linfas4 · 6 years
No means NO!
On Facebook, I belong to this travel group for women. It’s women from all over the world who love to travel and post pictures of places they’ve been or want to go. It’s a lovely group of girls. Every so often one of them will share a story of being assaulted by men. Yesterday I read one that really has been bugging me. This woman was staying at a hostel in Europe somewhere, I can’t remember which country. She had a long day of walking around the city, seeing the sites and when she returned to her hostel, she was looking forward to relaxing for the evening. She walked into the room and there were 2 young men. They saw her an immediately both tried to put the moves on her. One could see she wasn’t interested and backed off. The other guy, kept persisting though. Her bed was on a top bunk. She climbed into bed to do some reading and the guy climbed up after her pretty much trapping her. He asked for her phone number so she gave him a fake number. He immediately called it and realized it was fake. She reluctantly gave him her real number just to get him to leave her alone. He eventually let her be but, WHAT THE FUCK!?
I don’t understand why people can’t just accept NO and move on. Years ago, I met this guy at a bar that I wasn’t really interested in. I had just gotten the new iPhone 4s. The dude was like, “is that the new iPhone? Can I see it?” I gave it to him and called his phone so he had my number and added his number into my phone. I had a few drinks so it didn’t really bother me at first. He gave me my phone back and I left with my friends. A few days later he sent me a text trying to hang out. I kept telling him I wasn’t really interested. He said to me “if you’re not interested then why did you give me your number?” ........I told him what he did with taking my phone and putting his number in it. He didn’t respond.
Another time I was out at a bar (I know, I know...these stories took place in my early-mid 20s) and a dude started talking to me. He was sweet but I wasn’t interested. He asked to hang out I said no thanks. He said ok and walked away. I thought, “wow, that was easy” and respected his maturity. A little while later he came back over to me and asks “so do you have a boyfriend? Is that why you don’t want to hang out?” I told him I didn’t have a boyfriend, I was single at the time, just not looking. He then asks “So are you a lesbian?” Really, dude, REALLY?! Just because a single woman isn’t interested in you doesn’t make her a lesbian.
I just don’t understand why people can’t handle rejection. If someone politely declines your offer to hang out or gives a simple NO when asking for their phone number, why can’t you just accept it and walk away?
Before I met my boyfriend I was on a few dating sites. A guy messaged me late one night. I didn’t reply right away because it was late so I planned on responding in the morning. Well he must have seen that I read his message without replying and sent another message calling me a fat bitch.
Do you really think that insulting someone because they don’t respond right away will make them fall in love with you? Why do you assume that a person has same sex tendencies just because they’re single and not interested in you? You do know you’re not God’s gift to the opposite sex, right? If you put your phone number in my phone without my consent, why do you get defensive when I say I’m not interested later on? Why do you insist on creeping on someone and scare them into giving you their contact info and think it’s ok? Why can’t people take NO for an answer????? I just don’t get it!
If you do any of these things, just stop. You’re not impressing anyone, you’re not going to make someone fall in love with you by being a fucking creep. If someone tells you NO...then walk the fuck away!
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hubertovillarreal · 5 years
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Never Take 'No' For An Answer... Keep On Pushing & Keep On Keeping On!!! Growing Up As A Kid, I Instantly Feel In Love With Rowan Atkinson With His Acting In His British Sitcom "Mr. Bean" Which I Still Watch Til This Day, Very Funny!!! #MrBean #Motivation #Inspiration #RowanAtkinson #Bean #NeverGiveUp #KeepOnPushing #WorkHard #TakeNoForAnAnswer #Inspire https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dL9S_gLr7/?igshid=n9g6zb5ka3qe
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adineroillustration · 5 years
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“In a Word...” Well, it finally happened: we heard Mueller’s findings this past week straight from the horse’s mouth. While the media bemoaned the lack of pomp and circumstance and the blockbuster flair of previous testimonies (James Comey, Christine Blasey Ford), such harping did little save diminish the impact of what was said, dryly delivered though it may have been. In summation, @realdonaldtrump was by no means let off scott-free, but Mueller’s commitment to the 70s-era memorandum which disallows for indictment of a sitting president TRUMPS all, value wise. Lots of speculation then about if this moved the needle on the impeachment front/2020 angling. If anything this just serves to underline what’s already clear. @speakerpelosi , ball’s still in your court and the buzzer’s near sounding. . . . . . . #bobbythreesticks #muellertestimony #muellertime #politicaltheatre #totalexoneration #takenoforananswer #readhislips #specialcounsel #stayfocused #cutpaper #collage #handmade #montage #satire #caricature #politicalcartoons #opinionart #oped #editorialillustration #illustration #adineroillustration #magazinecollage #recycledart https://www.instagram.com/p/B0f846CJwps/?igshid=12snmpqdct56j
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iliveforzelda · 7 years
Rant: Take NO for an answer. I told you I'm engaged, stop persuing me.
I was walking in the shallow water of the river, far from the regular sight seeing spot people could come to. I was meditating, feeling the pull/push of the water and the warmth on the sun on my skin; absorbing nature's energy. I turn toward shore and I spot someone in my peripheral vision, watching me. Uneasy feelings put an end to my medetation. I put my shoes on and gathered my things and made to leave. when he noticed me, and walked toward me... I couldn't avoid him. He asked me silly questions like, " Oh how did you get over there? So adventurous", trying to be coy. I answered flatly, " I walked there", I said bye and left swiftly. You might think this guy just found me interesting and innocently wanted to talk. No. This guy had stopped me in the park before, he asked my name and said a speech about wanting to know me before I went off into the universe; He tried to make it seem like our meeting was fate, or we naturally "bumped into eachother", eventhough he literally intterupted my walk and I had to take my headphones out. His speech sounded rehearsed because he repeated some lines. It was off-putting. I looked visibly uncomfortable to the point where he noticed. I told him I was I was engaged and I wasn't interested in meeting people and I walked away quickly. So, when he went down to the water and saw me again, alone, he still stuck around and watched me, waiting for me to leave so he could "bump into me" again. He admitted to recognising me. Really dude? I tried to put up as many walls as I could, I'm engaged, not interested in friends. But he still persisted. Now my meditation place doesn't feel safe anymore because that guy knows where I go. I already don't go out after dark, do I really have to give up my afternoon walks too? This is not right. I should not have to hide away in my apartment because creeps can't take NO for an answer. Also, if I'm purpously secluded from people, that probably means I WANT to be alone. If he confronts me again I'll tell him I'm a witch and I'll curse him. Let's hope that works.
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ellediablo98 · 8 years
Men, stop doing this. If a woman shows no interest in you or doesn't want to smile at you, you need to shut your mouth and leave her alone. Do not harass her further. Do not follow her. Stop being creeps. #streetharassment #nomeansno #takenoforananswer
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thegreenundead · 10 years
Okay so like, I've heard stories from girls when they have had a guy not take no for an answer. And now its just happened to me i have some fucking views on this subject.  GUYS. When you talk to a girl, do not fucking automatically assume she is single and is there for you to get your dick wet and nothing else.. Talk to a girl like you would to your mother.. with some fucking respect. If you talk to a girl and you start flirting, and she says she has a boyfriend, you fucking accept that and stop. If the girl says she doesn't wanna flirt you move on and leave her fucking be. I literally just had to spend OVER AN HOUR saying no. This is the second fucking time its happened to me and it fucking sucks. I don't think you silly little boys realize how shit it makes girls feel when you constantly try it on with them. Just like anyone else, women and girls are on this planet to live, to laugh, and to do whatever the fuck they want. They are NOT here to be harassed, grabbed, teased or to be made to feel like an object by ANYONE. Guys, fucking stop. Now. I swear to god if i find out any guy has done this to anyone i know i will personally rip his dick off. And the same goes for girls too. Lets all have a bit of fucking respect for one another yeah? PEACE.
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