#talk about trampling on a kid 😂
mugiwara-lucy · 10 months
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Law is such an asshole, holy shit 😂
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thatseventiesbitch · 9 months
Welcome back to another installment of That '70s Show original scripts - this time we're looking at S2xE23 "Holy Crap!"
Special shoutout to my hubby, who put this in my stocking for Christmas 😘 (The cast signatures are a reprint, but still very cool!!) There were not a ton of changes to this episode, but as always, read on for my summary.
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The first change is this cut line from Eric after Red's story about his destroyer going down during the war. Eric (feebly) starts a comeback, but decides against it. 🤣
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The next cut moment is Eric talking to God on the driveway when he and Laurie decide to ditch church. Also: 😂
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The dialogue between the guys in the next scene at The Hub is slightly different, though the scene ends up in the same place:
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The ending of this scene is different. After Kitty tells them "if you want to spend eternity doing laps in a lake of fire, that's your choice!", Red tells the kids their mother is right. And that they should sit down and watch the Brewers game and think about it. 😂
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There are two small changes in this scene: Eric's cut line - "Hey, you're both right" - and Donna calling Kelso 'Michael' 😵‍💫
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This cut line was funny - after Hyde's eloquent rant about his views on organized religion and why he doesn't participate/attend church, Eric says, "Yeah, that's what I meant. That and the tie thing."
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There is this cut (mini) Eric/Donna moment: Bob thinks Eric should be at church, confessing to his dirty, dirty sins. 😂 His comment annoys Donna.
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And this one, too! Donna says 'hi' to Eric when they get to heaven 😂🥰
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Red and Kitty's conversation here is a little different. Kitty says Eric is 'living like a rock star' because he's sleeping with the next door neighbor and not going to church *lmao*. Red seems to disagree - he has a cut line about Eric being seventeen, and starting to make his own decisions.
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In the Circle, Eric continues to freak out/disassociate. 🤣
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Then there's this cut moment between Donna and Jackie 👀
Jackie makes it clear she's not taking/hearing Donna's well-intentioned advice to avoid Kelso after he's cheated on her, and claims "now she has to go sleep with him". Donna calls her "dumb - and not regular dumb, like cheerleader dumb".
(I'm personally glad this exchange was cut. Both the Jackie sleeping with Kelso line, and Donna's comment - although I can understand her frustration!)
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Finally, there are two short cut scenes at the end.
In the episode, the last scene is in the Forman living room. Kitty excitedly yells, "Ha! C'mon everybody, the Formans are going to church!"
In the script, the next scene cuts to the Formans and Pinciottis in church, presumably right after that.
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Then there's this cut Leo/Pastor Dave duet, which was supposed to be the credits scene.
I feel robbed!!! I want to see these two characters singing Godspell, damnit! 🤣😂
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That's all she wrote, folks! Thanks for reading along for another one with me, your host, @thatseventiesbitch 😊
Other Scripts I've Posted:
S2xE20 "Kiss of Death" S2xE22 "Jackie Moves On" S2xE26 "Moon Over Point Place" S5xE21 "Trampled Under Foot" S7xE8 "Angie"
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maidragoste · 1 year
Hi !
(Im the anon that said "DELICIOUS" when you wrote about rhaenyra and reader's crush on eachother, i also made some headcannons of the reader being able to fight and how that makes her closer to the boys, idk if ou remember me 😂 ,im saying this so i can ask to be 👻 anon)
About what the other anon said about jace and readers relationship, i had a thought that i would like to share 🥰
Remember when rhaenyra and daemon came back and saw the new state of the palace (it was all dark and religious)
-So imagine they get there and its all free spirited and disney-like, aegon is not drinking, aemond is reading and halaena is playing, when they just start running .
-is the reader, who is coming back from one of her "raids" .
-They all scream : "mama!", and they run to her to give her a hug.
- when rhaenyra sees her again is like she doesnt even recognize her, shes confident, powerfull.
-they all have dinner and it feels like rhaenyra and harwin were never missed, both of them look at her, how they are with the children, how jace admires her and how dismissive she is of them.
- also , i feel like daemon is going to have a arya stark and the hound friendship with her and its going to be cute.🤭❤
-harwin still wrotes for you and misses you, its somehow even worse, now you talk to him with pity, like he is a bother in your life
I love this story! Hope you find this cool!
Hi, anon, yes I remember you. I'm so glad you wrote again 🥰🥰
I apologize if I misunderstood any of the headcanons because I was somewhat confused and I don't know how well I understood. I understood that Rhaenyra and Harwin went somewhere and that Jacaerys stayed in King's Landing with Reader.
-I LOVE the idea of green kids calling the reader "mom" but I don't see them calling her that in public. It would draw a lot of attention. In public they would surely call her "aunt". But yes, every time she comes back from her trips or her raids they run to hug her 🥰🥰
-Now if Jacaerys called Reader "mom" in public that would make the whole court talk about it. Above all, people would point out how the princess's own son seemed to prefer Reader more and how she seems to be a better mother. That would be good for the greens because it's bad publicity for Rhaenyra. Why would they support Rhaenyra when it seems that not even her own son chooses her? Still, it's hard for me to imagine that happening because Jacaerys loves Rhaenyra. He loves both of his moms. He is the son of a divorce 😔
-Rhaenyra admiring Reader throughout dinner and trying to get her attention but Reader only has her attention on Alicent and the kids.
-I can see a friendship between Reader and Daemon because I feel that at one point the two came to love each other and respect each other a lot. Besides that Daemon loves the fact that Reader is a dragon rider and knows how to fight, I'm sure that on more than one occasion they fought among themselves and went flying together. But I feel like everything changes between them once Jacaerys is born. Daemon always admired Reader's fire and expected a reaction, he hoped she would make Harwin and Rhaenyra pay. Then he was disappointed to see that she did nothing. Before his eyes, Reader now became the same as the rest of the women of Westeros, letting herself be trampled on by her husband. And Reader is not stupid, she realizes how Daemon sees her now or treats her like before. This is sad because Daemon is only frustrated with Reader because he knows she has potential and he knows she's smart enough to find a way to get rid of Harwin but she still endures the humiliation of Harwin and Rhaenyra's affair. But what ends up breaking the friendship between Reader and Daemon are: The deaths of Laena and Laenor and the wedding of Daemon and Rhaenyra.
-Harwin will always have hope that one day you will give him a chance again…
Thanks again for writing to me, I hope to hear from you again soon and I hope you are well anon 🥰🥰💕💕
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Hi! I just found your account and I basically binged all of your dami fics (i have a problem i know.. dami is a little guy ok) and LOVE THEM
Your dad au got to be my favorite and all your supersons/jondami fics are such a joy!
Question for your fic "The crown found in rose thorns".. was Damian almost killed accidently BY jon or by defending jon? Since when i read it i got a little bit confused might reread it again just to make sure tho
Also were the hunters going for Jon because he was doing magic or because DAMIAN was doing magic? Since the notion that damian has and can do magic seems like a hint/foreshadowing but i might just be reading too much into it bcz the fact that jondami were close as kids but NONE of the batfam know of jon tells me they met in secret
And what could make them get closer but doing magic together? I kinda imagine damian's magic to be kinda beautiful and thats what entrance Jon a lot. Jon saying that damian's magic doesn't have to be death magic just.. seems like smth.. after all, life and death always comes together and Damian has basically experience a "rebirth"
again i might be reading too much into it. I know this isn't one of your really big fics but its very interesting! (and i always love jondami) and i'm curious if you can share anything to us about it :D
haha oh god all I write is damian that must have taken you FOREVER 😅
also I'm a SLUT for talking about The Crown Found in Rose Thorns, okay haha. It's secretly a favorite despite not being big or popular. I have plans in my head of the next few sections, but I'm still trying to figure out the order, how I want to go about it, etc so writing hasn't happened but I'm hoping I break my block soon!
Damian was injured by defending Jon! The 'hunters' were anti-magic/Zod and his army. While Damian has the ABILITY to do magic, genetically, I don't plan on having him ever do so. HOWEVER, the 'magic in his blood' thing IS the reason Ra's is a threat to him, for similar vessel-y things to canon I guess you could say.
So, Jon and Damian weren't necessarily close as children, they just met that day of the event. (Though Damian did have a habit of sneaking out to "mingle with commoners" etc) The batfam don't know Jon from the past, but they know OF Jon. Or at least, Bruce does. Alfred told Bruce of the boy in the woods that he saw when they found Damian, but that's about it. Bruce knows of Alfred's belief that it was because of Jon, but he has his doubts, since he didn't see Jon for himself, so is kind of under the idea himself that it was because Damian was his son that he was attacked. You know, normal royal family problems. That's also what all the siblings assume. They probably don't know about Jon at all.
Also I don't remember if I ever said anywhere - but Damian doesn't remember the day he met Jon. The injuries he sustained gave him amnesia of the entire day, so he knows that it happened, but doesn't actually remember. The injuries were also from being trampled by the horses, mostly. Thats why he's on a road when Alfred finds him.
I promise I'm working on the next part haha. Or at least, I'm thinking about it a lot 😂
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
I spent the day in the woods behind my childhood home with my brother. We grew up playing in those woods and I’d sometimes walk through them to get home from my high school. It’s a very large area and you can get lost in there for hours. Back in the day (18-30 years ago), they were overgrown and rarely used. Probably because of the No Trespassing, Private Property signs everywhere you looked.
I had so many good times back there. Playing flashlight tag. Riding my bike. Suffering a significant head injury... So I was about 8 or 9 and back there with my sister and a friend. We were trespassing and feeling kinda badass for doing it. A structure we climbed on collapsed. I didn’t get off it in time. I hit my head on the ground and then had a 2x4 hit me clear across the jaw. I couldn’t see straight for a week. Had a huge welt. Told every adult who inquired that I fell down the stairs. They believed me because I was the type of kid who would fall down the stairs and because my migraines always had me puking and acting dizzy, so business as usual 😂
But there was lots of cool stuff back there. Herds of deer to dodge as they tried to trample you. A guy who lived in a teepee. Some old ruins of a structure that dated back to when the area was settled by colonizers (~1700s). A creek with crawdads. There weren’t official trails. Just random paths that people had carved out on their explorations. So you could follow those, but also leave them to explore whatever caught your fancy. Navigating was all about learning forest: identifying trees, rocks, the curve of the creek…
We moved out of that house right after I graduated high school. I hadn’t been back to the woods since. My brother and I would always talk about doing it when I came home to visit, but it never happened. Today we made it happen. Our plan was to find the ruins, navigate to the high school, and then get back to our old house.
We show up and the no trespassing signs are all down. There are huge signs marking a trail head. Trails carved throughout the woods. Many of them parallel or weaving over each other. Probably because they are based on the unofficial paths that people like my siblings/friends and I made throughout the years. The old ruins? Signs pointing to them. Huge historical markers.
Part of me is impressed with what they’ve done to the place and excited that it’s more accessible. But the selfish part of me is pouting cause now all the fun is gone 😩
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
BEACH EPISODE what's everyone doing
it's my time to SHINE!!
It's spring break in Thomastown, and a bunch of Westwood, Liberty, and Ballard kids drive to the second nearest but best beach two hours away. Fun in the sun and shenanigans ensue...
Billie plans to have allll the fun (and cause allllll the chaos). We're talking making sandcastles, burying people in the sand, chasing people into the water only to try to dunk them. There may be a point where she chills out and lounges in the sun. Also, no matter how much sunscreen she applies, the girl is red as a tomato and peeling at the end of the day.
Florence has come prepared with the snacks! She also helps supply extra buckets and shovels to help with sandcastles! Beach towels are also on deck (but they get swiped by some Liberty boys as a prank, sigh). If you’re close to her, either friendly or something more, she might walk the beach with you and look for seashells to collect just because. (Will dip her toes in the water but takes a lot of convincing to get past knee deep!)
Gloria has somehow convinced a group to start singing Disney songs at a very loud register and extremely off key! Alsoooo volunteers to be buried in the sand because there aren’t any older siblings or parents to tell her what to do 😂 In charge of the grill somehow but gets fed up taking orders and passes the job off to another Westwood senior before running to go swimming in the water. (She spots a horseshoe crab though and proceeds to spend about an hour watching it and yelling at anyone who tries to disturb it LOL)
Langston and X goof off and make Tik Tok videos. They find out that people are making sandcastles and hurry over to join in. Xavier is sent off to find all sorts of random things to use as decorations while Langston focuses on making the biggest and most ambitious looking sandcastle structure. Of course, he draws a crowd. April comes by and cheekily pretends to kick at his work, which causes Langston to throw sand at her and causes her to chase after him, leaving the sandcastle unattended. (Xavier has gotten pulled into cooking at the grill while the sandcastle accidently gets trampled by the Liberty boys in the twins’ absence!)
Vanessa...brought a book. And a blanket. And planned to spend her beach day reading and being left TF alone 😂😂😂 girl saaammmeee This plan only goes over for the first hour before Gloria convinces her to abandon her “introverted activity” and splash around in the water and join her beach combing activities. 
April did not get up at the crack of dawn to spend the day lounging around at the beach all day, so she starts a beach volleyball game! She’s really bad at it but doesn’t care, and apparently no one else does from the amount of people who try to be on her team/give her pointers. Eventually she gets sucked into Gloria’s Disney showtunes chorus, posting videos to her socials. She’s also brought along a Polaroid camera to snap photos of everyone and everything. 
Ryan has found a lone frisbee left in the sand and gets a game of tossing it around going. Goes swimming for a while before he’s pulled into grill duty by Gloria (where he also passes it off to someone else because why the heck is he doing work on his break??). Friendly relationship with MC has them racing across the beach because someone’s made a bet, while something more romance shaped sees them exploring the beach off on their own. Ryan also gets hit with sunburn, but it’s not as noticeable as Billie’s!
Lydia looks like a starlet hiding out from the paparazzi than a high school kid on spring break!!! We’re talking big sunglasses, cute swimsuit, big ol’ umbrella to sit underneath, huge floppy hat, fresh manicure and looooooots of sunscreen!. Morgan wants to join the volleyball game, Lydia doesn’t, and they’re already in another argument about something silly, so Lydia ends up playing card games with some kids from Ballard High. And if MC ends up playing volleyball with the others too, maybe Lydia heads over to watch her. I mean the game. She’s interested in the game 🤐
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