#taiga kagami imagine
imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Shy S/O
Tetsuya Kuroko X Reader, Taiga Kagami X Reader, Shintaro Midorima X Reader, Daiki Aomine X Reader, Ryota Kise X Reader, Atsushi Murasakibara X Reader, Seijuro Akashi X Reader
Warning: Self Doubt, Bullying (kinda)
Tetsuya Kuroko
👤 Literally no one on the team knows how you got together, they literally watched as you often communicated without words and read each other's faces. 👤 You would have had to have been one of the other miracles siblings, otherwise you would both have walked past each other everyday and never said a single word to each other. 👤 Kuroko is very much a trusting person so you didn’t have to be going to the same school to continue dating and honestly he never worried about what you were doing he trusted you wholeheartedly. 👤 The only thing that he worried about was that he wasn’t there to cheer you on when you found something that you liked, where you were too shy to sign up for clubs that you liked so he’d always go to the first meeting with you to see how you felt. 👤 While Kuroko is quiet he wasn’t necessarily shy so when you found it hard to voice what you wanted or needed, he would come out of nowhere to help you out. 👤 Given the fact that you spend a lot of time on the outside looking in, you always knew where Kuroko was, bonus if you like basketball because you were one of the only people that never lost him on the court. 👤 Holds your hand to remind you that he’s there. 👤 Never asks you to come to his games but he’s happy when he sees you there, you used signs because you're just too shy to scream your praise for him. 👤 He finds you in a crowd and immediately moves to stand next to or behind you, everyone thinks that you are unbelievably cute.
You had come to one of Kuroko’s matches and he gone to get changed, you had gone to seat on a bench away from the large crowd that had gathered to get autographs and talk to the team, you were happy to wait for him while he dealt with the fans. You were scrolling through your phone when a shadow loomed over you, their hand reaching out to grab you and pull you off quickly. “It’s alright, it’s just me.” Kuroko finally said as your eyes found the back of his head. “What are you doing?” You asked. “Come on before they notice.” He said pulling you out of the arena and off down the road. “Are you sure that you should run away from all that?” You asked. “Don’t worry, Taiga loves the attention, there’s only one person that I want to be that close to.” He answered as he pulled you into a restaurant, where he ordered food for the both of you and you sat and talked for a while.
It only took about 10 minutes before his teammates and manager found you “Kuroko there you are! We were worried.” Riko said as waved frantically. Kuroko groaned next to you as a tray was slammed down on the table next to you as an arm wrapped around your shoulder “Hey little mouse, you two lovebirds on a date?” Taiga asked. “If we were you ruined it.” Kuroko grumbled as he linked your hands under the table giving it a reassuring squeeze. “We can just leave if you want, I know they’re all a bit loud for you.” Kuroko mumbled and you looked at him and smiled. “It’s okay.” You said softly as you moved a little closer to Kuroko. “Say the word and we’ll leave.” He whispered as the rest of the team sat around you as Riko and Hyuga tried to get the rest of the team to sit down, shut up and eat like normal humans.
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Taiga Kagami
🐅 Taiga does see you around but it takes a little while for him to actually take notice of you, he immediately thinks that you are afraid of him and as he always does he rushes in to interrogate you. 🐅 You were alone when he found you and demanded to know why you were afraid of him, unfortunately the natural aggression and his stature caused a stuttered reply about being shy. 🐅 Que a flustered apology as he scratched the back of his head as he stuttered through his sentences and exited quickly. 🐅 He made sure to wave at you when he saw you after that, you were shocked but it became second nature to shyly wave back to him in the halls and before you knew it you were spending time together outside of school. 🐅 You don’t know when the relationship shifted but Taiga did ask you out, he didn’t make a big deal of the first date, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but dates become easier the longer that your dating. 🐅 He’s loud enough for the both of you so if you need to say something then he becomes your voice. 🐅 He moved at your pace, whatever it would be, he’d never force PDA but he’s not against it. 🐅 Your biggest supporter, he was the one that you could hear cheering you on if you were into sports or any time of performance art, if not he’ll always tell you how proud of you he is. 🐅 He savoured the calm that you brought with you were the only person who could calm him down and get him to think straight sometimes.
Taiga was having a bad game, it was unusual for Riko to call on people from the crowd but she had seen the way that you calmed him down in practice matches, in less than a second and they went on to win, she needed that now. “(Y/N) you're up!” Riko said as Koganei led you down to the team. “M-me?” You asked. “What…” “Just do what you always do.” Riko muttered as she pushed you towards the brooding Taiga. “W-what’s going on T?” You asked, jumping at the loud cheer from the crowd, realistically you knew that they weren’t even looking at you they were all focused on the game still in full swing but the moment that you flinched Taiga took your hand leading you into the secluded hall way that lead back into the changing room. “What are you doing down here?” He asked, “It's too loud down here.” “Riko wanted me to come down here to talk to you.” You answered. “But this makes you uncomfortable.” He said taking your face in his hands and gently running his thumbs over them. “I don’t like seeing you like this, you know you have to be careful if you want to be able to jump like you do.” You mumbled and he smiled leaning forward to rest his head against yours. “Doesn’t mean you gotta be uncomfortable.” Taiga said as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “Then promise that you’ll be careful and think everything through please.” You pleaded and he looked at the game and then you. “I’ll try.” He nodded with a smile, despite the fact that the game was only 6 feet away from you he felt like it was your world and there was nothing that could change that. “You have a game to win.” You said softly as you pointed towards the court and he leaned forward a smirk on his face. “You bet I have.” Taiga said before pressing a kiss to your lips and jogging back to the bench where he was begging Riko to put him back in.
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Shintaro Midorima
♋ You have Takao to thank for this partnership, since you were put next to him for most classes he adopted you as his introvert before he even knew Midorima. ♋ Takao literally took you everywhere, so you ended up at practice with him most of the time and met Midorima. ♋ Midorima drew a lot of attention to himself with the antic that he pulled but he taught you a lot about being comfortable in your own skin, now that didn’t mean that you were shouting from the rooftops or anything but it did mean that you were happy with the fact that you didn’t talk as much as other people and that was okay. ♋ Midorima became a silent guard dog, watched people’s behaviour and the way that they talked to or about you, correcting anything that made you uncomfortable or upset. ♋ Would bring your lucky item to school with him (by bring I mean get Takao to find it wherever it might be for him to hand to you when they meet up with you). ♋ Takao of course was the one to realise that you liked Midorima and gently guided him in the direction of his own realisation (literally had to spell it out to him, Midorima is academically smart and socially stupid). ♋ When you guys actually started dating there was a lot that you had to figure out, mostly about boundaries. ♋ Though he might grumble he’ll help you with anything you ask him to because he knows how hard you find it to actually ask for help. ♋ You guys are like an old married couple, he holds the door open for you, forehead kisses and hand holding.
Takao had watched you in your last couple of classes and it seemed that there was something bothering you, he didn’t know what it was and everytime he asked you what was wrong you’d brush him off and tell him that it was nothing. When you didn’t show up to lunch that day he decided to talk to Midorima about it. “Hey is something bothering (Y/N)?” Takao asked. “What?” Midorima asked. “Well they just seem a little distracted and they won’t tell me what’s going on… Plus they never usually keep us waiting.” Takao explained. “Yeah they’re apparently at the library.” Midorima answered with a shrug. “Well will you just check on them some time?” Takao asked, Midorima would have dismissed any other request but considering it was to check on you he gave a non committal grunt instead before standing up and disappearing out of the cafeteria in search of you.
You were surrounded by books as you hurriedly wrote notes about something, Midorima watched you for a second from where he was leaning against the bookcase “what are you worrying about?” He asked softly as he walked towards you. “I need to pass this exam, this is the third time that I’m taking it.” You mumbled as you looked over the book again groaned after your finger traced a sentence three times. “Why didn’t you just ask for help?” He asked. “This is my problem, I don't need to bother anyone else with it.” You explained as you waved him off. “You aren’t bothering anyone, what are you studying?” He asked, you tried to deter him but he just reached over you and grabbed the book that you were looking at and nodded before closing it. “I can help you with this after practice today.” “Hey!” You said quietly, Midorima would have laughed if you were alone, he’d never heard you raise your voice even a little and you trying to sound intimidating made him want to laugh. “I mean I’ll help you later, it doesn’t matter what you need help with, ask me.” He said. “But-” “You're the only person that gets the privilege so use it.” He ordered pushing his glasses up his nose “now come on, you need to eat something before our next class.” “T-thank you.” You mumbled playing with your fingers as he linked your hand and pulled you out of the library.
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Daiki Aomine
💤 Again someone else was the reason that you met Aomine, Momoi befriended you and dragged you to practise. 💤 From the moment that Aomine saw you he thought that you were cute and let's be honest he thought the personality was a jackpot. 💤 He took every opportunity to tease you, given his height he’d just lean over you, crowd you into a corner or lean down to your ear to whisper something usually “this making you nervous?” 💤 It didn’t take him long to realise that he wanted more than just the teasing and actually asked Momoi to help him. 💤 There was a lot of work involved in him getting you to believe that he wanted you but he did. 💤 Aomine has and always will be a tease so that often meant that he’d come out of nowhere to press kisses to whatever part of your skin he could reach. 💤 Always steal whatever food or drink you have and if you try to stop him he’ll bite your fingers if they’re close enough to his mouth. 💤 He honestly loves to show you off, especially if he knows that there was someone around that liked you. 💤 Momoi sent you to go and get Aomine when he was skipping out on practice which always resulted in him getting something that he wanted from you in return.
You climbed up the ladder catching sight of your lazy boyfriend, who seemed to be taking a nap. “Dai?” You asked softly, you saw his eyes flicker open as they moved to you. “Was just dreaming of you.” He smirked as he put his hand out towards you, you rolled your eyes as you took his hand letting him lead you closer sitting up at the same time that he directed you to sit straddled over his waist. “She sent you, didn't she?” “They just want you to show up for practice.” You said softly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, hoping to distract you. “You know they send you here because I can’t say no to you.” He mumbled face now buried in the crook of your neck. “Can you please just go to practice?” You asked. “Mm if you do something for me.” He muttered. “What?” He asked. “I’ll tell you when I want it.” He said. It seemed like a terrible deal but it was probably the only thing that could get him to go to practice. “Let’s go.” He smiled tapping your thighs for you to stand, you watched as he jumped down from the small heightened part of the roof, you often forget that he was an athlete with the amount of time that he spent lazing around, he turned back to you “come on beautiful, I’ve got you.” He helped you down before walking towards the fire exit with your hands connected.
When you got to the gym, they had finished their warm ups “oh! You got him!” Momoi cheered and you nodded. “Yeah.” You nodded. “Thanks (Y/N), you're the best.” Wakamatsu said, you blushed as you nodded at him, and Aomine grabbed your arm. “About that favour.” He mumbled pulling you back by the waist holding you close “I want a kiss.” “R-right now?” You asked. “Mhm.” He hummed leaning closer “In front of everyone?” You asked. “Mhm.” He hummed again before pressing a kiss on your lips making a show of kissing you in front of the rest of the team before pulling away still close to you “now go wait with Momoi I’m not done with my favour.” “B-but you only asked for one.” You frowned. “Wait for me.” He winked as he jogged off to the team and Momoi pulled you over to where she was sitting to watch them practise.
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Ryota Kise
📷 Kise was and still is a sweet boy, he saw everyone as they were and he never treated anyone as if they were below him despite the fact that he was a model. 📷 He got a lot of attention and you assumed that meant that he had no idea who you were because you faded into the background easily. 📷 Kise noticed you after you bumped into him, he started to see you around more and more, he would never get you to say anything but you would smile and wave before someone else demanded his attention. 📷 He decided that he wasn’t going to let anyone deter him one day and made his way over to you introducing himself and asking for your name, it didn’t take long for him to make a friend out of you, though it did take a little longer to convince you to go on a date with him. 📷 Once you became official, there were very few people that knew about it, he made a statement to say that he was no longer single but he made sure that no one knew your name. 📷 At school you guys seemed like good friends but when you got some time alone, Kise never stopped pressing kisses all over your face or any other skin that he could find. 📷 Kise never forced you to do anything that you didn’t want to do, he respected your personality, he did love it after all. 📷 Likes to spend time with you in one of your bedrooms just talking especially after having a tough day. 📷 Take on your conversation if he can see you getting uncomfortable or flustered.
You had been with Kise for months now and while you were happy there was one thing that was bothering you. Kise had kept your relationship a secret in the hopes that it would make you more comfortable and in all honesty it did. However over the last couple of weeks you had noticed how close people were getting to him like, the fact that no one knew how he was dating meant that they could still try to get his attention. You hadn’t said anything to Kise. You were sure that it was your own jealousy but Kasamatsu, who you had become friends with since dating Kise, had noticed a difference in you.
“What’s bothering you?” Katamatsu asked. “Huh? Nothing. I’m fine.” You answered as you continued writing notes at your desk. “You're a terrible liar.” Katamatsu glared at you and watched as your eyes moved down so that you weren’t actually looking at him anymore. “I’m just working through some things. It's fine, nothing to worry about.” You said playing with your finger. “Have you talked to Kise about it?” He asked. “He doesn’t need to know about it.” You argued and he nodded. “So it has something to do with Kise?” He asked. “He didn’t do anything wrong!” You said quickly, you knew that Kasamatsu often looked for the worst in Kise even if they were friends. “Okay… So what’s going on?” He asked. “Ust people seem to be gettin closer to Kise you know, people who are probably better suited to him you know…” You explained. “You're worried?” He asked. “He doesn’t make me feel like I should be but I am.” You admitted. “Hey Kasamatsu can I talk to (Y/N) for a second?” Kise’s voice made you jump, as you gritted your teeth with your eyes closed, neither of the boys said anything but you heard them change places and then Kasamatsu left. “Please look at me.” Kise pleaded and it took a minute but you finally looked up at him, he smiled softly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You were thankful that he wasn’t going to make you say it again. “I thought it was me… I was trying to think of something that would make this all go away.” You explained “I wanted to have a solution.” “You can’t figure all of this out by yourself.” He said softly, he was careful how loud he talked. “I know…” You answered, he could see the tears in your eyes and he wanted to hug, to comfort you properly but he couldn’t. “I want to hug you.” He mumbled as he looked at the people around you. “You could if you wanted to.” You mumbled. “People will see.” He reminded you and you nodded. “I know.” You answered. “Maybe we can fix everything, I’ll hug you now and later we can talk about a picture to announce you as my girlfriend, if that’s what you want, if you're ready for that.” He suggested coming around the table to pull you into a hug kissing the top of your head. “Yeah, maybe we can.” You mumbled burying your face in his chest relishing in the feeling of him hugging you.
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Atsushi Murasakibara
🍬 You were out buying snacks the first time that you had ever interacted with Atsushi, you were trying to decide on what to get and he just leaned over you to grab what he wanted. 🍬 He leant down his voice low and lazy as always, he was right next to your ear as he told you what one you should get, then he was gone. 🍬 You blushed as you caught sight of him walking past the window of the shop but nothing more happened from it. 🍬 At least for you nothing else happened, you assumed that he’d never remember you that is but he noticed you around the school more often. 🍬 One day he saw you, there was a guy around your age leaning over you, he saw that you were uncomfortable, that was enough to have him walking over but when he saw the guy take the food that you had been eating he was ready to go into battle. 🍬 He scared the guy off and then made sure to tell you to protect the snacks before heading off. 🍬 You guys were cute together, everyone thought that you were cute, given the fact that he was the scary kid that no one could approach and you were the sweet innocent student that no one expected him to be interested in. 🍬 Scary dog privileges, he watched you closely and always appeared when you needed him. He hated it when you shared food with other people, he was always worse when you did that. 🍬 The moment that you both seemed to remember most was the moment that you properly fist met.
It had been after he had saved you from the guy who had attempted to steal your food, you started to leave snacks in his locker or desk, at first he thought that he had left them there by accident and was pleasantly surprised but when it became regular he wanted to figure out who was doing it. Atsushi waited one day he was across the hall watched the door to his classroom and then he saw you, you weren’t in his class, he walked towards the other door looking in to see you slipping the sweet treat into his desk, he snuck up behind you so when you stepped back you bumped right into him. “What are you doing there little mouse?” He asked. “I-I um…” You didn’t seem to want to admit what you were doing. “Are you the one leaving all those snacks for me?” He asked. “You helped me before, I’m just saying thank you.” You answered stepping away from him but given his height he still seemed imposing, so close. “You could have just said thank you” He smirked, his desk was against the wall so when he moved both his hands to rest on the desks on either side of him you had nowhere else to go. “I-I’m not very good at talking…” You explained. “Mm, this is the first time that I’ve heard your voice.” He smirked. “How about you just give me my thank you gifts in person and we’ll leave it at that?” “In person? Why?” You asked, he just smirked as he reached around you grabbing the snack that you had hidden in his desk and winked. “I got to go meet a friend, thanks, next time give it to me in person okay?” He asked before you could answer and he disappeared out of the classroom leaving you with a blush on your face paired with a smile.
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Seijuro Akashi
👑 Your parents knew each other, that was how you ended up meeting however, you never made him feel like he needed to be anyone except for himself. 👑 You guys would seek each other out when you knew that both your parents would be at an event together. 👑 You knew each other well and that was why you were one of the first people to notice the personality change and you told him as much but you still didn’t leave his side. 👑 Akashi made sure that you were looked after at school, even with everything that was going on with him, you were one of the most important people in his life and did not plan on leaving you. 👑 You didn’t treat him any differently with the personality change in fact, you stuck closer than you ever had before, you never really said anything but you were there if he needed you. 👑 Akashi would always ask if you had eaten before providing you with something if you hadn’t. 👑 You congratulated him on every win and attended every game no matter what was happening the next day. 👑 His eyes found you in the crowd every time, his eyes landing on you where he gave a subtle nod in appreciation and you gave a shy wave. 👑 He didn’t notice how important you were until the end of the match with Kuroko when he finally accepted everything but he didn’t wait to tell you.
You were sitting in the crowd, you were happy that Kuroko had managed to win, you had been friends with him before you all went your separate ways but you were more devastated for Akashi who was facing his first loss, you attempted to find him on field and realised that he wasn’t there, he was with Kuroko minutes ago you looked away for a second and then he was gone, you hoped that he wasn’t taking it too hard, you stood from where you were sitting turning to leave but came face to face with Akashi. “Oh! Sorry I didn’t know that you were there.” You said taking a step back to put some space between you. “Yeah I was looking for you.” He said “Glad I caught you before you left.” “Is there something that you need?” You asked. “Actually there is.” He said softly, you waited for him to continue talking, you were expecting some kind of favour like taking something for him, or delivering something for him but what came out of his mouth was something very different “Will you go on a date with me?” “M-me?” You asked, looking down at your hands. “Yes you.” He laughed, it had been so long since you had heard him laugh, you missed it, it brought a blush to your cheeks and it only worsened when he lifted your chin to look at him “what do you say?” “U-um I would love to but are you sure?” You asked. “What do you mean?” He asked. “You could probably have anyone here, are you sure that you want me?” You asked, he hated that you seemed confident in that one sentence, that you were sure that he would pick someone else so instead he leaned forward, the smile now softer and almost sad. “I’m sure.” He answered before pressing his lips to yours in a long awaited kiss, one hand cradling your cheek and the other around your waist to pull you closer to him. “Come on.” He pulled you after him ignoring the staring, focused solely on you as he led you to the perfect place for your first date.
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Request Here!!
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kucho04 · 8 months
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Art trade for @wannabe-cartoonist-blog ❤️ Also happy birthday to Kuroko <3
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sophiria · 1 year
cw and tags: 18+ mild smut in some and suggestive content in all, fem!reader
Aomine Daiki's thumb strokes your bottom lip as strands of his navy blue hair tickle your forehead. A soft laugh leaves your lips, and he feels your skin heat up and then shiver under his touch. He smirks before cupping your cheeks with his hands and capturing your lips in a languid kiss, all while his hips are rocking against yours as he thrusts in and out of you.
Hanamiya Makoto's forehead rests against yours while he's holding your body against the wall. His nose nudges yours, and you peer at him through your lashes before skimming your fingers through his raven locks. He tilts his head slightly and then takes hold of your hand, letting his mouth linger on the inside of your wrist before placing a kiss on it.
Imayoshi Shouichi slowly cages you against the wall and then brushes his nose against yours before catching your lips in an open-mouthed kiss. You eagerly accept his lips on yours, running your fingers through his hair, and he smirks into your mouth. His glasses might be slightly in the way, but you don't seem to mind it at all.
Kagami Taiga is holding you to himself with his hands splayed over the small of your back, while your arms are wrapped around his neck and your fingers are tangled in his hair. He lowers you onto the bed as you explore each other's mouths through fervent kisses, and he grins into your mouth as you wrap your legs around his waist and draw his body against yours.
Kiyoshi Teppei's big hands roam all over the softness of your body as he half-whispers praise in your ear and nibbles at your earlobe. You shiver in delight, and he starts trailing kisses behind your ear while he clutches your hips and raises them to meet his. He should be careful about how he positions his knee, but he can't find it in himself to care—not when you tug at his hair and hold his body tight to yours.
Midorima Shintarou gives you a lot of slow, passionate kisses as he slides in and out of you, and his long, delicate fingers are entwined with yours. You actually enjoy the feeling of the tape on his left hand, and he feels your body shiver under his when he runs that hand over your back. His lips are on your neck the moment you tilt your head back, and he places feathery kisses on the exposed skin while curling an arm around your waist.
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mcverse · 1 year
Hey don’t know if your doing KNB anymore but-
Could you do HC’s on all the boys playing with readers hair? Like reader is having troubles sleeping or something and the boys just play with their hair?
✧ Type: HC
✧ Warnings: Hurt to comfort sorta, fluff everywhere, maybe ooc but it’s love man, slight crackhead energy if your squint, curses, not proof read/spelled checked
✧ Side Bar: You said or something so I did something ✨ joke aside I had so much fun with this if you can’t tell. Thanks for the req! this is actually safe for someone 17+ despite the warning for the rest of the blog
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Credit: atamanrr on tt
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— Akashi
College finals are coming around fast. And you were stressing out.
You weren’t like your brilliant boyfriend, who always guarantee he’ll come out on top every time.
You procrastinate, you mess up, and you forgot. The polar opposite of your King, it still puzzles you to this day why he wants you.
But disregarding all that, you still tried to study to make up for it and it helped a bit that he offered his aid. What a sweet man ugh.
Sort of. Not really.
While he looks completely in his element as he practice quiz himself, GETTING EVER ANSWER CORRECT, you were over it as you sat across from him.
Your lips were borderline bruised as you abused it throughout the session, running your fingers frustratingly through your hair as you feel stumped over a word problem.
Akashi notices, of course he does. He’s an observant person and an attentive boyfriend. It was clear that you needed a break but he knew how stubborn you could be.
So he sets his pen down, getting up to come around to where you are—all of which you don’t notice until he’s pulling you up and dragging you towards the crouch.
“Seijuro?” You question him when he casually drops on the cushions with a deep sigh, dragging you with him. He doesn’t say anything as he wraps his arms around your lower back and use his free hand to rake his fingers through your hair, albeit much less aggressive than you had, “Sei.” You try again, this time getting a reply.
“You need a break.” He says, never ceasing his movements. If anything he pulls you closer, so your flush against his body, your head on his chest, “No buts. It’ll still be there when you get back.” He adds when he sees you about to protest.
You hate when he’s right. Always at the worst times too. More than he’ll ever know, especially when he gets what he was aiming for easily. Your supposed to be independent.
Instead his stupid warmth was pulling you in, the light scraping of his nails that occasionally graze your scalp slowly putting you into a small trance.
You mumble a quick, barely audible, “Thank you,” as you drift into your first nap of the day. It’s a good thing when you miss the curve of his lips as he glance down at your peaceful expression, otherwise you’ll try and tease him endlessly.
“Anything for you, my empress/prince.”
— Aomine
This was hard for him. No it wasn’t because he can’t show affection. Aomine is actually very affection to his lady, maybe too much that it’s borderline manhandling. You don’t complain.
It’s hard for him because he really hates to see you beat yourself up, comparing yourself in the mirror to his magazines.
Sometimes he wish he never kept them, not liking how insecure you got. He knows they can’t compare to you and you know it too… you just can’t help yourself most days.
He feels guilty each time you tell him that it was okay to keep things like that since you were real and they weren’t. He didn’t deserve such understanding after causing your tears indirectly.
And so every time, Aomine waste zero time in wrapping his arms around you, crowding you so your face was buried in his chest.
“I know,” you whine, eyes wet with weightless tears and nose beginning to drip, but it was the least of both your worries, “I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. They’re so pretty!” you squeeze around his waist, the very same you can barely reach around.
Aomine listens. He listens and watches every choke cry, every fragile wail, every doe and tearful eyed glance up at his face.
He didn’t bother to explain again that it wasn’t about them being pretty because he knew it would make it worst. He was smart enough to realize that.
It didn’t break his heart any less though. He’s not sure how many more these sessions he can take without getting rid of the whole stash.
Because nothing was really worth seeing you like this.
Aomine sighs through his nose, pushing your head back against his chest after you glance up at him one more time, running his fingers through your hair to smooth you; a method that always worked. He was anxious, despite his calming demeanor—you can hear it in his heart.
The same beat that lore you to close your eyes, clinging on to the man that brings up such insecurities unintentionally. When your shoulders slump, he picks up with your head now rested on his shoulder. He still doesn’t stop his movements in your hair as he takes you to the shared bedroom.
“It’s alright, baby,” he’ll mumble as he lays beside you with his arm under your head for support. His hands still wringing themselves in your hair, but occasionally drift to your caress your cheek as he watches you sleep, “I won’t make you feel like this again.”
He kept true to his word. Threw the whole stash away after waking up from the nap.
As much as he cared for those magazines, he cares about you more. He’d be damned if he let a fake thing mess up a good one.
— Kagami
You have been dating Kagami for a while, almost a year. So it was safe to say he has seen you in all the craziest states you can conjure up.
To name a few: days where you’re too lazy to wear makeup (makeup is genderless) , a few random hormonal pimples, fresh out the shower with your hair sticking to your head like the ring antagonist.
He’s seen it all.
He’s also dealt with your mini tantrums or mood changes that sometime went along with them. That’s what a partner is supposed to do. Take the good and the ugly, not one or the other.
This time was no different, you were getting ready to go out to the shopping center but ever since you woke up, your hair has not been cooperative.
This only led Kagami to assume you were frustrated, especially based on the loud huffs and weird growls you’ve been letting out.
He could hear your down the hall as he’s making a sandwich, cursing as you wrestle with your hair. It’s when you let out a loud ‘“Fucking stupid ass hair be submissive” did he enter your room.
“Babe, are you almost done?” He asks, even though he can see you aren’t, which earns a glare briefly sent his way before you focus back on your hair.
“Do I look done, babe?” You mock back.
There’s the attitude he loves.
Kagami didn’t get it. This was probably the most tame your hair has every looked but your fussing over one off section.
If anything… He’s putting down his sandwich and dusting his hands off with purpose.
“What are you doing?” You shout, watching a he stalks up behind you to rack his fingers through your hair. On a normal day this would be soothing, but he wasn’t doing it to help.
“Taiga, this looks fucking worst!” You whine, slapping his hand away as you stare, mouth agape at the mess he help create.
He simply grins, “I like it.”
“Please tell me that was the clean hand…”
He thinks you look hotter with messy hair. His favorite time of the day was morning because he got to see you first thing, hair wildly misplaced.
— Kise
It was supposed to be a leisure day. A simple day where you can stay inside to finally finish this new Netflix show called “sanctuary”, while not be judged for eating half a cake. Alone.
But then your fantasy is disrupted because your reminded your boyfriend was Kise, and he was never not clingy.
He shows up unannounced, as he always does with his “I miss you so much baby” type shit.
You were a little annoyed, just a little. Your day was all planned out, so it’s to be expected. Just as it was expected to know it won’t go that way due to Kise.
Reluctantly, you let him in because he was a little too upbeat and bright, compared to the darkness and coolness that your apartment gave.
There wasn’t really a different with Kise being there.
Except no personal space and him eating more of your cake then you, which might be a shocker but Kise only ever let’s loose with you.
You were his safe space, and he liked to return the favor, regardless of how little.
Kise was sitting up right on the sofa, while you were laying your head on Kise lap, both of you equally engrossed in the show, and still semi hungry after the cake was gone but too lazy to get up for something else.
You got startled when he subconsciously starts petting your head. Did he think your were a pet or something? But your thoughts were eased away when his petting turns into wringing his fingers through your hair, scratching pleasantly at your scalp from time to time.
There were moments he’ll twirl it around his finger like a little school girl being nervous around her crush. You thought it was really cute, so you had to voice it.
“You’re so cute, Ryo.” you blurt randomly. He still his movements, blinking before looking down at your with flushed cheeks,
“I didn’t do anything.” he says, resuming his movements.
“Even when you’re not doing anything, you’re crazy cute.”
“[Name] -cchi!”
— Kuroko
It was fall, how beautiful the colors change. It was a perfect temperature—in Japan. America was a whole different story, let’s not get into that though.
Anyway, it’s date night with Kuroko. Every Friday, like clockwork, unless something came up. Thankfully, it didn’t!
You both just got done eating at this new place you saw and of course, Kuroko had no complaints but didn’t finish his food.
Luckily, you guys got to take it to go without any extra charge. Now your both just casual strolling down the streets, hand and hand.
But then Kuroko was pulling you in a random direction, that you soon found out was a park.
“Testu?” you call to him, peering at him curiously. He only looks back at your for a second, and the warmth from his eyes was enough for you not to question any further.
He’s a really sweet boyfriend, ugh.
At some point during the walk, you saw a pretty tree that still somehow has a lot of leave on it and the colors were too gorgeous to pass up a photo.
Instead of taking a photo of just the tree, you told Kuroko to take a picture of you with it.
So there you were standing under the tree, posing awkwardly as people walk by and wait for your boyfriend to take the picture.
But he takes forever. He has the phone up, the app’s open but he just pauses as your pouting.
“Testu! Take the picture,” you whine, body going tense as you struggle to hold the pose. When it looks like he’s going to take the photo, he lowers the phone and walks over to you. That only confuses you more, “What are you doing?”
He’s reaching up to your face as you stare at him skeptically, but he skips your face and goes right to your hair, where he runs his finger through it, “You have something in your hair. It’ll ruin the photo.”
How considerate is he? A+++
You thank him, obviously, when he gets it out. And you thought that’s was the end of it, that he’ll finally take your picture.
No, Kuroko is still wringing his hand through your hair.
He’s smiling softly to himself, completely forgetting about the task at hand. It takes you clearing your throat to bring him back to earth. Even then, his hand doesn’t leave your hair. He just waits patiently for you to speak.
“The photo, Tetsuya?” you remind him, with a tilt of your head.
His mouth forms a “o” and he finally removes his hand, “Sorry. Your hairs really soft today.” He then walks back to where he was before, pointing the phone at you as if what he said didn’t make you red in the face.
— Murasakibara
The clock read 2 am when your staring up at the ceiling.
You were exhausted but your mind refused to let your rest.
The lie would be a big one if you said you didn’t know why. Despite your good day with nothing eventual happening, your brain found ways to nitpick always.
It was 2:54 when you decided you’ll have a late night snack, maybe watch some tv to lull you to sleep.
But it was 20 minutes later when your walking into the living room to see Murasakibara already on the couch and not in the bedroom where you left him.
Murasakibara isn’t a light sleeper, but he knows when something’s different despite being sleep. When he doesn’t feel you hugging his side, he lazily gets up to find you.
He finds you in the kitchen, making yourself a half pb&j sandwich. He immediately knows it’s one of those nights where you can’t sleep just from that.
Instead of letting his presence known, he goes to the couch and waits for you, already knowing if he did bother you that you’ll try and get him back to bed and leave again.
It’s almost comical seeing his big frame spread across a couch just a few inches too short for him.
“Atsu, you should be in bed.” You remind him, walking over to him. He looks up at your drowsily, a pout already playing at his lips.
“Hope you got enough for me too.” He ignores your statement, opening up the blanket you originally got to get comfy on the couch alone, “I’m hungry.”
You get confused at whether he was actually referring to food or you, after all, this situation happens often and the outcomes are unpredictable since it’s him.
Murasakibara sees your hesitation and grows impatient, instead reaching out to pull you to him and force you in the blanket himself.
“The food, Atsu!” Your protests fell on death ears, with you trying to keep it from getting trapped within the covers.
He opens his mouth and pulling you closer to him. One of his hands pushes your head to his chest and now he’s running his fingers through your hair as if to shush you from saying more, “Feed me.”
Your trying to pull away, but don’t prevail, “There isn’t enough for you, you giant!”
“Then I’ll just have to eat you.”
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universal-imagines · 1 year
hii! i was wondering if you could write something for kagami & midorima where they give their s/o their jacket! thank you so much (and if you can’t that’s totally okay)
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❆﹝ borrowing their jacket ﹞
kagami taiga.
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When Kagami asked you to wait for him while he finished practicing, you didn't expect to sit on the bench for two hours. By now, it was dark out and chilly. Not that either of those things was unforgivably terrible, just a tad inconvenient. 
The first wasn't even an issue, if you were being honest, because your boyfriend would be walking you home. But the latter would have your teeth chattering embarrassingly the whole way there.
While he packed his things, you debated whether to ask Riko if she had a spare sweater, but just as you were about to, you felt something soft fall on your head.
"What in..." You fully expected it to be some dirty towel of Kagami's, but after yanking it down, you realized it was his jacket. "Oh."
"Wash it for me, yeah?" He grinned.
"Can't you just let me believe you're being nice for at least a second?" You glowered at him playfully.
midorima shintaro.
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Maybe Midorima did warn you about the temperature dropping below a comfortable level by evening, and it's possible you chose to ignore him. But honestly, who wants to carry a long coat around all day?
It would have covered your whole outfit and been too warm to wear until nighttime. However, as you hugged yourself and shivered just slightly, you had to admit you were starting to regret it.
By the turn of his head and look in his eyes, you knew he was expecting you to call him. Anyone else would have assumed he was annoyed, but you knew him better than that.
"I warned you."
You wanted to pout and argue with him, but there wasn't anything that could save you.
"…I know, but I'm cold."
He sighed, adjusting his glasses.
For a moment, you thought he was just going to ignore you, but he soon turned to face you.
"Remember to give it back once you're done with it," he shrugged his jacket off and placed it over your shoulders.
"What if I want to keep it?" You smiled, feeling the warmth immediately spread throughout your back and arms.
"Then it can be your lucky item."
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please do not use any of my works, in any shape or form, without permission.
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ferg0s · 1 year
“Not too hard.”
You let out a gasp as your eyes shot open. Your hands gripping onto anything they could find - it being the red hair of the person beneath you. You couldn’t help but tense your muscles as you felt his tongue glaze over your clit.
When you helped out Kagami and he said he wanted something in return you were mentally prepared to be bent over and fucked into oblivion. But instead you were standing, legs open, heaving and clutching his hair as his Tongue slowly played with your clit. You could feel the mixture of spit and your slick going down your leg, while the other one helped keep you exposed as you had your foot on the bench next to you.
His arms held you open, lacing in between your thighs and his hands resting on your hips, him pulling you closer every time you tried to jerk away. The sloppy sounds of him sucking on your clit echoed through the empty locker room- followed by quiet pleas to be gentle, or little Mewls.
Your eyes were screwed shut, too absorbed in the pleasure to have the energy to stay open. Sweat began to bead up near your temples as you felt yourself get closer and closer to your climax. Kagami, too absorbed in his actions, didn’t hear your quiet plea to slow down.
“Taiga- taiga I’m gonna-“
Your let a chocked groan as you felt yourself cumming, your legs giving tensing up and hips bucking into kagamis face as you rode out your orgasm on his tongue. You felt your legs lose any bit of life you had in them- but you stayed propped up. When you looked down and saw kagamis flexed biceps you realize he was holding you up. When you felt his tongue begin to circle your swollen clit you realized he had to intention of stopping anytime soon.
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midn1ghtdreamer · 1 year
Kuroko’s Basketball boys x Pregnant Reader
These are head canons on how Aomine, Kagami, and Kise would be during your pregnancy.
He’s not shocked at all. He claims that he knew you would be pregnant after one night in particular.
He doesn’t seem like he would want a baby, but behind closed doors you could tell how excited he was. His love for you and the baby did not stop his complaints whenever you asked him for weird cravings at night. Despite all of his complaints he would make sure you had everything you needed. No matter how difficult it is to get it. He even asks Murasakibara to help find the rare foods.
He starts making competitions with everyone else about whose kid would be better at basketball. Kagami was his main target.
“My baby’s going to kick your kids ass on the court.”
“Oh yeah, well see about that, Aomine.”
He very shocked. You two hadn’t touched the topic of kids yet. That didn’t stop his excitement though. As soon as you told him he grabbed you and spun you around, reassuring you that he was ecstatic about the baby.
The news couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Kagami’s basketball was taking off, leaving zero concerns about money. He was concerned about you though. He wouldn’t be able to stay with you, especially when his team went on tournaments. You had to convince him that you would be ok so he would go to his games.
He couldn’t wait to share the news with everyone either. Alex was one of the first people to find out about your pregnancy. She even volunteered to watch over you while Kagami was away. Kagami was worried about you to say the least
Remember when I said Aomine would challenge everyone else’s kid? Yeah, well Kagami made a bet with Aomine that his baby would win a basketball game. He didn’t;t tell you about his little bet either you found out about it years later.
He was outside teaching your son different moves to use and out of nowhere he says, “You can keep all the money if you win this game.”
You gave him an earful about it later and all he had to said was, “It was a good motivator for him.” You couldn’t deny it either. Your son did everything he could to make sure he beat Aomine’s daughter during that game.
And yes Aomine’s pride was hurt when his baby girl lost, but he didn’t hold it against her. She was his sweet little girl after all.
Literally will not shut up about it. He tells anyone and everyone he can, even when your standing next to him obviously pregnant. As in added bonus he walks around with a picture of your ultrasound in his wallet, showing it off at every opportunity. He just can’t stop himself and you don’t have the heart to stop him either. You both waited so long for this baby.
Anytime your around a large group of people, Kise goes into security mode. He won’t leave your side for anything. You want to talk to your friends, he’s there with you. Getting a drink, he’s there too. The probability of you going anywhere without him is .0001% out of 100.
He will also become your personal servant. You could be in the nesting stage of your pregnancy, feeling the intense urge to clean, and he wouldn’t let you lift a finger. Dishes? Clean. Laundry. Done. When he can’t handle all of the chores he calls in his mom. She makes sure everything is in order before and while your in labor. Making sure that you brought your baby home to a clean house.
If you thought that Kise would stop talking about your child after birth, you would be dead wrong. A newborn picture of your baby in a pink onesie would replace the ultrasound that he carried. He was a proud father and he was going to let everyone know it.
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lan-tana · 4 months
Still not over the fact that Kuroko stayed alone longer than Seirin in the airport after saying goodbye to Kagami. Can't help but think he used his lack of presence to take some alone time to collect his thoughts and oh how perfect it was for Kagami to make his love declaration to just Kuroko
I mean I'm also still not over Last Game at all but for a lot more reasons but eh
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kleftiko · 1 year
Would I be able to request a Kagami x reader where Kagami finds a box full of all the nonperishable gifts that they've ever given to the reader even from before they started dating? From KNB
cw: none, this is fluff
yes you may lol
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kagami taiga: best boy.
who doesn’t say a word of protest when you ask him to get you a sweater cause you’re cold, even though you’re already bundled up in one, cause he knows it’s not the right one at the moment.
kagami, who gives you a peck on your forehead before silently going to your room and looking through your closet.
kagami, who finds a sweater he’s been missing for a few months on the floor, and picks it up, only to see a small shoebox underneath it.
kagami, who finds the ticket stub to the first movie you watched together inside, the ink on the corner smudged beyond comprehension from the cherry soda stain on it.
kagami, who pricks himself on the participation pin he won at the festival. the one he couldn’t stop pouting about and gave to you to ‘get out of his sight’ when he was trying to impress you.
who finds the ‘happy 5th birthday’ card he got you cause he thought it was funny. that still had his horrible handwritten love note inside.
who wraps you in a bear hug when he comes back to you. and although it’s always welcome, you’re a bit confused. but his whines are all you get out of him as he holds you close and gives you kisses like you’re gonna fade away.
kagami, who forgot the sweater on the floor of your room cause the only thought on his mind was how incredible you are.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Taiga With An S/O With Clinical Depression
Taiga Kagami X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello! May I request Kagami from Kuroko's basketball with a reader that has clinical depression? General headcannons is alright or a script fic.
Warning: Clinical depression and it's symptoms, someone writing about clinical depression that doesn't have clinical depression
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🍟 So Kagami is a pretty honest guy so somewhere towards the beginning of the relationship you both had a talk about any problems that you might have and what you needed the other to do in response. 🍟 Trust me when I say he does not judge you, he never has and never will, he knows all too well what it’s like to be judged for something that you can’t control. 🍟 If you're going through a time of sadness or emptiness he’ll often just make sure that he’s there, he will wait for you to seek out the physical contact or conversation but he’ll definitely be there in the room. 🍟 If your doing something that for some reason makes you angry, he’ll take over, he’ll just lift you onto the counter and sit you there tell you to tell him what to do, he won’t ever stop you from getting involved again but he hopes that his help will take some of the stress away from whatever task you were attempting to do. 🍟 I’m going to be honest if you struggle with sleep he’s not actually going to notice until a couple of days in when you seem unbelievably tired, he’s too much of a heavy sleeper to notice you getting out of bed or traipsing around during the night. 🍟 That being said, once he does notice he’ll try to help you get some sleep, whether that means laying down with you on the sofa, or just sitting and watching something until your eyes fall closed. 🍟 Kagami is going to struggle with eating habits if that is one of your symptoms. If you have reduced eating habits because of your ailment then he’s likely to just eat what you haven’t and if you have an increased eating habit he’s going to just encourage it because all he ever wants to do is eat. This is something that goes right over his head if you don’t tell him. 🍟 He’s going to notice anxiety of restlessness the moment that it strikes you but he doesn’t like to feel like he’s overbearing so he waits to see if you ask for help, if not he might ask you but you’ll have to tell him if you really want him to help, in his younger years barrling in got him in trouble so he more careful now. 🍟 He tries to keep you in the present, he’ll never let you dwell on past mistakes, he knows where that leads and he won’t have you going down that road. 🍟 He’ll remind you to set reminders on your phone for things because he knows when it comes down to it neither of you are going to remember whatever it is. You both realised very quickly that it didn't work so instead you got a physical calendar for events and a whiteboard for lists of things that you needed. 🍟 It helped him a ton too, he was always bad at remembering events or meetups that he had planned, until Kuroko was knocking on the door. 🍟 If body pain was something that you experience he was not opposed to carrying you places or giving you massages, he even went as far as getting muscle rubs and ointments to help you.
🍟 If you're someone who goes to the gym to help, he’s definitely going with you, it will become a couples activity and he’s definitely bench pressed you a couple of times just to see you laugh. 🍟 Encourages any self help methods that you have and even gives you time to carry them out if you need his help he’s more than happy to help you. 🍟 I wouldn’t put it past Taiga to have been put into some kind of therapy himself but he was probably the type to say it never worked until he was in it. But again he would never tell you that anything you were doing for yourself was not worth it, he’d actually pay for a private therapist for you if you were serious about it. 🍟 If you are on medication he’ll make sure that it’s written somewhere so you both remember that you need to take, checks in to make sure that you’ve taken it and keeps an eye on you to make sure that it’s not pushing you too far in one direction or simply not working at all/losing effectiveness. 🍟 Biggest support pillar if you ever come off of medication, also tells that there’s no shame in admitting that you might need to go back on it if you feel like you aren’t coping. All in all Taiga is the type of partner to be there for you, he is not pushy and he doesn’t demand anything from you. He’ll be there for whatever you need and he’ll keep you present.
Request Here!!
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active-mind-15 · 5 months
Since some people have headcanons about one or both of Akashi's parents being part European (where in Europe usually changes per person, but it's normally somewhere in West Europe), wouldn't it be funny if the English that Akashi had been taught growing up was British English? I would pay money to see Akashi and Kagami to be put in a room, speak solely in English, and side-eye the lingo each other uses because they both learned different dialects.
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imagine-knb · 10 months
Gom+Kagami+Himuro reacting to their crush shyly doing a kabedon on them for a dare
What a fun prompt! So sorry this took forever, anon. I just started my new position at work after moving across the country so my energy level has been very low. I think everyone has different ideas of who is the GOM depending on when they are referred, so I erred on the side of more is better and included Kuroko. I hope you enjoy these! -Admin Jade
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A hard smirk breaks over his lips as he leans against the wall, seemingly unaffected though his eyes meeting yours show he's actually quite interested, maybe even pleased. After all, he'd thought of doing the same thing to you but was concerned you'd have run away. "Bold of you to invade my space, ___-chan. Very few people can get this close to me... unless I want them to. Guess it's your lucky day. Now," he leans in closer, breath ghosting over your lips, "what are you going to do next?" No one would or could know just how much your boldness had affected him, he having had a crush on you for months now but uncharacteristically he hadn't made a move. Now, he knew he had made a correct choice; despite your shyness, you'd made a move. How rewarding.
"Eh? What're you doin', ___-chin?" He looks down at you, as usual given his height, a lollipop going back in his mouth as he waits for you to explain caging him in both sides of his waist. Not that he minds, having wanted you close but not knowing how to tell you. When your cheeks turn pink and your gaze drops as you start to move away, he sets his large palm on your back, holding you fast. "I didn't say you had to stop," he mumbles around the candy in his mouth.
"Are you trying to kabedon me?! OMG you're so cute!" Kise can't believe you'd actually have the guts to try such a thing but he's so pleased that you did. Not that he was nervous to approach you once he figured out you returned his feelings, but he hadn't pinpointed the correct time. Now, you'd saved him the trouble in your bumbling but adorable attempt to cage in his larger form as he passed the ladder you stood on setting up for his next shot. Watching your eyes widen and your face flame up, he chuckles as he steps closer, arm on your back to hold you steady. "Careful, ____-chan, I wouldn't want you to fall for me twice," he says with a grin.
A frown creases his brow as Takeo snickers behind you. It's disappointing seeing you give into such a useless and childish attempt of expressing affection and he tells you as much. "If you felt something for me, why not just say it?" But as your face flushes and you fight back tears, he regrets his harsh words, cursing himself for a quick wit with no filter. As you try to scurry away, he grabs your hand, unsurprised when you won't look at him. "My apologies," he says, voice clipped but words sincere, "you... you at least did something about your feelings while I remained silent." When you finally look at him with wide eyes, he clicks his tongue and pulls you away from Takeo's teasing glances. "Come, let's discuss this development in private."
"You think you're so smooth," Aomine purrs, turning the tables quickly on your attempt to kabedon him by pressing into your space, your back hitting the wall opposite the one you attempted to cage him to. He smirks down at you, gaze tracing the flex of your throat as you swallow thickly. "Didn't think you were into this kind of stuff," he goes on, leaning closer. "Let's see what other surprises you have for me."
Kuroko was walking you home after a meal at Maji Burger when it happened. You'd just reached the door of your apartment and he had said his usual goodbye, but instead of opening the door you crowded him against it, palms planted either side of his head. Kuroko's heart was pounding but his face remained neutral as ever meeting your eyes. The silence became uncomfortable and you retreated with a murmured apology. "Why did you do that?" he asked. When you explained, the smallest of smiles came over his face. "You could have just told me, ___-chan," he chastised lightly, but with no heat in his voice. "Let's go out next weekend. Somewhere new."
When you ask him for a drink while studying at his apartment, Kagami doesn’t think much of it, rising from his seat and heading to the kitchen with quick strides. It’s when he turns around to head back that he nearly careens into you, a sharp, “What the hell?” escaping in his booming voice mostly due to being startled at your unexpected presence. “Why are you blocking the door? What’s the matter?” he asks, brow furrowed and cheeks heating at your closer proximity. When you shakily explain your behavior, his face turns as red as his hair. “I… do you want to go out? For a date?” he blurts out. “I’m sorry it took a dare for this to happen but I really want to take you out.”
He was used to attention from people, but yours is what he actually craved. So when you rose to the challenge of the silly dare and tried a kabedon on him, Himuro took the opening for all it was worth. He let you get close, a soft smile on his face as he reached up to caress your cheek. "So close and yet so far. If I dare you, will you take the next step forward?" he asks, feigning amusement while his heart hammered against his chest to finally be so near you.
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eunoiaaaivy · 1 year
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╰┈➤thank you for visiting eunoia airlines! ah! another great trip for the lovable you! enjoy this trip with your love one as you roam around la with them! we hope you'll enjoy this trip and come back again!
songs to listen to: i. ii. iii. iv. v.
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cw: a bit suggestive, mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption, a tinge of jealousy, mentions of insecurities, fluff, pet names (doll, love, baby, babe.)
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kagami sipped on his wine glass, the taste gliding along his tongue. he felt the way it burned his throat a bit but his gaze was only focused on one person. you.
rather it was the person you're talking to.
you both went to los angeles for his game that was a few days away, and a concert of the arctic monkeys the week after. not this.
you were chattering all and about, yet he could feel the way his nerves were irking as he gripped the wine glass tighter. kagami burnt holes on the back of the man's head, somewhere within himself denying what he was feeling. jealousy.
he knew it was a contagious disease but he couldn't help it. why would he when kagami had you?
the booming music through this small bar-club typa building didn't even help at all. he could see from a few meters away his teammates, aomine with his girl, akaashi inspecting his surroundings, midorima sipping his drink with a distasteful look, murasikabara not having a care in the world as he was chewing the cherry and kuroko trying to stop kise from chugging down another drink. then he sees you.
talking to a man.
you suddenly came in to his life and stole his heart.
he had you, and you had him. your fingers wrapped around each other as your feelings were confessed on that night before.
kagami feels special as he looks at you, you were chortling and he couldn't even care about the man.
it made him feel special at the thought that you chose him out of everyone.
he felt so lucky, as if he just won a lottery prize as you cheer for him at his game, making him attain victory. he never knew were it started but you were the very person he needed.
the woman he loves who was the brightest star in his universe, a trophy that nobody has but him. to kagami, you were the river flowing down in a slow steady ocean in amsterdam. to kagami, you were the very air he breathes. the one who steadies him on the ground as the world crumbles behind him. you were his home.
kagami believed that love was an emotion that was passionate, something that everybody has to wait for. but when he looks at you, he can't help but be proud of the way he suddenly confessed his feelings back then. (albeit embarrassing to him.)
he could still remember the way your lips first felt like against his, hovering as if there's no tomorrow. kagami could still remember the way you wrapped him around your finger, forever stealing his heart as he did with yours.
it felt like yesterday, when the both of you were walking and he suddenly had the urge to clasped his hands around your much smaller ones. the beating of his heart against his ribcage and the clammy feeling of his hands wasn't something he'd forget. ever.
it already was embedded in his head the moment your delicate hands were wrapped around his calloused ones.
kagami could never forget this feeling. he will never forget the way he would get all jittery and nervous with the way you smile at him, or with the way you reserved a soft spot in your heart for him. like the way you did with yours, he had an even more softer spot for you.
anyone could see his gaze, kuroko was really wet from the rain yet he offered you his umbrella, leaving his light-blue haired partner sneezing the next day.
kagami could feel this feeling wouldn't fade. it was like you were his very memory his brain muscle can never forget, maybe like a broken record replaying over and over in his head.
it was no lie that you were really beautiful, yet a mystery to everyone. they couldn't fathom what was so different about you. they were intimidated with the way you gaze at them, yet the red hair saw nothing so different.
you were so perfect in his eyes.
everything, every moment and every second spent with you feels like time is slowing down. the laugh, the smiles, the echos of it all- you slow down time.
kagami could feel it, he feels like a kid- the happiness, the innocent touches, and the adrenaline rush. everything about it was so special to him.
it was like butterflies were the things he ate in the morning as he hears your laugh, even when his joke was so unfunny.
love consumed him. everybody could tell.
but what do they know?
do they know how you brighten up his day and make him so fuzzy? does everyone know that you make kagami so weak in the knees for you as you whisper sweet-nothings in to his ear as the monsters of insecurities come back crawling to him? would everyone know that your lips against kagami felt so right to him? that it felt so good?
you're the blood running along his veins, the pulse through his life. the heart his yearns for and has, and the way it pumped out with so much adrenaline and blood filling up his body. you're the seratonin that makes him much more happier and much more lively.
you were the adrenaline that rushed across his whole body as he plays basketball and he could hear, see you in the stands cheering wearing his jersey on. you were the the iron streaming along his blood. the one that functioned his heart beat everyday.
oh gosh, no dopamine swarming in his head can conquer his happy days with you.
and it makes him warm and fuzzy that you chose him. out of everyone. you could've chosen somebody rich and more good looking than him. somebody more who has self-control and discipline. but it goes all away out the window as you tell him "i love you and only you."
it feels like he won the lottery ticket that can conquer all his bills. yet he knows this isn't just a lottery ticket he won.
to kagami, you were much more than that. you were worth everything.
kagami could feel his jaw slacking as he sees you smile at the man. you know he's looking, yet you were teasing him with this.
clearly, you had no likes for the man. the wedding ring against your ring finger says so.
kagami knows your his. and only his.
but this man was no ordinary man, he could see the way this random man was looking you up and down. he even ignored kagami's presence when he walked up to you and dragged you away from where you were!
having enough of teasing the love of your life, you sauntered your way over to him with a smirk he's all too familiar with. that teasing smile of yours only pumping him up.
making your way to him, you let out a short chuckle with the way his arms immediately wrapped around your waist, wine long forgotten as he placed it on the side. he lowers his face to the crook of your neck where he could feel your pulse surging as he placed a lazy kiss over it, making you gulp and sigh from the sensation.
" were ya teasing me back there doll?" kagami mutters out lowly, face nearing below your collarbone. "if you're trying to make me jealous then it's working. you win the game now." his voice on your collarbone sent vibrations throughout your whole body as he placed another even more lazy kiss.
carding your way through his red tussles of hair, you chuckled at his admit of defeat, making him groan even more as his body came back to his full height. "aww, is my poor taiga jealous?" you teased out as you sent him a wide grin, only to receive a low growl from him.
"ofcourse i am, did you see the way he was looking at you? it was like he was a predator! i was ready to come swoop you out there!" taiga whisper-shouted in your ear as the grin on your face only widened.
"aw, but you know im only yours right?" you muttered out near his lips as your arms wrapped around his neck pulled him down to your height. breath fanning over his, making him groan lowly against your lips as you didn't make the move kissing him.
kagami's hand immediately went to the base of your neck, pushing it forward as your lips crashed on his. the kiss was sweet at first, which quickly turned passionate as he pulled you closer, hands around his neck as he circles small shapes at your sides.
kagami let's out a small groan as he feels you tug his crimson tussles, hands on your waist tightened more if that was even possible. you feel yourself move, kiss not breaking yet even when your back collided with the wall.
his teeth tugged at your bottom lip, biting it as you let out an incoherent sound. the loud sound of music filled both your ears but you didn't care as you tasted the wine he drank from before, you could feel his body all over yours.
taiga was so warm, like this kiss you were sharing. his hands being placed next to your head to the wall as his whole figure covered you from the view of the man you were talking to- paying him no mind.
your lover gave you no space to breathe as he pulled away but as immediately as he pulled away, he kissed you again. it was dangerous game to play like this with kagami-the jealousy of this man was really contagious.
but you loved the sensation he sent through your body as he places a few wet kisses on your jaw, making you sigh from the sensation as he lowered himself up to your neck to press more fervent kisses there before staring up at you.
"i wonder what goes through your mind, doll." taiga started as he finally went up to his full height. his red eyes stared at yours, eyeing you as if you were a prey as you stared back at him.
you hummed out as his hands went back to your waist, circling shapes around it as your hands were still wrapped around him. "you know how to rile me up. do you always have to do that so that you could get a big kiss from me? you could just ask me, you know?" he curiously asked, music so loud.
He knew what he wanted to say
But he didn't know how to word it
The dirty little Herbert was seeking an escape
The guiltiness that started
Soon as the other part had stopped
you smirked up at him, a glint in your eyes as you stared at him through your lashes. "baby what's the fun in that? plus you look hot when you're aggressive." you said out to him as he growled once more, tugging your waist as he lowered his face near your face again.
D is for delightful
And try and keep your trousers on
I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare
"if you wanted that then you could've said so, baby." kagami said so lowly near your ear, breath fanning over you ear lobe, making your face flush as he places his head on your shoulder.
you could feel taiga chuckle against your skin as it sent vibrations throughout your whole body, leaving you speechless. "speechless right now babe? im sure that man would've loved to hear more words from your mouth." he added as you groaned, face flushing as you buried your face on his toned chest.
"stop teasing taiga!" you squeaked out, face still flushed against his chest as kagami chuckled more. "but you did that to me, love. one can play the game too." he muttered out as you looked at him, cheeks coated with tinges of pink. kagami's smirk grew wider as he saw your face. victory.
"okay fine. you win!" you blurted out as he laughed, the sound making the flowers bloom once more in your chest. "that's what i thought. never knew los angeles was going to be fun this season!" he laughed out again, you soon joining as he left a small peck on your forehead.
los angeles was indeed fun this season.
and so was the kiss you shared with kagami.
d was really for dangerous.
you couldn't wait for more.
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chosenimagines · 22 days
Sooooo I am creative but I can't decide what I wanna write
I thought you might like to decide... At least i hope so
Enjoy voting :)
And you can of course repost it to share it with others of the KnB fandom XD
If anyone that votes, wants to be tagged in any post just hmu (or if you wanna be added to a permanent taglist for this or any other fandom)
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mcverse · 1 year
Would you be able to write a blurb for Kagami x gn reader where someone on the team shows up to practice wearing a shirt with random English words without knowing what they mean? I'm sure Kagami and his so would have a blast being in the know
✧ Pairing: Kagami x GN! Reader
✧ Type: blurb
✧ Warning: nun really
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When Koganei shows up for practice, Kagami was too busy doing free throws to impress you. When your attention start to drift, he’s wondering what’s more important than watching him.
Then he sees Koganei shirt and the snickers your trying to conceal are making more sense now. Kagami wasn’t as polite as you, however, when he finds out the real reason for Koganei wearing the shirt.
“Oh this!? An American vendor was just giving free shirts away… this was the only one in my size. Not sure what it means though…”
You’re eyes lock with Kagami’s, and instantly your laughing along because his was contagious. Tears pool at your eyes at how ironic the shirt contradicts his scaredy cat personality.
Koganei looks between you both, gripping the shirt, “What? What does it mean?!”
“Who’s gonna tell him?”
Neither of you do, deciding to keep this inside joke to yourselves.
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toji-bunny-girl · 2 years
ANON says: I am always a sucker for classic aomine x reader x kagami goofy jealousy type stuff (like could you IMAGINE them trying to deal with each other while having a crush on the same person someone would for sure get suplexed or wwe style choked out)
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Def 100% totally absolutely will have those moments where they’re like,
“(Y/N)’s gonna hang out with me, fuck off”
“Shut up, retard. I knew (Y/N) first, she’s gonna hang out with me”
“What d’you call me?!”
And there it leads to those cat and dog fights 🫡
Whenever you mention one of their names in front of the other, they’ll start to look pissed off, like, REALLY pissed off and starts talking shit about them while you’re there liek 🧍‍♀️‘what did I even do-’
On the romantic side, Aomine would be bolder than Kagami and would probably steal you away from him and spend more time with you compared to Kagami (UNLESS you fight him off so you can be with Kagami LMAOO)
Either way, if you choose between them or another person, they would stop trying to pursue you and instead, keep their feelings to themselves as to not make you uncomfortable :(( Would still be protective asf over you and will defend you whenever you’re on bad terms with your man with the excuse of you being seen as they’re ‘younger sister’ (when it’s so much more to that)
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