#takashi ishikawa
anamon-book · 1 year
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極楽の鬼-マイ・ミステリ採点表 石川喬司 講談社 装幀=徳野雅仁
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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AJPW 85 Gekitoh! All Star Wars (02/05/1985) // Tokyo, Japan
Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Valiant vs. Takashi Ishikawa and The Great Kabuki.
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Most Beloved NJPW Wrestler Tournament
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caranoirs · 1 month
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xitty · 6 months
Listening to the Love Scramble song I'm thinking again how Kousuke Toriumi (that's Madara for you enstarries) has such a great singing voice. He sounds good in many different kind of songs and with everyone yet has very distinct voice?! I'm not talking only Enstars songs, I mean various music projects.
My favourite song he has sung is a duet cover of magnet, the Vocaloid song, with Kensho Ono. Again, they sound crazy good together.
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jpnnewmusicdaily · 10 months
ひとり芝居 (Hitorishibai) by Seri Ishikawa / 石川セリ
Album: ときどき私は... Year: 1976 Label: Philips → Universal Music Japan Lyrics: Takashi Matsumoto / 松本隆 Music: Yumi Arai / 荒井由実
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tofueggnoodles · 10 months
They’re Back! Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee Vol. 1 Scene 7 (Cast Talk)
Click here to listen to the track on youtube.
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This is the best photo I could find, containing only about half of the cast. I don't recognize two of the VAs, but the rest are: Kisaichi Atsushi (the one with the cap), Toriumi Kousuke (beanie guy), Ishikawa Hideo (left, seated) and Morikawa Toshiyuki.
Summary: The voice actors talk about things (hobbies, sports, pets, etc) they will never tire of.
Morikawa: Everyone, thank you for your hard work during the recording. It’s now time for the bonus track of the Drama CD “They’re Back! Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee.”
Ishikawa: Yeah! Really – what is it?
(Morikawa and Kawami laugh.)
Ishikawa: Er – thank you for the hard work, everyone!
Morikawa: Indeed. It’s been quite a while.
Ishikawa: Yes, it’s been a long time since the last recording.
Morikawa: Someone reminded me that the very first [Araiso] Drama CD was recorded in 2000.
Ishikawa: That was eight years ago.
Morikawa: Yes.
Ishikawa: Time flies, doesn’t it? This studio’s now filled with thirty-somethings.
(The others laugh.)
Morikawa: I’m already a forty-something. [Along with Shimura, Narita, Tobita, Kobayashi and Shibuya.]
Tobita: Same here.
Ishikawa: During the previous recording, all of us were in our twenties or thirties. [Tobita, the oldest among the cast, turned forty in 1999.]
Ishikawa: And we’re all playing high school students.
Morikawa: Yes.
Ishikawa: This is a wonderful piece of work.
(Toriumi laughs.)
Ishikawa: So I hope that we’ll be able to continue voicing these characters.
Morikawa: That’s what I’m aiming for.
Ishikawa: Really, let’s continue playing these high schoolers even when we’re senior citizens.
Morikawa: Sure.
Ishikawa: For this track, based on the last line of the story–
Morikawa: Yes, the line spoken by Katsuragi, right?
(Kawakami laughs.)
Ishikawa: Sorry, yes, it’s Katsuragi’s line. It went like this: “Good grief. It’s just impossible to find the time to get tired of life while hanging out with you guys.” So, here’s the topic of our talk –
Morikawa: Yes, the topic: As long as you can have or do this thing, you’ll never tire of it! Please provide the reason why as well.
Kawakami: Okay.
Ishikawa: We’ll give our comments one by one.
Morikawa: Alright.
Ishikawa: Well then, let’s begin!
Kisaichi: I’ll go first. This is Kisaichi Atsushi, who plays Fujiwara Yuusuke. Thank you for your hard work, everyone. I don’t really have anything I’m particularly obsessed with. There’s work, baseball, ping pong, billiard, bowling, darts, golf, basketball – I never tire of stuff like these. Ah, but strength training is out of the question. Swimming too. I don’t like bland and repetitive activities like those. I love games involving balls, since I won’t get bored playing them. Though I’m not much of a sportsman, I enjoy getting better at these games. That’s about it.
Ishikawa: Aren’t you in a baseball club?
Kisaichi: Yes. I’m a coach there, after a fashion.
Ishikawa: A coach?
Kisaichi: Yes. It was a request I couldn’t refuse. In this particular case, it’s not one of those things I never tire of, but simply a duty I have to fulfill. Still, I definitely love baseball and other ball games. Yes, that’s about it.
Ishikawa: Go Atsushi!
Kisaichi: Thank you for listening! Then, on to the next person.
Toriumi: Hello, I’m Ainoura Kousuke.
(A few of the voice actors laugh. Kawakami exclaims in surprise.) [Instead of properly stating his actual name, Toriumi provided a combination of his character’s surname and his own personal name.]
Toriumi: Speaking of what I’ll never tire of, it’s curry. Curry is a magnificent dish. I can eat it anytime. Also, I never get bored grilling meat. It’s my lot in life to continuously grill meat for others.
(A few of the others start to chat among themselves in the background.)
Toriumi: Won't you please listen to me?
Morikawa: What’s the method you use to grill meat?
Toriumi: Method? I specialize in offal **. [The phrase I manage to catch is horume/horune but the only term for grilled offal I can find online is horumonyaki.]
Ishikawa: Morikawa-san’s the only one who’s seen you do it, isn’t he?
Toriumi: The first praise I received from Morikawa-san was for my meat-grilling method, you know. (laughs) I hope to get more praises from him in the future too.
Shimura: Offal!
Ishikawa: You’re noisy!
Toriumi: I’d like to continue grilling meat in the future. In addition, I recently started to play golf as well. Golf is fun too. I think it’s also something I won’t tire of. I hope I can improve on my technique there.... Goodbye.
Sasanuma: This is Sasanuma Akira, who plays Matsubara Jun.
Ishikawa: MatsuJun! [also the nickname of J-pop idol Matsumoto Jun.]
Sasanuma: MatsuJun? Yeah, I guess. (laughs) Playing with my beloved pet dog is something I’ll never tire of!
Kawakami: Eh?
Sasanuma: Yes, it’s my dog. Patting it on the thighs–
Kawakami: Thighs?
Sasanuma: –while feeding it beef jerky – I can do this for an hour or two. Even after the beef jerky’s all gone, I find myself still patting my dog.
Toriumi: Your pet dog’s a beef jerky junkie.
(Everyone laughs.)
Sasanuma: I feed it various other stuff too, such as milk. Yeah, I guess it’s going to get fat thanks to that. Alright, that’s it from me.
Shimura: Good evening. I’m Shimura Tomoyuki, who plays Murota.
Someone: It’s your head.
Shimura: Yes, it’s my head **. As long as I have it, I’ll never tire of it. Right on. Fishing is something I could do forever – if dragons existed. I want to catch one, that’s why. Also, drinking is something I can do all the time. But, I’ll always regret it the day after. And will drink again later in the evening. Only to regret it all over again the next morning! Goodbye.
Kobayashi: Good evening. This is Kobayashi Youko, who plays the transgender musclewoman and school doctor, Igarashi. Well, someone might have already mentioned the same thing before, but for me too, it’s cats [that I’ll never tire of].
Ishikawa: Ah, cats! I love cats!
Kobayashi: A group of volunteers were looking for homes for strays in front of the train station in my neighborhood. I got a pet cat from them three months ago. It’s a black cat. I find myself liking the cat so much that I got another one yesterday. (laughs) I will bring it home next week – a tricolor one this time. Yes, soon I’ll be the owner of two cats. They seem to be increasing rapidly. My home might soon turn into a cat mansion. As long as I have my cats, I’ll never tire of life. That’s it from me. Thank you very much.
Narita: Er... good evening. I’m Narita Ken, who plays Matsumoto Takahisa, the Student Council Chairman. As for me, I basically like baths. The other day, I went to a hot spring resort. The sort with a private open-air bath just outside the room.
The others: That’s nice.
Narita: Isn’t it? I really love that sort of hot spring resorts.
One of the voice actors: Did you go alone?
Narita: No no, I went with other people, of course. Going on my own would be too lonesome. Well, going alone might not be a bad thing. I like baths, so I probably won’t mind going alone. After getting out of the bath, I typically have fish dishes to accompany the sake. To me, these are life’s pleasures. Thank you for listening.
Tobita: Good morning. This is Tobita Nobuo, who plays Tachibana Haruka, the Student Council Vice-Chairman. Like some of my fellow voice actors, I love cats.
Ishikawa: Cats!
Tobita: Yes. I have an American Shorthair and a Somali.
Ishikawa: You have a Somali as well?
Tobita: The two didn’t get along well at first, never mind playing together. It took three years before they finally slept together. But now they live together happily. I hope that they’ll live long and well. Also, I like my job and working together with the Chairman. As long as Narita-san’s there, things will never get boring!
(The others laugh.) [T/N: After all, it’s that, to quote Morikawa, ‘that Narita Ken.’]
Tobita: Alright, hope to see you all again. Thank you very much.
Kondou: Thank you for your hard work, everyone. I’m Kondou Takashi, who plays Kiba Osamu. Originally, I wanted to be the first to say that I find joy in my work but Kisaichi-san already beat me to it right in the beginning. So I had to discard the lines I prepared and was thinking of something else to say while waiting for my turn. (laughs) I didn’t really intend for things to end up like this.
Kondou: The more I thought about it, the more negative it gets. When I start playing a video game, rather than not growing tired of it, I just can’t seem to stop. I tell myself, “I mustn’t go on like this, I need to get out of the house, I have to work.” So, persevering with utmost effort, I make sure to go out every morning. (laughs) If I don’t do that, I’ll turn into a shut-in. Everyone, please take care when playing video games. That’s about it.
Itou: This is Itou Kentarou, who plays Ryuunosuke. Well, at this point, we’ve run out of unique responses. Really, I’m blessed to be working with senior voice actors who never tire of their jobs. There’s drinking too, as Shimura said. And golf, as Kousuke mentioned. I’m absorbed in those recently. I actually get bored of things pretty easily. When I think about the reason why, it could be because once I decide that I like something, I’ll just do it while ignoring everything else. So from now on, I’ll do things in moderation. Hopefully, I’ll find something I never tire of, something I can continue doing for the rest of my life. I just realized this today. So, I’ll be taking my leave of you all, because I’m going off now to join some clubs. (laughs)
Katsu: I’m Katsu Anri, who plays Shuuji. Thank you for your hard work, everyone. As for something I’ll never get bored of, it’s the same as one of things Shimura-san mentioned: fishing. Also, I’ve been playing a few musical instruments for quite a while. That’s right – I never get tired of playing musical instruments [guitar, bass guitar and drums according to his Japanese Wikipedia page: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8B%9D%E6%9D%8F%E9%87%8C]. I perform mostly indoors these days. I don’t do it to that extent anymore, but in the past, I once played the bass for up to twelve hours without taking any break or eating. There was this song I just wanted to play over and over again. Once I was done, I collapsed onto the ground. My hands and legs had gone numb. I nearly got sent to the hospital. That was the level of my enthusiasm when it came to music. Everyone who plays musical instruments, please take care not to overdo it the way I did. Well, that was fun. That’s it from me.
Kawakami: This is Kawakami Tomoko, who plays Katsuragi-chan. While trying to think of things one never tires of, various stuff came to mind, such as pets and hobbies. But, for me it’s tidying up my room.
Morikawa: Ah, I know, I know!
Ishikawa: You’ve said enough. [not sure whether this was directed to Morikawa or Kawakami.]
Kawakami: Eh?
Kawakami: To be honest, my room’s far from neat. There are plenty of clutters in it. Whenever I try to put stuff away, I end up looking at them against my better judgment. Things like years-old magazine articles featuring interviews I granted. Reading some of those, I think: wow, did I really wear this attire? I never get bored of looking at old stuff like those. Though I expressly tell myself, “I must definitely tidy up my room today,” I end up not completing the task. Stuff will pile up again until I decide to have the next tidying up session, in which the same thing will happen. It’s a vicious circle. In short, I guess I’ll never have my fill of tidying up my room. Thank you for listening.
Ishikawa: I’m Ishikawa Hideo, who plays Tokito Minoru. I love cats too, so I’m a cat owner as well. Recently, I bought some black cotton swabs at the convenience store. Those are really good for picking up dirt. With just a little daub on the skin, a lot of dirt will come off. I used them on a recording location once and gave everyone there a piece. That’s how enthusiastic I’m about them. Everyone, if you like–
Morikawa: You gave everyone a cotton swab?
Ishikawa: Yes. Please give them a try.
(Morikawa laughs.)
Ishikawa: Aren’t you being silly? [He used the term from Kansai dialect for ‘idiot’, aho. FWIW, Ishikawa hails from the Kansai region. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansai_dialect#Vocabulary]
Ishikawa: I– I– (tries unsuccessfully to speak over the clamor)
Someone: They’re convenient for cleaning up right?
Ishikawa: Right, for stuff such as getting rid of earwax. So, everyone, if you like, please give them a try. They’re called Wholly Absorbent Cotton Swabs and are black. They’re luxuriantly thick and great to use. As long as I have them, I’m good.... Er, did I say something weird?
(The others laugh.)
[More info on the cotton swabs: https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E9%98%BF%E8%98%87%E8%A3%BD%E8%96%AC-%E3%83%87%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89%E3%82%84%E3%81%BF%E3%81%A4%E3%81%8D%E7%B6%B%E6%A3%92-70%E6%9C%AC/dp/B000FQS0IS]
Ishikawa: Well, that’s about it. This gentleman will bring up the rear.
Morikawa: Yes. Dirty ears are gross... Sorry.
(Toriumi laughs along with some of the others.)
Morikawa: This is Morikawa Toshiyuki, who plays Kubota Makoto. As long I have or do this thing, I’ll never get bored. What is it? It’s meat! As long as I can eat meat, I’ll never... be thin.
(Toriumi laughs again.)
Morikawa: Being a dog person, I keep a Labrador Retriever as pet. Thanks to it.... I’ve had my fill of dogs.
(The others laugh.)
Morikawa: Really, my dog plays a trick on me at every turn. He’d carry off my house slippers and run around my residence trying to escape me. The minute I arrive home [and am about to wear the slippers], he’d grab the slippers without fail. I’m sick of that trick already, but he does not seem to be. Even now, I’m at loss as to how to deal with this behavior.
Someone: You’re fed up with it.
Morikawa: Sorry for bothering you all with my dog trouble. After this, I probably can’t count on your support anymore. (laughs) I’m done, yes.
Ishikawa: All right. Everyone, thank you very much. Then, let’s say it together. One, two–
Everyone: Good-bye!
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes or clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure of. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
Extra notes
Saiyuki fans: If you find some of the voices familiar, that might be because you’ve heard them in the Saiyuki anime.
Narita Ken, Matsumoto’s voice actor, played Koumyou Sanzo in Gensoumaden series and the Saiyuki Drama CD.
Toriumi Kousuke, Ainoura’s voice actor, played young Ukoku (Ken'yuu) in Burial OVA.
The late Kawakami Tomoko (Katsuragi’s voice actor) played Lirin.
Morikawa Toshiyuki (Kubota’s voice actor) played Homura.
Fans of old BLCD (late 1990s to early 2010s) probably would know most of the Araiso cast. I just couldn’t help smiling whenever I recalled who paired with whom in which Boys’ Love Drama CD as I translated this track.
There’s a good ending for Fujiwara, or his voice, at least. He got to be with his Kubota-senpai for once, in Toraware no Koibito.
Kondou Takashi (Osamu’s voice actor) played the seme to Morikawa in Adult Education and the uke to Ishikawa in Castle Mango.
If you’re interested in BL Drama CDs, there is wonderful list pointing to the downloads, indexed by voice actors on aarinfantasy.
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craft2eu · 8 months
形 KATACHI Form + Focus: Stockholm (SE) vom 26.01. bis 17.02.2024
Die vier ausstellenden Künstler Fumiki Tagushi, Mari Ishikawa, Takashi Kojima und Itto Mishima sind alle mit der Kobe Design University in Japan verbunden. Zuletzt trafen sie sich, als sie während des Melting Point 2023 gemeinsam im González Martí National Museum in Valencia ausstellten. Ihre künstlerischen und technischen Fähigkeiten sind besonders bemerkenswert. Fumiki Tagushi: Brosche aus der…
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postpunkindustrial · 2 months
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Zeitlich Vergelter – Schlagen / Dimension 7"
This is what we would call a deep cut.
Zeitlich Vergelter were a percussive Industrial band with a strong Post-Punk bent. Their output was limited to the 7" above and some compilation appearances.
The member went on to do other things of course but for the purposes of this blog we have to single out Chu Ishikawa who went on to score movies for Shinya Tsukamoto and Takashi Miike.
You can get it from my Google Drive HERE
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understeerking · 4 months
The Night Walkers are legendary in the world of sedan drifting. Founded in 1988, the team consisted of nine members originally and was called the Nine Walkers. When the team no longer had nine members, they changed the name. Most of the members started off with A31 Cefiro's or C33 Laurel's before making the switch to the JZX platform that they are best known for. There were a few members that had other cars like Takashi Ishikawa that drove a S13 Silvia, though.
On my trip to Japan, I had the pleasure of meeting Yuichiro Takahashi (Yubo) & Tomokazu Hirota from the infamous team. Both of these drivers inspired me heavily in the dvds JDM Insider Vol.2 & the Saisoku series. I also had the surprise of meeting Kazu Takahashi the main host of the Saisoku dvds and co-founder of Speed Hawaii/Fucken Fast. We talked about the Golden Age of Drifting & I got to explain how they motivated me to be in this place in life l am today. Getting to spend personal time with these amazing people is something truly special & I will never forget these moments.
I also don't want to leave out pro drifter Kisaragi Takahashi. She was also at the meeting. But I will make a post just for her soon.
📚: Option 2 x D-Car
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dogcircle-scans · 2 years
Kamiya Hiroshi Talks About His ‘Fateful Encounter’ with ‘Natsume’s Book of Friends’ on ‘Say You to Yo Asobi’
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Kamiya Hiroshi, who voices the protagonist Natsume Takashi in the new animated film, "Natsume’s Book of Friends: The Waking Rock and the Strange Visitor," currently playing in theatres, made a guest appearance on "Say You to Yo Asobi" [lit: Night Entertainment with Voice Actors] hosted by voice actors Namikawa Daisuke and Ishikawa Kaito.
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In the program, he talked about the new film during the segment "If You Just Watch, You’ll Enjoy It! Natsume’s Book of Friends’ Recommendations", and matched voice actors to various youkai during  "Voice Actor Personification Meeting ~Youkai Edition~".
The TV anime "Natsume’s Book of Friends" began its first season in 2008 and has now reached its sixth season. Kamiya, who has been involved with "Natsume’s Book of Friends" for about 12 years, said, "Everyone loves Midorikawa-sensei’s original drawings". He revealed, "Without Midorikawa-sensei’s original work, there is no anime" - a principle that has been upheld this entire time.
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Additionally, Kamiya referenced his fateful encounter with the "Natsume’s Book of Friends" anime.
Kamiya already had a cat named Nyanko-sensei before he started working on the series. The name was taken from one of his favourite manga, "The Funny Judo Champion" [Inakappe Taishō - a manga and anime from the late 60’s and early 70’s]. A fan told Kamiya that there was a series with a cat that had the same name; he noted that he was then drawn in by its charm. 
Kamiya participated in the [Natsume] Drama CD, and after auditioning, proceeded to work on the anime adaptation. He also spoke about how deeply attached to Natsume he is, as it was around this time that his career as a voice actor started to take off. 
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At the end, Kamiya spoke about how "There is always one story that somehow resonates. When you encounter it, every episode transforms into something important; it’s a work that you experience with wonder." When he said "I hope you come across such moments", many audience members commented "I totally understand!", "I get it….", and that "It was a very cherished work", and how they "could feel Kamiya’s love for Natsume".  
ABEMA premium members can also watch "Say You to Yo Asobi Premium #27", which includes exclusive footage.
Article from Jan 29, 2021
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hopeatiikeri · 10 months
Interview with Yoshihiro Takahashi (Anime magazine #133, 7 / 2023 )
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Translator note: This is fan translation from Finnish to English. Please understand there might be some mistakes as English is not my first language, thank you! Please enjoy ♥ --------------
The companion of righteous dog warriors Interview with Yoshihiro Takahashi
Attention! Contains spoilers from the Ginga series!
Originally published in 1983-1987, Ginga Nagareboshi Gin also known as Silver Fang hardly needs to be introduced because Silver Fang and other Ginga-series have won the hearts of Finnish audience since the 80s, their creator Yoshihiro Takahashi is one of the most loved mangaka in Finland. At the end of last summer, Finnish fans were delighted to hear that Takahashi would visit Helsinki from 15th to 18h of September.
Japanese Yokote Masuda Manga Museum, which organized the visit, held an exhibition that presented the mangaka's original drawings from the series at the Kamppi, Muji store. Located in the city of Yokote, Akita Prefecture, the museum keeps the world's largest collection of Takahashi's original works. The mangaka himself is also from Akita, more specifically from a small village in Higashinaruse. During the exhibition, Takahashi met his fans at the autograph session. There was also reason to celebrate as the mangaka turned 70 during the visit. Silver Fang manga also turns 40 this year.
On Thursday, before the big autograph signing, Anime magazine got a rare opportunity to talk with Takahashi about his life - and of course about dogs. Mangaka joyfully met the representatives of Anime together with the museum director Oishi Takashi and founder of Komachi Consulting, Minako Lakso. Sangatsu Manga's editorial manager Antti Valkama acted as an interpreter.
In his career, Takahashi has created manga series on various topics, but the success of Silver Fang made him a true "dog mangaka". As one of the inspirations of his youth Takahashi mentions Kyuuta Ishikawa (1940-2018), who created dog and wolf mangas in the 60s and 70s. - Although Ishikawa drew the dogs much more realistically than I did. My dogs are a lot more expressive and cartoonish. Later, Takahashi met Ishikawa's assistant, Seiichi Ikeuchi, by chance. The two became friends through a shared hobby of golf, and Ikeuchi also draws especially golf-focused sports manga. Takahashi laughs that like Ishikawa, Ikeuchi tried to make a dog manga back in the day, but didn't succeed as well as he did with the golf manga.
Dogs have played a major role in Takahashi's stories as well as in everyday life. Different breeds and their the personalities have become familiar to him. From his youth, he fondly remembered the family's Akita mix named Kuro. Kuro (translated as Black) was Takahashi's brother-like partner. Akitas are considered challenging and difficult to approach, because they don't express their emotions as clearly as most other breeds. But Takahashi didn't have trouble understanding Kuro. - Once, I think I was 5 years old, a traveling shoe salesman came to our home. When the salesman stood in the hall, Kuro and I watched what he was doing. When the shopkeeper jokingly decided to grab me, Kuro growled at the man. Otherwise it didn't react to anything, but the child had to be protected. Takahashi learned from Kuro that important things to you should be protected. This is transmitted clearly in his works. During Takahashi's adulthood, the family has included, among other things, a Labrador retriever and a wolf-dog hybrid (mentioned to also have german shepherd and husky in their heritage) imported from the United States. In Finland, a hybrid between a dog and a wolf can not have more than 12.5% ​​wolf, but in Japan no dog breed or cross between dog and wolf is directly denied. Because Takahashi's hybrid arrived to Japan when it was two years old and well trained, there were no major difficulties in importation. They say the dog ran away sometimes, but in the end it always came back home.
When it comes to dogs in his works, Takahashi chooses a breed according to the personality of the character. In terms of stories, his favorite breed is the German Shepherd thanks to their sense of justice, but also their stubborn pride and edginess. Based on his long experience, writing male dogs is natural for him, but with productive female characters mangaka has difficulties. Besides Cross from Silver Fang and Lydia from Ginga Densetsu Weed (1999-2009, in Finland only known as Weed), female warriors are rare in the series. Timidly Takahashi says that he tries his best when it comes to female characters, although they are difficult to write. However, he is satisfied with Lydia thanks to character's multidimensionality.
In addition to challenging female characters, Takahashi has had to make difficult choices on character's fate. The death of the loved German Shepherd John was a difficult thing even for the mangaka. Readers especially give feedback when a character dies. Takahashi remembers an incident that happened when he visited Animecon in Kuopio in 2012. A fan who had just read about John's death in the Japanese manga came to the autograph session. According to Takahashi, the part in question was not yet published in Finland. John suffered a long and painful death in WEED. However, characteristically, John did not break mentally. Takahashi says the reader was angry that he killed John. - I then asked them if John's death wasn't just the right way for him. They then admitted that that was exactly how John would have wanted to die. Proud to the end. The violence of the Ginga series has attracted attention in Finland since Silver Fang arrived here in 1989 with four VHS parts. The publisher once tried to tone down Takahashi so that the series wouldn't become too much bloody. Takahashi suspects that the publishing house was probably afraid that they would get complaints of violence. Takahashi laughs that the story must have a good action. In the end, he heard no complaints from the publisher. - Readers perceive violence differently when it happens between animals than if the same would happen between people.
Regarding character deaths, Takahashi reveals that when he wrote Silver Fang, he wanted to kill all three of Kai brothers in one go. They were meant to die in the final battle between Ouu's dog army and the monster bear Akakabuto. But the publisher did not agree to this and in the end only the eldest brother Akatora experienced the bloody death. Despite the violence, Takahashi does not want his works to be, like many adult directed series, too attention catching, but there had to be some sort of moral limit. From this the works have been praised. Takahashi remembers meeting a Japanese older woman who had praised Silver Fang and stated that every student should read it.
Takahashi encapsulates the message of Ginga series to themes of justice and love. By love, he means more of companionship and caring. The themes of companionship and loyalty come up often In Takahashi's works. We asked if the history of Japan and bushidou perhaps inspired him. - In my hometown of Higashinaruse, there were stories about samurai and battles. I might have had them in the family, so I guess I have such ideas in the back of my mind. When thinking about the history of his home region, Takahashi remembers a memory from his childhood of the bear carcass he saw. In the countryside of Akita, it was common to display hunted bears for the whole village. One time the hunters had brought down a particularly large bear that was being kept displayed on the platform of a small truck. The sight of this huge beast remained permanently in the little boy's mind.
The nature of Japan's largest island, North Honshu, reminds Takahashi of Finnish nature. The mangaka thinks that the milieu that looks familiar and both cultural encounters with bears are part of the reason why the Ginga series have so many fans in Finland. Finnish readers' devotion to his works has made a great impression on Takahashi. The most ardent fans have even traveled Akita to see Takahashi's hometown. - I am taken and grateful that the Finnish readers have welcomed my manga so well. Thank you very much for your support.
Anime wishes 70-year-old Takahashi a long life and success. Mette Pesonen
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beeftony · 10 months
I'm a big fan of the way this show explores gender roles thorugh Akemi and Mizu, with the former doing her best to gain power and agency within the constraints placed on her by society, while the latter rejects the entire system. Also, they're ridiculously fun to ship, even if that isn't entirely what this video is doing.
The music is "Wayward Daughter," composed by Masayoshi Soken with lyrics by Natsuko Ishikawa and Christopher Koji-Fox, with vocals by Satoko Fujita, Takashi Baba, and Joe Tsuchizaki. It appears in the game Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, during the Tsukuyomi trial in patch 4.3.
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abyssalchronicles · 2 years
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Tales of Festival 2023's guest voice actor cast has been revealed! 
Tales of Festival 2023 will be held on June 10-11, 2023 at Yokohama Arena.
Day One Cast (June 10, Saturday)
Masaya Onosaka (Zelos Wilder - Tales of Symphonia) - MC
Katsuyuki Konoshi (Lloyd Irving - Tales of Symphonia)
Chihiro Suzuki (Luke fon Fabre - Tales of the Abyss)
Akiko Kimura (Ruca Milda - Tales of Innocence R)
Yuko Sasamoto (Iria Animi - Tales of Innocence R)
Kosuke Toriumi (Yuri Lowell - Tales of Vesperia)
Rika Morinaga (Rita Mordio - Tales of Vesperia)
Marina Inoue (Kohaku Hearts - Tales of Hearts R)
Masaya Matsukaze (Hisui Hearts - Tales of Hearts R)
Rina Satou (Velvet Crowe - Tales of Berseria)
Azumi Asakura (Laphicet - Tales of Berseria)
Natsuki Hanae (Ix Nieves/Ickx Neve - Tales of the Rays)
Takuya Satou (Alphen - Tales of Arise)
Shino Shimoji (Shionne - Tales of Arise)
Day Two Cast (June 11, Sunday)
Masaya Onosaka (Zelos Wilder - Tales of Symphonia) - MC
Ryoka Yuzuki (Reala - Tales of Destiny 2)
Toshihiko Seki (Loni Dunamis - Tales of Destiny 2)
Katsuyuki Konoshi (Lloyd Irving - Tales of Symphonia)
Ryo Hirohashi (Shirley Fennes - Tales of Legendia)
Ryoko Shiraishi (Jay - Tales of Legendia)
Masumi Asano (Chloe Valens - Tales of Legendia)
Chihiro Suzuki (Luke fon Fabre - Tales of the Abyss)
Yukana (Tear Grants - Tales of the Abyss)
Eiji Takemoto (Raven - Tales of Vesperia)
Takashi Kondo (Ludger Will Kresnik - Tales of Xillia 2)
Mariya Ise (Elle Mel Marta - Tales of Xillia 2)
Kohei Amasaki (Kanata Hjuger - Tales of Crestoria)
Yui Ishikawa (Misella - Tales of Crestoria)
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sumire-bride · 1 year
IN KATAKANA- スミレ - かなしい
IN KANJI- 純麗 - 非心
Sumire can be written using different kanji characters and can mean: 菫, "violet" as a name 紫花, "purple, flower"純麗, "purity, lovely"澄玲, "lucidity, sound of jewels"澄麗, lucidity, lovely". Her last name is split into two "非" meaning "un" "non" or "lacking" and "心" means "heaer. So it literally means "lacking a heart" Her father Kyuufu uses spells her first name name in Kanji this way 澄玲 however Karl spells in kanji like 菫 非心. Her name is meant to symbolize a violet flower so pure she has no choice but to break.
Ran-chan (Laito) Ko-suika, Midori gakatta (Ayato) Rapunzal (Shuu) Livestock, ghost/Sadako (Ruki) Stray cat (Ruki, Yuma) Sow (Yuma), M-neko-chan (Kou) My orian (Shin) Eve (Karl n Azusa)
AGE- 18(Beginning), 19 (End)
BIRTHDAY- September 25th.
SIGN- Libra.
ETHNICITY- Japanese, Chinese.
RACE- Human (beginning) Immortal human (End)
GENDER/PRONOUNS- Female, she/her/hers
HEIGHT- 5'6 (168)
HOBBIES- Sewing, reading, Piano.
OCCUPATION- Third year high school student.
A flower pot (in VC)
Kyuufu Kanashi (FATHER)
Xaing Kanashi (MOTHER)
Chousoka Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Oroshi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Sing Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Takashi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Tadashi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Shoji Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Keiji Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Anzu Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Koukai Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
-VOICE ACTOR (headcannon)-
𖧷ɤ— Sumire is a tall young women, with long raven black hair reaching the back of her knees. Her hair starts off straight but ends with curls. She has ghostly like skin with emerald eyes. She also wears makeup. Consisting of red lipstick, red eye liner and pink blush.
𖧷ɤ—In HAUNTED DARK BRIDAL and MORE BLOOD she wears a light blue dress that reaches only just above her knees, with a tight at the top turtle neck dress underneath. And a black ribbon that holds her green brooch around her neck, white tights and brown dress shoes with a corset. She also wears jade earrings.
𖧷ɤ—In VANDEAD CARNIVAL she wears neck silky flowy blue dress that fades out into white at the bottom it reveals her whole collar bone. She wears a bit of a darker blue lace shrug that covers her neck that also has long flowy sleeves, as well as a black ribbon around her waist that holds her emerald brooch. With black flats that has a little white bow on the tips of them.
𖧷ɤ—In DARK FATE she wears a shoulder white dress with long tight sleeves. With a black choker, a dress that reaches her knees she wears black flats. She abandons her emerald brooch.
𖧷ɤ— Her FORMAL WEAR is a red and white hanfu that drags on the floor. The cloak falling off her shoulders half way, it also consists of three violet flowers. One on her white belt and two in her hair, she also wears a red see through veil that covers her face.
𖧷ɤ—Her SCHOOL UNIFORM consists of a white button up, a black vest with a red bow. She also wears a really big black coat with white ends and a long skirt that sits just above her knees, blsck tights and black boots.
AS A CHILD she wears a white dress with a black collar, a black ribbon/belt around her waist that holds her see through part of her dress that's on the bottom.
𖧷ɤ— Sumire is a soft spoken and humble women. She has a tendency to put others before herself no matter the situation, though this is said because of her 'instincts' she is plenty more then just obidient. She's incredibly tense and anxious which is very well displayed on her face.
Sumire can be seen as a bit expressionless and lacks the ability to show empathy to others when they are upset, fearful, angry. As her home environment raised her to think unnecessary emotions are bad and 'useless' and so she assumes most people think the same. While she does have emotions herself she won't show the 'bad' ones making her seem cold and stand offish. She tends to never act out without being given an order from someone, and no matter what the order is she will do it without much remorse even if it causes harm to the other person or herself. 'I am willing to kill myself or others for you.'
Sumire is told she has the look/presence/attitude of a doll, she's elegant and is very well mannered.
Despite these however, Sumire is a very determined, loyal, dedicated and gentle person. She can even be seen as quite stubborn or very sassy and can be a bit of tease sometimes unhinged. Though later on she begins to learn how to be more considerate of peoples emotions despite herself being driven to the edge of insanity.
𖧷ɤ—Sumire is the youngest and only daughter of her family. Making her the youngest as well as the last living Kanashi member of the Kanashi (also known as personage clan).
THE KANASHI family in the beginning of time were made to be slaves to the demon clans [food source, sexual desire, assassins, etc.) All of them taken out of the human world and put into the demon world and were auctioned/sold to rich and royal families some sold as young as 10 years old. When they are put into the homes of demons they we're meant to be there to satisfy their needs and literally ANY needs. They were known for their pale skin, jet black hair, beauty and especially their emerald eyes. Over time with spending time with demon clans, while somehow stayed human they developed some characteristics (quick movement, enhanced eyesight, enhanced sense of smell.) Given the name Kanashi was meant to insult them as humans and also because they acted on orders with a 'lack of heart'. Years of inspecting Makai people the clan come up with a plan to take leadership to end the loop of curse using the tactics demons use to kill almost half of wolf, vibora, bat, alder clans sticking a war for both Kanashi's and all of Makai. To show dominance after killing a demon they'd take their teeth, eyes or bones and turn them into jewelry or yoyo's sometimes putting them into glass boxes keeping them as 'treasures'. However the war would come to a end when Karl was more popular as the Vampire king he places a peace between all clans but only because of his admiration/interest of the Kanashi's, making it where the can not be owned at all letting them live 'freely'. Despite him owning Sumire's father Kyuufu after the ban. However they are forced to attend a annual ceremony when they turn 18 named 'awakening of a Kanashi' where they choose to be bitten by different demon clans or kill them. Most have been killed off or died, and Sumire's family are the only remaining ones they plan to kill all demons across the world.
𖧷ɤ—After years pass however, Karlheinze went to Sumire's father Kyuufu, asking him to be apart of the 'Adam and Eve plan' so she can marry one of his 6 sons. Sending him out to quickly find a wife and give him a beautiful Eve so he can create a new race. So Kyuufu went to buy Sumire's mother a Nobel 14yr old girl from China Xaing when he was 50. He would then abuse her and make her his wife and do his best to get a girl, however for 13 tries he only got sons. Until the 14th try finally led to Sumire being born the day the Violets died on a full moon. When Sumire was born, Kyuufu sent Xaing's sons and her to a different house allowing them to see Sumire only a few times a year.
𖧷ɤ—Karlheinz's younger brother Richter would learn her existence believing she'd be the perfect substitute as Cordelia's new vessel, he would go to Kyuufu begging him to let her take Cordelia's heart lying to him 'it's apart of the plan'. He eagerly agrees but only if he waited till she was 18 to take on the adult heart. Both Richter and Kyuufu keeping it in a glass box to prevent it from decomposing.
𖧷ɤ— To keep Sumire from falling in love with another person growing up, or to get plans of running away she was kept inside in a very big mansion told the world was a very 'dirty place'. If it wasn't for Richter, he wouldn't have forced her to be 'clean' and keep her from expressing herself, as she needed to be clean n pure before the heart could be placed in her.
𖧷ɤ— In her childhood, Kyuufu would begin to manipulate her into believing she has no one else but him, he was her 'god' she didn't need anything else but him. Only scaring her into keeping inside the house. Making her brothers do the same, however most of them showing displeasure and hate for the young girl some smothering her, neglecting her existence, insulting her.
𖧷ɤ— Her mother was in fact no help, while she did show to be loving at times the sexual, mental and physical abuse Kyuufu showed her caused her to despise Sumire's existence, she had a hard time dealing with Sumire deciding she was going to break the child within in Sumire as it wasn't fair that she could be child when Xaing couldn't. Whenever she'd see Sumire act out, crying and such she'd call her a disgusting child and lock her in a small dark cubby. But another half of it was so she could protect her from Kyuufu as she was that scared of him.
𖧷ɤ— So throughout her childhood she became a very anxious child insecure completely isolated from the outside. However despite the terrible treatment and such from her family, she explains to people that she had a wonderful childhood and a even more loving family.
𖧷ɤ— At age 17, Sumire decided to escape but before she could Kyuufu found her and brought her to a old church, and there Richter would rip her heart out placing Cordelia's in it and hers being placed in the same glass box Cordelia's originally was in.
𖧷ɤ— Sumire at age 18 was then sent to live with the Sakamaki's, learning to live with the outside world and learn to deal with her awakening instincts and haunted by Cordelia.
𖧷ɤ— KYUUFU is Sumire's god. She loves her father so much and feels nothing will come between the two ever. Talking about her father she always seems in pure glee. She will talk about the experiences that seem horrible to others but to her it was just her fault for acting as such, she'll talk about them like they were the best things to happen to her and was just proof of there love.
She will grow incredibly defensive when others call her father out, or insult him in front of her. This is the only time she is seen to be incredibly angry. She feels her father is always with her, and whenever she is crying or is seeing someone else crying or afraid she'd say "Shh we must not cry, father might see us."
Sumire says she wants to be like XAING. Her mother is her idol and she just yearns to be as beautiful like her, everything her mother has done to her is seen as more then a blessing and that she's so very glad she taught her 'hard lessons' on how to be a true women. She would always jump up and down when she saw her as younger girl, having to hold her containment for her when she saw her in her teens.
Sumire disliked seeing Xaing cry or have her breakdowns that she'd have. Doing her best to settle her down even though she'd fail horribly making the situation worse blaming her birth for her suffering. However, the two had their moments of genuine mother daughter love but that was when she was much younger, as Sumire aged she especially into her teen years Xaing did not want anything to do with her.
CHOUSOKA adores Sumire, stating she is his reason for living and has told her since she was a child that she is his reason for living and that if Sumire ever left he'd die. Koukai mentions that Chousoka gets even more mean and rough when he is forced to leave Sumire. Due to what Kyuufu told him and the admiration he had for him, he always feels a desperate need to keep Sumire with him all the time, constantly smothering her. He once rocked Sumire in his arms so hard he almost broke her back when she was young when he couldn't find her.
Sumire loves her brother dearly, as he was the one she would spend the most time with, though she does not enjoy playing favourite brothers Chousoka is her favourite however she fears him the most. When she is sent to live with the Sakamaki's and Chousoka found out he ran to look for her.
OROSHI and Sumire have a very complicated relationship. But not in the way you'd think, growing up Oroshi was always nothing but gentle and sweet with he certainly wasn't as obsessive of her as Chousoka was, however he was incredibly controlling. He could go sweet and nice to mean and cruel, despite having plenty of patience. Sumire views Oroshi as a angle she trusts him the most.
ENA was nothing but mean to Sumire, insulting her any chance he had even now sometimes resulting into throwing things at the young girl she was when she'd go for hugs. But Sumire on the other hand favourites him as a brother next to Chousoka, she thinks she's being complimented by him hence why it bothers Ena so much. She believes just like the rest he can simply do no wrong to her.
ANZU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Updated information in need.
KOUKAI . . . . . . . . . .. Updated information in need.
-Chousoka, Oroshi, Ena, Anzu, Koukai are the for the most part the only ones she you see here with in the route. Sumire's relationships with all her BROTHERS is different depending on how they view her as a person. Some are mean to her, ignore her, smother her. But they all share keeping her inside the house/keep her from running away in common.. For the most part. But nonetheless she loves each and every one of her brothers.-
SHUU is very princely to Sumire she finds herself trying to take care of him and keep him out of danger even though he tells her to go away all the time. And when time goes on she's ruining his naps to show him stupid things or to get him to kill a rat for her. He refers to her as 'dense' 'stupid' 'average looking women.' Sumire's very infatuated by Shuu, as he looks like her 'dream boy' and like the men in all the books she read as a kid. He does his best to push her away but Sumire will not budge.
REIJI makes Sumire do many tasks for him. He's so interested in her abilities and how far she'll go for him and his brothers because of her "instincts". She went as far as pouring hot tea on herself for him. He uses her for research purposes because he's that interested in them. Sumire seems to adore his praise, following his orders with glee just to be told she did a good job that she's a 'good girl'. She is enchanted by him because he's tall with black hair and it makes her think of 'home.' Later on in the route, he is shown getting annoyed when she's with or helping Shuu even trying to push her away from doing his brothers bittings.
Sumire is seen teasing AYATO. Calling him out on his lies, or stupidity. When she's with Ayato you can see more of her sassy, cocky, even at points annoyance side of her. Ayato becomes obsessed with her blood. At first Ayato thought of her as a 'annoying piece of food, but my prey regardless." Loving her taste. But later in Sumire's route in ecstasy he grows fond even a little attached to her. In his own route with her however, he vows to protect her from her brothers even his own mothers possession of her. He states "As your owners, I'll make it my end goal to make sure you are completely owned by me." At the end of HDB the good ending (true ending).
KANATO is often mentally abusing Sumire like he would with others. Often showing annoyance to her, however Sumire on the other hand is scared of him and worried about his well being since he's smaller then her. Even though she doesn't avoid most of the brothers most of the time she does her best to avoid him the most after he makes her wear a dress similar to Cordelia's. Later on he shows genuine jealousy even annoyance when she uses "sama" at the end of his name.
LAITO will always be a wonder to Sumire. She struggles to view his ideas on 'love' and 'lust'. As she was raised with nothing involving sex preventing her from becoming dirty so when he's acting perverted around her she doesn't understand him. When he finds this out it only gives him more of a reason to tease and get different reactions out of her that she normally wouldn't express even using uncanny ways to get them out of her.
He showed no genuine 'interest' until he had a conversation with her on a balcony. Sumire grows confused by his ability to switch personalities to easily, noticing he's a different person when he's in public with her rather then when it's just the two of them.
Sumire adores SUBARU'S white hair. The white colour reminding her of snow, but during DF she grows to mistake him for her father when she grows to understand life more. However in the beginning she is shown to be giddy, follow him, talk to him with much happiness when he's around causing Subaru to get flustered when she's around and before any of the brothers, he develops feelings for her.
Disliking her love for her father even the rest of her family. Some of her mood swings remind him of his mother causing him to get uncomfortable with her at points. But the two feel empathy for each other due to their 'similar experiences.'
Like Reiji Sumire is seen following RUKI'S word, she seems to submit to him more easily then she does with the other Mukami brothers. Although Ruki deems her as "fussy" "like a stray cat" when he tries to get her to do things, or even when he's trying to help her. Showing that she doesn't trust him at all. Ruki is even slightly startled by her when she's popping up out of the blue, as her appearances is close to a ghost he said.
It takes her a while to warm up to him, and the two constantly bicker about the Sakamaki's being her 'owners'. But later on, she begins to ease up to him even beginning to like his company. And like Ruki, he becomes more adamant on making himself her 'owner' but not for the same reason as he originally wanted to.
Sumire thinks KOU'S loud, not exactly understanding him when she first met him at all. When he's talking to her or someone else she covers her ears, as she thinks he's overwhelming even a little draining. Like Laito, Sumire notices how easy it is for him to switch his personality to personality. Sumire is normally trying to give him 'life lessons' even seen mothering him a lot.
She can not stand YUMA. Sumire is known for adressing everyone as "Sama" at the end of there name or "mr, mrs" to show plenty of respect, to let them know she is less then them. However Sumire will not even say his name as she believes she'll curse herself. She becomes sassy and very aggravated when he's around her, hissing or trying to make herself appear "bigger". She once put a lamp to cover her head when he walked into the room.
His size and loud deep voice, scare her to her core. She's never met someone of his size, height sure but no one buff. Even if Yuma tries to help her at moments, she refuses him harshly wanting him to go away, hence he started calling her "the stray cat". But when she goes outside in daylight for the first time with him, she views him in a kind light and then doesn't treat him so harshly.
AZUSA unlike the others, treats Sumire more decently. Not calling her anything other then Eve. Sumire while not trusting the other Mukami's seems to open up to Azusa more often. Letting him cut her however stating she does not like doing it to him which confuses him. Even if not in a relationship or dating during this time, the two like holding hands even Azusa defending Sumire from most threats she faces. Even raising his voice at Ruki for her.
CARLA seems to cause Sumire's break downs and outbursts. As in DF she seems to lose form of sense after the good ending in MB (information will not be stated as it is big spoilers). And Carla's long white hair, old deep voice trigger her quite a bit. Making her follow his every word in fear.
He's shown no remorse for her. Even during his brother Shin's actions to her only caring that she holds the heart of a first blood. Stating he has no issue harming her.
Sumire and SHIN end up having a romantic relationship through out most of DF. Though the 'love' is one sided. Sumire does not love Shin, nor have any romantic attraction to him. It was more out of instinct and impulse she agreed to date him. And because he threated her.
She shows to be awkward around him and simply only doing things to please him. Like saying "I love you." While not meaning it. She more pities him if anything. She said "I've been tricked" tiredly and jokingly whenever Shin pranks her.
She feels sorry that she can not remember him, and believes if she helps him with his plan to over throw his brother it'll make it up to him.
𖧷ɤ—While being human, she still was able to inherit Kanashi abilities but through her route they slowly come in before becoming unbearable. One of them was unbeatable instincts to submit.
𖧷ɤ—Increased hearing.
𖧷ɤ—Increased sense of smell
𖧷ɤ—increased sight
𖧷ɤ—Increased strength (only when she is ordered to do something. Besides that Sumire is fairly physically weak and her 'strength' is very limited.)
-Sumire is very claustrophobic, any tight spaces even when it comes with human contact makes her upset.
-Sumire has musophobia (fear of rats)
-Sumire is left handed.
-Sumire plays the koto.
-One time Sumire chased Laito around the manner with a bug she found.
-She does not have a sweet tooth. In fact they make her gag.
-Sumire knows Chinese fluently.
-When Sumire is angry but not angry in a aggressive way. She'll puff and stomp her foot.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Science Fiction Saiyuki Starzinger SF (1978) 西遊記スタージンガー
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Director: Joji Kikuchi / Masami Anna / Tokiji Uruki / Eisuke Ishikawa
Screenwriter: Tazuo Tamura / Reiji Matsumoto
Starring: Hiroya Ishimaru / Koo Tomita / Takashi Toyama / Kazuko Sugiyama / Eiko Masuyama / more...
Genre: Science Fiction / Animation
Official site: https://lineup.toei-anim.co.jp/ja/tv/starginger/
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Language: Japanese
Number of seasons: 1
Episodes: 73
Single episode length: 24 minutes
Also known as: Spaceketeers / SF Saiyûki Starzinger / Space Journey to the West /  太空西游记  / Stranger Things / 宇宙奇兵
IMDb: tt0185655
Type: Reimagining
From April 2, 1978 to August 26, 1979, it was broadcast on Fuji TV every Sunday from 19:00 to 19:30. All 73 episodes. From episode 65 onwards, the title has been changed to "SF Saiyuki Starzinger II". Aired on Toei video production. Strangely enough, at about the same time, Nippon TV aired the drama "Journey to the West Series" and TBS aired the drifter puppet show "Fly! Son Goku" on the same subject.
Based on "Journey to the West", Eisuke Ishikawa's science fiction novel "Science Journey to the West" is the original draft. Produced in the midst of the Leiji Matsumoto boom that began with "Space Battleship Yamato" in the late 1970s, following on from the previous program "Wakusei Robo Kano no Danguard A", Matsumoto drew the settings for the anime. Unlike the previous work, Matsumoto himself does not comicalize, Gosaku Sakurata is "TV Land" and Shigeto Ikehara is serializing the manga version as " Adventure King". In addition, the main character of this work, Kugo, has been changed from the giant robot series that has continued with the "Mazinger" series and "Wakusei Robo Danguard A" to a life-size hero. However, perhaps because of the setting that Son Goku in Journey to the West can also be gigantic, after becoming "SF Journey to the West Starzinger II", a setting has been added in which the main character becomes gigantic and fights.
The galaxy was in turmoil. Due to the weakening of the galaxy energy emanating from the center of the galactic universe, Great Pluto, even the good cosmic creatures became ferocious and rampaged as space monsters. In order to stop the progress of the situation, the power of Princess Aurora, who lives on the planet (Earth) of the solar system, was necessary. Therefore, Princess Aurora follows three galaxy cyborgs, Jean Cugo, Don Hakka, and Sir Jogo as knights. To restore peace in her universe, she continues her journey to the great planet while fighting space monsters and evil aliens.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starzinger
Link: N/A
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