thetakenpokemon · 4 years
Callan@Iniko: "... Queen Thalassa? Your Highness, what brings you-- ... oh." The tall Milotic warrior hesitates, the excitement and curiosity in his eyes yielding to shock, and then fallen into embarrassment. Clearing his throat, he addresses, "... Er... forgive me, madame. I... mistook you for, er, someone else. Still..." with a cleared conscience, he asks, "... 'tis not often I see a -hybrid- of Tapu Fini. Tell me... what powers dost a maiden like yourself wield with such blended heredity?"
[PoV: Iniko]
Another voice speaks to my person, catching me fairly by surprise. I didn’t quite expect for the locals to actually be approaching me, since I was quite sure that I was the one that needed to come to them...
What really confuses me is that the speaker addresses me with such familiarity, yet the name that they utter is completely unknown.
...Queen? Surely they don’t mean me.
When I turn to look at the individual, I find myself blinking a few times as I look at what I could describe as to be ‘the finest the sea has to offer’. As quite stunning as he appears to be, I don’t recognize him at all. From the looks of his expression morphing into something akin to embarrassment, it shows that he too realizes that we have never met.
I myself couldn’t help but be flustered, but mostly due to the fact that he mistook me for someone else. This...is definitely a first.
“It is quite fine.” I say with an awkward chuckle, waving him off. “If I must say? It is quite a surprise that you’ve mistaken me for another, since it’s an occurrence that I can’t say have ever happened before.”
So it seems that there are still other Tapu Fini out in the world, or at a least hybrid of some sort. Hearing this...actually makes feel a bit relieved, to know that not all of the Legendary Pokemon in the world have disappeared.
I find myself driven from my thoughts as the anthromorphic Milotic asks me a question, making the gaze of my blue eyes snap onto him.
“Maiden? There is no need to address me as such.” I wave him off for a second time, my face threatening to gain a red hue. “Well...” As I focus on the question, I feel myself slowly regain my composure. “For my abilities...? As a bearer of Tapu Fin-” I stop myself, remembering that there are multiples out there. “...As a bearer of a Tapu Fini, I possess a multitude of powers that such a Legendary would normally wield.”
I open a palm, the action causing a small stream of white mist to drift out into the air. “Like them, I wield the power of water. Be it to conjure and wield its shapeless form or to utilize it in its gaseous state - which is mist.” I close my palm, causing the growing cloud of fog that’s surrounding my arm to dissipate. “Additionally I can breathe and move freely in water. I also possess the ability to purify large bodies of it as well, regardless of pollution levels.” There’s a twinge of pride when I say this, since I’ve purified a couple of severally polluted rivers during my visits in the outside world. “It’s a power I share with Phinelia, who’s the bearer of Suicu-” I stop myself, not sure if I should continue. Although I’ve been told that there’s not really a reason to hide the existence of the other Sisters, I feel a bit uncomfortable with bringing up the fact.
Diverting the subject, I continue. “And...I wouldn’t necessarily call this ability, but I sustain myself by absorbing the energy that’s derived from moving water. Although I can obtain sustenance from things such as rivers and streams, ocean currents is what satisfies me the most. I tend to make do with whatever I find, since I can’t...well...” I gesture to my face, or more specifically my lack of mouth. “...You get the picture.”
One thing I left out is the fact that my power is most strongest when I’m on my home island, since that is where the source of my power originates. Even though I’m technically far stronger than most individuals on the outside world, this is info that should probably be left to ourselves.
...Hopefully Miyako isn’t running her mouth to others about this.
Realizing that my expression has shifted into one of annoyance, I quickly shake my head and let out another awkward laugh. “But that is essentially my Tapu Fini side. Since I was originally a normal Medicham, I still retain several skills from that side. I’d like to think that I’m some of the best of my kind when it comes to martial arts, which is further enhanced by the power of a Legendary.”
I’ve left out a few things, but this should be more than enough to satisfy his question...hopefully. “I believe that summarizes what I’m capable of, albeit without me getting into the specifics. Although...”
At this point I’m unable to contain my curiosity, and like an open book it’s definitely spelled clearly across my face too. “You mentioned of a Queen? Thalassa was her name, correct?” I subconsciously take a few steps towards him, my eyes brimming with fascination. “It is a first for me to hear of another Legendary that exists in this world, most especially one who is related to Tapu Fini. Could you tell me about her?” Realizing that I may be overstepping a possible boundary, I quickly take a few steps back and raise my hands in a disarming manner. “...If you’re fine with indulging such information to me, that is!”
Sheesh, so much for saving face and keeping a calm and serene image. First my ‘mask’ got blown to pieces by a cloud-like dog, and now this. I do hope that if the original owner of my power isn’t somehow watching me right now, otherwise I’d have the feeling that she would be very...very disappointed in my behavior.
Another thought occurs to me and I can’t help but mentally kick myself, another strike that said originator of my power would probably be disappointed for. “Also... I believe I’ve forgotten to introduce myself as well, I apologize for my rudeness.” I place my hands together and give a bow, albeit a rather quick one. “My name is Iniko, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”
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gregnas-the-grouch · 4 years
Give us a kiddo between Lichi and Whisper. Because reasons :U
Whisper: “O-Oh, Jessamine! I knew we were friends, but I never thought you wanted to take it to the next level!”
Lichi: “For the last time, I’m not Jessamine!”
Name: Oleander
Gender: Female
Species: Tsareena/Dusknoir hybrid
Height: 5′08″
Appearance: Though she has the basic shape and form of a Tsareena. Her physique is a bit more stretched out and thicker compared to the smaller plant type due to her Dusknoir genes. The trademark Dusknoir neck collar and coloration dominate her body, along with long arms, large and powerful that nearly touch the ground with her potent hands. The Dusknoir mouth that normally would have been on her stomach has instead been split between the palm of her hands.
Backstory: Hailing from a forest long dead. Her proximity with death did little to bring the spirts of this ghastly plant down. On the contrary, Oleander is quite the upbeat and positive individual. Little can sour her mood and she genuinely does her best to become a good influence upon those she crosses paths with. To Oleander, death is just another aspect of life. Cherish those you love. Make the most of your time on this world. The fact there is indeed an end to everything is what makes such moments so special to ones heart. Funnily enough, she is a killer for hire as well. Why? Nobody really knows but Oleander herself.
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sick day sketch dump
Okay so I was able to draw on my tablet in the end so I went ahead and drew up the requested characters :v
@negativenox​‘s Adeline
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@thecythricfamily​‘s Jake
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and @talesofghalidor‘s Lichi
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thanks to those who suggested them for me, it was a lot of fun to doodle them up o/
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askbohemiancompany · 4 years
Lichi@Freddy: "Hey. You," the Tsareena bluntly called out to the Toxicroak, arms folded and leaned to the side as she tapped her foot. "What was with you back there, trembling like a leaf? You acted like you had a bounty over your head from just being in the kingdom."
What was she doing here? She likely was not connected to those four but he really did not want to see anyone from Ghalidor on the off chance they know them. Mariah had given him the file on those four.
“You are close but you have it flipped. I don’t have a bounty on my head, it is more people are in some legal trouble in another region.” Freddy rubbed his hand against the back of his head. “I needed something from the boss of a group of mons, but she would not provide the information I needed. It was just about potential recruits for the company, nothing dire.”
What the merc had to say next had to worded delicately. He needed to make sure not to drop names in case this tsareena was the type to run her clamperl off that cliff. Even if she seemed like the silent stoic type. “After the information quest came up negative, the mon who bank rolls this new building got involved and started to threaten to revive an old legal problem one of them had. Something about a manslaughter charge from a legal fight that ended with a contestant dying. With that on the table she willingly handed the information over.”
Freddy sighed, this part was another moment where he had to thread the needle. “And then the mon funding this base decided to get spiteful and support the lawsuit anyway. Because of that four mons basically got kicked out of their place of employment because their boss did not provide information the first time I asked.”
Inserting his hands into his coat pockets, the toxicroak rocked on the balls of his feet. “I feel bad for those four, but not their boss though. Their boss can go to hell.”
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talesofghalidor replied to your photo “zackary-friend-profiles: A mysterious Mismagius whose origins are...”
(( can I just say that I heccin' love your PokeOC designs like hot dang, how're you so good? I could learn from youse! ))
Thank you, I’m so glad you enjoy the design of my pokemon characters. However, I am unfortunately not the artist as noted under each reference image. If you wish to know who the artist is you can find it credited underneath the image alongside a link to their Tumblr page ( If possible ) or just any page really.
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All the pokemon OCs you’ve seen have been purchased by yours truly from the artist directly and are developed over the course of weeks or months with writing and backstory. The only credit I can take is usually instances where I edit the design to be a bit more simplified or pleasing to the eyes. This is thanks to experience in editing colors and the artist supplying me with FireAlpaca project files upon purchase.
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Character Artwork done by: @nataliesartprofile { Character(s) belong to ZiggyZackaryZigzagoon [ Purchased Ownership ] }
I’m sorry if you thought I designed the characters, I’m mostly a writer slowly getting into the drawing side of things. Editing these designs has been a wonderful experience in understanding FireAlpaca and certain art aspects.
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askmitraandco · 4 years
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Marceline from @ask-marcelinethegotherene nominated by @talesofghalidor !!
Spirit from @shiny-doppelganger nominated by @ask-nimby-the-castform !!
Confetti from @ask-comatosebirthdays nominated by @maple-and-pie !!
Rio from @tales-of-ventum nominated by @ask--sugar !!
Chimera from @askprojectchimera nominated by @ask-musical-mons !!
Nana from @ask-scrafty nominated by yours truly !!
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ask-the-evergreen · 4 years
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“ i was gonna buy one for myself and My friend Gail, but I’m okay with giving you one since you lost yours.” Merick gave a sweet smile offering his to the Emolga, same flavor thankfully
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divine--tragedy · 4 years
(Crewel at Soven) "Hey, Pointy! Looks like you made all sorts of pals. How's the Water War goin'?" He asked with a lazy grin. He cast a look around, keeping an eye out for anybody else with a water gun.
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Soven: "Don't get me wrong, I was perfect at handling and aiming with guns but, damn, hella time passed!"
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Soven: "Okay! Okay! Come on! I was just talking to a friend, gimme a break!"
Cameo: @talesofghalidor
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Chantal from talesofghalidor
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I love this gal!!! Funny thing tho like, i got two asks to draw her-
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So i also drew aurora as a plus 
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@damunsart-n-stuff / @talesofghalidor
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thetakenpokemon · 4 years
Chantal@Zephyr: "Ooh my..." The Diancie paladin's eyes glimmered like her many gems as she eyed the cybernetic swordswoman, her look of inspiration and admiration. With a polite throat clearing and a dutiful salute, she by contrast calls out sweetly, "Bonsoir, madamoiselle! I am Lady Chantal, from the Ghalidor Kingdom! I could not help but notice your cybernetic build... c'est incroyable...! And you seem quite proud of it, oui? Do you... ah, dare I ask, prefer it over your old one?"
[PoV: Zephyr]
At this point I didn’t even bother to look when another Pokemon approaches me. I’ve lost count of the number of Pokemon that I’ve met already.
I thought this was a secluded place at first. Boy have I been proven wrong so many times over...
When the person speaks, the voice of this newcomer sounds incredibly distinct, making me turn to glance at them. Upon seeing this individual, I blink with surprise and take a step back.
Whoa, now that’s what I call sparkly.
The way she speaks is definitely rather odd. I’ve heard a few Humans with this particular accent, or at least something similar to it.
As she introducing herself, I make a mental check to remember the name ‘Ghalidor’ for looking up later, since I’ve never heard of such a place.
“Lady, eh?” I smirk at her, my lower arm pulling my blade from the ground and giving it a short spin. “What, you some sort of knight or something?” I ask in a joking manner.
Her follow-up question though makes me stop spinning my sword. My smile vanishes, the expression replaced with one of suspicion.
Now...that’s definitely something you don’t hear people straight-up ask. A lot of people tend to dance around questions such as these, but this girl really just went up to me and pretty much said: ‘Oh hey, sweet cyborg body you got there. Do you like it better than your fleshy one?’ 
It’s kinda like walking up to an amputee and asking them if they like their robot arm more than the actual arm they previously lost.
I mean... They’re probably not the best of comparisons, but they do feel the same. Either way I still gotta give her points for boldness.
When I think about it, the subject itself isn’t quite a sore one. I do tend to find myself getting excited over this body at almost every opportunity. It IS better, that and...I'm also beautiful again.
I don’t think this is something I consider to be ‘crucial information’, I don’t plan to tell her the details on how it works, nor will I reveal any names or places.
Realizing that I’ve been staring at her in silence for a while, I finally speak up. “Heh, that obvious huh?” I chuckle, crossing my upper arms while my unoccupied lower arms rests on my hip. “You’re right on the proud part, that’s for sure~”
“As for me preferring this over my old self?” I continue with a wide grin, my gaze drifting down to my form. “Absolutely! This body can do SO many things that my old self couldn’t. I move so much faster, have heightened reaction time, can lift more than twenty times my size, and I’m much more durable.” I emphasize my descriptions through flexing one of my arms, causing the synthetic muscle underneath to bulge slightly. “I mean, what’s not to love?”
The grin on my face lessens to a smaller smile. “Well, there’s some things that I kinda miss. I can’t really eat anymore, since I have to take nutrient injections in order to keep my brain running.” I tap my head with a knuckle. “All of my organs are gone except for this guy, one of the few things left of my original self. The blades on my body are gone too, but I kinda don’t have to worry about accidentally cutting people. I’m now a Bisharp who can give people proper hugs~”
My enthusiasm starts to weaken. “As...for other stuff?” I say more slowly. “Well, it’s kinda obvious to say that I can’t really fit into society like this. Don’t know about you, but full-body cyborgs really aren’t common in this world. I wouldn’t be too surprised if I were to get ostracized for simply showing my face.” My face darkens. “But then again, I’m kinda used to that stuff to begin with.” I whisper angrily.
Memories flow back to my mind, causing one of my hands to unconsciously touch my face, more particularly my left cheek.
Even through all this time, I can still feel the burns.
I quickly shove those thoughts into the dark place they belong. In an attempt to save face, I let out a loud laugh. “But hey! Those are the little things, the pros HEAVILY outweigh the cons. Heck, if stuff like this was more common? I’d heavily recommend it! If...you have the money of course.”
I pause before smiling sheepishly, scratching the side of my head. “Actually... I take that back, I doubt anyone would have enough money to become what I am in the first place.”
I’m still somewhat in shock on the sheer amount of zeros when I asked the doc how much my body costs. With a price that big, you’d accrue enough debt to last generations...
“...Unless of course you happen be super rich that is...” I finish my train of thought out loud.
Once again I push my thoughts away and focus on the person who’s standing in front of me. “Buuut yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to say...Chantal, was it?” I squint at her. “Not calling you ‘Lady Chantal’, by the way. I don’t really feel like bothering with titles, unless of course your first name is Lady.” I start chuckling. “If that’s the case? I won’t judge, my old name was kinda weird to-” I cut off that sentence, realizing that I’m committing a BIG no-no. “-I’ve known some old friends with kinda weird names.” I recover, trying cover for my slip-up.
I shake my head before gripping my blade tightly. “Yeah...” I chuckle again, my body not matching the easiness on my face.. “If...that’s everything, the party’s that way.” I point behind me with a thumb one of my upper arms. “Assuming that’s the reason why you’re here. A lot of other Pokemon showed up too, so if it’s some kind of celebration that’s happening, you might want to skedaddle before you miss it.”
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gregnas-the-grouch · 4 years
Arcadia@Eudai: "Pardon me, you there, sir. The cloaked wraith..." the elegant yet bold female Gallade hybrid addressed. She held her chin while supporting her elbow in her other hand, quirking a brow with leery eyes. "... You... seem to have ties to that macabre woman, aye? And none too keen...?" Arcadia curls out her hand as she beckons this question, "... What are your thoughts on her? And why does she seem so hellbent on staying... 'by your side,' as it were?"
It seemed Eudai had finally caught onto something. Keeping a distant post from travelers, wandering merchants and human trainers. The disguised Mismanoir had heard word of peculiar events happening near the shores. How random people had gone missing, among more disturbing things. Undoubtedly Whisper’s calling card. Before he could delve any deeper into the subject, it seems another stranger with a nose most intrusive had eavesdropped upon him. 
“Ah, to have a moment to myself.” The ghost said wearily, turning his gaze upon this newcomer. Another female Gallade, hybrid, though what species this woman owed her other half to, the ghost could not discern. She also seemed to be not of this region, if her clothing and accent alone weren’t enough to indicate that. Questions for later.
“Yes, I do have the misfortune of being related to Whisper. She is the eldest sister. Though I have no love for her. At least Yemir was predictable, simple. Whisper? Every day is a surprise. I don’t mean that in a good way either.” Eudai paused, thinking best on how to describe the demented ghoul. “Imagine, if you will, a tornado. Whisper is a kindred spirit to such a disaster, if only for the unpredictability and misery she sows in her wake. She is not an individual I would advise being associated with.” Eudai stated bluntly. Though he showed little emotion, one could easily pick up the disdain he had for her,
“My side? Hardly. Whisper owes allegiance only to herself and no one else. The only reason she’s been appealing to me is because she desires to use my particular set of skills and powers to her own end. nothing more.” The ghost paused, his frustration apparent as he glared sideways. “She’s been manipulating events towards her favor. Thanks to her meddling, I am forced to rely on her as well. Only time will tell when I can wriggle free from her grasp.”
“... Tell me, what business do you have here?”
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askbohemiancompany · 4 years
Aurora@Grohl: "Ooh my...! Who's this I wonder!" The Hatterene extended her almost comically massive hat hand to lightly yet playfully prod the mass of noodly foliage while avoiding possible dangerous direct skin contact, her almost childlike curiosity taking the reins and not the slightest bit disturbed... charmed, even. "You're simply adorable, aah~! You're like a Mareanie-ish little Tangela, so CUTE~!♪ Where are -you- headed, hm? You searching for someone, little one~?"
This mon. It was the...hatterene...from before. She obviously would not be able to recognize him in this form since he was far bigger in his actual body. He did seem to recall that she was very complimentary of him when he was a tangrowth.
“Oh! Wait it’s me, Grohl. We spoke a while ago with my boss about business in Ghalidor.” The tangela waved with a small cluster of knots in the vague shape of a hand. “I had my consciousness transferred to an explosive cluster I had given my friend in case someone attacked her.”
In a gesture that looked like rubbing the back of his own head, Grohl also awkward blinked his eye sideways. “One thing I did not take into account is someone spraying her. With water. At a water park.” Saying that out loud made the grass type realized how bad his idea was to give Len an explosive that activated with water. At least he could take over. He needed to change the topic.
“I’m going to the water slide and then I’m going to walk along the beach. Also don’t touch me too hard. I might explode.”
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spudmans-art · 3 years
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a (late by a bit) Birthday gift for Legend @shadowscarknight/@talesofghalidor of the Fairykin Swordswoman Arcadia, an absolute joy to do
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askbohemiancompany · 4 years
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A piece done by @shadowscarknight / @talesofghalidor in trade for a shiny Toxicroak.
Urami is not exactly a grounded person.
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spudmans-art · 4 years
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Bought a couple characters and wanted to bring back a super oldie character so why not make a whole little Circle?~
Residing in the land favored by warriors of all likes. the land of Ghalidor (created by @shadowscarknight @talesofghalidor) running quite the splendid Market, these three can have everything you need at the best quality, for the prettiest of penny!
Miss Marigold the Hattereena
Height: 6'7
Type: Grass/Fairy
Runs the established Market/Caravan, with sources all across the seas and quite the Wealth under her name! considered part of a royal lineage spanning ancient Ghalidorian times, she prefers the simpler yet suprisingly eventful life by becoming the owner of a Caravan/Shop with only the best materials. she turns out to be quite the Generous and overall caring woman, having rescued young Lucius as an abandoned pup in the rain. and eventually giving Dion a place he can truly call a home! and helping him make a name for himself across the land
Dion the Cacturne
Height: 5'7
Type: Grass/Dark
Living most of his youth alone from a shipwreck at seas, he was a bit of a Streetrat most of his life, but eventually he was given a golden oppurtunity through Miss Marigold! now he is the designated shopkeeper of the establishment, who mans the front and makes the sales, bringing the Money in with his suprisingly suave words, he considers himself a man with the Ladies! flirting and shooting kind words if given the oppurtunity! though only he himself considers himself that!
Height: 26 Inches
Type: Fire/Rock
having his family taken by Poachers and escaping alone, the pup lived in the alleys and empty spaces of Ghalidor, rummaging for scraps and any place to sleep for the night. eventually a rainstorm had put him on the verge of expiration. but was found and treated by noneother then Miss Marigold, now we cut to present day and now Lucius is the established Guard of the shop, which is strange given normally a guard is hired and not just a faithful Canine! but Lucius is quite powerful and has proved to be just that, even without the constant use of the infamous Mege stone! despite being quite the Grumbly hound! it's easy for him to warm up to you if his owner likes you! he can be quite the loving dog despite his otherwise Vicious visage
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