#tales and dsmp mix up au
dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
Hello, Cloud Anon here, I have a new au idea and I'm going to make that everyone else's problem.
So! George and Dream XD are messing around in Kinoko Kingdom, when they accidentally stumble across Karl's library. Not realizing what it is, they hang out there for a while, reading through the stories. Suddenly, Karl bursts into the room clearly stressed. He can feel another jump through time coming on, and he's been trying to get to his library before he gets yeeted through the time-space continuum again. He starts freaking out and trying to get George and Dream XD out of there, and then George starts freaking out and trying to apologize because he didn't know he wasn't supposed to be there, and Dream XD starts freaking out because there is a powerful energy building around Karl and they can tell something is wrong but don't know what's going on. Karl grabs George's arm to throw him out of the library and Dream XD's power spikes because if there's one thing they're going to do it's protect George- and suddenly everything goes white.
When Karl wakes up, he's alone in his library. He can tell he's time-traveled, so he'll have to deal with George and XD later, right now the most important thing is figuring out where and when he is. But when he climbs out of the hatch of the library, his surroundings are surprisingly familiar- he's back in the Old West. After walking around he confirms that yep, this is definitely the same town he visited before, and based on the fact that he finds John John alive and well at the bar, it seems like he hasn't been here yet at this point. There seem to be a couple more people around than before too, though they're far enough away that he can't really make them out. Karl is confused, but this is nothing he can't handle. Maybe his time traveling got messed up somehow and he just has to... do this one again? He shrugs and goes to sit at the bar and chat with John until the bandits start pulling up outside. Pretending not to know what's going on, he asks John who the people outside are. John John fearfully tells him that they're the infamous Bee and Boo Bandits and that they've been ransacking the town for months.
Wait. What? Before Karl has a chance to question him, the doors are thrown open and he's greeted by two *very* familiar faces leading the bandits into the bar. Normally he might be glad to see Tubbo and Ranboo, but normally, Tubbo and Ranboo aren't threatening him with guns while they rob a saloon! Just what the fuck is going on here?
What Karl doesn't know yet, but will soon figure out, is that something weird happened when he time traveled. His jump through time combined with the sudden spike in Dream XD's power sent a wave of energy through the server that somehow dragged everyone on the server into one of the stories in his library. Now all of his friends are scattered throughout his stories, with new roles and memories that fit their settings, as if they had lived there all their lives. And it's up to Karl to find everyone and get them back home.
Alright, that's all the poetic/storytelling bit out of the way so now for some more details- So, the characters haven't actually been transported to the time period of the stories they're in, and the original timelines of the stories remain unchanged. Instead, the characters have been sort of transported into the stories Karl wrote about the events, rather than the actual events, so nothing they do actually changes history or the future. Also, all of the original tftsmp characters are still there, the dsmp people have just been added to the equation on top of them. And with the addition of new people, some of the stories have actually been significantly changed from how they originally went! For example, when Karl arrives in Mizu, the city is bustling and full of life, and it becomes obvious that Ranbob hasn't massacred the rest of the city's inhabitants yet. Along with the people who have been taken from the dsmp, there are tons of people Karl has never met, the original inhabitants of the city. It becomes a race to rescue all his friends before the massacre when Mizu starts running low on food and oxygen.
I haven't decided on a tales episode for everyone yet and I'm excited to see if people have ideas on where to put everyone but this is what I've got so far:
Tubbo & Ranboo - Wild West, leading the group of bandits that ransack the town
Tommy - Mizu, with Wilbur as his idol
Ghostbur - The Village That Went Mad
Niki - Baker and Co-sheriff to Sheriff Thompson in the Wild West, though this is subject to change because I kind of also want her and Jack to be a fighting duo in The Pit
Quackity - The Masquerade, he's a wealthy casino owner. His mask has a cool poker chip design over his ruined eye
Anyways I've been thinking about this for days and I'll probably just send more asks in as I come up with more ideas but yeah I hope people like this idea, I'm excited to see if anyone else has ideas to add on
-Cloud Anon
Oh lord. We have all of this chaos and man. Karl got to fix all of this or else things will go wrong very fast.
Got to go get his friends back or else everything is going to go to shit.
We got main character Karl and him most likely dragging George and XD along with him and man. This is interesting.
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arabella377 · 3 years
The joy about revisiting old series I loved is always that I end up trying to come up with ways to mix it with my current interest
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OK! This is ridiculous at this point but DSMPblr, LEARN HOW TO TAG POSTS!!
Y’all are pretty good about putting ship warnings and putting “/rp” when it’s needed but that isn’t always enough! You need to learn how to tag? Fine, I’ll teach you!
Here’s how I typically tag my posts. (It’s a pretty standard tagging system. Nothing special.)
General tagging!
Put the fandom, in this case “mcyt” (optional) and “dream smp” (mandatory on related posts) or sometimes you might need to put a “tales from the smp” tag in. Abbreviated titles are also acceptable.
Is this crossover content? If so put on a crossover tag. For example “hc x dsmp” or “dsmp x mcd”. (Typically I like to put the SMPs the post is about in chronological order of when they started airing, but you could alphabetize it or just not have an official order to it.)
Is it an au? If so, put the fandom + au. In this case “dream smp au”. Does the au have its own tag? Then use it!
(This one is definitely optional but) Does your posts heavily feature a certain duo, trio, or other YouTube group? Great! Tag them! Ex “dream team”, “clingy duo”, “sleepy bois inc.”
Next up you put the character tags! Ex “Karl Jacobs”, “Quackity HQ” or you might need their TFTSMP character as well. Please if it’s a TFTSMP character, put an abbreviated episode title or TFTSMP in front, especially if they have a common name like “Isaac”. If the character is only meantioned in once in that post they probably don’t need to be tagged. (I tend to alphabetize my character tags, but that’s just personal preference and is optional)
Is it shipping related? Put the ship name! Ex: Karlnapity. Is it a platonic ship? Be sure to state that. (Y’all are pretty good about that one)
Warnings! (I typically put these last because they’re for people who have the tags blocked but you can put these first if you want)
Does this post contain spoilers? If so, use the “dsmp spoilers”, or “dream smp spoilers” tags. If it’s tales from the smp, add a spoiler warning for that as well. If it’s live blogging be sure it to tag it as such (about half of you are tagging live blogging and to those half thank you).
Now here’s a big one, trigger warnings. Use them. If you have a gory art post, tag “gore tw”. If your fic involves a character’s death, tag it appropriately, with “death tw”, “character death tw”, or “minor character death tw”. This goes for pretty much any warnings a post may warrant. Even if it’s just a meantion of something. Some people have triggers and although you can’t always tag everything, y’all could at least try to tag common ones. Please, even if it’s just a meantion, or if it’s only implied, tag it.
Feel free to change the order in which you tag things. This is more of a guide than a concrete tagging system, but some things do need to be tagged, no matter what. (Trigger warnings, spoiler warnings, and ship tags)
/rp. It’s not necessarily required but it can be very helpful and I’m sure those who need it appreciate it. (Y’all are pretty good with slash indicators. Thank you for being mature about those and not making fun of it. Some people genuinely can’t tell & slash indicators help with that)
Hybrid SMP is a big one. There’s already a roleplay group, that’s been around for a while, called Origins so um- maybe don’t tag your posts as that. The DSMP fan base is already so big that it kinda wipes out a lot of other fanbases. (Even the hermit!tommy AU was enough to warrant the need for making crossover tags mainstream due to y’all flooding the Hermitcraft tag)
I am going to reiterate this because it’s important: Certain characters have really common names or names that coincide with pre-existing tags, so to prevent cross-tagging either put what they’re from before the name or you can list out their full gamer tag, for example using “dreamwastaken” instead of just “Dream” or “TFTSMP Jack” instead of just “jack” (especially that last one. Some people may get Ponk’s character confused with Jack Manifold)
You can add in tags for the kind of content as well but, its preferable to have “DSMP” in front (a lot looser on this one because if you were to search up “incorrect quotes” you’ll see some stuff from the SuperWhoLock days of tumblr mixed in with Harry Potter and Sanders Sides, so that one doesn’t matter that much). Ex “DSMP Fanart”, “DSMP memes”
Definitely optional, but if a post is aimed at the community itself I highly recommend using the tags “MCYTblr” or “DSMPblr” (if it’s just aimed at the Dream smp fandom, it’s preferred to just tag as “DSMPblr” and not “MCYTblr”)
If you ever forget to tag something or need to remove a tag, the great thing about tumblr is, you can come back and edit posts at any time. I retag old posts all the time.
I cannot stress this enough, if something is just barely mentioned it doesn’t need to be tagged, unless the thing in question can be extremely triggering, in which case, trigger warn it. It’s basic human decency. Tags aren’t just to get as many people as possible to view something, they’re also there for if someone doesn’t want to see something.
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green-t-ea · 3 years
Having SPAU thoughts (for context spau is a 2 year old au that started out as a hermitcraft au and there is also a dsmp spau created by a few buddies who were old spau people) I have 2 characters I write and develope for dsmp spau (Sibbh and Carbyne also know as Carrefour and Butane.) Which are the shadows of Badboyhalo and Skeppy.
It's also mixed with my personal designs/concepts for both bbh and skeppy. My bbh is an eldritch guardian from thuamcraft while my skeppy is a diamond block mimic creature. Fun times.
I'm very hype for people who enjoy Honk (a great shadow created by @autisticlalna ) because tales is starting back up in the near future and that's like. Very very exciting for many reasons. But I'm also excited just because Honk is one of the only shadows who actually has like. Written and conceptual interactions with Sibbh and Carbyne so whenever I have ideas my brain goes "but what if- Honk"
I should probably come up with the other eggpire shadows tbh and work out more interactions between different shadows.
Oh and also since I'm busy usually that means I have more time where I just lay down and write or draw while I rest. So be prepared for art and writing.
(on the other end of spau- I'm still working on the Con and Taxes fic. Im not giving up on it I'm just waiting for inspo to strike)
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newgreanii · 3 years
Been thinking a lot about a Timelord AU for the Dream SMP. I love how the idea of regeneration is used in Doctor Who. How each Doctor lives a full life and comes into their own personality and way of living and ends it (in a typically very dramatic fashion) only for their body to turn into burning light that brings a new version of them into existence.
So I was thinking about the “3 canon lives” concept in the Dream SMP, and thought, hey, what if at each canon death, the members of the SMP went through the same regeneration sequence, burning away their dying body and creating a new one? (which may still bear the scars of old injuries).
That’s great, but in DW, each Timelord has 12 lives, so how do we reconcile that with the 3 lives on the DSMP? Well, we could just say, “it’s an AU, it won’t be a perfect one-to-one of Doctor Who, that’s fine.” Or we could consider the Tales from the SMP.
I have to admit my knowledge is a little hazy surrounding this part of DSMP lore, but my basic understanding is that Karl has a time-travel book/device which allows him to go to other moments in the SMP’s timeline. The characters in these tales are played by members of the SMP (with a few outside exceptions) who often wear different skins, go by different names, and have different personalities. Sure, that could just be a way for Karl to tell his story and involve his friends at the same time, OR those characters could be previous/future regenerations of each member of the SMP!
I like that second option better, and I love that there’s some time travel mixed in to really amp up the Doctor Who vibes. So now other questions are popping up. Are the members of the SMP Timelords? Are they stranded on Earth? Do they want to get back to Gallifrey? Why don’t their physical forms completely change each time they regenerate? Does anyone have a TARDIS?
Not sure about those questions yet, but I wanted to share.
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falrywinds · 3 years
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Serena Fic Masterpost
all the fics i have written will go here! so if you ever need to find a banger fic, i got you man :] this post includes both my chapter fics, and my one shots! reblogs are always appreciated, but never required :D
this tumblr post is used as a portfolio!! click under the cut to get reading :D
The fics in each section will go from newest to oldest! Meaning the futher you go down in a section, the worse it gets!
the breaking writers block fics ( Do Not Enter [ONESHOT] & Names and Orders [CHAPTER FIC] ) are not here! but if you click on the names you can get a link to them and enjoy them anyway! both of these are beeduo centric!!!
Singular Work ( Over 10K Words )
One Shots ( Less Than 10K Words )
Chapter Fics and Series ( All Unfinished , Still Good )
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Singular Works —
To See Yourself So Glowing
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to see yourself so glowing ( PUBLISHED AUGUST 30TH, 2021. 32K WORDS ) is a fic that gives ranboo the power of time travel. one that he can't control. he is sent back to the New L'manburg era to do one thing, save tubbo and stop him from losing his second life. hurt comfort with a happy ending. one of my most popular fics ! ( and the first fanfiction to ever be retweeted by the official ranboo art account on twitter !! )
One Shots (DSMP) —
Fishing While The Clock Ticks Down
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fishing while the clock ticks down (PUBLISHED JULY 2ND, 2021. 3.5K WORDS) is a fic based off the 30 day/Free Trial SMP. it takes place after Phil dies, and it's a writing of the conversation that Phil and Ranboo had while Ranboo was fishing. I was grieving over the loss of this SMP and the great dynamic these two had
Something Tells Me You Aren't That Bad, Though Maybe That's Just Me
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something tells me you arent that bad, though maybe that's just me (PUBLISHED APRIL 19TH, 2021, 2.4K WORDS.) is a fic based off of ran and jackie from the tales of the smp episode The Pit (this fic was released before knifetrick so please do not say it is a knifetrick fic, however i am a total fan of knifetrick!) Jackie is learning about the contestants he has to battle, and he finds Ran sulking in the corner, the two talk and learn a little bit about themselves.
His L'manburg
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His L'manburg ( PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 11TH, 2020, 1K WORDS ) was my first trip into writing for dsmp, seeing as I had only written aphmau fics before this. This fic sees Fundy as the main character, as he grows up and grows bitter of the world around him. Also the tagging system for fics back at this time was terrible, let me say
One Shots (APHMAU) —
Together In The Future
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together in the future (PUBLISHED MARCH 11TH, 2021. 4.9K WORDS) A fic where Aphmau debates with herself what she and her friends will be like in the future, and she remembers both amazing and not so fantastic past events. This fic was part of the Last Minute MCD Anniversary Collab on Aphtwt!!
It Wasn't Only A Nightmare
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it wasn't only a nightmare (PUBLISHED OCTOBER 25TH, 2019) is a fic that explores VP!Aphmau and MCD!Laurance, and gives aphmau more awareness of Laurance's trauma that he has experienced throughout the series. It was a gift to an old friend who introduced me to ao3 aphmau fics!!
Laurance's Awakening
laurance's awakening (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 28TH, 2019) is a fic that explores Laurance as a character in the beginning of season three, compared to his time before as a guard beside Aphmau. Laurmau implied. This was my jump from QUOTEV to AO3! ( No Image of Tags Provided )
Chapter's And Series —
Don't Wanna Die Twice
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don't want to die twice ( FIRST PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 26TH, 2021. CURRENTLY 9.3K WORDS ) is a modern fic in which ranboo is a ghost from the 1980's, and Clingyduo have to figure out the reasoning for his death so he can pass on peacefully. MAIN CHARACTER DEATH WARNING. please look at all the tags before you read!!
A Step By Step Guide To Teamwork (By Some Inexperienced Teens)
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a step by step guide ( FIRST PUBLISHED MAY 2ND, 2021. CURRENTLY 44.8K WORDS ) is my most popular fic as of 2022! Clingyduo superhero au with Ranboo being a vilglante. A mix of fun stuff and action!!
Interdimensional, The Series —
Interdimensional ( FIRST PUBLISHED AUGUST 10TH, 2020. CURRENTLY 10K WORDS ) a four fic series based off an AU that Aphtwt had created! MYS!Garroth and MCD!Laurance! Mostly fluff :D
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
Okay so I know we already have a reincarnation au but then I remembered a plot I made a while back and never came back to when I was younger.
So basically, in this au, reincarnation is normal and is often just seen as regular things. Oh you were this reincarnation of a great president from 20xx? Well you still have to do your homework. Get to it mister. There is some magic but that takes time and studying and a very hefty fee. That fee is just a whole lot of money, don’t worry.
Now then, what I’m thinking is that in this au, we have everyone be reincarnated from their either their DSMP selves or the Tales from the SMP selves into the modern world. They all are already aware that they are the reincarnations of the DSMP selves and everyone has mixed feelings about them.
Quackity for example is pointedly ignoring his own reincarnation past, Wilbur is trying to learn more about it, and Tommy resents it. So we got that.
Now then, for the plot, I’d like to think that the DSMP is a huge deal to the world, mainly because of the wars, conflicts, and the buildings that came from it. It even got to the point where uh...there may be some cults based around it. Mainly Dream....
And that’s where the DMSP members come in. Dream is just trying to make amends quietly with his past incarnation being a dick and everything and then he gets fucking confronted by this cult who knows about his past life and starts saying about how he is their savior and the one who would go give them immortal life.
Dream tries to close the door only to just be kidnapped instead and is brought to the fucking cult base instead and meets Ranbob, who starts talking about how Dream is his idol and how he even got some of his other friends in here to help jog his memory for the reincarnation process.
Cue awkward meet ups, a break-out, and a goal to find a way to disassemble the cult while also coming to terms with some of the things your past incarnation has done.
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