big pants. Loud personality, even louder voice. Band kid. Friends with Cecil; her good grades probably being the only reason he hasn’t been kicked out of the school yet. Once debated the legitimacy of gender binaries with him in an English class.
“Sorry for, like, staring at you before,” he says. “It’s been a while.”
They nod again. “All good. I was staring at you before anyway.”
“You were?”
“Yeah,” Will shrugs. “You’re easy to look at.”
Then, a moment later, “It has been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah. You’ve changed a bit.”
“Have I?” They ask. “I think just my look, maybe. I’m still just as obnoxious.”
Nico snorts. It’s comforting to know they could just slip back into it like this. Like no time had ever passed, and Nico is back in their bedroom creating each other in The Sims.
“Are you still dating Connor?” Nico asks, vaguely remembering the last conversation they had.
“Nah, we broke up last winter.”
“Any reason?”
Will squints a bit like they’re curious why Nico’s asking. It makes Nico blush, immediately regretting saying anything.
“Dunno. We just grew apart,” they say. Then, “Sounds kinda familiar, doesn’t it?” followed by a laugh.
“I didn’t mean to stop talking to you,” Nico says quickly because he didn’t. There are days where he sees Will’s Instagram story or a tweet and knows that even though he could still comment, it wouldn’t quite be the same.
“Life got busy,” Will says. “It happens”
“I didn’t want it to. Not to us.”
“So let's restart.”
Nico blinks. “Just… start over our entire friendship?”
“No, just pick up where we left off.”
“Just like nothing happened?” he asks, sitting down on the couch next to them.
“Just like nothing happened,” Will affirms.
They’re both quiet for a moment, then—
“Do you remember what you told me when you first came out as bisexual to me?”
It was in the basement of Will’s house. Nico had come out as gay a few weeks prior, and when he was talking about the boy he liked, they just casually mentioned it. Being with Will like this again reminded him of something they had said, and something he later found out.
“I think I just, like… told you, right?” Will smiles. “And I said you were a big part of helping me figure out.”
“Yeah. I always thought you meant because I had already come out,” Nico said. “It wasn’t until, like, last year that Piper mentioned you meant that because you liked me.”
Will laughed again. “I figured you didn’t. You were always talking about what bad of a couple we would make.”
“Yeah,” Nico said, and his heart picked up pace as his knee knocked against Will’s by accident. Neither of them moved. “I actually had a massive crush on you for a while. I think I just said that because I wanted to try and get over it, so I wanted you to indirectly reject me.”
“Did you ever get over it?”
Nico laughs. “Not really. But I moved on.”
He notices Will shift closer, notices how their hands are now on top of each other and their legs are fully pressed together.
“Same,” Will says, moving their head closer to Nico’s until their foreheads are pressed together and their breaths mingle. They look at him for any sign to stop, and Nico doesn’t move.
“Good thing we’re starting over then, right?” they continue, practically a breath of a whisper before their lips connect, and god Nico did not think this was where his night was going but no way in hell was he about to stop it. (He’s not sober enough to care, anyway, and seemingly neither is Will judging by the strong scent smell of weed coming off of his shirt.)
Their hands laced together, subconsciously, almost like muscle memory from all the days walking hand in hand down the dock. (Nico wonders if his younger self was ever trying to tell his mind something.) Nico’s other hand comes up to rest on warm skin, brushing Will’s cheek with his thumb like he’s trying to wipe the freckles off.
Will wraps one arm around Nico’s waist, pulling him closer until he eventually just shifts so he’s in their lap. Will certainly doesn’t complain, only tilting their head to deepen the kiss and breaking apart their hands so they can run one hand through Nico’s hair.
They have to break apart after a moment, and Nico can help it when he laughs.
“Guess we were a little dumb when we were younger, huh?”
Will’s breathing heavy, but Nico doesn’t miss the familiar playful glint in their eye. “I don’t know what you mean. You’re still an idiot,” they say, pressing a kiss to the underside of Nico’s jaw, and another one right next to his ear.
He wonders if Will has thought about doing this the same way Nico has.
“Says you,” Nico says. “You were far more oblivious than I was.”
“I’m not the one who said we would make a bad couple,” they remind Will.
“Yeah?” he says, then leans back in to kiss Will again. Their mouths slot together, and god, they’re an even better kisser than Nico ever thought they could be. Something in his mind tells him maybe it’s not relationships he didn’t like, maybe he just knew it wasn’t the right person.
Perhaps Will’s that person he was always looking for.
Nico leans back, just barely so he can mumble “Lucky for you, I’m willing to test that theory,”  against Will’s lips just before they pull him in once more.
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mndvx · 3 years ago
please enlighten me as to how much this episode sucked 🤭 bc from what i'm reading, it was even worse than last week
Turns out we finally found which episode of Titans is the worst!! (So far, at least.)
I have a feeling that the finale will be the most absolute insane pile of dog shit this show has ever had. And it's had a lot lately!! They really baited us into thinking there was a slight chance of it being good with the first four episode. I'm so mad.
Last week was a filler episode. And it was bad. But they really outdid themselves with this one, it's... yeah it's the worst episode of Titans, so far.
The GCPD is incompetent, that we already knew. So it's not really surprising when Random Nameless Cop #4 ends up being easily bought by Jason/Crane after we saw him have a little feely chat with Barbs about someone he knew dying from the fear induced riots or whatever
but before that, Crane sends all of gotham a little fanvid he made in his garage using footage from episode 1, not in any way shot differently, it's just episode 1 intro fight against Gizmo Guys copy pasted with a few flashing random buzz words, like "thief" "con-man" or whatever and him narrating about how the titans are bad guys and the reason why gotham's water is poisoned and says he put a bounty of 500K on the titans dead or alive. We get a little montage of every main character seeing the vid. With Conner and Komand'r spooning together in the living room d'aww and Gar reading up on Lazarus Pits then having a little DCney Prince moment with the bats in the cave before Kory comes in to tell him about the video.
So with that, what does Dick do? First he tells Barbara he's gonna fix this(tm) then he goes back to the batcave (off screen) and i guess tells the rest of the team (off screen) to get into a parking lot or something?? where they get surrounded by dozens of people and like... Fight four of them before Dick tells them to come back??? Also, at some point during this Dick is like "Me staying here, it's a mistake I should be with you guys" and Kory tells him "No! You got a bounty on your head, it's safer" so why is Gar not staying in the cave with him, he's not invincible either!!
Meanwhile, Donna is taking a taxi to get back to Gotham, because I guess she can't teleport anymore, that must've been some of that Purgatory juice that sent her from Themyscira to that other Wayne Manor to save Bruce (who we hear NOTHING about. I mean good, we're not here for him, but she literally just stopped him from kiling himself in another country and now she's on the way to Gotham all alone... That's weird
Same thing about Tim, we saw him come back from the dead last week, but he's nonexistent in this episode. No one, not a single person all titans included, even speaks about him or even vaguely mentions him being shot or asks if he's okay or anything.
and then that random Lydia amazon shows up saying she's been following Donna "for 10 minutes" which is really weird, because Donna definitely was moving for longer than ten minutes, i mean she was IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, so how the fuck did you show up specifically on that road to Gotham just ten minutes ago, CAN YOU TELEPORT LYDIA??? I guess she can because then she slams Donna down and she wakes up in some random woods she calls "The Training Grounds" like it means something. blablabla this is the B Plot i guess? It's dumb, it's pointless. It's Lydia fighting Donna for way too long, some random shit about Lydia's daughter Angela dying and how she's sad or whatever who cares, then telling Donna she has to rise, she was born to lead people etc etc (can you tell how hard they're trying to make a spin off happen?) before Donna can finally go back to going to Gotham (no she doesn't get reunited with the team.)
Dick and Babs meet in a bar for some reason, random pointless and annoying reminiscing about their past before Dick tells her he's gonna turn himself in as Nightwing, pay bail then vanish from Gotham so the people can supposedly keep faith in the GCPD and not turn against them?? idk, if Nightwing vanished like that right after being caught by them, I wouldn't trust them to protect me but that's just me!
Jason and Crane have a weird and cringey chat (again. they had one before as he prepared his fanvid, talking about... Breakfast?? Jason was annoyed and didn't get the point of it, same) and he goes on this rant about how Jason needs to believe in himself and all that, makes him go "Red Hood!! Say it with me! Red Hood!" for like... what felt like at least a whole minute before he suits back up and goes back to being the murderous little shit he CHOSE to be, Molly calls him and asks him to stop he says no i have to </3 (you don't dumbass)
Dick tells everyone his plan, they all eventually agree because that's totally not gonna go wrong 🙄🙄 so they suit up and go to the GCPD to make a little show of their surrender. The cop that was bought out apparently has a lot of friends bc most of the cops present during the thing start acting up and one of them pushes Komand'r first (geoff johns, i'm in your walls with a knife) which is only so Conner can go "HEY BACK OFF 😠😠" before they then start attacking everyone. You already saw Kom gets shot, so yeah... That happens. Con stopped one bullet and stood there just 🖐🏻😠 while another was shot and hit Komand'r in the stomach or something, the most boring fight scene ensues (gar gets shirtless yay! sorry.) Barbara kills the cop who had his gun drawn on Dick and she's later on arrested by Vee for it, which... what the fuck??
so everyone left after the whole boring fight, separating and hiding. Kory and Kom go to a church where Kory decides to use her powers to try and heal the bullet wound that is KILLING her sister, and Komand'r somehow (unconsciously) absorbs all of Kory's powers, which makes Kory mad and go on a whole thing wondering if this was her plan all along, making Kory care for her so she could betray her or something. Komand'r says it's not the case and asks what will it cost for Kory to trust her etc. (honestly this whole episode is badly written, but 🥺🥺 Kory admitted she cared about Kom). then they have another argument, because Kory wants to return to the Titans and help them, but Komand'r tells her they should leave and go somewhere alone the two of them, and that Kory is a queen and was never meant to be fighting a war that's not hers and they then separate because Kory is not going anywhere. Komand'r then leaves, Kory asks where she's going and Kom tells her she's not "the only one with unfinished business" which... what? So yeah, now Komand'r has Kory's full set of powers and Kory is COMPLETELY depowered. 
And then we have a little montage of the city going to shit and full chaos, with Barbara being arrested for killing that other cop. Donna beats up a soldier who wouldn't let her come in Gotham. Because of course she comes back when everything's gone to shit, how convenient.
Gar is all alone in an empty warehouse type of place, after having been shot with a tranquilizer dart while the whole fight in the GCPD happened, (which was like half a day ago, idk how animal tranquilizer work but that must be strong stuff because he's still a little knocked out from it) he sees a raven that then turns into our beloved little Rachel!!! She tells him she found him because she felt his energy, and they have a quick recap chat where he tells her Jason and Crane turned the city into chaos she doesn't react in any particular way, so i guess she knows Jason is evil? whatever. the good thing about this scene is Rachel using her powers!! (and Ryan Potter's abs)
Then we see Dick and Conner on their own, with Conner insisting they need to go out there and help people but Dick being the dumbfuck he is tells Conner they can't, that they need to stay hidden and not be caught, so going back to Wayne Manor is also out of the question. But CONNER IS INVINCIBLE!!!!! FOR FUCK'S SAKE GRAYSON!!!!
And for our last scenes, Jason and Crane are in Wayne Manor. He makes Jason destroy a painting of Bruce and his parents because of course you have redecorate the place now that it's yours, Jason has quick flashbacks of his conversation with Bruce in Crime Alley in the shitty episode all about Jay and angrily stabs the painting like 20 times?? And Crane actually says "Welcome to Crane Manor", it wasn't just the synopsis being cringe!
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