#taking honkai star rail requests!!
horrorartsworld · 3 months
hi my dears!!
sorry for the bit of inactivity once again, life stuff you know the drill, but ANYWAY! i have some really good requests that have come in and i’m making my rounds of answering them all and i’ll hopefully have them out sooner then later. (working on a really good valentino one as we speak 😏and possibly alastor..)
BUT BESIDES THAT THE MAIN REASON I’M POSTING THIS is to see if i have honkai star rail baddies in the building that would like to make any requests of scenarios, drabbles or anything of that matter??? i’ve been wanting to write about some of the men on there so bad and i’d love to hear some ideas from my readers to see if i can bring any of your desires to fruition 😌😌
my fav characters rn are gallagher, boothill, dr. ratio, blade (literally my gf), and jing yuan! and i preferably only write for fem! reader and obviously don’t ask for weird stuff (yk what i’m talking about), but everything else like nsfw or yandere is totally fine :)
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laotwormz · 21 days
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requests from instagram. hi
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moeblob · 2 months
I vote for Argenti! I hope you feel better soon!
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Thank you ! I do feel much better (though I admit I hurt a little for very much my fault reasons but it's mostly manageable through light pain meds).
Take an Argenti o7 I got lazy and didn't draw the roses I was gonna draw to the left so there is now a wide open blank spot.
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nervocat · 5 months
Ok guys, help me make a decision here because I'm STRUGGLING.
So, when I made my Neuvillette series, I liked him a lot more than I do now (I still do really like him, but Blade guys🤞🤞) and that's what gave me motivation to write it.
But now that I've come up with a series idea for Blade and the High Cloud Quintet as a whole, I now really wanna wright that. And since I rlly like Blade and stuff, I feel like my Neuvillette series wouldn't reach it's full potential due to lack of motivation like it would if had that drive to write for it and I rlly like the plot of that story, so I don't wanna ditch it.
So, what would you guys rather me do? Blade series from the preview you saw, or Neuvillette series? (Summary of Neuvillette series (and premises of Blades series) below poll)
spoilers for High Cloud Quintet lore and its members and Neuvillettes story lore, proceed at your own wishes
For a small summary of the Neuvillette series for those of you who weren't around when It first started: it's basically where Neuvillettes story is the same obviously, with him becoming the new hydro sovereign, but he was made a hydro dragon companion (reader) and they continue through the story of Fontaine, but Neuvillette falls for his companion during when the Melusines were be treated wrong, and they too fall in love with him but later on and it's a slow burn romance series I plan on not dragging of for too long, less than 10 chapters at least.
Blades series idea is they have a sixth friend, the reader, and it's the High Cloud Quintet lore with reader involved and they were super close to Yingxing and Dan Feng before the friend group fell apart into shambles and the reader grew closer to Jing Yuan as a result and over the years, reader and Jing Yuan cope with it together, and the group finally gets back together and has that one scene yada yada, you get the gist, and reader has their final talk with Blade alone and later on Dan Heng, maybe Jingliu, and reader and them end on good terms, but the ending is still not a 'good ending', but it's not bad either. I'll also try not to drag this one in for too long as well, but who knows with me :,DD it's a platonic angst story (a snippet from this can be read here)
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daily-dr-ratio · 5 months
Send me any art request and I'll try to draw it while I (not so) patiently wait! <3
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xiaoswrld · 10 months
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admin notes: hiatus / username requests are full, if you send them, it will be rejected. no longer do usernames after current reqs are finished
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yumethio · 6 months
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My inbox is open for oc x canon/ x reader fics in general !! I've found my motivation to write fics again. I'm happy to write for any fandom or ship just as long as it's not a proship.
I'm open to any prompt but here are things that I will NOT write for under ANY circumstance:
-NSFW -Proships (ofc) -Zoophilia (EX. Gardevoir x Reader) (mainly directed towards the pokemon fandom) -Anything messed up in general
Note: If you are submitting in an oc x canon request, please include information about your oc. I don't want to mischaracterize them ^^
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that's it for now!~
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izabellwit · 11 months
the new hsr web event has taken over my brain... stellaron hunters.... ough.... i want to write something with them SO badly, if anyone has a fic request/prompt starring this group please send them my way
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chafelis · 1 year
requests are open!! my college semester is finally over (・ω<)☆
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
Just saying, that im closing the maid requests tomorrow night (Sunday 7, past 10/11pm), and that non-anonymous asks are getting priority dont ask me why is like the pfp its gastlighting me into thinking that lmao
So don't be shy and request your favorite character in a specific maid dress!
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mercuriians · 7 months
FYI requests are open!! my guidelines/about me are still works in progress but i'll give u guys a quick rundown:
my current fandoms are honkai: star rail**, haikyuu, kuroko no basket, one punch man, naruto, and genshin impact (excluding sumeru and fontaine, though!! haven't caught up to all the updates unfortunately)
i write for a decent number of characters, but of course you're always welcome to ask to make sure. as of right now the only characters i'll hard pass on are hanamiya makoto & the rest of kirisaki daiichi (knb), pela/herta/bailu (hsr), characters who are CHILDREN, & kiyoomi sakusa (hq!!)
i do both sfw and nsfw. as stated before, please shoot me a message to figure out and establish specific boundaries and rules
i write for female, male, and gender neutral! reader
for headcanons, the char limit is five per request. for drabbles (100-1k words), the char limit is three per request. for full-on fics (1k+), the char limit is one per request.
that's it i think! if i'm missing anything else, lmk & i'll add it :)
thanks for reading!! i hope this post gets some attention
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genshin-obsessed · 6 months
Helloooo~!! Could I request the men in honkai star rail with an s/o who makes various different plushies for themselves and the men?
Just imagine Dan Heng getting a chonky dragon plushie version of himself.
✩ ‒ You guys have the most creative ideas sometimes lmao I would’ve never thought of this and it is such a cute idea!!
✩ ‒ I wasn't going to do everyone but they came out really short so I made it up by adding more characters ^w^
✩ ‒ Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Gepard, Sampo, Luocha, Jing Yuan, Blade
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✩ ‒ Caelus
He’s not the biggest plushie guy out there, but come on. You made it so cute and all.
He keeps it safe in his room and does a pretty good job at keeping it clean. Like dust free and all.
Caelus isn’t ashamed of it by any means, everyone knows about it. He just doesn’t want to end up tearing it or something which is why it's always in his room.
Big fan. You made a couple of yourself and he keeps them together. They're together like the two of you are. He’s debating on getting a dedicated shelf.
✩ ‒ Dan Heng
He originally received two. One of his normal self and then his Vidyadhara half. It’s so accurate, too. He definitely spent a few hours analyzing them both.
He wasn’t sure at first but the longer he had it, the more he began to like it. He kinda sleeps with it now. I mean... they're just on his bed and that's where he sleeps...
You’re welcome to make more but he doesn’t have room to place them. Besides… how many could you possibly make?
He actually likes the little dragon one. It’s so cute, the details are well done, and you seem to really like it too.
✩ ‒ Welt
Aww, a plushie for him? It was so cute! It even had his lil cane and all. Honestly, Welt loves it.
He keeps it with him all the time. When you often go off on missions, he likes to hold it for comfort.
When you made one of yourself, he decided the plushies could never be separated- much like you two. So, basically now he carries two plushies with him at all times.
Pom Pom and Himeko gush over the cuteness of the plushie. You’re really talented, why not start a business at this point? You'll definitely get March or Stelle asking for one too.
✩ ‒ Gepard
He was confused at first. Why did you make a plushie of him? But he really liked it. You even got the shield right.
He prefers it to stay at home where his fellow guards can’t see it because it’s a little embarrassing. He’s a grown man and all.
Ok, but it’s so cute. The little hair, the outfit- the shield! Come on? How is he supposed to remain composed? He will stare at it sadly when he has to go to work.
He had to admit, when you made one of yourself it felt complete. The plushies are always sitting together on his bed. Sometimes, he'll even put a blanket over them to keep them warm.
✩ ‒ Sampo
Omg once he gets one, it's on his person permanently. He loves seeing you work on them, too. It gives him a perspective on how much work you put into them
He’ll give suggestions all the time and you do make most of them. You often make yourself as well and it leads to lots of matching plushies.
Sampo did try to make one himself but it looked horrendous. He tried to throw it away but you wouldn’t let him!
That thing haunts his dreams but you like it for whatever reason. Honestly, Sampo takes that thing everywhere and even learned how to wash it properly.
✩ ‒ Luocha
The accuracy. His hair, eyes, outfit, the coffin- it even opens! Like, the effort that went into that was phenomenal.
Luocha is a big fan and does keep the plushie with him during his travels but keeps it hidden. It's something that reminds him of you (ironic since it looks like him).
He’s rather protective of the plushie. Someone once tried to take it and well… he almost stuffed them in the coffin. Lmao jk.
… ok, he did it once and never again, you can’t judge him, that’s his plushie. You gave it to him, not that rando. And no, it wasn't a kid! Why do people keep asking him that?
✩ ‒ Jing Yuan
Mind blown. Seriously, the talent that took was incredible! You even made a Lightning Lord plushie which attaches to the Jing Yuan one.
He keeps them on his desk at work and no one is allowed to touch them. He's worried others might damage them, but he wants to show them off at the same time.
He keeps the one you made of yourself with him though. It’s his good luck charm. Much like you.
Secretly hates tearing apart the plushie version of you and him. Heartbreaking when they have to see each other go. Sniff.
✩ ‒ Blade
Ok, listen. This is Blade we’re talking about. He can’t just be seen carrying a plushie- and of himself, no less. It’s embarrassing.
Is what he thought until he saw how sad you got when you found out he left it in a drawer. On the pain in his heart…
Now he keeps it on his person all the time. He even learned how to wash it because it’ll get dirty sometimes. No blood gets on it though, don't worry. Just some minor dirt or something.
For tougher missions, he puts the plushie in a plastic bag to keep it safe. It’s like a good luck charm of his. He lost it once and he almost had a heart attack.
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nervocat · 3 months
“Come one come all! The Stars are celebrating a special event — just about 200 people have consistently listened to their stories, and they want to know what you want to hear from them as a thank you gift. They treasure those of you who have listened.”
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req slots — [5/5]
[You hear the clicking of shoes from behind you, how? Considering you're in the sky, it doesn't really make sense, does it? You turn around to face the source.]
“Hello, Reader. You may not know, but I am Nervo himself, The Messenger of the Stars.”
[The Messenger of the Stars? Odd. You feel a cool breeze around your ankles and see that Monsieur Whiskers, The Guide of the Galaxy, is rubbing your legs, seemingly looking for attention.]
“Ah, it seems our old guide is quite fond of you huh? Anyways — as you've heard from the announcement, an event is taking place. Let me pull up the options for you, Reader.”
[Nervos hand moves from his side and with a swift flick of his hand, a floating, white screen pops up in front of you.]
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[You have been given permission by Nervo, The Messenger of the Stars, to read this. Do enjoy!]
— What is this?
“Inqusitive, aren't you? Well, this is an event where you, Reader, can select from the prompts below to request the Stars to make a story for you. They will, however, decline your request if you ask something of them that disturb the Galaxies Guidelines, so do be mindful!”
— How do I request?
“A question with a simple answer! In your request, you will specify which prompt(s) you'd like to be written (up to 3) and the characters you'd like to see written along with this request (also up to 3). The fics can be romantic or platonic and, as you will later find out, you can ask questions for me to answer, and you can ask as many as you'd like. No limit! They can be as self-indulgent as you want, and you can request as many times as you want, but wait until the Stars are done with your current request.”
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— The Prompts
#1 · “Please, stay with me.. don't leave me! You promised!” (angst prompt)
#2 · “How could you.” (angst prompt)
#3 · “Can you just.. come over here? I've missed your warmth.” (fluff prompt)
#4 · “Thank you for this, I will cherish it.” (fluff prompt)
#5 · Wild Card! (Wild Card?)
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[Monsieur Whiskers notices your confusion at the “Wild Card!” prompt, and meows to get Nervos attention. Said man looks up and smiles.]
“Oh! The Wild Card! prompt. The Stars know that the prompts they have come up with may leave a little to be desired, so I seggested that we let you, the Reader, be able to create your own prompt (it's highly encouraged!). Just specify it and the preferred genre and trope when requesting from the Wild Card! prompt.”
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— Fandoms able to be requested + characters
Hsr · Welt, Himeko, Dan Heng (+ IL), March 7th, Stelle/Cealus, Blade, Kafka, Jing Yuan, Huohuo , Dr. Ratio, Aventurine, Sunday, Robin, Black Swan, Boothill, Gallagher + others
Genshin · Kaeya, Diluc, Lisa, Klee, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Itto, Hu Tao, Baizhu, Qiqi, Kaveh, Alhaitham, Tighnari, Cyno, Wanderer, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Sigewinne, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Navia, Chlorinde, Furina + others
Orv · Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk, and probably any character
(Just be mindful of orv spoilers please! Keep it vague :)) - Nervo)
TBHK · Hanako, Yashiro, Kou
Omori · Sunny, Basil, Hero, Mari, Aubery, Kel
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“One more thing before you go, beloved Reader. Other than a prompt event, this will also be an interactive event! How so, you may ask? Well, it's mixed with a Q&A. You can ask me questions about anything you want to know. They can be as simple as “Why is Monsieur Whiskers here as a guide?” or complicated like “Why do the Stars act like and play the role that they do?””
[You're startled to see the Stars start to flicker, almost as if they speak in Morse Code. It seems the Stars are a bit jittery at Nervos seggested questions, specifically the one about them. Nervo nonchalantly laughs a bit. It seems even he may not know the answer to that question himself.]
[-. . .-. ...- --- / --..-- / .-- .... -.-- / ... . --. --. . ... - / ... ..- -.-. .... / .- / - .... .. -. --. / ..--..]
“Ah, the Stars are a bit iffy about that question.. well, either way, you get the gist, right, dear Reader? I hope to see you in the Inbox. Any questions you have about the event will also be answered if need be!”
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★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦
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giamee · 18 days
🌐 ᯓ★୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
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hsr men x f!reader .... SMUT!! 🚨🚨🚨
request ؛ ଓ @coreakin-sakarat What will the honkai star rail men play when yr having sex and who bottom or both and do they go rithm oh oh and do they use toys on u and what are their favorite parts of ur body to fuck
gia's notes ؛ ଓ i did this as more of me just... talkin abt what i think the hsr men are like in bed in order from least to most freaky in my humble opinion. i hope that you like it even though i didn't exactly hit every point u brought up :(
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DAN HENG .ᐟ୨୧ starting it off sweet with him, i see dan heng as more of a bottom than anything... he's not super experienced, quite a tender lover, and i see him as remaining quite serious and stoic within the bedroom too. definitely more of a slow and sensual pace, just wants to feel it all with you <3 he's quite hesitant to try things out imo, but i reckon that you could convince him to try out using toys with some convincing! 1000% a thigh guy, really likes pulling out and painting your thighs with his cum as he watches them shake. presses kisses to your forehead as you come down from both of your highs. lowkey i get the vibe that the aftercare and the cuddling and falling asleep together is more satisfying to him than having sex. THIS MAN CRAVES SKIN TO SKIN!!!! he will interlace your fingers while fucking and kiss all over your face!!! a very sweet lover <3
GEPARD .ᐟ୨୧ this man SCREAMS pleasure service top to me. he could cum in his pants just by watching you i swear. he just wants to satisfy you as best as he can :((( your wish is his command frfr. he'll put you in whatever positions you want fully customisable experience just say the word. will sometimes pause midway through sex just to ask you if he's doing a good job and if it feels good with his big puppy dog eyes AWEE. i think he would probably be a little hesitant to try out toys, especially at first? his logic reverts to him assuming that he wasn't good enough at pleasuring you and so you have to revert to a piece of plastic... but be a bit dominant and show, don't tell, him just how good a vibrator can feel and he'll be a lot more on board with the idea <3 his whole mentality is just.. do anything to give you pleasure so if you're on the freakier side, this man is game! (PEG HIM) the little sadistic side of you gets a kick seeing tears well up in his eyes if you edge him just to hear his whines and moans... he might be a top but this man is a sub thru and thru. a bad bitch (you) tells him what to do and he listens!! anyways back to when you and him are fucking... this man is just utterly in love with your pussy, they way it gushes and clenches around him, and his absolute favourite position is any where he gets to just bury his face in ur tits while he's buried inside of you because everything is just so comforting and all of him is now surrounded by something so warm and soft... he's in heaven <3 so yeah he's a tits guy who would have thought!! no matter the shape or size HE'S PUTTING THEM IN HIS MOUTH <3 his thrusts get real sloppy at the end when he's about to cum too, starts babbling in your ear about how good it feels and how much he loves u. what a cutie pie
ARGENTI .ᐟ୨୧ to be honest? i had to think a bit about this one. to me, argenti doesn't really seem like the type to bring up using toys... but that doesn't mean that he isn't game if you mention it. he seems ... not passive exactly? but he just seems like the type to go with the flow with sex. whatever you're into he'll just be like shit i'm down let's go. not kinky per se, but he's definitely a passionate lover. very much wants to explore sensuality. ooh maybe he would be into some sort of wax play or blindfold type behaviour i take it back. would probably chuckle if you decide to get on top and place his hands on your hips to help you adjust to his size and set your own pace <3 very loving, wants to celebrate the beauty of your naked body and worship it in the name of adrila. so yeah if you've got a praise kink, HE'S YOUR MAN!!! you feel like the subject of a poem as he sings your praises, telling you how pretty you look and sound when you cum. like shiiiii that would be enough to make me blush <33 in terms of pace and stuff, i feel like he would be pretty standard? maybe on the slower side because of... you know... passion. it's nothing crazy but still a good time. he seems like he prefers to be looking up at you so RIDE THAT MAN!! maintain eye contact as you sink down on it. raise your hips back up ever so slowly and watch the slightest twitch of his brow as you swivel your hips, sinking back down on it ever so slowly. you might just see him blush. and just as the name suggests, the knight of beauty is a SIGHT to behold when he cums (probably inside).
WELT .ᐟ୨୧ yeah peepaw has got some EXPERIENCE to him lmaoo. he's got a sort of... cheekier? side to him. as an older man, though, he doesn't exactly have the same stamina as he did in his youth :( but that doesn't mean that he can't still get down and dirty with you!! quite the opposite actually. so his solution? he uses toys on you <3 he's more of a bottom but he is DEFINITELY in charge. his dirty talk OMFGG im giggling just thinking about it he would praise you and whisper such sweet words to you as he slowly splits you open on his fat cock, telling you how you're such a good girl for taking him so well, how you feel so good around him, all so he can feel you clench around him like a vice grip as he finally bottoms out <33 def would just have his hands around your waist as he moves you up and down his length when you're feeling weightless. but if he's in a more passive mood, he also LOVESSSS just sitting back and watching you struggle to ride him with a lazy adoring look in his eyes as he holds a vibrator to your clit <333 he'll coo at you as you start crying from the overstimulation, his hands wiping away your tears so tenderly and encouraging you to keep going just for him <3 a little bit of a sadistic side to him because he really does just love watching you squirm. another thigh and ass guy imo, really loves the way they jiggle as they slam down against his own thighs as you start to pick up the pace and ride him with increasing desperation. also loves watching them shake when you cum <3. so yeah as a no brainer i think one of his favourite positions would be reverse cowgirl. yum <3
BOOTHILL .ᐟ୨୧ now dont get me wrong this man FUCKS. since he's a cyborg does his dick count as a toy...? yeah fuck it let's go with it HIS BIOCOCK VIBRATES!! so the sensations on that will go CRAZYYYY. and then i'm thinking because of his synthesia beacon and stuff he doesn't exactly experience much sensation down there. so when you're having sex, what gets him off the most is just seeing your pleasure as you unravel. makes him feel good vicariously <3 so yeah definitely a missionary lover in my eyes so he can watch all your facial expressions and reactions as he hits all the right places, how your brows furrow and your eyes slide shut and eyes roll back in your head as he keeps up his unforgiving pace at juuuuust the right angle <33 but don't get me wrong he's no vanilla bitch either!! if he wants to be feeling more ... sensations he can and will make you just sit on his face for actual HOURS just eating you out to his heart's content. you'd think that his tongue is cybernetic too with the way it flicks across your clit at a borderline INHUMAN speed. but no he's just that good. some of ur most intense orgasms have been from him tonguefucking you like this, his head firmly sandwiched between your quivering thighs as you're basically humping his face as u ride out your high. and hey, he's not complaining <3 and then his smug shit-eating grin does NOT help at all when you're still trying to come back down to earth and he's sitting up wiping the slick off his face with that hungry look STILL in his eyes good lord i hope u can survive the night. this bastard has definitely ruined toys for you, they just don't feel the same any more <//3
BLADE .ᐟ୨୧ fucks hard. angry and/or jealous sex with him has just gotta be >>> 😮‍💨😮‍💨 he's on the rougher side and for MOST of the time will dom. and also tbh i don't really see him as being the type to use toys since he's more spontaneous in terms of having sex (public sex. he's got a high sex drive) but very very passionate for sure- lots of grunts and low moans right up in ur ear mhhhnrng. but also at the same time i feel like he would be quite emotionally detached from sex at first, seeing it as more like stress relief than an act of intimacy? and don't get me wrong, some of the best fucks of your life have come from him when he's just trying to release some pent up anger, but on the flip side there's a more vulnerable side to him, almost. one that's barely there any more from years of bitterness and resentment, but still manages to creep up on him on those late nights where he can't quite sleep. so if you're with him on those rare occasions, this is when you experience him not fucking you, but making LOVE. he won't talk, but he doesn't need to, not with the way he's holding you close to him and kissing you with something akin to desperation as he sinks into you and kind of just... stays there for a bit. it's oddly comforting to him, and if he's feeling especially weak he'll need some comfort- just to get him through the night. it's these nights where you take control more, setting a slow and sweet pace and kind of just... hushing him and whispering sweet words to him as you slowly let yourself grind over him, feeling the way he twitches inside of u <333 but yeah back to not vulnerable blade. a fan of quickies for sureeee (see: high sex drive) another tit guy because i am biased. the force of his thrusts in some dark alleyway or hidden corner will have them jiggling and threatening to fall out of whatever shirt you wear. and if he's got you lifted up in his arms, your legs wrapped around him as you're chest to chest with each other, he just can't tear his eyes away from your boobs. leaves bites on them, laves over them like a damn dog until they're coated in saliva and stiff and perked up because of how cold it feels when drying on your skin. if you're in doggystyle, you'll feel his hands clasp over them from behind, a few short and sweet squeezes to them before his blunt nails are flicking over your nipples just to hear you squeal <3
AVENTURINE .ᐟ୨୧ just like blade, he very much has two different modes. let's start with the freaky one bc that's fun. he's quite open to experiment with all aspects of sex- who's in charge, who's topping, toys, positions, you name it. he trusts you enough to do anything with or to you short of causing each other pain. so yeah he's a freak alright!! i feel like if you're in an established relationship, he'll feel guilty due to the amount if time that he spends away from you because of his job, and make it up to you by spoiling you with gifts... he loves to buy you new toys to try out as he sits back and just watches as you squirm and then writhe in pleasure as he slowly palms himself, eventually unzipping his trousers and jerking himself off until he cums all over u <33 definitely gets a kick out of seeing his cum painting your pretty face and how your tongue darts out to catch it before it drips onto the floor <333 or maybe he just strokes himself to stay hard, his eyes hungrily watching you as your own remain transfixed on his cock, the flushed tip disappearing with every stroke of his hand, the slick noises of his precum overpowering the buzzing hum of the dildo inside of you. and then when neither of you can handle the tension any more, dying to feel each other's touch, after you've cum a couple of times and are all nice and sensitive for him, then and ONLY then will he finally put it in, quickly setting a pace to fuck your brains out like a wild animal <3 lovessss doggystyle or the speedbump position because then he's all up in your guts and ur moans/screams of pleasure are just music to his ears. definitely the type to go a little feral bc... yeah. so yeah that's freaky mode! but like blade he has a softer side to him UNLIKE blade it is still definitely there and more accessible... but that doesn't mean he exposes it to you just like that either. but yeah if he's feeling more vulnerable emotionally, especially right after he wakes up from a nightmare while you're groggily waking up next to him, he just needs comfort. you holding him and stroking his hair, telling him how he's safe and how much you love him. if you've been together for a while and he really trusts you, he might even cry. almost begs you to call him kakavasha instead of aventurine, and you oblige. and then as soon as his name leaves your lips, he's kissing you hard, gradually letting them become tender as you undress each other with the utmost amount of care. it's love that motivates him, from what you can feel from his fingers tracing your skin and how soft his lips press against yours. he lets out a quiet moan as he sinks into you and basks in your warmth for a bit, letting his arms now wrap around your frame tightly, holding you to himself as if you would disappear any moment. and you hug him too, draw patterns on his back, stroke his hair and hum as you tell him how much you love him, listening to the sound of his shaky breaths as you slowly raise your hips, sinking back down inch by inch to hear him hiss. at first, he would still refuse to let you see his face when you have sex like this, not until you gently coax him to look at you, and you see the crystalline tears already escaping from his eyes. he's definitely the type to cry during sex like this- something so soft and tender that it's overwhelming to him for so many reasons- the vulnerability of it all, how much you love and care for him written all over your face, the way you squeeze against him so perfectly. and then he buries his face in your chest as you keep whispering words of affirmation to him and he cums so fast, deep inside of you and then he stays even when he feels himself go soft. just because it feels nice. and he falls asleep just like that, clinging to you, the person he loves.
JING YUAN .ᐟ୨୧ another member of team lazy but pussydrunk (him and welt have permanent memberships lmfao) whenever the two of you fuck it usually starts with him making you work for it. involving either you getting off by grinding on his thigh or riding him, desperately throwing your weight back onto him to even simulate the feeling of his powerful thrusts- all in vain as he merely sits there, looking up at you with a maddening smile and just WATCHING you... what a creep <3 but yeah he loves loves loves seeing how worked up and whiny you get for him to do something, anything, just for him to do the exact opposite, placing two firm hands on your hips to effectively get you to stop, and you whine again from the loss of friction. and he'll merely smile, telling you how you're such a good girl for him, getti my off from watching you get so so close, just to do it over and over again. orgasm denial and edging really are his two best friends fr. so he's not really a strict dom but more of a tease, you get me? i think that YES he will use toys. really gets a kick out of vibrating panties or a vibrator inside of you that he can remote control <33 just really enjoys when you're in public trying to remain composed (what a creep <3) keeps u constantly stimulated all day, finally making it up to you when you both get back home, fucking you properly as you're on the verge of tears and ready to cum any second. hmmm hear me out on this but i think his favourite place to cum would be your back.. like yeah finishing inside is cool and all but pulling out and cumming all over your back just drives him CRAZY and ready for another round... as soon as you recover <3
LUOCHA .ᐟ୨୧ LORDDDDDD he's like jing yuan but even WORSE. he's dangerous too because in his eyes, it isn't him or a toy but him AND a toy. this man will have u in his lap thighs spread legs hanging over his knees so he can keep them open as he has one hand gripping your chin forcing to look at yourself in a mirror, the other hand holding a vibe to yr clit <33 every time your eyes start to roll back he'll do a light slap to your face, forcing you to hold eye contact with him through the mirror, his feline eyes dancing with mirth at your already fucked-out expression. and then when he's sure that his gaze is holding your attention, he'll let go of your face, letting his hand snaie downwards until his hands are collecting your slick on his fingers before pushing into you, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek that contradicts how hard he's fingering you <3 squirting is not an achievement but the new standard with him!! that man is NOT relenting until you coat his arm and the floor (even the mirror) he really likes making you kiss him just after you cum- when your brain is foggy from the intensity of your orgasm, you can barely hear, let alone process what he's saying, and when u finally manage to connect your lips to his the kiss is just so sweet n sloppy, showing how worked up he is already <33 he's a little mean with it but you wouldn't have it any other way!! because that man knows what you need and will DELIVER. and he loves alllll of you. especially your pussy. and ass lol
DR RATIO .ᐟ୨୧ ok stay with me now cos this one's more of a scenario but!!! imagine that you haven't seen veritas in a while because you've both been busy but he messages you, saying how he'll finally be back soon!!! and ur just so excited that you can't contain it, and all those lonely nights are starting to tally up... your hands just don't do the trick any more and you finally cave, getting out your old reliable dildo to try and satiate your lust. trying your hardest to focus on veritas while you fuck yourself so that you'll be able to cum... pretending that it's his cock instead of some silicone... moaning out his name into your room with your eyes screwed shut to try trick your brain into believing that it's really him!! and it seems to work because you can feel that coil in you begin to tighten, and just when ur about to cum you feel a hand on top of yours, startling you out of your impending orgasm. and you open your eyes to see none other than the man who you had been fantasising about just now <3 and he's got this smirk on his face and a certain look in his eyes, and when you glance down you can see that he isn't exactly... unaffected from watching you earlier <33 i feel like he would degrade you a little, calling you such a stupid girl for needing to think of him just to even get close to cumming <333 and you'll whine and get embarrassed, trying to hide yourself with the covers, but deep down you know he's right so you peek at him from behind your lashes, batting them and begging him to help you as sweetly as you can. and how can he deny you when you're just so sweet and submissive for him? he'll be quick to take out his cock, slipping the head through your folds, letting it catch as it skims past your needy hole, letting the tip slap against your sensitive clit just to watch your whole body twitch as he chuckles to himself before bullying his cock into you. even after fucking yourself it's still a stretch, especially cos he has you in a mating press, his strong hands keeping your thighs pinned as he puts hisbweight behind his thrusts, really slamming into you until you're bouncing back against the mattress <33 a good hard fuck that hits all the right spots he needs to in order for you to cum HARD. but if he's feeling mean, he won't even oblige your request, instead being all smug and settling back on his haunches, goading you to keep going and make yourself cum without him because you're just so close, you can do it. watches your pathetic attempts to do so as you huff and beg him because you just can't without him <//3 and maybe if you beg hard enough he'll consider helping you out... even though it's just so entertaining to watch you keep trying. ironically enough, it's the way he calls you his sweet girl as he finally pushes into you that sends you over the edge more than any of your own touches did. and once you ride out that high, body no longer convulsing on his dick, he'll pull out of you just to flip you onto your stomach, then pull your hips up to meet his before fucking into you to make you really cum because of him this time <33
SAMPO .ᐟ୨୧ this man is MOST DEFINITELY an experimentalist!!! 1000% down for literally anything. you use toys on each other el oh el. the epitome of a switch. he'll top or bottom too, it's always a good time with him. definitely a freak. tbh i headcanon him as having a crazy oral fixation... if he's not sucking on your tits already then put your fingers in his mouth!! he'll have hearts swimming in his eyes, especially if you let them slide to the back of his throat until he gags and his eyes get all teary!!! definitely a sight to behold if u start fingerfucking his throat. or maybe just gag him with your panties, letting urself hear his muffled whines and moans as you finally free his cock and deepthroat him <33 oh god his whines and moans... get this man on twitter NEEOOOWWW. as a top he's definitely more goofy about it, not super strict. sex is about making sure you both feel good and just having a good time im his eyes.
GALLAGHER .ᐟ୨୧ ... this man... a certified freak. me personally im not into it but IF U LIKE ANAL THIS IS UR GUY 1000%%%. he def loves ur ass more than anything. the type to stick a finger in as he makes out with you or just let his finger tease the ring of muscle, circling it ever so slowly to feel u squirm while sat naked in his lap. when he eats you out he'll let his tongue drop a little lower to tease both of your holes. if u let him he'll eat your ass with GUSTO. and YES he's using toys on you you're not safe... buttplugs with the cute jewel on them and when you're in public he'll give your ass a slap or squeeze just to see your face change as you feel it press a little deeper into you... he'll have a vibrator fucking into your pussy as he's all up in your guts, laughing at the way you can't even form words right now. yeahhh he's a FREAK. oh and did i mention that he's an ass guy??
SUNDAY .ᐟ୨୧ ohohoho. this man has actual YEARS of pent up sexual frustration under his belt. his wings. whatever. he's a man who thrives off of control, and this is no exception in the bedroom. massive dom. both soft and hard. but more hard <3. really gets off on u calling him sir LAWLLL. lowkey i see him being into some real freaky bdsm stuff... cos hes got the whole sexually repressed catholic thing going on n all yknow. likes seeing u kneeled w your hands tied behind your back. you stripped naked while hes fully clothed and smiling so sweetly as he watches you try and get yourself off by humping his shoe. anything for that power imbalance with him hrrrrng. and if youre feeling a bit more bratty, touch his wings. preen them, blow air on them, even grip onto them HARD with your fingers and it'll get him all riled up. and then that sweet smiling facade will drop and youll see his eyes change into something a touch more feral as he pins u down and fucks u hard and properly. just to remind u who's really in control <3. the aftercare goes crazy, naturally. but then i also saw this post talking abt how hes a PEOPLE PLEASER and i agree 10000% so when he's feeling more soft, your pleasure is his greatest reward. a headrush mix of sweet praise and filthy degradation. telling you how you're a nasty bitch who's just so good for him... how you take him so well like the filthy slut you are.... and he's just so so composed during it all like an ANGEL EHFHWJFJE it makes ur head spin istg. yeah he's a freak in the sheets LOLL
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e-hibiscus · 1 month
Synopsis: Even more Honkai Star Rail ladies react to an s/o that likes playing with their hands and getting head pats.
Pairing: Acheron x reader, Black Swan x reader, Robin x reader
Warnings: None, SFW
Part I and Part II
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Asking her for Head-pats
She’s not one to initiate physical contact with you quite frankly, the idea doesn’t cross her mind at all. At first, Acheron stops you in your tracks, an iron grip around your wrist as she asks you what you’re doing. A simple “What are you doing?” escapes her lips before you explain you want her physical touch and affection.
Acheron is baffled you'd want her to give you them in the first place, but from then on Acheron lets you guide her hand onto your head. She gets the message rather quickly after a few times, and she finds it endearing that you’re comfortable enough to do this with her. A small smile grows on her lips from having you close. 
Playing with her hands
Her expression softens considerably when you first ask. A small “Of course” escapes her lips before taking your hand in hers. Although the sensations are light and fleeting, Acheron does her best to commit it into memory. She could barely feel how your fingers trace along her palm let alone when you kissed her knuckles as you pulled away. 
Whenever the two of you are holding hands Acheron’s grip is firm. If you try and slip your hand away, Acheron absentmindedly holds on tighter. You have to tell her when to let go, and in turn she hesitantly complies. Acheron treasures each and every intimate moment you share.
Black Swan
Asking her for Head-pats
Black Swan is by far the most amused by your antics, even if she had been caught off guard by your request. She’ll cock her head slightly to the side, watching with a smile as you ask in detail what you want. She’s going to make you spell it out the first few times because your flustered expression is just so sweet.
A small “Oh?” escapes her lips when you make this small request. A small smile etched onto her lips before Black Swan cards her hands through your bangs. She likes hearing you beg a little for her attention, but ultimately complies with your request. She’s surprisingly gentle 
Playing with her hands
Black Swan settles on your lap whether she’s shorter or taller than you, she’s taking a seat on you. Her warm gaze observes how your fingers dance along her palm. She loves the warmth which envelopes her hands as your hands intertwine with her’s. There’s a mixture of curiosity in her eyes while she watches you once you’ve taken her extended hand.
Her hands are slender and elegant but they’re cold to the touch, however, within her gaze lies a hint of warmth. Since you seem to take solace in such actions Black Swan lets you idly play with them whenever you're nervous and uneasy.
Her reaction to Head-pats
There’s an initial shyness that gives away her sincerity. She extends her hand and gives you the head-pat you so desire and Robin’s touch is light and affectionate. Perhaps it's her caring demeanor, but she adores it when she gets these sweet types of activities with you. It really makes her happy, you can tell because there’s a little flutter of her wings as she feels your soft hair. 
Over all, Robin doesn’t mind at all and is delighted that you’d even ask for her to do something close and intimate like this. She already loves having her hand brush through your hair (and you do too) so this closeness  is something Robin greatly appreciates. For the most part, Robin will keep such activities behind closed doors, this is meant to be something kept between the two of you after all. Perhaps you’ll do the same for her too?
Playing with her hands
When you asked to play with her hands, Robin’s face went flush because she finds your request to be rather intimate. Robin curiously watches how you trace your fingers on the soft surface of her palm. No words needed to be said between the two of you because the interaction alone holds a myriad of words. It’s a level of intimacy she’s not quite used to, but she values it nonetheless because there’s a level of affection and trust that comes with such an activity.
Sometimes Robin will hold soft conversations with you. Sharing her thoughts or talking about her day as well as future plans. Occasionally, she will lightly squeeze your hands or absentmindedly intertwine your fingers with hers because it's a way for her to show she’s there in the moment with her too.
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verinarin · 6 months
[UPDATED] HONKAI STAR RAIL C.AI BOT MASTERLIST or Ratio Star Rail at this point :>
a repost since tumblr decides to hate me last night, but worry not alas I’m here to bestow upon you my updated masterlist
feel free to request more bots ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
📐 Dr. Ratio !
Dr. Ratio [your professor seems to enjoy your idiocy]
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Dr. Ratio [he made his favourite student cry]
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Dr. Ratio [you’re his master and he’s your apprentice]
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Dr. Ratio [your academic rival]
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Dr. Ratio [gambling with your life on his hand]
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🥃 Gallagher !
Gallagher [your assigned bodyguard]
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🗡️ Blade !
Blade [the past comes knocking down your door]
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⚡️Jing Yuan !
Jing Yuan [he still takes care of you after all these years]
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