#taekook and gcf
thetaekookcloset · 2 years
Hello! So I'm a little nervous about sending this in because I don't generally like using the anon option as I stand behind my opinions, but I also recongize that means I'm opening this up to all your followers, as a jikooker who runs a jikook focused blog myself. So I'm sending this in with respect and just as a "opinions from the other side" type of deal. And I hope that even though everyone who follows you won't agree with me, the respect and courtesy will be returned. Kindness costs nothing!
A few days ago you posted this ask and reposnse about GCF in Toyko. Both the anon sender and yourself mentioned not seeing GCFT as romantic or non plantonic or understanding necessarily why jikookers say what they say about it. You both did so fairly respectfully, which I fully appreciate. I'm not trying to change minds at all. I'm all good on disagreeing about viewpoints here. None of us know anything for sure and everyone bases their own opinions off their own life experiences and biases. We are all only guessing here. Lol just figured I'd try to answer the question over what "we" see in it. So apologies for all the explanations over why I am here, and for the essay in your ask box. I write long ass posts all the time on my own blog and it's just how I work now 😂 You don't have to feel obligated to post or respond to this either if you don't want to.
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GCF in Toyko is not the make it or break it "piece of evidence" for jikookers in thinking that Jimin and Jungkook could be in a romantic relationship. It's just one in the many things that build on top of each other that is their bond that jkkrs see as likely being romantic in nature. Its one of the things that had many jkkrs, including myself, looking back on previous interactions and on future ones with perhaps a more questioning eye. It's also something that I've seen non armys and non jkkrs raise eyebrows over. I introduced my friend to BTS before and they watched Jungkook's GCFs with me (in order, all of them) before she even knew all their names (we were introducing her to the members one by one and JK caught her eye first so we watched his videos and music before the others) and she asked while watching "is the blonde in the video his boyfriend?" And I explained that it was actually Jimin, who was in the same band and as far as the fandom and we all know, no they are just best friends. And she said "well that's some friend then!" And we moved on to the next GCF in Osaka. Or how often i see clips of Jimin from GCFT in armys "pov: you are on a date with jimin" tweets. Lol But it does show that's its not always just the jkkr bias that makes us think the video has some romantic inclinations.
I have... a lot of posts on my own blog that talk about their Toyko Trip and GCFT as well too, but I'm not going to link them or anything because they are definitely written with the assumption that my views and guesses over their relationship is correct and they are boyfriends, which is not what I'm wanting to do here necessarily. But for a lot of jkkrs, the importance placed on the trip comes from the importance placed on it by Jimin and JK themselves. They talked about that trip constantly since it happened, even in interviews in 2020, as well as expressed interest in doing it again. It was how they went through that trip wearing matching fits on their personal time, went sightseeing and went to Disney and had a good time. How JK filmed a video about Toyko, but Jimin ended up being basically the only focus. The intentional choice of the song because he had to pay copyrights for it and the way he matched movements of the video to lyrics on the song, including during the lyrics "love is a road that goes both ways" with a cut scene of them driving down the road and you get flashes of both a rainbow lights ferris wheel and a regular one. Which felt fairly intentionally queer coded, in a video that starred Jimin that Jungkook made.
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Jimin also had no idea that the video would even be made at all. So it gave the idea that the Jimin we were seeing, was the Jimin that Jungkook sees all the time. Goofy, happy, having fun, treated well, etc. All that, paired with the music, paired with how they talk about it, paired with how it was edited, paired with the trip itself, paired with JK surprising Jimin over it all, paired with JK telling us he used inspiration videos from a video editor YouTuber called "making a video for your boyfriend or girlfriend," gives off romance vibes (to me).
Your post also mentioned JK being camera shy during the trip, but I disagree. Being camera shy and preferring to be behind the camera don't have to be one in the same. JK made it into a few shots of the whole video, included starting it off with a shot of his feet on the airplane too. I think it just shows that for Jungkook, the point of the trip and the point of the video wasn't about him, or even about them, but about Jimin. Which also feels romantic to me.
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You guys (you and anon) also mentioned how you can see two friends making the exact same type of video about a trip they took and were excited about. I disagree, but this could just be life experiences bias coming into play for all 3 of us. I think a good example that could show the difference in what I think would be a normal vlog video between a friend trip and a "could be something more" trip would be Jimin's toyko vlog that he shared. I did a post about the differences there too on my blog, but rather than get into ALL of that. I'll just highlight my points about how JMs video showed JK ALOT, so he wasn't camera shy, he just wasn't in his own video. Jimins video highlighted more of their activies done, them being goofy together, paired with fun music and cute transition slides. For me, this doesnt disprove a possible romantic relationship between them either, it just is what you would expect from a video about two best friends who went on a vacation together. JKs video was a totally different vibe all together. In my opinion. So the completely different vibe as well as everything else about the trip all put together made the video seem more than just plantonic.
^ Jimins Toyko Vlog, with English Subtitles included for anyone who wants to see it if they perhaps haven't. And if you weren't in the fandom long, or aren't a Jimin bias, it doesn't get mentioned a lot. Lol plently of jkkrs also don't even know about it for a while! He posted it originally to Twitter in 2 parts, this army just combined them for us for convenience 💜
^ GCFT if I'm here linking things, JK always deserves more streams.
Lastly, his following GCFs were mentioned in your post as well and while all the members do feature in them, Jimin always appears to be highlighted in them. In Osaka, JK cuts the song out completely to highlight Jimins laughter 3 times. In Saipan, Jimin has not only the most screen time, but he also he paired Jimin with the same specific lyrics time and time again which were the more romantically inclined lines. In Helsinki, the colors changed from black to white when Jimin came on screen. Jimin is also the only member to appear in every single GCF video from his first to the last one we have so far. Jimin joking about being the model doesn't just come from no where. Lol but no jkkrs should be claiming (at least I'm not) that app GCFs are indicative of a romantic relationship between jikook or JK and any member. And one or more can be considered romantic while others aren't, or however anyone sees them. Not all GCFs are trying to give the exact same message. At least I personally didn't see them that way.
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But again, I'm not here to try and argue really. Or change anyone's mind. I fully recongize how my biases can be influencing my opinions and vice versa for yall and every "shipper" as well. I dont mind if people disagree. I just saw the post and saw the confusion over how/why jkkrs see GCFT specifically in the way that they (we) do and figured I'd offer my perspective as a jkkr who is active in a blogger space. And I think I said all (probably more) that I can say over this topic in one ask. Lol so if you read all of this, thanks for taking the time to read an opinion that differs. Hope you all have a good week!
~ Storm
Hey Storm!
This is really interesting! I'm going to present it mostly without comment and treat it as basically a guest post from a differing perspective.
One thing I just want to clarify about my own feelings on GCFT specifically is that even though I don't really get romantic vibes from it myself, I do get why people see it that way. I get why it might be a big "maybe" moment for Jikookers, and I know that it has definitely piqued the curiosity of non-shippers too, and I understand why. I just don't see it as inherently romantic, or like something that can only be interpreted in a romantic way, and that's why there are plenty of people who come away from it without getting that impression too.  That being said though, I definitely see the argument.
I re-watched all of the GCFs after reading this and I definitely noticed some new-to-me things. It's so fascinating how we can watch the same material and take different interpretations and details away from it. If anyone hasn't watched the GCFs, or hasn't seen them recently but read through this whole post, I'd definitely recommend revisiting them.
Also, I'm sure it goes without saying, but please everyone be respectful. I'm glad that we can talk about differing opinions in this space, that's something that's valuable to me.
Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective, Storm! You put a lot of work into this, and I really appreciate the clarity and attention to detail.  I hope you're doing well!
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dearweirdme · 10 months
Hello, I'm a different anon from the rest, and I apologize if you're tired of this conversation.
I was one of the people who was surprised about the hello kitty plushie, two helmets, and crop top. If the plushie was at Jin or jhope's house I wouldn't bat an eye. But it was and Jungkook's house, and he has never really shown interest in cute sanrio things. We've seen his place a billion times and it's always been very plain. I agree with you and your anons that assuming he has a gf based on a stuffed animal is silly, but I don't think that's the case for the majority. For me personally, it reminded me of Yubi. I know everyone is tired of the yubi talk, but she is the only rumor that actually has some backing to it. No matter if their relationship was or wasn't romantic, there is no denying she is/was linked to JK.
I saw someone bring up JK denying he had a gf. I dont think thats any proof tbh because just based on idol culture, they will never straight up tell you they're dating. That's just not how it works. Maybe he was telling the truth and he doesn't have a gf, but that doesn't disprove the leaked videos either since it is months apart. In my eyes he confirmed the video when he went live and told fans they know where he lives and and made a gesture with his head towards the window. & Hypothetically, if be had a gf, I don't think he deliberately put the helmets and the hello kitty in the frame to send a message. When something has been there for a while you dont really think about it. We haven't gotten a live from him in a long time either, and one could argue is because his gf had been over for a long period of time. The helmets left on the couch seemed like he went riding with someone and they took it off in the living room. Based on lives, his helmets aren't ever on the couch, so that's not the usual places he stores them. I think its fair to assume they were both recently used.
All in all, I think it's odd to call people ridiculous or trolls just because they don't blindly believe in taekook. I will admit I flip-flop a ton, but it's because I'm a visual person. The visual facts that we have are tae holding hands with a female and jungkook embracing a female in his apartment. In terms of taekook yes there's some sweet moments (which is why i became a tkkr), but nothing that can't be pinned on korean skinship between males. I just don't see the problem with asking questions because it's valid when we see contradicting things. & again, it's not just about the plushie there's more to it, but this is getting too long so I'll end it here.
Hi anon!
I am actually a bit tired of this, but I'll take the time to respond to you and explain my reasoning a bit.
First of all, I did not call anyone a troll or an idiot for not blindly believing in Taekook. I've had this blog for a while now, and I recognize when people send me stuff because they actually want to hear my thoughts (you for instance) or when they send me stuff just to gloat or bully. I think I'm allowed to use some stronger wording to show my annoyance at that. I understand why people do not blindly believe in Taekook, very much so even.. I have less patience for those who do not even try to see and open their minds up a bit though. Overall I think it's clear that I'm very open to receiving asks and discussing things from severall viewpoints.
For me all those items aren't really a big deal. The plushie he could have easily gotten from a fan or a friend or whatever recently, no clue why it's been decided that it's not his plushie but that of a supposed gf. I imagine during Golden release Jk has gotten many gifts from many sides and this could easily be one of them. The helmets on the couch does make it look like he just returned from having driven home with someone, but nowhere it becomes obvious that it was a woman who drove with him. It could have been anyone really, regardless of gender and relationship. I do understand why the top is suspicious to some. It does look like a female top to me. It hanging on his coat rack makes me think someone left it at his place even, but also.. it hanging on his coat rack makes me think it's from a friend or staff rather then from a gf. I think Jk didn't even think twice about leaving it there because it is nothing special to him.
Jk said he has no girlfriend, which I believe. The part in his house was filmed after he stated that I believe.. or around the same time, which means he did not have a gf at the time of the GCF filming as well. I do recognize that members could lie about these things, but I lean more towards them ignoring things like that if they are in fact dating rather than lying about it. Duck and dive is what they're being tought in mediatraining.
I don't feel the lack of lives is because someone was constantly at his place. I think Jk has been working really hard and hasn't actually wanted to do much lives, for reasons of his own. Realistically speaking, he would have had time to go live even if he had someone over a lot. He could have gone into another room, he could have done it when the person was away for a bit, many possibilities.
I definitely don't agree that everything between Tae and Jk can be explained by skinship. To me there's many moments that go beyond that. (if I find time somewhere maybe I'll finally make a post for those moments).
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babytaekoo · 2 years
just jungkook filming his baby
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vantekoo · 2 years
have to rant/vague post ignore
#but why r u as a plus 30 yo a *insert rpf ship* supporter#just call yourself a shipper if u must#like the rest of us#embarrassing#like i already posted this on main but jikookers really think that jikook is an out couple or something#like they think they came out? or smth#the people claiming ’jungkook is literally gay’ in regards to the valid criticism of him perfoming at the world cup#im so sure those were jikookers actually#bc who are you to say that your fantasy as a fan is in any regard relevant to real world events#like actual matters that are about real peoples lives. like this is not an internet joke what the fuck#cringe as fuck how these people who are SO sure that jikook is real are like 30 year olds#i havent seen taekookers to the same extent like if theyre not like teens or younger they will admit that we dont know and probably never#will and like they are delusional just like me but also self aware#jikookers on tumblr are NOT self aware they live in an alternative reality for real#where jikook are an actual couple and they know this! they literally came out bc havent you seen gcf tokyo???#like….girl#Being a jikooker apparently means being a supporter#while being a taekooker means being a shipper and is probably seen as disrespecting jungkook#for not accepting his relationship with jimin. I dont know how to tell you. theres as much ’proof’ of your lil ship as mine#and you dont know these guys! literally only know their personas and what they show us lol! or rather what hybe shows us#an ur 34. im sorry i cant get over it
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Why didn't V go to Tokyo with Jimin and Jungkook? did they break up at this time? V was in Japan too at the same time and Jimin said they tried to call him but he never picked up. why do I have a feeling that V was so harsh to jk at that time?
GCF TOKYO - the mysterious first GCF film...
Why didn't V go to Tokyo with Jimin and Jungkook?
No one knows the true answer to this, but the suggestion is he had a private family matter.
I personally, think it's possible that there was some kind interference from BigHit, Tae ended up going with his parents/family in Tokyo.
Did they (Taekook) break up at this time?
I don't think they "broke up", but I think some-thing/-one was separating them a lot this year. It could be family or BigHit but I don't think we'll ever know for sure. Tae and JK were originally supposed to go to Jeju, but JK mysteriously had a private family matter. Then later that year, It's clear Toyko was originally intended to be a VMinKook trip but like JK early, Tae mysteriously had supposedly private family matter to deal with. I find that strange.
V was in Japan never picked up any phone calls from JK or Jimin, why?
Another mystery that no-one knows the real reason behind. The simplest reason, he was ignoring JK and Jimin; another possibility Staff/Family was stopping him.
Further evidence backs this up with the the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics G-100 concert on 1st of November 2017, which was the day after Japan trip. The tension between JK and Tae is very palpable, and by the looks of the members it was obvious they were very aware of that.
Based on post GCF Japan interview videos where Jimin raises the topic things get awkward very quickly (not just with Tae, Jimin and JK but all the members particularly RM), which would suggest that everyone knows the reasons why.
Something weird happened... but after concert, the issue kinda seems to be resolved because I few days later Taekook are fine.
Why do I have a feeling that V was so harsh to JK at that time?
I think this is the culmination of a phase in Tae's life where sometimes he probably he came across as indifferent and sometimes "done" with BTS (though I don't think this was actually the case) and on the very of quitting, and with Tae's personality at the time, it could sometimes come across as a little cruelwirthout it being so..
However, compare Tae in 2018 to where he was in 2017... it's clear he changed between 1st November 2017 and 26th January 2018, I think Tae was dealing with a lot of underline mental health issues at the time possibly connected to being over worked and also still dealing with the death of his grandmother from over a year earlier.
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jeonscatalyst · 12 days
I just realized today after thinking about things long and hard that most of the hate Jimin gets today especially within the fandom is because of his bond with Jungkook. When I say it is because of Jungkook I don’t mean that Jungkook himself caused it, I mean that Jimin being associated to Jungkook, having a bond with him, loving him and being loved by him is the one of the biggest reasons he gets all the hate he gets today.
The very first people who started with this insane hate against Jimin were taekookers who developed a hate boner for him and started sending him death threats as early as 2015 because according to them Jimin kept coming in between their ship. Things got go much worse for Jimin after GCF in Tokyo and after 2017 in general as we all saw a huge increase in Jikook moments (because they were together alot and not because the company was pushing a narrative that they were the closest) and a huge decline in taekook moments which made the cult go feral. That is when the vitriol and vile hate we see these people have for Jimin started.
Whether they want to admit it or not, majority of Taehyung’s fans within the fandom are taekookers or were at some point and that led them to hate him too and that hate continued even after some of them stopped shipping taekook and became solo stans.
Jungkook solos always had a hate boner for Jimin and I believe this is because they saw and still see what most of us see in Jikook and it makes them extremely uncomfortable and that is why they constantly project unto Jungkook by claiming that Jimin makes him uncomfortable and that Jungkook hates Jimin and that’s why they don’t like him but the truth is that, they are the ones who felt uncomfortable watching Jimin and Jungkook interact. Something about Jimin and Jungkook’s bond always felt “weird” to them and they could sense the things jikookers feel when they see Jikook interact and seeing as most Jk’s stans are Y/Ns who picture themselves with him and most of them are deeply homophobic, it makes sense that they would have a huge problem with Jimin. I mean they know about Jimin having his mouth on Jk’s neck long enough to leave bruises. They know about Jimin’s sweaty earlobes being in Jk’s mouth. They know about Jungkook choosing to spend many a nights with Jimin doing “nothing” so it makes sense why they are uncomfortable.
Without Jungkook in Jimin’s life, there would be no taekookers to hate on him, no Tae solos (ex taekookers) to hate on him and no JK solos to hate on him either.
We also wouldn’t have blinks so desperately hating on Jimin because we know that a good number of Jk solos are blinks who token stan Jk just to hate on Jimin and other members.
Me specifically speaking about the hate Jimin gets because of his affiliation to Jungkook doesn’t mean Jungkook also doesn’t get hated because of his bond with Jimin but everyone knows that the hate Jimin gets is tripple what Jungkook gets. Stan tweet in particular seems to have it out for Jimin and I honestly don’t understand why. They look for the least opportunities to hate on him and mass like hate posts about him and in those posts, we see all the other idiots like taekookers, jjks, tae solos and other solos who hate Jimin more than they love their own faves because they don’t mind liking and even rting a post from a hater who has also hated on one of their faves so long as that person is dragging Jimin.
So many times I have seen people say Jimin’s solo stans are the worst solo stans but I can honestly say that Jk solo stans are the worst and it baffles me how two people can love each other so much and yet have the nastiest fans who are at each other’s throats every single day. I say Jk solo stans are the worst because they are manipulative, deception and pure evil. Don’t get me wrong, PJMs are a piece of work but they haven’t gotten to that level of evil yet in my books. Jjks are evil set of people. This fandom and the entire kpop community never think twice about any rumors that concern Jimin as they eat it up no questions asked, JJKs know this and they use it to their advantage. I have seen these people fake tweets, websites, messages and so many other things and spread them around just to “prove” that Jimin’s success is fraudulent because they cannot stand the fact that Jimin is the only member who can compete with Jk. They have single handedly created and spread the narrative that Jimin is fraudulent. After Jimin released his album they faked a tweet from one of the biggest Jimin funds accounts claiming that PJMs sent phones to the US to stream for Jimin. Before you ask me how I know they faked it let me tell you. JJKs would rather die than have Jimin break any of Jk’s records so if they could boost streams by sending phones to the US, JJks would have been the first ones to do it. They made up a fake tweet and spread it around and no one questioned it’s authenticity and even when the account denied it, no one cared. First of all who is stupid enough to do something like that and make a tweet about it? JJKs also created a fake account pretending to be a Jimin solo and threatened to leak Jk’s passport information a few weeks back and even though it was clear that they did it, no one batted an eye and jimin solos took the blame. Jjks/tkkrs have faked two gcs now (that we know of ) and tried to pin in on jkkrs. One happened right before Jimin’s album dropped (after we got Tteokbokki By Jk) and then the next one happened after AYS episode 6.
This is why I say these people are pure evil because I have seen Jimin solos do and say some messed up things against Jk but not up to the level of JK solos. They throw stones every damn time and hide their hands and Jimin takes the fall for it. They fake articles about him and his family, about his numbers, his success and the sad part is, they have way of getting the media to pick up on their bullshit.
Tae solos (ex taekookers) are just lazy. No offense to Taehyung’s beautiful soul but most of his fans don’t give a tiny rats ass about anything but his face. They don’t care about the music he makes, about his art. They are so quick to like and view and follow his accounts everywhere but when it comes to streaming his songs and actually supporting him, they don’t do it and because of that, they lash out at Jimin and call his fraudelent because they could never believe that Jimin whom they always considered inferior to Tae would get better streaming numbers than him. They spent years believing that the number of likes and followers someone has on social media equals success and when reality hit them in the face, they couldn’t accept that they were wrong but resorted to accuse Jimin of being fraudelent. How does hating on another person’s success make you succeed?
Taekookers, Jjks, and Tae solos (ex taekookers) have made all sorts of rumors about Jimin. They have accused him of sleeping with bang pd for favors (Jimin solos have done the same thing to Jk btw), they have accused Jimin of selling himself to pdogg and the other producers for favors. They have accused Jimin of being jealous of Jk and Tae. And the funny thing is, because these people hate Jimin so much and are desperate to bring him down, they choose to believe any negative thing they see about him whether it makes sense to them or not. Someone could post an article tomorrow claiming that Jimin is Donald Trump’s lover and you will see that post having over 100k likes with people agreeing to it even though they know it isn’t true. No one cares about the truth when it comes to Jimin, they just care about having a reason to drag him and most of this is because Jimin met a doe eyed boy over a decade ago and loved him.
No one would have cared about hating Jimin this much if he wasn’t a part of Jungkook’s life. Taekookers, tae solos, jjks wouldn’t have had this deep hate for Jimin if Jimin didn’t love Jungkook and if Jungkook didn’t love Jimin too and this is one of the reasons why Jimin and Jungkook just never made sense to me as platonic friends. There has got to be a reason why them together drives people so crazy and if their love and feelings for each other was just at the level of bestfriends, things would never have been this bad. If taekookers really didn’t see and fear something about jikook’s bond, they wouldn’t hate him so much or spend almost all their time talking about him on their blogs. Taekookers on tumblr can barely go a single day without bringing Jimin up on their blogs. Some Tae fans on tumblr can barely go a single day without bringing him up and talking about his success and work and then we have JJKs who are quite literally obsessed with Jimin and then Jimin solos obsessed with Jk. If JJks didn’t feel the tension between Jikook they wouldn’t project their discomfort and hate unto Jk so much.
Regardless of whether what Jimin and Jungkook have is platonic or not, I think it says alot that how they feel for each other brings them so much hate alone and together. I think it says alot that despite all these hate they have gotten for years, they just keep getting stronger. I think it says alot that millions of people cannot stand the ground Jimin walks on just because he has Jungkook in his life. Whether people choose to admit it or not, they feel the strong bond Jikook have and for some reason this frightens them.
No one breaks into an empty house. No one puts so much effort into something that isn’t relevant so usually when a whole lot of people are doing everything in their power to break or bring something down, it is usually because they see and fear it’s power. No one would care about hating on Jimin so much if they really thought Jk hated him. No one would care about discrediting his success so much of they really thought he was irrelevant, no one would try to make him the villain so much, if they didn’t see the beauty of his soul and no one would try so hard to dim his light if they only saw darkness.
It breaks my heart that their love for each other is one of the biggest things that brings them hate but there is some weird satisfaction I get from knowing that their bond is strong, deep and obvious enough to get this many people trying to destroy them individually and together. No great person ever had it easy. No one who made history ever went through life without getting stones thrown at them so I take this to mean that Jimin and Jungkook are meant for the greatest things. When people see your grace and the bright future ahead of you, they try to break your wings before you even realize you can fly but the good thing is, they always, always fail.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
Now today we got that goddam proof that jikook is fanservice when jk said suddenly they set up the shoot lol
I hope you are coping well ❤️‍🩹
Antis with all their anti-ness dont push the FS narrative as hard as the vermin do. So I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're a Taekooker.
Ladies and gentlemen this roach is talking about this
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I won't even get into the fact that you were most likely seething with jealousy when u sent this ask. You can lie to yourself all you want but you wish it was Taekook who filmed this fanservice. Alone. Together. You would give anything to switch positions with us and it shows.
I hope you're coping well
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Bitch, take a seat. Go on, have a seat. Let me tell you something you didn't know. Are you ready? Coz its a big one. For some very weird strange reason y'all still think V and JK are a couple when a whole Jennie exists. So I'm not gonna talk about that. V and Jennie being a couple is crazy but here is something crazier.
I'm sure this photo is familiar.
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And if its not, you're welcome. It's cute, isn't it?
So the reason why Taekook cannot be real is because; that's JK holding Jimin as they slow dance casually without a care in the world and with guess what? Your fav standing right there!
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Let me know if that wasn't enough arrows and I can add more. I just wanna make sure you see the picture.
But that isn't even the best part. I recently found out that this night, this night where JK has his hands on Jimin's waist all intimately while they dance like it's no big deal,
Thanks to @chicknbunny13 I recently found out that it was V's birthday!!!!
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Can you fucking believe that shit?????
Anon, imagine you and your friends go to this party and it just so happens to be your birthday. And then your boyfriend (right infront of you) goes and grabs your best friend's waist and they start slow dancing. They're not goofing around either. No. It's for real. They're just casually moving, slowly, not even looking at you or paying you any mind. How would that make you feel?
Taekook is not and cannot be real for a million reasons. And one of the most powerful one is the amount of times Jikook have done some sus shit right in front of V's salad. You can call it fanservice all you want, but it wouldn't hurt you guys sm if you didn't know deep down what that means.
Edit: @magicshop-pjm1 just reminded me of this part:
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What do u call that anon? JK being aware that Taekook together will bring in more views? 🤔 Let me guess, because its Tkk, its not FS. That only applies to Jikook?
We are getting a GCF 2.0 featuring our favs and its gonna be great. So yes anon. We are doing fucking amazing. Thanks for your concern though.
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not-goldy · 8 months
Yes that photo is Kookmin not Jikook. Kookmin energy always hits different & something tells me JK likes that dynamic. Why do you think he added Kookminaredating to his club? I'm sure he saw a lot of Jikook, Taekook & maybe even Namkook names, but he said Kookmin rights. Remember when Hobi teased Jikook when they picked their name for that game, with that sus smirk/smile & he asked why it wasn't reversed & JK's name first and JK said he's alright with it cause Jimin is older. Also Hobi, what was the reason? Anyways, JK saw Kookminaredating and clicked add to club so fast, I know he did. He said I'm large, but he's in charge, but really, I'm in charge.
Also this seem to be the day Jimin got his award/graduated. And You know JK is so damn proud of Jimin too and showing it off to everyone. To those who tried to claim JK was unhappy Jimin got first or miserable & the freaks claimed its cause he was missing Tae & hurting cause he wasn't there to see him graduate. JK said kiss his and Jimin's ass loud and clear at a Podium, into a mic. He said Mic drop BAM. In case it wasn't loud enough. The magnet energy is real and their I don't give a fuck about your feelings, we still gonna be the same us energy, is still going strong. They made a pact for life and they are sticking to it.
Also with each photos coming out they are looking more comfortable, so good for them. No matter what kind of relationship they have, the way they remained unbothered by all the hate for all these years and only get stronger and stronger. I salute them.
Aaaahhhh you are my tribe you are you must be
When Kook gets on his kookmin shit MY GAAAAD
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He gives gcf he gives rosebowl, he gives well this
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For illustration
Jikook kookmin
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Jikook kookmin
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Jikook kookmin
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Do you know how fucked you gotta be as a shipper to even know the distinction????😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kookmin supremacy Jikookers change my mind🤭
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stormblessed95 · 5 days
Hi, I really like your blog and found no better place to rant.
Before I start, I hope to clarify a couple of points to set a clear context:
1. I'm a baby army.
2. I'm an Asian.
3. I am straight. (Don't get me wrong, my personal belief is that love has no gender)
I ran into Taekook videos when I first discovered BTS with zero to no idea about shipping culture. The fact that TKrs claimed their relationship to be real seemed ridiculous to me. I genuinely thought that people were forcing their weird fantasies on two men who have a good friendship. So I moved away from TKr or 'shipper' content and started to watch BTS as a whole with absolutely no idea that parallel ships had a fandom. That's when I came across GCF in Saipan. That freaking video!!!! There was no way I could turn away from looking at JK and JM differently. The song, the editing and just how ethereal JM looked or smiled irrespective of his weird antics and spontaneous shots seemed pure, full of trust and openness. That's how I discovered Jikook and it has been 2 months now.
This also brought me to another discovery, Heterosexism. I work at a corporate company and had a casual discussion with my colleagues regarding an awareness training about eliminating bias and I was surprised at the reaction for a topic surrounding homosexuals. The media here romanticises that homosexuality is accepted, with a few articles on recent homosexual relationships and weddings. But on a deeper scale, the citizens are still homophobic. I was told off for showing support to the pride community, to the extent where I was asked if I was a homosexual.
Finally getting to my question, I have noticed that a lot of jikook supporters are homosexuals. What about people who are not part of the pride community? Is there a good number of people who are straight but not homophobic? Is there a safe space for us to show our support without being judged for it?
True Allyship is appreciated at most pride events and with most queer people. If you are talking about within the Jikook spaces, I do think a large portion of Jikookers are queer is some sense, but a lot of them are straight too. And as long as you aren't talking over queer voices or making a queer safe space no longer safe, I think it's fine for you to be involved.
I'm pretty sure I've got a fairly large following of straight people here anyway too. But let's do another poll and see. These are always lower engagement than the amount of followers I actually have, but it gets a sample size at least. Lol polls are totally anonymous too, in case anyone was worried.
Last time I did this, there was confusion for my aro/ace friends. Y'all are the A in LGBTQIA+. You count as queer, my loves 💜
If you aren't an ally, you don't get an option and you can unfollow 😂
I've got my issues with fake support and Allyship from shippers, but that's a separate discussion and I do think that there are a lot of people who are true and good allies here.
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btstulip · 8 months
Wait, what did I just watch?!
When I first became interested in BTS, it was because my Facebook algorithms thought I might be interested in them and kept showing me fun videos. They were not wrong and I got sucked into watching BTS more and more.
As you can imagine, I quickly started getting fed videos of popular ships... mostly Taekook. Being new to BTS (and K-Pop and "ships" for that matter), there were definitely moments that I could admit looked like the actions you might see between romantic partners and it did get me wondering if any of the BTS members might actually be together. But I also knew close friends could sometimes look like a couple to people that don't understand their relationship. I have friends I kiss and cuddle with, but never once did I plan to date them. Add to the fact that I originally assumed some of this was just fanservice, something I no longer believe after much research here on Tumblr convinced me that BTS doesn't participate in traditional fanservice after their early debut stage. I knew it would take a lot to convince me any relationship was more than that of two very close people that cared about each other very much.
So I watched these Taekook and other videos with a lot of skepticism. I dismissed many of these videos right away as just playful people that enjoyed skinship with someone they were close to. But a couple caused me to find longer clips to check context. Most of these looked like nothing when played at full speed, uncut/edited, or with conversation context. And the more I watched of BTS, the more I could see how close and unique each of their relationships were. I loved how much they cared for each other and I wasn't invested in any of these guys having more than the close family relationship I could see they all shared. Still, I was curious if there was something all these fans knew about Tae and Jungkook that I didn't, so I kept looking.
I should add here that I was only days in to my BTS obsession research at this point. I had lost more sleep than I want to admit watching "one more video" for hours at a time desperately trying to answer the next burning curiosity, but still, I had only just started learning about the members of BTS. At this point, I absolutely believe all the BTS members care deeply for each other. They are family and have a bond I don't think any of us can really understand. These are 7 individuals that each share a unique bond with each other and as a whole. I don't think any relationship "competes" with another and each should be honored.
Though I wasn't expecting to be convinced that any of these members were actually dating, my desire to put context to these cute clips I kept seeing made me want to understand their relationships more... especially Tae and Jungkook because my video feed was FULL of these! I often found tumblr posts explaining the moments/relationships that gave me clues and insights about the members that I didn't have yet. The arguments I read for Taekook seemed possible, but I was sure there were similarly convincing arguments for all the ships. So I decided that I had to research the other ships to either prove or disprove that Tae and Jungkook actually had something extra.
I decided to start looking into Jimin and Jungkook. At the time, I just picked that "ship" first. But I am sure it was because I had already noticed how close those two are. Most of the stuff I dismissed, especially anything on stage. But I kept reading and watching "evidence", rinse and repeat. Definitely cute moments, eyebrow raising moments, some super questionable stuff on stage (2018 I am looking at you!), but I saw that stuff with Taekook too. I saw GCF Tokyo mentioned several times, how Jimin and Jungkook went to Tokyo together and Jungkook made a music video. And somehow this was amazing "proof", so I decided I should look that up.
The skeptic I am, I started watching and saw two guys that are very close, on a trip together, having fun. Lyrics talking about being there for each other. So cute! They are so close and this shows how much Jimin's friendship means to Jungkook. I loved it, but I could not understand how this was the ultimate proof everyone accepted. And then, 3 minutes in, when the video was almost over and I had basically decided it was about a beautiful bromance, it happened...
Boy, I'm holdin' onto something Won't let go of you for nothing I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
Eyebrows raises, well that is definitely romantic. And then, seconds later, my brain broke...
There was a time that I was so blue What I got to do to show you? I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you Runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
My jaw was on the floor. What did I just watch?!? That wasn't "proof", that was PROOF! There was no way to spin that other than a full on love confession. Did he actually do that? I can't believe any member of a K-pop group would do something so loud that is almost impossible to take any other way, unless you cover both eye and plug your ears!
I needed confirmation. More context. I read blogs all about GCG Tokyo and they delivered. Jikook fans gave me even more details, things I didn't understand because I was a BTS newborn (still a baby, maybe toddler, but growing quickly). Solo trip together on personal time, big deal. Jungkook recorded and edited the video, releasing it only a week later. Wow. Jungkook is a perfectionist that cares about his art and chose the song for a reason. Check. The song is by an openly gay artist? Why are we still discussing this?!
Still, I wanted an outside perspective. One not looking for this video to confirm anything with little context. So I made my sister watch it. Told her it was these two guys went on a trip together and one recorded and made this video. What did she think? "It's a love confession." Two of my kids also agreed... the third is a teenage boy that is horrified that his mom is obsessed spending all her time watching BTS and he refused to see it as anything other than someone saying "you need to be there for me too".
I suppose it's possible this was just about friendship. I suppose I could be wrong. I'm not Jungkook and unless he tells us, I will never know. But unless Jungkook denies it directly, you CAN NOT make me believe that video was anything other than one person telling another that they love them.
Sorry this post is SO LONG! I didn't expect it to be this long, but it was super fun. Thanks for sticking around and reading my TMI. <3
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taekooktimeline · 2 months
July 9, 2024 -
One of the photos in Tae’s “Type 1 Photobook” is this one of him posing next to a “Hello Kitty rainbow plushie in bear costume.”
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It’s the same plushie we’ve seen in Jk’s home, in GCF Budapest.
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https://youtu.be/gJ1Hknhs1Ys?si=C4p2ZtBJrpdXz8le, :20-:28
And what’s super cute is it looks like Taekook own the biggest plushie of the three options -
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CT to @angel_HeMaYa on TW for the above info on the plushie and last two pictures
And it’s exclusively available in America only (remember, Jk was in America quite a bit for Golden promos) -
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I’d also like to archive some of Tae’s choice in clothing in his photo shoots. In the first photo, he’s wearing a “love my way” t-shirt by allsaints. The brand launched a collection theme with people expressing their own perceptions of love, celebrating different love stories.
This t-shirt’s name references the Psychedelic Furs' song “love my way.” The song is dedicated to people struggling with embracing their own sexuality amid social pressures. More specifically, Richard Butler, who penned the song, said, “It’s basically addressed to people who are fucked up about their sexuality,” and says, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ It was originally written for gay people.”
The song is also featured in the movie “call me by your name,” which we all know is a movie near and dear to Tae’s heart, as he’s repeatedly referenced it multiple times over the years.
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Info on the song -
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CT to @PeachesMinty, @jjkofvante, @allissur and @prettiestV95 on TW for the above photos and information.
Lyrics -
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Tae CMBYN references:
June 9, 2019 with Hobi, and on May 31, 2019 when he played the OST for the movie on the piano - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2019/625212551783907328
June 9, 2020 - reading Elio’s fathers speech during pride month - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2020/625387601649713152
September 4, 2023 - an article on Weverse notes that Tae’s song “Rainy Days” is a nod to the tomato girl summer trend which was inspired by movies like CMBYN - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2023/727548456756035584
Other notable clothes worn I want to archive (and you can decide relevancy) - “personal freedom, make love not war” -
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Shut the F U nobody cares what you think” (side note - I really want this shirt 😆)
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
I just wanted to share my own interpretation of the GCF. I get why Jikookers see it as romantic, because it certainly seems like it was framed that way, that it was possibly the intent. But I don’t think Jungkook’s intent was for it to be romantic from HIS point of view but more of the point of view of the viewer. I think it was an artistic choice and not necessarily a personal love story through video for Jungkook and Jimin. Basically I think Jungkook was just trying to be artsy and using his friend Jimin as the subject of that particular video because he’s the one that was there. I get the same artistic vibe from the other GCF’s too. Of course, there’s no way to really know what JK’s intent was but unless he ever says it was for everyone to see a video he took of his lover, I still fail to see it being a romantic link between those two. Just my opinion! Thank you for letting me share!
Ooh, that’s an interesting idea, anon!  Sort of like it’s an art project where the gaze is that of a narrator, almost, rather than necessarily the actual person behind the camera -- the same way you have the “speaker” of a poem and that person isn’t necessarily the actual author of the poem.  I’ve never thought of the GCFs that way, but I could totally see that being the case.
I think there’s a basis for that in the other ones too, as later on Jungkook incorporates more and more footage from the members working and doing official photoshoots and stuff, rather than only or mostly showing them in their off moments.
This is definitely an interpretation I haven’t seen before, but I can totally see where you’re coming from with it.  Thank you for sharing!
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dearweirdme · 10 months
"He might not have a girlfriend now but it's not impossible that he had one at the start of the year or even just a hook-up. It wouldn't make him a liar for denying he has one, especially when he specifically said 'I don't have a girlfriend right now'" I noticed a lot of the people trying to portray JK as slimy saying specifically that he doesn't have one "right now" to skirt around the fact he did have one earlier this year, but he didn't say that. I kept seeing this so I went to every translation account I could find to see if maybe there was one they were getting this from but couldn't find any translating it this way. He said definitively, and repeatedly that he doesn't have any girlfriend. And yeah, idols aren't going to be forthcoming if they are in a relationship, but withholding information is very different from choosing to address the issue this way with a denial. He could have easily avoided talking about it at all, since the chat is constantly scrolling in those StationHead parties and there are lots of other things he could have talked about. The anon who got upset and said we were calling people who don't believe blindly in Taekook ridiculous or trolls, you know you're twisting what is being said. No one was being called a troll for that reason, the ridiculous part is seeing a plush or an extra motorcycle helmet and jumping to the conclusion it could only be for a girl he is dating. Everyone is free to come to their own conclusions about things, but people who bring arguments like this to Taekook accounts are presenting these assumptions they're making about random items as a counter to everything we know and have seen of Taekook. Which is not something I "blindly believe in", I have years and mountains of receipts for what I believe in and why. Jungkook said he doesn't have a gf two weeks before he filmed in his apartment for the GCF. If you want to convince anyone that anything in that shot is proof of a gf, you'll also have to convince them Jungkook is a liar. I can promise you my first assumption when seeing any of that is not "must be for a gf" for many reasons. Yes, I think it's ridiculous that people would think a plush must mean a gf, a second motorcycle helmet must mean a gf, or even a piece of clothing. But I'm not surprised people are being so dramatic about this because this fandom, and I swear to god I've never seen people do this so consistently anywhere else in my 40+ years and many fandoms on and off the internet, pushes literally anything they can connect to a woman or any interaction with a woman as proof that the relationship is romantic/sexual. I will never understand it. My romantic/sexual partner number is not huge but on the higher end of average, and I've had WAY more people of the opposite sex in my life that I wasn't romantically or sexually involved with. Like, it's not even close. They've come to my house. I've even...touched them.
Hi anon!
I imagine Jk has friends over, who might bring girlfriends, he might have female friends, he has female staff come over perhaps.. so many possibilities.
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babytaekoo · 2 years
on september 29th 2018, taekook started their day together. taehyung waited 5 minutes in the elevator for jungkook. they eventually ended their day together, sitting next to each other in a quiet car, with jungkook silently filming taehyung playing games. i love this movie.
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akookminsupporter · 2 months
Taekookers, antis, solos, worst nightmare, Jikook Tokyo trip, and GCF Tokyo never letting them forget no matter how much they try to brush it off, it keeps getting mentioned, in 2023 in Jungkook's live when the song he used played in his playlist played, and now, in the teaser for Are You Sure?
It's because they don't want to understand that Jimin and Jungkook are the biggest Jikook enthusiasts in the world, hahaha. I loved how they basically said: "This is just like that trip, except now there are cameras following us." I feel it's important that they mentioned it and they did it for more than one reason. Jimin saying that Jungkook edited it himself is also important; it's like he's reminding us that that GCF is still the most personal one Jungkook has done to this day. I love that they brought it up. I can only imagine how every Jikookphobic felt after that ajajajajaja.
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juliapark13 · 10 months
I wasn’t here in 2017 when GCF Tokyo (the best jikook moment out of all) happend, but I’m here now and they are together in Japan again. 🥹
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„Let's go to Sapporo and get isolated."
„I'll love you forever."
The way taekookers, jjks and pjms are so mad and want to dismiss the fact Jungkook and Jimin are together so much. What will they do when the footage will come? Will they jump out of window? They could. :)
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