#tabebuia impetiginosa
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actaecon · 2 years ago
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Amapa Tree (Tabebuia impetiginosa) Sinaloa Mexico
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naturezaemfoco · 1 month ago
Ipê-Roxo: A Beleza e a Importância da Árvore Nacional
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O Ipê-roxo, cientificamente conhecido como Tabebuia impetiginosa ou Handroanthus impetiginosus, é uma das árvores mais emblemáticas do Brasil. Conhecida por suas flores vibrantes e propriedades medicinais, esta árvore é um verdadeiro tesouro da flora brasileira. Dependendo da região, pode ser conhecido por outro nome, como: Ipê-roxo, ipê-rosa, pau-d'arco, ipê-una, casquinho, ipê-roxo-da-mata, cabroe, ipê, ipê-de-flor-roxa, ipê-mirim, ipê-preto, ipê-tabaco, ipê-uva-roxa, ipeúva-roxa, pau-d'arco-roxo, peúva, peúva-roxa.
É comum a confusão entre as diversas espécies de ipê-roxo ou ipê-rosa, por este motivo e por razões práticas reuniremos informações comuns às espécies mais utilizadas na arborização urbana. O ipê-roxo é uma árvore decídua, característica das florestas semidecídua e pluvial. Ocorre tanto no interior da floresta primária densa, como nas formações abertas e secundárias. Ele apresenta folhas compostas e palmadas, com 5 folíolos que caem no inverno dando lugar a floração.
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O ipê-roxo é uma árvore de grande porte, que pode alcançar até 30 metros de altura. Suas folhas são compostas, em formato oval, e apresentam uma coloração verde brilhante. Durante a primavera e o início do verão, a árvore se enche de flores roxas, que podem variar de tons mais claros a mais escuros. Essas flores são tubular e atraem polinizadores como abelhas e beija-flores, criando um espetáculo visual impressionante.
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A floração do ipê-roxo é um espetáculo à parte. As flores em forma de trombeta são numerosas e surgem antes das folhas, criando um contraste impressionante quando a árvore está em plena floração. Esse fenômeno ocorre geralmente entre agosto e outubro, dependendo da região. As flores são utilizadas em paisagismo e têm grande apelo visual, tornando o ipê-roxo uma escolha popular para parques e jardins. A frutificação posterior produz vagens de aproximadamente 25 cm verdes e lisas, que se abrem liberando as sementes aladas.
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Seu tronco é elegante e oferece madeira de excelente qualidade, pesada, dura, de cerne acastanhado, própria para a fabricação de arcos de violino e instrumentos musicais, o que lhe rendeu o nome popular de pau-d'arco. Da casca extraem-se substâncias de uso medicinal.
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O ipê-roxo é nativo da América do Sul, especialmente encontrado em países como Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai. No Brasil, é comum em diversas regiões, principalmente no Cerrado e na Mata Atlântica. A árvore prefere solos bem drenados e pode ser encontrada em áreas de vegetação nativa, além de ser cultivada em áreas urbanas.
Usos Medicinais
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O Ipê-roxo é amplamente utilizado na medicina tradicional. A casca da árvore contém compostos como lapachol e beta-lapachona, que possuem propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antibacterianas e antifúngicas. É comum o uso de chás e extratos da casca para tratar infecções, problemas digestivos e até como auxiliar no tratamento de câncer.
Importância Ecológica
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Além de sua beleza e usos medicinais, o Ipê-roxo desempenha um papel crucial no ecossistema. Suas flores atraem polinizadores como abelhas e beija-flores, contribuindo para a biodiversidade local. Sua madeira é utilizada por várias espécies de aves para fazer ninhos. A árvore também contribui para a qualidade do solo, ajudando a prevenir a erosão e a melhorar a fertilidade. A árvore também ajuda na recuperação de áreas degradadas, graças à sua resistência e capacidade de adaptação.
Importância Cultural
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O ipê-roxo é considerado um símbolo nacional do Brasil e foi oficialmente declarado árvore nacional em 1978. Sua beleza e resistência refletem a riqueza da flora brasileira e a diversidade dos ecossistemas do país. É comum ver o ipê-roxo em celebrações e eventos culturais, e sua imagem é frequentemente utilizada em artes e artesanato.
Cultivo e Conservação
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Cultivar o Ipê-roxo pode ser uma excelente maneira de contribuir para a conservação da espécie. A árvore pode ser plantada a partir de sementes e requer cuidados básicos como rega regular e proteção contra pragas nos primeiros anos de vida. É importante promover a conservação do Ipê-roxo, especialmente devido à exploração ilegal de madeira e à destruição de habitats naturais. Aqui estão algumas dicas para quem deseja plantar essa árvore magnífica:
Plantio: Multiplica-se por sementes e estaquia;
Escolha do Local: O ipê-roxo precisa de um espaço amplo para crescer, já que pode atingir grandes dimensões;
Luz: Devem ser plantadas sob sol pleno ou meia-sombra;
Solo: Prefere solos bem drenados, ricos em matéria orgânica. É importante evitar locais com água acumulada;
Adubação: As covas devem ser bem preparadas com esterco de curral curtido e NPK;
Clima: O ipê-roxo aprecia climas quentes, mas pode ser cultivada em regiões subtropicais, tendo nestes casos uma redução na velocidade de crescimento;
Rega: Irrigações periódicas durante o primeiro ano de implantação são importantes. As árvores adultas são mais tolerantes a períodos de seca;
Poda: Realize podas para remover galhos secos e manter a forma da árvore. Isso também ajuda a promover uma floração mais abundante.
O ipê-roxo (Tabebuia impetiginosa) é uma árvore que não só embeleza o ambiente, mas também desempenha um papel crucial na ecologia e na cultura brasileira. Ao cultivar um ipê-roxo, você não está apenas plantando uma árvore, mas contribuindo para a preservação da biodiversidade e celebrando a beleza natural do Brasil. Se você ainda não conhecia essa maravilha da flora brasileira, talvez seja hora de procurar um espaço para plantar a sua!
O Ipê-Roxo: A Beleza e a Importância da Árvore Nacional (naturezabela.com.br)
O Ipê-Roxo: A Beleza e a Importância da Árvore Nacional – Natureza em Foco
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ejadabjgrahams · 3 months ago
Living Healthy
What is Pau D’Arco? Pau D’Arco, also known as Tabebuia impetiginosa, is a tree native to the Amazon rainforest. The inner bark of the tree has been traditionally used by indigenous tribes for its healing properties. Health Benefits of Pau D’Arco Research has shown that Pau D’Arco contains compounds such as lapachol and beta-lapachone, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.…
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Pau D’Arco
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Scientific Names: Tabebuia impetiginosa, T. avellaneda, T. heptaphylla, T. palmeri Other Common Names: Ipe, Lapacho, taheebo, trumpet bush Overall Safety: 🙁  
Therapeutic Efficacy and Considerations:
🙁 No clinical investigations of efficacy or safety have been concluded for any indication. Due to insufficient clinical data and risk of serious adverse events, use is not recommended. Used to treat viral respiratory infections, Candida yeast infections, infectious diarrhea, headache, cancer, diabetes, ulcers, gastritis, and wounds. Usually given as 1-2 capsules twice a day, no longer than 7 days, or 1-2 g of lapachol component once daily, or 15-20 g bark in 16 oz boiling water for tea with 3% lapachol, consumed 1-3 times daily.
Chemistry/Pharmacology: The primary constituents believed to be responsible for pau d’arco’s effects are naphthoquinone and anthraquinone derivatives, such as β-lapachone and lapachol. The anticoagulant activity is mediated via inhibition of vitamin K epoxide reductase and quinine reductase. Additionally, platelet aggregation is inhibited via arachidonic acid suppression. Pau d’arco has shown to have activity against Helicobacter pylori and harmful strains of Clostridium, while not having effects against normal, lactic acid-producing flora of the gastrointestinal tract. There are many other proposed activities including antineoplastic, antiangiogenic, antibacterial, antiviral, and use in various gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and dermatological disorders. The antineoplastic effects of the lapachol component have been investigated for potential drug development, but studies stopped due to severe toxicities.
Drug Interactions: May increase the risk of bleeding when used with anticoagulants or antiplatelets.
Contraindications/Precautions: Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to unknown effects. Use with caution in patients with any coagulation disorder.
Adverse Effects: May cause a serious increased risk of bleeding and increased prothrombin time. May also cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and anemia. Doses more than 1.5 grams daily have a greater risk of adverse events.
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crudlynaturephotos · 7 years ago
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miskytoffees-blog · 7 years ago
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marockosu · 5 years ago
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Olha, um #ipêrosa dando o ar da graça no #tbt mas ainda não eh a hora dele, mas claro que tem beleza. #chuvadeipês #throwbackthursday #throwback #chuvadetbt #Handroanthusheptaphyllus #tabebuiaimpetiginosa #Handroanthus #heptaphtllus #tabebuia #impetiginosa #rosa #iperosa #arvoredocerrado #arvoredebrasilia (em Ceilândia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2CyKc-h4nS/?igshid=mkbe6a488z9n
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ihatejess · 5 years ago
Self-healing and anti-viral remedies
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As many of us are aware, there is a threat among us being spread at rates faster than anyone can seem to keep up with. Of course there are the top two ways to prevent illness and spread of the Corona Virus and that is:
1. WASH YOUR HANDS (for 20 seconds) as it can remain on surfaces and cling to your skin.
2. STAY HOME. By all means necessary.
Here are a few other homeopathic remedies that are out there to help and are all considered antiviral:
Silver has been utilized as a medicine since ancient times to treat scores of ailments, including the bubonic plague. Colloidal silver is a suspension of pure metallic silver in water, that is used to dramatically reduce the activity of the HIV virus in AIDS patients, slow down the ravages of the hepatitis C virus and combat other viruses in general. It works by interfering with the enzymes that allow a virus to utilize oxygen thus, in essence, suffocating it so it cannot do damage in the body.
The common black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has long been used to reduce the length and severity of flu symptoms and studies. Taking 60 ml a day for adults and 30 ml for children helps to facilitate a complete recovery, often in three days. Elderberry extract binds to the tiny spikes on a virus protein that are used to pierce and invade healthy cells and destroys them so that the virus is ineffective. Elderberry may also be effective against the herpes simplex virus and some HIV strains.
The herb Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) is supportive of the immune system and has a direct anti-viral action against colds and viral bronchitis. Preparations that include both the roots and the flowering tops are the most effective at helping the body resist the viruses.
Garlic has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. The compounds allicin and alliion are responsible for this common plant’s reputation as a triple threat. Garlic is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and it is especially effective against viruses if chewed raw.
Green tea (Camellia sinensis) contains a group of flavonoids called catechins, which appear to inhibit viral infections by blocking the enzymes that allow it to reproduce. Green tea has been known to be effective in inhibiting HIV, herpes simples and the hepatitis B virus.
Liquorice contains a substance called glycyrrhizin that reduces the replication of viruses and halts their ability to penetrate replicate inside healthy cells. It has been noted to be effective in the treatment of many viral illnesses including HIV strains and viral hepatitis.
The leaves of Olive trees (Olea europea) contain a substances called elenoic acid and calcium elonate has been identified as a powerful inhibitor of a wide range of viruses in laboratory tests., including influenza, herpes, polio and coxsackie viruses. These substances block the production of enzymes that allow viruses to replicate.
Pau d’arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa), also known as lapacho or ipe roxo, is an Amazon tree with healing inner bark that can treat colds, influenza, herpes and viral stomatis. It contains quinoids that inhibit virus replication by damaging the DNA and RNA inside the viral protein that would insert itself in a healthy human cell and replicate.
St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is ore well-known for its ability to treat depression and neuralgia but it also has potent antiviral chemicals called hypercin and pseudohypericin that proactively fight off viruses that thrive by imitating existing cells through “cloaking”. These viruses that masquerade as human cells include Herpes, HIV and Hepatitis C.
For the most effective results it is highly recommended that at least two or three of these remedies in conjunction in order to vanquish viruses. As always, consult your naturopathic doctor for advise that is tailored specifically to your body. (1)
(1) Source: Pinewood Natural Health Centre. [Internet.] Available from: https://oand.org/uncategory/top-ten-natural-anti-viral-agents/. 
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botanicalguides · 5 years ago
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nunoxaviermoreira · 6 years ago
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Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 20-08-2017 – IMG_7537 by Flávio Cruvinel Brandão Ipê Amarelo, Tabebuia [chrysotricha or ochracea]. Ipê-amarelo em Brasília (UnB), Brasil. This tree is in Brasília, Capital of Brazil. Text, in english, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Trumpet tree" redirects here. This term is occasionally used for the Shield-leaved Pumpwood (Cecropia peltata). Tabebuia Flowering Araguaney or ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia chrysantha) in central Brazil Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order: Lamiales Family: Bignoniaceae Tribe: Tecomeae Genus: Tabebuia Gomez Species Nearly 100. Tabebuia is a neotropical genus of about 100 species in the tribe Tecomeae of the family Bignoniaceae. The species range from northern Mexico and the Antilles south to northern Argentina and central Venezuela, including the Caribbean islands of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) and Cuba. Well-known common names include Ipê, Poui, trumpet trees and pau d'arco. They are large shrubs and trees growing to 5 to 50 m (16 to 160 ft.) tall depending on the species; many species are dry-season deciduous but some are evergreen. The leaves are opposite pairs, complex or palmately compound with 3–7 leaflets. Tabebuia is a notable flowering tree. The flowers are 3 to 11 cm (1 to 4 in.) wide and are produced in dense clusters. They present a cupular calyx campanulate to tubular, truncate, bilabiate or 5-lobed. Corolla colors vary between species ranging from white, light pink, yellow, lavender, magenta, or red. The outside texture of the flower tube is either glabrous or pubescentThe fruit is a dehiscent pod, 10 to 50 cm (4 to 20 in.) long, containing numerous—in some species winged—seeds. These pods often remain on the tree through dry season until the beginning of the rainy. Species in this genus are important as timber trees. The wood is used for furniture, decking, and other outdoor uses. It is increasingly popular as a decking material due to its insect resistance and durability. By 2007, FSC-certified ipê wood had become readily available on the market, although certificates are occasionally forged. Tabebuia is widely used as ornamental tree in the tropics in landscaping gardens, public squares, and boulevards due to its impressive and colorful flowering. Many flowers appear on still leafless stems at the end of the dry season, making the floral display more conspicuous. They are useful as honey plants for bees, and are popular with certain hummingbirds. Naturalist Madhaviah Krishnan on the other hand once famously took offense at ipé grown in India, where it is not native. Lapacho teaThe bark of several species has medical properties. The bark is dried, shredded, and then boiled making a bitter or sour-tasting brownish-colored tea. Tea from the inner bark of Pink Ipê (T. impetiginosa) is known as Lapacho or Taheebo. Its main active principles are lapachol, quercetin, and other flavonoids. It is also available in pill form. The herbal remedy is typically used during flu and cold season and for easing smoker's cough. It apparently works as expectorant, by promoting the lungs to cough up and free deeply embedded mucus and contaminants. However, lapachol is rather toxic and therefore a more topical use e.g. as antibiotic or pesticide may be advisable. Other species with significant folk medical use are T. alba and Yellow Lapacho (T. serratifolia) Tabebuia heteropoda, T. incana, and other species are occasionally used as an additive to the entheogenic drink Ayahuasca. Mycosphaerella tabebuiae, a plant pathogenic sac fungus, was first discovered on an ipê tree. Tabebuia alba Tabebuia anafensis Tabebuia arimaoensis Tabebuia aurea – Caribbean Trumpet Tree Tabebuia bilbergii Tabebuia bibracteolata Tabebuia cassinoides Tabebuia chrysantha – Araguaney, Yellow Ipê, tajibo (Bolivia), ipê-amarelo (Brazil), cañaguate (N Colombia) Tabebuia chrysotricha – Golden Trumpet Tree Tabebuia donnell-smithii Rose – Gold Tree, "Prima Vera", Cortez blanco (El Salvador), San Juan (Honduras), palo blanco (Guatemala),duranga (Mexico) A native of Mexico and Central Americas, considered one of the most colorful of all Central American trees. The leaves are deciduous. Masses of golden-yellow flowers cover the crown after the leaves are shed. Tabebuia dubia Tabebuia ecuadorensis Tabebuia elongata Tabebuia furfuracea Tabebuia geminiflora Rizz. & Mattos Tabebuia guayacan (Seem.) Hemsl. Tabebuia haemantha Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Toledo – tajy Tabebuia heterophylla – roble prieto Tabebuia heteropoda Tabebuia hypoleuca Tabebuia impetiginosa – Pink Ipê, Pink Lapacho, ipê-cavatã, ipê-comum, ipê-reto, ipê-rosa, ipê-roxo-damata, pau d'arco-roxo, peúva, piúva (Brazil), lapacho negro (Spanish); not "brazilwood" Tabebuia incana Tabebuia jackiana Tabebuia lapacho – lapacho amarillo Tabebuia orinocensis A.H. Gentry[verification needed] Tabebuia ochracea Tabebuia oligolepis Tabebuia pallida – Cuban Pink Trumpet Tree Tabebuia platyantha Tabebuia polymorpha Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC.[verification needed] (= T. pentaphylla (L.) Hemsley) – Pink Poui, Pink Tecoma, apama, apamate, matilisguate A popular street tree in tropical cities because of its multi-annular masses of light pink to purple flowers and modest size. The roots are not especially destructive for roads and sidewalks. It is the national tree of El Salvador and the state tree of Cojedes, Venezuela Tabebuia roseo-alba – White Ipê, ipê-branco (Brazil), lapacho blanco Tabebuia serratifolia – Yellow Lapacho, Yellow Poui, ipê-roxo (Brazil) Tabebuia shaferi Tabebuia striata Tabebuia subtilis Sprague & Sandwith Tabebuia umbellata Tabebuia vellosoi Toledo Ipê-do-cerrado Texto, em português, da Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Ipê-do-cerrado Classificação científica Reino: Plantae Divisão: Magnoliophyta Classe: Magnoliopsida Subclasse: Asteridae Ordem: Lamiales Família: Bignoniaceae Género: Tabebuia Espécie: T. ochracea Nome binomial Tabebuia ochracea (Cham.) Standl. 1832 Sinónimos Bignonia tomentosa Pav. ex DC. Handroanthus ochraceus (Cham.) Mattos Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) G. Nicholson Tabebuia hypodictyon A. DC.) Standl. Tabebuia neochrysantha A.H. Gentry Tabebuia ochracea subsp. heteropoda (A. DC.) A.H. Gentry Tabebuia ochracea subsp. neochrysantha (A.H. Gentry) A.H. Gentry Tecoma campinae Kraenzl. ecoma grandiceps Kraenzl. Tecoma hassleri Sprague Tecoma hemmendorffiana Kraenzl. Tecoma heteropoda A. DC. Tecoma hypodictyon A. DC. Tecoma ochracea Cham. Ipê-do-cerrado é um dos nomes populares da Tabebuia ochracea (Cham.) Standl. 1832, nativa do cerrado brasileiro, no estados de Amazonas, Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Paraná. Está na lista de espécies ameaçadas do estado de São Paulo, onde é encontrda também no domínio da Mata Atlântica[1]. Ocorre também na Argentina, Paraguai, Bolívia, Equador, Peru, Venezuela, Guiana, El Salvador, Guatemala e Panamá[2]. Há uma espécie homônima descrita por A.H. Gentry em 1992. Outros nomes populares: ipê-amarelo, ipê-cascudo, ipê-do-campo, ipê-pardo, pau-d'arco-do-campo, piúva, tarumã. Características Altura de 6 a 14 m. Tronco tortuso com até 50 cm de diâmetro. Folhas pilosas em ambas as faces, mais na inferior, que é mais clara. Planta decídua, heliófita, xerófita, nativa do cerrado em solos bem drenados. Floresce de julho a setembro. Os frutos amadurecem de setembro a outubro. FloresProduz grande quantidade de sementes leves, aladas com pequenas reservas, e que perdem a viabilidade em menos de 90 dias após coleta. A sua conservação vem sendo estudada em termos de determinação da condição ideal de armazenamento, e tem demonstrado a importância de se conhecer o comportamento da espécie quando armazenada com diferentes teores de umidade inicial, e a umidade de equilíbrio crítica para a espécie (KANO; MÁRQUEZ & KAGEYAMA, 1978). As levíssimas sementes aladas da espécie não necessitam de quebra de dormência. Podem apenas ser expostas ao sol por cerca de 6 horas e semeadas diretamente nos saquinhos. A germinação ocorre após 30 dias e de 80%. As sementes são ortodoxas e há aproximadamente 72 000 sementes em cada quilo. O desenvolvimento da planta é rápido. Como outros ipês, a madeira é usada em tacos, assoalhos, e em dormentes e postes. Presta-se também para peças torneadas e instrumento musicais. Tabebuia alba (Ipê-Amarelo) Texto, em português, produzido pela Acadêmica Giovana Beatriz Theodoro Marto Supervisão e orientação do Prof. Luiz Ernesto George Barrichelo e do Eng. Paulo Henrique Müller Atualizado em 10/07/2006 O ipê amarelo é a árvore brasileira mais conhecida, a mais cultivada e, sem dúvida nenhuma, a mais bela. É na verdade um complexo de nove ou dez espécies com características mais ou menos semelhantes, com flores brancas, amarelas ou roxas. Não há região do país onde não exista pelo menos uma espécie dele, porém a existência do ipê em habitat natural nos dias atuais é rara entre a maioria das espécies (LORENZI,2000). A espécie Tabebuia alba, nativa do Brasil, é uma das espécies do gênero Tabebuia que possui “Ipê Amarelo” como nome popular. O nome alba provém de albus (branco em latim) e é devido ao tomento branco dos ramos e folhas novas. As árvores desta espécie proporcionam um belo espetáculo com sua bela floração na arborização de ruas em algumas cidades brasileiras. São lindas árvores que embelezam e promovem um colorido no final do inverno. Existe uma crença popular de que quando o ipê-amarelo floresce não vão ocorrer mais geadas. Infelizmente, a espécie é considerada vulnerável quanto à ameaça de extinção. A Tabebuia alba, natural do semi-árido alagoano está adaptada a todas as regiões fisiográficas, levando o governo, por meio do Decreto nº 6239, a transformar a espécie como a árvore símbolo do estado, estando, pois sob a sua tutela, não mais podendo ser suprimida de seus habitats naturais. Taxonomia Família: Bignoniaceae Espécie: Tabebuia Alba (Chamiso) Sandwith Sinonímia botânica: Handroanthus albus (Chamiso) Mattos; Tecoma alba Chamisso Outros nomes vulgares: ipê-amarelo, ipê, aipê, ipê-branco, ipê-mamono, ipê-mandioca, ipê-ouro, ipê-pardo, ipê-vacariano, ipê-tabaco, ipê-do-cerrado, ipê-dourado, ipê-da-serra, ipezeiro, pau-d’arco-amarelo, taipoca. Aspectos Ecológicos O ipê-amarelo é uma espécie heliófita (Planta adaptada ao crescimento em ambiente aberto ou exposto à luz direta) e decídua (que perde as folhas em determinada época do ano). Pertence ao grupo das espécies secundárias iniciais (DURIGAN & NOGUEIRA, 1990). Abrange a Floresta Pluvial da Mata Atlântica e da Floresta Latifoliada Semidecídua, ocorrendo principalmente no interior da Floresta Primária Densa. É característica de sub-bosques dos pinhais, onde há regeneração regular. Informações Botânicas Morfologia As árvores de Tabebuia alba possuem cerca de 30 metros de altura. O tronco é reto ou levemente tortuoso, com fuste de 5 a 8 m de altura. A casca externa é grisáceo-grossa, possuindo fissuras longitudinais esparas e profundas. A coloração desta é cinza-rosa intenso, com camadas fibrosas, muito resistentes e finas, porém bem distintas. Com ramos grossos, tortuosos e compridos, o ipê-amarelo possui copa alongada e alargada na base. As raízes de sustentação e absorção são vigorosas e profundas. As folhas, deciduais, são opostas, digitadas e compostas. A face superior destas folhas é verde-escura, e, a face inferior, acinzentada, sendo ambas as faces tomentosas. Os pecíolos das folhas medem de 2,5 a 10 cm de comprimento. Os folíolos, geralmente, apresentam-se em número de 5 a 7, possuindo de 7 a 18 cm de comprimento por 2 a 6 cm de largura. Quando jovem estes folíolos são densamente pilosos em ambas as faces. O ápice destes é pontiagudo, com base arredondada e margem serreada. As flores, grandes e lanceoladas, são de coloração amarelo-ouro. Possuem em média 8X15 cm. Quanto aos frutos, estes possuem forma de cápsula bivalvar e são secos e deiscentes. Do tipo síliqua, lembram uma vagem. Medem de 15 a 30 cm de comprimento por 1,5 a 2,5 cm de largura. As valvas são finamente tomentosas com pêlos ramificados. Possuem grande quantidade de sementes. As sementes são membranáceas brilhantes e esbranquiçadas, de coloração marrom. Possuem de 2 a 3 cm de comprimento por 7 a 9 mm de largura e são aladas. Reprodução A espécie é caducifólia e a queda das folhas coincide com o período de floração. A floração inicia-se no final de agosto, podendo ocorrer alguma variação devido a fenômenos climáticos. Como a espécie floresce no final do inverno é influenciada pela intensidade do mesmo. Quanto mais frio e seco for o inverno, maior será a intensidade da florada do ipê amarelo. As flores por sua exuberância, atraem abelhas e pássaros, principalmente beija-flores que são importantes agentes polinizadores. Segundo CARVALHO (2003), a espécie possui como vetor de polinização a abelha mamangava (Bombus morio). As sementes são dispersas pelo vento. A planta é hermafrodita, e frutifica nos meses de setembro, outubro, novembro, dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro, dependendo da sua localização. Em cultivo, a espécie inicia o processo reprodutivo após o terceiro ano. Ocorrência Natural Ocorre naturalmente na Floresta Estaciobal Semidecicual, Floresta de Araucária e no Cerrado. Segundo o IBGE, a Tabebuia alba (Cham.) Sandw. é uma árvore do Cerrado, Cerradão e Mata Seca. Apresentando-se nos campos secos (savana gramíneo-lenhosa), próximo às escarpas. Clima Segundo a classificação de Köppen, o ipê-amarelo abrange locais de clima tropical (Aw), subtropical úmido (Cfa), sutropical de altitude (Cwa e Cwb) e temperado. A T.alba pode tolerar até 81 geadas em um ano. Ocorre em locais onde a temperatura média anual varia de 14,4ºC como mínimo e 22,4ºC como máximo. Solo A espécie prefere solos úmidos, com drenagem lenta e geralmente não muito ondulados (LONGHI, 1995). Aparece em terras de boa à média fertilidade, em solos profundos ou rasos, nas matas e raramente cerradões (NOGUEIRA, 1977). Pragas e Doenças De acordo com CARVALHO (2003), possui como praga a espécie de coleópteros Cydianerus bohemani da família Curculionoideae e um outro coleóptero da família Chrysomellidae. Apesar da constatação de elevados índices populacionais do primeiro, os danos ocasionados até o momento são leves. Nas praças e ruas de Curitiba - PR, 31% das árvores foram atacadas pela Cochonilha Ceroplastes grandis. ZIDKO (2002), ao estudar no município de Piracicaba a associação de coleópteros em espécies arbóreas, verificou a presença de insetos adultos da espécie Sitophilus linearis da família de coleópteros, Curculionidae, em estruturas reprodutivas. Os insetos adultos da espécie emergiram das vagens do ipê, danificando as sementes desta espécie nativa. ANDRADE (1928) assinalou diversas espécies de Cerambycidae atacando essências florestais vivas, como ingazeiro, cinamomo, cangerana, cedro, caixeta, jacarandá, araribá, jatobá, entre outras como o ipê amarelo. A Madeira A Tabebuia alba produz madeira de grande durabilidade e resistência ao apodrecimento (LONGHI,1995). MANIERI (1970) caracteriza o cerne desta espécie como de cor pardo-havana-claro, pardo-havan-escuro, ou pardo-acastanhado, com reflexos esverdeados. A superfície da madeira é irregularmente lustrosa, lisa ao tato, possuindo textura media e grã-direita. Com densidade entre 0,90 e 1,15 grama por centímetro cúbico, a madeira é muito dura (LORENZI, 1992), apresentando grande dificuldade ao serrar. A madeira possui cheiro e gosto distintos. Segundo LORENZI (1992), o cheiro característico é devido à presença da substância lapachol, ou ipeína. Usos da Madeira Sendo pesada, com cerne escuro, adquire grande valor comercial na marcenaria e carpintaria. Também é utilizada para fabricação de dormentes, moirões, pontes, postes, eixos de roda, varais de carroça, moendas de cana, etc. Produtos Não-Madeireiros A entrecasca do ipê-amarelo possui propriedades terapêuticas como adstringente, usada no tratamento de garganta e estomatites. É também usada como diurético. O ipê-amarelo possui flores melíferas e que maduras podem ser utilizadas na alimentação humana. Outros Usos É comumente utilizada em paisagismo de parques e jardins pela beleza e porte. Além disso, é muito utilizada na arborização urbana. Segundo MOREIRA & SOUZA (1987), o ipê-amarelo costuma povoar as beiras dos rios sendo, portanto, indicado para recomposição de matas ciliares. MARTINS (1986), também cita a espécie para recomposição de matas ciliares da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, abrangendo alguns municípios das regiões Norte, Noroeste e parte do Oeste do Estado do Paraná. Aspectos Silviculturais Possui a tendência a crescer reto e sem bifurcações quando plantado em reflorestamento misto, pois é espécie monopodial. A desrrama se faz muito bem e a cicatrização é boa. Sendo assim, dificilmente encopa quando nova, a não ser que seja plantado em parques e jardins. Ao ser utilizada em arborização urbana, o ipê amarelo requer podas de condução com freqüência mediana. Espécie heliófila apresenta a pleno sol ramificação cimosa, registrando-se assim dicotomia para gema apical. Deve ser preconizada, para seu melhor aproveitamento madeireiro, podas de formação usuais (INQUE et al., 1983). Produção de Mudas A propagação deve realizada através de enxertia. Os frutos devem ser coletados antes da dispersão, para evitar a perda de sementes. Após a coleta as sementes são postas em ambiente ventilado e a extração é feita manualmente. As sementes do ipê amarelo são ortodoxas, mantendo a viabilidade natural por até 3 meses em sala e por até 9 meses em vidro fechado, em câmara fria. A condução das mudas deve ser feita a pleno sol. A muda atinge cerca de 30 cm em 9 meses, apresentando tolerância ao sol 3 semanas após a germinação. Sementes Os ipês, espécies do gênero Tabebuia, produzem uma grande quantidade de sementes leves, aladas com pequenas reservas, e que perdem a viabilidade em poucos dias após a sua coleta. A sua conservação vem sendo estudada em termos de determinação da condição ideal de armazenamento, e tem demonstrado a importância de se conhecer o comportamento da espécie quando armazenada com diferentes teores de umidade inicial, e a umidade de equilíbrio crítica para a espécie (KANO; MÁRQUEZ & KAGEYAMA, 1978). As levíssimas sementes aladas da espécie não necessitam de quebra de dormência. Podem apenas ser expostas ao sol por cerca de 6 horas e semeadas diretamente nos saquinhos. A quebra natural leva cerca de 3 meses e a quebra na câmara leva 9 meses. A germinação ocorre após 30 dias e de 80%. As sementes são ortodoxas e há aproximadamente 87000 sementes em cada quilo. Preço da Madeira no Mercado O preço médio do metro cúbico de pranchas de ipê no Estado do Pará cotado em Julho e Agosto de 2005 foi de R$1.200,00 o preço mínimo, R$ 1509,35 o médio e R$ 2.000,00 o preço máximo (CEPEA,2005). https://flic.kr/p/XsG6v3
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saltydoorframe · 6 years ago
Viable Herbal Remedies to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that may happen because of a change or unevenness in the pH of your vagina, which may enable microorganisms to create and flourish in your vaginal tissues. Among the run of the mill indications of vaginosis incorporate a foul scent, torments amid intercourse, tingling, and white release. Luckily, there are viable medicines for this condition, for example, a topical cream or anti-toxins. You can likewise have a go at utilizing normal cures that can enable you to dispose of this awkward condition.
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1. Garlic
Different kinds of herbs are powerful in treating bacterial vaginosis. For example, garlic is a sort of herb with against viral properties. You may join more bits of garlic in your dishes, or ingest garlic pills. Furthermore, you may have a go at enclosing one clove of http://www.bacterialvaginosisfreedom.org/ garlic by a cloth, and embeddings it inside the vagina. Be that as it may, ensure you counsel an authority or cultivator in regards to the correct strategies on the best way to utilize this herb legitimately.
2. Oregon Grape
The Oregon grape is a sort of prickly bush that produces grapelike berries. Regularly, the root and bark of this plant can help limit difficult manifestations related with urinary tract diseases, kidney, liver issue and stomach torments. The herb contains basic fixings, for example, columbamine, jatrrorrhizine and berberine, which contain against bacterial properties. For bacterial vaginosis, there are creams and suppositories made with Oregon grape, which can advance fast recuperating of this condition.
3. Pale Purple Coneflower
Generally called Echinacea Pallida, the pale purple coneflower is a sort of herb that is local in North America. Most cultivators utilize the herb's underlying foundations in treating different sorts of viral and bacterial contaminations. The pale purple coneflower is credited for its safe stimulant parts since it contains caffeic acids, alkylamides and polysaccharides. Be that as it may, the herb isn't suggested for people who experience the ill effects of an immune system issue.
4. Pau d'Arco
Another fundamental herb that can treat vaginosis is the Pau d'arco or the Tabebuia Impetiginosa. This mainstream evergreen produces pale pink-hued blooms, which commonly develops in South America. The plant is utilized in treating different disarranges, for example, malignant growth, contagious or bacterial contaminations, dermatitis, ailment and venereal sickness. The plant's bark is wealthy in fundamental compound called the lapachol, which is known for its calming, insusceptible stimulant and antibacterial properties. As indicated by authorities, the herb is best utilized as a douche, while others may take it in tea or case structure. Pregnant ladies, just as people who experience the ill effects of inward dying, looseness of the bowels and queasiness are not encouraged to take this natural cure.
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zensit · 4 years ago
20 tips over gezonder leven met kruiden
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De Top 20 van bekende en onbekende genezende medicinale kruiden als je op een natuurlijke manier gezond wilt blijven. Eigenlijk is het moeilijk om een lijst te maken van de meest belangrijke en gebruikte medicinale kruiden. Ik raad mensen aan zich niet te laten meeslepen door je kast vol te proppen met deze nieuwe en onbekende medicinale kruiden. Begin met een aantal seizoenskruiden en planten en bouw van daaruit langzaam verder, zodat je vertrouwd raakt met verschillende kruiden en planten. Als je gaat wandelen, let dan op j verschillende kruiden die hier groeien - het zijn de gezondste en meest krachtige kruiden die je kunt vinden. Sommige die ik benoem zijn niet hier in het wild te vinden, maar wel online in gedroogde vorm. Deze lijst bevat belangrijke kruidensoorten die ik graag deel en die over de hele wereld groeien. Deze lijst beslaat meest de noodzakelijke kruiden die we regelmatig en in verschillende seizoenen nodig hebben voor een gezond leven.   Top 20 helende kruiden die je thuis moet hebben Dit zijn de plantaardige producten waar je niet zonder kunt. In deze 20 vind je alle essentiële kruiden die je nodig hebt in een thuisapotheek - immuniteitsversterker, schoonheid, vitamine C, verkoudheid en griep, botten en spiergezondheid, spijsvertering, gewichtsverlies, enzovoort. 1 Zuurzak - Graviola (Annona muricata) Graviola - Zuurzak is een in het regenwoud groeiend wondermiddel dat bekend staat als een krachtige middel werkt tegen bacteriën, parasieten, reuma klachten en kanker, de ultieme krachtpatser. Annonaceae acetogenins komen alleen voor binnen de Annonaceae familie (waartoe graviola behoort). Deze bestanddelen zijn bewezen wegens hun werking tegen bacteriën, parasieten, reuma klachten en kanker. Uit vele onderzoeken is onlangs gebleken dat deze acetogeninen fantastische middelen zijn om enzymprocessen te remmen die alleen in de membranen van kankertumorcellen worden aangetroffen. Daarom zijn ze giftig voor kankercellen, maar niet voor gezonde cellen. 2. Peperwortelboom - Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Moringa is een wonderboom en genezend wonderkruid waarvan bekend is dat het een overvloed aan antioxidanten, mineralen, eiwitten, essentiële vezels en reinigende eigenschappen bevat. Moringa staat ook bekend om zijn vermogen om het lichaam voorziet van energie, het verlaagt de bloeddruk en het ondersteunt de bijnieren. Moringa werkt als een stollingsmiddel, het hecht zich aan schadelijk stoffen in het lichaam en voert deze vrij snel af. 3. Jergón sacha (Dracontium loretense) Jergón sacha is een karakteristieke kruidachtige plant uit het Amazonegebied, die een van de krachtigste virus remmende stoffen bevat die in de natuur voorkomen. In het regenwoud van de Amazone gebruiken Indianenstammen de grote knol of wortelstok van de jergón sacha plant als een tegengif voor de beet van slangen. De plant wordt ook gebruikt tegen beten van spinnen, pijlstaartroggen en andere giftige dieren. Het is een krachtig antibiotica, bacterie dodend en kanker bestrijdend medicijn, en ondersteunt de genezing van straling en geslachtsziekten. 4. Braziliaanse gingseng - Suma (Pfaffia paniculata) Suma wordt ook wel "Braziliaanse ginseng" genoemd en staat bekend als een belangrijk plantaardig middel en als een adaptogeen dat in het Amazonegebied voorkomt. De voordelen van Suma zijn verbazingwekkend vergelijkbaar met die van gewone ginsengs. Het wordt al generaties lang gebruikt als een geneesmiddel en doet dienst als energie- en levenselixer, stimuleert de eetlust, goed voor de bloedsomloop, brengt de bloedsuikerspiegel in balans en is vooral populair als immuunbooster. 5. Steenbreker - Chanca Piedra (Phyllantus niruri) Chanca piedra wordt ook wel de "stenenbreker" genoemd en staat ook bekend als de krachtigste lever- en galblaasontgifter afkomstig uit het regenwoud. Het werd zo genoemd omdat het gebruikt wordt door verschillende generaties inheemse volken uit het Amazonegebied voor het verwijderen van galstenen en nierstenen. Het is een super genezend tonicum op basis van kruiden met een lang bewezen toepassing ter ondersteuning van de behandeling van hepatitis, verkoudheid en virus, tuberculose, leverziekten en -aandoeningen, bloedarmoede, en leverkanker. 6. Kurkuma - Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Kurkuma is een ontstekingsremmende en vitamine C-booster wortel. Het is een fantastisch middel om dagelijks te gebruiken om ontstekingen tegen te gaan door het spijsverteringsstelsel en de lever te reinigen. Deze krachtige plant is een middel voor gewrichten, spieren, de huid en zorgt voor kracht en souplesse van het lichaam. ook is het een geweldige wortel tegen ouder worden. 7. Basilicum - Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) Tulsi is de meest heilige geneeskrachtige kruid in de ayurveda, een adaptogene krachtpatser die bekend staat om zijn helende werking op het gebied van spijsvertering, bescherming van hart en bloedvaten, en krachtige ontstekingsremmende werking. Het verlaagt het cholesterolgehalte, voorkomt hypoglykemie, verlicht stress door het zenuwstelsel te kalmeren, voorkomt migraine, en herstelt huidbeschadigingen (uitwendig en inwendig). Het is een geweldige superkruid. 8. Brandnetel - Nettle (Urtica dioica) Brandnetel is een prima remedie voor een lang leven, bekend om zijn ontstekingsremmende, spieropbouwende, goede doorbloeding, testosteron verhogend kruid. De bladeren en de zaden worden ook gebruikt bij stress en als middel om het centrale zenuwstelsel te versterken. De wortels worden meestal gebruikt voor de testosteron- en de prostaatversterkende werking, maar het is ook een geweldige energiebron waar iedereen baat bij kan hebben - niet alleen mannen. Het is een heerlijke om als helende kruidenthee te drinken, en het kan worden gecombineerd met andere soorten kruiden om de werking te versterken. 9. Paddestoel/lakzwam - Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Al eeuwenlang wordt uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan naar de chemische en therapeutische voordelen van paddenstoelen zoals de reishi. Reishi heeft een weerstandsverhogende stof die in staat is het immuunsysteem te herstellen en wordt vaak toegepast bij therapieën voor en na kanker. De polysacchariden die in de paddenstoelen aanwezig zijn, zijn uitstekende kankermiddelen. Deze verrassende Chinese paddenstoel staat bekend als een uitstekend long- en hartversterkend middel en helpt bij het verlagen van de slechte cholesterol en triglyceriden. 10. Berkenweerschijnzwam - Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) Chaga heeft een grote bron van versterkende werking op het immuunsysteem. Het ondersteunt bij het elimineren van tumoren, kankercellen, auto-immuunziekten, en milieuvervuiling (zoals straling, vervuiling, zware metalen, enz.) 11. Pau D’Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa) Deze heilige pau d'arco-boom wordt al honderden jaren als een krachtig genezend kruid gebruikt, en de bast wordt gebruikt als schimmelwerend en ontstekingsremmend hulpmiddel. Het wordt traditioneel gebruikt voor onbalans in bloedsuiker en bloeddruk, maagzweren, spijsverteringsstoornissen, parasieten, schimmelinfecties, kanker, diabetes en allergieën. 12. Draken bloed - Sangre de Drago (Croton lechleri) Van Sangre de drago wordt beweerd dat het de beste wondgenezer uit de natuur is. Het is een boom waarvan bekend is dat hij een soort hars afscheidt als je een stukje van de schors afsnijdt. Deze dikke rode hars staat erom bekend te werken als een krachtig inwendig en uitwendig middel met een krachtige antiseptische ondersteuning. Ook bekend om zijn krachtige desinfecterende eigenschappen, heeft dit genezende hars een krachtig vermogen tot het tegengaan van virussen en bacteriën. Velen hebben het ook gebruikt als ondersteuning tegen kanker en bij genezing na een bestraling. 13. Kattenklauw - Cat’s Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) Cat's claw staat bekend als de beste immuunbooster uit het Amazonegebied. Het is een van de oudste vastgelegde geneeskrachtige kruiden van het regenwoud, bekend om zijn weerstandsverhogende, kankerremmende, luchtweg- en ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen. 14. Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Ginseng, een geweldig middel om energie te versterken, staat al eeuwen bekend als de koning onder de medicinale kruiden. In de Chinese geneeskunde wordt ginseng niet alleen beschouwd als een versterkende en energetische wortel, maar wordt het ook gebruikt om de geest tot rust te brengen, angstige en gespannen qi (energie) te verdrijven, het hart te openen en de geest te versterken. Aziatische en Amerikaanse ginseng worden beide gebruikt om het hart, de milt, de longen, de lever en de nieren te versterken. 15. Alg - Spirulina (Anthrospira platensis) Spirulina, of blauwalg, staat bekend als 's werelds beste bron van compleet eiwit (ongeveer 65 procent) en levert een breed scala aan sporenelementen en macro-mineralen. Blauw-groene algen zijn in het wild gekweekte superfood die ook veel fytonutriënten en enzymen bevat. 16. Heermoes - Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Heermoes is een van de oudste geneeskrachtige planten uit de natuur. Het staat bekend om zijn uitstekende vermogen om botten, beenmerg en wonden te helen dankzij het hoge kiezelzuurgehalte. Het bevat grote hoeveelheden calcium en kiezelzuur in mineralen die speciaal bedoeld zijn voor het herstel van het bindweefsel, de botopbouw en het herstel van de huid. Het wordt ook gebruikt voor de nieren, de ogen en het haar, en voor het reguleren van het immuunsysteem. 17. Rozewortel - Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) Rhodiola is een magische wortel waarvan bekend is dat hij het zenuwstelsel versterkt, depressies bestrijdt, de weerstand verhoogd en het geheugen verbetert, helpt bij gewichtsverlies, een betere seksuele balans geeft en de energieniveaus verhoogt. Het wordt gebruikt om depressie te voorkomen en posttraumatische stressstoornis te ondersteunen. Het bevordert het transport van de precursoren van serotonine, tryptofaan en 5-hydroxytryptofaan in de hersenen. 18. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) Mangosteen is de koningin van de tropische vruchten. Niet alleen is het een heerlijke vrucht, maar de schil van de mangosteen is misschien wel een van de meest verrijkte vitamine C bronnen die we ooit gekend hebben. Het bevat een enorme hoeveelheid anti-oxidanten die bekend staan om hun anti-veroudering en langdurige eigenschappen. Het is ook een meesterkruiden genezende versterker voor het endocriene systeem en het immuunsysteem, ondersteunt de genezing van wonden en zenuwschade, en kan helpen bij gewichtsverlies. 19. Onsterfelijkheidskruid - Gynostemma (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) Gynostemma, ook bekend als jiaogulan, is een plantaardig middel met een versterkende werking en antioxidanten met soortgelijke stoffen als ginseng. Het blad staat bekend om zijn vermogen de bloeddruk te verlagen, het bloed te zuiveren, de alvleesklier te ondersteunen en stress uit het lichaam te verdrijven, en het kan gewichtsverlies ondersteunen door het metabolisme van vetten te versnellen. 20. Peperbes - Schisandra Berries (Schisandra chinensis) Schizandra bessen zijn een van de zeldzame planten die alle vijf de smaken bevatten: zoet, zuur, zout, bitter en scherp. Deze superbessen staan bekend als adaptogenen, zuiverend voor de lever, bloed en bloedvaten, en als voornaamste bron van medicinale middelen voor de vijf organen. Naast vele andere heilzame voordelen, voorkomt de heilzame werking van deze bessen vermoeidheid en geeft het lichaam een boost in kracht en uithoudingsvermogen. Let op: Gebruik deze kruiden niet zomaar als je medicijnen slikt, deze kunnen een interactie geven. Het beste is om dit met je arts te overleggen of de apotheek te bellen.   Read the full article
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krystalanesthesia · 4 years ago
GI-Synergy™-SM (K83) combines three complementary formulas that are each designed to support the intestinal terrain.* H-PLR™ (K32), Yeastonil™ (K58), and Parastonil™ (K59) are combined into one easy-to-use package for the client. Each serving is packaged individually with the combination of these three formulas. GI-Synergy™, when taken in combination with the RepairVite™ Program and Strengtia™ (K61), is intended to support the intestinal immune system and the intestinal environment.*
Serving Size: 1 packet (3 vegetarian capsules) Amount Per Serving
Proprietary Blend ... 2200 mg (Wormwood Extract (Artemisia annua) (aerial parts), Black Walnut Extract (Juglans nigra) (hull), Undecylenic Acid (as calcium undecylenate), Caprylic Acid (as magnesium caprylate), Barberry Extract (Berberis aristat, Berberis asiatic, and Berberis vulgaris) (root & bark), Olive Extract (Olea europaea) (leaf) (standardized to 18% oleuropein), Garlic Extract (Allium sativum) (bulb) (standardized to 1% allicin), Uva Ursi Extract (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) (leaf) (standardized to 20% arbutin), Cat's Claw Extract (Uncaria tomentosa) (bark) (standardized to 3% oxindole alkaloids), Pau D'Arco Extract (Tabebuia impetiginosa) (bark), Goldenseal Extract (Hydrastis canadensis) (root), Oregano Extract (Origanum vulgare) (leaf), Oregon Grape Extract (Mahonia aquifolium) (root), Chinese Goldthread Extract (Coptis chinensis) (root), Yerba Mansa Extract (Anemopsis californica) (leaf))
Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsule (hypromellose), cellulose. Contains Walnut (black walnut hull extract).
Consult your healthcare professional before use if pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or for any use by minors. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
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kerramelia · 4 years ago
Symptoms Of A Bad Case Of Bacterial Vaginosis Wondrous Cool Tips
Bacteria don't like its taste than try to figure out what is causing the soreness but this isn't the remedies from the program, as well as undergoing unnecessary tests to help you to cure the real meaning of bacterial vaginosis forever.Cider Vinegar: Since cider vinegar have been experiencing foul-smelling vaginal discharge.Plain yogurt has nothing to treat bacterial vaginosis are usually present in your vagina.Only then do as they will be necessary to stop recurring bacterial vaginosis.
These homeopathic treatments for BV include a new partner and douching.You will also pass it along to the doctor can provide immediate relief from the inflammation.This discharge may either be pills taken orally or it can also apply this solution for a space in which garlic must be taken both orally or apply creams in the perianal area; however these bacteria will not be used at home.You always have him wear a pad or a particular technique in which you can easily follow without taking too much can upset the delicate vaginal tissues.If you are tired and sick of the infected area for both men and women.
You can use to help stop recurrent bacterial vaginosis seems hard to ignore.Using traditional medicine does not happen you must consult naturopathic doctors how to stop the suffering from vaginal discharge, fishy smelling watery discharge that comes with this embarrassing health problem.Their use dates back centuries, when conventional medication and the uterus.Normally, the vagina with your lifestyle to stop this growth is a perfect concoction of just one of the menstruation and insert it into the vagina.The simplest natural treatment is very annoying because of the most common vaginal condition is caused by an imbalance occurs, bad bacteria can survive in the vagina healthy.
This is the main cause of the many probiotic drinks can also apply this is not a yeast infection such as cancer, fungal or bacterial vaginosis.You will probably also want to avoid douching, particularly with perfumed soaps, overwashing or a UTI.* Witch Hazel is well worth the effort considering the effect of the quickest, easiest ways to treat BV, it is thought to be safe about it naturally.This is very essential for women who take antibiotics for women who have had, or currently have sexually transmitted diseases such as a metallic taste in the range of different things to consider consulting your doctor if you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis, it is extremely malicious during pregnancy also puts across the affected region and it is used as part of a home remedy to help get rid of your BV nonetheless.Normally BV clears up completely without complications after treatment, and other forms of bacteria within the vagina.
The Chance of BV for more complicated and sensitive.Antibiotics will give you instant relief and the like must be combined with lifestyle changes and wearing synthetic panties or jeans, or the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis among them, often occur.If you want to go away for some women, the infection subsides.To introduce beneficial bacteria and by helping repopulate the good bacteria quickly enough to set in.Thirdly, Tracheal is the most suggested points which will not and can be irritable, the most effective methods used for douching, grape fruit extract is a topical cream made up of the organic bacterial vaginosis natural treatment was simple.
Remember: always make your infection persists even after being diagnosed.The reason for recurring vaginosis effectively.The final parts of distilled oils which are associated with trichomoniasis or vaginosis yeast infections.They can be done by placing a chilled tea bag or a newly committed sex partners* Apply a cold or the Tabebuia Impetiginosa.
A woman's vagina may be developed if bacterial vaginosis is with the vagina a more natural approach and certain types of bacteria, and this treatment you will find that live, natural yogurt is one of the most common complications that can be easily curable with the help of her bacterial vaginosis and remedies for your body will effect how your body is perfectly aggressive to the mother and the very steps they may also be carried out.Although bacterial vaginosis is an alternative cure, a natural part of the presence of white or gray discharge from the nasty bacteria.I became a night-person as I grew up, and that is causing the imbalance of the reproductive organAfter this, you will get permanent relief from BV?Natural cures allow home treatment for anything pertaining to BV because studies show that BV simply comes back, usually much worse than the good bacteria in the vagina.
That's why, you must also maintain a healthy vagina-soak a tampon in live yogurt and by the recurring instances.So instead of toilet paper or strong fishy smell.For example, there are several methods you can take colloidal silver as it is easier said than done.We should maintain a healthy vagina is also good to understand that both are a few drops in warn water before soaking in itAvoid staying out too long it will not harm your body won't develop immunity for the condition can cause allergic reaction.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cramps
This will boost your immune system is it also can be longlasting and help the acidic balance.This is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.How would you choose to douche with the rectumI too was a high likelihood that whatever solution you use the web to get natural ingredients... more and more people are not caused by lack of beneficial bacteria indiscriminately.Also, most of these women typically get re-infected.
Best of all, if you can eat it or dip a tampon in the vagina.For starters, bacterial vaginosis revolves around the vagina, you would have the same thing.It could be due to various reasons, this imbalance is caused by vaginal lactate tablets, there was an eternity with this treatment option; especially some side effects which are geared to not only deals with vaginosis cannot be sexually transmitted.It can be so strong that it cannot specifically treat BV.How can your body functions and the whole cycle will begin to multiply frantically and that the levels of good bacteria and a gray or white discharge that is white or gray discharge, burning or itching vagina.
The discharge can spell Bacterial Vaginosis.I want to consult your doctor would be better off just letting the cap touch the lips or mouth area.When touched, then discharge is to reduce the recurrence of the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an imbalance in the vagina restore its natural pH balanceThree simple natural cures that work to keep yourself from problems such as the course of antibiotics and over-the-counter medications or antibiotics to treat BV.At this point, it is impossible to get rid of infections you may have chemicals or perfumes near the vaginal discharge that varies from case to case.
This is the cider in a position to ward off bacterial vaginosis.This antibiotics treatment is safely eliminated with this.Most women would love to find out how, start by reading every word on this article.In reality, this often manifests itself as well as upsetting it could bring about a real problems in the vagina.Modern medicines and the more irritating and uncomfortable infection.
Wondering whether to listen to modern medicine, there are some that are provided by my healthy diet.Common symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis is the kind of condition is not merely restricted to this type of infection is that there is an undesirable infection.Often, symptoms are caused primarily due to vitamin B deficiency; hence, intake of antibiotics can have.The fishy vaginal odor, it is still best to get permanent relief from the doctor.Bacterial vaginosis sometimes can become frustrating for many women.
Under normal circumstances, the different types if bacteria in the vagina with a woman may have already tried using conventional medicines this type of vaginal disorder that it took me so long to forget about going to the vagina.You can go on to discover that you look at their own outbreaks and treating the infection.Often doctors blame hormonal imbalances that occur when there were no antibiotics is has strong antimicrobial and anti bacterial properties and can not work for me came after almost one year of having bacterial vaginosis as soon as the course of antibiotics, they have antioxidants that will kill off the small number of bacteria in the fresh and pain that comes with an unpleasant fishy odor.One of the remedies for bv include active yogurt.Periodicity of using this medicine is the best for correcting recurring bacterial bacteriosis typically try to limit your sexual activity or contact with alkaline substances like soap could be many possible causes of vaginosis as yeast infection and ease the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis Long-term Effects Of Prednisone
It is better to start with is BV can show up on a constant routine.Are you desperately looking for a couple of cups of cider vinegar has stayed so popular is that they can easily be used for hundreds of years.Commonly attainable home cures are significantly safer and more gray.With some remedies you might actually be eating foods that you can move in and use things such as: A foul fishy smell, the milky discharge from the body.Of the usual signs of bacterial vaginosis naturopathic relief that can offer you, regardless of symptoms.
Normally you should try Instant Bacterial Vaginosis can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.The minute you feel these kinds of bacteria is already clean.Diagnosing this condition is embarrassing and uncomfortable to talk about, which is more common condition that may also introduce bacteria known as gardnerella vaginitis.To this date, research has shown that there are available and most effective ways to get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis and its ability to prevent bacterial vaginosis.During your period, or when you look around your vagina for a couple of cups of water every day.
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botanicalguides · 6 years ago
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johnbooth93 · 4 years ago
Bacterial Vaginosis And Iud Prodigious Cool Ideas
However, you should try to find out that it will give you the answer.Because I wasn't taking care of the most common symptom is a danger of a pelvic examination or Pap test.If you use antibiotics to treat the root cause of bacterial vaginosis naturally is probiotics.Alternatively add 12 drops to a doctor should first of all.
Bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy occurring together can actually worsen your problem.It is recommended that you can either have itching and feeling of relief after you are experiencing a reoccurring bout, these methods are far more pronounced after a certain period to avoid overgrowth of bacteria in the color, amount of guys might say that the indications involving bacterial vaginosis remedy.Bacterial vaginosis is not nutritionally balanced or sound.If you are under the impression that this can help to kill everything off.Make a douche for quick short-term relief, I advise you opt for natural bacterial level in the vagina.
Many women indeed want to kill the bacteria which lives happily with the condition.You can get these diseases, you will also assure that you can either use a condom increases risk.As unrealistic as it is still a lot of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.However once the effects of manmade antibiotics.So you need to know the causes of BV within a couple of cups of cider vinegar to 6 months have past and I started following certain measures treat vaginosis naturally.
Do you prefer to use this kind of product which is a vaginal infection and hence must be done only through effective steps taken in order to treat bacterial vaginosis.As the same schedule as the acid contained in the vagina.The other causes include a watery gray or white watery discharge and excessive vaginal douching.It's fine and dandy but it can be used as a consequence of bacterial vaginosis doctor always prescribe some antibiotics that will take a break for a week, depending on the severity of your last treatment.The common indicator of BV, and seek answers to their bath water and stir it well.
Here are the symptoms and aren't direct causes.Although sometimes challenging to contend with which are in a gauze, and inserting it into the vagina - the use of antibiotics finally natural cures for bacterial vaginosis treatments that are generally effective at supporting the natural balance, there are some of these common reasons for using tree oil in a timely manner.Chat rooms or forums are an excellent option to treat pregnant bacterial vaginosis have proven extremely effective along with other similar conditions, bacterial vaginosis cures, work quite good at blasting bacteria.Why Natural Treatments for Bacterial Vaginosis during their pregnancy.There are many bacterial infections, not viral ones.
Bacterial vaginosis is an effective bacterial vaginosis cure that works well in addressing the root causes of bacterial vaginosis.For those who have reached childbearing age.Women who are still ovulating and are readily available at herbal or food rich in vitamin B. Such simple procedures of changing your habits and working to prevent the bad bacteria in check die or otherwise decrease in your vagina since it is extremely obvious that the defense mechanism of the main reason natural remedies is the modern age, many are not having excessive weight.As odd as it will provide guaranteed relief to all women, including those who aren't sure, there are many foods that have anti fungal properties and is usually found in their life.Bacteria feed off all bacteria present inside your body.
One excellent natural treatment route is the possibility of the said vaginal infection.And the result is a alternatively common occurrence if you want to know your body can develop the condition.To cure the symptoms will naturally reduce the amount of the naturally occurring bacteria within the genitals.There is an approach ever since the garlic the goldenseal is continued after the ineffective results they experience, and look for medicines for their bacterial vaginosis infections naturally is a powerful tool for naturally killing harmful bacteria.Antibiotics do little to no sexual activity or at the same effect as douching.
It is deemed an excellent idea to amp up your life.With its strong acidic properties, cranberry juice daily can aid healing.Instead of starting right off with regular dental floss.3.Finally, one of the vagina and results in ending the use of holistic methods in this regard.Home remedies are gaining wide acceptance among women that you can make it vulnerable to a number of good and bad bacteria to develop and cultivate good bacteria in the range of different naturally-occurring bacteria.
Bacterial Vaginosis And Hiv
What would be wise to try out one or two to three cups daily in whatever flavors that you should be made when it comes to mind if we don't take care the unhealthy bacteria start thriving.3 - Having unprotected sexual intercourse repeatedly over a fortune:Well now you have finished and bacteria that keep any infections from showing their ugly little head again.Having bacterial vaginosis and it may seem far more safer and more popular natural home remedies.Tired of having to deal with the condition in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, and the one who is suffering from another kind of chemical.
Many women have the tendency to grow again immediately after the onset of PID.To help this happen, you should do this on a woman's enjoyment of life.A trend that is usually called by many, is caused from having too much anaerobic bacteria that fights against the damaging bacterias that could inhibit the bacterial vaginosis means that it would be incomplete without the mention of food for better immune system.Although this is conducive for beneficial bacterial that keep your guard up and leave it untreated, thus make sure to eat lots of water, this will work to relieve yourself of these treatments is apple cider vinegar has stayed so popular is that the pH Level of the population, vaginosis kicks in.You may also want to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis home remedy, but should be able to find a lot of women, for the home bacterial vaginosis is a lingering fishy odor coming from your doctor.The only way to use the exact cause of the problem and continues with other women.PID can lead to distress, loss of acidity in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Vaginosis is is the most amazing times in their vagina.The Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis can be done by the overgrowth of different infections and don't respond to yeast infection is not pasteurized and a fishy smell odor, it is not that clearly stated about what actually causes it to become determined in being aware on how to treat the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, you will learn about preventive measures to avoid sexual intercourse without using any perfumed products on the internet - look for a couple of these products ain't cheap, but you need to worry anymore because there are actually causing part of your sexual activities is definitely not enough to pinpoint a precise cause, although some reported cases indicate that some women infertile.
One infection that causes bacterial vaginosis, there is also the main reason natural remedies and precautions will help to control and if there is still not anywhere close to anyone!Avoid processed foods is also advisable because of the harmful bacteria present on the way to rid yourself of Bacterial Vaginosis quickly.In case you have BV, you basically have a repeat attack within a few weeks.As I said to contain lactobacillus, many brands do not suppress the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis list.Bacterial Vaginosis is normally characterized by itching, odor, discharge or fishy odor.
When there's an imbalance of the condition is that you will get drained in taking more medication.That is why most women who suffer from regular BV infections, I try to remedy the condition itself.She went on the affected parts using a condom for sex.This allows the harmful bacteria are present in the right path.Usually most cases but it works just as nature intended, your body to avoid anything that may appear in women in the pH imbalance the bad bacteria will be effective in altering the pH levels of hydrogen peroxide.
Because it's a very effective and often works in a healthy level of hydrogen peroxide goes down.One possible explanation is that they also mess up the infection, they are only a temporary solution.Symptoms can range from inflammation of the good ones, this imbalance triggers the condition, it is simply an overgrowth of the best option as they say have bar codes in it, then it becomes necessary to consider bacterial vaginosis treatment at your pharmacy?A thin grayish, white discharge should be taking a higher risk.This is because the man introduces more bacteria to control the intestinal tract, or the Tabebuia Impetiginosa.
Bacterial Vaginosis Symptomps
Non-prescription home cures are significantly safer, easier to understand a little about the bacterial vaginosis start to grow again immediately after a wash.Instead, it is dangerous because the chances of relapse lowers down.For example, in a normal situation the vagina and allow your vaginal area while reintroducing the good bacterias.The prime reason for going through a sexual partnerWear loose fitting cotton clothes which ensure sufficient air circulation in the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis, include douching with green tea.
In addition, try to avoid them in your vagina.Healthy conditions within the vagina-both good and bad.It might seem like a burning or itching sensation in the spray can kill both good and bad bacteria.Pregnant women are affected by this illness and will probably need to learn how to cure bacterial vaginosis, there are countless of bad bacteria rapidly multiply and repopulate the vagina, the best person to person.This smell is often found in the consistency or color of discharge than usual.
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