#taejin outfits
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years ago
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Okay this is more of a discussion. Feel free to join in.
Will keep it brief.
Jungkook is shy. That's not exactly groundbreaking news. What's groundbreaking to me is the why he gets shy and the context within which he acts shy.
Scenario 1: JK walks into a room full of board directors and his cheeks tingles. We can chalk it to his inner koo. Shy at heart from day one. Awkward kid who don't know what to do with himself in a crowd of people.
But I'd go a little further as to say it's his self awareness and self consciousness rearing it's head. Given the power dynamics between him and this crowd I'd say he's feeling a little judgemental of himself, worried because he has to impress these people while also trying not to say anything stupid or out of touch. He's literally reading the room and adjusting himself to it.
Now typically this is what I think goes on whith him when he has to perform infront of a crowd or in any situation that requires him to put himself up to be judged and to be the center of attraction.
Scenario 2. He walks into a room full screaming fans and he acts shy. Now this time the power dynamics is almost equal. Unless he has reason to believe not eveey one in the audience is a fan, he should feel more at ease perhaps a little nervous but he's not judging himself or worried if he slips he's gonna be judged in this space.
But then suddenly, his cheeks go pink and shy koo rears his head.
Usually I'd assume it's because he's thought of something silly or even naughty and while he finds that amusing his subconscious takes not of just how inappropriate or shameless his thoughts or actions are.
This is usually the case when he is filming an interview and he says something scandalous like preferring sexy outfits to casual fits or admitting he's into something very niched.
His shyness in such instances is usually as a result of him exposing a vulnerable aspect of himself perhaps unwillingly and feeling abit judged about that. He's showing us the real him, his desires no matter how questionable we think it is. Yet it's his truth.
Again this happens when he flirts with a certain member, gets lost in a moment, or when the member expose a truth about him.
So yea, while Koo is naturally a shy boy there's more to him and more to this shyness.
Take his recent shy moment at the premiere for example. It's easy to tell it was probably because he was self conscious about the way he was dressed and particularly that hair do. I wouldn't say he wasn't confident about it, more like he thought it all a big joke. Tae probably teased him about his looks on their way to to carpet and I'd bet he made a few jokes about it himself.
But then, like the goof ball that he is he decides it's not his problem. Yall will have to deal with it.
No biggie.
But I was particularly fascinated by Tae's interactions with him in that moment. I've seen edits of him bumping into Jk and JK asking him what- Korean style. And the interpretation is that kook is shy, Tae clocks that he's shy and bumps into him to check on him.
Now that's sweet and all cos if I had a friend I would want them to cater to me in a time like that. And certainly more so if I was with my girlfriend- I mean boyfriend, just in case Jimin is reading this. Sire for you I'm straight and perpetually single finger hearts.
Tae kook is an interesting duo. I like watching their interactions a lot because I learn more about Kook that way. I like seeing both him and Jimin interact with different people just to see how unique their bond is as a pair.
Plus, Tae kook are great visuals.
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As far as aesthetics go, I like seeing Tae with Jin, Tae with Kook and Tae with Jimin or some times Namjoon.
For Kook, I like seeing him with Jimin or Namjoon or Jin.
And for Jimin- honestly I like seeing him with anybody.
That's as far as looks go.
Chemistry wise however it's always going to be Jikook, vmin, minimoni, taejin, yoonmin, Sope, Jin-jimin. Chilee hopemin too💀
Jimin tends to be present with each member such that it renders each of his ships unique. Be it him being a friend and at times dongsaeng to Namjoon or a hyung to Jin.
And while the Maknae is always DEE Maknae of the group, it's interesting to watch him step up and dominate in certain ships.
And I get irritated sometimes when he's constantly babied and taken care of and not allowed to be JUNGKOOK- The man of many a teenagers dreams.
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The one who takes care of Bam and brushes his teeth, and takes him for a walk, and cooks for him and his friends and holds people's hands and leads them out of the airport.
The cook who puts people to bed and tuck them in and scolds them when they make mistakes and is caring and nurturing.
And it's obvious this side of him pops up more often in certain dynamics than others.
And I know I get ridiculed when I scream about Vmin- but yall just don't get it. One day you will. Jimin caters to Tae. He takes care of Tae and as strong and powerful as Tae is I actually enjoy watching him let his guard down and allowing another person take care of him😔
But I just don't see this in Tae kook. So it's really difficult for me to sing their praise sometimes. I want Jungkook to be his own man and I want Taehyung to be less guarded and broody. Yet Tae is always catering to Jk, babying him- which is not a bad thing really but it is frustrating to watch him give give give when sometimes Jungkook don't even want or care what he gives him.
We heard this man say on Soop how he offered Jk his friendship, for him to treat him like an equal yet Kook insisted on keeping his boundaries with him.
Someone bumps in to you to console you thinking you are feeling nervous and your response is Whuh??
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Are you kidding Me?
And their shippers are glamorizing this? Like yall should be concerned💀
It is nice that Jk was posting him on his IG, throwing out invites to members and having him go over to his place. It's nice to see them actively work on their relationship together and maybe as time goes on we will see Kook going to Tae's home, asking him to stay for a chat, cooking for him, checking up on him on the red carpet to make sure he's doing alright too, saying thank you and warming up to him when he takes care of him and not treat him like a bro and friend always taking things for granted and not being fully present with him.
Their dynamic feels awfully one sided. Even when things are going well with them it still feels that way. Tae puts in so much effort, feels open and willing to give. And I see why Tuktukkers tend to hate on Jungkook or why Tae stans don't like him.
Remember when they went nuts because Tae tried to hold his hands at kbs studio and Jk ignored it cos he was I think trying to catch up with Jimin? Brains foggy on the facts a bit but yea. That happened.
Why can't they just understand these two are just friends and Jungkook don't even like Tae like that? He's just not into him. Sorry. Not even a little bit.
This reminds me of the live they did when they were doing arts and crafts and Jungkook's whole body was turned away he was almost out of shot.
Listen, don't think he doesn't know sometimes he's paired with Tae just to please an audience. Don't think he don't know. In fact don't think none of them don't know when they are required to fan service it up.
Most times when he acts like he doesn't want to be there, it's because he doesn't want to be there💀
If all you have for proof of chemistry between them is how Tae acts towards Kook then boy or boy are you in for a rude awakening. Check in with both ship captains if you want to be sane.
Wont lie, as good as they look visually, their interactions can be painful to watch sometimes. And mind you, I'm not being biased here. There was a time I didn't want Jikook to hug each other at all cos it always pissed me off how awkward their hugs were.
Their interactions were so awkward sometimes, Jimin had to literally prompt Kook to act natural around him. Kook used to act as if Jimin was a ticking time bomb and would go off and expose them any minute. These days he is the ticking time bomb Jimin has to watch out for. Totally unhinged.
Kook is not good at faking his feelings. And you see that play out most times in his interactions with Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung.
I like watching Namjoon nurture and mentor Tae, I like seeing Tae with Yoongi and I like seeing Jimin baby him.
Vmin is not real but at least their affections are mutually reciprocated- most times.
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theharrowing · 2 years ago
Bbc made me so thirsty but now I’m just dead tired lol My first time watching it. Demon Tae went all out. Confident and cute Yoongi. Jimin’s super cute blue cap outfit 👌 Bad vibes day ending on a good note 🥰 I want to watch sowoozoo but idk if I can ugh
muster 5 is a performance that i hold so close to my heart, and i am so glad armys are watching it for the first time. i look up videos from this concert a lot when i am in need of comfort. half of these songs, i find myself saying, "ahhh my favorite song!!!!" to. it's so perfect.
/ stopping mid-message to cry over magic shop /
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it's ok if you can't stay up for the other! there is always another time. ��� sometimes they are on youtube, and sometimes qdeoks has them uploaded on sites that seems sus but that you can trust!
ps. the pied piper taejin moment is 100% the inspiration (inspirajin???) for Abyss.
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jjungkookislife · 1 year ago
New Year With You is up and I just love it 🥰 idkw but it feels bittersweet somehow. Maybe I’m just really sentimental but I love these kind of drabbles. The ones where you get to see more of the characters after the initial happy ending. Especially if it is a story you’ve come to love and be really attached with. I personally feel unfulfilled (and sometimes even betrayed) whenever i read a story with alot of pining and/or drama and then it just ends abruptly after they finally confess and/or be together. Like, after all the angst and torture, I really want to see what happens after, even just a little. Especially if it’s like a really long series. Of course, I understand and respect the author’s choice and decision when they do this but I can’t help it, i live for domestic fluffy scenes 🥺 Okay, I’m rambling, sorry 😅
Going back to the drabble, I just want to say again how much i love Grandma Jeon. She’s such a refreshing character. I felt MC when she said she’ll miss her, cause same girl 🤧 I really hope to see more of her if you ever want to write more drabbles in the future. If not, that’s okay too. And I also love how they spent New Years at Jk’s together 🥺 cause I’m not really a fun of clubs, with it being humid and crammed and all, just not my scene. I’m a homebody so a party with just your close friends, with food and booze, now that’s a party I’ll love 😍 I love the chaotic mess with their get ups, and the body shots 🥴 and do I sense a little TaeJin? 👀 and I also agree with Tae lol 😂 And Hobi wanting to create an outfit and matching accessories for our main couple 🥹 and the group pics to remember their first New Years together 🥺 Idk if you have plans on writing more drabbles of them in the future but I just wanna tell you how I really really loved this drabble, to see more of these characters that I’ve come to love. Thank you for this, you wrote amazingly as always 💜
Hello! Oh, I totally understand that! I originally didn’t have drabbles planned but I couldn’t fit the phone call into part one and then I had the idea for NYE. I’d love to have another for Valentine’s Day but since I’m looking for jobs idk if I’ll be able to get it out in time 😅 and I wanted to write something for spring break but idk lol
If I do write spring break grandmother Jeon will be back with Luna and Grandmother Park 👀
I’ve never actually spent NYE at a club but I imagine it’s packed. The roads in my hometown get shut down even earlier around the clubbing area and they stay closed until morning so I imagine it gets packed more than a regular weekend. I feel like I’d enjoy being with friends more in my own home lol
Tae and Jin lol I love them. Tae was flirty with Jin bc Jin is always flirty with everyone 😂 Hoseok wants to create them the best matching outfit. Maybe during the summer he’ll have time to make something special for them.
Thank you 💖
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stormblessed95 · 3 years ago
Hi Storm ! 😊
It’s not a question nor Jikook related but I just saw this on twitter and it really made me laugh lol I love Taejin https://twitter.com/namufiims/status/1512929940097757185?s=21&t=0llKTHBpFgLabqoYNcRFZw
Have a nice day!
Lol!! They are always dressed like they are going to different places FOR REAL
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Another soundcheck different fit vibes
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I love TaeJin Fits though!! Can we talk about the Epiphany/Singularity fits?
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And some of their airport fits too??!!
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And we absolutely cannot talk about TaeJin Fits and not mention their matching airport teddy bear outfits because 🥺🥺🥺
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chibines · 5 years ago
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taejin airport outfits~ ⭐️💕
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taejinspinknoona · 5 years ago
Everyone! Let’s take a moment and appreciate Jin’s leather pants airport outfit. Our Worldwide Handsome is back at it leaving us all breathless with his unwavering airport visuals! DAMN KIM SEOKJIN! 
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taejinchronicles · 6 years ago
Is it just me or has Jin been wearing Gucci more frequently? Probably just me. Love your blog❤️❤️ stay positive.
Hey there ‘Gucci Jin’ anon,
Despite Gucci being the brand at the moment, Jin is not a Gucci boy, at least not as Taehyung is. Jin prefers classic brands like Givenchy, Balenciaga and Burberry. But BTS wears a LOT OF GUCCI so he also wears it as stage/red carpet outfits. I do think he wears a Gucci thing here and there to please Taehyung or because he gave it to Jin as a gift.
A good example is Jin’s snake Gucci bag that matches all the countless snake Gucci stuff (phone case, tie, bag, shoes, tees, jackets) Taehyung loves. I bet that was a gift from Taehyung so they can walk around with Jin’s hand in his waist, matching and cosplaying as boyfriends and stuff. 
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And please can we just stop for a moment to appreciate this picture? The matching hair, how they walk mirroring, Jin’s hand on Taehyung’s back all protective, the Gucci bag, Taehyung’s purple pouch. Like please, why is Taejin always photographed looking like spouses when they don’t know they are being photographed? Why are they the only ones walking around like this when they are in private? I mean, look at this iconic duo. The audacity!
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Lots of love.
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yoonyjeong · 7 years ago
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Tae really wanted Jin to give him a chin stroke too.
He’s like, I get one now too……nope never mind. I’m just going to do this awkward ending pose.
Poor baby. 🤣🤣🤣
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years ago
Kim Seokjin out here wearing the matching sweatshirt
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Duh he SAID “sorry J-Hope”
But he’s not apologizing to Jungkook’s ass 🤣
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Um IDK pretty sure at least three of the guys own that LV outfit and they are either the world’s comfiest sweats OR
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Namtaejin is real.
Or Taejin is real and Namjoon got his own damn sweatsuit. (He's worn it at least twice - for his birthday and at the airport). IDK IDK this some funny wardrobe shenanigans is all I'm saying. Also I had a couple anons mad at Seokjinnie's hair and IDK why, I think it looks pretty. What do YOU think?
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years ago
Hi! Goldy, do you know why are jikookers making such a big deal out of jk saying “I’m hyung ‘s copy cat”. I’m I missing something here , why is everyone acting like they just confessed their love , if anything vmin were more sus 😂
Lol shippers...
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We are like a bunch of boohbahs on crack every day. We get excited over everything and anything- which I think is the point of shipping though. Lol.
Not sure what you are missing as I haven't seen the show in its entirety yet...
But off the top of my head, I'd say it's probably because of the blushing and the whole Kook's ear turning red bit when JM was addressing him about copying him.
He did the same thing in the Be.TS Vlive when Jimin put him on the spot about posting on his birthday. Jimin makes him shy
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It's been several years and Jimin still has an effect on him. I think it's cute.
Also, the bit about them confessing...
You actually not wrong. Lol.
JM used to say JK copies him because JK liked him and so JK would deny that all the time. To accept that he was imitating JM would mean he was admitting he liked Jimin- that he thought Jimin was cool, had impeccable style yadda yadda.
Jimin might as well had asked JK to confess he liked him.
They both had a habit of trying to get the other to confess their feelings for them in the past.
JM: I am Army.
JK: Do you like me that much?
JM: I had blue eyes first.
JK: No. Mine is bluer
JM: Stop imitating me.
Do you like me that much?
Jk: No
It was their way of flirting. So I guess in effect, in admiting he imitates JM, Jimin sort of got JK to officially admit he likes him🤷🏽‍♀️
'Do you like me?'
'Do you?'
'Do you?'
And he acted so innocent about it too.
This man! Lol
That innocent pout afterwards my God. Lmho.
There's just a lot of history between those two. A lot, and it's nice to see them remind eachother of that.
And I think it's the history and memories, the nolstagia he evoked in JK with that comment that had JK blushing hard especially if he read double meaning in that request.
From, his reaction I'd say he did.
All these double entendres chilee.
Its intriguing JK had such a strong reaction to something seemingly less intense or even cringe. That comment was supposed to be a safe bet. The safest conversation JM could have with Kook in front of new audience to not make things awkward in the room and yet...
There's no hope for JK. Dude is gone. Bid him farewell to gay boulevard🤧
Jimin was like why are you blushing it's nothing heavy or something like that and that reminded me again of that whole, 'did I scold you" bit from New Jersey.
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Jimin had a strong reaction to what JK deemed a trivial issue- Which I gotta smirk at. Smirk.
It's interesting that of all the things he could ask Jk, this is what he chose to ask him. I think he genuinely believed it was a safer conversation to have- Y'all think VMin was wilding, wait till you meet the Jikooknims.
Imagine if JK had said what V said to JM or if JM had said that to JM. Imagine that...
I mean I get it, if they are going to be regulars on traditional SK media now, they have to be able to interact 'normally' within the group without the members or eachother panicking and acting like Jikook be spelling the nuclear codes with their butts.
We've discussed the gradual shift in BigHit's marketing model but it seems with all the Asian hate crimes, racism, stigmatization of Asians and Asian Americans in the wake of the pandemic, it's become imperative that they redirect their focus and attention to SK to solidify their presence and hold in their home market.
I'm afraid we might be seeing a shift towards the company pandering to their roots and adhering to traditional media practices with mostly one foot in the international market, and one foot in their home market.
And if that's the case, Jikook would have to be able to tether the line of their closet without making things awkward for eachother and the members lest they risk exposing themselves to the gay hateration and criticism rampant in Korea.
Bang PD have made it perfectly clear, he is not about the risk taking life. That he prefers as a company to play things safe- I wonder if he's stance on that has changed in recent times.
But I don't think when it comes to it, he'd risk it for them. He's not gonna shove their alternative lifestyle in conservative spaces like that. Chilee.
Anywho, Jimin likes to rile JK up and watch him squirm sometimes but naa I don't think that was the agenda this time around...
Then there was this bit also
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Which I think my guy spilled right there😏
I've been saying for the longest time BigHit staff take stock in the Jikook business. There you have it.
They style Jikook. They style BTS. So all the times they've appeared in couple outfits, matching shoes, complimentary hairstyles, all the time they deliberately cut from JK to Jimin or Jimin to JK, all the times they've paired Jikook up, isolated them from the group so Jikook can give them a moment-
When I say BigHit is intentional in the way they brand Jikook within the group and in the way they push those two not as friends but as a 'couple'
And because of this people scream Jikook is fan service blah blah nonsense.
But the question have always been, why does these two grown ass men go along with it. Do they not know what it means when of all seven they are the two that are constantly marketed as 'lovers?" They are not twins, neither are they twelve and so why the need to match their fits?
And how come none of them object to this?
Why don't they ask questions???
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Bet. Bet there's a reason for that.
As for Vmin all I have to say is...
Tae Kook who? Tae Kook WHERE?!
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Lmho. Vmin, TaeJin, (Tae kook) VHope, Taegi
In that particular order for Tae's ships. The last three are fluid with Tae Kook alternating anywhere from 3rd to the last position lol.
I saw their shippers bust out their go to, 'Tae was being sarcastic" he hates Jimin rhetoric - like
Tae talks some strong Vmin agenda.
We been knew. We been said it
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He flirts Jimin hard to gay proportions too.
'In love with my Soulmate- a memoir written by Kim Taehyung. Coming soon to a bookshop near you. Lmho.
If Jimin catches feelings for Tae one day it's game over for us all🤣🤣🤣🤣
'We need to stop. This game is dangerous.'
Then he proceeds to gulp on top of it 🤣🤣
Reminds me of when JK was asked if Jimin wasn't his style and JK was fumbling and Jimin said, cut the cameras. Deadass. Lol
'Jk don't answer that' 🤭
Why shouldn't he answer that?
Jimin is a funny guy. A funny gay guy🤭
And did y'all see how hard Yoongi screamed when Tae said that?
Tae doesn't need to convince me he has feelings for Jimin. I'm convinced all by myself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And is it me or did Tae look like he didn't believe Jimin when JM said he liked him too??🤔
I can't wait to watch the whole thing.
I love their relationship. I hate when people invalidate it. VMin does not invalidate Jikook nor does Jikook invalidate VMin or even Tae Kook. They all are, unique and they are beautiful me thinks.
They ought not be compared in this way but celebrated.
It's not a competition.
Talk of celebrating ships, did you see Tae and Kook too??? 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I love seeing them in a good place in their dynamic like this.
It's the look he shot JK when the envelope ended up infront of him for me😂
Tae is hilarious I swear! Lmho.
I kinda lowkey wished it was for him I won't lie.
It's the same energy as when JK grabbed his neck and said he wanted to ride in the car with Tae. (If those subs were correct. Can't trust any unofficial subs on any Tuktuk moment💀)
Tae was like 👀 waeyo? Lmho.
I'm off to ship Tae Kook and VMin.
Keep your eyes on the gays for me.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 3 years ago
Hello! What are your concret highlights today? Jikook or in general.
- what do you think about jikook interactions in concert and taekook dance?
- Talking about trends hahaha tkk were trending for me so i checked in and saw the dancing video. Now don't get me wrong it was really cute and all but like i don't get the 'so romantic' part of it? I was actually surprised cause taehyung usually has striking chemistry with people but that video seems so brotherly/friendly i can't 😳 Like it seems so different from how taejin danced together before or even taekook in 2019 tour :) What do you think about it?
Hiii! I honestly don't have much, if anything at all to highlight about the show per se. I've said how the setlist is lacking for me, and there is no difference between these concerts and the Seoul ones, so I'm afraid really can't say anything that I haven't already said. Their energy is still good! Glad whatever those vibes in LA were, they were left behind in LA. They did seem a bit tired, tho. I watched one PTD fancam, you know it's the last song, and they were all just kind of doing the choreo, even Jimin and JK who usually are extra energetic. I was just surprised to see them tired, not JK because he had COVID literally a few days ago but the rest of them, I mean. Jimin never said anything about feeling bad after COVID but I don't think he would say that, so maybe he has been feeling the after effects, too. I didn't really pay attention to that during the Seoul concerts tbh. I had COVID and it wasn't that bad but I still felt out of breath for more than a month after that. Hope they'll be okay tonight.
About taekook, It's funny because the moment I saw Tae grabbing that headband I was like, is he gonna put that on JK or is he gonna wear that and do something with JK. And lo and behold. It was just okay, I guess. I've said a lot of times I don't find them particularly cute 😅 sure they have some cute and sweet interactions here and there, like the hug at the restaurant but they've never really ~pulled my heartstrings~ so to speak. That dance in particular didn't do anything for me. JK didn't seem that into it imo, he was just playing along with Taehyung. It probably had to do with him not feeling at his best condition, tho. I feel like the vmin dance of the same kind and then the jikook one during Festa 2020 were more.. charming? There wasn't anything romantic to it either for me, but then again, I don't think an interaction has to be romantic for people to be happy about it or to like the interaction. It can just be friendly, as most BTS interactions as a whole are, and it could still mean something for people. I agree yeah, even taekook 2019 was more charged than this particular dance piece. But it honestly seemed like JK wasn't into it. Maybe if he had been less tired, he would've been more into the dance.
And about jikook, I guess two highlights for me would be:
1) Very gay and honestly very telling of them that JK saw Jimin jumping and thought he was going to jump into his arms 😭 it's not even the only time that it has happened.
2) Them leaving the venue with Jimin's arms around JK's neck... I kind of swooned ngl.
I have something to say about the styling tho. I really like some pieces that they were wearing after the "serious" part of the concert, after black swan and all that. I liked Jimin's outfits, the last two he wore. Taehyung also had nice fits. But the rest had some really questionable outfits. It feels to me like the stylists tried wayyy toooooo hardddd (or didn't try at all) to make them look "casual" and it ended up looking messy and some of their fits had the energy of kids playing dress up.
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beautiful-songbird · 3 years ago
Bye y’all I’m going to sob over Taejin’s outfits
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purple-ktj · 4 years ago
Because we’re forever baby
Finally, time to unleash this DNA compilation post after shedding tears trying to find everything and put them in chronological order. You can inform me if there are inaccuracies or any performances missed out (although most likely I’ll never be able to edit this post anymore by then...) They've been performing DNA since Sep 2017 and there are just so many moments in each performance, this is as rewarding as it was torturous to compile. 
(For those who were waiting for Jin to post on Tae’s birthday, you can maybe consider this a tiny bit of consolation from a fellow Taejinnie  😂)
Disclaimer: Regard this as a compilation post of all DNA performances, all dates listed are the days they actually performed DNA, hopefully there aren’t major mistakes. All comments are purely mine and are for entertainment purposes only. 
Also this post is link heavy because there are too many mini moments and I can’t screenshot everything. 
18 Sep 2017 - DNA MV
On this date, the MV was first released. They recorded a Bangtan bomb of their reaction to the MV which was released later on (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mJ5JZNQZz0). If you looked carefully at the MV, that part of the choreography where they face each other, they had already begun 'playing' so this started right off the bat and as you know, has become their tradition to fool around whenever they perform DNA.
19 Sep 2017 - Comeback show for DNA
As usual, they air their comeback show which is here: (https://www.vlive.tv/video/41492?channelCode=FE619). Taejin is neither clingy nor obvious, so I don't have much to highlight from this video. Nevertheless, still a fun show and I still rewatch it from time to time.
21 Sep 2017 Cultwo Show  & Comeback Show
Taejin's matching shirts, Jin wears his on this show while Tae wears his on the comeback show.
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Found from this link: (https://twitter.com/taejinniesmoon/status/1198590731629158400?s=20) a very helpful thread on their countless matching outfits.
Jin wore it here: (https://youtu.be/n3O6c10FsZw)
And Tae wore it here: (https://youtu.be/QBYbEU0vvwM)
22 Sep 2017 Show Champion
I forgot how I archived this but I think this was filmed on this date and aired later on in Oct. There is more behind the scenes though nothing significant happened during DNA performance itself.
24 Sep 2017 SBS Inkigayo Super Concert
DNA's first fancam of Taejin being cute together at the back. Honestly DNA's choreo is just perfect and so fitting for the both of them who love fooling around with each other. This is the rehearsal and Jin tickled Tae.
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And then the actual performance is when he holds on to Tae to support him as he was too exhausted and near collapse.
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This is the performance: (https://youtu.be/fb-_jkdxgh4)
26 Sep 2017 SBS MTV the show
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Love this HD shot of Jin holding on to him. Performance here: (https://youtu.be/kxVlujEhM2Y)
28 Sep 2017 M Countdown DNA CB
Did he kiss, sniff, or blow his neck? Because Tae's reaction and expression suggests Jin was up to no good and kissed him. Also, Jin is naughty.
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If you'd like to watch this is the encore of the performance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMHq4WIYl8Y). I don't have a clear angle and is a bit lazy to find it but they were fooling around at the final part of the choreo as usual.
During rehearsal there's a cute bit where Jin pushes Tae to the floor and Tae is all dramatic but then he gets revenge - (https://ifunny.co/video/sksksk-this-was-when-jin-pushed-tee-in-the-end-yf5vLOxW6) if anyone has the fancam youtube link for this...
Look at Yoongi's smirk hehe. Good things happen when Yoontaejin are together. 
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29 Sep 2017 Music Bank
Crotch grab by Tae during this particular performance. The things Yoongi has witnessed... 
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08 Oct 2017 Inkigayo
Taejin playing at midsection, can't see clearly but it looks like finger hearts by Tae.
14 Oct 2017 Wings Tour in Osaka D1
Jin grabbing onto Tae at the end.
15 Oct 2017
21 Oct 2017 Wings Tour in Taipei D1
While its common for Jin to do aegyo for Army, it's not so common for him to behave this way towards any of the members. And he did this with Tae, who of course, found him adorable and squished (maybe wanted to kiss) his face.
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22 Oct 2017 Wings Tour in Taipei D2
He does it again on day 2 but they're too far and Tae can't tease him back in time.
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01 Nov 2017 Pyongchang Kpop concert
They've established that no matter the performance, they can and they will fool around during the midsection of the choreo.
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Same concert, different outfit. Still Taejin will be Taejin.
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04 Nov 2017 Wings Tour in Macau
Side angle fancam, because, why not: 
20 Nov 2017 AMAs
01 Dec 2017 MAMA
At the end Tae steps back and stands really close to Jin.
02 Dec 2017 MMA
Usual business.
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Another of my favourite clingy Jin moments.
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08 Dec 2017 Wings Tour Final D1
09 Dec 2017 Wings Tour Final D2
10 Dec 2017 Wings Tour Final D3
So I was unable to find videos or even substantial moments for these three days.
25 Dec 2017 SBS Gayo Daejun
Nothing significant happens either, they play with each other during the mid section of the choreography as usual.
29 Dec 2017 KBS Song Festival
This is the same day Jin confessed his love for Tae. They play around as usual but unfortunately the final part got covered.
11 Jan 2018 GDA Day 2
Nothing that stands out happened.
13 Jan 2018 Muster Day 1
Spot Jinnie hanging on to Tae at the end.
14 Jan 2018 Muster Day 2
18 Jan 2018 BBC Interview
Not a performance but they're so cute, playing around like that during their rehearsals.
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25 Jan 2018 SMA
Finally we arrive to this moment in DNA history which served as the rabbit hole for not only me, but for countless other Taejinnies.
First of all, this is not a concert but an award show. Second, the stage set so that the audience is surrounding them, front, side and back, which means he wanted people to see this. Third, he made eye contact with a fansite, which means it's completely intentional. Fourth, the intensity and force with which he grabbed Tae into a hug, Tae actually bounced a little from the impact before he's tightly held in place by Jin. At just one glance, it seems like a cute playful hug. Until you replay it and notice that Jin melds his front to Tae's back completely from their heads to their hips (if you get what I mean) and Tae's laughter goes from sweet, over the moon kind because this is a romantic moment to the amused kind because Jin is completely pressed up against his back.
Of course, that does not take away the significance and the impact of this hug, which I don't know exactly what it is. It's sweet, romantic, playful, cute, naughty all rolled into one. Jin definitely intended to prove a point, maybe he's saying "mine" or maybe he was just feeling extremely bold and he knows Tae enjoys these sort of unexpected public displays of affection. I don't know the context but whatever it was, it most definitely grabbed people's attention and 'forced' people to look. Also probably why some perceive this as simple fanservice.
Incidentally, this is the same award show in which Tae was crowned as the most handsome man in the world, announced by non other than his Wooga gang member Park Hyun Shik. I don't know and don't claim that this and the hug is related or is it just coincidental, but just putting this nugget of into out here.
Most importantly Tae looked like he had the time of his life, elated by Jin's sudden show of physical affection or possessiveness, whichever it was. I categorize the impact of this hug as the same as in BV1, sweet, random, non-platonic and is triggered by an unknown motive.
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They performed DNA again after change of outfit and this little adorable and naughty exchange happened: (https://twitter.com/taejin_cypher/status/1192469919968792576?s=20) - Smirking when they pass by each other and Tae pushes Jin. It’s probably one of their games.
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18- 23 Apr 2018 Japan Official Fanmeeting Vol. 4 Happy ever after
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From hours of research, I've learned that Japan fancams are incredibly hard to find and maybe don't exist because of how strict their rules are during concerts, so I don't know which moments happened on which dates. But these 6 dates were held in Tokyo, followed by Osaka. I don't recall seeing any fansite photos of Jin leaning on Tae's shoulders, unless it's referring to the moment below. If not, then maybe it's a moment not captured by any cameras and serves only the eyes of those who attended the concert.
A little bit of commentary about this particular moment. That hand sliding up Tae's arm, pulling him into a sweet hug, them whispering "forever" to each other, and Tae's grin. Tae who usually spices it up right back, returning the favor but now he's so compliant, a good boy, basking in Jin's public display of affections.
What was the reason? Claiming his forever in front of their precious fans- he's really a romantic boy. Additionally, this is the first time he's done something like this at this part of the choreo, which makes it extra special because unlike Tae who's more spontaneous, he probably planned or had calculated this in his mind a little in advance. At least that's what I think.
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His smile is too sweet it breaks my heart. Since I don't have proper organisation of these few days of Muster in Japan and I think it's not important to list them out one by one, below are some useful compilation of their moments.
07 Jul 2018 SBS Super Concert in Taipei
If I'm not wrong, due to safety issues with the slippery floor, they skipped the middle formation and did free style. 
They goof around , grin at each other while they hold hands.
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Jin hugs Tae tightly, although Tae doesn’t really react but lets himself be hugged. Watching the full video I personally thought he didn’t look too pleased about it. Don't know why. He got embarrassed and ran off after this. (According to fan reports)
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Wriggling eyebrows at each other. He was also fooling around and grinning at Jungkook, hit him playfully. 
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He wouldn’t let Jin hug him. Yep, maybe he really got embarrassed on the first day. 
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Jin was holding his waist and then playing with his collar. Also Tae breaking into a huge smile when Jin sang "baby" looking at him.
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Jin grabs Taehyung’s waist for I don’t know what. Just because he can.
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Staring at each other. 
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Having their own dance moment at the back.
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He didn’t just hold on to Taehyung, he was rubbing his waist up down. Vigorously rubbing.
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Playing rock paper scissors at the back. Cute dorks.
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I don’t know what Jin’s doing but he looks like he’s tugging on Taehyung’s back. When the lights go off, Taehyung tilts his neck, exposing it as if allowing Jin to nuzzle it - or something... 
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Either my eyes are playing tricks on me or Tae really did tap tap tap on Jin’s crotch area. Because after that he bends his elbow and aims higher at Jin’s lower stomach. All because Jin tapped his butt. With both hands. Or maybe I'm just seeing things. Angle of rotation? Lol.
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Taehyung stepping back and Jin taking one step forward just so they can stand close like that.
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It's their routine now, to fool around and play rock paper scissors.
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I just love how they don’t get sick of fooling around with each other no matter how many times they do this routine. 9 out of 10 times they make it a point to look at each other and laugh. It’s pretty clear the both of them actually look forward to it. I myself didn’t get bored going through their fancams because Taehyung is always so happy when they play around. Jin’s just patting his back but look at his grin? 
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Side angle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH0KSZxsohg)
Front angle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf59uQKz5Kw)
Jin playfully hits Tae. Why are they so adorable? :(
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I feel like Tae was more giggly during this particular performance. He didn’t stop grinning throughout. 
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Towards the end Tae was still giggling to himself then Jin pushed him to the side. 
Enjoy the next few fancams~
Purposely stepping back to tap tap tap on Jin's foot. He really likes the footsie play.
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On these next tour dates, their DNA moments get diluted while their So What moments heat up. So I'm still listing them down because they did perform DNA but nothing happened.
No more DNA moments, though a reminder that this happened during So What:
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So many dates and I sort of can't believe I watched all of them. Their DNA moments miraculously return in Paris. What a coincidence, the city that Tae has been mentioning and the place he wants to go on a trip with Jin.
Jin looks at Tae for a long time; probably thinking about how he should do whatever he’s thinking of doing. He grabs Tae’s sleeve, pulls him in closer and sings his line emphasising the lyrics “... baby...” directly facing him. Tae is clearly startled, looks at him but immediately accepts and leans into him enjoying the rare PDA and attention. (And the way Jin grabbed him is really hot).
Interestingly, Jin chose to do this on the day they’re in Paris while particularly singing  “don’t regret it, baby. Because we’re forever” to Tae. They’ve been fooling around forever in DNA, and when the moments gradually die down, Jin does something grand again, which makes it all the more special. Jin is really good at being romantic, and this is probably just scratching the surface. And you will see how significant this moment really is because there will be no DNA moments again for the next few tour dates. It very clearly catches Tae and all the others off guard, he couldn’t control his grin afterwards and he’s still relishing in the sudden moment. J-Hope and Yoongi sees what he did in the monitor and he has a rather unreadable expression on his face. Is that a smile at the unexpected? 
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That gaze at Tae? Oof. It's one of his really rare expressions that only Tae can pull out and also the reason why I see Jin as 'wolf'-ish. The only other time I can remember him making this face is that episode of Run when they acted out a skit.
Tae is on cloud nine for the rest of the song. It sort of gives me the same vibes as the SMA DNA backhug, where Jin executed his plans and got the same reaction out of him. A pretty chaotic and bold and grand love confession, if you ask me, it’s very Jin. He knows how to make his man happy.
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More fancams for your viewing.
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There's no DNA moment here but this is the same day these happened:
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His tippy toes :(
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Such a tender moment.
Spot Taejin in the back. Usual business.
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This happened on this day too:
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Not Taejin related, but I love their team work in this particular moment. Poor Jiminie fell down because of the slippery stage and they promptly communicate to each other to not do the final part of DNA's choreo as it was dangerous.
I don't know what they're doing but it's entertaining.
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And their smiles after that. They really never ever get bored of each other.
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No idea what they're doing as usual but it's cute.
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Also Tae facing Jin at the end.
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Some backstage photos.
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They're communicating with their faces.
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I love it when they look at each other at this part.
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Oh yes. So flirty and playful.
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Whatever they're doing in the back, I like it.
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Rather interesting, why did Tae twist like that just to look at Jin?
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Absolutely love them singing 'forever' to each other.
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My heart did a little flip at Jin's smile after he turned back to check what they looked like on screen.
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For the rest of the performance, I'm not sure if it's my eye problem, or the angle of rotation or whatever, it looked like Tae was thoroughly fixated on Jin. At the end Jin pulls his arm and smiles at him.
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Watch it all here: (https://youtu.be/epTl_mqnenk)
Playing rock paper scissors in the back.
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Another side view fancam of Jin blocking Tae from touching his chest lol. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2FBOHY6X_U)
They're doing something.
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Jin giggling and flirting at the end.
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Their sweet smiles... I am absolutely sobbing.
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28 April 2019 SBS Gwanjgu Super Concert
When I first started this post, MOTS ON:E wasn't even announced yet. (Yes that's how far back I procrastinated). So I thought this was the finale and Tae chooses to end it with flair. Photo vomit because this is the moment all BTS fansites present in the crowd became Taejin focused.
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Okay, now for a little word vomit. The only word I can describe this moment: Magical. Thank goodness for fancams, because we can see Tae smirking as he's probably brewing this whole thing up in his mind halfway through the song and then he turns back and resolutely executes it. I know I don't need to even describe it but it is so beautiful, it's obvious that Jin was as startled as any of us.
There are plenty of suggestions that Tae was trying to mimic the pose of the movie he loves so much, CMBYN, and I don't deny it does look like that, it's just that his eyes are so intense and seems impromptu enough that while he faced Jin in that few seconds he might have looked like he intended to kiss instead. Which is what Jin's reaction looks like.
Jin- I am so weak for Tae's reflection that you can see in his eyes. He reacts fast, as usual he lets Tae get away with everything, his hands don't even budge and his body doesn't even try to block or push or panic. He's just bending backwards, Tae's hips are fully leaning on his so if he moved rashly Tae the both of them might have toppled together. He's letting Tae do whatever he wants but with just enough caution to make sure they don't accidentally end up kissing. Not that I would have minded if they did, but either way, it's devastating when you see Tae's expression when he's nestled in Jin's chest for those few seconds. He looks like he's at peace and at 'home'.
10 & 11 Oct 2020 MOTS ON:E
Surprise DNA come back! And the last one as of 30 Dec 2020. 
My heart is broken at the end of this post because DNA holds a special place in my heart. Occasionally I come back just to watch compilations of their moments. I hope this puts a smile on your face as we look forward to which song they would claim in the future.
A little late but Happy Taehyung Day!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years ago
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This package was released in September 2021 and covers the online concerts performances filmed on 201010 and 201011. There are 3 DVDs included in this package. The first 2 DVDs cover the actual concert in full from 201010. The 2nd DVD also includes the last part of that day 1 concert as well as day 2s solo stages. Disc 3 includes the merch and poster making film and VCR making film, the Rehersals and practice making films and the concert d-day making film. (300 minutes in total from all 3 DVDs.)
Track List:
1. On
2. N.O.
3. We are Bulletproof pt. 2
4. Intro: Persona (RM)
5. Boy in Luv
6. Dionysus
7. Interlude: Shadow (Suga)
8. Black Swan
9. Ugh (Rap Line)
10. Zero o'clock (Vocal Line)
11. My Time (JK)
12. Filter (Jimin)
13. Moon (Jin)
14. Inner Child (V)
15. Outro: Ego (Jhope)
16. Boy with Luv
17. DNA
18. Dope
19. No More Dream
20. Butterfly
21. Run
22. Dynamite
23. We are Bulletproof: the Eternal
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Disc 1
I'll again mostly focus on some of my favorite cute interactions they have during these concert, but omg they are SUCH stage commanders. Those live vocals 😍 and the fact they did all this ONLINE during the pandemic. They killed it and I know we all know how gra d this tour couldve been if not for the pandemic. For anyone who hasn't seen the full concert included in this DVD and wants to, I found it for yall on daily motion. You can watch it here with Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 💜💜 these are day 1 streams only and come from the live steam online and not this MOTS ONE DVD. But it's the same concert in the end at least lol
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BTS know how to open a show! This is my third time actually watching the concert all the way through since I watched it on the live streams too. But this set list, these performances and stages, these fits. They deserved a whole ass tour. And I'll never forgive C19 for taking that from us and them! 😭 The entrance with ON, followed by NO and the dance break into WAB 😭 GOD THEIR TALENT! I am obsessed with the dance break and their outfits too. (Dance Break Dance Practice should be included here too lol) And this VCR is dramatic as hell my god. 🤣 Intro Persona with Namjoon followed by the rest of the guys showing up to join him straight into Boy in Luv gives me so much MMA 2019 vibes. It's gotta be on purpose. They are SO COOL I swear. Namjoons voice live gives me tingles. I love it so much and same for Tae during Boy in Luv with the growls and Jimin with the high notes!
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The intros are all so cute. I love Jimin giggling so hard and Hobi promising us that we will have a good time by starting to sing Promise only for Jin to also join in! And Jin being so excited to give his normal blown kiss to ARMY in greeting is the cutest thing. Yoongi's shadow performance is criminally underrated in this fandom. It's not talked about how epic and cool it was nearly enough and his quick change from white to black! And the transition from how he ended into the other 6 joining him straight into the black swan starting pose. And Jikook in their sheer mesh shirts for black swan. They've BEEN trying to kill ARMY. Followed by Jimin's ethereal solo black swan dance. That is also not talked about nearly enough.
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Rapline UGH as boxers is the greatest thing in the world and no one can change my mind. It was so beautifully aggressive. And zero o'clock was just angelic. JinMins voices during that song 😭 istg. And the VCR between 00:00 and the other 5 solo stages is amazing with its allusions to each members solo song in their cuts too. Black Swan Jikook was just trying to warn us for My Time/Filter Jikook. Because they really were out for BLOOD this concert. Just for Moon/Inner Child TaeJin to melt us into a puddle of love. When Tae sings to that little boy, I could die I swear. 🥺😭
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And Ego is such a mood lifter. Especially with Hobi reminding everyone that he is the definition of swag. I talk before about how much I love that he added waacking to the Ego choreo. But I love it. And when the other members come out to dance to the end of Ego with him and he goes "let's go my fellas!" 😭 CRIES vmin dancing to Ego together KILLS me too!
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I love how BWL usually starts out with 3J dancing, but this time we got Vmin tossing an umbrella back and forth to each other to start us off! So cute. And then we have Vmon framed in rainbow umbrellas for their part which was so cute!! And when they were all running to the next stage together while singing, we had jikook being the cutest dancing together while getting to their new spots while singing "boy with loveeee." Ugh so cute. And if I want to say that they did this BWL performance for the gays with their rainbow lights on their umbrellas, Im going to 🌈🥰
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Vhope always smiling so hard when they do their DNA choreo together. 🥺 and the iconic No More Dream dance break coming back in 2020! God I love it. Plus JK carrying Jimin for the iconic kick choreo! He makes it look so easy now! It's been 10 years of JK carrying Jimin 🥺
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The way they are running around and looking at and interacting with all the ARMY screens during the last songs 🥺 they are so happy! Jikook finding each other to sing their part in run with arms around shoulders together is adorable. And Hobi Watching Tae do his silly grandpa dance and just immediately joining in! Precious. Everyone being JKs fanboys when he starts singing Dynamite 🥺 and everyone giggling at Taes antics at the end of Dynamite. Lol all the heavy breathing "we ran too much" 😅😭🤣🤣 Seeing how much and how hard the pandemic hit all of them too during these ending mentions is so incredibly emotional. And I can't ever see Jimin break down during his speech without crying myself too. I adore him. All of them. So much. And JK was so antsy to get over there to comfort his hyung too. I'm so glad they all have each other.
Ending the concert with WAB Eternal after all those emotional speeches. It's been like 2 years and I'm still hurting!! Lol and Namjoon, Jin and Jhope all checking on Jimin and lightly teasing him as they walked to the final ending stage all together. Lol his precious hyungs! And JK keeping an eye on Jimin for a bit down the line as they take their final bow. He truly is surrounded by so much love.
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I'll do the making films from Disc 3 in the next part! So for now, this post is just the concert and the first two DVDs! Thanks for letting me share! Love yall!
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angelica-song · 3 years ago
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Memoirs of kitakyusyu.
Sadly kitakyusyu sim is closing on the 5th November and kotte is forced to move. Originally I was trying to build up on a little garden area but it will disappear with the sim closing date. I’ve set the sim for anyone to rez with 30 minutes return, so if you want to take pictures there or use it as a sandbox area you are free to do so until the sim officially closes.
Don’t forget to share your pictures to our Flickr Group too: https://www.flickr.com/groups/2907492@N24/
As for my new mainstore I’ve moved to Taejin, hopefully it will be a permanent location. Please excuse me it’s still a bit messy there, everything is WIP. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Thank you Eiji & Sparkle for joining me.
___________ON ME__________
Hair: [monso] Nimoe Hair [AD] Leg Tattoo: Stardust - Aislinn Tattoos [AD] Necklace: Vincue / Harpie Jewerly Set Dress: NINI Planet. Sohee Outfit @Anthem !NEW! [AD] Shoes: [Enchante'] - Darcy Sneakers @Kustom9 Bag: [DDL] Adore
[AD] Stardust - Stardust - Dream Grass [AD] *bbqq*-Xi Xiang Wall Set [AD] +Half-Deer+ Sakura Petals [AD] A3_{-Maru Kado-} Koma-neko2 L (2Li) ROIRO - RasenTree 8f8 - Make Believe {anc} flower flake float Botanical - Boxwood  Bush Soy. A Rock {LORE} Stone Garden Bridge HeadHunter's Island - Bamboo tree/plant cluster --ANHELO-M39WA-177GA :: block wall LAQ Decor ~ Stone Plates
Location: kitakyusyu
thank you all~ ♥
View On Flickr
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kithtaehyung · 4 years ago
check in tag 💗
tagged by @gimbapchefs​ and @introtae​​ thank you both! this one looks fun.
1. why did you choose your url?
a ha ha.. because of this mf in the versace x kith outfit sdksaj 
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2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them
my maid is @edwarddelrics​ so this is a sideblog, but the others i have are @brandisher​ (aesthetic), @fyrya​ (anime scenery), and @studypetals​ (studyblr/journaling.) 
3. how long have you’ve been on tumblr?
yikes. probably since 2013, but i started this blog nov 2020.
4. do you have a queue tag?
#🥀.q for when i wanna quick queue, #🥀.working/writing if i’m working or writing at the time, or #🥀.sleeping queuety when i’m in bed lol
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to find people that had the same interests as me! started as a pure writing blog but ever since getting back into ps, it turned into a hybrid of both. def should’ve made it another main but what can you do
6. why did you choose your icon?
it fits my theme and it’s tae!
7. why did you choose your header?
bc taejin own my whole ass what’s new!!
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
the butter posters i did! but out of all my blogs, this post has the most at almost 400k!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
way more than i ever thought i’d get lol. what convinced all of you to follow me back, i have no clue but i love you all so damn much
10. how many followers do you have?
again, way more than i ever thought i would get. my studyblr’s at 128k tho
11. how many people do you follow?
a crap ton since i follow for each blog’s theme
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
if a week has gone by without me creating and posting a shtpst, then someone has taken over my blog
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
*gets out of my chair and walks away
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
omg i fight myself and photoshop enough, i don’t have the time nor energy to fight anyone else lol
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
it depends. i’m neutral but if it’s urgent then i reblog to my studyblr
16. do you like tag games?
yes!! i am a sloth when it comes to tag games but i love being tagged. like astrid, i always try my best to comment on each one i’m tagged in, as well!
17. do you like ask games?
yeah they’re fun! i really like the ones where i get to brag abt how talented my mutuals are 😌 (astrid, this is a perfect answer so i’m keeping it.)
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i pretty much consider all of them famous. like, how are they following me LOL
19. do i have a crush on a mutual?
all of them, 24/7. next question.
tagging (optional as always!): @balenciaguks @sketchguk @trustingofwinds @cutechim @bratkook @ppersonna @kimtaehyunq @chateautae @xjoonchildx @ladyartemesia @yoonia @kookdiaries​ @missgeniality​ @yoonjinkooked​ @taegularities​
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