#taking notes for this concept /j
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nem0-nee · 2 years ago
Nemo can we play rock paper scissors with the hands on your eyes/j
Sure why not >:))
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[ Your move, Ceru. ]
DBHSKHFS JKJK I SWEAR IM JUST A LITTLE GUY!!! A SILLY LITTLE GOOBER- (casually uses this as an excuse for an upcoming drawing ahjvdad)
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ABSOLUTELY FOUL!!! TvT I'd be in a great disadvantage bc I'll have to pose these hands first!!?!?!? /j
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bbibbirose · 11 months ago
Crazy how our habits are acc just a huge collection of the habits of everyone in our lives and/or what we've been told
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pokemonfrommemory · 1 year ago
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Evolution has freed him from the curse (of eternally bouncing)
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starlightkun · 2 months ago
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⇢ word count: 6.9k ⇢ genre: fluff, established relationship, secret relationship, office workers!jisung & reader, holiday themed, a bit of a crackfic (everyone in this is slightly unhinged and you should NOT act like them in your actual workplace PLEASE), appearances from absolute nuisances nohyuck (mainly hyuck being a nuisance and jeno being a desk candy bowl thief) and chill boss johnny (he’s actually the only normal one around this office fr), part of my 2024 hallmark movie marathon ⇢ warnings: lots of discussions of sex/sleeping together (nohyuck have an absolutely unhinged plot to have reader hook up w jisung w/o realizing that they’re already dating, shenanigans ensue) ⇢ extra info: this was originally going to be part of want from me, but i felt like i was losing the plot a bit, so i tweaked some stuff and made it its own fic instead this is part of my 2024 hallmark movie marathon, three short, unrelated fics starring jisung all with cheesy hallmark christmas movie-esque premises. there’s no continuing plotline between fics in this series, they’re all standalone fics ⇢ author’s note: ok i may be stretching the concept of a ‘cheesy hallmark movie’ in this one, but there’s a holiday party. sue me. ⇢ 2024 hallmark movie marathon
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“You need to fuck Jisung.” Donghyuck sat on your desk the following Monday, nearly knocking your cup of pens over.
“What happened to hello? How are you?”
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“I get why you didn’t want to tell anybody when I was interviewing,” Jisung sighed as you adjusted his tie for him. “But don’t you think everyone’s formed their own opinions about me by now?”
“You told me Mr. Kang called you Joosung yesterday,” you pointed out. “We agreed after your three-month evaluation, remember?”
“That’s next month!”
“Two weeks. December tenth, to be exact, will be three months since you started.”
“I know, I know.” He pulled you closer by your hips, burying his face in your neck. “Thank you.”
You rested one hand on the nape of his neck, the other stroking his hair. “I hate it too. I was in the bathroom yesterday and overheard a couple of the women from budgeting talking about you. Apparently one of them wants to ask you to the holiday party.”
He lifted his head up, squinting with confusion. “Wait, was it Song Minji from budgeting?”
“Yesterday she asked me if I was going, I said yes, then she asked if I had a date, and I said no, and she said she didn’t either. Then she just stared at me. It was really awkward, so I told her I had to get back to my spreadsheets and walked away.”
You burst out laughing, covering your mouth as your boyfriend continued looking down at you with absolutely endearing confusion. Patting his cheek, you informed him gently, “She was waiting for you to ask her to the party, baby.”
“Well, even if I knew that, I wouldn’t have,” he huffed.
“I know, Sungie,” you kissed his cheek. “I know.”
You glanced at the time on your bedside clock, tapping his arm indicatively. “We’ve got to go.”
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“Y/N, someone from bookkeeping will be over to pick these receipts up today,” Mr. Suh, your boss, informed you, setting a large banker box down on the ledge behind your computer monitor.
You nodded. “You sure you don’t want me to just take them over there now?”
Bookkeeping was on the same floor as your team, just on the opposite side of the large office building.
“No, I’ve got six more boxes in my office. They should be coming with a dolly. I’ve got a lunch meeting, then I’m on-site at a build. Can you make sure they get them all?”
“Of course. See you tomorrow, then.”
“Thank you. See you tomorrow.” He smiled and reached into your candy bowl, securing a chocolate for himself before heading off towards the elevator.
As you continued working up your reports, another figure approached your desk.
“Hi.” Jisung smiled down at you from over the banker box.
“And what is a bookkeeping gremlin doing over here?” You teased, having already spotted the bright orange dolly next to him. “They let you guys out of your cages?”
“Just me, because I’m on a mission.” He did a little mock salute, making you giggle. He then looked between the dolly and the box. “But I don’t really think this was necessary…”
“There’s six more boxes in Mr. Suh’s office,” you informed him happily, pointing to your boss’ door.
Two of your team members, Donghyuck and Jeno, congregated around your desk then as well, Jeno zeroing in on your candy bowl as always, and Donghyuck snooping at what you were doing on your screen.
“Boring!” Hyuck declared, hitting CTRL + S on your keyboard to save it for you before exiting out of the program. “Lunchtime!”
“Hey, I was working on that, you know,” you protested, keeping up your usual banter with your work friend.
“Now you’re not,” he shrugged.
“Actually, you were chatting with…” Jeno trailed off, looking at Jisung expectantly.
“Jisung,” your boyfriend filled in.
“—You were chatting with Jisung when we got here,” Jeno finished, popping another chocolate in his mouth and tucking it in his cheek to talk around it. “So you weren’t really working.”
“She was telling me where the other boxes of receipts were,” Jisung explained quickly, gesturing to the dolly. “I’m supposed to pick them up. I’m from bookkeeping.”
Hyuck scanned him from head to toe. “You’re new, right?”
He nodded.
“Come to lunch with us.”
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“No, Hyuck,” you snorted, cutting up your food as your coworker attempted to show you a picture of another one of his friends over lunch. “The last asshole you set me up with stood me up, remember?”
“I told you, Jaemin got a stomach bug!” Hyuck insisted. “And that was like, over a year ago!”
You looked at him pointedly. “And he could text you but not me? Think about it.”
“Okay, so he was a flake, but Mark is like, a really good guy!” He elbowed your other coworker next to him. “Jeno, back me up!”
Jeno shrugged. “Eh, he seems like the kind of guy to call you ‘bro’ in bed.”
“Not the kind of back-up I meant!”
“Am I wrong?”
“Why are you thinking about what Mark would call you in bed, Jeno?” You snickered.
He stuck his tongue out at you, and you mimicked him.
Hyuck pushed on in his seemingly never-ending pursuit to set you up with his also never-ending pool of single friends. “Ignore him, Y/N. Will you at least consider? For me? Your bestest friend?”
“I never see you outside of work functions,” you pointed out.
“Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please?”
“Whatever. Send me his CV,” you said noncommittally, taking a bite of your food.
“On it!”
“Wait, he’s applying for a job?” Jisung finally spoke from his seat beside you, his confusion apparent.
“No, that’s just what they call whatever information Hyuck sends her about the guys he tries to set her up with,” Jeno explained for him. “It ends up being pretty much the same stuff that’s on a résumé, though.”
Hyuck then focused in on a new target. “Jisung, what about you?”
He froze. “What?”
“Are you single?”
“Lie if you have to,” you advised. “Once he smells blood, you’re done for.”
“I’m not a shark!” Hyuck took great offense to this comparison. “I’m-I’m like Cupid!”
You let out a derisive laugh at that, stabbing your fork into your food and lifting your next bite to your mouth.
“I’ve got a girlfriend,” Jisung answered hurriedly.
Hyuck narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “So you’re bringing her to the Christmas party.”
“I-I don’t know, we uhm—we just started seeing each other.”
“You’ll bring her to the next monthly mixer, then?”
“I’m pretty sure this is workplace harassment,” you stepped in on Jisung’s behalf, giving Hyuck a disapproving look. “We had a seminar, remember?”
“You’re not curious?”
“No, I don’t care to see you bother poor Jisung for the rest of our fleeting lunch break.”
“Fine, I won’t disturb Y/N’s precious lunch break,” he gave in melodramatically. “But I want to hear about her when we get back to the office, Jisung.”
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When you and Jisung got home that evening, you waited until the two of you had gotten out of your work clothes to address the pout on his lips that had been present ever since lunch.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, sitting at your dining table with him.
He started unpacking the to-go food. “Why did you tell Donghyuck to send you that guy’s info?”
“To get him to shut up about it. He would’ve done that for our whole lunch break, Sungie.” You shook your head, watching as he avoided your eyes. “Are you jealous? It’s not like I’m actually going to do anything with it.”
“I know, but I still don’t like that he’s sending you dating résumés, and it’s apparently been a regular thing?”
“Okay, I know we made it sound like it happens all the time,” you agreed. “This is like the third time, including the guy who stood me up last year. When you and I started dating, I told Hyuck not to bother anymore. But then he heard that I wasn’t bringing a date to the holiday party, and he started his little matchmaking thing again. That’s why I never told you, because there never was anything to tell.”
“I’m sorry if it sounded like I was accusing you of something, baby,” Jisung murmured, reaching for your hand over the table.
“Do you want me to block him or something?”
He sighed. “No, of course not.”
“Damn it, I was hoping you’d say yes. I’ve been looking for an excuse for years.”
He finally chuckled at that, a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.
“Here.” You brought out your phone and stood behind him, maneuvering your arms around his shoulders so he could see your screen as you opened your texts with Hyuck and started deleting the most recent ones debriefing you on his newest eligible bachelor for you.
“Wait a second.” Jisung stopped you before you could delete all the pictures that Hyuck had sent.
To your surprise, your boyfriend actually opened one of the pictures of the guy.
“Jeno was right,” he snorted, closing out of the picture.
“Wh—Oh,” you started laughing. “Yeah, absolutely.”
You finished deleting everything about the guy, then shut your phone off. “All gone. Can’t even remember his name.”
Jisung pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Thanks, baby.”
“And I’ll tell Hyuck no more in the future. Sound good?”
“No, maybe it’s for the best. I don’t think you need to be subjected to the interrogation I went through today.” He leaned his head against yours affectionately.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I trust you.”
“Aw, thank you, Sungie.” You kissed his hair then hugged him properly. “I knew that. It was cute to see you get jealous, though.”
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“You need to fuck Jisung.” Donghyuck sat on your desk the following Monday, nearly knocking your cup of pens over.
“What happened to hello? How are you?” You blinked up at him incredulously, rescuing your writing utensils and pushing them to a far corner.
“No time, we need to save our new favorite little bookkeeping gremlin.” He quickly saved your project and closed the window on your computer.
“And you think having sex with me is the cure for cancer or something?” You snorted. “They really wasted their money on your slot in that workplace harassment seminar.”
“No, look, he’s in an awful, awful situationship. I know he said she’s his girlfriend at lunch the other day, but he doesn’t have any pictures of her, he didn’t want to show me her social media. He said she probably wouldn’t be able to come to the mixer because of her ‘work schedule’—” Hyuck used finger quotes around the words ‘work schedule’ “—but the way he said, it sounded like he was just preemptively making excuses because he knew she would turn him down. I asked him about their first date, and you want to know his answer?”
“What?” You asked dryly.
“That they don’t really do ‘that stuff!’” More air quotes.
“Then I asked what stuff they do do, and he turned bright red!”
“So he’s lying about having a girlfriend to get you off his back.”
“Mm, she sounded pretty real.”
“Okay, maybe he’s twisting the truth and he’s got a fuckbuddy and he still doesn’t want you playing matchmaker,” you suggested another alternative. “Either way, you should leave him alone.”
“No, look, I’ve got this all figured out. He needs to be reminded that there’s women other than this girl—”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “How do you have a rotating roster of men to throw at me, but somehow the only woman that comes to mind for your braindead plan is the one in your immediate line of sight? This is confirming my suspicions that you get no bitches, Lee Donghyuck. Have you talked to a single woman other than me and your mother?”
“Listen, it has to be you so nobody catches feelings!”
“So you’re saying I’m unlovable?”
His eyes widened comically as he went to backpedal. “No, of course not! I meant—Jeno, back me up!”
Jeno, who had been silently leaning against the ledge behind your computer monitor this whole time, happily snacking on the red and green Hershey’s kisses in your candy bowl, slowly finished off the one in his mouth before speaking. “Here’s the thing—”
“You condone this?” You scoffed.
He shrugged. “It’s like, his second-worst idea. Marginally better than setting you up with Na Jaemin.”
“Why do I bother asking for your back-up?” Hyuck muttered.
“But he doesn’t think you’re unlovable. He just knows that you’re a professional, and Jisung is still a newbie and works in a different department. So obviously, there’s like no risk of catching feelings if you guys do… Because work, you know?”
You sat back in your chair, glancing between the two of them dubiously. “Do you two think these are normal things to say to people? At work? To your coworker?”
They looked at each other with wide, horrified eyes, beginning to stutter apologetically.
“I’m in,” you declared abruptly, watching their jaws drop. You then focused your next sentence at Hyuck specifically. “If you’ll stop trying to set me up.”
“Done,” he agreed immediately.
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Jisung had excitedly told you about the results of his three-month evaluation to you over dinner that evening, and as you two cleaned up after, you relayed your conversation with your coworkers to him.
“I finally got Hyuck to stop setting me up. Permanently,” you announced in a sing-songy voice, drying the last dish Jisung had just handed you before putting it up in the cabinet.
“Really? Did you find out he killed someone or something?” He asked, shaking the water off his hands over the sink before grabbing the towel hanging in front of it to start drying his hands.
“Nope, he just asked me to do something.”
“Oh, and who do you have to kill?”
“Nobody.” You wrapped your arms around his waist from behind him. “You see, he’s very concerned that this ‘girlfriend’ of yours doesn’t like you as much as you like her.”
“I know we’re literally coworkers, but he needs to get a job,” Jisung retorted.
“Why did you say we didn’t go dates when he asked about our first date?”
“I was afraid you might’ve mentioned it before and I didn’t want him to connect the dots if I told the same story.”
“You couldn’t come up with a fake first date? Carnival? Arcade? Dinner?”
“I was panicking!”
“Anyway, he thinks you’re in a toxic situationship, and that the only solution is for me to sleep with you.”
“Wait what?!” His muscles flexed and contracted under your hands with his words, and he seemed almost oblivious as you continued roaming them over his front.
“Because we would never catch feelings for each other, obviously,” you informed him with mocking seriousness, making him scoff.
“I assume you told him to fuck off and stop setting you up anyway?”
You finally put a hand under his shirt to touch his bare skin, and he shivered and jerked away instinctively.
“Ah! Cold hands, baby,” he whined, but made no further moves to get away.
“Then let me warm them up, Sungie,” you giggled, pressing your fingers more intentionally against his skin. “Anyway, why would I pass up the perfect opportunity to fuck with Hyuck and fuck my hot boyfriend at the same time?”
“I don’t think I like how similar that phrasing was.”
“Sungie,” you dragged out the last vowel pleadingly.
“So you’ve got a scheme?” He asked knowingly.
“A fun one,” you promised, kissing his neck. “In multiple senses of the word. But it means everyone finding out we’re together a few days later than we planned. Is that okay?”
He let out a deep sigh. “Alright. What’s first?”
“I’ve got to hold up my end of the deal, of course.”
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Donghyuck and Jeno were quick to swarm you first thing in the morning. They at least brought you a coffee this time. There was no work up on your computer yet for Hyuck to close out of, so he just made himself at home on top of your papers that were on your desk instead.
“Okay, we need to brainstorm,” Hyuck got right to business as Jeno dug into your candy bowl. Well, not the business you were actually sitting inside of, but his plot. “The holiday party is on Friday. I’m thinking if you start being a little flirty leading up to it, like casual, you know, not too much, that should warm him up.”
“The more planning you put into this, the creepier it gets,” you informed him, taking a sip of your coffee.
The elevator dinged then, and Jisung stepped off, eyes focused on his feet as he hurried off towards the break room. The elevator opened towards your side of the floor, while bookkeeping was on the other side, and the breakroom, storage closet, and copy room were situated at the midpoints on the floor.
“Jisung’s late?” Jeno commented, bewildered. “Didn’t he say he always gets here ten minutes early to make his coffee before everyone else?”
Hyuck looked at this as well, eyes narrowing. He turned back to you and Jeno. “Did you guys see that big hickey on his neck? Now he’s running late and wearing the same tie as yesterday? This is why we need to help him. Anyway—”
You shifted in your seat then, readjusting your blazer so that it ‘accidentally’ pulled your blouse just enough to show off a love bite situated on your collarbone.
Hyuck actually froze in place, staring at you as he short-circuited. Jeno gave you a quiet, short round of applause.
“Damn, you work fast,” he commented.
You looked down at where Hyuck was staring, as if belatedly realizing your mistake, moving your neckline back up to cover it again.
“You really…” Donghyuck trailed off, blinking rapidly as he began rebooting.
You shrugged. “Didn’t want to announce it like we were in a locker room.”
“He’s walking over here,” Jeno coughed under his breath.
And sure enough, Jisung approached your desk. He looked uncertainly at Donghyuck sitting next to you, and ended up standing by Jeno behind the ledge, finally looking you in the eye.
“H-Hi, Y/N,” he stuttered nervously.
“Morning, Jisung,” you greeted him brightly. “Kiss?”
“Huh?!” He squeaked.
“Hershey kiss?” You pointed to the bowl that Jeno was grabbing another candy from. “They’re caramel filled.”
“O-Oh. Sure, thanks.” He took a green one. “S-See you later.”
With that, Jisung skittered away, back off towards bookkeeping. Hyuck and Jeno both turned to you with wide eyes.
“I’ve made a grave miscalculation,” Hyuck whispered.
“That boy is pussy whipped,” Jeno whistled lowly.
You rolled your eyes at them. “Or maybe you guys were looking at the two of us with flashing ‘I KNOW YOU HAD SEX’ signs over your heads.”
“Oh, did I forget to leave that at home again?” Hyuck replied snidely, mockingly swatting just above his head. He then leaned in to whisper-yell at you, “Do you actually have the cure for cancer in there because what the hell was that?!”
“Good morning, Mr. Suh!” You chirped at your boss as he walked by.
Hyuck sat up straight, saluting to your boss. “Good morning, Mr. Suh!”
“Mornin’, Mr. Suh,” Jeno said through a mouthful of candy.
“Morning, morning, morning,” Mr. Suh greeted each of you in turn, then yawned. “Ugh, is it Friday yet?”
“Not quite, unfortunately,” you chuckled.
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At home that night, you were keeled over with laughter on your couch, clutching your stomach as you and Jisung recalled the looks on your coworkers’ faces this morning.
“Who knew you were such a good actor, Sungie?” You choked out through laughter, wiping at your tears.
“I just had to act like I was madly in love with you, that wasn’t acting, baby,” he smiled fondly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. “I’ve had to act every day at work except today.”
“So smooth, Park Jisung,” you giggled, kissing him.
“It’s the truth.”
“I know. You’ve never been smooth, just honest. And I love that about you.”
“Ouch, and also thanks?”
You snickered and kissed his pout. “Ready for tomorrow?”
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Stepping off the elevator in the morning, you didn’t spare another glance to Jisung, who had ridden up with you. Typically, you would take separate elevators, one of you waiting for the next one, but today, you broke that rule. You dropped off your purse at your desk before going to the break room and making your usual cup of coffee.
Jeno and Donghyuck were already waiting for you at your desk. You rolled your eyes at them. “You two have your own desks, you know?”
“You and Jisung got here at the same time,” Jeno stated.
“Is there a question in there?” You raised an eyebrow at him, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Did you get a new shampoo?” Donghyuck asked, leaning forward to sniff the air around your head.
You swatted at him. “Personal space?”
“That doesn’t smell like a woman’s shampoo…” He went back in for another sniff.
“Quit it, freak!” You rolled away from him.
“What’s happening?” A third voice had joined you all, right on time. Jisung was at your desk, cup of coffee in hand.
“Nothing, Jisung.” You threw on a bright smile, scooting back up to your desk. “What can I do for you?”
“I-I just uhm, I wanted to say good morning. And I brought you some coffee.” He offered the cup out to you.
“Aw, thanks,” you said sincerely, then looked down at your own cup on your desk regretfully. “But I already got some.”
His face fell. “O-Oh. I guess I’ll—”
“Hold on, Jisung!” Donghyuck stopped him from leaving, hopping off your desk. Jisung froze in place as your coworker grabbed his arm. First, he took the coffee from his hand and set it on the ledge behind your monitor, then he grabbed your boyfriend’s collar and yanked him down to take a deep whiff of his hair. Jisung yelped at the rough treatment, arms flailing until Hyuck let him go, giving him a loud slap on the shoulder. “That’s all. Thanks for the coffee.”
“Lunch later?” Jeno offered to him. “All four of us.”
“S-Sure,” he looked at you and blushed before hurrying away.
You crossed your arms as you glared at Hyuck. “You literally just assaulted him.”
“And you—” He pointed at you dramatically, “—slept with him again. That’s his shampoo that I was smelling on you.”
“I think my extracurriculars are none of your business.”
“Mm, Jisung’s more of a co-curricular, don’t you think?”
Jeno snickered.
“I think it’s still none of your business.”
“This wasn’t the plan, Y/N.”
“I did your stupid plan, Hyuck. Why are you so obsessed with Jisung’s sex life? Is it because you’re not getting any?” You taunted.
“Nice attempt to deflect, but the plan was to get him to stop being strung along by that other girl. Not for you to start stringing him along.”
“You make me sound like an evil witch.”
“So you’re serious about Jisung then?” Hyuck gasped mockingly. “Adorable. Gonna be each other’s date to the holiday party? When are you meeting the parents? Have you picked a ring yet?”
You bit down on your lip and looked at your lap to avoid laughing, which he thankfully seemed to interpret as guilt on your part.
“Exactly as I thought,” he said smugly.
“The puppy love thing is cute now, but it’s probably best for working together in the long run to just let him down easy sooner,” Jeno gave some surprisingly wise advice through a half-eaten Hershey’s kiss.
Having composed yourself, you finally let out a contemplative, resigned sigh. “Yeah, you guys are probably right.”
“Always are,” Hyuck tsked.
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Lunch was honestly kind of fun—It felt like being a kid with a crush again, sneaking glances at Jisung, trying not to be too obvious about your flirting, and playing innocent when your coworkers would shoot you pointed looks every time Jisung did something totally head-over-heels for you.
Mid-afternoon, and Jisung was back at your desk. He had a few papers in his hand, some flimsy excuse of questions about the receipts he’d picked up last week, but really, you two were just talking. Discussing what to make for dinner, additions to the grocery list, what you were working on, little things.
The sound of a door opening caught your attention, and you looked over to see Mr. Suh coming out of his office. He’d just been on a phone conference, and had his empty coffee mug in his hand.
“Hi, Mr. Suh.” You sat up a little straighter. “Afternoon decaf?”
“Yep.” He lifted the mug in greeting as he walked by, heading for the breakroom.
“I’m going back to my cage with the other bookkeeping gremlins,” Jisung murmured. “Don’t want him to catch me still here when he gets back.”
“Laser beams aren’t going to come out of his eyes and incinerate you on the spot if he does, you know,” you giggled.
“How do you know?” He tapped your desk rhythmically, then mouthed, ‘See you later.’
You mouthed it back, contentedly watching him walk away. You were back to working on your reports when Mr. Suh returned from the break room. He drifted over to your desk, however, standing against the ledge conspiratorially.
“Was that the new kid in bookkeeping?” He asked lightly, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, Park Jisung,” you informed him. At your boss’ inquisitive lean forward, you gave a little more context, “He picked up those receipts last week and Hyuck ended up inviting him out for lunch with us.”
“He seems to be over here quite a bit recently.”
“We chitchat sometimes.” You paused, then widened your eyes. “Is that a problem? Nothing’s been late or anything, has it?”
He gave you his usual easy-going smile. “It’s fine, Y/N. Your work has been great as usual.”
“Okay, good.”
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“Hi, baby,” Jisung greeted you brightly that evening from your usual meet-up place after work. If neither of you had to stay late, or had an errand to run after work, you would meet up outside a cornerstore a couple blocks away from the office.
“Hi, co-curricular,” you beamed back, leaning into the kiss he was pressing to your cheek.
He pulled away with an adorably confused pout on his face. You laughed, taking his arm in yours as you started down the sidewalks together, relaying your conversation with Hyuck and Jeno this morning.
“I don’t know what’s funnier, the idea of me genuinely ‘stringing you along’ or your new nickname,” you giggled, squeezing his arm.
“You already changed my phone contact, didn’t you?”
“I put a heart next to it!”
“The rumor has spread to bookkeeping, by the way.”
You blinked at him in mock surprise. “You guys have office gossip over there?”
“Yeah, we finally invented the wheel and have time to gossip now,” he snorted, rolling his eyes. “Huang Renjun told me he heard Song Minji and Park Chaeyeon talking about it in the copy room.”
“That’s how it breached containment,” you tutted. Chaeyeon was from your department, but you knew she and Minji were office friends. She must have overheard it from your area—Hyuck wasn’t exactly the quietest man you knew, and there was no way your other coworkers hadn’t noticed Jisung’s frequent trips to your desk if Mr. Suh had.
“What exactly were they saying? Did Renjun tell you?”
“Some stuff he didn’t want to repeat about you—” He cleared his throat. “But mostly, he wanted to ask me what, if anything was true. I felt bad lying, I like Renjun.”
“Yeah, he was my favorite bookkeeping gremlin before you started.”
Jisung elbowed you, obviously offended. “I still did bookkeeping before I worked here! I just did it somewhere else!”
“He was my favorite at this company before you started. Better?”
“Much.” He smiled as you leaned in to kiss his nose. “I told him the rumors weren’t true.”
“That wasn’t a lie!” You reminded him emphatically. “We’re not just coworkers with benefits, or co-curriculars, or recently started secretly dating, or whatever!”
“I’m just glad we only have two more days of this.” He laced his fingers with yours. “I want to be able to have a picture of us on my desk, and talk about you to everyone, and show up and leave together.”
“Me too,” you agreed, fond smile on your lips as you approached your front door. “It’s been fun, but the best part will be when everyone knows you’re mine. For real.”
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This was weird. You had been at work for thirty minutes and hadn’t seen nor heard Hyuck or Jeno. Maybe today would be normal for once. As soon as that idea had crossed your mind, they came beelining for your desk, and you knew that would be impossible.
“Good—” You couldn’t even get a friendly greeting out of your mouth, Donghyuck fully sitting on top of your keyboard, entering a bunch of random characters into the email you had been writing. “Uhm, you know, that email to Mr. Suh wasn’t important, actually…”
Yanking your keyboard out from under Hyuck, you deleted the gibberish and saved the draft email before setting it aside to deal with whatever was going on. You looked at your coworkers expectantly.
“Y/N…” Jeno surprisingly took the lead. “How did you go about letting Jisung down easy?”
You blinked in surprise. “What are you talking about? I just told him we should keep it professional and not see each other anymore…? And that was it.”
“And how did he take it?”
“Fine?” You glanced between their extremely serious demeanors with increasing worry. “Why? What’s going on?”
“We just had to comfort a crying Jisung in the men’s room for the past thirty minutes, that’s what’s going on!” Hyuck finally hissed. “I don’t think your easy is very easy!”
You leaned away from him in utter shock. That was definitely not part of the plan today, and now you were genuinely worried about why your boyfriend was apparently crying in the men’s room—he definitely wasn’t a good enough actor to do that on the spot.
“Woah, I didn’t—”
“Well, you did.”
“You don’t get to pin all the blame on me here,” you shot back immediately. “Whose stupid fucking plan was it for me to sleep with him in the first place anyway? If I recall, you never found him crying in the bathroom with his last girl that you were so concerned over.”
“You diverted from the plan and he got attached!”
“Okay, it’s everyone’s fault!” Jeno cut in decisively.
“What’s everyone’s fault?” Mr. Suh stopped by your desk, briefcase in hand as he had just gotten into the office. “There’s been an awful lot of whispering going on over here. Something I should know about?”
“No, Mr. Suh!” Hyuck chirped brightly. “Lunch plans fell through, we’re just rescheduling.”
Your boss looked at you skeptically, waiting for confirmation. You nodded hurriedly. “Yeah, lunch plans.”
“Alright.” He shrugged. “There’s a good sandwich place a block over. If you’re looking for recommendations.”
And with that, he went into his office.
Turning back to Hyuck and Jeno, you whispered, “I swear to God, I wasn’t expecting him to be crying. Okay?”
“We’re being a little harsh on you,” Jeno admitted quietly. “We should all just leave Jisung alone, I think.”
He took a candy out of your bowl and departed your desk without another word. Hyuck followed, still shaking his head. You quickly brought your phone out, immediately texting Jisung.
[you: BABY SOS]
He texted back immediately
[co-curricular 🩷: IM HERE]
[co-curricular 🩷: WHAT’S WRONG????]
[you: im fine but are YOU okay?!]
[you: jeno and hyuck told me they found you crying in the bathroom]
[co-curricular 🩷: oh nonono im okay baby i promise]
[co-curricular 🩷: im in the copy room, can you come so i can explain?]
[you: omw]
You hurried from your desk to the copy room, relieved to find it devoid of any coworkers except Jisung, who was attending to a copy machine, placing documents on the glass, closing the lid, and copying them in a steady rhythm.
“Sungie,” you breathed out in relief, darting over to him, needing to see his face for yourself.
“Hey, baby, hey,” he said soothingly, letting you wrap an arm around his waist and lean into him affectionately. “I’m okay, I’m okay.”
You stepped back, cognizant of the fact that any of your coworkers could enter at any moment. “So what were Hyuck and Jeno talking about then?”
“When we got in this morning, the temperature change from the cold air outside to the heat inside the building was making my eyes water and my nose run,” he explained, gesturing to his face. “I went to take care of it in the bathroom. Donghyuck and Jeno ran into me while I was cleaning myself up and assumed I had been crying. Nothing I said could convince them otherwise, and they of course also assumed it was connected to their advice to you to let me down easy. So I played along. I know it wasn’t part of the plan, but I couldn’t get them to let it go.”
“I was almost feeling bad about lying to them, but they do this to themselves.” You crossed your arms, leaning against the wall next to his copy machine. Your tone softened as you added, “I’m really happy you’re okay, Sungie.”
“I’m happy you checked on me so quick, baby.” He smiled, taking a step closer to peck your forehead. He lowered his voice to say, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmured, looking up at him, fighting the urge to just grab his suit jacket and kiss him. “Lunch later?”
His nose wrinkled with distaste. “Are Hyuck and Jeno coming too?”
“Just us? At home?”
“I miss you.”
He nodded. “I miss you too.”
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It was finally Friday, finally the day of the office holiday party. You just had to survive work and lay the last couple breadcrumbs, then it would all be over tonight.
You were making your morning cup of coffee in the breakroom with Hyuck and Jeno, and went to engage them in conversation. “Are you guys bringing anyone to the party tonight?”
“Nah.” Hyuck poured his own cup.
“You’re not beating the ‘no bitches’ allegations.” You clicked your tongue.
“I think it’s a bit weird to bring someone you’re not like… properly dating to a work event and introduce them to your coworkers,” Jeno answered, rooting through the employee fridge.
“So that’s a no?”
“Correct,” he mimicked your taunting tone of voice.
Jisung, who had been quietly measuring out sugar into his own cup of coffee at a far counter, apart from your conversation physically but definitely within earshot, inserted himself then, “I’m bringing a date.”
Jeno hit his head on a shelf in the fridge. “Shit—! Huh?”
“You are?!” Hyuck blinked at him, utterly shocked.
You slowly turned around to face Jisung, cocking your head. “Oh, me too.”
“Since when?!” Hyuck snorted.
“Just because I didn’t tell you about it doesn’t mean I haven’t had one,” you hissed.
He rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
Jisung nodded, and you saw the corner of his lips twitch, ever-so-slightly, too small for anybody who didn’t know him as well as you to catch. “Guess I’ll see you and your date tonight, then.”
“Same. You, as well.” You nodded curtly, watching him pivot on his heel and stride out of the breakroom.
“You don’t have a fucking date,” Hyuck stated dryly as soon as he was no longer in eyesight.
“That was hard to watch,” Jeno said, opening a Tupperware of food that definitely had somebody else’s name on it.
“And neither does he,” Hyuck continued, pointing to the doorway that Jisung had disappeared through. “No way he’s found somebody in a day. Unless…” He looked at Jeno with alarm. “Oh no. You don’t think…?”
Jeno squinted. “What?”
“What if he brings his toxic situationship to get back at Y/N?” Hyuck gasped. He then turned to you, “Look, I guess I can see if Mark’s free tonight—”
“No,” you cut him off firmly. “I’ve already got someone in mind.”
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“So beautiful, baby,” Jisung murmured, taking one of your hands and kissing your knuckles.
“Hey, I’m trying to fix your tie clip,” you laughed, pulling your hand back from him to continue adjusting his tie clip that had gone askew thanks to his seatbelt.
The two of you were standing outside the venue of the office holiday party. You were fashionably late, as part of the plan. You had to make sure Hyuck and Jeno were already there, so they could see you arrive together, wearing your coordinated outfits. Jisung’s tie was of course a complimentary shade of the color of your dress—not too matchy-matchy like kids at a grade school formal, but clearly together, not accidental.
“There.” You smoothed out the lapels of his suit jacket, smiling up at him. “So handsome.”
He kissed your cheek. “Thank you.”
“Are you ready?”
“More than.” He grinned, lacing his fingers with yours.
Walking in, instrumental Christmas music was playing over the speakers and a steady hum of conversation filled the room. There were a few familiar faces near the front, but nobody you were overly friendly with. You grabbed Jisung’s shoulder for support as you went to talk to him over the din of the crowd. He hunched over slightly to listen to you better, holding you steady with a hand on your hip.
“Want to get a drink first?” You suggested.
“Sure,” he agreed, keeping his hand on your lower back as you moved through the sea of people.
There was a special cocktail for the night, ‘Mistletoe While You Work,’ which you ordered out of curiosity. Once it was in your hand, you took a sip, and you were pleasantly surprised. Not too sweet, and you couldn’t taste the liquor at all.
“Hey, baby,” you smirked, holding your glass up between yours and Jisung’s faces. “Uh-oh, we’re under mistletoe… kinda.”
Jisung laughed, and you put the glass down to watch his face crinkle up and his nose scrunch in all its adorable glory. “Mm, hard to argue with that.”
You were still smiling as you pressed your lips to his in a short but sweet kiss. He kept you close when you broke apart, an arm still wound around your waist.
“Uhm, Merry fucking Christmas to you guys, too,” Hyuck announced himself, standing off to the side, his own drink in hand and Jeno of course with him.
“Oh, hey guys,” you greeted them nonchalantly. “Merry Christmas.”
“What happened to your dates?” Jeno cut right to the chase.
You and Jisung pointed to each other, making nearly identical faces as if you were oblivious to why Jeno and Hyuck were confused.
Hyuck started buffering as he tried to process the situation. “What…?”
“We’ve been together this whole time,” you finally put them out of their misery, watching as their jaws dropped simultaneously.
“Since before I interviewed, actually,” your boyfriend added.
“Over a year, to be exact.”
“You guys are sick in the head,” Hyuck jabbed an accusatory finger at you both.
“Who was making a whole convoluted plan for me to sleep with one of our coworkers that you barely knew?” You immediately fired back. “You’re lucky we did this instead of reporting you to HR.”
Jeno quickly threw on a wide smile, clapping Jisung on the shoulder. “You fit in great here, Jisung.”
“Glad to have you on the team.” Hyuck went to hug Jisung, making him stiffen up at the unexpected affection. Your coworker then gestured to both of you, putting a hand over his chest. “You two are so adorable together. What a great couple. I’ve said that from the beginning, right, Jeno?”
“You thought they would’ve had awful chemistry.”
“Would it kill you to back me up for once?” Hyuck turned his ire on your other coworker.
Mr. Suh walked up to the bar then, putting his order in with the bartender before greeting you all. “Ah, hello, everyone. Merry Christmas.”
A chorus of hellos and Merry Christmases rang out in response.
“Was Mr. Suh in on it?” Jeno asked you.
“Whatever ‘it’ was, no, but now I wish I was,” Mr. Suh answered, clearly intrigued by this conversation.
“Y/N and Jisung are dating!” Hyuck immediately tattled, and you rolled your eyes at his childish tone.
“There’s nothing against the rules,” your boss said calmly. Then, he added with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, “Especially if the relationship predates one of you working here.”
You and Jisung exchanged a surprised look, making Mr. Suh laugh.
“Okay, I had a hunch, but that was the confirmation I needed,” he chuckled. “When I’d see Jisung at Y/N’s desk alone, I don’t know—you two seemed way more comfortable around each other than two people who had only talked for the first time a week ago. No matter how much you liked each other.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Hyuck gawped.
“It didn’t seem like any of my business.”
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⇢ 2024 hallmark movie marathon
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@annenakamura @bee-the-loser @lotties-readings @ppddpjdr @reiofsuns2001
@giirlfriendd @shaqs-oatmeal @sofipolii01
@tearinka @yoursyuno @yutasputa69
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arminsumi · 1 year ago
G. Satoru — さとる ⋅ fem reader
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🔞 mdni / mdnr / smut / n.sfw / 18+ content
NOTE: i took a 3 am thirst draft and made it a fucking fic wtf 🥴 i'm so dizzy over this one idk why i usually don't drool for my own smut but god damn this one is special to me. ik i post a lot about gojo atm and it's because i love him no apologies 👍
SUMMARY — making a cheeky comment leads to a long, steamy session in the bedroom with your husband, who's got a point to prove.
WARNINGS — nasty smut 🤤, rough sex, namecalling/nicknames (b*tch, good girl, baby, dirty girl, sweetheart), he's kinda mean, hubby gojo, multiple rounds, unprotected sex, multiple creampies, messy/sweaty sex, daddy kink, p*ssy kiss (1), long session (3h), overstim, dirty talk (teasing, sweet, mean), incl. aftercare, lmk if i have missed smth thank u
PLAYME — daddy
🍒 — J ⋅ reblogs and comments help a lot ! enjoy reading :)
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Your husband didn’t like that cheeky comment you made about his stamina and how fast he cums. He thought you were being pretty hypocritical, considering the fact that you cum sometimes solely because of lazy clit thumbing and shallow strokes.
“ Baby, careful what you say to me. “ he smiled at you in the kitchen, serenely washing the dishes after dinner. “ You know damn well that I could go for hours straight with no breaks. The only reason I don’t do that is because you’re too weak to handle it. ” he boasted confidently.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at him. That scepticism pissed him off so much that he stopped cleaning the dishes and violently threw the towel down. Your giggles rung sweetly in his ear while he scooped you off your feet and tossed you over his broad shoulder, strong build carrying you to the bedroom like he was on a mission.
He threw you down on the bed with the same force that he threw the towel down with, his hands quickly finding his phone and setting a stopwatch.
You were already giggling apologies, but he wasn’t listening. He tossed his phone onto the bed and dented the mattress with his weight as he climbed on top of you, feverish kisses nearly knocking the wind out of you.
“ I’m sorryh – mmf – ‘toruh – didn’t meanh ih – I’m sorryyy. ”
“ Save your sorries and spread your legs. Gonna have to be a little rough with you, angel. But you like that, huh ? Yeah ? Like it when daddy’s rough ? Mhm, I know. Probably like it when I’m pissed off like this, too.
You smiled. “ Yeahhh, I love it. ”
He smirked. “ Dirty girl. ”
Folding you in half and sinking his cock inside you, it felt like he was your enemy for a second with how he beat up your gummy walls with his mean cock; you were giggling and squirming about his playful roughness in the beginning, but now? You’re screaming, going dumb and limp. It makes him chuckle.
“ Fuck, baby, just look at you. ” he cooed, “ . . . just cumming over and over on this dick like a dumb bitch. I told you that you wouldn’t be able to handle it, didn’t I ? Uh-huh. I fucking told you so. Keep it together, it’s only been twenty minutes. Haha . . . and you were the one talking shit about my stamina ? Come on, apologize to me. Good girl. Tell daddy how sorry you are – haha, you cummin’? Yeah, ‘can feel your pussy fuckin’ pulsing ‘round me – fuck that’s good. You like it when I’m mean, don’t you ? ”
“ Y-yesss ! Love it love it s'much Sa—to—ruuuh ! ” you panted frantically, body jiggling like jelly with each harsh thrust.
“ So cute and dumb. ” he cooed tenderly, as if he wasn’t rearranging your guts and breaking the bed.
“ Feel that, sweetheart ? Feel me sweating ? I know you like it when I’m this close, ‘like it when you can feel the sweat drip off my abs ‘n rub against your tummy ? Yeah, I know. Damn dirty bitch. Nah-uh, eyes on me. ‘S only been an hour don’t zone out on me. ”
Really, the concept of time flew out of your head when you were laying there taking him.
You’re shaking, gummy walls and sweet spots being beat up by your husband’s mean, yummy cock. The pressure inside you builds and builds until it snaps, and you scream his name in such a high pitch that it almost makes his ears ring. He laughs a little, watching as you writhe, trapped under his beefy body. He relishes in the feeling of your pussy pulsing as you cum, it brings him close, too. Before you know it, he’s pumping his cream deep inside, pounding into you like he’s trying to ruin your pussy and reshape it to fit only his cock.
“ Fuckin’ takin’ it so well, angel. Now ‘gimme another round. Get on your tummy – there we go, aw your legs are numb ? I don’t care. It’s only been an hour. You can hold on longer than that, can’t you ? ”
From the back, he fucks you so sensually and deeply that the two of you sweat sweat sweat it up. He insistently bundles up with you under the covers to make it extra toasty. The smell of sex is hot and pungent in your lungs, and inhaling yours and his arousal and scent of cum drives him crazy. Bodies wet and slippery, he’s made a sloppy mess of you before but not quite like this; his cheeks dampen, his hair sticks to his forehead; there’s little rivulets of sweat running down the center line of his abs, following along his v-line. There’s an ache in your thighs, you’re getting overstimulated but it’s so good. And listening to his ragged, heavy breathing behind you just brings on another orgasm.
“ Fuck, baby, ‘wish you could see yourself from this angle. ” he groans erotically, brows finally knitting together tightly as he loses composure and succumbs to his own sensitivity. “ Oh, angel, just cum. Don’t hold it in – cum cum cum yeahhh there we go – that’s my fucking girl. Cumming so pretty on this dick. You’re so fucking beautiful, ‘m gonna cum too. Sh-shit look at all that frothing up, feel that ? ‘so gooey and nasty. Hahhh-ahah I’m cumin’ – cumminggg ~ ”
You can practically hear the hearts in his voice when he cums, vocals straining and rasping against the nape of your neck. He lets out this one last primal sound before pumping you full of another load of thick creamy cum. You can feel him pulsing and twitching. He presses his weight onto your back a little too much, you can feel the tones of his sweaty torso and how wet and hot his body is.
“ Haha . . . fuck . . . ” he runs a hand through his hair, smiling down at the pretty mess on his dick. “ Baby, you did so good for me. You okay ? Did I go too hard ? ” he asks tenderly, nuzzling the back of your neck, just listening to your shaky breaths as you come down from your high.
“ I can’t feel my legs. ” you swallow, dazed smile on your face. “ So good . . . ”
“ Aw, sorry, angel. I’ve got you, come here. Ooh – where’s my – phone – let’s see how long you endured me for. ”
“ Felt like . . . forever . . . ”
He chuckled under his breath at that and leaned off the bed, reaching for his phone that had fallen right off the edge when he was making the bed violently shake earlier.
“ Ooh ! Baby, we’ve got a new record. Three hours. ”
“ Oh my god, no wonder I can barely fucking move . . . you’re a menace. ”
He smiles cheekily, “ Wanna make it four ? ”
“ Are you crazy ?! ”
“ Yes, of course. Don’t you love me for it ? ” he coos in a sultry voice, coming to press a loving kiss to your damp cheek.
You feel his weight lift off the bed, you tiredly peek at where he’s going and – of course, like the sweet husband he is, he’s getting you a towel. You can hear his exhausted huffs of breath. There’s cream running down your slit, some smeared across your pussy and frothed up.
He comes back into the room, smiling admiringly at your sleepy body. You’re sinking into the pillows, too tired to think.
“ ‘toru . . . ”
“ Angel ? ” he hums in response, slowly starting to clean you up from the thighs up. You feel his big hands massaging the numbness out of your legs.
“ I love you. ”
He smirks and presses a kiss to your pussy from the back, making you giggle. “ Love you too, my girl. No one makes me feel better than you do. Come here. Haha, are your legs still numb ? Should I massage them more ? M'kay, sweet girl. ”
The silence is sweet and long. He's massaging your body, feeling over you like you're his little masterpiece, his little angel.
Then he breaks the silence.
“ Told you so. ” he smiles victoriously.
You groan. “ Shut up. I was just teasing when I said you had shit stamina ! ”
“ I know, but I still hated that you said it and felt the need to prove a point. ”
You snuggle into his chest, making his heart flutter like he's a boy with a crush again.
“ Yeah yeah, point proven. ”
“ Aaand what's the point ? Tell me, I wanna hear it. ” he teases.
“ You can go on for hours. ”
He smiles to himself. “ Damn right I can. Glad my good girl learned her lesson. ”
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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v6quewrlds · 3 months ago
❝ borderline, j. burrow & t. higgins. ❞  ‎ ‎ ┉  
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‎ ‎ ⁎⠀┉⠀summary: working in and around the nfl for years, there aren't many people in the league who can knock you off your game. by some twist of fate, two of them show up together, hoping to lure you into their orbit.
‎ ‎ ⁎⠀┉⠀author's note: as requested by an anon <3 pls don't read if you're uncomfortable with this concept. didn't really know how to end this one so it's ambiguous lmao did this lowkey give me an idea for a pt 2? maybe. joe calls reader "sweetheart", tee calls reader "baby".
‎ ‎ ⁎⠀┉⠀warnings: smut, please do not interact with my work if you are under 18. language, friends to lovers (?) the plural is intentional, threesome, fingering, eiffel tower but not really, blowjob, face fucking, cum eating, facial, somewhat dom!joe, switch!tee, pre-meditated threesome if you squint, praise kink.
‎ ‎ ⁎⠀┉⠀pairing: joe burrow x reader x tee higgins.
‎ ‎ ⁎⠀┉⠀word count: 6.8k.
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You walked through the grand hotel lobby, your stilettos clicking against the marble floor. Your emerald green dress clung to your body like a glove, drawing the occasional admiring glance. You had looked forward to this wedding the entire season, eager to see your favorite players and closest friends all congregated in one place. As a sports journalist, you had become accustomed to the glitz and glamour of high-profile events, but this one felt different. It was personal.
The reception area was a flurry of activity as guests mingled and waitstaff glided around with trays of hors d'oeuvres and sparkling drinks. The scent of expensive perfumes and cologne hung in the air, mixed with the faint aroma of roasting meat from the nearby dining hall.
You spotted your close friend Bree chatting with a few other guests, her eyes lighting up when she caught sight of you. Bree waved you over, gesturing to the table you had been assigned. To your surprise, Joe Burrow and Tee Higgins, two of the Cincinnati Bengals' star players, were already seated at the table, sipping on their drinks and looking dapper in their tuxedos.
"Hey, y'all," you greeted them with a bright smile, placing your clutch on the table. "I didn't know you two were close to Amber and Dan."
Joe's smile was warm, but his sarcasm was as sharp as ever, his eyes crinkling as he took a sip of his whiskey. "To be honest, I'm not sure why I was invited. Maybe they felt sorry for me because I don't get out much." The admission drew chuckles from the rest of the table, but you knew him well enough to detect the hint of self-deprecating playfulness in his voice.
Tee spoke up next, his signature soft-spoken confidence unwavering even amidst the buzz of the crowded room. "I've known Amber since college, actually. Her sister dated my roommate." He leaned back in his seat, a glass of champagne in hand, his eyes lingering on your face as he took a sip. "You close with Daniel?"
You nodded, feeling a rush of pride as you thought of your career achievements. "Yeah, I've had some pretty memorable interviews with him. The sit-down I did with him after his knee injury helped me land my gig on First Take." You took a sip of your own drink, the cool liquid doing little to quell the heat rising in your cheeks as you weathered the intense gazes of the two athletes.
"How sweet," Joe said with a smirk, raising his glass of whiskey in a mock toast. "Is that why you swore he was league MVP last season?"
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up from your chest. "Okay, okay, I might have been a bit biased. But I owed him for that interview," you took a sip of your drink, the cool liquid sliding down your throat, your eyes dancing with mischief. "Were you jealous?"
Joe's smirk grew wider, his blue eyes flickered over to Tee's brown ones before moving back to find yours. "Maybe a little," he admitted, his hand landing casually on your thigh, sending a jolt of excitement through your body. You felt the heat rising from his palm through the thin fabric of your dress, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch.
As if sensing it was his turn to flirt with you, Tee leaned closer, his hand ghosting against your shoulder as it fell over the back of your chair. "How's First Take going for you? Still holding your own against Stephen A?" His voice was a smooth rumble, and you couldn't help but smile, the tension easing a bit.
"I defended you guys last week, you know," you said with a smirk, swirling the ice in your drink. "Told him you're both underappreciated."
Joe's eyes lit up. "You did?" His hand fell heavier around your thigh as Tee's fingers traced lazy circles into your exposed skin, the warmth of their body heat seeping into your very soul. "I knew I liked you for a reason."
The words left his mouth casually, but you felt a flutter in your stomach. Tee's accompanying laugh did little to ease the tension that had suddenly thickened the air around the three of you.
The conversation grew more intimate, their touches lingering longer, the air around you crackling with unspoken desires. You felt the weight of their gazes on you, the way they studied your every move, every breath. It was like being the star of their own private show, and you found yourself playing up to their attention, your laughs a little louder, your movements a little more exaggerated.
Bree had long disappeared into the crowded dance floor, leaving you alone with Joe and Tee. Your conversation grew quieter, and more intimate, as you shared stories of your lives outside of football. You felt a strange connection with the two men, a bond that extended beyond the superficial. You tried your best to ignore the heat building between your legs as Joe's fingers traced patterns into your bare skin. Tee's thumb pressing into the pressure point at the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine.
The music grew louder, the rhythm pulsing through the floor and into your bodies. The lights grew dimmer, casting a seductive glow over the three of you. You found yourself leaning into Tee's touch, your eyes locked onto Joe's as he spoke about his most recent charity event for his foundation. His words cast a sharp contrast with the deep, soothing, seduction of his voice.
The conversation grew more flirty, Joe's hand sliding further up your thigh under the cover of the tablecloth. You gasped, trying to keep your cool, but the heat of his touch was like a brand on your skin. Tee noticed your reaction and leaned in, whispering something to Joe that made his eyes darken with desire.
"You good?" Tee asked, his voice a soft rumble against your ear. You nodded, your voice a little shaky. "Yeah, I'm okay." But you weren't okay; your nerves were on fire, the anticipation building like a storm in your chest.
The tension at the table grew so thick it was almost tangible, your eyes speaking volumes in the dimly lit room. When Joe leaned in closer, his breath a warm caress against your neck, you couldn't resist anymore. You turned to him, your eyes asking him a silent question, unwilling to potentially tip off a noisy guest to your newfound chemistry. Tee watched, his own desire evident in the way he licked his lips, his hand moving from your neck to squeeze your other thigh.
Recognizing the confirmation in Joe's eyes, your head turned to look at Tee, the same question in your eyes. He answered it with a smoldering gaze that left no room for doubt. "Come with us," he murmured, his voice a seductive invitation that sent a thrill through your body.
The three of you stood as one, the two men flanking your sides like bodyguards, guiding you through the sea of wedding guests. The music grew louder, the rhythm beckoning you to the dance floor, but you had other plans. Your heart raced as Joe's hand slid down your back, his fingers tracing the curve of your ass, while the back of Tee's hand brushed against yours. The electricity between you was undeniable, a current that could light up the entire hotel.
The three of you moved through the crowd, the warmth of your bodies pressing together, the heat of your desire almost too much to handle. When you reached the elevator, the tension was unbearable. Joe's hands pulled your back flush against his chest, making you gasp as his strong hands wandered across the material of your dress. Tee stood in front of you, his hand tipping your head back as he claimed your mouth in a kiss that was anything but casual. The doors closed, and the world outside was forgotten.
The elevator ride was a blur of hands and lips, the three of you exploring each other's bodies like you had been waiting for this moment your entire lives. Your dress was hiked up, Joe's hand slipping under your panties to feel the wetness that had pooled there. Tee's hand found your breasts, kneading them gently as Joe whispered sweet nothings into your ear. The ding of the elevator arriving at Tee's floor brought you back to reality with a jolt. You stumbled out into the hallway, breathless and desperate.
Tee fumbled with the keycard, the anticipation almost too much to bear. You giggled as Joe muttered low and bitter under his breath, "Take your time, buddy."
The door finally clicked open, and the three of you tumbled into the room, a whirlwind of lust and passion. The lights were dimmed, casting a seductive glow across the plush king-sized bed. Your heart pounded in your chest as you watched the two men, both so powerful on the field, look at you with a hunger you hadn't seen before.
Joe took the lead, his eyes dark with desire as he approached you, his hand sliding around your waist and pulling you against his firm chest. His kiss was demanding, his tongue delving into your mouth as if he could taste your thoughts, your fears, your desires. Tee's hands were on your shoulders, pushing the dress down your arms, exposing your bare breasts to the cool air. You gasped as Joe's mouth moved to your neck, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin as his hands found your nipples, ghosting his fingertips over the peaks.
"Hold on," you said, placing a hand on Joe's wrist to still his movements. You took a deep breath, your eyes searching theirs for any sign of doubt. "Are you two sure that if I do this, there won't be some blonde chick harassing me on Instagram afterward?"
"You know we don't do drama. That's the last thing we need before the season," Joe assured you, his hands sliding up your arms to cup your shoulders. "We're just here to have a good time." His voice was a low purr, his gaze intense.
Tee stepped closer to you, a tattooed hand reaching up to cup your jaw, his thumb brushing your lower lip. "We promise, baby," he whispered, his eyes dark with lust. "This is just about us, right here, right now."
You searched their eyes, the room spinning with a mix of excitement and trepidation. You nodded slowly before speaking up again, "Okay, no pics, no videos, and this stays between the three of us. Agreed?"
"Scout's honor," Joe murmured, his hand sliding around your waist and pulling you closer.
Tee leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a gentle, almost chaste kiss. The room felt electrified as your body responded instinctively, your hands moving to rest on his broad chest. You could feel Joe's erection pressing against your back, his breath hot against your neck as he watched the exchange. The heat of their bodies, the scent of your desire, and the promise of what was to come washed over you like a wave.
"You guys are playing with fire," you murmured against Tee's mouth, but the smirk that played on his lips told you he knew exactly what he was doing. He broke the kiss, a knowing look passing between the two men. You gasped, pushing back against Joe as his hands found your tits, his palms squeezing them roughly, thumbs brushing against your nipples through the fabric of your dress.
"We know," Joe whispered in your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine. "But sometimes, you've gotta risk getting burned." His hand slipped down to the zipper of your dress, pulling it down slowly, inch by torturous inch. The cool air of the room hit your bare back, making your skin pebble with goosebumps.
Tee stepped back, his eyes never leaving yours as he began to unbutton his shirt, his muscles rippling with every movement. You felt a rush of arousal as he revealed his sculpted chest, the ink on his skin telling a story of strength and resilience. He slid the shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, and you couldn't help but bite your lips in anticipation.
"You're so fuckin' sexy," Joe murmured, his hand slipping into your hair as he pulled you in for another kiss. You moaned into his mouth, feeling Tee's hands on your hips as he turned you to face him. The two men moved around you like a perfectly choreographed dance, each touch setting your skin on fire.
The two men took turns kissing you, each one's touch different yet equally electrifying. Joe's kisses were demanding, his tongue exploring your mouth with a hunger that made your legs tremble. Tee's were soft and gentle, his lips brushing yours in a way that made you feel cherished. Your hands roamed over their broad chests, feeling the firmness of their muscles beneath the warm skin.
Tee stepped away, his eyes dark with desire as he took in the sight of you. "Damn, baby," he breathed, reaching out to trace the curves of your breasts. His thumbs brushed against your nipples, making them peak. Joe's hands slid down your back, unclipping your bra and letting it fall away. The cool air made you gasp, your breasts bouncing slightly as you were exposed to them in nothing but the flimsy excuse for panties you had chosen for the night.
The tension in the room was thick, the anticipation almost a tangible force. You felt their eyes on you, the weight of their desire a heavy presence that made your knees weak. You stepped out of your heels, the impact of your bare feet on the carpeted floor leaving the football players towering over you.
"Get on the bed," Tee murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. You obeyed, your legs feeling like jelly as you crawled onto the plush mattress. As you sat, perched and pretty, on the comforter, Joe began to undress, allowing Tee to make the first move.
Tee's eyes never left yours as he approached, his tuxedo jacket tossed aside and his bow tie undone. His large, strong hands reached for you, gripping your ankles and yanking you closer to the edge of the bed. You felt the heat from his body as he leaned in, his warm breath fanning your face as he whispered, "You're so fucking beautiful."
His words sent a shiver through you as he pushed your thighs apart, revealing your damp panties. Joe stepped closer, his own pants undone, his erection straining against his boxer briefs. He reached out, sliding one finger along the lacy fabric before hooking his thumbs into the waistband and pulling them to the side, exposing you to their hungry gazes.
"Goddamn," Tee whispered, his eyes locked on your nakedness. Joe's dick grew harder in his briefs as he watched his friend's reaction, his own desire mirrored in the tightness of Tee's jaw. Your heart was racing, your chest rising and falling with anticipation. You felt a thrill run through you as you watched their reactions, your own anticipation reaching a fever pitch.
"Prettiest pussy you've ever seen, huh?" Joe said with a smirk, his eyes darkening as he took in the sight of your bare skin. Tee nodded, unable to form coherent words as he stared.
You felt a warmth creep up your neck as you both took a moment to appreciate your body. You had always felt confident in your own skin, but the raw, carnivorous hunger in their expressions was something you had never experienced before. It was like they were really seeing you for the first time, and the thought of being desired by two such powerful, successful men was a heady aphrodisiac.
The room grew quiet, and the only sound was the rustle of clothes being removed. Your breathing grew shallow as Joe knelt before you, his eyes never leaving yours as he slowly peeled off your panties. Tee sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes raking over your exposed flesh with a look that made you quiver with anticipation. You could see his cock, thick and hard, straining against his boxers.
"You're so beautiful," Joe murmured, his breath hot against your thigh. He placed a soft kiss to your inner thigh, sending a shiver up your spine. Tee leaned in, his warm breath caressing your skin as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, his hand moving to cup your breast. You felt like you were in a dream, the reality of the situation slowly sinking in as Joe's tongue found your clit.
Their touches grew more urgent, more demanding, as they worked in tandem to bring you to the edge. Your hips began to rock, your body responding instinctively to the sensations they were creating. You felt Joe's hand slip between your legs, his fingers teasing your folds before sliding inside you, the feel of his thick digits stretching you and setting your body alight. Tee's mouth found yours, a heavy hand reaching to squeeze at the sides of your neck, your moans muffled by his kisses.
Your eyes rolled back in your head as Joe's thumb found your clit, circling the sensitive nub with the expertise of a maestro conducting an orchestra of pleasure. Tee's tongue danced with yours, his teeth grazing your bottom lip. You felt yourself spiraling closer to the precipice, your body tightening around Joe's hand.
The room was a whirlwind of sensations: the scent of their cologne, the sound of fabric shifting, the feel of Joe's calloused hands on your skin. It was almost too much, and you were lost in a haze of pleasure when Tee broke away, leaving you gasping for air.
"Gonna come, baby?" Tee's question was a breathy murmur in your ear, his hand moving from your neck to cup your cheek as he watched your face contort with pleasure. You could only nod, unable to form words as Joe's fingers worked their magic.
Your eyes locked onto Tee's above you as you felt Joe's thumb press down hard on your clit, your body arching off the bed as your orgasm hit you like a wave, crashing over you in an explosion of color and sensation. You moaned weakly, your pussy clenching around Joe's hand as you rode the peak, your nails digging into the mattress.
When you finally came down, Joe withdrew his hand, a smug smile on his face. As if sharing a sense of telepathy, the two men stood up simultaneously to remove their boxers, revealing their generous lengths. You couldn't help but whimper at the sight, your heart racing with excitement and nerves.
"Make some room for me," Tee said with a mischievous smile, sliding onto the bed behind you as you sat up. His hand traveled down your body, his thumb brushing the swollen bud of your clit before sliding two fingers inside you. You gasped as he began to pump them in and out, his touch gentle yet firm.
Joe, who had stepped up to the edge of the bed, watched with darkened eyes as Tee worked his magic. He nodded towards Tee's lap as your eyes fluttered open. "You gonna get on top, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice thick with lust. You licked your lips, nodding eagerly.
With a smile, you shuffled over to Tee, your eyes meeting his hooded browns. You straddled Tee's thighs, feeling his hardness beneath you. He took a moment to appreciate the sight of you, his breathing heavy, before he leaned up and kissed you again, his tongue dancing with yours. You could feel Joe's eyes on the two of you, his gaze burning into your skin as you reached down to stroke Tee's dick before sinking down on it with a moan.
The feel of him filling you sent you both spiraling and you had to bite back a scream as you adjusted to his size. Tee's hands gripped your hips, guiding your movements as you began to ride him. The sound of your bodies slapping together filled the room, mingling with your moans and gasps for air. You leaned back into Joe as he slotted behind you, his hands pressing blistering heat into your skin as he kissed your neck and whispered encouragement into your ear.
Tee pulled his bottom lip into his mouth, his eyes hooded with desire as he watched you take him in. He reached up, his hands finding your tits, and began to tease your nipples as you rode him. The sight of you bouncing on his dick, your pussy squeezing him with every move, had him on the edge of his seat, quite literally. You threw your head back, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you moaned out Tee's name, feeling the heat of Joe's chest against your back.
Joe's hands began to wander, caressing your body as you moved in rhythm with Tee. His fingers found your clit, rubbing it in slow circles that had your pussy spasming around Tee's cock. Your moans grew louder, your body moving faster as Joe's touch grew more insistent. You felt Tee's cock thicken inside you, and you knew he was close.
"Fuck, Joe, you seein' this shit?" Tee's voice was strained, his eyes glazed with pleasure as he watched your body take his length. Joe's only response was a low, feral growl as he continued to tease your clit.
"Perfect fuckin' fit," Joe murmured, his own arousal clear as he lazily stroked himself in time with your rhythm.
Your breathing grew shallow, your eyes locked onto Tee's. You felt Joe's breath against your neck, his teeth grazing your skin as his fingers worked their magic. "I'm gonna cum," you gasped, your voice a desperate plea.
"Again?" Tee teased, brown eyes glittering with excitement as he watched your body tense with the approaching wave of pleasure. "I ain't complaining, but you're gonna wear me out." Your face grew hot as you felt the dual pressure of Tee inside you and Joe's thumb on your clit, pushing you to the edge.
"I can't help it," you panted, "you two are just too much."
Joe's chuckle was a dark promise against your ear. "We're just getting to the good part," he half promised, half teased, his breath sending shivers down your spine.
The room was a whirlwind of sensation: the slick slide of skin, the scent of arousal, the heat of two men surrounding you. Finally, you threw your head back again, your dark hair fanning out against Joe's pale shoulder as you came, your pussy clamping down on Tee's cock.
Your eyebrows furrowed as the orgasm ripped through you, drawn out by the feel of both Joe and Tee's hands on you. You barely registered Tee's cock slipping away from your heat, chuckling darkly as Joe watched your body spasm with pleasure. The quarterback muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like "Fuck me," and you felt a shyness creep over your cheeks, even in the throes of passion.
"Stand up for me, sweetheart," Joe finally murmured, his voice thick with desire. You complied, your legs shaky as Joe helped you to your feet. Tee leaned back on his elbows, his cock still throbbing against his stomach, glistening with your combined arousal.
Joe's hands slid around your waist, positioning you to face Tee. He whispered in her ear, "Suck his cock, baby. Make him feel good."
Your eyes widened, but the desire in Joe's voice and the way Tee's eyes lit up at the suggestion made your body respond immediately. You leaned over the edge of the bed as Tee scooted backward to allow room for your chest to rest on the sheets between his spread legs. Carefully, Tee swept your hair up into a crude ponytail, giving him an unobstructed view of your beautiful brown skin and the way your back arched with anticipation.
Your mouth hovered over Tee's cock, your breath warm against the sensitive flesh. His hands tangled in your hair, guiding you down as you took him in. Your cheeks hollowed out as you sucked him in deep, your eyes closing delicately as you moaned around the taste of your arousal coating his length.
Joe's hand trailed over your skin to squeeze at your ass, sliding his cock to nestle in your warm pearl. "Fuck, you feel amazing," he murmured, his voice a gruff rumble that sent shivers down your spine. You moaned around Tee's cock, the vibrations making him twitch with pleasure. Tee's grip tightened in your hair, guiding your movements as he guided your head up and down his length, his eyes tracing over your blissed-out expression.
Your bodies moved in harmony, a symphony of passion and desire that had been building since you first set eyes on each other that evening. The room was a whirlwind of sensations - Joe's calloused fingers digging into your skin, Tee's cock sliding in and out of your mouth, and the smell of your combined arousal. You felt like you were floating, weightless and free, as you gave in to the moment.
With a surge of energy, you lifted from Tee's dick, swirling your tongue around his mushroom tip with a self-indulgent smile. Joe's eyes lit up as he watched you, his own arousal evident as he continued thrusting into you. Tee's chest heaved as he took in the sight of you, his abs clenching with the effort to hold back.
"What the fuck?" Tee's eyes went wide with shock and arousal as he watched your teeth graze lightly over the most sensitive part of him, your eyes all innocent and pure as you gazed up at him. He didn't know what was happening, but his body was definitely on board. Your tongue flicked out, licking up the precum that beaded at the tip of his cock, making him grit his teeth in an attempt to keep from coming too soon.
Joe's breath was hot against your neck as he whispered, "Take him all the way in, baby," his hands on your hips pushing you down slightly. You obeyed, taking Tee deep into your mouth, the sound of your wetness as Joe fucked you from behind echoing through the room.
The sensation was overwhelming, the taste of Tee combined with the feeling of Joe's cock deep inside you making you moan around the head of Tee's dick. The vibrations sent his bottom lip between his teeth, his head dipping back with a strangled groan, nostrils flaring with concentration. You felt Joe's grip tighten, his thrusts growing more erratic as he approached his own climax. Tee's eyes never left yours, the intensity of his gaze making your pussy clench around Joe's cock.
"Fuck," Tee hissed as your head bobbed up and down, your cheeks hollowing with each suck. The sight of your full lips stretched around his length and Joe's hand guiding you was more than he could handle. His own hand tightened in your hair, his hips jerking involuntarily.
"So good," you moaned around Tee's cock, your body trembling with the force of Joe's thrusts. Your third orgasm was building, a storm gathering on the horizon, ready to unleash its fury at any moment. Tee's hand stroked your cheek, the sweetness of his touch a stark contrast to the raw, animalistic need driving Joe.
"Good girl," Joe groaned, his grip tightening on your hips as he watched you take Tee's cock deeper into your mouth. He could feel you tightening around him, your body begging for release. "Prettiest girl I've ever seen," the quarterback whispered, his voice thick with lust.
Tee's eyes rolled back, lost in the pleasure of your mouth. His hand on the back of your head grew more insistent, his hips bucking slightly as he approached climax. Your eyes watered, but you didn't pull away, your own pleasure building with every gag and moan you muffled around Tee's dick.
"Oh, shit," he moaned, his voice a deep, guttural sound that sent another shiver down your spine. You felt Joe's cock thicken even more inside you, his hips stuttering as he fought to hold back.
"Bet she dreamed about this, Tee," Joe murmured, his breath hot against your neck. You felt Tee's cock twitch in your mouth at the words, his eyes dark with desire.
"I know she did. Drooling all over my dick like this. Lookin' all pretty," Tee chuckled, his voice strained with arousal.
With that, Joe took over once again. He pulled you off Tee's cock, laughing out loud as his wide receiver shot him a sour look. "Joe," he groaned holding his hands up in protest, but Joe was having none of it.
You felt the warmth of Joe's breath on your neck as he leaned in to whisper, "Gonna look so much prettier with his cum all over your pretty face, gorgeous."
The thought sent a jolt of excitement through you, and you moaned out loud, closing your eyes as you tried to will yourself to hold off on your burgeoning orgasm. Tee's eyes widened as he caught onto Joe's words, a devious smirk playing on his lips.
The tension in the room grew palpable as Tee's hand on the back of your head grew firmer, guiding your movements. You felt his cock swell, the veins pulsing against your tongue. Your eyes watered as you took him deeper, your throat tightening around his shaft. The feeling of being used so thoroughly, by two men who had you pinned and writhing with pleasure, was intoxicating.
"Open that pretty mouth for me, baby," Tee urged softly, his voice thick with lust. You complied, presenting your tongue as Tee's cock slid out of your mouth, leaving a trail of precum. You watched as he stroked himself, his hand moving fast and sure.
"God, you're so fucking sexy," Joe murmured, his eyes locked onto the scene before him. You could feel his breath on your neck, his own arousal leaking into you. The anticipation was unbearable, the room seemingly closing in on you as Tee's strokes grew faster. You felt Joe's hand come down to rest on your lower back, hips stilling as Tee approached his climax.
"Gonna paint that pretty face, baby," Tee warned you, his voice tight with restraint. You nodded eagerly, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt the first warm spurt of cum hit your cheek, sliding down to your chin. Tee groaned, his hand moving in fast jerks as he coated you in his release. When he was done, you opened your eyes to find Joe watching you, his own desire clear.
Joe's hand moved from your back to your face, his thumb brushing over your cum-covered cheek. "Taste it," he instructed, his voice a seductive growl. You obeyed, your kiss-swollen lips wrapping around the pad of his thumb, a smile pulling at the corners of your mouth, feeling the stickiness of Tee's release on your skin.
"You fuckin' liked that, didn't you?" Tee's voice was filled with a mix of pride and satisfaction as he watched you lick his cum off Joe's thumb. Your eyes sparkled with amusement as you nodded, a giggle bubbling out of you. The room was thick with the scent of your combined arousal, your hearts pounding in sync with the pulsing beat of the bass from the party below.
Joe's smile grew wicked. His grip on your hips tightened, his dick still buried deep inside you as he began to move again, slowly at first. You fully moaned out, any shyness completely forgotten as you felt Joe twitch inside you. The power play between them had you more turned on than you'd ever been.
Tee laughed as he finally began to recover from his orgasm. "Go 'head, baby, make Joey cum. I think he worked hard for it." He winked at you, who rolled your eyes playfully. The room was thick with lust, your heavy breathing echoing off the walls.
Joe leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. "Think he's right, sweetheart?" he questioned, his voice low and rough. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt him begin to move again, his strokes deep and deliberate. You moaned around the taste of Tee's cum, the sound muffled by your head falling into the sheets.
"Fuck, yes," you managed to murmur, your hips rocking back to meet him. Joe's chuckle was deep and dark as he picked up his pace, his hands moving to squeeze your sides as he drove into you. Your eyes rolled back in your head, the feeling of being filled with Joe's cock and watching Tee's exhausted, satisfied face was overwhelming.
"Look at me, sweetheart," Joe demanded, his voice strained as he pulled you up against him. Your back arched as you opened your eyes to find his piercing blues staring down at you. "I wanna see your face when I come inside you."
Your eyes locked onto his, the intensity of his gaze setting your body ablaze. You could feel the muscles in your core tightening, your orgasm building with every stroke. Joe's grip on your hips grew fiercer, his movements punctuated by the slap of your bodies meeting. The head of his cock nudged your g-spot with precision, sending sparks through your body.
"Look at me," Joe repeated, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down your spine. You did as you were told, your eyes connecting in a silent agreement that this was more than just a casual fling. There was something deeper, something raw and primal that bound you two together in this moment.
The room seemed to spin around you as Joe's thrusts grew more erratic. You could feel his cock swelling inside you, the promise of his climax imminent. You leaned back, your breasts bouncing with each thrust as you threw your head back, your mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure.
"Fuck, yes," you gasped, your eyes fluttering shut. "I'm gonna cum again." The words were barely out of your mouth before you felt the warmth of Joe's release fill you up. He groaned, his hips bucking against you, his orgasm intense and powerful. Tee watched, his hand still around his cock, stroking slowly as he took in the sight of two of his close friends, lost in their shared passion.
Your body shuddered as the waves of pleasure washed over you, your hands slotting over Joe's as he trailed a hand up to squeeze at the sides of your neck, constricting your airways deliciously. Joe's cock continued to pulse inside you, painting your insides with his seed as your walls fluttered around him. The heady scent of sex filled the air, intoxicating and overwhelming. You felt Joe's grip on your hips ease, his breathing slowing as he pulled out.
Tee's eyes never left yours, his hand still moving languidly on his shaft. He looked up at Joe, a silent question in his gaze. Joe nodded, a smirk playing on his lips, and Tee moved in closer, his hand reaching for your chin. He turned your face to him, and you felt his kiss, soft and gentle, almost tender in contrast to the fiery passion you had just shared with Joe. It sent a refreshing wave of serenity over you, and you melted into it, your body still quivering from the aftershocks of your climax.
"You good?" Tee asked softly, his thumb brushing over your lower lip. You nodded, your eyes flicking from Tee to Joe and back again, the gravity of what you had just done settling in. The room was quiet except for your synchronized breathing, and you could feel their eyes on you, watching your every move, every reaction, every twitch of your relaxing muscles.
You felt Joe's weight shift away from you, retreating to the bathroom to grab some washcloths. When he returned, he tossed one to Tee and used the other one to wipe you down gently, his touch surprisingly tender. You looked down at the mess you'd made off the bed, a mix of cum and sweat, and felt a strange sense of pride. These were two of the most eligible bachelors in the NFL, and here they were, sharing you like a treasure.
Your trio lay in a tangled heap of limbs, your breaths syncing as you all came down from the high of your shared experience. The tension of earlier was gone, replaced by a warm, contented silence. You felt a sense of belonging you hadn't known in a long time as Joe's hand trailed lazily across your back and Tee's arm draped over your waist. You were a unit now, bound by a secret that only the three of you knew.
As the reality of what had just transpired began to sink in, you couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement and a hint of nervousness. You looked between them, two men you had known for years, two men you had never thought of in this way until tonight.
"What the hell just happened?" you murmured, a giggle bubbling up from your chest.
Joe leaned in, his expression a mix of satisfaction and amusement. "I think we just had the best sex of our lives," he said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down your spine. Tee's eyes twinkled with playfulness as he nodded in agreement. "All because of you, baby," he added, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your lips as the teammates reached over your body to dap each other up in shared accomplishment. A "My man," slipped through the quiet from Tee's lips, his voice still hoarse from his orgasm. The sight of the two men celebrating their supposed victory, their friendship so clear even in the most intimate of moments, filled you with a strange sense of comfort.
"So, you two wanna explain why you're so good at this?" you teased, poking Joe in the ribs, the blonde squirming at your touch. "It's like you've practiced."
Joe's smirk grew wider. "I think this is pretty close to what we do on the field, you know? That QB-WR connection? We've got it down." His eyes twinkled as he leaned in closer to you. "We just knew what we wanted." His hand traveled down your side, sending a fresh wave of tingles across your skin.
"Once we figured out we both had feelings for you, we figured we could share," Tee whispered, his breath hot against your ear. "You're too much for just one of us to handle anyway." He chuckled, his hand sliding down your thigh. "It doesn't hurt that we make a pretty good team."
"And what would you two have done if I said no?" you asked, your voice revealing a hint of a challenge. You couldn't help the smirk that tugged at your lips as you watched the two men exchange glances, the unspoken communication between them almost comical in its synchronicity.
"I'd fuckin' kill him, he talked me into it," Tee said with a chuckle, reaching over you playfully jostle Joe. "But for real, we knew you'd be down."
Joe's expression grew serious. "We respect you too much to push you into anything." He brushed a lock of hair from your face. "We just wanted to be honest. Let you know how we feel."
You searched their faces, the gravity of their words sinking in. "I appreciate that," you said softly. "But what now? This isn't exactly something you tell people at work when they ask about your weekend."
Joe nodded. "We know. That's why it's just between us. What happens in this room, stays in this room." His thumb traced circles on your lower back, sending shivers up your spine. "But if you're into it, we could keep this going."
Tee leaned in, his voice a gentle rumble against your skin. "Just something casual. No strings, no drama. Just something between us three. We got each other's backs, always."
Your heart raced at the thought. It was risky, especially with your career in and around the league. But the connection you felt with Joe and Tee was undeniable, a potent cocktail of attraction and friendship that you hadn't experienced before. The thrill of secrecy only added to the allure.
"Okay," you said, your voice a hesitant whisper. "But only if we're all clear on the rules. No one outside this room can ever know. Ever."
Joe and Tee nodded solemnly, their eyes locked on yours. "You got it," Joe said, his thumb brushing over your plump lower lip. "Our lips are sealed."
This was fucking insane.
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porcalinecunt · 4 months ago
ak!jason craving his back alley surgeon (ftm) so much that it physically hurts not to just fuck him right in the middle of their session ,,
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🪽ᯓᡣ𐭩 the arkham knight remained touch starved for too long, so he turns to his nagging yet stupidly cute back alley surgeon! ~
° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . cw — ftm!reader. dubcon. rough oral sex. throat breeding. throat bulge. fingerings. touch starved jason. past mentions of torture/injuries.
[・:。author’s note ! 「 ✉️ 」・𓂃 ࣪˖ ] i do NOT know how to write endings ;-; but omg anon, i RAN to write this the moment i saw this request! ak!jason todd lives in my head rent free :<
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he forgot what normal touch felt like, if it even existed in the desolate gotham city.
and you can’t blame him, the last thing he ever felt were the joker’s ghostly white hands tearing at his skin with any rusty metal he could get his hands on. the burning hot iron engraving a capital J on his cheek.
getting shot on camera in a snuff was somehow the least worst thing that happened to the knight.
naturally, the acidic lake of the lazerous pit only harden his outer shell, rendering him mentally cut off to the concept of affection. hell, he wouldn’t even let the nurses within militia grounds even touch him. grumbling that he can take care it himself with a simple twist of a broken limb or a faulty cauterized wound.
or a visit to your back alley clinic.
after a hellish night of shockwaves and stitches, jason properly met you after you saved his life from a particularly lethal mission. unlike the kind nurses though, you were cold and a little vile. spouting exhausted quips about how ‘braindead’ and ‘reckless’ he was, and how he was a pain in your ass. ah, a vile little bitch. the arkham knight thought.
yet, he couldn’t bring himself to hate you. oh no, despite the sharp tongue, your shockingly soft hands revive a need jason thought he abandoned after his death. he found himself looking forward to the checkups, to your palms resting against his scarred chest and broad shoulders. fingers pressing against his more delicate spots, allowing his mind to wander to the nastiest places.
how delicate was the rest of you?
a question that got him gripping the metal table as you did another checkup on him, making sure he didn’t measly tear off any of the wrapping or bandaids.
jason’s breath hitched once your fingers ghosted over his abs, his chest and his thighs. it didn’t help that with every slight move, he grew harder and harder in his pants. you were fucking teasing him, even if it wasn’t intentional. his boner was growing more obvious and it was like you were purposely playing dumb, agitating the knight.
“shit..fuck it.”
he uttered, sitting up despite your failed attempts to keep him down.
“mister todd, what are you?!- HEY!”
a harsh push threw you far back, stumbling onto the dirty sofa chair while jason quickly followed. you could barley process what was going on when the sound of a belt buckle made you freeze.
“sorry doc, got a problem i can’t fix on my own..”
jason muttered as his pants dropped to his ankles along with his boxers, revealing his ‘problem’. you couldn’t think of anything to say, only stare at his ridiculous girth and his swollen tip leaking precum as it ran down to the base.
“mister todd..—“
“please. c’mon doc..”
he was practically begging, a tone that went straight into your soaked cunt. you had to hold back from straight up palming yourself through your pants. a defeated sigh left your lungs as you leaned forward off the couch and onto your knees. a risky kitty lick snapped the rope of control in jason, a heavy metal hand clasping the back of your head, forcing his dick into your jaw.
he was too big, way too big. your poor mouth was practically stuffed with cock as the knight didn’t let you pull back for a moment. “nose, doc..breath through your nose.” jason sighed, slowing pushing further and further until he was nestled into your throat. a static groan leaked through his gritted teeth, a sound that made you flinch with anticipation.
with eyes screwed shut, you couldn’t even look at him as he pulls his length back only to shove it right back into the jugular, slowly picking up his already relentless pace. the sloshing noises of your spit and his cum mixing filled your ears until your patient’s groans practically drowned out.
gobs of the nasty mix spilled off his soaked dick and through your swollen lips, along with tears that blurred your vision and salted the taste of the knight’s girth. it was all humiliating in the best way possible, you were fucking getting off to it. made you wonder how long he was imagining this very scenario.
“get up.” he suddenly commands with a booming tone, pulling you off his cock with a handful of your hair. “w-wha..?”
“you fuckin’ heard me. get up or i’ll fuck that cunt of yours.”
barley a promise, knowing how fickle the knight is. yet you still followed his command, standing up as he pushed you down onto the metal operation table with your front facing the ceiling. jason, dick still hard and bobbing around as he walked to where your head hung off the edge.
“gonna make you extra useful doc, if you’re okay with that..” he asked with a ragged breath. you were too fucked out to give a proper answer other then a pathetic “uh huh…” with your tongue stuck out. you couldn’t even get another sound out before he stuffs your mouth full once again, this time, with a desperation for an orgasm.
gripping the sides of the metal table, jason thrusts his dick in and out of your throat, a small bulge forming yet visible enough for him to admire.
“atta boy, you’re not bad f’ a doctor..shit..!”
he laughed, listening to your whines and gagging as you rub your thighs together for a source of friction. all this time, you were left neglected as jason used your throat as a free fleshlight. with shaking hands, you reached down through the band of your pants and ran your fingers through your needy little pussy.
“mmm..mister todd..”
you muttered, fucking your fingers into your soaked cunt as you felt his cock twitch in your mouth. he was gonna cum.
“mouf..cum in m’mouf..!” you weakly uttered, earning a mocking coo from the knight. “yeah? you want me to cum in your mouth? ‘course doc..” he panted, his pace growing more relentless somehow.
“consider this returning the favor, f’ being so good to me.”
with a couple more thrusts and some jerkin’ off, a white hot liquid spurted in your mouth and down your throat. heavy and salty was all you can taste as he practically bred your throat full.
jason pulled himself out, watching as gobs of his cum and your spit spill out from your lips and all over your fucked out face. he wished he could take a picture of it just to have something to jerk off to when he can’t sleep.
“so..see you next week?”
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© porcalinecunt 🪽ᯓᡣ𐭩ྀི do not steal, translate, or use my work and claim as your own.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 7 months ago
Writing Notes: Thought Distortions
psychological concepts to help with your story/poem
An essential step in cognitive therapy is to discredit illogical automatic thoughts by labeling them. To facilitate this labeling, Beck and his followers have identified and defined a list of common thought distortions (e.g., A. T. Beck et al., 1979; J. S. Beck, 2002; Craighead, Craighead, Kazdin, & Mahoney, 1994; Leahy, 2003; C. F. Newman, 2016). Cognitive therapists teach these terms to clients, often using handouts or take-home readings, and train them to use the terms when examining their own thoughts. Examples of these common thought distortions include the following:
All-or-nothing thinking - Irrationally evaluating everything as either wonderful or terrible, with no middle ground or “gray area”
Catastrophizing - Expecting the worst in the future, when, realistically, it’s unlikely to occur
Magnification/minimization - For negative events, “making a mountain out of a molehill”; for positive events, playing down their importance
Personalization - Assuming excessive personal responsibility for negative events
Overgeneralization - Applying lessons learned from negative experiences more broadly than is warranted
Mental filtering - Ignoring positive events while focusing excessively on negative events
Mind reading - Presuming to know that others are thinking critically or disapprovingly, when knowing what they think is, in fact, impossible
Source: Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Diversity (5th Edition) by Andrew M. Pomerantz
Writing Notes & References
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moremaybank · 7 months ago
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jj is so obsessed with you that all it takes is a peck on the lips for him to get hard. you two could be in the car, having just pulled into a parking spot. you're eager to get to the bonfire and chill with the group, and so you give him a kiss before moving to get out of the vehicle. before you get too far, jj grabs your arm to stop you. "wait. we can't go yet." you arch a brow. "what? why?" and he can't even look you in the eye when he responds with, "jus'— gimme a sec, alright?" you're still confused, watching jj suck in a deep breath and close his lids as he exhales. then he mumbles a 'get it together, lil' j. damn,' through gritted teeth and your gaze catches the half-grown tent trying to break free from his cargo shorts. you now understand if you two join the pogues, jj will never hear the end of it. "all i did was kiss you, j," you giggle, though you can't deny the ego stroke you get as you note how little it takes for you to turn him on. "s'all it takes, babygirl. jus' too damn sexy."
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concepts ; concepts (ii)
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denim-devil · 1 year ago
Bad To The Bone - Week 1 | Mirror Fucking/Hair pulling
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Summary - When hearts collide, Billy chooses to chase after the longing thoughts that have only you in the midsts of them all, the biggest halloween party ever hosted in the small town of Hawkins was his best bet to finally entice those very thoughts…
Pairings - Bully!Billy Hargrove x M!Reader
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The cigarette hung loosely from his lips as he stalked the crowded room, his eyes lingering on the current sight before him. Steve’s hands were far to close for his liking, lightly grabbing at your swaying hips.
What had felt like an eternity, Billy slowly crept toward the two of you, anger and malice ran through his veins like the blood circulating his body had done, bubbling up, growing closer to a boiling point.
Steve’s lips felt warm against the crook of your neck, his teeth nibbling gently against the dampness. Although under the influence, you had no desire to stop him, not after the end of your mid-night rendezvous with the current king and bully of Hawkins High.
A slight shove had forced the ridiculed Steve into the wall beside the two of you, a harsh bang sounding out into the room, even with the noisy crowd of teenage students and the humming beats of madonna…it was loud.
“Watch it asshole-“
Steve ushered out with a hiss. As if time itself was a concept, you stood, frozen. Billy stood with a proud smirk, his black, slightly damp leather jacket was hung open, showcasing the toned physique you were once frequented with.
“Watch what? I didn’t do anything”
Billy tuts, his eyes flicking over to you, looking you up and down like he would his next meal, like a dangerous predator to it’s prey. A certain ache began to pool between your legs, what were once pale, your cheeks were now a deep shade of crimson, taking note of Billy’s looming figure.
“Oh yeah? You wanna bet?”
Taking a puff of his cigarette, it goes back to laying loose between a shit-eaten grin, his tongue flicking over the orange tip. Billy had no time for games, nor Steve’s bullshit, instead he opted for the obvious choice, charging toward you with his fingerless leather gloves which eagerly wrapped around your bicep, yanking you toward the stairs.
“Oh your in so much shit sweetheart”
He half growled, half whispered, even with the music blaring and the crowd going back to dancing and chatting, Billy took himself seriously, only wanting you to know what was to follow as you stumbled up behind him, leaving a confused Steve, stammering around in the very same corner.
He hadn’t bothered to look back, feeling how limp your wrist was within his grip had told him everything he needed to know, you had no fight to win, Billy had already won, more so with the dingy bathroom door flying open with a tug and a kick.
Thump, thump, thump. It rang through your ears like an alarm, heartbeat pacing like a jockey and it’s horse during a race, running quicker once the door slammed shut and the click of the lock latching away both your confidence and the thoughts of an impending escape.
He stood, flicking the cigarette bud onto the floor before raising one of his heavy boots, stomping the crisp leftovers into dust.
You watched the older male proceed to shake of his jacket, leaving him in just the denim jeans he was naturally acquainted with.
“You better think twice before ever letting Harrington touch you like that again-“
Nodding was the only beneficial answer, earning a daring smirk from the manic jock before you. His golden locks were matted yet matched the darkness now claiming the once ocean blue eyes he usually sported, his hair resting against the sweaty tan skin that covered his innards.
His steps grew closer with each thump correlating with your heartbeat, black boots treading against the tiled floor toward you until his warm breath fanned lightly across your pink-dusted cheeks.
“Billy- please, it was nothing, j-just needed something”
He tutted before pressing his body against you, pushing you further into the floral wallpapered brick behind, instantly making you feel small and defenceless.
“Save it- you need to learn a thing or two…”
Billy doesn’t think twice, he normally doesn’t before acting on said thoughts, twisting your body, roughly laying you stomach first against the counter top that faced the elongated mirror before you.
His body, warm and delectable now rolled into your arched form from behind, pushing most of his growing erection against you, forcing you to feel your own impending doom.
“You should be thanking me sweetheart, you got this cock all to yourself and you were ready to throw it away like dog shit- fuck”
You incoherently mumble a short “no” before pushing back momentarily, testing the waters. Luck had happened to be in your favour, a starving Billy, craving nothing but to ravish you groaned before pulling back.
It was easier to see this way, watching eager finger tips make quick work of his leather belt and crotch zipper, both thumbs hooking into the burgundy band of his boxers, wiggling them down slowly, past the light trimming of blonde pubes surrounding his veiny, thick base.
“Can’t stop thinking about how easily you take this dick”
Your tongue trails over your dry lips, watching as the band smoothly runs further down, catching on the moist tip before being completely removed, his cock bounces, loudly slapping into his toned abdomen, the head angry with urgency, a deep crimson in colour, he was thick from base to tip, a singular girthy vein running on the underside, splitting off just underneath the curve of his tip.
He chuckled at the reaction, watching as the same lips he used to get himself once in the janitor closet after gym class hung agape, eyes wide with earnest and adoration.
“Don’cha think Harrington would give it in so easy? Look at you, all dolled up for the wrong guy-“
You groan into the warm air of the now secluded space, the bathroom, although big felt small with the presence of Billy watching over you, his shadow looming in every corner from the dim strip light placed just above the mirror, forwarding his domineering ways.
“Billy- I got dolled up for you…”
As if words were a dagger, sharp and pointy, cutting into his skin, seeping deeper and changing his whole point of view. It was clear now, from the tight, revealing light wash jeans that hugged every spot he had both discovered and devoured more then once to the dainty leather jacket that had you looking smaller then usual, swallowing you up.
“Oh really? Fuck princess, you really know how to rile up a guy”
His fingers tips scrambled from your inner thighs upward, towards the belt loops and eventually to the knot holding you together.
Billy had made quick work with your belt and jeans, unclasping the metal before roughly pulling down the tight denim that hugged you perfectly, followed by the white briefs unveiling the very source of his affliction and desire.
His cock, thick and heavy, laid perfectly between your crack, pulsing at the very thought of being inside once again, after weeks of having blue balls, it was his forbidden truth to feel you all over again, like the first.
“Harrington could never- you really think he could fuck you the way I do? Make you feel things…”
Reaching down, a warm hand cups the base of your dick before slightly tugging, the leather cold against the warmth he was supplying. The moans that had forced themselves from deep within bubbled up into a whimper once surpassing your open lips.
His free hand managed to sneakily wrap itself within your hair, tugging harshly, you were not getting out of this, even if you had the choice.
“I won’t ask you again doll-“
You mumble a sharp, squeaky “no” once the angry tip rests softly against the puckered skin surrounding your entrance and Billy’s gateway into bliss. A few more tugs was all he offered up before removing his hand from your dribbling member, slightly patting at the pert globes you arched into him.
He chuckled cockily, his beer-soaked chest resting against your clothed back before looking up into the glass mirror. It was almost invigorating to see himself like this, to watch you wriggle with anticipation, giving in so easily, allowing Billy himself to guide you through his ecstasy, it was even better, a strangers bathroom had never brought him so much glory.
“Atta boy, come on, won’t you relax for me, let me in sweetheart…”
He slips in with ease, creating a stretch that burned like the sun, growing with each passing inch, watching as his tongue danced against your neck, how your features twisted with pain…then pleasure.
“Look at yourself-“
He settles against you before pressing his hips flush against your own, filling you up, warm and thick in your gut. Tear-stained eyes flick up to settle on his baby blues that twitched with lust, his smirk big and proud, almost intimidating.
“That’s it- that’s my pretty boy, such a sweet thing for me, all for me”
He panted before pulling completely back with an audible pop, watching his cock bob, he ushered himself back in to the hilt with a loud slap, this was something Billy would never forget, clearly.
“Keep your eyes on me princess-“
You did, watching him roll his hips, feeling each inch slip and slide against your velvet walls, his tip edging it’s way back and forth, watching your eyes roll back in ecstasy.
“Bill- Billy, please-“
You gasp before he presses fully forward, pushing against your pleasure spot and watching you gasp, tongue licking at dry lips. Once again you find his eyes, blushing at the wet laps he gives your neck.
“You’ll think twice next time hmm?”…
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stormberry-12 · 2 years ago
the pogues/ESPECIALLY JJ would protect innocent!reader SO MUCH. like she could be the youngest or something and they would go back for her (for ex. when they had to leave jb in s3). anyways jj would so definitely say something like, “you’re like their little sister, but you’re MY girl.” yk
my woman ~ jj maybank x reader
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Ahh yes, I totally agree, and I LOVE the innocent!reader and JJ trope>>>
pairing: jj x innocent!fem!reader
warnings: slight language, reader in danger, mega fluff.
notes: lowercase intended, this was made late at night and not rlly edited srry if its bad lmao, not from season 3 but a close concept. :)
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you shifted around and felt the sun on your face as your eyes fluttered open. you were in the twinkie bumping along a winding road, clinging onto jj, who was sitting in his seat, like a koala. or as jay called it, "the front pack", it was like a piggyback but on his front because he always wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay.
you shifted your legs around his torso and lifted your head from the crook of his neck.
"hiya, cupcake," he whispered softly, taking one of his arms that was wrapped around you and moving it so he could brush strands of hair from out of your eyes. "good nap?"
you nodded, wiping the sleep from your eyes, and he smiled. you suddenly recalled how you had gotten here and relief washed over you.
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you were running through alleyways on the cut, you felt betrayed. where had the pogues gone? they were there with you five seconds ago and now you were running away from those bloody square groupers alone.
over by the pogues, jj was having a mental breakdown, "where did she go man?"
"damn it!" john b exclaimed."pope, i thought she was behind you when we cut down this way!
"we have to go back for her-" jj houghed.
"i don't know jay..."
"no... no. we have to." he held his hat in one hand and ran the other through his hair in distress.
"he's right, we have to." pope agreed.
"come on man, we finally lost those guys and now you want to follow em?" john b sighed.
"jb you of all people should understand, she's like a little sister to you man! she's still only 16 and this kind of stuff scares the shit out of her, i can't do that to her guys-"
"john b we're going after her," kie pleaded.
"god! we're wasting time, i'm gonna go after her, even if i have to do it by myself!" jj ran off in your last seen direction. john b gave in and followed along with the rest of the pogues, they all knew jj was right, and their group wouldn't survive without you.
as you continued to run, blood pumping through your ears, you looked for the best spot to hide behind, trying to throw them off. you slid behind a large dumpster and listened as the sets of footsteps of the two men ran past you.
you waited a moment, calming your breathing before you moved from behind the bin. you jumped as the footsteps came back in your direction, but instead of those square groupers, it was jj and the pogues.
"y/n!" j sighed in relief scooping you up into his arms. "I'm so sorry, that will never happen again-"
you just stood there too exhausted to complain, your face buried in his chest. john b brought the twinkie around the corner and you all piled in, driving off into the night.
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"you came back for me," you smiled at your boyfriend wrapping your arms around his neck, still facing him on his lap.
"of course," jj said. "you know you're like their little sister, we honestly would fall apart without you... and your my girl."
"your girl?" you giggled.
"my girl, my woman, my soulmate." he repeated smoothly pressing his forehead to yours and closing his eyes. "you sure you're okay?"
"yeah," you said, leaning into his touch, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "perfect,"
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marasmadness · 1 year ago
Can you write BDSM dark!Jennifer Jareau x Reader who is a college student and they meet like randomly. Reader has a heart of gold and can’t see jjs dark side. And JJ js like obsessed with her.
“When you look at me like that, my darling, what did you expect?” || Jennifer Jareau x fem!reader
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CW: slight age gap (college sophomore reader x TA JJ), obsession, stalker behavior, smoking and drinking, possessive behavior, smoking & drinking, jealousy, smut, hair pulling, begging, degradation, she’s kind of mean ngl, ahem anyways …
"If anyone would like extra review for the final exam, JJ will be available during office hours this week to offer any assistance you might need,” your forensics teacher announced to the room, pointing to the graduate student acting as his TA for the semester. You had gotten to know her a bit and frequently spent office hours with her that started out as going over work but often drifted into gossip or other unrelated discussions. She typically wore her long blonde hair in a loose braid that fell down her back. You admired her intelligence greatly. Her ability to analyze communication and media publications, part of her specialty, was enticing to watch.
Many of the students in the class were already filtering their way out of the lecture hall, ready to crash after their last class of the day. You lingered for a moment so you could scribble down the times you could go find JJ later before eventually running out. J.J. caught your eye as you approached the door. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but her lips drew up into a smile, and she curled her fingers with a wave in your direction. You waved back quickly, watching her cross her arms over her chest as you left.
On your way back to the dorms, you flipped your hand over to see the times scrawled in pen on your skin. You figured it would be nice to see her as soon as possible and wanted to make it to her first available time. That gave you enough time to race back to your room, switch out your supplies, and maybe take a breath for a few moments.
You popped into your room, sharing a brief small talk with your roommate, who was on her way out to the library, but you were back out again as fast as you were in. JJ could always be found in the office of the professor she worked under. She had held many roles under his authority and not only depended on her but trusted her as well, so at this point, a part of the workload and part of the office basically belonged to her.
When you got there, the door was only up a crack, so you knocked and tentatively peeked your head in. JJ looked up from the pile of papers she was grading at her small desk in the corner and swiped her fallen bangs out of her face. "Hey hon, came just for me?” She teased, setting aside her papers as she turned her full attention to you.
You laughed, setting your notes down and pulling up a chair across from her. Before you could sit down, she dragged the chair onto her side of the desk, patting the seat. "Here, just so I don’t have to read your notes upside down. She smiled innocently, waiting for you to take your place beside her. Once you had settled yourself, you flipped through the pages of analysis and calculations in front of you, running your finger across the blue ink as you explained yourself. JJ occasionally leaned over to stop you, correcting a small error or elaborating on a concept you didn’t entirely understand beyond the basics of it. When she did, she rested her hand on your lower back, and she leaned in close enough that you inhaled the subtle scent of her vanilla perfume. You found it harder to focus under her touch but thought little of it.
Your phone kept buzzing on the table, and you were quick to flip it over, typing out a quick response. JJ silently grew annoyed. After a few too many messages shot back and forth, her eyebrows furrowed, and she poked around for information. "Who needs to get in touch with you that badly?” She spoke dryly but quickly laughed it off.
"Oh, sorry, I��m just looking for an apartment for next year. I’m going to check out an apartment with a friend later."You trailed off as you squinted at your screen before setting it down and refocusing your attention on JJ.
JJ sat tensely on the desk in front of you. Her face was in its usual soft and charming smile, which kept you distracted from any other of her mannerisms. While she was adept at detecting others' slight movements and tells, she was also scarily good at covering her own. “Which friend?”
“ Lola.”
JJ’s face soured at the name. There had been the slightest bit of shared feelings between you and Lola earlier in the year, but aside from a single night with "no strings attached,” nothing had happened. Whatever could’ve happened between the two of you evaporated, and you remained distant friends—that is, until you ran into her getting coffee and she discovered that you were also looking for an apartment. She suggested that the two of you look for one together; you had already been roommates freshman year, and it would be worth it to split the rent. JJ had been the one you discussed your fleeting on and off feelings with, always being an attentive listener, but JJ didn’t like her. She didn’t tell you that, but she was also far from gushing over her that you kind of got the hint.
"Oh, well, if a place is all you need, baby, then you could stay with me. My roommate is finishing her master’s this semester, and I’ll have an empty room,” JJ suggested, eager to interrupt the idea of you and Lola living together.
You didn’t think she was serious at first. She was at a much different place in her life, getting ready to head into the FBI while you weren’t even sure what you wanted to do yet. She was like a mentor to you. She had always been supportive and became a great confidante. Maybe you would be better off with her than Lola. Why would JJ suggest it if it wasn't a good plan? "That's sweet. I’m still going to go check out the place with her tonight, but if anything falls through, I’ll consider it."
JJ watched you attentively, rolling her bottom lip between her teeth as you packed up your things. Your phone kept buzzing on the desk, and she grew subtly more frantic as you were getting closer to leaving. "Hey, would you mind grabbing my phone? It’s under the papers on that filing cabinet.” She pointed across the room while her other hand drifted to her back pocket. You turned around and started digging through the stacked papers she had directed you to. JJ smoothly pulled out her phone from where she had felt its weight in her back pocket the entire time you had been here and snapped a photo of the two addresses appearing on your home screen from Lola. Knowing you would quickly turn around without her phone, she stood up quickly out of her chair that had been squeaky all semester and dropped her phone under her desk.
You turned around, ready to tell her that you didn’t see it, but she was already crouched on the ground, plucking it up off the floor underneath her desk. "Nevermind, I found it. I must have dropped it.” She smiled vacuously, in a way that only fooled strangers, unaware of her intelligence.
"Oh, good! Thank you so much for your help. I’ll see you in class Friday.” You waved on your way out as JJ called out a goodbye while crossing her legs and rocking slightly in her chair. As soon as the door closed with a click, her face fell into a look of cold determination, and she switched taps on her laptop. Typing in the address, her lips curled upward at the information she found. It was a fairly new apartment complex, right outside the school’s campus, meaning there would be plenty of showings going on and people in and out all day long.
She put the address into her phone and parked at the convenience store next door. It was surprisingly easy to slip into a side door that was left open for construction workers working on the other half of the building. She had been fully prepared to go in, flirt with whoever would fall for it in the lobby, and hope it worked out.
Afraid of being stuck in an elevator with someone who might catch on to the fact that she wasn’t supposed to be here, she opted to take the stairs up to the third floor. She found that apartment number that you’d be touring in half an hour and passed it, slipping into the empty one next door. As she passed other rooms, she was relieved to see that other apartments in the hallway were already occupied by residents. Her plan instantly became more believable.
She shut the door behind her, surveying the room. The heels of her boots clicked across the wooden floors, echoing in the unfurnished place. Walking up the thin wall that would soon separate you, she placed her hand up to it. Knocking raptly, she smiled when she heard the echo on the other side. JJ had heard every step and creak from her neighbors in her first apartment. The echo guaranteed that you would experience the same when you arrived with Lola. Even the thought of the girl left a sour taste in JJ’s mouth, causing her to grit her teeth.
Sliding down the wall, she sat beside the vent. Digging through her purse, she picked out a pack of cigarettes and a small red lighter. She wasn’t a frequent smoker but had a history of using one or two when her emotions overwhelmed her to the point where they made her sick to the stomach; Or, in this case, they were simply convenient. A lot of her plan relied on small details working in her favor. Since she arrived, every time part of her plan was reassured, her body relaxed with an increase in confidence. The second she approached the wall, she recognized the smell of new paint. The walls of the room she was in were dusty in beige paint, along with visible chips and dents. It was not newly painted, but a newer room just about to be shown to potential clients? Would be. Sound and scent both went through the walls. It was all she needed.
She occasionally heard footsteps pass and then fade away, but nobody bothered to stick their heads into a room that was supposed to be empty. She dully entertained herself by watching the clouds of smoke that left her lips. She had always paid close attention to every personal detail that had left your mouth, including your subtle complaints about everything smelling of smoke when you had been sharing a room with Lola.
Her attention peaked when she heard a trio of footsteps and two familiar voices outside the door. She quickly pushed herself up off the floor, rolling her eyes at the sound of Lola’s raspy voice, followed by your laughter. Wandering into the small kitchen area, she boosted herself up onto the counter and placed her phone against the wall. She hit play, sending music blasting from her so loudly that it vibrated against the wall. A grin flashed across her face at the grating sound. She had picked a playlist of music she hadn’t listened to since she was seventeen and very angry.
She lingered in the place for about fifteen minutes and could hear you and Lola being shown around the place, but not well enough to comprehend what anyone was saying. She could follow your voices, knowing when you got closer to the door. Her hope peaked at the quickness with which you were in and out of the apartment, under the assumption that you had disliked it. She waited five minutes after hearing you leave to exit out of the building the exact way she had entered, grinning to herself as she drove off to the next address she had plucked off your phone.
Her eyes darted to the short black dress hanging in the back of her car that she could see in the rearview mirror. She had become an expert at changing and getting ready in the back of her car ever since her recent internships with the BAU. Once she had changed out of a crewneck and pair of sweatpants and fixed her hair, she moved her car into a corner parking spot behind the bar, just in case you recognized her car right away. She wanted your interaction to seem more accidental.
Sure enough, when you entered the dimly lit bar moments later with Lola by your side, you backtracked at the sight of familiar blonde hair. You approached JJ tentatively, still unsure if it was her, where she was ordering a drink with her back turned to you. “JJ?”
She turned around, her face breaking out in calculated excitement. “Hi! What are you doing here? How’d the apartment thing go?” She started firing off questions, inviting you to sit on the stool next to her while also ignoring Lola’s existence.
“We decided to stop for drinks after. It didn’t go so well. The place felt unwelcoming. You could hear everything from loud neighbors, and the rooms had a weird smell."
She pretended to act both surprised and disappointed at this information, all while buying you a drink. “Aw, I’m sorry, hon. Well, like I said, my offer still stands."
You were much more willing to consider the idea now that your first place wasn’t looking as good as it seemed. At this point, Lola, who was tired of being in the background, crossed the room to accept a drink offer from a guy who had been staring at her since she had walked in. You decided to stay with JJ.
She thanked the bartender, who handed two glasses across the counter and then slid one over to you. You felt a bit more nervous sitting across from her than usual. She was much more intimidating in this setting than when she was happily helping you out in the corner of a classroom.
She wore a simple black dress, elevated with gold jewelry that fell against her ample cleavage. She also had rings to match on both hands that glinted under the hanging yellow lights as she gripped her glass. A smoky eye shadow was brushed over her lids, accentuating her bright blue eyes. She swirled the drink in front of her, watching ice cubes clink against the sides before she took a sip.
You sat talking for some time, not much differently than you usually did, but eventually her demeanor changed. She pivoted around on her stool so that her knees rested outside of your legs and leaned in closer to talk to you. Occasionally, her hands left the countertop to brush against your thigh, but she didn’t draw attention to it. You frowned as her eyes suddenly darkened at something over your shoulder and turned to find Lola sauntering back over with the same main from earlier wrapped around her arm.
"Hey babes, I’m leaving, would you be okay finding a ride?” Lola leaned in so that you could hear her over the overlapping chatter, and she seemed to be begging you to say yes with her eyes. Before you could reply, JJ volunteered without hesitation.
"I'll take her; you can leave.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she turned back towards you, waiting for Lola to leave. Lola had sensed the blonde’s dislike of her since they first met and was eager to get away from her, so she quickly turned around and headed toward the door without another word to you.
You and JJ remained in your corner of the bar, gradually becoming more rowdy with a second round of drinks, and JJ’s hands spent more time on your body. As promised, when you were ready to head out, JJ shielded you through the crowds of people until you slipped into the brisk air. She ran her warm hands up and down your arms, erasing the goosebumps that had risen from the cold. She mumbled something about her car being parked around the back and steered you around the corner of the building. Her jacket was draped over her arm, and she unfolded it, setting it across your shoulders. You were too unfocused, climbing into the passenger's seat of the car, to notice the unfamiliar scent of clothes that lingered on her clothes. JJ hovered over the car door, shielding your head from hitting the roof with her hand as you climbed. She shut the door behind you, walking around to the driver’s side. “Are you on Lotus Ave?” She asked, looking over at you as she pulled out of the parking lot.
"Ugh, yes,” you groaned, dropping your head back against the seat with the realization that your place was 30 minutes across town. You were used to being in places within walking distance, but you had followed Lola to this bar since you were already out of the apartment anyway.
JJ laughed at your disappointment. "Well, I’m 2 blocks away if you want to just spend the night, and I’ll drive you back in the morning. Maybe stop for breakfast,’ she suggested casually, gripping the wheel.
That didn’t sound terrible. Crashing in her apartment sounded like a much more comforting idea than a longer car ride in the dark and having to deal with whoever you might run into on your way back up to your dorm. "Actually, that sounds nice,” you said softly, and JJ quickly rerouted, turning onto her street.
Leading you upstairs, she dug around for a minute to find her keys and unlock the door. You shrugged off her jacket, handing it back to her with thanks, and she hung it up by the door. You both immediately crashed on the couch with sighs, kicking your shoes. Lola texted you to double check that you were alright, and JJ’s face hardened as you picked up your phone.
The wall that she had so carefully built up over the years to hide her true emotions fell, and impulsivity overwhelmed her. You were startled as she snatched the phone out of your hand, tossing it on the coffee table. “ Hey!” Before you could finish, her lips were on yours, and you happily sank into the kiss. "JJ,” you said, out of breath and shock.
She tilted her head, pressing her lips harshly against your neck and below your ear. Her mouth left a trail of soft purple marks and smeared lipstick posessively across your skin. “God, I’ve been so patient... waiting for you to get over those stupid little sluts, hoping you’d realize that I could treat you so, so much better.” Her voice had dropped into a raspier, coarser octave that made your stomach flip, but you were enjoying her touch too much to interrupt her. "That was silly of me, I should’ve known you would’ve needed to show you that, and now I can.” She straddled your waist, putting pressure on your shoulders so that you’d lay back underneath her. Her fingertips ghosted against your collarbone as she tugged the sleeves of your shirt over your shoulders.
Having such an ethereal, powerful woman loom over you left you breathless for a moment. "You've thought about this before tonight? Tell me how.” Your lips quirked up into a smile as you looked up at her.
Her eyes roamed across your body as she formed her words. "I've thought about those days that you sat between my legs in the office, oblivious to everything. And how I would’ve liked to wrap your hair around my hand and bend you over my desk, fucking you senseless until my name is the only word that's falling from your lips over and over again. I’ve imagined leaving marks all over your skin, in hopes that it will be a reminder that I’m the only one who gets to touch you,’ she had leaned in over you, her breasts pressed against you as she spoke into your ear, causing your breath to hiccup.
She pinched your chin between two fingers, running her thumb across your bottom lip. "Prove it” fell from your lips, barely above a whisper, and flipped a switch in JJ, entirely spurring her on.
In seconds, she had yanked off your clothes, dropping them to the floor. Roughly flipping you over, she pressed your face down into the pillow, silencing your gasps. "Don't move,” she commanded. You heard her cross the room and quickly return.
Positioning your body how she wanted it, her hands gripped your hips roughly, pulling them up. She dragged her nails up your spine and laughed menacingly as you yelped when she grabbed your hair. Your entire body tensed, back arching, as the tip of her strap brushed against your ass before teasingly sliding down across your folds.
Tugging your hair, she yanked your head closer to her. "Be as loud as you want, baby. It’s a shame nobody can hear you through these walls. I’d love for them to know how easy it is to get you begging for my cock,’ she chuckled, before unexpectedly and roughly thrusting into your cunt. She kept a tight grip on your hips, holding you up against her so that she could hit deeper inside of you and elicit more moans that you attempted to muffle into the pillow in front of you.
You bit down on your tongue in an attempt to be quiet, the noise she was getting from you was almost embarrassing, and tears formed in the corner of your eyes. JJ leaned down, swiping the drop off your cheek with her finger, a contrastingly gentle action. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room.
Your nails dug into the cushion in front of you, and your thighs clenched as you neared an orgasm. "Fuck JJ,’ you panted as flashes interrupted your vision.
Her response came back cold and unaffected. "Beg me, beg me to let you come,’ she demanded, rhythmically continuing the thrusts of her hips. You were hesitant to ask for such a thing, let alone beg for it, to give her permission and control over your entire body. One hand drifted up to your chest, and she pinched your nipple, rolling it between the pads of her fingers. The stimulation was not helping your resistance, and a whimper escaped you.
Please, I need you to let me come. I’ll do anything, please please,” You started rambling mindlessly, desperate to do anything as long as you could finish this orgasm.
JJ smiled at your instant obedience and was satisfied. Her hand snaked around your body and between your legs. A shaky scream erupted from your throat as she curled two fingers against your clit. You quickly fell over the edge. Your vision danced in and out as you orgasmed, and your legs quivered, eventually giving out. You came on JJ’s pink strap and fingers. She slowly removed herself from inside you and brought her fingers to your mouth. Forcing your lips apart, she pressed two fingers to your tongue. You closed your lips around them, and her eyes glinted as you sucked them clean. “Good girl.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, smiling as if she were victorious.
The rest of the night was a blur. You were exhausted. You briefly remembered an attempt to clean yourself up with JJ’s help but ended up falling asleep right where you were. JJ, much more alert than you, was also schemingly the first to wake up the next morning when your phone rang. Her eyes darted to you, relieved to find that you were still sprawled across her bed, where she had carried you, and you fell dead asleep in the living room. She was relieved to find your eyes still closed, fluttering with dreams. Reaching for your phone, she had no hesitation about picking it up. "Hello,” she answered softly.
"Hi Y/N, this is Elise from yesterday. I’m calling back about the apartment, room 505?”
"Oh yes, of course. Thank you so much. Actually, Elise, about that..."
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leosficlist · 7 months ago
Parentlock Rec List (so far)
This trope is my biggest weakness, so you can expect to find fluff galore, lots of Sherlock being called “dad” for the first time, love confessions and guaranteed happy endings. Mixture of lengths
Parentlock 2, Parentlock 3
A Case for Domestic Propinquity by SilentAuror 32k words
Author’s Summary: As Sherlock and John renovate Baker Street with Rosie underfoot, Sherlock can't help but wondering how he could possibly convince John to just stay indefinitely...
Notes: The way this fic ends is genius, and one of my favorite concepts that I rarely see.
Iris by Slashscribe
Author’s Summary: Sherlock does his best to make John happy when John comes back to 221B with his new baby after the events of Season 3, but Sherlock has a track record of getting things wrong in this area. This story is an exploration of their gradual shift from friends to lovers, told from Sherlock's perspective, full of a lot of pining and lack of emotional awareness. 12k words
Notes: Sherlock falls in love with Johns daughter (named Iris in this), and John falls in love with Sherlock as he watches.
Small Sacrifices by Fandaround
Author’s Summary: Five times that Sherlock made small sacrifices for Rosie and the one time that John realized it was all for him. 3k words
Notes: soft and sweet, sherlock adjusting his life for his favorite people
Family Matter by FaithfulViewers
Author’s Summary: A little girl calling them both her daddies is all it takes for John and Sherlock to realize the obvious: they're a family now. (Parentlock.) 3.8k words
Note: Gen, no kissing or romantic vibes, still lovely and heartwarming
The Dilemma of the Watson Bedroom by Jemariel
Author’s Summary: Sherlock hates the name Rosamund. John wanted to call her Katherine. Sherlock thinks it suits her. Meanwhile, he and John are orbiting ever closer together. Sherlock tries not to wonder how long he will have them here, all three of them together in 221B. 7k words
The Stroke of Midnight by aqueliaofthelonelymountain
Author’s Summary: With asking John this one question, he might induce John to ask other questions himself. Like: Since when are you interested in college reunions? Or worse: You know that most people bring their significant others to college reunions, do you, Sherlock? Like spouses… 9.8k words
Notes: Sherlock thinks John is simply playing along to help him save face, but this is cleared up by the end of the night.
Lines In The Sand by JRow
Author’s summary: "He examines the plain white box, which clearly holds a new mug. John must have purchased it and he’s written a note on the top. “First time for everything. – J” Sherlock smiles and feels excitement as he opens the box. As expected, it’s a mug. It appears to be a boring, white mug. Sherlock pulls it out of the box and his breath hitches as he sees the image decorating the side. It’s not boring at all." 3k words
Notes: John is sappy and open, Sherlock is cautiously hopeful. getting together.
Beautiful Pictures by JRow (again!)
Author’s Summary: An adorable (but unacceptable!) photo of Sherlock and Rosie on the Mail online, a stolen Picasso, and a slip of the tongue force John to re-evaluate his long held assumptions 28k+ words
Notes: casefic, raising rosie together while pining, felt like a quick read, vulnerable sherlock, sherlock calls john when offered drugs, sherlock devotes himself to rosie, john takes a pre kiss walk
What Remains Unsaid by ScullysEvilTwin
Author’s Summary: “Sherlock,” he says quietly, shifting over beneath the now-ruined quilt. “Do you want children?” Sherlock stares at the ceiling, makes no indication that he’s heard John at all, but after a moment, he turns his head to meet John’s gaze. “Look at our lives, John. What a preposterous notion.” [] “Our lives are insane, yes, but you didn’t answer the question, did you?” 5.5k words
Notes: Established relationship, John sees Sherlock interacting with children a few times and decides they should consider their options.
Swan Dive by HitLikeHammers
5+1 Sherlock has definitely leapt blindly into worse things. Or: Five Times Sherlock Acted as a Parent, and One Time He Didn't Have Any Reason for Acting at All. 8k words
Notes: Little scenes from Sherlock raising rosie, absolutely heartwarming
Three Of Us by Salamboo6
Author’s Summary: He leans in as soon as he’s close enough, kissing Rosie’s forehead softly, murmuring a quiet “Morning love” as Sherlock goes into more detailed facts about Rosie’s sleeping habits. John isn’t sure what happens next, but without thinking twice about it and actually feeling like it’s the most natural thing in the world to do right now, he leans in towards Sherlock and kisses his temple with a smile. 2.8k words
Notes: starts with a sleepy kiss, end with getting together
Love Comes Softly by SHERLOCKED79
Author’s Summary: After Mary’s unexpected death leaves John alone to raise a months-old Rosie, the doctor tries to sort through the wreckage of his new life. Thankfully, Sherlock is there to pick up the broken pieces and put them back together. / A short, endearing fic in which it takes John Watson over half a decade of raising Rosie together with Sherlock to finally realize he’s absolutely in love with the man. (And in which John is the only one who doesn’t realize this.) 29k words
Notes: So fluffy I thought it must be a prank, but the love never stops ♡
Love Like Ours by Berty
Author’s Summary: In a moment of madness, John tells Sherlock that he loves him. He had not anticipated where the ensuing conversation would take them. 6,5k words
Notes: Lovely heartfelt, in character, love confessions and clarifications, John catching Sherlock being lovely with Rosies as.
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loverangels · 2 months ago
Okokok I js got back on tumblr after a couple of weeks with my head in the books and I very much need like a percy j x reader who is like so invested in their books and its kind of like percy just admiring them study 🫠🫠
- 🌸
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pairings: percy jackson x fem!reader
synopsis: percys too much of a distraction
a/n: thank you so much for the request love I hope you like it!!
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The soft hum of the evening breeze wafted through the open window, rustling the curtains as the quiet sounds of your pen scratching across paper filled the room. You were perched against the headboard of the bed, legs tucked up and eyes glued to your notes. Your lips moved slightly, as though tasting the concepts you were processing, and your brows furrowed every so often in deep concentration.
Percy lay sprawled at the foot of the bed, chin propped up on his arms as he watched you. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since you’d buried yourself in your books, but he didn’t mind. Well, not really. He liked moments like this, where he could just… admire you.
The way the soft lamplight hit your face, casting a warm glow across your features, was mesmerizing. Your hair framed your face perfectly, a little tousled from the hours you’d spent sitting there, but somehow it just made you look more… you. Pretty, radiant, and a little intimidating in your quiet focus.
Percy’s lips quirked into a soft smile as he rested his cheek on the bedspread, his sea-green eyes drinking in the sight of you. You were so in your zone, it was adorable. But as much as he loved watching you like this, his patience was thinning. He wanted your attention.
Scooting closer, Percy shifted onto his knees and crawled toward you, settling himself beside you. Without a word, he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his curls brushing against your skin. He pressed a lazy kiss just below your ear, voice low and teasing as he murmured, “Don’t you want to take a break, sweet girl?”
You hummed distractedly, barely glancing up as you scribbled something in the margin of your notebook. “After this chapter.”
Percy let out a dramatic sigh, pulling back slightly to look at you, his hand trailing up your arm. “You said that, like, five chapters ago.”
A sheepish laugh escaped your lips as you glanced at him from the corner of your eye. “I mean it this time.”
He grinned mischievously. “Mhm, sure you do.” Before you could react, Percy plucked the book out of your hands, slipping it from your grip and placing it on the nightstand.
“Percyyyyy,” you whined, reaching for it, but he was faster. With a chuckle, he pinned you gently to the mattress, his weight warm and solid as he sprawled on top of you.
“Just a little break,” he murmured, voice muffled as he buried his face in your chest. His arms wrapped around you, holding you in place as his curls tickled your chin. “You work too hard, y’know that?”
You sighed in defeat but couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “I guess I can take a break…”
“Exactly,” Percy mumbled, his words melting into your skin. “I’m doing you a favor.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, threading your fingers through his hair as he sighed contentedly, already settling into the comfort of having you all to himself. For now, the books could wait.
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wonyowonyo · 8 months ago
Realize (J. Wonyoung X M! Reader)
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Hello, Wonyo_Wonyo here. I've came back from the depths of the pitiful reality, and returned with a new oneshot. Kinda lost my touch though, but I hope you all enjoy this one.I'll probably try to drop more stories soon, If I get the motivation to do it. Feel free to drop some suggestions too.
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Y/N had always been captivated by Wonyoung. Her elegance, her wit, the way she carried herself—it was all mesmerizing. From the moment he first saw her at the university's annual charity gala, he knew he had to get to know her better. She was wearing a stunning silver dress that made her stand out from the crowd, her long, dark hair cascading down her back in soft waves. She moved with a grace and confidence that drew everyone's attention, but it was the kindness in her eyes when she spoke to others that truly caught Y/N's heart.
The first time they spoke was during one of their shared classes. Y/N mustered up the courage to approach her after a particularly challenging lecture on quantum mechanics. As he gathered his books and steeled himself for rejection, he noticed Wonyoung struggling to fit her notes into her already overflowing bag. He saw his chance and seized it.
"Hey, do you need some help with that?" Y/N asked, offering her a friendly smile.
Wonyoung looked up, surprise flashing in her eyes before she returned his smile. "Oh, thank you. That would be great. My bag seems to have a mind of its own."
Y/N chuckled and helped her organize her things. As they walked out of the lecture hall together, they found themselves engaged in a lively conversation about the class. Wonyoung was not only beautiful but also incredibly intelligent. She had a way of explaining complex concepts that made them seem almost simple.
"Quantum mechanics is a nightmare," Y/N said, shaking his head. "I don't know how you make it look so easy."
Wonyoung laughed, a light, melodic sound. "It's not easy, trust me. I just enjoy the challenge."
From that day on, Y/N made it a point to be around her as much as possible. He offered to study together, grabbed coffee after classes, and even joined the same student clubs. Wonyoung seemed to enjoy his company, always smiling when she saw him and engaging in their conversations with genuine interest.
However, every time Y/N tried to take things to the next level, she would pull back just enough to keep him at arm's length. She would thank him for the flowers he sent with a sweet message but never agree to a date. He'd ask her out, and she'd say she was busy but then give him a lingering look that kept his hopes up. It was a dance that went on for months, with Y/N pouring his heart into every gesture and Wonyoung playing hard to get.
One particularly frustrating evening, Y/N decided to make a grand gesture. He had learned that Wonyoung loved classical music, so he managed to get two tickets to a highly sought-after concert in town. Nervously, he approached her after class.
"Wonyoung, I know you're busy, but I got us tickets to the Philharmonic concert this Friday. I thought it would be something you'd enjoy," Y/N said, hope shining in his eyes.
Wonyoung's expression softened, and for a moment, Y/N thought she would say yes. But then, her smile faltered. "Oh, Y/N, that's so sweet of you, but I already have plans with some friends. I'm really sorry."
Y/N's heart sank. "No worries. Maybe another time?"
"Maybe," Wonyoung replied, her tone unconvincing.
Y/N's initial attempts to win Wonyoung's heart were met with mixed signals that left him in a constant state of hope and frustration. He decided to take a more direct approach and invited her to a popular café on campus known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious pastries.
"Wonyoung, I was thinking we could grab some coffee after class. There's a new café that opened up, and I hear their pastries are amazing," Y/N suggested, his voice filled with optimism.
Wonyoung's eyes twinkled with interest, but her response was hesitant. "That sounds nice, but I already have plans with my study group. Maybe another time?"
Y/N's smile faltered slightly, but he quickly recovered. "Sure, another time then."
Despite the setbacks, Y/N refused to give up. He learned that Wonyoung loved literature, so he spent hours in the library researching her favorite authors and genres. One day, he surprised her with a beautifully bound copy of a classic novel she had mentioned in passing.
"I thought you might like this," Y/N said, handing her the book.
Wonyoung's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Oh my gosh, Y/N, this is one of my favorites! Thank you so much!"
Her genuine appreciation gave Y/N a glimmer of hope, but as soon as he tried to suggest they read it together, she quickly changed the subject.
"Maybe we can discuss it over coffee?" Y/N ventured.
Wonyoung's smile turned apologetic. "I'd love to, but I have a meeting with my project group. How about a rain check?"
Y/N's heart sank, but he nodded. "Of course, a rain check."
As weeks turned into months, Y/N's efforts intensified. He attended every event she mentioned, from art exhibitions to charity runs. He even signed up for a cooking class she was taking, hoping to spend more time with her.
During the cooking class, they worked side by side, preparing a complex dish together. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as they created something delicious together.
"This is really fun, Y/N," Wonyoung said, her eyes sparkling as they tasted their creation.
Y/N smiled, his heart swelling with joy. "It is. Maybe we could cook together more often?"
Wonyoung's expression turned thoughtful. "Maybe. We'll see."
Despite the fleeting moments of connection, Wonyoung continued to keep Y/N at a distance. He found himself questioning his every move, wondering if he was doing something wrong or if she simply wasn't interested.
One evening, after another unsuccessful attempt to ask her out, Y/N found himself sitting alone in the campus garden, his heart heavy with doubt. His best friend, Sungjae, found him there and sat down beside him.
"Hey, man. You look like you could use a friend," Sungjae said, his tone sympathetic.
Y/N sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to do, Sungjae. I've tried everything to show Wonyoung how much I care about her, but she keeps pulling away."
Sungjae patted his shoulder. "Maybe she just needs more time. Or maybe she's scared to let someone in."
Y/N nodded, though uncertainty gnawed at him. "I just wish I knew how she really felt."
Despite her mixed signals, Y/N persisted. He attended every event she mentioned she was interested in, made sure to remember the little things she liked, and always tried to be there for her when she needed someone to talk to. But eventually, the constant back-and-forth took its toll. He was tired of the uncertainty, the feeling that he was always one step behind. So, one day, he decided to stop. He stopped sending flowers, stopped asking her out, stopped trying to win her over. It was time to move on.
Wonyoung noticed the change immediately. At first, she thought it was a phase, that he'd bounce back with renewed determination. But as days turned into weeks, the realization hit her—she missed him. She missed his efforts, his thoughtfulness, the way he made her feel special. The absence of his attention left a void she hadn't anticipated.
One evening, as Y/N was packing up his things at the end of a long day, Wonyoung appeared. She looked different—nervous, unsure. It was a stark contrast to her usual confident self.
"Can we talk?" she asked softly.
Y/N nodded, motioning for her to sit down. She took a deep breath, her eyes meeting his with a vulnerability he hadn't seen before.
"I've been thinking a lot," she began. "About us, about everything you've done for me. I guess I didn't realize how much it meant to me until you stopped."
Y/N listened, his heart pounding. This was the moment he'd been waiting for, but now that it was here, he felt a mix of emotions.
"I was scared," she admitted. "Scared of how much I was starting to care about you. But now, I know that I don't want to lose you."
Y/N took her hand in his, a smile spreading across his face. "Wonyoung, I've always been here. I'm glad you finally realized what you want."
She squeezed his hand, a look of determination in her eyes. "I do. And if you're still willing, I want to give us a real chance."
Y/N nodded, the joy in his heart undeniable. "I've always been willing."
The following weeks were a whirlwind of new experiences and deeper connections. Wonyoung, true to her word, was committed to making things work between them. She made an effort to spend more time with Y/N, to open up about her fears and dreams, and to show him how much she appreciated everything he had done for her.
One weekend, Wonyoung suggested a trip to the countryside. It was a spontaneous idea, something she had always wanted to do but never found the right moment for. Y/N agreed, eager to explore new places with her and create lasting memories.
The drive to the countryside was filled with laughter and music. Wonyoung sang along to her favorite songs, her voice filling the car with warmth. Y/N couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of contentment he hadn't felt in a long time. As they drove through winding roads surrounded by lush greenery, he realized how much he had grown to love her.
When they arrived at their destination, a charming bed-and-breakfast nestled in a picturesque village, Wonyoung's excitement was contagious. They spent the days exploring the village, hiking through scenic trails, and enjoying each other's company. In the evenings, they sat by the fireplace, sharing stories and dreams.
One night, as they both lay on a blanket under the starry sky, Wonyoung turned to Y/N, her eyes reflecting the moonlight.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"For what?" Y/N asked, turning to face her.
"For not giving up on me," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "For being patient, for caring so much. I never realized how lucky I was until now."
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Y/N reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face. "I never gave up because I believed in us. And I'm glad you do too now."
Wonyoung smiled, leaning in to kiss him. It was a gentle, tender kiss, filled with promises of a future together. In that moment, Y/N knew that everything he had gone through was worth it. The chase, the uncertainty, the heartache—it all led to this beautiful realization.
As he held her in his arms, he felt a sense of peace and happiness. He had finally found what he was looking for, and it was more than he had ever imagined.
Back at university, their relationship continued to grow. They became the couple everyone admired, not because of grand gestures, but because of the genuine love and respect they had for each other. They supported each other's goals, celebrated each other's successes, and comforted each other during difficult times.
Wonyoung's friends noticed the change in her. She seemed happier, more at ease. They saw how much she cared about Y/N, how she went out of her way to make him feel loved. It wasn't just the little gifts or the surprise visits; it was the way she looked at him, the way she spoke about him. It was clear to everyone that she had fallen deeply in love with him.
One day, as they were walking together on campus, Wonyoung stopped and turned to Y/N. There was a seriousness in her eyes that made his heart skip a beat.
"There's something I need to tell you," she said, taking a deep breath.
Y/N nodded, his curiosity piqued. "What is it?"
Wonyoung hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I've been offered an internship abroad. It's an incredible opportunity, but it means I'll be away for a year."
Y/N's heart sank at the thought of being apart from her for so long. He knew how important this internship was for her career, but the idea of not seeing her every day was painful.
"I don't want to leave you," she continued, her voice trembling. "But this is something I've worked so hard for. I don't know what to do."
Y/N took her hands in his, squeezing them gently. "Wonyoung, this is your dream. You have to go. We'll make it work, no matter what. I believe in us."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged him tightly. "I don't deserve you," she whispered.
"You deserve everything, Wonyoung," he replied, holding her close. "And I'll be right here, waiting for you."
The months that followed were challenging, but Y/N and Wonyoung found ways to stay connected. They talked every day,
sharing their experiences and supporting each other from afar. The distance was hard, but it also made them appreciate each other even more.
Wonyoung thrived in her internship, gaining valuable experience and making important connections. She often spoke about how much she missed Y/N, but she also expressed how grateful she was for his unwavering support.
As the year drew to a close, they both counted down the days until they would be reunited. The anticipation was almost unbearable, but it also filled them with excitement. Y/N planned a special celebration for her return, wanting to show her just how much he had missed her.
When the day finally arrived, Y/N stood at the airport, his heart pounding with anticipation. As soon as he saw Wonyoung walking towards him, all the months of separation melted away. She ran into his arms, and he held her tightly, never wanting to let go.
"I'm home," she whispered, tears of joy streaming down her face.
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"Welcome home," he replied, kissing her softly. "I've missed you so much."
The experiences they both had during that year apart strengthened their bond even further. They realized that love wasn't just about being together all the time, but about supporting each other's dreams and growing together, even when apart.
Wonyoung's return brought a renewed sense of purpose and excitement to their relationship. They made a promise to each other to never take their time together for granted and to cherish every moment they had. The weeks following her return were filled with joyful reunions, long conversations, and a deepening of their connection.
One evening, Y/N and Wonyoung found themselves sitting on a park bench, the sunset casting a warm glow over them. Wonyoung rested her head on Y/N's shoulder, a contented smile on her face.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" Y/N asked, his voice soft.
Wonyoung nodded, her eyes closed. "Of course, I do. It was at the charity gala. You were so nervous when you approached me."
Y/N chuckled, reminiscing. "I was terrified. But I knew I had to talk to you. There was something about you that just drew me in."
Wonyoung looked up at him, her eyes filled with affection. "I'm glad you did. You changed my life, Y/N."
"You changed mine too," Y/N replied, kissing her forehead.
As the months went by, Y/N and Wonyoung continued to support each other's aspirations. They attended each other's events, celebrated milestones, and were there for each other during challenges. Their relationship was built on a foundation of trust, respect, and a deep understanding of one another.
One day, Y/N received an exciting opportunity. A renowned research institution offered him a position to lead a groundbreaking project. It was a dream come true, but it also meant he would have to move to another city for a year. When he shared the news with Wonyoung, he saw a mix of emotions in her eyes—pride, excitement, and a hint of sadness.
"This is an incredible opportunity, Y/N," Wonyoung said, her voice steady. "You have to take it. It's your dream."
Y/N took her hands in his, searching her eyes. "But what about us? I don't want to be away from you again."
Wonyoung smiled, her eyes shining with determination. "We've done this before, and we can do it again. We both have dreams to chase, and we'll always find our way back to each other."
Her words filled Y/N with hope and reassurance. They had faced challenges before and come out stronger. He knew that with Wonyoung by his side, they could overcome anything.
As Y/N prepared for his move, they made a promise to stay connected and support each other through this new chapter of their lives. They spent their remaining days together creating memories, exploring new places, and deepening their bond. They knew that distance could never weaken their love.
The night before Y/N's departure, they sat on the rooftop of their favorite building, looking out at the city lights. Wonyoung leaned into him, her head resting on his chest.
"Promise me something," she said softly.
"Anything," Y/N replied, holding her close.
"Promise me that no matter where life takes us, we'll always find our way back to each other," Wonyoung whispered.
Y/N kissed the top of her head, his heart swelling with love. "I promise. Always."
The year apart was challenging, but Y/N and Wonyoung stayed true to their promise. They talked every day, sharing their successes and supporting each other through the tough times. The distance only strengthened their love and commitment.
Y/N's project was a resounding success, and he returned with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the future. Wonyoung greeted him at the airport, her smile brighter than ever. They embraced, tears of joy streaming down their faces.
"I'm so proud of you," Wonyoung said, her voice filled with emotion.
"I'm proud of us," Y/N replied, holding her tightly.
Their love story was one of perseverance, trust, and unwavering support. They had faced challenges and come out stronger, their bond unbreakable. Together, they knew they could achieve anything.
As they walked hand in hand out of the airport, ready to face whatever the future held, they knew one thing for certain—no matter where life took them, they would always find their way back to each other. Their love was a journey, and they were ready to embrace every moment of it, together.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 months ago
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In the mood for...
Dec 21st
1. Hello! Today, I'm in the mood for a fic that explores the kinky love life of wangxian. I prefer it to be 40k and above.
The whole fic doesn't have to revolve around it but I would like it to be an important part of the story. I prefer it to be canon universe but it can also be an AU.
We know that Wangxian are pretty kinky in canon so I would like to read a fic that tackles all of their kinks in a healthy way and I would also like them to talk about it and communicate.
Thank you! @broodyelii
u could check out some of their fics (ScarlettStorm)
2. Hello! I hope you're all having amazing days and I'm sorry for bothering again so soon, but I just need to ask. Does anyone knows any fic about transmigrator!LWJ? I just stumbled onto the concept and am obsessed. @lostandmessedup
🔒 Once In a Lifetime - CQL-IRL transmigration shenanigans. series by Anonymous (T, 41k, WangXian, RPF, Transmigrator LWJ, Attempt at Humor, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Crack, Crack treated half seriously, Friendship, Developing Friendships, Dimension Travel, after 14 chapters I want to clarify that LWJ is more of a dimensional traveler than a transmigrator, he didn't die. he's alive and well lol, Happy Ending, Transmigrator WWX, Attempt at Humor, Married WangXian, WangXian are married and they make it everyone's problem)
🔒 a kick-start to falling in love by wereworm (T, 7k, WangXian, Transmigrator LWJ, Modern, WWX licks blood, that's a content warning but also just a statement about WWX, LWJ is the transmigrating cultivator and WWX is the uni student caught in the rain, WangXian's intricate rituals tm, Meet-Cute)
💖 the roots by thelastdboy (E, 30k, WangXian, MM/WQ, MM/MM's Husband, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Post-The Untamed, Canon - MDZS & The Untamed Combination, Transmigrator LWJ, Parallel Universes, Dimension Travel, Time Travel, Desperation, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Post-Canon, Heavy Angst, Mental Health Issues, Grief/Mourning, Abandonment, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, WQ Lives, Found Family, Cottagecore, Rogue Cultivator WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Bittersweet)
3. Hi, this would be for ITMF: I just finished I Carried This for Years by LadyOfVengeanceAndWar and omg, I'm obsessed? (too bad its still a WIP) I'm desperately in need of more yummeng siblings role reversal, or yummeng siblings personality swap. I guess even !ylz lwj is fine too if it's good. I prefer long fics (and preferably nothing explicit, but I'll take anything atp)! thank you!!
Keep Holding On by abCEE (M, 316k, JC & WWX & JYL, WangXian, Canon Divergence, OOC, Demonic Cultivator JYL, YLLZ JYL, Twin Prides of Yunmeng Dynamics, Yúnmèng Siblings Dynamics, Yunmeng-Jiang Sect, Fall of Lotus Pier, JC gets the support that he needs, WWX knows what self-preservation is, Role Reversal, LWJ will do anything for his WWX, Twin Jades of Lan Dynamics, Good Uncle LQR, Gusu-Lan Sect, WangXian are married and have a son, Ghost General WQ, Sunshot Campaign, Angst with a Happy Ending, Artistic License, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Established Relationship, PTSD, role reversal but not entirely YL centric)
🔒 Tarnished Jade by AlyxRae (T, 66k, WangXian, JYL/JZX, WIP, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, LWJ is the Yilling Patriarch, WWX is Hanguang Jun, Not Everyone Dies, Temporary Character Death, Normal Yilling Patriarch story arc, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Violence, Slow Burn, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Canon-Typical Violence, Graphic Description of Corpses, Demonic Cultivator LWJ, LWJ Whump, POV Alternating, Sunshot Campaign, Mutual Pining, Soft LXC, Dysfunctional Jiang Family, Good Sibling JYL, Smitten WWX, but he doesn't actually realize it, Cultivation Sect Politics, smooching, JC is Bad at Communicating)
Some Flowers Bloom Only At Night series by punisherbeauty (T, 98k, JC & WWX & JYL, JC & JL, JC & LWJ, WangXian, JYL/JZX, JYL & JL, JYL & LSZ, LJY & LSZ & JL, Female WWX, Male LWJ, JC Needs a Hug, YLLZ JC, Ghost General WN, Protective WQ, Role Reversal, LWJ & WWX Are LSZ's Parents, JYL Lives, BAMF JYL, JZX Lives, BAMF WWX, Sect Leader JYL, Fluff, Angst, Yunmeng Siblings Feels, Slow Burn, Self-Indulgent, Hurt/Comfort, Protective JC, Demonic Cultivation, Demonic Cultivator JC, Blood and Violence, Blood and Gore, Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Good Sibling JC, Soft JC, Drama & Romance, Family Drama, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Depression, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Blood and Injury, MXY Deserves Better, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Angst and Feels)
4. ITMF... Are there any fics (wangxian preferably but I'll take all recs) where the cultivation world wanted LWJ's death after the burial mounds, but LXC and/or LQR begged them to reduce it to the punishment he got instead? Bonus points if LWJ doesn't know about it. @thegertie
5. Hii this us for itmf would be forever grateful if someone could recommend fics like this snarky but supportive lan qiren about wangxians marriage hehe @bunnycoffeeumcat
in-laws hate it! get a grandbaby with this one weird trick by lazulisong (G, 1k, WangXian, Accidental Baby Acquisition, although more like, its free grandbaby)
as it should be by Sienne (T, <1k, LQR & WWX, pre-WangXian, Time Travel, Drabble, Crack, Fanart)
6. hi!! for the itmf, can i have your favorite watching the series fics? preferably with no crossovers with other mxtx books
💖 The Path by Seastar98 (Not Rated, 279k, WangXian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, Watching the Series, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, CQL Verse, Angst with a Happy Ending, BAMF NHS, it's what he deserves, check chapters for specific warnings)
Teen Project to Change the World by animeloverhomura (Not Rated, WIP, 841k, WangXian, JYL/JZX, Watching the Show, With a bit of the Manhua and Book thrown in, BAMF WWX, Fix-It, JGS is his own warning, Attractive WWX, Homophobia, disturbing imagery)
The Characters of MDZS Watching the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by emma_screams (M, 166k, WIP, WangXian, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Drama, Characters Watching Their Series)
unhappy stories with happy endings by Last_for_Hell (M, 30k, WangXian, Memories, Memory Fic, Kinda, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, sexual content maybe, References to Torture, PTSD, Characters Watching Their Series, kinda, but not entirely, very light consensual non-consent)
Mo Dao Zu Shi: The Musical by Loveable_Psychopath (Not Rated, 117k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-it, Song Fic, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Underage Drinking, Underage Smoking)
Your Tragedy, Your Song by Grace_ShadowWolf (TaubeLePigeon) (T, 42k, LQR/WRH, JGY & NHS, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Characters Watching Their Series, basically they watch their future, But through songs, exposed secrets, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Songfic, Drama, POV Multiple, the author makes use of animals to represent characters, JGS is a shit, WRH is highkey so done with WC, let LWJ take care of WWX, mild body horror, the author accidentally makes wenqi and wangxian battle for the spotlight)
7. Hellour! So, for the next itmf, i have been seeing that trend "we listen and we dont judge" everyhwere and thought how wangxian would do in it. So basically a fic where they are forced to say their fantasiesfor eachother or share them with eachother (could totally be all crack or all angst i love both)also, any era works just no wip or abo fics please @just-troy0-0
I think these work for 7, although the truth sharing happens as a result of curses or spells in all of them:
🧡 Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 53k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sex Pollen, Mpreg, dubcon, Modern Cultivators, Dubious Medical Science, 🔒[Podfic] Brilliant Mistake and Brilliant Love (the sequel) by raitala)
beneath six layers of silk by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 12k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Getting Together, Confessions, Curses, Embarrassment, Vulnerability, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Hand Jobs, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Honesty, Communication, beneath six layers of silk by darkredloveknot [podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea))
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by thunderwear (Not Rated, 3k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Truth Spells, Curses, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Post CQL, Getting Together)
Words Spilling From Your Lips by Hellosweetie99 (M, 4k, WangXian, truth curse, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Smut, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, Post-Canon, Blow Jobs, Dom/sub Undertones)
8. ITMF a fic where lz is a DILF 🙏
ink and honey by mirrorofprinces (T, 1k, WangXian, Modern, Meet-Cute (kind of), Finding Love at the Farmer's Market, Rattoos, Single Dad LWJ, Support your Local Beekeepers)
Phishing by Lovewave_Aesthetic (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern, Smut, Dom/sub, Face Slapping, Size Kink, Size Difference, Dominant LWJ, Submissive WWX, Enthusiastic Consent, Age Difference, Daddy Kink, WWX being bratty and verbal, LWJ being a quiet but kinky dilf, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, Hair-pulling, Loss of Virginity, Light Bondage, Trans Male Character, Trans WWX, Hackers, Wangxian with vaporwave aesthetics, Non-Linear Narrative)
A Matter of the Heart by Nomme_dePlume (M, 54k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Canon-Typical Violence, Light Angst, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Strangers to Lovers, Attempt at Humor, BromCom to RomCom, Masturbation, Dry Humping, Getting Together, Love Confessions, Mild Language, Falling In Love, Time Skips, The falling in love happens during the time skips don't @ me, Road trip with your childhood hero who is now a DILF, WWXs hate-hate relationship with doing things for his own happiness, Story is an excuse for the author to write a cheesy airport confession scene)
9. Hey! First off thanks for all the work you do. Secondly, I have been itmf a fem!LWJ/fem!WWX fic with actual plot(I’m okay with E rated) without either WWX or LWJ having past relationships with other people( or if they did it’s irrelevant). Thanks in advance and have a good day/ night wherever you are!! @neverforgetyou-1
so little time and i'm way off track by defractum (nyargles) (E, 25k, wangxian, modern w/ cultivation, case fic, amnesia, dub con, fuck or die)
cold hands, warm heart by martyrsdaughter (M, 8k, Female WangXian, Post-Canon, Gender or Sex Swap,BCase Fic, Ghosts, Time Loop, Banter, Fluff and Angst, Married Life, for wx liberating ghosts is part of the domestic bliss, Vaginal Fingering, Light Bondage, Dominant LWJ, Submissive WWX, LWJ and WWX Have a Non-Con/Rape Kink, Consensual Non-Consent, Explicit Depictions of Suicide, mild bloodplay)
🔒the dinosaur artist by varnes (T, 12k, Female WangXian, Bringing Up Baby AU)
Happy for Now by ScarlettStorm (E, 75k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Rule 63, Cisswap, There Was Only One Bed, romance author au, Adhd wwx, service top LWJ, Pining, Smut, Comedy, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, horny yearning, furtive masturbation, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Sex Toys)
10. Hi! for the next ITMF are there any sun/moon spirit aus? like Shine Brightly, That I May Glow by TheLegendOfChel
11. Hi!! My biggest thank you to the admins for running the absolute treasure of a blog and to everyone who helps with finding fics and recommendations!!
ITMF fics where:
A) Jiang Cheng understands how disfunctional and bad his parents are towards both Wei Ying and himself and actually does something about it to protect his brother/best friend and their relationship. Kudos if it is not only about Madam Yu being abusive but also about Jiang Fengmian being avoidant and careless towards all of them, and doing stupid shit like overlooking Jiang Cheng in favor to Wei Ying in a really stupid and oblivious way. I crave clever, protective and badass brother Jiang Cheng!
B) Madam Yu understands that she is a bad paarent figure towards Wei Ying and her children and does something to make it better. Maybe someone crudely opens her eyes on her actions and words' consequences, maybe she has a moment of clarity, or some accident shows her how her children and their sect brother are beware of her / protective / ready to do anything for each other and that Wei Ying is actually amazing and has horrifyingly low self-worth. She understands that she was wrong and needs to change to save her relationship with her kids and her charge. Kudos if the way to forgiveness is difficult and painful, but at least somehow successful in the end!!
Thank you ❤️ @shellennium
The Stranger Inside My Son by Mademoiselle_A (T, 79k, JC & JFM, JC & YZY, JC & WWX, JC & JL, JC & JYL, WangXian, JC & JGY, Time Travel Fix-It, But from an outsider's POV, JC is So Done, JFM's A+ parenting, YZY's A+ Parenting, Both are not great but this is not a bashing fic, JC-centric, But from JFM's POV lol, POV Outsider)
The Threads of Fate by WaitForTheSnitch (E, 108k, WangXian, WIP, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Not Everyone Dies, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Good Uncle LQR, Protective LWJ, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Pining LWJ, WWX in WWX’s Body, JC & WWX Reconciliation, is it reconciliation if WWX doesn’t know they were estranged?, Oblivious WWX, WWX Deserves Better, WWX Deserves Happiness, Siblings JC & WWX, Supportive JYL, Protective NHS, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Comic Book Science)
❤️ And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 138k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together, And Time is But a Paper Moon [PODFIC] by sami, Winterstar1412, [Podfic] Cold read of And Time Is But A Paper Moon by kisahawklin, multiple translations available)
🔒❤️ the thing with feathers by RoseThorne  (G, 43k,wangxian, Transmigration, Time Travel Fix-It, Illnesses, Family, Scars, Memory Loss, Angst, Fear, Recovery, Sharing a Bed, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent YZY, Referenced Sexual Slavery, Blood and Gore, Sexual Tension, Arranged Marriage, Grief, Adoption, POV Third Person, POV Alternating, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Good Parent LQR, Clairvoyance, Butterfly Effect)
12. Hi lovelies! Long time lurker first time requester. I'm in the mood for a fic where wwx's or lwj's relatives try to keep them apart, with good or bad intentions, resulting in angst and misunderstandings. Recently I read a fic where LXC's well-meaning intervention (temporarily) broke up wangxian and now I crave that mineral. Could be modern AU or not, happy ending preferable, and ideally under 50k.
All The Years Lost by UseMyMuse (T, 26k, WangXian, Teen Pregnancy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Single Parent AU, Forced misunderstandings, Forced miscommunication, Mpreg)
The Winner Takes It All by YilingSani (M, 46k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent WWX, Old Friends, One Night Stands, No Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Forgiveness, Second Chances, Inspired by Mamma Mia! (Movies) Teen Pregnancy, Mpreg, mention of miscarriage, Birth Trauma, amniotic fluid embolism) These are both mpreg. I know of others that fit the request but they're significantly longer than the requested under 50k.
hi! i was wondering if the asker of #12 in the latest fic finder could maybe tell us the fic where LXC’s well-meaning intervention broke Wangxian up? thanks !!
13. Hi I hope you can help me found a fic. A dark wangji who have no problem killing anyone who try to hurt weiying. It can be past or future. Just want a crazy over protective wangji to wei ying. @sadritsuka12
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 84k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, graphic depictions of violence, underage, LWJ pov, JC pov, dark LWJ, manipulation, grooming, teen body adult mind for LWJ, happy ending for wangxian, problematic consensual underage sex, blood & violence, insane LWJ, manic LWJ)
🔒 Flawed and Free by Vrishchika (E, 18k, WangXian, WIP, Major Character Death, Dark LWJ, Dark LXC, Dark Gusu Lan Sect, anti JC, Character Death, Temporary Character Death Time Travel Fix-It, JC bashing, Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa (E, 19k, WangXian, Major Character Death, TGCF Fusion, Gods & Goddesses, Ghosts, Romance, Vengeance, Canon-Typical Violence, Dark LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending)
🔒 Something is wrong with A-Zhan! by HeloSoph (M, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Sort Of, Dark LWJ, Morally Gray WWX, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiangs, WWX is a Lan, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, JC Bashing, Smitten LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Engaged WangXian, Blood and Violence, a lot of people die, LQR Metaphorically Qi-Deviates, because of, Shameless LWJ, LQR Tries, to fit into the following tag, Good Uncle LQR, Semi-Public Sex, or at least wangxian’s version of it, Scheming NHS, POV NHS)
The Dark and Stormy Clouds series by lordmediator (E, 24k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Angst, Dark, Dark LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Violence, Blood and Violence, YLLZ WWX, Hurt WWX, Protectiveness, Protective LWJ, Jealous LWJ, Sad WWX, JC Needs a Hug, Good Sibling JYL, Protective JC, Good Sibling JC, Protective LXC, Dark LXC, Supportive LXC, Supportive JYL)
14. Hi! For itmf can I have fics where Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are WWX's parents? E.g. fics like Hua Xianle. Thanks so much!! ☺️ @no-blg
🔒 the hearth series by eccentrick (G/T, 65k, WangXian, HuaLian, Found Family, fluff with plot, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Disabled Character, Ableism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, slow burn found family, Adopt WWX, Married HuaLian, Post-Canon TGCF, Kid Fic, TGCF Spoilers)
it takes a village by lariyats (T, 13k, HuaLian, HC & WWX, XL & WWX, Family Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Child WWX, hualian adopts wwx au, Snowball Fight, Shapeshifting, Festival, Ghost Peppers, Case Fic section, Growing Up, 4 part narrative structure, it’s seasonal)
Narrative of Strength by erosophic (T, 75k, HuaLian, WangXian, HC & WWX, XL & WWX, FX & MQ & XL, JC & WWX, FengQIng, WIP, Canon Divergence, HuaLian Adopt WWX, Found Family, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, XL takes WWX as a disciple, Protective XL, Protective HC, Adoption, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, QR being QR, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence)
Just one person is enough by Sarah_R (T, 11k, HuaLian, HC & WWX, XL & WWX, WangXian, HX & WWX, SQX & WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Hugs, Past Child Abuse, Cute, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healing, MDZS canon divergent, LZ & WY will still fall on love!, And marry!, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, Literally WWX getting adopted by all the gods and demons…, AND GETTING ALL THE LOVE HE DESERVES!, His still a self sacrificing idiot though…, HC best dad!, XL best mom!!!, WWX protection squad, Falling In Love)
🔒 there's a CHILD in my shrine?? WTF!! by corduroyserpent (G, 2k, HuaLian, HC & WWX, XL & WWX, Fluff, Crossover, HuaLian adopts WWX)
15. Thanks for running the ITMFs! Do you know of any fics where mxy!wwx plays wangxian on dafan mountain, lwj recognizes him, and jc strikes him with zidian, but breaking from canon the hit works and wwx is expelled from mxy’s body. Dealing with the aftermath of that- lwj almost got wwx back but now he’s gone again
None of them knew about the sacrifice ritual at this point, so for all jc/lwj knew it was a possession and zidian would work. So just something exploring that dynamic
16. In the mood for fic, where there is Lan Zhan possessed by some evil entity or yin iron or something. Fic where Lan Zhan is not himself and doesn't do anything evil willingly, but his possession his making him into different person. I wonder if there is such fic like that. No modern aus please.
old wounds, like hidden ghosts by wordsonpage (T, 2k, WangXian, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Dark LWJ, but like accidentally, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending) it's a short fic but old wounds, like hidden ghosts definitely fits the request
Clouded by diamondbruise (M, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Case Ficish, Curses, Dark LWJ, It’s a curse, Dubcon Kissing, Jealousy, Sharing a Bed, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dubious Consent, no sex in this fic just in general)
17. Heyo, me again. Are there any fics where Jiang cheng and His huaisang are married and canon still happens? Like all of canon? The reveal of meng Yao and everything? Please let me know, thank you😁 @yasssbassss
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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